

JOHN H. ilcVET DEAD. OCEANIC NEWS. ATTEMPT AT ROBBERY. Be Died of Kidney Trouble at the NEW STORE BUILDING. A LODGE ANNIVERSARY. Sunday-school Entertainments to MEN TO RUN THE PARTY. . • • V • A Globe Botel on Monday. be Held Christinas Eve. NEGRO TRUSS TO STEAL FROM John H. Me Vey of Piainfleld, formerly THREE-STORY STRUCTURE TO ONWARD COUNCIL OBSERVES The Presbyterian and Methodist Sun- REPUBUCAN COMMITTEEMEN MRS. HARRY TILTON. , of Tinton Falls, died on Monday at tbe BE BUILT IN RED BANE. ' LADIES' NIGHT. lay-schools will hold their Christmas ELECTED MONDAY NIGHT. Globe botel »t Red Bank. His death v interiaiuruents on Christmas eve., The The Woman Was on Her Way Bottle was due to kidney trouble, with which \lx Stores on the First Floor- and •xercises at both schools will comprise I'rru Few Contests in the County— Apartments on the Two Other About SBO Persona IVenent at the Iiewis O. Summ vrnett Elected Over Earlv latft Xfaht When the Would. be bad been afflicted several years. He v Affair-* Brief History of the :arol8, recitations and drills. At the be Thief Grabbed Hold of Her came to Red Bank foe the purpose of flours—it ia to be Completed bv Veebyterian church an orchestra will Albert I,. McQueen in the West Next June. • Lodge Given, Showing the JBene- furnish music and the orchestra will, be Ited nnnlc District. -Xhe Man Escapes. aeing treatej d for that disease. ' fits of Membership. •- A negro tried to rob Mr*. Harry Tilton Mr."McVey was 63 years ol"d. Atone Plans have been drawn for Theodore Onward council of American Mechan- Mmposed of Miss Evelyn Jeffrey, or- The Republican primaries, for the of Bank street last night while she was time be was engaged in tbe hotel busi- ?. White's three-story building which is cs of Red Bank observed ladies' night in lanist; Levi B. VanNeBt and Elmer election of men to conduct the party in on her.way home from a quilting party ness at Piainfleld and he also did news- o be erected at the corner of Fropt heir rooms in the Second national bank 'eaisall. cornetisto; Frank Flinn, trom- the various election districts of Mon- given'by MaBsabesic"council; Degree of paper work in that city. About four street and Wharf avenue. The building milding on Monday night. Fully-250 loniat; Latham Pearsall, violinist, and mouth county, were held on Monday Pocahontns. She left tbe lodge room at years ago he bought the Johnson farm will have a frontage of 80 feet on Front persons were present and the lodge'rooms Dr. Ehrich Parmly, flutist. night. The number of committeemen six o'clock "and started for home by tbe t Tinton Falls and moved on it from street and will be G2 feet wide in the were decorated with American flags. Mrt>. Eleanor Titus returned home elected in each district in baned on tbe way of Monmouth street. She carried a Tainfield. A ye*r -ago last summer be 'ear. Ic will be 84 feet deep on Wharf An elaborate entertainment had been Saturday from a visit to relatives at number of votes cast at the last election in which was a pockeibook lold the farm to Richard D.»eves. &.f ter ivenue. On the first floor will be six tlanned but ow.ing to the bad weather 3rooklyn and Newark. for governor. The men elected on Mon- containing about $10. iellingftbe farm\Mr. MoVey moved back tores, eaob 12x40 feet. The second and ome of the participants were not pres- Mrs. Charles Jeffrey, who had a para- day night will control the election affairs While crossing the railroad tracks she to Plainfield, where he had since lived. third floors will contain living apart- nt and part of tbe exercises nfad to be ytic stroke last week, is slowly recover- in tbeir respective districts', for their felt a grab for her satchel and when she He leaves a widow and several children. ments. There will be three flats on each >mitud. Misa Mabel Truex gave a reci- ne:. party during next fall's" gubernatorial turned she saw a. negro, in the act of at- HIB widow is a daughter of Christian floor and each flat will have five rooms tation and comic songs were sung by Ralph Longstreet, who is employed in campaign.