
July 11, 1944. A. P. COOL BROTH 2,353,222 PURSE, , OR THE LIKE Filed Dec. 13, 194l 2 Sheets-Sheet l



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Cittorneys. July 11, 1944. A. P. COOLBROTH 2,353,222 PURSE, HANDBAG, OR THE LIKE Filed Dec. l3, 1941 2 Sheets-Sheet 2


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Cittornell, Patented July 11, 1944 2,353,222

UNITED STATES PATENT OFFICE 2,353,222 PURSE, HANDBAG, OR THE LIKE Augusta, P. Coolbroth, Springfield, Mass. Application December 13, 1941, Serial No. 422,861 2 Claims. (C. 150-28) his invention relates to , and par ticularly those of the class of purses, pocketbooks, .another assembly of my and other billfolds, and women's . - Fig. 4 is a plan view of a blank from which the All Women who carry handbags will recognize Coin purse and assembly of Fig. 3 may be -the inconvenience and delay involved when it is 5 developed. necessary to extract, 'Say, the two or more CentS Fig. 5 is a side view of a billfold including the to pay for a newspaper, or the nickel or dime to novel features of my invention. pay a carfare, from a coin purse which is either Fig. 6 is a view of the same in folded position. loose or secured within the main compartment of Fig. 7 is a view of a combination coin purse and her handbag. Not only is it necessary to open 0 bill compartment developed from two of ly novel and locate the coin purse within the larger pocketS. but often it is difficult to find and remove the particular coins desired from the coin purse when novelFig. pockets, 8 is a coin purse comprising but one of my located. Furthermore, the available space for Fig. 9 is a plan of an elongated strip of mate coins in any of the coin purses heretofore attached 5 rial that may be used to make novel pocket or to billfolds is so small as to really be of but little pockets and purse wall or walls in aCCOrdance convenience. My present invention is designed to With my invention, and Overcome these several objections to the struc Fig. 10 is a side view of one of iny pockets ture of coin purses and billfolds as well as to posi designed for use as a holder for a package of tion these with reference to a larger bag so that 20 cigarettes. ready access to them is possible. I shall first discuss my novel coin pocket as this The objects of my invention therefore are, first, is common to all other developments and all to provide a coin purse the contents of which are assemblies of my invention. This, in its most readily accessible; second, to so position this simplified embodiment, is shown in Fig. 8, and improved coin purse with relation to a larger bag 2 5 consists simply of a strip of material of suitable that it can be reached without opening the main length and width. This strip is folded on the body of the bag; third, to combine such a coin lines a -a of Fig. 9, and the two adjoining ends o' purse with a bill compartment and such other 'are slightly overlapped and joined together by the compartments as may be desired in which to carry Single back center seam A. The bottom of the keys, train or car tickets, stamps, shopping cards, 30 pocket is closed by the seam B. As shown the or other articles which are frequently removed flap F is cut out separately and Stitched as indi and replaced during any single day's activities; cated at f along the back wall of the pocket over and, fourth, to position such an assembly upora or the center seam A (Fig. 8). When closed this within a definite part of the larger bag so that all little purse lies Substantially flat, but, as a result may be readily reached without opening the main Of its freedom from side edge Stitching, may compartment of the handbag. eadily be cupped in one hand to permit access to A further object of my invention is to manu its contents. facture Such purses and assemblies of the same In Fig. 7, I show two of my pocketS joined to with one or more other pockets or compartments gether by a common back seam A' to form a coin from a minimum of material, with a minimum of i40 pocket P and a bill Compartment Pr, both de waste, and a minimum of stitching or seaming. Veloped from the continuous Strip of Fig. 9. As In the accompanying drawings I have illus each pocket has only a single center Sean, each trated and shall hereinafter describe certain illus readily opens up or cups independently of the trative embodiments of the novel features of my other. If desired a flap F which will extend invention. Throughout specification and draw Over both pockets may be provided. ings like reference numerals are employed to In cases where it is desired to have ready access indicate corresponding parts. In the drawings: only to a coin purse or a coin purSe Cornbined With Fig. 1 is a side view of a handbag to an outer another compartment, either of the developments wall of which is secured an assembly of Iny novel of Figs. 7 and 8 might be substituted for the coin purse and other pockets. 50 assemblies shown combined with a hand bag in Fig. 2 is a plan of a blank of material from FigS. 1 and 3. If only the coin purse of Fig. 8 is which the assembly of Fig.1 may be developed. So used, it can be seamed to the adjacent panel of the handbag on the seam A. If the combination Fig. 3 is a side view of a hand bag, an outer of Fig. 7 is so used, and it is wished to preServe panel of which is partly broken away to show 55 the outwardly Opening or cupping characteristic

