Appendix, French Names, Supplement
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685 APPENDIX Part 1. Speciesreported from the A.O.U. Check-list area with insufficient evidencefor placementon the main list. Specieson this list havebeen reported (published) as occurring in the geographicarea coveredby this Check-list.However, their occurrenceis considered hypotheticalfor one of more of the following reasons: 1. Physicalevidence for their presence(e.g., specimen,photograph, video-tape, audio- recording)is lacking,of disputedorigin, or unknown.See the Prefacefor furtherdiscussion. 2. The naturaloccurrence (unrestrained by humans)of the speciesis disputed. 3. An introducedpopulation has failed to becomeestablished. 4. Inclusionin previouseditions of the Check-listwas basedexclusively on recordsfrom Greenland, which is now outside the A.O.U. Check-list area. Phoebastria irrorata (Salvin). Waved Albatross. Diornedeairrorata Salvin, 1883, Proc. Zool. Soc. London, p. 430. (Callao Bay, Peru.) This speciesbreeds on Hood Island in the Galapagosand on Isla de la Plata off Ecuador, and rangesat seaalong the coastsof Ecuadorand Peru. A specimenwas takenjust outside the North American area at Octavia Rocks, Colombia, near the Panama-Colombiaboundary (8 March 1941, R. C. Murphy). There are sight reportsfrom Panama,west of Pitias Bay, Dari6n, 26 February1941 (Ridgely 1976), and southwestof the Pearl Islands,27 September 1964. Also known as GalapagosAlbatross. ThalassarchechrysosWma (Forster). Gray-headed Albatross. Diornedeachrysostorna J. R. Forster,1785, M6m. Math. Phys. Acad. Sci. Paris 10: 571, pl. 14. (voisinagedu cerclepolaire antarctique & dansl'Ocean Pacifique= Isla de los Estados[= StatenIsland], off Tierra del Fuego.) This speciesbreeds on islandsoff CapeHorn, in the SouthAtlantic, in the southernIndian Ocean,and off New Zealand.Reports from Oregon(mouth of the ColumbiaRiver), California (coastnear Golden Gate), and Panama(Bay of Chiriqu0 are unsatisfactory(see A.O.U. 1957: 643, and Wetmore 1965). Macronectesgiganteus (Gmelin). Antarctic Giant-Petrel. Procellaria giganteaGmelin, 1789, Syst. Nat. 1 (2): 563. Basedin part on the "Giant Petrel" Latham,Gen. Synop.Birds 3(2): 396, pl. 100. (in oceano,potissimum australi, circa Staatenland,Terra del fuego = Isla los Estados[= StatenIsland], off Tierra del Fuego.) This speciesbreeds in Antarcticaand on subantarcticislands and ranges at seathroughout southernoceans. A reportfrom the "coastof Oregon" (immaturespecimen taken by Town- send)is generallyregarded to be in error as to locality (see Stone 1930, but for conflicting opinion,see alsoFisher 1965). There are sightreports near Midway, HawaiianIslands: 9 December 1962, dark-phasedindividual, plus two other probablesin December 1959 and December 1961 (Fisher, loc. cit.). Also known as Giant Fulmar or Southern Giant-Petrel. Two forms, M. giganteus,a more southernbreeding form, and M. halli Mathews, 1912, were formerly consideredconspecific, but are widely sympatricin the northernportion of the rangeof M. giganteus(Bourne and Warham 1966, Hunter 1987). The abovereports may pertain to either form. Fulmarus glacialoides(Smith). SouthernFulmar. Procellaria glacialoidesSmith, 1840, Illus. Zool. S. Afr., pt. 11, pl. 51. (neighbourhood of the South African coast.) This speciesbreeds around Antarctica and on Antarcticislands in the SouthAtlantic and southernIndian oceans,and rangesat sea in southernoceans north to southernAustralia, 686 APPENDIX New Zealand, central South America, and South Africa. A report from off westernMexico (near Mazatlan, Sinaloa;Friedmann et al. 1950) and the locality of Townsend'sspecimen reportedfrom the "mouth of the Columbia River, Oregon" (Stone 1930) are regardedas erroneous(Bourne 1967, Banks 1988b). Daption capense(Linnaeus). Cape Petrel. Procellaria capensisLinnaeus, 1758, Syst. Nat. (ed. 10) 1: 132. Basedprimarily on "The white and black SpottedPeteriF' Edwards,Nat. Hist. Birds 2: 90, pl. 90, right fig. (ad Cap. b. Spei = Cape of Good Hope.) This speciesbreeds on Antarcticand subantarctic islands in the SouthAtlantic and southern Indian oceansand in New Zealand waters. Reports from Maine (Harpswell, Cumberland County, June 1873; Norton 1922), Ireland, continentalEurope, Sicily, and Sri Lanka, as well as sightreports in the PacificOcean off California andAtlantic Ocean off North Carolina, have been questioned;a report from off the coast of Acapulco, Guerrero, is "indefinite" (Friedmannet al. 1957), and an early California specimen("coast of California, opposite Monterey," before 1853; Lawrence 1853) is regardedas erroneouslylabeled (Lee 1993). Thus all NorthernHemisphere reports are highly questionable.Also knownas PintadoPetrel or Cape Pigeon. Pterodroma solandri (Gould). Solander'sPetrel. Procellaria Solandri Gould, 1844, Proc. Zool. Soc. London, p. 