
of Perry County Contact Us The Tell City Ranger District of the Hoosier National Forest is open 8-4:30 Monday through Friday to serve visitors.

Tell City Ranger District 248 15th Street Tell City, IN 47586 812-547-7051

Federal relay system for the deaf and hearing impaired: 1-800-877-8339 website: www.fs.usda.gov/hoosier

Great Bllue Heron

Tufted Titmouse ______vV

USDA is an equal opportunity provider and employer. America’s Great Outdoors Last updated 11/2011 Forest Service Department of Agriculture The third and fourth columns are the genus and Using the Checklist species of the . The fifth column shows the The first column after the bird’s common name is bird’s status in as of 2009. (Available at http:// evidence of the bird’s breeding status in our area. www.in.gov/dnr/fishwild/files/Birds_Of_Indiana.pdf)

CO = Confirmed breeding evidence FC = Federal Candidate FE = Federal Endangered PR = Probable breeding evidence FT = Federal Threatened SC - State Special Concern PO = Possible breeding evidence SE = State Endangered X = Exotic/Introduced OB = Observed, no breeding evidence Bird abundance will vary seasonally, and often from This shows highest breeding evidence value from year-to-year as well. Actual abundance is often dis- published 1985-1990 breeding bird atlas data and tinct from detectability. Some species may be com- draft 2005-2010 atlas data. (Available at http://www. mon but secretive and only rarely seen. Others may pwrc.usgs.gov/bba/) be numerically sparse, yet highly vocal or otherwise conspicuous.

FOUND COMMON NAME EVIDENCE GENUS SPECIES STATUS Acadian Flycatcher PR Empidonax virescens PR Anas rubripes American Coot PO Fulica americana CO Corvus brachyrhynchos American Goldfinch PR Spinus tristis American Kestrel CO Falco sparverius Bald Eagle American Redstart PO Setophaga ruticilla CO Turdus migratorius

FOUND COMMON NAME EVIDENCE GENUS SPECIES STATUS Summer Tanager CO Piranga rubra Tree Swallow CO Tachycineta bicolor CO Baeolophus bicolor Turkey Vulture OB Cathartes aura Warbling Vireo PR Vireo gilvus Whip-poor-will PR Caprimulgus vociferus SC Wood White-breasted Nuthatch CO Sitta carolinensis Thrush White-eyed Vireo PR Vireo griseus CO Meleagris gallopavo Flycatcher PR Empidonax traillii Wood Duck CO Aix sponsa CO Hylocichla mustelina Worm-eating Warbler CO Helmitheros vermivorum SC Yellow Warbler CO Dendroica petechia Yellow-billed Cuckoo PR Coccyzus americanus Yellow-breasted Chat PR Icteria virens

Yellow-throated Vireo PR Vireo flavifrons White-breasted Yellow-throated Warbler CO Dendroica dominica Nuthatch Number of bird species in each breeding category: Number of birds by protection category: CO = 76 PO = 8 Federal Endangered, Threatened, or Candidate - 0 State Special Concern = 9 PR = 26 OB = 3 State Endangered = 3 TOTAL = 113 Exotic or Introduced = 4 Number of birds by protection category: Federal Endangered, Threatened, or Candidate - 0 State Special Concern = 9 State Endangered = 3 Exotic or Introduced = 4

FOUND COMMON NAME EVIDENCE GENUS SPECIES STATUS CO Icterus spurius Ovenbird CO Seiurus aurocapilla Pileated Woodpecker CO Dryocopus pileatus Pine Warbler CO Dendroica pinus Prairie Warbler PR Dendroica discolor Red-winged Blackbird Prothonotary Warbler PR Protonotaria citrea Purple Martin CO Progne subis Red-bellied Woodpecker CO Melanerpes carolinus Red-eyed Vireo CO Vireo olivaceus Red-headed Wood- CO Melanerpes erythrocephalus pecker Red-shouldered Hawk CO Buteo lineatus SC Red-tailed Hawk CO Buteo jamaicensis Red-winged Blackbird CO Agelaius phoeniceus Rock Pigeon CO Columba livia X Ruby-throated Hum- PR Archilochus colubris mingbird CO Bonasa umbellus Savannah Sparrow PO Passerculus sandwichensis Scarlet Tanager CO Piranga olivacea

Sharp-shinned Hawk PR Accipiter striatus SC Song Song Sparrow PR Melospiza melodia Sparrow

FOUND COMMON NAME EVIDENCE GENUS SPECIES STATUS American Woodcock CO Scolopax minor Bald Eagle CO Haliaeetus leucocephalus SC Baltimore Oriole CO Icterus galbula Bank Swallow PR Riparia riparia CO Tyto alba SE Barn Swallow CO Hirundo rustica CO Strix varia Belted Kingfisher CO Megaceryle alcyon Black Vulture OB Coragyps atratus Barred Owl Black-and-white Warbler PO Mniotilta varia SC Black-billed Cuckoo PO Coccyzus erythropthalmus Blue Grosbeak CO Passerina caerulea CO Cyanocitta cristata Blue-gray Gnatcatcher CO Polioptila caerulea Blue-winged Warbler PR Vermivora pinus Broad-winged Hawk CO Buteo platypterus SC Brown CO rufum Brown-headed Cowbird CO Molothrus ater Goose CO Branta canadensi Carolina Chickadee CO Poecile carolinensis Cedar Waxwing CO Thryothorus ludovicianus Cedar Waxwing CO Bombycilla cedrorum Chimney Swift PR Chaetura pelagica FOUND COMMON NAME EVIDENCE GENUS SPECIES STATUS Downy Chipping Sparrow CO Spizella passerina Woodpecker Chuck-will’s-widow PO Caprimulgus carolinensis Cliff Swallow CO Petrochelidon pyrrhonota CO Quiscalus quiscula Common Nighthawk PR Chordeiles minor SC Common Yellowthroat CO Geothlypis trichas Cooper’s Hawk CO Accipiter cooperii Dickcissel PR Spiza americana Downy Woodpecker CO Picoides pubescens Eastern Bluebird CO Sialia sialis Eastern Kingbird CO Tyrannus tyrannus Eastern Meadowlark CO Sturnella magna Eastern Phoebe CO Sayornis phoebe Eastern Eastern Screech-Owl PR Megascops asio Meadowlark Eastern CO erythrophthalmus Eastern Wood-Pewee CO Contopus virens European Starling CO Sturnus vulgaris X Field Sparrow CO Spizella pusilla Sparrow PO Ammodramus savannarum CO Dumetella carolinensis Great Blue Heron OB Ardea herodias Eastern Great Crested Flycatcher CO Myiarchus crinitus Screech Owl PR Bubo virginianus Green Heron PR Butorides virescens Hairy Woodpecker CO Picoides villosus Henslow’s Sparrow CO Ammodramus henslowii SE Green Heron Hooded Warbler PR Wilsonia citrina SC Harned Lark PR Eremophila alpestris House CO Carpodacus mexicanus X House Sparrow CO Passer domesticus X House Wren CO Troglodytes aedon Indigo Bunting CO Passerina cyanea Kentucky Warbler CO Oporornis formosus Killdeer CO Charadrius vociferus Great Horned Owl Waterthrush CO Seiurus motacilla Horned Mallard CO Anas platyrhynchos Lark CO Zenaida macroura Northern Bobwhite CO virginianus CO Cardinalis cardinalis CO Colaptes auratus (Yellow-shafted Flicker) Northern Harrier PO Circus cyaneus SE Northern CO Mimus polyglottos Northern Parula PR Parula americana Killdeer Northern Rough-winged CO Stelgidopteryx serripennis Swallow