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Observations on sound production in the

Paul A. Johnsgard University of Nebraska-Lincoln, [email protected]

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Johnsgard, Paul A., "Observations on sound production in the Anatidae" (1971). Paul Johnsgard Collection. 13. https://digitalcommons.unl.edu/johnsgard/13

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Observations on sound production in the Anatidae PAUL A. JOHNSGARD*

It has been known for a long time that, species. Yet, Greenewalt (1968) has among non- , the Anatidae recently come to the surprising conclu­ are remarkable for the diversity of sion (p. 183) that the 'trachea plays no specializations in the trachea and syrinx, acoustical role in avian vocalization', a associated with sound production. It has view that is hardly understandable con­ also been recognised that these variations sidering the aforementioned studies. have taxonomic significance (Heinroth Harris et al. (1968) analysed sound 1911; Johnsgard 1961), but virtually no production by means of sonagrams when attempts have been made to correlate the air was forced through syrinxes of dead complex tracheal structures with the roosters. They varied tension on isolated sounds produced. Yet the group offers and intact syrinxes, varied the lengths of many fascinating problems such as the attached tracheal tubes, and examined the adaptive significance of the looping of effects of the and glottis. They con­ the trachea, either outside the body cavity cluded that the fundamental frequency as in the Magpie Anseranas semi­ of sound generated by the tympaniform palmata, or inside the sternum as in the membranes is determined exclusively by northern Cygnus cygnus and C. the degree of syrinx tension. However, columbianus. Additionally, males of many the associated structures (bronchi, trachea, species of , particularly pochards beak and oral cavity) operate as a reson­ (Aythyini) and sea ducks (), ex­ ating tube and an associated expansible hibit irregular enlargements of the tracheal chamber, tending to tune the vocaliza­ tube. The maiority of anatine species also tions to a basic resonant frequency. In show marked in the chickens and similar birds with a uni­ structure of the syrinx. Asymetrically en­ formly narrow trachea, this resonant larged bullae are typical in adult males, frequency is primarily determined by the while females retain the relatively simple length of the tracheal tube. The formula condition similar to that found in geese used by Harris et al. clearly indicates that and swans. This paper is a first and per­ they visualised this resonating system as haps naive attempt to understand the being acoustically equivalent to a closed functional significance of such complex pipe, a reed-pipe instrument. Thus, they variations in waterfowl vocalizations. calculated that the amplitudes of the fundamental frequency and successive General structural and acoustical aspects harmonics could be explained on the of sound production basis of the tracheal tube and bronchi acting as a single resonating tube. One of the earliest attempts thoroughly In contrast, Sutherland and McChesney to describe the structure of the avian (1965) used similar sonagraphic tech­ syrinx and relate it to vocalizations was niques to analyse the caUs made by living that of Myers (1917), whose description Snow Geese caerulescens and of the domestic 's Gallus gallus syrinx Ross's Geese Anser rossii. They also cal­ remains a classic. RiippeU (1933) agreed cuIated resonant frequencies based on the with Myers that sound produced in the measured (but not indicated) lengths of syrinx by vibrating the tympaniform the tracheal tubes, and on the assump­ membranes is strongly influenced by the tion that the trachea may act either as tracheal tube. Myers found that shorten­ an open-pipe (trumpet) or closed-pipe ing the effective length of the trachea by (reed instrument) resonating chamber. A severing it in the neck region served to tracheal tube acting like a closed pipe raise the pitch of calls from 375 to about wouId generate a resonant frequency only 500 cycles per second. As Sutherland and half as great as an open pipe of the same McChesney (1965) have pointed out, this length, and thus would have correspond­ result suggested that the length of the ingly lower-frequency harmonics. Com­ trachea can influence the rate of vibration parison of the sonagrams with calculated of the tympaniform membranes, as in a resonant frequencies caused these authors wind instrument. Thorpe (1959) believed to conclude that the tracheal tube that the principle might be applied to operates in the manner of an open-pipe many 'primitive' (non-songbird) avian instrument. The had a lower *Contribution (No. 438) from the Department of Zoology, University of Nebraska, Lincoln, Nebraska 68508.

