

THE CHURCHES. "PLEASE, LADY' GLUME A •JAMJESBURG " . FLOWER." eoscoooceseeosecooseooscooscaoeeoscccceoseoocooeeceeo First Presbyterian. OF INTEREST TO FARMERS The residence formerly owned by 23-31 South Broad Street Henry Wirtschafter Surely You Will After You Read ex-mayor Abijah Chamberlin, • now Prayer and Praise Service in the This Article. residing at Hightstown, has passed Chapel Friday evening at eight title to1 Richard Lewis who is con- o'clock. Middlesex County Agricultural Agent "Please, lady, gimme a flower." verting it into a two-family dwell- Sunday School at' 10 o'clock. If you have ever walked through ing' Men's Bible Class at the same the tenement district of a city with The Vine street house of Mr. and Phila. Bargain Store hour, taught by the pastor. a bouquet of flowers in your hand Mrs. Clifford Fort was the scene A Children's Day program will JAPANESE BEETLE OFFICE you have heard the eager begging of Saturdy afternoon of a pretty June be given under the direction of the AT HIGHTSTOWN. countless little voices and seen the wedding when Miss Cornelia Mary Trenton's live Wire Dep't. Store committee, of which Miss Anna Word has been received from the eager reaching towards you of count VanKirk, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Chamberlin is chairman. Japanese Beetle Laboratory at less little hands. The bouauet melts H. M. VanKirk, of 982 South Broad The baptism of children will Riverton that-an office will be open- in a jiffy. Nor are . the blossoms street, Trenton, became the of come early In the program. Parents ed at Hightstown on June 10 for thrown into the gutter, each is hur- Henry B. Fort of Jamesburg. The desiring baptism for their children the service of farmers in this sect- ried home and tended and treasured Rev. William H. Murphy, former will please take note of this. ion who ace within the Japanese until it falls apart. pastor at the Jamesburg Methodist 8:00 Community service. Beetle Quarantined Area. This of- Back in the country surrounded Church, and now at Burlington, per- Gifts That Will Please Girl Graduates Sermon by Rev. J. E. Curry. fice will be located on'the corner of by green lawns gay with gardens formed the service. The bride wore Subject: "Barnabus Receives His Main and Stockton Streets. All and fields golden with buttercups it a powder blue crepe with The kind' old world smiles on their first accomplishment. Title." Acts 11:24. permits for shipping articles requir- is hard to remember the hotfbarren to match and carried a -shower Doting parents and friends show their appreciation by giving 1 At the Communion service last ing inspection will be issued from pavements of the city. A youngster bouquet of white roses. The couple them tokens of enduring value, such as— Sunday ..morning the following were this office and all inquiries regard- pulls the petais from a daisy to find were tendered a reception at the received into membership of the Ing the Japanese Beetle Quarantine whether "He loves me, he loves- me Fort home following the service, ADORABLE HANDKERCHIEFS — Regarded as price- church. On Certificate—Mr. Will- should be directed there. not"; a housewife grumbles "Oh, and are now spending their honey- less by any school maid. White 'kerchiefs of sheer linen, iam Horton nd Mrs. Margaret Hor- In the communication from the dear, I must thin out the larkspur moon at Atlantic City. On their re- voile and crepe de chine—some edged with fine lace or net. ton from Trinity M. E. Churchy New Japanese Beetle Laboratory, Mr. and marigolds this morning or they turn they will make their home in Smart colored ones, too. Priced at 50c. Brighton, Staten Island; Miss Eliza- Stockwell of that office states that won't bloom as well." In the midst Jamesburg. Mr. Fort is employed A LOVELY will be received with glee. A beth M. Horton and Miss Kathlene In some cases it will be possible to of the lavishness of nature one is in a bank in Trenton. stunning assortment of silk and in new shapes Horton from Grace M. E. Church, issue a blanket permit good for the not apt to realize how wonderful and colors. Also beaded bags. Actual ?3.95 values at ."S2.39 Port Richmond, Staten Island. and how valuable is each tiny scrap entire season. Whether ox not in- The hen is the most efficient of GLOVES FOR. KEK — "Kayser's" nice, long, milanese On Profession of their faith, the spection of every load -will be re- of nature to those who seldom see farm animals in producing food, quired will depend entirely on how- the country. yilk gloves. Sizes G to 8 \? in white, black, mode, gray and twin daughters of Mr. and Mrs. states an Ohio University authority. pongee. $1.30 pair. Horton, Winifred Etta, and Elaine many beetles are found in this But one woman did not forget. Helen. section during the coming season. Thirty-three years ago Mrs. John "HUMMING BIRD" SILK HOSE — Make an ideal and All farmers requiring further in- Wood Stewart was carrying a huge truly appreciated graduation gift. They're long-lasting Second Presbyterian. formation should write or telephone nosegay of sweet smelling country beauties and we have all the snappy, new shades. #1.50 pair the Japanese Beetle office, Hights- blossoms to a mission church on the town, N. J. Ward's, Freihoffer's GIRLS' SILK OIUKELLAS — Smart to the nth degree. On Sunday morning at ten o'clock lower East Side of N. Y. City. When Mah Jong handles of burnt wood or painted. Fancy tips the Sunday School will meet in the a street gamin ran Tip to her, she COLLEGE FAKM FIELD DAY stopped and looked at the "earnest, and ferrules. In red, navy, green, brown and purple. ?5 chapel for the study of the Lesson. JUNE 18th. values at i?iJ.25. The Men's Bible Class will meet whistful little face and at the ex- and Bond Bread | in the church at the same hour. The complete program for the pression of delight as a rose was Studies in the New Testament. Annual Field Day at the College placed in the outstretched hand. Mr. Young will be in charge. Farm has been received. The pro- "There must be thousands of just gsoscoososossoscosoascogsosossogcogcaoagaacq Morning Service given over to the gram for the day starts at 10:30 such children," thought Mrs. Stew- Sunday School for Children's Day standard time. Dr. J. G. Lipman, art, "perhaps some crippled or sick, See our window dis- program and graduation exercises. Director of the Experiment Station, and there must be many old men Dsseoosseeoosesosccocoscesoooosceeoosesosece sea The Stitch and Chatter will meet William B. Duryee. State Secretary and women grown up from such play this week and next next Thursday afternoon at the of Agriculture, Howard B. Hancock, children. How can the waste room. Miss Ethel anedeker will be President of the State Federation ot blooms of the country reach them of GOOD FOODS. the hostess. County Boards of Agriculture, and regularly so as to bring a little Hon. David H. Aguna, State Master brightness into their lives?" REPUBLICANS S of Grange, are amon.; the speakers Large Can Tomatoes scbultz Memorial M. E. The thought stayed with her— for the general program in the not only that day but for many days Harvest Brand Peas For Congress—Nominate a Man Who Will Win In Sundav School at ten o'clock ID morning. Attorney General Katzen- until she had gathered around her Refugee Cut Beans charge of Fred Carlson. , bach and H. J. Baker, Director of other women equally interested in 11:00 Children's Day exercises Extension, will also appear on the the puzzle of making the natural Websters Best Stringless Beans - O VE and reception of members. program. , weatlh of the country somehow 7.00 I'. M. Epworth League. For the afternoon prom-am special meet the poverty of the city. Good niusic. Something new all events of interest to all farmers Out of this irroup of women was the time. An hour well spent. have been prepared. These include- born the National Plant, Flower For Children's Day Prayer.Meeting Friday evening at a study of plant disease control and Fruit Guild. Today, still led eight o'clock. methods, fertilizer experiments, ex- by Mrs. Stewart but with thousands periments of Interest to Cruit grow- of members and flourishing Branch- Girls' Low at a SCHOOL COMMEXt'KMEXT ers, poultrymen and dairymen. In es or affiliated organizations in dif- Lower Figure many ways the program is the best ferent parts of the United States, NEXT THURSDAY. ever" arranged for Agricultural the Guild has done much to answer TAN LOW SHOES, sizes 9 to 11, S2.50 The public school will closi' Tues- Field Day. that problem which the women day, June 16Ui. SPKAY XOW FOR. CODLING faced 33 years ago. TAN LOW SHOES, sizes 11 1-2 to 2, 2.75 The purpose of the Guild is the The Commencement exercises will MOTIL' be held in the school - auditorium purpose which nave it being—to PATENT, One , sizes 8 to 11, 2.00 Fruit growers have been wanted Thursday, evening, JUine lSth, at jive kind, hearted persons in the PATENT, One Strap, sizes 11 1-2 to 2, 2.25 eight o'clock . to spray this week for the first country an opportunity to share The following pupils will be broud of codling moth. Studies on with the less fortunate the surplus graduated: .Russell Appleu'ate, John the development of the codling of their flowers, fruit, vegetables Uarlow, Hannah Danser, Marion moth which have been run 'show and jellies. To carry out this pur- Hfss, Kathryn Stahl, Alice Scott, that the first brood of this insect is pose it is organized 'with a minimum Marjorie Laird, Frances Stults, appearing at the present time and of red tape and carries on a variety J. Thos. James, Gladys Johnson, John Wilson, Sara those fruit growers who desire to of activities. Salmansohn, Gladjs Stults, Gladys avoid wormy apples will spray their Anyone, anywhere may start a trees sometime tins wo*-k. Use General Merchandise McGill, Virginia Pullen, Gladys J Branch of .the Guild. In the country Petty, Edward Diefi-nbach. dry-mix sulfur lime 12 .2 lbs. and an existing Flower Mission or Gar- _ o powdered lead arst-nate 1',« UJS. to den Club may decide that joining a Cranbuiy, N. J. El'WOKTH LEAGUE KALLY. 50 gallons of water. national agency will increase its -o- efficiency or on the other hand two On Friday evening, June 5th, an St HXlilDEH VICTOKY LOOKED or three people may want to get to- Epworth League Group Rally was FO1S .NEXT TUESDAY. gether and share with others the held in the Methodist Church. The bounty oi their gardens. While a FREDERICK C. SCHNEIDER 8 Country Branch supplies the mater- SAVEw/ivS Hiirhtstown and Jamesburg Leagues Friends of Frederick C. Schneider (Paid for by H. G. Hoffman, Campaign Manager) X were present. The devotional ser- who for eight years has been a ial-the distinctive provence of a City vice was' held upstairs in charge of leader of the Republican Party in Branch is to serve as a clearing woooogosocoososccosoggoooosocossoscogooooggooaaggq John Soeliler. Arthur Judd, son ot -Middlesex County, declare that his house ibr these products and to keep e» Rev. and Mrs. J. P. Judd of Hights- nomination in the Primary election of city hospitals and in- town. gave a very helptul address. next Tuesday will insure a Republi- titutions needing plants, flowers, A program of entertainment and can Congressman from the Third iruit, vegetables, jelly or nature "games was enjoyed in the newly District to support President Calvin naterial. jacxjsstjoasxsxxsxvssxxsx^^ varnished S. S. room. About 80 Coolidge. ssat were present. A sweltering night Because of his splendid record, THOMAS-S'XOREK. made the fruit punch all the more, and years of service to his party and DRUGSTORE Bathing enjoyable. his state, leaders in the three coun- The wedding of Miss Madeline ties are predicting his victory at the Storer, daughter of William M. For immediate use or your vacatio'ns. All woof .one piece, Primary. Mr. Schneider's career torer, to Elmer Mount Thomas, son YOUTH IS NOT MRS. AMANDA C. DEY 53.00 and $0.50 Tank suits, $5.00. Flannel pants and widow of James G. Dey, died at the has been almost spectacular. Born 3f Mr. and Mrs. Willianr H, Thomas, home of her granddaughter, Mrs. in a log cabin upon a government was solemnized at the First Pres- A Matter of Years plain or fancy jerseys. J. B. Dorraitce, North Main street, land grant in Kansas, his family byterian Church of Hightstown, Hightstown, on Monday, June _ 1, moved to New Brunswick when he Saturday, June 6, at 5 o'clock. Rev. it is a physical "* Always the largest line of , underwear and . was but one year old. He put him- Thomas Tyack, pastor of the church 1925, in the 86th year of her age. and mental condi- The funeral services were conducted self through the New Brunswick fficjated. DTTNLAP STRAWS by the Rev. J. E. Curry, pastor of public schools and through Rutgers The bride, who was given in tion. the First Presbyterina Church of College by selling newspapers, and marriage by her father, wore a Cranbury, on Friday afternoon at after he was graduated became in- of white bridal satin trimmed If you have lost R. A. DONNELLY the home of John B. Dorrance. The structor in surveying and mathemat with Duchess lace. "The of that youthful up- interment was made in the Brainerd ics in Trinity College. Later he be- tulle was fastened with a coronet of & HATTEU came City Engineer of New Bruns- and coming feel- cemetery. Cranbury. white roses and snapdragons. wick, and is today president of the The bride was attended by her ing, and your only State Street, East of Broad, . TRENTON, N. J. Mrs. Dey is survived by a son; Utility Construction Company. He Joseph G. Dey, of Htghtstown; a iter, Miss Mildred Storer, and enjoyment is rest- daughter-in-law, Mrs. Sophie R. Dey is a vice president of the New Bruns Miss Bertha Mason, a cousin of uranddauphturs, Mrs. Annie D. Ap- wick Trust Company, and is a di- the groom, as bridesmaids. They ing, you need a rector in other financial institutions. were gowned in of pink plegate and Mrs. Bessie D. Dorrance tonic. two grandsons, Thomas E. Apple- He was elected by an overwhelming georgette and picture to gate, Jr., and John B. Dorrance, Jr. vote to become a member of New match and carried bouquets of seeceecsoseoosseoooosoeossoe Mrs. Dey was born at Cranbury Jersey's War Legislature, serving in pink roses. 'and resided In this section all of her the Assembly during 1917 and 1918 Miss' "Constance Throckruorton, All-ways Reliable daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J.' P. life. She was a member of the First During the War he was a Four will give you the Presbyterian Church of Cranbury Minute speaker, backing up his Throckmorton, was flower girl. She wore a pink georgette dress and vim, vigor and vi- for G5 years. -For many years she pleas to the public by becoming one tality pf a youth, was active in church work. She of Middlesex County's' largest pur- carried a basket of pink and white snapdragons. Alfred Storer of Ru- because it enrich- was possessed of a genial disposi- chasers of bondfi in each issue. For es the blood, tion and her numerous friends eight years he has been State Com- therford, nephew of the bride, was Palm Beach Suits mitteeman, leading his party to not- the page. He wore a white it builds strength, mourn her departure, with a yellow tie, and carried the gives the system -o able successes in his county. real PEP and Unassuming in manner, Fred ring in a calla lily. This is the Trenton Headquarters for Lieutenant Walker to Hive Address Miss Carlotta Davison played tones up health in the A. M. E. Church Sunday. Schneider is a man of few words generally. the Finest Summer Material obtain- but those words carry with them a Lohengrin's and' Mendelssohn's wed- Lieutenant D. W. Walker, 369 weight of meaning that never leave ding march, and Miss Ruth Reed A run- down con- able—Palm Beach Suits are moderate Infantry, Company C, 15th N. Y. his hearers in doubt as to his stand sang "O Promise- Me." *" dition is especial- in price—The Highest Quality in hot will deliver an address on "The upon public issues. Having served Leslie Perrine of Cranbury was ly bad at this Duty of the Negro Race" in the A. upon numerous State commissions, best man,, and the ushers included season of the year weather comfort. under appointment of the Leglsla- Walter Leming of Jersey City, M. E. Church, Cranbury, 10-11 a.m. ( Peptona is Sunday. ture and by both Republican and brother-in-law of the groom; Enos Democratic governors, he is splen M Hutcliinson of Cranbury, and Lieutenant Walker is an over- Norman Hockhill of Hightstown. Palm Beach Suits seas veteran, having been gassed dldly conversant with New Jersey's si.oo economic needs, and because of his -o a large bottle seven times and wounded sevearl political experience and his knack DAYTON for Men and Boys timeB. of making and holding friends, his Come one and all as it will be supporters believe that he will have The annual Sunday.School exer- GON'S Drag Store very interesting to hear one that but little difficulty in being elected cises of the Dayton Presbyterian has seen and knows the situation of to Congress as a supporter of Cal- Church will be held Sunday, June his race. vin Coolidge. 14 The committee In charge Is: Snare Mrs. William F. Wefer, Mrs. H. R. Daniel Block Co. o A man who does not keep his Dey, Mrs. Wesley Applegate, Mrs. 107-100 South Brood St., TRENTON, N. 1. livestock well supplied with water Young alfalfa plarftlngs are harm- Ellison Errlckson, Mrs. Everett Er- is not only a poor farmer; he is a ed, not hel'peU, when a nurse crop rlckson, Mrs. David H. Griggs and CRANBURY, N. J. mighty poor kind of man. is allowed to go to grain. Miss Matilda Rowland. THE CRANBURY PRESS

