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Paleornithological Research 2013

Proceed. 8th Inter​nat. Meeting Society of Avian and

Ursula B. Göhlich & Andreas Kroh (Eds)

A synopsis of the pre- avifauna of the Mascarene


Bird Group, Department of Life Sciences, The Natural History , Tring, UK

Abstract — The isolated of , Réunion and are situated in the south- western . All are volcanic in origin and have never been connected to each other or any other land mass. Despite their comparatively close proximity to each other, each differs topographically and the islands have generally distinct avifaunas. The Mascarenes remained pristine until recently, resulting in some documentation of their being made before they rapidly suffered severe degradation by . The first major discoveries were made in 1865 on Mauritius and on Rodrigues and in the late 20th century on Réunion. However, for both Mauritius and Rodrigues, the documented fossil record initially was biased toward larger, non- , especially the Raphus cucullatus and solitaire Pezophaps solitaria. This paper provides a synopsis of the fossil Mascarene avifauna, which demonstrates that it was more diverse than previously realised. Therefore, as the islands have suffered severe anthropogenic changes and the fossil record is far from complete, any conclusions based on present avian must be viewed with caution.

Key words: Mauritius, Réunion, Rodrigues, ecological history, biogeography,

Introduction ily described or illustrated in ships’ logs and journals, which became the source material for The Mascarene Islands of Mauritius, Réunion popular articles and books and, along with col- and Rodrigues are situated in the south-western lected specimens, enabled monographs such as Indian Ocean (Fig. 1). Despite their compara- that by Strickland & Melville (1848) on the tively close proximity to each other, each island dodo Raphus cucullatus (Linnaeus, 1766) to differs topographically and the islands have gen- be produced. Strickland and Melville based erally distinct avifaunas. The Mascarenes were their osteological analysis on the surviving rem- the last major group of islands to be colonised by nants of a dodo once exhibited at the Ashmolean humans, so remained in a comparatively pristine Museum in , and a dodo foot preserved state into the era of written history. Arab traders in the British Museum in London (Hume et al. were aware of them from at least the 13th cen- 2006). For the next two centuries, the islands’ tury and the Portuguese in the early 16th century were irreversibly destroyed due to (North-Coombes 1980, 1994a; Hall 1996), but anthropogenic activities, which resulted in the as far as known no attempt at settlement was extinction of the majority of endemic vertebrates made by either. It was with the chance discov- (Cheke & Hume 2008). The discovery of subfos- ery by a (VOC) sil material in 1786 on Rodrigues (although the fleet under Vice-Admiral Wybrandt Warwijck first major discovery was not made until 1865), in in September 1598, who claimed Mauritius for 1865 on Mauritius and in the late 20th century on the Netherlands, that the documented history of Réunion resulted in the description of new avian the Mascarenes began (Moree 1998; Cheke & fossil taxa and also provided some corroboration Hume 2008). The endemic was sketch- with species described in early accounts. In gen-

© Verlag Naturhistorisches Museum Wien, 2013 published 10 Dec. 2013 – 196 –

FIGURE 1. Map of the Southwestern Indian Ocean showing the Mascarene Islands of Réunion, Mauritius and Rodrigues. From Cheke & Hume (2008). eral, only the larger and more distinct avifauna and will hopefully provide an important resource was described from the fossil record, whereas for those interested in avian phylogenies and other avian orders, e.g., smaller , were avian biogeography of the region. All taxa con- ignored. As a result, determining avian bioge- sidered to be endemic or indigenous to the islands ography based on current knowledge of fossil are covered, including extant species, those avifaunas is problematic. known from the palaeontological record, and This paper provides a synopsis of the pre- those species known only from contemporary human Mascarene avifauna based on recent, accounts that almost certainly once existed, but more comprehensive studies, using a combina- have not yet been discovered in the fossil record. tion of palaeontological and historical evidence. But I must emphasise that work is not yet com- It addresses the taxonomic problems associated plete. A number of subfossil elements that almost with erroneous identifications and descriptions, certainly represent further new taxa have been

SAPE Proceedings 2013 – 197 – discovered, but the lack of suitable diagnostic the Mascarene Islands, being 70 km long by 50 specimens and/or suitable comparative material km wide and covering 2,512 km2, with over 60 % has held back identification. The original - Mas of the land surface being above 828 m (Nicholls carene avifauna must surely have been even more 2006). It has the highest peak in the Indian Ocean, diverse than the results presented here suggest. the , which rises to over 3,069 m. Its second highest peak at 2,631 m is the or Le Volcan, an active Study area that is situated to the east of a volcanic hotspot. It is probably the same hotspot that during the past Geology and Physiography: The isolated Mas- 66 Ma gave rise to the enormous Deccan Traps carene Islands are volcanic in origin, and have lava fields in India, the Maldives, the Chagos, the never been connected to each other or any other Saya de Malha, Nazareth and St.Brandon (Carga- landmass. Réunion (21.0° S, 55.5° E), the most dos Carajos) banks (large undersea plateaus), and southerly of the islands, lies 665 km east of Mad- to Mauritius (Cheke & Hume 2008). The centre agascar, whereas Mauritius (20.25° S, 57.5° E) of Réunion is divided into massive cirques, each is situated 164 km east north-east of Réunion. dissected by extremely deep gorges. Around the Rodrigues (19.75° S, 63.5° E) is the most remote, island, the land shelves steeply into deep water, lying 574 km east of Mauritius and approxi- sometimes under massive sea cliffs. There is mately 4800 km west of Australia. virtually no fringing reef and, where coral has Mauritius (Fig. 2) is approximately 60 km developed close inshore, only a narrow lagoon long by 40 km wide, with a surface area of 1865 exists. km². As well as being smaller, it is also much Réunion is the youngest of the Mascarene lower than Réunion, with Black River Peak being Islands and emerged from the surface of the sea the highest point at 828 m. The broad undulat- approximately 2.8 Ma (McDougall et al. 1971). ing lava plains of the north rise to a maximum of The island comprises two coalesced volcanoes, 152 m above sea level, intersected in the middle the Piton des Neiges, which forms two thirds of the island by mountains, the rim remnants of of the island in the northwest, and the Piton de a former caldera. Mauritius is surrounded by a la Fournaise in the southeast (Duncan & Har- reef-fringed lagoon, averaging 0.8 km wide, but greaves 1990). The construction or first phase of on the east coast reaching 5 km, whereas on two the Piton des Neiges includes two main events, short stretches of the west and south coasts, the the first dating back 2.1 to 0.43 Ma, and the sea breaks directly onto the cliffs (Cheke & Hume second more explosive phase, which is divided 2008). There are a number of islets within the into three events, occurred from 0.35 Ma to less lagoon; the most biologically important being the than 30 Ka. The first and second began almost northern islets, which are the only places where simultaneously around 230 Ka, with the third some endemic and colonies have around 188 Ka. During this time, the Piton de la managed to survive. Fournaise, which began erupting approximately Mauritius emerged around 10 Ma, and was 360 Ka, collapsed several times into the ocean built by three volcanic episodes (Saddul 2002). (see Mourer-Chauviré et al. 1999 for a detailed After a shield-building phase and deposition of summary). The combination of these events may the Old Lava Series between 7.6 Ma to 5 Ma, have eliminated the original avifauna. subdued volcanic activity commenced with the Rodrigues (Fig. 4) is the smallest of the Mas- formation of a caldera. A new phase of volcan- carene Islands, being 17.7 km long and by 8.45 ism occurred between 3.5 and 1.7 Ma leading to km wide, with a surface area of 104 km². It has a the formation of the Early Lava Series. A third central ridge with steep, incised valleys extending phase of active volcanism commenced at 0.7 Ma to the coast, and its highest point, Mont Limon, and lasted until 20 Ka, forming the Intermediate is just 398 m. The island is surrounded by a vast, and Recent Lava Series (Duncan & Hargreaves submarine platform, of which an area of about 1990; Rijsdijk et al. 2009). twice that of the land surface is occupied by an Réunion (Fig. 3) is the largest and highest of extensive reef-fringed lagoon (Cheke & Hume

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FIGURE 2. Map of Réunion Island showing the original vegetation, and the fossil localities mentioned in the text. From Cheke & Hume (2008).

2008). The lagoon has a number of islets com- Rodrigues has been dated at 1.5Ma (McDou- prising mainly flat calcarenite limestone, though gall et al. 1965), which would make it the some have basaltic hills, sandbanks or small youngest of the Mascarene Islands, but this is not basalt outcrops. These islets provided refugia for supported by geomorphology and the degree of elements of the original fauna decades after their (Cheke & Hume 2008). More recent populations had been extirpated on the Rodrigues work suggests an age similar to that of Mauritius mainland (Hume 2007, 2011). (Giorgi & Borchellini 1998). Although Rod-

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FIGURE 3. Map of Mauritius showing the original vegetation and the fossil localities mentioned in the text. From Cheke & Hume (2008). rigues is mainly composed of basaltic lavas, it Climate: The Mascarenes lie within the south- has a large limestone plateau (calcarenite) on the easterly trade winds, but during the austral southwest coast called the Plaine Corail, which summer months (January, February, March) trop- was formed from the accumulation of wind- ical cyclones and depressions associated with the blown coral sand. Montaggioni (1973) thought seasonal movement of the ITCZ (Inter Tropical that formation occurred around 80 Ka during the Convergence Zone) have a marked effect on the last glacial, however, current consensus suggests islands. Rainfall is seasonal, with a dry season that they form during interglacial periods, and not from May through to October under the influ- glacial, so date determination remains unknown. ence of the cool and dry easterly trade winds, with a wetter, warmer season from November

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FIGURE 4. Map of Rodrigues Island showing the fossil localities mentioned in the text. From Cheke & Hume (2008). to April, when the ITCZ is in its southernmost on the coast, but the temperatures drop progres- position (Senapathi et al. 2010). Depending on sively inland and upslope. Rodrigues is the driest relief and slope orientation to prevailing winds, of the islands, with rainfall averaging from 800 mean annual rainfall on Mauritius varies from mm on the Plaine Corail in the coastal southwest 800 mm in the western coastal lowlands and to > 1,600 mm in the central-west uplands (Cheke 1400 mm in the eastern coastal lowlands to 4000 & Hume 2008). Mean summer temperature is mm in the uplands (Proag 1995). Mean annual 25.9 °C and mean winter temperature is 22.3 °C temperature is 22°C (Mauritius Meteorological (Mauritius Meteorological Services 2012). Services 2012). On Réunion, the central mas- sifs create a rain shadow, which exposes the east of the island to prevailing easterly winds creat- History of palaeontological research ing wet and cloudy conditions most days of the year (Cheke & Hume 2008). Réunion is one of The first fossil material discovered on - Mauri the wettest places on earth, averaging 6–7 m of tius was found in a marshy deposit known as the rainfall per year on the wettest coast to 10–12 m in the southeast of the island inland (Soler 2000). The coastal leeward area in in 1865. Harry Higginson, a railway engineer the west is very dry with average rainfall of 540 who was working on the Midlands stretch of the mm per year. Mean annual temperature is 23°C Mauritius railway, noticed that labourers were

SAPE Proceedings 2013 – 201 – stock-piling while digging peat from the and microfossils (pollen, diatoms, ostracods), marsh. The embankment of the Midlands stretch buried in a matrix of organic material. ran close to the northern edge of the Mare aux Elsewhere on Mauritius, Etienne Thirioux, Songes. Higginson informed George Clark, a an amateur naturalist, excavated cave and boul- diocesan teacher in Mahebourg, who had been der-field deposits around Le Pouce Mountain, searching for 20 years for fossil remains on Mau- and lava caves at Pailles, Roches Noires and the ritius (Clark 1866; Hume et al. 2009). Clark had Vallée des Prêtres in the late 1890s and early a copy of the aforementioned dodo monograph 1900s (Hume 2005), but the exact locations were by Strickland & Melville (1848), and from the not specified (but see below). Thirioux collected illustrations he was able to identify dodo remains thousands of bird skeletal specimens including (Hume et al. 2009). Clark obtained permission an almost complete, associated Mauritius Red to work the site, and sent consignments of dodo Aphanapteryx bonasia (Sélys-Longchamps, material to , Superintendent of Nat- 1848) and a dodo. Other cave deposits were dis- ural History Departments at the British Museum, covered in 2007, 2008 and 2009 by myself and who formally described the dodo’s colleagues at Plaine des Roches, Vieux Grand (Owen 1866a). Due to Clark’s monopolisa- Port and La Prairie (Janoo 2005; Hume 2007, tion of the Mare aux Songes and his overriding 2011), including another associated but badly interest in selling dodo bones for monetary gain, degraded dodo at Bois Cheri, in the central high- almost no other vertebrate species were collected lands (Middleton & Hume in press). (Hume et al. 2009). Owen received a man- No fossil history existed for Réunion Island dible in one of the dodo consignments, and this prior to 1974, when Bertrand Kervazo excavated was the only fossil bird species described during cave deposits at Grotte des Premiers Française this time (Owen 1866b; Hume et al. 2009). about 1.5 km southwest from St. Paul, from which A second more thorough excavation of the three new fossil species were described (Kervazo Mare aux Songes was organized under the guid- 1979; Cowles 1994). During the 1980s, four ance of Théodor Sauzier in 1879, from which six other fossil localities were discovered, the Grotte new fossil bird species were described (Newton de l’Autel; Grotte “au Sable” (sic) and Caverne & Gadow 1893), but few contextual details were de la Tortue cave sites, and the coastal swamp, obtained. In the early years of the 20th century, Paul the Marais de l’Ermitage, all on the northwestern Carié, whose owned the estate containing side of Réunion (Mourer-Chauviré & Moutou the Mare aux Songes, sent more bird material to 1987; Mourer-Chauviré et al. 1999). (Hume 2005), and further very minor exca- Although the first Rodrigues subfossil -soli vations took place up to the 1930s; however, no taire Pezophaps solitaria (Gmelin, 1788) material more new bird species were described. The Mare had been collected in 1786 from caves on the aux Songes was infilled with dolomite gravels Plaine Corail, the specimens were not described and boulders in the 1940s, in an effort to prevent until 1848 (Strickland & Melville 1848). the spread of (Hume et al. 2009), after Gmelin (1788) had based his description on the which the site was all but forgotten. solitaire account of Buffon (1766), and not from In 2005, the fossil deposit was reinvestigated any physical evidence. Major excavations of the by a Dutch team researching human-induced caves began in the late 1860s and early 1870s changes to the environment. In June the follow- (Günther & Newton 1879; Hume et al. 2009). ing year, an interdisciplinary team including Cowles (1987) visited the Plaine Corail as part geologists, geophysicists, palaeobotanists, pal- of the British Ornithologists’ Union expedition in aeontologists, and geneticists began a major 1974, and mentioned, but did not describe, two excavation, which has continued annually until potentially new fossil species. I searched all pre- 2011 (Rijsdijk et al. 2009; Rijsdijk et al. 2011). viously excavated caves and collected numerous The Mare aux Songes contains an integrated subfossil remains from undisturbed caves over a vertebrate Konzentrat-Lagerstätten, with a 10 year period commencing in 2000, from which high diversity of macrofossils, including , one new species has been described (Hume 2011) branches, , insects, snails and even fungi, and at least three more await description.

