
Jan- 12, 1943. N. L.FULTON 2,308,166 ‘ HOLD

Filed Dec. 16, 1940 2 Sheets-Sheet l $59K

Enventor Mn ? attornegs‘. Jan. 12; 1943. N. L. FULTON ‘ 2,308,166 GLOVE HOLD Filéd Dec. 16) 1940 2 Sheets-Sheet 2

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' attorney. Patented Jan. 12, 1943 ‘2,308,166

UNITED STATES -- PATENT. OFFICE 2,308,166 GLOVE HOLD Nell L. Fulton, New York, N. Y. Application December 16, 1940, Serial No. 370,400 2 Claims. (01. 24-4) The present invention relates to improvements ’ ' Figure 4 is a perspective view of the interior in glove holds and more particularly relates to an washer plate and key hold member.‘ accessory for ladies’ and the like on Figure 5 is a perspective view of the novel form which provision is made for retaining gloves on of nut employed. the and externally thereof where they may Figure 6 is a' perspective view of the glove hold always be found. I I hook united showing an incorporated pennant It is an object of the invention to provide an design._ . _ adjustable glove hold of a novel character which ‘ ‘Figure '7 is a transverse section taken on the admits of holding thin or thick gloves by selec line 'l—'! in Figure 8 and showing a modified form tive variation in binding form of the hold, it 19. of device for holding the hook member to the being important that the gloves be tightly clasped ' bag. in the hold irrespective of the character of the Figure 8 is a vertical section taken on the line gloves to avoid slipping of the gloves through 8—8 of Figure 7. V the hold and the loss of the same. Figure 9 is a'perspective view of the formiof A further object of the invention is to provide 15 device illustrated in Figures 7 and 8. certain novel characteristics in the glove hold Figure 10 is a perspective view of the modi?ed and its supporting hook in which convenience form of washer plate and key hold shown in Fig is promoted in securing the gloves in place and ures '7 and 8. _ security in permanently holding the gloves until Figure 11 is a fragmentary perspective view, positively released by the operator. with parts shown in section, illustrating a form A further object of the invention is to provide of medallion or initial bearing plate in an octagon a novel form of fastening means on the inside of form, and the pocketbook for the glove hold which may be Figure 12 is a front perspective view of a modi incidentally used as an internal key hold. ?ed form of medallion or initial bearing plate in A still further object of the invention is to pro 25 an oval form. > vide a pennant attachment for the glove hold in ~ Referring more particularly to the drawings, a souvenir type of device. _ l3 designates generally a ladies’ of. a A still further object of the invention is to pro conventional form in which articles of a mis vide an improved form of pin fastener for the cellaneous character are carried and deposited in key hold in conjunction with a resilient washer an unordered manner which requires the pro for placing the pin fastener under tension. < prietress of the bag to sort out the article wanted, A still further object of the invention is to for instance the key of the house door or both provide an improved form of medallion or initial gloves of a pair, from a host of other articles in I plate mounted externally of the handbag in con the bag such as compacts, lipstick holders, coin junction with improved holding means for se 35 purses, handkerchiefsyto mention onlya few of curing the same in place and against casual ro . the articles carried collectively in such handbags. tation in order that the display of initials may In accordance with the invention I provide an not accidentally get out of line. improved glove holder on the exterior of the With the foregoing and other objects in view, handbag l3 preferably in conjunction with an the invention will be more fully described here 40 improved key holder on the inside of the bag in inafter, and will be more particularly pointed out which the ‘same fastening means secures both in the claims appended hereto. ’ holders in place on the bag. In the drawings, wherein like symbols refer The glove hold comprises generally a hook to like or corresponding parts throughout the member l4 and a chain [5 carried at or near one several views. - end by such hook member and having loop or Figure l is a perspective view of a ladies’ hand- i 1 eye members It of a character to engage over bag with the improved glove hold according to the hook in the manner indicated in Figure 1, my invention shown as installed thereon with thus forming a loop in the chain IS in which a gloves shown held thereby in a position of at pair of gloves I‘! are securely held. . _ . tachrnent of the glove hold. 50 The hook member “I may be of any suitable Figure 2 is a fragmentary perspective view of : j character,’ for instance an open hook or a snap the handbag with the gloves removed and the hook or a laterally engageable hook. A preferred hold in a position of detachment. type of hook M is shown in Figures 2 and 3 in Figure 3 is a vertical section taken on the line which a back plate l8 of sheet metalor thelike 3-3 in Figure 2. 