May McGerrln, New York, thirty, various kinds of paving, and depart- Funeral services for Mrs. Lucy Ros- s dead and Mrs. Nora Prendergast, mental administrative affairs. At the si, Lambertvllle's oldest resident, who WORLD'S NEWS eventy-four, so crippled -with rheu- CONCRETE ROAD same time the commission and its en- died recently at the home of her only matics that she hobbles about on a gineer and secretary answered many son, Tony Rossi, on Jpelevan street,, crutch and cane. Is under arrest of the rumors and charges that have »New Jersey were held at St, John's R. C. Church. IN MIDGET FORM charged with murdering her. ORDERED TORN OP been made from time to time con- The Humane Fire Company, No. 1, ' The psychological origin of vege- cerning their activities. I State at their meeting recently elected Wil- tarianism often unconsciously takeB One of the disclosures was the first liam S. Glnglen, James M. Herron, Long Stories of Big Events Told place during childhood, it was ex- State Finds Skimping of Inch and public announcement of the reason Samuel R. Warner, Fred Tucker and in Brief Paragraphs for plained recently by Dr. David For- why the commission annulled a $115,- Charles Van Brunt as delegates to syth, London, a physician of note and Physicians are marveling that a attend the annual convention. The Half Some Places, on Absecon 024 contract for road construction child born in Paterson with its heart Quick Reading. former president of'ihe Psycho-Neu- through Alpine, Bergen county, Oo- convention is to be held in the City rological Society. outside its body lived tor .twelve Hall In July for the purpose of elect- Boulevard.- tober 7 last. hours. The phenomenon is known as Thirty-nine city union employees of At the time the commission refused ing a chief,' first assistant chief and Cleveland have refnsed to accept candolstela. The unusual thing Is that, second assistant chief of the Borden- NATIONAL CAPITAL SNAPSHOTS to give its reasons, and nothing more the child cluag to life until its crying their pay from the city, having de- THREE INSPECTORS RESIGN was said or done so- far as the publlo town Fire Department. manded |1.50 an hour Instead of the broke down the heart tissues. Gleanings of Interest From Washing- knew. In response to an Inquiry from The locomotive and seven cars of a As the result of a head-on collision $1.25 they now receive. Assemblyman Hurd, of Bergen coun- between a touring car and a truck ton—Late Happenings In the The New .England Telephone and Bridge and Road Materials Themes Pennsylvania Railroad passenger ty, the commission told that John J. train, bound for New York, left the at a curve in the Pomptori Turnpike Realm of Sports—Foreign and Telegraph Company, of Boston, will of Investigations In Exhaustive McGarry, of Edgewater, had been de- at Pequannock, an East Orange man fight for-higher rates. rails recently near the Rarltan River Domestlo Occurrences. .Examination—Other Highway prived of the contract, even after he bridge in South Amboy, N. J. No one Is dead and two other occupants of The State Department of Health re- had started work, because the • Com- the touring car are In St. Joseph's cently recommended tkat every one Affairs, was hurt. The accident was due to mission decided there • had been col- the buckling of a rail, which the engi- Hospital, Paterson, seriously • in- in New Jersey be vaccinated against lnsion in the bidding. jured. smallpox. neer saw before he reached it and WASHINGTON ' Trenton.—The Absecon boulevard Long discussions between the com- applied the brakeB.. During a recent shower, lightning M. D. Munn, of Chicago, was re- In Atlantic county, which the Atlan- mittee and commission on open speci- elected president of the American After being at Shadow Lawn, the struck the Baptist Church steeple^ tic freeholders proposed to pave with fications,- the use of certain types of eBtate' at Long Branch once used by Hamburg, badly damaging. It. Funeral Secretary df. War Weeks 1B slowly Jersey Cattle Club at the fifty-seventh asphalt blocks until restrained from brldgeB and the cost of cement re- services were being held in the church recovering from an operation in annual meeting in New York. Woodrow Wilson, since It was built In doing so by the courts, gained addi- called Legislative fights and charges 1903, a marble statue of two lovers at the time.. No one was hurt. Boston. A new goods delivery to the door tional notoriety when the state High' involving these subjects. Mr. Simp- by the use of motor trucks without has been shipped to the Peorla Art At a sheriff's foreclosure sale at, Those In charge of the enforcement way Commission decided to demand son urged the commission and its en- the court house, Elizabeth, recently, campaign are now studying the finan- extra charge has been inaugurated by Studio, Peoria, 111. It weighed 4,000 that parts at least be torn up because gineer , to explain freely their views pounds and cost originally $10,000. United States Commissioner Frank J. cial needs for continuation of the the Boston & Maine Railroad in of skimping in the use of concrete. on these topics for, he Bald, this waa Boston. The sculptor who designed the statue Pfaff purchased two properties, ona campaign during next year. The commission also decided to the board's opportunity to answer the bordering on Christine Btreet and the Senator King of Utah is in New A project which is expected will was present when It was loaded prior permit three Inspectors who had been charges made in the Legislature. to being shipped. other at 612 Laurel street For the York planning an extended trip to do for the language of Tut-ankh-Amen engaged on the job to tender their The committee learned that on the A term of from twenty to thirty former he bid $2,500 and the latter Asia Minor to make a first band study and his forebears what Noah Webster resignations in lieu of more drastic first road Job given the Department $550. Mary E. Flynn was the com- of conditions in Armenia and Turkey. did for the language of Shakespeare action. of Institutions and Agencies for road years In the State Prison at hard labor began recently for Mrs. Myrtle plainant and Salvatore Puschlo tho Coast Guard's intensive drive has been Btarted in Germany with the The contract for the boulevard was work that department lost $24,000, but defendant. against the mm fleet off the Atlantic cooperation of Professor J. H. awarded by the Atlantic county free- that it made up the deficit on its sec- Carpenter, of Great Meadows, con- Breasted, University of Chicago victed of second degree murder at - Holding that the petition of former coast In the vicinity of New York U holders. Following the court pro- ond Job. The committee also was told Chief of Police John R, Snedeker,_pf to become more active. Egyptologist, it was learned recent- ceedings, which upset the original that inefficiency among the convicts Belvidere. Mrs. Carpenter was ly. charged with the killing of Pou- Atlantic Highlands, as a candidate for President Coolidge recently received plan for asphalt blocks, the commlS' and the necessary employment of Mayor in the Rep&bllcan primaries a delegation of jurists, financiers and 8 S slon decided to contribute $50,000 to- guards to them, makes the cost lak on May 2 last near her home. She testified that she fired a number of was faulty' because Beveral words business men, who called on business. SPORTING ward .the cost of the boulevard, this of building a road by convict labor as were stricken from it after it wan ^Se"nator Mo3er of New Hampshire giving the state a Bhare in the re' much as If the work was let to a con- Bhots into Poulak's chest In self-de- fense. signed, Supreme Court Justice Lloyd said that reports reaching him Indi- spomslbility for Its proper construc- tractor. The latter has to pay labor- recently decided Snedeker could not cate that the new postal rates are The Australian Davis Cup tennis tion: ers, but the state does not save *>y Vice Chancellor Berry has directed enter the primaries of that party. giving general satisfaction. players, Gerald L. Patterson and J. Major William G. Sloan, state high- the use of prisoners, who are not paid the Braxton Club, a private restaurant at Deal, patronized by New York the- If more cattle are not killed in tho Governor Trumbull, of Connecticut, B. Hawkes, who will meet Canada in way engineer, informed the commls the equivalent, it was explained. United States this wuntry will have told the war department the choice of the elimination play in the American 8ion that core3 taken from various A few months ago, State Senator atrical and professional classes, to show cause at Long Branch, June 19, to go into the world markets for a the national holiday as the date for zone, sailed for America recently on areas in the pavement indicated only Richards, of Atlantic county, made a large portion of Its hide and leather cefense test -was not appropriate. the steamship Niagara. four and a halt inches of concrete in speech on the floor of the Senate in why It should not be restrained from operating. Bupply, Hiram S. Brown of New York All plans are completed for opening Baltimore recently met its eighth some places, instead of six Inches, aB which he alleged that the road board City, iead of a largeleather company, the New York to Chicago overnight defeat in nine starts, Jersey City win- required by the specifications. He had switched from closed specifica- Three women, two of them employ told the. American Leather Chemists' air mall service July 1, Postmaster- ning 7 to 5. said the borings had not fully dis tions on paving material bo closed ees of L. Bamberger & Co., Newark, Association meeting In the Traymore General New announced recently. closed how much of the concrete is specifications on bridges. Major are held by police on charges of hav Hotel at Atlantic City recently. Senator La Follette, of Wisconsin, There was scarcely an eye un- ing robbed the store of merchandise dimmed by tears when Knute Rockne below the standard. Sloan apparently expected some ref- Commercial vehicles, by July 4, are Is confined to his bed with a heavy The boulevard contract Is for a six- erences to this, and he was prepared valued at J1.300.' Mrs. Florence Bar- required to have the name and ad- cold. There has been some improve bade formal farewell to his 1924 toot- tholomew and Mrs. Stella Haller, the ball team at a dinner held recently at inch concrete base forming the with an answer. He declared it was dress of owners on them. The new ment in his condition, and he is ex- foundation for a covering Qf as- untrue that the bridges built by the employees, are charged with grand law, adopted by the 1925 Legislature, pected to be up in a day or two. Notre Dame. larceny, and Mrs. Catherine Crawford Bobby Jones of Atlanta, Ga., and phalt. The original contract for as- board have been limited to one typo requires the letters to be at least phalt blocks was for $935,000. The supplied by one concern. with receiving. three Inches in height. Willie McFarlane of Oak Ridge, N. Y., The Junior Department of the Pub- WORLD'S BUSINESS tied with low medal scores in the present contract for concrete with Mr. Richards' inference had been Reversing the Supreme Court deci- asphalt top Is $710,000. that the board favored the bascule lic Library, of Princeton, has added sion, the Court of ErrorB and Appeals national .open golf championship at a number of volumes to its collection Worcester, Mass. Commissioner Abraham Jelln ad- bridge and the Strauss Bascule at Trenton sustained a verdict ob- vised the board that the detour estab- for children's reading. The librarian Firmness of prices is the outstand- Rogers Hornsby who recently be- Bridge Company, of Chicago. Major tained by Antonio Florl and Vlnconzo ing feature In the hardware markets lished to permit the construction o: Sloan explained to the committee that in charge is MISB M. O. Tompkins. Citro in a suit brought against John came field manager of the St. Louis C-oper bridge over the Navesink At a meeting of Common Council of the country. Cardinals also became a father. A the bascule was a type of bridge—a Schmolze, driver of a'Jersey City fira More than 95 per cent of the raw river, near Red Bank, Is too narrow Jackknife—particularly applicable to held in the Borough. Hall, Jamesburg. truck, for Injuries suffered in a crash. son was born to his wife a day later. properly to accommodate the heavy recently, the proposed Improvement silk exported from Japan this year lip The battle fleet ofilcer golfers led by certain needs in. New Jersey. It is They sued for $2,000 and 53,000 re- to June 1 was sent to this country. summer traffic between the northern not a patented bridge, he said, and of the west side of Railroad avenue spectively. Vice Admiral H. A. Wiley, defeated sections of the state and short points. was discussed. Despite the otter of the Steel ingot production has been the scout fleet.oflJcerB, 12 points-to Is designed by seven or more compa- Director of Public Safety Kearney, maintained at 70 per cent of capacity He expressed the belief that a detour nies in the country. business men of the block that they of Orange, announced that all cafes, 5, on the Oahu Country Club links should be established so that traffic would supply $3,000 toward the for nearly a month.' Pig iron outpu recently in Honolulu. -The designing and building are grills, bowling alleys and bars whero Is at about 68 per cent of capacity. from northern points will be turned separate and apart. The designing amount expended, the citizens were drinks are sold must be operated un- Freddie , young Plainfield to the left from Route 4 to Oceanic given no assurance that the project Plans are being prepared for a new star, won the one-third mile race, the companies do not build the bridges. der an anti-screen ordinance adopted $3,000,000 hotel at 21 to 39 Wes and thence to Sea Bright. The traf- After the plans and supervision have would be favorably acted upon. recently. second of a series of twenty-four, to fic Is now diverted to the right over The Board of Education, Westfleld Seventy-third street, New York City decide the national bike championship been bought by the board, after open A state-wide civil service examina- on property just purchased by th Tramp Hollow road to pass through bidding, Major Sloan explained, every has adopted a resolution urging tion is being prepared for the purpose at the Newark Velodrome recently be- Red Bank. parents of pupils to have them vac- Lapidus Engineering Company. fore 12,000 fans. bridge building company in the coun- of establishing an eligible list from Carlisle N. Greig has been made Mr. Jelin advocated a division In try Is free to bid for the construction cinated before the schools close on which appointments may be made to Florence Nightingale, three-year-old traffic so that passenger vehicles June 26. The action was recommend- financial manager of a new office al daughter of Man-o'-War,,, carried the work, and there are always from six any part of the state to the position 80 Broadway, New York, which Is be- traveling southward could reach their to ten bids received by the state. ed by the chief medical Inspector of inspector of motor vehicles. colors of W. M. Jeffords to victory la destination by avoiding the present Dr. R. R. Sinclair, and Miss Clara ing opened by the Scripps-Howard the Coaching Club American Oaks of Taxe» Total $3,712,892 Governor and Mrs. Silzer have' newspapers. detour. The route he suggested is of Cordua, health supervisor of the opened the Little White House, their a mile and three furlongs, the feature hard surface, with the exception of a Taxes of $3,712,892 have been levied schools. The United States' foreign trade event at Belmont Park recently. for 1925 upon gross receipts of pub- summer cottage, on the state grounds with Europe increased more propor- quarter of a mile from Route 4 to Methods for fire prevention in home at Sea Girt. The Sixteenth Field Artillery polo Oceanic. This part he thought should lic utilities corporations, aggregating school and churches were stressed by tionately in April than its trade with team of Fort Myer, Va., defeated the $99,594,751. Certification of this