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FIGURE 5b. Detail of the Mare aux Songes fossil layer, Unit D. A tarsometatarsus of a dodo Raphus cu- cullatus (centre) is surrounded by the remains of giant sp. The matrix is made up of FIGURE 5a. The Mare aux Songes photographed by seeds, leaves and other debris. Photograph cour- the author in 2007. tesy of Ranjith Jayasena ().

The fossil deposits ing and sedimentological analysis has shown that 4000 Ka the marsh was a fresh water lake that Mauritius acted as an oasis in an otherwise dry environment (Rijsdijk et al. 2009; Rijsdijk et al. 2011; Meijer Mare aux Songes — The Mare aux Songes is et al. 2012). situated in southeast Mauritius, approximately Le Pouce Mountain — The exact locali- 0.5 km from the coast (Figs 2, 5a), and was cre- ties where Thirioux was collecting on Le Pouce ated by the collapse of a large lava tube system. Mountain (Fig.2) cannot now be determined. A It comprises four sub-basins separated by rock survey by the author, Owen Griffiths and Greg thresholds, and sub-basins I, II and III are bor- Middleton in 2007 discovered a previously exca- dered by < 15 m rock cliffs. Sub-basins 0, I and vated large rock overhang in boulder scree at 350 II contain (or contained) subfossil material; all m in Le Pouce valley, beneath Snail Rock (Hume recent excavations took place in sub-basin I. 2011). As no one else is known to have worked The basaltic base rock of sub-basin I is situated in this area, this overhang might be one of Thiri- 8–10 m below sea level, and is overlain by ~ 8 m oux’s original collecting sites. thick sedimentary succession. The succession is Plaine des Roches — Subfossil remains divided into five distinct sedimentary units. The of dodo have been found in the extensive lava bedrock is overlaid by ~ 1 m of grey clay with tube systems at Plaine des Roches (Janoo 2005). very low concentrations of organic material (Unit In general, the cave sediments are thin or non- A), covered by ~ 6 m of fine to medium carbon- existent, the majority of which are covered with ate sands with some infiltration of organic matter collapsed cave debris. The material is poorly (Unit B). Above this lies a ~ 100 mm thick calcar- preserved, but appears to represent a natural eous gyttja (Unit C), which is overlaid by a ~ 500 accumulation. There are numerous large or small mm thick fossiliferous layer (Unit D). The matrix openings (pit-fall traps) in the roofs of the caves of Unit D is made up of woody material, nuts and (Fig. 6), into which the native fauna fell and was seeds, all interspersed with amorphous peat, and unable to get out. contain 99 % of all fossil material (Fig. 5b). This Vallée des Prêtres — A number of Thirioux layer is capped by introduced dolomite boul- fossil specimens were supposedly collected in ders and gravel (Unit E) (Rijsdijk et al. 2009). the Vallée des Prêtres, but it is uncertain if this Sub-basin 0 is now destroyed and sub-basin II is was the true area of provenance. Some specimens completely infilled with Unit E. Sub-basin III has have Vallée des Prêtres locality data written on the same sedimentological units as sub-basin I, the museum labels, yet they were collected from but these vary in thickness. Comparatively few the Mare aux Songes (pers. obs). The Vallée des subfossil remains are present, however. 14C dat- Prêtres is situated on the west flank of Le Pouce

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Mountain, above and to the north of the capital, Port Louis (Fig. 2). It is steep-sided and arid, and sparsely covered with introduced trees and shrubs. I have not located any caves or large boulder overhangs in the valley, but there is a substantial amount of boulder scree. It is possible that Thirioux collected fossil material from sedi- ment deposits amongst the rocks. Kanaka Cave, Bois Cheri — The discovery of a complete, but badly degraded dodo (Dodo Fred) (Fig. 7) in Kanaka cave, Bois Cheri, in the highlands of Mauritius (Fig. 2) resulted in much media interest (Middleton & Hume In press). The basaltic cave was infilled with roof collapse debris and was extremely humid. Sediments included massive clay bedding interspersed with <5 mm rock fragments, and fine clays and silts. The dodo specimen was partially exposed on bare rock, with the bulk of the skeleton collapsed into a small crevice. This confirmed that once occurred in the highlands as well as the lowlands.

Vieux Grand Port — Near the site of the FIGURE 6. Palaeontologist, Lorna Steel, beneath a Dutch fort at Vieux Grand Port (Fig. 2) is a small roof opening in Twilight Caverne, Plaine des Roches, limestone outcrop, which has a number of small Mauritius. caves. The Dutch used some of these caves for shelter, as purpose-built corrals have been constructed inside. The caves are dry, and fin- tin & Arnold 2001; Bour 1984; Florens 2002), ing upwards silts reach a depth of up to 300 mm but bird remains are rare or absent in these. in the deeper recesses. Well preserved subfossil They include cave and boulder overhangs at Ile remains have been found buried at depths of 100 aux Aigrettes, Les Quatre Cocos, Flacq, ‘Mt. mm, including the specimen of Nesoenas Zaco’(west of Brise Fer Mountain), Palma, Camp cicur Hume, 2011. de Masque, Trois Mamelles and Corps de Garde La Prairie — La Prairie is a limestone plain Mountain. Marsh deposits include Mare du Puit; on the southwest coast (Fig. 2), which contains La Mare La Chaux; Mare Sèche; and Riche a number of caves. Some are permanently filled Mare. Subfossil remains were also found with water. The sediments comprise silts inter- in sand dunes at Flic en Flac (Florens 2002), but mixed with roof collapse debris and can reach the area has now been completely developed. depths of 500 mm. The caves contain the remains of native and reptiles, and the deposits are Réunion particularly rich in Pteropus bat remains. Baie du Cap — Janoo (2005) and his col- This is a summary only; for a complete review see leagues discovered probable human-predated Kervazo (1979); Cowles (1994); Mourer-Chau- dodo remains in cliff caves at Baie du Cap (Fig. viré & Moutou (1987); & Mourer-Chauviré et 2), on the south-west side of Mauritius. A single al. (1999). phalange supposedly exhibits knife marks, but Marais de l’Ermitage — The Marais de the specimen needs analysis under SEM (Scan- l’Ermitage is the only swamp/marsh fossil ning Electron Microscope) to confirm this. deposit on Réunion (Figs 3 and 8). The surface A number of additional fossil localities have sediments comprise an 800 mm thick organic been discovered on Mauritius containing the soil (peat?) layer, which is virtually fossil-free. remains of giant tortoises Cylindraspis sp. (Aus- This overlies a 300–400 mm fossil-rich horizon

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FIGURE 7. The associated, but badly degraded re- FIGURE 8. Avian palaeontologist, Cécile Mourer- mains of dodo Raphus cucullatus (Dodo Fred) in Ka- Chauviré (centre) (UCBL), Sonia Ribes (left) (MHN- naka cave, Bois Cheri. Photograph courtesy of Greg RUN), Roger Bour (right) (MNHN), and co-workers Middleton (Hobart). excavating the Marais de l’Ermitage, Réunion. Photo courtesy of Roger Bour (MNHN). intermixed with basaltic rocks and coral, resting was completely excavated in 1980 and contained on marine sediment made up of coralline sands, a number of subfossils, including a of the coral fragments and marine molluscs (Mourer- Réunion , Nesoenas duboisi Roths- Chauviré et al. 1999). The fossil layer is child, 1907a, one of only two known, and numerous dominated by Cylindraspis indica remains of the Réunion , solitar- (Schneider, 1783), with comparatively rare bird ius (Sélys-Longchamps, 1848). and bat remains. The depositional setting of the Grotte “au Sable” — This is another small Marais de l’Ermitage is somewhat similar to that cave (Fig. 3), in which subfossil remains are of the Mare aux Songes on Mauritius. Unfortu- dominated by Puffinus shearwaters (Mourer- nately, a substantial part of the swamp has now Chauviré et al. 1999). The deposits included been developed, and the remaining area is also at some , so was contemporary risk of destruction. with the first settlers on the island. Caverne de la Tortue — This is in the only Caverne à Cotte — Jouanin & Gill (1967) lava tube system on Réunion, and is situated examined a cave system at 1800 m in eleva- around 250 m above sea level (Fig. 3). Entrance tion, overlooking the Rivière des Remparts, and to the cave is via a roof opening, which drops 5 discovered a smaller chamber about 10 m from m to the cave floor. Most subfossil remains were the main cave. They discovered cranial and post found around the entrance, and were extremely cranial remains of Pterodroma baraui in the sedi- fragile. They included the type, probably asso- ments. No other details are given. ciated individual of Réunion rail, augusti Mourer-Chauviré et al. (1999). Rodrigues Grotte des Premiers Française (Grand Cav- erne) — This large cave was first excavated by There are large numbers of caves and small fis- Kervazo (1979), and subsequently by Mourer- sures on the Plaine Corail (Figs 4 and 9), many Chauviré et al. (1999) (Fig. 3). It is a prehuman of which contained subfossil remains. Here I deposit and dominated by two species of shear- describe only those cave localities that have con- water Puffinus sp. Discoveries include the type tributed significantly to our knowledge of the of kervazoi (Cowles, 1994), and a left pre-human Mascarene avifauna. distal fragment of Fregilupus varius (Bod- Canyon Tiyel — Canyon Tiyel was probably daert, 1783), the only known subfossil passerine created by roof collapse of an extensive cave sys- so far discovered on Réunion. tem on the Plaine Corail (Fig. 10). The canyon Grotte de l’Autel — This small cave (Fig. 3) has a 30 + m high rock face at the northwest end,

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FIGURE 9. Cave expert, Greg Middleton (Hobart), FIGURE 10. Canyon Tiyel looking south. Caves are entering an unexplored cave on the Plaine Corail. Note located at the base of the canyon walls and along the the dense covering of introduced, invasive Lantana top ridges of the canyon. scrub, which now makes locating new caves extreme- ly difficult. which tapers off to approximately 10 m at the Caverne Gastonia — Caverne Gastonia (Fig. southern end, and a number of caves are situated 13) is a pit-fall cave with a unique, small pool at the base or on top of the canyon walls. The at the furthest point from the entrance. The pool sediments are at least 10 m in depth and water is so lime (CaCO3) saturated that precipi- have been accumulating since the tated lime flakes form on the water surface, before (Burney et al. in prep.). The sediments are poor gently sinking and settling into three underwater in pollen and subfossil remains. mounds. Subfossil remains are partially buried in Caverne Poule Rouge — This cave has flowstone throughout the caves, but most loose proved to be the most palaeontologically produc- specimens were found on the surface or buried tive in recent years (Fig. 11). The cave sediments up to a depth of < 200 mm beneath the entrance. range from 850 mm in the centre of the cave to Caverne Tortue — This cave has deep sedi- <10 mm at the extremities, with the majority of ment deposits which have slumped away from specimens found on or in the uppermost sedi- the entrance, which contained disarticulated ele- ments. I discovered a complete, associated male ments of many native birds. The rest of the cave solitaire in 2005, partially buried in flow stone has sediments averaging < 100 mm in depth, (Fig.12). Other skeletal material retrieved from except in a few deep recesses. the site includes the type of Alectroenas pay- Caverne l’Affouche — Caverne l’Affouche andeei Hume, 2011, and remarkably preserved has proved extremely productive. It is a deep, tortoise scutes (outer horny covering), which still wide cave with heavy roof collapse forming a retain the original blackish colouration. steep scree slope within. Rich fossil deposits

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FIGURE 11. Lorna Steel (NHMUK) entering a FIGURE 12. A complete, associated solitaire Pezo- chamber in Caverne Poule Rouge. phaps solitaria, partly buried in flow stone in Caver- ne Poule Rouge. Photograph courtesy of Lorna Steel (NHMUK). occur between boulders and overhangs. Finds a depth of 300 mm in places, and excavations of include an associated solitaire, a probable new the caves have resulted in the collection of a large passerine, and numerous disarticulated speci- number of subfossil remains, including a partially mens of native birds. associated Rodrigues dove Nesoenas roder- Caverne Dora — Caverne Dora is situated at icana (Milne-Edwards, 1874) (Hume 2011). the southern end of Canyon Tiyel, and contains Grand Caverne — This is the largest cave in a series of narrow corridors and small caves. the Plaine Corail area, and has been used exten- Excavation at the entrance (Fig. 14) unearthed sively for livestock housing; thus the cave floor is remains of various birds, including , her- heavily trampled. A large pit is still present in the ons (Fig. 15) and hundreds of endemic centre of the cave, which may have been one of the elements. The site entrance may have been uti- 1874 Transit of Venus excavation sites. Despite lised by the Rodrigues lizard Mascarenotus the effects of long-term domestic animal occupa- murivorus Milne-Edwards, 1874. One of the owl tion, a number of subfossil bird remains have been elements found in this deposit was used for 14C found in small side chambers, and in undisturbed dating (see below). sediments at the edges of the cave walls. Caverne Solitaire — Caverne Solitaire is the Anse Mourouk — Mourouk is a coastal dune only cave I have studied that has a distinct sedi- site, situated in south-central Rodrigues. A com- mentological unit, compared with the general plete femur of Pezophaps solitaria was recovered uniform sediment deposits seen in other Rodri- during the excavation of a whale skeleton by the gues caves. Beneath a rock overhang lies a ~ 300 author and colleagues in 2007. This is the first mm thick unit made up of coarse, angular >50 subfossil bird bone found on Rodrigues outside mm cave debris in a matrix of reddish silt/clay. of the Plaine Corail. Embedded in the matrix are pieces of wood and individual bird elements, including shearwater Puffinus sp. This unit probably represents a flash Age of the fossil deposits flood during a severe cyclonic event, when surface debris and bird bones were washed into the cave. 14C dating of dodo, tortoise Cylindraspis sp, Caverne Bambara — Three large and con- wood and seeds from the Mare aux Songes on necting caves make up the Bambara series. The Mauritius suggest an extremely narrow time win- largest (Bambara I) is open at both ends and it has dow for fossil accumulation, with a calibrated been used as a shelter for farm stock. Bambara II age range of ca 4235 to 4100 cal. yr BP (averaged and Bambara III are more interesting as the cave 14C age of 4200 yr BP for date of deposition) floors have not been trampled. Sediments reach (Rijsdijk et al. 2011). This contrasts with two

