
35 TBI IVINIlfO WORLD, SATURDAY, APRIL 10, lflt. to go behind tha counter toad plunder DEADLY HURT BY ROCK AUTO BANDIT to till. BLAST SHOT INTO CAR, ENGINEERS' STRIKE MONDAY . 4. AID DOWN PISTOLS AND ORIGINAL FOR CLIANID OUT DRAWER. Mrs. Bogardus's Skull Fractured t The man who performed thl aervlc and Her Friends Injured in SHOT IN BATTLE had a weapon In each hand aa he went at S HOME DRESSMAKERS bank of the bar and he playfully (tuck Odd RaUway Accident. In the noKale of one of hi revolver hX-- IE RAILROADS HOLD mm0immffi0m $ STAMFORD, Conn., April diis OUT Amet'a atomoch a he paaaed him. W. Bogardu of No. Qrayroti he laid both hi ptatol on the Frank lit Then New Hochello Hospital OVER THE LOOT bar, opened the drawer of the till and place la In the akull fractured. Her huabttod helped hlmoelf to 1W. wllh 1 Oil faoa aad bead a attar 'u . All thl wa done In absolute alienee. la with her, ol patron place had out. ACCEPTANCE OF TERMS None of the of tha Injured yeoterday whoa lip arm had They wore opened their and their toroktn M Detectives on Trail Find Am- utomatif'aMy oprouted above their two large fragmenta of rook, hoada, though none could oay after by a blast lust east of tho Larch moil on Now Haven Railroad, amrtti I 1 gfcCK , ward thnt they had been ordered to station tha l fftOHT. bulance at Rendezvous to mashed through tha window of a ear ooatiOM - throw up their hand. Cot .! cot on they ware speeding far Now A (toon aa the man with the money which S. Me- Take Victim to Hospital. York and Atlanta City OB a hotoday. V. Labor CommiMioner O'Neill Here as 5 - , got out from behind the bar he waved I W.ih them ware former Mayor Edward diator With Fifty Eastern Railroads on Un- Mo weapon In the facea of the group J. Tupper of Stamford and htra. Ttamgr. around the tove and nld: Mr. Tunpsr wa cut on the face. derstanding That Further Delays HELD UP THE SALOON. N'ow. you Kent krep your face Mr. Hogardua 1 a prominent m.rchaal Will cloned. If we hear a word out of you and a member of the MimMpal Board tot Not Be Granted by Brotherhood. till. we get away from Homebody la Appropriation. going to be burled." The women sat together In th tar, - directly la VTrjfx jhMeaii- Five Men With Ten Revolvers The dated men th! their husband batnr behind f heeded warning another seat. The rook struck Mt. big touring car wn that At the urgent request of civic bodies, financial interests and mercan-ffl- e and the speeding : Hogardu glanced off Mr. Tupper au quetliont cpfto DESCRIPTION. Made Daring Raid in fowm-.- the WHItamalitirwr llrl.lj. .f,.r., shoulder. Mr. Bbgardus was aeat ta concerns of this city, Charles P. NeUI, United States Labor Commh-akme- r, ctrning dlgng anyone left tho aaloon. Kven then llar-- I tflie other window and received th full Pw people rotollgg hoe. Otry elniply ney Amea atuck hi head cautiously out ! force of the blow from tho larger rock to-d- ay material of Orand Street. Washington to Attempt and e y came to New York from to settle an ailrat-tlv- aummrr frock Ml be of the door and did not atep out At the hospital It was dtettet ahould ho himself the dispute between the Brotherhood of Locomotive HUfle The nlrlnr.l Here wonlil le until he saw Itoeenberg. Ho veiled to that Mrs. Mogardus had pagaal by mediation addrfisei to th lped or by a goo.1 night and the chance for her re- beautiful In a aathi eli voile youn drove to .a- - K0""0". hut the time he had re- - Five gangstei. the V n aa. m a covery brighter. K d i t o T marquliette. The wait: M cut rom a f what .ill ..... were A and fifty Eastern railroads. If both sides accept hb services, Fathton loon of J.me, P.t.ger.ld. a brother of fc'i plain foundation, onto will h A TZZ Of Th mltf No. not to nego-Ittkn-s 1 M!d dfkyp ahoul-rrori- a. Willi. Fitrgerald. th. pr:.efl,hter. at mediation wM intervene, but the enftneers do purpose allow Vo oaf H" crnbroldery In Yolin, w .MmoW to 10 Orand street robbed the till 01 thl Jer ffrfc, wtn ,Ctlovd edge Clinton treet station after Roaenberg BwsatoBwaBwaBwaawan