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■ Hie Weather Ayerage Daily Prem Ron Foreeeot ot D. ■. Weothsr Boreoo For liie Week Ended Aogost 81, IMS Fair and quite eool’tonigliL Vf’w

aroimd M. Ilm nday partly siin-

nj aor4 aootinued eooi. Mgli 13,495 Btemlier of ttw AndH areond Id, .

Boieon at Okreiilatioa Manchester-r-A City of Village Charm


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METZ, ^ance (AP)—Rob-

ert Schum'an, 77, often called the father of European unity, N-Tests

'died today after a long illness. Schuman laid out toe plan for the European Coal and Steel pool, As Way to

o production and marketing or- gaiuzation linking France, West TlTPMTNmi AM Ain f A PI'’^‘threatening to cause a riot."••by two city policemen registered Germany, Italy, Belgium, Holland UIKMIINUHAM, Ala. tA r-; shouted through a mega-j for toe 12th grade atjtoe Board - —Two Negro brothers enter- and Luxembourg. U.S. Safety phone. I order vou to rhove back of Education office. Tnere were The same countries later ed school with white children on the street. ! no incident.s. No other pupils formed toe Common Market, or When the crowd ignored the 1 were present. today and brief disorders the European Economic Commu- WASHINGTON. (AP) —, broke out at the elerhentary order, repeated several times. The Birmingham pickets car- Senate Democratic leader. thc police moved forward and the ried signs reading "Clo.se Meted school where tliey registered.' tussle ensuctf. Women caught in Schools" and asking white Mike Mansfield asked his col-' Dwight and Floyd Armstrong, the mass screamed but apparent- parents "for your child's .sake, leagues today to avoid the accompanied by four Negro rtien, ly none was hurt. please close the schools." entered the Graymont gramm ar “tragic obsession” that con- I.t. Maurice House said one of ' But scores of white children en- tinued nuclear testing would school through a side door. They 1 those arrested'at Gr^ymont was , tered three of the city's 9,3 public 'enrolled and 10 minutes later, left, warnei, a.ssni-iaio editor of I,schools ordered ■ desegregated b'v enhance national security. 'b y the .same door. , !a National States Rights party I a federal court. Urging- the Senate to ratify toe ' They became pupils in the fifth niagazine. "The ' Thunderbolt. " • At Montgomery. Wallace con- limited test ban treaty, Mansfield land sixth-grpc.e.s the first Ne-; ^^.^^ncr said he turned a police tinned to decline comment after ■said toe only Insurance furthe;- groes ■ in Alabama to enter an' niotorcvcle over and wa.s' charged ; desegregation had been accom- dresser testing could provide was that “If our civilization is put to the elementary school with while chil- destroying city property. i plished. The state troopers sent dren. ' in the Gulf Coast city of Mo-j nuclear torch by hand, others will T.ie Sw.ss jet airliner Which crashed ouUide the viiiage of Duerrenaesch, Switzerland, today,, Demonstrations by about 100 bde, twb Negroes accompanied | (Continued on Page Ten) be consumed 4n toe same stu- plowed through field brtween two houses badly chaiTing both. All 80 persons aboard the plane white liersons who had gathered pendous blazi.” died. The plane bad taken off from Zijrich,,30 miles aw-ay, on flight to, Rome vta Geneva. (AP early on the sidewalks alxnit the ------' ■ ■" Mansfield’s remarks" came as Phrttofax), '______.. „_____ ^ PAGS O.NE______the Foreipi Relations Corrimlttee school followed. Police brought in ...... T- 1 - 1 "AT T - formally filed its report recom- riot .squads armed with carbines ' P n o le S tS 111 lA m g, Isla n C l, lYeW JeF S eV mending ratification of toe treaty. and rifle^. Debate Is scheduled to begin next The while segregationists yelled I week. "Let s gel those niggers out of Proponents of toe treaty are there," ‘ <

predicting, on toe basis of toe Kills 80 At one point, about 25 of the Parent Sit-In Aims committee’s 16-1 vote for approval demonstrators broke through po- lice lines. .that toe Senate will ratify it by DUERRENAESCH, by a loud roaring* One of the owners. Oskar Sager more tlian toe necessary two- sound. ' ‘ was sitting at his desk when he At lea.st three while men and | mijoruy after ryeek o^ (AP) - A' Swissair Duerrenaesch villagers said heard the plane coming. one Negro man were arrested. Po- i To Balance Races so of debate. twin-jet - airliner exploded in they heard an explosion, looked "It’s engines were roaring mad- lice broke up crowds of Negro Mansfield’s views were In a up and saw the blazing plane ly," Sager .said. spectators on a corrier facing the ROBERT SOHUMAN the air today shortly after demonstrators. One young white [ speech prepared for delivery to coming down over their houses. “I ran to the window. There man hurled a rock but it went MALVERNE, N.Y. (API - Four*nate plan to red’.ce to. per- taking off from Zurich and Was fog outside. But through the centage of Negroes in toe Wood- nlty. Promoters of European unity toe Senate. Some said the 'iig craft grazed astray. He was arrested promptly. Negro parents began a sit-in today hope toe Common Market will de- He acknowledged there were crashed in flames, killing a1| toe roof of two farm buildings mist I could see, coming from field, Road school from 81 per cent velop Into a welded- to- risks “but I ’remind the Senate the 80 persons aboard. / before smashing into toe earth northeast, a ball of fire “rapidly! After about 25 minutes of yell- at the predominantly white Davi- to 41 per cent and to increase Ne- losing height. Within seconds It tog, the while group led by offi- Avenue Elementary School gether politically as well as eco- that' there are also risks in fail- The tremendous impact^ bf toe and disintegrating. gro enrollment In toe two other nomically. ing to vehture. In standing still In croah , scattered parts / of toe crashed in toe grass. There was [ cials of (he National Slates Rights ' p,. Black, the prin- elementary schools. The plane damaged the village’s Schuman became seriously 111 a wqrld which does not stand still FVench-built Caraveli?'' and hu- main power line, tore off the roof an enormous explosion and then party departed m cars. refused to enroll their chil- A State Supreme jOourt order last month and received toe final for''us or any nation..’’ man remains over a square mile. of, a .barn and destroyed the up- it was all over.’ Gov. George C. Wallace, who ’ Teams of police and soldiers rites of toe Catholic Church. Me Mansfield said the International The plane had been bound for per part of the home of Heinrich Tuesday sent hundreds of state -j-be Negroes, challenging racial (Continued on Page Six) went over a wide area in search was 4j[mfferlng from a stroke aqd agreement Is similar to one pro- Geneva and Rome. It narrowly Leinhard, 76. who was having troopers, wildlife rangers and oth- i imbalance in the public schools respiratory trouble... posed by former President Dwight missed Duerrenaesch, situated be- of particles that might provide er special officers into toe city, jbis Long Island community, breakfast in his kitchen. He Death came at Schumap'e ee- D, Eisenhower. tween two small "akes about 30 •escaped injury. a clue to toe cause ot toe disaster. maintained silence at toe execu- ^sked Black to admit toe children tate near this city lit eastern The pilot’s logboo kwas reported^ live mansion in Montgomery,. The ^-nhout prescribed student trans- •"It is conceivable that one pres- miles west of Zurich, and slashed A small factory, where Georgia Aide France. ■ _ ident of toe United Statics may a huge ^>rater in the earth just found intact not far fro m to e state forces did not show up at jgp cards. They were led by Lin- A native of Luxembourg, fichu- have misjudged the American in- west of toe village. 80 workers had started their crater. yt any of toe three schools affected • p^n Lynch, chairman of the Long terest in this highly significant morning- ,6hift, remained undam- ■ spnlroBlP^i declined by a federal court desegregation inland chapter of the Congress of The worst air disaster Jn-Swiss, aged. '’^ e ' plafle hit 200 ya?f!i* Investigating (Continued^da Poge Two) to speculate whether toe plane matter, although I do not for a history, the crash took the lives from it. order. Racial Equality. ,-^i------—i moment suggest that such was ot 74 passengers and six crew might ha've been sabotaged. The scene was more peaceful at Black refused Lynch’s entrance the case/ with President Elsen- members. It was the first major Swissair was checking, over cop- West End And Ramsay high i beyond the school door. Lynch, the Mixed Couple hower. air tragedy in Switzerland since 0 ies of tickets to establish a com- schools. A total of 93 schools Negro parents and their children Economic Ties "But I find it most difficult to World War M. WifT plete passenger list, expected to opened today with enrollment ex- j jben sat down in the doorway, believe that two presidents in .suc- Swissair authorities announced be issued later today. Under new peeled to exceed last year’s rec- police barricades surrounded ATLANTA (AP) — The mar- cession would be guilty of -negli- one American, named G'auner, interhatipnal regulations, compan- ord 72,000. The morning dragged pbe school and some 40 Nas.sau ’ r>age of Charlayne Hunter, 21. Moscow’s Tool gence or poor judgment on pre- was- among the eight foreigner.^ ies are no longer obliged to keep on without Negroes appearing. Countv policemen and' private first Negro girl to enter and cisely the same question of na- who perished. They did not have! complete passenger lists for each Shortly^fter peace returned, to guards were on duty. graduate from the University of tional interest.” his first name or home town. flight. Graymonj;^ a group of about 50 The parents were identified as Georgia, to a white Southerner is To Boss Reds Mansfield said tbht "on toe All toe 66 other passengers and Rescue workers found debris whites appeared at Ramsay. They otis Guy, Nava Daniels, Eleanor void in Georgia, says Atty. Gen. basis of fdet, knowledge and the the crew were Swis.s nationals. and bodies scattered over an atea waved (Confederate flags and pro-1 Butler and Bustance Corbin. : Eugene Cook, tested a , police barricade. Some Negroes also planned to attempt Miss Hunter disclosed Monday By BORI^BOSKOVIO overwhelming judgment of the Among them were' 44 per.sons of several hundred feet. The blaz- most highly sltfiied and qualified from a single village, Humlikon. ing wreckage lighted up nearby wore Nazi-type uniforms. | to enroll their children at another in that she secretly BELGRADE, - Yugoslavia (AP) witnesses" tha has Making up a quarter of Humll- farm houses. Earl Morgan, Wallace,’s execu-1 predominantly white school, | married Walter Stovall. 25, of —Premier Khrushchev’s tour of no- nuclear advantage that toe kon’s population, they were fly- mjoici ITAll Mrs. Emil Luescher, wife of a live secretary, and other admini-1 Lindner Place, of toe Malverne- Douglas, last spring. 8h_ Yugoslavia has convinced many needs to offset by ing to Geneva on a trip organized Diierreqaesch baker, told news- slration leaders were in Birmlng- Lakeview district. ■ j •^'aid they Are expecUng a -child .'.*ere that Moscow, has changed Its atmospheric testing. by a farming cooperative. men .she and her family "first ham on orders from the governor "Another group will picket the in.Decembei. He said there- is only a - rqmote The disaster slruCk at 7:20 a.m'. thought ’ the c6rk factory across "to observe and keep hiih fully'i predomina-nlly Negro Woodfield ■•i.iTh.ey are i ^ m arrie^ un^ strategy for dominating toe Com- pos^bility that the Sovlet.s could Four minutes before, official.s re- the road, had exploded. The whole informed ^ Road School in an effort to dis- Georgia law. Cook said Tuesday. munist world. / m ^ e any significant tests with- ported they had • lost contact with cotncAi house shpok, all the window panes Later in toe morning, there courage parents, from enrolling "Its unlawful for.a white person Ilf every speech, Khrushchev out detection. Nor is there "a the Caravelle. went to pieces. was police action at Ramsay and. their-children there." a Negro to.niarry an.vone e.xcept a ivhite Insistently argued the necessity ‘sigpilficant po88ibility,toat 6 single Farmers in toe village of Bet- ‘,‘The plane came down . about. the arrest of four men. One of .spokesman said. , - and advantages of economic coqp- Soviet test suddenly sprung upon tw'il, eight miles northeast of 200 yard.s from our house. When them was bloodied by a billy club 'T*’® school board has ruled that lation of this law shall be void, eration among Ciommunlst coun- us could -so alter toe balance of Duerrenaesch, said they saw , a Cixiss locales ytliage of Dup'r- we got there we saw only a part when he resisted arrest. "O child is to be admitted to any , The couple declinpd to tlie tries. military forces between toe two glowing fire moving at great renaescii -wihere airliner crash- ^ school other than the one tOrvWhich i exact time and plac^ of the wed- Students of Conomunlst/affadrs nations as to increase tj^e risk of speed through toe morning mist. ed. (AP Photofax). (Contihaed on Page Teh) Placed in a pacidy wag(>n, assigned. Civil rights lead- ding, but said it was in the North, believe a primary goal of Khrush- military attack upcjte Os,” said chanted a song dedicated to ers said.said the board has hired Cook said any m arriage solem- or Albert Boutwell. ' ‘ nized. in another state by "parties ^ chev’s visit was to draw Yugoslav- Mansfield. We ll hang Albert. Boutwello . M , to I| guards to enforce the decision. ia into economic ties with When debate begins. Sen. R ub- intending at the time to reside in a sour apple tree while the white pre.sldent, and Lewis Bejarano, a this state" shall have the .same the Soviet Union and other coun- 3cll B. Long, D -li., has served race goes marching on." they tries of toe Eastern bloc. notice he will fight lor a reserva board m em bei. were served Tucs- legal consequences as if they were sang. day night with an order to show solemnized in Georgia. In Stalin's day, Moscow con- tion spelling out the U.S. right to Viet Nam Deaf to JFK’s Plea There were two separate scuf- cau.se in State Supreme Court to- The attorney general said he dolled its satellites and other com- use nuclear weapons in self de- , ’ — n • ' ' 1 fles. In the first, a policeman was Iiist parties by tough discipline. fense or in defense of its allies. day why they .should not institute had called the Bureau of Vital I beaten and'V-as taken to a hospital a desehii alion 'ftrder of Dr. James i Statistics ii) New .York to forward Tlie'-situation has greatly chan^pd The foreign relations committee SAldON, South 'Viet Nam (APli^Buddhist monks who took refuge* In another development. South for a cljeckup. In toe past few years. voted to Include this stipulation, .—The government of South . Yiet in the embassy Sunday. E. Allen Jr's, state commi.ssioner him a copy of toe m arriage cer-. Viet Nam's government radio said The major sRirmish came when of education. lific,ate .."if in tnitli the marriage Yugoslavia escaped from Mos- suggested . by Eisenhower, in to- Nam has turned a deaf ear to The three include Thich Tri a leading Buddhist monk, Thich CapU-Jack Warren gave an order cow's orbit In 1948, toe only Com- day^ report, rather than as a re- Quaiig, tup organizer of toe Budd- E^. Allen ordered the board in was eoiisummated there." • munlst nation to do so .up until servation to toe resolution of rat- President Kennedy’s pleas for re- hi.st anti-government movement. Thien Hoa, is satisfied that Diem i 1” push the jeering crowd back, June to end racial 'im balance by Cook said he would .submit his ification, which would require The embassy - turned away a' has shown "great benevolence Fifteen officers who had been bu.ssing Negroes from Wcxidlield findings to the .solicitor general • ,1 S p in ’s death. forms to rally, public support for and generosity” toward Budd-' i'ept uo -a nearby football field .'^ince then, Albania and Asian renegotiation of toe treaty. Its President Ngo Dinh Diem and win fourth monk who appealed for Road to the other two‘schools. • . - — asylum Tuesday. "We’re, just too hists, and granted their just de-came into action as The board .submitted an alter- . (Continued on Page Six) ’ ^'’Cbmmiinist nations led by Red nfSjwticrs are confident of ' suffi- the war against Oimmunist guer- ji^Qrids. menls with bflly clubs, / China have adopted Independent cent votes to defeat a reservation. rillas. full,” an embassy official ex- . "You are violating th \ law: and anti-Soviet lines. Signs of dis- , Sen. Harrison A. Williams Jr., While a government spokesman plained. ■ obedience also ha-ve recently ap- D-N.J., said a formal reservation welcomed Kennedy’s pledgq of The situation was complicated WASHINGTON (AP)—The har- j peared in Romania. 1 might prove to be a "kiss of continued U.S. aid in the anti- further by reliable reports that boring of three Buddhist monks! Observens now believe Moscow death" for the trehty. communist war, he said Tuesday one of the refugees, Le Mau Chi, by the American embassy ,in Sai- ' the President’s criticism, of was a Vietnamese secret police gon is one of the few exceptions (Continued on Page Fourteen) (Continued on Page llilrteen) Diem’s domestic policies Was agent for nine years before he “quite wrong" and "based on in- became a monk. (Continue on Page Ten)

adequate information.” U.S. officials in Washington pri vately voiced disappointment over Father Gives a Lavish Wedding the negative reaction to Kenne- dy’s plea for reforms. The Saigon Rights Appeal Entered stand was consldere(l a blow to (He^s One Who Can Afford It) a solution of deteriorating U.S.- Vietnamese selations. NEW yORK (AP) — Note to^ The flowers for the hors .'The American President ap- In Andover Lake Case prospective fathers of the bride d’oeuvres table were in a giant pealed to the Vietnamese govern- bouquet, about five feet tall apd ment Monday to rally public sup- who are umcertaln abopf how ' to port by changes In policy "and Appeals to Governor Dempseji.i^ Tsuffis, who Is -an elected con- i give their daughters the best pos. almost as wide—and"** surrounded by a halfdozen stuffed pheasants perhaps Ir^ personnel:” the Civil Rights Commisjhon and stable of Andover as well as a ' Bible send-off: He ap^rently had in mind to CX)RE are being made by Janies lieutenant in the Fire Department, and" monograms of the bride and You couldn’t do better than Diem’s brjbther-advlser. Ngo Dinh Tsuffis, of Lake Rd., jGidover. will ask for legislation to clear up •mulate Mr. and Mrs. Harold Uris, groom carved from blocks of ice three feet high. Nhu. Washington believes Nhu Tsuffis, whose wife is a Negro, the racial difficulties of Andover. who last night married oft their was responsible for the anti-budd- claims that discriminatory prac- fourth and last daughter, Jqne, in As for the hors d’oeuvres, you He said;, "I, don’t want to jump couldn’t go wrong by copying toe hlst crackdown Aug. 21 when mar- tices by the Andover Lake Prop- in their^ake, but now it affects -the Trianon Ballroom of tofe new tial law was Imposed in South erty Owners Association, prevent- my kids; How do you explain bia*. Nerw York Hilton. instructions given by banquet ed hife son, Gregory , from receiv- representative George R, Bognon, Viet' Nam. A .Roman Catholic, 8 to a kid?" . First you rent the room—actual- Diem has denied Buddhist charg- ing awimmujg lessons at toe lake. ly four rooms. The Trianon Ball- formerly of the W.aldorf, before Tsuffis said that he has tried that from the Old Sherry’s on es of religious discrimination, Mrs. Gerald Oormier, sitter for to join the association on several | room for the wedding (and the The ’ Vietnamese government toe bfiy, was told by lake officials dinner later), the reception room Park Avenue—and before that to remove him from toe beach as occasions, but has never been able T from Prance. spokesman noted that "Kennedy to get an applfcation. Phone calls i of the TVismon Etellroom; the Mer- said toe United States. should not soon as the lesson was completed. cury Ballroom for the reception Heading the list, and marked in withdraw Its support of Viet Nam, Since Mrs. Oormier hdd a child of to members of the membership ' and toe rotunda of the Mercury M. Bognon’s instructions to his and that Is heartening.’’ U.S. mili- her .own taking lessons at a con- committee havje,.been rebuffed. Ballroom for the reception Ime staff “very very special atten- flicting time, sh? was uiiable. to Another resident of the area feels tion," was the caviar—"excellent tary-and other aid to Viet Nam that his membership was denied where toe 350 guests pa.>« by dnd is running $500 million a year. place Gregory- in a safe environ- because of his j-elipion. kiss the bride. . Beluga served on iefe socles Washington reacted sharply to ment. The floral decorations must be (bstses) with complete garniture. a story published' in Saigon that The Tsuffis - incident o ^ e -to At one time, a .sign .exclaiming Jttvish/and yet tasteful. In the case Including sour ' cream, chopped toe U.S. Central Intelligence Agen- light after the Rev. William M. "Pleasing Restrictions" was posted of Jane Uris’ wedding; It was eggs qnd anions, blinls and fresh- cy. had plotted to overthrow toe Philpot, a Negro minister, \ys® at the lake, but it was removed white chrysajithemuma and red ly-made toast and' tartar (raw) Dle'm government with toe help fused membership for toe thli’d several years ago. roses In ■ masses of greenery — steak bMla of dissidents im.’Souto Viet Nam. time in ALPOA. The Rev., Mr. ’Thomas Hemy, executive seore- banked against one whole wall of Fifteen pounds of caviar was pro- State Depkranent press officer Philpot is planning appeals to the tary of toe Civil Rights Oommis- toe ballroom, and scattered, about vided, and the estimated'price was Richard/^. Phillips denied toe Governor sdso. It was brought Out sibn, a qjember of toe Andover the reception rooms. 875 per pound. chargesL which appeared in a that In the eight years, he has Lake Property Owners Assoc, and In this setting, Jane was married Meanwhile, the waiters who governnstet -" backed Vietnanies'e lived on Andover Lake, toe Rev. a sponsor of toe membership ap-- s " to Richard Barry Nye, son of Mr. weren’t passing champagne, newspaper, toe Times of Viet Philpot has never been in toe wa- pUc^ion of the Rev. Mr. Philpot ai>d Mrs. Edgar B. Nye of New scotch, bouthon. - and .rye were Nani.’ He likened the story to a ter. No letters hove, as' yet, been said thai. a meeting, of the Ckm- Teachers Stopped in TusUegee^ Ala, York. Nye, a 1961 Harvaird Ool- IMsaing hot hors d’osuvres. fiction thriller. received by the Governor. m ia^n, will be held tomorrow bo .■'lage gioduate, is continulnfi his IVhen appeUtM Were sufficient- .The State Department acknowl- At a meeting of toe ALPOA last pkm whatever action io deemed Two Alabama State patrolinen. Lt. H. G. t«e (left) and Oapt. Cll«uide Frier, pferyent memben a t .studiw ot toe Harvard School of ly whetted wltti thsM dolntiM un-, •dsad that the U.S. embassy In Saturday night at toe Red Barn, neoeaoaty. The Governor lias not the Tuskegee High School factitty-firom sebbtag foot bn school property today. It was-the third (fay der tfae'Se convex nrirrees on tlM Salipm had rojecte^ a formal re . seven appUcanta, Including it Cath- y«t received dorreepondenioe' tretri- tfMut troopers had ringed the school uf&m orders of <3ov, Ooorf« Wellaxse. It was te have omnied oa Thwinrso Administration. The neiw- an integiraited baoia Monday, fibanding between the hmo(>en Si Ffetnoi|)al’B. W. ’WOdBwio(& (AP Iprads iplan to livs ii Booiotl. qnMt from fimitb ▼letaameae oii. olio p r i^ , were admitted .as mem- e6tbe the Rev. Mir. FM^xA or CMtiior bock to tfaeirr wSHogt lOoottBnefi «8i . F h N tbor(ttai^ f o r ‘ auabxljr qf thraa Iwrs. . , ^Ffcobottut). ' IT

I ■i j ; - A •■,:V


PHeE'THREE MANCHESTER EyENINO HERXLD, MANCHESTER, CONN,, ^^BDNBSDAY, SEPTEMBER* 4, 19W MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER, CONN,, WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 4, 1968 fAOm TWO an hour under contracts tied to Days to Setter Grad^ HEALTH CAPSULES TVTany R a i ^ s the cost of living indfex. This rose Scli^uman Dies, ^ l^hsd A. P«tti,.MJ). In July to- a new high of 107.1 per Skein wold on Bridge cent of the^ 1957-59 average. OPEN 6 DAYS POR YOUR CONVENIENCE! Stam ps MOW CAN 'IDU PREVENT Employes of some companies ,ATFST REPORT FROM PUTNAM Key Maver- in TV” Radio Tonight RECURRENT INPECTlONS IN For Workers Mon. thni Sat^ 9 AM . to 6:80 PJ)L—Thur*. 9 AM . to'9 PM. on Mem orizi] THE EXTERNAL EAR CAKIALI are getting ^n-additional boost as K€*iih's provided in long-term lalxir con^ nedONAL BBIDOE'HBBO i By Tha RaadUng Laboratoi^, Inc. G>mingDue tinctSi Where these annual int- Europe iJ n i *y mJE FOR NEW STAN BOON creases are provided for blue-col- - W ritten -fo r N E A .' ALFRED BHEINWOUI Television lar' workers, mdre companies are ' Brii^a players all oveir the The Travefers (Oonttoned fn m Page Oiw) 6:00 (8) Big I Theater (In procrewlA ( 3-12) cnowns and Heroes By 8AM DAWSON providing like boosts for white col-: world oan heave a, elgh of relief: (id) Movie at 6 (in prozrets) (33) Film . AP Business News Anafyri lar employes. memorize them only after Don Von Elan'er le writing anoth- (mLio; o;. Early Show (h protreae) • 8:00 ( 34) Guide to A r t _ Do you know what the cap- man was schooled as a lawyer S) New* NEW YORK (AP)—Several mil- All of this post-Labor Day good ' Insurance C om pony ital of Kentucky la? What you've iindentood why they and entered public^ life shortly af- er^etory ;abaut Jake Wlnkman, tals (18) Subscription TV should -be as they are. shrewd rndge pro. Von EUmer aO) Young World . ( 3) School Dropout -Problem fi lion workers are . getting pay in- cheer- for hourly and salaried' The country’s leadinff stockholder- was the date of the First Con* ter World War I. K s goal soon 34) What’s New (12) Close-Up J workers Is. one reason that govern- STUDENTS - TEACHERS ^ SALESMEN tinent^l Congress? Name the There seem to be three dif- became Eitropean{^ty, which he gaye me the good' news at lunch’ 4 S 6 4 18) Big Picture (2 2 ^ ) Red Sox vs. DetVolt . M creases. This cpuld mean pressure owned financial institution based ferent types of memorise: Vis- 40) Glen Cailnon 8:80 ( 8-20-40) Going My Way for higher prices. It could mean ment and business economists feel different hinds of algae. What pursu9 d:^as--virtGUy his solo pas- one day, together with a hand ? W 9 T C 23) Club Bouse on current market total vj^lue of its ual, auditory and olfaotocy. I 3-l4) Oobie dillia . . *n™.„i,|so sure that the total of personal AP Newsfeatures Is the precise formiflatioo of sion in a lonely, secluded Ufe: played by Wlnkman in.Honolulu. « I 10 9 S I j( 8) 87th Precinct (34) The Dubliners faster economic growth through the rest of this . Most people (about 90 per . share, is the sub ject of a most sisr- By SID ItRONISH Charles’s Law? , He had . been In falling health East dealer. a nss '4 (13) NeWabeat 9:00 (10) Mystery Theater more spending money circulating Make correspondence and. stu(dy cent) have visual masaortss. North-South vulnerable SOUTH (34) Film (34) Invitation to Art year, ^ , nificant report just released by our If you had the iuMWars to since early In 1961 when he col- ‘ ( 8) Walter Cronkite quickly. It could mean greater ..lany nations throughout the They remember pi6tui«a iwt- Opening ^ead—Ten of Hearts. ( S-j3) Beverly Hillbllllea And as this spending money orld will be issuing spociai com- those questions on ttie tip at lapsed adille walking throuf^ the U8> Lite of Riley cost-trimming efforts such ^.t turn- Research Depaithnent. A copy, is ter than sounds. If you hsme a Wlnkman ruffed the opening (40) The Lone Ranger 9:30 ( 24) Poeta At Work increatses so does the chance' of memorative "Europa" stamps to your tongue, don’t bother to bills near his estate. Be spent the ( 8-20-40) Our Man Higgina liur to machines to replace man EASY with a HOME DESK OUTFIT! available for office be- 'Visual memory, use it. For to- winter night lying helplessly on a lead and drew trumpa with the AS a (30) British Calendar ( 3-12) Dick Van Dyke better times ahead. honor the European Convention of read any further. You already stanoe, if you have bo remem- 6;15 (10-23-30) Huntley-Brinkley ^ woman labo,'. ' . , l' low. know how to memorize. hillside and was found the next ace and Mng. .Then he embarked A4 1 7:00 ^3-M-30^J News, Sports and 10:00 (10) Eleventh Hour . But whatever the future may Postai and Tele-Communications ber a long seriee of itams, U might lead out an ace AM Vm i 8) Bough B ldetr 10:30 ( 24) Glenn Gould EAR, AS IN SWIMMING, workers. to make these chores d pleasure! ^ . -..i— set of two' stamp-i from Eire. aUher ttarbetter), then”tie aU,^ suspended his political acU'vlty and le^ toward dummy’s quean (18) Navy Film •' 0, (30) Welcome tn S<'Bndinavia RAWLINS. Wyo. (AP) —Ray- MH-1 had to memorize the capltids and finished an autobiography. It (10) Shannon 11:00 ( 3-8-10-13-20-23-30-40) Newt, SHOWERS, ETC, THE MORE Some 2.6 million low-paid work- mond B. Gonzales. 20, used tnroo TTie basic design, by Norwegian the pioturee into a aingle. Ug —first In .one suit and then tai an- CHANCE FOR INFECTION. 'Sl^C A m e Holm, symbolises the of the states. You probably re- picture and Just remember is expected to be published soon. of "How '-to Succeed - at MUrdar f;lB (33) Square I>ajice Sports and Weather ers got a wage boost because the stolen catrs to make good his es- PUTNAM & CO. other. He would win^ up losing (80) Sports Camera li:i6 (fo) Steve Allen HmHH 9IVM hvlplul infonnttiofL legal minimum wage has gone up PLASTIC TbP I close-cOQperalfon between the pos- membered them, too — until that. On a test, tt’k be eaay to An ascetic bachelor, Schuman Without Trying.” And If you have (10) Tonight (C) cape ’Dresday from the Wyoming { MpnitxT of American and New York Slock BxchanKP two diamonds and tiro clubs. ' t!8 (10) The Virginian • ll h not int«n4*d to b« of a oifigneittc fMtura to 81.25 am hour from 81.15. Even tal admlhiatrations within CEPT. the test was over. What hap- “decode” the picture. becAme premiw of France in the Wlnkman knew better. He not reswl that paperbook olaselc, (80) Air Power ( 3) Movie Penitentiary, i Warden LenaVd 7. P I E C E O U T F I T 71 Eaat Center St. — Phone 643-2161 ]>ened was tha:t you formed You may have an auditory early years of the unstable Fourth you Just aren’t with the bridge (34) Travel Time 11:20 (12) Movie more persons 'pernaps expecL to Meacham . said. Eiepicted-aiXfow intenVined lines sure that East, held both Ungs In ,(18) Topic 11:30 (33-30)’ Tonight (C) benefit^ indirectly because their Open naily 9 to 6 — Thuraday Evcnlnff 6:80 to 9 a kind of nervous "rut” la meiTKiry. (If you’re musicniiiy Republic established after .World bit, man. ( 8) Movie which form fourVMuares in the addition to ' -the missing high 8-40-3S)) Wagon Train differential tends to rise as the Gonzales stole the first car aft- Open Saturday* 9 to 18. center. Each of theX,squares con- your brain between, say, Ken- inclined, you’H probably be an War n . He served as premier .fOr hearts for' the opening bid. The Dally Queatkm SATURDAY’S TV WEEK FOB COMPLETE LISTING U.S. Steel Slates er. scaling the prison wall. He $ tucky and Frankfort, Oh the “audiaphile.”) For you, tha about seven months, beginning In As dealer,'yon bold: Spades, A- lowest paid job does. stole a second one 120 miles 5995 Name______^------— T I tains one of the letters^n ‘'CEPT." best ebahee was to make East K-Q-10-9-T-4; Hearts, None; Dla- The stamp includes the wor(f test, when the teacher, said best w ^ to memorize Is In late 1947, and again for only three lead up 'to one of dummy’s high V Walkout Hearing Arid at least a million others, away at Jeffrey City after the “Kratucky,” a little bell wxMild days in late 1948. Later he was moads, A-6-t; Clubs, A-4-S. in many pay brackets, win get YOU B E C tlV E 600 . Addrasa^ X Europa.” The 6 pence is magenta: singsong, repetitive patterns— cards. first car broke down. The second GREEN ST.4.MI’ S: ring, the nervous rut would the more tuneful the better. foreign minister for more than } Three Ducks What do you sayT Radio more because the cos^ ot livuig | was found abandoned in Cdy____ the 1 shilling 3 pence Ls blue. four years. Answer; Bid two spades. Ilf GARY, Ind. (AP) — Operations Collectors in this country de- connect Kentucky with FraiA- Another good way that a East wouldn’t willingly nas just hit anotner record hign. , neighboring Lander where a third fort—imd you’d get an A on Schuman was a member of the you use weak two-bids, bid two (This Uamg includes only those news broadcasts of 10 or 15 nilnute were returning to normal at the Ol:hers are due for/rvx wqgevtrarrA hikesWil/AC! j ’ vehicle .R . was” stolen. . . Smart Cbntempor(3ry griSip siring first-day covers may write seema equally well for both rate, declarer had to d ^ k big Gary works of U.S. Steel your test. But once the test Cath^ Popular repuUlcah pbrty clubs with this hand.) You have length. Soi^stations carry other abort newscasts). at(tomaUcaiiy under exis,.ing un All this took place within three in -walnut with mar-resistant to: Iri.sh Cachet Covers, 947 E. types of nvemoriea is to make ttniiM to force East into toe (3orp. today after a half-day wild- was over, you (Hd’nt use the nonsense words from the ftast xriieh»it was a iwUtlcal povfar. position. Wlnkman led a low nine sura tricks and better than SBC—ISSS * 7:46 Grandstand Band.stand ion contracts. Some' big unions are hours after Gonzales’ escape. He plastic matching top. 7 dnow- 32nd St., Brooklyn 10, N. T. The He was twice finaitoe mlnistar 4 Quick Tricks. ThlS' is enough 6:00 Jim NstUeton 8:00 Red Sox vs. Tigers cat walkout that idled 15,000 now negotiating, new pacts, the re- mt any more and It gradually letter of each item bo be mem- club after drawing two rounds of 8:00 Raynor Shines ' 10:30 NIghtbeat was serving a prison term for er desk, matching 'chair (ond cost of a complete set on cover is end brought his .almoBt mon- f for a force to game. li;00 New* ' workers and caused a partial shut-' raining slice of this year s quota disappeared. That’s why you i:06 New*. dlgnjOTf auto theft. orized. trumpa. '( down. 5-pc. writing set, including 61. didn’t know It today. Because A few pet^dsv remember astie way of life to' the West rstopped up '*ith the eight WRiiy—SIS 11:16 Sport* Final affecting five million or more memorizing works over- He eut out ntUn,*rous tmephohe For Sheinwold’s 16-pags book- 8:00 Easy Ed Show 11:30 Starlight Serenade The' company scheduled a hear- workers. Ckingress nas boosted lamp. 40" w, 18" d, 3j)"-h.' Odom more' earily than they of oluba,e, and held the trlok. West . 6:20 Newa Weather and Sports 1:00 News and Shtn OH ing today to determine whether •nie 1964 edition of the Harris a short period of Ume, but H remember aounds or pictures. lines and was sometimes seen shifted to the jack of diamonds, let, "A Pocket Guide to Bridge.” 7:15 Jeff Sprung \ wpor—1416 many of the .government a civil U,S./BJf-A. Catalog is now avail- going through ministry offices send ifti cento to BridM Bk, 9:00 Mete ve. Cord* \ 6:00 Joel (tosh a grievance committee member, and military pay brackets. doesn’t ' stick. Despite modem research with and dummy ducked again. West U:80 Tonight at My Ph 7:00 BUI Hughe* Jack McLaughlin, whose .su.spen- able. It also containe a special putting out lights. He lUdn’t own Manchester Eve. Herald, Bo* 8818, 12:00 Glrand Today's mminiu.ii v a „e hike So never be satisfied with perfumed teocts, no sure-fire led tha ten of diamonds, and dum- 12.00 Sign Off ' sion touched off the walkout, fiip Van Winkle Americana” section, U.N. com- a car and frequently traveled Grand Central Station, New York WTIO-16L- _ WiKF—li s t law also could affect about four memorization without under- memorization techniqae for my duckod lor tho third tlmo; 6:00 Newji. Sporte and Weather should be reinstated or fired. plete, and the valuable U.S. Stamp about Paris on public buses. 17, N.T. ’W 6:01 News. Sporu aiifl'jyeather million workers m ine leuau a..u standing. If you understand the "odorophiies” lias been Winkmair won with tho aco of 6:35 Old. Borrowed and Blue 6:16 Showcaee The. Walkout started- at midnight Identifier. It is 160 pages with Schuman grew up in Metz and as Copyright 1968, 8:00 The World Tonight service trades by giving inem Couldn’t Sleep witb I somsthlng, It’ll stick; it be- -'disooivered. SuggesUotia from dlanumda and retumod a dia- 6:45 Three Star Extra Monday night -vhen pickets nearly 2,000 illustrations. Modest- a deputy became a meclalist in Oeoeral Features Oorp. 7:06 Conversation Piece 8:80 Showcaee - overtime pay above ^ a. ,44-hour comes p<^ of you. Straight readers wtU be appreciated. mond, .forcing Bast to oapturc 12:30, Sign Off blocked the three main entrances ly priced at only 35c, jCoUectors memorizing doesn't stick, “ No matter -what type you German affairs, particularly as dummy’s quecq. (Tho poritlon 7:30 News of the World week. And it makes some salaried related to the French pro^ces mSTORIOAL F I ^ to the two-mile long plant along Nagging Backache can obtain It directly by writing w But there are tinrea when are, the memorization, un- would have beoiT’muoh the' same administrative, executive and pro- Nowl You esn get the fast r«U6f you need 4 of Alsace and Lorraine, recovered PERUGIA, Italy (AP) — Worti- time when the Industry was "In Lake Michigan.'The workers were from nagging backache, headache and to: H. E. Harris * Cb., Caitalog memorization Is necessary. ttl shortly before 'a test; it’s if West, had' invltai«4; hackXto ordered back to their jobs - short- fessional employes j(ig;ible for the Department A, Boston 17, Mass. Dates in history, formulas in the only way you oan be Mire from Germany after World Wiw I. clubs after winning one dlahKihd ers digging a railroad underpass trouble abroad. Forelgpi govern- first time for overtime pay.. muscular aches j|nd pains that often cause During World War n , his anO- in the center of Follgno, near this Who Will ne ments were freezing. our money ly before 1 p.m. Tuesday by Or- restleas nights' and miserable tired*nut Of definite interest to collectors physica, definltkms in math tt’U stick. trick, except that Blast would he ville Kincaid, subdistrict director A hike in minimum wages usual- feelings. When these discomforts come on are the listing for Omfederate (NEXT; Bogging down and Nazl' attitude led 'to his deporta- Appennlne oHyr uncovered a sar- and applying quotas on our films. ly spurs demands ot other em- with over-exertion or stress and strain Briections of poetry—edl may put In 'With d club.) of the Uniteil Steelworkers Union. —you want relief—want it fasti Another States, UB.' Possessions, Canada, require memorizatipn. B u t using your eyes.) tion to Germany. He escaped and If East led a elub, dummy’s ophagus Tues^y containing bones Johnston’s government connec- ployes for higher pay for their returned to unoccupied southern pnd^recious stones prolsably 20 Movie Cz tions helped him do good work In Supervi.sors .jiad bfegun banking disturbance may he mild liladder irritation New Fcundlahd, British Columbia, queen would win a trick, It East furnaces in preparation for shut- above-minimum jobs. 'i'Uus the ex- following wrong food and dr ink.—often Hct- New Brunswick,. Nova Scotia- and France where, he hid in a Bene- led fits ACS of bsarU, South would centuries old. . . . - . _ that field, ro gcx>d that the.inter- ecutive council .of the' Textile ting up a restless uncomfortable feeling. feature the following^'A knight dictine monasteryA, lay broth- By BOB THOMAS \ natlbhal asj^cts of the jdb tcTe not ting auwn’ the mill. \ iToan'a Pills 'w ork 3 HeparaFe Prince Edward Island. Also in- rim and get to dummy with the The boffin ^weighted about 960 Workers Union of America has- ways: 1.by speedy pain-relieving action to on horseback at AMazo; an en- Bake SaleV to Aid" er, J u*. pounds. Among dm bonss wsrs a AP Movle-TelevlBlon Writer \ as. Important as they once were. Company officials .said'it would cluded are poertage dues, air mails, Jack at spades to cash the klng^of. take up to two days to put called for a general wage increase ease torment of naggiT^ backache, head- special delivery, revenues, enve- oount^ of French knights in the Much decorated foreign gov- hearts. » , gold ring wl(h a precious stone, H O LL'^O O D (AP) — 'Who will "So why shouldn’t the business in that industry, especially in the aches, muscular aches'^nd pains. 2. by MODERN DESK OUTFIT 14Qi jC^tury;. International crqjs- Firemen’s Parade emmeijtB^ Schumad also held hon- save the money and have a titular the plant back in full operation. soothing efTect on bladder irritation. 3. by DnmoUmdli kipes and postal cards. It was ths kind of well-clayed a sUverbrac^t, a gold tiara with be the'riext.jj9iovie czar — or will' South where the federal law will mild diuretic action tending to increase TRADITIONAL bow^oon^ts; presenting weapoM orary degrees from a'number of a TfDirs head s ^ other jewelry. president chosen from the com- A spokesman commented, "You liand you’d expect from the hero don’t turn a steel plant oii and' off be most fell. output of the 15 miles of kidney ^bes. A handsomely designed .,5 $49. of. an E lfish knight of the ISth Hie Ekgbth Dlatrlot Fira Dept. foreign universities, Including there be pne? W ny tieads themselvbs? The job The increased costs may build Enjoy a good night's sleep and the MAPLE DESK OUTFIT Belgium has announced a new Harvard. I That double que.stion is being wuld rotate among . them every like iypu do a bathroom heater.’: aame happy relief millions have for over drawer desk and matchirig OentiiryTa 16th Century touma- wHU conduct a food sale at the more pressure for price hikes, es- 60 years. For convenience, ask for the set of four stamps to commemo- ment In ; Jousting at debated here in the wake of the yhflr." McLaughlin' • was suspended choir in rich w(dnut finish, rate the world c^ ln g champion- flrehdhse at Main and Hilliard Sbs. by the company Friday after an pecially where affected company Urge aise. Get Doan’s Pills todayl Large 7 drawer desk and Voii AscoH Piceno; Jousting at Folig- o death of Eric Johnston, second Another segment of opimon alleged atto^'on^rmanrgem ent' '"(anapinents already have been plus 4 pc. desk top set.- Ajso lip at Brussels. The denomina-r Sunday morning, L 8 A n g e l e s L e a d s president of the Motion Picture holds that while the International matching chair that will har- IRTHBTONB FOR PTI MBBR ons of the semipostala are: no; a race through the streets of Anoflitr Artist Joins Psilins! N. offidal complaining -of low profit mar- avail(3ble in blonde oak. 40" Kena; a tournament at Malbega AR ptooeeda wlU ha used to help Association. Will Hays was the market is no longer critical. It monize with <3ny 18th Cen- :>iM) ^;o^: Frane plus 50 Centimes, 2 Francs LOe ANGELE3B— OAALO V. Hartford County’s mctot celebrated and renowR^ still holds the hope for the indu.s- A union spokesman said the ~ ‘ he relation of earnings to w, 18"d;30"h. Grr»'n ' In the 15th Century; tAvo cavaliers ftoence the department’a 75th an- first, and speculation ranges over tury or Colonial furniture. phis 1 Franc, 8 Franca pli;s 1.50 County has nearly twice am many ohef, with 46 years experience—bring* his eu^naiy artistry *o the poliUcal field as to who might try. schuffle occurred at a grievance, . j, •* Stamps I with lances of the ISth Century. session and contended toe com-! « the industry 1 ^ idle capacity I genuine Mpphiret ctuMered to form - Francs, and 6 Francs -plus AWensasy parade which will take automotive veMoles registered as the increasingly popular PeSlni Restaurant! \ be the third. ' "Our (to'mestic market can’t ex- Complete with 5 piece desk Francs. Eabh of the four stamps pfauie on Sept. 14 at 4 pm. the No. 2 oounty in this rftpeot. pany had no jurisdiction- since Me-1 keen compeurtun toe pies- complete ^ 3 0 '^ ^ aweden has agnounoed It has The very popular BUXi DONAHUE I* Richard M. Nixon is a nam'i pqDd fnuch,|^ says /one p6p studio set, Icamp. 40" w, 18" d, 30" h. the Mnler of a magnificent flovter, lie' depots different cycling designs ’Wives and friends of the Bre- Cook Oounty, QUnols—oiknoat 8,- that frequently recurs., He -has an offici^; "The industry's big Laughlin was acting as a union jcU viU p ick -u p toe clL ices YOU RECEIVE 100 A speedaj pictorial comihemorati've issued two new itamps in its se- 000,000 to about 1,600.000. here at his oirgan Wednesday, ThnriMlay, official at toe -time. ! acuviiy picKs up xne c ^ c e s huge 14-karat gold paials Fiorentina-finlihed. ries honoring Nobel Prize wth- men will provide the baked goods. Friday and Saturdays with dinner muslo acquaintance with film industry chsmCe is to mdve into the pros- ijmfC GREEN' ST.YMPSI cancellation featuring a oycUst Anyon« wishing to make a food figures and their problems an(J perihg and emerging nations of Mark Tincher, president of USW i P‘ ‘te rises get belter. And the What a ring for a kicky 8eptember-bor^|! was also issued. ners. The 25 oft. will .show head from 6 p.m. to 10 p.m.—nrood muale Local .1014, said, "We will not tol-' increase m purchasing power as portraits of Christian Matthiks T. or monetary donation may do so ^frora 10:30 p.m. to 1 O-m. has the international reputation tlM) world. That’s why we need a Satiuxlay evening or Sunday mom- that some feel is nece.s.sary, in jiroducers’ head with an interna- erate management disciplining P^y checks swell helps retailers, m, Fadaral tax Inciudec' ' Mexioo reports it has issued Mommsen (1817-1903), German our people no more than manage- and thus prcxlucers. TOM A’PIC Every home needs a typewriter and here are three famous historian, and Sic Ronald Ross big at the firehouse. . fl'R COSI'ITIOS'n Oedtrally Located At dealing with today’s global marv tional reputation;" Ar two new mint stamps, both with Still anotheiy school of thought merit will tolerate our disciplin- Offsetting this, as some see it, (1857-1932) British professor of Pickups of food will be made up- 7 WALNUT ST. ket. . ' / will be the drag of higher produc- )M I 'O R T a value of 20 Centavos. One on advance requeri; by calling Mrs. Drawbacks to the choice of Nix- holds that (He new movie czar ing their people.’ c<> medicine. ’Ihe 50 ore depicts head tion and retailing costs on plans to stamp commemorates the 100th STATE MANCHESTER on appear to be: 1. He obviously should pay .-attention to Hollyw(X)d The Vir >nlll is' U.S." Steel's largest, MEANS portraits of three men: /Pieter J. Edward MicKeever, 69 N. School Phone 848-4028 exparid plants or hire more hands. armiversary of the birth of Bel- St. lacks the sympathy and support of itself,' whli^h Johnston did nqt. accounting for about 25 per cent Zeeman (1865-1948) Hendrik An- "He was afraid of Hollywood, of the firm’s production. And the new oveijtlme pay rules REMINGTON Portables isario Dominquez and the* other the New Frontier; 2. Hnvlp'g .shift- honors the 400th anniversary of toon Lorentz (1858-1028) and Her- ed to a well-paying N.dw York afraid they didn’t like him here,” may make some employers think the founding of the city of Dur- mann £3nill BTscher (1863-1919). law practice, he mlghf'' not want saldyOne in.sider. "M any of the twice. IRIOAN V_/OAX* problems of production and mo- Settling Costs $22",000 The rise in pay scales has slowed to fit any budget! IIWftHS-mVfXSMITHI ango. /=^ /*=\ the job. / O'' Guards Castle e Exclusive Showing e ‘Others who have' been men- rale got no attention because he in recent months, but the granting for fuel oils, service, Main St., Manoheater ^9on Marino has issued a new Uoned for the po^t include U.N. Idom came to Hollywood. The JElRUSALiQM — larael aoiiroee of fringe benefits has kept produc- Fhoae 64S-2741 of stamps entitled "Jousting Ambassador Adlaf E. Steven.son, ew man should devote some time estimate that it coats nearly 822,- tion costs oh toe upswing. heating equipment Just think how many ways a Rem- LONDON (AP) — A tough' old mKi 000 to settle each immigrant fam- More than a million workers in and Tournaments.” The designs soldier has taken over the job of third HILARIOVS WEEK! Sen. Abraham '/A. Riblcoff, Kei to the studios themselves-and the ington c(Ori save time, money and "99 44/100 Per Cent II nedy congressipnal aide Lawrence people who work in them, espc ily in Israel. The Jewish Agency, toe auto, farm machinery, aero- phone 522-8’l51 keeping law and order at Windsor trouble! Students get better marks Castle, Queen Elizabeth’s magnif- Pure EntertalmneBtr* F. O’Brien, /lorm er NATO com- dally If production is revolution which aids the immigranto, has space and construction equipment mander Laurls Norstad. There has Ized by having several companies :^ent $1,221,000,000 .smee tihe industries are getting a pay hike 170 PEARL STREET with .typed homework. Shopping E icent palace on the upper Thames. ni8 He Is Field Marshal Vlscoimt PLUS CO-HIT AT 7:86 en no IndicaUon that these men share new plants." establishment ot the state. of from one cent to three cents HARTFORD, CONN. lists, church notes, favorite recipes, Slim, 72, veteran of World War n would be willing to accept. correspondence . . . ALL are easi- Asian campaigns and later chief But" apparently there are many others who would. / er, better and more legible when ShoNMgouonfli of the Imperial general staff. . you type them. And you'll As constable and Ueutenan^gfw- "You’d be surprised'the number '‘A*, . emor of the castle Slim wlTl be o f/ important people in ..politic.' soon be typing like cm ex- who would like the job," said one pert with Rernington free I Shearaoo report discusses AT&T's ezeeWent in charge of aecurit^.,4md will /Industry inrider. "11 Is highly at- imnt, impfoving financial position and ag- mount Its ceremonla^-^^ades. “I t l ” ,A course of study {see below). '1 ***‘^ * m i A t g tractive for several reasons: it .‘j: V- flMpnnaion of services, k predicts higher pays, well — 8125,000 a year plus ] (QPUM1KJ0II8! RPNin expenses\:— it has an aura of eMMh^ for M s famed groirih cpmpai^,' and fheThi'il|Oi'lt/\!l T'’ isew ily recommends the stock, which has recenthr glamor, -it gives - polUieians a iiStiWk STARTS SUNDAY A mail’s idea of a^ood ItS^ch chance -to stay in the limelight.' .95 bean s e i^ at less than 21 times estimated 1963 :V "Hercules and $ I P f Bring Lnncht \ It’s possible that all of the 'hope- PLUS F.E.T. You Reci'ivp 560 •MOings. Read the detaMs, free of charge. Send TOe Captive Wonaan’* That’s the kiiArthat vtt. serve here! Food to suit fuls will be dlkappointed. There / 49 GrPen Stamps yowr name and addrm to AT&T REPORT. . . yy RAmrennA.MA mnH DellciOUS - /. plus la talk Within tlje industry that the KURNSIor AVj fASTHARTronn Remington Envoy Portable t//t t • V.FJ* iJ J t "Dfagic Voyage of Sinbad” every mood . . . all of the[knest quality, prepared concept ot a 'movie czar- la out-1 nAILY mtxled. ^ ’ 7 bjr a master d ief„ served in man-sized portions, / Argues one proponent of this A budget miracle complete with case^ SHEARSONtRAMMILI R CO. tLUNCHEON /theory: coven Briefcase size, feather light, steel “ Will Hays was brought' in to ^SPECIAL 85‘ jr m in a most eonsonial w d relaxing atmosphere. SMILING SLHVICC tough and, p ock et-w a tch precise! EUT clean up movie morale at a time For Types S'/z" wide with full 42 character. .. when that was badly needed. He RESTAURANT^ 'BOLTON .NOTCH 7 ^ keyboard. Ha^s back space key, two BA. a MIteheU 9-S8U did an excellent job, clamping HA down on ,l|eha.-vior in Hollyw(X)d . shift keys with IcxJ.k, visible margin P 89 Oak Manchester ^ TONIGHT MA-1 BDN and enforcing the code for film stops, carriage release lever, card and I A T & T B I O ' O B T t o i ^Alr^jloiidtttaS^^Free ParldBg^ content. Then the change In Amer* You -.x" SPACE 8ROCKEB. line writing Scale, stencil control, p a - Receive • lea for a less puritanical, society -1 per table scale to set margin.- 3-lirie- “THE OBAWUNO HAND” made the censorship aspects of 800 arfC (SHOWN FIB8T TONIGHT) the Job lees important. , spac^ positions.' Guaranteed by Green Mm Stamps! Pin* From Tb« Bowels " d n e Johnston bame in at a Women Remington. Adds Ot The Earth Food for Every Mood^* 9 45 E.^^NTER ST. fourteenth yEAR" -2one- -State- doaed Bonday*^or Hie Summer 0¥- I- FnaiKSiinna Who Mr. Remington ^ fmilB ITlOilf -Business Phonn. 2^:0 - RUG and Monarch Portable pl us f .e .T. MR mBiiNr A. Hogan A better (quality rnachine — more rug- UPHOLSTERY Just • ged— with even more fine features! HbutHoui of___-__ _ mz Single tabulator key sets column an 9 W * b * »6f •• with EVERY DIME YOU SPEND Associate TeaehSr BETTY-ANN GENTjiNO * u*el4 Siwa *•*» e» ki All day tomorrow Mr. Hogan will bo here to help you with any SCH0f)l of the DANCE A ' iiikikf wAsssM (Studio) 0 1 3 -0 4 1 9 liAlisirf frrefUsre «• «!• » of your shoe problems. .He will take orders for mis-matched Ims half pnoo/ TWy *r*9 YOU HAVE CHOICE OF 4 CREDIT PLANS.. . . 4—eSBHiWtsM* t—<6sw. e e pw*yW — ^ "P**?; I feet and will show very new and unusual styles by Town and tap- bal i; et-acr)5 batic\ ptHy.** M 4 m4«4;vm«m4L (1) .iO-Day Regular tiiarge. (,H) Up To INi (V 5 wirs To Pay. m wsHrees. Thty Ainri dsa'I t Country. ^ ' GLA'SSES BTARTTNO ^ Re^trotien at the Sliidle, 205 N. Main St.. Mon- sffset «Mr m sfipHfmrs. gw ' (2) 3(V-60-90-Day 4-Payment Charge mtffdmdm, ShekkUe*. Plan (4) Y'oung Homemakers I,ay.-.\way '«PT. 7 72 EAST CENtBR ST., MANCHESTER dMtlMr. (Sf dloi obo U Wetribrsfield and Rocky felef M|e«r Be//Aeae sM m. t, frte €0 OPEN TUES. and THURS. till 9 P.M. (ORANGE HALL. BUILDING) e” • WE GIVE T •"Helanc% i* the r e g iit e ^ TM instruction In All T ^ I^ PHONES; 643-195T — 649-2761 Por Infonwatlon Phone: YOllR MOHAWK CARPET STORE . O f Dance . . “ •t the Heberiein Patent CX»p.” •ft-If- iK e ith F 'u m iiu i* • » ' V f , " 529-0442 • 529-9337 • 644-1079 ' Clafifles or PrivR^t* Dotty P(»rr«tt hsa studied-wHb the Anatole Bburmaq School of' the Danc;e, In Hartfond and Springfield.- Ha* *p- (T* T- pee^ ill rJew ’* leading theater* ani} clubs. ' t tiisd 'Tarher I* a nieiiiiMllr ot Om Dance Tea^Mr** Olnh ot Coan., 111 ”) M A I N S T . MANCHESTER MANCHESTER CARPET CENTE • . . Studio Location'; Ha* made toloTlrion appearances locally and ia Clevriand Ine., DafM* Master* ef Amarien, Ino., Diuioe Edncater* ot Amer- WsJdcn Ki*. .WALL-TO-WALL SPECIALISTS len ^ .^ OHy Chiq^ ot D 3L A . She ntteBded Cm Danoe OnraVan Opposite the Barnard Junior Hl^h School *on Lower (South-End) Main Street ManohpeiW Bhcqiplng Parkade and in addjUoa ha* hi^ aeverai years’ teaching axperlane*. te Mow ikis MHBBMVe . DRU G COTMPANY FREE^MAIN ST. PARKING or JS OCR LOT 'NEXT TO STORE OPEN DAILY TO SiSOi—THURSDAY-FRipAY TILL » PM. Ml' MiOt. S<>-4a 8-&8S1 ill MAIN ST.; OPP. 0TATB ARMORY—TEi: B48-510S - (Rear—Next Tb Oruite) mm V * » , ' 4 ’- fi- / I •xr", ' ' ' J- J /. 7 PAGE PIVE‘ MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, iESTER, CONN., WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 4,’1968

MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER, .CONN., WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 4, 1968 PAGE POUR W'/ f 7^7 . - ‘;7 . V - -r’, Policeman Criminals 4 _* .'.ji .sW.-- . Cm’Sb , Hard to Ferret Oiit f -j’.rr •„'f-

t h a r r y . In Nassau County, Long Island.^ B r . ROSENTHAL lat«! Prem Writ«T indicted Aug. IS after an investi-1 In D«nver, the ecandal involved gation of the looting of four stores half a hundred policemen; in Chi- of goods valued at $10,000. A po- if its in fashion its at x cago It 10; in Burlington, Vt., lice inspector was sent back to ,a A Wonderful Value! desk Job and a deputy Inspector If M ftufiiom its id it wa* 11, became a captairt'. Two lieuten- The Job of ferreting out police- ants and five sergeants ^^-ere men accuaed. of turning into tran.sfcrred to other a.ssignments- Shirtwaist thievea inatead of turning them in Two policen'ien are under su.spertx. haa been alow and difficult. sion- and the girl friends of seven Laat to Join the iat ia Kansaa officers indicted are charged with City, Mo., where five policemen receivong .stolen property. In ad- Dresses , S M I L I N G S E R V I C E are charged • aith burglaries that joining Suffnlk County, half a f "V-. netted leas than tS.fXX). And Nas- iioien policemen have been in 'X c ' S M I L I N G S E R V I C E MAIN STREET, MANCHESTER aau County, Long Island, N.Y., trouble w-ithin the past three*’ years 'has' seven policemen under in- and some of the rases still are MAIN STREET, MANCHESTER dictment. . pending. 1099 Kansas Clty’e poliee forre stUl In Ghicago. Wilson instituted a. U undergoing a thorough .self- number of drastic' reforms includ- search. In Denver, Chicago and ing establishment of an internal Burlington time and effort have investigations division "which con- Values lo healed the scars and there is evi- ducts investigations of .personnel dence that some good haa come with the view of maintaining high SI 4.99 Indispensables out of the problem. integrity and rigid discipline that I" CHICAGO •- ' The progress are so essential if the force is to which haa been made during the function efficiently" past years has been phenom- As a result, the crime commis- for every girl eM l," says VlrgU W. Peterson, sion' found in 1962., there was operating director of the Chicago "tremendous improvement • in the X. Crime Commlaalon. "A very solid solution of m ajor crime in Chicago foundation has been laid upon in 1961." which to build ter the future. The who wants to commission feels that the law en- forcement structure in Chicago at the present time indeed is encour-^ Prison Riol Spurs It’s fun to be feline agflng.” excel... DENVER — -'There is lot.a of Appeal for Spac<‘ work to, *e done, but things seem I -f" v»’ to b e ' working out well. " says REIDSVILLE, Ga. (AP) — Ja ^ ec Slavln. the police chief says hired after the wholesale arrests Moves were under way today to i All the Time! f f'*( Ot policemen in 1961. Slavln re- reduce the population of Georgia's j signed immediately after a change maximum security prison in the * of the Denver city administration wake of a riot that Injured about i and now is on the staff of North- western University. 35 arid cau sed $25,000 da m ag e. CHOICE! r BURLINGTON — "We've come Prison director Fred Hallford VANITY FAIR up with some mighty good men," said Tuesday's violence points to since hiring practices were tight- a need for additional room in the Msd; ‘iays Y^Uce Chief ATthur Ji prison systebft;—;------...... - It’s Caron. He credite salary increases “ I think the rioting underscores and more , supervisory personnel the long recognized need (or ad- ditional facilities. " Hallfordy said Wonderful for a new attitude in his depart- I on arrival at the prison from At- ment. in the most fasdwdmg The police scandals in the four I lanta. cities Imd remarkably similar pat- Hallford and Warden R. P. Balkcom said they had been unable tem^. I fashion prints in captv^tyl In Denver a patrolman was ar- to determine any direct cause for the RED rested to August 1960 on a charge , the riot which broke out immedi- of rifling the safe in a downtown ately after breakfast. The riot- The Hthe, light gircHe and bta cate. Several q more policemen i ing involved about 2,000 of the 8 Styles— You Can’t Miss! were arrested in the next few more than 3,000 Inmates. with Fashion and months.- • A special investigator Violence flared' anew Tuesday make you feel like a siren, was appblpUd by the governor night in a cell block housing about Lib erty Prin ti— G e n try C o llar • Full Skirt - Long and in .September 1961 more than | 120 inmates, but guards broke up Sleeve ‘‘The Layered LOOK” 30 policemen were arre.sted In a the demonstrations with tear gas. even in a skirt. And at Hallford said the pri.snn-, built Flattery to Burn single day. In all 60 plllcemen and Floral Prin ti— Bermuda C o lla r - Full Skirt ex-poUcemen were arrested and about 20 years ago, can safelj^ over turtle neck care for about 2,000 inmates. Iri suspended. Thirty-two were con-1 bedtime there's a cat sack Tlcted, five were acquitted, now holds 3,081. Toille Prin ti— Bermuda C o llar - Sheath$ - Va charges' were dismissed against T hf rioting broke out first in Sleeve Sweater or black trousered oafs pajama; one and two ktlll are to be tried. |the Negro section of the prison' The police chief, James E. Child- and then spread to the portion housing white inmates. W o ven C h e c k i— Button Down Collar-Full Sk irti era, resigned soon after the ar- ^ if both dreams. ^ the way, rests, saying weyry oyer the scan-1 Hallford and Balkcom said they dal had affected his health. ; had Investigated reports that the W o ven C h e c k i ^ B e r m u d a C o llar - Full Skirt - (ABOVE) In Chicago, Richard Morrl.son, I Negro convicts began the upris- Roll Sleeve . - - V all this iQflon tricot and Lycra* 33, a burglar, told the state at- ^ ing as a racial demonstration pro- Lovely wrap alrirt in Black, tk. ..s testing segregation. But- Hallford temey in 1959 ‘‘my cop pals acted Brown, Navy and Teal. Small, medium, said, "TJiere are absolutely no Sixes 6 to I 8 large— 8 to 18. dunks and dries like a dream * as lookouts." Ten policemen were racial overtones connected with charged with burglary or con- the rioting.” ' V 'Y spiracy or both. Orlando W. Wil- Balkcom said he was tipped of and wear^ wears, wears — son. a professor of criminology, the riot in advance and s^ d that was brought from to . because of the tip he believes loss Striped Blouse in Red, Blue, Olive— Y 77 ^ sinuously and continuousiyi head the department and he com-1 of life wasi prevented. 8 to 18. pletely reorganized it. Ten guara.s and about 25 pris- The Burlington base broke in oners- were injured, although none S3.99 late 1961. It too, involved burglar- required hospitalization. ies by department members. Five Most of the injured were cut policemen were arrested over, a by flying glass. Thousands of i Turtle Neck in White, Black, Red, flve-morith period and six others windows, were, broken, mattress-! Blue, Olive—8 to 18. ife resigned.. Chief Caron took over es were destroyed., and furniture the 51-man department after the was smashed. $2.99 investigation. Thirty-two state troopers were Prompter Bra, A B, C cups, $5.00 In Kansas City, / a 24-year-old on hand when the rioting started, patrolman directed attention to and 35 more arrived during the Wmself last July by discovering day. Balkcom said they would be l;ycra* pantie girdle, S, M, L $10.00 and' reporting too many burglar- kept nearby as long as needed. ies. Within six days, four more pblicemen — all members of th e ! Pettiskirt, XS, S,

« Slen d er Slip, 32 to 42 ...... 7 8.9 5 Fit Perfection! i Lycra*,p o n tie, S, M, L ...... ;... 10.95 (M atchin g girdle, S, M, L $8.95) GY M Everyb o dy's Bra, A, B, C ...... 3.95 C L O T H I N G -- S U P P L I E S - % 4 It’s like wearing I , W e a r I t ‘Nylon «nd lycraG tpondnt llbM* . F O R B O Y S : SuiU . . . .'7..."...... $2.29 Sneakers ...... 13.99 up] 3 - pants for the first Socks ...... 2 prs. 98c Drawstring Bags . .. $1.59 Athletic Supports-----89c I \ W a y s time in your life! OPEN ISweatshirii ... .$1.98 up /f- .sV 1- F O R G IR L S : 7^ T I TUESD AY and , / Suits ...... $3.98 Sneakers ...... $4.49 up I Socks ./i...... 2 prs. 98e SweatsMrts .. .$1.98 up] The Coat for All \V eather— All Winter! 99 TH URSD AY Drawstrin$|:s Bags — $1.59 :/A> A'- All wool coat with zip-out bulky • . i . . N knit and , suede sweater-, knit N IG H TS collar and sleeves. 3 to 13 for junior petites Proportioned sizes for-,fit in camel, red, brown or green, wear the C H E N yE _Y T E C H perfection. In fine wool coat alone, wear the jacket alonCT wear the • flannel, completely lined r t i l l ? SUITS JA C KETS B A GS ~ coat over the jacket. — *55- ' "A . Sizes 8 to 20 in tiny, typical ^ ^ SWEA TSHIRTS and tall lengths. .Black,' -brown, , Ipdan, camel and OPEN TUESDAY aad THURSDAY TIL L 9 P.M. gray. . ' - The Complete **Hou$e of Sports'* ARMS CO I m.:.

OF MAKCHESnS y : ,a, ’ , h- I f f ] f l A I N ST T EL 64f.1S47 I '* t' :i . i K: J 'n ‘.V / /. I' MGB SEVBN, MANCHESTER EVENING HERAIJO. MANCHESTER; CONN., W EDN^DAY, SEPTEM B^ 4,1968 .MANCHESTER EVENING HERAU), MANCHESTER, CONN., WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 4,1968 PAGB SIX In municipal court on a, petty subsUtute teaching at the school. lation at ■ probation, to SepL 10. Deadline N e a rly amount the award wlU faU through ing ^IfiBit to.her Hebron home the Charles Refers and Mora Rogers, larceny charge had an explana- meet for the first Umei.-on Mehron ( pact weekend, at "Pendletonia,’’ $15 per day is paid for substitutea, 12til Circuit / ; tion frtr the crowbar In thd large and the -whole process will be due who should be graduates of g both 38, of 120 West Main SL, Gta Police Test* Sunday, Sept. 16. ’ Protests in Island, New Jersey. Mrs. Poole Acting Principd . where ,ahe was the -guest jof her shopping bag .he carried. "You tia for repeUtioh. teadfters’’ or Ubenal Arts OoUege. Rockville, risk of Injury to minora, R€fckvUle-Vernon AiuisUnK the' pastor tWa Mt. Vernon Gets The M L Vernon Co. is' a' .rather aunt and her brother, Horace Sril- Court Gases % Sept. 10.-Richard A. Schmpff, have to have something like that in case, you get locked Inside a will be Wayne Pipkin of Hbuwon, new brganiBaUon to- the towns- ers! She dias fsnirired her. work in 17. Manor Trailer Pal*. Ver- dosing data foe filing ,ap{)li^ . Of Manchester Green Schodl Manchester Evening Herald'Be- box car,’’ he told Judge OUs H. Tex. A.gtadiMte rtf Bayl6r with m Investigating people, a good' many not even teaching; a class at peer Island. non, klpdling a fire by burning Uona to taka the examination for Town Hall Work broa eorrespoBdent Mlaa Sttaaa (Jodfrey. • , MJt. degTM degrfe from the tinlversity aiyare that there is such a cxhu- Maine, foUowed by a short- co'J se E.ftST HART#Y)IU) SESSION substance, to SepL 10. - patrolman on the Manriieatw Po-' Charter Revisions of ConnecUcut, he Is a ^tedal i n - Parent Sit-In Aims In arL , , , Pendleton, telephone 228-3454. No specific use was cited for lice Department" la Monday, CWef pany. Clarence V^Alker, 28, of no cer- The contract fo r building He- In the case of Graham Mathews. other Items In the bag; two pairs dent at the Hm tfoid SCihinary Mxed Couple >^. . ^ ^ SSl'S’Jw.S"' ■■ She left Saturday to resume Jaimes M. Rearton said today.- 1 One of the. items eliminated to pdn addrese. JtAnchester, yester- 24, o f Main SL. Somers, changed of earrings, four s ^ rk plugs., a Ftoundatlon.— — - * named aoUng principa] at Man* broA'e town olfke and record build: work aa an art teartier at Spring- AppUcante whowant 'to takO the WUUam A. . Wetiold to teach cut down cost was a propoaed- ^Disnttu Siiccessoi^ with improper paasing. failure, to pair of railroad gloves, a travel ^Hospital Notea cheater Green School.- She will aide School, on Seminole and W il- day irfui Sentenced to serve' 30 exam fOr one o f the t/tx vacancie* (CoatfaHMid from Page Oaei general sciefice at Bennet Junior Uig haa been given to the HelbrOn town clock. Too bad: People al- carry regiidratlon, aod driving clock, two fla'shllgmts, two . ball- . Admitted Yesterday: Joseph To Balance Races seiYei until a permanent principal High. He haa a BS and M A from low Grove Aivenues, Philadelphia. ST. LOUIS, Mo. (A P )—piiimas days' for intaxicatlon and 30 days, for patrolman. Grade 1, under the Jit, 'Vernon Constructlpn Co;, by ways want to know what Ume>it while under suspension, a court point pens, a non-wprklng walkie- SencavagC, .90 Windsor Ave., and a grand jury to determine if Whedton CoUege and wlU start at Hou.^e has a successor to its for breainh of the peace, both new 40-hour work-week, effective Rockville; Yvonne St.- Gerinaine, Hi chosen. a unanimous vote of the- building Is. CouTM Draws Interest trial was set for Sept. 17. talkie set, a pair of sunglasses, -that suggestions could not be act- the couple may have lived In vld- famed "hoodlum priest.’’ He is terms to concurrently at the in December, should fite or mail T1»a city council accepted the Plnney St.', Ellington; J. .Edward (Cohtlnued Irom Page One) -lay of the Integration plan that Superintendent of Schools W il- $5,150. committee. < School Opens -.Tomorrow Some encouragement has been Goart Dates Set shaving cream, a watch, a first coDhnracUtlone of the Charter ed upon, at last night's meeting. lation of Georgia’s criminal law. n w le in the effort to interest a the Rev. Fred L. Zimmerman, State Jail at Hartford. Walker appUc&tidns not l6tt6r tlian mid* Amos. Wapp'ing; Elizabeth Oleski, would reduce .the racial Imbal- ‘ Donald R. Woods to teach a Edward Kianer, of the Old Col- The Hebron ielementaryi-. school Dates for short calendar sessions aid kit, a billfold, a shirt, seven rtsioii Comminsion last night af- The meeting’s purpose was to vole Mrs. Stovall (graduated from the liam H. Curtis yesterday told the sufficient number to make possible pastor of St. Matthew the Apostle was arrested in Manchester last night (postmarked), he added. Wapping; Richard Baker. Tolland; has temporarily blocked . the ance in the 98 per cent Negro Lin- primary educable class In the men- chester Rd., ia president o f the opened today, school hours from of Superior Court In Tolland Coun- tools and four knives. a~pubUc hearing broiight lew final acceptMce or rejection of coln Elementary School. university in June >vlth a journal- board of educatkm he has chosen a course in Red CJroes First Aid. Catholic church In 81. Louis. Friday night for causing a dis- Starting salary under the new the comrnission’s proposals. . William BoiVher, Rockville. board's plan. A hearing will ^ tally handicapped prc«ram at company, and was Its’represOTta- 8:45 to 3 p.m. Morning kinder- turbance at;Manchester Memorial ty during the fall term were An The judge suspended a 30-day ^ J cctio n i to n » prpx»sals that al- held oh Sept. IS. • The three-pronged ‘ inarch sent ism degree. Stovall lacked Only Mrs. Poole, a '.f^rade 6 teacher at Uve at the committee “^’meeting. There are already 15-? registered, Father Zimmerman was named nounced today. « sentence with a suggestion the work-w8ek wKl be $5,200 a year. tine suggestion last night was Births Yesterday: A son tp Mr. Keeney Annek. He has a BS from garten hours will be from 9 to 11, Ho^ital. The eix additional patrolmen to ^fect eome 35 sections of the 10- 20 Negro children to the Quarles one quarter of work to gdt his Green, because she has hadMong Cost to the town wrill be $44,0^. and only 8 more-are needed to fill to-take over for his close friend, 'Ihe court will hear cases on the man resume his travels. to pay the aldermen, Hager .said and Mrs, Stanley ' Mercier, ' 46 Involved in the disjiute are two the UnlverBlty of ConnecUcut and afternoon session from 12:30 ta.3. be added to the department will veaiMjId charter. School, 60 to the Cleveland School journalism degree. / experience , at the sohool and eh- A former low bid by the company the eless. Miss Amy Hooker or the Rev. Charles Plsmas *Clark. following Fridays: Sept. 20. Oct. 4 tnis- had, been considered by the Elaine Dr., Bfoatl'Brook. organizations — the United Com. will start at $4,700. Grade children should not arrive ROCKVILLE SESSION bijng the complement up to 68 of- The ten members present Voted and 40 to the Roosevelt School., University officials ^ p ressed joya the codlStdenca of other teach- 6ad to be vddttled down to meet Mrs. Russell Anderson should be who helped rehabilitate more than end 18, Nov. I and 15, and Dec. 6 HOBBY FITS NAME unanimously to accept the propos- commlssidirhut that a lack of time Discharged Yesterday; Mrs. mittee for. Action Now, the civil Mrs. Marta Rosa to teach three at school-before 8:30 a.m., whether bases continued in CSrcult Court ficers and patrolmen, h ^ e e t ever rjghts group, and the Malveme ^ Quarles Principal William Trlp- shock at the marrlage/Presldent ers there. \ the appropriaUon. on foot, on bicycles oa in private called by Sept. 7 by anyone Inter- 2,000 former convicts. Father and 20. LANSING. Mich. (A P ) — Rice als and gave approval to present did not allow anjt" definite action Betty Fetko apd ipdaughter, RFD Grade 9 Spaniah classes for Bling 12, Rockville session, yesterday: in Manchester. ^ - Taxpayers . and Parents Associa- pechio told the leader, Negro O. C. Aderhold said ,fn^t neither Mrs.- Poole la a candidate for The company, however, must cars. Regulatiot^' regarding bi- ested in joining. Clark died Aug. 15. Rider, 68, of'Lansing, a hobby the changes to the voters in De- of the proposal. ‘ Another sugges;v No. 2. Rockville; Robert Daley, 81 Councilman . Vincente K. Tibbs,' Junior High and two S p a n is h Father Zimmerman, 66, - had Richard Adams. 24, of 28 Depot tion to redistrict the city, to' "Wcst-JIain 'St.. Rockville; Michael tion, which opposes any plan Of them would be p^mltted to en- the permanent princlpaUti^,' Cur- classes for Manchester High present a p^orm ance bond which cycle riding, conduct in buses, etc., Teachers Needed NO KITCHEN SINK? to fit his name—a collection of cember as a package. All additions that the- children would not be al- ter the university again. Elementary ■ s c h o o-l principal worked closely with Esther (Jark Sq., Manchester, breach of peace, more than 1.000 bus, train, ferry- All porous wall surfaces should Change the current imbalance of Angelo, '6 -Allen Dr., .Vernon; which would destroy the neighbor- tis said. ; School. She haa a B A from Catho- WlU be accepta,ble to the commit- wUl be Btri'oUy enforced. ST. PAUL, Minn, (A P )—A 63- to Uie charter and deletions.will be lowed to register. He also denied "Interracial miirriage is pro- O h ^ es Qervase would be glad to at the rehabilitation center for to Sept. J7. Ivan Hansen, 37, 603 boat and bridge tokens. be sized before painting. wards, brought a reply that con- Stephie Zavarella,' l-L Snipsic St., hood school concept. The post became Vwcant in July Uc University of Puerto Rico and tee, 'by Sept. 6. I f the company Vibrifes H o m e year-old transient who appeared published within 30 days, corpora- th«m admi.ssipn ' to the school hibited by Georgia law, and secret hear from anyone Interested In former convicts. Quinniplac Ave., New Haven, vio- siderable study would be required Rockville. - ~ Charles W. Reardon, head of the when Mira. Madeline ^Mitchell, the cannot come up with the desired Miias^JKrian Sellers mede a fly- tion counsel Edwin Lavltt stated. building, but they filed past him' marriages are contrary to Univer- an MAx from the University of The cxjuncil agreed that present- for such a major change. "The Parent-Taxpayers, has accused principal, was killed lii'A M a^e Connecucut., and' wlU start at ______Commissioner Allen of favoring and entered the auditorium. sity Of Georgia regulations," Ad- auto crash while vacallorui^ with ing the proposals as one unit would current commission did not at- Advertisement-— "W e are determined to register $7,000. tempt to do too much at once," the Wanted --- newsboy or newsgirl "career racists and knuckling un- erhold said/ln a statement. "Dis- friends. \ be the best way to present the these children here,’’. T il' missal rulea would have applied Mrs. Laurentia A. Wlndover mayor said.. for Mountain St., Lawrence St.„ der to political pressure from pro- Curtis asked the board in changes to the voters. Little co- the principal. _ to Chaclkyne Hunter ghd Walter King to teach art at Bling Junior operation could be expected ,if Legion News Pleasant St., Prospect St., Cottage fes.sional lobbyists.’’ -'■ Police Director Joseph gust to aippolnt a permanent p;prin- Dr. Lloyd Delany, a Negro Stovall had the fact of their secret High. 'She has a B A from Hood voters were required to vote on 25 ■ Richard Magdefrau of Ellington St., Gaynor Place .area — Rock- less said -there were no incidents clpal, but they decided Instead on. .^ lle g e and wiU atsul at $4,700. psychologist who heads the UHlted marriage been known.’ ’ a temporary appointment, 9o that tadi^dual proposals. Allen Hager,- will be Installed Saturday as com- ville. Before 9 a.m. call Rockville at any of the 'llmee schools. He Rumors that they were seccetly commission chairman, noted that mander of Rockville Post No! 14 Committee, has/? vowed ft that his anyone In the. system w'ho wished NMi-e. Marlon M. Cook to teach Bureau, 875-3136. Other times, call wa.s at Quarles with two _ pa- ibarri^d, which began to circulate / of the American Legion. Cere- organization will accept nothing might Wd for the position. honvemaking on the junior high Since It was clear from the public Mr. Wilson. Circulation Departr trolmen. 'early .in the summer, were denied monies at the-legion home will be- less limn the commls.sloner's plan Notification of the vacancy has level.'-.She is a graduate of Fram- hearing that no controversial pro- ment, Manchester Evening Herald, flatly l ) ^ the.!couple. Miss Hunter poealvwere contained in the re- to have Negro students bussed to sincq gorft out to all town teach- InghanKCMasa.) SUte Teachera gin at 7:30. 843-2711. V was asked by The,_ Associated '1 v is lo i^ presenting the recommen- Other newly elected officers that the predominantly white schools. wB". College tmd wUl start at $5,780. i •------Officers of the Woodfield Road Tools, Cash Lost Press at least six' trm»s--if. the Mrs. Lu'sy W. HeSk to work In dations as a unit was suitable. will, be installed Include Forre.st Vernon news Is handled In other action, the board ap- ichool , PT A resigned in a body rumor was true. She said no eaCb the high eChool giildance office; Discussion centered on several Hull, .senior, vice commander-: Herald's Borkville Bureau proved. the appoin-tment o f eight uesday to protest the school time. She wiu sUrt. at |2.360, Step I, y: major recommendations from the' Robert Fontaine, junior vice com Main S t^ telephone 875 In Three Breaks teachers,':a-school secretary, and / board's failure to carry out Al- Stovall, who worked as a sum' Class m of the'secretarietf salary revlsioa cmnmUsion. Both the cor-i niander; George Brigham, adjut 647-8797” a custodian. - pm«tlon coupnsCl and the commls- ant; Buell Chapman, finance offi len's order. mer reporter at the Atlanta Jour- They Include: schedule. \ Almost 3600 in mechanics auto- nal. was called Into editof Jack tfon had expressed hope in reucent cer; John Bruce, chaplain; Charles The school district serves three motive tools and cash have been Mrs. Evelyn H. Ball to be libra- John J. Gribbon\to work as a weeks that the aange in electionledf Graves, historian;' Clyde. ■MacDon- ~ communities, Malveme, Ljm- Spalding's office and asked if the rian at lUlng Junior High. She has cusUSdian. He wrlU s tw t at $3,775. reported taken in ' three breaks reports were true. He said no. dates from ^cember to April ald, sergeant at arms; Frank Me- brook and Lakeview which have a a BS from St. Joseph CoUege and Stop I- of lhe--cystodiid schedule. ' which police are investigating. -William Tate, dean of men at coultT be putThto effect in 1965, I t ; coy, post service officer and Fred Police Arrests population of 15,000. Stanley Ozimek. service manager will start at $5,510. Supt. CurUs said that, with seemed likely, though, that the Am, trustee. ' There ar^ no ■ Negroes in Mai- the university Board of Regents, these appointments, a tol#l Uf 6?. at Moriarty Brothers, 315 Center said, " I am only one regent Mrs. Catherine M. Gazeola to change could not'be made before f I 10 |verne -and . Lynbronk, b it Lske- St., yesterday «-eportcd that some- teach Grade 6 at Buckley Sohool. new teachers have been added to The officers will be-instaljCd by Robert L. Lovett. 19, of 54 Haw-1 population is mostly Ne- among 15 but It would appear to 1997. state and dlst^ct offlcem ''of the one broke^ Into the body shop- at She haa a B e from St. 'Itromas the staff for the coming year. Lavitit annotinced la^it night, thome St., and Kenneth G. R ey-, Houses, in all three commu- me that they got their diplomas About half of these have had pre- American Legion d etrim en t of the firm and stole an estimated under false pretenses and they Aquinas, and w/411 start at $6,690. however, that the change could be nolds Jr., 16, of 50 Courtland St.,'n)Jlea are generally priced from vious teaching experience, he Indi- . The gpwp will be $393 worth of mechanics automo- should. ■ be ^revoked. University Mrs. Sarah M. Smith to teach mgde by 1966. Officials serving $18,000 upward. beaded by Fourt^^/DlIstrict8trict Corn-Com- last night were charged with simi bile tools. rules bar secret marriages.’’ Grade 1 at Nathan Hale. She haa cated. GACK-TO-tCHOOL tiwo-year terms elected this Decern-* mander Desire (JAvlne of Somers, racing. Police .said While re.sidenls Interviewed In POlive said that entrance Into the l » r would serve until May of 1965. A, buffet will follow the . that they observed the boys racing Malveme said they do not'oppose main ______fcervice ______station of the______auto- RJIdCiiTO-fCHOOiL XSecUqns w-ouM be held on the further integration of nelghborl-firm was gained through -11 iu Main St. at high speed.s. flnit iSieadaaLJ]^ April, 1966 and hood schools but objedt to sending a 'north side window' in the body check list elected offioials w-ould take a shop area. The incident occurred Monday of 9.35 ,,m. Truck.s are ^ „ e racing to see Woodfield school. Labor Day night, it was reported. check lln BRINQ THIS LIST WITH YOU! THEB sphwtoilisd to.leave the I^won. Home the better •car, police .re • June-ghafaloff,-special assistant .Ja second, break, was reported py ‘Calgle -aA^ lf a aafey BRltQ TRW LIST W m rYW t THtIt on West St. to canvass city streets. ports note. gBo/h vouth.s were o r-! for education of the National As- the Klock Corp. off Tolland Tpke., BOTH FAIRWAY STORES had been set for the city clerk who Residents are asked -to place their ag^ed to appeie ^ in Circuit Court 12, soclatlon for t)ie Advance,ment of where someone broke into the SHOP & SAVE would serve on a full-time basis bn scrap papers, magazines and card- ..Manche.ster, on Sept. ,18. Colored People, aid protest dem* office and took .some $188.’70 from SHOP & SAVE tenure if the revisions are accept- boards,^ the curb or porch where ' onstralons would be held loday tn a bookkeeper’s desk and an estl- ed .Ui December. Mayor- Leo B. ItAcan be seen from the street. VESSEL DEDICATED two other Long Island communi- mated $5 in change from a soda OPEN EVERY Flaherty Jr. riplied that the ad- 'Drives will be conducted on the BRIDGEPORT (A P ) — ^ e State-ties, Amityville and Manhasset. vending machine. The office area ' ministration taking . trffice would first Sunday of each month. In the was ransacked, police.said. ' 59$ DR. K I L D A R E ' conaid% the matter of salar>'. He Board of Fisheries and Game | --- ^— - ZIPPERED POUOM event of bad weather drives will dedicated its new research and .ENGLEWOOD, N,J. (A P) —• The third break occurred at the e:q>ected, he said, that the salary Thur& ’n Fri. till JUMBO PORT­ Autogrephed! Ideoi be postponed until the following 100 Lucky Lady Wash 'n Dry Clean at would be the neighborhood of patrol vessel, the James r*. Gpili- ' More than Negro children, ac- ABLE FILE for school...... Sunday. Fhinds from the drives are gan. The 36-foot boat, dedicated companled by a number o f!^ r - 11 Maple St. where someone broke 35,000. The. position, no\V on,, a into a soan, machine and took $4 (also Wed. at Tunipike 10*' high X 12W used by the post for Its community at ceremonies yesterday, will be ^ ents end Negro leaders, marched wid« yt 10" dsep 444 part-time basis, pays $2,750. projects. white I in change nnd also pried open a A brief discusslo^u on the pro- 1 berthed in Saybrook and will have on three predominantly Plaza) ■/ Completes Flight Course I an auxiliary berth in Bridgeport. | elementoy tcKooIs today in an ! cigarette machine and took an un- 1.97 2.9B OVERSIZE posMd change of council meeting , Airman 2nd class Dennis B. ; diesel-powered craft was nam-' attempt to re'glster for the fall determined amount of change. The dates from every other-Monday to Fluckiger of _^kviUe telng - gjjjgf y^g board's ; term. break was discovered late yester- * the first and third Monday of the SOHOOL BAQ reassigned to McGuire AFB^ N.J., fish division. The action was to protest a de- day morning. 98e SCHOOL AID month brought- a change in the folloaving his graduation from the DESK SET With lunch pockotg svnrdfaig of Uiat section. The coun- for wear handle. & strop'.»ea for back-to-school Poly pockedl Choico special training course for the cil decided that the incoming ad- fUgfat traffic specialists a)'Tinker of cpiorte •••••oeeeeeie.e *cotten mMstration should- be allowed to 2.S7 determine what day of the week AFIB in OUahoma. , , ' ' wher ever S7) I Airman Kluckiger was instnict- luy the council would meet. ed in- passenger service,' cargo op- 4. I 49 TEXON On the propoeal to establish a ^ SCHOOL |AQ traffic cooHniBSion, both Hager erations, ground and air., safety, RIVIERA and aircraft emergency survival BALL POINT PENSi ^ Vlth handle •hd the mayor assured those pres- A leeic..... ent that the commission was ex- procedures. The airman, son of Mr. 2 pens with Carbide pected to "be non-partisan. and Mrs. Werner FJuckiger of 28 tips...... u 97l» ^Plui Fed. To* Falrvlew Ave., Rockville,. ■ is a ARTHURS ______Both the mayor and the corpora- QUALITY • ECONOMY • STYLE 7* 1 Ji’li g M e j graduate of Ellington High School. “THE DRUG STORE THAT SAVES YOU MONEY” j tion counsel praised the efforts of 100% PRmiUM BKBflM- * OR • COTTON WITH 10 OX. the revision commission which has CSiurdi Reeumes Schedule i S9« PENCILS been at work on revising the char- Union Congregational Church 942 MAIN STREET (Comer of St. James Street) 49c HUHOHLESS -."S’ J- 4 , ^ WITH SHARPENER ter since DecembCfr The commls-; w4U b ^ in 1^ fall-winter schedule VrttC.. l | 12 penciltl Advertiied this Sunday wMh service at 10:45. BINDI Sion .was expected to make its rec- H In "Lii."!...... ommendations before Sept. 30. a.ni. The psustor this Sunday w ill' Spring cldi^p bor lof Stuvto -eu-: 1 e l P T Mayor Flaherty said, "It has npeak on „’’Keeping Up With the ON SALE'THURSDAY, FRIDAY & SATURDAY holding po^ 474 JoDeaes.” "Mrs. Mildred. Coleman TIMEX been an excellent commission. We 374 S’AlsoBaVW."«e. , Oeapara at 9t< - l.49| are all going to benefit from the will sing " I Am Thy God’’ by Roma changes it has proposed because and the Senior Choir “ Praise, My YOUR FRIENDLY Woe^^e^K agency WRIST 494 BARBIE it w ill be an easier government to •Soul, the King of Heaven” by An- 59« 3-RING SUB^ PENCILS CASE , run. drews. ' WATCH JECT BINDERS Hoovy ploititl Motul CSiurch School teachers are There are Indications that the Chrome finish Soft covartl For in*- xippsr A key chain..m next administration will appoint a meeting with others in their de- dividual AubiDCtB.eeo charter revision commission' to partments this Sunday for a plan- MINERAL Oil Shock resisMnt 444 look into other possible changes ning session. Classes will begin on’ Worthmort, Pint...... 47e for the charter. Several sugges- Sunday, Sept. 15. The first session 594 OQUNT .'J' . tions made at last night's meeting will start at 9 a.m. and the sec- tell 213 NIFTY FILLER may - be considered by a -future ond at 10:30 a.m. Junior High' and 98c OARTRIDQE X 5 hole side open or ehaiter. The mayor pointe^rout Senior Pilgrim Fellowship groups PEN i REFILLS - ComplhtD with 12 | Jf' X 2 hole top open...... — ----- ■ ------ASPiRiN-ioo's 97c raflllSeeeeeeeaeeeteeeeee 294 U.S.P. 5 mr. Werthmorc...... M 774 594 190 COURT THEME TABLET ESTERBROOK 5 hoUI 10hx8-l ld«alY CARTRIDOE PEN for school...... ^ Complata ^with 6 ^ A N N O U N C IN G ■/ / 31« / / refills,•••••vir.Tf...... «*. I ■ / DOANS FILLS Pleasant Tasting Keller 87* ' V Y 't «. ■ DILUXI G.le 2.9S STUDENT _ MHd kidney ______-CTOII 4 TRAN9WTOII TAPI MCORDIII CATALOQUE CASI - 1 ') : MOUTH WASH ‘ SSeWISK OFF WASH* BATTIRY OR A.C. ORMATID CLOCK RADIO diuretic^ Style 279 HOLIDAY TYV^W RITIR Automatic woke to music OR BRIEF BAB Reircthing, b'reelh cieenting ABLE'CRAYONS Loaded with quality 2 motors! Compiete with Vinyl brief bag Tube of 40. clove lade, iffective ei a .' Jumbo box! Ideoi for ond/or alarm! Go to sleep comes with lock..,. yet weighs only 11 Ih^i cose, tope, microphone, »•« 69 gargle, lee. Helps re- young childran.s.oli(|L(e to music, radio turns itself Dent, rust & mor-proofl eorphonef'i batteries! X T~ . 1 . 9 9 PLUS e. E.T. .» lieve sorenest'of tooth 67P off! 10 minute Snooi-olorm! exlrocliont. .. , Choice_of_colors|^^^^^_^^ EPSOM SALTS' BBS little ■T- ARTIST PAIRTBOX.^, ”‘ < ' ' 1 1 o 4 A c 89$ S T A P L E R 54 colors & point BATHING WITH lOOOSTAPLES. bru sh...... A tig 5 Ubos stondord No.10 . Only the finest 100% premL ' 9v-t. P- s iz« BtopItA .....eeeeee ' 674 PeuncT Bex um BtecN a, or Sebs* cotton Per Only DR. iCMOU’ S W- go into these sturdy 194inAxl4lR. 37 socks. And, the size Is-indeli­ ZIPPERED Air Pillo Insoles bly printed on the soles for 1.19 GOOSE N E C K PORTFOLIO easy pairing after washing... DESK LAMP f ^ Loath^r grolnod — FREr I. Boyi’ StrdihtH* Craw Socks. SiXM 8" neck for flaxibU plastic...... 3s Long-Sleeve Cotton. Knits 6-lOM. 49C. po srtion ing SB* t colors k. Boys' Socks wlUi TiWolor Itrlge 474 PELIVERY and Elastic Top. SiMS 6414.36g. 99e k. Crow Socks with Rod ind Nny SUNSET HEATING COMFORT WITH Household BUYS! 9 A. M. . 9 P. M. with "Live-Longer” Colors stripe. Sizes 6-8V8.39g. PENCIL CRAYONS «. Chlldfen't Finer Knit Mrlpei Ae- 2 0 R 3 R I N Q 9-CUP FROM klets. Sizes 4-8^^ 3tg. Pofoct for'tho foturo ■ BATH BINDERS YOUR CHOICII tCIffOR W A U art.i-iti...... fercolator ALLDEP'TS BU STE R B R O W N pullovers and cardigans are made AUTOMATIC TOOTHRRUSH . STUDIHT DISKI INSURANCE PROTECTION! 3" rings! Blue LAMP OR RRASS DlfK_LAMPl 24* ' I - H l ^ g s r i i t y 22 from 100% Premium-iHEcwe mercerized cotton. They ^ C A n V n H a a e e e e a * • WITH WALL RACK A 4 BRUSHII ALL STIIL COHSTRUCTIOH SCALE iC- Flexible desk or pin-up -A: lilasiw ikk kiiii gauge •luminwn Reciprocoi'action assures 18x34” desk tpp! Curved — Naktlitt boniUe come out of your -washer-dryer fresh and color bright 97c wall type brass desk lampi Afrcmin kchj ci X ‘ . clean teeth & healthier gumsl legs! Priced so low that . i jt Mi|iiif]ritt leu CANDY and keep their shape always. No ironing rieed.ed, either. 40 QO ROLLTOP — Ful l vi ew Oparotes safely & economi- every student con own one! ,— ------^ _ .gi Flexible wall lamp has PERDIL CASE . \ We Give k D E L U X E rw.esaari «t B-aPj •solid mount wall brocket! ' bioice of ^ 4 4 > g l a s s BARS That’s wrhy so ’many smart mothers tog their tots from colly on 3 penlite batteries! unbr.okoblel A must T h e E a sy, W o rr y -F r e e tmob..... GYM BAQ ^ , Chair extra at 3.77! ------Pink, Yphite, or Vcllow. R e g , 5c ^ toe to crown in B U ST E R BROW N. ■ Zippsrodl For school for school... • aeeeo.*.ee, l-J y' f iT Valuable & After school use.... 349 - * 6 For 23c These popular; colorful, long-sleeve styles are tip-top 2.79 PLUS P.K.T. for cool weather and nice for evening excursions, too ' M LURCH T.V. CHARAC­ TER PERCILBOX Styli 211-Open Shoulder Pullover. Sizes 1-4...... /.. .$1.39 GREEN 894 INSULATED YOU CAN'T ^IND^ FINER LUNCH BAQ With 11 usaful Qard pf 40 supply itams...... ^HEATINO OIL PROGRAM THAN with Style 213-Crew Neck Pullover. Sizes 4-6X...... $1.59 . Fin.rgieo insulotedi ■'A ' . Com pai^n Vacuum Style 27^Roman Collar Pullover. Sizes 2-6X . , ...... $1.99 STAMPS! With h o n d lo...... 544. Bottle, j Pick your 674 lunch-;thne pai from tH U Ivi^ 252-V-necj^Cardigin. Sizes 2-6X ...... $1.99 ______294 L E P A G E S . FOGARTY'S INSURED ^ArfYc ROOM Garmelit Bag many new dMlgnn. CELLO THRIFT, Use in car or closet'. TACKS Wa have the,MOST complete salection pf styles in the area! SIms 1-14 In 1.98 SCHOOL BAQ TAPE DEODORANT Vinyl Teg moststyl es. ^ OR ATTACHE CASE 1000 In. of top* on BUDGET PAYMENT P U N ! end JI4«s Comploto with hondlos a handy disponsar.e with Sturdy t A f s ' t c o l o r s ...... 199 - Level, economical payments 1 - ^ SOCKS • POLOS • CARDIGANS • UNDERWEAR ' , Nylon StitcKwg.^ 1994’ PLUS r.E.T. 4 iR iiD AUTOMATIC Try Any Garment, Just Oiica! “Complate Satisfaction GuoranfaMt!** 6TRAHBI6TOR Del. HAK DRYIR 4 Payment protection for you and'y6ur 2:15' WITH CARRYMO CAil PORtARU PHOHO 'H4 TELEPHUNK ' family in event of accident or sickness 2.49 LW N C H K IT / RORTARLI RADIO Extra large bouffant bonnet! 4-speed'automatic changerl INDEX LIST FINDE d^th! O R T O T E B A G -Built-in antenna.jfS A O CompUtoly outomotlel -speaker! Gift box with ^ 3 heat selections plus a g ^ Tone control...flip cartridge! Idool for hem* & offiei Both come complete Deluxe, all wood cose! SLOAN^S LINIMENT z 1 with cerryitig handles .- bottery, earphone & carrying'- cool, setting for summorl 674 D.luk. Model FOGARTY BROTHERS, Inc. Ideal for traveling! case! Full guoranteel' ,Compare at 8.88 "rigbtjwKzeKi—eie>itweii;i.iniwe , Coal, Cok^ Ra^ge 'and Fuel Oil 1.87 MireSES CompiaraUve prices based on clirrent equivalent /■ • .i,./" ■ .. Oil Bdmer fie rc e and Sales,, -> >■ Carton of S.C 19c DISH CLOTHS ,"i xea on current equivalent value*! A 319-Broad Street values! — Manchester, - Cohn. ' « YOUR DOLLAR BUYS MORE AT YO U R .... 2 LOCATIONS TlIRNPIKI!: PLAZA ' , , *TeL 649-4539 . - ' ; < •1$ MAIN STBBI 106 MIDDLE .TPKE. EAST 21 Next to Popular Market MAHCHESTER PARKADE, MIDDLE TURNPIKE WEST • OPEN MON. THRU SAT. 9:30 A.M. TO 10 P.M. m Downtown Atonphe FiREE PARKING AT OUR FRONT DOOR — Wa&)\ce^ A G E N C Y DRUG STORE 2 L O C A T IO N S : IV i: ■3- i , t.i':’:; 'f - . \.' -• \- r,

