
Nov. 8, 1949 A.A.BAMBERGER 2,487,090 COMBINATION AND CHANGE PURSE Filed Oct. 26, 1945 3 Sheets-Sheet 1



„umm ___I_H_H_U_U______--._,7 BY ATTORNEY N0“> 8, 1949 A. A. BAMBERGER 2,487,090 COMBINATION HANDBAG AND CHANGE PURSE Filed Oct. 26, 1945 3 Sheets-Sheet 2


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¿Y .. VENTOR NOV- 8, 1949 A. A. BAMBERGER 2,487,090 COMBINATION HANDBAG AND CHANGE PURSE Filed Oct. 26, 1945 3 Sheets-Sheet 3 /ÍU/

fly. 17 705


ATTORNEY Patented Nov. 8, 1949 2,487,090

UNITED STATES raTENT OFFICE 2,487,090 COMBINATÍON HANDBAG AN D CHANGE PURS E Alfred A.. BambergenFlnshing, N. Y. Application October 26, 1945, Serial No. 624,755 - l1 Claim. (Ci. 1 This invention relates to combination handbag Fig. 4 is a cross-sectional view taken on line and change purse. 4-4 of Fig. 3; An object of this invention is to provide a hand Fig. 5> is a cross-sectional view taken on line provided with a change purse on the frame 5_5 of Fig, 2'; , thereof disposed exteri‘orly of the handbag so that 5 Fig. 6 is a perspective View of a handbag em a person using the bag may get change from the bodying the invention and illustrating ar modi purse without necessitating opening the bag. ñed construction; A further object of this invention is to provide Fig. 7 is an end View of one of the coin purses an article of the character described in which of the bag shown in Fig. 6.: the purse comprises a casi-ng fixed to or molded 10 Fig. 8 is a cross-sectional view taken on- line with one of the trarne- j’aws of the bag and said §i~­8 of Fig. 7; casing being provided with a cover which is Fig. 9 is a cross-sectional view taken on line hinged at one end so as to prevent opening of the 9--9 of Fig. 8; purse when the bag is being opened, or opening Fig. 10 is. a cross-sectional view taken on line of> the bag when ‘the purse is being opened. 15 IElz-Iü of Fig. 7; Another object of this invention is to provide a Fig. 11 is a side elevational view of a handbag handbagA of the character described provided with frame provided with a and embodying a jaw frame and a pair of coin purses on the jaws another modified construction; adapted to clampinglyv interengage for keeping Fig. 12 is` a cross-sectional view taken on line the jaws closed. 20 vI2---I,2 of Fig. 11 with the cover for one of the Yet another object of this invention is to pro coin purses open; vide a handbag of the character described com Fig. 13, is a perspective view of a ladies handbag prising a pair of­ interpivoted jaws forming the of the slide fastener type and embodying another frame of the bag, coin purses on the outer sides form of the invention; of said jaws, each being provided with a cover Fig. 14 is, a longitudinal cross-sectional view to close the purse, said purses. being separately through the coin purse puller for the slide fas usable. tener for the bag shown in Fig; 13; Yet a further object of this invention is to pro Fig. 15 is a plan View of the coin purse vide a handbag of the character described pro shown in Fig. 14 with the cover removed; vided with a slide fastener closure, and a puller f Fig. 16 is aL cross-sectional view taken on line for the slider of said closure comprising a change {Ii-I6. of Fig. 14; purse. Fig. 1'7 is a side elevational view of the coin Another object of this invention is to provide purse shown in Fig. 14 with the cover partly open a neat, strong» and durable handbag of the char and in cross-section; and acter described which shall be relatively inex Fig. 18 is an end View of the coin purse shown pensive to manufacture, easy to manipulate, and in Fig. 14. which shall yet be practical and efficient to a high Referring now in detail to the drawing, Il) des degree in use. ' ignates a handbag embodying the invention. The Other objects oi this invention will in part be Same comprises‘ a body II provided with a jaw 'obvious and in part hereinafter be pointed out. 40 type frame I2. Framel I2l comprises interpivoted The invention accordingly consists in the fea jaws I3 and bl held in closed position by con tures of construction, combinations of elements, ventional spring catches well known in the art. and arrangement of parts which will be exempli The jaws I3 and I4 are provided with top walls _ñed the construction hereinafter described, and I3a and Ida. Thev frame may be of molded of which the scope of application will be indi synthetic plastic material. cated in the'iollowing claim. Fixed to the top Wall Ida of jaw I 4, is a coin In the accompanying drawing, in which vis purse I5. Purse I5 comprises a casing/IB which shown various possible illustrativeembodiments oi may be fixed to the top wall Ida by means of this invention, ' screws Il or in any other suitable manner. Said Fig. 1 is a perspective view of a ladies handbag 50 casing may be integrally molded with jaw I4. embodying the invention; The casing I6 is centered on the frame I2 as Fig. 2 is a side elevational View of the coin shown in Figs. 1 and 5 of the drawing. The width purse forming part of the invention; . of the casing Hi- is greater than the combined Fig. 3 is atop. plan view of the coin purse with widthy ofthe jaws `I 3 and I 4. ifthe cover removed; Casing I6. may be- made of synthetic plastic, 2,487,090 3 4 rubber. Bakelite or any other suitable material. with one of the jaws. Casing 55 is formed in It comprises a generally prismatic block formed its upper surface with a cylindrical bore 62. In in its upper surface with downwardly extending serted into said bore is a tubular member 63 bores I8 and I9. At one end it is formed with extending above the upper surfaces 65 of said cas notches 20 disposed adjacent the side walls 2|. ` ing. Member 63 may be made of plastic material. At the other end of the casing I6 is a recess 23 At the upper end of the tube 63 are a pair of ` and a projection 24 projecting into the recess for opposite, inwardly extending flanges or lips 66. the purpose hereinafter appearing. Inserted into Within tube 63 is a coil compression spring 61. the openings I8 and I9 are tubular members 25 Interposed between the spring 61 and the ñanges and 26 projecting above the upper surface 21 of 10 66 is a coin retaining disc 68. At the upper end the casing. Said tubular members may be made of rib 51 is an upwardly extending, central aper of plastic or like material and are formed with tured ear 10. Extending through the ear is a coin retaining lids or flanges 30 at their upper pivot pin 1|. At the upper end of the rib 56 ends. The sleeves or tubes 25 and 26 are ñxed is an opening 12 and a projection 13 extending within the casing in any suitable manner. 