AB League 374, 376, 381, 382-4 Abolition of Universal Military
INDEX AB League 374, 376, 381, 382-4 New Army 398 abolition of universal military service private armies 13-14, 73-4 33-48 recruits 38-9 central army 48-52 revolutionary 323, 344 failure of the new army 61-74 Shence Army 160, 163, 165 frontier armies 52-61 Song 217 nature of the abolition 34-9 standing armies 70-2 private armies 73-4 statistics 148 reasons for the abolition 39-48 strategic options 84-90 standing armies 70-2 Tang forces 94-5, 128-9, 144 Accord of Shanyuan 180, 212-19 Tiande army I 71 Afghanistan 118 Tianping army I 75 agricultural crisis 392-3 volunteers 226 Ai Rong 56 Xiang '413 Aju 245 Zhu-Mao Army 336 Alaung-hpaya 441 Ashina Helu 118 Allied Expeditionary Force 22, 288, Atlakh, battle of 130 439 Auden, W.H. 408-9, 411 Alp bilga Baoyi, Khaghan 166 August Harvest Uprising 332-3 Alp kiiliig bilga Zhangxin, Khaghan Averill, Stephen 373-4, 380 169 Altan Khan 267 Bagha Tarqan 151 An, Emperor 37, 51, 57 Bai Chongxi 416, 420 An Lushan Rebellion 13, 90, I 09, Baijuyi 106-7, 144-5, 161, 164 136-7, 137-40 Bai Shousu 21 7 An Sishun 138 Baidicheng 232 Anjur 236 Bailloud, General 31 7 Anleshancheng 232 Baisha Conference 340 Anlezhou 163 Baltistan 130 Anshi 90 Ban Biao 59 Anshicheng 90 Ban Chao 52, 55, 57 Anti:Japanese War 401, 403, 425-6 Ban Gu 56 Anxi 109, 127, 129, 154, 173, 175 bandits 224, 364 Arabs 16, 118, 122, 130, 162 Banzhu 83, 86-7, 95 Ardagh, General Sir John 295 Bao Xin 71 armies Baoding Expedition 311-13 see also Red Army baqjia system 356-61, 395 bandit armies 93, 292, 322 battles 216-17, 237 campaign armies sizes 89, 128 Atlakh 130 n.
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