WILDFOWL 22 (1971), pp. 46-59. Sound production 47

membrane fundamental frequency although frequencies caused an increase in the the total tympaniform membrane areas pitch of the vocalization. Such studies had and membrane thicknesses of the two already been performed by Hersch (1966), species appeared to be approximately the who found that at least in the case of the same. The authors therefore concluded platyrhynchos, the only that the width of the tympaniform mem­ tested, a change in vocal pitch did brane may be more important than either occur. The current evidence thus strongly its length or total area in determining its favours a role of tracheal modulation, at vibration rate. least in species possessing fairly long Both these studies confirmed the basic tracheae. idea that two different processes are in Being controlled by independent fac­ volved. First, the tympaniform mem­ tors, there is no a priori reason to believe branes vibrate at a frequency partially that the fundamental (source-generated) regulated by their size or area, but which frequency of vibration of the tympaniform can be increased by increasing membrane membranes should necessarily coincide tension. Assuming that the rate of vibra­ with the resonant (carrier-generated) tion increases in proportion to the square frequency of the tracheal tube or anyone root of tension, a theoretical ninefold in­ of its harmonic multiples. Rather, it may crease in tension resulted in a threefold be imagined that these two systems increase in frequency of sounds (Harris come into phase only at certain common et al. 1968). Secondly, the tracheal tube harmonic frequencies which would thus and associated respiratory and pharyngeal be relatively amplified. The harmonics of structures provide a resonating chamber the fundamental frequency that are not having a basic resonant frequency that is in phase with the resonant frequency primarily determined by the length of the harmonics would tend to be dampened tracheal tube. The longer the tube, the out. Such differential amplitude develop­ lower the trachea's resonant frequency, ment of 'frequency zones' may clearly be and the greater the number of harmonics seen in some of the sonagrams accom­ that will be generated in the audible panying this paper, particularly those of range. Since low-frequency sounds have the true ducks. In contrast, some species' the greatest carrying power, a species calls exhibit relatively uniform develop­ that must communicate over great dis­ ment of harmonics from the lowest tances clearly needs the longest possible to the highest frequencies covered by resonating tube. This would provide a the sonagraph. This is suggestive of possible explanation for the of a distinct 'tuning' effect, of the trachea elongated tracheal tubes in the Magpie on the source-generated fundamental Goose and northern swans, as well as in frequency. Not surprisingly, this is various cranes and cracids. especially clear in the northern swans, Greenewalt (1968: 161) doubts this and since the very long trachea produces an instead attributes the loud voices of extremely low resonant frequency, whose swans and cranes to their ample reserve many harmonics are much more likely to of available air. As noted above, he be nearly 'matched' with harmonics of questioned the ability of the trachea to the fundamental frequency than are the modulate their calls, in spite of the relatively few and high-pitched resonant marked differences in relative harmonic frequencies produced by a very short amplitudes that he reported. Instead he trachea. Thus, the calls of pygmy geese attributed these variations to unexplained (Nettapus) are high-pitched, virtually mechanical constraints imposed on the lacking in harmonics (see Frith 1967: tympanic membranes. However, Amadon 270), and have a considerable resemblance (1970) noted that species of to the nearly pure-toned calls of whist­ having long tracheae usually have 'boom­ ling ducks (Dendrocygna). ing' voices with great carrying power. He Greenewalt (1968: 164) pointed out also noted the relatively large size of their that for each species a frequency syrinxes and associated tympaniform threshold for pure whistles apparently membranes (also found in the northern exists, above which no audible harmonics swans). This would permit a low mem­ are generated and below which one or brane vibration, and a consequent low more harmonics develop. As the funda­ fundamental frequency of vocalizations. mental frequencies fall, such harmonic Greenewalt suggested (p. 183) that a monies becoming progressively dominant critical test of tracheal modulation in over the fundamental ones, higher har­ birds would be to determine whether, in monics becoming progressively dominant a helium-oxygen atmosphere, the theore­ as the fundamental frequency falls. This tical increase in tracheal resonance was so up to at least the ninth harmonic

WILDFOWL 22 (1971), pp. 46-59. 48 Wildfowl

and apparently up to the fifteenth in some point. Harmonics were numbered by con­ Trumpeter Cygnus c. buccinator sidering the fundamental frequency as calls (p. 160). However, Greenewalt attri­ zero and the first overtone above it as buted these differential harmonic ampli­ harmonic number one (whereas Fou­ tudes to a transition from a rippling to quette (1969) numbers the fundamental a more pulse-like membrane vibration, as the first harmonic). rather than to modulating effects of the In the calls of some species, the funda­ trachea. mental frequencies may be obscured by More recently Wurdinger (1970) has pulsed or trilled characteristics of the provided an important analysis of the sounds. Where the pulse rate of the call comparative vocalisations of four goose is considerably under 100 per second, the species and their anatomical correlates. human ear detects the pulse rate rather She concluded that the necessary varia­ than the audible sound frequencies tions in tension of the tympanic mem­ (McAlister 1959), and the trill or pulse branes are regulated by the interclavi­ rate can be counted by the number of cular air sac rather than the tracheal vertical energy pulses on the sonagram muscles. This air sac pressure is also per unit of time. It is not yet clear directly correlated with the call's funda­ whether these vertical pulse rates repre­ mental frequency and amplitude. Dif­ sent actual fundamental frequencies of ferences between species' fundamental less than 100 Hz., or whether the pulse frequencies correlate negatively with the rates are independently generated, as in area of the tympanic membranes, and the some anuran species (McAlister 1959). differences in amplitudes correlate nega­ The glottis might provide a possible start­ tively with tracheal diameters. Further, stop control of pulsed sounds that would the tracheal width may also influence the be independent of tracheal resonating relative development of harmonics, wider effects (Thorpe 1959). tracheal tubes being associated with the Few data on the actual length of the reduction of higher harmonics. trachea and associated structures in situ Since the tracheal and syringeal are available. Comparisons between dried of the Anatidae varies between and fresh specimens in ducks and quails the major taxonomic groupings, a short indicated that dried tracheae shorten by review of the acoustical characteristics of between 20 to 50%, making museum the calls made by species representing specimens quite useless. Audubon (1840- the various tribes is now presented. Un­ 1844) gave some lengths of fresh tracheae less otherwise indicated, the accompanying when 'moderately' extended, but these sonagrams were made with a Kay Audio­ are not really precise enough for our spectrograph Model 6061B, with purposes. Detailed dissection of a wide frequency ranges of 80 to 8000 cycles per range of species is a future requirement second, wide-band filter, and HS setting. to check the estimates of effective tracheal The sequence of discussion follows my length derived below from acoustical earlier (1961) paper on tracheal anatomy, properties. but the tribes Cairinini and are excluded from consideration owing to SUBFAMILY ANSERANATINAE lack of adequate comparative material. Estimates of fundamental frequencies Tribe Anseranatini () were determined by two methods. For The vocalizations of the monotypic those species having fairly high funda­ Australian Magpie Goose are of special mental frequencies and thus few interest because of the extraordinary harmonics, the frequencies were measured length of the adult male's trachea which directly from the sonagram baseline, may reach 150 cm. (Johnsgard 1961), using a calibrated scale. In cases where whereas it is considerably shorter in the fundamental frequencies were rela­ females. This maximum length would tively low and exhibited strong harmonic allow a remarkably low minimum resonant development, the frequencies were frequency (about 115 Hz. in an open­ estimated by determining the frequency pipe system), and the potential for a very range covered by several harmonics and large number of resonating harmonic dividing by the number of harmonics frequencies. Contrary to my earlier (1961) (Fouquette 1960). The dominant observations, Frith (1967) reported that frequency represents the fundamental male Magpie Geese have higher pitched frequency or harmonic having the maxi­ voices than do females, and the sona­ mum amplitude, as indicated by the rela­ grams that he published would support tive darkness of the sonagram or by this view. taking a 'section' of the call in its mid- To resolve this problem, I recorded the

