
Le Infezioni in Medicina, n. 4, 634-641, 2020 634 IN THE HISTORY OF

From inoculation to : the fight against in Siena in the 18th and 19th centuries

1,2 3,4,5 Davide Orsini , Mariano Martini 1University of Siena, Italy; 2University Museum System of Siena, Italy; 3Department of Health Science, University of Genoa, Italy; 4UNESCO CHAIR “Anthropology of Health - Biosphere and Healing System” University of Genoa, Italy; 5Stop TB Italia Onlus, Milan, Italy

SUMMARY Smallpox is a contagious viral disease. In the fight numerous epidemics. While their consequences in large against smallpox, stimulation of the immune system urban centres are well known, we know little about by means of inoculation of human smallpox and subse- the diffusion, morbidity and mortality of the disease in quent vaccination constituted a very important step for- rural areas. To shed light on this issue, we scrutinised ward in the history of medicine. First reported in ancient the main initial experiences of the use of inoculation in Greece and in the Egypt of the Pharaohs, smallpox reap- Siena and the scientific, healthcare, social and political peared in the middle of the 16th century, becoming the consequences that stemmed from them. leading endemic disease in the following century and periodically causing hundreds of thousands of deaths. Keywords: Smallpox inoculation, history of vaccination, In the 18th and 19th centuries, Europe was afflicted by Grand Duke Ferdinand III of Lorraine, Siena.

n INTRODUCTION merous epidemics. While the consequences of these outbreaks in the large urban centres are mallpox (“variola” in late Latin, derived from well known, we know little or nothing about the varius, meaning “varied, variable, mottled”) S diffusion, morbidity and mortality of the disease is an acute, infectious, contagious and epidemic in rural areas. In the largest and most populous viral disease characterised by a typical vesicu- cities, where the risk of contagion was greatest, lo-pustular rash. Reported since ancient times, smallpox burst out in generalised epidemics at in- smallpox constantly reappeared after the middle tervals of 5-10 years, as soon as a sufficiently large of the 16th century, becoming the leading endem- population of non-immunised residents was re- ic disease in the following century [1]. constituted. It had a severe effect on society, striking younger Nevertheless, in comparison with the recurrent, age-groups in particular and impacting negative- devastating epidemics of plague that scourged the ly on the reproduction of the population. European continent, smallpox was often deemed In the 18th and 19th centuries, smallpox was rife to be of secondary importance. throughout Europe, being responsible for nu- During the 18th century, news came from England of a method of inoculating material from forms of human smallpox that were not particularly ag- Corresponding author gressive, and which conferred to this Mariano Martini serious disease [2]. This prompted the scientific E-mail: [email protected] community to discuss the possibility of a proph- Smallpox in Siena in the 18th and 19th centuries 635

ylaxis that might reduce contagion and even lead A “great clamour” surrounding the issue to eradication of the disease. of smallpox inoculation In 1713, Emanuel Timoni (1670-1718), a Greek A few decades later, in the middle of the 18th doctor educated at Oxford, who served at the Brit- century, the debate over spread to the ish Embassy in Constantinople, sent to the Royal states of the Italian peninsula, involving doctors Society in London a description of the method and men of culture. This is mentioned by Pietro of variolation used in the East by the Circassians Verry in his article Sull’innesto del vaiuolo, pub- and Georgians, and by a few African populations: lished in 1766 on the pages of magazine “Il Caffè” professionally trained individuals extracted pus [4]. Only a few months earlier, the poet Giuseppe from mature pustules on the body of a smallpox Parini had written his ode L’innesto del vaiuolo, patient and inoculated it into a healthy subject coming out in favour of variolation and the pro- through an incision in the arm or leg. Timoni’s gress of science in general. description was published in the Royal Society’s The members of the Academy of Sciences (also Philosophical “Transactions” in 1714 [3]. called Accademia de’ Fisiocritici) in Siena were Two years later, the Royal Society published Nova much involved in this debate. et tuta variolas excitandi per transplantationem metho- The Academy was