i- - ' ■' ■-J . I ' - ' p:- r P A G E ' N I N l

tee) wotdd tika to have aoine Su f ficie ncy M ay E n d MoAUistar, pioneartog: Douglas Q—What causes stones to form Fronkthburg, Ntlaanahlp to hotna status in town, that wa may In- hiding for shamfc MoGlaln, pionaaring; Robert, Mc- still acme .pride in the hearts'of WELLENGnCDN—New Zealand, p in the salivary' glands? What can awknmtog, Ufa aavliig, iwrlng, ilature; Daniel Bturtevant. ^ nsuKs. THU w a« the. «» -. t y conscience. Outdoor dourt of Honor Held the younger generation, or we will be done for them? ' pioneering: George Gees, eanoelng, NelU, eomping, home repairs; 'WU-;. camping. bom[e repairs; David disecuraged by the .high coat of , „ se freedoms. I won- Doctor Sa^ys board of directori last night was Leon Bradley, a member of the neighboring Australia rather than monkey virue that found Ita way The obstmctlOB may caboe the saving, rowing, ploneeilhg; Dou- nature, hiking; Steven Neill, pi- Douglas WUoox, swlnunlng. Ufe Mrs. Laura Loomis of 48 N. Elm « r S?«in’J ^ tsc. What Are W e Oood For? der, too, if they consider them- gland to swell., OccaaionnUy the Marit badges wara awarded as glas Martin, canoeing, pioneering; oneering; Nail NeVrinan, camping; saving; DcAiglaa Willey, pioneer- Permanent* Memorial Day C3om- being self-flufficient. ■“ IS Blwell Street Into some shipments of the early selves rej^iectful of religion, and Gooutmaator H aity 8. M§ldment< > St., for 46 years a member of the Svery once in a whUe 1 reed ki stoned may,pass from the dnet. foUbyrs: David Hlco<*; swimming, life eav- John Oetrdut, canoring, pioneer- ing; Roger WUBon, natiira; pavld mlttee. Salk vaccine has heen producing’, the pi^>egs ^bout somrtiody who BLECTOOAftDIOORAM Public Schopls gnj aSSOdaU Seoutmastar «Nor-‘ permanent Memorial Day- Oom- therefore how they classify them- Into the mouth qiontaneoasly, .Richard Ainas, eseptog; Alan Ing, rowing, i^oneering; Roy John- ing; John Page, ewtownlng, life Wotfram, pioneering, and Robert Bradley, a past oommander of ^ N E G R O I N R A C E , ha»Uved over e tnmdred yean, and selves at present in view of toe ,^MONJTORS HEART mtltee, the last 36 as Hs Secre- - NEW HAVEN (AP)—Raymond in some of the children whom VICTIM’S RECOVERY but more often they nnat be man Ohatol ^ara to ^ i g a of a Baxter, camping, pMsonal fttnees, odn, nature; Stevan Joyner, ceno- aaviiv, rowing; Roy, Parke, camp- Yules, pioneering. the American , Legion PoSt, said, they maike a kR of It. I don’t recent action of the National tary. H. Paige will be the first Negro fVjunded O^obtr 1, 1S81 the vaccine protected against polio, mnoTed surgically. This la a' M a nchesfer program at a two;?veok «neamp- printing; Theodore B)akeelee, na- atog, Ufa saving, pioneering. ing, home renrirs; Gary Petera, Mrs. Loomle urged the directors !‘W e have no status, or b u d ^ V think that means very much. Just Council of Churches at Rochester, ever to run for mayor of New Ha- any of the cancerous tendencies it By WAYNE .^T^BRANDSTADT relatively simple operatlan. m«ht tor 97 mambwu of Troop' 26 ture; Robart Blailw, pionaaring; Atoo, Jonathan Klmbafi, nature; awimmlng, life saving, rowing; QREMOBUB ORgWS-FAST to authorize the town counSel to nor any. insurance for our pa- Publlihed ®T«rT Ewnlnf ®*cept to ll've a certain nun*er of years N. Y„ together with toe well- Q—What, is morphea? ' ’Vhat is Eric Phlnney, ewlmtolng, life sav- rades.” He asked that the cbm- ven. Paige filed nominating peti- lunresent in aome of the good he doea while here. That’s all, me any medicine for a heart con- T> . Z i note. Roland Morrlaon, David Dixon, pioneering, canoeing; ming; life saving, pioneering, row- tion haa tocraaaad 44.5 per cent, to herited from their war dead.” become thick and iiard.. If this is ing, ewipimtog: Walter Simmera, official town agency. Republican candidate. Three .Uontlui ...... o.oujearly vaccine, was not e'vta at'B been wrong with the posed. This makes the EKIO especial- ated, DieKan Bpokua, Jamee Kim- **Pub?l*'her* Rspre*«nUtlv»*. The In order to prevent''^ peptlo ulcer. Jullu* Mathews Spsclal AK^cy—New which compared the health rec- race ‘sil along. • Moot of us have ly valuable, in diagnosing dif- 'The treatment Is medical—not Rlobaed ^ and Robart been, in the business of taking all ferent kinds of disturbed rhythm York. Chicago. Detroit r.w ords of children receiving shots in 5-DAY FOBEOAST surgical—and relies chiefly on Regisfra tion St arting Sep t, 3rd AMbrlo. ^ .. MEMBER AUDIT BUREAU OF we can take, and nobody i» at all WINI>SOiR LOCKS (A P )—The and damage to the heart muscle adrenal steroids such as iH^nl- pL. 4'H. CIRCULATIONS Several otbar aaeUtant aoout- M U which toe monkey ■virus hsd been Interests in giving anything U.S. Weather Bureau at Bradley caused by blorklhg of one of the Bone and predlsolone. 2:00 P.M. to 6:00 P.M. maaters and troop oommltteemen iP a y as you please a t W a t kins: The Herald Printing Company Inc., present with tost of those who re- worth giving away — well, prac- Field isflued this five-day fore- coronary arteries. . Q—I have had multiple sclero- aaeUted on weakonda. - asinimee no financial roaponslbHllj for ceived virus-free vaccine, is that tically nobody. cast for Qonnecticut today: Unfortunately, an ECtf can in sis for almost 20 years. My left I'll C ash or C . O .D ., (2) 30 Day typographical error* apilearlng in ao- Submitt^ Iw Mr. and Mra. Maldment antar- \ TH URSD AYS .vertiaementa and other reading matter there is no difference in toe can- Temperaturee during the five no way be used to predict a cor- leg Is so weak It bows outward talnod tha winter troop etaff at a C h arg e, (3) 90 Day Four Pay m ent fn The Mancheater Evening Herald Mrs. Richard H. Pinnery, when I put my weight on it. day period In Connecticut Thurs- onary heart attack but. after such ACCORDION and ahore dinner at their cottage dur- ,cer incidence record of toe two Associate Minister day through Moaday are expected an attack, it is of great value in Would a brace for one or both Plan, (4) La y- A w a y, (5) Budget Dlanlay advertlaing closing houra: w ttw Bret week of oamp. WU- groups. Still, there is one minor Second Congregational Onirch following the progress of recov- my legs help me walk? For Monday—I p.m. Friday. to average 2 to 8 degreeo below M.m Oaaa, steward emarltua, en- O F A ^ A N C H ES T ER Terms; lO V. down, up to two years FRID AYS For Tursdav—1 p.m. Monday. cautious reservation. TTie stuff Taken from normal ■with temperaturea remain- ery. A—In persons with multiple For Wrdneaday—1 p.n»- “ TV You lAMenin’ ?’’ by Wone tartakiad lha troop oommlttee with to p ay. Tor Thursday—1 p.m. Wrdneaday. might merely be sleeping. So we ing on toe cool side through toe For this reason, a series of sclerosis improvement sometimes 6UITAR BEOINNERS ECXJs would be requested. If you occurs Spontaneously, but you • loaat baef dtonar tba.fliet 8un- For Friday—1 p.m. Thursday. have here a frightening glimpse period. Fo** Saturday—1 p.m. TYIJUt Some normal high and lows are have had a coronary attack you can’t count on It. ■ _jy\ dtoy ot tha arteampment, and a Classified deadline: Short dliwnr fo r the summer ataff 4av of publication except Saturday — of an exultant Airterica, rushing to Hartford 76-66; New Haven 75-66. will have had a period of bed Meanwhile, mechanlcdl aips t a.m one of toe grea^'medical blessings O pen Foru m Precipitation may total more rest with gradually increasing ac- should be used. Ah oTthopedli O u r S p e c ia lty «n tha eaeond Sunday. of our time, unwittingly running toSLn one half inches occurring as tivity. Drugs are useful for some surgeon or a' specialist in physical Offioera Mooted at a troop oom- Wednesday. September 4 aspects of the treatment follow- medicine should be able to - see Boime kind of chMoe which was Freedom to Andover showers and poeslbly thundei*- PIA N O. O RG A N and DRUMS (Lo u ens) mittoe meeting are George Hen- showers at the beginning and to-, ing an attack, but in many pa- that you get the kind of mechani- gen, toetitutlonal representative; discovered, identified, and audited To toe Bditor, Witfrh’s Brew As a former property owner at ward the end of toe period. tients are not essential. cal aids best suited to your needs. Uhittr Ostrout. chairman; Leon only later, after it had been taken Carpels Andover Lake, and as the mother Bradlay> chairman; Alfred Ed- When the President of the Unit- by millions. of Marion Fitch who, I am wards, secretary; Raymond Tintl, ed States says openly, on the sir, Continuing our casual oonaider- proud to say, marched in Wash- treaaurer, and Albert Marino, Hist some change in the cast of ation of how . much pains society ington on Aug. 28th, I am shocked steward. carp ets g ive yo u m u ch lo n g er w e ar fo r th e at the action otf the Andover Lake W ith q uality carpet in yo ur hom€ y o u'll enjo y the the power elite in South really , takes to, protect itself Chairmen of operating oommit- Is desirable and necessary; when P rv ^ rty Owners Assoc., in re- teea are Jamee Knight and Edwin against perils'of which it has been jecting for membership the Rev. Mitchell,. finance, and Alan Cone, m o n ey yo u in vest. See these' n e w , e xcitin g counter-reports asy that there may luxury of deep underfo ot, com bined with vvamed, or against perils which, if William M. Phllpott. \ W A N T M ORE F O R Y O U R M O N E Y ...K E E P Y O U R EYE O N G R A N TS eommunioationa. Indeed, be a change in ‘ South Vlet- they can be discovert...... late,...... might. - It would be interesting to know Pteneertng was the major theme patterns, textures and colors that bring out the bbrrooaaddlloooommss aatt,, W a tkin s Para d e o f Q u a lity asm, but aut, If lt cornea, it t ^ ld alSff OTiMt^ly - haw beien K Uw aaaOciaUonJjM^.oour^. ef a program for younger boya, ^ to print its list raPof TviAmhAra. memben, wilA with S E P T E M B E R 5 T H < be one which put Mr. and Mrs. covered early, we noticed no espe- dliwotad ^ Ohatel. Projaot® built best in yo ur decorating schem es. A n d q u ality Carp ets . . . to m orrow. Nhu, the supposed vUlalns of the the names of those who accepted by petrole included two rafts, two cial public stir over the announce- and those who njectod Rev. Phll- sltuatlaii, openly in power in place eanoee, two towers connected by a ment, toe other day, that aome un- pott — br will the association hide monkey bridge, a aingls lock Of President IMem; when a Saigon fortunate combination of edreum- behind Anonymity, as a local bridge and a derrick. newspaper prints the open charge atance had happened to give some equivalent of the Ku Klux Klan— Other aistl'vltiee for younger that our C.I.A., or cloak and dag- boye were atfaletloe,. b o a 1 1 n g, people out in Nevada more ex- yirrsiuRfgtip ger outfit, U working hard to bring posure to HuMoacU'vlty than the gamea, wreatiing and a traditional about President Kennedy’s obvious oarnlvaL New this year wee the BIGELO W'S official standard o f safety allow*. lOOX NOOLSWEitmiS laying out e f a communicationa deslra, and when our State Depart- We did happen to be signing a w it h cotton su e d e p a tch es network using army field tele- M O H A W K'S ment, In rebuttal, accuses some- nuclear test ban treaty just about G IN G ER LA NE* phonea, and- an improved inetruc- RICH MEA D body of trying to write some new too time It was publicly revealed ....co m p le tely w osh o b le tiOTal program In swimming. spy thriller fiction—when sudi that , thaiAs to RuaMon C O R D U R O Y SETS Senior Scouta over 14 years of EVERTWIST things as these comprise the bulk testa last year, was receiving an age participated to a apedal pro- Lu xu ry carpet of the day's news oovering the re- gram. Aaalatant scoutmasters unusually heavy dose ot nuclear F O R G IR LS ... ChorlM and Da'vid Baxter led 13 lationship between the United > poison, but otherwlsa it is to be GrwUM Oun Brand boys, 16 years of age, on a canoe Square yard ||tates snd South Vietnam^ the ob- doubted that either we or Ruaaia trip on Lake Gorge the flrat week I 8®5 Plain colors with texture TlouB condusion Is that this rela- would have done anything abmit Daily of camp. Aaalstant scoutmaeters Bookua and Klrkhom led 10 scouta, tionaiiip Is In desperately poor this diacldsure. DaHvorios Sale 4.84 15 years of age, on a hike on the shape. W e have never leaUy stopped A p^ach ian Trail in weatern Con- N a w ast o f styling and a look of true luxury The one impression which does doing things merely beMuse they " Wa'H Ba Sale 3.37 necticut. 16 ^° I2 ^° 10 "° REGULAKLY 5.99 will ba yours with Rich m ead C a r p a t. A emerge with any consistency Is endangered life and health, H o t* To REGULAJU.Y 3.99 Other activities for senior scouta one of confusion Itself, a oonfusicn dansa W ilto n w aava of haavy 4-ply woolen Square yard — 3 grade* I and lately, so long ai^ we can’t Sorvieo TWO PIECE Included archery and rifle shoot- perhaps compounded by ignorance. read our own name or that of soma Clasric cardigan with patdies, ing, a night orientation problem, makes this a carp a t of strength and , and a^lO-mlle hike to the Preston But It might also be, observed specific kidlvldusl we know on too W hot front'trim in contrasting or d urability. Tha beautiful new colors flow CoUtm eordoroy aty Fair. ■ ' that each one of these reports or peril about to ^ gambled, we W tS d T ' matching color. Hand waslmblo^ gently throughout tha . a bstract texture I •iBckB with 4 diffetent d u it Senior Scouts toured the U.S. Ev ert w ist broadloom gives a plain e f f ect diarges is probably true. seem reluctant wvtn to slow down. easily blocked to originsl size." Coast Guard Academy at New South Vietnam wIU never defeat CMI styles. ^ Simforized woven pattern. Sea Rich m ead in one of tha Six with the a d van ta g e of a nubby, random Not until toe pesticide, toe flaw Neutral and bright Fall colon. London during the second week oi CSdRimuiilsm, no matter what kind 649-5341 or broeddotb. New camp. They also attended a dance Hundred A p art m en ts wa'va furnished and texture that-resists foo tprin ts, and shading. In the blessing, tos risk being Misses’ sizes 34 to 40. of aid we while It la absorbed attractive cdors,trime. 7-14. with Girl Scouts of the Mystic area, d acora ta d in Bloomfield. 12 and .15 ft, taken in the name of prepared- and went on a fishing trip on Long M ad e with 100% virgin wool f ace'f o r long In resentment of Its oWn brand of ness happen to focus down on one Island Sound. widths in naw color co mbinations of: w e ar. A vaila b le in-thrge grades so you home dlctatorshif). Individual, and that individual Is Canon Cecil Rhodes, an exchange The labeled villains of the piece ca n use heavier weights in Irving room, din either ourself or aome specific per- minister from Great Britain, con- Chateau Beige Honey Almond Verona Brown are Indeed much more likely to try ducted vesper services the first ing room and halls; lighter gra d es in b ed son we know—^not until then do we Ruby Red Hearth Fire to take over fully, in their own Sunday at camp. Alan Tucker, Neptune rooms! 12 and 15 f t. w id ths in seven teen really sit up and move and howl scout executive, addressed the boys heme, than to beat any graceful Venetian Gold Acanthus Leaf Old Leather and investigate, and wonder why . during the second week. colors. retreat by yielding up power they everybody else isn’t as omicemed Assistant Scoutmaster! Morrison Grotto Green do net as yet possess offlcially. we an. Still, toe reassuring and Cote led evening discussions Antique Gold Chestnut Tarragon Madame Ifbu 'tolka like a fighter. reocRd kaya tout, Mnce we a n sUU for senior, scouts. Smoking and dat*. Green 'And although we must ebvieusly Ing were the themes for the first Moss Green Pueblo Tan all here, to qRte of all toe fcdlies^ week, and family relationships the • V i o l e t deny, at the moment, the possibU Winter Willow Sandalwood we have cmnmltted to toe past, hu- second week’a theme. Riviera Blue ity that our renowned dock and man nature must have aome happy Assistant Scoutm4ster Bliason led Sand Dune Almond Beige Peacock Blue JIagger men are trying to accom- faculty of always catching up • a discussion program for younger plish anything* in South Vietnam, boys. Personal problems were dis- Martini Empire Green with itself, just to time. cussed the firt week, and life in ROXBURY'S Regimental previous admissions of rolee played Nyasaaland, Africa, the second Bronze Topaz Red Aqua by them in Guatemala, and Iran week. Michael Mseka of Nyassa- make It almost inconcei'vable that What Started It? land, a ehident at Trinity College, T O REA D O R they aren’t' the ones really trying A t last, as chronicled to an A s- spoke to 'the scouts. C O LO R CO OR17IN ATES Scouta elected to the Order ot the to write some new thriller in the sociated Pieae dispatdi from Los Arrow, national scout camping \4t 7SMJSSMtA exotic streets of Saigon. Angeles, geophyaiclota have aoto- Jac^ ua M O rion* cardig ans w ith honor society are: Kenneth Knight, Exckj'ngly d iffc iw t Somehow, considering the likeli- ally and otOcially noticed some^ Alan Baxter. Daniel Sturtevant, hood o f all such developments, it thing we began to euspeot a num- placrtod 100% w o ol dcirts , Maurice Willey, Niel Newman, Gary Kirkham, David CHatel, Roy luare yard seems a very long time ago that ber o f years ago. Johnson, David Sturtevant and 16 ® ^ M O H A W K'S PO PULARITY we were In South Vietnam just to This old earth ie Mowing down. LITTLE B O YS' Jonathan Kimball. hi'avenly cj f oci s see . that the OommunisU didn’t Measurements made by atomic Board® of renlew were held at Something co m ple tely different! This W ilto n take over there. W e think there clocks, with their new degree of 2-pe. set the oloaing of oamp on tha. final carp e t i^ O n exce-ptionally stylish one w it h the M A DISO N GR A N T O GS SPO RT Sole Swturday of ttia encampment. Rob- W o ve n on Tre n d tex - must be, in some Asian tongue, an accuracy, |toow that toe speed of art StoeneiB, retiring ftatonce most dglung use of color seen in many y ears. Truly REGULARLY 10.99 __ ekl_prnyirb..reedlng t ^ toe eftoct .toe e a ^ ’a has been gradr SH IRTS.V. ohaiiman. Introduced parents to tha cOrpet for the person who w an ts something k 95 A carpet of m erit that he who cooke in his neighbor’s Jamee Knight aito Edwin Mitchell, Square yard . " ually slowing down, ^ siwheffiing Grants Own Brand Orion horylic sweater styks with new designs knit in distinctive. W o v en fronri the finest o f in a kitchen learns to distrust all as much' as two-thousandtos of a • Incoming chairmen, and' ^x>ke 195 contrast color. Easily washed, qnidt to dry, no blodking. about Ohnietmaa eale. choica of fif taan axuberant colors; 12 and 15 f t. Square yard redpee. , second per day. ' Kntfe pleated ddrts.Rich mhtdied shades. Misses’ 8-1& The oamp program was oonclu^ T ^ scientiat explanation of this ad with a joint outdoor court of wid ths. ' This new and servicea bla carp e t will be in our Stock C a r p e t r A Leap And Look Society elow-dowTi ie that the pull of the Sale 1.27 honor with Troop 47. Doan LnO^, Progra m for Fall and W in t er! W o ven on M ohawk's nationally In p rese n tin g th is P a ra d e o f Q u a lity C a r p e ts one moon on us is serving ae a slight REGUURLY 1.49 Rdbort Purvis iond Stephen Flan, Silver Green No ohe wants to put toe busi- ail recruita, were Inducted Into Reigetone Nubian Bronze fam ous Trend tex , it offers more plus features a t its price m ust n ot o verlo o k the e xc e p tio n a l m erits w hich " brake on the earth’s spin. ness o f Uving ( « this earth of oun Stripes, plaids, prints. TVoop 26 and received t h ^ tender- ^ v o r y Gold Turquoise 'Tile Granada Red than any others w e've seen. Its thick, heavy f ace of A crila n this bro a d lo o m has d e m o nstra te d fo r m ore than Into too protective a straltjsdtet. The scientisU have now begun Cotton or foot pins. ' • Spicetone Autunih Gold Olive Green 3 y e a rs. C o m p le t e ly c o m p la in t-fre e o v er this measuring this slow-down . with MEN'S Other awards given are as roi- gives an abundance o f service with ease of care and cleanin g. Neither, on the other hand, U it a flannel. Washable, long Olive; Rust and Black their new atomto docks.' lows: Orange, Red and Brown A hi-lo loop pile textured f ace makes it readily a d a p ta b le to p erio d! M a d iso n is m a d e w ith l*()0% w o ol fa c e good thing to be always venturing and short sleeves, com- Life Booutai Alan Baxtdr, The rest of ua measure H to the PEN N LEIG H* White, Martini and Beige Sage, Shamrock and and is a v a ila b le in 12 and 15 f t . w id ths and 17 fln t and tabulating toe results fto instead of with H. as water Cone, Robert Dixon, Wllll^am Amber Clold fbilage on peach trees— not enough DELU XE T A N K BICYCLE BdwanM, Roy Garey, Philip Hale, Cloud Gold Avocado Amberspice Champagne en the fruit itself to cause any to a pond Ie akways senslUe Sale 3.33 Raynmnd Halsted, Richard Knight, Ocean Green , Beaver Bronze danger to the oonsumsr, but per- enough to do. Dean LaOoe, Theodore Malek, White Gold and Fiat Richard Maeon, Douglas McClain, White, Pebble, Beige, hapa anough on toe foliage to af- But itoat this news bulletin 8BM REGUURLY 3.99 r Gold Tweed William Mehi; Steven Nelli, Eric Tan Tweed Yert the pldcer who would be mov- from our acientiets really Miggeets 8884 Sale 29.97 B O YS' 1 0 0% CO TTO N PWnney, Duncan Potter, GoMon Partridge "Brown 'Tweed ing through the foliage all day Is that now, after all toeae ■ mll- RfCUUUr 31.00 jSlew low price, on these pleat- H O O DED SWEATSHIRTS RoWnson, Robert Taylor and Doug- ' " D«ep7 thick, rich , = cquar. 'Brow n and lenian now that they can tell ua ao long—was responsible for 60 cases Chrome dual leas, trimly tapered Ivy slacks. las Willey. . Whihi'te Tweed Electric Blue 'Tweed authoritatively what ia dowing the Saoond CSaes Scouts; Robart o f lllneas. among peach pickera the headlighta, rear Simforized, washable...ootore earth down,-^ow they ought to Agnew, David Anthonyi Stavan 1 3 ” Square yard other day. carrier, white- wcn*tfade,fabrkwin'tafannk. Sale 1.64 be able at last to give ua aome Aimatrqng, Kurt Bogil. LEES' BEAUPRE It has already dew^oped that walla. Coaater Men’s 29.42. tecuuKri.w Oumm, GriGWoW, P g u 1 •praying atoedules, to the search aquahy autboeitative eotplanation Gustafsosi Gregory Johnston, Saa and feel the- deep, thick, wool pile e f hrakaa. Black for Warm and washaUe. Floece-lfca o f more perfect fruit, had been of what aet H spihntog to the first RiclMrd Johnston, Larry Knight, hk’ j v t Mi l i j ca- ’ p e t s boys, btue for girls. eotion lining. Convenient muff Enchan tress. This is a naw, beautiful ran- bsaviar than ever jhis year, and place. Daan LaCoe, Richard Lewis, Stylad for gracious living pockets. In 5 colors. Sizes 6 to 16. George Lundberg, Robert McAllis- do m-shaarad f w e-tena carp at..m a d a tn 12 that this fact, together w lto heavi- fa'j ter, Duane Mitchell, 'Donald Paine, and 15 f t. wTdths and a selection of 21 ih- or fertlUxation and a good growing NURSES, BEAUTICIANS, ^ •'V ■ R ^ e r t Purvis, David Sargent, Square yard aoasta which made leaves larger ‘'C h a r g e -lf'... N o money d o w n ...30 days or months to p ay David Seavey, Jeffrey Soule, Wal- triguing cofers. Truly a carp e t for the WAITRESSES than usual for toe pesticide to be *]®™ Nn!;NT cKisDnj • Whiting, Laurence Willey, fin est roonris. BOB’S Randall Wllsoh, David Wolfram dapoolUd on, may have crMtod a Come ta and aeb our new EaR ^ ■ to I ealIeotlo& White, Meek, eelored. and Robert Yulee. ’ d u g o r to huninii' health. W Eia B W a B VICE ' W . T . Scout l i f e Guard; Kennsth Tropic Plum Roman Swiss The richly em bossed texture o f Lee V Beaupre will bring en air of eleg ance to Aftaraatha • Knight, Robert Magnano, Gary Sapphire Chocolate your heme, t h e d eep, luxurious jsile is one o f the heaviest you've seen a t , What better place to choose carpets than iite> Klikhom, John Lawler, Alan Baje- Mandarin Gold pooNMy mjariooB aido-etfaoto of O EC T R IC — G AS* Almond Beige Jamaica Sand the price. Exceljent for tra ditio nal roo ms. Choose., from vib' ra n t* right in your home where you can en-^ _ our paotld dea, we kbep on using • tar, Daniel Sturtevant, ■ Richard Autumn Leaf 6431-2408... 649-7578 Ames, Robert McNeill, Roy Parks, .Pe^feock Blue . French Blue semble with your walls, and up-' 'ttiom without too much worry until -V- colors in 12 or 15 ft. wid ths. WsIdlBg from 1 A J l. to 4 Pr^- John Mlnnibk, Neil Newman, Wal- ‘ Cloudy Jade . holsteries-’ Call 643-5171 for an in-yoUr- we ate alerted by the fqct that G la z ie r s Sweet Butter Cloud White No Job too Mg or too aman. ■ ter Prowa, Maurice Willey, Theo- Palm Leaf home ahowing. v damage of some kind hae already M A IN ST. V ER N O N C IR C L E Grecian O live, . Bahama Sea Emerald-Isle Ocean Green ' Azores .Blue Sun B eig e' Located lo The . C O RSET A ND P A R K A D E dore Blakeslee, David Chatel, Roy Jdhnsqn, Jonathan Kimball, Alan Golden Glow Frosted CkKoa Monterey Beige baen dona. - O A B T F O B D „ R O A D U NIFORM SH O F • P e a r l iSeige Tampico Beitfe Carnival Red - Ivory |ARb^Altaai MUMnitUUkOI A Sltti* ■MTEBPRISES V ER N O N MadDqnald, David Moealay, W al- White Mist M A N C H EST ER M A N C H EST ER ter (Ummara David Sturtavant, Mspdsrm poM Silv w Birch Montego S ^ d df otihto deer hM yiat A t PM Hattfoni M . R o fir WteoB and Ronald Msteaf. f'l

