
Landau -roton theory revisited for superfluid helium 4 and Fermi Yvan Castin, Alice Sinatra, Hadrien Kurkjian

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Yvan Castin, Alice Sinatra, Hadrien Kurkjian. Landau phonon-roton theory revisited for superfluid helium 4 and Fermi gases. Physical Review Letters, American Physical Society, 2017, 119, pp.260402. ￿10.1103/PhysRevLett.119.260402￿. ￿hal-01570314v3￿

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Yvan Castin and Alice Sinatra Laboratoire Kastler Brossel, ENS-PSL, CNRS, Sorbonne Universit´es, Coll`ege de France, 75005 Paris, France

Hadrien Kurkjian TQC, Universiteit Antwerpen, Universiteitsplein 1, B-2610 Antwerp, Belgium

Liquid helium and -1/2 cold- Fermi gases both exhibit in their superfluid two dis- tinct types of excitations, gapless and gapped rotons or fermionic pair-breaking excitations. In the long wavelength limit, revising and extending Landau and Khalatnikov’s theory initially de- veloped for helium [ZhETF 19, 637 (1949)], we obtain universal expressions for three- and four-body couplings among these two types of excitations. We calculate the corresponding phonon damping rates at low and compare them to those of a pure phononic origin in high- helium and in strongly interacting Fermi gases, paving the way to experimental observations.

