Tinamiformes – Falconiformes

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Tinamiformes – Falconiformes LIST OF THE 2,008 BIRD SPECIES (WITH SCIENTIFIC AND ENGLISH NAMES) KNOWN FROM THE A.O.U. CHECK-LIST AREA. Notes: "(A)" = accidental/casualin A.O.U. area; "(H)" -- recordedin A.O.U. area only from Hawaii; "(I)" = introducedinto A.O.U. area; "(N)" = has not bred in A.O.U. area but occursregularly as nonbreedingvisitor; "?" precedingname = extinct. TINAMIFORMES TINAMIDAE Tinamus major Great Tinamou. Nothocercusbonapartei Highland Tinamou. Crypturellus soui Little Tinamou. Crypturelluscinnamomeus Thicket Tinamou. Crypturellusboucardi Slaty-breastedTinamou. Crypturellus kerriae Choco Tinamou. GAVIIFORMES GAVIIDAE Gavia stellata Red-throated Loon. Gavia arctica Arctic Loon. Gavia pacifica Pacific Loon. Gavia immer Common Loon. Gavia adamsii Yellow-billed Loon. PODICIPEDIFORMES PODICIPEDIDAE Tachybaptusdominicus Least Grebe. Podilymbuspodiceps Pied-billed Grebe. ?Podilymbusgigas Atitlan Grebe. Podicepsauritus Horned Grebe. Podicepsgrisegena Red-neckedGrebe. Podicepsnigricollis Eared Grebe. Aechmophorusoccidentalis Western Grebe. Aechmophorusclarkii Clark's Grebe. PROCELLARIIFORMES DIOMEDEIDAE Thalassarchechlororhynchos Yellow-nosed Albatross. (A) Thalassarchecauta Shy Albatross.(A) Thalassarchemelanophris Black-browed Albatross. (A) Phoebetriapalpebrata Light-mantled Albatross. (A) Diomedea exulans WanderingAlbatross. (A) Phoebastriaimmutabilis Laysan Albatross. Phoebastrianigripes Black-lootedAlbatross. Phoebastriaalbatrus Short-tailedAlbatross. (N) PROCELLARIIDAE Fulmarus glacialis Northern Fulmar. Pterodroma neglecta KermadecPetrel. (A) Pterodroma arminjoniana Herald Petrel. (A) Pterodroma ultima Murphy's Petrel. (N) Pterodroma inexpectataMottled Petrel. (A) Pterodroma cahow Bermuda Petrel. Pterodroma hasitata Black-cappedPetrel. Pterodroma externa Juan Fernandez Petrel. (N) Pterodroma phaeopygiaDark-rumped Petrel. Pterodroma cervicalis White-necked Petrel. (H) Pterodroma hypoleuca Bonin Petrel. (H) Pterodroma nigripennisBlack-winged Petrel. (H, A) Pterodroma cookii Cook's Petrel. (N) Pterodroma 1ongirostrisStejneger's Petrel. (A) xvii Bulweria bulwerii Bulwer's Petrel. (H) Bulweriafallax Jouanin'sPetrel. (H, A) Procellaria parkinsoni Parkinson'sPetrel. (N) Calonectrisleucomelas Streaked Shearwater. (A) Calonectrisdiomedea Cory's Shearwater.(N) Puffinus creatopusPink-looted Shearwater. (N) Puffinus carneipesFlesh-looted Shearwater. (N) Puffinusgravis GreaterShearwater. (N) Puffinuspacificus Wedge-tailed Shearwater. Puffinus bulleri Buller'sShearwater. (N) Puffinusgriseus Sooty Shearwater. (N) Puffinus tenuirostrisShort-tailed Shearwater. (N) Puffinus nativitatisChristmas Shearwater. (H) Puffinuspuffinus Manx Shearwater. Puffinus auricularis Townsend'sShearwater. Puffinus opisthomelasBlack-vented Shearwater. Puffinus lherminieri Audubon'sShearwater. Puffinusassimilis Little Shearwater.