• A

' , “ V ' I I



' *. ajri. to pDnforqi’.witfa ths new sie- went to paddkn JOon MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER, CONN., WEDNESDAY, SrEPTBMBER. 4,1968 , '•W pinptnisea hdlackan entertatoin*^ Columbia mentaiy sohedul*. ktoniing classes Lae .Gennaa, KBtby Oosttne, Mk*. Mebran throughout. Donald Lohse of Coi- Wnbur FletciMr, Janet VSvomfio, PAOl T »r Bolfon are pver at 11:46 and aftecnoon >REE DaiVERY ohmter, wlU be director, fprmet Mrs. Beck H ir^ 'rlnsans are firean 12:90 to 8 psn. Joan Jacobus, PiaiMcto Murphy Schools Open, presUetat of toa Colchester' P l^- and Mfs. WIHtom Miinptiy, Hterltog 9 A.M. to 9 r.M. School Board Ferguson Rd, Item Tabled ersTW wtth sOccessful experierfee kbs. Nsittisn Rosm w«s noin^ ~ ehrb coach, wras ooo^ -with'otoer amateur theater groups. By Kindergarten treetourer d ^h* grcw|> luoceed- ]>fegr,o Pupils Enroll, faig- Mbs. Norm an Mossier who has walri.^ ' ) ‘ • Obituary Public Hearing Set Bus Rides ~ He took this lead port Ih^thejgr- Ths ^ ou p in the Men’s War Ca- DAUB Board Tackles Work resigned. Drafts Policy ttayid of the father, in ‘The White Mre. Heavy Book has been en- nos naco, 'wMcfa also took link Ais HObron elementary echoo| Sheep of the FlunHy.’’ produced gaged to teach toe afternoon aeO- -Whiter GWter * ., wss sleeted pbsoc, wr»K;e OairoU who ha* resigned Edward Kurtz, rear oommodot*; Fletolwr as ocxxswBia. to Birmingham did not show up toe publte hearing on town b u d ^ emergency. Perry Pedwson, ' fleot captain; proooeed sidewalks, town directors got down to the busmess said: “ We have no squabble with worked for about an hour bo draft A voter-making session will be( Rules for pupils coming to sriiool High school auditorium, Novem- because of .Ulnees. Mre. Carroll has Each paddler received a m all at the schools. They were still in ActiBaok Jr., treoriirer. Car- Within wi hour they had voted^ - ~ ~ Carpet Center prayer and religious observances Tuesday, after a stormy hearing last night before the town s ootay aa aubmlhted by toe varioua The selectmen paid bills, includ- past two year*. - , . ter replaces FVainota Ferrigno os as a whol* were given a huge Saturday, Sept. 7 developed, though bog enough for About 60 city and county pollce- the school, that’s ,up to them. We past several years, and ore being tinuing their appeal to interested Mr*. ‘Beck i* .a graduate of wooden * {deque wtih an inscribed to allocate ->------12.000 . for various ipen were o n ' duty at Graymont. in toe schools. b<^d of directors. Amid flaring tempera and unusumly bi^ town agenclee, wlU be pmaented ing their own salaries. Hie office commodore, to the asiling racea homes by sonlng standards. are just, here to maintain peace of first selectman pays $1,000 an- atrioUy enforced. Pupils must be and talented outsiders to join toa Windham High' School and Duke metal plaite. The sentor squad town atoim aewer * 3 '’^ Leon R. Browne, co-ownee of The Negroes went into toe school and order.” As finally adopted, it reads; ter words, the hearing was conduct^ in an atmosphere of et toe hearing. They total >^2,964, Organization. Thdre was an eh-, over the werioend. Gewaid Scheller Wapping Community House for improved water ^rvice to Olcott Dr. property owners have Manchester Carpet Center, died ein lncrea*e pC >119,000 ovwr laat nually. The Mlectmen each receive at the designated stop on time, UnlverBlty where she received a took fhpst plaoe In the Lightning boot crew, Dennis Murphy, Rob- asked that toe town take over shortly after white pupils began At West End High Schpol, foqr “In view 'of the recent Supreme’ hard feeUng, oulmlnoting in thof off toe pa"ved port cf toe rood, and couroging gmln i" member^p at baehrior’s degree. She is now ert Fletcher and the two Bright- Spaghetti and. Meat Balls, ^.tv'h.wter Memorial Ho^ital early this morning at his home, enrolling. Court decision, toe Manchester angry slomining of the hearing Ferguson Rd. The motlom was V66r. >250. close and Henry Beck Jr. in the the area as an undeveloped park boys raising the American flag Cfauroli Dinner Planned enter toe bus only when It has the time of the spring musical, Btudykig foe a njoster’a degree at mane took first place in that Class. French Bread, Tossed Salad, and Manchester High School, and 66 Birch St., Wapping, Sifter a The Negroes entered the build- were asked if they were glad to Board of Education suggests that room door. seconded by Taylor. The board of education budget Comet*. plot, like about 25 other tracts requent shows toe Uggeat kuUvId- Mrs. John DolquUt, chalnnan of cams to a full stop, end tai orderly and it ia hoped that tWs trend wOl WilUmanUc State College. She has These flour boy*' also took second U2 000 to lease .for as m any as long illness. ing to climax what had appeared be going back to school. toe opening exercises consist of a The jiearkig started otf in an or-' Aftepi a brief dhwusslon, toe Cotumtoia Canoe Club membei* and third {dace in Junior C2 Peach Shortcake, Tea, Cof- 10 years, and to impi-ove, three the Park Department maintains. MrT. Browne lived in Manchester motlop was defeated along party ual Inoreaae—>59,848. Aooountlng toe dinqer to be held at St. Mou- flwbion. continue. been a substitute teacher tor the toe to be an Impending showdown be- “ I just hope they let us,” one minute of silent or reverent medi-/ derly manner in a crowded he«u>. "When leaving achool, dlreotiane kindergarten and has taught in atteivBng the ' Presidential Cup racee. fee, milk. parking areas in the downtown Jarvis agreed, offered toe land five years before moving to.South tween Wallace and both federal for about >30,000 of the tnoresae .rtce Ctoubch Country Fair tbU 6«t- to the’ town, and was a ccep ts laot of the group replied. tation and some activity of pa- Ing room. Present were 36-30 resi- Hnee,* 6 - 2. — of teacher, aa/ety patrol. and bus Manchester Evening Herald toe Congregatidnal C3iurch School Racea in Washington, D. C., Sun- .ADIXTS 81.50 arMu ' Windsor eight years ago. and local authorities, who had Wallace sent his troopers into triotic nature such as the flag dents of. toe Ferguson Rd. region, - Powell again moved to table ac- for education are an >16,000 jump uzday, has announced the foUaw- day, took two top trophteB in the Manchester Evening Herald (>>- CHILDREN I'P TO 12 81.00 In addition, they accepted a night. He was bom March 14, 1918. in tion, tola time to a igieclflc date, tol salarlea, >2,000 for teaching w p- ing workers:.Mrs. Gasprln Morra, driver must be c^yed. No eating Hebron correspondent. Miss Susm for five years. himbia oonespondent Virginia M. asked him not to Interfere. this steel city Tuesday despite an pledge, the singing of a patriotic moet of whom hve on toe west )dde or smoking on a bus ia allowed, The kindergarten will open Sept. war canoe events, to the Wom- deed to a parklet inside the cir- By the time these actions had ThompsonvUle, a son of Mrs. Helen White women picketed on the song, or a reading appropriate to Tuesday, Sept. 10. ptoea and >11,700 tor rental of Mrs. Vfifeent Psracohlo, Mis. Peadlstafi, telephond 328-3454. en’s War Canoe racea first prize Carlson, telephone 338-9324. been taken, the first acid tdne unprecedented request of the City of the'street. and there must be no loud or ob- 8 this year snd will begin at 9:15 cle Of Olcott Dr.; approved a re- Morin Browne, and the late An-, sidewalk in' front of the school. Council that he keep his forces the day. A reading of selections This motion carrried unanimous- Unitor okUMTOomo. James Toner, Mrs. Anft Fox, Mrs. of the meeting had grown consider- Battle lines were quiokly drawn, Otoerwiae toe >119,000 towreaaa jecUcmable talk. On lea'ving the sutxliviSion in the Manchester drew Browne. The enrollment was the first i abd a warning from the fcd- dealing with moral and/or ethical 'With weat-side-of-the-street home ly, with toe understanding that Courtitey Tuokar, Mrs. N • 1 s o n They Had a Ball Ridge subdivision; and voted ad- ably brighter. t ^ A veteran of World War U, Mr. public school desegregation below | eral government. ideas might at times be'substituted there will not be another public tol aooounted tor hy a >40,000 prin- GoUe, ijkia. Joseph Costanco, Miss bus tor school, pupils must take Discussing the parking leases. owners fighting for a sidewalk on oipal payment due on tlia town’s their turns without crowding and ditional pay to Assistant Oon- Browne was a member of the 'VFW college level in Alabama, where The Justice Department said in for or added to the patriotic ele- toe east aide of toe street, aligned hearing on tola matter. " Ann Warfel, Vincent Krzerioki. SOUTHAMPTON, N.Y. (AP) — Itoller Ruasell CJalipo for his pe- Director Theodore Powell had of ThorapsonvillA the Eaiington the first break came in 1966 and ment'in the exercises. Teachers At tola point toe residents of bond Jasus to finance toe high, Sittings are at 5 and 6:80 for toe go direoUy .to their clasarooms or Washington r "The schools will be against Police (Jhief James Rear to any designated plane. When, re- After i the ball was over, the riod of service a« Acting . Con- half-Jokingly suggested that an Ridge Coimtry Club, Campbell again last Jun6 when the federal ppened and the Negro ' students are advised to use their discretion toe Ferguson Rd. area - left the gohool’ now under oonatruotian, arid" dirmer, which features barbecued ancient tree in the F o r ^ St. lot don, who recommended sidewalks >22,667 tor tatereat paymente on turning home pupils should wait rampage began. X. iroUer from February to July. Council, K of C; toe Connecticut government faced down Wallace will attend them.” In arranging their observances and meeting. oUcken and Italian speghettL Ad- That’s how police In this fash- be spared —to, which the inetant on both sides, and General Man- Lost to leave toe room was -(tiat bond iaaue. unto toe bus h ^ made a full stop 1B68. Floor Covering Association and at the University of Alabama. In this crossfire from local and are not bound In any way by this ager Richard Martin, Superin ten vance reservations may be made ionable Long Island community reply from the floor waa poet St. Margaret Mary’s Church, South Some white spectators and federal authorities, the fiery seg- suggestion." ^ Stenger, who expressed hts emo- The board of finance hoe slated with Mrs. George Maneggia, or before getting off. If across toe Democratic Director Flobert George Pope Morris’ line ’’Wood- dent of Schools WilUom H. Curtis, Ml eoceouUive isearion on Sept. 18 highway from home, pupils must described the wind-up of the week Stone suggested at the board's Windsor. small groups of Negroes watched regationist governor said Tuesday Intended to se^ e a* a guide U>. tions by slamming shut toe door Uoket* niay be piuchased from Mr. end coming-out party for Fernan man. spare that tree*’’ from street comers as white board of education chairman Mrs. of toe hearing. room. ^ at toe'diown offices at wWch It wait for toe driver to give toe Augudt meeting that General Man- Survivors, .besides his mother, night in a statement: "I shall con- Manchester teachers, It was read Katherine Bourn as weU as resi- and Mrs. Joseph liU tra on toe fair da Wanamaker Wetherill. Dr. Powell also suggested that are his wife, Mrs. Bvelyh Bilodeau parents, mostly mothers, led their tinue to take whatever action I wHl ad o^ th e 1963-64 budget pro- safety signal ' bistore orosaing in ager Richard Martin set up a to thorn by Supt. of Schools at a dents of Amott and Mountain -poael to bbvPreeented at toe an- grounds during the. day. front of toe bus. The party Itself was termed a a proposed reaubdivision of Man- Browne, and three brothers, An- children to school. think is necessary to further the John Walsh, chairman of toe huge success. It was after the atorm sewer project schedule, chester Ridge was unfair to pro- towlwlde teacher orientation held Rds., advocates of a weetslde SueTtown msettog for approval on Transportation may be denied from which public works officials drew Browne and Philip Browne, Some of the pupils and parents interest of all citizens of Ala- this morning at Manchester High art exhibit, which will have point- twiat-dance party, police said spective lot purchasers. both of ThompKsonville, and Daniel- were balked by the pickets. bama.” walk. 80 Lives Lost Oat. 7. any irtudent who does twt observe that 127 socialities.-age 18 to 22, might do varioiua individual jobs The re-.subdivision, asked for •Schol. UOnMognphed vpopioe ^ t he ings for display and sale, has ask- regulations. during the year. Browne of Hazardville. Others brushed , past the pickets Wallace would not say whether The statement was prepared at Eugene R. Mootany of 280 Fer- ed that anyone wishing to leave a went on a rampage in a nearby and approved by the Town Plan- guson Rd. preeented the. brief for budget requMto Newsletter Ohangea General manager Martin last The funeral, will be held Satur- and went into the school for en- he would be In Birmingham ,for a the urging of Supt. CurUs because picture bring It to faia booth by 9 ocean front mansion that hqd been ning Cbm'mission, lTCP)„ sets personal confrontation with the the weot side people with the at toe hearing tombfrow ndgnt. gtartlng this month it is hoped night asked >12,000 from the Gen- day at 9:15 a.m. from the W. P. rollment. the. board pre'Vioualy had had no In Crash of Oopiea of toa budget ptwoeal for am. Saturday. rented as a guest house. aside about fi've acres in. the de- Quish Funeral Home. 225 Main St., One white woman handed seg- five Negro pupils seeking to enter theme'"A sidewalk on to* east side by Hebron' First Congregational Chief Donald J. Finlay of toe eral Fund Capital Improvement velopment to be deeded to the written policy. tba town meeting will be Fosters tor the fair were made Manchester, with a solemn high regation signs to two schoolboys, three white schools In this sprawl- of toe street would improve toe by Mrs. James Veitoh, Miss Lor- Church to get toe monthly news- village police said dqmage esti- Reserve Fund for the proposed in- tcwn as a park. He told board members id Jri* ih' five daya before the meri letter in thb mall by toe first of Ma , opening tomoTTOw. In elementary jtorary of the achool. It Is expect- be called tor more information if No charges were placed. home tomorrow from 7 to 9 prm., grades, particularly, many teach- siUon of the Approximately 30 deep crater. The rest M toe plane ed that representatlvea ol the oonfesrione at 7:80-7:60 am. and ent, Harlan Taylor and Francis quareanents, buti>»- with no more and Friday from 2 to i and 7 to so as the hour approached. City and county policemen were persons bo irepresented. was strewn in bits and pieces needed. DellaFera disapproved of the homes than would normally be About 15 minutes after the ordered on guard duty at the three ers have traditionally opened toe oompanlee wJU b* preaenL The 6-6:30 pm. Nocturnal Adoration Labor Sermon Theme 9 p.m. day with a prayer and the salute E. J. HoU, developer of Rock- over the houses in the area. board voted at It* la*t meeting will be Friday from 8 pm . to Sat- fund, Taylor because householders permitted in the total area. Negroes got into the Graymont schools facing Integration- under ledge, sold the town was short- "Several fire trucks and ambu- Sunday’s sermon theme at the MCfected might not_bave the bene- To, PoweM. this was "taking school, the National States Rights federal court order. to toe flag, he .said. to purtoase a foreign language urday at 6 am .; sponsored by toe Mrs. Pauline P. LeOeyt sight^ in not insisting on side- lances had arrived within min- paririi from 8-10 snd by the Noc- Ocmgregatlonal churches was "Ihe fR of a public airing of their opin- awayXland from some homeown- party, with Confederate flags fly- Wallace put state troopers in "I find nothing in the Supreme utes. But the ambulances left lab, oonsieUng of atudent deeka E q u ity of labor,” in reoognltixm Mrs. Paubne Petersen LeGeyt, walks on both sides of toe street onilpped vrith eorphonea and a turnal Band from 10-6. More men ions, and DeilaFera because he ers.” Martin AlTOrd, TPC chap- 70. of Granby, sister of Clarence ing and horns blowing, began a Tuskegee Monday to bar opening Court decision that says we cah' again soon. They were of no use.” of labor Day, Instead of toe theme man, pointed out that the lots niotorcade along U.S. Highway 78 of .the school which wras to accept not continue to have a study of when the area was built. toaoher’a conaole, out of on ex- are kivited to take port. Sunday faM tfM ftmd should be for proj- Petersen of 41 Autumn St., Man- HoU said "I would Have put The' crash was the third acci- toimerly stated. It was a Com- were of various sizee, and preeum- In front of the school. 13 Negroes. religion as to its place in our lives dent involving fatalities In opera- pected >10,000 budget auiplua. The is family oommunlon Sunday. The «ofa of an emergency nature and chester, died Monday at St. Fran- them in sit no oost to toe town, if annual census begins this weric, munion service. Mr. John £M1, Tntmiotti at for routiiM work, which he abJy would be priced acoortSng to “ Keep Alabama White” read He has not Indicated whether through the centuries,” Curtis tion of the FTench-bullt plane. fab would be used hi Grade 8 choir master, sang a solo, Mr. cis Hospital In Hartford. had been .asked to do so.” He 'French daeses this year, then with Birch Mt- Tbe Parish School said could as well continue La individual size. Other survivors include a son, the placards they waved. he will halt the opening of Mobile said, referring to teaching about The first crash, at Anakara, Tur- (Brenton Crsne, organlaf. Prayets There appeared to be about 35 schools where officials laid secret various religions and religious added, "ttie oondUlDn of toe Xreeit w ed tor aUJenguage edaeses In to^ of Religion begins next week. go before ttie directors for ap- But Powell insisted that the lot eight daughters, three brothers and brush on Ferguson Rd. is a key Jan. 19, 19W, killed 41 per- (were moide tor afi who are return- buyers would, noceBsarily 'be toe cars in the motorcade. Police plans for registering two Negroes movements .in social studies class- sons. The second, at Rabat, Mor- new Ugh school. The first meeting of the Coup- ing to school tMs week. GANDY compare notes on the campus looks provel. twenty-two grandchildren and diagraoe to toe town.” AJflo on toe school board agenda oil of Catholic 'Women will 'be ones to absorb the cost of toe ad- several nieces and nephews. diverted them. today at Murphy High. es. occo, Sept. 12, 1961, killed 77. Tiyoota Soheduled A motion to establish the >12,- ditional five acres. Which as town Cars eased into a parking field But the focus today was on Bir- But he indicated he felt It would Several residenis of Arnoft Rd. Officials at Sud Aviation, which ! a continued dlacuasion of the held Monday at 6:30 pm. In .toe OOO fund was made by Stone, and Funeral services will be held be wise to limit dally opening ex- were next bo be heard. Hiey student ooti'Vity fund and toe au- ohvtrch.V___ 1. auditoriimj,______t__ beginning wito Ihe Podium Flayers have oO' park wouM then be open bo ail tomorrow at 2 p.m. at tile Charles directly oppo.site the school and mingham, where more than 2,000 builds the-twin-jet craft, said offi- nounoed that pUbUc tryouts for an amending motion specifjlng town users. the riders formed on the street Negroes went to jail during street ercises to "those of a patriotic agreed wtth the report of PoBce cial Investigations absolved the perlntendent’a r ^ r t , which wlM a meat loaf pot luck supper. Mrs. KITCHEN they like best ...here at D & L H. Vincent Sorts Funeral their fall dramatic production, all work be of an emergency "Why diouldn’t the town pay comer. demonstrations earlier in the year. nature and let It stop there. We Chief James Reardon to toe affect planes from operational blame. include the annual report Nelscm Goble is chairman. The MAIIF.1M o r FINE CANDIEB Batura was offered by the Repub-' Home, 880 Hopmeadow St., Sims- don't want to indicate that religion that "sidewaikB ore needed on both Special Bne Schiednle Rev. Bidward MOLean will apeak “You Cant Take R With You,” for this Hke any other park pur- bury. Burial will be In Palisado They said Caravelles, some used wiU be held in the Btmai High Moana and beaten down, 6 to 2, b(y chase?” he ask^. has no place in our lives," he said, sides of toe street, but if not prac- on U.S. airline routes, have flown The achool bus schedule tor han- on toe Catholic library and con- the Damoorats. The third Repub- Cemetery, Windsor. Friends may wea-e becoming better aware of toe because we all know It has a tre- ticable, they be installed on the dicapped Children was inadvert- versions. School auditorium at 8 psn., Sept. Famous for Old But Genjsral Manager Martin call at the funeral home tonight servioes available to them and that 700,000 hours and made more than 5 and 6. All Podium Player mem- .Bean board member, Harold J. suggested that. the developers, I. mendous place." ^ west Side oidly. a half-million landings. ently omiftted by toe board of The executive committee of St. Fashioned Goodness from 7 to 9. State News more patients were voluntary. A William Collins then suggested The most vehement of the east George's Episcopal Church will ber* and any other .kiterented ptt* TXMddngton, was absent. R. Stich Associates, migtot i>« total of 7,837 pensons' were admit- education from publiahed ached- sons are urged - to rix>w up for Tba Damoorats then voted the supplying a real benefit to the that "we stress a moment of si- side 'adherents was William Sten- ules. The bue leaves Bolton Dairy meet tonight at 8 In the parish WlUUm F. Brandt Sr. ted during the year. lence” in the observances "to give ger of 312 Ferguson Rd. hall with the Rev. Edward John- these tryouts tor the .19 oori; pori- I STOKES TO SERVE YOU! paojaat fund > to 1, wHh Della- ownerB of more ooUUy lots—a park BOtJrON — WUHam F. Brandt Five yeafs ago, Bloombe^ said, * at 7:30 with toe first a t^ at the Lions. Helpers are also needed to jn their area which otherwise them a religious feeling."’ He beQabored Mhitin for not Hospital Notes home of Harold Hoar on Rt. 85. son. vicar. Faca ahatatning rather than ap- Br. of IDartford, preaident* of toe Roundup only four per cent of hoepitai pa- This suggestion found favor having with him toe names of the The Bolton Cooperative Nursery sell tickets, work on set designs, MANCHESTER pearing to oppoaa afonn sewer probahly would not be there. Fnardddn Screw Mechme Co., Hart- biients were voluntary, and toe rest Stops are at (jiark Rd.. Tolland oonstruotdori, makeup, properties He tonpMed that the benefit de- wbth the other board members who people who had requested a ride- Rd., Keeney Dr., and Pld. will meet tonight at 8 in the Fire- SHOPPING PARKADE ‘— fabatlnna ford. died yeeterdey at White were oomaptriaory. Now, no more could see no violation Of ‘toe walk in the first place. Visiting hours ore t to 8 p.m* place Room of toe Community and stage managing. The play is Stone asked .Martin for a kst of rived frcnn the park would be it* Sand* Beach, CMd Lyme. He was than 25 per cent are oompulsory. for all areas, except maternity just as they were laat year. a three-act comedy by Roaa Hart availabiKty for uses that toe in- Court’s intent in letting pupils use I don’t think you ever had any Long Walk Suggested Hall. Mrj, Ernest Gowdy, teacher, ROUTE 6, BOLTON pcojeeta under otmaideration,' and toe brother of Mrs. Raymond Bag- School Aides Hit The-camjpisBioner expects more the .silence acoorchiig to their own names or requests. , It bothers where they are t to 4 p.m. and will givd an orientation talk for and George Kcuiftnan, which bad a dividual land owners could not lin of Coventry Rd. “V peitients after Oct. 1 when infor- 6:30 to 8 p.m. and private rooms At its meeting laat night the very suooeseful run on Broadway (right) the dashing “sportive for periodic reviews of progress himself {wovide—as opposed to consciences. me why the heeulng was pushed board of selectmen read a letter new parents. Refreshments will be OPEN EVERY SUN. UBdar the informal fimd. Other survivors include his wife, On Qualifications mal, volunitary admiseiona will be "If parents wish to instruct so hurriedly. Why the not-ao- where they ore HO a.m. to 8 p.m. serv^. and across the oountiy. look” in two-piece coordinates simple ownership of less useful a eon, a daughter, hie fathet, two ajllowed under legislation passed at Visitors ore requested qot to from the town engineer of Man- Its tfaeme is based on a tomtiy Ttta $87,000 appropriation from land—and that it bUU remained up their children to pray during that dongerous Ferguson Rd., rather chester suggesting that toe Boy by BOBBY BROOKS. Wool fka Water Department Capital Im- brotoeo-s and three other sisters. toe 1963 General Assembly. moment, they can then do so,” than some other street in town?” smokb In patient’s rooms. No more Msnchesler Evening Herald with strange pastimes, and to the buyer to judge whether the. Tbe new law will permit anyone Scouts of Manchester and Bolton and nylon knit fish erm ^ top psorwment RsMrve Fund was vot- Individual tract was worth more Funeral services will be held to- HARTFORD (AP) — The said Mrs. -Katherine Bouni, board he asked. than two risltors at one time per BoHOa eorrespoiideat, M. Oleine- morraw at 2 pan. in Bethany Luth- bo recedtve help at a mental hos- patient. , "perambulate” their common with genuine leather trim col- ed unandmoualy, for installation of with toe nearby park than a lar- director of the state’s school chairman. "Why don’t you have any avail- boundary line together, checking weO Toong, teleitoone 643-8881. eran Churt^, West Hartford. The pital without making .toe written lar and placket trim ... a naw water rdief. trunk line in ger piece at toe same price in a board association today criti- Board members next entered in- able or presentable figures of the and replacing markers. TUs pro- 2- the High School Manchester Me- Rev. Martin Dutoow will oflHci- oommitinenl* required. to considerable diacuasdon over toe Patients Today: 187 \ “NEW” GOP brass button close. The match- different parkless kwartion. ate. Burial will be in Fairvlew cized some local board mem- Bloomberg said . the average coat to show iw? You axe push- ADMITTED YESTERDAY: Em - cedure is required by law every morial Hoq>ital area. Powell was out of the room when wording of toe statement and its ing this matter a little too fast;’ five years but has never been done HARTFORD (AP) — A newly- ing skirt is back-wrapped, has the. re-subdivision was approved Cemetery, West Hartford. bers for not preparing them- length of stay has dropped sub- implications. Drafted by WfiMom mett Simmons, 33 Canterbury St.; formed Republican city organiza- B je two Institutions require In- Friends may call at the Taylor stantleUy, 'beoauee we are get- he added. "You ore showing us no Michael Komlnski, Thompsonville; with any adjoining town. The Julius Hartt brass-button tab waist and - creased service for fire protection, 7 to 0. selves with the knowledge Buckley, toe statement was weak- due consideratinn.’’ selectmen answered that they are tion has taken out petition papers All the directors'seemed to agree and Modeen Funeral Home, 136 S. ting people earlier." er in Its tone than Ted Cummings Mrs. Viola Liiginbuhl, Ellington; for three prospective candidates leather-trimmed slit pockets ilM hoepital needs additional pres- Main St., West Hartford, tonight needed to do their jobs. At this point, Director Ted John Jess, East Hartford; Robert willing to cooperate, but would like that Assistant Controller Russell The criticism ccune from 'Victor would have Weed. lii the end FbweM interrupted to caution ;to know what toe costs would be, for city oouncU. The group, which in front. Red only. Sizes 7-13. (above) “Jim Dandy” Is the ' sure on its upstairs floors, and the from 7 to 9. however, he agreed to support It, McLeary, 801 Main St.; Bernadette School o f Music anUra Perrett i*l.. Summit St., Galipo should be reimbursed at a MacDonald, executive director, on Publi»her’$ Car Hit Stenger, "If you think there ia a If any. calls itself “ Hie New Republican higher pay scale for the time he NEW HARTFORD ‘(AP) — A and the Statement passed unani- Hagenow, 29 Whitney Rd.; Mrs. Party,” la backing John B. Marsh non-collegiate division top 1 1 .9 Q word for the patched l15,000 Harlan Taylor, who said he lacked Stanley i;. Hastillo, deacon, and' ford, police stild. Both vehicles "about >500 less than on the west Teaching begins Sept. 9 figure was for oonnecticms sufficient Information, for pay- the Rev. Joseph Bernard, subdea- nately meuiy who, immediately af- were slightly damaged. to a U.S. rule against granting Arthur Kehl, Clark -Rd., Bolton; skii't asylum. side” Mrs. Mary Jane Buckland, 453 7SS from Middle Tpke. to the hospitsd ment at the rate Etllnger was get con. Mrs. Ralph Maccarone was ter election or appointment, limit Police said .TUllock was given Mrs. Bourn reported that, at a “ Catalog, 236-5411 State Department officials said Keeney St.; William Homlsh, An- r and school, add that the >37,000 in- ting, befcause Galipo "had been do- organist. Burial was in St. Bridg- their obligations tol attendance at a warning for driving too fast for meeting of the achool board earlier duded tte connection between the ing Etlinger’s work.” et’s Cemetery. .Father McCann one or two meetings a month.” oonditione. U.S. diplomats are governed by dover; Howard Smith, Andover; new building *mple parking a 1939 foreign service regulation In. toe day, It was voted to' recom- Rodman Stewart, 19 Johnson Ter.; two areas which had hot been con- Had Galipo been immediately read the committal service. He added: mend aldewalka on the west side sider^ initially, answenng Stone’s appointed to controller, he still Bearers, ail nephews, were "School boards have b^ n which provides; ” A diplomatic Chndy Nickerson", Broad Brook; PARANOV HALL, UNIVERSITY OP HARTFORD representative or consular officer of Ferguson Rd„ "on the site de- Gillls Morin, Hartford; Mrs. Au- specific question but not the gen- would have done the same work James Farrell, John Farrell, Rob- charged with criticizing teachers velopment for an sidditlon to the for their unwillingness to Improve Dr. Braat Opens may, not extend asylum to per- dria MetJurdy, WilllmanUc; Mr.s. ' 200 Bloomfield Ave., West Hartford eral one. but would probably have been paid ert Farrell and Richard Farrell. Highland Park School." at a lower step on the pay sched- their knowledge by continuing .sons outside of his official or per- Ruth Darllng,-^ 176 Eldridge St.; Branches: 950 Trout Brook Dr., West Hartford Tfce three parking leases have their education and In-serVIce Office Tomorrow sonal household.” She pointed out that toe board Wendy Secore, 88 W. Main St., been bandied about by the direc- ule, however. , of education had no, additional 315 Hudson Street, Hartford At 12:15 a.m., with ali reports training. The regulation .does not allow Rockrille. tora since toe spring of this year, Dzen Low Bidder "There is a growing feeling in an exception for Involuntary refu- jurisdiction but for that portion ADMITTED TODAY: James but remained unacted, upon be- and- many items of new business Dr. John P. Braat tomorrow is owned by the town. "However,” unacted upon, the meeting was ad- this state and -natitmally that per- gee "justified on humanitarian Walker, 398 Hartford Rd.; Mrs. cause of uncertsdntiee in the leases, On Relief Sewer hap.s it is time the finger was. opening an office in the 'Willard grounds. she added, "as an individual tax- Lydia Rowland, Coventry. toe absence of interested direc- journed at 8 p.m. on Sept. 10. payer, I go along with Chief of Still up for. discussion are 'Tay- pointed at the board member, who, Building, 320 Main St., for toe The department backed Ambas- BIRTHS YESTERDAY: A son to tors, toe pending downtown taxing The A. Dzen OonsrtruoUon Q>. of by his action,. Is causing toe pub- practice of neuro-psychiatric medi- , sador Henry Cabot L o^ e s ad- Police Reardon, for sidewalks toe Mr, and Mrs. Alden Richards, 18 district approv^ last month, and lor's request for review of highway department operations; Martin's Manchester, is the apiparent low lic to look askance at local autono- cine. i mission of the three Buddhists length of toe street on toe west Cushman Dr.; a daughter to Mr. other miscellany. bidder for cbnstructioii of a sani- my and critically toward toe oper- Dr. Braat finished medical school " ’ho fled to the em bas^ Sraday side "If they cannot be placed on and Mrs. Harry Williams; Suffield. Atty. John O'Connor spoke request for elimination of the deputy director of public, works tary relief Serwer, on W. Middle ation of the local school system.” at the University of Utrecht, Hol- and his rejection of the South Viet both sides.” BIR'EHS TODAY; A son to Mr. against toe three leasw last night Tpke. through a right of wjay par- Nam government's demand that Curtis agreed with Mrs. Bourn, 'arid Sirs. William Goqdale, Cov- b & L has for Alexander Jarvis, saying that post: allocations of >5,000 for plans land, and was a resident in psychi- for the Globe Hollow bathhouse alleling S. Alton St. BSdis w e^ atry in the Provincial Medical Hos- he hand them over. and added that "Since February entry- the taxing district should alleviate opened in the Municipal Building Lee, Freedman learned The exception was ju.stified, the 1960, 880 feet of land on toe west DISCHARGED YESTERDAY: toe need for parking In the down- and >100,000 for street and high- HARTFORD (AP)"A Mayor pital at Santpoort for years way improvements. this morning. aV SUte^^entar H oS^lurat ^ State Department said, because side of Ferguson Rd. has been- un- Thomas Johnson, 144 Adams St.; new. MOORE town, and asking that the parking Richard C. Lee of New HaVen and the monks were * In Imminent der the jurisdiction of the board Mrs. Phyllis Costello, 427 Burnham Also remaining are plans to au- Dzen’s base bid of $13,430 was City Manager Bliaha Freedman of Eindhoven for years. meter fund be spent in other I well within the >15,000 allocated danger to life or limb.” of education." , St.; James Gray, Wapping; Mrs. I thorize payment of one half the Hartford are.among 11 nrembers He served his residency in neu- Two monks who escaped to the coat, of major medical insurance for toe project in April by tihe Severed other residents of toe Winifred Sharpley, South Rd., Bol- gym* suits... Hie board voted all three leaises appointed to a new state oommie- rology at the Neurological Insti- U.S. aid mission during Diem's ton;’ Dr. Elliott Metcalf, 60 Elm St^ for retired town employee, should board of directors. aion that will study ooUeotive bar- tute of the University of Gronin- area spoke. All stressed the point unanimously, however, with a pro- Others .who presented bids are Aug. 21 pagoda attack left volun- Rockville; Timothy Buckley, 349 they wish to pay the other half gaining between municipalities and gen. He earned his PhD. on a tarily Monday following govern- of safety for toe children. Some viso for .two areas. toe .far\'is Construction Oo. of residents of toe west side of toe Hilliard St.; Mrs. Beatrice Carr, These two—at Forest and Main from their pensions; and aw>roval their employes. psychological subject and was for ment as.surances of their safety. of plans for proposals scheduled Manoheoter, >18^450; and Ander- street continued toe toenie of toe Green Lodge Convalescent Home; regulatipn Sts. and between Maple arid Oak Robert Stutz, :• Uni.% sity of 15 years in private neuro-psychia- Another monk who showed up at Fred Keish, 42G Bluefleld Dr.; for November referenda. son Fair,.jC>aka, Inc., of Hartford, Connecticut jj^essor, was named tiric practice in Zwolle, Holland necessity "for removing the un- Sts.—are to be leased foc.J0 years >21,390, ^ the embassy Tuesday but who did Samuel Strain, 246 Oak St.; John chairman of the,.L4oriimiB3ion yes- For the next four years he had a appear to be in immediate sightliness of the, east side.” for gym at one dollar per year, with $9,000 The purpose of the relief sewer Several times dyririg the discus- D1 Donato, 66 Lenox St.; Mrs. Ar- and >17,000, respectively, to be is to prevent a repetition of flood- terday by Gov. John N. Dempisey. similar practice on the island o f ; jja„eer, was politely refused asy; lene Brennan, Glastonbury; David Stutis' la also a meriiber of toe Aruba,A ABM A Ia aa VtVNetherlands A 4 AA Aa I M WA aI'm Antilles, A A A 1 1 ^ ft SIwhere iVl A sion it was mentioned that toe spent for improvements. |Truck Hits Pole, ing in toe Haynes St. area, adjoin- lum. Relchlin, 30 Sanford Rd.; Mrs. classes.in State Board of Mediirtion and Ar- he was also, a consultant in neu- The United States historically Children would probably continue Tlie leases provide optional an | , ing Manchester Memorial Hos^taJ. to use their hom'|Nnade paths to Carole Giard and. son. Hemlock aaci4 >e clause, such that the own- Because of the shallow grade bitration. ■ _ rology aind psychiatry at toe hos- has disapproved of the prindlple Dr., Vernon; Mr4. Joan Marquis Monchester! Driver Gets Cut The oommissibri was eotaWoriied pital bf the Standard Oil Refinery. of embassy asylum and has re- the Highland Park School, but toe era may-reclaim their property if | / along S. Alton St..- sewers at that suggestion was never msule to con- and son, Tolland. they want to put up new' build- by the 1963 General Aasembly. It Dr. Brsuit, a native of Amster- fused to recognize it as a, part of DISCHARGED TODAY: Mark point are unable to.haridle the rush is expected to repoiri:. Jts recort- tinue the status quo, with no new IfIVS • I Wayne Knight. 20, of South Rd., of water during heavy rains, and dam, Holland, immigrated Into the. law, .says Hack- Guertin, 49 Brooklyn St., Rock- SL-a e-as 1 ElUngton, WES injuFetl early this mendationa for legislation to toe United States in 1958, and was aj^(,Qj.yj'g authoritative Digest of sidews^s. ! The proviso aaded last night re- v - the water rushes down th . steep- vlller Bernodelte Hagenow. 29 ffcaa avesv^asws. flA was.* WheH W mUK tlllCk he General Assembly by Jan. 15, 1965. Senior Physician at the Valley Hos- ] international. Law. Director Robert Stone moved to quiraiithe o ^ e r s to return 80 per j driving ran off the road on Rt. er grade near Haynes St. Whitney Rd.; Mns. Eleanor Skinner Lawrence Witkofske, ^parln- pital In Middletown. Conn. Since | *i>[jg main function of an em- table action on toe Ferguson Rd. Skinner Rd., Rockvjlle; Mrs. Ellen thpTr'nSHon 1 “ ^ telephone pole. He suf- tendent of toe water department, SNET Talk$ Resume lfi|60 he has been staff psychiatristj hassy, the State Department has sidewalks for further discussion. Wells, 73 Spruce St.; Dale Mat- ,,, FO R P E N N I^ A M O N TH I • head lactation. feel* that toe construction of the NBIW HA’VBN (AP) — The at Stamford Hall,, .in Stamford,, gdyjggd' u,g. envoys In the past. He explained that "it will give thews, 64 S. Alton St.; Edward Pet- In toe first yew of the^ lease, 60 j gaid he was traveling Conn. He was licensed in Connect!- Ug to represent U.S. Interests and us on opportunity to look at the reliW sewer will prevent future Southern New EJngland Telephone te, Soutii "Windsor; Trudi Quas> GmdKoH can afford the Bervices.of m MWhen his attention was dis- Co. and the Union and Telephone cut iri August 1960. He was board affording of asylum Is not area and to get further infoimo- nHochka, 14 Hartland Rd.; Vincent ^ ' traded. The impact knocked down flobdiw- certified in neurology and psychla- within the purposes of a diplomat- 's' Workers resume contract talks to- tion.’’ He odde^ “Because of the Quinn, East Hartford: Jerry Moy- accountant to keep Ibe budgrt ^ ^ ih9 U ysted-Cookr . ?*®*^hert T>h<,ir.n Phelon, ochairman h a i r m a r . 'I ^ - Power line. Trcx^r QnHnir. Robert Kelly day in an effort, in reaoh agree- try ^ with Netherlands Neuro-Psy- tc niiaaion.’’ necessity for insuring toe safety i^ a n , Coventry; Joseph Natsisky, a Hartford National diedong aooo^^ Manchester of the Stafford Springs barracks chlatric Assn. He ha* had training When a U.S. diplomat is faced of toe children, I would rather 122 Newmarker Rd., Rockville; regulation suit of toe Manchester Parking - Au- investigated and summoned Ho4r8 Announced ment bv midnight. toority, said last night that he That's . when the ouirent one in psychoanalysis' and followed A | with' a plea for asylum, he usual- see toe matter postponed fw an- Mrs. Mildred Chapin, 20 Qlyde Rd.; Wbo You have a record ci ^ - ' < 1 ' Knight to appear in Rockville Cir- course In elebtro-encephalographjf! ly must make his decision'on the in seafoam, other month toon rush Into a de- Mrs. Dorothy Miller' Coventry: mid toought the proviso could be ne- cuit Court on Sept. 24. r Penny *Saver year coritract will expire. TTycra pay tiioee WDb t o the 0 ^ ^ (left) Here’s a fool-the-eye costume that’s as pretty • ^.... gotiated into the proposed , leases.'' There is nol strike threat. The at"Mt. Stnal Hospital, New York spot because delay could be, dis- cision tonight.” Phillip Foreman, Andover; Wil- .myiflg blue, as it is puzzling. White orlon pullover has a V-neck and Clty. astrous for a refugee in imminent The motion was passed along home. . . you know ^ a ^ gtoe lhe wine or IMrector Atty. Richard Wood- , current oontrslct would automat- liam BTsher, 639 W. Middle Tpke.; medallion design in blue or green . . . giving the effect house disqualified himself from The fall schedule of the Penny ically remain in affect for' st least danger. The refugee is supposed party Unea, with toe six Demo^ Mrs; Margaret Burgess, Wapping; gtatw e i budget: no wonder a Hwrtfcrt yellow, ’8-l6. aettoB on the Olcott Dr. parklet, Saver Thrift Shop, 615 Main St., 90 days, should no agreement be to ; be released once the active crais in favor, and two Repub- Mrs. Gael De Malo and daughter, of a separate sweater over the turtle-neck, .yet it’s all atnoe his firm, LaBelle, Rotoen- About Town will be as follows: Monday danger IS past. licans opposed. Director H^upld A. 76 Weaver Rd.;' Mrs. Alice Lom- Nationsd diecikhig accoont is “a real bargain one piece! The color-coordinated pure wool skirt is fully reached tonigh' Fire Extinguished Probably the most celebrated 4J»R beig and Wooribo^Be, has repre- through Saturdays from 10 a.m. To end toe. cipntraot either side Turkington was riot present; he is bardi and son. Box Mt. Dr., Vernon; In MEvioto'* Qpan youn Boon. sated parklet owner Alexander to 5 p.m., plus Thursdays from 7 case of U.S. asylum involves Jos- on -vacation. Mrs.. Betty Bukowskl and daugh- lined. Both by TALBOT. . ‘ ' \ . ' Emanuel and Chapel Choirii^ of must give 30 da>* notice. The In Motorless Car ef Cardinal Mindszenty iri Com- Jarvis In the past. Emanuel Lutheran Church will re- to 9 p.m. * contract would then expire 60 days When' Director Harlan Taylor ter, 3 George Dr., Rockville. aweater, 84-40 9.98 ' Olcott Dr. loops north off Cen- The shop Is a project of the munist Hungary. The primate fled admonished the board that "We hearse tonight in_ Luther Hall at later. So far no notice has been Eighth District firefighters yes-1 to the U.S. legation in .Budapest ter St. west of Adams St., tool the church.. These are the first Women’s Auxiliary of Manchester given. . owe it to toe people here to make . a k irt. 1 0-18 1 9 ^ rejoins Center St. a few* hundred Memorial Hojipital. All profits are terday ofterhcxMi at 3 o’clock! ex- during the 1966 revolt and is still a decision tonight.” Powell moyisd rehearsals of the fail season. .. Key issues ' are belieried to in. there. -1 Moore regnlation gym suit Is 100% cot- feet went. The land inclosed by Chapel Choir will meet at 6:3(rand donated-'to the hospital. elude length-of contract, vacation tinguished a fire In an old motor- that toe question be reconsidertil. Public Records less car at 278 Adams St. The! ve- Last January the American em- ton, wash and wear, needs littie or: no Oleobt Dr. and Center S t is un- Emanuel at 8. ^ ' Adult volunteer members of the provisions and a paid medical This motion ooRled 8-0. auxiliary, and Junior auxiliary hicle, owned by Ralph Fletcher, bassy in Moscow turned over to ironing. Won’t shrink out of fit, sheds plan. ’’ Soviet officials 32 evangelical Director ffnuicls DerioFera Matriaga lioenses Mr. and Mrs. H arla^ d o r k iuid members, or "Pinkies,” gave time was totally burned out. It was re- ask^ toe xnansger if another wrinkles after washing . . . reswte A DAVIDSON & LEYENWAL STORE IN MANCHESTER PARKADE during the summer permitting a ported. , Chriatians from’ Siberia who bod Aimitale Gerevlnl,.16 Ovsriand family of 806 Center St. (are horns pushed thetr way into toe embas- hearing would bS MoessoiF If side- 8 t, and liMilae Juliet LbCIimuss. wrinkles while wearing. You get a big after a hiotor trip to Otis, Oi;e., four3ay week schedule to be Admustohs Rise iow n firemen Irokn Oo; Y. at U:24 p.m. today were called out to sy grounds, saying they were be- walks were burit on water de- Cburcfa of toe .Ansumptkon, Sent. bonus in comfortable fit and action free- D^L OPEN WEDNESDAY. THURSDAY. FRIDAY NIGHTS — 10 A.M. TO 9 P.M. Personal Notices where they 'rislted Mrs. dark's maintained for July ond’August. HARTFORD (AP) — A record partment land, on the east aide of Record donations of women’s number, of admiissions were mode quell a small brush fire off W. Mid- ing persecuted for their religious, dorn, too; Attached innerbrief. brother and his family. TTiey went beliefs, the Soviets- promised to Ferguson Rd! Martin aosured him Edmund Anthony Kozloweld, crossioountry by toe northern and children’s clothing and house- by toe state’s four mental hospitals dle Tpke., near Wedgewood Dr. No MONDAY. TUESDAY, lATURDAY — 10 ^M . TO 4 P.M. during the 1962'-63 fiscal year, but property damaige was reported. give the peasants good treatment. that It would not. New Britain, and Jean .Koreen la tfemoriam route'land' counted by the south- wares were, received this summer. At thia point DeilaFera took (DAL Young World of Fashion) Winter merchandise is now offer- State Mental Health Commission- At 1:25 this afternoon,* Eighth This spring, the U.S. embassy .Rodgers, 104"^ Walnut St., pt. ern route. Iroints of Interest in- District firemen were called out to in Port au Prince kept the doors poeition for eaat side, ri^walks. James' Church, Sept. B96 main STREET ' lerins msmoiT of Leonsn^l. W. cluded toe Greet Lakes, ‘ ITellow- ed,, and plnns,.8r? under way for a er ' WIlf,red Bloomberg isn’t V. ,r r; who passed ' owsV .September alarmed. a gross fife at Parker and Wood closed -to d flow of refugees from He said, ‘1 am against pMtpons* Bruce Oorrlngton . IJenry, tTSte' stone National Pork.'the redwoods pre-Christmas sale. ments, for safety reasons.' More than 100 auxiliary g, In his annual nIpoTt to ths 'Gur- bridge St. Haitain dictator Francois Duva- Hrirtfion]; and BariMra .Las BUr- snd Disneyland In California, the Uer who crowded Into some other DdHaFm moved that sldaswullM •sill, » Hadron at, Aoutb Itotlip- Petrified. Forest, the Grand 'Coa- Junior auxiliary aumben staff I senor, Blootnbeiv atid yMtorday Clause has not beepi determined ««' J 1. * 1. A A ■ s- ■ s T . - X _ Jl fHplooietto mioriana. be lustiritad «n the tset SUs at CtauNii, Segt SI.. yoo sfd y«shlnft

, ». -"'ll .'i i , r I i M- i .