founded in 1691 by Pirro Maria dus, nuper inventa & in usum tracta, a very detailed Gabrielli, a teacher of theoretical Medicine and Bot- analysis of the eastern preventive practices written any at the University of Siena in order to “promote by Giacomo Pylarini (1659-1718), an Italian doctor the Study of Natural Things with that noble and and Consul for the Republic of Venice in Ismir. wise freedom of research and observation which is In reality, however, the first known scientific ac- unable to desist until the truth is revealed”. Indeed, count of these practices of immunisation date the motto of the Academy was taken from a verse from 1675, when Thomas Bartholin (1616-1680), a of Lucretius: “Veris quod possit vincere falsa”, “(that pathologist at the University of Copenhagen and, which) by truth can confute the false” [5]. subsequently, physician to the King of Denmark In 1761, the prestigious Academy devoted the and Norway, Christian V, provided a scientific first volume of its journal, which is still published description of the technique of variolation, which today, precisely to the issue of variolation, and had long been used in Asia, and published an arti- publicised the details of the reports on smallpox cle on variolation in Danish rural areas [3]. inoculation carried out in Siena between 1758 and A fundamental role, however, was played by 1760 [6]. It therefore became a “significant voice” Mary Wortley Montagu, the wife of the English in the debate between those in favour and those ambassador in Constantinople. She herself was against the inoculation of Arabian smallpox. left disfigured after contracting smallpox. Among the “Fisiocritici” themselves, however, During her stay in the Ottoman Empire, she bore dissenting voices were also raised, such as that of witness to the practice of inoculation against Ottavio Nerucci, a teacher of anatomy, who, at a smallpox, or variolation, which she called “graft- July 1759 meeting of the Academy, presented his ing” and which she described in many of her let- Discorso sopra all’innesto vajolo, in which he spoke ters. Her personal experience, together with the against the practice of variolation, citing the high diffusion of the writings by Timoni and Pylarini, percentage of deaths among the persons treated led to her being invited by the College of Physi- and the high risk of recurrence [7]. cians in London to attend an experimental test in To this were added several reservations of a the- 1722. During this demonstration, Richard Mad, ological nature; protecting people against the dis- the King’s physician, inoculated some inmates ease by means of inoculation was interpreted as of Newgate prison who had been condemned to an attempt to oppose divine Providence. death; having survived this treatment, the pris- The volume published by the Fisiocritici was oners had their lives spared. In addition, Lady made up of a preface, which reported the first Montagu had her second son vaccinated in the experiences of the method, and the descriptions presence of the Royal Court, thereby eliciting the provided by the physicians who had performed trust of the Royal family, some of whose members the procedure. subsequently underwent variolation. After suffer- The first “experiment” was carried out in Siena ing a mild attack of smallpox, they all recovered. in October 1755 and was prompted by the “zelo 636 D. Orsini, M. Martini

dell’Illustrissimo Signor Cav. Pannilini Girolamo, a firm and zealous advocate of the same”. Caluri Vigilantissimo Rettore dello Spedale di S. Maria della ends his case with the description of the “metodo Scala” [8, 9]. He summoned the physician Domen- che tiene per fare l’innesto del Vajuolo. Egli raccoglie ico Peverini of Città di Castello, who was “among primieramente la materia per l’innesto dalle bolle di the first to practice inoculation in Tuscany and the Vajuolo d’ottima qualità, trapassate da parte a parte Papal State”, to conduct an experiment on some con un ago infilato con un filo di bambagia, il quale «gittatelli», children placed in the care of the Hos- facilmente si inzuppa della marcia contenuta dentro le pital by their extremely poor parents. bolle nelle gambe ovvero nelle braccia del vaiolante. E The description provided is very detailed and lo conserva in un vaso d’argento di dentro dorato, per testifies to the fact that variolation was frequently servirsene in appresso quando a lui bisogna fare gl’In- performed on orphans, illegitimate children and nesti, e vi si pone un biglietto, nel quale è notato il tem- those cared