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FIGURE 13. Entering Caverne Gastonia through FIGURE 14. Excavation of Caverne Dora showing the roof opening. Most of the subfossil remains were Square A. Note the almost uniform and featureless se- found directly beneath the entrance. Photograph cour- diments, common to most cave deposits on the Plaine tesy of Lorna Steel (NHMUK). Corail. museum specimens of Cylindraspis sp. obtained the original macrofauna on the Mascarenes, the by Günther c. 1870, which yielded significantly composition of the palaeo-vegetation is more younger radiocarbon ages, between ca 1260 and difficult to determine. This is particularly true in 1830 BP (Burleigh & Arnold 1986). the most devastated parts of the islands, i.e., in On Réunion, radiocarbon dates obtained for the coastal and lowland areas, which were prob- bones of Cylindraspis indica (Schneider, 1783) ably the prime of many of the endemic from the Marais de L’Ermitage give dates ranging vertebrates including the dodo. As these 915 ± 120 BP (interval in real years after calibra- were drier and more open, they were more acces- tion 883–1273 AD) and 1755 ± 40 BP (interval sible to humans and vulnerable to fire; hence they in real years after calibration 186–391 AD), and were the first areas to be destroyed. Mauritius those of introduced Sus scrofa Linnaeus, 1758 and Réunion have a wetter windward side on the associated with C. indica 365 ± 35 BP (interval east side, with a drier zone on the leeward side in in real years after calibration 1458–1633 AD) the west. Early accounts report that on all three (Mourer-Chauviré et al. 1999). islands, dense canopy forests occurred down to Two 14C dates have been obtained from the coast on the windward side, with perhaps a Rodrigues. One taken at 10 m from basal sedi- more open, palm-rich forest on the lee (Cheke & ments in Canyon Tiyel gave a date of 8490 ± 40 Hume 2008). Réunion is a high island with much BP (interval in real years after calibration 9540– of its vegetation above 800 m, comprising mon- 9460 BP) (Burney et al. in prep.). Another 14C tane wet forest, heath and upland bogs. As a result, date taken from a partial humerus of the extinct it has the best surviving habitat. Rodrigues was Rodrigues lizard-owl Mascarenotus murivorus completely forested according to Leguat (1708), (Milne-Edwards, 1874), excavated from sedi- being especially dense in the lowland valleys, ment at a depth of 65–75 mm in Caverne Dora, whereas Pingré (Nagepen 2004) recorded that the dated to 2850 ± 30 BP (interval in real years after forest was thick but stunted on the Plaine Corail; calibration 3060–2870 BP (Burney et al. in most of the island is now deforested prep.). The latter dating is indicative of extremely Recent excavations at the Mare aux Songes slow sediment depositional rates within the caves have proved invaluable in determining the origi- themselves. nal composition of lowland forest on Mauritius (Rijsdijk et al. 2009). The marsh is situated in a lowland coastal area on the windward side Palaeovegetation of Mauritius, but receives an average rain- fall below 1200 mm, the same average as on While we have a comparatively good idea of the dry, coastal leeward side (Longman 2007).

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cal studies of postcranial bones have shown that the two populations were undifferentiated, so the birds were almost certainly capable of fly- ing between the islands (Mourer-Chauviré et al. 1999; Cheke & Hume 2008). The Mascarene teal was described from postcranial bones collected from the Mare aux Songes (Newton & Gadow 1893), and more recently from postcranial mate- rial collected in the Marais de I’Ermitage swamp FIGURE 15. A of the Rodrigues night heron on Réunion, and are most similar to the Austral Nycticorax megalocephalus on surface sediments in teal gibberifrons (Müller, 1842) (Mourer- Caverne Dora. Chauviré et al. 1999). Cowles (1994) referred a fragmentary cranium from the Mare aux Songes The Mare aux Songes contained forest compo- to A. theodori, which differs from that of any nents from marsh, dry and wet forest zones. The other Anas. most common species in the deposit is the wet Alopochen mauritianus — The Mauritian forest tree, tambalacoque grandi- was mentioned in 1681 as ‘inhabiting florum (Sapotaceae), which is endangered and the woods and dry ponds’ (Cheke 1987; Young confined to mountain forests today. Other wet et al. 1997), which suggests that it was probably forest genera include (Burseraceae), becoming terrestrial. They were last reported in (Myrtaceae), Elaeocarpus (Elaeocar- c. 1700, so presumably died out shortly after. paceae), Diospyrus (Ebenaceae) and the endemic The Mauritian sheldgoose was described from palm Dictyosperma (). Dry for- a partial and complete carpometacarpus est genera comprise Foetidia (), excavated from the Mare aux Songes. Recently, lowland species of Sideroxylon (Sapotaceae), a tarsometatarsus, the first known, was collected Stadmania (Sapindaceae) and two species of there in 2006 (Rijsdijk et al. 2009). Furthermore, the palm genus (Arecaceae), one now I have identified a radius, which was erroneously extinct (Florens pers. comm.). Cassine (Celas- referred to Nycticorax mauritianus by Newton & traceae) occurs in both wet and dry forest zones. Gadow (1893), as also belonging to Alopochen. At least four species of screw pines Mascarene geese are derived from the Egyptian (Pandanaceae) have also been identified from the Alopochen aegyptiacus (Linnaeus, 1766), deposit, including dry, wet and upland marsh spe- and the available elements of A. mauritianus are cies, indicating that they were once an important smaller than A. aegyptiacus. component of the lowland coastal forests. Alopochen kervazoi — The Réunion sheld- goose was discovered in a number of cave deposits and also in Marais de l’Ermitage swamp. Species accounts (see Tables 1 and 2) It had disappeared by the end of the 17th century due to over-hunting. A. kervazoi differs from A. Taxonomic nomenclature follows Howard and aegyptiacus in having a more robust tarsus and a Moore (Dickinson 2003). short, deep bill (Cowles 1994; Mourer-Chauviré et al. 1999). and Geese () sp. — Bernardin (1687) and Boucher (1710) both mention ‘sarcelles et canards’ in Ducks and geese were mentioned on numerous Réunion, thereby identifying two species from occasions in early accounts, but almost all pro- their observations. Mourer-Chauviré et al. vide few descriptive details. (1999) found two carpometacarpi of an Aythya Anas theodori — The Mascarene teal once sp. in the Marais de l’Ermitage, a genus present occurred on Mauritius and Réunion, and was last on , and Australia, as recorded around 1700 on Mauritius and in 1710 well as Anas theodori. The Madagascar pochard on Réunion (Hume & Walters 2012). Osteologi- Aythya innotata Salvadori, 1894 is most similar

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FIGURE 16. A reconstruction of the Mare aux Songes, Mauritius around 4 Kya. Every species depicted here, including the flora, has been found as a fossil in the marsh deposits. Of the vertebrates, only the echo, pink pigeon Nesoenas mayeri and Falco punctatus survive today. Illustration by the author. to the Réunion Aythya species, so it may well have and Shearwaters () been this species or something closely related to it that once occurred on Réunion. Nothing more It is difficult to ascertain the former diversity is known about it. and abundance of petrels on the Mascarenes. Stout-legged — A single femur discov- Early accounts report large breeding colonies of ered in 2009 in Caverne Poule Rouge, Rodrigues, various species, particularly on the islets around is referable to a small duck, approximately the Mauritius and Rodrigues, but there must have size of Anas bernieri (Hartlaub, 1860). No been a number of local . Furthermore, endemic anatids are known from Rodrigues, but some very distinct but enigmatic species are an account by Bouwer (reprinted in Moree 2001), known from just a few sightings and even fewer sailing with the fleet under WolfertH armenszoon specimens. in 1601, stated that he landed on Rodrigues and Pseudobulweria atterima — The Mascarene collected some wild geese (Hume 2003). The Black is critically endangered, rarely seen bone is robust with a and comparatively latero- and its breeding areas, thought to be confined medially compressed at the proximal end. More to Reunion, have only recently been discovered material is needed before any further diagnoses (Tatayah et al. 2011). A single specimen has been can be made. collected on Mauritius (ibid). Bourne (1968) described and figured subfossil remains of a pet- rel from Rodrigues cave deposits, ascribing them

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FIGURE 17. A reconstruction of Canyon Tiyel, Rodrigues around 1 Kya. Every species depicted here has been found as a fossil in the cave deposits. Of the vertebrates, only the two small passerines, the Rodrigues Foudia flavicans and Rodrigues warbler rodericana, and Rodrigues fruit bat Pteropus rodricensis survive today. Illustration by the author. to Pseudobulweria atterima. This was in error elevations on Réunion (Pinet et al. 2009). Cheke as my re-examination of the material shows that (1987) noted that he found a small breeding col- the elements are too large and they differ in other ony of Barau’s petrel on Rodrigues in 1974, but characters. Cowles (1987: p. 93) mentioned, but subsequent searches failed to find them. Subfos- did not describe, the same material, referring it sil remains have been collected from Caverne à to Pterodroma. On Rodrigues in 2008, I found Cotte, a cave situated at 1800 m in elevation on numerous cranial and post-cranial petrel remains, Réunion (Jouanin & Gill 1967). which represent a new, but now almost certainly Puffinus iherminieri — Two widespread extinct taxon. It is larger than any petrel known Puffinus shearwaters once bred on Mauritius in the region. and Réunion. Audubon’s shearwater is no longer Pterodroma arminjoniana — An unidentified resident on Mauritius, but still breeds on Réun- species of Pterodroma, which bred on Round ion. Subfossil remains of this shearwater are Island off the north coast of Mauritius, was only common in Réunion cave deposits, including recently identified as Trinidae Petrel (Brown numerous juvenile specimens (Mourer-Chau- & Jordan 2009). It may have only colonised viré et al. 1999). the island since the early 1900s (Vinson 1976). Puffinus pacificus — The wedge-tailed shear- Numerous recent skeletal remains can be found water breeds only on a single islet off Réunion, on Round Island, but the species is unknown in but it is abundant in cave deposits on the main- the fossil record. land. It is still common on Mauritius (Staub Pterodroma baraui — Barau’s petrel is an 1976), and I discovered skeletal remains in elusive, that breeds at high boulder scree below Le Pouce Mountain, and

SAPE Proceedings 2013 – 211 – an associated individual in a cave at La Prairie. is an important diagnostic character. No rail is On Rodrigues, it bred on Ile aux Fregate (Staub known to have any red under the wing (Olson 1973, 1976), but my survey of this islet in 2005 1977), but certainly do. With no evi- failed to locate any birds; feral cats were abun- dence to the contrary, it seems almost certain that dant, and may have exterminated the population. Leguat had observed a . Subfossil remains of this petrel are rare on Rod- rigues, but specimens were collected in 1874 , all (Threskiornithidae) held at the NHMUK, from unspecified caves on the Plaine Corail. Threskiornis solitaries — Ibis of the genus Threskiornis occur only on Madagascar and (Podicipedidae) in the Indian Ocean, and another species occurred historically on Réunion (Mourer-Chau- No species of is known to have inhabited viré & Moutou 1987; Mourer-Chauviré et al. the Mascarenes. The supposed extinct species 1995a, b, 1999). It was called the solitaire by gadowi Hachisuka, 1953 is based on the local inhabitants. The solitaire declined once a mis-identified bone of a whimbrel Numenius humans settled on the island, gradually retreat- phaeopus Linnaeus, 1758 (Cowles 1987; see ing into the remote mountain tops as the island wader accounts below). became more populated (Cheke 1987; Hume & Walters 2012). The last account to refer to Flamingos (Phoenicopteridae) them was in 1708, so they must have died out shortly afterwards (Hume & Walters 2012). Phoenicopterus ruber — During the early years Subfossil remains have been found in the Marais of human occupation, greater flamingos were de l’Ermitage, Grotte des Premiers Française a resident breeding species on Mauritius and and Grotte de l’Autel (Mourer-Chauviré et al. Réunion, with stragglers occasionally reaching 1999). It was a derivative of either the sacred Rodrigues (Carié 1930; Cheke 1987). Flamin- ibis T. aethiopicus (Latham, 1790), which occurs gos originally numbered in their thousands and on Madagascar and Aldabra, or possibly straw- were still considered common during the mid necked ibis T. spinicollis (Jameson, 1835) from 18th century, but were systematically hunted for Australia, Indonesia and (ibid). food. They were extirpated, or had dispersed More speculation and misinterpretation has from Mauritius by c. 1770 and from Réunion by been made about a white dodo on Réunion than c. 1730 (Cheke & Hume 2008). Subfossil remains any other Mascarene bird, save the dodo of Mau- have been recovered from the Mare aux Songes, ritius (Hume & Cheke 2004). Reports were made Mauritius (Newton & Gadow 1893), and Marais during the 17th and early 18th century of a large de l’Ermitage, Réunion (Mourer-Chauviré et al. white bird that could be caught easily and lived 1999), including juvenile specimens. alone in the mountains (Mourer-Chauviré et al. An enigmatic and hypothetical species, the 1999). These descriptions, which are certainly Géant, has created a wealth of literary debate, referable to the solitaire (Mourer-Chauviré et al. which is really not deserved. The existence of 1999), were subsequently associated with some Géant is based entirely on the account of Leguat white dodo paintings by two Dutch artists, Pieter (1708), who described a bird the height of a man, Holsteyn II and Pieter Withoos (Newton 1869), with a goose-sized body, long neck and legs, and which elevated the Réunion white dodo Raphus goose-like but pointed bill. He observed a number solitarius Sélys-Longchamps, 1848 into the of them on Mauritius, but saw it only once on Rod- realms of scientific credibility (Hume & Cheke rigues. The Géant was subsequently described as 2004). However, no dodo fossil remains have been a valid taxon, Leguatia gigantia Schlegel, 1866, found on Réunion, whereas the discovery of sub- and placed in Rallidae, a proposal ardently sup- fossil remains of an ibis confirmed the solitaire’s ported by Rothschild (1907a), Hachisuka (1953) threskiornithid relationships (Mourer-Chauviré and North-Coombes (1983). However, Leguat et al. 1999), a bird that better corresponds with also mentions a rose-coloured underwing, which the descriptions in early accounts.