Vv .'/'.vf:.,'" ■ . • I Pages 13 to 24 .MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD^ MANCHESTER, CONN., WBbNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 4, 19fl8 \, w m i N i * n A r . s i ™ s R i , i ^ . if ij m r b r a t r r lE u r t t lt ts if p r a U i w s h k e s p a t . »e p ™ b s r ^ . » 6 v PAGE TWELVE Section Two ‘Diamond Jim’ FRO M THE Q U ALITY STORE O N Q U ALITY STREET Tract Sold MHA Sketches Requirements Big Showoff - V i ~ ^ " For ISew- Section at Westhill To Conyers 9 —' ' t- f. , By HAL BOYLE lUquItemenU for, the second. IfWf.'v^th secU .^_ .of aluminum NfcW' YORK tA p y-— Thing* a The board of directbrs last night units for the Manchester Housuig j r iriainEenance free matefialM; columnist might never, know tf he approved the sale of a piece of Each building would have u i^ Authority’s (MHA) Westhill Gar- didn’t open his mail: town-owned., property bordering able porch space, and the majority Blsven Appointment^ to the atirff of the Manchester Com- dens were sketched for architect of the dwelling units would be with Broadway never knew a bigger munity College were made by the board-of education yester- the HockanuiffiRiver and Oakland William Peder.son, of Pgdersen ft one bedroom about 80 per cent shpwoff than "Diamond Jim” Mill to Roy Conyers. as against the remaining 20 por Brady. At one of his parties for day. One at these was for a full-time librarian, and seven Tllney of New Haven, a't an author- cent as efficiency units;- There show girls, he surprised them with were for part-time instructors. Three additional part-time The approximately two-acre ity meeting la.st night. piece of property, measuring 215 would be no tw-o bedroom units. gifts oL diamond chips dropped in appointments for teewshers of ^ The new section will ,be built on their ^ ff e e cups. The affair was and unlverslUes. His teaching ex- by 400 by 190 by 350 feet, had been Doors would be 'sized to permit dal cultural courses were made about 11 acres of land south of the wheel chairs tb pass through, if a gliwring success. conditional upon suffident enroll- perience dates back to 1931, and appraised at {1,250 by Arthur A. No Vhhder you wake up thirsty. most recently, he has been asslst- Knofla appralsor, at the request present project area, which the necessary-, and any steps would ment (15) to Justify the courses have railings for support. Your body gives. off half a pint eoononilcaUy.' -ant professor of engineering at of General Manager Riphard Mar- • MHA expects to be deeded to it of moisture during a night of Trinity College since 1967. He.wlU tin. I within two or three weeks. OuUide. there would be areas 'WMli rix prsviou* appohutments planted aiid landscaped; with sleep. to the faculty made last month, start at {600. ^ Conyers had asked to purchase The tract was turned over to the Man, if your favorite color Is James O. Tatro of 28 V4 Talcott ' federal government early this year benches and. where possible, ^ade the college teaching staff now the land to provide for more out- trees. (Jutdopr stairways, where red, this is • your season coming Ave., RockvUle, to teach two sec- door storage space for his tenant i so that a restriction limiting the stand* at li. The coUege la slated ' land to park use could be lifted, necessary. w-oi;ld have decorative up. Autumn styles for men put to open Its doors for the first time tions of history. He has AB and in the old Oakland, Mill building. ,MA degrees from Harvard Univer- 1 and has tied in considerable routine metal railing.s instead of plain the accent on maroon In spc.>-ts- on Sept. 17, The Olazon Ckirp., which lei^ s wear — Including wine-colored sity. From 1969-62 he taught in I red tape since. pipe. Yeaterday's appointments include the-property, claims that the add- I Held until now by the General There mere wouiawould beoe parkingparams spaces socks and slacks. Msoichester schools at the second- ed storage space would permit it More books have beeif- written the following: ary level, and |aat year taught at ' Services Administration, the land so that as many as about- 30 per Richard E. Barrows of'WeBtport, New MUford High School. He will to ^ large Its operations sind em- I must be given statuatory review • cent of tlie divellers could maintain about the American Civil War ploy additional people. than any other subject except to J>e fidl-ttme Uhrarian. He has start at {1,200. by trie United States Congress be- cafs - - at present about l8 per religion and sex. a BA. from the University of Wls- Dr. Alan F. Haught of Glaston- Martin said that the town had I fore sale, because of an obscure j cent in the exi.sting units do — and The tiniest known living organ- condn, and in addition, a certifl- bury, to -teach on* section of no'particular use for the land in- ! law delaying sale of all federal .active recreation areas, fdr shuffle- ism -a virulent cell that causes THE M ARVEL O F M AIN STREET' oate In library sdence plus several physics plus a two-hour lab. He volved, and that It would retain i land to private parties until ron- boai-d or hOrseshoe.s. wdiild.be few. some forms of pneumonia - is still graduate courses. He ha* been as- has a BA from Amherst College a right of way along the pond, and g;ressmen hs^ye had a chance to bid xq new social hftll would be a thousand times larger than a datant librarian at the University and a Ph.D. from Princeton Uni- have access to it at any time. ^ ; on it themselVesr-.. built in the new section — nor hydrogen atom. of Massachusetts and librarian at versity! He has been a teaching; as- Atty. Eugene Kelly, president of After the property'returns to the more than 30 persons seem to use , Our quotable notables: "The Fairfield University among sev- sistant at both institutions, and the Manchester Chamber ef''Com - MHA, Pendersen’s firm Will. _bej^ the present building at one, time — most dangerous thing in the world eral other podtiona. He will start presently employed as a research merce, strongly urge^tffe sale. He forwarded topographic maps of the | although a bMemeat might be con- is to try to leap a chasm in two at a salary of {6,000. , physicist by United Aircraft Corp. asked for Immediate action, “be- A patrolman examinee the smashed tiiidk. The only items in area, and will start planning for ygrted fpr-atiformal gatherings, jumps” --David Lloyd-George. Part-time appointments include: He will start at {800. cause there Is the possibility that the van -were dolUes. (Herald photo by Pinto). ______completion about February 1964. | SomeiA-herc St the^grounds there The project would go out for bid! mio-h, k« « /-.—..t-si The annual cost of auto acci- Thcenas J. Wood* of South Olas- In asking for the remaining three we may ptherwlse lose these ten- might be a central hatingjilant, District Firemen Honor'Shimanski dents in the United States is put appointments, Dr. Frederick W. in time for a construction contract with' a- utility--*'"*-- building attach^. tonOuiy, to teach one section of ants^'.- during March 1964. Fanner Hhg-hiUi rtetriat Fire Department Captain Jualin Slvimanski, c^ter, at {6.9 billion. mathenvatlcs. He has a BS from Lowe, dean of thti college, told ^Jle said that statements are cir- Driver Hurt ,^two housing the aged proj- the ErtBtrid's HoBe Oo. 1, marking 20 years' service wnUi dei^'Unent. (^lef Franc^ Lu^nck The average life of an alcoholic Trinity Oollege, an MA. from Cor- board members toat nominations (ridating the country that "The Sue Trotter Returns The nev' units, MHA . counsel x^ts; in Naugatuck and Startford, point* to engraved warding which pointS out Capt Shimanaki s Leaderehip and S e r ^ c e ^ il^ - ilf 51 years, that of the rest of nell, and 24 hours of advanced were conditional upon an eniwll- climate in Manchester is not fa- When Truck Atty. Herrmann Yulee said last; will be studied as possible models ftSlv R e n < te ^ -1943 to 1963. " Others i^ntified are Second Assistant Chief Frank Mordavsky, the population nearly 70. ' ment of 16 In each course-.: This vorable to business” because of night, should be of a* gfoop a for utilities: Both feature all elec- (Herald pho- Congress has been getting more ' study at Wesleyan. Chairman of quality os the auithority can rea- tric heating, eliminating the cen- standing in beck of Shimanski. and Third "Aasdstant Chief Granville Liingard, at nght. {he math department at Kings- number would pro-ride imfflcleht the hesitancy of local officials to to by Ofiaiia.) generous to U.S. presidential wid-1 funds to support the courses, he Smacks Pole From Camp on Coast sonably afford, with saving on tral plant and reportedly operat- ows. All it voted Martha Wash-i wood School, West Hartford, he act swiftly. mainitenance raither than construc- ing for unusually low costa. will start at a salary of |600. said, with fees.being set at {17.80 Atty. Kelly announced tlwut Ari- he was trying to get in touch with' made for an interview wfh Sven ington was the right to mail let- | per semestetfrhour. He Indicated GUles Morin, 39, of Hartford, tion costs . ^ ' ters and packages free during her | (LEFT) O ast^ N. Huron of New London, ls S.. Hale, former owner of the The authority last-night rough- American authorities. that these a F^o prerequisites, and today was reported to he Im- Defector Seeking liftime. Mrs. Abraham Lincoln g ot; to teach one section of French. He property, had relea-sod his pre- proving at Manchester IWemorial Miss Susan Trotter, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Woodrow ly outlined its exp^tations about The Army spokesman stfid U.S. "The Soviet authorities replied THE SHETLAND BUHL thqt -the "Continuing Education" emptive right to repurchase the that Sven.sdn was on the territory a {25,060 award and a pension o f : has an AB from the University cburses lu-e open to any Interested Hospital where he was admitted Trotter, 575 Gardner St., recently returned from Camp River the new project^ marlcing out a officials had no doubt the man {3,000 a year, later increased to j preqieilby alt, {650 per acre. Hale N-Tests Hit Contact with We^t who wenti to Reuters office was i of the German Democratic Re- of Chicago and aii MA from Har- adult. yesterday with a possible concus- Ranch, Carnation, Wash., where she participated m a na- broad ohannrf df possihilities {6,000. Presidential widows now— ; Here’s the jacket that captures the robust Tyrcv had been given the right' when the through which the architects niay Syenson. He had been identified ’ public, \yhere he had applied for ward Univenelty. He haS t^iight at The appointments and course town purchased the property in sion after, he drove his van-truck tional camping project conducted by the Girl Scouts of the BERLIN (AP) — An American on the basis of information sup- asylum,” the spokesman added, there are none living -— are en- lean outdoor spirit with the chained, collarless the U.S. Coast Guard Acaxlemy In hours include the following: into a pole on W. Middle Tpke., United States*- of America.* T h is;------— — choose their own speci-ftc course. titled to {irt.OOO a year. 1961. Army captain who defected to plied by the correspondent, the The Soviets said Bast German of- took, suede elbow patches, heather trim. Shet- New London since l®32, and hd* Kenneth H. Lundy, Newington, The sale of the land to Conyers just west of Broad St. year’s event is the seepnd stage of' Creek ~ " i n the Cascade Moimtain Cert^li design requirements As Way to spokesman said. ficials wer«r re.sponslble for Sven- It takes 126 technical steps and been head of It* history depart- to' tea.ch arts and crafts, a two Range. were one of man's oldest and most vord, chairman of the planning condition but Improved, a hospital would not have the opportunity. U.S. Safety West, U.S. Army authorities said j asked to see him. glme, -which is not recognized . . . by > servants—the cow This develop through enrollmient. to teach Data Processing Princi- oommission, who said he spoke iqwkesman said today. •’It was a c^lienging exper- grateful to those who made thm ceramic tiled bathrooms, lightly today. I When Svenson arrived at the the Western powers. « ! in le ^ e r covers has been 2S.95 William J. Gavanagh of Spring- ple; three credits; Saturdays, • only for hlm^eW. Police said that Mijrin was ience with lots of hard work,” Su- trip possible.” / checked outside doors, will' be re- (Continued from Page'One) A spokesman said Capt. A lfr e d he told Altmann he had j East Germwy has ^ajmed | y ‘ ^ 999 dale (Conn.), to teach one s ^ io n a.m.-noon. - The -voet to approve was unan westbound on the turnpike when, san says of her trip. • . SuSan, a member of Girl ,.Scout qirired for the convenience of the A reservattbn, Williams said In SvensOT, 30, of Scranton,’ Pa.. ‘. ° . T P ° sought asylum. Nothing ^ c. milk is one of the oldest of ElrgliSh. He has a BA from St. Dr. Robert L Stem, Coventry, moos. for some unknown reason,' the "This Ail-States Encampment Troop 1 and a senior at ^ n ch e »- aged who will be housed. urtth n Western Friednchstrasse. the crossing, further about his - activities has John's University, and an MA to teach Twentieth Century Music, truck veered off the road and consisted of five camps at which ter High School, was pfie of the Other specific requirement* m- a' statement, would "so confuse known foods. ^ the legal status of the treaty a.«i, newsman East Berlin Tuesday. ^ P°jp‘ “ ‘ hb Red wall opposite the, beeifi published in the controlled Quickies: One out of five Ti- and an advanced certificate from two credits, Thursdays, 7:46-9:45 struck a pole, pushing the box a total of 628 girls, representing two girls chosen to represent Con- olude better sound insulation be- When U.S. Army officers at- U S. Army s peckpoint Charlie. i East German press, Fairfield University. He has-been p.m. van Into the road and breaking it. every state in the country, spent necticut at the encampment. Ihe tween apartments than in the pres- to make It virtually certain that betan men is a Buddhist priest. 1 RBP Group Visits It would not come Into effect at tempted- to meet Svenson they I Svenson and his widowed moth- Your car uses less gas in warm Ml Instructor at Stamford High Other special courses offered by The truck and van were toyved 17 days working on various m - girls were selected for their knowl- ent units, more built in bathroom beaten by Communist b ord er.^ ^ native of Lithuania, eml- the oollege -will Include The Mod- from the scene. Police are still In- signed projects. The other camps ledge of camping skills. The local fixtures like .soap dishes and tum- this time,” couldn’t locate him, the spokes- " weather than in cold. Some 39 School ahtoe 1-961 and has prior ''^’Ratification by all three orpn- ! grated to the United States in postage' stamps have been isaued eocperience at several other Con- em American Novel, two credits, Home in Hatboro yestigati ng. In use for the encampment' were Girl Scout Council picked the girls bler holders, indi-vidiiaJ thermo- man said. - - source said Svenson told Wednesdays, 7:46-9:46 p.m.; In- Several other accidents were al- located at Elizabethron, , Tenn., most qualified, and submitted thfir jstats, ouLswing bathfoBm roors, al partie.s is necessary to bring It was the first that had been i 1949 from a displaced persons honoring baseball. Forty people necticut schools. He will start at - — 1 the treaty into *orce," the ‘ sen- Altmann he had made several un- ' camp in Germany. 1600 salary. structor, iJr. Lowe; and Modem Members of the Royal) Black so investigated by police during Emigrant Gap, Cahf., Conowingo, applications to the Regional Of- and a personal alarm system con- heard of Svenson since he de- su.cce.ssful attempts to escape. can stand in comfort in the Statue | ator added, “ and the rejection of of Liberty’s head. ^ OPEN ^ Hebrew Literature, two oredlts^ Preceptory, their families and the daytime hpurs yesterday. Md., and Twin Ljalte, Mich. fice. The Regional Selections Com- nected -wiith the administrative of- fected on May 4. The spokesman ' said Svenson Richard R. Franklin of (Kaston- Thursdays, 7:46-9:46 p.m.. Instruc- a reservation by one of them It was Arthur Brisbane who ob-1 bury, to teach one section of friendsN4>Sirtiic4ipa/ted In the laying Cyclist Mlchadl i^ e rs o n , 12, of The campers decided in advance mittee then selected the two - fice and outside help lights. U.S. authorities in Berlin were defected to ^the Soviet .zone of ^ T V A i d s I l l i t e r a t e tor, M. Herschel Levine. Ph.D. Based on the facihtie^ that the would kill it.” Informed early Tuesday by the served, "The fence around a cein- TILL 9 P.M. ohernistry plus a two-hour lab. He of a cornerstone Monday at the 383 Center St., was Ireajed at the the project in whicih they wirtied resentatives from each state. Germany from his unit in West In addition to the course fees, hospital for bruises of his right authority members present last British news agency Reuters that Germany. He drove across the etery- Is foolish, for those inside has a BS from Kent State Uni- Orange Home for the Aged, Hat- to participate. For the most part, buATEMAiLA—About 500 TV there will be an ad

FURNTFURie DEPT. (Lower Store Levfd) Tel. Ml 4-0450 - h ' } - by HOUSE a HALE \ After 5:00 P.M. .SHOE SALON — Main Floor, Rear FREE MAIN ST. and PURNELL PARKING! 82 BALDWIN ROAD MAIN ST., MANCHESTER Phone 648-4123 — OPEN THURSDAY TILL 9 P.M.— I c r a FARAH ------t -

ARE YOU IN Out of the laboratory to you—exclusive wonder blend of 50% MAIN ST., MANCHESTER IJHONE 6 4 9 - 5 2 2 "EVERYTHING FOR 04'ER 81 YEARS’’ .p: Farex and 50% cotton for exceptional good looks, or out of washability and wearability. Handsomely tailored in tradi- HOT WATER? tional Ivy styling. ' Waists: 28” to 44” —Lengths 28” to 34” . Colors: Beige, f Just 9%)!* a day for fuel Fadied Blue, Mushroom, Dark Olive and Black. Ban get yon out of tconble! "A I f you Hvej in a typical bousa,. 5.98 you oould easily run out of hot water several times a week. Now you'can. have^ all the hot water you need at one time for so3-resistaiit It pStows tl^ bans of only a day. Think of it— your feet on special j it wraps your f«et fom ptiffsi only «- dayl « soft, pramium Yee, thanka to Mobilheat— and on oil-fired hot water heater T water repeBeiit o f correct capacity ^your family FARAH cam take care of off their Washing needs at one time. ' Moin can do the family wash. HEARD Sis can do the dishes arf/ie same I'he HIP-HUGGiN’, LOW SLUNG SLACKS. Tight- time Junior takes his oath, and. fitting like all the guys go for, with adjustable tab. . - 1^- you enjoy a shower. iU n iv n $ % 'R (iiv . H E O N E Don’tUelay—phone ua today. Waist 26”. to 34” ; length 27” to 34” . ABOUT Find out how easy it is to sw it^ te a MobiIheat-:fired water heat- STRIPED - ft encases your feet *AMnu«/Mu(y ef Ae*k 5.98 in an allover sheer T H EB U Y •U T T O N -D O W N O X F O R D SH IRTS Scott.Foam lining Contour cut to fit your figure— IN SHEB OYG A N? Authentically tailored MORIARTY ft supports your feet t These striped are a must for Fall. on flexibie-acHon 1 0 0% W A SH - N - W E A R Alsb included in our collection of Manhattans 7.99 leethereofes eharge |iil FIN EST BROTHERS F A LL W EIG H T are the newest fashion colors arid whltp; The accounts hIH! Every so often, his friend in Hartford gets together with him over authentic Cram button-down collar is just one hivitedt W A SH - N - W E A R P A N TS D A CR O N BLEN DS of the flattering styles we carry in these Uni- a long distance call. They refuse to let dista nces break up a beau versity Row (T. M.) .trimly tailored long- Mi 3-5135 ttoiuii Pleatsd and plain fronts. Longs, sleeve ahUrts. tiful frien dship. So, whether your pals are in Sheb oygan, Sh aro n, •ord*, eheclci*. 1 shorts mnd regulars. $9*99 301-315 C o n to r St. Black Suede, Black Calf, Brown Calf and Red Calf o r Sheltpn, give ’em a call. Phoning’s the frien dliest way to keep and haoL Cray or I in touch. It costs so little, means so m uch. Phone a friehd today. W E G IV E 4.98 2 for M S bMrilwr spRSf sad oslwiolt. oWitr wnpoiwits ws si letii-iasds msHritls. SHOES CAREFULLY and EXPERTLY FIHED! g He e n s t a m p s Shoes carefully and expertly fitted^ by qualified shoe personnel with — * onnn 'fKui'cdav niaht till 9:00* — --- . • * • ' • , years of valuable experience to guarantee you a perfect fit. * THE SOUTHERN NEW ENGLAND JELEPHONE COMPAHV MbWIboafjiMs > W e oo OUR BEST to S^RVE TOU BETTER FREE ALTERA TIO N

’ . J- If . } j -li!'. i(• ' .- I /T V' r\ IS''.*'- \ . . .J- l ,1 ;/ --y / s' ‘ T' ft PAGE FIFTEEN MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, W n CTOSTE^’ CONN., WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 4, 1968 WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 4, 1968 - MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCTESTER, CONN 'I u PAGE FOURTEEN ^ , - . - f a ------"-r------^— ------Coulombe-Pelletier Takott-Johnstoh' High School has received scholar- smoked sausage as well as a fuH Father Gives a LavishWedding ships to toe Prorvlncetown W ork- line of gifts and cards and la p - Hurley-Bouf f ar d Coventry ' . : ‘J shop'Summer School of Painting pings. Crafts demonstraUons will and Drawing in 1961 and this year 9e featured Saturdays. TTie store' (He’s. One Who Can Afford It) Miss Ekirothea' WinslovV John- (1963) and ivas also awarded M virill be openvfrom 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. The marriage of Mise EUaabeth ston o f Talcottviile and Jqhn Monday* through Saturday* and A. BoUffard of South Coventry ^ assistsLiitShip the same year. He shbordinaite In the kMchen seiA toe Gardner Talcotl IIP of Manchester Public Health Nurses studied at the University of Con- from 1 p.m. to 6 .p.m; Sunday*. (Gontoined Mom -Page One) Bant Swim Oeranoate* trout In with toe head* cut off. William N. Hurley., of Manchester werp united in marriage Monday necticut where he received his was eolemnized Saturday morning bachelor of fine arts'degree, grad- The annual swimming program Mercury Ballroom ceiling,) toe . Ouessea on what it would oo^ At Trinity Covenant Church. - -ha* been-coB>pl*tod with, a total of guesU niSved back, Into toe you-taput on the kind of Jtradding at Sf. Mary’-a Ohureh, Coventry .—, ‘Thrbifee 'fsthe: daug-htor of Mr,- —To Begin Fund Drive litttog H '1962. - — - Uiis gave his daughter, Jane, run Among his numerous awards 72 awarded certificate* of accom- anon BaHroom for a sumptuous The bride ia ^ daughter of Mr. and M*'s- Arnold F. Johnston, 36 plishment out of a total enrollment into five or six fflgureiH-^th the and Mrs. Edmund O. Boiiffard, Rt. Include toe following: A scholar- dinner. - x,. Main St.. Talcottviile. The bride- of 136.- At Sandy . Shores there latter the most kkely. 31, South (Coventry. .The bride- groom is the son-of Mr. and Mrs. H m TUbUc Health Nurirtn* A«-fsquare aan^. Ttmn ^ be no ship to Indiana University. 1962- Wlto and between course* toere But Urta, who millntstoa homM admission charge 63. an aasistantshlp in. drawing and were 06. enrolled and at Clear- were four different wines, and wlto g^om Is a son of Mr. and Mrs. John G. TalcQtt Jr.. 15 Russell St. ooiMUon hou»e-to4iou8e canvass water Beach, 71. Instructor at at M l Ptak Ave and at Purohase, William T. Hurley, 228 Wood- 'The Rev. K. Ejnar Ra.sk. pastoi for Ma annual fund drive will be Horse Show Set * printing 1962-63 and is currenUy toe co«e« toere were five differ- N. Y., can afford it. He la preat- The pubUc is invited to enter a teaching associate in printing Sandy Shores was Mr*. John Rls- bridge St. Of Trinity Covenant Churclv, as.sisc ooMkMted tWa Awnth, starting ley and at C 1 e a r w a te r Beach, ent liqueur*. dent o f toe Utia Butidtnga Ooep. The Rev. Bernard Foster per- Monday. Donald Magee baa been in the first annual local 4-H horae at the university while continuing M. Bognoh, who ha* helped to which is building aU over Manhat- ed by Re\!. Ralph Williams, pas George Turcotte. formed the double ring ceremony t'or of Emmanuel Gospel Church.. named general chairman. ' show to be held at 11 am. Sunday work toward a master in fine marry off a great many daughter* tan, and in o t h e r . dUes, and at Ihe rear of the High A m ^ arts degree. Receiving certificate* through and cele^:rated the nuptial Mass. New Br;tj\in, performed 7he dou- •nie aaaociaUon maintaina a loan of toe rich and aristocratic, pro- guesses as to its total worth would Bouquets of white gladioli were Farm on Pucker Sti^t. The pro- Upton has exhibited in toe Na- the Sandy Shores program were run Jato 9, 10 or maybe even 11 ble rin.g ceremony. Mis.s .Diane doaet tluough wWch are available .nounced the Url*-Nye wedding the on tlie altar, Platt of Wapping was organist, al no diarge to live borrower, gram wnll be sponsored by the tional Printmaking and Drawing the following: Swimmer*’ ch^. most beautiful since Sherry’* clos- figures. local Saddle Soapera 4-H Club and Annual, In Brockton, Mass, print- Bruce Gale, Loulle Brown and Wal The bride, given in marriage Arthur Berner of Meriden was orutcbea, wheel chair and other ed in 1962. to foot, Uria built the new New the Hoof and Turf 4-H Club. making and drawing annual, the ter Lehmu*; intermediate*, Susan by her iather, wore a fuU-lengtb soloist. J , hoapMal equljienent. The PHN/t la Oiky one thing, be aaid.^ marred York HBton, and he owns 00, per gown of emb0s''ed* mor.se!- Mrs. Herbert W. Couch of Coop- Pennsylvania Academy annual Woodman, Peter Ladd, Debt Good- cent o{ It. The bride, given i,n marriage by in need of a walker. A nyo^ hav- the occasion. Some Inexperienced line de sole over . de.s:gned her father, wore a fldor-longth ing one may contact thr' PHNA er Lane la leader of the former print and drawing competition. in, Debbie Dayton. Sharon Gale, 4-H Club and Mis. Ardeith Chris- Ball State National Drawing at Free Esfimafes On: with . edged v-neckline ^own of and chan- oMoe. ^ Trena Gale, Danny Barvlr^ Mar- tadore of Pucker St., leader of the John Herron Museum, annual tin Young and Wendy Bannard. week, preferably froen 9:80,a*n. to ence would mean to* reatorotkm trimmed with iridescents and cr\’s- ruiy lace, designed with a scal- Diving the peat year, the aseo- of Moscow’s political domination. tals, elbosv-iength sleeves, fitted | oiaUon’B two visiting nurses made latter ,clutw painting competition Boston Fine Beginners, Diane Ainsworth, 2 pm .,‘is asked to contact toe loped’ sabrina neckline trimmed There will be oiaaaea for Eng- Arts festival, Missisalppl Art As- Douglas Whipple, Michael Harvlr, school office. Plana are to have Khrushchev’s speeches In Yugo- BITUmilOUS ASPHALT PAVINa bodice and full skirt with detach- with seed pearls and iridesceiUs, a oC 1,801 visits of which 652 slavia repeatedly stressed hla de- - ware therapeutic and 1,149 ivere lish. Western and pony divisions. sociation National Watercolor an Dee Ann Miclette, Curt Wlttlg, two women in attendanoe each able cathedra' train. Her elbow- long tenered iace sleeves, and a A number of rcirtdenta in Andover niial. BYom the later show, two of day, Principal Ekhnqndeon said. sire for 'Yugoslavia to Join In this • DidvBWAYS • PARKING IX)TS length veil of illusion was attached bouffant skirl ivitii a .scalloped heaJ^ supervision visite. A total Tracy Bannard, Dennlae Jones and cooperation. at 12 weU-child canferencee were and Mansfiejd have already in- Upton’s paintings were selected Ddborah Rita; beginner* and ad- • GAS STACnONS • BASKETBALL COURT# to a Cabbage rose made Of match- Jace hemline tcrminatin.g. in a held with 174 chUdren receiving dicated an interest In entering the for a traveling exhibition which vanced beginners, Patty Breen, Manchester Dvenlng Herald Oov Yugoslav Communists made It ing materisi, and she carried a chapel-length train. Her fingertip ptivBica] eoDamlnatlons and immu- competition. Mrs. Couch said. wlU continue through 1964 in the Gary Ferguson, William Elwall, «try oorreepondent, F ^ FaaUne clear- they want an obeerver post ALL WORK PERSONALLY SUPERVISED ca.scade bouquet' of white roses veil of silk illusion was- at-tached nlaations. A.t three immunization There will be no admission fee at U£. Mary LeBlanc, Virginia Dlcker- In-'boto domeoon and toe CJommon and ivy. to a braided coronet, and she car- little, telephoeie 74*-6*8L' Miss Beth Hurley of Manchester, “ oHnics there were 552 vaccinationB. the gate. Buy Beataurant nian and ’Thomas pickennan. Market. WE ARE 100% INSURED ried n cascade bouquet of white f Light refreshments will be avak- Mr. and Mj *. Albert H. Meyers Yugoslav trade Is almost equal- a sister of the bridegroom, 'vas , featliered cnriiations. hliusli tea; boostera. tetanus and triple Injec- Adult beglnneri, Mr*. Geraldine a . tkm and oral prtio vswxine treat- atole during the day’a program . Sr. of Shore Dr. have purchased ly distributed among Weetem, maid of honor. She wore a bal- j roses and br.by^.s breath. | ments given while at two strictly and are now operating the Water- Ounningham: stoilt beginner* axMi Communist and nonallgned coun- lerlna-length yellow mouselline de Mi.ss Dale Wetherell of RcH-k- Church News advanced begkmer*, Mr*. Gertrude Economic Ties DE M AIO BROTHIOS .no Sabin oral polio clinics, 636 doses Sunday the .morning worship front Restaurant on South St., tries.. of Asia and Africa. Th* sole over green taffeta, fashioned i i ville wa.s maid of honor. She wore were administered. During annual formerly owned and operated by Young and Mr*. BUsie Pigeon. emphasis Is on developing further with v-^neckline. .short .“Iceves and i a peppermint pink cocktail-lerigth services will return' to the usual At CJieaiwater Beach, IJ*lcke TEL. 648-7691— WE CARRY JENNITE SEALER diabetic detection week there time of 11 a.m. at bolh the First Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Hamblett VIoscow’ s Tool trade with new nations and oon- fill! skirt. Her picture hat matched . dress of taffeta willi a fldor- w'ere 144 ^^lecimens tested and at Congregational Ohurcih and the and Mr. and Mrs, Joseph Pal- Park, toe certificates were award- tlnulng toe upward trend wlto her dress and waa trimmed with' lenc-lh overskirt, a nialchmg lor- two dental cUndea 90 children Second Qongregational Churchy misano. ed ^ follows: Junior lifesaving. Western countries. yellow streamers, and she carried onet with face veil as her head- their teeth cleaned and received The Senior Pilgrrlm Fellosvrtiip In Mediterranean Ckddyn Carlson, Larry Dinmnore, To Boss Reds a cascade ho” guet of '^ellow' roses. piece, and she carried a loose co- fluoride treatments. The final three of the First Congregational Peter R. Binge of Coventry, Itandy Glenney, James Greenleaf, Rene Bouffard of Coventry’, a lonial cascade bouquet of melon fluoride treatments were admln^ CSiurch will resume Its meeUngs serving aboard the nuclear-pov^ Rodney Lassen, William Peraochio, brother of the bride. ,ser\’ed as be.st oarnations, miniature hoiiey car- • tered at six cMnice for the 90 Simday at Quandt Hall. This meet- ered guided missile cruiser U ^ Suzanne Pina, Dexene Woodman (Oontfamed from Page One) man. William Polce of We.st Hart- nations and melon stephanpU.s. chUdren. ing from 7 pm. to 9 pm. will be Long Beach, is with toe sixth fleet and William Boardman; swimmers, START SAYINO— OR ADD TO YOUR SAVINOS ford was an usher. Mi.s.s Carolyn Beadle of Water- Danes Planned an open one, especially arranged In the Mediterranean. Kristine Glenney, Barbara Ham- is trying to regain control through ' Mrs. Bouffard wore a blue silk bun- and Miss Deborah Kev-'-ls of 1 A round and square dance pr^ To Operate Store muind, Marsha LeDoyt, Lynn Mo- subtle economic mean*. dress with blue and white accessor- WMnole, Mass., both <-ousins of tor all teen-agers in h i^ of tech- ies. The bridegroom's mother wore • . • - ,y min win be held from 3 pm. to nical schools. Mr. and Mrs. P> Raymond Bro- eng, Barry Pina and Debra Wa- The Idea 1s to dominate Oome- the bride, wei-e. bridesmaids. They j 7 p.m.'Sunslny at the Pine Lake ga, who recently purchased the a green .silk .sheath with matching wore crc.kiail-lo’ gth .dresses of '; Saturday, parishioners of the toruB. con, the Communist answer to the ON dr BEFORE the 10th acces.sories. Both wore corsages of ehorea Oommhnlty Caubhouse at First Congregational Church a re Annie Wellwood estate property on totarmedlates. Robert Austin, . . ladette taffeta will) floor-lenglb Pine Lake Shores. Dtek JlDla <* Saturday will open the store space European Common Market. By yellow roses. ovcr.skirts, matching coronets with asked to report for a riesn-up day Donald Carlson, Kenneth Carpen- loni DMdoiidi Ffdin tho 1st O f Tho Mooth A reception for 100 was. held at chestra wlH fumtah musk: and Vic at -IC i^bury House. There are to be known ta/T ha Wellwood’* ter, Richard Chinnlngham, Candy centralized planning of produc- Brovui photo . face veils, and s.-ari'icd loo.se- colo- iB.T«iieU win prom pt fo r the Fallot photo the Cove Restaurant. Coventry. Lorln* photo windows to be washed, curtains Old Country S tw .” Dlnsmore, MarUee French, Jay Mc- tion, Moecow could Impose Its MRS. DONALD J. COULOMBE mal cascade bouqm-t of melO':i .For toe past two months, MRS. WILLIAM N. HURLEY For a motor trip through New carnatioas and minfalure honey MliS. -lOllN G.ARnXKR TALCOTr III to be hung. waUrtoJbe swept down Collum, Thomaa Peraochio. Marsha will and ultimately wreck the eco* York State, Mrs. Hurley wore a and floors lo be wash^ *ndjya*ed, thimigh toe courtesy of. toe Bro- Morris and Debra Crane; begin- nomlc Independence of It* mem- oarnatiQn.s. gim, the. Coventry Historical So- three-piece brown and beige knit Miss Nancy R. PelleUer of Hart-Y bouquets that matched the maid Mi.ss Brenda Keyefi of Nassau to prepare the building for the- ners, Richard Archambgult, Anne bers. This idea is belgjnd Roman- suit, matching accessories, and a of hcftjr’s. reopening of Church School ses- cle^ has been conducting toe "Old Aronson, David Aronson, BUen ia’s dUcontent. It resented being if ib u b e d ford and.Donald J. Coulombe of Point, L. I,, N. .Y.. (ousin of the corsage of white carnations. The Aniie-Dumais of Bast Hartford, ’ bride, was floiwer girl. She wore a sions. Mmi will be welcomed to do Coimtfy Store" In this store *paoe Aronson, Craig Austin, Scott Bur- assigned to a largely agricultural couple will live at 118 Main St., Manchester exchanged vows Sat- New Modern to raise funds' to renovate toe RAVINOS BartkFarrell a cousin of the bride, was flower floor-length dre.ss of yellow taf- Announce Engagements ^e heavy work. Those attending rell, Susan Busoaglia, Thomas role In <3omecon. \ vS A V I N G S Manchester, after Sept. 4, urday morning at St. Bridget a girl. She 'wore a white .silk. o.r- ‘aw asked to bring mope, pails, building toe society obtained from If one eountry under Oomecon’e Church. feta. and carrieti a biusket of yel- Druge, Jill Fentbnan, Joanne Ful- Mrs. Hurley is a 1959 graduate of ganza dress ^yled to .match the low and melon cai’nalions. Service Station hammers and naHs. toe State of Connecticut. ler, Donna- Hawley, KQldegarde so-called ’ ’soclaUsUc division of CURRENT a }i(^ Iv O A. TV Manchester High School, and Is The bride is a daughter of Mr. bridal attendants, a cipwn of flow- Exldbits Wotta Since toe society’s store closed labor’’ specializes In a certain A 4, s < > c I \ r I M employed at Liberty MutuaL Insur- and Mrs. George E. Pelletier of Ralph Nichols of Wapping was Lepter, Deboikh Platt, Jennifer ers, and carried a basket of poach best man. Ushcr.s were Robert lUchanl T. Upton of 3outh Bt., Labor Day, a complete Inventory product or line of products. It will ANNUAL ance Co., Manche.ster. Mr. Hurley Fiort Kent, Maine. The bridegroom Is being taken and a report being Platt, Gide Stultz, Tamela Stultz, colored floavers. Widham of Ylanohesler, Pyohert son of Mr. and Mr*. Ray O. Ulp- Steven Watroua, Nency Worthing- become fully dependent upon the Is a 1959 graduate of Manche.ster Is a son of Mr. and Mrs.' Joseph Roger Coulombe of Maiichcster ton, te attending the FTnk Invlta- compiled for toe next meeting so- Soviet Union, and its neighbors **e**»T*a»9 *LH«T riW*W)*4. IWTIT9TI91L High School, and Is a graduate Frew of Plymouth, Ma->»s.> Donald ton and Robert Zunner DIVIDEND N. Coulombe, 159 Woodland St. served as his brother's be.st man. Murray of South Windsor juul For Le ase tional Show at toe Ttoca KarUa ciety members will have as to toe for those items It does not pro- studenUat the Unlvefslty of Con- The Rev. Stanley E. HaaUllo outcome of toe store project. Vohmteer* Songiit Ushers were Allan P. Fichtner of Newton Sehoenly Jr. of Bast Wey- OsUecy, Prwlncetown, Mass Volunteer women axe being duce. Export possibilities to to* necticut, where he Is working for a performed the double ring cere- Hartford, James St. Germaine of whsw through innrttotloii Is The Brogas plan to continue mouth, Mass. Roger Keyes Jr. of sought for toe Ubrarv at Coven- West also would appreciably di- BKAMCB O m O B , OOUTB 91, OOVBNTBT master’s degree. mony and celebrated the nuptial RockviHe, a cousin of the bride- Pawtucket, R. I.. cou.sim of the Sourti CovMtry CM tw a number of his palntlngB wlto anto^ies, handicrafts and minish wlto the curtalUheht of high Mass. Bouquets of white itsms of handicraft made by toe try Gtommar School by Principal groom ; and Leroy Pelletier of Fort bride, was ring bearer. and drawings. H»# khow opened Clarence C. BMmondson. Anyone variety in goods produced. gladioli and pompons were on the Kent, a brother of the bride. Marc Cdl 42S-16S1 handlcappwl, maoked tuikeys, The loss of economic Independ- A reception for '200-was held in smoked hams, smoked bacon and aMe to give their tkne one day 2 Bridal Parties altar. Mrs. Raymond Murphy was Oiarette of Bast Hartford, a Feliow-ship Hall of the church. ^*^pton, a graduate of Windham T u A mm UAiimc 0PEN TILL5P.il. MON.-Tuts.JFRi. organist and soloist. cousin of the bridegroom, was ring When leaving on a motor trip to LXird nUlirS TmJB«^F9 AJI.^SFJI—WEP.CILO9BPATN0ON For Linda Allen (Jiven in marriage by her father, bearer. the Pocono Mountains, Mrs. Tal- the bride wore a full-length gown Mrs. Pelletier wore an aqua en- cott wore a moas green and gold of silk organza appliqued with semble. The bridegroom's mother plaid dreas witli brown accessorie.s. Mias Linda J. Allen of 54 Cam- alencon lace and seed pearls, and wtn-e a beige and brown ensemble. The»couple will live in Santa Bar- bridge St. was honored at two designed with bateau neckline, Both wore white orchids. bara. Calif. You C;in C ount on t Is . . . Quo 1 it.v Costs No Moro at Soars bridal showers recently. long tapered sleeves and bell- A reception was held at The Mrs. Talcott ifl a gj-aduate of Mrs. Mildred Treybal of 56 Cam- shaped skirt which extended to Hedgies, New Britain. For a motor Rockville High School, and was bridge St. was hostess at a mis- a chapel train. Her bouffant veil trip to Maine and Canada. Mrs. foimerly employed by the Pruden- cellaneous shower for 20 guesU. of silk Illusion was arranged from Coulombe wore an olive green en- tial Insurance CM.. Hartford. Mr. Gifts were placed in a decorated a pill • box hat trimmed with seed semble with autumn. haze acces- Talcott is a graduate of Thayer Huge SttIcetiM basket. A pink and white floral pearls, and she carried a cascade sories. The couple will live at 456 Academy, Braintree, Mass., and is arrangement wa* the centerpiece bouquet of white roses, baby’s Hhlsdde Ave., HartfOtP after Sept. now attending Westmont College, for a buffet. breath and Ivy. 8. Santa Barbara, CMlif. , tiv--.i,' -.'..i .-...i-rt «f Stytef, Colors Mrs. Mlton Searle of Wethers- Mrs. Coulombe is a graduate of Mass Joanne Dylewskd of Wind- The engagomenl of Miss Carolyn The engagement of Miss Konn field was hostess at a shower for Fort Kent High School, Hairdress- 2 Lead in Trucks S l- A R S MEATOWN 18 guests. She wa.s assisted by sor was maid of honor. Mrs.~All.an ing School, of Portland, Maine, and Alwine Li.sk of Mant-hestor to Lt. Lsaksen of Troni.st), Norway, to and SIms. . . 1215V2 SilMT Lon*. H artfo rd / Miss Bveris Belding, sister of the P. Fichitner of Hartford; .Miss Lou- Hartford Academy. She is a beau- Richai-d H. ’Chapin of Ridgefield Thomas W. Baseler of Glaston- HOUSTON — Texas and Cali- brlde-eleot. , Mae Daigle of Fort Kent, both •tdeian in 'West Hartford. Mr. Cou- has been announced by her par^ bury has been announced by her Gifts were placed beneath an cousins of the bride, and Moss lombe is a graduate of Manchester fornia are the two biggest triick- ents, ' Mr, and Mrs. Wilfred E. CARPET A/; Meat Fresh C M — Notie Packaged ^ Jackie Lozier of Briotol, a cc^ ln o'dming states. Texas has 938.000 Lisk of 141 Pine St. Her fiance is parents, Mr. and Mrs. E. lsaksen umbrella decorated with white High School, and is employed at ruffles. of the brid^jroom, were brides- Pratt and 'Whitney, division of and----- (California ------1,190,000; . . together _ the son of Mrs. Henry E. Chapin of Tromso. STORE HOURS: CLOSED AU DAY MOlWAY A shower cake was toe center- maids. United Aircraft Corp., Bast Hart- they have 17 per cent, or one out and the late Mr. (^hapin of Ridge- Her fiance is a son of Mr. and piece for a . buffet. The honor attendant wocfi a of every six in the nation. field. Mrs. Richaixl T. Baseler. 95 Min- Tuec.. Wed. 9-6 Thur«.and Frl. Sat.8-6 Miss Allen, daughter of Mrs. cocktail-length dress of pastel blue Miss Lisk, a 1960 gi-aduate of nechaug Dr., formerly of 8 Har- Doris Belding, will become the organza, fashioned with bateau M.uvvhes'ter High School, is a sen- vard Rd.. Manchester. , ARMOUR'S HEAVY WISTERN STHR IM F •’KINO ROAST bride of Richard A, Lyncheski, son neckline, three-quarters-length ior at the Univei-sily of Connecti- Miss Isak.sen i.s a graduate of Of of Mi-, and Mrs. John Lyncheski sleieves, bell-Shaped skirt and re- cut where she is a member of Tromso schools, and is eimploj'ed of Throop, Pa., Saturday morning movable floor-length overskirt. An Alpha Della P*i .sorority. a.s a dental technician in Tromso. at St. Bridget’s Church. organza headbow of matching blue .Mr. ^seler is a 1957 graduate of held her circular face veil, and she I IA Chapin, a graduate of Ridger ^^------I field scliobls, received his B.S. de- ,Manchester High School eind a 1961 Shake cuidains and drapes, vig- carried a cascade bouquet of peach graduate- -of parlraouth,. CMllege, coloned gladioli and ivy. The I gree Jn ecbhdriiics fDhd’.hlS'Cimunis- PRICES SLASHED orously before you Jaunder them. Sion as a second lieutenant from where he was a member of Chi This will rejfio^ Accumulated bridesmaids were identically at- Phi fraternity. He has recently tired in oopen blue, and earned the Univensity of Connecticut in dust. June. He was a nienibcr of Sigma completed two veai-s service as an I7ii' Epsilon fralei-nity. Me is - in officer in the U.S. Navy. He will pilot training al Luighlin Air enter the Univei-sity of Rhode Is- Force Ba.se, Del "Rio. T.ex. land Giaduate Schixil this month A ll First Q u ality ••• N o Seconds I Oct. 4 is the date of the wed*- a-“ a graduate assistant, wxirking diing. • , ^ for a master's degree in oceano^ graphy. ft Practical aid for housecleaning No date has been announced for the wedding. 5 X 12 R . W ool C arpet . Be, 49418 2 7 - * * 1ST THRU 5TH RIB chores is a radiator brush. J&y photo 5 X 9 R . W ool C arpet « Be,. 47A4 3 6 * * * FANCY. SUGAR CURED. SUCED MRS. RICHARD S. BARTH Be,. 99.96 2 3 " ® * St. James’ Church wsCs toe'^fant skirt extending into a sweep- 9 X 12 R . O v ol C a rp e t * Ing train. Her elbow-length veil of i scene ^turday of the wedding of imported, illusion was at’."~hed to R E ALTY 9 X 12 R . O v a l C a r ^ Be,. 4S.96 3 8 * * * Cello Pack Miss Barbara A. Farrell of Man- a satin halo cap trimmed with chester and Rionaxd S. Barto ^otf pearls, and she carried a cascade Coventry. , „ bouquet of white miniature roses. 9 X 12 R . O v a l C a rp et Bi,. 91.96 5 8 - * * "nie bride is toe daughter of Mr. Miss Penny Barth of Coventry, BACON end Mrs. Edward C. FarreU of 16 sister of toe bridegroom, was maid COURSE Sellout F r ic e s... of honor. She wore a street-length Dw 424>» Ridge St. The bridegroopi is the FREE DEMONSTRATION LECTURE / 9 X 12 R . R ug of Mr. and Mrs. Everett N. sleeveless dress of light blue satin sresB— ^ overlayed with white lace -with a M X M inohea Barto of Rt. 31. (Joventiy. 8 P.M. TUESDAY. SEPT. 10 or SEPT. 17 The Rev. Joseph H. McCann per- matching over-skirt. Her Reg. 2.99 Mae- > 1 0 J » MEN* and WOMEN, voung or o ld . .regardless of previous e.xpert- I O v a l S c a t t e r R u g 6 x 9 R . F iber R ug formed toe single ring ceremony headpi€(ce was a matching pillbox wlto a circular veil, arid she car- em e II vou'are over 2i, vou can be a real e.rtate broker merely by LUNCHEON and celebrated the nuptial Mass. passing an e.samination.. Obtain youf license and enter toisTichly ried a cascade houquet of minia- I R o m d S c a t t e r R u g Mrs Ralph Maccarone. was organ- rwanhng profession. You can sla.t on rt part-tyne basus on your . 12 X 12 H . H ubby N ^e C arpet Be,. 148.96 8 6 " ^ ® ture blue camajtions and baby’s ist and soloist. The altar was dec- mw, o‘ " L ^ h e staff of an e.slrblished real estate firn'- Our-Course 36 X 60 Inclies orated with bouquets of white breath. White, reg. M9 ' offers the finest license exam prepai;ation availab e. a.s well ^ to^h- B a d s i i a R u g gladioli and dahlias. Miss Mary Arin Wieland and mtr vou how lo open aiu office and be .sucoesbful m the real 12 X 15 R . N ylon M r p e t 129-»» Miss Lorraine Woollett, both of IS X lo inebes - ' I MEAT The bride, given in marriage by ousiness Attend a FREE FIRST LECTURE al 8 p^m. on Tue^ay Manchester, were bridesmaids. 5¥ . ' . Pliik, reg. 1.99 I her father, wore a floor-lengto ' ^ 'iBeh Sept.. IP or Tuesday. Sgpt. 7. Plea.se-write oi phone-for a guest O v a l S e a t t a r R u g gown of deep 'lustre saUn, trim- Thedr dressee and bouquet* were 9 X 12 R . V inyl O v a l B ra ided R u g Be,. 89.96 6 2 * * ® identical to toe maid of honor’s, 11 c h e t • " ts. in. med -with lace appliques and pearls, mo r se- college >- IHli .AN.N ST-. H.AKtFORI) 522-226* R t v a r s I b l e S e a H e r R u g Bine, reg. >99- ' 'dftBlgned with a scooped neeWine, only in pink. long tapered sleeves, and a bouf- Miss Deborah Barth of Coventry, 4 X 6-foot T 9 X 12 R . foam bO ek Rug Be,. 47.96- 4 2 * ® * sister of the bridegroom, was Juirior I O o t l o H S c a t t e r R u g Beige, reg. 499. r—— Split bridesmaid. She wore a' street- length dress of pink ohiffon over Engagement satin, a matching pillbox with a Beige, reg. 6.99 G o t t e n S c a t t e r R u g TOUR circular veil, an of South St.. Coventry, admire the Andersen, daughter of Mrs. Han- don congratulated the couple and begun a two-year tour of duty A reception for 100 was held at sine Andersen and the late John gave them his blessing. A wedding there with the Coast Guard. folks at Beneficial Jike to say "Yes!” C a l l... now! toe. Knights of Columbus Hall. floral arrangement with greenback F U E L O IL accents, presented to them Satur- Andersen of Coventry. Mr. Gold- breakfast was served at thedr home John M. Jacobs, a son,- is at Weei Runners 23.88 Inlaid Vinyl 9 x ti o.. Mg. 94.79—— 59.95 \yhen leaving on a motor trip to snide* was .toe son’ of the late Mr, for the 50 guests who were present the Univereity of Colorado study- LAND O' LAKES G A S O L I N E toe Pocono Mountains, Mr*. Barto day nig^t at a dinner party honor- ing tiiieir 40to wedding anniver- and Mrs. MlchaeLGallschneider of at toe Maas. ing under' the Naval Scientific Ed- wore a oocoa brown ault with tori In toe evening, a , barbecue was ucational Program. ^ Roll End Vinyl Liitimm 884 acoessorie*. The qouple wlU live sary. The party at the 'VBW Home flermany. BENEFICIAL Nflau Rumors tS»9k,*w. was given for toe couple by their Among toe 60 guests helping given for Mr. and MJ*. Jacobs by Frederick Jacob?, another son. , F I N A N C E ' S Y S T E M at 81 Cheney Dr., Storre. » to celebrate toe Goldsniders’ anni- her Bist e r and brotoer-dri-law, Mr. Is competing- In toe National Big BANTLY OIL Mr*. Barth, a 1961 graduate of immediate fom ily,. Mr. and Mrs. 'and' Mrs. WilUam Murray of Ben- Abdreiw Golscimrtder of Durham, versary were Mr, and Mrs, Alfred Bore Matches at Camp Perry, - Loans $20 to $600 — Ltians Bte-lnsured at low c o s t OlYll' W'l , 1\C'. Manch^er High School, ia em- Schmedding of Coventry, sister •ton St. About 30 guests-attended, Ohio, and Is scheduled to enter NO MONEY DOWN on Sea n iosyP oyn^ Plan ployed by the Social Security Ad- Mr. and Mrs. Rollond -Rlciuxl of BeneflCial Ftnonte Co. of M anthesler I Maitohester arid brotHw-in-law of toe couple, Mr. and: Mrs.. Jacobs were mar- the .United Slates Navy this i::, Y: \ i\ STi;i:i: i mimstration of toe federal govern- Ellington, Mr. and Mrs. Carl Gold-' ried on Aug. 27, 1938 at St- James 1446 New Britain Avenue Shopping Parkade BUHER snider, Mr. arid Mrs. John (told- who- were best man and maid of nonth. . ' 806 MAIN ST. (Over Woolworth’s).MANCHESTER ment in it* WiUimantic offic,p. Mitiiu'ii ii-i.-)!):) honor at the wedding. Chureb by toe late Rev. William Miss Janice Jacobs, toe qnly one Mitchell 3-4156 • Ask for the YES MANager We*t Hartford—288-7681 Went Middle ’Tarnplke ’AIOVE GOOD THROUGH SATURDAY Mr. Barto, a I960 graduate of snider and Richard Golden iderl ah P. Roldy who was pastor at that Shop at Sears and Save - 648-1081 Music, during the dinner and for home with her parents, is a fresh- A ken o( »100 cMli *2a60 wti«ii pwearOy ggrid I* Open Mon. thru Sat. lioi’K'illi' 'll' 11 i Mancheater High School,. is at- of Coventry. \ time. Ml*. Jacobs, toe form er Miss 12 MHMcutft* moqttity l*stoll«w«»i St VOUs HC*. OP€B 990 AJtf. to 9 .P9I. . . W o rosorvo tho right tO'Ibnlf ifiKRitity . Mr., and Mr*. (Joldanider were dancing after was furnished hy ihan at Manchester High SchooL Giuraiiteod tut Your Mcoiqr Back; 9:80 AJR. to 9 F 9f. tending the Univeraity of 'Connec JioMpb CSnippy end hi* band. (Her* UicUle J6sd«r. is ai daughter of 'IK e a ; Ctot'tlll 9 P9I.) manried SepL .l, 1093. Mrt. (Jolri- Mbder of Oaat Hartford (Herald photo by Oflara). RMd Herald “ 1 I.W fo ibe Oonnev MUm IwUa old ptaoto.lqr OCian*),' i.- .