for by charitable institutions. po in cui questa materia è stata presa, da qual soggetto, We are told that the first subjects to undergo the e se è materia di Vajuolo innestato, ovvero naturale. procedure were three boys who, following the Per fare l’innesto egli usa un leggierissimo taglio, che administration of a purgative and one day of non passi la lunghezza di tre linee di Pollice parigi- rest, underwent inoculation by means of “three no, da cui esca appena una gocciola di sangue. Questo different needles smeared for this purpose with taglio lo fa lungo il braccio nella parte esterna, sopra the rotten matter from a mild case of smallpox la piegatura del gomito. In ciascuno di questi tagli ap- tending towards decline”. “Soffrirono un Vajuolo plica e adatta un filo d’eguale lunghezza della predetta assai benigno, il quale, dopo aver fatto il suo decorso preparata bambagia. E gli medica ponendovi sopra una felicemente a capo a diciassette giorni, prosciugate le foglia d’Edera Arborea di Gasparo Bauhino spalmata di bolle, lasciò loro solamente il contento d’aver pagato lardo lavato, ovvero d’unguento rosato» [8]. questo quasi indispensabile tributo, con tanto suo poco There follow two stories of inoculations per- incomodo” [8]. formed by Annibale Bastiani, a physician in San This very favourable outcome prompted the Rec- Casciano de’ Bagni in 1759 during a raging epi- tor of the Hospital to proceed with a second inoc- demic of smallpox. Against the population’s hos- ulation on 19 August 1756; this time on 14 boys tility towards the practice of inoculation, in order aged from 4 to 8 years and two girls, of 18 and 14 to demonstrate the efficacy of the method, he years of age, by the hand of the physician Leone carried out variolation on his niece who had just Pagliai, some by means of incision, others by nee- turned three years old. dle puncture. “Introdotto per via di tali operazioni il The description of an inoculation carried out in seminio del morbo, risvegliò in tutti il Vajuolo, il quale Siena by Buonaventura Perotti, a “worthy physi- ebbe un corso felice, perciò che non fu accompagnato da cian and Professor of Logic and Geometry at our sintomi cattivi nell’eruzione, né minacciò pericoli nella University”, is followed by an important report sua maturazione, né portò conseguenze di rimarco nel by Dr. Salvadore Galletti Castellucci on the inoc- suo prosciugamento” [8]. In this case, too, the out- ulation of smallpox in 17 boys and 8 girls at the come of inoculation was favourable. Regio Spedale di Santa Maria della Scala in Sie- In the journal of the Academy, the description of na in 1760. On the morning of 2 June 1760, they these first two experiments, conducted at the San- were vaccinated in public by the “graft surgeon” ta Maria della Scala Hospital, was followed by the Angelo Mancini. The technique adopted was that reports of the “experimenting physicians”, whom already described in the other cases. However, the Academy had asked to report on the various it is interesting that “the grafts are protected not cases. only by the usual bandage, but also by glass cups These so-called “detailed accounts” begin with shaped like walnut shells”. The were the testimony of Dr. Francesco Caluri and refer to then hospitalised in two public infirmaries, where 20 procedures carried out by him in Siena from “barometers and thermometers had been set up, 1758 to 1760. as they might serve to regulate the environmental Caluri is remembered as “the first to have pro- air”, and the subjects were scrupulously super- moted and performed such an experiment for the vised according to precise orders. private Houses of this city, and perhaps in greater There is also an interesting account of the results number than any other physician, being himself of the “Analisi delle orine de’ vajuolanti”, analyses Smallpox in Siena in the 18th and 19th centuries 637