2 2,353,222 of both pockets, the rear Wall of P can be cen a number of additional pockets, as for example trally stitched to the adjacent panel of the hand , 2 and 3, which are formed by the two rows bag. If it is not desired to retain this Cupping of Stitching 9. Within these compartments may characteristic of the pocket P this pocket may be be carried keys, tickets, stamps, cosmetics, pencils, Stitched on the line A to the adjacent panel of 5 or any articles to which frequent access is de the hand bag, in which case a flat pocket similar sirable, as the user imay decide. to the pockets , 2 and 3 of Fig. 3 will be pro The development of Fig. 3 has an advantage vided between the rear pocket Pr and the bag over that of Fig. 1 in that when the 'Zipper' is panel. closed the entire assembly is locked beneath the In Fig. 9, I have shown a strip of material for O bag panel 0. Furthermore, as the contents of use in the formation of coin pockets to which flaps the pockets in such a construction will tend to may be stitched. The length of the blank cut push inwardly into the main bag rather than out from the strip depends on the nature of the Wardly, there is less distortion of the outer Sur desired pocket or pockets. For example, a strip face of the bag. However, if but one or a few of the length intermediate the lines a may be 5 compartments are desired, the arrangement of used to form the pocket shown in Fig. 8 while by Fig. 1 is very satisfactory. Obviously, if desired utilizing a longer strip the combination pulse of an inner flap F3 may be provided to close the Fig. 7 may be established. of the coin purse and bill Section. In Fig. 5, I have shown a billfold having a front If desired, duplicates of the pockets P may be wall 48 formed from a strip to be attached to the 20 developed from the strip of Fig. 9 and disposed wall 4 having a flap F2. The wall 4a has an end as is desirable in either the assembly of Fig. 1 portion 5 to be folded to bring its flap 6' in posi or that of Fig. 3. By utilizing a greater length tion to pass outwardly through the slot 52 to of material than is required for the coin purse define the closed compartment 6. Stitching is and omitting the bottom Stitching B and Substi indicated at 62. 25 tuting therefor a f4 as shown in Fig. 10, If desired, a transparent window W may be across the open bottom of the pocket, the pocket provided for any selected compartment as shown C may be used to hold a package of cigarettes, in Figs. 1 and 5. If the bill compartment be of Such a pocket can be attached to the wall of a greater length than is required to accommodate handbag just as may be the pocket P. bills, a row of stitching D' will define such an 30 In all embodiments of my invention, the sev open Windowed compartment at One end of the eral members may be joined either by Stitching bill compartment. or by suitable cement. If the are made of The front Walls of the compartment D, the coin fabric, there is practically no waste involved when purse P and the closed compartment 6 together the several parts are developed from the strip make up the front wall 4a of the billfold of Fig. 5. 35 of Fig. 9. In Such designs, as well as those of If desired, the entire assembly of Fig. 5 may be FigS. 2 and 4, a minimum of Stitching is required, attached to the outside wall of a hand bag as as the parts are assembled largely by folding on Suggested in Fig. 3, or the wall of the hand bag predetermined lines. It will also be apparent that may be utilized as the back wall of the pockets, a minimum of material and effort are required in and only the front wall 4 stitched or cemented 40 the production of my single coin pocket of Fig. 8 along its edges to the main bag wall as suggested which has definite advantage over the usual bel in Fig. 1 in which the assembly is concealed by the lows fold which is usually provided to furnish the flap f 0 when the bag is closed. fullness necessary to accommodate coins within AS indicated above, all of these compartments the usual coin purse such as is attached to a bill may be developed from a single strip, with the fold. . . . . flaps Such as the flap F4 of Fig. 1 provided as Other modifications in the design of the blanks additional members stitched at the proper places from which my pockets are developed, the num to the top edge of the strip. However, in certain ber of pockets, and in the arrangement or assem cases, the members may be made of Small pieces, bly of the same with respect to each other and Say of , and, therefore, in Fig. 2 I have 50 the larger with which they may be com Suggested a pattern which may be followed to bined, may all be resorted to without departing produce the assembly of Fig. 1. from the spirit of my invention if within the In this development of Fig. 2, the material limits of the appended claims. which goes to make up the coin purse P2 may What I therefore claim and desire to secure by either extend from the bottom of the panel 4 or 55 Letters Patent is: '. be stitched thereto. It is folded on the lines PC 1. A handbag comprising a side wall, a panel and the two flaps Pb are guided through the slot Secured to said side wall along its side and bot P', turned outwardly and cemented or stitched as ton edges, said panel being slotted vertically on shown at S in Fig. 1 to the panel 4b. its median line, a member extending downward I disclose in Fig. 3 a development of my inven 60 ly from the bottom of said panel and being folded tion in which the combined pocket assembly is on said bottom line up over said panel said mem disposed beneath a panel 0 on the outside of a ber being folded transversely to define a front hand bag, access to the same being had through Wall and two back walls, the lateral ends of said the opening O' which is closed as by the “Zipper' back walls being inserted through said slot in Z. This assembly, like the others, may be de 65 Said panel and Secured to the inner Surface veloped from a long strip of material or from an thereof. - - alternative pattern such as is disclosed in Fig. 4. 2. In a handbag, a panel having a vertical slot, In either case, the material is folded on prede a member, said member being folded transversely termined lines Pd and the side and bottom edges to define a front wall and two back walls, the joined and stitched or otherwise united. The 70 lateral ends of said back walls being inserted assembly disclosed in Fig. 3 is somewhat similar to through said slot in said panel and secured to the that of Fig. 5, but inasmuch as there is provided inner surface thereof and the bottom edge of a considerable space between the back wall of the Said member being connected to said panel. hand bag and the back wall 8 of the pocket as Sembly, there is an opportunity if desired to have 75 AUGUSTA P. COOLBROTH.