PACS numbers: 03.75.Kk, 67.85.Lm, 47.37.+q

Introduction – Homogeneous superfluids with short- sion to the hydrodynamic regime ωqτγ . 1 or ωqτφ . 1 range interactions exhibit, at sufficiently low tempera- may be obtained from kinetic equations [2]. An experi- ture, phononic excitations φ as the only microscopic de- mental test of our results seems nowadays at hand, either grees of freedom. In this universal limit, all superfluids in liquid helium 4, extending the recent work of Ref.[3], of this type reduce to a weakly interacting phonon or in homogeneous cold Fermi gases, which the break- with a quasilinear dispersion relation, irrespective of the through of flat-bottom traps [4] allows one to prepare statistics of the underlying and of their inter- [5] and to acoustically excite by spatio-temporally mod- action strength. Phonon damping then only depends on ulated laser-induced optical potentials [6, 7]. the dispersion relation close to zero wavenumber (namely, Landau-Khalatnikov revisited – We recall the reasoning its slope and third derivative) and on the phonon non- of Ref.[1] to get the phonon-roton coupling in liquid he- linear coupling, deduced solely from the system equation lium 4, extending it to the phonon-fermionic quasipar- of state through Landau-Khalatnikov quantum hydrody- ticle coupling in unpolarised spin-1/2 Fermi gases. We namics [1]. first treat in first quantisation the case of a single roton In experiments, however, are not al- or fermionic excitation, considered as a γ- ways low enough to make the dynamics purely phononic. of position r, p and spin s = 0 or s = 1/2. Other elementary excitations can enrich the problem, In a homogeneous superfluid of density ρ, its Hamilto- such as spinless bosonic rotons in liquid helium 4 and nian is given by ǫ(p,ρ), an isotropic function of p such spinful fermionic BCS-type pair-breaking excitations in that p 7→ ǫ(p,ρ) is the γ-quasiparticle dispersion rela- spin-1/2 cold-atom Fermi gases. These excitations, de- tion. In presence of acoustic waves (phonons), the super- noted here as γ-, exhibit in both cases an fluid acquires position-dependent density ρ(r) and veloc- gap ∆ > 0. Remarkably, as shown by Landau and ity v(r). For a phonon wavelength large compared to Khalatnikov [1], the phonon-roton coupling, and more the γ-quasiparticle coherence length [8], here its thermal ~2 1/2 generally phonon coupling to all gapped excitations as wavelength (2π /m∗kBT ) [44], and for a phonon an- we shall see, depend to leading order in temperature gular frequency small compared to the γ-quasiparticle only on a few parameters of the dispersion relation of “internal” energy ∆, we can write the γ-quasiparticle the γ-quasiparticles, namely the value of the minimum Hamiltonian in the local density approximation [9, 10]: ∆ and its location k0 in wavenumber space, their deriva- H = ǫ(p,ρ(r)) + p · v(r) (1) tives with respect to density, and the effective mass m∗ close to k = k . We have discovered however that the 0 The last term is a Doppler effect reflecting the energy φ − γ coupling of Ref.[1] is not exact, a fact apparently difference in the lab frame and in the frame moving with unnoticed in the literature. Our goal here is to com- the superfluid. For a weak phononic perturbation of the plete the result of Ref.