55 is made in one piece with the hook l4 and lies 2 2,308,166 against the outside wall of the pocketbook I3 1 I show a coin case or purse 26 having a zipper except at its lower portion I9 it diverges out pull opener or other form of opener as connected wardly and downwardly to the point where the with the outermost loop member I6 although it hinging or pivotal end of the hook I4 engages could be connected to other parts of the chain. therewith. This hook I 4 is also preferably bulged The coin case or holder 25 is intended to hold a outwardly as indicated at 20 so that the portions few small coins, such as car fare, taxi-cab hire, I9 and 2t contribute to space the wall I8 and the etc., to which resort may be had in public places hook I4 substantiallyv apart to freely admit the without the requirement for opening the main eye 2| of the chain of a selected loop member I6. handbag I3 which will contain at times impor Upon the back wall I8 of the hook member 10 tant amounts of money which are thus protected. and at its upper end may be carried a clasp or Obviously compacts or other articles could be detent 22 formed by folding the upper end of the substituted in place of the coin case 26 if the back wall I3 upon itself and inserting the ter- . - occasion for use of such articles predominated minal end between the folds. Inasmuch as the . over the coin case. material out of which the back wall I8 and hook In Figure 3 the back plate I8 of the hook mem I4 are made possesses inherent resiliency the ber is shown as having one or more threaded keeper or detent 22 may have some spring action . posts 2'! projecting rearwardly therefrom and although this is not essential, the spring action through an opening of substantially the same being ordinarily contributed by the hook 14 diameter made in the handbag I3 to receive the which is formed at its upper end into a V-shaped 20 same. Over the posts on the inside of the bag bill 23 having an incurved wall at the upper side is mounted a washer plate 28. Such washer of the V for engaging the downwardly folded free plate 28 is illustrated in Figure 4 and is prefer edge of the keeper 22 in the engaged position of ably, though not necessarily, of a rectangular the hook. Formed as a continuation ‘of this in form having rounded corners and one or more curved wall is a handle or operating member 24 25 hooks 29 for removably receiving keys or the like, which preferably projects outwardly from the for instance the house door key in order to en keeper to admit the ?nger in depressing the hook able such key to be readily located and to seg in the act of releasing it from the keeper 22. regate such key from the miscellaneous articles The bulge 26 in the hook I4 co-acts with the in the handbag whereby its selection may be resiliency of the hook to tend to straighten out prompt and easy particularly where the proprie the hook vertically and cause its V-bill to exert tress has just returned from a shopping tour a normal upward elastic pressure against the free bearing many bundles. underside of the keeper 22 which will tend to ro In the washer 28 is formed an opening 30 of tate the keeper 22 outwardly and upwardly about a diameter substantially and appreciably in ex its fold line. This action will be resisted by the cess of the diameter of the stud or post 21. On inherent elasticity of the keeper 22 which will this post or stud 27 is threaded a nut 3I, shown react on the bill to force such bill downwardly more particularly in Figure 5, having an external and to bow the keeper I4 at its initially bowed knurled portion for in rotation and prefer portion 20. Thus both hook and keeper will con ably having a rounded or dome-shaped exterior tribute to a tight retention of the hook in place 40 to form a smooth surface to the hand when en as is necessary to avoid any accidental loss of tering the handbag. one or both of the gloves. The nut is formed with a hub 32 projecting While I have described a form of keeper vand from the inner end of the nut and having a di hook, it will be appreciated that other forms ameter less than the diameter of the nut but may be used, for instance the form shown and t ' 45 of a size to ?t snugly and rotatably within