- tempting to pull the satchel from her Soffel, who lives near Lihcroft. Mr, nd a bath. The first floor ceiling will ester Hance. Music was given on a Brooklyn, visited his parents, Mr. and In most of the districts of MonmoutU hand. Mrs. Tilton gave several screamB McVey's body was sent to Piainfleld >e thirteen feet high and the ceilings on ianjo by John Quinn. Are, Horace T. Longstreet, last Thurs- county there was no contest'over the and at the same time a trolley car was -esterday morning for burial. . tbe two other floors will be twelve feet Delancy W. Wilguss read a, short lay. committeemen and the old members approaching the crowing. The negro high. There will be two street entrances history of the lodge, which was organized The assistant gardeners will bold a ball were reflected. This was tlie case id redoubled his efforts to twist the satchel to the apartments. in April, 1891. The council had at one n Red Men's hall New Years night. most of the districts in' Shrewsbury from Mrs. Tilton's hands as the car drew AGED WOMAN'S BIRTHDAY. The first floor will ha*e large plate glass ;jme over 200 members, but the organiza- township. In the West Red Bank dis- nearer, but Mrs. Tilton kept a tight grip windows on Front street and Wharf ave- tion, of councils at Middletown, Fair trict there was opposition to Albert L. on it. Finally the negro with a curse Mrs. Elixa Harks Was Eighty Tears nue. The second'story will be faced with Haven and Little Silver cut down tbe Little Silver News. McQueen and William Shields and they let loose of the satchel and ran up tbe Old on &at(trdav. rock face brick and the third story will membership, many of the members of Fred Zeglnr, Jr., has given up his were defeated by Lewis O. Summereett railtoad trucks. ' Mrs. Eliza Marks of Worthlpy street >e faced with glaz°d brick. The Corner Onward council joining the new. lodges >osition in Lane's grocery and Elmer and Samuel Ford by. a ma jority of 24; The negro'was.sliebt and of medium celebrated her eightieth birthday on f the building will be surmounted by a ecause of greater convenience in attend- Wainwright has taken his place. The other members in that district were height and is probably abnut eighteen Saturday. In celebration of tbe event dome twelve feet' in diameter. Tbe ing'the meetings The membership at Rev. Herbert J. Belting of Seabright elected without opposition. The mem- years old. He has not been caught. herchildren, grandchildren, neicee, neph- general plan of the building will be resent is 180. The lodge pays $5 per will give a stereopticon lecture in the bers of the Republican committee in that ews and ofher relatives assembled at different from that of any other building week in sick benefits, and the sick bene- ball tomorrow night for. the benefit of district in addition torMr. Summersett the house and were entertained during in town. George W, Sewing, Jr., is the fits paid have ranged from about $100 to ;he Sunday-schooijibrary. and Mr. Ford are John Sbeehan, George YOUNG MAN DIES. he-afternoon and evening.' The guests rehitect and'also the contractor. The $650 per year. Tbe lodge pays death A.C. Baker has returned home to re- Woods and Walter S. Noble. The com- were from various parts of Monmouth milding is to be completed by June 1st. jenefits of $500 on tbe death of a mem- main' until after the holidays, mitteemen elected held a meeting after Elmer T, Patterson Vies of a Compli- county and from Brooklyn and New Mr. Sawing also has the contract to er, and since the organization of the Mrs. Nora Jacques of Asbury Park the primary and elected'John Sheehan cation of Jtlseases. York. Mrs Marks received a number mild a one-story frame building at the lodge it has paid out $6,000' in these bene- was a guest of her sister, Mrs. L. B. as the chairman of the committee in tbe Elmer T. • Patterson, son of Elmer .E. of remembrances. Although Mrs. Marks corner of Front street and Riverside ave- fits. Campbell, last week. West Red Bank election district of- Patterson of Herbert street, Red Bank, is eighty years old, she is as spry as a The lodge has a good balance in the Mrs. J. C. Costuin, who has been sick Shrewsbury township. died on Sunday from a complication of nue for A. Tannenbautn. The building woman of fifty years an1d she travels will have a frontage of 47 feet on Front treasury at tbe present- time and it also for tbe p»Bt year, become somewhat In the southern district there was no diseases. Elmer had been, sick with