VOL. XL. CRANBUKY, MIDDLESEX COUNTY, N. J., FRIDAY, JUNE 12, 1925. NO. 50. THE CHURCHES. "PLEASE, LADY' GLUME A •JAMJESBURG " . FLOWER." eoscoooceseeosecooseooscooscaoeeoscccceoseoocooeeceeo First Presbyterian. OF INTEREST TO FARMERS The residence formerly owned by 23-31 South Broad Street Henry Wirtschafter Surely You Will After You Read ex-mayor Abijah Chamberlin, • now Prayer and Praise Service in the This Article. residing at Hightstown, has passed Chapel Friday evening at eight title to1 Richard Lewis who is con- o'clock. Middlesex County Agricultural Agent "Please, lady, gimme a flower." verting it into a two-family dwell- Sunday School at' 10 o'clock. If you have ever walked through ing' Men's Bible Class at the same the tenement district of a city with The Vine street house of Mr. and Phila. Bargain Store hour, taught by the pastor. a bouquet of flowers in your hand Mrs. Clifford Fort was the scene A Children's Day program will JAPANESE BEETLE OFFICE you have heard the eager begging of Saturdy afternoon of a pretty June be given under the direction of the AT HIGHTSTOWN. countless little voices and seen the wedding when Miss Cornelia Mary Trenton's live Wire Dep't. Store committee, of which Miss Anna Word has been received from the eager reaching towards you of count VanKirk, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Chamberlin is chairman. Japanese Beetle Laboratory at less little hands. The bouauet melts H. M. VanKirk, of 982 South Broad The baptism of children will Riverton that-an office will be open- in a jiffy. Nor are . the blossoms street, Trenton, became the bride of come early In the program. Parents ed at Hightstown on June 10 for thrown into the gutter, each is hur- Henry B. Fort of Jamesburg. The desiring baptism for their children the service of farmers in this sect- ried home and tended and treasured Rev. William H. Murphy, former will please take note of this. ion who ace within the Japanese until it falls apart. pastor at the Jamesburg Methodist 8:00 Community service. Beetle Quarantined Area. This of- Back in the country surrounded Church, and now at Burlington, per- Gifts That Will Please Girl Graduates Sermon by Rev. J. E. Curry. fice will be located on'the corner of by green lawns gay with gardens formed the service. The bride wore Subject: "Barnabus Receives His Main and Stockton Streets. All and fields golden with buttercups it a powder blue crepe gown with hat The kind' old world smiles on their first accomplishment. Title." Acts 11:24. permits for shipping articles requir- is hard to remember the hotfbarren to match and carried a -shower Doting parents and friends show their appreciation by giving 1 At the Communion service last ing inspection will be issued from pavements of the city. A youngster bouquet of white roses. The couple them tokens of enduring value, such as— Sunday ..morning the following were this office and all inquiries regard- pulls the petais from a daisy to find were tendered a reception at the received into membership of the Ing the Japanese Beetle Quarantine whether "He loves me, he loves- me Fort home following the service, ADORABLE HANDKERCHIEFS — Regarded as price- church. On Certificate—Mr. Will- should be directed there. not"; a housewife grumbles "Oh, and are now spending their honey- less by any school maid. White 'kerchiefs of sheer linen, iam Horton nd Mrs. Margaret Hor- In the communication from the dear, I must thin out the larkspur moon at Atlantic City. On their re- voile and crepe de chine—some edged with fine lace or net. ton from Trinity M. E. Churchy New Japanese Beetle Laboratory, Mr. and marigolds this morning or they turn they will make their home in Smart colored ones, too. Priced at 50c. Brighton, Staten Island; Miss Eliza- Stockwell of that office states that won't bloom as well." In the midst Jamesburg. Mr. Fort is employed A LOVELY HANDBAG will be received with glee. A beth M. Horton and Miss Kathlene In some cases it will be possible to of the lavishness of nature one is in a bank in Trenton. stunning assortment of silk and leather bags in new shapes Horton from Grace M. E. Church, issue a blanket permit good for the not apt to realize how wonderful and colors. Also beaded bags. Actual ?3.95 values at ."S2.39 Port Richmond, Staten Island. and how valuable is each tiny scrap entire season. Whether ox not in- The hen is the most efficient of GLOVES FOR. KEK — "Kayser's" nice, long, milanese On Profession of their faith, the spection of every load -will be re- of nature to those who seldom see farm animals in producing food, quired will depend entirely on how- the country. yilk