November 7, 2019 Council Attendees: Joe Rizzo Eleanor Bochenek Sergio Radossi John Maxwell Bob Rush Dick Herb Barney Hollinger
Marine Fisheries Council Meeting November 7, 2019 Council Attendees: Joe Rizzo Eleanor Bochenek Sergio Radossi John Maxwell Bob Rush Dick Herb Barney Hollinger Council Absentees: None DEP and Division of Fish and Wildlife Attendees: Jeff Brust, Chief, Bureau of Marine Fisheries (BMF) Joe Cimino, Administrator, Marine Fisheries Administration (MFA) Mike Celestino, Research Scientist, MFA Heather Corbett, Supervising Biologist, BMF Brendan Harrison, Assistant Biologist, BMF Matt Heyl, Assistant Biologist, BMF Timothy Daniels, Assistant Biologist, BMF Laura Versaggi, Fishery Specialist, ACCSP Linda Barry, Research Scientist, MFA Brian Neilan, Principal Biologist, BMF Jeff Normant, Supervising Biologist, BSF Chris Petruccelli, Conservation Officer, Bureau of Law Enforcement (BLE) Russ Babb, Chief, Bureau of Shellfisheries (BSF) The meeting was called to order. Notice of the Marine Fisheries Council (Council) meeting was filed with the Secretary of State on October 10, 2019. Acting Chairman Herb began the meeting with the Pledge of Allegiance. Approval of Minutes Meeting minutes from the September 5th meeting of the Council were approved without revision. Motion made by Mr. Radossi and seconded by Mr. Maxwell. Motion unanimously carried. 1. Enforcement Report – C. Petruccelli On August 31st, 2019, CPO Woerner was patrolling the Sandy Hook area when he observed individuals wading in an area where people frequently harvest clams from condemned waters. After thorough observation, CPO Woerner ended up apprehending three groups of individuals, including juveniles, harvesting clams in prohibited water. CPO Woerner seized several hundred hard clams and issued summonses for harvesting shellfish without a license and for harvesting shellfish from the prohibited waters of Sandy Hook Bay. In the late evening hours of September 13th into the early morning hours of September 14th, CPOs Moscatiello and Woerner were patrolling the area around the train tracks that run through Brielle and Point Pleasant Beach.
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