
Bioaccumulation of heavy metals in channel ca tfish a nd ye llow in the Lake Macatawa Watershed

By: Andre w Kle in, Ana lise Sa la , a nd Cle ve la nd Ta rp Targeted Area Of Study

Lake Macatawa Watershed: 110,000 acres in Ottawa a nd Alle ga n Counties

Sour ce: ht t ps://out door di scover y.or g/conser vat i on/macat awa-gr eenway/macat awa-wat er shed/macat awa-wat er shed-map/ Targeted Species of Study

● Sample organisms: Channel ( punctatus) and (Perca

flavescens) Sour ce: ht t ps://nat ur e.mdc.mo.gov/di scover - ● Relevance nat ur e/f i el d-gui de/channel - f i sh ○ Perch are the most frequently caught in Michigan (DNR) ○ Little is known about bioaccumulation potential ○ Commonly consumed by humans ○ Ease of access Source: http://www.iowadnr.gov/Fishing ○ Perch remain active in winter months (DNR) /Iowa-Fi sh-Speci es/ Fi sh- D et ai l s/Speci esCode/YEP How Do Heavy Metals Enter Fish?

Source: https://newbreweress.weebly.com/aquatic-bioaccumulation.html Are Heavy Metals Dangerous?

● He a lth implica tions ○ Disrupt functions of vital organs ○ Children and pregnant women are most susceptible ● The Lead and Copper Rule passed in 1991 designed to minimize general lead and copper intake ● World He a lth Orga niza tion/Food a nd Agriculture Orga niza tion (WHO/FAO) re comme nde d he a vy me ta l le ve ls in fish (Afua a nd Tiimub, 2 0 13): ○ Cd - 0.2 ppm ○ Pb - 1.0 ppm ○ Cu - 40 ppm ○ Fe - 43 ppm Cadmium (Cd) Lead (Pb) Iro n (Fe ) Copper (Cu)

Possible - Cadmium enters - Antifouling - Coal burning - Burning of fossil anthropogenic air from smelters, ma rine pa ints fue ls me ta l proce ssing (Johnsen and - Production of sources iron a nd ste e l - Production of burners Engoy, 1999). (Sulliva n, 196 9 ). me ta l, a pplia nce s, pesticides, etc. - Coa l/oil b urning - Ag ricultura l - Ag ricultura l (Ku t lu and Seker, (Fa s s e tt, 19 75 ). runoff runoff 2 0 14 ).

- Ag ricultura l - Degradation of runoff pipes

-Agricultural runoff

West Michigan specific: Padnos Scrap Yard, Consumers Energy J.H. Campbell Generating Complex, James DeYoung Power Plant (closed) Previous Studies and Experimentation

● Expansion of previous work by Hope College Student Researchers in 2 0 13 ○ “Bioa ccumula tion of Le a d in Neogobius melanstomus (Round Goby) within Lake Macatawa” ■ Nick Blogin, Austin Krehel, and Kelly Krueger ○ Lead concentrations significantly Sour ce: ht t p://www.el dean.com/Phot o/i ndex.ht m higher near marinas ● To determine the heavy metal concentrations in commonly Project Goals consumed fish species within the Lake Macatawa Watershed ● To better understand the factors that contribute to heavy me ta l le ve ls in the loca l Holla nd community ● To identify potential sources of heavy metals in the surrounding Source. http://www.fukuleaks. org/web/?p=11774 region Sites of Study

Dunton Park

Anchorage Marina 1 4 1 4 N Windmill Isla nd 3

1 3

2 Kolle n Pa rk 3 Public Boa t Ra mp Holland State Park Ta rge t loca lity Catfish caught 2 km Perch caught Methodology

Fish ca ught, fille te d, Fish tissue drie d a t 6 5 ˚C 1 gram of each sample rinsed with RO water, and until consistent weight weighed for digestion stored