conducted by Galletti Castellucci on urine from the city. The 13 children and two serving wench- vaccinated subjects; the urine samples were es had to undergo a veritable period of reclusion mixed with various substances, such as tartaric throughout the course of the disease, under the oil, tincture of violet and spirit of vitriol. supervision of the doctors of the Hospital” [10]. It is noteworthy that, as public infirmaries were Thus, in terms of the number of inoculations involved, “it was permissible for anyone whatev- performed, and the organisation and method er to see and observe the symptoms, course and utilised, the Siena experience set a record in the outcome of the inoculated persons […] so that battle against smallpox in the era prior to Jenner. all might satisfy their curiosity”. Indeed, it was This was made possible by the reformist policy intended that the event should resonate far and implemented by those of the House of Lorraine wide and acquire propaganda value. who governed the Grand Duchy of Tuscany, and The tome ends with an appendix: a transcription particularly by the progressist ideas of the Grand of the speech made at the Academy’s assembly Duke Peter Leopold. of 25 June 1761 by the anatomist Pietro Tabarra- ni, who was famous for his studies of normal and The preserving virtue of the pathological human anatomy, which he collect- Forty years after the descriptions of smallpox in- ed in his Observationes anatomicae, and who was oculation published in the Acts of the Fisiocritici, Paolo Mascagni’s mentor. Tabarrani reported the Edward Anthony Jenner published The Origin of arguments and the doctrinal bases underpinning the Vaccine Inoculation [11]. variolation, a practice that he regarded as the only Having observed that individuals who had recov- means of protecting the population against the ered from (“bovine smallpox”) did not severe forms of the disease, which were almost contract “human smallpox”, Jenner deduced that always deadly; it was therefore “una delle più uti- the former could confer protection against the li scoperte che sieno mai fatte in prò della Umanità” latter. He therefore formulated the hypothesis - (“one of the most useful discoveries ever made in fa- which he subsequently demonstrated successful- vour of Humanity”) [8]. ly - that artificially infecting a healthy individual However, the experience of collective variolation with matter from a pustule on the body of a pa- in Siena did not end with the above-mentioned tient with cowpox would immunise the individ- experiments. ual against smallpox. As was later demonstrated, In 1777, the physician Biagio Bartalini, who this immunising effect was due to the resemblance taught physics, chemistry and, later, natural his- of the antigens of the two viruses; indeed, the an- tory at the University of Siena, inoculated 11 chil- tibodies elicited against the cowpox virus were dren, aged from 2 to 10 years; once again, these also active against the smallpox virus. Thus, Jen- subjects were chosen from among the foundlings ner founded the principles of vaccination (from from Santa Maria della Scala. the Latin vaccinus, derived from vacca, meaning In his report, he wrote that inoculation was carried cow), a preventive therapy against smallpox that out by means of “needles that had been soaked was more effective than inoculation. in smallpox pus 12 days earlier; and the region Naturally, the practice advocated by Jenner also selected was the space between the thumb and in- had its supporters and opponents, and a heated dex finger of both hands. One of the 11 children scientific and cultural debate ensued. “Inevitably, did not present any manifestation; 10 contracted there were those who opposed a discovery that benign smallpox, which started around the 4th-5th seemed to promise such a great, and indeed al- day and resolved around the 18th-20th day; two most incredible, benefit. Among the objections died of sepsis on the 24th and 25th days” [10]. raised was the specious contention that the dis- But certainly, the most interesting part of this re- covery was too fresh to be able to assert that the port refers to the “strict measures of isolation to vaccine might be the overwhelming antidote that which both the little patients and the serving staff could destroy smallpox, and that many other ex- were subjected, unlike what was done in the case periments would be needed before its preserva- of the collective demonstration in 1760. The inocu- tive virtue could be established” [12]. lations were performed in a farmhouse owned by The above statement is taken from the text of an the Hospital, situated in the country just outside Esercizio Accademico di Lettere e Armi (Academic 638 D. Orsini, M. Martini

