
AFGE_LeadersGuideOrient-b 2/21/06 5:23 PM Page 1


AFGE Leader’s Guide to New Employee AFGE_LeadersGuideOrient-b 2/21/06 5:23 PM Page 2 AFGE_LeadersGuideOrient-b 2/21/065:23PMPage3 w.feogeducation.afge.org www.afge.org New Employee Orientation Employee New and hopefully, lotsofnewunionmembers! welcoming newemployees–aprogram thatwillbringyourlocalgoodpublicity, This bookletwillassistyouindevelopingandconductingadynamicprogram for employees andtobuildastronger, more powerfulAFGE? first fewdaysonthejob.So,howdowemaximizeopportunitytowelcomenew We knowfrom experiencethatworkersformtheiropinionsabouttheunionwithin they understandwhattheunionis,itdoes,andwhyit’s in theirinterest tojoin. An importantrole forAFGE leadersistointroduce newemployeestoourunionsothat Introduction AFGE Leader ’ s Guide to

1 AFGE | education.afge.org AFGE_LeadersGuideOrient-b 2/21/065:23PMPage4

2 AFGE | education.afge.org 3 3 3 3 New Employee ofConducting Benefits Orientations the newemployeethatinthisAgency, theUnionisanequalpartner. new employeeorientationslendscredibility andprofessionalism toAFGE,demonstrating ment thepowertoshapenewemployee’s perceptions ofAFGE.Taking anactiverole in When theUnionpassesupanopportunitytomeetwithnewemployees,itcedesmanage- and takepart,benefit. get agoodfirstimpression from alocalUnionofficer orsteward, theywillbemore likelytojoin from thebossmaynotfeelinclinedtojoinUnionandbeanactive member. However, ifthey First impressions are lastingimpressions. NewemployeeswhomightonlyhearabouttheUnion your money? For example,whotellsnewworkerswhere thebathrooms are, orwhichvendingmachinesteals or istheironly“official” greeting from theirsupervisororanothermanagementrepresentative? On thefirstdayofworkforanewemployee,doesanyonefrom theUniongreet newworkers, contacts” withtheUnionduringtheirfirstmonthsofemployment. those thatdon’t? Themostimportantfactoristhatmembershavehad“positivepersonal What’s different aboutlocalUnionsthathavehighlevelsofmembershipparticipationand First employee’s pointofview, nottheAgency’s The Uniongetstoframeworkplaceissuesfrom the New employeeswillseethattheUnionispro-active with theUnionbefore theyhaveaproblem New employeesdevelopapositiverelationship from theUnion,notAgency New employeesfirstreceive workplace information I mpressions Count! AFGE_LeadersGuideOrient-b 2/21/065:23PMPage5 Representative in the District Office.) District the in Representative Note: is the case, make sure you negotiate the Union’s right to include information about AFGE in in AFGE about information include to right Union’s the negotiate you sure make case, the is the online orientation. Whether the forum is a Lunch and Learn or a one-on-one conversation, conversation, one-on-one a or Learn and Lunch a is forum the Whether orientation. online the with theAgency’s HRorLaborRelationsOffice. formal orientation If youhaven’t already doneso,negotiateanagreement