gross The Patrolmen's Benevolent Asso- any other grand division of tfle world, be improved. The commission direct- Leon Watson, state fire Insurance ciation of Orange has re-elected Luke Philadelphia Country Club Ramblers, ed the engineering department to in- receipts tax. which Is in lieu of a per- schedule rating expert, before the it was shown by statistics compiled 11 to 8, in' the semi-final match for the sonal property tax on such corpora- Reilly president and retained Christo- by the Commerce Department. Morrell Fund Cup. The artillerymen vestigate the laying out of a better Lions Club recently in the Union Club pher Hamilton as recording secretary. route and to report. tions, has been made by the State grill at Rutherford. Central Union Trust Company of had a handicap allowance of two goals., Board of Taxes and Assessments, with Asserting that subtle methods are New York has been appointed regis- California may soon slide New York J. E. Their, supervisor of roads in West New York, with a quota of teing used to induce pupils of the Bergen, told the commission It was respect to seventy-four utilities cor- trar for 500,000 shares of the Seneca into a, back seat as far as boxing is porations coming under the act. $5,000 for the American Legion en- East Orange High School to affiliate believed the forty-foot width could dowment fund for veterans' orphans with secret societies, Edmund H. Copper Mining Company. concerned. For the first four months The tax this year Is an increase of The price of cast Iron pipe-was re- of the new law the net receipts to the not be obtained by an expenditure of and disabled men, raised $6,500 in Walker, president of the city Board of $200,000 by the county and asked $252,587 over the assessment of 1924 four days, according to wire received Education, has declared that the pu- cently reduced $1 a ton, the Daily state exceed $100,000 and may reach and is levied on sixteen street railway Metal Trade announced. ?500,000 at the end of the first year. sanction for a narrower road. Com- at the state headquarters of the Le- pils who Join are placing themselves missioner Walter Kidde said the traf- and fifty-eight electric and gas com- gion at Trenton. in jeopardy. George J. Whelan, founder of United Pete de Paolo Is leading all pilots for panies. It is based upon the average Cigar Stores, in Syracuse recently de- the American Automobile Association fic would demand forty feet of road- Persons with colds, head Infections, Veterans of all wars gathered at way and suggested that a right of tax rate for the current year, which clared he is bullish on the stock mar- driving championship for 1925 as a Is $3,728 per $100 of valuation. catarrh, coughs and skin diseases the Belmont avenue headquarters of ket and optimistic concerning general result of his victory in the 500-mile way could be obtained at a better should be barred from swimming Van Houten post, Jersey City, G. A. price now than at some later date. The Public Service Corporation will business. race recently in Indianapolis. ___ pay $2,987,049 or 80 per cent of .the pools, Dr. H. M. Taylor of Jackson- R., and escorted nine of the organiza- —• Under the proposed agreement Ber- ville, Fla., chairman of the American tion's 23 survivors to the Fourth Reg- » : a gen county would furnish a right of total. Receipts of the Public Service Railway Cbmpany for the year Medical Association's swimming com- iment^Armory, where memorial serv- GENERAL \ FOREIGN I way from the Hackensack city line at mittee, said In a speech at the organ- ices were held. Terrace avenue to the Meadow road amounted to $22,106,318, an Increase of $1,078,985 over the-preceding year. ization's convention In Atlantic City. Benjamin Keyser of Carlstadt, who H » In Rutherford, on a new location east The annual carnival of Hamilton claims to be the oldest man In New Secret police discovered a plot to Ignacio Ramos Praslow, consulting of the present highway, for a distance The tax on the railway this year Is $824,123, an increase of $52,210. Re- fire company has been opened and Jersey, celebrated his 105th birthday •wreck the royal train of King Alfonso attorney for former -President Obre- af four miles. The commission Is also" will continue until June 6 at Hamil- at the home of his granddaughter, and the queen, traveling from Bar- gon, has been arrested an a charge to take over the remainder of Route ceipts of the , Public Service Electric and Gas Company amounted to $58,- ton Square. Plans of the committee Mrs. John Mehlln. Mr. Keyser was celona to the capital. of sedition and lodged In the Santiago 17 from the south end of the relocated call for a bigger carnival than has born In Dublin in 1820 and is in good Rafael Leon and Pablo Hernandez, military prison. road to the Belleville turnpike at 018,403.33, an Increase of $3,510,079. The tax on the Public Service Elec- ever been held by the fire fighters. health with the exception of having Havana, a chauffeur, are held for the A mystery regiment, apparently Kearny. The present route extends A novelty dance will be conducted been ill with a cold during the past murder of a girl who, while uncon- European and perhaps composed of from Rutherford to Kearny by way of tric and Gas Company is $2,162,926, an increase of $161,925. each night on a large open air dance winter. A family reunion featured scious, was placed against a tree and deserters of the French foreign le- Rutherford avenue and Ridge road. floor. the celebration. an empty automobile sent crashing gion, has been seen in the Rifflan A request of the Bergen freeholders The law providing for the present, gross receipts tax was passed in 1919 Camp Ockanickon, between New The Buccess of the campaign to into her. ranks in a recent battle In Morocco. for an allowance of $15,000 toward me Egypt and Cookstown, which has be- raise $350,000 for Overlook Hospital, The Rev. George Drew Egbert, pas- '• The correspondent of Pioneer at paving of Shaler boulevard by Ridge- and was advocated as providing a more equitable scheme for taxing come famous as a Y. M. C. A. sum- Summit, seems practically assured. tor of the First Congregational Meshad, Persia, reports that Afghan- fleld-borough was referred to Commis- mer camp, will be opened this year Two hundred and one thousand dol- Church of Flushing, invites golfers to . istan rebels have captured the town sioner Kldde for investigation. The personal property of the corporations to which It applies than the old plan Tuesday, June 23, for boys from Bur- lars was pledged In two nights and come to church in their golf togs and i of Mirjawa and were threatening freeholders want to pave the boule- lington, Camden, Gloucester and Mon- the campaign does not close until ..park their clubs in the rear of the ed-' Duzdap, both in the Herman Province vard as a connecting link between of allowing utilities property to be valued for taxing purposes by local mouth counties. A camping season Friday .next. The workers are enthu- ifice. | ot Persia on the Afghanistan border. Routes 10 and 18. The commission of four weeks is planned, but a fifth, Blastic. No one is* overlooked. The Black Bess, a famous theatrical I Lucien Guitry, famous 7rench act- will ask the*!r«eholders to hasten the assessors. The tax Is paid to the tax- ing district In which tne property of week may be added if the number of committee has met with some re- horse, has been retired from stage ! or, is dead in Paris. work of building a cut-off at Fort Lee. applicants is so great that they can- fusals, but on the whole the residents life at the age of thirty, at York, Eng- "The German People's League" was The commission appropriated $40,000 the corporation is located. No part of It goes for state purposes. not otherwise be accommodated. In the territory served by the hospital land. started recently in Vienna, with 1,- for this work, but announced the New Jersey and other states face a have been responsive. King Alfonso has varied ,the routine 000,000 members, it is said to plan for money would be withdrawn unless County Primary Fights serious situation caused by the action The funeral of Maurice D. Doughty of his visit in Madrid by visiting a the union of Austria and Germany. Fort Lee and the Bergen freeholders Members of the retiring Republican of the federal comptroller in granting of Grovevllle, forty-three years old, museum where a bomb intended to The concordat between Poland and contribute the remainder. State Committee held their last meet- banking charters which have been who died recently, was held from his end his life -is on exhibit. the Vatican has been rectified. Gov- A decision of the Somervllle au- ing at the Republican Club in this previously refused by tie state de- late home, 87 Church street. In- Three engagements in the royal ernment officials at Warsaw and Papal thorities to Insist upon that munict- city recently.' There was little actual partment of banking. This was terment was In Bordentown Cemetery Italian family, with whose names the delegate exchanged ratifications. pallty being allowed to enter into a business to be transacted. All ques- stated In, Atlantic city by Edward under direction of C. B. Rogers, Mr. matrimonial gossips have been peren- Franklin C. Gowan, Acting Ameri- separate contract for the extra width tions relating to the fall campaign Maxson, New Jersey commissioner of Doughty was a member of Lodge No. nially busy, will be' announced soon. can Consul at Leghorn, Italy, was to be placed on Route 16 in the pav- were laid over pending the election of banking and Insurance, while attend- 24, I. O. O. F.; Junior O. U. A. M., No. The Allied disarmament note, the beaten unconscious and seriously In- ing between Royce Valley and Somer- a new State Committee at the pri- ing the seventeenth annual conven- 47, and Volunteer Fire Company No. 1 peg upon which prospects for a peace- jured by Fasclate there during the an- vllle threatens to delay that undor- mary <>n Juno 16. tion of the New Jersey State League of Groveville. He Is survived by his ful Europe now hang, was presented niversary of Italy's entrance into the taking. The commission will insist Contests have developed in eight of of Building and Loan Associations in widow and three children, Wilbur 7!., to Germany recently. World War. upon the usual practice of letting the the twenty-one counties, each of which the Hotel Traymoro. Dorothy E. and Edna M. Doughty. contract and charging a pro rata What Is believed to be the oldest The- Soviet government urged all is entitled to two representatives, one Under the new rulingjby the State Btone building yet discovered has Just possible aid for the 5,000-mile flight share. man and one woman, on the State Harry Broadwater, Orange Btreet, A delegation from South Jersey, Shellfish Commission 'gathering of Gloucester City, tripped on the stairs been unearthed In the Sakkara Ne- of Soviet aviators from Moscow to Committee. Singularly enough In each seed from the natural oyster beds In cropolis, near Cairo. urged the commission to Improve per- of the Community Center building Peking, via Siberia and Gobi desert. of the eight counties- where there la the Delaware bay for the restocking and lacerated his chin so badly that Cutzon Borglum, deposed Stone King George reviewed the brilliant manently all or part of Route 18, a contest, women figure as rivals. south from Woodstown to Downs- of private leases will be suspended he had to be taken to Cooper Hos- Mountain sculptor, signed a contract military parade known as trooping of In Mercer there is a double contest during Juno. pital. recently to design, model and erect a colors while thousands paid him sl- town, Salem county. They were In- for the places now held by former formed that no Women physicians will conduct fu- The Darlington Golf and Country $100,000 memorial to the old trail lent tribute on the occasion of his money was available Prosecutor A. Dayton Ollphant and ture physical examinations of all girl drivers for Texas. sixtieth birthday. for such an extensive project this sea- Mrs. Anna C. Woodruff. Miss Ella Club- in the Ramapo mountains, near high school students, the Board of .Oakland, which went into receiver- Employees of the E. B. Yates Ma- An appropriation of $60;000 has son. The gravel road on the route, MacPherson is a candidate against however, will be oiled. Education, Newark, decided after ship when William L. Dill of Pater- chinery Company, of Belolt, Wls., the been made for the man who Is to Mrs. Woodruff and William E. Black- hearing a report by Superintendent largest wood working machinery man- Pavlnj Contract Probe man aspires to the position held by Bon and Judge Charles M, Egan of represent Canada at Washington, D. Corson on the findings of three inves- Jersey City were appointed receivers ufacturers in the world, have bought C. The envoy who will fill the new- The State Highway Commission Mr. Ollphant several years. Also tigators of complaints by Barrlnger the business through a Chicago bank I ly created post will be named at the 1 there are contests in Camden, Salem, by Federal Judge William Runyon In gave the Bright legislative investigat- high girls thBf They had been forced Newark, will continue to operate as as agent for certain of the company's end of the present parliamentary ses- ing committee instruction in highway Ocean, Somerset, Bergen, HunterdoD by malo physician to strip to the and Monmo.uth counties. in the past, officials of the club an- efflclals. i Eton. and bridge construction, the value of f-aist. nounced. STRAIGHT TALXS WITHJUNT EMHY Notices of Primary, Registration Day and General Election. ON THE SOUND OF WORDS Notice of Time and Place of Holding Jersey. in the morning and nine o'clock in General and Primary Elections, Hall, Augusta Street, Jamesburg. election for all political parties will Two Members of the Board of the evening for the purpose of mak- Poll No. 1. All territory south of be held in and for the Borough of "Aunt-Emmy," ssM Helen, and of Officers to be elected, and Chosen Freeholders for the. County ing a registration of voters of said Meetings of Board of Election and a line starting in the eastern inter- Spotswood, on her a letter, 1 -want yoa to teUin* of Middlesex. district, and on section of the centre line of Augusta Tuesday, June 16th, 1925, what yoa ***•"» of this as an invest* Registration in the Township of Mayor, Two Councilmen for three Tuesday, October 13th, 1925, South Brunswick, in the County of Street, and the Borough line, ex- between the hours of seven o'clock ment for that money I have in the years. Justice of the Peace, for the from one o'clock in the afternoon to tending to the centre of Pennsyl- in the morning and nine o'clock in bank." Aunt Emmy adjusted her spec- Middlesex, State of New Jersey. Borough of Helmetta. nine o'clock in the evening for the vania Railroad tracks, down centre GENERAL ELECTION. 1 the evening for the purpose of elect- tacles and read the letter carefully. PRIMARY ELECTION. purpose of revising and correcting of Bame to Front Street, thence In ing members of County and State Notice is hereby given that a gen- Also take notice that a primary the registry lists and receiving addi-' the same direction and course as the "I see," she remarked, "that joa ara eral election will be held in and for Committees of political parties, and offered debenture bonds in the Etacfc election for all political parties will tional registration. *. | centre line of Front Street, to the for the purpose of nominating per- the township of SOUTH BRUNS- be held in and for the Borough of Witness my hand- this 20th day westerly line of the Borough. All Manufacturing Carpoxatton——* WICK, on sons for' the offices named in the Helmetta, on of May, 1925. territory to North of same line to be :eneral election notice above. "Yeaf cried Helen, tBtetxasthtg Tuesday, November 3rd, 1023, designated as Poll No. 2. ber. "That's what Ttwiirpfl mo think Tuesday, June- 16th, 1025, FRED A. CLAYTON. BOARD OF REGISTRY. etween the hours -of six o'clock in between the hours of seven o'clock Clerk of the TownBhlp of Monroe. Said General Election will be held Further take notice that the so well of it. A debenture mast the morning and seven o'clock In the in the morning and nine o'clock in for the purpose of electing the fol- Board of Registry and Election in be BO sate!"' vening.. Said election will be held the evening for the purpose of elect- Notice ,of Time and Place of Holding lowing officers: and for the election district of Bor- "Why do yoa. say that?" inquired the first ele'etion district of said ing members of County and State General and Primary Elections, | Governor, for the State of New ough of Spotswood will meet in the Aunt' Emmy; "What, exactly, jts a de- ownship in. Public School House, and of Officers to be elected, and Jersey. Firemen's Hall, on Dayton, for the second election dis- Committees of political parties and benture bond?" for the purpose of nominating per- Meetings of Board of Election and | One Member of the House of"Rep- Tuesday, June 16th, 1925, trict-of said township. In Mechanic's •Registration in the Township of Helen hesitated while Aunt Emmy Hall, Monmouth Junction. sons for the offices named in the resentatives from the Third Con- between the hours of seven o'clock looked at her with a twinkle in her general election notice above. Cranbury, in the County of Mid-' gressional District' to fill vacancy in the morning and nine, o'clock in •yes. Then she stammered something Said -General Election will be held BOARD OF REGISTRY. dlesex, State of New Jersey. • caused by the- death of T. Frank the evening for the purpose of mak- lor the purpose of electing the fol- Further take notice that the GENERAL ELECTION. Appleby. ing a registration of voters of said •bout security. bwing officers: "Now, child," admonished Aunt Board of Registry and Election in Notice is hereby given that a gen- Three Members of the General district, and on Governor, for the State of New and for the election district of the eral election will be held in and for Assembly of the State of New Emmy, "don't get flustered. Ifs very ersey. Tuesday, October 18th, 1925, simple. 