Senator Running

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Senator Running ‘ . * - . ' ‘ -1 f-‘, - • * . ^ w.. ► " ••. _ ' V •.- *• e .’ -j;. • “ •' • ■ - -.'1' -itst,;' ^ ' / ‘vV ■ r . ' 'f- ■ ;-■■ ■ >■ ■-'•■ ■ .A ■! '- . :5_t , - tO**;fcJSPHr^gi ;; THE-WEATHER---------w NET PRESS RUN .jraraesat kjr fl, •■ Waatliaf;;OuMia»-k” AVERAGE OAILV CIRCULATION M-- - f . New'navaa ' for the month of May, 1028 Fair and cooler ton^ht;/Satur­ 5,140 day fair. Hember of the Audit Hareaa of ClrculatiooB w "*“- Sfef, PRICE THREE CENTS VOL. XLIL, NO. 220. (Classified Advertising on Par- 16) MANCHESTER, CONN., FRIDAY, JUNE 15, 1928. (EIGHTEEN PAGES) MEMBERS OF NOBILE CREW NOMINATED BY REPUBUCANS SENATOR AREJESCUED RUNNING ■ < S > Three Men Who Started Out Kanaats City, June 15.—When the roll for'viee-presidential nominations was called but three names remained before the Job Seekers Already Afoot to Seek Help Are convention, those of Senator Charles Curtis, of Kansas, Con­ gressman John Q. Tilson of Connecticut and Governor Alvan T* Saved by Dog Sled Expe­ Are Besieging Hoover Fuller, of Massachusetts. Tilson and Fuller both withdrew from the race, leaving Curtis alone in the field and ttie nominee dition. of the Republicans for vice-president. Washington, June 15.— Scarcely^sometime ago was interpreted as had the reverberations of the cheer­ significant of Hoover’s earnest pres­ idential aspirations. London, June 15.— Tlie Swedish ing Kansas City convention died Convention Hall, Kansas City, There, was a constant stream ot His Successor people, important and otherwl.Wi processor Malgren, and llie Italian away from three or four powerful Several names were mentioned as June 15.— It’s Hoover and .Curtis. navy commanders Zappl and Mari­ climbing the. steps to the chair­ radio-speakers in the “ S" street Hoover’s successor. The appointee This Republican ticket for 19i28 man’s rostrum, and still further in­ ano, the three daring members of home of Herbert Hoover early to­ natped by President Coolldge virtu­ appeared virtually certain here to­ terfering with his efforts to get tho . the Italia’s crew who set out afoot day, when the Republican nominee ally will be selected by Hoover and day a scant half hour before the convention under way. A lot of^peo- over the Ice to seek aid for their turned his attention to preliminary in the event of Republican prevatl- ple seemed to "have the honoaf’ of campaign preparations. ance next November no doubt will Republican national convention marooned comrades, have been res­ seconding William E. Borah’p|pur- Refreshed after a few hours be secretary of commerce, in the met to complet€i its work. tis nominating speech. -!» cued by a dog-team expedition sent sleep. Hoover arrived at his office I new Cabinet. Among the possiblli- The powerful delegations from Bishop Waldorf, of the Methodist out by the ice-breaker Hobby, a In the Commerce Department early. ties was John Richardson, of Bos­ Episcopal church of Kansas City wireless message from the steamer, Long distance telephone confer­ ton, Hoover’s Massachusetts man­ New York and Pennsylvania cau­ prayed "The blesslngr of God for liraganza stated, according to a ences were started at' once with ager. cused solidly for Curtis soon after Central News dispatch from Kings the man who had been given-the Kansas City managers for the G. 0. The office seekers already are be­ 11 a. m., and with the mlddlewest- Bay. Spltzbergen today^ P. new standard bearer. The imme­ great place" by this convention last ginning to besiege Hoover. Hun­ night. He also asked for Divine pro- 'The Braganza has now reached diate matter at hand was the se­ dreds of telegrams and long dis­ ern strength to which he naturally North East Land. A party of hunt­ lection of the vice-presidential can­ tance calls from all parts of the is heir this made the selection of testlon for the delegates on their ers brought the news of the rescue didate in which Hoover will have an country were coming In today, the Kansas Senator for second homeward Journeys. of the three members of the Italia’s important part. poorly camouflaged as congratula­ place on the ticket about as certain Chairman Moses then proceeded crew, the steamer radioed. With this situation cleared up tory, by men who had suggestions as anything can be in politics. to read “ a message I'rom the next No confirmation of the reported Hoover will arrange to turn the to make as to this or that appoint­ The selection of Senator Curtis President of the. United States"-^ rescue has been received from the commerce department over tn a ment. Most of them were telling was said to be eminently satisfac­ the statement which Mr. Hoover Hobby by the radio operator of the successor, it may be conducted tem­ Hoover— or his secretaries— who tory to the secretary of commerce, telegraphed to Moses in r^ply to the Citta Di Milano. Gen. Umberto No- j porarily by Walter F. Brown, for­ they wanted for vice-president and if. in fact, he did not personally telegram ot last night notifying bile’s base ship at King’s Bay. i mer Ohio political leader, whose ap­ direct it. Some of Hoover’s closest him of his nominatir Alpinists Aboard I pointment as assistant secretary (Continued on Page 3) advisers and stronges.t supporters When Mokes read ' the sentence Tii^ Braganza has aboard eight were in behind the movement for “ I stand upon the platform,” the Italian Alpinists, a team of do?