HUME: A synopsis of the pre-human avifauna of the Mascarene Islands – 212 – TABLE 1. Systematic list of Mascarene bird species mentioned in the text including extant species, recently ex- tinct species known from museum skins, and those known from subfossil remains only. Key: * = Misidentified; † = extinct; E = endemic; Ind = indigenous; V = vagrant; F = fossil; S = museum skin.

Common name Original Latin name & Current Latin name Mauritius Réunion Rodrigues authority Mauritius sheldgoose mauritianus Alopochen mauritianus †FE – – Newton & Gadow, 1893 Réunion sheldgoose Mascarenachen kervazoi Alopochen kervazoi – †FE – Cowles, 1994 Mascarene teal Anas theodori Newton & Anas theodori †FE †FE – Gadow, 1893 Réunion pochard Aythya sp. (see Mourer- Aythya sp. – †FE – Chauviré et al. 1999) Barau’s petrel Pterodroma baraui Jouanin, Pterodroma baraui – E †E 1964 Trinidade petrel Aestrelata arminjoniana Pterodroma arminjo- Ind – – Gigioli & Salvadori, 1869 niana Mascarene black petrel Procellaria atterima Bona- Pseudobulweria at- EV E ? parte, 1857 terima Audubon’s shearwater Puffinus iherminieri Lesson, Puffinus iherminieri FInd FInd – 1839 Wedge-tailed shear- Puffinus pacificus Gmelin, Puffinus pacificus FInd Find FInd water 1789 Greater flamingo Phoenicopterus ruber Lin- Phoenicopterus ruber †FInd †FInd †V naeus, 1758 Réunion ibis or soli- Apterornis solitarius Sélys- Threskiornis solitarius – †FE – taire Longchamps, 1848 Mauritius night heron Butorides mauritianus New- Nycticorax mauritianus †FE – – ton & Gadow, 1893 Réunion night heron Ardea duboisi Rothschild, Nycticorax duboisi – †FE – 1907a Rodrigues night heron Ardea megalocephalus Nycticorax megalo- – – †FE Milne-Edwards, 1874 cephalus Green-backed heron Butorides striatus Linnaeus, Butorides striatus ssp. †?F †?F 1758 Javan green-backed Butorides striatus javanicus Butorides striatus Ind Ind Ind heron Horsfield, 1821 javanicus Dimorphic egret Egretta dimorpha Hartert, Egretta dimorpha †FInd †Ind – 1914 Red-tailed tropic bird Phaethon rubricauda Bod- Phaethon rubricauda Ind Ind Ind daert, 1783 White-tailed tropic Phaethon lepturus Daudin, Phaethon lepturus Ind Ind FInd bird 1802 Greater frigate-bird Fregata minor Gmelin, 1789 Fregata minor IndV IndV IndV Lesser frigate-bird Fregata ariel Gray, 1845 Fregata ariel IndV IndV IndV Red-footed booby Sula sula Linnaeus, 1766 Sula sula Ind – Ind Masked booby Sula dactylatra Lesson, 1831 Sula dactylatra Ind Ind – Abbott’s booby Sula abbotti Ridgway, 1893 Papasula abbottii †E – †E Mauritius darter *Plotus nanus Newton & Phalacrocorax (Micro- – – – Gadow, 1893 carbo) africanus Reed Phalacrocorax africanus Phalacrocorax (Micro- †FE? †E? – Gmelin, 1789 carbo) africanus

SAPE Proceedings 2013 – 213 – TABLE 1. (continued).

Common name Original Latin name & Current Latin name Mauritius Réunion Rodrigues authority Mauritius kestrel Falco punctatus Temminck, Falco punctatus FE – – 1821 Réunion kestrel Falco duboisi Cowles, 1994 Falco duboisi – †FE – Réunion harrier Circus maillardi Verreaux, Circus maillardi †FE E – 1862 Réunion rail Dryolimnas augusti Mourer- Dryolimnas augusti – †FE – Chauviré, Bour, Ribes & Moutou, 1999 Mauritius or Sauzier’s Dryolimnas sp. †FE – – wood rail Mauritius Apterornis bonasia Sélys- Aphanapteryx bonasia †FE – – Longchamps, 1848 Rodrigues rail Erythromachus leguati Erythromachus leguati – – †FE Milne-Edwards 1874 Common moorhen Gallinula chloropus Lin- Gallinula chloropus Ind Ind – naeus, 1758 Mascarene Fulica newtoni Milne-Ed- Fulica newtoni †FE †FE – wards, 1867b Madagascar button- Tetrao nigricollis Gmelin, Turnix nigricollis – Ind? – quail 1789 Whimbrel Numenius phaeopus Lin- Numenius phaeopus FInd FInd Ind naeus, 1758 Mauritius grebe *Podiceps gadowi Hachisu- Numenius phaeopus – – – ka, 1953 Curlew Numenius arquata Linnaeus, Numenius arquata Ind Ind Ind 1758 Dodo Didus ineptus Linnaeus, 1766 Raphus cucullatus †FSE – – Didus solitarius Gmelin, 1788 Pezophaps solitaria – – †FE Mauritian wood thiriouxi Hume, Columba thiriouxi †FE – – pigeon 2011 Mauritius pink pigeon Columba mayeri Prévost & Nesoenas mayeri FE – – Knip, 1843 Réunion pink pigeon Nesoenas duboisi Roths- Nesoenas duboisi – †FE – child, 1907a Mauritius turtle dove Nesoenas cicur Hume, 2011 Nesoenas cicur †FE – – Réunion turtle dove picturata Tem- Nesoenas aff. picturata – †FE? – minck, 1813 Rodrigues turtle dove ‘Columba’ rodericana Nesoenas rodericana – – †FE (Milne-Edwards, 1874) Mauritius Blue Pigeon Columba nitidissima Sco- Alectroenas nitidissima †FSE – – poli, 1786 Rodrigues blue pigeon Alectroenas payandeei Alectroenas payandeei – – †FE Hume, 2011 mascarinus Lin- Mascarinus mascarinus – †FSE – naeus, 1771 Broad-billed parrot or Psittacus mauritianus Owen, Lophopsittacus mauri- †FE – – raven parrot 1866b tianus Rodrigues parrot Psittacus rodericanus Milne- Necropsittacus roderi- – – †FE Edwards, 1867a canus Thirioux’s Lophopsittacus bensoni Psittacula bensoni †FE – – Holyoak, 1973

HUME: A synopsis of the pre-human avifauna of the Mascarene Islands – 214 – TABLE 1. (continued).

Common name Original Latin name & Current Latin name Mauritius Réunion Rodrigues authority Echo parakeet Palaeornis echo Newton & Psittacula echo FE – – Newton, 1876 Rodrigues parakeet Palaeornis exsul Newton, Psittacula exsul – – †FSE 1872 Commerson’s lizard- Strix sauzieri Newton & Mascarenotus sauzieri †FE – – owl Gadow, 1893 Gruchet’s or Réunion Mascarenotus grucheti Mascarenotus grucheti – †FE – lizard-owl Mourer-Chauviré, Bour, Moutou & Ribes, 1994 Rodrigues lizard-owl Strix (Athene) murivora Mascarenotus muriv- – – †FE Milne-Edwards, 1874 orus Mascarene Hirundo francica Gmelin, Collocalia francica Ind Ind – 1879 Mauritius - Oxynotus typicus Hartlaub, Coracina typica FE – – shrike 1865 Réunion cuckoo-shrike Oxynotus newtoni Pollen, Coracina newtoni – E – 1866 Mascarene flycatcher Muscicapa bourbonnensis Terpsiphone bourbon- E E – Statius Müller,1776 nensis Mascarene swallow Hirundo borbonica Gmelin, borbonica Ind Ind IndV 1789 borbonica Mauritius bulbul or Hypsipetes olivaceus Jardine Hypsipetes olivaceus FE – – merle & Selby, 1835 Réunion bulbul or Turdus borbonicus Forster, Hypsipetes borbonicus – E – merle 1781 Rodrigues bulbul Hypsipetes sp. – – †FE Rodrigues warbler Drymoeca rodericanus New- Bebrornis (Acrocepha- – – FE ton, 1865 lus) rodericanus Mauritius olive white- Zosterops chloronothos Zosterops chloronothos FE – – eye Vieillot, 1817 Réunion olive white- Certhia olivaceus Linnaeus, Zosterops olivaceus – E – eye 1766 Mauritius grey white- Motacilla borbonica For- Zosterops borbonicus FE – – eye ster, 1781 (see http://www. zoonomen.net) Réunion grey white- Motacilla mauritianus Gme- Zosterops mauritianus – E – eye lin, 1789 Réunion crested star- Upupa varia Boddaert, 1783 Fregilupus varius – †FSE – ling or huppe Mauritius Sturnidae †FE – – Necropsar rodericanus Necropsar rodericanus – – †FE Günther & Newton, 1879 Réunion stonechat Muscicapa tectes Gmelin, Saxicola tectes – E – 1789 Mauritius fody Emberiza rubra Gmelin, Foudia rubra FE – – 1789 Réunion fody Foudia delloni Cheke & Foudia delloni – E – Hume, 2008 Foudia flavicans Newton, Foudia flavicans – – FE 1865

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Herons and Egrets (Ardeidae) was evolving towards flightlessness, but it was still capable of . During the Transit of Venus Early travelers to the Mascarenes mentioned a expedition in 1761–3, the astronomer Alexandre- number of herons, but the accounts are extremely Gui Abbe Pingré made a detailed survey of the vague and it is very difficult to interpret the Rodrigues fauna (Nagapen 2004), noting that the descriptions. Subfossil remains confirm that herons had by this time disappeared. An incom- three endemic species once inhabited the islands plete associated individual, which included the (Rothschild 1907a, b; Cheke 1987); however, cranium and jaws, was discovered in Caverne Newton & Gadow (1893) mention six species of Poule Rouge in 2006 (Hume unpubl. data). heron, all collected from the Mare aux Songes. Butorides striatus — Green-backed herons are My analysis of these latter specimens shows that resident on all of the Mascarene Islands. They are only three were correctly identified as herons considered to be of the Javan race, B. s. javanicus (see below); whereas three are not herons at all (Ripley 1969), and thought to be a recent colonist (see Phalacrocorax africanus, Alopochen mauri- to the islands (Cheke & Hume 2008). However, I tianus and Circus maillardi). have identified subfossil remains from Mare aux Nycticorax mauritianus — The genus Nycti- Songes deposits on Mauritius, and I collected sub- corax (night herons) gave rise to three endemic fossil remains from Caverne Dora on the Plaine Mascarene species, all now extinct. Leguat Corail, Rodrigues. Buterides striatus is a com- (1708) mentioned ‘ of ’ in 1693 plex group, which not only has a large number of on Mauritius, which were probably referable to , but also exhibits extensive individual the Mauritian night heron, N. mauritianus, and it variation. It is possible that the Mascarenes may is generally assumed that the birds disappeared once have had an endemic species or subspecies shortly after this date (Cheke & Hume 2008; Hume of green-backed heron, but further work is needed & Walters 2012). The Mauritian night heron has before any conclusions can be made. often been cited as being flightless, but this was Egretta dimorpha — The dimorphic egret is certainly not the case. Although the tarsometatar- common on Madagascar and vagrant to other sus is robust and indicative of a more terrestrial Indian Ocean Islands (Sinclair & Langrand mode of life, a humerus collected from the Mare 2004), and once occurred on Mauritius and Réun- aux Songes in 1865, but erroneously attributed ion (Cheke & Hume 2008). West-Zanen (1648) to great white egret, Ardea alba Linnaeus, 1758 mentioned them in 1602 on Mauritius, whilst by Newton & Gadow (1893), is morphologically Dubois (1674) and Feuilley (1705) described more similar to Nycticorax and equivalent in size them on Réunion. Dimorphic egrets appear of that of any volant Nycticorax species (Hume to have disappeared sometime during the 18th unpubl. data). century. Newton & Gadow (1893) attributed a Nycticorax duboisi — Dubois (1674) gave tarsometatarsus collected at the Mare aux Songes the best account of a night heron from Réunion, as belonging to ‘Ardea ardesiaca’, but I found a species now confirmed by skeletal remains that it is referable to E. dimorpha, this being the (Cowles 1994), but appears to have described a only known subfossil element of this species. juvenile (Cheke 1987; Mourer-Chauviré et al. 1999). Night herons were not mentioned again (Phaethontidae) after Dubois’s account (Hume & Walters 2012). This was the largest Mascarene species, and like Phaethon rubricauda — The red-tailed tropic the Mauritian bird, it showed no reduction in bird remains fairly common on Mauritius (Sin- wing elements (Mourer-Chauviré et al. 1999). clair & Langrand 2004), breeding on Round Nycticorax megalocephalus — The Rodrigues Island off the north coast. It is a rare vagrant to night heron was a robust species, with a stout, Réunion (Probst 1997) and, although scarce, still straight bill and robust legs (Cowles 1987). It inhabits the islets within the lagoon surrounding was described by Tafforet in 1725–26 as a spe- Rodrigues, and was reported to have bred on the cies reluctant to fly H( ume & Walters 2012). The cliffs of Cascade Victoire in 1967 (Staub 1973; skeletal confirms that this species 1976). No subfossil remains of P. rubricauda

