Birds of the Farm

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Birds of the Farm AA guideguide toto thethe BirdsBirds ofof UniversityUniversity FarmFarm Squire Valleevue and Valley Ridge Farms Case Western Reserve University Dr. Ana B. Locci, Director Prepared by Jacob R. G. Kribel, July 2005 ImportantImportant notesnotes onon thisthis guideguide ThisThis isis anan introductoryintroductory guideguide toto thethe birdbird speciesspecies ofof UniversityUniversity ItIt listslists thethe speciesspecies presentpresent oror possiblypossibly present,present, andand attemptsattempts toto provideprovide baselinebaseline informationinformation thatthat willwill bebe usefuluseful toto anyoneanyone wishingwishing toto learnlearn moremore aboutabout thethe birdsbirds foundfound TheThe physicalphysical descriptionsdescriptions areare ofof thethe summersummer plumageplumage ofof birdsbirds thatthat areare ofof breedingbreeding age.age. MakeMake suresure youyou havehave aa goodgood fieldfield guideguide inin handhand beforebefore settingsetting offoff toto discoverdiscover thethe birdsbirds ofof thethe farm!farm! ThereThere areare somesome speciesspecies thatthat areare notnot nativenative toto thisthis area,area, classifiedclassified asas eithereither introducedintroduced oror nonnon--native.native. Introduced: Intentionally or unintentionally carried to this area by humans Non-native: Species that has been able to expand its native range to include this area, often as a result of human activity ImportantImportant notesnotes onon thisthis guideguide ThroughoutThroughout thisthis guideguide youyou willwill findfind notesnotes onon thethe conservationconservation statusstatus ofof species,species, bothboth inin thethe statestate ofof OhioOhio andand worldwide.worldwide. Extirpated: A species that occurred in Ohio at the time of European settlement and has since disappeared from the state. Extinct: A species that occurred in Ohio at the time of European settlement and has since disappeared worldwide. Endangered: A species in immediate danger of becoming extirpated or extinct. Threatened: A species that, with increased or continued danger, will become endangered. Species of Concern: A species that, with increased or continued danger, will become threatened. InformationInformation onon birdsbirds thatthat occurredoccurred oror maymay havehave occurredoccurred atat thethe farmfarm butbut areare nownow extirpatedextirpated oror extinctextinct cancan bebe foundfound atat thethe endend ofof thisthis ClassClass AvesAves -- BirdsBirds WarmWarm bloodedblooded YoungYoung hatchhatch fromfrom eggseggs CharacterizedCharacterized byby aa beakbeak withoutwithout teeth,teeth, aa lightlight skeleton,skeleton, andand forelimbsforelimbs modifiedmodified forfor flightflight (though(though somesome membersmembers areare nownow flightless)flightless) SkinSkin mostlymostly coveredcovered withwith feathersfeathers TwentyTwenty ninenine orders,orders, withwith membersmembers ofof 1717 ordersorders beingbeing presentpresent oror possiblypossibly presentpresent atat thethe farmfarm GaviaGavia immerimmer CommonCommon loonloon ClassClass AvesAves Order Gaviformes Family Gaviidae PrefersPrefers toto livelive andand nestnest nearnear lakeslakes oror coastlinescoastlines SolidSolid blackblack headhead withwith whitewhite necklacenecklace andand whitewhite billbill NotNot documenteddocumented onon Source: property,property, butbut possiblypossibly presentpresent GaviaGavia stellatastellata RedRed--throatedthroated loonloon ClassClass AvesAves Order Gaviformes Family Gaviidae PrefersPrefers toto livelive andand nestnest nearnear lakeslakes andand coastlinescoastlines inin coldcold regionsregions GrayGray headhead withwith redred throat,throat, blackblack beakbeak NotNot documenteddocumented onon Source: property,property, andand rarelyrarely seenseen inin thisthis regionregion PodicepsPodiceps auritusauritus HornedHorned grebegrebe ClassClass AvesAves Order Podicipediformes Family Podicipedidae PrefersPrefers toto livelive inin thethe vegetationvegetation ofof freshwaterfreshwater lakeslakes BlackBlack headhead withwith brown/yellowbrown/yellow tuftstufts onon sideside ofof face,face, redred neckneck NotNot documenteddocumented onon thethe Source: property,property, butbut possiblypossibly presentpresent PodicepsPodiceps grisegenagrisegena RedRed--neckednecked grebegrebe ClassClass AvesAves Order Podicipediformes Family Podicipedidae