withtheAgencytoincludeUnioninits Negotiate Union the making that personal contact is key to recruiting a new employee to join AFGE. join to employee new a recruiting to key is contact personal that making the Unionisfirstcontact newemployeehaswiththeAgency. Local alsomakesure theyarriveearlytopersonallywelcomenew employees ontheirfirstday. Often, Local’s logoonsignsdirecting newemployeestotheirinitialprocessing area. Representatives from the During thistime,theLocalsetsoutsignswelcomingnewemployees totheAgencyandincludes opportunity todoa20-minutepresentation withnewemployeesduringtheirinitialin-processing. with theirAgency. Newemployeeorientations are heldquarterly, sotheLocalhasnegotiated an AFGE Local1658,whichrepresents DODworkers inDetroit, MI,hasnegotiateda similararrangement after theemployeecompleteshis/herinitialin-processing. Union representative isallowedtomeetwithnewemployeesinprivatefor30 minutesimmediately assigned totheBargaining Unitwhoare expectedtobeginworkinthefollowing payperiod.The During eachpayperiod,theUnionreceives from theAgency’s HRoffice alistofnewemployees agreement betweenAFGELocal12andtheDepartmentofLaborallowsforthis. Some agencies are moving towards providing new employee orientations online. If this this If online. orientations employee new providing towards moving are agencies Some On thefirstdayofwork,employeesshouldbeintroduced totheUnionsteward.” access tothematerials. from duty. TheUnion mayleaveitsliterature inalocationwhere theemployeesleaving theorientationhave official whowillmakethepresentation sonecessaryarrangementscanbemadefortheUnionofficial’s absence is scheduled.EachlocalUnionshouldinformthepersonneloffice inadvanceofthenameUnion Management willprovide theUnion withtimelynoticeofthedate,time,andplaceattimeorientation entation sessionfornewemployees.TheUnionwillmakethispresentation justpriortotheofficial lunchbreak. B. Orientation. their personnelprocessing. Chief Steward, shallbeprovided thirty(30)privateminutestomeetwithnewemployeesimmediatelyafter unit, positiontitle,andworklocation.TheUnionrepresentative, normallyasteward intheAgency or the report fordutyduringthefollowingpayperiod.Thelistwillincludeemployee’s name,organizational President/Chief Steward alistofnewemployeesassignedtopositionsinthebargaining unitexpected to LANGUAGE A. UnionContact. CONTRACT SAMPLE is possibletonegotiateadditionaltimemeetprivatelywithnewemployees.Thelabor In manyfederalagencies,newemployeeorientationsare heldquarterly. Insuchcases,it I dea: Meet New Employees Job with First onthe Their Day (See box) (See “The Unionwillbeafforded theopportunitytomakea20minutepresentation duringeachori- During eachpayperiod,AgencyHumanResources Offices willprovide theAgencyVice ’ s Right toParticipate . Ifyoucan’t negotiateitthrough thecontract,negotiateanagreement (If you need assistance with this, contact your National your contact this, with assistance need you (If