Exercise of Letters and Arms) recited in August used it to vaccinate the younger child, aged little 1804 on the occasion of the visit to Siena of Ma- more than two months. In the same period, vac- ria Luisa di Borbone, Infanta of Spain by birth, cination according to Jenner’s method was tested Queen of Etruria and reigning Duchess of Lucca, on abandoned children in the hospitals, as well as following her marriage to Louis I of Borbon-Par- on the children of noble families. ma. Given the importance of this illustrious visi- Nevertheless, the so-called experimental phase tor to Siena, the topic chosen for the Academic Ex- ended only when the French took over the gov- ercise was “una delle più strepitose scoperte moderne, ernment of Tuscany. In 1805, in the Principality of quale si è la Vaccinazione” (“one of the most clamorous Lucca, Elisa Bonaparte had her own children vac- modern discoveries: vaccination”) [12]. cinated, thereby demonstrating that she complied The event in honour of the august visitor opened with the obligation to vaccinate all babies within with praise for the discovery of vaccination and a few months of their birth. for the work and the person of Jenner. “Before In 1808, the Central Committee for Vaccination in Jenner, whole countries had experienced vaccina- the Department of Ombrone was instituted. This tion and had enjoyed by chance a benefit that pre- area, of which Siena was the main city, encom- served them from smallpox. But only Jenner was passed the southern part of Tuscany and was ad- struck by this effect and foresaw the destruction of ministrated by Giacomo Barzellotti himself, who one of humanity’s greatest scourges”. They con- set the objective of “spreading the healthy prac- tinued with an amoebaean song in which the dif- tice of vaccination”. The Committee was made ferences between vaccination and the inoculation up of doctors, representatives of civil society and of human smallpox were compared, “concluding cultural institutions, and also of churchmen, in or- that the former far surpassed the latter” [12]. der to reassure the most timorous citizens that the Church approved of this practice. The diffusion in Siena of Jenner vaccination In order to implement his programme of mass according to the method of Jenner vaccination, which became obligatory in 1809, In the scientific environment of the Grand Duchy Barzellotti involved some 26 physicians from the of Tuscany, a state that was enlightened and pro- Department, including some professors from the gressive, the new technique introduced by Ed- Medical School of Siena, such as Giuseppe Lodo- ward Jenner met with great approval, though the li, Giovanni Niccolò Semenzi, Benedetto Sabatini, procedure was limited by practical issues; indeed, Girolamo Angeloni and Anastasio Gambini [15]. in the early years, until the Milanese physician The Hospital of Santa Maria della Scala in Siena Luigi Sacco managed to identify some cases of provided a dedicated facility where vaccination cowpox in Lombardy, the material for vaccination was carried out free of charge and infected ma- had to be brought from England [13]. terial was kept. Subsequently, thanks to the large In Siena, Jenner’s ideas were promptly endorsed number of foundlings vaccinated, the hospital by Giacomo Barzellotti, a pupil of the anatomist became the main provider of material for vacci- Paolo Mascagni and a teacher of surgical institu- nation. tions at the University of Siena and, after 1810, of In the same year, the volume La vaccina trionfante legal medicine in Pisa. Being particularly interest- di tutti i suoi nemici e imposta alle nazioni dalla natu- ed in infectious diseases, he applied the new tech- ra, dalla religione, dalla politica e dalle leggi civili was nique of cowpox vaccination in Siena from 1802 published in Florence. This hailed the successful onwards [14]. results yielded up to that time by vaccination The first successful inoculation of the cowpox according to the Jenner method, and explicitly vaccine in Siena was performed by Prof. Nicco- rejected the previous practice of smallpox inocu- lò Semenzi in April 1804 on two children of the lation: “now that Providence has decreed that a nobleman Domenico Placidi, using good quality man devoted to the public good should have the pus brought from Florence. Having scarified the fortune to discover a very easy and safe means of skin of the left arm of the older child, aged three ridding us totally of this scourge, human small- years, Semenzi applied the purulent material. pox must on no account be inoculated” [16]. Subsequently, he took some of the pus from the Between 1809 and 1811, the Committee coordinat- pustule that had formed on the child’s arm and ed by Barzellotti vaccinated about one seventh of Smallpox in Siena in the 18th and 19th centuries 639