[1], and to quantitatively obtain superfluid, we expand the Hamiltonian to second order phonon damping rates due to the φ − γ coupling as func- in density fluctuations δρ(r)= ρ(r) − ρ: tions of temperature, a nontrivial task in the considered strongly interacting systems. We restrict to the colli- 1 H≃ ǫ(p,ρ)+ ∂ ǫ(p,ρ)δρ(r)+ p · v(r)+ ∂2ǫ(p,ρ)δρ2(r) sionless regime ωqτγ ≫ 1 and ωqτφ ≫ 1, where ωq is the ρ 2 ρ angular eigenfrequency of the considered phonon mode (2) of wavevector q, and τγ (τφ) is a typical collision time of not paying attention yet to the noncommutation of r thermal γ-quasiparticles (thermal phonons). An exten- and p. Phonons are bosonic quasiparticles connected to 2 the expansion of δρ(r) and v(r) on eigenmodes of the γ scattering is obtained by adding the contributions of quantum-hydrodynamic equations linearised around the the direct process (terms of Hˆ quadratic in ˆb), and of homogeneous solution at rest in the quantisation volume the absorption-emission or emission-absorption process V: (terms linear in ˆb) treated to second order in perturbation theory [1]: δρ(r) 1 ρq ˆ ρq ˆ† iq·r = 1/2 bq + b−q e (3) v(r) V vq −vq   q=6 0      X q ′ q ′ q ′ eff ′ ′ k k k A (k, q; k , q )= ′ + ′ + ′ 1/2 2 k q k q k q with modal amplitudes ρq = [~ρq/(2mc)] and vq = 1/2 [~c/(2mρq)] q, m being the mass of a superfluid parti- A (k, q; k + q)A (k′, q′; k′ + q′) = A (k, q; k′, q′)+ 1 1 cle and c the sound velocity. The annihilation and cre- 2 ~ω + ǫ − ǫ ˆ ˆ† q k k+q ation operators bq and bq of a phonon of wavevector q ′ ′ ′ ′ A1(k − q , q ; k)A1(k − q , q; k ) and energy ~ωq = ~cq obey usual commutation relations + (7) † ǫk − ~ωq′ − ǫk q′ ˆ ˆ ′ − [bq, bq′ ]= δq,q . For an arbitrary number of γ-quasiparticles, we switch where in the second (third) term the γ-quasiparticle first to second quantisation and rewrite Eq.(2) as absorbs phonon q (emits phonon q′) then emits phonon q′ q ′ (absorbs phonon ). Up to this point this agrees with † A1(k, q; k ) † Hˆ = ǫkγˆ γˆk + (ˆγ ′ γˆk ˆbq+h.c.) Ref.[1], except that the first derivative ∂ρ∆ in Eq.(5), kσ σ V1/2 k σ σ k k k′ q thought to be anomalously small in low-pressure helium, X,σ ,X, ,σ ′ ′ was neglected in Ref.[1]. A2(k, q; k , q ) † × δk+q,k′ + γˆ ′ γˆkσδk+q,k′+q′ Eq. (7), issued from a local density approximation, V k σ k k′ q q′ , X, , ,σ holds to leading order in a low-energy limit. We then † 1 take the T → 0 limit with scaling laws × [ˆb ′ˆbq + (ˆb q′ˆbq + h.c.)] (4) q 2 − 1/2 q ≈ T, k − k0 ≈ T (8) † whereγ ˆkσ andγ ˆkσ are bosonic (rotons, s = 0, σ = 0) or fermionic (s =1/2, σ =↑, ↓) annihilation and creation reflecting the fact that the thermal energy of a phonon operators of a γ-quasiparticle of wavevector k = p/~ in is ~cq ≈ kBT and the effective kinetic energy of a γ- spin component σ, obeying usual commutation or anti- quasiparticle, that admits the expansion commutation relations. The first sum in the right-hand ~2 2 side of Eq.(4) gives the γ-quasiparticle energy in the un- (k − k0) 3 ǫk − ∆ = + O(k − k0) (9) k→k0 perturbed superfluid, with ǫk ≡ ǫ(~k,ρ). The second 2m∗ sum, originating from the Doppler term and the term is also ≈ k T . The coupling amplitudes A and energy linear in δρ in Eq.(2), describes absorption or emission B 1 denominators in Eq.(7) must be expanded up to relative of a phonon by a γ-quasiparticle, characterised by the corrections of order T [45]. On the contrary, it suffices to amplitude expand A2 to leading order T in temperature. We hence