3 AFGE | education.afge.org AFGE_LeadersGuideOrient-b 2/21/065:23PMPage6 younger workers, benefits of the Union credit card, and mortgage help.) mortgage and card, credit Union the of benefits workers, younger 4 AFGE | education.afge.org to sign a membership form at a Union event.) Union a at form membership a sign to Union’s calendarofevents. Be sure togetascheduleofnewemployeeorientationsfrom HRandputtheseontheLocal members. how tomaketheirprobationary periodeasier, andprovides agoldenopportunityforrecruiting new lunch hour. Thisallowsmore timetoeducatenewemployeesonworkplaceissues, toadvisethemon When younegotiateUnioninvolvementinnewemployeeorientations,besure toscheduleitnexta Union the Connect OrientationtoaLunch Break *These items are available directly from the AFGE Membership and Organizing Department Department Organizing and Membership AFGE the from directly available are items *These Contact Names,Pictures, andPhoneNumbers 6. List ofMember-Only Benefits* 5. SummaryofLatestVictories 4. Contract 3. AFGE History*and/orLocalUnionHistory 2. Welcome Letter 1. Your kitshouldinclude: personnel policies,theUnioncanprovide newemployeeswithbasicinformationabouttheUnion. Just asemployeesreceive basicinformationfrom theAgencyaboutitshistory, itsstructure and Prepare New Employee OrientationKit Target yourorientationtothenewemployee’s interests, way todothisisrequest thelistofnewhires and/ortransferees from theAgencyHRdepartment. new hires? Re-instatedworkers?Personswhohavetransferred from anotherAgency? Thebest The firststepinpreparing theUnion’s orientationprogram istoknowyouraudience.Are they Know Your Audience for possiblecandidatestoserveasvolunteers.Consideryourretirees orotheravailablepersonnel. to welcomenewmembersone-on-one.BrainstormwithStewards andotherExecutiveBoard Members help staff theorientation,coordinate logisticsoftheLunchandLearnbeavailableatorientation volunteer whoenjoysmeetingnewpeopleandcoordinating socialevents.Thispersonvolunteersto becoming aSteward, buttheymightparticipateinotherways.Thisisaperfectassignmentforlocal Many Unionmembersare notinterested intakingonconfrontational roles fortheUnionsuchas Recruit Volunteers Orientation toCoordinate the at 202-639-6410. Samples of other items on the list are included in this Guide. Guide. this in included are list the on items other of Samples 202-639-6410. at of LocalUnionOfficers andStewards (Remember, the new employee has been signing forms all morning, so they are more apt apt more are they so morning, all forms signing been has employee new the (Remember, 0 17o 277* or 1187 10. A Schedule ofUnionMeetingTimes 9. Explanation ofDuesStructure 8. NewEmployeeFAQs 7. (e.g., highlight flexible scheduling with with scheduling flexible highlight (e.g., Local - what you need to know: probation probation know: to need you what - Local period, sick and annual leave, Union is is Union leave, annual and sick period, here to serve you and your concerns, etc.) concerns, your and you serve to here and Places (written up by the the by up (written employees attheAgencywhoare located______As anemployeeof______We haveachievedthese successesthrough theefforts ofmenandwomenlikeyouwhomakeupourlocal. care and transportationsubsidiesforemployeesandfairprocedures foremployeeevaluationsandpromotions. as inflextime,credit hours,telework,andprofessional development.Atthelocallevel,wehavenegotiatedchild negotiates agreements withtheAgencythatdirectly affect ourprofessional livesandourworkenvironment such AFGE_LeadersGuideOrient-b 2/21/065:23PMPage7 believe thatrespect intheworkplaceresults inproductive andcreative employees.We hopeyoudo,too. Over thenextfewweeks,youmayhavequestionsaboutbenefits,pay, orworkingconditionsat______cards, computerdiscounts,scholarshipsandonlinelearning,aswellbestbuysintravelentertainment. access toawholehostoffree anddiscountedconsumerbenefitssuchashomemortgages,lowinterest credit Again, welcometo______Please joinusandbringyourconcernsideas. Our localmeetsregularly onthefirstThursdayofmonthtodiscussmattersinterest toAgencyemployees. any ofyourworkplaceconcerns. tive onthejob,______welcome signfrom theUnioninspeaker’s background! AFGE. So,whiletheAgencyrepresentative istalking,newemployeesare viewingabig employees knowthattherefreshments theyare enjoyingare complimentsoftheirUnion, for refreshments forthenewemployees.Inreturn, theUnionhangsabigsignlettingnew in theVA’s newemployeeorientationsessions,theUnionpaysVA amonthlysti (Agency name here) name (Agency Welcome to______Dear ______: LETTER WELCOME SAMPLE At anAFGELocalinArkansas,additiontonegotiatingtheirrightbeincluded I dea: It Pays to Advertise. toAdvertise. Pays dea: It Local UnionPresident In Unity, . Pleasefeelfree tocontactthelocalwiththesequestionsorgoyourpersonalrepresenta- (name of steward here) steward of (name (insert Agency name here) name Agency (insert (name of Agency) of (name (name of Agency here) Agency of (name and toLocal______(insert geographic location here.) location geographic (insert . Heorshehastheknowledgeandtrainingtoassistyouin you are eligible forUnionmembershipwhichincludes . We care deeplyabouttheAgencyanditsmission.We (name of Local) of (name At thenationallevel,AFGE . We represent ______pend