drag along to the benefit of the railroads and will insist on drtifffM n lift) k frr for turn(d Pward After It l firmly tt-i- of while they flaahed the muiiles had Identified the car by Jts number earn piled away un- - - of a definite nature being done by Monday noon. thU column the material la cut from of ten revolvers In the faces of th bar- lie told Lieut, that he had driven Something It. A puff l r obtained, but With th detcri , dor email of th material lender and twenty person, and then is fine- - slralgijit from l'ltagerald'a to MM. (ha VMM lengthen to and ai j.t. om the the elbow drove to the "llo'r.se : Blates," at No. he llou'e of ftlates," ao the tencnictu I flnlahed with a narrow kcalloped N""- 34 Mm fo icork ptjf M I.alght street, to divide their plunder. lolfh street Is known. The Xmil X Court of pattern. edging. The aklrt, which I a plain FOUND A VICTIM Ther- - . row oi-.- division, ""aulfotir bad Kone Into nllnlrk'a Sft- - witii three-piec- e the and laamote oonu..:4s A ntw and rfiffftcMe featur of one, It gathered a little ivi lo"" on ,he ,,oor ihe five handlta fought with revolvers rouni1 f "e "Houae thU department it the illuttration around tho hlpa and In back, being p,,1Jl o Md by and leaving on. of their number. ,reated nd of the ailterent eAeret ol the oattem "immed in rroni wnn point or ine knlv... "f'-H&- vrofaw .to bo o Swl" embroidery "Flueky isoia, anot and staiooea. ne gft m Th MBWI a . 'hree detex'tlves got In OtoUlgSt In of OF CHINESE FEUD " broldored Hwln handing point Hospital j car th MIm win rT down was taken to th. Hudson Street ... . . A tlr mo-- iiiR i ney got tlasy wall willingly automll tt to rrrnr. mow note raeiiy in er ward on each aid to give the Identified by chauffeur who , ii ijn, ndlher. th. ,he a(WpeN1 Ju, M n tout thojr ar not enthusiasts can he effect and up again to bolt In s tractive dexion emeutei on4 the line had driven Mm and hla companion on f ambulance rolling up Mm rn aawww back. The bottom of iklrt, which to take uway fmmtHtm mtto o a guide in raffing gNtfgj the their plundering expedition. jthe wounded "Isola. of tho BiooBlrai irr oould at well too plain, I flnlahed with All they learned DEAD IN own pattern i needed. "Plucky 1 well to was anl ro on too port of bit if tuck tho aoalloped edge embroidery headed Isola" known the that the bandit had had several Baf' titHf - ll with tha narrow edging. A ribbed police aa a bad man and gunflghter drinks in the sslnon .SiK for J toy In ardor to QUERIES. before retiring to a KBBBk' aatoj'r-a- r' y or. ANSWERS TO or velvet holt forming a bow in front and for several year hi portrait haa hallway to spMt th,clr sp'1". There wa NolHo glvea an effective touch to tho frock. w toy wlpoo th toean n display In the Rogue' Oallcry a suuuen rawwaag or shots n:id a wl'd koro bo mesas oat Dew FMhlon Editor : Oo- - Followlng tha Identification of the scramoie in ine hallway. My too of o Mb aad dlmatrtwn railroad Will you kindly advlao m how to him th time ' Coney Island Man Entered tu to yea, alao aary aad olive i W Wx up lx yard of atcond wounded youth he aald to the detectives Domlnick ushed out the wounded man to make Pale yellow, lavender aad was HA4LHOAO MA MAO KM Ml IT foulard: and a hat that would be nice? if waa. watte who placed htm under arrest crawling out of the hallway on his Get 'His Clothes and Dis- I am twenty-thre- e year old. RUN A. favored. OoU "If you think I'll aqu.al on the gang hand and knees. Ills assailants had flKs;-;f- AOUN MONDAY. escaped. When BaMlSr Hall-rao- Mot aa opealag down the left or Maid yoar hair la rolla each you've got guea. They shot his was Tk OoaforoBoo Commlttsa of 4 another aide of tho back of year head searched not a dollar of ;he Manager will most Monday moru- covered Tragedy. aide front meet a band of black last m. up and they stabbed me, but I'm plunder was which flalanee bottom found. las, Ibo moaatkBo Mr. Nail) will aatla the of your going to get out and take car of that la the aklrt. stave a doable frill of forehead toaow