′ ~ ~ ′ get our main result, the effective coupling amplitude of ′ ∂ρǫk + ∂ρǫk k + k A (k, q; k )= ρ + vq · (5) 1 q 2 2 the φ − γ scattering to leading order in temperature: ′ where q, k and k are the wavevectors of the incoming ~ ~ ′ 2 ~2 2 eff ′ ′ q 1 2 ′′ ( ρk0) k0 phonon and the incoming and outgoing γ-quasiparticles. A2 (k, q; k , q ) ∼ ρ ∆ + + T →0 mcρ 2 2m 2m Eq.(5) is invariant under exchange of k and k′. This re- ( ∗ ∗ sults from symmetrisation of the various terms, in the ′ 2 ′ ′ ρ∆ ′ ρ∆ ′ ′ ρk0 2m∗c form [f(p)eiq·r +eiq·rf(p)]/2 with r and p canonically × uu + (u + u ) uu − + w ~ck0 ~ck0 k0 ~k0 conjugated operators, ensuring that the correct form of (      ′ Eq.(2) is hermitian. The third sum in Eq.(4), originat- m∗c ′ 2 ′2 ρk0 2 ′2 ing from the terms quadratic in δρ in Eq.(2), describes + ~ (u + u )w + u u − (u + u ) (10) k0 k0 )) direct scattering of a phonon on a γ-quasiparticle, with the symmetrised amplitude Here ∆′, k′ , ∆′′ are first and second derivatives of ∆ and 0 ′ ′ q·k ′ q ·k q·q 2 2 k0 with respect to ρ; u = , u = ′ , w = ′ are ∂ ǫk + ∂ ǫk′ qk q k qq ′ ′ ρ ρ ′ A2(k, q; k , q )= ρqρq′ (6) cosines of the angles between k, q and q ; our results hold 2 for k0 = 0 provided the limit k0 → 0 is taken in Eq.(10). where the primed wavevectors are the ones of emerging In Eq.(3.17) of Ref.[1], the ∆′ terms were neglected as ′ quasiparticles. It also describes negligible two-phonon said, but the last term in Eq.(10), with the factor ρk0/k0, absorption and emission. The effective amplitude for φ− was simply forgotten. 3

