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4-19-1928 The edC arville Herald, April 20, 1928 Cedarville University

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Recommended Citation Cedarville University, "The eC darville Herald, April 20, 1928" (1928). The Cedarville Herald. 1452. http://digitalcommons.cedarville.edu/cedarville_herald/1452

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If Eveiy Woman Knew What Every No Business Is Too Big to tlee Ad­ Widow learns, Every Husband Would vertising* and None Too Poor to A l­ Be Insured With Our Accident Policy, s t e r o i d . ford using it. emjMME FIFTY-FIRST YEAR NO, 19. CEDARVILLE, OHIO, FRIDAl APRIL 20,1928 PRICE, $1.50 A YEAR Thompson Again NEWS LETTER Endorses Hoover WHEAT DROP District Candidates for Hoover 2 ell LETTER RELATES Why They Support Him for President i Seven men war by Sheriff ; STUDENT RIOT FROM STATE IS REPORTED Ohmer Tate and in a round-1 Kt up of alleged Wednesday.! DEPARTMENTS! George F. He Xenia junk I IN EGYPT ALMOST FAILURE dealer, arrested in . Hie on Wed-1 nesday night will two charge#, ! ope of transpor or and one o f I COUJ&I&C3,0.—Now that the sea­ Winter Wheat .prop in Ohio, suffer­ The following is an interesting Felling intoxicant#^ was released! son is at hand when motorists are ing from early freezes last fall and letter from Mrs, Grace Alexander, under $800 bond ■-mwc H case for aj trailing iii their old automibiles on u n fa vorab le weather conditions daughter of Rev. and Mrs. C. M. hearing April 17 9 A. M., after new ones, Secretary of State Clarence throughout the winter, has. been more Ritchie, will be welcome news to those entering not guilty ] before Judge J. Brown has issued a statement call­ generally destroyed this, winter than who are interested in Missionary S, C. W right in pro court. ing attention to the fact that the auto­ in any year in the 49 years over which work in Esypt* William pleaded not _ Assult* mobile laws o f Ohio require that all the records of the U. S, department of guilty to a charger ,6£ selling, intoxi­ motorists transferring license plates * Monday, March 12 agriculture extend, according to word cants and was retyped Under $800 from their old to their new motor car received here by the department of M y Pears; bond. Hi* bearing was held yester­ must ohtain a legal transfer certifi­ rural economics of Ohio State Univer­ A most qnfortunate coincidence has day. cate from the local deputy commis­ sity. oecured' arid I sincerely hope it has Wade Allen pleaded not guilty to a sioner of motor vehicles in their com­ Based on purveys as of-April i, the not meant any alarm on your part for selling charge, and hi* trial set for munity. The fee for such a transfer report shows that the winter wheat our safety. On Friday, March 2, Leigh, April 19 at 9 A. M / He was unable is $1.00 unless the tegs are used on a In Ohio is only 32 per cent normal, John and I went to Luxor to see the to furnish. $8QQ bond^and went to jail, higher power car in which case the White during the past Iff years the marvelous antiguities there,. Then on Albert Ward's ferial was set for additional ffce for that power classifi­ crop of'winter wheat on April 1 has up to Assuan, John and I have just April 19 at 10 A . 14, after he had cation is charged. The enforcement Averaged 79 per cent normal. returned arid Leigh will dpepd another entered a not guilty plea to a selling of the law requiring transfers is The worst .previous year in this week up there, doing things more in­ /charge. He was tumble 1 to furnish necessary , both for the benefit of the regard in the history qf the agricul­ tensively than we did. 1 took along $800 bond. 1 state and the protection of the i Dr, William Oxley Thompson ture department was L900 when the writing materials, supposing I’d have 'ace, E dgalH u rst and Cal­ motorist-owning the car. Unless such winter wheat crop in, April 1 was 47 time to write a nice letter. But with vin Hurst each pleaqfed not guilty to transfer is made the state records ‘ Dr. W. O, Thompson, president per Cent of normal. / violent sightseeing all day and as-/ affidavits charging tfew. with selling. Harold W. Houston 1 Harry 8, Kissell show the tags still being used on the emeritus of Ohio' State University, The report also showed that the siduous study in the evenings I wrote . Pace’s hearing was -j£et far; April 20 Attorney Harold W. Houston, "I’ll let you do the talking am old car and as a result the identifica­ Sunday, in a letter Saturday to Bay average winter wheat crop in United not a single letter. Now when we get at 10 A. M.. Edgar-Hurst's, April 17 Urbana, candidate for Hoover dele­ I’ll do the work,” Harry S. Kissell tion system is seriously handicapped. Lyman Wilbur, president of Stanford States was 69 per cent normal and back to Assine we hear that on Wed­ at 2 P. M. And CalyifiiHurst for April gate to the Republican national con- recently told Attorney Harolc On the other hand it is il^sgal for a University/ declared hia . preference that the average for the United States nesday morning there wap a riot here 18 at 9 A. M. Bond $ each is $800. vention at- Kansas City next June, Houston, Urbana, hia district ir motorist to operate an automobile 'cr Hoover and expressed belief that over a period of 10 years has been has been dubbed chief orator o f the at the college and that the news Each affidavit chair jes th e accused the race for Hoover delegacy in the with tags that have not been legally ‘misrepresentations concerning Ohio's 80 per cent normal. Ohio Hoover delegates, second only seyenth district, * evidently got to America in half a d a y ,, men with making a | ale of liquor to transferred and in casB of an accident, Quaker grandson—the present secre­ A large acreage in Ohio last fall to Congressman Burton, of Cleve­ for the Board sent ,a cable of inquiry James Seymour who§s said to he a Mr. Kissell, who is identified with regardless of, who might really be ir, tary of commerce—have defeated was planted in winter wheat, the re­ land. * on ’ Thursday. I hope you have, not themselves/' detective working forftlie Federal pro­ -Mr. Houston is making an inten­ three Springfield realty companies • fault, the motorist without legally port