unattended wherever Bhe goes, either street and 43 feet on Riverside avenue. has money invested in stock of the Red worse yesterday. contest and all the old members of the kidney trouble for several years but- last about the county or to parts of New Bank building and loan association and Tuesday his sickness took a turn for the It is to be finished by February 1st and committee were elected. They are W. York state. will be occupied by Mr. Tannenbaum as in other ways. Free Shows at Asbury Park. T. Parker, Aaron Armstrong, Benjamin worse and be sank rapidly. He was a store. ^ After the exercises were concluded F. King\ Benjamin John Parker, A. eighteen years old and with the excep- At the Drug Stores. refreshments were served and the affair Beginning on Friday of this week and Holmes Borden and William Mulliner. tion of a few years, when he was very Church News. wound up with a dance. iontinuing until Monday, December young, he had always lived at Red Bank. The drug stores are making their usual 24th, a series of moving picture enter- In.the eastern district Wrn. H. Pear- The funeral was held at St. James's holiday offers. The various lines of The ladies' aid society of the First tainments will be given at Steinbach sail, V. A. L'gier,George W. Alas, A. A. oods handled by drug stores give them Methodist church will hold a bread, Pintard, R. S. Merritt, J. H. Fielder and church this morning and the body was opportunity not only for* fine window Skating Rink Opened. lo.'s store of Asbury Park, free to pa- Harry Dennis were elected. In tbe mid- buried in Mount Olivet cemetery. cake and pie sale in the church basement The skating rink at Frick lyceum was ;rona of the store. There will be five disp'ay, but also for supplying holiday next Saturday afternoon from two to 55-minute shows every day. This firm dle and western election districts all the needs, large .and small. five o'clock. opened on Monday night, and it'will be old committeemen were reflected with- open every afternoon and evening here- is better prepared than ever for the holi- out opposition, Things for "Him." James Cooper, Jr., realizing the diffi- The Christian Endeavor society of the after during tbe winter, except on such day trade. The store is literally packed J. Kridel in his advertisement in THE culty, of selecting gifts for men, suggests Reformed church will hold a sociable at with Christmas bargains, including Ti- as presents for them brushes of all kinds, occasions as the lyceum is being used for A Holiday Offer. . REGISTER tin's week alludes to the diffi- Izra Oshorn' s (on Bridge avenue tomor- plays, dances, etc. The floor is of rock vola glassware, cut glass, sterling silver culty sometimes experienced in selecting shaving sets, and goods in that line; row night, maple, and was put down expressly for goods, marble statues, bronzes, jewelry, Bray's market on East Front street gifts for "him." He suggests that if a while for women he thinks nothing Rev. James MacLeod of Soranton will will make a big Christmas offer, begin- a skating rink, the floor on which the etc. ing next Friday and continuing until or garment of any kind is to be given *s always so acceptable as perfumery. preach in the Presbyterian churches at theater seats were arranged beinga tem- .o • » as a Christmas present that an old At Schroeder's pharmacy a big variety Shrewsbury and Eatontown next Sun- porary one which-can be removed. The Christmas eve. To everybody buying a or other garment can be brought to his '<5f goods is offered, including fancy ther- day. •» skates used are Spalding's ball bearjng, and . dollar's worth of goods at the market store as a guide to the size, and the com- mometers, traveling cases, etc. A spec- which have the reputation of being tbe Overcoats priced from $6 to $20 andduring that time will be given a pound ing recipient thus be kept in ignorance "alty is made of Japanese novelties at A Santa Claus Window. best in the market. suits from $4 to $16 are among the of fancy white grapes, or one pound of of the delightful surprise in store for him. tfaia store. '! Christmas bargains to be found at Henry mixed nute, or a bunch of crisp celery, ClaTence White hasdresaed hiB window The afternoon sessions at the. skating N. Supp'd at Ludlotv