WILDFOWL 22 (1971), pp. 46-59. Sound production 49

vocalizations of the breeding Magpie The calls of the Fulvous Whistling Geese at the Wildfowl Trust in May 1971. Duck D. bicolor are the most typically The adult male was the bird I studied and anserine, in that they exhibit the least reported on in 1961, and by 1971 was at varied overall frequency range and a least 20 years old, while the two females relatively large number of harmonic were six years old. Magpie Goose calls frequencies are amplified (Figure la). The recorded by D. S. McChesney at the typical double-note 'wa-kew' begins with Wildfowl Trust involved the same male a short (1/20 sec.) rising and falling note but two different females. Several indi­ ranging in maximum amplitude from vidual calls sonagrammed from these about 2,720 to 4,000 Hz. This is immedi­ recordings indicate that the male calls ex­ ately followed by a longer (:1- sec.) note hibit fundamental frequency ranging that also rises and falls in pitch and with from about 270 to 300 Hz, and have a maximum amplitude between 2,400 and large number of harmonics that diminish 3,600 Hz. The fundamental frequency of in a relatively progressive fashion, dis­ the mid-point of this second note appears appearing at about 6,000 Hz. These typi­ to be at about 900 Hz., and the nearly cally fall slightly in pitch near the end uniform development of harmonics sug­ of the call, but in the case of alarm calls, gests that this is near the resonating uttered as the bird tosses his bill upwards, frequency of the tracheal tube, which the pitch rises slightly during the call. The thus might be expected to be about 19 females' calls exhibit considerable variation cm. long. in pitch, and it was not possible to deter­ The calls of the White-faced D. viduata mine whether these reflect individual or and Red-billed D. autunmalis Whistling possible functional or intensity variations. Ducks differ considerably from those of A low volume grunting note uttered in bicolor, both in their more complex tem­ situations of mild disturbance has a funda­ poral and frequency patterning and in mental frequency of about 200 Hz and is their greatly reduced harmonic content strongest in harmonics at about 1,000 Hz. (Figures Ib and lc). Both species have Another female call, uttered during flight calls that consist of three or more apparent excitement, has a considerably major rising and falling syllables and with higher pitch, with a fundamental only one well developed harmonic above frequency of about 520 Hz, and fairly the fundamental frequencies and under uniform development of harmonics that 8,000 Hz. In viduata the frequencies vary gradually diminish at higher frequencies. from about 2,000 to 3,850 Hz., with the It would thus appear that male Magpie greatest amplitude around 3,500 Hz. The Goose vocalizations, although not con­ actual fundamental frequency, however, sistently lower than those of females, do appears to be under 1,000 Hz., with the seem more uniform in pitch, suggesting a greatest amplitude thus being apparently distinct 'tuning effect' of the extremely generated in the fifth harmonic, and again long tracheal tube. Female calls vary con­ between 4,500 and 8,000 Hz., particularly siderably in pitch, and may be higher or around 7,200 Hz. A tracheal tube 24 cm. lower than those of males. Measurements long would generate a resonating of the tracheal tube lengths for adult frequency of 717 Hz. with the fifth and females are not available, but those of tenth harmonics falling at 3,583 and males could effectively resonate calls with 7,166 Hz., which would nicely account fundamental frequencies as low as 115 Hz. for the observed amplitude increases in these zones. SUBFAMILY The flight calls of autumnalis have surprising similarities to those of viduata, Tribe Dendrocygnini (Whistling Ducks) although even more drawn out, and the The whistling ducks have a somewhat preliminary rising note is better surprising sexual dimorphism of the developed. Again, only two major har­ syrinx, with males possessing an oval­ monics are well developed below 8,000 shaped tracheal bulla and the females a Hz., both of which appear to be multiples relatively simpler structure. So far, sona­ of some lower fundamental frequency grams of adult calls from only one species that is but weakly developed. Some sona­ of Dendrocygna have been published, by grams clearly indicate that there are four Frith (1967) for the Eyton's Whistling sound zones below the first maior zone Duck D. eytoni. I have prepared sona­ of sound energy, and four more between grams from three additional species of the first and the second. The zones of Dendrocygna and of Thalassornis, a maximum sound production in these two probable near relative of the whistling patterns are between 2,880 and 3,760 Hz., ducks (Johnsgard 1967). and between 6,800 and 7,200 Hz. Again,

