

Centennial is proud to be a part of a rich history of education in this province and in this city. We acknowledge that we are on the treaty lands and territory of the Mississaugas of the Credit First Nation and pay tribute to their legacy and the legacy of all First Peoples of Canada, as we strengthen ties with the communities we serve and build the future through learning and through our graduates.

Today, the traditional meeting place of is still home to many Indigenous People from across Turtle Island and we are grateful to have the opportunity to work in the communities that have grown in the treaty lands of the Mississaugas. We acknowledge that we are all treaty people and accept our responsibility to honour all our relations.

Scan QR codes from your mobile phone or tablet! Did you know that you can scan QR codes from the camera of your mobile phone or tablet? In most cases, no additional app is required. If your device does not support this functionality, download any QR Code reader app for the full experience. Solid foundations help pave the way for educational and career success. In our Academic Access, Liberal Arts and Pre-Health programs, you will discover your personal path, and gain the knowledge and skill set to achieve educational and professional goals. Our English language programs, meanwhile, will equip you with the ability to confidently communicate in workplace, school or leisure settings. Your training will occur in small, focused classes with access to valuable one-on-one advising.

Academic Access, Liberal Arts and Pre-Health 3 PENG RONG Centennial Student, ELL, Level 5

4 Academic Access, Liberal Arts and Pre-Health PENG RONG

Before I came to Canada, I had already heard about Canada’s number one college, for its professional teaching and multicultural environment. After four months of studying in level four of the English Language Learning program, I have made remarkable improvement on my English.

Academic Access, Liberal Arts and Pre-Health 5 ACADEMIC ACCESS, LIBERAL ARTS AND PRE-HEALTH Whether it is exploring the English language, humanities, social sciences and communications subjects, college to university pathways, or career options, these programs have you covered. Our Academic Access, Liberal Arts and Pre-Health programs are a low-risk, high reward way for you take advantage of interactive classes and wide-ranging topics to craft your ideal educational and career routes.

Program Code Length Intake Credential Location Fall, Winter, Recognition of Achievement English Language Learning 6519 2 years/5 semesters Progress Summer Certificate General Arts 6700 1 year/2 semesters Fall College Certificate Morningside General Arts and Science – Fall, Winter, 6616 1, 2 or 3 semesters Ontario College Certificate Ashtonbee English for Academic Purposes Summer Liberal Arts 6701 2 years/4 semesters Fall Ontario College Diploma Morningside Liberal Arts to 6706 2 years/4 semesters Fall Ontario College Diploma Morningside Liberal Arts to University of 6705 2 years/4 semesters Fall Ontario College Diploma Morningside Toronto Scarborough Liberal Arts to 6707 2 years/4 semester Fall Ontario College Diploma Morningside Pre-Health Sciences Pathway to 6815 1 year/2 semesters Fall, Winter, Sumer Ontario College Certificate Ashtonbee Certificates and Diplomas

MARIA KAZZAZ Centennial Alumnus, General Arts and Science – English For Academic Purposes “This program was very helpful for me. I feel more confident now. I am very happy.”

6 Academic Access, Liberal Arts and Pre-Health ACADEMIC UPGRADING

Take the time now to prepare for your future achievements with programming that sets you up to accomplish your personal academic and career goals. Academic Upgrading options offer courses designed to improve the essential skills you need to confidently and successfully enroll in college and in apprenticeships, or even to enter the workplace.

Program Code Length Intake Credential Location Academic and Career Entrance 6820 1, 2 or 3 semesters Fall, Winter College preparation Ashtonbee (ACE) Certificate Fall, Winter, Career and College Transition 6818 1, 2 or 3 semesters College preparation Ashtonbee Summer

AFIVI VIWOTO Centennial Student, ELL, Level4 “I chose to study English at Centennial College because it is one of the most well known colleges in Ontario. In the English program at Centennial College, we do some [field] trips that help international students know Toronto.”

Academic Access, Liberal Arts and Pre-Health 7 OCCUPATION-SPECIFIC LANGUAGE TRAINING

As each country has its own workplace culture, understanding how to communicate in the local market is crucial for success. Through five courses — funded by Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada —internationally educated and experienced professionals gain Canadian workplace communications skills. Through 180 hours of training, you will build communication skills awareness curated to your specific sector.

8 Academic Access, Liberal Arts and Pre-Health For more details including program admission requirements, please go to centennialcollege.ca/advancement

Freedom of Information Act Under the Freedom of Information and Protection of Individual Privacy Act, under the legal authority of the Ministry of Colleges and Universities, Act R.S.O. 1980, Chapter 272, S.S.; R.R.O. 1980, Regulation 640, Centennial College is required to have written consent from applicants or students to release any information to a third party (e.g. employers, relatives, Social Services, Worker’s Safety and Insurance Board or other government agencies). The (College) is required to report student-level enrolment-related data to the Ministry of Training, Colleges and Universities under the authority of the Ontario Colleges of Applied Arts and Technology Act, 2002. The Ministry collects this data, which includes limited personal information such as Ontario Education Numbers, student characteristics and educational outcomes, in order to administer government postsecondary funding policies and programs, including planning, evaluation and monitoring activities. Further information on the collection and use of student-level enrolment-related data can be obtained from the Government of Ontario or Ministry of Training Colleges and Universities website or by writing to the Director, Postsecondary Finance Branch, Postsecondary Education Division – 7th Floor, Mowat Block, 900 , Toronto, ON, Canada M7A 1L2

P.O. Box 631, Station A, Toronto, ON, Canada M1K 5E9 Reasonable efforts will be made to adhere to the details in this calendar. The policies and procedures were those in effect at the time of publication. The provisions of this calendar are not to be regarded as an irrevocable offer by Centennial College to the student. Centennial College reserves the right to make changes without prior notice affecting but not limited to areas such as admission procedures, tuition, other fees, courses of instruction, program location, programs of study and general regulations. Centennial College will not be liable for any loss or damage incurred by the student as a result of such changes.

Academic Access, Liberal Arts and Pre-Health 9 CONNECT WITH US ONTARIO COLLEGE VIRTUAL FAIR (OCVF) Come visit our virtual booth at OCVF! November 4 and 5 ocif.ca FALL VIRTUAL OPEN HOUSE November 22, 10 am – 2 pm centennialcollege.ca/virtual-open-house BOOK A VIRTUAL CAMPUS TOUR centennialcollege.ca/tours JOIN OUR WEBINARS centennialcollege.ca/webinars