■'4. OUmoure N. CSol*. of S8 Stopli«n St., 1« chairman Of the mveming ■a. boaM of tae'SoMthom Nmr Una- land Section of the Society of Au- tomotive Bhufineen. He la a former chairman bC tha town bulldlnc committee. Oole, who la chief of engine de- algn at P ratt A WUtney Aircraft la BJaat Hartford alnce 1M7, win APPLIANCES • COMPLETE SELECTIONS of Famous "Name-Brands”

• UNCHALLENGED PRICES .. "and YOU Pocket the Difference

• CONVENIENT CREDIT TERMS to fit your Budget aihnoor e M. Cole ■erve hie new peat with BAB for one year beginning thla month. , At PAW A, he haa the reaponal- bility of directing aU Bngiiieering Departmmt deai^ activltlea. With 8AK, Oole, will head the governing board in attending the Boclety’i fall outing to be held at Ume Hodi I*ark on Sept. 31. During the day of the outing, the New York Region of the Sporta Car Club of America (SOCA) la running a new driver training achool at the Lime Rode ^[)orta CJar Track from B am . to 6 p.m. The SAB member famlUee will be gueata of the SOGA. and view aomo 100 cara of aU typea to be uaed in the program of car Inapectlon, In- Choose From atnictlon, teat driving, and novlpe BEST BUY 'racing. . ' In the evening, David Evana, Our Large manager of the Performance Economy Department of the Ford In Selecfion O f Motor Co., will be gueat * ? > ^ « '** A 7 o’clock dinner to be heW At tlie Yale Bam on ftt.- *4. . ^ RC A Whirlpot Oole la a IfiSl graduate of Oor- General Elecfric neU Unlveralty w ith.a mechanical engineering degree and later a^ Laundry/ tended the Graduate School of 1 Buaineea at New Yorit Unlveralty. Laundry Line He Joined Pratt A Whitney in 1«S5. He poee from draf taman to hla poaltlon. Ha wma .ohlof algn anglneer for the R-2800 pia- I / ton engine during the World W ar I H period. Oole le ounrently ohainnan of the Aaroapaca Propulalon Dtiri- aion apd a memtoer- of the Aero- ■pece Oouncdl of the Technical Board for the SAE. He has alao \ been a group leader to raise funda Q for tha SAE Cooperative Engineer- ing Program throughout induatiy- He ta a member of the, Depart- ' ment of Defense Drawing Prac- Uces Industry Adviaory Oonunlt- tee, the Aoroepace Induatriea Aa- soclatlon Engine Committee, and has served and does serve on nu- merous technical conunlttees for ] the Aero^tace Industrial Associa- tions. SAE, and American Stan- j dards Association. Mrs. Northnip, 90, Guest at Party] r - *1 was aiile to do so much mors before I broke my wrlst^laat year; that sort of slowed me down," said Mrs. Vivian North'rup of BB “ Foster St. She celebrated her 90th birthday Saturday "and keeps busy crocheting, braiding rugs and read- llrs. Northrup makes her home I with h'er sister, Mrs. C. B. Carr, who was hostess at dn open house Saturday for about 70 relatives and friends. Mrs. Fred Edgar of Dallas, Tex., wife of the former pastor of South Methodist Church, was] among the guests.' i Mrs. Carr was assisted by her| daughter, Mrs. Donald Woodbrldge , of Manchester, and her niece, Mrs. 11 Alice Canale, of Bloomfield. | Bom in Providence, R.I., Aug. *1, ; W ESTI N G H O USE FR OST FREE ^ 187», Mrs. Northrup came to Man- 1 Chester in IBIT. She U a member of SPECIAL 1 4 C U .F T . % South Methodist Church and Ita | ^ You A lw a ys G e t The Wming Workers group. H O T P O II ^ M ' REFRIGERA TOR- BASi" HARTFORD IDAN ELECTRIC RA N GE FREEZER -and Y’OU Pocket, . WASHINGTON (AP) — The UNCHAIXJ^OED ’ you Pocket ■* UNCHALLENGEai NORMAN’S PRICE the Difference" Housing and Home Finance Agen- NOKMA^Ia PRICE Different” B ES T B U YS cy haa approved a $20,000 k>an for You’ll enjoy the ^aciousnes-s of this refrigerator-freeser, 1S2 Ih plawilng 120 dwelling units for the Cooklngzta easier- In this super size oven. Features three 6’ and freezer never needs defrosting. One control for both freezer and food W ho buys m ore Savin gs Bon ds ? elderiy In Blast Hartford, Conn., $t| bigS^^^uitomatic sensl high speed burner. Removable look-in sompartment, cold air, injection system. waa announced yestorday. door, elock and timer qn control panel. > at N ORM A N’S

method of saving fhat^s unconffitlonaDty QuUk cdievi U. S. Sovbigt Bonds C « B BUHDim P H ILC O 14.4 C U . FT. •sevaetodiV^ earUk Ite Savings Bond doOan aze Genera/ ff/ecfr/c . eafe and readity eadiable. And the high- • Tov got $4 lor^omy |8 at andarlly . REFRIGERATOR- piajriiig an hmwrtont lole todagr^ the o Tour Bonds are r^laeedfkaa If la ^ IN GONTRAOTORS OUSTCOI HOMES M dgic-Chef 30" er your purdiasing power} the better it or destroyed ' OUR s P E d A i/r r FREEZER M d li« o f b iB fc o c y . W ASH ER UNCHALLENGED o You ean get yonr BHSMy SBBrtoae Joseph Barth giB-OBJO -and' YOl' Pocket ' speaks for our q^st^ft UNCHALLENGED —and YOU, Pocket G AS RA N GE NORSi AN'S PRICE the Difference” o Yon can aave aatflaastkagy m PNI NORMANS PRICE ' the Difference" doa tabfr that V. & TMs $46 bIBhm reserve in the govern* Savings UNCHALLENGED giant FREEZER COMPARTMENT holds 186 lbs. of food, "rwo t oycle. Completely automatic, set right cycle and temperature tor NORMAN’S PRICE -and YOU Pocket hide-out hJelves. large porcelain crisper, dairy bar storage, Door, } BMkigi Bondi ave owned liy tans of lafl* Bient^s hands Is working vigorously to- It an adds up to one of the best ways aB type fabrloe with famous aplrolator-agltator, activated soak the Difference” shelves deep enough t° hoW ^ F®*- cartons. you ean save money and at the same ayele, Ineludea hnt filter. Full 30” range with s^per-siae oven, lo-temp oven con- B»often8fes. So It night be inCe to day to hdp oar eoontzy in the major trol, 4 sizsl^n simmer burners, lighted backguard with time help your eountry. Start buying elock and timer control. ■ •■■BMlhnt leocite In efcvy walked atrofs^ to defend freedom. W ESTIN G H O USE 13 C U . FT. Bonds next payday— through the Pay- RC A W HIRLPO OL Moq;lotidi'^nna0B M 2-DOOR At the same time, Savings Bonds help roll Savings Plan where you work,^or N O M O NEY D O W N from any bank—and see if you don’t kSPEED W ASH ER REFRIGERA TOR mi fc n fMt for the thdted'' band year personal purdiasnig power TAKE UP TO UNCHALLENGED 1 - a n d Y O U P o c k e t UNCHALLENGED by paying good interest and praviding a feel pretty good about lt» C,WK SAVINGS -and YOU Pocket , NORMAN’S- PRICK ■i Gie Difference” of «ii NORMAN’S. PRICE the Difference” 3 YEA RS TO PAY TWO-DOOR MODEL with separate 108 lb, freezer, cold air injec- tion system. Two slide-out shelves. Twin porcelain crispers hold ri> i(< PERFECT FOR ALL TYPES of FABRICS . . . 2 cycle washer with magic mix dispenser. Filter combs out lint, recirculates water tj bu.s'hel of vegetables dewy fresh. for cleaner wash. Katp ieedom bi your future with U .S. SA VIN GS B O N DS 3 OPEN D A ILY 9 to 9 445 H ARTFORD RD. fia n rlir^ r E n rnina ifrra li / m i OIL SA TURD AY T IU 6 y : Plenty O f i^ a slp g lv M r C O O PER A TIVE - Free Parking (»|i. ( (>M1‘ \NV .ong Easy Terms K N O W N FOR SERVICE and V ALUE I . r , r . . \I> III!

; «,

I, -

1 ' ■/ •I .• ' '' I! \ ‘ f ' . •


MANCHESTER EVENING HERALH/ MANCHESTER, CONN., WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 4,. 1963 Com fortable Cover-Up!, ^Manchester Parktjide Stores E I G H T E E N Be Here Tomorrow and Friday • daily crossword pu zzl e NourMilng and Eeasy-to-Serve ^ MAJOR HOOPLE Everybody "goes” for the tasty Never before has Manriiester IbY EOUSON OUR BOARDING HOUSE with seen such a fabulous display of LITTLB SPORTS c PIZZAS from DINO’S TTAUAN kitchen. Order enough to take HAND-KNIT B E A U T J E 8 as B a r g a i n s "KNITTER'S WORLD" U jplan- Answ er to Provlou* P u n l* care of the calls for “ seconds” 'A when the gang drops In at’ your ning for you when the FASHION ^ , X & U GSS r r m i s h t b e SHOW takes place tomorrow and h— - - WOifTlA'A "TRV 7• ^ Modern Age house, or you want to i^rve nour- EdAO.NOArt.rVe (60TTHE SOLUTION T ^ l ishing fare.'when Um^e is short EYiday. Professional models will L i s t e d b y uirer ONESra parade before you, wearing exqui- 0OTM Of OUK PROBUTyAS/’CMv IN V V tu&iB'SKISHT 4 W atchful NEEDOPATENVPORARV BUSINESS ^LM W N CWIK«WeHT ''^ACBOW .1st. ,whM, It isn’tL T ^ , moshr site IwhiWtnit coats,--«w*aUr*,-*— - NOW IS.HARDER 8 Melody 134^) room o f .liaiisage,’ salami, connection UNTIL MARTHA COMPLETES] 1 CbarAcd 6 Oxygen two-piece ensembles that you'll [THAN PEDDLIN'^ particle anchovies, .pepperoHi, bacon. King- HER House- cleaning spr ee! and, / compound* drool over and yearn to duplicate i CHRISTMAS 4 Elementil' 7 Qirl'f nickname size GRINDERS , are layered with ioo have SOME UNSOLD LAWN CMA\RS.' pirticle goodness and oven-t o a s t e d for yourself. And you can acquire TREES ON 8 Small and a hand-knit lovely tor yourself SO tLL SlMPLV BECOME MOUK OUTSIDE DEC. 2 6 .' aneetronie n r shining READY TO GO where you go. Eln- sal esman until — er, ah- la Owing “ • Diminuttv* Pre tty Lo b k-A llket Put Summer Clothes Away dean TBR’S WORLD.” Imported "Rey- B U G G S B U N N Y ARE ( 11 Noun-forming the specialties of the chefs here 15 Electrostatic, The Good News I* Out! *> Official Gym Clothing It'* 'reedin', wrltin’ and 'rith- You don’t need to be reminded nolds” yani will be featured in unit (ah.) iOffiX 42ElgIir(|ir«ltat) that summer suits and toppers be taken home: Ravioli, spaghetti, the Fashion Show tomorrow after- 16 Obacure 17 My lady (Fr.) 28 Aroma .. WH/TON’S GIFT &HOP Is now n a s s l F p a r m s c o m p a n y , metic" time. LBJNOX PHAR- 1 a s a g n e. OPEN S U N.D A Y '^ PETU N IA H IRED ME ' w h e n SH E G ETS 29 Force unit 43Mkalied 991 Main Street, Is headquarters MACY, 299 Blast Center Street, should be stored away clean, after noon (around 2:30) aijd tomorrow BA CKl S H E lL JU M P NOW, 18 Arrayed 10 Elemant 44ModifM plaiit the only complete HAULMAilK THROUGH THURSDAY 11:30 T P A IN T TH'OOINT, 20 Feminine name 23 Not atheist 31 Fabric for SCHOOL GYM SUPPLIES. ha* BACK TO SCHOOL SUP- a "MARTINIZING” treatment evening, (about ’1).. "Spinnerin” ME PER B EIN 'S O M A V BE 33Basf singer f o n d STORB cm Main Street, Manches- ,m Xo 11:30 p.m. and OPEaJ FRI- BU T I'M T U R N IN ' 21 Decay, 24 Abel's brother 48Sharp«8 ter, featuring the quality greeting Official equipment for students of FUEIS for the students of all lev- that cleanses thoroughly. Greasy yarns will be featured in the iMITO W ! O U T T 'B E A BA BY SIj OW! H M M ... I O N SE T 22 Whirlpool 25 Hslo 38 Persian spots will weoke.1 and Invite ‘ Y AND SA’iURDAY to 1 a.m. SO M E governor 47Thruh cards you pHck "when you care Manchester public schools and els. Notebooks, pads, papers, fill- Fashion Show on Friday even^g F IN G ER .' S IT T E R ! 24 Spoken 20 Teutonic 48 Carousal ers are conveniently arrayed for moths. You don’t want that to hap- W ORK 26 Off water divinity , 40 Manufacturing . enough to send the very best." A State trade schools included reg- about 7 o’clock. Comfortable ar- plants 80 Musical easy selection and nicely priced. pen. Dependable "MARTINIZING” / To haw plywood without splinter- rangements have been mad* for D O NE! 27 Seed vesicl 27 Positive syllabi*. complete "HAlJliMAffLK" PARTY ulation shorts and jerseys plus SOGirl'aname 41 Repairs SHOP has been set up. Come to roomy, sturdy OYM BAGS, also Be off to a beautiful beginning ONE HOUR DRY CLEANING ing the^dges, slant the saw at a the FASHION SHOW to take 32 Incarnate 6 r 6 r IT II WIL/TON’S GIFT SHOP where an sneakers and related needs. .A with the help of the COSAtETIC plant* at 20 Blast Center Street 45 d e g r ^ angle down and away place RAIN OR SHINE. 34 Mineral 1 r r r r and gnod-groomlng department at and 299 West Middle Tpke. elim- from you. carbonatea ' expanded RBUGIOUS DipIPAJRT- complete range of sizes u MFINT ki centered. An enlarged able "S * H” GREEN STAMPS LENOX PHARMACY, featuring inate the danger of exipenrive moth Prevent chapping of babies’ 38 Add apice nr 1$ r damage. Look better, feel better in 34Poaaeaaet .areq, ia devoted to "HUMMEL," are an extra shopping the products to clear the complex- Place aluminum foil behind a chins and noses by applying a 37IloU t r t> i'l fdguHnes, plus distinctive pictures ion, curl your hair, color your Ups clothes cleaned the thorough houseplant to reflect sunlight and light film of petroleum jelly be- iT" for you at NASSIFP ARMS "MARnNIZING'V, way where 39 Proganitor and wall hangings, together with a COMPANY, and fingertips prettily. Keep your- help keep the plant growing fore taMng them out in blustry * ' . 'A AM 40Oirfa i r CUSTOM - FRAMING- SE5RVICE. self In tip-top condltton with plen- spots and ftainal are treated in- straight. weather. appellation ty of bounce when you let VITA- (R'viduaily bt'jseJcleenlng, so they ' ' ( 41 HounUiti It's not too early to whisk into September Spells 8WP Paint* 5T MIN^ help you ward off winter may be completely removed. To avoid cloudiness in iced tea. itandard WILTON'S to SAVE 10% on per- - SHE3RWIN - WILLIAMS CO. There’s never a dry-cleandng odor ^ h ea the llarvest Moon Is eg' ^ A n y w a v . i t w i l l Ume (ah.) !T ill 9 aonalized CHRISTMAS CARDS 981 Main Street, 1* ready pnd will- colds and fatigue. LENOX PHAR- Hlilning let the tea cool slowly at room M 43 Oily MACY has thought of everything clinging to your clothes. "MAR- temperature. Then chill in refrig- 9-M HELP mEA^A•30R - , . , you may select from the 42 al- ing to help you with your paint- TTNIZING” continually aim* to GRAND WAY knows U’S'tlme 48 Two-necked ilT btuns available. Foreign lang^ge ing nroblems. They have a top- to m-ake BACK TO SCHOOL a to think of fidl-and-'wHnter activ- erator. lute happy event for you. serve its customers better, faster BY V. T. HAMLIN 49 "Atom, Christmas cards will again be of- quality SHBRWIN - WIlXJAMS for more -complete satisifaction. 2854-H ities. Yes, busy days are ahead for ALLY OOP anaaber** -* 5T fered at WILTON'S, product for every painting need Ek)ulp Thens for School ~ A Pet Provide* Pleasure You’ll like' the work, you’ll like you, as you organize plans for 810»er (centr.) plus complete InformaUon on autumn housecleantng. GRAND School bells are rlnglpg and the MAYBE HE'D ) NO 'MMBE HM>— ! ! . ' CARNIVAL BY DICK TURNER 82 Duck srI Confidentially / . your Now that vacations are over and the frlendlincsB, you’ll Hke the COLOR STAMP.Ol< W. T. GRANT OOMPAtrY has HEADACHE, ^ proper application. Bring price* at "MARTINIZING.” If you WAY has’' all the aids and prod- ( headache^ BETTER SEE J ABOUT IT- S3 Af-lcan fold Did you know that the latest the children are back in school, SimpJe-'to-sew and eosy-to-laun- EVE3RYTHING FOR SCH6Mwrt a flair in luxurious surroundings. the exclusive array of fabrics here. 'ALf^ICE If autumn wedding brils will ring, 964 M ain St., M anchester The prices will please you. All for eaOh pattern. Print Name, Ad- When you ------have ROYAL...^ Get a Pretty Head Start for ORBIAM In your refrigerator, you remember that the BANQUET Both FAIRWAYS have HOME work guaranteed. The family Is drees with Zone, Style No. and HAT.I. at FIANO’S is ideally suit- Size. can dtepensel hoapitaUty Joyfully- Phone 643-7781 . . . \ PBJRMANENT kits available, so moving Indoors again. Make your For your autumn entettainihg, able for a WEDDING RBOEP- 9-¥ home smartly attractive with cus- Basic Fashion magazine 50c. inexpensive, so sure-and-easy to when friend* drop in foe an eve- •noN. g i ^ younself or your daughter tom-made DRAPEIRIE38, OOR- BY JOE CAMPBELL ning, ROYAL lOE CREAM always BONNIE VHf’s b««n talking bank to you, ah? Wall, you can't Soft, natural-looking curls ^ th NICEIS, and SLdPOOVEaiS tailor- Girl*’ Winter Coats please*. So driiciouriy rich and Share the Fun enough body to Qomb Into a flat- ^ at MAR-SAL MARI-MADS, 691 Main Street, creamy, you can Igste quality. It Now that you have recorded on |.U.KPbI.OM« blama my oxampio for THATl” tering style that looks fja r t SHOP. 643-9295. A program of has unpacked the 1963 winter comes in preUy. colors, in fancy film your voMition travels and fun. OKAViGPDTTy, mkrlmum oare. You get S ft ri EXPANSION and EJNLARGING OOATS FOR GIRLA, up to rize 14. why not have RE5PRINTS MADE J.R.WIVI-AMSv-v ehapes Ifyou .wish (Ice Cream /?tM&l6THe LAST THffTDOE&rr. ILL THE AAODEL oreen stamps. of the shop I* In effect. Watch You are familiar with the famous Oake, also Stencil Slice*) and in ait the FALLOT STUDIO, 70 East / T l i ,« lU € T £ k > I N A N ' this column for details. labels abounding here; Gaatwlrth, temtrtdng fla-vors. ROYAL ICE Center Street. Grandparent* and TIME n X A B K V M relative* are tickled to receive a ID 6 TANPUP0N c a l l AHMH., 'i f You Are S’ 1" Bambury, Town and Country, also CREAM, Warren Street, is avail- THE DOfi- •\- HOUSE & HALE DEPART- Come See the ‘New -Look’ S.- J. Buckman. The handsome all lasting memento of your family’s Chvwwvcsumnt! S P O T T / , able at fine drug and g r o c ^ ben CASEY MENT STORE is for you! JUN- YOUR GIFT GALLERY on the wool fabrics are expertly tailored stores- that carry ROYAL ICfE vacation. It costs so little to gl've i W f u G O N L V IOR PErnTE DRESSES, OLso ma,in floor of Watkinses now more for smooth fit and long wear. CREAM. so much pleasure...... F D O t lK ' / coats and knit suits are in stock. attractive than ever. A program These quality COATS FOR GIRIj S They" are custom-sized and de- of enlarging, re-arranging and have extra hems' In the length WNDJ I« H O W B > HER l x U KE A BIT MORS ) O P O O U RSEIT signed especially for your diminu- transpo.sing has now been com- and sleeves for extra season’s Need Money Fast? HUMIUTVA N D < M ISH T 8BT H W AttenUon: Publicity Chairmen You know what you want, AROUND aH aV W S AAUCH tive proportions, >-hatever your pleted with exciting results wear. Some are touched with fur If It's your task to create com- If the matter bf back-to-school TOO READK WITH HER KaUaNG-O N-EGGe ) SHElS JUST PLAIN age. TYy on a JUNIOR PETITE that make your gift shopping even for that desirable grown-up look. outfits and college tuition fees has )i . I IN MY IM TBOIS! J e w U lA N T A N D . pelling posters for your club’s AND and you'll be able to wear it right more pleasant and convenient. 'The Often matching hats and purses you down, .remember: loans are A B N 6P O C 10R. money-raising event, come to available .-from OONNB5CTICUT out of the store becau.se NO-AL- tiered shelves In the center hold a are available for unified fashion JOHNSON PAINT CO, 723 Main and we know what you want; tejrations are needed. BANK AND TRUST COMPANY choice collection of hand carved In flair. You’ll find warm-as-toast Street, where, "SILK AND GLIT- You'll like the well-bred styling, India "Shesham" WOODEa4 chests COTTON PLAID lined w-ith cud- for any worthwhil.e purpose. Ob- the high fashion shades, the TER” COLOR SET lets you paint tain a loan promptly and in strict I f o r jewelry, cigarettes) plus dly pile, in addition to wide-wale right out of the jar, creaUng color and that is why dSfewtx / spirited plaids, prints stripes, all wooden planters, bowls, spice cabi- CORDUROY with low-ibelt back, confidence. Three Manchester of- / '••'J. 't?L. ^ so shapely and flattering for the and twinkle with one stroke. The fices at 893 Main, 18' North Main nets. Browse among the B R A ^ and cotton SUEDE. It costs no price is $1.00 for set of 5 different JUNIOR pe t it e figure, size Irivits, ctmdle holders, door knock- more to take first .choice. Select' and the Parkade. SHORT RIBS BY FRANK O’NEAi, '6-13, i t HOUSE ft HALE'S'. —i-- colons, yge it, top, fo r .decorating ers, decorative scales.’ The shim- from jhe peak selection at MARI- on glass, .wood, 'metal, plastic, mering beauty of GLASS vases, MAD’S and use LAY AWAY. paper. "SILK AND GLITTE.R” Handy aid when sewing on very soft materials, such as jersey or F o r Pre t ty Shaping bowls,. shows off to per- can glamorize, vases, place cards, For the figure-conscious gals Try painting wicker furniture crepe, is to baste the pattern's, Wilton’s is now the IMMOMSA'VS^l fection on the window shelves. bridge tallies. It is rion-toxlc, ready t i l l heading back to school, GLAZ- Whethef you buy or not, come to with a fly sprayee, but make the pieces on tissue paper. It’s easy i UX)KMEINlHEeV£< to use, right from the jar. to pull away- the .paper after sew ' IER'S CORSET SHOP, 631 Ma\n YOUR GIF’t GALLERY just to paint very thin. This will be MCOM^Oe )«7riVEl ea.sicr and cover better than us- ing's done. Street, has the BRAS and GIR- let the splen'der seep into yoiir The life of a carpet can be j \ DLES with famoiLs. labels in a soul. You’ll find STAINLESS ing a brush. len^hened if a pad Is used be- complete range of styles and sizes. STEEIL serving pieces and acces- neath it. It also helps absorb ONLY COMPLETE BY DICK C A V A L U All the features ycyu want are sories for your autumn entertain- For Floor Drama MORTY MEEKLE Combining age-old charm with noise and will fill in uneven here: Stretch straps, bareback, ing, plus handsome “ SYROCO” spaces on the floor. long line, padded, proportioned, plaques and wall ornaments to modem ser'vicajillty, the elegant waist nippers, lightweight fa- .gpve spirited'Interest to a roonn. patterns of all-wool ORIESNTAL The Artistry of Needlework I c a n N e v « Z 7H X-W H0 «l REPRODUCtlONS at.MANCHES- NOW I ‘50PPD6B SOUU- Bg vorites. To slim and control, to In easy "kit form” is available Hallmark STORE For all your favorite pepple YOUR TER CARPET CSaiTER, 311 JIain OFF TO TWe SOUTH 6BAe H efe B eiN G