WILDFOWL 22 (1971), pp. 46-59. 50 Wildfowl a tracheal tube of 25 cm. would provide high note with a single dominant har­ fifth and tenth resonating frequencies of monic of about 4,500 to 6,000 Hz., that 3,440 and 6,880 Hz. abruptly terminates. The pitch then drops The White-backed Duck Thalassornis back down to the original strong ampli­ leuconotus is most unusual (Figure ld). cation of several lower harmonics. These It not only differs from the stiff-tailed lower harmonics are fairly uniformly ducks so far studied, but also shows the generated at frequency multiples of about rapid and sharp frequency fluctuations 1,250 Hz., suggesting a resonating tracheal characteristic of Dendrocygna, as well as tube length of about 14 cm. Well­ a markedly differential amplification of developed harmonics in the middle, high­ certain harmonics. The calls usually begin pitched phrase segment are virtually fairly low in pitch, suddenly 'break' to a lacking. This suggests that the source-

le. la. (wi de-band) (narrow band) S' -.. 7 .- ~ - 6 ---.~ --..-----...... i 5 .- I4 - ':>::3 --~- ~...... - 2 --_.-

lb. WHITE-FACED 1f. h'HOOPER SWAN S " ,I l 7 ~ ;,"'/ 6 ~. ... ;' , I ~ , .~ I~~\:I 2 ".,rVV'\. !- e fa

'Ole RED-BILLED WHISTLING DUCK 1 g. BEWICK'S SWAN 8 " 7 . ~, t 6 .~ ~ 'l"J ~ '.--,~~ .. lh. WHISTLING SWAN "'.

Figure 1. Sonagrams of representative whistling ducks and swans.

WILDFOWL 22 (1971), pp. 46-59. Sound production 51 generated (tympaniform membrane) fun­ by Mrs. D. Jean Tate (in litt.) measured damental frequency is out of phase with 117.1 cm. (intrasternallength of 35.1 cm.), most of the resonating frequencies, while with bronchi of 4.1 and 3.0 cm. under maximum tension under the syrin­ The snorting threat uttered by male geal membranes, and finally drops back Mute Swans is curiously pulsed (ca. to the fundamental frequency at which 55/sec.) (Figure 2b) and, apart from its the call started. initial phrasing, develops few harmonics. However, the fundamental frequency of Tribe Anserini (Swans and True Geese) the first phrase appears to be about 720 The typical swans Cygnus include the Hz., which would develop with a tracheal arctic-breeders C. cygnus and C. colum­ tube length of some multiple of 23 cm., bianus, which possess strong voices and perhaps 69 cm. tracheal that convolute within the sternum, By contrast, the Black-necked Swan and three relatively weak-voiced and more has a more musical call (Figure 2a) with temperate-breeding swan species, the a fundamental frequency ranging from Mute C. olor, Black C. atratus and Black­ about 900 to 1,600 Hz. This relatively necked C. melanocoryphus. There is also high figure correlates well with the small the monotypic Cosco­ size of the adult and its relatively small roba coscoroba, which has a syringeal syrinx. The maximum amplitude of the structure similar to that of the Mute call occurs at about 960 Hz., which would Swan, but with strong calls of complex be in phase with a tracheal tube of 18 harmonic development like those of cm. or some multiple, perhaps 54 em. geese and the northern swans. Sound analyses of the Sonagrams (Figures Ie, Ih) are avail­ canadensis have been made by able for all four northern swans, which in Greenewalt (1968) and of two species of sequence from the largest to smallest are Anser by Sutherland and McChesney the Trumpeter C. cygnus buccinator, (1965). The Canada Goose provides an Whooper C. cYgnus cygnus, Whistling C. ideal subject for the influence of tracheal columbianus columbianus and Bewick's length, since sub-species range in adult C. columbianus bewickii. When these size from nearly 9 kg. to under 2 kg. A are compared, it is evident that the larger representative sonagram of a moderately birds have calls exhibiting less frequency large B. c. canadensis race is shown in fluctuation than the smaller ones, suggest­ Figure 2c. This illustrates well that the ing that a long tracheal tube may indeed prolonged, fairly uniform-pitch calls of tend to 'tune' the call by placing con­ these birds are quite low: Greenewalt straints on the fundamental frequency. reported fundamental frequencies of 131 Additionally, the fundamental frequencies and 383 Hz. In Figure 2c, the fundamen­ and thus the number of developed har­ tal frequency is at approximately 510 Hz., monics are correlated with relative body and the great amplitudes occur, judging size; in the 80 to 8,000 Hz. range the from cross-section study, in the second, usual number of harmonics evident were fourth, and ninth harmonics, or at inter­ as follows: Trumpeter 17-19 Whooper vals of 1,150 Hz. This would correspond 12, Whistling and Bewick's 9-10. to a tracheal length of some multiple of Greenwalt (1968) calculated funda­ 15 cm. Wiirdinger (1970) indicated that mental frequencies for two Trumpeter two Canada Geese that she examined Swans at 475 and 485 Hz., and two had tracheal lengths of 42.6 and 46.3 em., Whistling Swans at 815 and 833 Hz. For as measured in freshly dead specimens. the calls shown here, the approximate The relatively small Ne-ne Branta fundamental frequency in the middle of sandvicensis has a call with an average each call, based on average distances fundamental frequency about 670 Hz. between harmonics, is 461 for the Trum­ (Figure 2d), and consequently a large peter, 666 for the Whooper, 750 for the number of harmonics. These harmonics Whistling, and 800 for the Bewick's Swan. are amplified especially in the frequencies These increasingly higher fundamental between 2,000 and 4,000 Hz., primarily frequencies would be expected with the at about 2,500 and 3,800 Hz. Again, these smaller syringeal sizes and shorter tracheal frequencies would be resonated well with tubes, and could be generated by tracheal a tracheal tube length some multiple of tubes of the following lengths and their 14 cm. multiples: 37.3, 26.8, 22.9 and 21.5 cm. The curious Cereopsis Cereopsis novae­ Actual measured fresh tracheal lengths of hollandiae, which might be either Whistling and Trumpeter Swans have not anserine or tadornine in its affinities, has been published to my knowledge. A fresh a voice (Figure 2e) that is astonishingly adult Whistling Swan trachea examined similar to that of the 's snort.

