
Aullwood's List

This list was collected over many and includes that have been seen at or very near Aullwood. The list includes some which are seen only every other or so, along with others that are seen year around.


Great blue Green heron Black-crowned night heron


Canada goose Mallard Blue-winged teal Wood


Turkey vulture Osprey Sharp-shinned Cooper's hawk Red-tailed hawk Red-shouldered hawk Broad-winged hawk Rough-legged hawk Marsh hawk


Bobwhite Ring-necked pheasant


Sandhill crane American coot


Killdeer American woodcock Spotted sandpiper Solitary sandpiper Ring-billed


Rock dove


Yellow-billed cuckoo


Screech Great Saw-whet owl




Chimney Ruby-throated


Belted kinghisher


Common flicker Pileated Red-bellied woodpecker Red-headed woodpecker Yellow-bellied sapsucker Hairy woodpecker Downy woodpecker


Eastern kingbird Great crested flycatcher Eastern phoebe Yellow-bellied flycatcher Acadian flycatcher flycatcher Least flycatcher Eastern wood pewee Olive-sided flycatcher Tree swallow Bank swallow Rough-winged swallow Purple martin Common crow Black-capped chickadee Carolina chickadee White-breasted Red-breasted nuthatch Brown creeper Brown Americna robin Wood Gray-cheeked thrush Blue-grey Golden-crowned Ruby-crowned kinglet Cedar waxwing Starling White-eyed vireo Yellow-throated vireo Solitary vireo Red-eyed vireo Philadelphia vireo Warbling vireo Black and white Blue-winged warbler Tennessee warbler Nashville warbler Northern parula Yellow warbler Magnolia warbler Cape May warber Black-throated blue warbler Yellow-rumped warbler Black-throated green warbler Cerulean warbler Blackburnian warbler Yellow-throated warbler Chelstnut-sided warbler Bay-breasted warbler Blackpoll warbler Pine warbler Prairie warbler Palm warbler Ovenbird Northern waterthrush waterthrush Kentucky warbler Mourning warbler Common yellowthroat Yellow-breasted chat Hooded warbler Wilson's warbler warbler American redstart House sparrow Eastern meadowlark Red-winged blackbird Baltimore oriole Rusty blackbird Brown-headed cowbird Scarlet tanager Summer tanager Cardinal Rose-breasted grosbeak Evening grosbeak Indigo bunting Purple finch House finch Pine siskin American goldfinch Eastern towkhee Savannah sparrow sparrow Dark-eyed junco Tree sparrow Chipping sparrow Field sparrow White-crowned sparrow White-throated sparrow sparrow Swamp sparrow