hall. Mr. Supp is or a dozen oranges. The market is Mr. Kridel also quotes prices on a num- The Knickerbocker pharmaoy offers a to represent an old-fashioned fireplace rink are principally for women and chil- ber of other lines of goods suitable as full line of holiday novelties, including holding a special sale of these goods. stocked with Christmas greens of all on Christmas morning, with well-filled dren, though men skaters are admitted kinds. Specia! inducements are offered holiday remembrances. perfumery, goods, etc. At this dangling from the mantel- except on Wednesday and- Saturday Holiday buyers also have a large stock store Tuck's calendars are mode a spec- piece. Sticking out ' of each afternoons, when the rir/k will be re- of , , , to Sunday-schools in need of things for ial feature. are , , or other served exclusively for women and chil- , suit cases, gloves, , tbeir Christmas treats. Two Basketball Games. suitable for holiday gifts. Mr. White dren. The afternoon sessions are from etc., to solent from. Smoking jackets Two games of basketball will be played and are being sold at half price. Handsome Store Windows. states^that his stock of. goods in this line two to five ^o'clock, and the evening A Well Equipped Store. I at the young men's Christian association The windows of Joseph Salz's store are suitable for Christmas gifts is the best he sessions are from half-past seven to l!tomorrow night. Ono game will be be- niooly decorated for- the Christmas sea- has aver bad. eleven olclock. No children are admitted Holiday Groceries. The Straus Co. store is as usual well lt ween the Midgeta of the local associa- at the eveniug sessions. At the after- equipped for the holiday business. The Ition and the Freehold team, and the son. One of them contains an airship Henry Kroener makes" his Holiday show windows give an idea of some of filled with dolls and In the other window A Free Christmas Gift. noon .sessions mothers or grown persons announcement in TBE REGISTER this lother game will be between the Orientals is a Santa Claus house from which old who accompany children are admitted the leading Christmas gifts to be ob- [of Red Bank and the second team of J. M. Fiokelstein offers a talking and free. week.; High class- groceries, 'wines, tained there. Handkerchiefs, leather [Little Silver. . Santa emerges at three different periods singing machine free to every qne who liquors and cigars are advertised. Im- goods, furs, gloves, jackets, post card during the day. Tbe store is brimful of buys goods at his store to the ported and domestic good?, canned fruits albums, dolls' and numerous other ar- holiday bargains, such as gloves, band- amount of $25. Mr. Finkejstein think? Trading at Home. and vegetables, fruits, champagne, Priest Insured for $8,000. ticles make a fine display. With every kerchiefs, gift books, calendars, etc., be- this is the beat and easiest way possible to M. M. Davidson a9bs the readers of THE sherrys, port wines, whiskeysjind cigars, purchase of one dollar's worth or more Tbe late Rev. William J. O'Farrell, sides the regular line of dry goods. ._,et Christmas gifts, since the goods REGISTER not to go to New York to trade all for the Christmas cheer, are to be of handkerchiefs at this store a hand- eotor of St. Agnes's church at Atlantic bought and the talking and singing but to do tbeir trading right here at obtained at this store. some box is given to put them in. •Highlands, had his life insured for $3,000 Jewelry as GUIs. machine Could both be used as holiday home in Monmouth county. Mr. David- Jin a/company of which E. H. Cook of presents. • son is offering a big stock of goods suit- A Vast Array of Pictures. [that place is agent. Tbe policy ia pay- R°d Bank has two jewelry stores able for Christmas gifts, such as over- A Wide Range for Choice. able to the clergyman's brother and sis which are filled with the finest .lines Changes Among Farmers. , suils, coats, smoking jackets, bath TheR. West Company of Key port urge H. A. Guvon gives out some useful •ter, who are said to be in Ireland. obtainable for the Christmas season. L. early selections of Christmas gifts while Isaac Morris moved Monday' from the , etc, for those who want to give their stocks are complete. Goods selected hinis for