the described in my prior patent entitled “Coin opening 30 in washer 28 in the manner indi holder” granted May 23, 1939, No. 2,159,555. cated in Figure 3; to the end that the innermost The loop members I6 will be of a size to freely portion of the nut will engage directly against ?t ‘over the bill and the hook I4 and preferably the inner wall or of the handbag and have rigid shanks 25 which form hand holds for greater convenience in grasping a loop member 50 close up against the back of the wall I8 of the and actually applying it over the hook. It will be hook member on the exterior of the bag. The seen from Figure 2 that three such loop members hub 3| grips the material of the bag directly I6 may be utilized in connection with a chain I5 and therefore holds more securely and tightly of the length indicated; however the loop mem and this is important to avoid the glove hold on bers I5 may be provided in any suitable manner 55 the outside of the bag accidentally turning out and may be spaced apart at suitable intervals of its position on the handbag which should along the length of chain I5 for the purpose of preferably be a substantially vertical position enabling the user to select a desired loop member with the handbag resting on a horizontal surface. I6 for the purpose of adjusting the closed loop ‘ The shoulder 33 formed between the normal of the chain I5 to tightly hold the glove I ‘I or 60‘ diameter of the nut 3| and its reduced hub 32 other articles to be retained on the outside of the ?ts against the inner face of the washer 28 as handbag. shown in Figure 3 and serves to hold and retain It will be appreciated that where the gloves are the washer in place so as to support the keys on thus retained externally of the bag they are in a the inside of the pocketbook. more accessible position than in the bag and 65 In Figure 6 the hook member is shown modi moreover the loss or accidental misplacing of ?ed by the addition thereto of a pennant 34. the gloves is avoided while the gloves are always rIn'his pennant may be formed all in one opera tlon from the same strip of metal as'the back at hand ready for use without requiring the open wall I8 and hook I4. To produce the pennant 34 ing of the bag in public places and without re 70 a slight modi?cation of the keeper is required quiring the sorting and elimination of other arti— in that the upper end of the back wall I8 is cles in the bag before the gloves are both col folded upwardly and outwardly for ashort dis lected. tance and then returned upon itself to form the The chain I5 of the glove hold may also be two parallel walls 35 and 36. From the inner utilized for further uses. For instance in Figure 75 edge of the upper wall 36 is formed the pennant 2,308,166 3 34. Of course the pennant might be otherwise except that in this instance the washer plate is formed and attached to the upper end of the provided with two openings to accommodate the back wall 18. The pennant shown in Figure 6 two screw posts 43 and there are two nuts 41 for contains the abbreviation “Conn” for Connecti the two posts. ' I cut. Pennants may bear the names of all the These plates 44 and A5 may be assembled o states and if desired the names of the larger the exterior of the handbag in any suitable num cities or other geographical subdivisions, Also bers, ordinarily three, as representing the initials such pennants and the state designations there of the proprietress of the handbag in much the on may be made in gold or silver or other pre same as shown in connection with the cious or attractive metal and if desired in various 10 coin holders illustrated and described in my prior color designs and combinations. This form of patent aforesaid. It will be appreciated from the device is a souvenir type. the foregoing that the external glove hold or the Referring more particularly to the modi?ed external initial plates may be combined in any form of device shown in Figures '7, 8, 9 and 10, suitable arrangement with the internal key hold the hook member l4 may be of substantially the ing washers. same form but it is supported in a different man It is obvious that various changes and modi ner as by the pin fastener 31 which is mounted ?cations may be made in the details of construc upon the back plate [8 and involving the keeper tion and design of the above speci?cally described 38. The pin fastener 31 is intended to be in embodiment of this invention without departing serted through the wall of the handbag I3 as 20 from the spirit thereof, such changes and modi indicated in Figure 8. In doing so this pin fas ?cations being restricted only by the scope of tener is adapted to hold the washer plate 39 in the following claims place on the inside of the bag and to this end the What is claimed is: washer plate 38 is formed with a raised groove 1. In a holding device. for two members located 40. This raised groove 40 is formed by o?