/ r' • * T - I /- N.' \


THE Chip Satisfied From Any Spot

' Favorite {dayer with the >>j»;.,Jfqrk^©lnBta .pf i^ilp '"‘ v ^ Itt — Conran, young son 7-minute aflafr ««iriled, Or turn, .by Mickey, t o l i ^ -!- Fred Gladding and winner Terry EARL YOST ran, Manchester LJttle l>ague NEW YORK (API-NOW ..* .L T X , i r u baseball president, I* Frank most ever by 'an Oriole pilcMsr kel had issued one-out walks to Fox. The .setback left the Y a ^ s Sport* Editor that the pennant rac6 has all ORIOLES RED SOX— -f Gifford. fitINTINC since Baltimore came bark into Norm Cash and Bill Freehan. with an lli'S-game lead over Oil- Gross cup the league In 1954.-'’ BaUlmdre touched loser Dave' cago's second-place White Sox. Young Onran accompanied but run its course, let u.s turn to other momentous (ievelop- Stuart lagged his 38th ho Tier off Morehead for two uneurned runs Giants-in Qiant Grid Camp his father to Camera Day yes- in the first inning', made It 3-0 i.. TICtERSYANKS— ' terday at the Giants' p ^ se a - ments in the American Stu Miller, with a man on in the The Tigers took s 2-0 lead A’sTWINR— ^ FAIRFIELD— Coming away from the pre-season framing eighth inning, giving him an even the fourth, - and got the clincher Harmon Killebrew pulled the son camp at Falrfleld I'nlver- League. in the seventh on Luis Apiaricio's against Al Downing in the ttrst camp 5 the New York football Giants at the beautiful Fair- slty. Gets Cut 100 RBI. The first ba.seman, who fourp but were blanked Twin.) even at 2-2 in the seventh FISHING Such as Steve Barber becoming '.’ent to the Red Sox in an inter dazzling ba.se running,1 Apariclo’|S', sv# I r • o I I I socking his 35th hpmer field University campus one wonders how God made so many Armed with a small camera. th? ‘top winning .pi che In '? men so big. And the Giants are only one of 22 major 'eague* Chip Conran took a picture^ RAZOn^lARP clubs 14 in the well established National League, which in- of Gifford, as weir as other ev tahllshed stars with the Giants. From Jets Carry a single edge raxor blade cludes New^York, and eight more in the comparatively new "I'd like to get Franlf Gif- (In Its safety wrapper, of course) I t . . Di,™,. •nr.,. m. "“ "J''' . S S ’u,'?; i 'S | “ '« ■ American Lefcgtie. ^ ford’s autograph.” he later said. for quick fjeld dressing. M is Yeoterday was Oamera At the moment. .Gifford wSs NEW. YORK (,\P)— Ixee sharper than knife and easier to held annually, uouaJly earlier in sitting on the grass, relaxing Grosscup got the ax and San- carry. sea.son in both major'leagues. , hi.s homer Again.st the slow- YOU’RE SUNK go-ahead run with hi.s fly. the year, but Connecticut papers In front of the Giant bench. dy Stephen got a second These . S i g n i f i e s _ ^td rifice T f n the^fght^m^^^^^^^^ sent baling reliever two out-s later. ' the ninth were blajoked out, except for two— "Could I have ,\*our auto- Your,trout Une Is sunk. Instantly place several John Wyatt was Kansas City's Watertmry and M a n c h e s t e r , graph, please?" Chipper ask»d :chance. and every tiine If you soak It tai a laltiinore throu^ lack of communicatiions the handsome Gifford. i The tt\'o quarterbacks were tlie detent^nt carried In a small pock- Boston 4-3. Barber, with relief a 3-2 deeisibn over I from the New York publicity dc: “You can. If I don’t have to key figure.*! m sepaiale profes.sio > et plastic bottle- al' football maneuvers in tlie partiVht. get up.” came the reply. SMOKE FREE FRYING "No. It’s all right If you i United btates am' Canada Tuc Oh the smarting of eyes, the The Gdanto are n d i^ high, w-ide day; Gros.scup being dropped In shouts of protest, the downright and handsome and with more than sit down." the lad said. -And Gifford |>enned his signature. a mandatory cut uy Inc . otiu. ai,, misery as smoke from your frying 51,000 tickets sold for each of sev- and American Football Leagues, I pan chases you around the camp- en home games, which means each I,R»t night young friends in Maj or a y X S LoSCS Conran’s nelghlyorhood were I and Stepiien.s being claimed lor fire. Why go through this when Ground,' Hs^Bs attraction at Yankee Stadium will ’ a paltry $350. there is a simple way to stop It. =^Leaclers;;=^ be a sellout, the club do^ n’l need looking over the aiifographs of A.MERIC.AN I.E.AGUE Like this: After main campfire Is W. L Pet. G3. any extra help in pu *_.ng the Gifford. ..Alex Web*ter.. Y. .A. Gro.s.sLbp. a former reserve ic.^.v LE.AGI E TIttK. .Sam Huff. ..Ahd.vBobus-- qualtefbaclt-'for tlie New York Gl- built, transfer a little of It to a ,9« 49 .647 — diicat aale. I New York telli, and other New York stars aiiLs and Minnesota Vikings of the smaller fire pit, several feet away Batting—Yastrremskl,. Boston, .78 60 .56.5 111 1 But that day will change. .818; Kallne, Detroit, .314; Pear- ‘ C h i c a g o .' proudly displayed by the lo- i NFL. wa.s lopped off the rosier from main area. Four rocks aup- , M i n n e s o t a . .77 .558 12'2 * * * son, L m Angeles, and Rollins, cal youngster. 'of the rebuilding New York jets , port frying pan. Tlriy fire mads But Lone Hit Baltimore .74 .529 16'1 Mlnriesola, .311; Malzone, Boston, | _ Tarzan Build I of the American Football League, j from small stuff ts easily controll- Detroit . . . .67 .489 22 able. You have less smoke and It mil \Vagn'*r, I-,®* Angeles, .296. MirvV- VOUK f AP) Tom- ____Juan Marichal joined the 20-vie-;. Bill White al.so homered (or St . .67 .482 23 The Giants are really gi^W , In Stephens. All-America at Min- ■ hiUlng a career high with ; Boston . isn’t right under your nose. Runs— ^Tresli, New Yor,i. 87; NLVV l U K K (1 third-place SSn Fran- Ixiui; . hi -.68 .479 23' 2 more wajis than. one. on ^e' j^ysi- nesota in 1961. wa.s claimed on tallne Detroi', 8!; Yastrz-mski, mV DaVlS, trying tO oecornc _ , , Chicago Cub.s hi.e 23rd. i Cleveland waivers by 'ioi'onlo of tlie Canatii- SINK, YOU W 7 »!!**X City .61 .445 28 oal side. Do you have trouble with your Bouton, and .Ul’son. ?flnn-ota. tlie first National IvCagUe bat- i6-3, Philadelphia's Ray aUp E5ob Bailey , and Ted Savage .443 28'2 One favorite of mine over the an Football League with the waiv- . ,6't landing net drying out between 81; cola tlo, De’roll. 8'.l. -j champion in a decade to' .Vjt oia 'tilWaukce 2-n on two homered tor the Pirates. Face Ang e . . 60 ..S62 39'2 yean* haa been . Roosevelt Browm. er price of $350 going to Mo.’-lr-: . .. Runs Batted ln— «tuart. Bos- around to ' hit.s and ancinnati's Joe Nuxhall 3-R. look the lo.s.s with Bobby W Ashlngton the team that suspended him last catches.-so the Gol Diirn thing Tuesday’s Besult* a mere 6-4, 2W-pouhder. I have floats when , vou try to slip tt un- ton. io.i; Kalin , Detroit, 94,; iv’ag- retain his title, lo^t grouno im the New York Met.s .S-0 Shanlz. 6-3. the winner after pilch-1 week^ Baltimore 4. Boston 8. never seen a man with such a mas- der fl-sh. Stop thia In a Jiffy by ner' Los’ •Vn-clei, 81; All'son. Ml'i- Dick Gl'oat in hlS latest enoi't! irtp three perfect inning.s in relief. i sive pair of arms and legs than Otlierwi.se, veteran linemen and Kansas City 3. Minnesota *. dipping the net in melted paraffin ne I'.i. 73; C:iinvitn, Detroit. 77. ))ut kept tli€ Los Angeles . . s - I ... Detroit 3, New York 2, (15). the 31-year-old veteran offensive a flock of roo’iies • c ^ t.ie < before you go out. Will rink like President Tom Fenruaon. left, presents golf balls ana money ceitifica.i,e.s to ou-. ..dcl- Hii»— Kallne, Detroit, 161; \As- Dodgers wheehng toward dodger s-colts— ' giants■ 1- -cubs , on.— V,. tty. , Only Games Scheduled. tackle out of Morgen State. The JACK STROLU targets of the paring knives as QUARTERBAC'KS A L L : On target at the New York football Giants' camp in Faiifield Marichal, 20-8. became the r.ames Xegro Hneman has a build that Uie NFL cut to -10 players and tne a rock, gjjQqp Ellington Ridge*^Country Club golfers Jim Rusher and Bill Waldman. Looking on at J^gTmiTearnonr L(l' “Angrie^^^ long-awaited pennant The Colts scored m the^ top by bnly a haiidful of %>ectators. are the top three quarterbacks, in order. Y. A. Tittle, Ralph Guglielmi and rookie Lynn ...anil .N . piu-'her to hit the 20-1 , oVrii l«i .1 would'make even a Charles Atlas AFL to 33. “ Here’s a hot one for Hve bait right. Pro Wallv Cichon. (Herald Photo by Pmto. ) ______15‘4; Malzone. Boston. 153. ! popoff. the 10th on Rusty Staub * run- «.,th Billy Hoett's-^^*''- ahudder. the players appeared minus extra The articulate Grosscup, an out- Griffing. ex-Mississippi State A,H-American. (Herald Photo.) erspple fishernien. Instead of __ Vastrzemskl, Boston,, Davis collected only one hit producing single before pinch hit- no-hit relief (or two innings. ..Minnesota iigman la i t padding. TTie club has arrived baxik 12-U) at Hie saying that “he has muscles standing passer in his college; weilghting line the regular way 36; Word, Chicago and Alvls. ; Tue.sday night, but it ves a-cl- " The Giants massed a 16-hit at-, ,vi In hla ears,’’ fits Brown to a tee. in Fairfield in ‘the wee hours of days at Utah, came to i.ie c . i: (which destroys minnow** natural Cleveland (Grant 10-12) (N ). tJ\e morning. from the flight in Enviable ^ Records Compiled This Season Cleveland, 81; Causey, Kansas Single in the 10th inning .started wun a single in me lacs agamsi -uu lOsteen 8-10) at Brown’s wrists are so big that an in 1959 as their top draft choice. action), put a BB shot bi the min- Oltv ami Torres, Los Angele*, 29. drove In the " 1"’i boltom half. A single by Jim Oil- Ja. kson H-13. and his .succes.soi s, ..g) ’ average man’s hands could not from Green Bay and Coax* AUie He spent three sea.sons wiLi the now’s mouth. Then hook minnow Triples Versalles, Minnesota, victory over Houston and mam- Wallv Moon's sacrifice putting the game out of reach in (•“ " >■ oompletely encircle them. Sherman deoid^ to giye the fel- New England Giants, smiost all of its on his through both Dps. (Seals tai the and Hinton. Washington. 12; Cl- tained the Dodgara Andy RotouatelU may be old In lows as much rest as' po^ble. own special' folding camp chair; sjiot, ge4 It?) Minnow can’t swal- yeans but he’* as spry as the Among the players still with the ™ii. Ksn«s otj': n s l"'" "t^earmw right-hand- ■'.»"? ' Kania, chv (Pena 9-19 and He was traded to. Minnesota a low the BB. hook won’t let It out. Young ERCC Golfers Honored Ins Angeles, peenemt rodde with the Elastern club, here are the weights of the Grid Briefs year ago, released'by liie Vikings The ga.Hser is that the minnow can more, and Bruton Confersnce champions.. ^ tackles, 240. . 260. . 255. . 255. . 285 swim around with Just enough (Uf- Battered in Monday night’a 24- and signed bj' the then New York Tliur*€lay’s Game* 260.. 265. . 250. . Guards, 236». . 246 ______Titans, forerunner oi tlie Jets. He fleulty so a Wg r.rappie thinks he’s ,36"w n ebr*w ? *M ln !l^o^ th[J-d and*decid* Ken’’ Johnson’'%tarted (or the Felipe Alou' added to ,San Fran 17 'kXB to the Peckers in Greed ..245..240. Centers 245..230, De- Connecticut I.Ria .Angeles at .Minnesota. STORRS (A PI — University of had a brieL outstanding career I got an easy meal. ___ By Membership and Club Pro llson. Minnesota, 81; Hall, Min- ‘m. ‘nennan't*’ pfavolf shutout the Dodgers for cisc s lead, Bay, the deferadve captain ^xjrted fensive ends, 240. .240. .235. .335 PVI'F, PUFF. UP A HILL nesota, 28; Howard, Ne^y York, “ P V ‘ .,jven Innings on three hits before Kansas City at Chicago. a black ey* and a bandage under ..Linebackers, 230 (old friend Sam Conmcticut Coach Bob Ingalls 1 with the AFL team befo.e being ^ ^ wilb --,an Frar.csco. ^ ^he . rHILS:BRAVKS Washington at New A’prk. 2 p.m. says he will shuffle his linemen at sidelined by a knee mjury. Unless you’ve found the foun- the r i ^ t eye. v, Huff) . .225. .220. . 230. . 230. .220. tain of youth you may be bothered and Pro Wally CJiohon presented-*'tional Jaycee Tournament and | scorinp Culp. 12-11. allowed only a third- Detroit at Boston, 2 p.m. football practice today in an effort I Jet coach Weeb Ewoank was Pitching— Bouton, New He, too, M a phystoal apeciman. The under 200 pound club lists with shortness of breath wh.en By EARL YOST as ru^rMpti incy rUHS. in the second and inninp double by Hoy McMillan Onlv Games .Scheduled. to find new taleiit for the guard i apologetic about his release, one ... [the boys with a dozen” new golf woimd up in 19th place among yglg; Ford. New 20- ' ° C d * la s T y e a f 'a n r e a v i; BolMwteUi la only mx foot, a email Del Shofner at 185 and Jim Collier your - hunting takes you up and NAnON.AL I.EAGI’E and center slots. Ingalls, looking of 12 by the Jets Tue.sday. Mighty proud— and with 108 players at Midland, Tex. '7 7’41- Radatz = Boston —»— •< 14-5, « .737; fW * vp against Don Drysdale. but and a singlj^ by Hank Aaron in man whan Mnemen g^ather, but he’s 195, both ofTwisive ends, quarter- down steep banks. Try this tip Downlna New’ York 11-4, .738; Dodgers tied it in the eighth the fourth. Don • Deinetcr provided W. L. PcL G.B. 386 pound* of muscle. Brute for some experience at center, will I ••■I'm iorry we had to let ^Lee good reaaon— of their two Rusher, first player in the ehib'.' His 74 won first place in a One- .Angeles . . 34 54 .609 iMCks Y. A. Tltttle and Ralph Gug- to keep puffing to a minimiim. history to play from scratch, ia Peters *Chicaao 16-e’ 727 champion sln^ with Ken McMullen's single and Culp with the only run he needed Ixw Btrengptfa, stamina, experience and Ueimi at 195. offensive halfbaxdcs have Junior guard DicK, Kupec ,E ^ ^ n ‘k .said. '1 v.as ccr- outstanding young golfers are Inhale at the end of every two generally recognized aa one of the Day State Tournament at Indian T “;^rik^out;-- Peterfi, Chicago, Devi’s* Jlitung "sM/ is tre‘d'''''Irith Mavis’Davis’ sacrifice fly driving in the when he homered in the fourth in- SL LLouis ...... 78 60 .565 ^eadentiip are, peihape. Ida four Brich Bames 198, Jim Piatton 185j. work out at that position. Two spring he .would be our steps; exhale at the end of the members of the Ellington nlng oft Denny Lema.ster, 11-9. San Franoisco 75 64 ..540 / • ' ; gr satf t point* as the Giants head Dick Pesonen 190, Roger R e^ former tackles and an end will get quarterback. But he didn't move best young golfers in the East. Hill. 1 ;68; Bunnlng, Detroit. 165; Mon- vada Pin.son of Cincinnati for sec- , , , next. Two and Inhale: one and * « - Ridge Country Club. Last Hia accompllahment* on the tee • • .Philadelphia ..74 6.5 * iw another season. molds 180 and A1 Webb, the for- a try at guard. Lining up at right ^ggni well enough In the ex- The former Rockville High .stu- bouquette, Boston, I64; Plzarro. r-inirw hale. Strike ,a*sIow steady pace. weekend both the club golf and fairway this season are nu- dent, who-did his .studying and i Chicago. Pascual, Minnesota, ami oroat, batting king at f ’Ht'- GAm m -ruiA i REDS-METS__ Alilwaukee ....73 65 .5^9 11 Usually football team brpdhuree mer Manchester semi-pto at 180, guard will be Walter David, a hjbition games. ’ Rapid oxygen Intake and eschaust „ . J,__ „ ...... Martv Keough. subbing (or Cincinnati .-...75. 87 ^ find the piayera’ wreight charts sophomore, and Fred Licata, a Stephens was one of the most professional -and the membership meroua. golfing in prep school laat year, Ford, New York, 168. burgh wiith a .325 mark in 1960. is Trailing 5-4 going into the sixth and offensive operators Hugh Mlc- helps handle' your body's eoctra *%enui* Plttaburgh B • • • Huskies’ punter, ran from the left unimpre.'siv'e-, in hi.s golfer a $60. golf gift certiflcatel He also qualified for the Na- Pittflburgh lO-S. {eighth inning homer clinched it. j run single in the ninth. Alex Webster, tb« popular vet- Short bits of pipe cleaner woven Ridge, carries a __one stroke atate Cincinnati J), New York 0 eran ■ hadfback, who -wnould rank | halfback position. Former defen- cookie season with the Aloueltes handicap. Runs — Aaron, Milwaiiker, 108; ______^______San Frtu(«*ro 16. Chicago 3 give quarterback Dick Seely,Seely. afanda » ^ in the AAL L ss ,irsl ,. ■ e on to a tiny hook make a snazzy Little Men Out high in any popularity contest,; Flood, ,St. Lo)iis, 98; Mays. San j ^ ~ Phllad^hla 2, Milwaukee • senior, worked ou^ at_ right half- season. He was benched for Imitation of several kinds of bi- In 1961, Ru.sher won the New Jutt ftjc the record, there Isn’t along with the handsome Gifford, England Junior Golf Champion- Lo* Angelea 4, Houston 3, (10). back. being overweight two \^ee.. ai^o. sects trout go for. Can be treated Singles Play Set for Weekend ’• '""■ First ;« Both Leagues U> Reach Lofty Plateau an intenhyr lineman, offensive or is another deceptive looking fel- to sink or float. ship after losing in the finals the ' Today’a Game* defenshre, except for. ends, under low when one bringa out the suspended la.3t week and placed Runs Batted In — Aaron, MU- ’ previous year, ' Two yeai-a 'ago, waukee, tlS; Boyer, St. Louis, 99; Philadelphia (Bennett 7-2) at weight ehanta. Biig Rod Is listed Amherst on waivers ’Tuesday. ' Cincinnati (O’Toole 17-11) (N ). Toronto general manager Lew TAK IN G F IV E ’ Three-quarters of the Giants’ offensive backfield take a breather yp - when the tall, good looking lad White, St. Louis, 96; Santo, Chi- Now that 280-pound Rosy Gner at 225. “Tack another 20 pounxls AMHERST.Axyincirta 1. Mass.mass, ixvri(API — amAm- -; ™ b ------° first made hia w-ay into the head- New York (WlUey 8-12) at Bt. has departed, John LioVetere takes on Witn and you’ll be closer,’’ a herst football Coach Jim Otten- Haman said the Argos will not terdav. Left to right. Frank Gifford, Y. A . Tittle and Hugh McElhenny.. Hidclen be- Town Tennis Tourneys cago, 93; Maya, , 88. Expect Trade lines, he waa among the qualifiers Hits -— Pinson, Cincinnati, 184; ^No Arguing Abo lit SWart’s Bat, ila (Brogllo 14-8), 9 p.m. over as the U g man at 286 pounds. photographer remarked. darp says he's counting on little have to purchase Stephens salary hind ‘the latter is Babe Chandler, the team’s punter and place kicker. (Herald Photo.) for the United States Junior Tour- Chicago (Coonce 1-4) at I. ning.s b.ut limited the Sox Pittsburgh at Milwaukee s n ftobusteW, Jiih Katcavage that make him a higger’ looking Injury. Ostendarp said yesterday [ simply deal with him as we would Seven Players Tt’i that time of the year again for tennis tournament en- ftockviiie High in i96i- ^ Philadelphia, 3.7; 'Iviiiiams. Chic.n- BOSTON (A P I—There's no American and National to five hits during that span New A’ork at St. Louis (010) and Dick Miodzelewski (260). Giant than he really is. . . heUr n «is _ bankingK a n l g i n e r rtjn on frrMktm»nt«treatments BITfland AJIVany neWCOm.er."newcomer. ., 4 i Calllson, Philadelphia, SO. arguing about controversial and ran his slateAo 19-10. Good Balance and Fine Spirit A.NTDOVER. Mas*. (A P ) — A tnUSiasiS. * i. j au *; 4.u • ®®«P®^tiacled Waldman, amallei’ Triples^Plnsoh. Cincinnati, IS; League. Chicago at lais .Angeles ptayMS, iMuaUy the Uiort and The EHephant Backifield, so time to have ended the situation. Among the top players placed on ; Dick Stuart's latest accom- Chuck Estrada w o ^ lS games odnpnot feHow*, are often re- option by the N F L teams w e re ' trade was expected today in the Announcement waa made today that the annual xvecreation stature than Rusher, has also Brock, Chlcag^o, ami Calilson and Stuart, traded lo the Red Houston at San Francisco named by Chris Sdhenkel. ■ TV plishment. , for Baltimore in I960 and Bar- fe c i^ to as bust along the lines of tackle Gene-^ Gos.sage of the New Boston Patriots; training tamp fol- Department sponsored Town Tennis Tournaments will be had a great season for himself Gonzalez, Philadelphia, lO; V\TI- Sox last winter after a poor Only Game* Scheduled. voice of the Giants, ootisiirts of MasslichuseUs ber- racked up 18'wina in 1961. flrapiup*. ModxeleiwMii 1* three Webster (225), Phil King (225) York Giants and end Hugh Mc- lowing the cutting of seven players staged the next two weekend*. ^ ^------^ ^ ------I iji hia favorite hobby. i llama, r*hiraiFnChicago. Tnvlor.Taylor, Phlladel-Phlladel The muscular, feeble-tield- 1962 season, had driven in AMHERST. Mass. (A P I— Sopho- Innis, . .Dallas, each. In hi.s fourth, Ijnjpress Indians’ Football Coach hicliiding three veterans. . Men’s aingie pJ^ will get und*r- Waldman, whose best round ha-s • phla, and Groat, St. Louis, 9. in'g fii'st baseman for the Red 117 run.s for the Pirates in The Orioles/tiad a 4-1 lead flreplugp In. one. andJoe Morrison'(.212) ajjxJ Tittle either by coming to the East Side Best way to describe titoe Mo 'mdre' end ' Bob ‘'Meers' of Hiltlson year, and veteran end.-SteVe Juck- Coach Mike Holovak announced w y Friday nigi»t at 5:30 and ocm- been a 71 at the fine Ellinglon - Home Runs— .Aaron, Milwaukee, Sox didn’t make the- Ameri- 1961, hitting 35 horne run.s. before Bosiftn .threatened in: at quarterback. It’s strictly, Rec Office, 22 School St., or by Grid Registration te a stranger at the practice field a ground operating unit. and quarterback Jerry Whelchel of er of. Washington, in his sixth year t ye.slerday he had trimmed hi* -ttnue on Saturday and Sunday. course, was also a qualifier in the 36; McCovey. San_ Francisco, 34; can League All-Star team this His homer yesterday was the last l\^ innings. A f t e r Cochltuate sparked a 20-minute caUUng the Recreation office. Final to to ten him to look for the guy There was no scrimm^e under, in the league. f leyan University lineman said after j "roHter to 31 active players by drop- Playing bpdng In the morning *nd National Junior Tournament in M aya, San Francisco, 32; Santo, summer—Stuart saying that No. 36 for this year and he Stuartis homer closed the gap passing yesterday as the Ui\l- By HOWIE HOLCOMB ping' Tony Sardisco, George Mc- dates for accepting entries will be For Young Players with no netdt. Modzeiewskl’s neck a light bhle sky yesterday but' NFL champion Green Bay Ixad- " « a receni.recent uiui.drill. •vening on the. last two days. Florence, S.C. Chicago and Cepeda, San Francis- Manager Ralph Houk wa.s seems a cinch to top 40. to one run. Eddie Bressoud verslty of Massachusetts football ed guard Ed Blaine, a second- Gee and Gerry Deliicca, lineback- Wednesday for the aingle-s and lined a single off the wall with seta on the aepond biggest ahoul- what one saw of the Ohuits he | tV^-'sh^pen7d'Tts”aeriarattack. Phtl7driohia"7o77 ' Completion of, the first! Climax of the oi^ning drills w^^ Dovible* activity will start the He teained with Pro Cichon to co, 25. mad at him. And liis play Despite the homer, which team sharpened its aerial attack er.s Ronnie LoudxJ and Harry We*eaday, Sept. 11 for the dou- Pitching — Perranoakl, Lo* An- one /but in the bottom of the Registration for Pony football dm in camp. llke^. . following weekend. win the State Pro-Junior event, around first l>ase has at times .came with Ifelix Mantilla on Also drawing praise from Coach cioh e a u ) a'^i: (or.ner '^'eek of practice for Manches- aji intra-squ sciimn^. I Cmmp, fiillbeuik Frank Williams Wes. geles, 14-2. .875; McBean. Pitta- team candidates will continue to- / FeUow with the biggest shoul- “ W e’re ready.” Robustelli told j night. 'Tw'o ouUide drilLs are -set The tournaments will be played staged at the Manchester Coun- resembled a fat woman get- .base in the eighth inning. niqA. ders to Bof)y Beautiful, Jack me and thaft’a good enough. i Vic Fusia were fullback Dick ^0^;^ carr; ' tev. High’s Varsity football and flapkcr back Al Snyder; All matches will be the beat two burgh,-13-3, .818; Koqfax, Los An- night, Thursday and Friday kt 6 — Sepl. 7 at Norwich High and on an elimination basis. -All par- try Club. ting out of a bathtub. Boston dropped a 4-3 decision But Bre.ssoud made a big , the ast j Sept. 14 against Kingswood Prep I • Crumi> and Snyder were rookies. out of three sets. The dates and geles, 21-5, .808; Spahn. Mllwaii- o’clock at the West Side Oval. K eT’ Palm "^.7 M S ^ a l l d e“ds . ” p-accu" ticipants hnust be residents of the But you can’t fault LOO runs to the Baltinjore Orioles. 'turn on the hit* and wa.s nessee sttongman weighs in at 260 years, the Giants are heavy fa- i her veiera.. p.accu c. - AliV^riAn fair idea of its tal- at Memorial Field. Two others ' but Sardisco had been a three-year time of matches will be arranged Waldman* annexed the ERCC i ig.5^ igs- Maloney, (Dlneln- Also. Midget Football League Dick ^ourdelais of Andover and! ers__ Included offensive___i,.. tgckle Reed Alibrid'-aAimriU-a fairlair idealuea ofoi its tai Town of Meuncheater. If enough ki- by the Recreation Department, batted, in. 'rhafs A e pla- The Red Sox take on De- thrown out trying to scramble pounds and he’s Ug, tremendous in vori/tea to win the Elastern title mav be arranged with Penny High I regular. Ixjudd was a starter in tereat ia shown a junior division jOriior- championship and fi.ilshed .07g_ players may register either to- John Hudson of Brookljm, N.Y, Bohovich of Cleveland, defen.sive etlt and according to him, ' 1962 and McGee was a regular of- and wiU take place at the Man- teau the 30-year-qld slugger troit at Fenvyay Park tonight, back to-first. Reliefer Stu Mil- fact- His beirel o h ^ makes him again. of Ea-st Hartford Md Sm|thbridge, for th* 17 and under will be in- in a tie for second place in the : * — Koufax, Ijos An- night or Friday night at -6 o'clock tackle George Hultz of Minneso- things look promising. "This group fensive tackle in 1960, spending the cheated High School courts. Play- reached yesterday. ,^nd it with Bob Turley i3-10i fac- ler got Bob Tillman to ground kx>k.sven bigger. He haa a 22 neck If big men are the answer, the Ma-ss. Alibrio revealed. okided, aa wall aa the aeniar di-vi- Keney Park Invitational against a ' |^eles, 2-59: 'Dryadale, Lo* Angeles, at Charter olak Park. ta and tackle Paul Ward of De- seems to haveygood balance and next two years in the service. 'ers muat be available to compete gave him the distinction of be- ing the Tigers’’ Phil Regan out for the final out of the Giants are in. They have .’em in Dartmouth The current, .squad numbers rion for the 18 and over age group. large field of competitor*. |2.34:' Maloney, Cincinnati, 231; tj-oit I a fine spirit,’’ the former Wes- •In:addition to the 31 active play- ■U day on the above dates, as the ing the first player in major game. Duskv Oamera . Day, witneesed abundance. ' HANO'VTQR. N. H. .^A P I—Dart- about 45 with se\-en or eight more TTmt * must be a minimum of eight Waldman has a club handicap of 1 Marichal. San Francisco, 197; Gib- ('10-7) ^ ; ers, halfback Bon Burton, defen- tooroament is geared to be held league hi-story to drive In lOO Baltimore's deciding run mouth football Ooadi Bob Blacky e.xpecled. when rarious per.sonal peaticipants in each group, in or- three. ' I '""Oi Louis, 194 Lefty *5teve Barber was man says he’s worried about the commitment.s allow them t-i par- sive back Don Webb and flanker- der to be a bonafide tou-rnament. on one weekend. going around setting records was scored by Luis Aparicio BASEBALL HEROES Btolea Base*— Aparldo, Baltl- Stolen Bases — WUlsi Lxm An- runindng speed of his three top ticipate Junior varsity' candidates I back Toni Neumann are behlg car- Faea •wUl be the *. me aa leiri; ye*^ For fiirther Information contact himself ' in the Baltimore in the seventh. Aparicio sin- geles, SO; Pinson, Cincinnati. 26; halfbacks. Torn Spangeaiberg. Bob won’t begin work until .‘lohool .ried on tlie injtired deferred Hot. Entry lilank* may )>e eeoured the Rec office. game. The 24-year-old .speed- gled. advanced to third on his- more, SS; Hinton, Washington. 22; j The Patriots were two below the ri I'CiiU'iG— Ray Culp, Phillies, Wood, Detroit, 18; Snyder, Balti- Robinson, Cincinnati, 25; Aaron, O’Brien and Gary Wilson all arc .fUrt.s. bailer registered his 19th vic- •34th and 35th .stolA base.s of ! American Football League’s play- alimved Mllnaiikee only two hits more, and TartaboH. Kansas City, Milwaukee. 28; Brock, Chicago and still -below par physically from leg . ; Leadership of the jayvee group tory of the sea.son and 's'-t an the year and dame in when W. Daxls, Los Angejn, 19. Injuries suffered last spnng. i is .mill uncertain, Jayvee coach ; in.g limit of 33 following the outs. Orioles record 'for the most John Powell lined, a two-but for 2-0 \1ctory that hopped Phil- Spangenberg. a -senior from ^ Jim Brezinski undei-went an op- Four rookies have apparently triumph.s in one sea.son . double down the third base- lies over Braves Into fourth place Darien. Conm., is . expected to be - ^ eration recently aaid is expected made the'team. They are center Casey Doing TopManagingJoh Barber went onlv seven in- line. In National League. 0 one of the finest halfbacks in the i - to miss -a couple of weeks of prlUs. and linebacker Don McKhvion, end BATTING— Dick Stuart. Bed Ba-st Ums s<»soti if in top condi-' 5 Who will work with the other jay- Art Graham, guard Dave Watson .^x. hit S6th home run and be- tion. vee aide, Jim Moriarty, still hasn't and Neumann. Of Career with Lowly Mets came first .American Leaguer this been decided. DICK DALEY season to collect 100 runs batted 12 la-ttermen Back In a* Boston lost to Baltimore 4-3. Yale guard, Diok Dotchin and Will W ar- People flock )>y the thousands NEIW HAVEN i AP) The Yale As for the varsity Aquad make- NEW YORK (NKA) — Caseyf ren, tackles; Bill Dixon and Karl Celtics Get Naulls to see Casey at the parks, airports ^ Big Chance Todc^y up.’ 12 lettermen —10 from la-st Stengel won 10 American League University football squad learned Norri.s, ends and Dave Skiff, a yesterday that the services of a season, two from 1961—are on pennants and seven world cham- and hotels,” says Richie Ashbuni,, I hand to. fortn the nucleus for Ali- center, all juniors advanced fi'om For Money, Player pionships with the New, York Yan- leading tackle prospect have been last year’s Jayvees. Sophs Bob La- who closed out a 15-year playing! 9m I bno and varsity asri.stant. Jack kees in 12 years. . lost for the season. University of- port, a guard; Barry Smith, cen- career with the MeU last season ' MIDGETS ficials said Larry Jones of Chesh- [ Elarly! ’’ BOSirON (AP) — The World Yet any baseball man wUl tell and la now telecaatirig the Phillies’ ; For Tennis Player ter-guard; Don Hubbard, tackle, I They include Paul Richards and Champiion Boston peltics, left you that Stengel la doing his finest A RE C O M I N G nws SHOCK ire, a sophomore, will n?ed surgery and Dayson Wrubel, a tackle all games. "He alw ^a has a kind; MMsalMMI L for a groin injury sustained dur- I Rick Daley, who will act ae co- wilhou'i; the heUred Bob Oouay, -managerial joto with the new and word, nod, waive, concern for chll-, T O T H O M PSO N (mptains during the pre-season had good reports. Jeff Nielson and ing the summer. A 6-foot-2. 200- I have obtained sharpshooting Willie lowly MeU of the National League dren, aim.ost -anj^ing to acknowl- ‘ 'AKSORBERS ! dnllsi and-for the opener Sept. 28 John RxAerts, two-, additional Jay- FOREST HILLS, N. Y. (AP)'--Frank Froehling III a SPEED W A Y pounder; Jones was a freahman Naulls fn>m 'the San Francisco ' The ol’ perfeaser is doing thia 'at edge the fket that he likes every- I at Conard. After, that game cap- vee holdovers are aliso included long drink of water out-of-Coral.Gables, Fla., who is battling team starter last year. among ■ Alibrio’s “good prospects." Warriors. 73, when most Rebple, especially body—and evetybody like* him. tains will be elected ^ the sqiuid. "Ihe Celtics; atinouhcing the deal to get out of the tennis doghouse and back into the Davis Cup .8 8 - Alibrio said, he. believes Conard those with his iand of money, "The MeU are primarily a I Others who won their awards yesiterday, said the 6-foot-6 Naulls would be riding In golf carU and last year are R. G. Lewie, Dave High—^the Indians' opening op- group of players not needed by picture. was acquired for an undisclosed occupied In being careful walking His big^ chance come.s today — Odell, Dave Peace. Roger Parrott. ponent-^Ul be the "team to beat" other organizations. They were in the G d L this season, Bristol arrlount of money plus a future up stairs. thrown together and asked to again.st BSov Emerson, generally InstaUed For A ^ ‘ M o a t C a r * Bob Alibrio, Richie Leiwis, Pete Celtics draft (Aoice. rated th«(! ' best amateur tennis I Sylveater and Miark 'Monette. Jack Eastern, Bristol Central and Ma- Greatest PerwmaU^ compete agadnat strong opposition.. little More stalled For A little More loney are other league clubs he Naulls, a oomerman who aver- '■ When Horace Stoneham moved Last year this was a team of plaver in 'the world. Simmons and Al Spencer won let- aged 19.1 points per game during "If I beat Emmo,"' Froehling MARKSMANSHIP .A51ER10AN LEAGUE tere in ’61 but primarily because expects to show' improvement. the Giants from New York to San players either over the hill or. go- KUIebrew (85), Twins; Stuart Platt and Maloney ,he rate)! as six years with the New York Eranclaco five years ago, the own- ing over, players who were mal- said, referring to the .second-seed- of Injuriee didn’t see enough ac- knickerbockers, went to the W ar- ed (Jueenslander by his nick-j (86), Red Sox; Pe pi tone (22), tion to receive them last season. question marks H?...... a er said that people would no longer contents on other clubs, players riors last season. name. ' I figure they can't over- Classes H EA VY D U TY . Blanchard (14), Yankees. JAtoodj' Clark, like S im on s a bit below last season. Manches- ^ to the Polo Grounds. The who had personality problem*— a A fine • outside shooter, as w’as took me. It I lose—well, It's back BO N DED NA’nONAL LE.AGUE quarterback, ^ d fullbax^k Bob ter? Overall Alibrio ica.- ,,.uj , w b l e with Stoneham and group with no team ties and a not- FOR ANY ! Cepeda (25), F. Alou (17), Hal- better balanced, working together Oousy— now basketbfill coach at tob-bright future. to the dungeons for me. " “werstler are additional holdovers GianU of the mid-1960s was that Ranked No. 2 nationally behind, ' AFRICAN CAR ler (IS). Giants; Keough -(6), better than a year ago a^ Jhe Boston College—Naulls will join from last year’s varsity. Clark was , they did have SUngel beyond w y Never Stopped. TVylng , Chuck McKinley and a Davis Cup | Reds; While (28). -McCarver (4). tlie Boston squad when the Celtic* lUso Injured for part of the year same time. “ ~ questkm th* greatest personality “Casey took this group and I team member- last year, thei S*T of As usual, the schedtUe- includes report Sepf. 17 for'ivorkout*. ; Cardinals: BaUey (1), Savage (5), whil* Werstler .Joined the ‘big’’ In the game. ... fmmied' a team that had no dis- gangling youth with the 4 SHOES Pirates;' Demeter (20), Phillies. squad firom the Jayveea late in the eglht CCih mmta, five on Satur- He was the No. 1 draft pick of INSTALLED Stengel, mor* than any other sension and never once stopped 'dlvotrdigging service f has been For season. day aftemooris, two Friday nights the St. Louis Hawks in; 1956 but 2 SPORTS . S(is individual, i» re*ponsible for trying. Thia team rooted and given the cold shoulder this year. 1 Al DISCOUNTS Most Starters Lost went to the Knlcks before the Manchester WUEEI4 and Thanksgiving Day morning, '^making th* naw Manhattan fran- fought for each other all the way. I He wasnit seeded in this tour- iqie (jorrlplete slate follows: „ start of the seaxwn. If there ever wa* a team with a H E A V Y - D U T Y Losses, incluxle nine of eleven “That guy Is going to Be a big ohiae a financial succes* from the nament. He was overlooked when I Dove* Complete Year 1962 starter*— ends Joe Prignano Sept. 28, Conard away: Oct. 4* reason to quit, it. was this one, yet Rifle Club, Inc. NEW help," .said Celtics veter^ Jim - outset. This despite the fact that the U.S. Davis Cup squads were] LOW * ‘ 1'__ ^— and Dave Dieterlc, tackles Joel Platt, away;. Oct. 12. Hall, home;. Casey had us thinking we were Loscutoff. one of six Bostoi .play- -■ the Mra (Jharies ShljMnan Payson- named (or the Mexican and. Ven- W ad dell School ItoUNtHi po»CE MUFFLER ► The famed Burnside ttovelettes; Rottner and Jim Barry, center Oct. 18* Bristol Central, away; going to win every game. ers who tvill be competing* for a owned club, through no fault of ezuelan matche.s! Boy's and girls over t 20,000 of East Hartford, the oldest Gon-1 Tom Andreoli. and backs Don Sim- Oct, 26, Maloney, home': Nov. 9. Its proprietor, has liad to field a “We just didn’t have the horses, I "Part of its is my fault I've years. .All equipment $3.88 We Stock At Wethersfield, away; Nov. 16, Bris- job against Naulls this fEdl. 'necticul Amateur Assooation j mons, Karl Then, EJric Orols and team of player* expendable to the but the MeU had a team spirit and I been off my game. Part of It Is furnished. BKnge open MHt -Exchange tol Eastern, home; Thanksgiving Discount Prices team under Manager Ray \KiKen-" Bob Blanchard. Marc Squatrito, other outfits. - camaraderie which existed oh only because I am in their - doghouse,’ Mond»y-Saturd‘ ” “ Bill'.Ppiwen, BUI Karozes and Lou I>ay, Nov. 28, Windham, home. na have completed their 17 New PoaitifHi It was a moUey array that one other club I played with. That Froehling said. "They haven’t 1st ration Sept • FiM * Ototribiktor sUiaight successful season of major Botti are also among the graxlu- *—^Friday night games.’’ ■tenkel attracted 922,000 paid ad- waa the 1950 Philadelphia Whiz liked me because I used tb act day). Have e ) Pump* . Points Wnd softball with a record of 42 w-ins aited vanrity players. miaaions to the Polo Grounds in Kids who won the pennant. Not up its a kid—but that was a Jong teach you hoe( to shoot' Condensers > as against 13 defeats. The. DoVea Newcomers wtio've topreesed BOSTON (A P ) — Veteran D*- very often, but once in a while time .ago. They shouldn't hold that gflUBOUl a Water . ' Archery Champion (enseman Doug Mohns will be triqd . the MeU’ maiden voyage in 1»W. a rifle safely and accu- also won the Annual Coast .Guard AHbriq hi the early going indude our club of poor relations would Pomp* at center this year as the Boston Thia ,seaa(>n the amazing MeU, will against me now.” rately. Flreaiib* safety * Carbuia- mu Mann (quarterback) and Dave CHARLESTOWN, R.I.. (AP) step up and giye the big boys a Froehling pulled off one of the InrilaUon Tournament. The 17- Bruin) try to beef up their forward nlaiy to more than„p tnlUlon paid to e m p h a sis^ ' i * oU tors Miner (halfback^ two Juniors from 'Vincent Kacerguis of Blooinfirid, big -victories Tuesday in a diziy a OeaMiraton^ « ... 4 year overall record stinds^ at 919 lines. CJoach Milt pchmidt. In mak- admisrions while being paid 31.2 real sock." struction. '.Vina as against 224 defeats for last year’s jayvoes; - Ray Lewis, Conn., is the men’s field archery M EMBERSHIP D RIVE STARTS F R ID A Y : Eye-cat?hing .display of fireanns in the day of swirling winds' and stag- « U Maia 8L, Mandieater • Clotche*. champion of New England;' He ing the annou.ncempnt toda'’. ,sald_, faUlioh for telecasting: 8teng«l may not be hailed'as a • Btarters a percent^e of .805. , ' HERE’S HOW, HUGH B A B Y : That’s what two mem- Dick Smnberger and Bill Palmer, gering upsets. ’Dire* of the men’s For aamplet* Informatloe Cbarga Wltli UNI-CARD took the title Sundgy with a 918 he hopes the acquisition of defens*^ Stwget la considerably more geniiu with thediteta,dead-last, but Johnson Paint window has created quite a bit of Tbls «d donated by • .Wheel------^------bers of the Shakespeare Summer 'Thieater cast are trying three aopbqmore halfbMka; Steve Rifle C3ub -I^day night the jrroup will hold a membenhip registration at 7 0 clWK seeded------— j8ayers went to at# sld*- BANTLY OIL CO. Osntaeti Art Bhorta Mfs87B» * Voltage Geniiand, a soph quarterback and Boore. The women’s (diampiomship men Toni Johnson irom Montreal ^ than the maiugar ci the M*;^ ^ tHistnaa* i* rice*U*nt' and it must Bearing* Ted Williams of the Boston Red ' to say to Hufeh McElhenny, new Giant halfback. The gals Begnlatort BUly PoW, another soph who’s want to Betty Rondinone of Fair- and Bop McCord from Springfield )■ alwtoitojei|per^4^^ b* rtraMhbarirt that now ha haa^ia •t the W ^ d e jl SchooL Boys And firla, 10 thru 18, are eligible to register, (Herald Photo 8dac wah the first batter to hit a got'their point across during Camera Day yesterday of the American Hockey League to MMli m oN Hrip pKph R.hatteri a Uniyeiaal working in th* ftiUbaek slot. field, Coati., with a 780 acora Con- ^ OyUndera ball over the right field payUlon wUl enable the Bruin* to Upara ,>^'Ptaifto.) ' ■ y - > JolBt* and Hugh, gtrictly a runner, made no passes. (H w alg lAntwien■ ----- —-T- riaagtsd out for spqoW naoUout took the atate prize with a Ifartar I at Tigar BtafUtnh in Detrotti, Ele Mohna for .tb* forward! poaL |' ' (did tt iB 1888 aa a loWdi^ : ■ Photo.) ■ • • ■ menUoB InotuS Ctanr < 3 * ^ ^ dk 1866 foof*. I