HUME: A synopsis of the pre-human avifauna of the Mascarene Islands – 216 – have yet been identified on the Mascarenes. breeder (Cheke 2001). The population is now Phaethon lepturus — The white-tailed tropic extirpated, being last reported in 1916 (Bertuchi bird is widely distributed throughout the Mas- 1923; Cheke 1987, 2001). No S. sula bones have carenes, and it is the most abundant subfossil yet been identified in the Mascarenes. bird species found in cave deposits on Rodri- Sula dactylatra — The masked booby is gues (Hume 2005); adults, juveniles and are vagrant to Réunion and still breeds on Serpent equally represented. After a period of decline Island off Mauritius, the only known breeding on Rodrigues, it is now recovering in numbers, site in the Mascarenes (Staub 1976; Cheke 2001), and live birds and occasional fresh corpses are but being a ground nesting bird it is vulnerable to encountered in and around the cave sites. disturbance. As yet, no subfossil remains of this species have been found in the Mascarenes. Frigate-birds (Fregatidae) Papasula abbotti — Abbott’s booby is now confined to Christmas Island, Indian Ocean, the Fregata minor/Fregata ariel — Frigate-birds only known breeding population, but colonies have a wide Indo-Pacific distribution and occur also once occurred on Assumption Island and on on oceanic islands throughout the Indian Ocean the Mascarenes. It is also a rare vagrant to the (Sinclair & Langrand 2004). Both species are Pacific (Pratt et al. 2009). Abbott’s booby was rare vagrants to Réunion (Barré et al. 1996). mentioned by a number of observers on Rod- Two species are thought to have once bred on rigues during the 18th century (Bourne 1976; Mauritius and Rodrigues, the greater frigate-bird, Cheke 1987, 2001), but was last recorded in Fregata minor, and the lesser frigate-bird, F. ariel 1761 by Pingré (Cheke & Hume 2008). Bourne (Cheke 1987). On Mauritius, they were once resi- (1976) confirmed the presence of Abbott’s booby dent breeders, and a frigate-bird is shown in an on Mauritius from a complete humerus and ulna, engraving depicting Dutch activities ashore in collected in the Mare aux Songes. I discovered 1598 (Het Tvveede Boeck 1601). Both species a proximal humerus, which was mis-identified had all but disappeared by the 1850s; the last con- as solitaire Pezophaps solitaria, from Rodri- firmed sightings were on Round Island, Mauritius gues cave deposits. Comparison of the Mare aux (E. Newton 1861; Cheke 1987). On Rodrigues, Songes and Rodrigues specimens with Christmas frigates occurred on many of the islets within Island birds indicates that the Mascarene popula- the lagoon; Pingré reported them as common tion is distinct. This may also be the case with the (Cheke 2001; Nagapen 2004), but it appears that Assumption birds (Hume unpubl. data). they only bred on Ile aux Fregate (Cheke 1987). Frigate-birds had probably ceased to breed on (Phalacrocoracidae) Rodrigues by c. 1850 and were considered rare in 1916 (Bertuchi 1923). They do, however, turn Phalacrocorax (Microcarbo) africanus — Cor- up as rare vagrants within the Mascarenes (Cheke morants were reported on Réunion during the 1987). Probably due to their tree-top nesting pref- early years of settlement; Dubois (1674) and erences and extremely fragile and lightweight Feuilley (1705) in particular gave good descrip- skeleton, no subfossil remains of frigate-birds tions. They were encountered on the lakes, and have been discovered in the Mascarenes. when young were considered good to eat (Hume & Walters 2012). They were not recorded again Gannets and boobies (Sulidae) however and presumably died out in the early 18th century. Although not mentioned in early Sula sula — The red-footed booby occurs year- accounts, cormorant subfossil remains have been round on Mauritius but probably never bred excavated from the Mare aux Songes. Olson there (Cheke 1987, 2001). They do not occur on (1975) referred them to the reed cormorant Réunion (Probst 1997). The islets off Rodrigues, Phalacrocorax africanus, a wide ranging African particularly Ile aux Fregate, once harboured large species that is represented on Madagascar by the colonies of boobies, and at least one species, dark race pictilis Bangs, 1918. However, my analysis phase red-footed booby, Sula sula, was a resident of the specimens indicates that it was a smaller

SAPE Proceedings 2013 – 217 – taxon, and may represent a new, but extinct sub- dropped to <400 individuals and continues to species (Hume & Walters 2012). By contrast, decline (Cade 2008). A few subfossil elements an ulna collected from the Mare aux Songes and have been collected from both the Mare aux Songes erroneously referred to Ardea alba Linnaeus, and from caves beneath Le Pouce Mountain. 1758 (Newton & Gadow 1893), is most similar Falco duboisi — A morphologically distinct to P. africanus pictilis (Hume unpubl. data). species of kestrel, F. duboisi, once inhabited Réunion, and was described from subfossil mate- Darters and Anhingas (Anhingidae) rial collected in 1974 (Cowles 1994). In 1671–2 it was reported to ‘do harm to the of the Subfossil remains obtained from the Mare aux inhabitants and the game of the island’ by Dubois Songes were described as an endemic anhinga, (1674) and was persecuted accordingly, but this Plotus nanus (Newton & Gadow, 1893), related was its only record from life, so the date of its to the Madagascar species A. rufa Daudin, 1802. extinction is unknown (Hume & Walters 2012). Olson (1975) re-examined the material and con- The Mauritius kestrel has short, rounded wings, cluded that it was in fact referable to the African which is indicative of a forest inhabitant (Jones Reed Cormorant Phalacrocorax (Microcarbo) 1987), whereas the Réunion kestrel was more africanus (see below). similar to the Eurasian kestrel complex, which are open habitat specialists (Mourer-Chauviré et Hawks and Falcons () al. 1999). Circus maillardi — Two species of Circus Birds of prey have populated many island groups harrier have been described from the Mascarenes. throughout the Indian Ocean and far-ranging However, that described from subfossil mate- migrants regularly visit the Mascarenes (Sinclair rial on Mauritius as Circus alphonsi Newton & Langrand 2004). Two genera are certainly & Gadow, 1893, has been shown by Mourer- known from Réunion and Mauritius, Circus and Chauviré et al. (2004) to be conspecific with the Falco, while a possible third genus remains inde- Réunion Harrier, C. maillardi, which is extant but terminate (Mourer-Chauviré et al. 1999). endangered on Réunion. On Mauritius, the spe- Falco punctatus — The Mauritius kestrel was cies is known from subfossil remains collected once considered the most endangered bird in the from the Mare aux Songes and cave deposits world, with numbers down to six birds in 1974 around Le Pouce Mountain (Newton & Gadow (Jones 1987). Due to intensive captive breed- 1893; Rijsdijk et al. 2009), including an ulna for- ing and conservation efforts, by 2005 numbers merly attributed to Nycticorax mauritianus that increased to an estimated 800–1000 individuals I have shown is referable to C. maillardi; it is (Jones in Cheke & Hume 2008), but this estimate also briefly mentioned in the account of Cornelis was prematurely optimistic. The population has Matelieff de Jonge in 1606 (Barnwell 1948).

TABLE 2. List of species that almost certainly once existed, but lack supporting fossil evidence. This category of ‘hypothetical’ taxa is restricted to Réunion, primarily due to the paucity of subfossil remains of certain avian orders on that island.

Common name Original Latin name & Current Latin name Mauritius Réunion Rodrigues authority Emerillon Falco? sp. – X – Oiseaux bleu Cyanornis coerulescens Cyanornis (Porphyrio) – X – Sélys-Longchamps, 1848 coerulescens Réunion blue pigeon Alectroenas sp. – X – Réunion ring-necked Psittacus eques Boddaert, Psittacula eques – X – parakeet 1783 Réunion grey parrot Psittacula aff. bensoni – X – Réunion red and ‘Necropsittacus’ borboni- Genus indeterminate – X – green parrot cus Rothschild, 1907b

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No Réunion subfossil material is known. Why Erythromachus leguati — The Rodrigues rail the Réunion population has survived, whereas is sufficiently distinct fromA. bonasia in a number the Mauritius birds disappeared in the early years of characteristics to warrant generic separation of human settlement, remains unclear. (Olson 1977; Mourer-Chauviré et al. 1999; Small falcon — Réunion. An enigmatic Hume & Walters 2012). It was reported to be species called an ‘Emerillon (=merlin)’ was common in 1691–3 (Leguat 1708) and in 1725–6 described by Dubois (1674) as ‘although small, by Tafforet (Hume & Walters 2012), but Pin- do not fail to carry away chickens and eat them’ gré in 1761 (Hume & Walters 2012) stated that (Mourer-Chauviré et al. 1999). Cheke (1987) the species was by then extinct. A large series of suggested that this description was referable subfossil remains collected by colleagues and I to Falco duboisi, but kestrels had already been in caves on the Plaine Corail exhibit a great size mentioned in Dubois’s account. The Emerillon variation, almost certainly due to sexual dimor- may have been a migratory Falco species or an phism. An incomplete but associated individual, endemic small hawk that is now extinct. which includes a complete and jaws, was collected in Caverne Poule Rouge in 2005. Rails and (Rallidae) Dryolimnas augusti — The volant nominate white-throated rail Dryolimnas cuvieri Pucheran, Rails have colonised almost every oceanic island 1845 is widely distributed in Madagascar, where archipelago throughout the world. At least five it is reasonably common (Sinclair & Langrand genera formerly occurred on the Mascarenes, 2004). Interestingly, the type, a gravid female and two of these, the Mauritius red rail Aphanap- collected on Mauritius (Pucheran 1845), may teryx bonasia, and Rodrigues rail Erythromachus have been a vagrant. There are two closely leguati, must have been isolated for some time; related subspecies, the flightless Aldabran rail, their relationships with other rails are now dif- D. c. aldabranus (Günther, 1879), from Aldabra ficult to determine (Olson 1977; Livezey 1998, atoll, which holds the distinction of being the 2003). A sixth genus, Gallinula, which still last surviving Indian Ocean , and occurs on Mauritius and Réunion, may have been the recently extinct Assumption Island rail, D. a recent arrival (Cheke & Hume 2008). c. abbotti Ridgway, 1894, which had reduced Aphanapteryx bonasia — The monotypic flying capabilities. A second species, only ten- genus Aphanapteryx is characterised by hair-like tatively placed in Dryolimnas, has recently been , a long de-curved bill, vestigial wings described from fossil remains collected in the and strong, robust legs. The Mauritius red rail, Caverne de la Tortue, Réunion (Mourer-Chau- A. bonasia, appears to have been an opportunist viré et al. 1999). This Réunion rail D. augusti omnivore and was able to survive two centuries was morphologically similar, although larger, of anthropogenic changes (Hume & Walters than the Aldabran species and was probably also 2012). However, the introduction of cats in flightless.D ubois (1674) mentioned a ‘wood rail’ the late 17th century proved disastrous, and the in his list of species, and this is almost certainly rails were not seen again after 1693 (Cheke & referable to the Réunion rail (Mourer-Chauviré Hume 2008). The Mauritius red rail was origi- et al. 1999). nally described from illustrations and accounts Dryolimnas sp. — Mauritius. Cowles (1987) (Sélys-Longchamps 1848), but the discovery identified Dryolimnas material collected from of subfossil remains from the Mare aux Songes the Mare aux Songes, which had previously been allowed Milne-Edwards (1868) to correctly ascribed to the common moorhen Gallinula chlo- assign it to the Rallidae. Subfossil remains have ropus Linnaeus, 1758 (Newton & Gadow 1893). also been collected in a number of widespread However, he referred the material to nominate D. cave localities, which includes a complete associ- cuvieri. I identified moreDryolimnas material from ated individual collected by Thirioux somewhere a collection made by Thirioux in caves around Le around Le Pouce Mountain and a partially asso- Pouce Mountain, which shows that an endemic, ciated individual from a cave near Vieux Grand flightlessDryolimnas once occurred on Mauritius. Port in the southeast. Cyanornis (Porphyrio) coerulescens — The

SAPE Proceedings 2013 – 219 – most enigmatic of all Mascarene rails is the mentioned in a number of accounts, but appeared ‘Oiseau bleu,’ a bird that once occurred on the to have died out around the 1670s (Cheke 1987). , Réunion. They were men- It is very likely that these button-quails were tioned on a number of occasions by trustworthy Turnix nigricollis (Gmelin, 1789), a native of observers and last reported around the middle Madagascar. Madagascar button-quails were of the 18th century (Cheke & Hume 2008). Their introduced around 1714 on Réunion and possibly colour was described as blue with red and during the 1830s on Mauritius (Cheke & Hume legs (e.g., Dubois 1674), and they were consid- 2008); they still occur on Mauritius and Réunion ered good game and, although able to fly, could today (Sinclair & Langrand 2004). No subfossil easily be caught and killed with sticks (Cheke & remains have been found on Réunion, whereas Hume 2008). No subfossil remains have yet been a few post-cranial elements were collected by found to resolve their affinities, but the oiseau Thirioux around Le Pouce Mountain. bleu is generally considered to represent a large Porphyrio gallinule (Hume & Walters 2012), Waders (Scolopacidae) a genus which occurs on Madagascar (Sinclair & Langrand 2004). No subfossil remains are A number of waders are regular migrants to the known from the rich Mare aux Songes deposits Mascarenes, but only two are identifiable from or from the Thirioux montane collections, which early accounts and only one from the fossil suggest that Mauritius lacked suitable habitat for record. this taxon. Numenius phaeopus — The whimbrel is a Gallinula chloropus — The common moor- common migrant to the Mascarenes, and appears hen is found on a number of western Indian to have been regularly hunted on Mauritius in Ocean islands, including Mauritius and Réunion the past. The only evidence of this species in (Sinclair & Langrand 2004). The Mascarene the fossil record is an ulna collected in the Mare populations are generally treated as part of G. c. aux Songes, Mauritius, which was originally pyrrhorrhoa A. Newton, 1861, that also occurs assigned to a Podiceps sp. by Newton & Gadow on Madagascar and the Comoro Islands, and (1893) and later formally described as P. gadowi appear to be of recent origin (Cheke & Hume Hachisuka, 1953. Cowles (1987) re-identified 2008). No subfossil remains of Gallinula have this specimen and correctly assigned it to Nume- been identified on the Mascarenes. nius phaeopus. A tarsometatarsus was also Fulica newtoni — A coot of the genus Fulica collected in the Grotte des Premiers Française on was once found on Mauritius and Réunion. Réunion (Mourer-Chauviré et al. 1999). Despite some suggestions that F. newtoni was Numenius arquata — The curlew is a less fre- flightless, there is no reduction in the pectoral quent migrant to the Mascarenes, and was also elements. Furthermore, the birds from Mauritius regularly hunted in the past. No subfossil remains and Réunion are undifferentiated, indicating that of this species have yet been identified. the species was clearly able to fly between the islands (Mourer-Chauviré et al. 1999; Cheke (Stercorariidae) & Hume 2008). Both populations had disap- peared by the end of the 17th century (Hume & A number of terns breed on off-shore islands on Walters 2012). F. newtoni was described from the Mascarenes, but all are unknown in the fossil subfossil remains from the Mare aux Songes record, so they are mentioned here only for com- (Milne-Edwards 1867), and skeletal elements pleteness. The populations of common noddy were collected by Kervazo in the Grotte des Pre- Anous stolidus (Linnaeus, 1758), lesser noddy miers Française on Réunion (Cowles 1994). Anous tenuirostris (Temminck, 1823), sooty Sterna fuscata (Linnaeus, 1766), bridled Button-Quails (Turnicidae) tern Onychoprion anaethetus (Scopoli, 1786) and fairy tern Gygis alba (Sparrman, 1786) It appears that there was once an indigenous pop- were variously mentioned in early accounts as ulation of button-quails on Réunion, which were being extremely abundant, especially on Rodri-