5 AFGE | education.afge.org AFGE_LeadersGuideOrient-b 2/21/065:23PMPage8

6 AFGE | education.afge.org Note: to governmentservice. Introduce thevideobystatingthatAFGEmembersare employeesjustlikeyouwhoare committed OrientationVideo AFGE the Show employees havethebesttools,training,andworkenvironment toprovide qualitygovernmentservice. employee organization orUnionthat worksexclusivelywithmanagementtoensure thatallgovernment Congratulate themontheirdecisiontoworkforthegovernment.ExplainthatAFGEisonly the room. Ifthere are onlyafewnewemployeespresent, askthemtointroduce themselvesaswell. At thebeginningofyourpresentation, introduce yourselfandtheotherUnionmembersorofficers in GovernmentWelcome and toAFGE Service New Employees to reason tothinkthesmilingfacewhojustsignedherupforhealthbenefitsisabadguy. on problems (e.g.,”ifyougetintrouble, contactme…”). Remember, anewemployeehasno lobbying strength, we’vebeenabletokeepourhealthcare costsdown…”)thantofocussolely (e.g.,”…through nationalconsultationrightswiththeOffice ofPersonnelManagementandour of peopleworkingtogethertoimprove theirworkinglives.It’s bettertoemphasizesolutions agement confrontations, andsomeonewhoseestheUnionasagroup difference betweensomeonewhorelates theUniontoproblems andman- The wayyouframeissuesinthenewemployeeorientationcanmake the newemployee’s firstandlastingimpression oftheUnion. orientation —theirdress andmanner, andhowtheydescribeAFGE-willbe and tonewemployees.Whoeverrepresents theUnionatnewemployee Every Localofficer andsteward represents thefaceofAFGEtoourmembers Go You can order these directly from AFGE National Headquarters. In addition, the National VA Council has Council VA National the addition, In Headquarters. National AFGE from directly these order can You completed a new orientation video for VA employees. Contact the National VA Council office for copies. for office Council VA National the Contact employees. VA for video orientation new a completed Be sure to screen the videos first to select the video or DVD that best fits your group. The more more The group. your fits best that DVD or video the select to first videos the screen to sure Be familiar you are with the video, the better able you will be to link it to your presentation and promo- and presentation your to it link to be will you able better the video, the with are you familiar tion of AFGE. of tion I n with a Positive Attitude aPositive n with There are two orientation videos available from AFGE: “AFGE and Me”, and “Everyday .” Heroes.” “Everyday and Me”, and “AFGE AFGE: from available videos orientation two are There AFGE_LeadersGuideOrient-b 2/21/065:23PMPage9 (e.g., “And here in our Local our mission is to provide the best service to Veterans, SSA Beneficiaries, SSA Veterans, to service best the provide to is mission our Local our in here “And (e.g., and toimprove governmentservice. You canalso addastatementaboutthelocalUnion’s mission. Explain thattheoverallmissionofAFGEistoimprove theprofessional andpersonallivesofourmembers Union MissionState ofthe the -Make Positive. it “We are very proud of the child care subsidy we negotiated for the employees of this Agency.” Agency.” this of employees the for negotiated we subsidy care child the of proud very are “We Discuss majorbargaining accomplishmentsyouare proud of!Saysomethinglike: Promote Successes AFGE things million a have you know I and today information and paper of mountain a gotten you’ve know “I End yourdiscussionofthecontractbysayingsomethingalongtheselines: sure totarget selectionsthat,basedonyourknowledgeoftheaudience,willappealtonewemployee. table ofcontentsandbrieflygooverselectsectionssuchasAWS,annualleave,daycare subsides,etc…Make inthisAgencyincludingwhenyoutakevacation,yourwork schedule,etc.Havethemopentothe from A-Z Hand outacopyofthelaboragreement toeachnewemployee,explainthatthecontractspellsouttheirrights Make -- Brief it Contract the Go Through etc…that we can. To do this, we negotiate agreements at the national and local level with the Agency the with level local and national the at agreements negotiate we this, do To can. we etc…that Or, “Because of our bargaining efforts on Capital Hill, we receive the same pay raises as the the as raises pay same the receive we Hill, Capital on efforts bargaining our of “Because Or, can you down settle things when that so place safe a in contract your Put head. your in around whirling to provide employees with day care subsidies, transportation allowances, training and career ladder career and training allowances, transportation subsidies, care day with employees provide to military and we have been very successful over several years in boosting that pay raise. pay that boosting in years several over successful very been have we and military to.” refer to want you’ll that book little this in information important of lot a is There it. through look opportunities. And we lobby members of Congress on those work issues that only Congress controls Congress only that issues work those on Congress of members lobby we And opportunities. such as our pay, health benefits, and retirement.”) and benefits, health pay, our as such and thatallfederalemployeesare treated fairly. extremely hard andtakesseriouslytheirresponsibility seriouslytoensure Agencycontractsare enforced properly employees andhavesuccessfullyorganized manynewunitsundertheFederalsector. Ourofficers andactivistswork negotiated stateoftheartcontracts,ourofficers havetestifiedonmanycongressional hearingsonbehalfoffederal Local 1923isthelargest federalUnioninthecountrywithover8,000membersandcontinuingtogrow. We have (formally HCFA), Veterans Affairs, DepartmentofDefense,andtheNationalMediationBoard. 1923 nationwide whoare employedintheSocialSecurityAdministration,CentersforMedicare andMedicaidServices LOCAL AFGE – Local 1923waschartered asalabororganization inOctober, 1959,representing approximately 30,000employees HISTORY UNION LOCAL SAMPLE