'When you buy a bond, what- Borough of Helmetta will meet in the township of CRANBURY, on Jersey. from one o'clock in the afternoon to One Member of the House of Rep- the polling place aforesaid, on Tuesday, November 3rd, 1925, Two Members of the Board of nine o'clock in the evening for the ever it Is called, you loan your money esentatlves from the Third Con- Tuesday, June 16th, ,1025, between the hours of six o'clock in Chosen Freeholders of the County purpose of revising and correcting to the company putting out the bonds. cessional District to fill vacancy between the hours of seven o'clock the morning and seven o'clock in the i of Middlesex-. __ the registry lists and receiving addi- The word debenture cornea from the :aused by the death of T. Frank in the morning and nine o'clock in evening. Said election will be held I Mayor, Two Councilmen for three tional registration. _ Latin word 'debeo,' which means, as ppleby. the evening for the purpose of mak- in the Fire House, Cranbury. years for the Borough of Jamesburg Witness my hand this 20th day you should know if you remember Three Members of the General ing a registration of voters of said of May, 1925. Assembly of the • State of New Said General.Election will beheld PRIMARY ELECTION. your schooling, 1 owe.' Now, then, if district, and on for the purpose of electing the fol- ,. Also take notice that a primary PHINEAS M. BOWNE, you lend someone money, you would ersey. lerk of the Borough of Spotswood. Two Members of the Board of Tuesday, October 13th, 1925, lowing officers: election for all political parties will expect security unless the character Governor, for the State of New be held in and for the Borough of 3hosen Freeholders for the County from one o'clock in the afternoon to Notice of Time and Place of Holding of the borrower was so high that you if Middlesex. nine o'clock in the evening for the Jersey. JamesKurg, on, • would feel safe merely in holding his General and Primary Elections, One Township Corumitteeman for purpose of revising and correcting One Member of the House of Rep- Tuesday, June 10th, 1925, and of Officers to be elected, and L O. U. In the case of a debenture he Township of South Brunswick. the registry lists and receiving addi- resentatives from the Third Con- between the hours of seven o'clock Meetings of Board of Election and bond you are loaning money on a PRIMARY ELECTION. tional registration. gressional District to fill vacancy In the morning and nine o'clock in Registration in the Township o£ company's L O. U. The company of- Also take notice that a primary Witness my hand this 20th day caused by the death of T. Frank the evening for the purpose of elect- Plainsboro, in the County of fering you debenture bonds does not lection for all political parties will of May, 1925. Appleby. ing members of County and State Middlesex, State of New Jersey. pledge or mortgage any property to ie held in and for the Township o£ WILLIAM TRUNDT. Three Members of the General Committees of political parties and GENERAL ELECTION. •ecure the bonds. louth Brunswick, on Clerk of the Borough of Helmetta. Assembly . of the State of New for the purpose of nominating per- Notice is hereby given that a gen- Tuesday, June 16th, 1923, Jersey. sons for the offices named in the ."If the company is in good stand- Two Members of the Board of general election notice above. eral election will be held in and for Ing, has a high credit rating and is etween the hours of seven o'clock Notice of Time and Place of Holding the township of PLAINSBORO, on n the morning and nine o'clock in General and Primary Elections, Chosen Freeholders, for the County BOARD OF REGISTRY. Tuesday, November 3rd, 1925, making money, a debenture bond is a ;he evening for the purpose of elect- of Middlesex. Further take notice that the good investment If the company is and of Officers to be elected, and between the hours of six o'clock in ng members of County and State Meetings of Board of Election and One Township Committeeman for Board of Registry and Election in the morning and seven o'clock in the weak a debenture bond is a risky ommittees of political parties, and Registration in the Township of the Township of Cranbury. and for the election districts of the evening. Said election will be held in thing to bay. It all depends on the lor the purpose of nominating per- Monroe, in the County of Middle- PRIMARY ELECTION. Borough of Jamesburg will meet in Plainsboro Hall, Plainsboro, N. J. soundness ot the company and not on ions for the offices named in the sex, State of New Jersey. Also take notice that a primary their respective polling places afore- Said General Election will be held the sound of the" word 'debenture.' ;eneral election notice above. GENERAL ELECTION. election for all political parties will said, on for the purpose *>f electing the fol- As for the company described In this BOARD OP REGISTRY. Notice is hereby given that a gen- be held in and for the Township of Tuesday, June 16th, 1925, lowing officers: letter, I don't know anything about it. Further take notice that the Cranbury, on between the hours of seven o'clock 1 eral election will be held in and for Governor, for the State of New >do you?* Board of Registry and Election in the township of MONROE, on Tuesday, June 16th, 1925, in the morning and nine o'clock in Jersey. nd for the election districts of the evening for the-purpose of mak- "No," admitted Helen reluctantly, Tuesday, November 3rd, 1025, between the hours of seven o'clock One Member of the House of Rep- outh Brunswick Township will in the morning and nine o'clock in ing a registration of voters of said resentatives from the Third Con- •"I do not know a thing. After v.-hat meet in their respective polling between the hours of six o'clock in districts, and on the morning and seven o'clock in the evening for the purpose of elect- ressional District to fill vacancy you have told me I wish I did. How laces aforesaid, on ing members of County and State Tuesday, October 13th, 1925, caused by the death of T. Frank •do you suppose I can and out whn the evening. Said election will be from'one o'clock in the afternoon to Tuesday, June 16th, 1025, held in the Old School House, Committees of political parties, and Appleby. end what they are?" i etween the hours of seven o'clock for the purpose of nominating per- nine o'clock" in the evening for the Three Members o£ the General "There Is nothing easier than that." Prospect Plains. purpose of revising and correcting n the morning and nine o'clock- in Said General Election will be held sons for the offices named in the Assembly of the" State -of New rejoined her aunt "All you have to :he evening for the purpose of mak- general election notice above. the registry lists and receiving addi- Jersey. for the purpose of electing the fol- tional registration. •do is to go down to the bank and ask ng a registration of- voters of said lowing officers: BOARD OF REGISTRY. Two Members of the Board .of them to give you a report on the istricts, and on Further take notice that the Witness my hand this 20th day Chosen Freeholders for the County Governor, for the State of New of May, 1925. Blank Manufacturing Corporation. Tuesday, October 13th, 1925, Jersey. Board" of Registry 'and Election in of Middlesex. They will be glad to look into this for rom one o'clock in the afternoon to and for the election district of Cran- WILLIAM H. BROOKS. Township Clerk, Assessor, Col- One Member of the House of Rep- Clerk of the Borough of Jamesburg. yoa and will give you some really nine o'clock in the evening for the resentatives from the Third Con- bury Township will meet in the Fire lector for the Township of Plains- urpose of revising and correcting House, Cranbury, on boro. jrood advice if you want to invest your gressional District to fill vacancy Notice of Time and Place of Holding money in something safe. Never hes- ;he registry lists and receiving addi- caused by the death of T. Frank Tuesday, June 16th, 1025, PRIMARY ELECTION. ional registration. General and Primary Elections, Also take notice that a primary itate about talking to yonr banker Appleby. between the hours of seven o'clock and of Officers to be elected, and about your financial affairs. He is Witness my hand this 20th day Three Members of the General in the morning and nine o'clock in election for all political parties will if May, 19 25. Meetings of Board of Election and be held in and for the Township of witting to help you at any time." Assembly of the State of New the evening for the purpose of mak- Registration in the Borough of GEORGE WALTER: Jersey. ing a registration of voters of said Plainsboro, on Clerk of South Brunswick Township. district, and on Spotswood, in the County of Mid- Tuesday, June 16th, 1925, BANKERS HELP Two Members of the Board of dlesex, State of New Jersey. Chosen Freeholders for the County Tuesday, October 13th, 1925, between the hours of seven o'clock Motice of Time and Place of Holding of Middlesex. GENERAL ELECTION. in the morning and nine o'clock in Pierco County Bankers Associa- General and Primary Elections, from one o'clock in the afternoon to Notice is hereby given that a gen- the evening for the purpose of elect- and of Officers to be elected, and One Township Committeeman, nine o'clock in the evening for the eral election will be held in and for tion, Wisconsin, have sent a boy and Collector, Township Clerk, Justice purpose of revising and correcting ing members of County and State *. girl to the week's Short Course at Meetings of Board of Election and of the Peace, Two Surveyors of the the Borough of SPOTSWOOD, on Committees of political parties, and Registration in the Borough of the registry lists and receiving addi- Tuesday, November 3rd, 1925, th« University of Wisconsin, all the' Highways, for the Township of tional registration. for the purpose of nominating per- hanks sharing in the expense. The Helmetta, in the County of Mid- Monroe. between the hours of six o'clock in sons for the offices named in the dlesex, State of New Jersey. Witness my hand this 20th day the morning and seven o'clock in general election notice above. Association is active in boys' and PRIMARY ELECTION. of May, 1925. GENERAL ELECTION. the evening. Said election will be BOARD OF REGISTRY. girls' club work. Notice is hereby given that a gen- Also take notice that a primary CHARLES C. GROVES. held in Firemen's Hall, Spotswood. election for all political parties will Clerk of the Township of Cranbury. Further take notice that the eral election will be held in and for Said General Election will be held Board of Registry and Election in Eaton County, Michigan, bankers the Borough of HELMETTA, on be held in and for the Township of sponsored an enthusiastic dairy-alfal- Monroe, on . Notice of Time and Place of Holding for the purpose of electing the fol- and for the election district of Tuesday, November 3rd, 1925, Tuesday, June 16th, 1025, i General and Primary Elections, lowing officers: Plainsboro Township will meet in la meeting at Charlotte. As a direct between the hours of six o'clock in Governor, for the State of New result of the last campaign. iftOO between the hours of seven o'clock • and of Officers to be elected, and Plainsboro Hall, Plainsboro, on the morning and seven o'clock in in the morning and nine o'clock In Meetings of Board of Election and Jersey. Tuesday, June 16th, 1925, acres of alfalfa have been added. A the evening. Said election will be One Member of the House of Rep- between the hours of seven o'clock county-wide bovine tuberculosis eradi- the evening for the purpose of elect- i Registration in the Borough of held in the Hose House, in the Bor- ing members of County and State Jamesburg; in the County of Mid- resentatives from the Third Con- in the morning and nine o'clock in cation campaign is being conducted ough of Helmetta. Committees of political parties, .and gressional District to fill vacancy the evening for the purpose of mak- with every assuraace that the county i dlesex, State of New Jersey. Said General Election will be held for the purpose of nominating per- i GENERAL ELECTION. caused by the death of T. Frank ing a registration of voters of said will be on the accredited list this fall. lor the purpose of electing the fol- sons for the offices named in the Appleby. district, and on Three cow testing- associations hove owing officers: general election notice above. , Notice is.-hereby given that a gen- Three Members of the General Tuesday, October 13th, 1925, ; eral election will be held in and for keen organized. Governor, for the State of New BOARD OF REGISTRY. Assembly of the State of New from one o'clock in the afternoon to Jersey. 1 the Borough of JAMESBURG, on Further take notice that the Jersey. nine o'clock in the evening for the Biehland County Bankers Associa- One Member of the House of Rep- I Tuesday, November 3rd, 1925, Two Members of the Board of purpose of revising and correcting resentatives from the Third Con- Board of Registry and Election in between the hours of six o'clock in Chosen Freeholders for the County the registry lists and receiving addi- tion, North Dakota, is one of the and for.the election district of Mon- the morning and seven o'clock in the county associations which has organ- ressional District to fill vacancy of Middlesex. tional registration. caused by the death of T. Frank roe Township will meet in the Old | evening. Said election will be held Two Councilmen, for three yiars; Witness my hand this 20th day ised to carry out the work of the Appleby. School House, Prospect Plains, on | Poll No. 1, in-'C_o.uncil Chamber, toys' and girls' clubs and the "alfalfa for the Borough of Spotswood. of May, 1925. Three Members of the General Tuesday, June 16th, 1925, Borough Hall, Augusta Street, Poll PRIMARY ELECTION. J. RUSSELL- BRITTON,