WILDFOWL 22 (1971), pp. 46-59. 52 Wildfowl

It has the same rattling trill characteristics swans, whereas the males sometimes of about 40 pulses per second, and a very produce nearly pure whistled sounds wide frequency range with few harmonics. having considerable frequency variation. An example of a typical female call is the SUBFAMILY inciting of the Ruddy Tadorna ferruginea shown in Figure 2g. Apart Tribe Tadornini ( and from its broken cadence characteristics, Sheldgeese) it is remarkably like that of the Canada In this subfamily well-defined sexual Goose shown in Figure 2c, with a low dimorphism in tracheal anatomy and adult fundamental frequency that is under 500 calls first appears. The calls of the females Hz., and with differential amplification of tend to retain the highly developed har­ the harmonics, particularly in the monic content and the relatively minor frequency zones of about 1,000, 2,500 and frequency variations typical of geese and between 4,000 and 5,000 Hz. This ampli-


" ,f ,

-.. (male threat)

, I lIc'" 11\1 '11 \ I, /, CANADA GOOSE (female) ~,

q I/!II ~ III pi ''''flunli 1 :"-'~""ir 1 ,;', "'r: HHlH la ~'t iii. :.

8 male .7 , 6 • 4/'" -., 5 \ ---rJIII' ...... ~, 4 ~ Il~1 ~~r::~: 1 '''IU/JII/'# s. _I

Figure 2. Sonagrams of representative swans, geese and shelducks.

WILDFOWL 22 (1971), pp. 46-59. Sound production 53 cation could be readily accounted for by a appear to have a lower fundamental tracheal tube some multiple of 13 cm. in frequency that is completely out of phase length. with the resonating frequencies of the The very low-pitched call of the female tracheal tube, producing vertical energy Chloephaga melanoptera bands on the sonagrams, with little if any (Figure 2f) has less developed harmonics harmonic structuring. In contrast, the but several tones of harmonic amplifica­ decrescendo call is a series of repetitive tion are evident, as in the male's chuck­ notes having nearly the same fundamental ling notes. In his more sibilant series of frequency but of diminishing amplitude, 'wi wi' notes the fundamental frequency all with well developed harmonic struc­ fluctuation (from about 1,000 to 2,500 ture. The fundamental frequency of the Hz.) becomes more evident and the call shown is at about 585 Hz., and maxi­ harmonic bands in the zones around 3,400 mum amplication occurs between 1,500 and 4,600 Hz. are relatively less amplified, and 2,500 Hz. Greenewalt (1958) reported with major amplification instead at 2,170, a fundamental frequency of 179 Hz. for 3,400 Hz., and again at 4,600 Hz., but not a female Mallard call, with maximum around 4,000 Hz. (Figure 2f). Whether amplification in the harmonic centering these differences in resonant frequencies at 1,428 Hz. are enough to account for the observed The alarm notes of Anas females damping of sound between 3,400 and appear to be similar to the decrescendo 4,600 Hz. is difficult to judge. calls in their acoustic characteristics, but Sexual dimorphism in vocalizations is are more uniform in cadence and ampli­ even more pronounced in the Common tude (Figures 3b, 3c). The 'raeb' call of Shelduck Tadorna tadorna. The female the male is drawn out (0.3 sec.) in a man­ calls vary considerably in duration and ner similar to the female's alarm notes, and rate of repetition (up to about seven per otherwise appears quite similar to them second in the case of rapidly repeated on the sonagrams. As in the female, maxi­ cackling notes), and in all cases have a mum amplitude occurs around 2,000 Hz. fundamental frequency too low to Whistled notes of the male Mallard are measure on the sonagrams, but with poor not available for sonagraphic inspection, development of resonant harmonics but the courtship calls of male (Figure 2h). In contrast, the whistling Anas strepera interestingly alternate notes of the male are fairly pure, mostly between typical 'raeb' sounds and in the range of 1,000 to 3,000 Hz., whistled notes (Figure 3d), The very low­ initially rising sharply in pitch, then pitched fundamental frequency of the dropping back more gradually. In the 'raeb' notes (estimated at about 105 Hz. 'casarca' group the males 1J0ssess a rudimen­ from the vertical striations on the sona­ tary tracheal bulla, and the two sexes ex­ grams) is somewhat amplified in the zone hi6it only very limited sexual dimorphism, around 2,500 Hz., whereas the whistled as shown by Frith's (1967) sonagrams for notes centre on a frequency zone of about the T adorna tador­ 3,300 Hz., with a weak harmonic at 6,600 noides. This would certainly support the Hz. It is unlikely that tension changes on view (Johnsgard 1961) that a well the syringeal muscles alone could account developed tracheal bulla is probably for this dramatic shift in frequency, and responsible for the ability of males of the it instead seems possible that the shift larger Anatinae to produce pure whistled reflects a change from a tympaniform­ notes. membrane-generated sound to a bulla­ generated sound, on the aeolian whistle Tribe Anatini (Dabbling Ducks) principle (Johnsgard 1961). Similarly, the The number of species of Anas and of 'cricket' whistle of male European Green­ related genera is far too great to show winged Teal Anas crecca has its lowest representative sonagrams from all of amplified frequency at about 2,400 Hz., them. Frith (1967) has already published with a minor harmonic at 4,800 Hz. and sonagrams for the Anas gib­ a more intense one at 7,600 Hz. (Figure berijrons, A. castanea, 3e). By comparison, the female alarm calls Australian Black Duck A. superciliosa of both the Teal and Anas cly­ and the aberrant Pink-eared Duck Mala­ peata have very low fundamental frequen­ corhynchus membranaceus. cies of under 500 Hz. In the case of the Two common calls of adult female Gadwall these have maximum resonant Mallard Anas platyrhynchos are the in­ amplification of harmonics between 2,000 citing call and the decrescendo call and 3,000 Hz., while in the Teal these (Figure 3a). Besides differing markedly in are best developed between 2,800 and cadence characteristics, the inciting calls 3,800 Hz. Greenewalt (1967) reported the