15 into said opening. Within each of the tubular members is a disc Pivoted to each casing 55 is a cover 15. Each 32. Interposed between each disc 32 and the cover 15 comprises a top wall 16 and cylindrical bottom surface of the openings or bores I8, I9 side wall 11. The side wall 11 is formed at one is a coil compression spring 33 pressing the disc side with a pair of downwardly extending aper 32 against the ñanges 30. The tubes may be of tured ears 18 straddling ear 10 and receiving the diiïerent sizes to accommodate coins of diiîerent pivot pin 1|. At the other side of wall 11 is a denominations as for example, nickels and dimes. rib 19. Fixed to the rib is a spring catch 80 ter The coin is inserted by depressing the disc and minating in projection 13 which project into slipping the coin beneath the ilanges 30. opening 12. Hinged to one end of the casing I6 is a cover It will be noted that the outer diameter of 36. Cover 36 is superimposed on the casing and cylindrical wall 11 is somewhat less than the out it is provided at one end with a pair of projections er diameter of casing 55. „ The two coin purses 31 received within the notches 20. Extending are staggered with respect to one another. They through the projections 31 and through the cas are so mounted as t0 interengage to retain the ing are registering through-openings 38 and 39 30 frame in closed condition. However, the overlap receiving therethrough a pivot pin 40 for hingedly is such that the purses can be pushed in opposite connecting the cover to the' casing. It will be directions to open the bag. ­ noted that the hinge 40 is located at one end of In Figs. 11 and 12 there is shown a frame 80 the casing and is at right angles to the mouth for a ladies handbag comprising a pair of jaw of the handbag. The cover 36 may be formed 35 members 8| and 82 of horseshoe shape type piv at its underside with a recess 42 to provide Sulli oted together as at 83. Frame members 8|, 82 cient space for receiving the upper ends of the may be made of synthetic plastic or any other tubes 25, 26. suitable material. At the central portion of each Fixed to the opposite end of the cover is a frame member are one or more bores 84 extend spring catch 43 adapted to enter the opening 23 40 ing inwardly from the outer surface 85 and ter and engage projection 24 for retaining the cover minating short of the inner surface 86 thereof. The bores 84 may be» of different size for the pur in closed condition. It will now be understood that opening of the bag is not likely to cause pose of accommodating coins of different denom opening of the purse because the jaws open in inations, as will be apparent hereinafter. With 45 in each bore 84 is a tube 81 of synthetic plastic one direction, whereas the purse opens in a direc or like material and formed with coin retaining tion at right angles thereto. Likewise opening in'wardly extending ñanges 88. Within each of the purse is not likely to open the bag for the tube 81 is a coil compression spring 89. Inter same reason. The underside of the casing I6 is formed with posed between each spring 89 and the coin retain a socket |30 adapted to receive an upward pro 50 ing ñanges is a coin engaging annular disc 90. jection |31) on the top wall |3a of the jaw frame The inner diameters of the tubes 81 are selected I3. When the jaws I3 and It are brought to to accommodate coins of different denominations. gether the bump |3b will snap into the socket I3c Each jaw member is formed with a pair of out for resiliently keeping the jaws closed. wardly extending lugs or apertured ears 9| car In Figs. 6 to 10 is shown a bag I0a embodying rying a transverse pivot pin 92. Pivoted on each the invention and illustrating a modified con pin 92 is a cover member 93 adapted to enclose. struction. The bag Illa comprises a body 50 pro the tubes 81 on each of the frames. There may vided with a frame 5|. The frame 5I comprises be two tubes 81 provided for each frame. The interpivoted jaws 52 and 53 which may be made pivoted ears 9| are located below the tubes so that of molded pastic material. Mounted on each of the cover 93 will swing upwardly to closing posi said jaws is a coin purse 54. The purses 54 may tion. Any suitable spring catch may be provided be similar in construction although of different for releasably retaining the covers in `closed con sizes to accommodate coins of different denomina dition. ' . tions. Said coin purses are in the form of catches In Figs. 13 to 18 there is shown a ladies hand which interengage to keep the bag closed as will bag |00 provided with slide fastener closure |0| appear hereinafter. which is opened by slider |02. Attached to the Each purse 54 comprises a casing 55. Casing slider |02 is a rin-g or link |03. Connected to the 55 is substantially cylindrical in shape but is link |03 is a coin purse |04 which may be grasped provided at opposite sides with vertical rib ex for pulling the slider. The purse |04 may com tensions 56 and 51. The casing is provided at its 70 prise a block or casing |05 made of synthetic underside with a projection 58 formed with a plastic material or any other suitable material. screw threaded hole 59. A screw 60 extending >Attached to one end of the casing |05 is a plate through an opening 6| in one of the jaws is |06 fixed thereto by screws |01. Plate |06 is screwed to opening 59 for fixing the coin purse formed with a hook or loop |08 engaging the. ring to sald jaw. Casing 55, if desired, may be molded 75 |03. Casing |05 is formed in its upper surface 2,487,090