Christmas- shoppers in THE de la Rpussille is displaying a large stock George L Orane farm at Middletown, serviceable holiday gifts of considerable REGISTER th, guns, revolvers, jewelry and' grand master of the Odd Fellows of New big line of diatnonds, besides choice gifts handkerchiefs, canes, gloves, mufflers, class pictures, form in part some of the of Keansburg will farm the Crane place holiday bargains at this store. bicycleB, with stories about them and , will be the speaker at the young in silverware, jewelry, etc. the ooraing-year and he moved to the and other similar articles. prices, are to be found in Mr. Guyon's aen's Christian association meeting next farm today. announcement on page 13. Sunday afternoon. His subject will be Fair Haven Girl Married. j" The Shepherds' Song." There will be Gifts for Men and Boys. Aunt Jane's Advice. Mies Mabel Chad wick, daughter of Pianos for Christmas. Aunt Jane, who has charge of Frank C. special music. - • James Qrover is advertising a Christ- Kodaks and Pictures. James Chad wick, gardener for Robert Mathusbek & Son suggest that a piano Storck's advertising, sayB that Christmas Dickopf announces a number of sug- McCarter of the Rumson road, was mar- would be the most suitable Christmas mas sale of clothing at greatly reduced perplexities may be simplified by reading Footwear for Gifts. prices. Ready-made and made-to-order of the store's offerings in this week's REG- gestions for Christmas gifts. Among ried on Tuesday, November 27th, to present. An advertisement of the.firm overcoats and are much reduced them is the Eastman kodak box, the Ford & Miller think there is nothing Walter Mills, a chaffeur of New York on another page of THE REGISTER con- 1 IBTER. Among the Christmas gifts men- like footwear for holiday gifts. They below regular values. Mi . Grover iB tioned are framed pictures, hand pastels most complete outfit ever put on the The ceremony was performed in New tains some goooY news for prospective showing a large line of gift wearables market for amateur photographers. In pffer easy slippers for. old people, fancy York by an Episcopalian minister. The piano buyers. Used and unused pianos and crayons, art Btudies, musical instru- Jihoea for young folks, arctics for those couple are living in New York.. for men and boys. ments talking machines, pianos and addition there are oil and water colors rho must be out in the cold, and f oot- will be sold at big bargains. bicycles. . ,,. for little folks, pyrography sets, hand- vear of all sorts for all kinds of pur- Hammered Brass Goods. painted pictures, cigar band plates, etc. ses. A Big Offer in Lamps. . . Toys for the Holidays. Japanese ware in hammered brass and' At Patterson & Spinning's. m i •» R. Hnnco & Sons are making a specia •Welter's store claims the distinction of decorated plates, vaspa, etc., form o Patterson & Spinning are showing a Firemen Elect Officers. Clambake for Firemen.' holiday sale of decorated lamps for. the being the great toy store of Red Bank. retty window display in Adlem &'Co.'s 'fine line of goods suitable for holiday The Little-Silver fire company elected The two fire companies of Eatontown holiday trade. They offer hundreds of Thousands *>f toys are at this store, in- easonable goods for Christmas gifts, prosontfl. They include novelties in bric- the following officers last Friday night: rill have a cluinbuke tomorrow night lamps at one-third lees than the regular cluding iron toys, trucks, wagons, stoves, consisting of leather article?, gloves, etc. a-brac, besides the usual stock of staple the clambake will be held in the fire price.- They also offer holiday gifts of doll houses, etc. Many of these toys are Prcsldent-Myron L. Campbell. are at this store in large assortments. gifts for men, women and children. Secretary—Elmer E. Cnrlllo. bouse, and it will be given by T. E. brio-a-brac, odd pieces of furniture, being closojl out! at much less than their Treasurer—Frank L. Bnerwood. Bnyder as a complimentary affair to tbe Morris chairs and similar goods. usual priceB. I ' jForeintin—Oscar Breckenrldge. foremen. Fifteen New Firemen. '. .