Man Found Dead in Bed. __
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VOLUME -XXXVI. NO, 29. RED BANK, N* J,f WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 14, 1914, PAGES 1 TO 8. AITiQ KILLS PET •; BTOl WANTS TITO BEOIBT1J11. Jo«oph Xuinlltuon IiOnca One PAYING LIFE INSURANCE. J. A. VunHoholk Ha* Somt Fap«r Bent SUMMER HOMES ROBBED. Souj little Fsiendi. MANY DEATH CX.AIMS TA.TD AT THIS to. Bin in Ohio, Joseph. Tomlinson of Lincroft ia J. A. VanSehoick of Pninesvllio, MAN FOUND DEAD IN BED. mourning tho IOHB of a pet squirrel / TIME Or YEAH. __ Ohio, n former resident of Red Bank, THIEVES GOT BOOTY IN TWO OCEAN- which NVLiH killed lust week hy being A£«d Peoplo and Very Young- Children who bought out the Colo coal company run over by an, automobile. Tho Bucoumi) to oiiaaita Ivoia»ut to Iliig at that place after Belling his coal ALTON VOORHEESOF RED BANK KILLED PORT HOUSES FRIDAY NIGHT, .squirrel was ono of a family of four. Boasou—Bom» '£»**• Beftth Clfllim business here to J. S. Hunt, has been Tho animals tiro living in a bird house Paid In TUU DUtriot. taking THE RECHSTEU for years and BY GAS FUMES. on top of a polo on Mr. Tomlinson'i A largo amount of rmsney huR been when he moved to Ohio THE REGIS- The Summer Residences of George 3. Loper and place, 'The house used to be occupied paid out in Monmouth county and in TER followed him there. Mr. Van- by birds, but the squirrels drove them this insurance district, during the past Schoiek, in sending his check for re- He was Found Dead Last Wednesday Night in a out and made it their residence. All two mo,.ths by the industrial insur- newal to TUB REQISTER says "eon- John H. Applegate Entered Friday Night—Intrud- of them are tame and will eat out of ance companies. Tho Prudential's tlnue sending THE RBQISTER as we en- Mr. Tomlinson's hand. During the payments have been much more nu^ joy reading the newa from home even Room In George Conk's House on East Front hunting season the gunners of Ijin- ers Ruined a Lot of Valuable Furniture and Helped moi'OUB than usual, and' theM payments if it has been over two years since we croft, knowing the squirrels were pets, have averaged considerably larger left that part of tho country," Street Where He Boarded—Death Due to an Ac- Themselves to Some Choice Wine. made no attempt to kill them. than usual. The largest individual amount paid out' by the Prudential cident Mr. Voorhees was a Champion Bowler. Thu summer residences bcttwoon in grunt diHordor. Linun, clothing nnd company wag $5,000. This was the rjntontown uml Ocuanport owned'by silverware were scattered around the amount of life insurance carried by POULTRY CLUB OFFICERS Alton Voorheea of Red Bank was! and then accidentally turned it on, liinu'nt; S,-Lopcr nnd John H.-Apple* rooms, und tho appearance of the bed DAUGHTERS OF HEROES. Byron G, Stokes' of Long Branch, A found dead in bed Thursdny morning' ngturf, When examined by the coroner jt'iih' wore broken, into by thieves Fri- showed that sonio ono had slept in it. payment of" $1,000 of • Life insurance SB, iDWK FXBIiS BE-ELECTED in his room in the house rented by the shut-olf valve of the gas jot was day night. Both houses are unoceu- The intruders hud enjoyed a midnight GeorKu Conk 'on East Front street. very loose. BEVOtUTI0»A»TP BGOISTTf CELE- money, carried by Walter Eggmun of PRESIDENT 6ABT WBBK. liied. Entrance in each case was luncheon, as was evidenced by a table Lake Como, .was the second largest Death was caused by accidental gas The body was removed to Mr. Fay's jriiincd through n bedroom window, cloth on* the dining room table and by, BRATES AwirnrBRSAEY. amount paid out in this diKtvict by the asphyxiation. Mr. Voorhees rented funeral parlors and was later taken "When tlic Lopor and Applomite famil- dishes und napkins on the table. The H. Bodg'eB Wq,iitil to KcBlgn iin the room from Mr. Conk and took his to thu home, of W. J, Voorhocg of Adol- PrudontiaK The inBurance carried by Socretary, a Position Ri Hao Kola ies went to New York for the winter 'thieves' luncheon consisted princi- The Aunivei'Dajfy^WaB What of tho Wed. John F. Ehlers of Ocean Grove meals at a restaurant. The body was phio, on uncle of Alton. Alton was ' 3 tii<:y left their household goods ut pally of preserved peaches. A suit ding- of Qfigrryo WnlliiHgiou and Mar- Throe Years, Bpt Mombora Dont Want discovered by Mr. Conk, who had 88 years old. He was born at Free- reafhed nearly $1,000, tho amount paid to *.et Blia do. tlii'ir summer homos. The amount ease in which, the robbers had placed tha OiirtiB—Mrs. Henry B. Whits to his family'being $007.64. None of smelled gas and traced it ,to Mr, Voor-, hold. His mother died nearly two nnd vnUie of tho things stolen ia not n lot of linen and other goods was in Biqqted Hegeat of tUe CUaptei. tho other policies paid, by the Pru- Tho annual meeting of the Mon- hees'fi room, Tho gas was turned on years ago. The other relatives living, known, as the owners* have not miulu OM-Muiu.