had talk wttn J. C. Stuart of tovTt Tt Toar UtU ala-- myielf." aad black plaited laee Ms V UM Rrlo. ohalrmaa of that oommlttoo. Antonio Cuoaaa want to tho laundry tat wtn. of look 'pluoky Isola" k also known at "Nick SEEN IN THE SHOPS. of Pong I.oo, Park Woat the walat opealag, falling from to plain white. Bcupola," and was arrested on Feb. 19 at Placa near -- la too tiny Vara down oeUar of ptah light material aad a gun ibbiii fMtoart will la bobU oootld street. Coney Island, to-d- for aad far for taking part In duel with dsdartaly eatl whloh galaheo the brown far hoary will ao For th kiddle bedroom ore non f Mob to aottfr tola waak'a waah. Ha found the laundry yohT matiil Loul Pogcl, otherwise known a appropriate fcLjivll saadla-BV- aa aad high ef whit hag toaaatlfaUy. . and very 1 sf wtoottoar jJ attractive clocks ho BarM wast 4hWaPl VVV-3f- "Louli th Lump" who recently jumped to aa door swinging open, the rod curtain on lace. Das Past km Kdwar: f delkuto porcelain made In at a awrtfca.lt far double plattUgB ouggeat pretty his ball and Is a fugitive from justice. various ' wS the glass swinging In the wind. Ouoaaa. fall of lata, ami Will you kindly a figure of children and ,s i of aiaak up sample of animals. One sawsaasama-'iws- tko la ratalttd from tho toean aatla with way to make mcloaed QANQ HIRED AUTO TO OO OUT or a large t. aaftaasrs who haa a patron Pong Lea over abort oada on tho right aide ftoato. lavender atrlped ohambray a an after- Rernard dog with the i rattttatt a atrtko will ha at faaoy clock In hi ide. while pretty y tho of nee the Chinaman opnr.ed tho pla e A amaU white straw hat noon draaa? Would you advlao lace ON HOLDUP. another flftuhaaa V. one wa or pagm four yaaro ago, traatoed In. Pong 1 BBTtBg a wig faatag of blaak to. aa to trimming? Am 40 buot, M walat The gang up Fltggerald's aaloon a quaintly dreasod bov an Lre tot stuck girl holding Bh. w. - S..' 'tiafl o Tot woald pretty, trtmmod to look otout. a wreath of flowers which V Lasl. s Tho final answer of tho railroad man-t- lay on hla baok on the IV or, with M Bad Inclined kkajjek a few minutes before ? o'clock thlt Hit am platttagt) at black Uee, alga aa tho ataa, formed a pretty setting clo-k- . wao to have boon delivered to ' Vaa jon mattetal They telephoned a for the fort arma folded on Ma roaor. ao though white roe eo avoaad torn morning. had for httf Htone at n'otook Mot night. It tha hartag a ma laatti front of Very reasonable are the hand wov.-- aaleep, But ha wao bat oat op. He wao largo BtaUaa bow I toaad of lac bead-la- g touring car to the Imeprial Auto Com- !t aa not forthcoming, but Mr. Stuart wafer, whore a Japanese !n pure white from .18 forty-figh- dead. Hla eye open Dew Editor: pany of No. It Eaat Second street, from Inotoad a roquoat for t ware "taring wide aatOd toolaaattia Abaagof cents a yard up to li.so. very fag and there wao Could you give me aa Idea of soma "Big Jask" Poggl'a "Chu Chu Parlor" which are L toaaTarawtow tours' delay, with the promise that tho a dark rod ealn on file appropriate for summer underwear. would moot Monday morning Moueo over hla heart. pretty way to make a dree Ilka In abMrvea, pat ta tha anaholoa plala. on Chatham Square. Aa a blind for rnager closed sample of lavender and white, wao toaadlaoT alao trim tha Some new suitable for this up tho dlacuaatoa. Chief atone, The itaa light over the board km Abe Ootllob, the young chauffeur who oommumVatlon to Mr. Htuart, lawn? Have tan yard of It I am ahhrt, harlag It slop diagonally time of year are of straw, aome en- Jj a flickered over a crumpled pile rough-drie- d drove them, they had' him drive them to tho postponement. of tha murder feud between the Hip seventeen, rather tall, brown hair and front of tha halt, hanced with pouches of black velvet at grr) atotbtng. A neat pile freshly blue-grt-y eyea. flrst to Brooklyn, where they treated dwjflST of e"K and lag On Leona Tonoa of China What color do you It the aide which were een from fo.OO ACTUAL THREAT IMUBO Ironed oollara lay v. rx otrtp