• •, . Lost Three Horses in a Year. Assistant foremen—Georgo Worthloy, Arthur The Oceanic club was merged with tlv P. Bates. n ,m i » Goods. Shot Seven Ducks. • Thomas Naughton of Port Monmouth Trustee for three years—Georgo M. Quackcnbus h Vert; Effective anil Inexpensive. Adlem & Co. have placed their holiday Edward Mintonand Robert Schumann fire company of .that place at the regulit lost a valuable horse last Wednesday. Holly crepe paper for wrapping-pack goods on display, for the inspection of of Fair Haven shot seven wild ducks on meeting of the company Monday night. This makes the third horee that Mr. Wedded Last July. \gee and decorating. the river on Monday. This is tho best By .the consolidation the fire company Naughton has lost during tbo past year. the poople of Red Bank and the sur- Samuel C. Corse, Jr., of Brooklyn, a Holly tags for addressing paokages. rounding locality. The stock includes duck shooting done on the river so fa gained fifteen new members. Holly gum labols. summer resident of the Highland*, was many novelties in fancy articles, etc., this season in one day. An Italian Service. married lnst July to Miss Florence Estolle Holly seals for sealing letters. and the* lino of staple goods has been Next Sunday's Sermons. Alfonso Corbo will conduct a service Holly bells. Burroughs of Brooklyn, but the wedding augmented, both in quantity and variety, THE BAZAAR. Next Sunday morning Rev. W. B for Italians in tho young men's Christian was not announced till last week. Mr, Holly paper napkins. to suit the desires of those who may Holly ribbons. Matteson will preach in the Baptist association hall on Sunday morning at Corse, is well known in Red Bank, whoro wish to make girts of this charaotor.— Holiday Goods Heady for Christina. church on "Rewards and Pondlties in elovon o'clock. he has a number of rolatives and muny Holly (empty) boxes for gloves. Adv. Shoppers. Religion." At night his topic will be, Neokwoar, handkerchiefs, etc, foi Buy your presents burly. BrIIlinn friends and acquaintances. ale at the dry goods Btoro of Josoph Salz "What is "Worth While." Mad Dog Shot. Smokfng Jackets. showing of holiday wnistfl, in tho lates Itabbit Jiinner. "ed Bank.—Adv. Speoial sale of men's smoking jack styles and novelties. Christrans is no A dojr belonging to Robert Weeks of Cavalrymen Havo a Smoker. Littlu Silver showed symptoms of .mad- An opportunity will, bo given to tho Gorham Silver for Christmas. ete, worth $0 00 to $9.00, at $5 00 oach Curifltmns without a visit to tho Bazaar ness last week and Mr. Weeks shot it. poople of Red Bank to pnrtuko of a Has* I keep a lino lino of Gorbam'u solid at Dayidson's. Adv. ^ 41 Broad street.—Adv. Tho Red Bank cavalry troop onjoyed eonpeffcr (rabbit dinner) at tho Gorma- plyor nnd can Supply you with every- r» . — smokor nt tho armory Monday night nia hotel on Thursday, Decombor 111th, thing modo by that firm. Tho price! Novelties, Clocks,. Watches. Smohtna Jackets. Thirty-threo of the troooors woro presont, A Rabbit Dinner. from 13:00 noon until 1:80 X'. M. Diunor lannot bo beaten, Wilbur, tho jowoler A full lino of novelties, clocks ant! Special Halo of men's smoking jtiofc Eatables and drinkablcB i A rabbit dinner will bo served at tho SO conts.—Adv, , \Adv. j watches of ovory description at Wilbur's etfl, worth $0.00 to $9.00, at $5.00 each tho cigars nnd pipes. Germania Rotol on Thursday of this —Adv, . at Davidson's.—Adv, ,wook from 19:00 to 1:00. Smoking Jackets. • . Smoking Jackets. JOlamomls. Special Mile of mon'n smoking jack- I Special anlo of mon'a smoking jaok Four Leaf Clover I'ost Cards, Full lino of Colptito'a perfumra foi Nothing but tho finest quality. Tho Moving ricttirot). ets, worth $0.00 to $0.00, at $5.00 caob, Jts, worth $0.00 to $0,00, at $5.00 oaoh A' pretty holiday greeting, with gooc Cliriatmus Rifts at Lolmen & Willott'a cannot bo bought for Jesa money eluc Matineo Thursday, Friday and Satur- at Davidson's.— Adv. It Davidson's.—Adv. luok vbrBe, at Diokopfo.—Adv. Bolford.—Adv. where, nnd thoy aro of tho best Belec day at 8:80 h M. NOW program Satur- ,, m « w tions. At tho old established jowoln day. Lyric Amuaoraont Co., 13 Front 3 oans pumpkin, tomatoon.com, Fancy boxes nnd oundlca for Sunday Puro Irish linen hankorohlefs, 10 cento Uoltdav goods at Roberts & White's, Btoro of R. F. Wilbur.—Adv. street, Rod Bank.—Adv. or beans for 25 conts at I1. F. Supp's, bhool Christinas tronto at Laug'o.