-set 25 on opposite sides of a ?exible wall, one such mem ting an intermediate portion of the washer 39 ber having an opening therethrough, the other out of the plane of such washer 39 and inwardly member having a threaded shank projecting of the handbag. In this formation sloping walls through the ?exible wall and through said open— 4i and 42 from opposite sides of the groove 40 ing and being of substantially smaller diameter converge from the plate upwardly toward such 30 than the diameter of said opening to leave an groove and the groove is formed by a bridge annular space in side opening about said thread piece 43 incurved to join the inner edges of said ed shank in the plane of the member having the sloping walls 4| and 42. opening, and a nut having external cylindrical In the use of this particular form of device, the stepped portions with the portion of smaller di same assembled on the handbag is shown in ameter directed inwardly and being of an axial Figures 7 and 8 in which the pin fastener 3'! lies length equal only substantially to the axial length along the raised groove 46. The groove not only of said opening to enable the end wall of the re holds the pin fastener against sidewise escape duced section of the nut to engage said other from its keeper 38 but it also places the pin member through said ?exible wall while the end fastener under tension, causing it to bulge in 40 wall of the larger nut section binds against the wardly which has two advantages; ?rst, it tends face of said member having the opening, said nut, to hold the pin fastener under great tension and having a threaded bore to engage said threaded security in its keeper 33, and secondly, it causes shank. the pin fastener 3‘! to be bowed or tensioned. 2. In a device for holding two members at op Such tension re-acts in the spring material of the posite sides of a ?exible wall, one member having pin fastener 31 to force the washer 39 very tight a perforated washer plate, a threaded shank ly against the inside wall or lining of the projecting from the other member through said book and to cause the included material of the ?exible wall and through the central portion pocketbook between the washer 39 and the back of the perforation in said washer plate, said plate 18 to be most ?rmly embraced by both parts threaded shank being of much smaller diameter 39 and I8. In this instance the pin fastener lying than the diameter of said perforation to form in along and a?ixed to the back plate l8 will not be the plane of the washer plate an annular space susceptible to any rotation of the external glove about said threaded shank, said threaded shank hold out of its position of alignment on the back. being of suf?cient axial length to project inward Referring more particularly to Figures 11 and 55 ly of said washer plate, and a nut ' having a 12, an octagonal medallion or initial plate is threaded bore for enabling the nut to be run on ‘shown at 44 in Figure 11 while an oval form of and off the threaded shank, such nut formed of such plate is shown at 45 in Figure 12. These two cylindrical sections, an inner and an outer ,‘shields, medallions or other plates may be orna section, said outer section being of greater diam eter than the inner section and forming a stepped mented in any suitable manner by initials or 60 other signia embossed or reproduced in color shoulder end face on the inner side of the larger combinations, in precious metals, etc. Such in section, the smaller section being of an axial itial plates are supported for display upon the length only sufficient to pass through the per exterior wall of the pocketbook l3, as indicated foration in said washer plate and having its free in Figure 11, and are prevented from rotating by 65 end wall engaging directly against said ?exible two screw posts 46 extending from the back of wall and bearing with pressure against the other the plates or from frames soldered, brazed or member at the opposite side of said wall, said otherwise affixed to the backs of the plates. Such shoulder of the larger section being wide enough screw posts 46 extend through the material of to engage the inner face of said washer plate at the handbag and are engaged by nuts 41 similar 70 the same time as the inner end of the nut engages to the nuts shown in Figure 5, which nuts 00 said flexible wall. operate with a washer plate 48 which may be NELL L. FULTON. similar to the washer plate shown in Figure 4