shows, Freezes coming when bearing his name, is making an ac­ been, worried; but \yhen no letter from hibition department. / , sive campaign over the entire dis­ transferred plates is held responsible Dr. Thompson was one of the first wheat still was tender killed much of tive campaign over the entire dis­ me for this week comes I’m rather to sign an address to Secretary trict, having conducted the first afraid that you may* have some inasmuch as his car is being operated it and .the unseasonable winter Hoover district meeting in the state trict, confining most of his efforts Hoover asking him'to become a presi­ concern over us. We’re all safe and on the highways illegally. A fine o; weather further damaged the crop. FALSE AR k I s T early in March at Springfield. He toward Hoover organization work. dential candidate ih Ohio. H e. gave sound,vwere away up at Luxor when it $25.00 zhy also be assessed against any Many communities report farmers is 42, a graduate of Urbana schools He is a graduate of Wittenberg as his reasons for1 backing Hoover IS ALLEGED motorist who fails to make legal this spring are plowing under many and Ohio State University. During, college, past president of the all happened. that the secretary had' accomplished I’ll tell you first about the Tiot, I, transfer to his license plates and the fields -of winter wheat, the growth Alleging false arre&, Mrs. Norma the war he was a spectacular fig-! Springfield Rotary club and an ac« (great things during the world war and ure as chairman of the Champaign > tive member of the Chamber of don’t know how much you all may Secretary of State points out that ilt from the seeding being too small to Warwick, colored* wifejof Oliver War­ a the reconstruction period. : ■county Liberty Loan campaigns, . 1 Commerce., , know about modern Egyptian affairs, , mighty good insurance to legally justify allowing it .to grow. Consider­ wick, Xenia, has broUwit suit for $5,- The letter was in answer to one so I’ll give you a hit of a summary. transfer and to do it now. able oats will bC planted and there will 000 damages, i ncomaim pleas court, * * from Dr. Wilbur in which he said; In 1919, as you know, the British' be much, extra activity on farms ’as a against Arthur' Jackal* and Jaiiiees straight answer should be given to financial Statement COLLEGE LOST agreed to make Egypt independent Dr. Alfred Robinson o f' Irontoi, result. Seymour, colored dry detectives who foul and unfair political propaganda with her own King and Government, Lawrence county, friend of humanit: furnished information.^o Prosecuting Of School Funds BOTH GAMES such as has been put out in Ohio with on a basis to be worked out! They .win: general, who" presides over the Attorney J, C. Marilall* which re­ regard to Mr. Hoover. DEATH THURSDAY took dntil 1922 to work that out lower branch of the 87th General As­ spited in arrests of pgie persons on . One o f the commendable things ac- The Cedarville College baseball “It is an offense to the intelligence finally, and the result was very un­ sembly as Sergeant-at-arms, still re OF. MRS. ROGERS liqnor charges last; omplished by the pupils of the public team opened the season last Thursday if the American people that one who popular with the Egyptians. Britain tains a rather youthful appearance do- While she is techni&Ily under at Schools is the, manner in which funds with. Wittenberg but failed to come has contributed so much to the United Word was received here o f the was to leave with four points stipu­ ' spita the fact that' he-has celebrated rest on a charge of h»#Ug sold, liquor have been raised to pay for the, lock- home, with the long end of the score. States throughout the world should be death of Mrs. James P. Rogers at her lated. (1) retains the Sudan, . his seventy-seventh natal anniversary. to Seymour, Mrs, Wj®»tck was not a-s .so badly needed in the school. While the' Lutherans won 14 to 5 submitted to such unfairness and mis­ home in Wheeling, W. Va,, last Thurs- while Egypt objects to' bitterly be­ In fact he looks younger than his pic- required to appear in eiurfr to answer The pupils .took it upon themselves the local team picked out eleven hits representations/' ■* lay. Her death was not unexpected cause it means control o f the Nile r ture which hangs in the legislative to the charge'after sms presented a to raise : tbis money without the aid and Wittenberg 10. The locals failed for she had been in declining health which is her life. (2) England retains hall taken when hd was a member of physician’s certificatefnhowing that o f the board. • In the past other equip­ to get support in the field. for some time, having lost her eye­ the Spez Canal, otherwise India would , the house of the 68th General As­ YEUL CON DEM was physically unable j& do so,; ment has' been provided for the school Wm. Nagley was in the box for the sight nine years ago. he shut off. (3) England retain* the sembly forty years ago, at which time , The petition allege|rah&t' the de­ without the expense coming through Yellow Jackets but a'sore mxn forced FARMLAND The deceased was 78 years of "age he wore a long black beard, a* did fendants “maliciously to in­ Jhe board o f education.' „ - him put in the eighth inning/ Dave suprpjne commandrHf, the many- a a d . „ ^ , most of the other members shown in ■nnd waa the eldest daughter of George Adaib tdofc his place und"ohfj^eM ®/ ’& ) 'MgBmrf*guarantees pm^Bon . - -Condemnation proceedings for the jure herJ gSod mSe^mcrwound her The following is the financial state­ the group photographs adorning the and Minerva Towneley Jackson. She ted one run in the two. innings, Teh minorities, the Christians, foreigners, purpose of appropriating land on the feelings, caused it to hie suspected and ment of the athletic, committee: walk . was born in 'Cedarville township errors were charged up against the etc. The "understanding was that at Xenia and Fairfield road. with the believed by hed neighbors and the Athletic account for .the season of *" ■ ’ .. where she resided with her parents locals . and .Boyer, who usually plays some future date England.would give ‘ owners of which an agreement regard­ citizens of Xenia that she had been 19L7-1928 up to March 15, 1928,1 The State Department Of Health is until her marriage to James P. Rogers, outfielde: was in an infield position, up these four point, a date gloriously ing the value could not be reached, guilty of the offense with which she making available to physicians in the an attorney in Wheeling, Who died in . . ‘ EXPENSES _ and permitted five to be credited to indefinite,' The present ■ Egyptian have been4 started__by the. Greene was charged by the defendants/’ The State, a detoxicated vaccine for the 1894.