17 p e r c h a t 5 loca tions 5 catfish at 4 loca tions Methodology

10 mL of concentrated 440 mL of Dow Corning Each sample placed in 69% HNO3 added to 5 5 0 mine ra l oil pla ce d labeled test tube test tubes into 800 mL beakers

Source: https://www.mysafetylabels.com/chemic al- la be l/nitric-a cid-nfpa -fla mma ble -la be l/sku-lb-15 9 1-0 93.aspx Methodology

Stir ba r pla ce d in be a ke rs Test tubes put in beakers Tissue digested for 5 and beakers placed at 40˚C for 1 hour and hours (stirring with gla ss on heat/stir plates gradually brought to boil rod) until fully dissolve d Methodology

Sa mple s filte re d using 0 .45 Dilute d sa mple s filte re d Standards produced and micron syringe filte rs a nd with Whatman No. 1 sa mple s a na lyze d using dilute d with 15 mL RO wa te r grade filter paper AAS

RO water Result s

1. Average Concentration of Cu, Pb, Cd, a nd Fe in e a ch fish 2. Comparison Between Findings and WHO/FAO Recommended Levels 3. Relationship between heavy metal concentration and: a. Sa mple loca tion b. Fish spe cie s Average Concentration of Heavy Metals

Analyte WHO/FAO Catfish Average Perch Average Recommended Concentration Concentration (ppm) (ppm) (ppm)

Pb 1. 0 2.97 1. 0 2 ( S D ) 15 .2 8 9.42 (SD)

Cd 0 .2 4.06 0.77 (SD) 4.59 0 .85 (SD)

Cu 40 64.19 7.98 (SD) 55.33 4.89 (SD)

Fe 43 2 1.9 4 6.0 8 (SD) 10 .7 9 7 . 13 ( S D )

(Tiimub & Dzifa Afua , 2 0 13 ) Heavy Metals in Catfish with Respect to Location

Cu in Catfish Fe in Catfish 43



Cd in Catfish Pb in Catfish


0.2 HSP BR AM KP DP WI HSP BR AM KP DP WI Cu/Cd in Perch with Respect to Location


0.2 Fe/Pb in Perch with Respect to Location


1.0 Conclusions and Future Work

● Pb, Cd, Cu or Fe were present in all samples ● Pb, Cd, and Cu exceeded the WHO/FAO recommended levels ● Pb and Fe concentrations were lowest in Windmill Is la n d p e rc h ● Obta in a la rge r sa mple size ● Analyze sediments and water samples Acknowledgements

● Dr. Brown, Dr. Pyper, Dr. Peterson, and Dr. Hansen for advising us throughout the entirety of our project ● Hope College Geology and Environmental Sciences Department ● Hope College Chemistry Department ● Previous student researchers: Nick Blogin, Austin Krehel, and Kelly Krueger References

Blogin, N., Krehel, A., and Krueger, K., 2013: Bioaccumulation of Lead in Neogobius melanostomus within Lake Macatawa.

Afua, M, and Tiimub, B., 2013: Determination of Selected Heavy Metals and Iron Concentration in Two common Fish Species in De nsu Rive r a t We ija District in Gra te r Accra Re gion of Gha na . American International Journal of Biology, 45-55.

Fassett, D., 1975: Cadmium: Biological Effects and Occurrence in the Environment. Annual Review of Pharmacology, 15, 425- 435.

Johnsen, A., and Engoy, T., 1999: Approaches to the Implementation of Environment Pollution Prevention Technologies at Milita ry Ba se s. Norwe gia n De fe nce Re se a rch Esta blishme nt Division for Environme nta l Toxicology.

Seker, Sebahat and Kutlu, Seker, 2014. Determination of Copper (Cu) Levels for Rivers in Tunceli, Turkey.World Environment 2 0 14 , 4 , 16 8 -17 1.

Sullivan, Ralph, 1969: Air Pollution Aspects of Iron and It’s Compounds. Questions?