Mrs. Carrie Chapman Catt says NOTICE TO CREDITORS. S999SQ0OSOOGSGOSQ99SO wars can fie talked'to death. If it is Mrs. Catt's notion that she should Andrew Rigley, administrator, c. 1847 A. V. Manning's Sons 1925 be chairman of the committee for t a. of Joseph Rigtey, deceased, by that purpose, we fluite agree with direction of the Surrogate of the DOES RADIO OFFER OPPORTUNITIES? her.—Kansas City Star. ounty of Middlesex, hereby gives notice to the creditors of the said Young alfalfa plantings are harm- Joseph Rigley to bring in their debts Wben the board of directors of the the man wito seven years ago, when ed, not helped, when a-'nurse crop demands and claims against the es- Radio Corporation of America, ccm- is- allowed to go to grain. tate of the said deceased, under oath posedof some of the leading figures in an accomplished fact, preaautaa a or affirmation, within six months Gifts for the Bride plan to his superiors which conceived from this date or they will be for- try, announced ft f"Tt>jyrft r^iVjt bBfcspfeoo© iim*t ever barred of any action therefor that ItoPTtt Sar- for cwtij^y nosoo bossdnsr of n Is Your Automobile against the said administrator, c.t.a. or the Fair Graduate naff had been Dated May 5, 1925. elected vice- sence at broadcastitns Insured? ANDREW RIGLEY, In choosing a gift from the attractive stocks at Manning's president and Accepting & vartety ot ^J*TJ^nim(^ifXif Administrator, C. T. A. you may be certain that you have mode a wise, choice. -general Tn:irwger. tmn\ office boy to ittdio opetstar on . Don't WAIT until too LATE, one of the ro- You'll find an interested personnel here to offer you helpful ^firf^i ftT>^| f[[t*.jp^ ^Ttf| ITPTTW^ ^\ 1 'f f \BxDCA make a specialty- of AUTOMOBILE NOTICE TO CREDITORS. mances of Amer- brought him in contact wifh traffic INSURANCE insuring them against suggestions. i e a n industrial FIRE, THEFT, PUBLIC LIABILITY Lewis A. Christian, administrator opportunity came of Edmund A. Fletcher, deceased, to light Mr. and land stations, Mr. Sarnoff d»- PROPERTY DAMAGE and COLLIS- by direction of the Surrogate of the A List That Will Help You Samoa, at tbs Velosied & sound understanding at O» ION. County of Middlesex, hereby gives age of 22, was VXC&l ]pXOOi6S^3 OL CO^T ff^ ^* i'^' r^ J XZt&aO notice to the creditors of the said Call, phone or write and get mj Cogswell chairs, Windsor chairs, ladderback chairs, awarded one of ftfYTTyTTwrnv^t^nn, Equipped ^sttfa. tlrfa Edmund A. Fletcher to bring in DtSVfd the most active va^oablo ttukbuofiiitEl' lnwywisd^o sod rates before your car is gone. • >' their debtB, demands and claims- davenport tables, gateleg tables, spinet desks, sewing tables, and pivotal positions in the radio a todmlcal edncatkm, Mf. fZHnuiM I write against the estate of the said de- ceased, under oath or affirmation, tea wagons, Almco lamps and small individual mahogany Industry. And .although he won it *was Istox Toefl prepared to wv*»i*t titJo re^ponsflrilltleQ of n^rfgr^fit <4rfaf PTW within six months from this date or and walnut pieces. at the age of 32, it came to him oiler INSURANCE they will be forever barred of any 18 years of close application to the action therefor against the said eroe^F-day problems of radix ip^Tvitciflr of Ws company. In ', of all kinds, best companies, lowea French shield flowers, Wallace Nutting pictures, artifi- 1 rates and prompt settlements. administrator . Most persons would ft** off t*^w1 ifcccoptod pt*^1 greater cial flowers, Roycroft desk sets and novelty glassware. by RKfliini'T^rr ontiro ^*"-^^sxt of FIRE1 Dated June 8, 1925. botr any Fin"—not to parttailaxtie LEWIS A. CHRISTIAN, abost one who today is only 34—cooM rrclal department" ot the AUTOMOBILE] Administrator. have worked hi the radio industry for TORNADO 18 yean when the industry itaeU ttoety. WORKMEN8 COMPENSATION seems so much younger. Me. Samoa PLATE GLASS NOTICE. went into the radio telegraph hnfltnww Cor Wfi*_ to csbiott . BURGLARY when he Teas $& and taben radio it- I'm still at it sawing wood by the self O&06) was in its infancy. Bs la wtn for bbn tb& BONDS NOTARY PUBLIC hour. Also wood for sale. - the Trar\ who took Un "t*'nii"ct in ognttion of Ilk Hnjiftifcra. da (with seal) A. V. MANNING'S SONS, Oak and Maple Wood sawed in Now' Yodc JCfum 12M) & S. Q^unnte^ fn JKSSIBX3CA Stove Lengths. 1,400 miles at sea, giving first eon* tO €h6 fhflVtT Of 20-22 South Broad Street, TRENTON, N. J. nmntlli.n

IJSBO oSJBf OAJS OI poiqttuo ajB oji. qsBo ;ods JOJ .quo J9A -JOJ ap-Eiu SJOISOAUI •aujAix SU1.W055 ?PBg PUB japuja -spupi UB jo j jo spjB^ OOO'GE 0 puc jo spajpunq uoaq r •sjspBo i PUB S3>iT3H 'sjaAvojv 'sloping: OJOSQ -sa jTiaj ui sascsjout ptdcj am jo _/inEpojuisja ptiB qsBAY3;]i|A\. 'ano-uj-oAix ' UT UMoqs J9A3 ajSuis i; 5nq si siqx ,."000 fB30IJd AOI AJDA ;E 'SJlBdSJ JOJ SCliMlS SSOtUUH nojq :ojd oi[i jo jimj inoqy •SCICJJS pun S3DBJX ipuj ',£-t JO tpui v'i"T SSBUJBH '000'000'IS 30 sisTiq aqi uo siq; pios OOJ-'J-S JOJ iiSI «! qi onDsajjoj suTJf oj-nt am qati(Av pus pjios sipiux [aaq*-A0i puu SIIOSBAV IIIJEJ SS9JQ }tun SATIS ssoJd -UiO opuunv aqx •spiag ofc^ocl ain jo Sim[ aiy saoxvAU/i.io OXIMIVAY srwia u.io v»ixxv7xv xi saaivA axvi •apuui Bjn.icjds jo;;aq ou BJB a.iai(x 'pojisap SB AIOJ B pue Suoi 'ncouauiv am j p UT;O ;i saaucqo AUU a:iE; o; o; SDIZZOU Z t]]|A\ '.)(It(I (IOJa -^°3I I' JO 'Odld -\IO,I- 9 }q3lM}S 3AEH JOJ A;JBCI oip JOJ ontns- ;B tpnra SJK-IAVIWS xrnana xoixoa.iaaa 3HX Aorxa axv aas ox aaova an -n.AaHi 'snaKOisao n.io HXIAV avaxuoj 001 si 3Jc~H|X •uoiiiqiuc ajn;i!ui - siq ssajd 01 .iqa\ddy •Jj'c Suno.< •main oos pin; i[i;a oj no.C a;iAUi o,w puBq no aou s:pEj Xuq jo aooo UAO aavHS ox sa ao^i aiaisso.i xi sasviv M.OOXS s.naa.is s.uaaniovj.n jnoauo 3AT;I[ O; • innoiuaoit ipojs pooS T? OAT:I[ O.\\ 'Japjo 01 apvui oqi su poo* SE .CnoExa auo -xviv AO asvHaaaa :IXVX.IXUO.I v XVHX AVOXM ABHX asavoaa axv 'S.OXHOA JO ui sjapnoi uaiuo.VL -M.3J B JOJ a:>[rcjsitn .IJEUI aq; uo sipiu ,>ilS ^IX *'SJ!I muomuiH 'JK 'HI-* ISOJUOD aqj o; AiIT3no]}dao\a pnu AJIDCCITID SuipcsJds poori sv\\ 'sjcoa OAVX -III OS IIIA\ OlfAV UBUI B s:[UT3J UB0II pijos siaAoa 'A^JSC-I S:-[JOA\ JI -.iiifunb jo iniBd paj -qnclay aqj OJUI AHIHOD ;BII; r)qSnojq pnt; jijSiJa si juiBrf ujcg paji JIOIIX oaijiiuiaoo XjjBd sii[ jo uc suq u -jc[ndod ..tiomojj\"3 si uiic,! u.tca AB SB ssq oq.tt pun Mauoissitumoo SIXIVJ XJIVH SKVmiAV-XIAMI3HS 3HX B 'SUIJO; tBjaAas JOJ UB 'jojonjjsui naaq si;i| OI[AV 'dS|j JO pBoq oqj o] AoqsA\au v. tuojj uasu SBI[ oq.tt DBIII ssauisnq SuipuBjs -;no UB uopBuiniou aq; JOJ siqBiiBAB SB1[ A'JJClI OU} '^OIIIA\SUnJlI -^3\ JO 'japianips pajj u; aosaacceoBOscooaooosccccaccccceo c jo ;sou,s' oiu OABII ;ou A3SJ9f Aajj uo utii t: Supiuui. ajoiu pjooaj ouqnd ou ipiAi raiq JOJ ;ua aano saAiAtasnoq HI -uoddo UBanqndOH V- -'JBqi s.\ioui{ -jnaAa ptnoqs qDU[At t B3I;JBCI i[ioq jo sjadnd aq; ui 8 unj pjag ou jdaoai; 0} paaJSi; 3ABI[ jo sninnnooua JOIIBCISA^OU am ojBjod .\asjaf Aia.sj scq oqAi auoAuy "Tuaq 0] UBIU ASBB TVKOLLVK ISHH ou aq ni-tt 'aicpipu-BO oriBJOouiairi o; jiasraui 3( AV ol u JO ;E3 0} SB }(JOAi IHT-W- 9tU l II! l- Mousnqnd prnj -]saja}ti| punodtnoo aina m-ii sSnpics onoi HP! o; iiBin B JOJ pBq SB ;sn[ pa AVOH 'SJOIUOJ pOAlOS '[)3[aAO(l U{ 11 -jspisnoa SA"EAI[B I :SA'BS I 500J ;saq SJI }ml,, UIAV 0; S;UBAV pm: p.-Jiiji 'uir.iS jp?q .10 po.iop.ioq .IOIUJO IH sjjsodap jvpoSaa ptns ixaoOOV S9XIAVS « •ina, ;ua dpq o; a;!;addi! 'u»j .lospui.w Atsii am ui sStjq apiqAvoo ooaid aaiq) 'mo jaajosip \\v j-c si ;i JI jsnm .^;JB(T aq; < 1 •ajn nr Jajwi mam -fofua &em B ssonpojd ;i !3iqB; aq; JOJ }Bq; suBam 3Bi[i -JUBA siq? 3Q ?ou 11 -333A amos aonpojd UBq; SJOIU S3op l -UB3 ajam st; ipns 'sapuspuBj JBUOJ Mon ssfjnxni em ?nomfi od "AIOU tnoJj areai uapjBS araoq E UETO A;P aq; JOJT -;BH UI usin PUB aoi-in AJUO SSSJS 11 •UBjq ;aai[Ai jo suo; n -UOQ o; uasoqo uaaq sBq UB3i[qndaH 1 aq noi irmp ienotn GABS pan orBa oj aiqe aansq ore noi ui pauiEjnoo si SB uioiojd tpnm SB B ;3ij;sip siq; ni suoipsis jqSia ;SBJ •49AO0 ui 9iio pint sjo^aod opis o«x itrpox "-"on 3OTA13S arc no.C jcqAi qj!^ S3inrpjo3»Q m ,,'aqoiq,, aonpojd IIJAV BJ[BJIB ut sajOB uax 3iH ni 'SSBD aqi ;on si qons ;ng[ > uwj .10 aniq .loiuia HJiAt paun Xiaaix 'aSpa pimai .usu •ucm jajn;Biu B uuq; aauongui ssai JO juapnadapni irrBpmmn aq iTfAi noi sonaq aspjaxa 01 aiqB aq pinoAv aq JI HJtA\ psijsuiij 'unuS ujqoo auy u; .ioqiuai .ijfrnnb aivoH axv wava aq pinoo torn pntrjsaapira oj isea s| 31 ^OBJ spm o .vasjaf ,Ava.M aq} 0001$ •iopj9f)sa.t prp noi joqii jo aauappa si icpoj ssassod os 313JA. pijjsip aqi JI juauipnas jo o; tuiq ;o3ia PUB UIB"B J3j}Bm E SE sauuuou SIT SB dn raiq jnd o; PJOJJB ;qSuu 'qSnoq; ';Bq; UJA\ XjunoQ xasaippijt J° ;B naA3 A;JBQ UB3iiqnt'3H 9lIX ;Eq; padoq si ;i 'apn;n;B_ ;uspn3dap •azis ipui os 'pau?I -UI UB UAlOqS SABAilE SBq pllE UOIJBI jonuBo s.Cog. - •tuo;;oq UAIO S;I no •JOO poo.iojuia.1 'sScq 3m]0AtMi int!.ii< uinipaiu 021s SI33I 3UI0S3T0qA\. pUB UB3p JOJ p3}0A ;smn qn; .Cja.va 'aia-w. sjaqyEj I SABAI]E ajn;Etsi3ai ait; jo jaqiuaru B ;BIIAI JOJ aoino o; uam ;09i9 SE suua; OM; siq Snunp SBq 3.xi ;Bq;PUE D^BUTIUOU JOH Op 9AV iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiuiiir ;OBJ aq; jo AIBIA ni puB aouapnuoo jo -ipajsq ;ou si ;uaraj9jajd ajOA snomiuEun ;somtE IIB miq ua.iiS qSnoq; '.CJiunoo siq; ni 'pip SAEAIE aABq ;saq uiiq AVOU^ oq.u. siq Vnii 13BJ aq; JOJ ;nq X;nnoo aq; jo nonass ;Bq; ni SJSJOA ipirj os put? f5 -J8AO3 iif ja^aotl a3ar?| qjjAv pajjg UOIJBU1.1OJUX ajaidiuoo aitX 'SJB3.C 33jq; ;SBCI 3i[; JOJ ;nas3jdaj o; ajidsB pinoAv sq ;Bq; pu« patqi A'jaojx ' "sclBajs do} pun s.iaiuo.1 poojojuiaa 'SIJOOI -UBJO jo diqsnJA.oj, aq; JOJ JUB;SUI UB JOJ sauiSEiai suo OM oiqnop aAtjq A'oqx 'asn truauaS aoj sasuojms ivaiiavjd A'.iaA uaaq SBq puB SUIBU joadsojj ;E SJH •;t UIBS O; ami; ram •sxaao.Moo ONV saanxoanc 's^vxIoaH siq UB paAii SBq ajBSafddv -JJ^ •;uatnujaAOS jo SJIBJ 'SXH30M00 OldVH 'SNOISHHOXa '0NI30KV0 'SIXM3X | •diqsuBuuiBip -JE aq; q;i.\v a3UE;niEnD0E puEq-;sjn •q;iB3H jo l/nainiJBdaci a;B}g aqj H;IA\. uoi;Bjado-oD , siq pajonpnoo aq qoiq^1 UF jauuEiu jo pnnojS>pBq" aq; sipBi aq ni pajgjjo aq HJAI s-iaamo qjiuaq puB sasjnu H0J S3SH.100 '• JIBJ PUB ;snC aq; JOJ ;namraoo aiqE •SSOJSHOO ni jcas B O; pa;ins sois-iqa—saijBiuamoK—saSBnSmJi , -JOABJ tpnm uaAiS SEAV pnB ajnjEj aq niA aq 'anqMUEgin aqj ni j q{ -siSaT aq; jo noissas ;SBI aq; Snunp IT aauauadxa auios sjaS put! OS '81 -paun A"[3DIU 'spiia powojuiaj 'saiuiuj poo.M. ' iHI^aH onind no aa;iiminoo aq; aq JI 'SJB3X X;U3A\; JO US; UI sdBq JO UEUIJIEqO . •qSiq oo; Snijooqs jo 'asn A'JUH" i«.iaua8 ao pna-j{aaAv JOJ sasva i>aiouroua xoixvoaaa IVXOIXVOOA oxixivux rivx - oxixivax TVOISAH«I xoixvoaaa •axvoaiaav x XOXIIAV - aq; SSJIEUI aq ssajSuoo JOJ 'S9SB0 axv xav aq; ni Sui;;aS ui -uoijBnimou sjq ;SUIE8B ;uaran3jB on aq pinoAt ajaq; Xiqraassv sq; JOJ Suiuunj •pauji -tiaDix MSAOO in ja?po(I pun aij JI -UBTO Simo.\ 33ia B -de SB JBJ os 'si Xqaiddy ;JBA\O;S apjs 'juatujauduioD jwq HJIAV ajO(diuo3 4i>ciq .10 tnr> JO uf pimoq '[aiuvua JJMJiq jo 'saiA'js Avau am ui a.i« osaqx axv •30XVHD \\ -O 'O 3AIO OI Ajrrssaoax si .TO X0IXVX1K0X JtHAV iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii •;i3a o; •sazjs qaui gx pint Ot 't-T 'saa si ;i SB a;o.v o; no.C JOJ pooS SB ;snC ssajjjooq qjfAi 'jqgjaAV U{ iqS[j -tiaA "aiqBuoiqstfi os seccaccoscceaaoy. s.5i '{Bam A"iinp jnox ;noqB op no.i SB Sui;o.\ jo jo;;T2m aq; lapisuoo sj jo xoq jtiq 9iqfstIu[[0J punoi A\au •f 'M ' Hx xnoav KO AZVT OOX OO'S$ IB 'sgxog aa x.Noa ;axoA sucaui UB &Q •a;oA JUOA ;a2 ;on ssop puim TII 9ABij no.C rnjia aq; JI asno aoj -xa ou sq ii!-^ l^U; ;nq 'ApoqijaAa aiqtunp ?e.{ '4q^[aA\ }q3|[ jo sjuaiuj.iosst; p3pa;v s.iua oiSajs « posspai jaAon snq an (s) •A"B

. The one candidate who has Declared in Straightforward for Real Prohibition Law Enforcement CORNELIUS DOREMUS The one candidate who has a clear cut plan for real economy in state affairs while at the same tlon In New Tort recently, and sent a ered from careful observations of tha time advocating the development of the state Law Enforcement message flying Into space which, re- behavior of the apparatus. - through interstate bridges, vehicular tunnels and "You don't have to be a fanatic to be in favor of real and genuine inforced at Paris, France; Saigon, The diagram above shows the four good roads. law enforcement. All you have to be is a patriotic American. If French Indo-China, and San Fran- points where the waves stopped to re- The candidate who is feared by Bootleggers, standing four-square for the Constitution on which I expect to take cisco, CaL, returned to its home sta- plenish their supply of energy on their the oath of office as Governor next January makes me a fanatic, then hated by grafters and dreaded by political fakers. I shall gladly welcome that title. In my fight for bona fide law enforce- tion five seconds later. swift Journey/ Tho four operators Cornelius Doremus is president of three banks ment I believe I am going to win, for I am making my appeal to a This was the first time in history who wero responsible for the actual in Bergen County; has distinguished himself as sober_ Republican party—the party which believes in the old-fashioned that engineers, using the high power transmission and reception of the sig- Judge; is a member of the New Jersey bar; doctrine of adherence to the Constitution."—Judge Doremus in his radio stations scattered in the four nals literally joined hands around tho Trenton speech, March 3rd. quarters ot tho globe, have complete- world. ' prominent in many patriotic and fraternal organi- zations, and other civic bodies. If you want an honest, earnest, independent business executive— First Candidate in the Race! and not just a professional Politician—one who is not under the dictates of a boss, but who will work for your better interests because First Candidate to Plead for CENTER OF WORLD STIMULATE INTEREST he will put honest business ethics into his administration— Real Law Enforcement! WIDE RADIO SERVICE IN CLASSICAL MUSIC

Ten Channels of International Music Lovers Guess Artists and His Election Depends on YOU! Service Established m Don't Depend e^the Other Fellow! Selections for Prizes. Put YOUR OWN MAN into office! Five Years. Vote like this: Through the co-operation of tn« FOR GOVERNOR DOREMUS SLOGAN Transatlantic cable telegraphy !s Bruniwick-Balke-Collender Company, now some sixty-six years old; trans- Stations WJZ, New York; WGY, atlantic radio communication, com- Schenectady, and WRC, Washington, REAL PROHIBITION ENFORCEMENT; mercially BpeaJdng, is less than five D. C, will combine in a special broad- X CORNELIUS DOREMUS LOWER TAXES; PROGRESS years oM. There are now seventeen cast of two great features in the most cafcles on tho bottom of the Atlantic gigantic presentation of musical edu- Paid for by John Heck, Campaign Manager, ]lid::ou*ootl, N. J. Ocean, connecting Great Britain and cation which has ever been ottered to France with the United States, and the Radio audience. "The Brunswick there ore seven radio transmitters on Music Memory Contest," consisting tho Atlantic coast, with, one central of special broadcasts beginning in receiving station, connecting the February, -will present world-famous United States not only with Great artists in the largest contest tor the Britain and France, but also radio* advancement of musical appreciation Radio—The New Champion A direct to Germany, Norway, Swe- In America ever scheduled. Listeners don, .Italy, Poland, Argentina, Ha- In every state of the Union, as well For a Universal Language vana and Japan. These ' seven as a considerable portion ot Canada SYSTEM OF RELIGIOUS TRAINING transmitters and one receiver, and Mexico, will be able to participate By GENERAL J. Q. HARBORD all joined together and controlled through one of tho threo stations. President, Radio Corporation of America. $225,000 NEEDED FOR WORK AMONG YOUTH from a single office at 64 Broad street. Famous artists and organizations Broadcasting is still In It3 radiant a common means of International ex- Now York City, are now handling be- will render the greatest of composi- youth, but its effects on American pression. tween 25 and SO per cent of the total tions with no Introductory or explan- life mav already bo seen in several English Speaking People Lead In The New Jersey Council of Relig- have been apportioned to the various number of messages exchanged dally atory announcement The radio listen- directions. There Radio ious Education and its auxiliaries, Protestant organizations within these between the United States and ers will guess who tho artist and is a well-marked America, an English-speaking land, which are at present waging a cam- counties: Europe. The remaining 70 to 75 per what the selection is in each instance. trend toward a leads the world today In broadcast- paign to raise §225,000 for State and Atlantic ?6,000 cent of tho traffic flowing between tho universal lan- Ing. Several of its nearly six hun- county religious educational work, Bergen '. 