- Her marriage took place, in Foot Ball « him. Ministry made up its mind that .Eng­ county commissioners as«.part of Its affidavit against her wag prepared on treatment of typhoid fever. Physi­ October 1874. In the combat Monday with, Wilber* land would come to terms now, so they program to widen the pike to the re­ information furnished to- Prosecutor West Alexander cians desiring to use- the vaccine, in The deceased was. from one of our force the later won on a score of have been making insistent demands gulation 60 feet in preparation for its Marshall, which she allege# to have Moler ______$10.00 which cases given early treatment oldest families and was well known 24 to 11. The latter hit the two Yel­ to that effect. On Tuesday the official improvement as an inter-couhty high­ booh false. , Richafds __ j.______10.00 have a rapid convalescence, may com­ to many local people during her fre­ low Jacket pitched for 19 hitB. Cedar­ refussal of England to yield on any of way, . ' • Jackson and Seymour are from Cin­ O. S. & -S. o . municate 'directly with Director J. E, quent visits here with, her sister, Mrs, ville obtained 16 hits. C. Lyons took these points Was announced. A t once , Copies of the resolutions passed by cinnati and are employed by the Moler ...... $10.00 Monger, care ;of the department. * Dr. Dora Kerr, the only surviving member R ich a rd s ______10.00 the lead in hit3 for the locals. the entire ministry resigned and the the commissioners have been filed in federal prohibition department. Monger is also pleased with the fact of the family. A brother, Rev. Hr The Defiance College team will met students began to strike and riot. The probate court with deposits of the Bath that Several cities are beginning the Parks Jackson, died In 1918. the Yellow jackets on the local dia­ term students really needs explana­ sums the county is willing to pay for M o le r *______$10.00 reforestation of their water supply Mrs. Rogers is survived by three Lyceum Numbers * mond Thursday. . tion. Three kinds of schools exist in the. strips of land to be appropriated. Fish ------13.00 reservoir properties, which will con­ children, George, who is practicing Egypt, private schools, like our Mis­ The dissatisfied property owners have Are Selcted Association Dues ______$ 2.60 serve the ground waters, the law in Wheeling, and two daughters, sion schools, Government schools sup­ 10 days after being notified, in which Sutcliffe Supplies - ______30.76 Delegates To run-off, prevent erosion, minimize eva*- Mrs. Bess Ewing and Mrs. Dora ported and run by the Government, to accept the money or file notice of The local Lyceum Committee met a Athletic Supply — ____*______32.06 poration, beautify the sites and in. Waltz of that city. She was an active State Convention but not public; and (3) the schools exception, wlu n a date for a hearing representative of the Coit-Alber Com­ Basket-ball time prove commercially profitable, member c f St. Luke's Episcopal pany Wednesday evening and selected- A. DeVoe Guar. 15.00 iippportcd by a land tax, under the of the matter can be set by the court. hurch. • ; Name of ten delegates and ten one o f the best courses that has been, Fish ______a______10.00 Mohammedan religion. In order to Ancil' and Leonard' Wright are alternates from Greene County to the State Treasurer Beil: B. Buckley in The funeral was held Saturday with offered patrons here in years. Graham driving Sp. O. S. —- > 2.00 let teachers for this latter class of ownez'S o f two tracts from which land burial at Wheeling. Republican state convention are: Ten extending congratulations to his fellow The attraction* on the last course Caesar Creek Fish ______10.00 schools they give them prospective Is to be appropriated and up"on which are to he voted for. citizen, Hon. William G. Pickerel, of that were the head-liners proved to Dr. Jurkat Bow. Cae. C r ._____ 20.00 teachers their clothes and their keep. valuations for $146^30 and ,$49 have The delegates are D. A. Reagan, Dayton, on his appointment' as HERE IS WHAT A be the most popular. To this end .the A. F. Roush Tickets —- ______42.45 So these prospective teachers are been set by the commissioners. Mabel Mrs; Charles Darlington, Mrs, W. L. Lieutenant Governor to succeed Lieu­ WILLIS VOTE ENDORSES committee has selected four numbers, Graham Ross L___- 1.00 grouped in schools and they’re a wild’ Turner and Ralph Clemmer are owners Dean, Joseph B. Conklin, E. R. Rock- tenant Governor Earl D. Bloom,points all headliners, for the coming year. Y. Springs Matheney - ______21.00 lot, A ny Moslem who doesn’t want to of a second tract and a valuation of hold, Herbert Fisher, William H. out an umisual circumstance, where Here is the Seventh .Congressional The course is: Von Ludkner, “The J. Johnson Ross _____ - __- ____ - '1.00 work for his living can get into one of 346.03 has been placed upon the strip Sheilds, W. J. Tarbox, Thomas E. the new Lieutenant Governor and the District situation In a nut shell a# it Sea Devil”. The Schubert Male tjuar-! Blue Bird F-B. M eals______80.60 these schools and many o f them are the commissioners want. Charles Donley and Henry B, Weller. State Treasurer both reside within applies to the presidential, situation. tet. Jubilee Singers, Phillipind En­ Beaver M atheney______21.50 an absolutely worthless lot. It’s Moon and Ada Moon are offered $49 Following are the alternates; T. J. three squares of each other on the Delegates on Willis slate picked by tertainers. It is said that Cedarville Refund Gandy ^ Band ____ 2.25 among this group of students that by tjie county for their land. Hum­ Smith, W. W. Tate, Mrs. Eula same street, Kenilworth avenue. The D. Pemberton, former liquor lobbyist, will probably be th e‘Smallest town in Dr. Jurkat Y . Sp. Beav. 20.00 most of the disorders start. Here in phrey Dean and Mary Dean Wilson Kennedy, Charles Mendenhall, Harry condition Of neighbors on the same now a utility lobbyist. Pemberton the country to get Von Liickner. Recreation Equip.