WILDFOWL 22 (1971), pp. 46-59. 54 Wildfowl fundamental frequency of a female Teal male calls that diverge from the typical call as 273 Hz., with maximum amplitude Anas pattern. Several species of the 'blue­ in the 12th harmonic at 4,296 Hz. winged duck' group lack pure whistles; Inspection of sonagrams of various in the Anas querquedula the species of Anas, such as those appearing male courtship call is a rattling noise in Frith's book (1967), indicate that produced by broken bursts of 'wooden' similar acoustical characteristics to those sounds having a pulse rate of about SO of the Mallard female occur in the per second, somewhat like the rattling decrescendo calls of many Anas species. sounds of the Mute Swan and the Cere­ Smaller species generally have more opsis. However, a definite bulla is present rapidly repeated notes and somewhat in males of this species and of the higher fundamental frequencies, but with shoveler group. little actual change in frequencies In contrast, males of the group throughout the entire call sequence. lack 'raeb' notes and produce only A few species of dabbling ducks have whistled calls. The Chiloe Wigeon Anas

3e. COl1ilON TEAL (male courtship) 3a. MALLARD (female decrescendo) . 8 JlIM., ,,, 'I'" •• *",~ ~" "".'11-1 ~ ~~ .'" I .- ,.. ,...

, " 3f. BALDPATE (male whistle)

/1 'f~ I l~,1 I"" ~+¥\ ~. ~ • ,I'

, . 3g. EUROPEAN WIGEON (male whistle) , /" I~" ' I ~ ,,\ I~ \ . ~/~' ..

3h. CHILOE WIGEON (male whistle) 8 {/'I ' 7 I !l"lf~ , j,1. \. t\ ,I I N ,,/' 'I")' ~ I .filii :.' t ,..i,t:.lti·IY~~1 .. Jl.:.

i:f( . ;'; ~~'-'.f I j4~ I,

1 - Figure .3. Sonagrams of representative dabbling ducks.

WILDFOWL 22 (1971), pp. 46-59. Sound production 55 sibilatrix has the loudest calls and the development above that frequency. largest tracheal bulla. The American Female calls show similar amplitude Wigeon A. americana has the smallest characteristics. By contrast, the male calls bulla and the weakest whistles, and the of the americana are European Wigeon A. penelope is inter­ more prolonged and have strong ampli­ mediate in both regards (Figures 3f-3h). tude development not only at 750 Hz., Interestingly, the whistles of the Ameri­ but also at 2,200 and 3,000 Hz., and can Wigeon consist of a series of three progressively weaker harmonics at higher or four simple ascending and descend­ frequencies. Most striking of all is the ing notes, with several harmonics and male call of the European Pochard Aythya major amplification between 2,000 and jerina, which is unusually prolonged (104 3,000 Hz. The male European Wigeon seconds) and has remarkable harmonic begins with a weak ascending note, development. As may be seen on the followed by a much louder rapidly sonagram (Figure 4a), the call gradually ascending note that 'plateaus' in funda­ rises in frequency, makes a sudden dip mental frequency at about 3,400 Hz. It near the middle (compare Chiloe Wigeon, then gradually drops off in a glissando Figure 3h); this is followed by a point of of descending frequency, passing through maximum frequency (fundamental fre­ a zone of increase amplitude at about quency ca. 780 Hz.), and is terminated 2,500 Hz. before dying out completely. by a gradual glissando to the starting Finally, in the Chiloe Wigeon, the call is point. Individual harmonic bands increase a nearly continuous flow of sound energy and decrease in amplitude as they pass lasting approximately one second. It in and out of zones of resonant frequen­ starts with a rise in fundamental cies. These appear to be approximately frequency from about 1,000 Hz. to -2,500 700 Hz. apart, suggesting a resonating Hz., where a vibrato effect begins and the tube length of about 24 cm. call gradually diminishes in amplitude Calls of female pochards are acoustic­ and fundamental frequency. In all three ally much like those of female dabbling species major amplification occurs in ducks. Thus, the alarm call of a female frequency zones around 2,000, 4,000 and Aythya affinis has the same 8,OOq Hz., which would be best accounted paced cadence and low fundamental for by a tracheal tube some multiple of frequency evident in Gadwall, Mallard, 9 cm. long. and Green-winged Teal. These notes have maximum resonant amplification of harmonics in the zone between 1,900 and Tribe Aythyini (Pochards) 2,900 Hz. (Figure 4c). The inciting notes As described previously (Johnsgard 1961), are acoustically similar (Figure 4b). In the tracheal anatomy of the pochards is the at least, inciting calls of unusual interest, owing to the variations appear similar to inciting notes of Anas in the diameter of the tracheal tube of females, having wide frequency content males, and the partially membraneous and relatively poor harmonic develop­ syringeal bulla. The acoustical functions ment. Decrescendo calls are virtually of both adaptations remain obscure, lacking in this group (Johnsgard 1965). although it may be presumed that gradu­ ally varying tracheal tube diameters would somewhat affect the efficiency of Tribe Mergini (Sea Ducks) the resonating characteristics of the All of the problems posed by the Aythyini trachea, whereas abrupt changes in are present in the sea ducks, including diameter, as in the Rosybill pepo­ variably enlarged tracheal tubes, complex saca, might have quite different acoustical and partially membranaceous bullae, en­ effects. larged bronchial tubes, and in the case Pochard calls are usually both relatively of one (Polysticta), unusually well weak in amplitude and low in pitch, and developed sternotrachealis muscles. are thus difficult to separate from back­ The typical (Somateria) provide ground noises. The greatest zone of a special problem. Male vocalizations of amplification of the male calls available all species are low cooing sounds, which appears to be at or the fundamental involve the inflation of the throat region frequency, under 1,000 Hz. For example, with air presumably, but not definitely, the courtship calI of the male Canvasback resulting from inflation of the interclavi­ Aythya valisineria exhibits greatest ampli­ cular air sac. This would require that the fication at about 750 Hz., with minor vocalization occurs during inhalation, resonant amplitude two harmonics above which is not yet definitely proven for birds at 3.000 Hz.. but virtually no harmonic but may well occur (Kelemen 1963).