(A) HYDROBATIDAE Oceanitesoceanicus Wilson's Storm-Petrel. (N) Pelagodromamarina White-facedStorm-Petrel. (A) Hydrobatespelagicus European Storm-Petrel. (A) Oceanodromafurcata Fork-tailed Storm-Petrel. Oceanodroma leucorhoa Leach's Storm-Petrel. Oceanodromahomochroa Ashy Storm-Petrel. Oceanodromacastro Band-rumped Storm-Petrel. (N) Oceanodromatethys Wedge-rumped Storm-Petrel. (N) Oceanodroma melania Black Storm-Petrel. ?Oceanodromamacrodactyla Guadalupe Storm-Petrel. Oceanodromamarkhami Markham'sStorm-Petrel. (A) Oceanodromatristrami Tristram's Storm-Petrel. (H) Oceanodroma microsoma Least Storm-Petrel. PELECANIFORMES PHAETHONTIDAE Phaethonlepturus White-tailed Tropicbird. Phaethonaethereus Red-billed Tropicbird. Phaethonrubricauda Red-tailed Tropicbird. SULIDAE Sula dactylatraMasked Booby. Sula nebouxiiBlue-looted Booby. Sula variegataPeruvian Booby. (A) Sula leucogasterBrown Booby. Sula sula Red-lootedBooby. Morus bassanus Northern Gannet. PELECANIDAE Pelecanuserythrorhynchos American White Pelican. Pelecanus occidentalis Brown Pelican. PHALACROCORACIDAE Phalacrocoraxpenicillatus Brandt'sCormorant. Phalacrocoraxbrasilianus Neotropic Cormorant. Phalacrocorax auritus Double-crested Cormorant. Phalacrocorax carbo Great Cormorant. Phalacrocorax urile Red-faced Cormorant. Phalacrocoraxpelagicus Pelagic Cormorant. ANHINGIDAE Anhinga anhinga Anhinga. FREGATIDAE Fregata magnificensMagnificent Frigatebird. xviii Fregata minor Great Frigatebird. Fregata ariel LesserFrigatebird. (A) CICONIIFORMES ARDEIDAE Botaurus pinnatus PinnatedBittern. Botaurus lentiginosusAmerican Bittern. Ixobrychus sinensisYellow Bittern. (A) Ixobrychus exilis Least Bittern. Tigrisornalineaturn Rufescent Tiger-Heron. Tigrisotnafasciaturn Fasciated Tiger-Heron. Tigrisornamexican urn Bare-throatedTiger-Heron. Ardea herodias Great Blue Heron. Ardea cinerea Gray Heron. (A) Ardea cocoi Cocoi Heron. Ardea alba Great Egret. Egretta eulophotesChinese Egret. (A) Egretta garzetta Little Egret. (A) Egretta gularis WesternReef-Heron. (A) Egretta thula Snowy Egret. Egretta caerulea Little Blue Heron. Egretta tricolor Tricolored Heron. Egretta rufescensReddish Egret. Bubulcusibis Cattle Egret. Butorides virescens Green Heron. Butorides striatus Striated Heron. Agarnia agarni Agami Heron. Pilherodiuspileatus CappedHeron. Nycticorax nycticorax Black-crownedNight-Heron. Nyctanassaviolacea Yellow-crownedNight-Heron. Cochlearius cochlearius Boat-billed Heron. TI-IRESKIORNITI-IIDAE Threskiornithinae Eudocitnus albus White Ibis. Eudocirnusruber ScarletIbis. (A) Plegadisfalcinellus GlossyIbis. Plegadis chihi White-faced Ibis. Mesernbrinibiscayennensis Green Ibis. Theristicus caudatus Buff-necked Ibis. (A) Plataleinae Ajaia ajaja RoseateSpoonbill. CICONIIDAE Jabiru tnycteria Jabira. Mycteria americana Wood Stork. CATI-IARTIDAE Coragypsatratus Black Vulture. Cathartesaura Turkey Vulture. Cathartes burrovianus Lesser Yellow-headed Vulture. Gyrnnogypscalifornianus California Condor. Sarcorarnphuspapa King Vulture. PI-IOENICOPTERIFORMES PI-IOENICOPTERIDAE Phoenicopterusruber Greater Flamingo. ANSERIFORMES ANATIDAE Dendrocygninae Dendrocygna viduata White-facedWhistling-Duck. Dendrocygnaauturnnalis Black-bellied Whistling-Duck. Dendrocygnaarborea WestIndian Whistling-Duck. xix Dendrocygnabicolor FulvousWhistling-Duck. Anserinae Anserfabalis Bean Goose. (A) Anser brachyrhynchusPink-footed Goose. (A) Anser albifrons Greater White-frontedGoose. Anser erythropusLesser White-fronted Goose. (A) Chen canagica Emperor Goose. Chen caerulescens Snow Goose. Chen rossii Ross's Goose. Branta canadensis Canada Goose. Branta sandvicensisHawaiian Goose. (H) Branta bernicla Brant. Branta leucopsisBarnacle Goose. (A) Cygnus olor Mute Swan. (I) Cygnusbuccinator TrumpeterSwan. Cygnus columbianus Tundra Swan. Cygnuscygnus Whooper Swan. Tadorninae Sarkidiornis melanotos Comb Duck. Neochenjubata Orinoco Goose.