Addition in the corrected-augmented version: here to a scaling on k different from Eq.(8) as it forces Expression (7) of the coupling amplitude is incomplete k to be at a nonzero distance from k0, even in the low- because it does not take into account the interactions phonon-energy limit: When q → 0 at fixed k, the Dirac among phonons. This omission affects expression (10) delta in Eq.(13) becomes of the effective amplitude, the angular integral in note [47] and the dashed lines of Figs. 1 and 2. The erratum dǫk ~ ′ ~ −1 dk δ( ωq + ǫk − ǫk ) ∼ ( cq) δ 1 − u ~ (14) [42] that corrects this omission is reproduced here in q→0 c ! appendix, see in particular Eqs. (19) and (20), and it is supplemented by a verification of the final result using 1 dǫk and imposes that the group velocity ~ dk of the incom- a microscopic approach based on Bogoliubov theory with ing γ-quasiparticle is larger in absolute value than that, an arbitrary short-range interaction potential. – End of c, of the phonons. This condition, reminiscent of Lan- addition. dau’s criterion, restricts wavenumber k to a domain D not containing k0. In the low-q limit, that is for q much Damping rates – A straightforward application of smaller than the k significantly contributing to Eq.(13), Eq.(10) is a Fermi-golden-rule calculation of the damp- but with no constraint on the ratio ~cq/kBT , we write scat q 1/2 ing rate Γq of phonons due to scattering on γ- A1 in Eq.(5) to leading order q in q, and integrate over quasiparticles. The γ-quasiparticles are in thermal equi- the direction of k, to obtain librium with Bose or Fermi mean occupation numbers 2s −1 2 n¯γ,k = [exp(ǫk/kBT ) − (−1) ] . So are phonons in 2 −ǫk/kB T ~2 2 a-e (2s + 1)ρ dkk e c k ′ ′ modes q 6= q, with Bose occupation numbersn ¯b,q = Γq ≃ dǫ ∂ρǫk + dǫ (15) 4πmc | k | 1+¯nb,q ρ k ~ ′ −1 D dk dk [exp( ωq /kBT ) − 1] ; mode q is initially excited (e.g. Z 2 2 ~ −ǫk∗ /kB T by a sound wave) with an arbitrary number nb,q of (2s + 1)ρk∗ ck∗ k B T e ′ ′ q k q k ∼ 2 3 ∂ρǫk∗ + (16) phonons. By including both loss + → + and T →0 4π~ mc ρη∗ 1+¯nb,q ′ ′ gain q + k → q + k processes [46] and summing over σ, d scat ~ one finds that dt nb,q = −Γq (nb,q − n¯b,q) with Eq.(16) is an equivalent when T → 0 at fixed cq/kBT ; dǫk ~ k∗ is the element of the border of D ( dk |k=k∗ = η∗ c, 3 3 ′ 2π d kd q 2 η∗ = ±) with minimal energy ǫk (when more than one of Γscat = (2s + 1) Aeff (k, q; k′, q′) q ~ (2π)6 2 such k∗ exists, one has to sum their contributions). As Z 2s ǫk∗ > ∆, the damping rate due to scattering dominates n¯b,q′n¯γ,k′ [1 + (−1) n¯γ,k] × δ(ǫk + ~ωq − ǫk′ − ~ωq′ ) the one due to absorption-emission in the mathematical n¯b,q limit T → 0 ; we shall see however that this is not always (11) so for typical temperatures in current experiments. and k′ = k + q − q′. As our low-energy theory only To be complete, we give a low-temperature equivalent of the damping rate of the γ-quasiparticle k due to in- holds for kBT ≪ ∆, the gas of γ-quasiparticles is non- 1/2 teraction with thermal phonons. With k − k0 = O(T ) degenerate, andn ¯γ,k ≃ exp(−ǫk/kBT ) ≪ 1 in Eq.(11). as in Eq.(8), we find ~Γγφ ∼ (πI/42)(k T )7/(~cρ1/3)6, By taking the T → 0 limit at fixed ~cq/kBT and setting k B ~ωq where the factor 2s + 1 is gone (no summation over σ is Aeff = f, where the dimensionless quantity f only 2 ρ needed) but I is the same angular integral as in Eq.(12). depends on angle cosines, we obtain the equivalent γφ Here scattering dominates [48]. Using τγ ≃ 1/Γk , we −∆/kB T 2 4 checked that the figures 1 and 2 below are in the col- ~ scat e k0q c 1/2 Γq ∼ (2s + 1) (m∗kBT ) I (12) T →0 (2π)9/2 ρ2 lisionless regime ωqτγ ≫ 1. Similarly, we checked that ωqτφ ≫ 1 on the figures. 2 2 2 ′ with I = d Ωk d Ωq′ f (u,u , w) an integral over Application to helium – Precise measurements of the angles of direction k and q′ [47]. (relating ρ to pressure) and of the roton R R One proceeds similarly for the calculation of the damp- dispersion relation for various were performed a-e ′ 4 2 ing rate Γq of phonons q due to absorption q + k → k in liquid He at low temperature (kBT ≪ mc , ∆). They ′ or emission k → q + k processes by thermal equilibrium give access to the parameters k0, ∆, their derivatives γ-quasiparticles. We obtain and m∗. The measured sound velocities agree with the 2 dµ thermodynamic relation mc = ρ dρ , where µ is the zero- 2π d3k temperature of the liquid. We plot Γa-e = (2s + 1) [A (k, q; k′)]2 q ~ (2π)3 1 in Fig. 1 the phonon damping rates as functions of tem- Z ′ ′ perature, for a fixed angular frequency ω . At the cho- × δ(~ωq + ǫk − ǫk )(¯nγ,k − n¯γ,k ) (13) q sen high pressure, the phonon dispersion relation is con- with k′ = k + q. Low degeneracy of the γ-quasiparticles cave at low q, therefore the Beliaev-Landau [11–16] three- and energy conservation allow us to writen ¯γ,k − n¯γ,k′ ≃ phonon process φ ↔ φφ is energetically forbidden at low exp(−ǫk/kBT )/(1 +n ¯b,q). Energy conservation leads temperature and the Landau-Khalatnikov [1, 6, 16] pro- 4