^ the I^ansan. con'^ention applauded sharply. Mr. and a sled, medical supplies and! Borah to Name Him Hoover made'it clhai;.that the plat­ provisions.sAn attempt will be made FARMERS MAY TAKE HOOVER’S MESSAGE Senator Borah of Idaho, will form'was satisfactory’ to him, even to create a base in North East Land place Senator Curtis’ name, beforu if it wasn’t for some of -Ills op­ so that relief expeditions may be ^ the convention, it was said at 11:30 ponents for the. nomination, sent from there to search for Gen. o’clock, and there will be seconds There v/as more applause for, Nobile and his companions— who BILL TO DEMOCRATS from some of the most powerful that passage which, promised "a are adrift on an ice floe somewhere delegations in the convention. sound solution" wil'. be found for ui^rth of Spltzbergen. Borah was said to have been The Russians and some of the the agricultural problem. largely responsible for the selec­ A.lready Beat' other relief parties plan to estab­ tion of the Kansas Senator, who as lish bases at or near Eoyne island Disappointed Republicans Appreciates Honor of Being The delegates didn’t listen as In­ late as twelve hours ago was still tently to the reading oi the mas­ winch, from present indications, is persistent in his refusal to have his the nearest land to the Nobile par­ name voted upon for the vice presi­ sage from their newly elected lead­ Say They Will March to Named Candidate and er as they might have. Perhaps it ty. dency. Not only did Borah persuade 1-atest radio advices from Opera­ Curti^ to change \iis mind, but he was because many of the delegates tor Blagl indicated that the party the Houston Convention. Makes a Pledge. also was credited with having won had hought .noon papers^ on thetx could not move from its present is­ over the support of Andrew W. way Into the hall, xud liad. already olated camp owing to injuries of Mellon, and a few other eastern read it. some of the members and the soft­ Kansas City, June 15.— Militant leaders who were either backing Moses then read from the plat­ ened condition of the ice. Recurrent Kansas City, June 15.— Herbert form to the delegates the two In­ leaders of the farmers crusade— other candidates or were non-com­ sunshine through rifts of fog have Hoover, Republican presidential mittal. ternational News Service dispatches softened the surface of the floe into still full of fight despite their de­ nominee, today sent a telegram to Leaders Satisfied from Superior, Wis., containing the slush which is making living coh*» feat here— today planned to carry Senator George H. Moses, perman­ Curtis’ selection meets the de­ congratulaUqhs to Mr^Hoover froiOr ditions almost intolerable. the President knd Mrs. Coolldge. the famous McNarJt.HRugen bill to ent chalrman-oMdiercoavffRtton, ex- mand voiced by a^numher 6* '^tho Ice Melting party leaders for dry from west So soft is the surface of the ice -«4JatMUton. — - < pressing his .deep appreciation to of the Alleghanies," and also for a LOOK TO HOOVER - • pack that Jt Thay 'b e "‘3Yf?Icult to The same pISTTSrnr plank which the Republican national convention candidate who ia friendly to the move dog'Sledges over it. Kansas City, June 15.— The* Re- ' was overwhelmingly rejected by for naming him as the party stand agricultural interests of the, mid- The main aim of the rescuers dlewest. Curtis voted for the Mc­ publican national, convention waa now' is to gel planes over the the Republican convention, will bo ard bearer. Senator Moses said he dangled before the eyes of the Nary-Haugen bill in the Senate, looking toward Herbert Hoover, stranded explorers so that food, would read the message to the dele­ the niwly named nominee for presi­ Herbert Hoover Democrats— with a promise that it gates at noon when they assentbled but later voted also to sustain medical supplies, bools and collap­ President Coolidge’s veto of that dent, early today -to break the ever­ sible boats may be lowered on para­ will be a rich prize on election da.v,| to nominate and elect a vlce-presl- Informal conferences were held dential candidate!.
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