(A) Anatinae Cairina moschataMuscovy Duck. Aix sponsa Wood Duck. Anas strepera Gadwall. Anas falcata FalcatedDuck. (A) Anas penelope EurasianWigeon. (N) Anas americana American Wigeon. Anas rubripes American Black Duck. Anas platyrhynchos Mallard. Anas fulvigula Mottled Duck. Anas wyvilliana Hawaiian Duck. (H) Anas laysanensisLaysan Duck. (H) Anas poecilorhynchaSpot-billed Duck. (A) Anas discorsBlue-winged Teal. Anas cyanoptera Cinnamon Teal. Anas clypeata Northern Shoveler. Anas bahamensis White-cheeked Pintail. Anas acuta Northern Pintail. Anas querquedulaGarganey. (N) Anas formosa Baikal Teal. (A) Anas crecca Green-wingedTeal. Aythya valisineria Canvasback. Aythya americana Redhead. Aythyaferina Common Pochard.(A) Aythya collaris Ring-neckedDuck. Aythyafuligula Tufted Duck. Aythyamarila GreaterScaup. Aythyaaffinis LesserScaup. Polystictastelleri Steller'sEider. Somateriafischeri SpectacledEider. Somateriaspectabilis King Eider. Somateria mollissima Common Eider. Histrionicushistrionicus Harlequin Duck. tCamptorhynchus labradorius Labrador Duck. Melanitta perspicillata Surf Scoter. Melanitta fusca White-wingedScoter. Melanitta nigra Black Scoter. C!angula hyemalisOldsquaw. xx Bucephala albeola Bufflehead. Bucephalaclangula CommonGoldeneye. Bucephalaislandica Barrow's Goldeneye. Mergellus albellus Smew. (N) Lophodytescucullatus Hooded Merganser. Mergus merganserCommon Merganser. Mergus serrator Red-breastedMerganser. Nomonyx dominicus Masked Duck. Oxyurajamaicensis Ruddy Duck. FALCONIFORMES ACCIPITRIDAE Pandioninae Pandion haliaetusOsprey. Accipitrinae Leptodoncayanensis Gray-headed Kite. Chondrohierax uncinatus Hook-billed Kite. Elanoidesforficatus Swallow-tailedKite. Gampsonyxswainsonii Pearl Kite. Elanus leucurus White-tailed Kite. Rostrhamus sociabilis Snail Kite. Rostrhamus hamatus Slender-billed Kite. Harpagusbidentatus Double-toothed Kite. Ictinia mississippiensisMississippi Kite. Ictinia plumbea PlumbeousKite. Haliaeetus leucocephalusBald Eagle. Haliaeetus albicilla White-tailedEagle. Haliaeetuspelagicus Steller's Sea-Eagle. (A) Busarellus nigricollis Black-collaredHawk. Circus cyaneusNorthern Harrier. Accipitersoloensis Gray Frog-Hawk.(H, A) Accipitersuperciliosus Tiny Hawk. Accipiter striatus Sharp-shinnedHawk. Accipiter cooperii Cooper'sHawk. Accipiter gundlachi Gundlach'sHawk. Accipiter bicolor Bicolored Hawk. Accipiter gentilis NorthernGoshawk. Geranospizacaerulescens Crane Hawk. Leucopternisplumbea PlumbeousHawk. Leucopternisprinceps Barred Hawk. Leucopternissemiplumbea Semiplumbeous Hawk. Leucopternisalbicollis White Hawk. Asturina nitida Gray Hawk. Buteogallus anthracinus Common Black-Hawk. Buteogallussubtills Mangrove Black-Hawk. Buteogallusurubitinga Great Black-Hawk. Buteogallus meridionalis SavannaHawk. Parabuteo unicinctus Harris's Hawk. Harpyhaliaetussolitarius Solitary Eagle. Buteo magnirostris RoadsideHawk.
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