7 AFGE | education.afge.org AFGE_LeadersGuideOrient-b 2/21/065:23PMPage10 which worksitethesteward represents. stewards. Introduce any stewards whoare inattendanceandmakeapointofstating or flyerintheorientationkitthatprovides contactinformationforUnionofficers and 8

meeting so they can look at it during the formal orientation.) formal the during it at look can they so meeting AFGE | education.afge.org Ask participantstopickuptheorientationkit. UnionGo Overthe Orientation Kit Agency challengesthataffect their professional lives. employees intheirhomeAgencyshowsthemthattheUnionisseriousabouttakingon Bringing inanationalordistrictstaff personwhoisknowledgeableaboutissuesfacingnew issues, controls thedebate. workplace issuesfrom theUnion’s pointofview. Thisiscritical,becausewhoeverframesworkplace One ofthekeyadvantagesingettingfront ofnewemployeesistheopportunitytoframe I I time convenienttothem,withoutthebosslookingovertheirshoulders. an opportunitytostudythecontractortheirUnionincomfortofownhomes,ata to includethataddress tooaswellthenationalwebsiteaddress. TheWeb givesworkers If yourlocalhasawebsite,especiallyonewithFAQs abouttheUnionorcontract,besure leaflets atatime,soyoucanupdatethemasyourstewards ortheirphonenumberschange. employees canfindthemwhentheyneedto.You’ll wanttoprintoutonlyafewcolorful If possible,includeaphonenumberandlocationwhere leadersusuallytakebreaks, sonew sentences ofwelcome,alongwiththename,workarea andshiftoftheleadersinphotos. of stewards andleadersinexpensivelyputthemeasilyonaleaflet. Includeacoupleof adigitalcamera,youoranotheractivistcantakephotos for anewworkertofindyou.With ssues Affecting Employees Agency inThat ssues Affecting an Outsidenvite Speaker toDiscuss Current benefits information.Now, youcangivetheUnionaface,makingitmucheasier In theolddays,youmayhavehandedoutaletterfrom theUnionalongwithsome I dea: Use New Technologies toWelcome New Employees (Make sure it is distributed before the the before distributed is it sure (Make Be sure youhaveacard AFGE_LeadersGuideOrient-b 2/21/065:23PMPage11 pictures, emailaddresses andphonenumbersthatmakeiteasytoreach aUnionrepresentative. Tell newemployeeswhentheUnionmeetsandwhatpurposeofmeetingsare. Have for lunchorsomeotherhelpfulinformationtoanewemployee. employees willneedtoknowabout.You couldevenprovide alistofrecommended places of theUnionoffice, break areas, credit union,bulletinboards andotherimportantareas new locations, includeamapofthebargaining unitintheorientationkitthatshowslocation Tell folkswhere theUnionoffice islocated.Ifthefacilityspread overseveralbuildingsor Explain How New Employees Union Can the Contact Sample Union List Contact

Office: 444 South Madison, C Building Phone: 404-123-12334 Cell: 404-456-7890 Email: [email protected]

Office: 111 East Jefferson, A Building Phone: 404-123-12334 Cell: 404-789-1011 Email: [email protected]

Jamie Clarke, President AFGE LOCAL 12345

Sally Forth, Secretary-Treasurer AFGE LOCAL 12345


Proud to Make Madison Work

Office: 222 South Madison, B Building Phone: 404-123-12334 Cell: 404-456-1540 Email: [email protected]

Office: 345 North Jefferson, D Building Phone: 404-123-12334 Cell: 404-123-1111 mail: [email protected]

