Torino 2006: Appointments for Thursday, February 16Th

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Torino 2006: Appointments for Thursday, February 16Th 2006-02-15 18:00 CET Torino 2006: Appointments for Thursday, February 16th Feb 15 2006 Eight titles at stake. For the Nordic Combined replay, the tickets issued yesterday will be valid. On the sixth day of Olympic events, there are nine disciplines on the schedule. Eight titles at stake: Speed Skating - Men's and Women's Team Pursuit, Figure Skating - Men's Free Programme, Cross- Country Skiing - Womens 10 km Classical, Biathlon Womens 7.5 km sprint, Skeleton - Women's, Snowboard Cross - Men's. There also will be the Nordic Combined competition scheduled for today at Pragelato and Pragelato Plan that has been postponed to tomorrow, February 16, due to persistent and variable winds. Heres the complete racing schedule for tomorrow February 16th. Torino: Mens Ice Hockey group A, time 12.00, Italy - Finland, Palasport Olimpico, group A, time 13.00, Czech Republic - Switzerland, Torino Esposizioni, group B, time 16.00, Sweden - Russia Palasport Olimpico, group B, time 17.00, Slovakia - Latvia, Torino Esposizioni, group A, time 20.00, Canada - Germany, Palasport Olimpico, group B, time 21.00, USA - Kazakhstan, Torino Esposizioni. Speed Skating, Mens and Womens Team Pursuit at 17.00, semi-finals and finals, at the Oval Lingotto (*)(*), Figure Skating Mens at 19.00, free programme at the Palavela (*) Pinerolo: Curling, round robin, Womens, session 5, at 9.00, Palaghiaccio, Mens, session 6, at 14.00, Palaghiaccio, Womens, session 6, at 19.00, Palaghiaccio. Pragelato/Pragelato Plan: Nordic Combined, HL Ski Jumping, Teams at 09.00, 4x5 km teams, at 15.00 (*). Cross-Country Skiing, 10 km classical technique, Women's, at 10.00 (*) Cesana - San Sicario Biathlon, 7,5 km sprint, Womens, at 12.00 (*) Cesana Pariol Skeleton, Women's at 17.30 first run, at 18.30 second run(*). Bardonecchia Snowboard-Cross, Men's at 10.00, qualifiers, race 1 at 11.00, qualifiers, race 2 at 14.00, qualifying heats, quarter-finals, semi- finals, and final (*). (*) medals at stake. AT MEDALS PLAZA (starting at 20.00) Award Ceremonies for: Freestyle - Men's Moguls, Luge - Men's Double, Short track - Women's 500 m., Biathlon - Womens 7.5 km. Snowboard Cross - Men's. After the Awards Ceremony, concert of the Jamiroquai. Information for the Spectators: You are reminded that on the day of the events, tickets can be bought only at the ticket offices at the competition venue, at TicketOne outlets and at the San Paolo branches. Seeing the great number of spectators on the first days, the TOROC advises everyone to get to the sports venue entrances well ahead of time, to pass through the security checks and find your seats before the events begin..
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