Date/Weather/Start Time Species Number of Surveyors Anatidae:Swans,Duck,Geese Black-Bellied Whistling-Duck Wood Duck American Wi

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Date/Weather/Start Time Species Number of Surveyors Anatidae:Swans,Duck,Geese Black-Bellied Whistling-Duck Wood Duck American Wi THE ARBORS PRESERVE BIRD LIST Date/Weather/Start time 3/26/2017 3/31/2017 4/7/2017 4/21/2017 Sunny 12:30 Sunny Sunny Partly cloudy 3/6/2017 pm 8:30 9:30 am 8:30 a.m. Species 29 3 18 15 23 Number of surveyors 2 2 2 2 3 Anatidae:Swans,Duck,Geese Black-bellied whistling-duck Wood duck American wigeon Mallard Northern Shoveler Gadwall Blue-winged teal Green-winged teal Redhead Ring-necked duck Lesser scaup Odontophoridae:Quail Northern bobwhite Phasianidae: Pheasant-like birds Wild Turkey Podicipedidae:Grebes Pied-billed grebe Phalacrocoracidae:Comorants Double-crested cormorant Ardeidae:Herons,Egrets, and Bitterns Great egret 1 Great blue heron 1 3 Green heron Cathartidae:Vultures Black vulture 4 2 7 5 Turkey vulture 3 3 4 5 Accipitridae:Hawks, Eagles, and Kites Missisiippi Kite Osprey Sharp-shinned hawk 1 Cooper's hawk 1 Red-shouldered hawk 3 1 Swainson's hawk Zone-tailed hawk Red-tailed hawk 1 1 Accipitor sp. Rallidae: Rails, Gallinules, Coots American Coot Gruidae: Cranes THE ARBORS PRESERVE BIRD LIST Sandhill crane Charadriidae: Plovers and Lapwings Killdeer 1 1 2 Scolopacidae: Sandpipers and Phalaropes Greater yellow legs Columbidae: Pigeons and Doves Rock pigeon Inca dove Common ground dove White wing dove 4 4 Mourning dove 1 1 2 Eurasian collared dove 1 Cuculida: Cuckoos, Roadrunners and Anis Yellow-billed cuckoo Greater Roadrunner Tytonidae and Strigidae: Owls Eastern Screech owl Great horned owl Caprimulgidae: Nightjars and Allies Common nighthawk Common poorwill Chuck-will's Widow Apodidae: Swifts Chimney swift Family Trochilidae: Hummingbirds Black-chinned hummingbird 2 1 Humming bird species 1 1 3 Alcedinidae: Kingfishers Belted kingfisher Picidae: Woodpeckers Golden-fronted woodpecker Ladder-backed woodpecker 1 Northern flicker Falconidae: Falcons and Caracaras Crested Caracara 1 2 American kestrel Prairie falcon Tyrannidae: Tyrant Flycatchers Eastern phoebe 2 1 1 Vermilllion flycatcher Ash-throated flycatcher Great crested flycatcher Western kingbird Eastern kingbird Scissor-tailed flycatcher THE ARBORS PRESERVE BIRD LIST Empidonax flycatcher Yellow-bellied flycatcher Laniidae: Shrikes Loggerhead shrike Vireonidae: Vireos Black-capped vireo White-eyed vireo 4 1 7 2 6 Bell's vireo Yellow-throated vireo Blue-headed vireo Hutton's vireo 1 Red-eyed vireo Corvidae: Crows, Jays and Magpies Woodhouse's scrub-jay 2 Blue jay 1 Common Raven Hirundinidae: Swallows Purple martin Barn swallows 1 1 3 Cliff swallows Cave swallows Cave/cliff swallows Paridae: Chickadees and Tits Carolina chickadee 7 3 2 2 Black-crested titmouse 9 5 3 5 Aegithalidae: Bushtits Bushtit Troglodytidae: Wrens Canyon wren Carolina wren 2 3 2 6 Bewick's wren 4 1 3 Winter wren Polioptilidae: Gnatcatchers Blue -grey gnatcathcer 1 Regulidae: Kinglets Golden-crowned kinglet Ruby-crowned kinglet 4 1 Turdidae: Thrushes Eastern bluebird Hermit thrush American Robin 4 Northern Mockingbird Bombycilla cedrorum: Waxwings Cedar waxwing 21 Parulidae: New World Warblers THE ARBORS PRESERVE BIRD LIST Black and white warbler 1 1 Orange-crowned warbler Nashville warbler Common yellowthroat Yellow-rumped warbler 1 Golden-cheeked warbler Yellow-throated warbler Yellow-breasted chat Yellow warbler Emberizidae: Buntings, Sparrows, and Allies Grasshopper sparrow Chipping sparrow Clay colored sparrow Field sparrow 8 Lark sparrow Dark-eyed junco Vesper sparrow 7 Lincoln sparrow Cassin's sparrow Rufous-crowned sparrow Spotted towhee Savannah sparrow 1 Song sparrow 1 Cardinalidae: Cardinals and Allies Summer tanager 1 11 Northern cardinal 6 5 3 8 Blue grosbeak Indigo bunting Painted bunting 8 Icteridae: Troupials Blackbirds and Orioles Western meadowlark Western/Eastern meadowlark Common grackle Great-tailed grackle Brown-headed cowbird 2 1 Orchard oriole Scott's oriole Fringillidae: Siskins,Crossbills and Allies House finch 1 2 5 Lesser goldfinch 3 2 4 American goldfinch Passeridae:Old World Sparrows House Sparrow.
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