6 -2 10 10 (a) 5 -3 10 10 -4 4 10

10 q -5

ω 10

3 / -6 10 q 10 [1/s] Γ

q -7 2 Γ 10 10 -8 10 1 -9 10 10 -10 0 10 10 -2 0.25 0.3 0.35 0.4 0.45 0.5 0.55 0.6 10 (b) -3 T [K] 10 -4 10

FIG. 1: Phonon damping rates at angular frequency ωq = q -5 − 1 4 ω 10 2π × 165 GHz (q = 0.3A˚ ) in liquid He at pressure P = 20 / -6 q 10 bar as functions of temperature. Solid line: purely phononic Γ -7 damping Γ due to Landau-Khalatnikov four-phonon pro- 10 φφ -8 cesses [1, 6, 16]; it depends on the curvature parameter γ 10 γ ~q 2 4 -9 defined as ωq = cq[1 + 8 ( mc ) + O(q )]. Interpolating mea- 10 surements of P 7→ γ(P ) in Refs.[20, 21] gives γ = −6.9. -10 10 0.02 0.04 0.06 0.08 0.1 0.15 Dashed black line/dash-dotted black line: damping due to µ scattering/absorption-emission by rotons, see Eq.(12)/(15). kBT/ Red dashed line: original formula of Ref.[1] for the damping rate due to phonon-roton scattering. The roton parameters FIG. 2: Phonon damping rates at wavenumber q = mc/2~ in are extracted from their dispersion relation k 7→ ǫk measured −1 unpolarized homogeneous cold-atom Fermi gases in thermo- at various pressures [22]: ∆/kB = 7.44K, k0 = 2.05A˚ , dynamic limit as functions of temperature. (a) At unitarity ′ ′ 2 ′′ − m∗/m = 0.11, ρk0/k0 = 0.39, ρ∆ /∆ = −1.64, ρ ∆ /∆ = 1 ′ a = 0, where most parameters of the phonons and fermionic −8.03, ρm∗/m∗ = −4.7. In Eq.(15), parabolic approxima- quasiparticles are measured (see text). (b) On the BCS side tion (9) is used (hence ǫk∗ /∆ ≃ 1.43). The speed of sound 1/kFa = −0.389, these parameters are estimated in BCS the- c = 346.6 m/s, and the Gr¨uneisen parameter dln c = 2.274 m∗ ∆ ′ dln ρ ory (µ/ǫF ≃ 0.809, ∆/µ ≃ 0.566, m = 2µ , ρµ /µ ≃ 0.602, ′ ′′ entering in Γφφ, are taken from equation of state (A1) of ρ∆ /∆ ≃ 0.815, ρ2∆ /∆ ≃ −0.209, dln c ≃ 0.303). In both ~q kB T −2 dln ρ Ref.[23]. The low values mc = 0.13 and mc2 < 10 jus- cases the curvature parameter γ defined in the caption of tify our use of quantum hydrodynamics. Fig. 1 is estimated in the RPA [37]. Solid line: phonon- phonon (a) Beliaev-Landau damping φ ↔ φφ (for γ > 0) as in Eqs.(121,122) of Ref.[16] (independent of |γ|) and (b) Landau- Khalatnikov damping φφ ↔ φφ (for γ ≃ −0.30 < 0) [6, 16]. cess φφ ↔ φφ is dominant. Our high yet experimen- Dashed line/dash-dotted line: scattering/absorption-emission tally accessible [17, 18] value of ωq leads to attenuation phonon-fermionic quasiparticle processes, as in Eq.(12)/(15). lengths 2c/Γq short enough to be measured in centimet- In Eq.(15), we took for ǫk (a) the form proposed in Ref.[34] ric cells. As visible on Fig. 1, the damping of sound is (hence ǫk∗ /∆ ≃ 1.12) and (b) the BCS form (hence ǫk∗ /∆ ≃ in fact dominated by four-phonon Landau-Khalatnikov 1.14). µ is the T = 0 gas chemical potential, and the plotted quantities are in fact inverse quality factors. Here processes up to a temperature T ≃ 0.6 K. In this regime 2 2 kBT/mc > 0.03 in contrast to Fig.1 where kB T/mc < 0.01: one would directly observe this phonon-phonon damping cold are effectively farther from the T → 0 limit than scat a-e mechanism, which would be a premiere. The sound at- liquid helium, hence the inversion of the Γq -Γq hierarchy. tenuation measurements of Ref.