57. (Australia = Bass Strait.) This speciesbreeds in the South Pacific on Lord Howe and (formerly) Norfolk islands; pelagicdistribution little-known, but recordedprimarily in southwesternPacific off Australia and New Zealand north to approximatelyTropic of Cancer.An individualfound dead in the Hawaiian Islands(Kauai, 25 November1986; 1987, 'Elepaio47: 29) andpreviously reported as P. solandriis an exampleof P. ultima (R. Clapp, pers. comm.).Additional sightings of this speciesin Hawaiian watersare unsubstantiated(Pyle 1988). All California sightingsare referableto P. ultima or are unidentifiable;none has been substantiated.A sightreport and photographfrom off Westport,Washington, 11 September1983, by T R. Wahl, are not definitive. Also known as Providence Petrel. Pterodroma rostrata (Peale). Tahiti Petrel. Procellaria rostrata Peale, 1848, U.S. Explor. Exped. 8: 296. (Mountainsabout 600 feet on Tahiti, Society Islands.) This speciesbreeds on New Caledonia and in the Society and Marquesasislands, and rangeswidely in the SouthPacific. Becauseof failure to distinguishthis speciesfrom P. alba, sight reportsin Hawaiian waters are inconclusive(Pyle 1988); there are also sight reportsnear Clippertonand the Revillagigedoislands. Pterodroma alba (Gmelin). Phoenix Petrel. Procellaria alba Gmelin, 1789, Syst. Nat. 1 (2): 565. Basedon the "White-breasted Petrel" Latham,Gen. Synop.Birds 3(2): 400. (in insulisTurturum et nativitatisChristi = Turtle and Christmasislands.) This speciesbreeds on islandsin the South Pacific and is rather sedentary.Reports from Hawaiian waters are uncertainbecause of the failure to distinguishthis speciesfrom P. rostrata (Pyle 1988). Pterodromafeae (Salvadori).Fea's Petrel. Oestralatafeae Salvadori, 1899, Ann. Mus. Civ. Genova40: 305. (San Nicholas Island, Cape Verde Islands.) This North Atlantic species,along with Pterodroma madeira Mathews, 1934 [Madeira APPENDIX 687 Petrel], has been separatedfrom P. mollis (Gould, 1844) [Sofi-plumagedPetrel] by Bourne (1983). Reportsof birdsof the complexoff North Carolinain 1981 (Lee 1984) were attributed to mollis (A.O.U. 1985). More recentreports off North Carolina, includinga bird photo- graphedin 1991 (1992, Amer.Birds, 46: 130; 1992, Chat 56: 52) anda bird seenoff Georgia in 1984 (Haney et al. 1993) are consideredlikely to befeae. Becausefeaeand madeira may not be distinguishablein the field or in photographs,available information is insufficient for inclusionof the speciesin the main list (see alsoDeBenedictis 1996). Bretagnolle(1995) suggestedon the basisof vocal similaritiesthat P. madeira may be conspecificwith P. feae. Pterodroma defilippiana (Giglioli and Salvadori).Defilippe's Petrel. /Estrelata defilippiana Giglioli and Salvadori, 1869, Ibis, p. 63. (off coast between Calao, Peru, and Valparaiso,Chile.) The report of this southernspecies from Hawaiian waters (A.O.U. 1989: 537) pertainsto P. externa. There are no valid reportsof P. defilippianafrom the A.O.U. check-listarea. Procellaria cinerea Gmelin. Gray Petrel. Procellaria cinerea Gmelin, 1789, Syst. Nat. 1 (2): 563. Based on the "Cinereous Fulmar" Latham, Gen. Synop.Birds 3(2): 405. (intra circulumAntarcticum = Ant- arctic seas,lat. 48 ø S.) This species,frequently placed in the genusAdamastor, breeds on islandsin the South Pacific, South Atlantic, and southernIndian oceans,ranging at sea throughoutall southern oceansbetween lat. 25ø and 55ø S. A specimenfrom California(off Montereyprior to 1853) is consideredto be labelederroneously (Lee 1993). Also known as Black-tailedShearwater. Procellaria aequinoctialisLinnaeus. White-chinned Petrel. Procellaria aequinoctialisLinnaeus, 1758, Syst. Nat. (ed. 10) 1: 132. Based on "The Great Peteril" Edwards,Nat. Hist. Birds, p. 89, pl. 89. ("Cape of Good Hope" = South Georgia.) This speciesbreeds on subantarcticislands and ranges at sea,mostly in the SouthAtlantic and southernIndian oceans.An individualfound in Texas(Rollover Pass,Galveston County, 27 April 1986, photograph;1990, Amer. Birds 44:1158) is of controversialorigin. A recent report from North Carolina (October 1996, Nat. AudubonSoc. Field Notes 51: 39) is under review. Oceanitesgracilis (Elliot). White-ventedStorm-Petrel. Thalassidromagracilis Elliot, 1859, Ibis, p. 391. (West Coast of America = coast of Chile.) The breedinggrounds of this speciesare largely unknown,but nestshave been found on islandsoff north-centralChile. It rangesregularly to the GalapagosIslands and along the Pacific coast of South America from Colombia to Chile. There are sight reportsby R. C. Murphy in September1937 in the Gulf of Panamaand at Humboldt Bay, just southof the Dari6n borderin Colombia(Ridgely and Gwynne 1989). Fregetta grailaria (Vieillot). White-bellied Storm-Petrel. Procellaria grailaria Vieillot, 1818, Nouv. Dict. Hist. Nat. (nouv.