______86.26 A sbuR this group of prospective Mo­ are offered $59.75 for the strip want­ M. Smith, Russel Spaht, Walter Corry, street, occupying these positions in resides in Columbus. The course was picked for quality Bath Matheney______21.50 hammedan educators {■?) decided to ed from their farm. Other adjacent Thomas Canning, Frank Charles and the state government, is indeed a rare Forest F. Tipton, Willis delegate, of entertainment and the four num­ Refund Candy, B a n d ------2.25 strike, and then to go to all the other property owners have agreed to the Vern L. Fatres, incident. comes from the Daugherty organiza­ Ross F lo a t______20.00 schools in AssUit and compel their * * V . terms of the commissioners. bers chosen "enabled a better choice tion in Washington C. H. than by taking five as in the past. Telephone ___ - 8.85 students to do likewise. Suffice it to One of the largest laundries in the Sherman Deaton, district chairman, Payment on Lockers __ ___ ^^140.00 WITH COMPLIMENTS TO ay that all the other schools in As- CONG, CHAS. BRAND state is located at the Ohio Peniten­ HERBERT HOOVER heads the Daugherty movement in the WILL FOUND FOR THE Dr, Jurkat 3 games ______30.00 suifc did strike, but when they went to tiary.' Thousands of sheets, pillow district. „ J. P. FINNEY ESTATE Refund Gandy, Band ( A l . ) ____ 1.35 our college they found » student body FOR PRESIDENT Lauding the record of administra­ .. slips, hospital equipment and kitchen Howard Mannington, Columbus, one Recreation Supplies 15.58 who didn’t want to join their motley accessories are turned out daily in tion o f public affairs, C. L, Dickey, In order to vote for Herbert Hoover of the Daugherty job holders in Wash- The appraisers and Charles Finney, Brown Supplies —------— 2.85 crowd. They appeared, 200 o f them, addition to , underwear, hose president of the Northern Savings for President on the Republican ticket, i ngton, left for during the oil administrator, recently appointed for Richards ______—------— 8.95 waving clubs and loaded with stones and handkerchiefs for about 4,300 Bank and treasurer o f the Ohio Ahti- Vote on the Presidential Preference investigation, He has been active in the J, P. Finney estate, found a will Carrie M, Rife Supplies------1.60 on the campus just after our boys had Saloon League, addressing a Hoover- men, that being approximately the ballot this district for the Willis slate. Thursday while examining papers and Mrs, McChesney Banquet 39.00 dispersed from chapel to their classes. for-president rally in Williams Hall, prison population at the present time. Ralph Cole, one time candidate for personal effects in his trunk at th> Hotel Tournament ------6.75 In the first building the janitor stood X ! Herbert Hoover Westerville, Tuesday night, declared The temporary dormitory on the base­ governor, who withdrew due to con­ home of Mr. I. C. Davis, where ho Meals Tournament------14425 them off while the. students inside got there is no question as to Hoover's ball grounds has been raised and new For Hoover Delegates at Large nections with ga$ companies, is the made- his home. Letter awards ... ____i ------81.27 all the doors and windows and shut­ dryness. recruits are reporting for duty with Theodore Burton , chief mourner fqr the Willis delegates. The will name* J. A. Finney, Xemis, ters closed, the janitor having his The Anti-Saloon League is as favor­ expectations of making the team for Frank Brown Cole made a famous speech in this and Margaret Hogsettj Springfield1, a:, •Total Exp...... $755.68 wrist broken in the process. So on able to Hoover as it was to the late the present season. The O, P. Team Mrs. Hugh Clark county during the Home coming when executors and this wilt terminate th they .went to Alexander Hall, yelling Senator Willis, Dickey said, declaring will be one of the leading contenders E.W .B. Curry the crowd Waited in front o f the^ court service of his brother Charles as ad­ RECEIPTS lustily. Naturally the students and Hoover is favored by the people of for the M. * M, league pennant. W. W. Famaworfh house for several hours. The public ministrator, Bal. from last year ------— $ 75.21 professors had heard them and by the the country and opposed only by dia Edward Orton, Jtr. has not forgotten why and for what The estate estimated at $59,000 is October 17 - ______— - ____ 31.05 time the mob was Oh them all the gruntled politicians. COUNTY WILL BOY Robert A. Taft reason the crowd had to wait. to be divided in 40 shares and the dif October 2 2 ______19.10 windows and dOors In front had been Mrs. Tht>d H. Brown reviewed the LANG DITCH BONDS For Hoover Alternates at Large Congressman Brand is the chief ferent Boards of the United Presby­ November 22 ______11.40 closed, but they got to the back en­ life of Hoover, declaring the Republi Katherine K. Brown bell-ringer for the Daugherty gang. terian church get six shares. The rest December 1 2 ______...___ 88.94 trances of which there are four be- can party does hot Want anyone "who Offer of the purchase of bonds ag­ John H. Cassell Charley recommended Hoover to Pre­ of the estate, is to be divided amonr: 1928— before they Were all dosed. One o f has been "mixed” in the oil scandal. gregating $2,271.39, issued to finance Leroy H. Godman sident Coolidge for Secretary of Agri­ relatives listed In the will and tho January 13 ______61,95 the professors was busy phoning to construction of the Lang single-county Mrs, Carl H. Hanna culture. The underhanded fight in shares granted them. The will wa.: January 2 1 ______51,13 the authorities and the others in the NEW BUILDING IS DEDICATED ditch, mads by County Commissioners B. C. Lampoon this district is the work of the Daugh­ drawn by Attorney Chase Stewart, January 21 .41.93 building Went out to meet th*m. Dr. to the Gre*fie County Board of Sink­ Herbert Mooney erty ioilowra who are sore at Presi­ Springfield. The appraisers were 1 January 28 51.69 Russell and Earle Collin* Mid four o f With impressive exercise*, Tuesday ing Fund Commissioners, has been n o Homer C, Price dent Coolidge for his removal of the F. Tindall, J. C. Towmley and Ilervey February 4 — 67.76 the other short term teachers stood morning* Wilberforce university de­