gloves. Sizes G to 8 \? in white, black, mode, gray and twin daughters of Mr. and Mrs. states an Ohio University authority. pongee. $1.30 pair. Horton, Winifred Etta, and Elaine many beetles are found in this But one woman did not forget. Helen. section during the coming season. Thirty-three years ago Mrs. John "HUMMING BIRD" SILK HOSE — Make an ideal and All farmers requiring further in- Wood Stewart was carrying a huge truly appreciated graduation gift. They're long-lasting Second Presbyterian. formation should write or telephone nosegay of sweet smelling country beauties and we have all the snappy, new shades. #1.50 pair the Japanese Beetle office, Hights- blossoms to a mission church on the town, N. J. Ward's, Freihoffer's GIRLS' SILK OIUKELLAS — Smart to the nth degree. On Sunday morning at ten o'clock lower East Side of N. Y. City. When Mah Jong handles of burnt wood or painted. Fancy tips the Sunday School will meet in the a street gamin ran Tip to her, she COLLEGE FAKM FIELD DAY stopped and looked at the "earnest, and ferrules. In red, navy, green, brown and purple. ?5 chapel for the study of the Lesson. JUNE 18th. values at i?iJ.25. The Men's Bible Class will meet whistful little face and at the ex- and Bond Bread | in the church at the same hour. The complete program for the pression of delight as a rose was Studies in the New Testament. Annual Field Day at the College placed in the outstretched hand. Mr. Young will be in charge. Farm has been received. The pro- "There must be thousands of just gsoscoososossoscosoascogsosossogcogcaoagaacq Morning Service given over to the gram for the day starts at 10:30 such children," thought Mrs. Stew- Sunday School for Children's Day standard time. Dr. J. G. Lipman, art, "perhaps some crippled or sick, See our window dis- program and graduation exercises. Director of the Experiment Station, and there must be many old men Dsseoosseeoosesosccocoscesoooosceeoosesosece sea The Stitch and Chatter will meet William B. Duryee. State Secretary and women grown up from such play this week and next next Thursday afternoon at the of Agriculture, Howard B. Hancock, children. How can the waste room. Miss Ethel anedeker will be President of the State Federation ot blooms of the country reach them of GOOD FOODS. the hostess. County Boards of Agriculture, and regularly so as to bring a little Hon. David H. Aguna, State Master brightness into their lives?" REPUBLICANS S of Grange, are amon.; the speakers Large Can Jersey Tomatoes scbultz Memorial M. E. The thought stayed with her— for the general program in the not only that day but for many days Harvest Brand Peas For Congress—Nominate a Man Who Will Win In Sundav School at ten o'clock ID morning. Attorney General Katzen- until she had gathered around her Refugee Cut Beans charge of Fred Carlson. , bach and H. J. Baker, Director of other women equally interested in 11:00 Children's Day exercises Extension, will also appear on the the puzzle of making the natural Websters Best Stringless Beans - O VE and reception of members. program. , weatlh of the country somehow 7.00 I'. M. Epworth League. For the afternoon prom-am special meet the poverty of the city. Good niusic. Something new all events of interest to all farmers Out of this irroup of women was the time. An hour well spent. have been prepared. These include- born the National Plant, Flower For Children's Day Prayer.Meeting Friday evening at a study of plant disease control and Fruit Guild. Today, still led eight o'clock. methods, fertilizer experiments, ex- by Mrs. Stewart but with thousands periments of Interest to Cruit grow- of members and flourishing Branch- Girls' Low Shoes at a SCHOOL COMMEXt'KMEXT ers, poultrymen and dairymen. In es or affiliated organizations in dif- Lower Figure many ways the program is the best ferent parts of the United States, NEXT THURSDAY. ever" arranged for Agricultural the Guild has done much to answer TAN LOW SHOES, sizes 9 to 11, S2.50 The public school will closi' Tues- Field Day. that problem which the women day, June 16Ui. SPKAY XOW FOR. CODLING faced 33 years ago. TAN LOW SHOES, sizes 11 1-2 to 2, 2.75 The purpose of the Guild is the The Commencement exercises will MOTIL' be held in the school - auditorium purpose which nave it being—to PATENT, One Strap, sizes 8 to 11, 2.00 Fruit growers have been wanted Thursday, evening, JUine lSth, at jive kind, hearted persons in the PATENT, One Strap, sizes 11 1-2 to 2, 2.25 eight o'clock . to spray this week for the first country an opportunity to share The following pupils will be broud of codling moth.
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