M.J. Blige, Steward AFGE LOCAL 12345

Buddy Holly, Steward AFGE LOCAL 12345

9 AFGE | education.afge.org Promote AFGE’s Successes. contract andexplainimportantprovisions tothem. Give thenewworkerawelcomepacketifyouhaveone.Ifnot,besure theyreceive acopyofthe you getinonride-sharing. where togoforaquick,goodlunch,whatthebossislike,whomanages thesoftballteam,orhow health care, holidays, career advancement, and a voice on the job) job) the on voice a and advancement, career holidays, care, health AFGE_LeadersGuideOrient-b 2/21/065:23PMPage12 at easewithsomeonetheyknow. that you’llwanttoinvitethenewworkerto.Infact,whynottakethemwithyou?They’llfeelmore Invite ThemtoaUnionMeeting. not someunknownoutsiders.Ifyougetthesetwoideasacross, you’vedoneyourjob. person tosee,notthesupervisor. TheUnion is themembers,peoplerightthere allaround you, to beginidentifyingwiththeUnion.Wheneverworkerhasaquestionorconcern,youare the Build Trust withtheNewEmployee. bargaining efforts anditslobbyingefforts ontheHill–notfrom thebenevolenceof employer. 10 AFGE | education.afge.org with thenewemployee. ber from thenewhires worklocationcomes totheneworientationandmakesapointofconnecting Look atthelistofnewhires before theorientationandmakesure thataUnionleaderormem- and memberstoafree lunchcomplimentsoftheAFGElocal.Makesure there isplentyofgoodfood! At theendofformalorientation,invitenewemployees tojoinyouandotherlocalUnionofficers Recruiting New Members responses.) suggested and questions common for 12 page (See questions youshouldbeprepared forare: DoIhavetojoin?Howmuchare thedues? New employeesmayhavesomequestionstoaskregarding theUnion.Thetypicaltypesof Leave aFewMinutes forQuestions phone numberandtheUnionbug,encouragethemtocalliftheyhaveanyproblems. Give ThemYour BusinessCard. Offer information. have afamily?Hobbies?Sports?Startoff bylistening. Get toknoweachother. for talkingwithnewemployeeseitherataLunchandLearnor, one-on-oneintheworkplace. One ofourfunctionsasUnionleadersistowelcomenewemployees.Here are somesuggestions New Employees with Conversation Starters Explain thatthebenefitsmostimportanttothem Tell thenewemployeewhere thevendingmachinesare If yourUnionisdoingitsjob,there’ll beameetingcomingup Ask: Where didtheyworkbefore? Where dotheylive now?Dothey (Remember your first Union meeting?) Union first your (Remember During theconversation,remember thatyouwanttheemployee Make sure theworkerhasabusinesscard withyournameand have comefrom AFGE’s collective (and what not to buy) to not what (and (higher wages, wages, (higher , AFGE_LeadersGuideOrient-b 2/21/065:23PMPage13 have not already joined) already not have contact theUnion. a businesscard withthemonhowto E-Board or the assigned steward in that location. Just be sure it is is it sure be Just location. that in steward assigned the or E-Board someone familiar with the work location.) work the with familiar someone than whenadecisiontoterminatehasbeenmade. Many arrangementscanbemadefortrainingorreassignment when aproblem firstsurfacesrather supervisor, ortheyfeelare havingdifficulty withthework, contactussoonerratherthanlater. Tell newemployeesthatduringtheirprobation, ifsomethinggoeswrong betweenthemandtheir follow it.Explainthatthisisoneofthesinglebiggestfactorsusedtoterminatenewemployeesonprobation. Advise newemployeesonhowbesttousetheirleavetime.Readwhatthecontractsaysabouttimeand getting thejobdoneandcareer advancement. Share withnewhires whattheywon’t hearfrom managementincludingtipsaboutdress, attendance, Be Candid New Employees With to recruit themformembership and offer themassistance.Take thisopportunity concerns theymayhave about howthingsare going.Listentoany time -andcheckinwiththenewemployee Make thevisitinformal-duringabreak orlunch visit tothenewemployee. One ortwoweeksfollowingthelunchandlearn,makeaone-on-one information attended theorientation.Inyournotebesure toincludeyourcontact sending outathankyounoterightawaytothosenewemployeeswho After theorientation,hangontosignupsheets.Makeapointof Orientation Follow-Up cars, and mortgages home health, dental, on discounts other or discount computer your get to order “In front ofthemtosignthemembershipform.You mightsaysomethinglike: Begin walkingthrough eachlinewiththegroup. Makesure everyonehasaworkinginkpenin New Member upHold the Application (1187 or277) fill out this form. Most of our Union reps are at your service to help you pave a successful and rewarding and successful a pave you help to service your at are reps Union our of Most form. this out fill path in government service. The greatest benefits come from the Union’s work on Capitol Hill.” Hill.” Capitol on work Union’s the from come benefits greatest The service. government in path (or the steward’s contact information.) information.) contact steward’s the (or . Besure toleave (Union related or not) or related (Union (This can be done by any member of the the of member any by done be can (This

(if they they (if

Dear (New employee name): employee (New Dear

Thank you for attending AFGE Local _____ Lunch and Learn and Lunch _____ Local AFGE attending for you Thank SAMPLE THANK YOU NOTE YOU THANK SAMPLE

yesterday (put date here). We are here to promote and promote to here are We here). date (put yesterday

protect your interests as a government employee, including employee, government a as interests your protect

job advancement, and to improve government service. government improve to and advancement, job