PrefersPrefers toto breedbreed inin vegetatedvegetated areasareas ofof freshwaterfreshwater lakeslakes RedRed neckneck withwith whitewhite throatthroat andand graygray capcap NotNot documenteddocumented onon Source: rothalstaucher/SM00027-rothalstaucher.html property,property, butbut possiblypossibly presentpresent PodilymbusPodilymbus podicepspodiceps PiedPied--billedbilled grebegrebe ClassClass AvesAves Only living member of this genus Order Podicipediformes Family Podicipedidae PrefersPrefers toto breedbreed inin vegetatedvegetated areasareas ofof freshwaterfreshwater lakeslakes BrownishBrownish withwith blackblack ringring aroundaround lightlight coloredcolored beak;beak; nono whitewhite patchpatch underunder wingswings NotNot documenteddocumented onon thethe property,property, butbut possiblypossibly Source: presentpresent PhalacrocoraxPhalacrocorax auritusauritus DoubleDouble--crestedcrested cormorantcormorant ClassClass AvesAves Order Pelecaniformes Family Phalacrocoracidae PrefersPrefers mostmost aquaticaquatic habitatshabitats BlackBlack withwith orangeorange onon faceface andand throat;throat; longlong neck;neck; hookedhooked upperupper beakbeak NotNot documenteddocumented onon thethe property,property, butbut possiblypossibly presentpresent Source: ArdeaArdea albaalba GreatGreat egretegret Species of concern in Ohio ClassClass AvesAves Order Ciconiiformes Family Ardeidae PrefersPrefers swamps,swamps, marshesmarshes andand riparianriparian habitatshabitats SolidSolid white,white, orangeorange beak,beak, graygray legs;legs; longlong neckneck oftenoften heldheld inin ““SS”” shapeshape NotNot documenteddocumented onon thethe property,property, butbut possiblypossibly Source: presentpresent ArdeaArdea herodiasherodias GreatGreat blueblue heronheron ClassClass AvesAves Order Ciconiiformes Family Ardeidae PrefersPrefers riparianriparian habitats,habitats, butbut alsoalso foundfound nearnear marshesmarshes BlueBlue--gray,gray, whitewhite headhead withwith blackblack cap;cap; 44’’ talltall DocumentedDocumented nearnear waterwater Source: inin thethe forestforest interiors;interiors; commoncommon BotaurusBotaurus lentiginosuslentiginosus AmericanAmerican bitternbittern ClassClass AvesAves Order Ciconiiformes Endangered in Ohio Family Ardeidae PrefersPrefers beaverbeaver--createdcreated wetlandswetlands withwith densedense vegetationvegetation Brown/white;Brown/white; shortshort legs;legs; mediummedium--sizedsized heronheron NotNot documenteddocumented onon thethe property,property, butbut possiblypossibly Source: presentpresent ButoridesButorides virescensvirescens GreenGreen heronheron ClassClass AvesAves Order Ciconiiformes Family Ardeidae PrefersPrefers riparianriparian habitathabitat alongalong freshfresh andand saltsalt waterwayswaterways GreenGreen--blackblack capcap andand back,back, whitewhite underside,underside, orangeorange legs;legs; smallsmall heronheron DocumentedDocumented inin thethe Source: forestforest interior;interior; commoncommon EgrettaEgretta caeruleacaerulea LittleLittle blueblue heronheron ClassClass AvesAves Order Ciconiiformes Family Ardeidae PrefersPrefers inlandinland pondsponds andand marshesmarshes SlateSlate graygray withwith purplepurple headhead andand neck;neck; mediummedium-- sizedsized heronheron Source: NotNot documenteddocumented onon thethe d_chalfant/pcd3910_026.jpg/view.html property,property, butbut possiblypossibly presentpresent IxobrychusIxobrychus exilisexilis LeastLeast bitternbittern ClassClass AvesAves Threatened in Ohio Order Ciconiiformes Family Ardeidae PrefersPrefers largelarge marshesmarshes withwith densedense vegetationvegetation BrownBrown face,face, black/brownblack/brown back,back, whitewhite withwith brownbrown streaksstreaks underneath,underneath, smallsmall heronheron NotNot documenteddocumented onon thethe Source: property,property, butbut possiblypossibly presentpresent NycticoraxNycticorax violaceusviolaceus YellowYellow--crownedcrowned nightnight heronheron Threatened in Ohio ClassClass AvesAves Order Ciconiiformes Family Ardeidae PrefersPrefers swampsswamps andand marshesmarshes withwith densedense vegetationvegetation Gray,Gray, blackblack headhead withwith yellowyellow cap,cap, whitewhite stripesstripes belowbelow eyes;eyes; shortshort legslegs NotNot documenteddocumented onon thethe property,property, andand rarelyrarely seenseen inin thisthis regionregion Source:
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