10,000 To stimulate public Interest In the guage, a consid- old world and the now is'carried by dred broadcasting stations reach out hav« issued some remarkable figures. Burlington 15,000 recognition of the foremost artists erable broaden- Camdon 12,000 tho soventoen cables on the Atlantic's to Europe and South America and at It s«.ems that the United States has and compositions the Brunswick com- ing of the hori- no distant day will cross tho Pacific. May 4,000 bed. twice as many homicides in propor- pany has arranged 3 schedulo of zon at home, and The British Isles, Australia, New Zea- Cumberland 7,000 On tho Pacific coast there Is bnt awards totaling five thousand dollars this year prom- land and the remainder of the British tion to the population as Italy, ten Essex CO.000 on-e cablo connecting the Orient with for the persons guessing the largest ises innovations dominions, speaking the same tongue, times as many as Japan, and thirty Gloucester 15,000 the United States. Tbo singio radio number of names, both of artists and that may almost stand next to us in broadcast develop- times as many as England. This was Hudson 16,000 circuit that serves this samo span ot compositions, correctly. A short revolutionize our ment. The stations of these widely true in 191G, the year, before the Hunterdon 5,000 across the Pacific Is now handling essay on a subject to be announced old political flung states aro heard by adjacent United States entered the World War Mercer 10,000 methods. nearly 50 per cent of the total traffic each month will also bo required of nations, who will bo listening con- and four years before prohibition. So" Middlesex 8,500 stantly to English programs. It is between these two continents. contestants. Artists of the Metropoli- Gen. J. G. Harbord In the last few neither the war nor prohibition can Monmouth 9,000 years but little inevitable that such listeners will As a result of tho foregoing, tbo tan Opera Company will participate. Interest has been shown In a Uni- seek to understand the moro fre- center ot the world's communication versal Language. The subject has quently recurring expressions of tho has been transplanted from Great merited moro attention than it has re- broadcaster. Curiosity and a desire Britain to the United States. A Radio Transmission ceived, for Its potential Influence on for knowledgo, spurred by tho fasci- glance at a cablo map shows that tho international culture and commerce nation which Radio exerts over all of great majority of the world's cables Theories Confirmed and above all on international peace us, its disciples, will bring the wish to terminato In .London, whereas tho might easily change the course of hu{ learn tho language most frequently greater majority of tho world's radio, During Eclipse or Sun man history. There now appears, how- heard over the ether. circuits terminate in New Yorfe. ever, a new champion for a Universal The commerce of English-speaking 1•Language, a huge powerful giant It Is the feature ot direct communi- Signals Blotted Out as Moon nations touches in a hundred ways whose Influence envelops tho earth every worth whflo country In the cation, frco from censorship, and from Skims Over Sun. and pervades tho surrounding ether- world. English is' the best language interruption, that gives to radio its Had io. today for foreign nations who need greatest opportunity for future devel- Engineers and scientists were hard The United States, because of Its to borrow money. Improved com- opment ' along commercial, political at work In laboratory and fleld ob- geographical situation, has not yet munications brealc down language and social lines. servation stations recently when the felt the need for a common medlnm barriers. Tho differences in speech Tho Monroe Doctrine la radio is raya of tho sun were temporarily In- ot international broadcasting, though that still linger—for example, be- being strictly observed. A station tercoptcd by the passing moon" and In all forms ot telegraphic communi- tween New England and Virginia— now crocted In Buonos Aires gives great shadows were cast upon the cation a universal language would be are evidences of a day when they direct radio • service between the earth. It- Is well known that tho ef- exceedingly useful. Such broadcast- were a month apart. Today in China, United States and Argentina. Turn- ficiency of radio transmission Is affect- Ing as may be carried on by our rest- Japan, India and tho Near East and ed by the sun's rays-and the recent less neighbor to tho south has no in the major countries ot Europe, ing to tho Orient, a great .radio pro- placo in our radio picture. Canadian eclipse afforded an opportunity to ob- English Instruction Is being eagerly gTam has been undertaken for China. broadcasting offers no stimulus to a serve the characteristics of radio sought Tho World War spread Eng- The new transoceanic service, by study ot tho subject because that waves under Ideal conditions. lish. Two millions of Americans and MANUAL TRAINING CLASS IN A VACATION BIBLE SCHOOL means of which letters may bo trans- country speaks our own tongno. other millions from tho British Isles ferred by radio at a cost little greater be blamed for the crime situation in Morris 8,000 Observers were stationed in various International Broadcast and too imperial dominions for sev- 3 than that .of postage, 1B now In prac- parts of the country and will sodn Some day international broadcast eral years taught English and English America. Judges and crlmiuologists Ocean , 5,000 tice. The mission of radio Is to make compare tho results of their findings communication will bo an every-day customs In French, German, Belgian agree that the youthful criminal o£ Passaic 10,000 communication moro prompt, more thereby adding to the fund of data occurrence with Europe, South Amer- and Italian territory. There is hardly today is the product of neglected re- Salem 5,000 reliable, and more economical. Th-3 which ha3 been accumulating since j lea and the Asiatic shores of the Pa- an individual In those countries who ligious and moral training. Somerset .; 12,00(f symbol "Radio letter" has back of tho ether was conquered only a tew cific. It wtll not be for entertainment cannot boast of at least a few worda Criminality, law-breaking and com- Sussex 3,000 it the thought that the greatest relays short years ago. only, but for tho mora Important con- of English. With the added force of mon dishonesty are costing tho tax- Union 15.000 ' in the forwarding,of a letter abroad The tests conducted included a siderations of our commercial and radio broadcasting crossing the seas, payers more than thirteen billion dol- Warren 4,500 are tho mall boat across tho ocean study_ot the behavior" of short and political life. Will Radio, peculiarly with • programs and announcers in lars annually. The various county committees are and the mall train from the far shore long wavos. The short wavo band in- tho Instantaneous method ot com- English, our language will roach un- Most criminals are now between 10 reporting encouraging results and a to tho place of delivery, the.' letter cluded 65 to about 100 meters and munication, wait while messages are derstanding oars whether they belong and 20 years of age. Less than 1 statewide awakening to tho impor- tho broadcast station band between bolng translated' in *tho same way to Germans, French, Italians, Dutch, per cent of juvenile criminals havo tance of religious training at the cru- oftentimes embracing several c cial age when habits are forming and trhis. Radio eliminates these delays: 200 and 600 meters as well as tho that dots and dashe3 aro now deci- Spanish or tho ancient races of Asia. ever boen Inside of a Sunday school. waves employed in transoceanic radio phered Into language and then Inter- Some day the Siamese coollo and the Our own nation is in perilous condi- character is being molded. The of- -An Important aspect of radio conv communication, 8,000 to 25,000 meters. tion because of tho serious, break- ficers and directors ot the drive are munication, from a technical stand' preted Into native tongue? • Malay rajah may enjoy ontertalnment Each of these group of waveg wero af- broadcasted from our Pacific coast; down of the moral standards of a directing their attention primarily to point, is its great possibilities for high- i" Esperanto and Wo havo already re- fected differently as tho snn's raya I colved an impetus through tho air. .tho student in Constantinople may great section of her young people. those adhering to -the Protestant speed transmission. Already It haa woro cut off from tho earth, according receive instruction by radio from Co- Tho working budget for this co- faith, hut at the samo time they have been found practicable to send and Associations for their promotion ex- to tho observers. "•"7 1st But It Is doubtful If any syri lumbia University; tho Burmese operative program for tho noxt two ovoked much praise from prominent " receive some 100 words por minute Tho results ot the tests are awaited thotlc language can tiver overtako in maiden, 'looking eastward to tip sea" years has been set at $225,000, which Jews and Catholics who realize '.that and operate duplox, which means with -great interest by the radio world ' the roco for universality our own may listen to a station on the old will bo divided about-equally between the wort carried on by tho Protestant sending and receiving at the samo and It Is said will prove highly usoful English. It will probably never dis- Mouhnein Pagoda broadcasting "On the State and the countleB. The Religious Educational Council must time; In other words, a speed of 200 and practical In solving communica- place existing languages, but with ra- the Road to Mand&lay" in tiro "tongue money Is to be raised in a drive now redound to tho benefit ot the entire -words per minute for each ot these tion problems. dio as a carrier It promises to become of tha Bard of Avon. under way, and tho following quotas community. circuits. Sale of Land for Unpaid Taxes in the Borough - Expert Shingle Wtaoera . HSSfiHTHiHTHiHiHafi^^ In spite of the multiplication of effl- of Spotswood

He .despised the. yards and ail that IMPROVED OfTERNATIONAl went with it Selina got tip and walked to the end of the porch. "There's Adam coming In with the last load for theSundaySchool day. He'll be driving into towttr-now. Cornelius started an hour-ago." She r went down the steps on her way to oversee the loading of Adam ' > Lesson (By REV P. B. FITZWATER. D.D., D«» wagon. At the bottom of the steps or fho EvonlBK School. Moody Bible, ln- SO BIG she turned.' "Why can't you two stay •tltuto ot Chicago.) By EDNA FERQER to supper? You can quarrel com- (©. 1026, Wo»torn N«w»paper union.) fortably right through the meal and <©. DouWeday, Put & Co.) WNU S«rvloe. drive home In the cool of the - ning." Lesson for June 14 "I'll stay," said Paula, "thanks. If THE CHURCH AT ANTIOCH you'll have all kinds of vegetables, :o market as food—the best kind/ or an Indian fort, with tepees where tow-. CHAPTER XI—Continued cooked and uncooked. And let me LESSON TEXT—Acts 11:10-30. . —14— !ood, that keeps people's bodies .clean era are now, and mud wallow^s in ;o out into the fields and pick 'em GOLDEN TEXT—Tho disciples wore "No," Selina admitted, "but those ind .clear and flexible and strong I I place of asphalt. Beauty needs time myself like HaudMuller o- Marie An- culled ' Christiana first In Antloch.—. like to think • of babies' mothers say- to ' pprfect it. Perhaps we've been Acts 11:26. Italian vlllns and French chateaux In toinette or any of those make-believe PRIMARY TOPIC—Some People Who north Chicago suburbs are a good deal Ing: 'Now eat your spinach, every waiting all these years for just such rustic gals." • ' scrap, or you can't have any dessert! youngsters as you. And maybe some Received a New Name. REID, MURDOCH &> Co, like a loce In the Ari- In her French-heeled and JUNIOR TOPIC—Barnabas In An- •Zstabnshcd MSS zona desert It wouldn't keep you . . Carrots make your eyes bright. day I'll be driving down Michigan' hou- her filmy silk she went out tloch. CHICAGO BOSTON-PITTSBUROH NEW YORK* . . . ?lnlsh your potato. Potatoes, evard with a distinguished visitor— • INTERMEDIATE AND SENIOR TOP- cool In the daytime, and it wouldn't nto the rich black furrows of theIC—Lesson From the Church In An- be warm enough at night. I suppose make you strong!'" Iloelf Pool, perhaps. Why not? Let's lields, Dirk carrying the basket. YOUNG.PEOPLE AND ADULT TOP- a native architecture Is evolved from Selinn laughed,' flushed'a little. say Roelf Pool, the famous sculptor. IC—Tho Sucret of a Growing Church. And he'll say, .'Who designed that Asparagus," she -ordered Bret. building for the local climate and the "Yes, but how about hogs? Do you Then, "But where Is It? Is that It!" needs of the community, keeping beau- eel that way about hogs?" building—the one that Is so strong Saul, the new missionary, who was Thrift Accounts and yet so light? So gay nnd graceful ' "You dig for It, idiot," said Dirk, to lead in the evangelization of the ty In mind as you go. We don't need "Certainly," said Selina, briskly. She stooping, and taking from his basket turrets and towers any more than we pushed toward him a little blue-and- and yet so reticent!' And I'll say, 'Oh, heathen, having been miraculously that! .That's one of the earlier efforts the queerly curved sharp knife or called to his work, It was necessary need draw-bridges and moats. It's all whlte platter that lay on the white spud used for cutting the asparagus We Pay right to keep them, I suppose, where cloth near her elbow. "Have a bit of my son. Dirk DeJong.'" that a new religious center be estab- shoots. "Cut the shoots three or four lished. Antloeh became that center. they grew up, In a country where the more bacon, Dirk. One of these nice But Dirk pulled at his pipe mood- Inches below the surface." feudal system meant that any. daycurly slivers that are so crisp." ily ; shook his head. "Oh, you don't I/Preaching the Word of God at "Oh, let me do it I" She was down Antloch (vv. 10-21). your next-door neighbor mi«ht ,tnke It "I've finished my breakfast, Moth- know, mother. It's BO d—d slow. on her silken knees In the dirt, ruined Into his head to call Ills gang around er." He rose. First thing you know I'll be thirty. a goodly patch of the fine, tender Persecution at Jerusalem scattered him and sneak up to 6feal your wife The following autumn saw him aAnd what am I! An office boy—or shoots, gave it up and sat watching the disciples abroad. Some went v and tapestries and gold drinking cups." student of architecture at Cornell. He little more than that—at Hollis'." Dirk's expert manipulation of the among tho Jews only with the gospel Dirk was interested and amused. worked hard, studied even during his During his university years Dirk had message, while those from Africa and plus participation of profits. knife. "Let'stfifcave radishes, and corn, Cyprus courageously crossed the line Talks with his mother were likely to vacation. seen much of the Arnolds, Eugene and and tomatoes and lettuce and peas Safe deposit boxes $2.50 affect him thus. "What's your idea of He would come home to the heat Paula, but it sometimes seemed to and artichokes and—" and preached to the Greeks also. The a real Chicago house, mother?" and humidity of the Illinois summers Selina that he avoided these meetings— Lord blessed their work in granting ' per year and up. "Artichokes grow In California, not many conversions. So great was the and spend hours each day In-his own these parties and week-ends.. She was Illinois." Selina answered quickly, as if she room that he had fitted up with a content that this should be so, for she stir that the news reached Jerusalem, Brotherhood of Locomotive had thought often about It; as If she He was more than usually uncom- the mother church. Persecution long work-table and a drawing board. guessed that the matter of money held municative, and noticeably moody. would have like'd just such a dwelling His T-square was at hand; two trian- him back. She thought It was well that worked for pood in this case as well Engineers Co-operative on the site of the old DeJong farm- gles—a 45 and a CO; his compass; a he should realize the difference now. Paula remarked it. "Why theas in many since. These humble peo house In which they now were seated pair of dividers. Selina sometimes Eugene had his own car—one of five Othello brow?" pie with hearts touched with the Trust Company BO comfortably. "Well, it would need stood behind him watching him as heIn the Arnold garage. Paula, too, had "You didn't mean that rot, dIU you? Spirit went out with the clad mes big porches for the hot days and carefully worked on the tracing paper. hers. Her fascination for Dirk was about marrying a rich man. Ydu were sage of life to others. Total Resources 37,000,000.00 nights so's to catch the prevailing His contempt for the local architec- strong. Selina knew that, too. In the joking, weren't you?" southwest winds from the prairies In "I wasn't. I'd hnte being poor, or II. Barn ibas Sent to Inspect tho ture was now complete. Especially last year or two he had talked very Work (vv. 22-2G). ,205 West 33d St., New York the summer—a porch that would be did he hold forth on the subject of the little of Paula and that, Selina knew, even just moderately rich. I'm used swung clear around to the east, too— to money—louds of it. I'm twenty- 1. The Character of Barnabas (v. Opposite Pennsylvania Station apartment houses that were mush- meant that he was hard hit. 24). or a terrace or another porch east so four. And I'm looking around." "ACCOUNTS OPENED BY MAIL" rooming on every street In Chicago Sometimes Paula and Eugene drove He was a pood man. It Is important that If the precious old lake breeze from Hyde Park on the south to He kick>>d un Innocent beet-top with should come up just when you think out to the farm. Eugene would appear his . "You like me. better than in sending a man to follow up the Evanston on the north. Chicago was In rakish , loose London knickers, work of the Spirit that his character you're dying of the heat, as it some- very elegant in speaking of these; any man you know." Simple Requirements times dues, you could catch that, too. queer broguns with an English look "Of course I do. Just my luck." he good. He must not only have an At a certain town the mt'iiibors of never called them "flats"; always about them, a carefully careless loose- unblemished character, but his sym It ought to tie Imilt—the house, apartments. In front of each of these "Well, then!" the parish council attended church In mean—rather squarish and tight and ness about the hang and fit of his "Well, then, let's take these weg- psitliv must be broad. He must he u" body to I'oinmiMiiorsitp the unveiling (there were usually six to a building) . Paula did not affect sports 1 capable of entering in full apprecla Bolld against our coid winters and Was stuck a little glass-enclosed cubi- glbles in. ' •vf the Infill war memorial. northeasters. Then sleeping porches, clothes for herself. She was not the tlon of the things about him. Barna- On inquiring of the chairman as to cle k;iown as a suif-parlor. In these type, she said. Slim, dark, vivacious, She made a pretense of lifting the of course. There's a grand American heavy basket. Dirk snatched it rough- bas was full of the Holy Spirit. This dues-;, (U-porliiicnt and so on that (sometimes you heard them spoken of. she wore slinky clothes—crepps. chif- Is an essential qualification for pas institution for you! England may grandly, as solarhmis) Chicago dwell- ly out of her hand so that she gave waguish man replied in writing: have Its afternoon tea on the terrace, fons. Her eyes were languorous, toral work. Only si Spirit-filled mnn "All you want in a clean .shave and ers took refuge from the leaden skies, lovely. She worshiped luxury and a little cry and looked ruefully down and Spain may have Its patio, and at the red mark on her palm. He can discern the workings of the Spirit a contrite ht'iirt."