the inhabitants of the Department, and in particu- Section III was devoted to the Method of inoculating lar an ever-growing number of children (3,083 in Cowpox. This emphasised the need to prepare the 1810, 5,140 in 1811, 5,872 in 1812), without, how- material for vaccination correctly and explained ever, managing to reach all newborn babies. This the method of inoculation: “once the virus has great achievement enabled the spread of small- been drawn off by means of a grooved needle, as pox to be curbed, albeit without eradicating the described above, the needle is inserted horizon- disease. Indeed, a document published in 1812 tally between the epidermis and the dermis of the contained a table that reported the monthly data subject to be vaccinated, as far as is needed to de- on carried out and their outcome: posit it there” [20]. For this purpose, more than in 1810, 296 cases of smallpox and three deaths 100 needles “fluted for the inoculation of [bovine] were recorded; the following year, 80 cases and smallpox” were produced in Siena; these needles two deaths occurred, but in 1812 the figures rose were endowed with a special groove, so that the again, to 118 cases and six deaths [17]. serum drawn from the udders of cows infected In the following years, smallpox reappeared sev- by cowpox could easily be inoculated into the pa- eral times, causing numerous victims, particular- tient’s shoulder. ly between 1818 and 1822 and in 1832 [18, 19]. The booklet also explained how to prepare the thread soaked in the virus-laden serum and how “On the method of inoculating the Jenner vaccine” to conserve the virus “for several days, always ac- In order to promote the “Jenner method” of vac- tive and good for inoculation”, and “the thread, cination and to “spread the healthy practice of in- needles and any other serum-soaked substance oculating the vaccine safely and successfully”, the in order to perform further inoculations”: “in air- Central Committee for Vaccination printed 300 tight glass tubes, away from light, humidity and copies of the booklet Istruzione sul metodo d’inocu- excessive heat” [20]. lare il vajolo vaccino (Instructions on how to inoculate Section IV, Course and Phenomena of the Cowpox cowpox), which contained seven watercolour il- Inoculated, described the formation of the pustule lustrations showing the development of the small from the fourth - sometimes fifth or sixth - day lesion on a shoulder following inoculation of the after inoculation, with whitish edges and a dark vaccine [20]. patch in the centre, as could be seen in the illus- trations accompanying the booklet. Over the next Section I of the booklet dealt with the “Charac- few days, the pustule resolved, leaving a crust ter and Quality of Cowpox or Bovine Smallpox” and which “normally drops off on about the 16th day provided a detailed description of the pustules of the course of the pustule, a simple scar remain- caused by cowpox and a warning to doctors of the ing on the skin” [20]. Formation of the pustule need to distinguish between “Bovine Smallpox” was accompanied by few symptoms: specifically, and “Spurious Smallpox”; indeed, unlike the for- a fever, which appeared about a week after inocu- mer, this latter, if inoculated, did not safeguard lation and persisted for a couple of days. the recipient against contracting the disease. “The This section of the booklet went on to describe pustule caused by true bovine smallpox is circu- the characteristics of the Course and Phenomena of lar, somewhat flat and indented at the centre. That Spurious Smallpox, which did not guarantee im- caused by spurious smallpox is neither flat nor in- munisation. The main difference that the physi- dented in the middle; rather, it is pointed, like a cian could observe was that, in this case, “on the pimple” [20]. In addition to these features, infor- second day after inoculation, and sometimes even mation was provided on the eruption and course on the first day, inflammation is manifested at the of the pustules and on their content. point of inoculation, where the skin is raised in a Section II, Conditions required of subjects to be inoc- pointed pustule, and never indented at the centre ulated, indicated the best periods for vaccination, […]. The eruption caused by spurious Smallpox is the preference for vaccination during childhood, not usually limited to the site of inoculation; rath- the possibility to carry out vaccination “without er, similar pustules develop […] over the whole any predisposing or preparatory treatment” and body […]. The symptoms accompanying spuri- the need to postpone vaccination if the subject ous smallpox were: “a much higher fever, some- manifested any febrile illness [20]. times accompanied by vomiting, usually appear- 640 D. Orsini, M. Martini

