
Birding Area: SP S F w

VIREOS: Vrreonidae _ White-eyedVireo C C C C Dace: Okaloacoochee WARBLERS: Emberizidae Weather: Pine Warbler C C C C u Prairie Warbler u u ObseNers: Palm Warbler C C C u <£>lou8h Northern Wacerthrush u u Notes: Common Ye/lowchroat C u C C C C C C _ Sparrow u u u _ Bachman� Sparrow R R R �tale forest _ Song Sparrow R R R Eastern Meadowlark C C C C - Red-winged Blackbird C C C C Purple Martin Brewer� Blackbird u u u CHECKLI8T Of BIQD8 Boat-tailed Grackle C C C C _ Common Grackle C C C C Amencan Goldfinch C C C For additional information on Okaloacoochee Slough Stace Forest contact:

Okaloacoochee Slough Stace Forest 6265 CR 832 Felda. FL 33930 863/6 I 2-0776 CROWS & JAYS: CoNidae SP s F w _Blue Jay C C C C AmencanCrow R R R R

WRENS: Troglodytidae House Wren C C C Carolina Wren C C C C

THRUSHES: Muscicapidae Amencan Robin C C C

MIMIC THRUSHES: Mimidae _ Northern Mockingbird C C C C _ Gray Catbird C C C Brown Thrasher u u u u

SHRIKES: Laniidae _ Loggerhead Shrike C C C C Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services Nicole "Nikki" Fried, Commissioner

STARLINGS: Sturnidae Florida Forest Service _ European Starling R R R R SnO\NyEgret Erin Albury, Director American Goldfinch (male) www.FDACS.gov/FloridaForestService elcome to Okaloacoochee Slough State SP S F W SP S F W Forest which is located in western : Podicipedidae CARARARAS & FALCONS: Falconidae Hendry and northeastern Collier counties. ___ Pied-billed C U C C ___ Crested Caracara C C C C W ___ Arctic Peregrine Falcon R R R Though most of the forest provides excellent opportunities to observe a variety of , there are : Pelecanidae ___ Merlin R R R particular areas that attract specific . ___American White R ___ American Kestrel C C C The Okaloacoochee Slough includes a 13,382 acre swale that carries water through the forest to the DARTERS: Anhingidae TURKEYS,: north and south, and provides a haven for wading ___Anhinga C C C C ___ Northern Bobwhite C C C C birds. The canal at the end of Oil Well Pad Road, ___ Wild C C C C and larger depressional marshes located on & : Ardeidae Patterson and Wildcow Roads, present excellent ___ Great Blue C C C C RAILS,GALLINULES,: Rallidae opportunities to see a number of birds including ___ C C C C ___ C C C Snail ___ C C C C ___ King Rail C C C C , and herons. SP S F W Barred ___ C C C C ___ Common Moorhen C C C C STILTS: Recurvirostridae ___ U U U U ___ American C C C C As you travel along County Road 832, ___ Black-necked Stilt C C U U raptors can be observed which include: ___ Tricolored Heron C C C C ___ Black-crowned Night-heron C C C C : Aramidae crested caracara, kestral, swallow-tailed SANDPIPERS: Scolopacidae ___ American U U U ___ C C C C kite, red-shouldered and red- ___ Common Snipe C C C tailed hawk. Also, two large roosts : Ciconidae CRANES: Gruidae can be observed along CR 832, DOVES: ___ Wood C U U C ___ Sandhill U U U U approximately 1 mile west of the forest ___ White-winged Dove R R headquarters. This spectacular sight is ___ C C C C : Threskiomithidae PLOVERS: Charadriidae best viewed at dawn and dusk when ___ Common Ground Dove U U U U waterfowl and wading birds such as ___ U R U U ___ Killdeer C R U C ___ White Ibis C U C C great blue heron, little blue heron, BARN-: Tytonidae ___ Roseate R R white ibis, glossy ibis, great egret and an occasional ___ Barn Owl R R R R wood stork are taking flight or roosting. AMERICAN VULTURES: Cathartidae TYPICAL OWLS: Strigidae ___ Turkey Vulture C C C C SEASONS ___ R R R R ___ Black Vulture C C C C These categories indicate the ___ C C C C general periods in which to expect the various WATERFOWL: species. NIGHTJARS: Caprimulgidae ___ Mottled U U U U ___ Common Nighthawk C C C ___ U U U Spring (Sp) March, April, May ___ Chuck-will’s-widow C C C Summer (Su) June, July, August ___ Blue-winged Teal C C C ___ Ring-necked Duck R R R Fall (F) September, October, November KINGFISHERS: Alcedinidae Winter (W) December, January, February ___ Belted Kingfisher C C C KITES,,: Acciptridae ___ C C R R CATEGORIES OF ABUNDANCE WOODPECKERS: Picidae ___ Swallow-tailed Kite C C R R These designations apply to the relative abundance ___ Pileated Woodpecker C C C C ___ Sharp-shinned Hawk C U C of species seen (or heard) in the appropriate ___ Red-bellied Woodpecker C C C C habitat. ___ Red-tailed Hawk U R U C ___ Red-shouldered Hawk C C C C FLYCATCHERS: Tyrannidae ___ Bald R R R R C - common: usually present in large numbers ___ Great Crested Flycatcher C C C C ___ Northern Harrier C U C - likely to be seen ___ Eastern Phoebe U U U U - uncommon: usually present in small numbers, ___ Osprey U U U U not certain to be seen or heard SWALLOWS: Hirundinidae R - rare: not to be expected ___ Purple Martin U U U U † - indicates nesting status confirmed on the forest ___ Tree Swallow C C C