*#®l % !i i •

tm m .wr »■*.Wr " W - » - **«* aaa THE CEDARVILLE HERALD Secretary Jardfee »,* ■ * * » m m m m m m c h u r c h ^ SpeaW Safes to w e m u m t . Defend# Hoover Sabbath A. U.V |I I Fnbtrtfel nod Church organfe*- KARLH BULL EDITOR AND PUBLISHER Jn a latter made pobiw Friday, the :* Sl*****^?* • tsMM and Merchants Agriculture Secretary, Jardine, told fulI‘gw! mortk hr at- i WS*!* 10* OPEN PATHS ..Your Bank Account * ant. Entered at the Poet Office, Cedarville, Ohio, October 31,1387, diaries S. Wilson, former commls- tend**-., p^^tion NORRIS* BAND a* second class matter- sioner of agr,culture of New York ard M m*de. Y o « art Invited. \ So. Barnett Springfield, O. Ktu e and now a farmer at Hall, N. Y., Wowhif U rrjm * U tt| ^ u , j HHIIHttn*.... —.■■»y.J...n.a.hli...n.yi.wiMau.iMimum C ervice: FRIDAY, APRIL 20, 1028 , t„ot_ there rt is not .tho slightest . _ essence ,, . Semon s w ^ g * * * j**, with and offer the following service: o f truth m these charges, riod * w o w Gcd,” Can lift Isgitimstaly be divid »■ .iiiiiiiiiinmmifeirtj, ...... 1 ...... “ resent them it they were inscte with cd into two parts, the 8*erd*r, and the A r a i l r o a d m a n f o r p r e s i d e n t II honest intentions.'* Sacred? What jta one* obligation to COMMERCIAL ACCOUNTS One of the common complaints heard in farm circles is Wilson, under date of April .i0, had Cod during the “Six Working Days?" that the railroads are being paid an excessive freight rate on written Jardine saying he had heard How make the beet use of the SAVINGS ACCOUNTS farm products which has aided in cutting down the margin of the charge made that “Mr. Hoover, m Seventh? You will want to hear this S i profits to the farmer. The railroads are now the most prosper­ Secretary of Commerce, has encroach discussion. CHRISTMAS SAVINGS ACCOUNTS .‘NTS ous in the history of the country while farm profits have reach­ ed Upon the work o f the Department Junior C. 15, at StW P. M* of Agriculture and in other ways has ed a low point in every market. . ■ C. E. Society .at 7:00 P, M. Young SAFETY DEPOSIT BOXES 1 s The politicians have a profitable time “Farmingthe Farm­ hindered the operation of your depart People's Forum for the discussion of || m at i er-’* The politician that can promise the most whether it is aent in the interest of the farmers*" some of the common problems of life, || to 1 possible to grant or not, usually knows that he can sell his bar­ “Under normal circumstancea," ns similar problem* were met and COLLECTIONS Low Price—High Quality || cust gain, Once sold he can have a new issue to catch votes the next Jardine wrote, “ I would not dignify solved by Jesus Christ. these attacks, hut I have come to the Why do we eell so many T—682 ,* time. Mid Week Service, Wednesday night 000 In 1927 , Because we heteb TRAVELERS CHECKS Right now farm politicians are making aii attack on Her-1 conclusion that the farmers of thli at 7:30 P, M, A Helpful service in from Proven, Pure-Bred 8 toek> II bert IT™,,™.Hoover charging kiinhim withwith livingprice fivimrfixing thnf.that hohe had had no no eon- con 1 country are entitled to know Hie facts, the middle of the week, that will en­ Veer after year they lay more || JO nection with* Almost in the same breath. Congressman Brand because these charges seriously reflect able you to meet life more courage­ end win more end our old oue* urges the farmers to support the Willis slate of delegates to help .upon the work of this department and ously during the other days* terriers buy more. || vi: the 20,000 splendid people who are 8 TUROV CHICKS MS AN I nominate Lowden, a railroad man* Lowden is a multi-nul- SUCCESS lionare and married into the Pullman car company family. listed on its rolls, The publication of the Annual Year I! ** Imagine the relief that farmers could expect on all freight “ During the three years iri which I Book of the Church brings to light 1 he Exchange Bank ink rates* with a railroad mail as president to appoint the members have been Secretary of Agriculture I two or three interesting facta. First THE STURDY BABY Of the Interstate Commerce Commission that .controls rates* have enjoyed the whole-hearted and the Treasurers report shows a balance CHICK CO. Farmers complain now of shipping conditions but what can sympathetic support of Secretary of over $300.00, with all obligations Cedarville, O., Hoover iri rill matters pertaining to 8 . Limestone St. and Auburn Av be expected, if a railroad man is nominated and elected presi­ met. Second, since the last report, Mein 836 —Springfield.Ohio. dent? the administration of the Department was rendered to General Assembly i \ of Agriculture, and his actions always there have been received into the have been in the* interest of the de­ ITS ALL ON THE SURFACE NOW membership of the church thirty new partment’s work and of the American members. * O f these, nineteen have As the campaign draws to a close for presidential delegates farmer, iri. fact, the records show that come by profession of faith, while ADAIR’S to the Republican National convention, it has become more and in many instances in which the work eleven have been received on Certifi­ more evident just- why the Daugherty element‘in Ohio, and of the two departments was involved cates from other Churches. The bud­ particularly in this the Seventh congressional district, has taken he was actually partial to the Depart­ get for the present year, 1928-1929 such a prominent part* The scandal following the oil investiga­ ment o f Agriculture." have been subscribed, making the out­ and Friday tions and the part of bribery in connection with the Federal Calling attention that “ much has look exceedingly good. prohibition department, iri which the “ Ohio gang” profited, cut been made of a statement” that - loose a number of the Ohio politicians from places where they Hoover desired to absorb the foreign IT. P . CHURGH N E X T W E E K service work of the Agriculture De­ Men could, ply their graft. , are top- The Daugherty following has conducted