ing soon after the development of the pustule, the throne of Tuscany, only one person out of sev- severe headache, anxiety and, not infrequently, en was immunised against smallpox in the first convulsive movements” [20]. half of the 19th century. This was clearly not suf- The author then provided a useful table compar- ficient to vanquish the disease, not least because ing the “True Bovine Smallpox” with the “Spuri- the efficacy of the vaccine inoculated was limited ous form”, and cited particular cases, such as that in time. of a subject affected by “Human Smallpox Fever” Only after the unification of Italy, with the 1888 shortly after the inoculation of Cowpox serum; healthcare reform, did smallpox vaccination be- Cowpox developed, but this did not stop the de- come obligatory for all children. Significant re- velopment of the more serious human smallpox. sults then began to be achieved, and the way was Finally, indications were provided on the Treat- paved to the eradication of a disease that had been ment of Cowpox, the course of which did not nor- the scourge of entire populations for centuries. mally present severe symptoms, but only mild alterations. Conflict of interest The booklet ended with the following consider- None to declare. ation: “Given its weighty and sure advantages, who could possibly impede or delay the adoption Funding of this system of vaccinating all newborns? No None one, of course, as no man could look with indif- ference and without remorse upon the reign of n REFERENCES this woeful and terrible disease, namely Human Smallpox, when there is a safe and easy means of [1] Cocheton JJ, Poulet J. Histoire de la Variole. La Se- ridding us of it for ever” [20]. maine des Hôpitaux des Paris. 1974; 52-53, 3225-34. [2] Behbehani AM The smallpox story: life and death of an old disease. Microbiol Rev. 1983; 47 (4), 455-509. n CONCLUSIONS [3] Langer W.L. against Smallpox before Jenner. Scientific American. 1976; 234, 1, 112-117. DOI: When the presence of the French in Tuscany came https://doi.org/10.1038/scientificamerican0176-112. to an end and the throne of the Grand Duchy of [4] Verri P. Sull’innesto del vaiuolo. Il Caffè, fogli XXX- Tuscany was restored to the House of Lorraine, IV-XXXVIII, 1766. the practice of vaccination suffered a slowdown, [5] Lucrezio Caro T. De Rerum Natura. Libro IV, v. 481. though without the conservative excesses of the [6] The Journal of the Siena Academy of Sciences (for- Papal State, where it was actually prohibited. Af- merly known as Atti della Accademia dei Fisiocritici in ter May 1814, Barzellotti promptly petitioned the Siena). Grand Duke Ferdinand III of Lorraine to allow [7] Discorso sopra all’innesto del vajolo letto nel ri- the Committee to continue the work it had begun aprimento dell’Accademia Fisiocritica in Siena il dì 21 luglio 1759. dal dottore Ottavio Nerucci pubblico pro- under the brief French domination. His response fessore di teorica e d’anatomia e socio della medesima. was affirmative. In Firenze, appresso Pietro Gaet. Viviani, all’insegna di Thus, Siena and Tuscany as a whole had the Giano, 1759. great merit of being among the first to adopt the [8] Gli Atti dell’Accademia delle Scienze di Siena, detta practice of inoculation and, subsequently, small- de’ Fisiocritici dell’anno 1760. Appresso il Bonetti nella pox vaccination according to the Jenner method. stamperia del Pubblico, in Siena, 1-195, 1761. Moreover, they participated in the scientific de- [9] Vannozzi F. La questione dell’innesto de’ vajuoli bate surrounding these practices and contributed ovvero la lotta contro il veleno varioloso, In Siena, la to spreading the knowledge that underlies the città laboratorio. Dall’innesto del vajuolo ad Albert Sa- principle of immunisation through vaccination. bin (Vannozzi F.). Protagon Editori Toscani, Siena 1999; 9-20. From the standpoint of public health, vaccination [10] Archivio di Stato di Praga, Rodinny Archiv Toskan- against smallpox certainly yielded important re- sckych Habsburk (RAT), Petr Leopold, Ms. 19 Relazi- sults. Nevertheless, despite the commitment of one di Sua Altezza Reale sopra la sua gita a Siena nel the Prefecture of Ombrone, the efforts of the Central mese di ottobre 1777, parte II, cc. 183r-184r, Relazione Committee for Vaccination, and the support of the sull’innesto del Vaiolo a 11 ragazzi dell’Ospedale, da Grand Dukes of Lorraine after their restoration to parte del Dr. Bartalini. Smallpox in Siena in the 18th and 19th centuries 641

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