yon. him In several saloons, then ordered at at tha left of tho town. Thov overlooked Mall Hiuad think I look wall in? U thaa feUaw tha of UP. I BY TON I. teblr. Rvarytfilng wao orderly tarial tf tha aaaaa down tha aaatra Uhn to shoot acros th Williamsburg Htono'a and trim hraaa button auch aa Chinamen uao to White marqulette window draperies Chief letter to tho ooaferenoe and ao It ahould be, aava only body yea, motowtpenUlly gray, the oolot front fane wad ta Uao that of tha Bridge and head for Fltigerald' place. atoOMDlttao flrot tho aaton me loop or their which bordered with flowered cretonne, very contained the real oaroal Late blou, of ton eywa, aMlBtott with a walat. Another potato sffeot of five got o of Pong on the floor, atarlng up lay When th out at Fltigerald's ha hat made. After receiving the at on tha floor. 11 did not iwinne to oerlae or haaafe tog laagrted at tha delightful for the cool appearance In tho whlteweohed calling. Pollg toaeh ef tha laae eeald the ohaufteur thought they were Just - final anawcr Thursday night ho l.ew'a bluuae Hla Ihnitl.ina vrmmm velvet, blade pasalar affeot, year summer, are to be had at $2.1- a pair. In htm-ael- stopping for another drink. Bleat on the matter and then wrote: another moment Cuoaaa found f an in plare. pie wooia too To go with these are cretonne dreise: again our roquoat Ba- running Patrolman Roaenberg of the Clinton "We reaffirm toward th police atatlon. All meinbera of the U. femiiu POLICEMAN RUN DOWN scarfs, and cushions a: laam wa boll ore they are equitable and Detoctlveo hurried to the laundry. They membera of the On Leone- Tun he gathered slightly from a treet station stood on a corner not very something tho oaglneera are onttUed away nominal price. era hoped to dtarover that Pong !. their li kied Batch aook, fialahed with a wide BY SPEEDY CHAUFFEUR. twenty yard at the time, but u. Wa doalro to call your attention to had aoalno In the of eream laea. Mare Dainty mull of hlrrd latin ribbon, llvo-oli- plaited frill th young bandit paid not the slight- oomimiiea euiciao; tnat would aava one war nam big ot a really useful accessory to toe tact that the railroad oompanlea In revolver oordlaga aad marrow raffVoe of th him. He thought !t was the boudoir work. Detective work In Chlnoao caaoa when they Journey to est heed to In fether Chinatown, on Bail Drags can be had any the Weat. Northiweet, 8oubwtt aad kept or mateHal Salah tho ahort pat? Man Out strange a car should drive up to color to march tho Heath are at the prooont time pay-la- g It not apt to be rloh In tntoreat or under their mattrewea when they The batag gathered that boudoir a pair. io It are aleove. aklrt . Patrolman Under the hour In morn- at their oogtBoero approximately the at Roma, allgbuy about tha hlpa aad back, uch a saloon at that the Lovely crepe de unconsciously he made Chine dressing him rate wa are oontondlng for. with But Pong Lee'o Mg five ahot revolver have It oaagtot up )aat below tha Wheel Guard. ing, and mental In all color having deep warhlag condition than we are to bag hit, note of the number of the car. He did satin dvllar latter wao under the head of the mattrea of BUTTER kaoea a tha fait iat dhaulfeur. ran down and cuff and closing with a large m TURNED TO BRICKS. being faateaed ap at th oeatre Bug.na Zlan. a not move toward It, however, and waa fros, hla pallet. Tho oaah drawer wiaa locked. Morgan on FlfteenMi ar In great demand la roar letter of Maroh a, aad aaala front toy a Sat how of laveader Policeman William Inspired, to act when the five robber, at the reduced When enaken. ooln jingled Inolde, Aad Throe po- not price of 18.75. ca April is. you place your rtftiaal to Policemen Are tao. moire ribbon tha aaaaa aa that avenue. Pateraon, N. J., when the coolly out and got back Into the ohowtng -- dame gaaaat the IB 'on the roads' that there hod not ibecn a Beaded la Jrreey whloh aalaaos the wide girdle la ll oesnan attempted to atop the automo- Mdtoty M Pay store. aad offer aottilng tematle nthbery. Or. wao