a relentless fight partment, Jardine said the Commerce 10 A. M» Sabbath School. * 1 value. whereevey possible, as feeble as the1 attempt was, to undermine Secretary had signed a joint letter 11 A. M. Sermon^ by, the pastor. : or and ' with ou: the Coolidge administration. The Seventh District has been with him to the agricultural commit­ Consinuarice o f the theme, “ The Demonstration and Sale of o f tees of Congress, indorsing companion /* tachcd a under the complete dictation of the Daugherty politicians,- Re­ Apostle’s Creed,” • Made oi gardless of what ever the individual'' feeling and estimation of bills ‘clearly defining” the foreign 7 p. m. y , p. c. tr; . pattern. the late Senator Willis may have been, there is no denial that service activities of the .two depart­ Union service at the M- E. church at this , element surrounded him and was more instrumental in ments. He challenged anybody to 8 P. M. - , urging his ckndidacy, than anything else. The late Senator had ‘find a single fault” with this bill “ as a grievance With the President over political appointments. The it stands today,” . M. E. CHURCH Executive knew the inside working of the “ Ohio Gang” and re­ PUBLICITY FOR EXPENDITURES fused to be influenced along that line. 9:80 A. M. Sunday School. EQUIPPED | The Willis delegates have had a dozen different reasons 10:80 A, M. Sermdri by the Pastor. . According to information from Mez why they should b*e chosen. First an attack was made on Her- 7 P. M. Epworth League. Cblumbus, officials in certain parts of bert.Hoover.over the prohibition question. No one denied how For the next three Sabbaths I shall the state are planning a concerted Quick Meal Ranges Uadi the’ late Senator stood hut the Daugherty followers failed to discuss ,thcr subject o f death from the drive for the repeeal o f the recent law Nainscw drag down Hoover oh that score and that issue was dropped. standpoint of Biblical teaching. requiring publication of county finan­ rein The next issue raised was Hoover’s Americanism, He was April 22nd; W hat Is Death? cial statements, The campaign will YOU ARE CORDIALLY INVITED .w ith . charged with disloyalty due to the fact that a poor farmer boy April 29th; How' Do We Die ? sot be carried on in the open, for few aitdm had educated himself and become one of the famous engineers May 6th; After Death What? , © B t - of the .world, England and China recognized his ability and county officials, will want it known that they desire its repeal, hut through o u t ‘ sought his services and American machinery found a good ADAIR’S ebolnee market whenever Hoover went. This attack might as well Idbbying by theirt state associations. HIGH SCHOOL NOTES The financial statement for Trum­ conjtfo: have been made against Lincoln for it has1 fallen flat and not bull county was published in the March On Friday night May 4, the. Girls 20-24 N. Detroit St. Xenia active discussed by the Daugherty campaigners at this stage of the 29 issue of the Western Reserve Glee Club and the Girls Chorus of. the campaign. . l Democrat and the Wkrren Tribune. High School will give a concert in the Next came the charge that Hoover was responsibletfor the * The ^report probably cost $00 to High School Auditorium. 49 low price of wheat during the war but when the public" found [ - ,,,, . y,, 1 "7 PriV I P«Mish and tells where the more than The purpose p£ this program is to at out that Hoover was in Belgium at tne tune aiding in securing |ennnnooA -n,a** . , * finance th© pageant to be given on the tho return of American citizens to their own country, there was t last day of school. Both program rire a grave question of truth injected' and that issue passed out but { grm receiving a doiia/frm/thp counts under the direction of Mrs., Mildred not until four fanner members of the Fair Price Commission, all f d -£ amoUnts tt.evZZ Foster and are being well prepared. Republicans, issued a joint statement that they alone were re- ’ afd mth tlie amoUnts they werc There will be an admission charge for GtX sponsible for the wheat price, and not Hoover. Louis J. Taber, Ni‘ne hundred dolIar3 f6r «pitUesethe High School program of 20 cents. “ 'SSsarTsrssT fcd ss? t s e f s I pob“ y" f” “ ” tr - It is hoped that there will ho a capa­ 'SS ** cheap insurance against graft and city house to hear the giria because $90 per Acre Hpover has been met and fully answered," the blatant “ Gravel corruption. What other form of in­ the program will be Wortli while ant road’’ Charles Brand, is about the only one of the Willis can­ surance can be brought for one-fiftieth because the community wants to didates that continues to discuss a subject his followers have NONE BETTER THAN ’’AA QUALITY” . . . of one per cent? - foster the pageant for the grades at Mr# G. A. 'Wagner, of Marietta# Washington Goun- .aim- lures begn anxious to drop. Brand attacks our own fellow Greeno the school closing. Tickets will be on tyv Ohio, anysi "Enclosed please find the pictures I f Youngstown hail been publishing Which were taken of my lltrce-acie torn field, which FnhUfi fcountian, O’. E. Bradfute, for giving out a true statement of the reports as complete and clear as are sale by the girls of the chorus and mV/ make one hundred bushels to the acre* / have, htive always^ used rdA QUALITY' .Fertilizer mtd think .think . facts, so far as fhe farm Situation is concerned. Mr. Bradfute these new reports required o f. the glee club, . ... "Vr it. there is none better* l shall Continue to use it. yieht as head of the National Farm Federation was following a con­ counties, it is possible she^might have As has1 'been announced already the Com sold at $ZJSO a bushel and vty increased yield of 60 bushels per acre will .give me a profit of SUGAR fit of servative course, one that would meet the approval of President saved the $10,000 or more which h«3 Commencement for 1028 is to come $90,00 per 4cte.