—Adv 25 cento and 60 conts at Ourtin'e.—Adv, —Adv. '' Atlantio Illghlundfl, N. J.—Adv. At Curtls's. 1 At Vurtia's. 18 pounds Joreoy minco meat for Homc-mad6 candy, tho purest an All of tho latest Christmas novolttos a Special 25-oont and 60-cont nockwoar, Men's and boye' oweutero, $1 to f B.— Holiday goods at Roberta & VfUMa% [ont at F. F. BuppV—Adv, beet made, at Laug'u.—Adv. Loug's,—Adv. -Adv. Adv. Atlantio HIghlando, N. J.—Adv. HJEANSBURG NEWS. " es Aid Society to Bold n Fair CHATTEL MORTGAGE ME December 9tnt and »#«». OF- The ladies' aid society of tbe Methodisl church will hold a fair in Ihe lecture room of the church on Friday and Satur- day, Decpmber 21st and 22d. ' • i Mrs. Eva Robinson is spending a few days witb relatives in. Brooklyn. Christmas • Mrs. William \yhitehead bas been -AT- visiting f riendB and relati VPS at Bayonne. By virtue of a chattel mortfiaee given John Voorhees of North. Carolina is by Stephen Eagan to Fred tuther, and spending a few Weeks with relatives and recorded in the Monmouih county Clerk's friends hpre. . office in Book 71, page 100 of Chattel James Dodd of New York spent Sun- Mortgages, etc., I will sell at public sale C. WHITE'S, RED BANK day with Thomas Collins. ' on Mrs. Arintha Niblett, who has been spending a few days witb relatives in SLIPPERS—-Where's the8man who would not be glad to RUBBER. BOOTS j -Rubber'Boots and Arctics makeglad Newark, has returned home. Saturday, Dec. 15,116, receive a' pair of the handsome Slippers I'm showing...:. ; ARCTICS .,]. boys andvgirls^ as weUas men arid Stephen Broander, who is employed in : >' '' •••"•;" .',.'..• women. ••'•/__ ''• •/ ' • ; . Charles Carr's store, has been laid up at one o'clock p. M, • " '• ; — ,' - ' : '_. ,.'• - 50c. to $2.50 several days with a Bevere cold. Baby would look cute in a.paiir ofLthose pretty shoes at White's. Eoscoe Paynter will move from the SHOES-=-What woman would not gladly accept a pair of Ramsey cotlaRe to his own house on Carr On My Farm at Colt's Keck, handsome Shoes or Slippers? shoes, MEN'S SHOES—A. handsome patent leather , $2l.5O, avenue this week. the following property : , $2.00 to $4,00 to $4.00, is ii fine man's gift. •'••;' . '?';'.'-.. ;'".. The Sunday-school children are re- hearsing for an entertainment whioh will be given in tbe Methodist church on LEGGINS—For girls and women, the good kind....'.'...... ;.6BC. to 89C. * Christmas night. Two Horses: ? , ' . «i» Brown Horse, Brown Mare, LAMB'S WOOL SOLES for Slippers.- ' • • / * "V . Shrewsbury News.. Miss Florida G»aither went to Philo- 100 bu. Ear Corn, 2 tons Mixed Hay, •DOLL SHOES—Bring your doll 6r the size of foot. All styles andcolors, siuaU , > delphia lait week,, where she attended to large size. ' _ ' " . " , ... . ' the funeral of • her brother, Joseph C. Oats Cut for Hay, Gaither. Mr. Gaither frequently visited 2 No. 20 Oliver plows, Boss plow, Iron here and he ia quite well known in the harrow, A barrow, one horse cultivator, RUBBERS—Women's...;...... ;.;..' 25C. to .85c. - village. • . Planet Jr. riding plow, new • mowing " :• Men's...... :...,.. ..5OC. to $1.25." ', V- . The missionary society of the Presby- machine, hay tedder, hay rake, phos- teriaiT church •will meet next Saturday phate drill, furrowing riled, two horse ** • Girls' .....35C. to^^ 65C. nfeht at A. Holmes Borden's. far.m wagon, hay shelvings, new paria Rev. Mr. Bale of Asbury Park preached green gun, weeder, spring wagon, new .: '-...'' 'Boys.'.'.'...... 40c. to 9OC. : . . in theProsbytprian church on Sunday. O. K. potato digger, set heavy work bar- Mrs. Richard H. Sick lea spent from ness, net single light harness, one horse Saturday till yesterday with' friends at cnrrvall, two-seated surrey, 2 ladders. 'These are the gifts that all •'love to receive. Brooklyn. ' . CONDITIONS.—All sums of $10 and The .women's auxiliary of Christ under, cash ; on all sums over $10 a —church will hold a neighborhood meet- oredit of 9 months, purchnser to give ing in tbe parish house tomorrow after- bankable note with approved security. noon at two o'clock. FRED LUTHER. CLARENCEWHITE, RED BANK, N, J. Louis A. Oehme and family of Bel mar are visiting Mrs. Oehme's father, Gdibriel T. V. YETMAN, Auctioneer. .Nelson. T. FORMAN TAYLOR, Clerk.

We have given particular attention to our lines of Holiday Goods this season and are showing;SL varied assortment of the following, all suitable for

Overcoats, Suits and Trousers and Sweaters, Golf Coats and Cardigan Jackets , Neckwear. Collars and Cufifs House Coats, Smoking* Jackets and Bath Robes Mufflers and Handkerchiefs Umbrellas^ ^ ^ Underwear and

i • i . • • • • i ,• ••,.•-•'.• , > . , , ,

1 • • • .. . • • . 11 • •

v '..*'••...•.•'•'• .'-'•••• •"' • Any of the above are acceptable and useful presents. Our goods and prices are always right. We would be pleased to show you anything you are interested in. M The I . Natural Tone Talluii# aad Macbine FREE. Call at our Store and hear the specially prepared Records of and Other Instrumental -, Music. Songs,; Stories. Recitations and assure yourself that this Js the best .-•../ offered. You Buy Only the Records. • % STANDARD TALKING MACHINE RECORDS ARE .FAMOUS FOR THEIR TONE AND QUALITY. As a home entertainer it has no equal. The best talent in the country is brought right to your fireside to while atfay.long winter evenings with comical recitations.arid, Big Sale of songs. An impromptu dance may be gotten up at a. moment's notice and here you have the beat orchestras of the country to play the dance music.' Or you may wish to learn a song.and what better instructor can you have than one of the Peerless singers to phrase a eong over, and over again if need be. The possibilities of this wonderful little machine for instruction and amusement are endle38. . ; ' This GrrapHophbne represents one of the latest achievements of the larg- est and best equipped Talking Machine Industry in the world. Therefore its reproduction will surprise and delight the most; exacting listener. The "equipment'.consists, of 16-inch Enamel Steel Horja withr large amplifying Bell and Brass Detachable fctorn Connection. Detachable. Horn Supporting Arm. *s Oil Tempered Bearings that will last a lifetime. Aluminum Swinging Arm. . "•.' An adjustable Speed Screw. • - Causes Pleasant Distraction. Educational«and Elevating: Associations, . Noiseless and perfectly constructed Motor. •*'"•, Indestru.ctableNaturalTpne Sound Box, etc. • BO frequently missed by many—for no other reason than delays.!:Let not ONE STANDARD TALKING MACHINE FREE TO EVERY CUSTOMER WHOSE GASH PURCHASES AMOUNT TO $86.00. , the Glorious Yuletlde be without the refining influence of a Piano, an • ' - See and hear this wonderful instrument and learn how easily you, can obtain one Free.' •,-.'• • •. . Organ, '•.,'-' '•.;*•;•. : \ \ • . • . , - - A PIANO with interior SELF-PLAYER, ' > THE APOLLO within MELVILLE CLARK, ; THE CECILIAN within -j FAR^AND, . irHE EUTERPE) within PEEK (Ei. SON, . J. M. • or an APOLLO, or a CECILIAN CABINET r TheBusy Little Store SELF-PLAYER—for the silent piano that cost money, and brings. . in no harmonious returns. . .• ,' •• • . ; Clothing', Furnishings and Hats, Rather Rerjt a Musical Intsriunent; if only the good old SQUARE PIANO, (bat can be bought powa- 12 WEST FRONT STREET, V RED BANK. N. J. days for comparatively nothing, taking its musical capabilities into due consideration, and bearing in mind that there exist many homes .with plenty' space for just such extraordinary'bargains, ranging from $25 to $15O for the finest. , , About Dlgeatlon. N RULE TO BAR CREDITORS. . TTspd Organs* ranging from $15 to $25O—a used Self- ' It is not the, quantity of food taken O EXECUTOR'S NOTICE. TTTH A Edmund ^Wilson, Executor of ClemenceS. Leou- Playing Aeolian, including 26 rolla of music. . but the amount digested and assimilated • Defective eyesight