—Tit-JSits. the heavy lake atmosphere, the gray said so. of God. He was likewise a man of France its courtyard, and Itnly Its mist and fog and smoke that so fre- caught her by the shoulder—even pergola,, vine-covered; but America' "I'll have to marry money," she de-shook her a little. "Look here, Paula. great faith. Only a man of faith quently swathed the city in gloom. should Instruct young Christians. got the sleeping porch—the screened They were done in yellow or rose cre- clared. "Now that they've finNhed Do you mean to tell me you'd marry in open-air sleeping porch, and tonnes. Silk lampshades glowed there- calling poor grandpa a beef-baron am a man simply because he happened to 2. Work Done by Barnabas (vv. 23, shouldn't wonder If the man wlio flrsl in, and flower-laden boxes. In these have a lot of money!" IT), 20). thought of that would get precedence frank little boxes Chicago read Its pa- "Perhaps not simply because he had (si) He heartily endorsed the work on Judgment day, over the men wh per, sewed, played bridge, even ate lot of money. But it certainly would and earnestly exhorted them to con- invented the airplane, the talking ma- its 'breakfast. It never pulled down e a factor, among other things." tinue .-teadfaPtly in the faith, and to chine, »nd tlie telephone. After all, the shades. Six months later I'uulti Amok! was cleave unto the Lord. There are he hud nothing In mind but the health larried to Theodore A. Sturm, a man many allurements to tempt young of tlie human race." After which "Terrihle!" Dirk fumed. "N'ot only f fifty, a friend of her father's, head Christians. grand period Selina grinned at Dirk, are they hideous in themselves, stuck f so many companies, stockholder In (1>) He rejoiced over the work and Dirk grinned at Selina and theon the front of those houses like three which had been done. This shows two giggled together there by the fire- pairs of spectacles; but the lack of 0 many banks, director of so many orporations-that even old Aug Hum- tlmt Barnabas could rejoice over the place, cnmpanionahly. uYcen! privacy! They do everything successful work done by others. but bathe in 'em. Have they never id seemed a recluse from business in "Mother, you're simply wonderful!— •omparisnn. She ne\er called him O) He brought Saul from Tarsus heard the advice given people who live (v. I!,".). only your native Chicago dwelling In glass houses!." 'eddy. No one ever did. Theodore itonu was a large man—not exactly He did more than merely inspect seems to ne mostly porch." By his Junior year he was talking Selina waved such carping criticism itout, perhaps, but tlsibby. His inches Ihe work. Doubtless lie preached also In a large way about the Beaux Arts. ;aved him from grossness. He hadfor many people were added unto the away with a careless hand. "Oh, well, Rut Selina did not laugh at this. "Per- any house that has enough porches, 1 large white serious face, fine thick Lord. The work grew to such an ex- Rubber Heels haps," she thought. "Who can tell! tent that he brought Saul to help him. and twn or three bathrooms and atAfter a year or two in an oflice here, lark hair, graying at the temples. Made of Sprayed Rubber—tho least eight closctr ;an be lived in com- .Vitlrin three years Paula had twoThey labored together for a year with why not another year of study in Paris great success, and can-fully taught purest, toughest and moat fortably, no mut-'er what else it has or if lie needs It." children, a boy and a girl. "There! uniform rubber known hasn't gut." That's done," she said. Her marriage j the people. Relievers, after they have Though It was her busiest time on was a great mistake and she know it. | confessed Christ, need careful teach- tints for the betr than "You Like Me Better Than Any Man any KQod Krado kad tomato seedlings from hotbed to field. the ardor of that dark glance turned is & Sjirngue's. tians' (v. 'M), IfUint >uu can buy in She wore an old gray buttoned upon them, were likely to credit, him You Know." "Come out.and spend Saturday and" They were not called by this name Direct From thefctorca. 1 K">1. W.40; in derl<-lon as often ns train. S2.30 per gal. up tight, for the air was still sharp. ivlth feelings toward themselves of. taken I don't know how many millions Sunday with us, won't you? We're FarLt?l po«c 11 fx rt Vto On her head was a battered black felt well says, "What T,ul;o intends to con- MAIL ORDER IfuanLnUu toiHv,.f it a/ac- tvhich he was quite innocent. They away from him, we're practically on mining sway to the country this aft- tion. A postt.1 rj nt will soft hat (an old one of Dirk's) much [lid not know that the glance and its ernoon. I'm-so sick of Bleeding Bel- vey is that Saul and Harnabas taught bring tbe punt to * r door L< t ua btor from you. ' like the one she had worn to the Uay- the streets." n the church for a your and the dis- Uajiufacturcd by ffect were mere matters of pigmenta- "You look It!" from Dirk; and there gium, you can't Imagine. I'm sending A. J. FIELD PAINT CO. market that day ten years ago. ion and eye-conformation. Then, too, he chirdren out this morning. I can't ciples were first called Chrlstisins. 59 Manufacturer! Placo Nowark, N. J. the gaze of a man who talks little Is was bitterness beneath his light tone. The name was a consequence of the "I've been thinking," he began, "the -."Well, it's true. All this silly muck- get away so early. I'll call for you teaching." Green renders the passage expense—" always more effective than that of one in the roadster this afternoon at four who is loquacious. raking in the past ten years ormore. thus: "And It came to pas.- with them "Pigs'll do it," Selina said, calmly. Poor father! Of course, granddad md drive you out myself." that they we.re combined even for a "I've been wanting to put them In for Selina, In her black silk dress, and was pur-ty rough, let me tell you. I "I don't think I—" whole year in the church, and taught three or four years. It's August her plain black hat, and her sensible read some of the accounts of that Iasr "I'll call for you at four. I'll be at much' people, and that the disciples Hempel'h idea. Hogs, I should have shoes, was rather a qualm little figure ndictment—the 1010 one—and I must the curb. ' Don't "Keep me waiting, will were fir-t called Christians at An-Complete with nickel plnted fitting. Set com- said." you?" pri-ca 6 ft. enameled bath tub. wall basin, china among all those vivacious, bevoiled. say I gathered that dear old Aug made tloch." This distinctive title came tank and Biphon toilet buw] with oak beat. Full He echoed, "Hogs!" rather faintly. and beribboned mammas. But a dis- Jesse .Tames look like a philanthropist. (TO-BE CONTINUED.) through Divine guidance. It was ow- line of plumbing: and himtinh' Runpliea. Wnto for ci.tnloKue. M. SCHLOSSMAN & SON. "High-bred hogs. They're worth inctive little figure, too. Dirk need I should think, at his age, he'd be a ing to the teaching of Saul and E45 Third Avc, Near 36th St_ New York their weight In silver this minute, find not be ashamed of her. She eyed the little scared. After all. when you're Charcoal Barnabas that this body csilled the will be for years to come. I won't go rather paunchy, prosperous, middle- over seventy you're likely to have Charcoal 1c the form of amorphous church was given Its "unique standing In for them extensively. Just enough aged fathers and thought, with a pang, some doubts and fears about punish- carbon obtained by strongly heating nnd place. Let It be remembered that to make an architect out of Mr. Dirk how much handsomer I'ervus would ment In the next world. But not a wood. If required for fuel It can be It was not given as a term of re- De.Tong." Then, at the expression in have been than any of these, If only grand old pirate like grandfather. obtained by the partial combustion of proach bit because of tho close re- his face: "Don't look so pained, son. he could have lived to see this day. He'll sack and burn and plunder until wood in heaps. The wood, cut Into semblance of the hody to its head, There's nothing revolting about a hog Then, Involuntarily, she wondered If he goes down with the ship. And it convenient and uniform-lengths. Is sys- Christ. It's invaluable for —he's a handsome, impressive-looking this day would ever have occurred, looks to me as If the old boat- had a tematically piled in a mound-shaped animal, the hog, when he isn't treated had Pervus lived. Chided herself for pretty strong list to starboard right heap with provision mnde for draft. IV. Benevolence of the Church at Rashes Burns like one." thinking thus. now. Father says himself that unless The mound Is covered with earth, ex- Antioch (vv. 27-30). Chafing Stings a war breaks, or something, which cept a small opening at the top. This They made up money for the poor Sunburn Cuts lie looked dejected. "I'd rather not When he returned to Chicago, Dirk Is a charcoal kiln. When completed salntH at Jerusalem sind sent It by the go to school on—hogs." went Into the ollice of Hollls & Kn't at all likely, the packing Industry That's why you need Is going to spring a leak." it ls tired, and by means of slow com- bunds of Barnabas und Saul! The She rook off the felt hat and tossed Sprague, architects. But his work bustion the wood Is converted Into genuineness of the work at Antioch It over to the old couch by the win-there was little more than that of 'Elaborate figure of speech," mur- ehareoM, which Is usually nlmost dead Is proven by their good deeds. It was dow; smoothed her hair buck with the draughtsman, and his weekly stlpehTT murecTEugene. The four of them— black In color and much lighter In further emphasized In that there was flat of her palm. You saw that the could hardly be dignified by the term Paula, Dirk, Eugene and Selina—were weight than wood. That Is the oldno division between .Tow nnd Gentile soft dark hair was liberally sprinkled of salary. But he had large Ideas sitting on the wide screened porch that way of producing charcoal. Christians. The Gentiles ministered with gray now, but the eyes were about architecture and he found ex- Selina had had built at the southwest to the Jevs. bright and clear as ever. pression for his suppressed feelings on corner of the house. Paula was, of "You know, Sobig, this Is what they his week-ends spent with Selina at the course, In the couch-swing. Occasion '• Alaskan "Dog Car" call si paying fsirm—as vegetable farms farm. ally she touched one slim languid foo Almost every conceivable type of Treasures go. We're wit of debt, the land's In "Baroque" was the word with which to the floor and gave indolent impetus transportation is used to move the Misfortune may whirl our material suits good shape, the crop promises well If he dismlsspd the new Heachslde ho- to the couch. malls—railroads, steamboats, automo treasures from us; sorrow or hlckness ESTION may canker them, /urn them to ashes we don't have another rainy cold tel, north. He said the new Lincoln "It Is, rather, Isn't It? Might a.< biles, airplanes, motor boats, wagons Dyspepsia hpring like, last year's. I'm having a park handstand looked like an igloo. well finish It, then. Darling Ang's been horses, pneumatic tubes, convey- In tho mouth. They are not ours; we grand ilnio. When I see the asparagus .Ho said that the city council ought to the gran

SUFFERED Everett Scott Out The run of consecutive games played by Everett Scott, veteran TWO YEARS shortstop of the Yankees, was Children Gyjst broken on May 5, when he failed Finally Relieved by Taking to appear In-the place be bad. Lydia E. Pinkham's Vege- filled for 1.30T straight cham- ~~plonshlp games. He began his table Compound, Says great record-breaking ran June Mrs. Anderson 20, 1016, when a -member of the Boston Bed Sox. , The manage- Rangeley, Maine. — "Lydia E. Pinfc- ment announced to. the press nam's vegetable Compound helped me that Scott's legs were paining reatiy for bearing- own pains in tfiia him, and for that reason he did sides and back, head* noc take fits place In the llnenp. aches and tired feel- However, this was branded as ings. I suffered for official hokum when Scott, -him- two years and it self, said he • was in shape to MOTHER:- seemed aa though I play and declared that be had Castoria is especially pre- could not get my work done from one just begun to hit. "I didn't mind pared to relieve Infants in day to the next. Af- "ihjpTbreuklng of "my streak If it arms and Children all ages of ter reading letters was for the good of the team, from others who bad bnt I. felt as though I was Just Constipation, Flatulency, Wind taken the Vegetable beginning to be as good as Colic and Diarrhea; allaying Compound I decided ever," Scott said. ' "I'll never Bit Feverishness arising therefrom, and, by regulating the StomacH to try it and now I can do all kinds of on the bench." In some circles work, sewing, washing, and and Bowels, aids the assimilation of Food; giving natural sleep. sweeping. I live on a farm and have It was intimated that some of five in the family so am busy most of the veteran pitchers had kicked the time. I recommend the Vegetable about the ground Scott was cov- To avoid imitations, always look for the signature of CteLcrt/x/ZaueJuA* Compound to my .friends and hope my ering. • Absolutely Harmless — No Opiates. Physicians everywhere recommend it letter will help some one to take your medicine."— Mrs. WALTER E. ANDES- SON, Box 270, Rangeley, Maine. Facts of the Standing Alone The naval observatory says no col- "My boy stood alone at one year." Over 200,000 women have so far lision of heavenly bodies has ever been "Mine can't do it at twenty."—• replied to our question, "Have yon CADDY SIGN IS BIG received benefit from taking Lydia E. erved. One of the consequences Louisville Courier-Journal. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound? " HELP TO GOLFDOM would be enormous development of (Copyright, 1925.) heat and light. The so-called novae, A single dose of Dr. Poery'B "Dead Shot" 98 out of every 100 of the replies say, will expel Worms or Tapeworm. No second "yes," and because the Vegetable or new stars—really old stars which dose required. 272 Pearl St., N. T. xav. Compound has been helping other wo- Horizontal. 30—Abbreviation for lieutenant suddenly Increase many hundred times 1—Made n aolae like • frog'i 31—Pertaining to morphology men it should help you. For sale by S2—Sres 33—Style Small of Paper Has In brightness and then gradually fade The pedagogue's rule often works druggists everywhere. T—Hurlne ten feet 12—PoMeited —may possibly owe tlieir sudden flare- IS—Prefix meanlnE "through" 34—The oyster plant Done Much to Better Con- both ways. 14—Abbreviation (or part of the Bible 30—A country of trrmt Africa up to collision with another body; but 18—To Inspire with reapect 87—A preposition ditions of Game. the latter has in no case been seen. Nature never pretends. 10—Brine* to a flnlab 30—The maiden Juno turned Into a FOR OVER 16V—Something aaaoelated anbordlnately heifer 19—Balldlnc In irhlch floor la made 41—-Abbreviation for western rnllroad 2&—Box's nickname 43—Part of a play 44—Relatives A slip of paper 4 by 6 Inches, which 22—A claw 40—Abbreviation for "company" has been placed about various golf 200 YEARS 24—Abbreviation far aoathera atate 52—Abbreviation for "till forbid" clubs of St. Louis, Is said to have Let Tanlac 2&—A note of the scale S3—Marked by refinement done more for the betterment of the haarlem oil has been a world- 27—Negative 28—Upon B4—A river near Tenlce S5—Spirits clubs and of the sport itself than any 20—Name of a aalnt 50—In accord with morala wide remedy for kidney, liver and S3—Tools of a manicure 57—Charges with air other one thing, declared Paul G. 35—After a while 88—Tales 58—A device for lifting Palmer, president of Forest Park Golf restore your health bladder disorders, rheumatism, 40—A small uah 50—Confederate states 00—Things that frighten club. AH the little sign says Is: lumbago and uric acid conditions. 