city. book. speeding along without llghta. machine. Bernard Edelsleln Die. Overand --1 tha bile Ames, The : According to Barney th visitors t.i,,. oaUag from Coney Ialand lioapitai. II - mv.nrln,,. uoappraranca of forty Deaf Fsthlon Lditor Zlnn had taken his employer horn and Bernard Edelstein. who for pounda you kindly tell me go on ride, wsre not In hla place more than three t. faotthut aald that Pong Lee had been ahot of butter from three tuba held Will what colore received pormlsalon to a lie vear, hai naiJ actlve m4nage. gsjR, tyrMmgat T . -- tfarough the bv. t!in.... rnolle, nf ny... . become ma. alao what ahado for eve- waa driving up Fifteenth avenue at a minute. onm.s in..,., ment 0f the largest bakery at Itockaway heart aad hadtrn dead at iea to the yeara unaccoun-tattl- e T ning wear? I am sixteen old, of speed. For some round of whiskey and while e Udw'agii loaot Ave hour. upenolon yejterday of I.lcut. Patrlok high rate ordered a Beaca. died yesterday. He wa fifty-h- 1(vmJ5: tC'sbbbM are 11,., have gray eyes, dark brown hair with a res son had put out every light, bottlns, the ar- - yeara old llurcln. Lieut - - i.,.,, .I i . ht v as reaching for the three and is aurvlved by his - too the detective went back to a ii rji ena f a- - eyebrows, ma- bbbMbMbbW gar aad bettor uaaaaorta- tho .lnlin l( M--- .... reddls.i tinge, dark freckled even over the number. As the pock- - wife, a son eighteen trolmasi . ..r i V that tlllery suddenly aprouted from the and a daughter M atoll latortooklag aad reported In effect: "The I... ui ne II y Hall akin, though I have very good color. approached Fifteenth avenue trat. aad Chink good chine and of young men who lined thl nineteen. He wa a momlier of T. mple waa probably by '!" Tly have record you ouggeat a youthful ar- Twenty-nint- h street. eta the ahot a peraon or pr-ton- a aav ' and Will also Koat Patrolman five Amea and Oceanic l,od lie. K. of p. t rlenda- - th.- Iiott.r ... rangement of my. hair without bow? stepped out under an arc llgrtt bar. One of the covered and Ifael who entered hla pltoa and encaged before the ..b lenen out a Morgan Mm tuha reached their l.anda Am a stenographer and wear a flat waving hla arms and calling on Zlnn to said la oonvoraatlon. After the ahn: Tho were . Hop Work for Moving; Cures ajaMM are eatttlad to aU tala. tuba otolen Thursday ) pompadour, with a bow at the back otop. Tho auto kept on. burling the po- Just atand back a minute while we Plolarra. Bronchitis, waa fartd the paaalng of pedeatrlan Cla., :'u. i or tsa opinion our lag irom a freight car at Second IHa and Drain twiaieu over it. win you under the guard and dragging in the damper." ALL.ANTA. April .Manufac- all 17. probably frightened thorn liceman draw what's In Asthma, throat and maamwasm away Prtotoat streets thieve, e and official of IvawJVt ad of trained hefor. Tie lied also advise becoming color for my Mm twenty-liv- feet, whon the machine Three others had simultaneously cov- turer control gmakf on th roode raaraaaataa, they robbed the place." een and lef: their booty behind old gUlart Hhe ha very light stopped. producing plants have been requested lunp; Al- art tu ' were Th. the little group of men aeated troubles. No II wao apparent to th lay obaarver taken to the hair, brown eyes, vary clear skin and Morgan wa removed to the City Ho- - ered to quench their fires at a hour 7l'a-'- Yeot.rday It was at the rear of the -l that tha Coney Ieland police are ao far found that bVchJ?& r.d cheeks. Many thank. pttal. U has Internal Injuries. Zlnn about the slove to permit the first moving cohol or dangerous ttom Bowery had boon taken from each tub aru! CATHERINE. a weak ago charged saloon and th three men leaning against pictures of Atlanta' entire th that they never heard brlcko put In to wa arreeted with business make weight. Brown would be moat btoomlag fast driving air I waa out on ball. the end of the bar. Thl left one man section to he made. drugs. Guaranteed.

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