H0 with a pair of bores III of different size. width "adapting it to extend transversely across Within each bore is ñxed a tube H2 made of both jaws and project from outer sides of the said plastic material or the like, and projecting above jaws, said casing extending longitudinally of said the upper surface I I0 and provided with inward jaws and having a latch-receiving socket inter ly extending coin engaging ilanges I I3. The sur mediate the width of one end, coin holders face I I0 is recessed as shown in Fig. 14, said block mounted in said casing in longitudinal spaced re having front and rear upstanding walls Ill ex lation to each other and projecting upwardly tending above surface IIO. Said casing I 05 is from the casing, a cover extending longitudinally provided with side surfaces H5 formed with lon of said lcasing hinged at one end to an end of said gitudinal grooves IIB. Slldably mounted on the 10 casing opposite from said latch-receiving socket casing |05 is a cover H1. Cover II‘I comprises a for longitudinal tilting movement to closed and top wall Ill, side walls H9 and inwardly extend opened positions, the inner surface of said cover ing ñanges |20 engaging within the grooves H0. being formed with a recess into which protruding The cover may -be provided with a downwardly upper portions of the coin holders fit when the extending lug I 2| on its underside adapted to 15 cover is closed, and a latch carried by the free engage one of the walls I I4 and serving as a stop end of said cover and engageable in said socket when the cover is moved in a direction for closing to releasably hold the cover closed. the coin purse. It will be understood that the coin purse I 04 may be grasped and pulled for ALFRED A. BAM'BERGER. either closing or opening the handbag. The 20 coins are accessible without opening the handbag. REFERENCES CITED It will thus ibe seen that there is provided a de The following references are or record in the vice in which the several objects of this invention ille of this partent: are achieved, and which is well adapted to meet the conditions of practical use. 25 UNITED STATES PATENTS As various possible embodiments might be Number Name Date made oi' the above invention, and as various changes might ibe mader in the embodiments 971,411 Saart ______Sept. 27, 1910 1,129,730 Reich ______Feb. 23, 1915 above set forth, it is to be understood that all 1,451,028 Prahar ______. Apr. 10, 1923 matter herein set forth or shown in the accom 30 1,570,326 Bangs ______-_ Jan. 19, 1926 panying drawing is to be interpreted as illustra 1,630,844 Hall _» ______May 31, 1927 tive and notl in a limiting sense. 2,053,599 Brinkerhoiî ______l-_ Sept. 8, 1936 Having thus described my invention, I claim as 2,145,118 Knoess ______Jan. 24, 1939 new and desire to secure by Letters Patent: 2,181,806 Fulton --.___-„___“ Nov. 28, 1939 A handbag including a frame comprising jaws 35 2,436,646 Henne ______Feb. 24, 1948 pivoted for transverse movement towards and away from each other to closed and opened posi FOREIGN PATENTS tions, said jaws having ñat top portions, and a Number Country Date coin holder comprising a casing mounted :dat 118,778 Austria ______- Aug. 11, 1930 upon the top portion of one jaw and being of a