WILDFOWL 22 (1971), pp. 46-59. 56 Wildfowl

However, sounds of the same 'booming' The fundamental frequency appears to be quality are produced by male Pinnated under 600 Hz. even at the call's point of Tympanuchus americanus by highest pitch, and the lowest frequency inflation of the oesophagus with air ex­ band has the greatest amplitude. These pelled from the tracheal tube. This, in low frequencies are best illustrated by a the case of the grouse, has the acoustical narrow-band filter display on the sona­ effect of adding an expansible chamber gram (Figure 4h). It is suggested that, to the end of a resonating tube, the whatever the eiders may use as inflatable greatly increased volume allowing for a structures, this behaviour effectively more effective resonance of very low amplifies low frequency sounds, which frequency sounds. otherwise would require an open-tube The 'cooing' sounds of male Common resonator of 35 cm. or longer. Calls of Eiders Somateria mollissima certainly female eiders also have low fundamental support the view that these low frequency frequencies but little harmonic structur­ harmonics are most effectively amplified. ing (Figure 4h). 4e. COMMON (male courtship) 4a. EUROPEAN POCHARD (male courtshi p) aee-aee 8 , /- I N ,,'.i'.' .... I "" ";' .:.:: . ..I .. '.J ,~ •

4f. OLDSQUAW or LONG-TAILED DUCK (male Ah-har-Zik call) t ".,

'4g. OLDSQUAW or LONG-TAILED DUCK 8 (male Rear-end display call) 7 ~~.f 6 .. ...I N5 I4 ,~~ fl\*b.~' ':'::3 . ; 2 ~I till!

4h. COMMON (narrow band)

female clucking male COOing movement 3 - ::::.:::---

two males. COOing movements 1 plus 2 - -- Figure 4. Sonagrams of representative pochards and sea ducks.