***~Octobctr 12th, 1927, Coolidge, Brand is known to be*against the. Coolidge adminis­ been embezzled from her treasury dur­ the Week o f May 14 to 18. The several 4MAA QT aiTY'* FERTILIZER A GOOD IN­ 1 0 LBS. IN- tration, but Brand makes no noise about some of his associates events of that week will he Bacalaure- VESTMENT , . . Me. Harry W* Deck, c f Tiffin, Tiffin, ing- the past score of years. Seneca Co., Ohio, says: " / have been growing corn earn in the Daugherty gang that profited by the bribery ip connec/ The campaign against publication of nte, Commencement,. Alumni, and The for the past <25 years. I never used fertilizers tilt this W this tion with the Remus liquor withdrawals. " * Spring on corn and potatoes. The results others had % hd these reports assuredly can not be in Senior Class play. The Seniors o f this from the use of, *Ad QUALITY' Fertilizers for SANI- V for ntege The Willis delegates are fleruhdering here and there. Some the interests o f economy, for in the year are presenting “A Lucky Break” com and 'fioldtoes-^-larger crops and the advantage of ripe torn before frost crtme^cotivinccd site il me it . say they will support Dawes, other Lowden, a few Curtis, but counties where the agitation origin­ and every body will be Interested to was good business to fertilize my torn> at l have h.ve 2 ■ed it not onetof them has announced they will support Coolidge or ates, the officials arc most careless discover what the Break is. So keep had trouble getting it ripe before frost injured it for teed conK This year / wilt get 67 bushels o f • V i even give a _ favorablei expression to Senator Fess. The about the expenditure of large May 15, open and .discover the facts. shelled com per acre. / can recommend your *XA QUALITY* Fertilizers* They are a mighty good p o l l y /I good fact is that the whole Willis organization will attempt to knife amounts and mdst conscientious about investment/*— October 21, 1927* w a t e r Fess at the coming primary. „ NOTICE OF APPOINTMENT Mir, the expenditure of a spall sum with 12 BUSHELS MORE COr H FER ACRE * * , Mr, The thing most of the Willis delegates want is a2 A. M. Eugene Keibef, of Poaeyville, Posey Co., Inc!., aaysl Cleanser uyt; which to inform thfe public how their "l uted 200 lbs* per acre of 'AA QUALITY* Fer­ l e t - bedroom conference. The taste of what happened eight years taxes are spent. Estate1 of Jamas P. Finney, de­ tilizer itt 11927. When 1 gathered the corn t ■rn I ago still lingers with the Daugherty gang. They think the pub­ weighed six rows o f fertilized and six tows of unfer­ nitr­ One argument by the opponents of ceased. C. T. Finney has been ap­ tilized corn, I figure that the fertilizer gave me a ate » lic has forgotten and every known device has been Used to fool publicity is. that audits by the Bureau pointed and qualified as Administrator The right fertilizer means more profit gain of 12 bushels o f corn per acre, and I expect H , t c l the public. It our opinion they have failed. W e do not believe to sell the fertilized com for seedt as it is firm and end of Public- Offices ought to be enough. of the estate pf James P. Finney, late to the grower. Note the experience of solid• This field was manured heavily, andmade S( made the public will again commission these hucksters to barter away 70 bushels per acre. This proves that fertilizer can r can Perhaps it ought to be, but it has not of Greens County, Ohio, deceased. Mr. G . A . Wagner, of Marietta, Wash­ been a presidential nomination. be used successfully with fertile soil which has been i been enough to prevent recent scandals Dated this 4th day of April, A. D. ington Co., Ohio. Last season he used manured/*— December 19, 1927* in several parts of the state. There 1928. *'AA QUALITY” Fertilizer. The re­ ■are no better detectives than “homo S. C. WRIGHT, L A U R E l folks” who are acquainted with the Probate Judge o f said County sult was an increased yield of 60 bushels Read these letters. They speak of facts CRACKi facts firms named in the reports and know of com per acre, which sold for $1.50 and tell of results. P ou n d B whether- they usually give value for at bushel— or $90 extra profit for each "A A QUALITY” Fertilizers are hankk$ lu$tro-fhhsh the money they get. acre of com* painstakingly and scientifically made for Advocates of secrecy also declare It k the extra yield pep acre of com , such reports ore on file in the county each crop and each locality. They are potatoes or any other crop that writes offices and open to public inspection. manufactured by tbe largest fertilizer the extra entries in the bank book. Yes, but few have the nerve to ask for company in the world. ! this privilege and lay themselves open m Scores of enthusiastic letters come to ‘to the charge of “suspecting some­ us from successful growers .who use "A A QUALITY” Fertilizers are body.” "A A QUALITY” Fertilizers, and get completely mixed, cured and remiiled Exposing expenditures to public to ensure perfect mechanical condition. S O A P extra yields and extra profits. P . G . o r I view, placing a complete statement of Experts in crop culture have determined them in every taxpayer’s homo is the The letters printed here— a few of their exact plapt-food elements. F L A K E i most- effective check we know against the thousands received — are from t officials who are either extravagant prominent and successful growers. Insist that your dealer give you. or Corrupt. F o r These growers used sound farming "A A QUALITY” Fertilizers this sea­ —Niles Daily Times easy-to-clean methods and "A A QUALITY” Fertil­ son. You will get a larger yield from izers— the best fertilizers obtainable* your acres— and a better yield too. SPRAYING IS AT HAND—When in need of a new spray pump, no Mtcheu floors matter how laigo or small, spray LOWE BROTHERS hose, nozzles, complete pumps, leath­ FLOOR ENAMEL f i n e s t ! A Stain and Varnish at one ers; rubber packings and etc,, call on DAIRE, ves a beautiful last- “AA QUALITY” THE BOCKLET-KING CO., 415 W . INSPEC1 application “ Wears Like Iron' gfinishthatia easily Yofif stairway, floor, interior wood-work or any gkept clean. It dries FERTILIZERS piece of furniture can be made like new with Hotel Columbus overnight. Especially O n the hack of the.bsg, the "AA QUALITY” Seal guarantees that every sack Hantia’s Lustro Finish Long and Fifth Sts. recomtnended for kit­ COLUMBUS, OHIO chen floors. Also for contains tile choicest plant-food materials mixed with Scientific care. Ltiatro Finish comes in tliz Clear Varnish and ih die 260 Rooms—Modern kitchen walls, wood­ different wood colors, The latter give both stain and var­ work and for all in­ nish at oftc application. Lustra Finish dries hard and A First-Class Hotel at a stand* the hardest of wear, Sec complete directions for Moderate Price terior floors. Come in use on each can, Anyone can use Hanna's Lustra Finish. Rooms, $1.00, $1.60—Bath, $2.00 ; snd get a color card. Noon Lunch, 35c—Dinner, 60e No obligation, CEDARVILLE PARMER’S MANUFACTURED ONLY BY -lames H. Butler, Managing Direct Rofbre yoiljKrtnt, * w **. GRAIN C O .1 JAMES H. BUTLER, e m m u , Ohio T h r A m e r ic a n A gricultural C h e m ic a l C o m p a n y Managing Director R. BIRD & SONS CO. Ctncinttati Sslss Department 405-411 Provident Bank Building, Cincinnati* Ohio , «W*****.*• #•**«****., Cedarvtile, Ohio j