[19] in helium at 23 bars and ωq =2π × 1.1 GHz are indeed limited to T > 0.8 K where damping is still dominated by the rotons. Application to – In cold-atom Fermi gases, in- µ = ξǫF, where ξ ≃ 0.376 [29], and the critical tem- teractions occur in s-wave between opposite-spin atoms. perature is Tc ≃ 0.167ǫF/kB [29]. For the effective mass Of negligible range, they are characterized by the scat- of the fermionic excitations and their dispersion relation tering length a tunable by Feshbach resonance [24–29]. at non vanishing k − k0, we must rely on results of a dimensional ǫ = 4 − d expansion, m∗/m ≃ 0.56 and Precise measurements of the fermionic excitation pa- 2 2 2 2 −1 ~ (k −k0 ) rameters k0 and ∆ were performed at unitarity a =0 ǫk ≃ ∆+ 2 [34]. We also trust Anderson’s RPA 8m∗k0 [30]. Due to the unitary-gas scale invariance [31–33], k0 is prediction [35, 36] that the q = 0 third derivative of the 2 1/3 proportional to the Fermi wavenumber kF = (3π ρ) , phononic dispersion relation is positive [37]. The damp- k0 ≃ 0.92kF [30], and ∆ is proportional to the Fermi ~ 2 2 ing rates of phonons with wavenumber q = mc/2 are ~ kF energy ǫF = 2m , ∆ ≃ 0.44ǫF [30]. This also de- plotted in Fig. 2a. The contribution of the three-phonon termines their derivatives with respect to ρ. Similarly, Landau-Beliaev processes φ ↔ φφ, here energetically the equation of state measured at T = 0 is simply allowed, is dominant; it is computed in the quantum- 5 hydrodynamic approximation where it is independent of Khalatnikov sound damping in a superfluid, unobserved the aforementioned third derivative. to this day, is dominant. The phononic excitation branch becomes concave in This project received funding from the FWO and the − the BCS limit kFa → 0 [38]. As visible on Fig. 2b, the EU H2020 program under the MSC Grant Agreement phonon-phonon damping (now governed by the Landau- No. 665501. Khalatnikov processes mentioned earlier) is much weaker, and dominates the φ − γ damping only at very low tem- Addition in the corrected-augmented version peratures. At commonly reached temperatures T > 0.05ǫF/kB [39], the damping is in fact dominated by absorption-emission φ − γ processes which, unlike in liq- Erratum : corrections due to three-body uid helium, prevail over scattering ones because of the interactions among phonons. smaller value of ǫk∗ /∆. Although the associated quality −1 factors ωq/Γq may seem impressive, the lifetimes Γq of the modes do not exceed one second in a gas of 6Li with The results on the effective φ − γ scattering ampli- tude and associated damping rate, based on the roton a typical Fermi temperature TF =1µK, which is shorter than what was observed in a Bose-Einstein condensate Hamiltonian (Eqs. (1) and (4)), do not account for the [40]. Our predictions, less quantitative than on Fig. 2a, phonon-phonon interaction, which is described, to lowest are based on the BCS approximation for the equation order in q, by the Hamiltonian [1]: of state and the fermionic excitation dispersion relation ~2 2 2↔1 BCS k 2 2 1/2 (3) Aφ−φ(q1, q2; q3) ǫk ≃ ǫ = [( − µ) + ∆BCS] and on the RPA ˆ k 2m H = δq1+q2,q3 for the q = 0 third derivative of ω (whose precise value φ−φ V1/2 q q1,q2,q3 here). A cutting remark on Ref.[41]: even in the X ˆ† ˆ† ˆ BCS approximation to which it is restricted, we disagree × bq1 bq2 bq3 + h.c. (17) a-e with its expression of Γq .   Conclusion – By complementing the local density ap- with the φ + φ ↔ φ amplitude [16]: proximation in Ref.[1] with a systematic low-temperature expansion, we derived the definitive leading order ex- 2 ~3 2↔1 mc q1q2q3 pression of the phonon-roton coupling in liquid helium A (q1, q2; q3)= φ−φ ρ1/2 32m3c3 and we generalized it to the phonon-pair-breaking exci- r d ln c q · q q · q q · q tation coupling in Fermi gases. The ever-improving ex- × 2 − 1+ 1 2 + 1 3 + 2 3 (18) d ln ρ q q q q q q perimental technics in these systems give access to the  1 2 1 3 2 3  microscopic parameters determining the coupling and al- dln c low for a verification in the near future. Our result We have used here the Gr¨uneisen parameter dln ρ = ′′ ′ also clarifies the regime of temperature and interaction (ρµ /µ +1)/2. To leading order, there are two diagrams ˆ (3) strength in which the purely phononic φφ ↔ φφ Landau- mediated by Hφ−φ missing in Eq. (7):