HUME: A synopsis of the pre-human avifauna of the Mascarene Islands – 220 – gues (Cheke & Hume 2008), but are now much Rodrigues, but differed markedly in morphol- reduced in numbers. ogy. It was considered to be common when first described (Leguat 1708; Tafforet in Hume & Pigeons and doves () Walters 2012), but had disappeared by the 1760s. The solitaire is known from a femur Pigeons and doves, including the dodo and soli- collected at Anse Mourouk and thousands of taire, are mentioned in almost all early accounts skeletal elements, including associated individu- that relate to the Mascarene fauna. All describe als, from caves on the Plaine Corail. It exhibited their inherent tameness and the ease with which the greatest known in any they could be caught, but few provide descrip- neognathous bird (Livezey 1993), and both sexes tive details. Only one species, Nesoenas mayeri, were extremely aggressive when defending their of at least 12 endemic pigeons and doves (Hume territories (Hume & Steel 2013). However, not a 2011), survives today. single juvenile specimen has yet been identified. Raphus cucullatus — The dodo has been the Columba thiriouxi — A small species of pigeon, subject of more debatable literature than any tentatively referred to typical Columba (Hume other bird (Hume 2006). It was first mentioned 2011), disappeared sometime after 1730 (Hume & in 1599 and first illustrated in 1600 H( ume 2006), Walters 2012). It is known from subfossil cave but became extinct sometime between 1662 deposits collected around Le Pouce Mountain and (Cheke 1987) and 1693 (Hume et al. 2004). Plain des Roches. The short, broad tarsometatarsus MtDNA analysis has shown that the dodo and suggests that it was an arboreal species. solitaire Pezophaps solitaria are monophyletic Endemic Nesoenas pink pigeons were and have a sister group relationship to the Nico- confined to Mauritius and Réunion, whereas bar pigeon Caloenas nicobarica (Pereira et al. Nesoenas turtle doves once occurred on all 2007; Shapiro et al. 2002). Almost all of the three Mascarene Islands. All but the Mauritius known subfossil remains were excavated from pink pigeon Nesoenas mayeri had disappeared the Mare aux Songes, but Thirioux collected during the early 18th century. Introductions of an associated individual and a partially associ- Madagascar turtle doves Nesoenas picturata ated individual from undisclosed caves in the (Temminck, 1813) took place on Mauritius and centre of the island. More recently, a complete Réunion after the extinction of the native birds, but badly degraded specimen was excavated at and present populations of N. picturata are all Bois Cheri, in the central uplands (Middleton introduced. This Madagascar species differs from & Hume In press), and individual elements have the endemic Nesoenas turtle doves in a number been collected from caves at Vieux Grand Port, of osteological details (see Hume 2011), and is La Prairie, Baie du Cap and Roches Noires and almost certainly unknown in the fossil record. from a marsh at Flacq (Janoo 2005; Hume et al. Nesoenas mayeri — The pink pigeon is the 2009). According to the fossil evidence, the dodo only surviving Mascarene columbid and con- was once widely distributed around Mauritius, fined to Mauritius. It had been reduced to less but predominantly confined to the lowlands. This than 25 birds in the 1970s, but a successful cap- may also represent a bias, as fossil depositional tive-breeding and re-introduction programme environments are more numerous in the low- has increased the population to 350 + individu- lands and the lowland cave and marsh deposits als today (Jones in Cheke & Hume 2008). It is are more conducive to bone preservation (Hume the commonest subfossil species found in cave 2005). Juvenile dodo remains are incredibly rare; deposits, but markedly less so in the Mare aux only one tarsometatarsus collected by Thirioux Songes marsh (Hume 2011). from an unspecified cave/boulder scree deposit in Nesoenas duboisi — The Réunion pink the valleys around Le Pouce (photographed and pigeon was described by Rothschild (1907a, now lost (Hume 2006)), and a fragment from a b) based on the account of Dubois (1674), the cave at La Prairie have been collected. only person to record it in life. Humeri referable Pezophaps solitaria — The solitaire was to this taxon discovered in Grotte des Premiers the closest relative of the dodo and endemic to Française and Grotte de l’Autel are larger than N.

SAPE Proceedings 2013 – 221 – mayeri (Mourer-Chauviré et al. 1999), a closely of parrot once inhabited the Mascarenes (Hume related species. 2007), but at least seven taxa were present on the Nesoenas cicur — The Mauritius turtle dove islands, with a further two awaiting confirma- is known from subfossil remains collected at the tion from the fossil record. Like the columbids, Mare aux Songes and cave deposits situated in almost every early account mentions them, but the valleys of Le Pouce Mountain and at Vieux few provide any details. They were rapidly Grand Port (Hume 2011). It became extinct hunted to extinction, long before any scientific sometime after 1730. The Mauritius turtle dove analysis could take place. All Mascarene had comparatively robust pelvic elements and are now extinct save the echo parakeet Psittacula reduced pectoral elements, so was probably more echo (Newton & Newton, 1876) of Mauritius. terrestrial than other Nesoenas pigeons. Mascarinus mascarinus — The Mascarene Nesoenas aff. picturata — Two Nesoenas sub- parrot is known from two skins, both collected fossil elements collected in the Grotte “au sable” during the 18th century, and from a few subfos- on Réunion (Mourer-Chauviré et al. 1999) may sil elements excavated in caves on Réunion be referable to N. cicur or a closely related spe- (Mourer-Chauviré et al. 1999). Dubois (1674) cies (Hume 2011). gave a good description of this species in 1671– Nesoenas rodericana — The Rodrigues turtle 72 and a few live birds survived the journey to dove is known from early accounts and from cave (Brisson 1760; Mauduyt 1784). The deposits collected on the Plaine Corail (Hume much repeated 1834 date of extinction (Hahn 2011). It was a small species, with a distinct ster- 1834) is unfounded; the Mascarene parrot had num, and disappeared between 1726 and 1761, almost certainly disappeared by c. 1800 (Hume due to rat and (Hume & 2007). Analysis of skeletal material and simi- Walters 2012). Partially associated individuals larities in colouration strongly suggest a direct were discovered in Caverne Bambara II in 2006, relationship with southeast Asian par- and Caverne l’Affouche in 2013. rots (Mourer-Chauviré et al. 1999; Hume 2007), Alectroenas nitidissima — Despite being per- but mtDNA analysis, according to Kundu et al. secuted for over two centuries, the Mauritius blue (2012), embedded Mascarinus within Coracop- pigeon was still comparatively numerous at the end sis nigra (Linnaeus, 1758), the lesser of the 18th century. However, due to severe deforest- of Madagascar and nearby islands. However, this ation, it had disappeared by 1837 (Hume 2011; Hume result has been questioned (Joseph et al. 2012). & Walters 2012). It is known from three skins, Necropsittacus rodericanus — The Rodrigues the most recent taken in 1826 (Milne-Edwards & parrot was described as a big-headed, long-tailed Oustalet 1893), and a few subfossil remains col- bird that frequented the southern islets off Rod- lected from the Mare aux Songes and caves around rigues, returning to the mainland only to drink Le Pouce and Roches Noires (Hume 2011). water (Hume 2007). Pingré listed N. rodericanus Alectroenas sp. — It seems probable that an as very rare in 1761 and this was the last time Alectroenas once occurred on Réunion (Hume it was mentioned (Hume & Walters 2012). Sub- 2011), as a bird of this description was briefly fossil remains are scarce, although cranial and mentioned by Dubois (1674) and Bontekoe post-cranial specimens have been recovered from (1650), but no skeletal remains have been found unnamed caves on the Plaine Corail. Colleagues to confirm its affinities. and I discovered a rostrum, humerus, and tibio- Alectroenas payandeei — The Rodrigues tarsus in Caverne Tortue in 2008. blue pigeon was never mentioned by any visitors Lophopsittacus mauritianus — The raven to the island. It is known from a single but dis- parrot or broad-billed parrot, which was last tinct tarsometatarsus, collected in Caverne Poule recorded in 1673–4, had developed huge jaws for Rouge on the Plaine Corail (Hume 2011). cracking the hard nut shells of palms and other forest trees (Hume 2007, contra Holyoak 1971), Parrots (Psittacidae) and exhibited the greatest sexual dimorphism known in any parrot (Hume 2007). Despite state- It is difficult to determine how many species ments to the contrary (e.g., Hachisuka 1953),

HUME: A synopsis of the pre-human avifauna of the Mascarene Islands – 222 – there is no evidence to suggest that this species birds (Forshaw 1989). It has now recovered to was flightless (Hume 2007), but it was probably some 350 mature individuals (Jones in Cheke & poorly volant. It is known from numerous subfos- Hume 2008). Large numbers of subfossil remains sil remains from the Mare aux Songes, Mauritius, have been excavated in caves around Le Pouce with a preponderance of and tibiotarsi Mountain and Plaine des Roches, including juve- (Hume 2005), and also from a few specimens col- niles (Hume 2007), but its remains are rare in the lected in caves around Le Pouce Mountain. Mare aux Songes deposits. At least two species of Psittacula parakeet Psittacula eques — The Réunion parakeet colonised the Mascarenes. A Psittacula eupatria is known only from a number of paintings and (Linnaeus, 1766) derivative, P. wardi (Newton, accounts (Hume 2007) and, putatively, one skin 1867), once occurred on the , with (Jones 1987; but see Cheke & Hume 2008). probable derivatives on Mauritius (P. bensoni), Despite the survival of Psittacula echo on Mau- Réunion (P. aff. bensoni/ red and green parrot) ritius, P. eques disappeared early in Réunion’s and possibly Rodrigues (P. exsul) (Hume 2007). history, being last reported around 1730 (Hume & A second colonisation event involved P. krameri Walters 2012). Pending confirmation from fos- (Scopoli, 1769), with derivatives on Mauritius (P. sil remains, it may be conspecific withP. echo. echo) and on Réunion (P. eques) (Groombridge Réunion red and green parrot. Genus indeter- et al. 2004). minate. This enigmatic bird, which was reported Psittacula bensoni — Thirioux’s grey parrot only once, has caused much taxonomic confu- was a long-tailed, large-headed species, and a sion. Dubois (1674), whose observations can probable derivative of the Psittacula ‘eupatria’ be trusted, described a green parrot with head, group (Hume 2007). It was considered to be one wings and tail the colour of fire. It was formerly of the commonest species on Mauritius during described as ‘Necropsittacus’ borbonicus Roths- the early 18th century, but had disappeared by child, 1907b, based on the assumption that it was c. 1760 (Hume 2007; Hume & Walters 2012). related to N. rodericanus of Rodrigues (Roth- Subfossil remains are rare. It is known from cave schild 1907a), but Rothschild confused the early deposits collected by Thirioux from the valleys literature (Hume 2007). It is possible that Dubois around Le Pouce Mountain (Hume 2007) and was describing an endemic P. ‘eupatria’ species from a few skeletal specimens from the Mare aux on Réunion. The colouration, apart from the red Songes (Rijsdijk et al. 2009). tail, is typical of P. eupatria (Hume 2007). Psittacula aff. bensoni — Dubois (1674) and Cossigny (1732–55) mentioned a grey parrot on Owls (Strigidae) Réunion, which may have been conspecific with P. bensoni. However, no skeletal remains have Owls of the genus Otus occur on a number of been found to determine its relationships. It was Indian Ocean islands (Fuchs et al. 2008) and it last recorded in c. 1730 (Cheke & Hume 2008). is from this genus that the endemic Mascarene Psittacula exsul — The Rodrigues parakeet genus Mascarenotus was derived (Mourer- is known from two skins collected in the early Chauviré et al. 1994). The Mascarene species 1870s (Newton 1875), just prior to the species were characterised by large size and robust, long becoming extinct. There appear to have been legs (Newton & Gadow 1893; Mourer-Chauviré two colour morphs (green and blue), of which et al. 1994), presumably adaptations for preda- only the blue morphs were collected. Subfossil tion of reptiles and small birds. The Mascarene remains are rare, but morphometric analysis and lizard-owls are known from descriptions, one one contemporary description suggest that this drawing and a few subfossil remains. species may have been derivative of the Psittac- Mascarenotus sauzieri — The Mauritian ula ‘eupatria’ group (Hume 2007). lizard-owl was a large eared owl with bare tarsi. Psittacula echo — The echo parakeet, the A drawing by Jossigny, reproduced in Ousta- only surviving psittaciform in the Mascarenes, let (1897), is the only known illustration of the was described in the 1980s as the world’s rar- genus. One individual was described in detail by est parrot, with a population of less than a dozen Desjardins (1837), the specimen of which was

SAPE Proceedings 2013 – 223 – lost during a cyclone in the 1850s (Cheke & Hume Tafforet (Hume & Walters 2012), the latter stat- 2008), while a few others were reported around ing that the small brown owls fed on lizards and the same time (Cheke & Hume 2008). M. sauzieri birds and lived almost exclusively in trees. Pingré appears to have required large trees for nesting in 1761 never reported them, so they presumably and roosting, and disappeared due to extensive disappeared sometime between the visits of Taf- deforestation. Clark (1859) stated that at the time foret in 1725–26 and Pingré (Hume & Walters of writing they had become extinct after being 2012). Subfossil remains are rare in caves at the formerly plentiful. Thirioux collected subfossil Plaine Corail, which suggests that they were not remains from cave deposits around Le Pouce and using these areas for roosting or breeding. Plaine des Roches, which includes some partially associated material. I collected a complete pelvis Swifts (Apodidae) in 2007 in Kanaka Cave, Bois Cheri. Mascarenotus grucheti — Owls were never Collocalia francica — The Mascarene swiftlet reported historically on Réunion, but subfossil has decreased in numbers on Mauritius, but it is remains confirm that a species once occurred still common on Réunion (Sinclair & Langrand there (Mourer-Chauviré et al. 1994, 1999). 2004). Fresh skeletal specimens are compara- It differed from M. sauzieri in having slightly tively numerous on Mauritius, but no subfossil more reduced wing elements (Mourer-Chau- remains have been identified from either island. viré et al. 2006). Despite its habit of nesting in caves, no subfos- Mascarenotus murivorus — The Rodrigues sil remains have been found in the rich fossil lizard-owl was mentioned by Leguat (1708) and deposits on the Plaine Corail, which suggests that

TABLE 3. List of endemic Mascarene bird species mentioned in the text, with percentages of scientifically de- scribed species and undescribed species known from the fossil record. This study has shown that certain families of birds are under-represented in the literature, especially the sea birds and passerines. The high number of unde- scribed taxa on Réunion is a result of the poor fossil record from that island (see also Table 2). Key: † = extinct; * = species occurs on more than one island.