Please contact ______if you have any questions or if if or questions any have you if ______contact Please you need help in your new job. new your in help need you 11 AFGE | education.afge.org AFGE_LeadersGuideOrient-b 2/21/065:23PMPage14 12 AFGE | education.afge.org and $4800*on attorney fortheseservicesisveryexpensive–$1800*onaverageaworkerscompensationclaim appeals suchasEEO,Workers CompensationorMeritSystemsProtection Board hearings.Payingan members inadverseactions(suspensionsof14daysormore, removals, etc.)orcertaintypesofstatutory the Unionislimitedinwhatitcandoforyou.Forexample,notrequired torepresent non- arise where youfeelwere passedoverforapromotion orreceived anunfavorableworkevaluation, benefit andinsuranceoffree andfull representation whenandiftheyneedit.Shouldthesituation You HavetoRepresent MeWhetherIJoinor Not. you canmake. than moneyina401Kplan.ThismakesjoiningUniononeofthebestlongtermeconomicdecisions According tothe you jointoday, you’llgeta$20.00rebate onyourfirstyearofdues. pay, workingconditions,andpromotional opportunities.Andif representatives, lobbyists—whoworkonyourbehalfforbetter of AFGE,you’llhaveaccesstoadeeppoolresources –attorneys, want tomakesure we’re gettingourmoney’s worth.Asamember I Can’t Afford theDues. stronger ourvoiceonCapitolHill. better pensionguarantees.Themore memberswehave,the bying efforts havepaidoff inhigherraises,flexiblescheduling,and lobbies onbehalfofgovernmentworkersandtheirissues.Ourlob- Why ShouldIJointheUnion? Suggested Responses Questions from New Employees: contest theactionthrough EEO if discriminationwasafactorinthetermination. you are notprotected bytheContract’s grievanceandarbitrationprovisions. We can,however, by allprovisions ofthecontractwithexceptionthatifyouare terminatedduringthistime, The probationary period,bylaw, ispartofthejob hiringprocess. Duringthistime,youare covered What’s theProbationary Period?AmICovered by theContractWhenI’monProbation? what wehaveandwinningimprovements isneveroutofdate! seems fairisthattheUnionworkshard tomakethemfair. Workers helpingeachother, protecting Unions Are OutofDate.We JustDon’t NeedThem. on eachotherandmakeiteasiertohandleourownproblems. into aproblem. Supervisorschange,agenciesgetreorganized, fundsare cut.Together wecandepend That’s whyit’s soeffective whenco-workerscombineforces. None ofuseverknowswhenwe’llrun I Don’t NeedtheUnion;ICanHandleMyOwnProblems. get allofitbyjoining. free legalservices,andcollegescholarshipsforyouyourfamily. Whysettleforlesswhenyoucan In addition,thinkofthebenefitsyoupassupbynotjoining.You willloseoutondiscountmortgages, average foranEEOCcase. New York Times York New We allworkhard forourpaychecksand , joiningaUnioncanyieldbetterrateofreturn overthelongterm AFGE istheonlyorganization which (*Based on estimated attorney fees of $120 per hour.) per $120 of fees attorney estimated on (*Based Not necessarily. Duespayingmembersenjoythe One ofthebigreasons thattheemployer I’m sure youare capableandsoamI. AFGE_LeadersGuideOrient-b 2/21/065:23PMPage15 1 New Employee forConducting Checklist Orientations 2 FollowUp. 12. Walk Participantsthrough theUnion 11. InviteaDistrictorNationalStaff toSpeak. 10. BrieflyReviewAFGEAccomplishments 9. ShowanAFGEWelcome Video. 8. Circulate aSigninSheet. 7. aPositiveAttitude. GoinWith 6. Prepare aNewEmployeeOrientationKit. 5. KnowYour Audience. 4. RecruitLocalUnionVolunteers toHelp. 3. GetaScheduleofOrientationDatesinAdvance. 2. NegotiatetheUnion’s RighttoParticipate— . Membership Form. and Benefits. Connect ittoaLunch&Learn. 13 AFGE | education.afge.org AFGE_LeadersGuideOrient-b 2/22/06 9:46 AM Page 16

AMERICAN FEDERATION OF GOVERNMENT EMPLOYEES, AFL-CIO Education and Leadership Development Depart m e n t 8 0 F S t reet, NW Washington, DC 20001 e d u c a t i o n . a f g e . o r g

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