q ′ q ′ q ′ q ′ ′ q eff ′ ′ k k k k k A2 (k, q; k , q ) = ′ + ′ + ′ + ′ + ′ k q k q k q q k k q

′ ′ ′ ′ ′ ′ ′ ′ ′ ′ A1(k, q; k + q)A1(k , q ; k + q ) A1(k − q , q ; k)A1(k − q , q; k ) = A2(k, q; k , q )+ + ~ωq + ǫk − ǫk+q ǫk − ~ωq′ − ǫk−q′ 2↔1 ′ ′ ′ ′ 2↔1 ′ ′ ′ ′ 2A (q , q − q ; q)A1(k, q − q ; k ) 2A (q, q − q; q )A1(k , q − q; k) + φ−φ + φ−φ (19) ~(ωq − ωq−q′ − ωq′ ) ǫk − ǫk′ − ~ωq−q′

The energy denominators of the two new diagrams are equal to −~ωq−q′ to leading order (see note [45]). One should 6 thus add −(~q/mcρ)(ρ∆′/2)(2d ln c/d ln ρ − 1+ w) to Eq. (10):

~ ′ ~ ′ 2 ~2 2 eff ′ ′ q 1 2 ′′ ρ∆ d ln c ( ρk0) k0 A2 (k, q; k , q ) ∼ ρ ∆ − 2 − 1 + + T →0 mcρ 2 2 d ln ρ 2m 2m (   ∗ ∗ ρ∆′ 2 ρ∆′ ρk′ m c × uu′ + (u + u′) uu′ − 0 + ∗ w ~ck ~ck k ~k ( 0  0   0  0  ′ m∗c ′ 2 ′2 ρk0 2 ′2 + ~ (u + u )w + u u − (u + u ) (20) k0 k0 ))

This also changes the angular integral given in note [47]: where Vk is the Fourier transform of the interaction po- ~2 2 2 2 k0 2 1 4α 28 2 2β 2 4α 2 tential. This spectrum describes hydrodynamic phonons I/(4π) = ( 2m∗mc ) [ 25 − 15 + 45 α + 9 +A( 9 − 3 )+ 2 2 ~ 3 2 1 α 2 2 4α 2α β 2β 3 (with ǫq = cq + O(q )) provided V0 > 0 and ∂kVk|k=0 = A +4βB( 15 − 9 )+ B ( 15 − 9 + 3 + 3 )+ 9 B + 4 0. It has a roton minimum ∆ = ǫk0 in k = k0 pro- B m∗ 2 ′′ ′ ], and the definition of A = 2 [ρ ∆ + ρ∆ (1 − 2 ~2 9 (~k0) vided ∂kǫk|k=k0 = 0 and ∂kǫk|k=k0 = /m∗ > 0, which 2d ln c/d ln ρ)]+α2. Accordingly, the black dashed curves is always possible with a careful choice of the function in Figs. 1, 2a and 2b are multiplied respectively by 0.46, k 7→ Vk. 0.78 and 0.85. Note that the Gr¨uneisen parameter also appears in Ref. [43]; our coefficients of the uu′ and w monomials of Aeff are however still in disagreement with 2 Next, we use the 3- and 4-quasiparticle coupling am- that reference. plitudes derived from Bogoliubov theory (see Eqs. (E18), (E19) and (E20) of Ref. [16]), we compute the effective Microscopic verification of the effective coupling scattering amplitude in second order perturbation theory amplitude as prescribed by Eq. (105) of [16] (in which we set q1 = q, ′ ′ q2 = k, q3 = q and q4 = k ) and we take the limit of ′ To check the expression of the effective coupling am- q and q tending to 0. Since the expected result (20) plitude that we obtained through phonon-roton hydrody- does not depend on k to leading order, we choose k = k0, namics (Eq. (20)), we recompute it within a microscopic which greatly simplifies the microscopic calculation. As in the hydrodynamic approach, we then eliminate k′ us- approach in the particular case of a weakly-interacting ′ . In this well-known system, the excitation spec- ing momentum conservation, and the norm of q using trum takes the Bogoliubov form energy conservation (with the difference that one should go up to order q3 in the calculation of q − q′ because the scattering amplitude of the microscopic model diverges ~2k2 ~2k2 ǫ = +2ρV (21) as 1/q off-shell). We get finally: k 2m 2m k s  

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