Family Endemic species described/ % of species Mauritius Réunion Rodrigues undescribed undescribed Anatidae 3/2 66 % 2 †* 2/1 †* 1 † Procellariidae 2/1 50 % – 2 1 † Threskiornithidae 1/0 0 % – 1 † – Ardeidae 3/0 0 % 1 † 1 † 1 † Sulidae 0/1 100 % 1 †* – 1 †* Phalacrocoracidae 0/1 100 % 1 † 1 † – Falconidae 3/1 33 % 1 1/1 † – Accipitridae 1/0 0 % 1 †* 1* – Rallidae 4/2 50 % 2/1 †* 2/1 †* 1 † Columbidae 12/3 25 % 5(4 †) 1/3 † 2/0 † Psittacidae 9/2 22 % 3(2 †)/0 4/2 † 2/0 † Strigidae 3/0 0 % 1 † 1 † 1 † Campephagidae 2/0 0 % 1 1 – Monarchidae 1/0 0 % 1* 1* – Pycnonotidae 2/1 50 % 1 1 1 † Sylviidae 1/0 0 % – – 1 Zosteropidae 4/0 0 % 2 2 – Sturnidae 2/1 50 % 1 † 1 † 1 † Muscicapidae 1/0 0 % – 1 – 3/0 0 % 1 1 † 1

HUME: A synopsis of the pre-human avifauna of the Mascarene Islands – 224 – were absent from Rodrigues. swallow is found on Mauritius and Réunion and may have been vagrant to Rodrigues in the Passerines passed. It is not known from the fossil record, but it is unlikely that the present status is any differ- Passerines have been particularly successful at ent now than in pre-human times (Cheke 1987). colonising remote oceanic archipelagos; how- ever, establishing their former diversity can be Bulbuls (Pycnonotidae) problematic. Passerines were rarely mentioned in the early Mascarene literature and, where passer- Hypsipetes olivaceus — The Mauritian bulbul or ine fossil remains have been collected, there has merle was considered a delicacy (Staub 1976; been a tendency to ignore them. Here I present a Cheke 1987), so it is one of the few passerines preview of my recent findings; even in this initial that can be identified from the early literature on period of study, a number of new taxa have been Mauritius. It is considered endangered today. A discovered (see also Tables 3 and 4). number of subfossil remains were collected by Thirioux around the valleys of Le Pouce and Cuckoo shrikes (Campephagidae) caves at the Plaine des Roches. Hypsipetes borbonicus — The Réunion bulbul Cuckoo-shrikes are endemic to Mauritius and was also regularly mentioned due to its edibility Réunion, but there is no evidence that Coracina (e.g., Dubois 1674). It is widespread on Réunion ever occurred on Rodrigues. and considered of least concern, but numbers are Coracina typica — The Mauritius cuckoo declining. No subfossil remains have yet been shrike is widespread on the island, but it is discovered. declining in numbers and considered endangered Hypsipetes sp. — Cowles (1987: p. 99) (Sinclair & Langrand 2004). I identified sub- mentioned but did not describe a Hypsipetes bul- fossil remains from cave deposits collected by bul collected in 1974 from caves on the Plaine Thirioux around Le Pouce Mountain. Corail. I have since identified a number of cranial Coracina newtoni — The Réunion cuckoo and post-cranial elements discovered in Caverne shrike is critically endangered and restricted to Poule Rouge, Caverne Bambara II and Caverne two small plateaus, the Plaine d‘Affouches and Gastonia. A Rodrigues bulbul was never recorded Plaine des Chicots, in the north-west (Le Corre in the early literature, so the reasons for its extinc- & Safford 2001). No subfossil remains are tion are unclear. known, which is unsurprising considering its montane habitat. Old World warblers (Sylviidae)

Monarch-flycatchers (Monarchidae) Acrocephalus rodericanus — The Rodrigues warbler is endemic to Rodrigues, and although Terpsiphone bourbonnensis — The Mascarene presently restricted in range, it once occurred all flycatcher is divided into two subspecies, T. over the island (Newton 1865). Cranial and post- b. bourbonnensis (Statius Müller, 1776) on cranial remains of this species have been collected Réunion and T. b. desolata (Salomonsen, 1933) from Caverne l’Affouche, Caverne Gastonia and on Mauritius. Both populations remain com- Caverne Bambara on the Plaine Corail. There is paratively scarce, but they have a widespread no present evidence to suggest that Acrocepha- distribution where suitable habitat remains. Fly- lus ever occurred on Mauritius or Réunion, but a catchers have not been found in any Mascarene related species occurs on the Seychelles. fossil deposit, and the genus is absent from Rodrigues. White eyes (Zosteropidae)

Swallows (Hirundinidae): The white-eyes are successful oceanic island colonists and inhabit numerous islands within Phedina borbonica borbonica — The Mascarene the Western Indian Ocean (Sinclair & Langrand

SAPE Proceedings 2013 – 225 –

2004); the Mascarenes were almost certainly is actually an albinistic trembler from the West colonised by Zosterops twice in their history Indies (Olson et al. 2005). My re-examination (Warren et al. 2006), but the genus has never of a sternum of a supposed babbler (Timaliidae), been recorded on Rodrigues. mentioned but not described by Cowles (1987: Zosterops chloronothos — The Mauritius p. 99), is referable to Necropsar rodericanus. olive white-eye is now rare on Mauritius, and Fregilupus varius — The Réunion crested confined to the Black River Gorges mountain starling or huppe was reported as common until range. I identified it from Thirioux’ subfossil the late 1840s (Cheke & Hume 2008). However, cave material collected around Le Pouce Moun- it appeared to have disappeared extremely rap- tain and Plaine des Roches in central Mauritius, idly, probably as a result of which shows that it was once more widespread and over-hunting (Hume unpubl. data), with the on the island. final records being made in the 1850s (Cheke Zosterops olivaceus — The Réunion olive & Hume 2008). The huppe is characterised by a white-eye is common and widespread, occurring distinct crest, long, decurved bill and robust pel- in the highlands as well as the lowlands. No sub- vic elements. There may have been pronounced fossil remains have yet been discovered. sexual dimorphism, the males being larger, with Zosterops borbonicus — The Réunion grey a longer, more decurved bill. MtDNA analysis white-eye is endemic to Réunion (Sinclair & has shown that Fregilupus is distantly related to Langrand 2004), where it is widely distributed. southeast Asian (Zuccon et al. Despite this, no subfossil remains have yet been 2008). At least 20 skins have been preserved in found. various , but a distal femur fragment Zosterops mauritianus — The Mauritius grey found in the Grotte des Premiers Française is white-eye is sometimes considered to be a sub- the only subfossil so far discovered on Réunion species of Z. borbonicus. It is extremely adaptable (Mourer-Chauviré et al. 1999). and it is the commonest surviving native bird. I Mauritius Starling — I identified a number of identified post-cranial subfossil remains from cranial and post-cranial bones of a starling from Thirioux’ cave deposits collected around Le Thirioux’ material collected around Le Pouce Pouce Mountain and Plaine des Roches. Mountain and Plane des Roches. This new taxon differs markedly from the other Mascarene star- Starlings (Sturnidae) ling genera and warrants generic status (Hume in press). Most notable is the long, decurved The starlings are gregarious, medium to large- bill with elongate, well-developed retroarticular sized birds that inhabit forests and open woodlands processes. This suggests that it was a powerful (Craig & Feare 2009). Each Mascarene island gaper. The Mauritian starling was not mentioned once harboured an endemic species, two of in the literature, so the reasons for its disappear- which were described in early accounts, but only ance are unknown. the Réunion species has been preserved as skins. Necropsar rodericanus — The Rodrigues MtDNA analysis has shown that a unique skin, starling is known from 19th century subfossil supposedly representing another species of Rod- remains, and recently collected material from rigues starling Necropsar leguati Forbes, 1898, Caverne Poule Rouge, Caverne Bambara II,

TABLE 4. A total of 57 endemic Mascarene birds have been scientifically described, but another 21, all extinct and known only from the fossil record, await description. The passerines make up 28 % of the total number of endemic birds, with at least another 6 undescribed, making them the least described Mascarene order of birds. Key: † = extinct; E = extant; * = Anas theodori, Circus maillardi and Fulica newtoni occurred on both Mauritius and Réunion, but have been included here as part of the total of each island.

Totals Described/ Percent of unde- Mauritius Réunion Rodrigues undescribed scribed species Total number of Passerines/ 16/6 37 % 6E/4 † 8(2 †)/0 3(1 †)/2 Total number of endemic birds 57/21 36 % 28/8* 32/9* 13/6

HUME: A synopsis of the pre-human avifauna of the Mascarene Islands – 226 –

Caverne Dora, Caverne Gastonia and Caverne and was confined to the central plateau (Cheke Tortue on the Plaine Corail. It is also known from & Hume 2008), but it is now increasing in num- a unique account. In 1725–26, Tafforet (Hume bers and naturally extending its range. I collected & Walters 2012) observed birds on the southern post-cranial and cranial subfossil remains from islets, where he described their ability to tear tur- Caverne Gastonia and Caverne l’Affouche. tles (juvenile tortoises?) out of their shells. Pingré in 1761 (Nagapen 2004) did not mention them, Passeriformes so it is likely that they had died out in the inter- vening years. The Rodrigues starling was slightly Sharp-billed finch — Mauritius. Among the sub- smaller than Fregilupus, with a straighter, more fossil remains collected by Thirioux is a possibly robust bill and more robust pelvic elements. associated premaxilla and rostrum mandibulae, which represent a new taxon. The bill is long and Stonechats (Muscicapidae) pointed, and intermediate in size between the undescribed Mauritius starling and Hypsipetes. Its Saxicola tectes — The Réunion Stonechat occurs generic affinities have not yet been determined. only at higher elevations on Réunion, and is Broad-billed finch — Mauritius. A frag- common along forest fringes and on heathland mentary rostrum mandibulae and a series of (Sinclair & Langrand 2004). Due to its mon- post-cranial elements differ from all other Mauri- tane habitat and the lack of high elevation fossil tian passerines. They appear to belong to a small deposits, no subfossil remains of S. tectes have species with a broad bill, similar to but larger been discovered. than Foudia rubra, a species found in the same deposits. Weavers (Ploceidae) Long-legged finch — Mauritius. A distinct tarsometatarsus, much longer and more grac- The Foudia fodies are endemic to Indian Oce- ile than any other Mascarene passerine, almost anic islands, including Madagascar, and the certainly belongs to a new taxon. The osteology Mascarenes once harboured three endemic spe- suggests that it was a terrestrial species, but its cies, with Madagascan Foudia madagascariensis relationships are at present unclear. (Linnaeus, 1766) also introduced to all three Intermediate finch. Rodrigues. A series of islands by humans. The Madagascan Fody was post-cranial elements belong to a passerine originally brought in as a cage bird, becoming intermediate in size between the undescribed established on Mauritius and Réunion in c. 1770, Hypsipetes bulbul and Foudia flavicans. Its and sometime before 1916 on Rodrigues (Cheke affinities cannot yet be determined, but it almost 1987; Cheke & Hume 2008) certainly represents another now-extinct taxon Foudia rubra — The Mauritius fody is now from Rodrigues. extremely rare and restricted in range, but is one of the few small passerines mentioned in the early literature (Cheke 1987). I identified cra- Discussion nial and post-cranial subfossil remains from cave deposits collected around le Pouce and Plaine des Biogeography Roches, indicating that it once had a wide range over Mauritius. The importance of sea level fluctuations and Foudia delloni — The Réunion fody was prevailing wind and sea currents in facilitating considered a serious pest when first known in the avian dispersal and colonisation events within 1670s (Dubois 1674; Dellon 1685), but disap- the southwestern Indian Ocean is now being rec- peared with extreme rapidity shortly after (Hume ognised. Indian subcontinental winter Monsoon & Walters 2012). No subfossil remains are winds, along with winds from the direction of known. Australia and Indonesia blow across the Indian Foudia flavicans — The Rodrigues fody Ocean towards the Madagascar region, a route had declined to less than 20 birds in the 1960s also followed by ocean currents (Cheke & Hume

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2008; Warren et al. 2010). Numerous sea level ing established. Furthermore, Réunion lacks the low stands of up to 50 m lower than present genera Raphus, Pezophaps, Lophopsittacus or have been recorded in the last 5 Ma (Miller et Necropsittacus parrots, and Aphanapteryx or al. 2005), whereas in the last 650 Ka, some sea Erythromachus rails. Mourer-Chauviré et al. level low stands were up to 135 m lower than (1999) postulate that these genera may have once present, and persisted for up 50 Ka at a time occurred on Réunion, but disappeared due to the (Warren et al. 2010). These events would have Piton des Nieges volcanism that occurred between greatly increased the land-surface area of the 300 to 188 Ka. Thus the avifauna of Réunion is Maldives, Seychelles and Mascarenes, and cre- of comparatively recent origin. Apart from the ated subaerial island archipelagos in the Chagos, probably poorly volant or flightless Réunion rail the Saya de Malha, Nazareth and St.Brandon Dryolimnas augusti, this may explain why none (Cargados Carajos) banks. This not only reduced of the Réunion avifauna that survived into the distances between islands and continental land historic period had evolved complete flightless- masses, but also the inter-island crossings; thus ness, a characteristic so prevalent with birds on the avifauna could encompass vast stretches of Mauritius and Rodrigues. ocean via island-hopping. This may explain why There are a number of other perplexing para- much of the Mascarene avifauna has its origins doxes. The passerine genera Zosterops, Coracina in Southeast Asia (Warren et al. 2010), and not and Tersiphone appear to have colonised Mau- in Madagascar or (Agnarsson & Kunt- ritius and Réunion only, whereas Acrocephalus ner 2012), the nearest large landfalls. Although seems to be restricted to Rodrigues. There are the origins of some Mascarene genera remain also other southwestern Indian Ocean passerine unresolved, mtDNA studies have shown that genera, e.g., Copsychus, Nectarinia, which occur Psittacula (Groombridge et al. 2004); Alec- in the Seychelles and Madagascar that are not troenas (Gibbs & Penny 2010; Pereira et al. present on the Mascarenes. Is this a natural distri- 2007; Shapiro et al. 2002); Raphus and Pezop- bution, or is there a bias in the fossil record? The haps (Pereira et al. 2007; Shapiro et al. 2002); Hypsipetes bulbuls that occur in the Mascarenes the Mascarene Zosterops (Warren et al. 2006); occur only on Mauritius and Réunion today, but Hypsipetes (Warren et al. 2005) and Fregilu- the discovery of a fossil Hypsipetes species on pus (Zuccon et al. 2008) all had their origins in Rodrigues has shown that each island once had Southeast Asia. Interestingly, the Madagascar its own species. Likewise, starlings were thought endemic starling genus Hartlaubia is the closest to be restricted to Réunion and Rodrigues, but my to the Mascarenes biogeographically, but differs recent discovery of a fossil sturnid has revealed completely in morphology from the Mascarene that an endemic species also once occurred on sturnids. Furthermore, the Seychelles Mauritius. Therefore, as the islands have suffered Otus insularis (Tristram, 1880) is more closely severe anthropogenic changes and the fossil related to Southeast Asian Otus than to those record is far from complete (see Tables 3 and 4), occurring in Africa (Fuchs et al. 2008). any conclusions based on present avian biogeog- While the origins of some genera remain raphy must be viewed with caution. unresolved, e.g., Aphanapteryx, Eurythroma- chus, the founding populations of Nesoenas, Comparison of the island avifaunas Alopochen, Threskiornis and Saxicola almost certainly lie within Madagascar, whereas others, Documentation left by early vistors to the Mas- e.g., Foudia, are Indian Ocean island endemics. carene Islands and the fossil record have provided Threskiornis and Saxicola are unknown on Mau- a robust insight into the former avian diversity ritius and Rodrigues, which may have been due of the islands. However, this is based in part on to the lack of suitable montane heathland habitat how fully the palaeontological record represents in the case of Saxicola, or competitive exclusion. the avifauna that was in existence at the time of Mauritius and Rodrigues already had a diverse deposition. Each Mascarene island differs topo- range of terrestrial birds, especially rails, which graphically, and although the islands may have may have prevented Threskiornis from becom- shared some genera, the processes of evolution