—Why- th o -I ntrudeiw-fa Hed- -_TJu>. - M omnou t-h—eh apter-_sjiif_jthe_ deniiuljn this district lit the past two mouth county poultry club of Rod' and the room was full of gas, are William V. Voorhees, a Freehold an iuvL'iitory of the remaininu; gouda, to take thiti plunder ia not known, Daughters of the American RovoluV Bunk was held last Wednesday night Mr, Conk put up the window in the baker, tmd Edward VoorheeB, cashier months vveTir above $500l The full list at thu Motor boat clubhouse on Union (I i>> curtain, however, that tile thieves Tho thieves put the Applotfate house lion held tlieir annual'meeting Tues- of claims paid by the Prudential in room and then sent for Coroner Harry of the Bolmnr national bank. Mot a lot of plunder, among the thingH day iift,urnoon of last week at the street. There was a good attendance ,C. Fay, Coroner Fay made a thorough Alton was a member of tho Free- 'in e?on u worse state of disorder than November and December in this dis- of .members. Those officers were lukin being a gun and a revolver that of tho Loper ,Thi> silver- rooms of the Royal Arcanum society trict was as follows: investigation of the ease and iBRued a, hold lodge of-Junior American Me- owned by Mr. Lopor, and a pearl- in the Khmer building on Broad eleeUid: burial permit stating death was'acci- chanics, Ho hud lived at Red Bank ware and a lot of other (roods, had Ilyrim Ci. KtoltuH, LonK Urandi. , Jfi.oon.oci revolver belonging to Mr, Ap- street. Walli'f lijjHiriiUi, Lfiliu (,'ulnu.'. ; l.OUU.ClO I'lOMlilcni—Dr. Hdwln I-'iclil. dental. several years. He was employed by been locked in sideboards and drawers • l'*iiKt,vlci' iiroHlilont—ChfirK'K O. J>uu- by the owner, and the thieves broke The .hostesses for tho meeting were John !•'. lililftiH, Ocetin Grovi. Coroner Fay found that Mr. Voor- Ambrose Matthews & Thompson, the E.ut'ttii P. Kmlth, Asbury 1'mk. , -In:i.,ii iiill of ICItjtron, HtiiiiiKl vlofi jirt-wiclf'til—Wt'lliiiKton W. hoes hud been bowling at the Sheridan house movers lind contractors. Alton Mr. LOJIOI'H daughter, Mrs. Ivusliu these open by sheer .strength. A great Misses Elizabeth Cooper, Sarah I'ranli 11. Hiinilfurd, Katcintowii, . 100.CO of Ocuahport, was at the deal of furniture was ruined by tho Child ami Evelina VanMater of Red Kcimi-dy of liud Umik. alleys Wednesday night. He was in was un onthusfastic bowler and was a ICIliiN .1, HuKei-H, Aftbury Par)::. Third vlco pi'csidi'nt—Amzi M. I'oHtin un Thursday, und at that time rough work of the intruders._ In tho Bank, Twenty-six women ware pres- K11K11/.. H Innl.Il , oIUB l his usual good humor luid before he member of the Sheridan bowling team iit. Ashley MathlN, Now Oi-ctiliu (if SllMJMinlc. left-for home bought some sandwiches in tho county league. He was one o£ nothing had been disturbed. On Sat- cellur wore He.verul bottles of wine, ent, Tuesday,'January 6th, wan the 2iil.0U I'oiirtli viiiij lirnHldi'iit^KiIfinr A. Sjloti; in day Mr. Wolcott noticed thatu wiri- and the robbers helped themsi-lve.s to 155th' anniversary of the wedding -of Lllliiiii Hi I'tilliiK, Keyrx'i't. • .. .- for his lunch Thursday. He was work- the best bowlers on the Sheridan team, H;i2i?!Ali'P(HV('ll, Now Hertford... I'Mfili viijc. jirfHUlt'nt—Al-xandci' K. ing at Keunsburg, He told Harry Alton had made many friends at Red Hiiw un the .xeeond flooor ooff "his father- all of-.this. They .lift no clue SIK to Martha and Ccorgo Washington and Mll.iuiii tt)litar.slf<;vctt)litar.slf<;vc,, Keyiiotf. IliisHf'll (if l((!,i Hank,* Si llili Al Fl in-lnw's houHu wj\H open. He thet'r identity but both liouses wore the anniversary was celebrated by lluviliinti, AHl)\ivy AMMiwtiint secrctuly-—Howuiii A. Hog" Conk, a brother of George Conk, that Bank and they were deeply grieved at made Illi-n, lied U k..SJ.