42—Exclamation 43—To Inquire "Treat Your Caddy As You Would d-out and 4&—Abbreviation for an Island In the03—Conjunction 64—An exclamation 07—Street Your Own Boy." JL run-down, if you are losing eastern part of the United States 70—Part of the verb "to be" 40—A bugle call 47—Flower* Last summer Paul H. Miller, exec- weight steadily,lack appetite, have 48—To repair 40—150 SO—A metal —JThe peak no strength or energy—why not HAARLEM OIL 51— Impersonalpronoan 72—A certain large division of land utive secretary of Big Brothers' as- 73—Part of a window frame sociation, co-operating with the heads let Tanlac help you back to health 63—An Incident 57—To distress 7n—Small body of land 01—A poisonous plant of the sonthnest 70—Prefix meaning "hnlf of the various St. Louis golf clubs, and strength? United States had the cards printed and put about correct internal troubles, stimulate vital 02—An explorer of the Congo 78—Shelter 81—Girl's nickname So many millions have been ben- organs. Three sizes. All druggists. Insist OS—To Drive relief In the locker rooms and at other on the original genuine GOLD MEDAL. 00—Plnral personal pronoun The solution will appear In next lssne. places In the clubhouses. The matter efited by the Tanlac treatment, so 68—Abbreviation for high school rested there until Palmer, of the For- many thousands have written to 00—Conjunction est Park club, and others, asked for testify to that effect that it's sheer Modern Love 70—Abbreviation for highway new signs for this season. It may be merely that I'm old, but 71—A mountain ran are dividing Mon- folly not to make the test. . golla aad Siberia Solution of Last Week's Puzzle. When asked the reason for the re- It' does seem to me tlint love isn't 74—Pointed Tanlac, you know, is a great quite so exciting now as It used to be 77—European mountains quest, Palmer said that he feft that in my youth. When touch the 70—Writings iBH 5|W|E| E|T|H|E|A|P T C the posters, which reminded golfers of natural tonic and builder, a com- ground the toe of a protruding Is 80—A city In Nevada 82—Born their influence on their own caddies, pound, after ..the famous Tanlac Tanlac Restored 83—Abbreviation for a central state BOB mam a nun ncua had done as much for the betterment Her Health an allurement. And there were skirts 84—Abbreviation for "electric line" formula, of roots, barks and herbs. In those days draping everything. 85—To deface 00EJGI 0 D D QQE1Q of conditions In general at the Forest It purges the blood stream, revital- "Typhoid fever reduced me IN|5|E1DHW|O|OMC|U1R|S|EIS1 Park links as any other one agency. Nowadays when young women go 80—Pertaining to text izes the digestive organs and en- to 95 lbs. and left me weak about In kilts and are as barebacked 87—Perforated dUca used for drets "There is no better way to Influ- as a rag. Failing to get relief as wild horses there's no excitement. EiaDH B QDQ Q IDE3DB ence a boy directly than In some sort ables the sickly body to regain its from other sources 1 tried n ••Dtl H QQtUa d vanished weight. Tanlac and after 6 bottles The cards nre nil on the tahle, noth- ' Vertical. of sport," Palmer said, "and the sign had gained 20 lbs. Now I ing's left to fancy. All's above-board 1—Made of milk simply serves as a reminder to the You don't need to wait long to enjoy a fine appetite and feel and consequently boring. — From 2—Went fast Q BEH3I3 D IDDK3I3 u men that fellows who caddy for them like a new woman. As a 8—The betting prices •BBS H and 0 BDBQ are watching them all the while, in get results. Tanlac goes right to "Those Barren Leaves," by Aldous nurse I giv9 e Tanlac to all my Huxley. 4—Home of round cheese DEI mBEQSllEBa 0H many cases secretly imitating them, the seat of trouble. In a day or so patients. ' 5—A name of *tie Apostle Thomas |A|N|T L E K • EIGIOHS E. R IIAIL not only in the way In which they play you note a vast difference in your Mrs. J. B. Terry, 0—Drawn Into threads FNHO Q TSSSEIMII ITISHP O|TUY| 1101ParkSt. Ft. Worth/Tex. Anoint the oyellds with Roman Eye Bal- 7—Physicians 8—A girl's name the game, but In their attitude toward condition. You have more appe- ) sam at night and see how refreshed &nd 0—An ache .10—A bird BHHC1 0 CJ B EH111C1 other things. itrenffthenod your eye» are In the morning. 11—UntTrilled wool dress material A 1 sSiniAIPI tite, sleep better at night and the Bend now to 372 Pearl St.. N. T. Adv. iRjAlTBiE. "It seems to me that the caddy- 17—Taste 10—A small organism L 0|P|A|T|H|1 CISMTW color begins to creep back into 21—A parent 23—An exclamation • RIBAIL master himself determines In a large the nearest drug store and get a Uncle Ez Sez 2(1—Expressing condition way the kind of golf club one has. It your washed-out cheeks. bottle of this world-famed tonic. "Even admlttln' dat folks am de-27—A direction is hard to see that unless you are Don't put off taking Tanlac That's the first important step fended from monkeys," remarked very familiar with the operation of another precious day. Step into back to health and vigor. Cncle Ezra, "Ah knows some people the club, but it is true, nevertheless.' lint ain't no special credit to delr an- Palmer said that he felt that a de- TAKE TANIAC VEGETABLE PILLS FOR CONSTIPATION rostors."—Boston Transcript. crease In the amount of "old-fashioned blue profanity" was In a large meas- URSERY RHYME use due to the reminders that the Big Sure Relief Brothers had put up in the clubhouses TANLAC FOR INDIGESTION FOR YOUR HEALTH If a sorrow has to be nursed, It isn't All seats In Connie Mack's recon very deep. One Secret of Beauty BELL-ANS structed ball park are covered. Is Foot Comfort • • * Frequently you hear people) Hot water WOMEN WEED SWAMP-ROOT Bay, "My feet perspire-win- Quincy, 111., wants to hold the Cen ter and summer -when I pat Sure Relief tral state rowing regatta this year. Thousands of women have kidney and rubbers or heavier loot* IT—then when I remove • • • bladder trouble and never suspect it. my shoes my teet chill Chicago may employ an official ama- Women's complaints often prove to be qnlckly and often my hoso •ELL-ANS nothing else but kidney trouble, or the teem weittirou£h."lBevery teur athletic sports director. result of kidney or bladder disease. community thousands now 25$ AND 75

\ \ iiiiiiiiiiuiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiimiiiiliiiiiimiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii iHiklAlillilTiil Beginning of- Empire in Great Northwest. | Large looms the Columbia river la 5 the history of our country. It was the 5 "Supporting President With Efficiency and Economy" key that unlocked the great Northwest 5 and added three states to the Union— the only portion of the United States acquired by right of discovery, posses- sion and settlement, says the Nation's Business. It was in the mouth, of the Columbia that Captain Gray of Boston sailed his ship Columbia in 1702 and raising the Stars and Stripes, took possession of the Northwest hi the name of the United States. STEWART APPLEBY Here, where the mighty •" Columbia tumbles its waters into the Pacific, Lewis and Clark, first to carry our flag across the continent, .reached their Candidate for western destination In • the. winter of 1S05-O6. ' Another six years saw the Astor- Hunt expedition, traveling by land and sea, establish at the mouth of the Co- = e lumbia the first permanent American Republican Nomination for Congress settlement on the Pacific coast Then followed the outriders of em- pire—the missionary, the trapper, the adventurer. From .the Third Congressional District of New Jersey, Came 1843! Thrilled by the story of \ the paradise beyond the mountains j SMART BATHING SUITS respectfully solicits your support at the and fired by the militant cry of "54-40 or fight!" of Senator Thomas Hart I Benton, the ox-drawn covered wagon , trains started moving westward on the and Accessories greatest migration of all history, bring- | Primary Election, June 16th ing within a little more than a decade , 200,000 settlers who established homes, I schools and churches, founded an em- | for Holidays on the Beach plre, and saved the great Northwesr ' To all of the holidays that follow in the for the Union. wake of Decoration Day — to those light- A Jerseyman for Jersey. hearted, carefree, happy days of Summer- Key Is One ot Oldest • time, sea-worthy togs are of .vital import- Believes in freeing our -beaches from oil and refuse. of Religious Symbols ance. When you nest unlock the door of A Business Man and Banker who will give full your home or office, reflect a moment upon the ancient and historic symbol- Bathing Suits—$3.95 to $29.50 time to your interest. ism of the key. • If you ever have the Supple, new two-in-one wool, or silk-and-wool, suits in en- opportunity to examine the Images of chanting, individual styles and beautiful gem-like colors! Served his country in the past, why not now ? the Egyptian deities you will notice In Frequently all-over embroidered in Oriental fashion with, the hands of some of them a cross -gleaming, colorful silks on jade, flame or subdued back- with a circular handle. It represents grounds. Sometimes-mannishly athletic, belted, solid color-- the Ankh, or key of life, one of the ed, striped or with contrasting trunks. oldest of all religious symbols, denot- Two piece silk, satin and brillioiitine suits have puffy bloom- ing the power to open and close the ers or and range from sheathlike black models to doors of . The key had a magi- vivid printed effects and a quaint melon-and-white pin check- cal meaning for the Greeks and Ro- ed silk outfit with while collar and cuffs, ft and pocket! Stands For— mans. Their gods were often given It's a one-of-a-kind assortment and stocks will not long re- the title of key-bearer, as, for example, main complete. Make your selection now. Janus, the god of gates, who was sup- posed to unlock the doors of war and TAX REDUCTION peace. In early Christian history the symbol of the key was associated with Swimming Caps Appropriate Hosiery St. Peter, with his two keys of gold and iron. In the Middle ages the key 39c to $3.00 $1.69 to $3.75 LAW ENFORCEMENT was used to assist in the identification -For closely clipped heads of guilty persons. If, for instance, a Or those heavily tressed— Flesh Silk Uathing hose theft had been committed, a key was !is is worn at fashionable laid on the open page of p. Bible, when tight little divers caps French seaside < resorts, Paid for by Christopher Snyder, Campaign Manager. it was supposed to move towards the and others eluborately [iiire thread silk and full trininied. Jaunty side fashioned. Also opera culprit. Wedding rings had their length, beautifully woven origin in the key presented to the Eo- decorations and all over all vilk and' imported lisle »i[)l).]|!(ll!|!lll!|?lll!|f(lllW man bride by her husband, as a sign of styles, chin , too — hose. In a complete range her authority in his household. and colors ualorv! of sizes. STEIXIJ.VCII liATHIXCI Al'PAKEL SECTION'S Proof of Smoked Ham First and Second Floors. That the proof of the smoked ham Is in the smell is the conclusion reached by the wholesale meat pack- ers, as a result of years of experience, according to a story recently pub- Harvesting Season lished. This hnm-smelllng business, moreover, as might be expected, is of Are you prepared for the rash of niowinu, curing and carting the hay; and cutting; a nature that, to become an expert at and storing the grain quickly and economically? It, requires years of training. A man Asbury Park, New Jersey experienced in this line of, work, how- ever, is able to test 2,000 or 3,000 hams NEW MACHINERY a day, and in some of the large houses, We carry a full line of mowers, .tedders and rakes of the best makes. Also binders where many thousands are turned out iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii and all other harvesting implements. daily, there may be a regular corps of them employed. Upon the Infalli- EXTRA PARTS bility of the judgment of these men. lllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllIlillllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllHIIIIIIII We have repairs for nearly aft makes of farm machinery. Knives for mowers and Indeed, the reputation of such con- binders, binder canvasses in various sizes; also pitman rods and other parts can bo cerns largely depends. Certainly there supplied immediately. are more ways of making a_ living than the average Individual realizes!— HAY CARRIERS AND FORKS Christian Science Monitor. We have hay carriers for steel and wood tracks. Xhe kind that will work in your mows. Also pulley "blocks, harpoon and grapple forks ami pitchforks in variety. BARGAINS In Used Cars Best manilla hay rope of the long fibre strands in various pljs and sizes. This rope The South Sea Bubble will last for years. Speculation at its wildest was shown In the "South Sea Bubble," a $50,000,- SISAL BINDER TWINE 000 project launched by Robert Hart- AVe know .S7.00 for a oOIb. bale sounds ...like a bargain, _but we assure -.you good ley, earl of Oxford, England, to de- Ford Sedan , $175.00 value for the price. AVe have the real goods that will give you satisfaction without velop trade monopoly with Spain question and will save you money and vexation. about 1711. When Spain, after the Ford 1 Ton Truck $200.00 treaty of Utrecht, refused to open her SEEDS FOR PROFITABLE CROPS commerce to England, the privileges Ford 1 Ton Truck $250.00 Xow sow AVilson Soja Beans for hay or fertilizer, ($3.43 per bushel.) AVe also have whlckthe Soutn Sea boasted of getting millet, Hungarian Grass, mangel beets, carrots, turnips, sweet, com, beans, peas,' etc. became worthless. In spite of that Ford 2 Ton Truck -.,. $175.00 stock rose to $1,000 a share, largely FENCING" .... through speculation, until Sir John Durant Touring $400.00 All kinds for form, poultry, garden and lawn. Barbed wire by the. ton. p Blunt, one of the leaders, sold out, and thousands were beggared with Flint Touring $1,150.00 POULTRY FEEDS the drop of the stock. Fraud was dis- Turkey and chick feeds, scratch and other feeds. Feeders and fountains. Also closed and the company paid only 33 Star Coupe $250.00 per cent ponltry remedies. Hupxnobile Touring $175.00 DAIRY SUPPLIES Sanitary milk and strainer pails, strainers, shipping cans, DeLaval Separators, Origin of Name "Canada** Oldsmobile Touring $50.00 churns, butter workers, etc. According to Father Hennepln, the name Canada was derived from" a cor- Oldsmobile Touring $250.00 CULTIVATORS ruption of the Spanish words Capo de Planet Junior garden cultivators, also one and two-horse cultivators, weeders, etc. Nada, or Cape of Nothing, which the Buiek Roadster ~ $250.00 Extra parts and teeth of various sizes and kinds. early voyagers gave to the scene of their discoveries when, under a convic- LAWN MOWERS AND LAWN REQUISITES tion of Its utter barrenness and lnutll- ity, they were about abandoning It in Small hand mowers $6.75 and up. Also horse and power mowers. disgust, says the Detroit News. PROTECT YOUR ANIMALS It has been conjectured by late his- These Cars can be inspected at our torians, with greater appearance of Prom flies and "germs with our flysprays . Labor and cost gives you profitable returns probability, that Canada Is a modifica- Garage, Main Street, Cranbury, W. J. tion of the Spanish word signifying "a INSECTICIDE^ passage" because the Spaniards Remedies, to destroy the eating and sapping insects on plants and trees, in powder thought they could find o passage to and liquid form; in small and large packages. Sprayers and powder implements in various sizes. India through Canada.

CALL AND SEE THEM at - -i Explaining Bishop'* Garb » • i That the modern bishop wears the garb- he does only because It Is 'the relic of the days long ago when a bishop had to ride about his diocese CENTRAL GARAGE, In all manner of weather In order to MARTIN C. RIBSAM & SONS CO., make the regular visits to his very large flock is a theory advanced in Granbury, N. J. Cor. Broad and Front Sts. Phone 7-5107 England. The Is a relic of the Storehouse 145-7-9 E. Front St., Phone 4534 TRENTON, N. J. riding apron, it Is maintained, and the cords on the hat were once hat cords to protect against high winds, and I Phone 412 the and are still familiar In the garb of the equestrian. iTiiiiiiJiuiiiJiiiiiiiiiimiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiuiiuiuiri