VOIiUME XXIX. NO. 25 RED BANK, N. J., WEDNESDAY. DECEMBER; 12, 1906. PAGES 1TO8, JOHN H. ilcVET DEAD. OCEANIC NEWS. ATTEMPT AT ROBBERY. Be Died of Kidney Trouble at the NEW STORE BUILDING. A LODGE ANNIVERSARY. Sunday-school Entertainments to MEN TO RUN THE PARTY. • • V • A Globe Botel on Monday. be Held Christinas Eve. NEGRO TRUSS TO STEAL FROM John H. Me Vey of Piainfleld, formerly THREE-STORY STRUCTURE TO ONWARD COUNCIL OBSERVES The Presbyterian and Methodist Sun- REPUBUCAN COMMITTEEMEN MRS. HARRY TILTON. , of Tinton Falls, died on Monday at tbe BE BUILT IN RED BANE. ' LADIES' NIGHT. lay-schools will hold their Christmas ELECTED MONDAY NIGHT. Globe botel »t Red Bank. His death v interiaiuruents on Christmas eve., The The Woman Was on Her Way Bottle was due to kidney trouble, with which \lx Stores on the First Floor- and •xercises at both schools will comprise I'rru Few Contests in the County— Apartments on the Two Other About SBO Persona IVenent at the Iiewis O. Summ vrnett Elected Over Earlv latft Xfaht When the Would. be bad been afflicted several years. He v Affair-* Brief History of the :arol8, recitations and drills. At the be Thief Grabbed Hold of Her came to Red Bank foe the purpose of flours—it ia to be Completed bv Veebyterian church an orchestra will Albert I,. McQueen in the West Next June. • Lodge Given, Showing the JBene- furnish music and the orchestra will, be Ited nnnlc District. Satchel-Xhe Man Escapes. aeing treatej d for that disease. ' fits of Membership. •- A negro tried to rob Mr*. Harry Tilton Mr."McVey was 63 years ol"d. Atone Plans have been drawn for Theodore Onward council of American Mechan- Mmposed of Miss Evelyn Jeffrey, or- The Republican primaries, for the of Bank street last night while she was time be was engaged in tbe hotel busi- ?. White's three-story building which is cs of Red Bank observed ladies' night in lanist; Levi B. VanNeBt and Elmer election of men to conduct the party in on her.way home from a quilting party ness at Piainfleld and he also did news- o be erected at the corner of Fropt heir rooms in the Second national bank 'eaisall. cornetisto; Frank Flinn, trom- the various election districts of Mon- given'by MaBsabesic"council; Degree of paper work in that city. About four street and Wharf avenue. The building milding on Monday night. Fully-250 loniat; Latham Pearsall, violinist, and mouth county, were held on Monday Pocahontns. She left tbe lodge room at years ago he bought the Johnson farm will have a frontage of 80 feet on Front persons were present and the lodge'rooms Dr. Ehrich Parmly, flutist. night. The number of committeemen six o'clock "and started for home by tbe t Tinton Falls and moved on it from street and will be G2 feet wide in the were decorated with American flags. Mrt>. Eleanor Titus returned home elected in each district in baned on tbe way of Monmouth street. She carried a Tainfield. A ye*r -ago last summer be 'ear. Ic will be 84 feet deep on Wharf An elaborate entertainment had been Saturday from a visit to relatives at number of votes cast at the last election handbag in which was a pockeibook lold the farm to Richard D.»eves. &.f ter ivenue. On the first floor will be six tlanned but ow.ing to the bad weather 3rooklyn and Newark. for governor. The men elected on Mon- containing about $10. iellingftbe farm\Mr. MoVey moved back tores, eaob 12x40 feet. The second and ome of the participants were not pres- Mrs. Charles Jeffrey, who had a para- day night will control the election affairs While crossing the railroad tracks she to Plainfield, where he had since lived. third floors will contain living apart- nt and part of tbe exercises nfad to be ytic stroke last week, is slowly recover- in tbeir respective districts', for their felt a grab for her satchel and when she He leaves a widow and several children. ments. There will be three flats on each >mitud. Misa Mabel Truex gave a reci- ne:. party during next fall's" gubernatorial turned she saw a. negro, in the act of at- HIB widow is a daughter of Christian floor and each flat will have five rooms tation and comic songs were sung by Ralph Longstreet, who is employed in campaign.- tempting to pull the satchel from her Soffel, who lives near Lihcroft. Mr, nd a bath. The first floor ceiling will ester Hance. Music was given on a Brooklyn, visited his parents, Mr. and In most of the districts of MonmoutU hand. Mrs. Tilton gave several screamB McVey's body was sent to Piainfleld >e thirteen feet high and the ceilings on ianjo by John Quinn. Are, Horace T. Longstreet, last Thurs- county there was no contest'over the and at the same time a trolley car was -esterday morning for burial. tbe two other floors will be twelve feet Delancy W. Wilguss read a, short lay. committeemen and the old members approaching the crowing. The negro high. There will be two street entrances history of the lodge, which was organized The assistant gardeners will bold a ball were reflected. This was tlie case id redoubled his efforts to twist the satchel to the apartments. in April, 1891. The council had at one n Red Men's hall New Years night. most of the districts in' Shrewsbury from Mrs. Tilton's hands as the car drew AGED WOMAN'S BIRTHDAY. The first floor will ha*e large plate glass ;jme over 200 members, but the organiza- township. In the West Red Bank dis- nearer, but Mrs. Tilton kept a tight grip windows on Front street and Wharf ave- tion, of councils at Middletown, Fair trict there was opposition to Albert L. on it. Finally the negro with a curse Mrs. Elixa Harks Was Eighty Tears nue. The second'story will be faced with Haven and Little Silver cut down tbe Little Silver News. McQueen and William Shields and they let loose of the satchel and ran up tbe Old on &at(trdav. rock face brick and the third story will membership, many of the members of Fred Zeglnr, Jr., has given up his were defeated by Lewis O. Summereett railtoad trucks. ' Mrs. Eliza Marks of Worthlpy street >e faced with glaz°d brick. The Corner Onward council joining the new. lodges >osition in Lane's grocery and Elmer and Samuel Ford by. a ma jority of 24; The negro'was.sliebt and of medium celebrated her eightieth birthday on f the building will be surmounted by a ecause of greater convenience in attend- Wainwright has taken his place. The other members in that district were height and is probably abnut eighteen Saturday. In celebration of tbe event dome twelve feet' in diameter. Tbe ing'the meetings The membership at Rev. Herbert J. Belting of Seabright elected without opposition. The mem- years old. He has not been caught. herchildren, grandchildren, neicee, neph- general plan of the building will be resent is 180. The lodge pays $5 per will give a stereopticon lecture in the bers of the Republican committee in that ews and ofher relatives assembled at different from that of any other building week in sick benefits, and the sick bene- ball tomorrow night for. the benefit of district in addition torMr. Summersett the house and were entertained during in town. George W, Sewing, Jr., is the fits paid have ranged from about $100 to ;he Sunday-schooijibrary. and Mr. Ford are John Sbeehan, George YOUNG MAN DIES. he-afternoon and evening.' The guests rehitect and'also the contractor. The $650 per year. Tbe lodge pays death A.C. Baker has returned home to re- Woods and Walter S. Noble. The com- were from various parts of Monmouth milding is to be completed by June 1st. jenefits of $500 on tbe death of a mem- main' until after the holidays, mitteemen elected held a meeting after Elmer T, Patterson Vies of a Compli- county and from Brooklyn and New Mr. Sawing also has the contract to er, and since the organization of the Mrs. Nora Jacques of Asbury Park the primary and elected'John Sheehan cation of Jtlseases. York. Mrs Marks received a number mild a one-story frame building at the lodge it has paid out $6,000' in these bene- was a guest of her sister, Mrs. L. B. as the chairman of the committee in tbe Elmer T. • Patterson, son of Elmer .E. of remembrances. Although Mrs. Marks corner of Front street and Riverside ave- fits. Campbell, last week. West Red Bank election district of- Patterson of Herbert street, Red Bank, is eighty years old, she is as spry as a The lodge has a good balance in the Mrs. J. C. Costuin, who has been sick Shrewsbury township. died on Sunday from a complication of nue for A. Tannenbautn. The building woman of fifty years an1d she travels will have a frontage of 47 feet on Front treasury at tbe present- time and it also for tbe p»Bt year, become somewhat In the southern district there was no diseases. Elmer had been, sick with unattended wherever Bhe goes, either street and 43 feet on Riverside avenue. has money invested in stock of the Red worse yesterday. contest and all the old members of the kidney trouble for several years but- last about the county or to parts of New Bank building and loan association and Tuesday his sickness took a turn for the It is to be finished by February 1st and committee were elected.
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