HUME: A synopsis of the pre-human avifauna of the Mascarene Islands – 228 – unique to each island resulted in differing spe- Songes, and from a rat-predated extinct terres- ciation events. It appears that once established, trial snail, Tropidophora carinata, both provide much of the Mascarene avifauna became sed- dates of 590 ± 27 BP (interval in real years after entary, with little mobility between islands; the calibration 1369–1413 AD) (Hume Unpbl. data). notable exceptions being Fulica, Anas, Psittacula Arab traders had thus inadvertently introduced and perhaps Nesoenas turtle doves that appeared black rats nearly 200 years before the arrival of to have migrated between Mauritius and Réunion the Dutch. Mainland Mauritius once harboured (Cheke & Hume 2008; Mourer-Chauviré et al. a diverse range of endemic snakes and terres- 1999). All of the species mentioned in accounts trial reptiles, including the world’s largest skink, on Mauritius and Rodrigues have now been cor- but these were never mentioned in the histori- related to some degree with subfossil remains, cal literature. Early accounts from Mauritius are whereas the recently discovered and undescribed notorious for the lack of descriptive informa- fossil taxa discussed above were never recorded tion about the smaller birds and reptiles (Cheke in life. This is certainly not the case with Réun- & Hume 2008), so there is a strong possibility ion. The paucity of fossil remains on Réunion that they were simply not mentioned, especially has compounded research problems, and left the if they were inedible or not worthy of eating. affinities of a number of taxa unresolved (see However, it is extremely likely and as the fos- Tables 2, 3 & 4). Cecilé Mourer-Chauviré and sil record has shown (see passerines above), her co-workers have done much to rectify this that components of the herpetological fauna and shortfall, yet Réunion remains the poorest island some passerines disappeared as a direct result of palaeontologically. That a cormorant, a Porphy- the early introduction of black rats. rio rail, three parrots, a pigeon and a fody once 2. Portuguese period 1510–1528 — The occurred on Réunion is beyond doubt, yet they Portuguese first encountered Réunion in 1510, lack physical evidence of any kind. Even extant Mauritius in 1516, and Rodrigues in 1528 (North- species such as the Réunion harrier, which is Coombes 1994a), but appear to have landed only known from the fossil record on Mauritius and rarely. The Portuguese fleets were under strict all extant passerines, are unknown in the Réun- state order not to disclose trading details (Moree ion palaeontological record. This may be the 1998), so very few records were made. North- result of a fossil depositional bias, as Réunion Coombes recorded one landing on Réunion by has few caves, and only one fossiliferous swamp. a Portuguese ship in 1528, after which livestock Mourer-Chauviré et al. (1999) have shown that (probably goats) were released to provide fresh the Marais de l’Ermitage was subject to hydro- meat on future visits. logical sorting; hence the lack of small bird 3. Dutch period 1598–1710 — The Dutch elements. claimed Mauritius for the Netherlands in 1598 and maintained an almost continuous colony until Centuries of occupation 1710 (Moree 1998). The busiest shipping period took place from 1601 until 1612, after which the The Mascarenes have been subject to severe island was only sporadically visited. A fort was anthropogenic changes for over four centuries, built in 1638, but the Dutch abandoned Mauritius which unsurprisingly has led to high extinction in 1658, before re-establishing a colony in 1664. rates. Human impact on the Mascarenes occurred By 1710 the island was no longer considered to in approximately five phases: be worth maintaining, and was completely aban- 1. Arab period 1300–1500 — Records of doned. The European population on Mauritius Arab traders on the Mascarenes do not exist, but never numbered more than 50 at any one time, by inference it can be determined that they were but escaped slaves settled in the interior (Hume aware of the islands from at least the 13th century 2006). Deforestation was confined to coastal and (North-Coombes 1994a), or 14th century. As far lowland regions, but the Dutch introduced many as known, no attempt at settlement was made, non-native species. It was during this period that but 14C dates obtained from a Rattus all large and flightless birds, including the dodo, aff. rattus collected from the Mare aux disappeared.

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Two Dutch fleets visited Réunion and left On Rodrigues in 1725–26, a Réunionese reports, the first led by AdriaenB lok in 1612, and mariner, Julien Tafforet, was sent to report on another led by Willem Bontekoe in 1619 (Cheke its suitability for French occupation (North- & Hume 2008), but the Dutch never settled on the Coombes 1971). He left a detailed account about island. Bontekoe in particular remarked on the the fauna and flora; little had changed since the abundance and inherent tameness of the fauna. time of Leguat, but he noted that birds were A fleet under Admiral Wolphert Harmens- avoiding the mainland, which was almost cer- zoon sailing in the flagship, Gelderland, landed tainly due to the presence of rats. Tafforet on Rodrigues in 1601 and recorded brief details reported the abundance of giant tortoises Cylin- about the island and its fauna (Moree 2001; Hume draspis sp., which resulted in the establishment 2003), but it was not until the arrival of Francois of a tortoise-collecting station (North-Coombes Leguat in 1691 that detailed faunal descriptions 1994b). Although deforestation was negligible were made (Leguat 1708). Rodrigues was still in at this time, the introduction of cats around 1745 a comparatively pristine state during this time, proved catastrophic. Just 16 years later, during but Leguat noted the presence of large numbers the visit in 1761 of Guy Abbé Pingré, who was of rats. After two years stay, Leguat left Rodri- on Rodrigues to measure the Transit of Venus gues for Mauritius and and made a brief faunal (Nagapen 2004), a number of bird extinctions report, in which he mentions that rails, ducks, had taken place. Pingré noted that the night geese and pigeons had become rare. herons, pigeons, owls, starlings and probably 4. French period 1642–to present (Réunion); the solitaire had vanished, and that both species 1715–1810 (Mauritius); 1736–1809 (Rodrigi- of parrot were extremely scarce, Necropsitta- ues) — The French claimed Réunion (Bourbon cus rodericanus particularly so. When Philibert as it was called from 1649) for France in 1642, Marragon settled on Rodrigues in the 1790s and and a permanent French colony was established wrote an account of the fauna (North-Coombes in 1665, numbering up to 200 by 1674 (Cheke & 1971), only the Rodrigues parakeet Psittacula Hume 2008). Dubois (1674) in particular gave a exsul and two passerines survived. good account of the fauna during the early years 5. British period 1810–1968 — The British of occupation. Réunion remained comparatively forcibly took Mauritius and Réunion in 1810 pristine at this time, and Dubois in 1671–72 noted after establishing a military presence on Rod- the absence of rats. However, this situation was rigues, but returned Réunion to France in 1815 to change drastically. By 1676, rats had reached (Toussaint 1972; North-Coombes 1971; Leguen plague proportions (Cheke & Hume 2008), and 1993). On Mauritius, deforestation accelerated combined with over-hunting, by the 1730s all of to make way for sugar cane production, and the endemic non-passerines were extinct. The the remaining areas of mountain forest were British took control of the island in 1810, but it exploited (Cheke & Hume 2008). The last Mauri- was restored to France in 1815 (Leguen 1993). In tius blue pigeon was taken in 1837 (Hume 2011), the following decades, a combination of increas- and the last Mauritian lizard-owl around the same ing population, especially after the emancipation time, but three non-passerines, the pink pigeon of the slave population in 1848, deforestation and Nesoenas mayeri, echo parakeet Psittacula echo, over-hunting resulted in the extinction of Fregi- and Mauritius kestrel Falco punctatus survived lupus varius (Hume & Walters 2012). in mountain forest in the Black River Gorges. In 1715, the French claimed Mauritius for On Rodrigues, slash and burn agricultural France, renaming it ‘Isle de France’, and estab- practices and high populations of free-range live- lished a permanent colony. Over the next 85 stock for export to Mauritius combined to destroy years, hunting and large scale deforestation took or fragment the last remaining forests. In 1874, a place. This resulted in the extinction of almost all second Transit of Venus expedition organised by of the remaining non-passerines, including the the Royal Society arrived on Rodrigues, which endemic pigeons, Nesoenas cicur and Columba included the botanist Isaac Balfour. Balfour thiriouxi, and parrot, Psittacula bensoni (Hume (1879: p.302) recorded that ‘The great and tall 2007, 2011). trees have now almost entirely disappeared, the

HUME: A synopsis of the pre-human avifauna of the Mascarene Islands – 230 – eternally verdant canopy formed by their boughs fauna, especially passerines, on which little work no longer exists, and the “little Eden” is now a has been undertaken, and those species inhabit- dry and comparatively barren spot, clothed with ing the more vulnerable lowland areas. a vegetation mainly of social weeds, and desti- tute of any forest growth save in unfrequented and more inaccessible parts in the recesses of Acknowledgements the valleys’. This was also the last time that the Rodrigues parakeet, the only surviving endemic, I thank Robert Prys-Jones (Natural His- non-passerine bird, was observed. tory Museum, UK (NHMUK)), Dave Burney (National Tropical Botanical Gardens, Kauai This study has shown that the avifauna of the (NTBG)), Jo Cooper (NHMUK), and Lorna Mascarenes has been subject to extremely high Steel (NHMUK) for suggestions which have extinction rates over a comparatively small greatly improved the manuscript. I thank Owen period of time. The wealth of documentation and Mary Ann Griffiths (Mauritius Bioculture that exists has provided some indication as to Ltd, François Leguat Ltd), Storrs Olson (National why and when these events took place. With- Museum of Natural History (USNM)), Greg Mid- out exception, the extinction of all bird species dleton, Richard Payendee, Pieter Floore, Perry was due to human activity. Direct hunting was Moree, and all Dutch colleagues who worked at more prevalent on Réunion than Mauritius and the Mare aux Songes, Mauritius, Lida Burney Rodrigues, whereas habitat destruction, particu- (NTBG), Steve Bourne, Aurèle Anquetil André larly in the lowlands, seriously impacted on all (François Leguat Museum, Rodrigues (FLMR)), three islands. However, it was the introduction of Arnaud Meunier (FLMR), Carl Jones (Durrell exotic that appears to the primary cause. Wildlife Conservation Trust), Anthony Cheke, The principal introductions included: black rats Glyn Young (Durrell Wildlife Conservation (c. 1400 on Mauritius, c. 1676 on Réunion, c. Trust), Pierre Brial, Jean Michel-Probst, Dave 1675 on Rodrigues); goats (c. 1606 on Mauritius, Martill (University of Portsmouth), and all probably earlier (1528?) on Réunion, c. 1730 on staff, past and present, of the Mauritius Wildlife Rodrigues); monkeys (c. 1606 on Mauritius); Foundation (MWF) for support and assistance pigs (c. 1606 on Mauritius, c. 1620s on Réunion, over the years. I thank Carl Jones, Nick Arnold c. 1790 on Rodrigues); cattle (c. 1606 on Mauri- (NHMUK) and Jeremy Austin (University of tius, c. 1645 on Réunion, c. 1840 on Rodrigues); Adelaide) for making available to me Rodrigues deer (c. 1638 on Mauritius, c. 1760 on Réunion, subfossil remains collected in 1997. I thank Mike 1860 on Rodrigues); cats (c. 1688 on Mauritius/ Brooke (University Museum of , Cam- Réunion, c. 1745 on Rodrigues); and brown rats bridge (UMZC)), Matt Lowe (UMZC), Sandra Rattus norvegicus (c. 1730 on Mauritius/Réun- Chapman (NHMUK), Paul Sweet (American ion, c. 1870 on Rodrigues) (see Cheke & Hume Museum of Natural History (AMNH)), Ronan 2008 for a comprehensive list). Of all the intro- Allain (Muséum national d’ ductions to the Mascarenes, the black rat was (MNHN)), Claire Sagne (MNHN), Jean-François by far the worst invasive. This ferocious preda- Voisin (MNHN), René Dekker (Naturalis–Natio- tor was directly responsible for the extinction naal Natuurhistorisch Museum (RMNH)), or reduction in ranges of the majority of smaller Sonia Ribes (Muséum d’Histoire Naturelle de birds, predated the eggs and chicks of the larger La Réunion (MHNRUN)) and Andrew Kitch- terrestrial birds, and competed with all native ener (National Museums of Scotland (NMSZ)) avifauna for limited food resources. for providing me access to museum material in The fossil record has provided evidence of their care. I thank the NHMUK Special Fund for higher rates of extinction than previously realised, funding my trip to SAPE, Vienna. The National and more species await description. Therefore, Geographic Research Grant, Percy Sladen Cen- caution should be applied when interpreting bio- tenary Fund, Dodo Research Foundation, FRA geography within the region. This is particularly Synthesys, Mauritius Bioculture Ltd, François pertinent to the fossil record of the smaller avi- Leguat Ltd, Gen Foundation, and Frank Chap-

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