' .. . m:<****-r Mmmm hww CULTURE CLUB ADDS THREE STORMS LOCAL AND PERSONAL BAB NATURE PROGRAM The E. W, Fulmer Co., owner of a chain o f grocery stores in this section Mr. and Mrs. Willard Kyle of Sea- Birds end trees of Ohio were the with headquarters in Springfield, hat man,Q., spent the week-end with Mr. center «? aftK#*** from members of purchased three grocery stores in and Mrs. J. E. Kyis. the Club, when the society av6«* the home of Mrs. C. E, Troy. t This gives the company 43 stores. Mrs, Afuthr Judy entertained Tues­ Oxley, OedflwviRe, Tuesday afternoon. Save that day afternoon a number of young folks Bali eel wae answered with the name* of various birds and trees of S7-S9 East Main St., Xenia, 0 , in honor of Junior’s fifth birthday, NOTICE the state. Twe papers were read, the first % Mrs. F. A. Jaricat, on “ Migra­ Mies Joaia Charlton, of Dayton, was Wo are ready fo r ilia 1928 Season, the guest of Mr. and Mrs, Win. Conley tion of Bled*," and the second by Mrs. It's Y o Baby chicks all ‘varieties. Custom over the week-end. C. E. Masters cm “By-Products of M a k e G o o d Tree*.” Both were well prepared and hatching at 4c per egg, A full line received with interest. of Buckeye and Newtown Incubators With Men Who Know Value* FOR SALE—400 bushels of com. and Brooders. No longer ia it necessary 4$ Apply to Mrs. E . C. Ogle*bee. A poem entitled “April Showers” Styles, quality of fabrics and work- ^ was given by Mrs. Bert McFarland. The Northup Hatchery, pay’from $186 to $150 for ,# fiaanship, finish— all have to he RIGHT The musieM entertainment was fur­ Belt Phone, Clifton 13F16. , high grade washing machine. LOST—Two Fence Stretcher Chains R. R, 1, Yellow Springs, 0, to measure up to the demands of our between home and Cedarville. G. H. nished by Mrs. Oxley’s two daughters, customers. Ci’eswell. the Misses Marguerite and Katherine. A piano solo, violin solo and a musical WWth«r y#*» choice I« » «uit 0f Little Montgomery West, youngest reading by Miss Marguerite, were wortttd or uRSaithtd wor.ttd— whetL.r son o f Mr. and Mrs. J. S. West is given. . WANTED T9* prafer the u w .h*de of n » or « » down with an attack of penumonia. The society voted to send a “friend­ ***■ »WM « novelty—yo. ship bag” to the children of Mexico, as j DEAD STOCK .removed free of fi»d h.ro nothinif fe.t .uper value., •J, C. Townaley, who recently fell part o f the national plan. | charge, Call 454, prompt Service. --.y ■; y 1 at either ml Amtm moderate price. from the loft in his barn fracturing XENIA FERTILIZER CO. two ribs, is again able to be about. FOR SALE—Baby carriage in good ‘ condition, Phone 60, * j FOR RENT—Four rooms furnished or unfurnished. Phone 30, Lock Box 206, Xenia Ave., Cedarville, Ohio. . A wonderfully equipped new factory is now taming WHEN IN GPRIHGF13LD out several hundred of these finest Model 20 Washers Rev. Walter Morton, wife and son, every .day*. • Herold, of Louisville,.Ky., are spend­ ing a few days at the home o f Mr, 'And gigantic machinery is securing large reduction!, Extra Pant., If Extra Pont., If S. M, Murdock. They will return in manufacturing costs, thus enabling you to buy at Desired' at $4.98 Desired at $5.90 Saturday. about two-thirdsof what you would expect to pay for a The Columbus ;pike was closed for NOW ON THEIR SECOND WEEK really fineelectric washer. j traffic this week while the contractors * ' / , . High Connt Waverly Caps | are building two bridges. A detour is . Broadcloth Shirts * ForMea *>, necessary from J. C-. Townsley’s See What You Get i around by the McMillan school house. Men’s dress shirts that With style, right proportion . Baxtncnrm C om * Ttra, aickel-plabed inside, 6-abee* .capacity, icH-drabrfag are top-notch in style and and fine quality. Shown to. liglc | ' The old McMillan school house on ®unrimo»Amjxwojc Hrnao-Diso—the successful washing principle. Talue- Absolutely fast col- tan Glen.' plaid with contrast the Columbus pike has been improved MUSICAL COMEDY COMPANY Aoauusut S cu m s Tor D a m —starts and stop* axtematlcally by dM tef ;f r.., an

89c $ 3.98 Dr. C. M. W ilcox o f New Paris, O., spent Saturday and Sabbath with Dr, BETTER SHOE VALUES E VERY DAY IN THE WEEK and Mrs. A. E. Richards and famijy.

Mrs. LaClede Markle attd daughter, BEE Joan, left Tuesday'for New York City ALWAYS where-they will- join Chaplin Markle OCR of the U. S. Navy, They expect to be located in and about New York dur­ WINDOWS BUSY ing the summer. ■ OV£f) 2SO FAM/ir STfiRtS G-fZ-MNNEY CO.Jnc.f ac Tomas Mrs. X. G. Davis and daughter, Mrs. LaClede Markle, entertained with a 35 EAST MAIN STREET—SPRINGFIELD, OHIO SUGAR CORN FLAKES bridge party Saturday afternoon. Six­ 1 0 L B S, 6 1 c KELLOG’S 7 c teen ladies enjoyed the afternoon, . HEADQUARTERS FOR SPRING FOOTWEAR

FOR SALE—Three building lots by Shoes For The Entire F amily A t Popular Prices SANI-FLUSH PAR-T-JELL PEACHES the Trustees-of the First Presbyterian No. Mission Church. Good location and priced 2 1 c 2 F0R 1 5 c 1 9 c reasonable. For particulars apply to LADIES’ SHOES M r.‘ Conley. Whatever your style choice may be for the sum­ mer, Kinney’s have it at— POLLYANNA BUCKWHEAT WATERLESS OLD Fashioned Mr, James Stormont sustained slight High, Low O auras last Friday while compounding and Medium Cleanser, 5 lb. pail6 9 c 5 L b B a g 2 5 c some chemicals in the college labor­ atory. As a result he lost his eye Heels brows and eye lashes as Well as some H A N D H MOP BROOM hair. The bums were not serious. Blonds Kid |