WILDFOWL 22 (1971), pp. 46-59. Sound production 57

The male calls of Long-tailed Ducks in strong contrast to the 'zee-zee' call of (Oldsquaws) Clangula hyemalis provide the male B. clangula. an interesting contrast (Figures 4f and This, in spite of an apparently quite low 4g). The rich and penetrating calls have fundamental frequency of under 1,000 harmonic contents similar to those of Hz., is strongly amplified between 2,800 some long-necked geese and swans. The and 3,800 Hz., with another minor har­ fundamental frequency does not vary monic zone reappearing between 600 and appreciably; instead there is considerable 700 Hz. (Figure 4e). syllable emphasis and amplitude variation Calls of the other sea ducks, such as of harmonics that produces a melodic the mergansers () and rhythm. The fundamental frequency in (Melanitta), are not available for com­ the part of the 'Ah-har-lik' call that has ment. maximum resonating harmonic develop­ ment is approximately 440 Hz., with the Discussion greatest amplitude evident around 2,200 Sonagrams of calls from species repre­ Hz. (Figure 4f). A second zone of well­ senting most of the major waterfowl amplified sounds occurs at about 6,500 tribes clearly support the contention that Hz. In this loudest part of the call the the tracheal tube is a functional fundamental frequency is apparently resonator. It appears to act as an open raised from a level that is best amplified rather than a closed tube, as already con­ at about 1,100 Hz. to an amplification of cluded by Sutherland and McChesney the next higher resonating frequency. A (1965). Not surprisingly, this resonating tracheal length of about 15 cm. would ability is most evident in the larger account reasonably well for these two species, for at least two reasons. First, resonating frequencies. A similar call the longer the tracheal tube, the greater (Figure 4g) with slightly different cadence the number of resonant frequencies avail­ characteristics, is associated with the able for matching the fundamental fre­ 'Rear-end display' (Johnsgard 1965). A quency or its harmonics (Figure 5). better match of fundamental and resonat­ Secondly, the larger species are more ing frequencies may be seen through most likely to have a syrinx with a fairly large of the call. The greatest amplitude is in tympaniform membrane area, and thus a two harmonics between 900 and 1,800 lower fundamental frequency; this would Hz., which are apparently the first two allow a larger number of harmonics with­ harmonics above the fundamental fre­ in the zone of audible sound. In general quency, rather than in the fourth or fifth then, large species would be expected to harmonic as evident in the other call. It produce vocalizations with low funda­ would seem that only distinctly different mental frequencies and rich development degrees of neck-stretching could account of harmonics. Short-necked and relatively for these marked differences in harmonic small species should be more able to amplification. produce high-pitched tones with few har­ Relatively little can be said about monics, and thus be able better to avoid goldeneye (Bucephala) calls, other than the 'tuning' effects of the tracheal tube, . to note that they appear to have little and have greater abilities for continuous harmonic structuring. One call from a rather than stepped frequency changes female Barrow's Goldeneye B. islandica during calling. has a low fundamental frequency with No clear function for the variations of maximum amplification between 2,000 the tracheal diameter in males of many and 2,500 Hz. One male call, the clicking duck species is yet apparent, but it must noise produced during various displays be assumed that these affect resonating such as the 'Crouch' (Johnsgard 1965), characteristics of the tracheal tube in exhibits (Figure 4d) an interesting com­ some manner. Similarly, it is believed bination of a simultaneous series of pulsed that the function of the bulla in male syringeal noises and an unbroken train ducks is to 'emancipate' the male from the of clicks. The clicks are produced at a tuning effect of the trachea and the low rate of about 48 per second, while the fundamental frequency characteristics of fundamental frequency of the basic the source-generated (syrinx-produced) vocalization seems to be around 130-140 calls. If the bulla in fact acts like an Hz. The two sounds seem to be differen­ aeolian whistle, species specificity in male tially resonated, the strongest amplifica­ calls could be readily achieved by vary­ tion of the clicks being at 2,500 Hz., with ing the size and shape of the male's bulla lesser amplification at 1,700 and 3,400 through genetic and/or hormonal controls Hz., whereas the basic vocalization is best (Lewis and Domm 1948) without influenc­ amplified at 1,700 and 3,400 Hz. This is ing the basic anatomy of the female's

WILDFOWL 22 (1971), pp. 46-59. 58 Wildfowl


7 \ \ \ "- 6 \. \ \ 5 \ "­ ..; \ \. \ ~4 " \.

3 2

2 5 10 15 20 25 50 75 100 Res 0 nat i n 9 Tub e (C m. ) Figure 5. Calculated zones of tracheal resonance (up to 8,000 Hz.) for various tracheal tube lengths, showing the expected resonant frequencies for the first 15 resonant frequencies in an open-tube acoustic system. A closed-tube system would resonate frequencies represented by the solid line and all of its multiples (Le. the broken lines as well as mid-points between these lines). .

syrinx and vocal requirements. Male tive resonating length is seemingly in­ bullae are poorly developed in very small creased to the point that fundamental species such as pygmy geese; here frequencies of under 600 Hz. are effec­ apparently the syrinx is already so small tively amplified. Inflation of either the that nearly pure and high-pitched air sacs or possibly the oesophagus during whistled tones can be generated by rapid calling is probably responsible. vibration of the tympaniform membranes. It should be noted, however, that Acknowledgements although even downy male ducklings ex­ This paper was written while the author hibit a bulla, the vocalizations of juvenile was supported by N.S.F. grant GB- birds exhibit no sexual differences 7666X, which also financed purchase of (Kear 1968). The whistle-like sounds the Sonagraph and associated equipment. produced by male ducks are used for the Most of the sonagrams were prepared by most part in social courtship, although a Raymond Goldstein, and assistance was few species (such as wigeon) have otherwise provided by James Tate, Jr., apparently adapted them to all communi­ Dr. Janet Kear, and Daniel Hatch. I cation functions. additionally would like to thank the In the eiders, a second and somewhat Cornel University Laboratory of Orni­ contrasting vocal adaptation has evidently thology for copies of tape recordings of been achieved by males. The male bulla the Magpie Goose and Coscoroba Swan of these species is quite small and the (D. S. McChesney recordings at Slim­ trachea lacks enlargements, but its effec- bridge, 1962).

Summary A comparison of inter-species variations in the tracheal anatomy and acoustical characteristics of anatid vocalizations supports the contention that the trachea serves as a resonating tube, thus allowing for differential amplification of the syrinx-generated fundamental sound frequencies and their associated harmonics. The trachea apparently acts acoustically like an open-pipe, rather than a close-pipe, resonating instrument. Species having longer tracheal tubes seem to exhibit a greater degree of tracheal tuning effects and more ability to resonate lower sound frequencies than can species having shorter tracheal tubes. The extreme elonga­ tion of some species' tracheal tubes by convolution, as found in the genera Anseranas and Cygnus, is a functional acoustic adaptation for long-distance communication by low-frequency sounds. The evolution of tracheal bullae by males of most Anatinae species is a method of 'emancipating' the male sex from the relatively uniformly low-pitched and harmonic-rich calls of female ducks. Male courtship calls thus acquire greater species-specificity as well as relatively harmonic-free tones, and are primarily uttered in social situations at short distances.

WILDFOWL 22 (1971), pp. 46-59. Sound production 59

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WILDFOWL 22 (1971), pp. 46-59.