Houses For Sale 72 Houses For Sale 72 Rockville-V ernon Famished Apartments 63-A Hdoses For Sale. 72 MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCS^ESTER, CONN., WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBOt 4, 1963 Musical Instranents 53 B-ZONE LOT for sale, 64x355; all ONLY $12,600 ! 8 bedroom ranch lilANCHESTER — If you are look- MANQHESTER — VerplqnClt area. PAGE TWENTY-TWO SIX ROOM Cape, exceUent condi- Ebcpandable Cape, garage,' screen- facilities, including sidewalks. Household Goods ^1 OUIt SIX prfdeaeional teachers of- EAST HARTFORD — Brand new, style home completely rfedecora- ing tor a home that you can move By F A G A L lH d SHORTEN ArtklH For Sals 4S fully furnished, 4 room duplex tion, close to schools and shop- ed patio, enclosed lot. Convenient (^1 649-3391. there OUGHTA BE A LAW fer Instruction on all pOTular In- ping. Marlon E. Robertson, Real- ted. Central locati«». dty Into without touching even ' ‘so $10,000 Gut Auto IMTlnc School T-A WALNUT BEDROOM set, double atniments. Sheet marie. Open eve- apartment, 1% baths, parking, ties, near school, shopping, bus much as a paint brush, call us to schools, bus, shopping. Call dark; RICH ttone-free loam, heat, hot watbr, $160 moiithl; mr, 6 4 8 - 6 9 6 8 . for s look' at this immaculate 7 owner 643-2272. Suburban For Sale 75 LARSON’B — OonnecUcut'o first Vfl^. Also, fin, gravel, sand, and ' bed, boxsprlng and mattrew, 8- mngB- Ward Muaie Co.; Hartford line. Belfiore Agency, 643-5121, drawer dresser with mirror, Road. Available immediately. J. room ranch with a beautiful view. licensed driving schiool, . twJntd stone,' 648-8608. Ask for. Norman .Hohenthal. EAST HARTFORD — 6 room MANSFIELD, Bagl6viUe section. From Contl'act certified and approved, now of- 0 U T V^HAT KIND OF A FIGHT DOES ME wardrobe. 649-8840. Realty, 648-6129. Asking' only $23,500. T. J. Crock- I nv/ITE F£EEL0AD To '^OUR. CLUB FOR. IN-LAW SUITE included in this tm- single, excellent condition, 41 16 rooms, S-famtly house, good fering classroom and behind COMPLETE USED restaurant ett, 648-1677. rooms first floor, one on second' LUNCH AND HE’ LL BATTLE TOU TOOTH fu T UP >NHEN VOU EATV/ITH HIM IN A . AVAILABLE NOW Wearing Apparel—iPani 57 TWO ROOMS, private bath, busl- usual 7 room Colonial In Bow- home or tave.stment, $9,500. Hart- For Firehouse wheel instruction for teen;agers. RESTAURANT WHERE rft ANVBODfS CHECKt equipment for sale. Inquire 284 hess block. Depot Square, Adults. J $ 4 0 0 D o w n floor. Full cellar, oil heat, screen- ford 628-8120. * AND TIP CNEIRTHETAB - Hartford Road acroes from 2 ROOMS FURNITURE ers area. (Jomplete, separate fa- 4 BEDROOM SEEKERS! Space M9-e075. and APPLIANCE SCHOOL DRESSES, sizes 12-14, parking. Tel. Mr. Keith, amd location problem solved. 7 ed rear porch. Priced to sell. King’s.,...... ciUties all under one roof. 2\i Jlore lium-JllJ8,Q0i):-jyri»*.'*l|Lved.,.^ K»SET-W,FReeiiGADf for ONLY $1'^'—- ^ - — t. praoUbally new.-’876-016$ before 9 ,649-819L;_. . - baths,' aluminum awntagsr heated room Caper-1^ 'baths, flreplaced Quick o&cupancy. ,^a$£s. Jt56. -'Wantetix-Iteai'Estate 7T $98’ a inonth'incladqs taxes, ^on'e' 643-6273, Brae-Bum Realty. off the low bid for the Oo. 3 fire- Garage—Serylce-^^rago 10 rM W(T:i VIOULON'’ TOU CANT PM IN MV LARGE TABLE saw with planer, Includes a.m. or i^ e r 6 p.m. rec room among other features. living room, formal dining room, THREE ROOM apartment. Kitch- garage. Near bus line. Clean. $17,- HAVE CUSTOMERS for houses house at last night's meeting of the HAVE COME IF I ^ .CLUB.'l JU«T PUT MV excellent condition.’ See immedi- BEDROOM SUTTB en set, bedroctn set,, refrigerator, Transfer makes fast sale impera- MANCHESTER — Large 6 room 1,000 FEET STORAGE space for liviNo room suite THE ‘ WAS-NU SHOP, 476 Main insurance. / 500. Wdverton Agency, Realtors, and lots. Let us list your property. boai-d of fire commisBloners. THOlibHTVOli JOHN HANCOCK ately. Priced low for quick sale. range. Free electriotiy, gras. Low tive, priced right. Belfiore Agen- Cape, 1% baths, nicely landscaped While an estimate of $46,000 CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING DEPT. HOURS rent Rear of 11 Main Street. 649-6883. 8 PC. DINETTE SET Street, Manchester, • has a group cy; 643-5121. Ask for Norman 649-2818. C3iar-Boh Real Estate, 643-0683. VlERE GONHA ON IT AND of square danqe dresses, skirts, rent. Adults. 10 Depot Square, lot with shade trees, on bus line, wag given at the July meeting of 8 A.M . to 5 P M . Reasonable rent. J. D. Realty, ELECTRIC REFRIGERATOR Hohenthal. 4Ki% mortgage may be assumed, 8£ LIKE THEVBILL BOAT TRAILER, 176; anchor, $6; and petticoats especially priced Apt, 4. LET US HELP YOU sell your the commissioners, of tw6 bids re- MS-S129. OR WASHER $16,200. Owner, 643-0607.. property — For prompt qnd ..per- THW.» t ( » , ME LATERf buoy, $2. Crib and mattrese, $16; Rugs — Lamps — Tables for close-out. Also, an assortment One-yearold ranch, repainted FIVE BEDROOMS possible in this ceived the low bid was for $.^6,000 sonalized service, call this office. from Fred Brunoli and Sons of 0(MPY CLOSING TIME FOR C LA SSl^D profeesional drafting machine, Linoleum And A Few size 12-14, girls* dresses, smd mis- and redecorated last month, moderately priced Cape. Near FIVE R(X)M Cape, oil heat, con- Motorcycles—Bicycles 11 $75. 649-6642. cellaneous Items. Open Tuesday Business Locations vacant. Full price $18,000. 8 schools, .shopping, tran.sportation, South Windsor Mamy years of experience. Alice Avon. The bidding committee had " MOiNOlAT Ik n WUDAV 18:M AAL—^ATURDAK S AJI. Other Small Articles venient location,, garage, FHA Clampet Agency, Realtor, picui- met with the oon.-ftruction commit- All- are used but In good shape through Friday 10-6, Thursday For Rent 54 bedrooms. Full basement, OU all city utilities. Deep treed yard. monthly payment $85. 643-6615. 26” AMERICAN MADE boy’s bi- SIX FOOT lighted show case for •vening till 9. 648-9407. Excellent valtie. Belfiore Agency. bers of Multiple Listing Service, tee to see where cuts ootild be and guaranteed. It’s a wonderM VERNON — FOR sale or rent. furnace, hot water heat. I60x PLEASE READ YOUR AD ; cycle, good condition, $15. Call sale, or would exchange for a 800 yard. East of Manchester, 643-6121. Ask for Norman Hohen- PRIVACY, SHADE, 396 WOODLAND STREET — 3 bed- 843 Main Street, Manchester. Tel. made. 648-7262.' three foot showcase. Call at Rus- bargain, one which cannot be Commercial. 6 room ranch plus 649-4643. C han gesin the heating and — — — "W aot A * " tuten the duplicated! under 20 Parkway minutes to thal. room Cape, garage, city water, sell’s Barber 8h<^, 196 Spruce St. Wantefl—To Boy 68 40x40 steel buUdtag. Now vacant.] sewer. Beautiful condition. Owner phunbing sj’stem and elimination edrertlser tboiild read W* »d the FIRST PAY IT $10 DOWN — THAT’S ALL Tongren Agency, 648-8821. Aircraft. SEE MIKE ANTTCO AT $10,3(X) — SMALL CAPE on beauti- 643-0127. $14,800. Legal Notices of a drying Uywer to dry hoeee /S Sam B K K » T ER&OBS In ttme tor the nextta^ Busineas .Sem ecs Offered 13 WE BUT, SELL or trade' antique fully treed lot, aluminum storms, QUALITY brought the priee' dow'n U> about - ___ —««*» for OBli O K I iBOorroot or omitted A_L—B—E—R—T’—S and used furniture, china, glass, screens, doors, cedar shingles. MANC3HESTER — 6 room older AT A COURT OP PKOBATK held at $4,5,000. An elevated rack wrould LAWN MOWERS sharpened and Building Hsterisls 47 silver, picture frstmes and old Iloases For Rent 65 Manchester, im hin and for the District repaired, free plck-iro and deliv- 43-48 ALLYN ST„ HARTFORD Heating costs only $KX1 annually. home, $8,5(X); 8 bedrooiri hpme, of Manchester, on the 39th day of be employed to dry hoses aftec rrhich do not l o M My Tmlne o« OPEN EVERY NIGHT TTLL 8 boins, Md dolla and guns, hobby Glenn Roberts Agency, Excellent for retired couple or as / garage, chicken coop, onfe-half Iho* will mat be oorfooted br "mnbe gopO" iMerHoa. ery in Manchester. Russ’ Mower BOLTON — 4 room fumishedl | August, 1963. ooUeettons, attic contents or whole ranch available Sept. 1, $27 week- a flret home for young couple. comprise this pretentious ranch acre, $14,500; beautiful 4 bedroom . i'resem Hun. Julm J. Wallell, Judge There were objections expreseed Service, 742-7607. BETTER BUYS AT RUGS, never used, 9x12 beige, $28; estates. I\imlture Repair Service, Realtors on over acre, 2-^ r garage, 2 Bslate of RicJiard J. Greiel, late of ly. CaU 649-8711. Belfiore Agency, 643-6121. Ask for ranch, 89 feet long, 2-car garage, Manchester, in said District deceased. at last night's meeting that for a 9x16 gold oriental, $38; 9x12 apri- TalcottvlUe, Conn. Tel 648-7449. fireplaces, I’/j / baths, rec. family room, large lot, $21,900; secondary fire station the project TREE REMOVAL pruning, and NATIONAL 644-1621 Norman Hohenthsd. The administrator having exhibited lot clearing. Lawn mowing. Frank cot broadlobm. 289-6968. THREE ROOM house, furnished or | room, and ^lousied glass over 120 more listings, all price his adm I Hist ration account with said was too expensive. The Co. 1 fire- dial 643-2711 C. Noble. 649-6068. unfurnished, reasonable rent. Al- EXCELLENT 7 rooms, 2 story, oil porch. In.sp^t with Roger ranges. Call or stc^ to see us. estate to this Court tor allowance, it is house in Vernon Center was con- DUNCAN PHYFB Sofa with down Rooms Wlttioat Board steam heat, IH baths, porch, city Walker, 649^306, 289-8288, 875- ORDERliD; That the 13Ui day of Cedar Closet LininF*- pillow and slipcover, good condi- so, 8V4 room apartment. 648-68891 Open nights tUI 9. The Ellsworth September,' 1963, at eleven o'clock structed three years ago a fa cost HAROLD A SON. RubUab Re- utilities, extra B-zone tat. All for 6611. forenoon at the Probate Office bi the B.M. HAyUKlMt ^ .21 Sq. Ft. tion, 2 rnatchmg mahogany end after 4. Mitten Agency, Realtors, 643- of $46,000 and included more fa- ’ / moval, cellars, attics, and yards, 7f CKK9T fft. FURNISHED ROOM crnivenientiy $14,600 — 6 ROOM CAPE, immacu- $18,500. Charles. Lesperance, 649 6930, 558 E. Middle TpkA Municipal BuUding in said Manchester, cilities than are planned for the weekly or monthly pick-up. Har- *HO(I1»k Ax Ceiling TUe - Odd LoU tables. 649-1281 after 6 pirn. located one minute frenn Main OLDER FARM HOUSE, 7 rooms, late eondiUon, nearly finiahed, 7620, 643-5664. be and Ute same la assigned lor a hear- TAitM>rromj^H *-«S-43 Street, Ught housekeeping. Wom- ing on the allowance ol said admims- Oo. 3 fire atatlon. old Hoar, 649-4084. .99 Sq. Ft. Wapping section. Tel. T. J. Hack- fireplace, open stairs, recreation MANCHESTER — New\ listing. trallon account with said estate, as- Commissian Chaii-man John J. CONTTNENTAL SEWING Ma-. an only. 649-6242. att, 649:3468. room ,. wooded lot, Manchester. MANCHESTER — 7 room older Built 1962. Beautiful 6 room ranch ceriainiiienl of beirs and' order of dis- 1MMIBLE REAOHim OUR MVERDSER7 chine, excellent condition,' $88; Colonial off Mata Street, treed lot, RROWS & WALLACE tribution. and this Court direct,, that Lehan lias pointed out that con- SHARPENING SERVICE — Saws, Dutch Doors Cariton W. Hutjihtas. 649-6182. with 1:^4 baths. G.E. kitchen, in- sli-uction coots have risen in three knives, axes, shear?, skates, ro- 17.80 Each three reversible Olson rugs, plus FURNISHED ROOM for gentle- 2-car garage, Rusco combination cluding dishwasher. Carpeted liv- notice ot the time and place assigned man only, near bathroom, free for said hearing be given to all i>ersoiis years and noted that some of the tary blades. Quick service. Capitol Floor 24 Help Wakited— Female 35 Help Wanted— Male 36 hall and stairway runners, gray Wanted To Rent 68 COVENTRY LAKE — 4 room cot windows, oil steam heat. $15,900. 56 E. Center St., ing room with fireplace. Alumi- known to be interested therein to ap- lUM r tMmrtag Senifi Equipment Co., 88 Main St.. Man- Knotty Pine Paneling and green, reasonable. 643-1282. parking. Inquire 148 Center Street- Wolverton Agency, Realtor, 649^ pear . and be heard thereon by pub- work was done by members of the WANTED — o n burner service tags, 2 wooded lots. Owner will Manchester num storms and screens. Large building committee. chester. Hours dally 7-6. Thurs- FLOOR SANDING and refinlsh- WANTED — WOMAN for book- .18 Sq. Ft. . 648-9120. WE HAVE customers waiting tor aoriflce. Jrim H. Lappen, Inc., 2818. lot. Robert Wolverton Agency, lishing a copy of this order in some keeping and general office work mad, must be thoroughly experi- the rental of your properly. Call newspaper having a cIrculaUon in said A apecial district meeting i« day 7-9. Sa-urday 7-4. 848-7968. Ing (apecdallxlng In older floors). BNOUSH pedigree carriage with 640-6261, 648-6219. Realtors, 649-2818. Distrlcl, at least seven days before the Fne to HeraM Renton for contractor. Car required. enced. 24 Main Street, Manches- gpUt Rail Fencing mattress pad; ’Thayer crib with ATTRACnVB ROOM for wtwWiig J. D. Realty, 64^819$. SO. wnroSOR — MagnlOcqiii 7 scheduled tor Sept. 17 to take ac- Painting, Ceilings. Paperhahglng. 2.99 Per Section 415 Main St., day of said hearing, and by mailing on M LAWN MOWERS, aharponed and No Job too small. John Veirfaine, Write stating qualificatlcms, avail- ter. mattreas. OUl 649-7948. girl, aU comforts of home, few MANCHESTER — Ideal home for room raised ranch with' family A HOMEMAKER’S DREAM — 2 or before August 39, 1963. by certified tion oil appropriation of funds for steps from Post Office. 648-6746. room and 2-car garage,/cuirtom East Hsrrtford mall, a copy of this order to Alfred A. construction of firehouse and ptir- rei>alred, sales and service, rental 649-6760. ability, and wages desired to P.O. Ping-Pon ; Table# a small family. 4 rooms Just like bath, 3 bedroom ranch, knotty equipment. L A M Equipment Box 346, Manchester. MAN WANTED for bertch worit, Business Propwty For 8gte 76 built for present owneia 4 bed- Grezel, Auburndale. Florida. ohase of the Beach property in the packing, et,c. Apply in pisrsoh 10 11.96 Uach LARGE HOUSEKEEPING room new. 2-car garage. Centrally lo- pine kitchen with buUt-lns, dining JOHN J. 'WALUKTT, Judge Corp., Route 88, Vernon, 875-7609. FIVE-PIECE formica kitchen set, cated. $18,900. T. J. Crockett. rooms, 1% baths, bimt-ta oven Bolton Rd. and Valley Falls Rd. TELEPHONE survey work, attrac- Hilliard Street, Manchester.' all utllitiee, suitable for one or CENTER STREET — 8 stores plus area, 1-car garage, less than 3- Man^ester exchange. Enterprise Musical— Drama'tic 29 Windows - Complete excellent condition,,ITU* 6*3-8076. •648-1677. and- range, beautifully paneled ye$^-old, $18,500. E. J. Carpen- LIMITATION OBilEir .eea. iL MAMCHUm ANS^BUNO SiRVICt tive salary plus bonuses, experi- two adults. Ample parking. 272 7 room apartment, all In one AT A ixiURT Op pr o bat k held at -m e com m issio n e rs are co n sid - 1946 From 9.96 Each living room with j^ture windows BOLTON LAKE WATERFRONT — ter, Broker, 649-6051, 649-9162. Manclie.ter, Wi t hi n and for Ui e District ^ ence desirable but not necessary. Mata. Beauti- and fireplace, dining room. $21,- PIANO — By London certified TRUCK DRIVER. Apply William ^“fStmittaLX MOUNTAIN- 4 room home plus bunkhouso of Manchester, on the 38th day of ertng the 132-acre tract for poMi M9-0500 STEPS, SIDEWALKS, stone walls, teacher. Gifted, new students or We will train. HOurs 9,<6.m.-2;46 8 X 4’’ Fir Studs ful 7 room Colonial, fomUy room, 500. Minimum down to qualified Completely furnished,.. Easy fi- TOLLAliD — New raised ranch, 7 AuKust, 1963 I bie use as a recreation area. An- * Peck Lumber, 2 Main St. FOR SALE — Space Heater,. $76- NEWLY ^*bRNISHED room, p ^ matlon call the Philbrick Agency, Present Hon. John J. Wallett, Judge -reiearirn was aODOinted tO fireplaces, flagstone terraces. All adults wishing to renew their p.m. Call between l^a.m.-2 p.m., .40 Each 2-car garage, 2 fireplaces, VA buyer. Robert Wolverton Agency, rooms, 4 large bedrooms, 1(4 Kstate of Raymond A. 'WelUel. late ofdrew Tricarlco was api^im eu ^ concrete repairs. . Reasonably Call 649-7981. afe home, convenient to town, hos- 649-8464. nancing. John H. Lappen, Inc., skills a specialty. 643-2310. 289-8918. r pital and schools. Professional tiled baUu, aU buUt-tas, porch, Realtors, 649-^8. 649-6261, 648-5219. \ baths, carport, ' wooded lot Manchester, in said District, deceased, investigate the chances oi ODiain priced. 643-0881. Combination Doors city utUiUes, large tat, fuU attic, (160x200). Price $17,800. Gaston On - motion- , of _Louis . Necho. . - executor, I helto from------foundations or the BABYSITTER WANTED for child Help Wanted—i From 15.96 Each. woman preferred. 648-2810. MAIN STREET CORNER — 140 REDUCED' — Custom Cape, 6>i4 'o Vinc,-nt L. Diana! Attv.. 753 Main _____v,«n;r,,r r,roner- COMBINA’nON gas and oil range, feet on Mata Street 160 feet laatered walls, full insulation, MANCHESTER — 6 bedroom ex- Realty Co., Route 88, Talcottville, j MS?cheste'r.^“ m’ ™ purchasing the proper- "HAVE TTME, will work.’’ AU odd PIANO INSTRUCTION in my 2% in child’s home, centrally lo- Male or Female 87 rooms, pde unfinished, breezeway, jobs done. Everything our special- Fir Base best offer. Call 643-9985. ATTRAC7ITVE ROOM, gentleman, deep. Ideal obmer lot. Semi-pro-1 giimdry in basement, hatchway, ecutive ranch, 8 fireplaces, 2 Conn. 649-1902, 876-0319. ORDERED: Tl>at six mouths from ty. The terms of the fund require home. 186 McKee Stre.et. 649-9679. cated, Tliesday through Saturday. many extras. Charles Lesperance, 2-car garage. E. J. Carpenter, the 38lh day of Aupust. 1%3, bp anil th at the S ta te P ark and F o re s t AntomoMIca Fur Sale 4 ty. You name it. Call us anytime, CAFETERIA WORKERS — Imme- .06 Lin. Ft. ' eentrally located. Private phone fessionri buUdtag on it Bustaei baths, heated patio, kitchen buUt- Lout and Pound 2 days 9-6, 8 days 12-6. 649-3396 649-7620, 648-6664. Brokel-. 649-5061, 649-9162. ins, acre tat. Bel Air Real Estate, 649-4843, 638-2987. diate employment for full-time or on floor. Parking area. Call 648- Zone 2. Few blocks to homitri. T. | S*. Ctamm ,rnl^^ons’‘tor 1969 BLUE MG ROADSTER, ex VIOLIN mSTRUCnON, private after 6. 6381. 643-9382. their clalma axalnst aald estate, and and ntske recommenaatlons lor tX)tT — Monday in woods east lessons, your home or my studio. part-time workers, openings in all CASH 'N CARRY J. Crockett, Realtor. 648-1877, COLONIAL — Formal dining room, MAI^(3HE3Ti03R — INVESTMENT Dale Rd., Manchester, male cellent condition, side windows, FOR HIRE — Heavy Duty roto- sch'ooldays 6a N ii ^r departments, desirable wewking property. 5 family, center of town, said executor is directed to give public ; purchase The fund, though, is in- new engine, brakes and clutch. Violins available. Call 742-7428. NOBODY • BUT NOBODY • WATKINS PLEASANT FRONT room, pear cabinet ^kitchen with dishwasher, •VERNON — ASSUME mortgage, CHOICE BUY notlce to the oreditors to bring in 'heir .r . , ,;niv i-i or 20 acres of Border Terrier, brown with long tlller service, attachments includ- / golden Dollardays. Make thoee conditions, paid vacation and holi- den, 8 bedrootas, attached garaga oil steam heat, exceUent cohdi- well kept 6-room ranch, built-in claims within iald lime aili.wed by tere.sted In onlj lb or 30 acres ox Will sacrifice. Call 649-9888 sfter UNDERSELLS NATTONAL hath, for gentleman, parking, 64 Houses For Sale 72 pubhRhing a copy of this iirxlor‘ the land. taU and dark ears, was dragging ed for lawns,* gardening, and Extra hours pay Extra dollars days. Apply Pratt ft Whitney Air- Bargain Shop lot 102x612. Marion E. Robertson. tlon, good income, $26,900. Robert kitchen, natural woodwork, walk- 6 p.m. landscaping.' in ' general. Leaves High S t . ______some newspaper having .a circulation The comniisisoners will inspect laattt. r . F. Hcrffer, West Hart- Bonds— Stocks— the Avon way. Our C3irlstmas craft, E. Hartford, Gate 2, Cafe- KITCHEN CABINETS - Realtor, 648-6968. / Wolverton Agency,’'' Realtors, 649- out basement, large sloping tat. in said probate district within ten days raked or mulched. 649-8920. Manchester — e room Ranch, Live better in this gracious the property and are inviting the ford. OaU gn-0676. ____ Mortgf^es 21 Gift catalogues are the most teria Employment Office. ALL SIZES - NICELY PUNISHED, Including 2-years-oId, large kitchen with 2813. Hayes Agency, 643-4803. from the date of this order and return beautiful ever. Just show them QUIET SECLUSION — split level home in Manchester. make to this court of the notice given. public to join them on Sept. 14 and ALL SHAPES - $109.00 56’’ Sofa, black wrought TV, large comer bedroom. Park- buUt-tas, dining room, 8 betbrooms, JOHN J. WALLETT. Judge 15. The property has a pond- and DOBT — 8KT blue parakeet, does A FRESH START will qaM tension and they will sell lor you. Look PART-TTME clerk for all ’round ALL PRICES ing. 648-7116. oreened porch, HILLIARD STREET—Immaculate BOLTON — 8 room Cape, S-car Why worry about septic tanks not have leg band, vidnlty Wood- iron frame, wood arms; reversible, attsuibed garage, lot 100x800 with 4 room home, deep shaded tat, is suitable for picnics and recrea- Household Sem ecs and help your vacatioii plans. $3,- into this unequalled earning op- drug store work, no night work, trees, $16,900. PhUbrick Agency, room Split, 8pm, VA1 % baths, gmrmga, oversized garage, with lubrication when you can have city sew- AT A COURT OF PROBATE held at bridge and Hudson Streets. Call SCRANTON MOTORS experienced. Driver’s license es- red brick colonial print covered ' $18,900. new roof,, riumtaum storms, ers? Why worry about unsafe Manchester, within and for the District tion. 000 costs $66.76 per month. Call I>ortunlty today. Call 289-4922. 649-8464. large roonu, Manchester; pit and loft. Excellent workshop. aea-asN if found. Reward. Offered IS-A Frank Burke, Cohn. Mortgage Ex- sential. References. Box SS, Her- NATIONAL LUMBER, INC. foam cushions, Canton W. Hutchtaa. 6 ^6182. : screens and awnings, walk to bus Bel Air Real Estate, 648-9832. streets when you can have of Manchester, on the 30th day of Au- . rockviL le Apanmentto—FUt^"- gust. 1963. 1 change, 16 Lewis Street, Hartford, TOY DEMONSTRATORS. Oppor- ald. line. $11,700. Robert Wolverton sidewriks? This home features Present Hon. John J. Wallett. Judge 1 jjO n _ Paas Book Number REWEAVINO of bums, moth holes. tunity to earti up to 26% com- 381 State Street, $89.96 (2) 20’’ Step Tables, wood- Tenementa 6S EXC7ELLENT 6-ROOM Colonial MANCHESTER — 6 room ranch, Trust Estate u/w of Katherine Bell • ixOCKVlUC^r C m O fl 246-8897. grain p la ^ c top, black wrought Agency, Realtors, 649-2818. complete indoor and outdoor IIBSK, Savings Department of Zippers repaired. Window Shades mission. No collecting or deliver- North Haven, Connecticut liotne, beautifuUy landsoftped lot, $16,600. $2,200 assumes 5(4% enjoyment lor the whole Cheney, late of Manchester, in said th e Connecticut Bank and Trust made to measurer all’elxed Vene- ing. Latest IBM equipment writes 288-6261 Iron frame, ea, .29, TWO UNFURNISHED rooms. only $19,800. Joeqph Barth, Brok- G.I. mortgage. Garage, fireplace, District deceased. SECOND mortgagea — Unlimited Situations Wanted— Tinker BuUdtag. Ladles preferred. family. Priced below replace- The Connecticut Bank and Trust Oompany. Application made for TRADE IN SPECIALS tian bUnde. Keys made while you your master qrders for you and 649-0820. spotless condition, on bus line. ment at $19,6(X). Excellent V.A. Compemy. Trustee, having exhibited Exhibit of Art wait. Tape Recorders for rent. funds available for second most- Female 38 $29.96 80’’ Square Cocktail 'Table, Apply Glenney’s Men’s Shop, 789 SP L I T SP E C I A L payment. payments to wH insures weekly commissions. matches above, 21- Ray Holcombe, Realtor, 644-1286. and F.H'.A.' financing available. iU annual account with said estate to Mariow’s, 867 Main, 649-8221. it Expedient service. . Choice Visual kit or regular toy bffin St. I 6-6 QUALITY DUPLEX — Feel se Manchester this Court for allowance. It is Set for Weekend VODMD — ONE male Gorman CAPABLE PRACnCAL Nutse de- Call Mr. Frazier. ORDERED: That the 17th day of Realtyy, 643-6129. kit. American Home Toy Parties, sires employment as nurse-com- $169.00 8 Pc. Modem Dinette, eure with this investment, 8 bed- TOLLAND — 9 room house, needs September, 1963. at ten o'clock fore- She^erd. Can Bolton Dog Ward- 1962 CADILLAC convertible, white Inc., 649-2678. Gardon— Fann-!-Dalry pedestal table, wood-grained plas- Vernon—7 room Split, 2-years- rooms, hot 'water heating system, minor work, bargain at $18,700, noon at the Probate Office in the Mu- panion to elderly person. Light LOOKINa FOR rentals? CaU J. D. nicipal Building in said Manchester, be A private showing of paintings, en, €(4*-7e01. ______with saddle interior, power Building— C«mtgmctuig 14 SECOND MORTGAGEJ8 — Funds housekeeping. Live In. Refer- Products 50 tic top; padded s^vel chairs ,\ old, built-lns, eloMd in sun- ceramic liatb each side, central Joseph Barth, Broker, 649-0320. Rarity, 648-6129. locatiau: Priced right. Wesley R. THIS IS IT and the same Is assigned for a hear- sculptures and prints of Claude brakes, power steering, poW' available for second mortgages. SALESGIRL for yam shop, some ences. Write Box V, Herald. white iron bases, 119.' porch, aluminum storms w d ing on the allowance of said account Admand and Robert Hughes' is For individual attention call knowledge of , part-time APPLES — GOOD cooking and screens, high elevation, excel- SmlQi Agency, 649-1894. MANC3IESTER—No. Main Street. JARVIS REALTY CO. Annonnceraenfs er windows, automatic trans CALL ME on your fOrmioa needs, 7 room older home with garage, TaCr.^d‘Th..‘’^^r.Crf‘^rr“a|:{; '«-'hedule^^ for Saturday and Sjmday mission. An excellent car. bsrs, oouatera Utoben cabinets, Hbger M. Negro, 643-8727. or full-time. Call 649-4888. eating, starting at 60c hag. Bunce $84.96‘ -Maple Panel Bed, lull \ $-8^ ROOM APART 649 lent view. Farm, 629 W. Center. 648-8M6. size, low foot board, 28. f cXJNlilDBR AT $18,800 a neat on bus line. $12,6(X). Phone 643- REALTORS - MLS - APPRAISERS that notice of the time and place as* &t 1 Ellington Av6. in . RocKVlllC. eOMFLETE LAUNDRY service, vaMtory units, tahte-tops and Dogs— Birds— Pets 41 6229, 9-6. The four-bedroom Ranch for signed for said hearing be given to all The exhibit will be held ,ta the SECOND MORTGAGE m «iey room Cape, 4 bedrooms, recently 6442 o r , Rockville 875-6341. No persons known to be Interested therein dry eleaning, ttiirts finiahed, wash isiemd stands. 64S-6986. PICK YOUR OWN tomatoes, 60c $69.00 Slipper Chair, kick pleat, Manchester—6 room Split,' rec decorated. comtment, 0296. famnt k i t ^ f n ^ h ’dlntae PHILBRICK AGENCY offers 105 1260 Broadway. San Francisco, has had his work displayed at a I .. Orlswold and Main, acroes from beauty. 'portunity for the right individual. Michael Kurys, French Road, MANCHESTER — New VA room- to-wall carpeting add to the lent 6 room ranch, large com number of museums and exhibits. Shopping Plasa. 688-1889. Atkins, Builder, 648-9411. "The 529-8287. STUDIO COUCH with matching tated recreation room, 2-zone ^rea K m e n t ^ t h ton si^^ this reri neat compact ^aue Cape ban- han- California: Katherine C. Morey, Apart- small job carpenter.” Paid training program. For ad- Bolton, off Route 86. apartment, stove, . refrigerator, 1900 ft. of Uvtag area. 66 E. Center Stt, dy to everything. Large living ment 1510 Laguna St.. Santa Bar- His work has been exhibited drapes, $35; 21” console television hot water heat, parking. Atroilable Seating system, large' ceramic windows, garage, private wooded bara. dallfomla; John R. Mrosek, 1961 CHEVROLET Impala, 4-door ditional information call Gulf Oil OIL BURNER service man want- SIAMEISE KITTENS, 8 weeks Old. Manchester ' room with fireplace, family size throughout Texas. Including . the Corp., 628-6168. TOMATOES. PICK in own contain- set, $36: Call after 6 p.m., 648- Sept. 1. 146 HUllard St. after 4 tile bath, fireplace, hot water oil lot, $21,500. Philbrick Agency, 649- Atty., RSSeUain St.. Manchester. Conn., hardtop, blue, power steering, ed, year ’round job, excellent pay 649-9468. ers; carroU, $2 bushel; pumpkins, kitchen, 2 bedroenne and , bath gufurtlfiTad litem for minor and un- DMlas Museum of Fine Arts. He and benefits. Apply at 319 Broad 8266. p.m,, 648-9768. ; heat, garage, city utilities, aine- 8464. born andNjndetermlned beneficiaries. power brakes, automatic 10c and 20c each; beets, cucumb- ttte drive, oxceUeift' landscaped do'wn, 2 finished rooms up. $15,- has Shown at the "T ” Wharf QsJ- ' Special Serrlees 15 St., Manchester. 416 Mata St., ’ ^TOHN J. 'WALLETT. Judge' iery in .Boston, the League of Art.s" MMtftBOUOX Sales and Servioe, transmission'. One owner car. Help Wanted— fem ale 35 ers, apples. 21 Angel Street. EAST HARTFORD — Hew 4 room lot. Sensibly priced. Charles Les- MANCHESTER — Brick (Califor- 900.'"Dial 649-8464 for appointment bonded rmresentatlve, Alfred RbIAGLK pu ppy, six months old, J. D . Realty Co. East Hartford to see this one. and Crafts in New Hampshire, and ? ’TREE CITUXNO aad-removal, lots COUNTER MEN, full or part time. duplex apartment available Sep- perance, 649-7620, 648-6664. nia style ranch, 3 bedrooms. Spa- AaeU, 206 Henry St. 648-0460. cleared. Insured, Joe Pelletier, CLEANING WOMAN for large free, first taker. 69 Wetherell St. cious living room, fireplace. is represented in several private, MANY MORE ’TO CHOOSE FROM Will train. Inquire in person at BID NOTICE tember 1; 2 bedrooms, 1% baths, BOLTON LAKE — 4 bedroom, 742-7558. home . to live in. Write Box F, 50 LAYING HENS, good for freez- 4 large closets, large kitchen, 648-6129 SPTJT-LEVEL' — 7 rooms, garage, Dining area. Generous cabinet ^kays profe^lonal and religious collec- RiOM WANTED to Pratt k Whit Meatown, 1216^4 Silver Lane, ing. $1 each., 643-6424. The Coventry Board of FJduca- fireplace, hot' water ojl heat, all brick veneer Cape Cod, 1(4 baths, Boar* tions. aey, \ Bast Hartford, first shift Herald. East Hartford. GOOD HOME for cute kittens, wall-to-wall carpeted living room, kitchen. 1(4 baths. TV room. 2- tion will accept bide for the trans- heat and hot water, parking. Re- bullt-tas, city utilities; excellent car garage. H. B. Grady, Broker, 10x24 finished rec room with fire- A graduate of the Rhode Island T-S:2b from, vicinity Roeemoun Only two left — 1968 Oldsmobiles NUR8E—Licensed in Connecticut, free. Call after 7 p.m., 643-9586. CAimiNG PEACHES and pears. VERNON — Like new 6 room L- place. Lot 140x225. Private beach School of Design, he. is currently , with airconditloners. trainees — With or without ex- portation of Special Class riiUdren , frlgerator and stove, $135 a condition. Present mortgage may 643-8009. [terns Rtetauraat, Route 86. 643-8874. Roofing—Siding It 28-bed home, 3-11 riilft, bonus of- Bottl Fruit Farm, 260 Bush Hill to Mansfield. Further information be assumed. Charles Lesjyerance, shape brick ranch, mEinlcured privltages. $29,900. Owner 849- 2 Fun doing graduate work at Wesleyan perience. 2-4 years college. Open- Road, Manchester. month. J. D. Realty, 648-6129. MANCHESTER — 6 room Ranch, grounds, sparkling condition. Un- ferwl. Collect 876-9131. ings In accounting, engineering, THREE CUTE kittens looking for may be obtained from the office of 649-7620, 64S-66iU. MANCCHESTER — 4(4% mort- 5963. University in Middletown. Almand WANTED ^ RIDE to P6ari Stepet,. A. A. DION, INC. Roofiiig, siding, dishwasher, disposal, attic fan, at- der $20,000. Hayes Agency, 643- TTie board otf direetdro last Hartford, 8-4:10, from Woodland manufaefuring, sales, program' 'ho'mes. Call 649-7376. ~ the .Superintendent of Schools;. - --« ROCKVILLE — Modem first floor gage. Spotless 6 room (Colonial. was in charge of experimental painting. Carpentry. Alterations EXPERIENCED, waitress. Apply tached garage, nicely landscaped CIRCA 1800 — Restored Colonial, 9 4803. 1(4 baths,-large flreplaced living-., 5(4 ROOM RANCH, fireplace, at- night deieiTod action on two ap- mock-up design at Chahee Vpught S t r ^ or Manchester Shopping and addiUems. Ceilings. Workman- ming, underwriting, systems an FertOizerg 50-A Bids will be received by the Su- 6 room house for rent, Oct. 1, tached garage, aluminuni storm SCRANTON MOTORS, Inc. in person, Cavey’s Restaurant. 46 $110 monthly, all utilities paid, lot, close to schools, $16,900. rooms, 2(4 baths, fireplaces, room 'With bookcases. Formal propriations requested by^Gehe ’ Aircraft Corp. in Dallas before Paikade. CaU 649-0989. ship guaranteed. 299 Autumn St. E. Center St. alyst, general management. Abili- perintendent of Schools on or be- Philbrick Agency, 640-8464, screened porch, original features MANCHESTER — Two family flat windows, cellar. Immaculate con- ties Unlimited, Employment Con Live Stock 42 GOOD COW MANURE. DeUvered, fore September 9, 1963 at 7:30 btillt-ta electric stove, adults pre- close to bus line and shopping. dining room, 8 cheery bedrooms. Manager Richard Martin, refer moving to Connecticut. 643-4860. throughout, garage, acreage. dition. large lot, only $16,200. (Carl- another to a subcommittee, V ' RIDE WANTED to UConn, from 166 Union St., Rockville - FILE CLERKS — Modem, air- sultants, 1007 Farmington Avenue $6 and $10. loads. Excellent for P.M. ferred. 649-9288. OVERSIZED CAPE, T rooms, 1 Two separate heating systems^ Aluminum storms and screens. An experienced designer for ta- WELSH Ip ONY, gentle, good with Carlton W. Hutchins, 649-6132 Large lot, good location. Exterior ton W. Hutchins, 649-6132. approved two others. ;ustry and arts festival, he recent- Greenwood Dr., for Fall semes- R. DION ROOFING and siding, at conditioned offices. Ddwntown W. Hartford. 233-3641. ‘ fall fertilizing. Call 643-7804, 649- The Coventry Board of Educa- full bsths, 4 bedrooms, large Uv- Asking price Is $20,900. T. J. ter. CtoU 649-8301 anytime. ^ 876-2621 -r 643-0216 terations, ceilings, pamtlng and children, free riding lessons with ANpOtrER — Three room ^jjrnlsh- Crockett, 643-1677. freshly painted. Built 1967. $18,- The additional requested appro- completed the specially com- » Hartford, 37V4 hours, $55, investi- 8731. tion reserves the right to reject ed''apartment. Four room apart- tag room, formal dining room, «t- AVERY STREET — Large 6 room MANCHESTER — Buckley School, gutter work. SaUsfactlon guaran gate. Abilities Unlimited, Employ- BURGER CHEF is accepting ap- purchase. Arnold Nelson, 737 Ly- tached garage, 160x190 wooded lot,' ranch, attached garage, full base- — 400. Robert Wolverton Agency, Green Matnor 3 bedroom ranch, priations to the General Fund talhsioned project of a 14-foot weld- plications for full-time employees, dall St.. 643-8906. any or all .bids, or parts of bids ment with stove and refrigerator, MANCHESTER — Rolling Park. 6 Reritors, 649-2818. Budget for 1963-64 totaled $12,911, ed ^ e l and lead cross for the teed, tree estimates. 643-4352. ment consultants, 1007 Farming- deemed in the best Interest of the $22,900. Philbrick Agency, ment, walk-in closet,' large tile many extras. $16,800. 649-8683. WANTBID — RIDE to Hartford, ton Ave., West Hartford, 233-3641, day work, 235 Main St:, Manches- Hoosetaold Goods 51 742-7541. room (Cape on treed and shrubbed and- were to be financed from the Inglewqod Methodist Church- in’ BIDWELL HOME Improvement town or to waive any informalities 649-8464. bath, foyer, fireplace, exceUent NEWER SPLIT LEVEL with ga- hours 9-8. Call 643-9266. ter. condition throughout, large lot. tat, garage with patio, oil hot 1962-63 General Fund surplus. Dallas; lives at Upper Butcher I960 CHEVROLET IMPALA con-' Company Roofing, siding, al- Articles For Sale 45 evBRYTHINO in sterilized re- in awarding the same. DESIRABLE FOUR room apart- water heat, fireplace, aluminum rage, rec room, 1(4 baths, high as- KEYPUNCH OPERATOR, expert ment, unfurnished, nice location, SPACIOUS 8 ROOM Oarrlscn Co- Urgent sale needed. Charles Les- The board approved the sums of Rd. in Elltagton. / WANTED — RIDERS from Man- vcrtible, all white, finish and top, terations, additions and remodel- enced on 026 keypunch. Apply conditioned used furniture and ap- Wilson L 'niley, lonial, 4 bedrooms, otflee or den, combinations, 8 bedrooms, over- sumable mortgage. Worth your in- Lota For Salt 7S $160 for the town clerk’s office, Hughes, director of public' ^ chester to Hartford, 1963 station like new, radio with front and i ing oi all typee. Excellent work- THREE SHOW CASES, suitable pliances, high quality — low r Superintendent of Schools near everything. Write Box W, perance, 649-7620, 643-6684, spection. Wesley R. Smith Agen- loria Manufacturing Company, PART-TIME formal dining room, recreation size. kitchen, dining room; Rob- and $350 for the registrars of vot- achoola At Bitriln, New Hampshire wagon, 8-8:80 to 6. 643-5761. back q>eaker8. heater, - power, manship. 649-6495. for jewelry cases, cigar cases, prices. LeBlanc Furniture, 195 Coventry Public Schools Herald. ert Wolverton Agency. Realtors, cy, 649-1894. TWO BUILDING'lota, prime loca- Regent Street, Manchester. etc. ReasoilaTjle. Patio Drive In, room with fireplace, attached 2- SO.. WINDSOR — 8 bedroom ers. where he makto his home, has had seats, power brakes, power steer- COLLECTOR South St., Rockville. 876-217f Coventry, Connecticut car garage, - 100x150 lot, riiade 649-2813. tion, city utilities. Philbrick Agen- work exhihd-ted at national shows ing, all new whitewall tires, ex- West Middle Turnpike. BIX ROOM duplex, built-in stove ranch, park-llke yafd, 1(4 baths, BOL-rON LAKE — Bathing, boat- According to Martin and Town WAOTED — WOMAN to care' for Open 9-8. garage. $126 per month. CaU 648- trees, aluminum siding, PhUbrick | garage. Priced right. Call John H. -cy, 649-8464. Clerk Edward ’Tomklel, changes in of sculpture and^^nta. Examples Antomobiles For Sale 4 cellent black and white leather In- two children In my home daily. To collect locally established, MAN(CHESTER — Duplex 6-6, as- ing, fishing may be yours when Roofing anil C hiucyn 1S*A FOR SALE — Flat stone for walla, 6306. 9 Orchard Street. Agency, 649-8464! , Lappen, Inc., 649-6261, 643-8219. you purchase this adorable 4 state laws pertaining to monthly of his work have beqn exhibited at terior, excellent mechanically, Experience necessary. References small monthly payment route, bestos siding, riumtaum storm INDUSTRIAL LOT for sale, rall- the Caniegie Instltutls of HriJadel- 1962 BUICK SPECIAL, good run- fireplace, veneer, and patios. Call room ranch, ^ garage, patio, gas road siding, on Parker Street. Call voter making sessions necessitate spinners, dual exhaust, .msiny ROOFING — Specializing repairing preferred. Must provide own evenings and Saturdays,- $2. four ROOM apartment in two CONCORD RD.—Bsautifol ranch, I Mi^CHESTER — 6 room home doors and windows, two hot water phia, ' the Stm FrancaBro Miweum flfag eonditian, 1 Franklin Street,, other extras. 649-6064 after 8. 649-0617. heating systems, 2-car garage h.eat, excellent condition. Price 649-3391. ^ added expenses for deputy regis- Manchester. roofs of all kinds^ new roofs, gut- transportation. North End. Call per hour to those who qualify. famUy housa available Immedi- large Uvtag room formal with 1(4 acres, oil heat, toll base of Art, the (jurrier GalleW ta Man- after 6:15 p.m., 843-1371. 11% return. Shown by appoint- reduced, $10,600. Goodchlld-Bart- trars, voting machtae demonstra- ter work, chimneys cleaned, re- Must have car and. neat ap- LAWNMOWBRS, garden tractars, ately. 22 No. Elm. 649-9000^______room, . oaUnet Utohen, 9 ment, only $11,600. Large down tions, clerical work, supplies and cheoter, N. H., and hiaNwork is pearance. Write Box H, Her- rooms, reoreattao room, land: payment needed. Hayes Agency, ment. $23,800. Owner 876-7862. lett. Realtors, 289-0989, 643-7925. NKIID CAR? Tout credit turned paired.' Aluminum siding. - M and tillers. Terms, trades, parts BEFORE YOU BUY... WOODED BUILDING lot-, 166x420, printing. also represented in severjol private down? Short on down payment? WAITRESSES FOR luncheonette ald. Z FIVE ROOMS and bath, pantry, acaped* yard. Marian B. itobertfl 843-4808. Tracks—^Tractors years’ experience. Free estimates. full and part time. Apply Grant' ' and service Capitol Equipment, * JNB OWNER,- year ’round home, NO. (jOVENTRY — Stone Cape, 7 $3,200. 643-8887. An item of $3,011 asked by Mar- and religious collections. He. is a Ba^oupt? . Repossession? Don’t CaU Howley, 643-6361, 648-0768. 88 Main Street, Mancaestrir. Y o u OWE IT TO YOURSELF TO INSPECT - porch, private entrance, parking, aon, H eritor, 648-0068. graduate of the . Rhode Mand Parkade.. T <»i bus line, second floor, no pets EAST .HARTFORD Newer 6(4 i[6% n rooms, at Coventry Lake, 8- rooms, 2 baths, knotty pine panel- tin for the board ot education to despair! See Honest Douglas. In- 1954 CHEVROLET utility body 648-7958. THE rOIXOWINO LISTINGS: ing, stone garage, 25 minutes School of Design. quire about lowest down, small- j - $69 a month. Inquire 22 Winder- 3TER — Unusual home room ranch, tree shaded tat, toll bedrooms, dining area, im- pay the Bhghth District for sani- pick-up truck, 4-specd transmls- CASHIER, FULL - TIME. Apply FOREIGN EMPLOYMENT Infer in prestige area, 6 rOom L-shaped maculate condition, owner anxl-. from Hartford. Asking $19,000. tary sewer charges dating back Eiqperienced in pii-vate home de- eat payments anywhere. No small | Radio>TV Repair Servieea 18 SCREENED LOAM for th e .b ^ In mere Avenue, Rockville. cellar, garage, oil hot water heat, Legal; Notices sion, good condition, $800. 849- in person at Meatown, 1216^ matlon. Construction, other work 'Persoimlly Appraised and Priced To Sell By Colonial (Cape with garage, 1(4 aluminum storms atad screens, ous; $8,500. (jarlton W. Hutchins, Coventry 742-7402 between 6-8. eight years, was tabled at the re- sign, Hughes is ' also dee^pi epn- !« « or finance company plan. projects. Good paying overseas lawns from our screening {dant suJtant for the Brown Cjompaiyy of 5180. Silver Lane, East Hartford. MODERN 4 room duplex located In baths, every room oversised. fireplace, 1(4 baths, 8 bedroonus, 649-6132. . L IM IT A T IO N O B D E B quest of school board Chairman Douglas Motors, SSS Main. ------:— > ------CONNIE'S TV and Radio Service, jobs with extras, travel expenses. 'Andover • Columbia. George Grif- LOOKIN(3 FOR A 4 bedroom Cape New York. "" available all hours. Satisfaction fing, Inc., 742-7886. quiet, central Srea, storm doors (^uaUty throughout, nl’ce lot with ’ natural woodwork. Robert Wolver- AT A COURTTJF PROBATE held at Mrs. Katherine Bourn. WOMEN, PA’RT-TIME, 6-10 p.m. Write only: ^ Foreign Service trees. Worth uuqiecttag carefuUy. NORTH COVENTRY — $13,600. ta attractive, central location? Manchester, within and for the District General chairman of the exhibit 1967 FORD CUSTOM 300, standard guaranteed. Call 649-1816. Apply W. T. Grant Co., Vernon UWRENCE F. FIANO and windows. CaU 649-9888. t(Hi Agency, Realtors, 649-2818. Fireplace, storms, shrube. Rea- of Manchester, on the 3&th dnv of She asked for the deferment be- A a to AccMBtfriee— ^Tircs 5 Bureau, ' p e ^ . $66, Bradenton GAS HEATER, Model South Wind, Wolv« ton Agency, Realtw, 649- Neat completed 6 room (jape, Aimat, 1963. - V 4b Edwin Leuvltt. Mis. Seymour transmission, radio, heater, ex- Circle,' Vernon. Beach, ^Florida. sonable. 649-6436. cause "the board of ed\x:atlon has . eellent condition. $2?6. 649-6063. owner sold, Volkswagen, removed - BIX ROOM DUPLEX, stove and 2818. ______MANCHESTER — Modern 4 bed- oU hot water heat, large fenced Present Hon. John J. Wallett. Jud^e not yet discussed the biUtag for Kummeir is publicity chairman; * refrigerator included, not heated room ranch, 2 baths, 100x200 tat, yard. Bel Air Real Estate, 643- Estate of Hark Holmes, late of Man- Mrs. Edmund,Magdefrau, refresh- MOTOROLA CAR RADIO, never MotiBg—Trnekiiit— RECEPTIONIST wanted. Must need four mason-bracklayer’s heater, used one season, excellent (2) MANCHESTER — 7%- (4) BOLTON — $13,300. NEAT AS A PIN. 4 room ran’ch chester In said District, deceased. • sewer changes to Bowers and .‘ r - ‘ 1961 OLDflMOBILE 2-door Holiday. been used, fits any d volt system, condition, complete for immediate Privacy. 5%-room ranch, IT, centrally located. 643-1946. MANCHESTER — Central loca- fuU basement. Immediate occu- 9332. ______' ______On motion of Mabel B. Holme.' of ment acid ho^ess chairmen and ‘ Storage 10 have typing experience. Hours 9- helpers In Rockville-Manchester rdom split-level. 1% baths, tion. 8'4 room Cape, center hall with no required work, inside or Waddell Schools.” Mrs., Bd-wln Levitt, properties m Oan he seen at 74 Woodland Street $20. 648-0318. 1 12, Monday through Saturday. I area. For further information call installation. 649-6833. formal dining room, built-in breeezway and garage, full pancy, Sacrifice at $17,900. Hayes . out. (jlose to all conveniences, set said Manchester, executrix. She said that the district had between 8-7. 649-1919. ijHRBB ROOM apartment, second entrance, city utilities, 1-csw ga- Agency, 648-4808. • PORTER STREET AREA — Brick ORDERED: TTiat six months from chadirnan. MANCHESTER Package Delivery. Write P.O. Box 222, Manchester. -876-3438 between 7-8 p.m. kitchen, finished, heated fam- basement, ameslte drive, % floor, stove, refrigerator and ga- front ranch with many features to on nice wooded lot, this home is the 29th day of August. 1963. be and never billed the board of educa- Ught trucking and pac|tage de- acre. lot. Owner has.already rage, excepUonrily clean. Asking the .same ane lim it s and allow ed' for 1966 PONTIAC STAR CHIEF Con- ily room, loads' of t^ploset rage Included, available now. $14,990. Gaston Realty .Co., Route appreciate formal dining, 20’ ideal for young couple starting tion until recently, and then in a JOGGED HIS MEMORY . livery. Refrigerators, wariiers and TEACHER WANTS woman to do PART-TIME floor washer, morn- space, large well landscaped' purchased another home. kitchen-dining . area, fireplace, out, or retired. Asking $11,700. the creditors within which to bring in lump sum. vertible with new top, transmis- Trailers— Mobile Homes 6>A general cleaning and some iron- 648-7891. 83, Talcottvllta, Conn. H9-1902, their claims aroinst said estate, and BEAUMONT. Tex. (AP)—The stove moving specialty. Folding ings, 8-11 a.m., 6 days. Main % acre lot, city utilities. As- ElAsily financed With 'low front vestibule, 2 ceramic baths, Robert Wolverton Agency, Rea!l- .'aid executrix is directed to give pub- ; Martin dtimitted. that he was in ^ 1 sion, brakes, battrty, red and ing on Friday afternoons' from 12 876-0319. average citizen gets mad .when he wMte, radio, heater, white side- chairs for reilt. M9-0762. Street, East Hartford. 649-6334. SEPTIC TfiNKS sume 4H% VA mortgage or monthly payments. availabl e oerrOBBR l —6 room 2-car attached garage. Investigate tors, 649-2813. lic notice to the creditors to bring . In error ta asking fo'r the appropria- NIMROD CAMP traUer clearance p.m. to 4;80 p.m. References, General Service, Inc., 40 Oak IF YOU ARE their claims within said time allowed receives a notice to cut the weeds waUa, clean. 643-8296. .sale. New and used. 2 Star and AND new financing with minimum flat, second floor, oil burner, MANCHESTER — Centrally lo- this value today. Wesley R. Smith by publishing a copy of this order in tion, without a request from the on his property. But the city A own transportation. CaU Wapping Street, Manchester. down. Only $18,9M. oteam heat, Rusco storm win- FIVE ROOM house, new oil fired Riviera models from $380.- United Painting— ftperiag 21 644-8676 mornings or evenings; (8) COVENTRY LAKE- cated 6 room Cape ta vety nice READY Agency, 849-1894. som e newaaap^T having a circulation in board of education to do so. - health department here was sur- IMl DELUXE ENGLISH FORD dows, Venetian bltads, garage. condition. Call us for a look at heat, new storm doors and win- said probate district within ten days 'The general manager's request i Rent-Alls, 888 Burnside Avenue. EL'b CTRIOAN’S helper, some PLU06ED SEWERS FRONT — Completely fur- dows. new ameslte drive, approxi- from the date of this order and return prised by a pleasant -visitor re- . Anglia, 2-door aedaii, radio, heat- PAINTlNa, HSXTBRIOR and in- AdulU. 648-7996. this choice home priced at US,- BOWERS SCHOOL — 6 room (jape, for $2,000 to compensate for a I E. Hartford. SECRETARY-Receptionist, center experience necessary. Call 644- (6) BOLTON VICINITY — nished 5-room year ’round 6 finished, Ufetime siding, very mately one acre, 10 minutes to make to this court of the notice given. sponding t o .'such a notice.- The er, whitewaUs, 4 speed floor shift, terior. paperhanging, wallpaper Hartford, good typist, medium 800. T. J. Crockett, 648-1677, JOHN J. WAIjUET*T. Judge cut in the 1963-64 budget for his very low mileage, good condition, 0109 after 7 p.m. Machiat Glaaaad Circa 1798. Enormous 10- home', large acreened in porch ' FIVE ROOM apartment, stove, re- to make the best move of your clean livable home. Only $13,900. Manchester; Low down payment. Louisiana man was grateful be- CIMMER MOBILE home, 4-rooms removed, dry wall work. Reason- dictatlcm, public contact, $06-$76. room Colonial on 2H acres, department was tabled. •'U.'tp he had forgotten he owned .80 mUes per ^ llp n , 643-8806 af- and bath. Call ANdrews 7-2067 af- Septic Tanks, Dry Wells, Sew- and garart, dock and boat - frlgerator, garage. Call between FOUR BEDR(X>M raised raach, life be sure to see this glorious Hayes Agency, 643-4803. $10,500. 742-6078, AT A (XJDRT of PROBATE liPid at \ able rates Fully insured. 649- Investigate. Abilities Unlimited, WANTED — Service station at- er l^ e s Installed—Cellar Wa- "outbuildings, large center hall In one of poventry’s best lake custom-built ranch home in Manchester, within and for the die- Martin said that the money was y^e' property, ter 6 p.m. ter 6 p.m. 9668, Joeepb P. Lewis. tendant, full or part time. Must be _ 7-8 p.ni., 648-0082. , ______large recreation room, 2 fun trlrt of Manch#*st#‘r. on tbs 30th day needed to pay for added clerical Employment Consultants, l0O7 terproofing Done. with open stairway, 9 fire- sections. Only $14,700. b a & . 2-car garage, exceUent con- Manchester’s desirable Rock- SOUTH WINDSOR — 6(4 room EAST HARTFORD — Move right Farmington Ave., W. Hartford, experienced. 24 Main St., Manx in! Excellent condition. 3 bedroom of August. A.D, 1963. help, necessitated by the many 8068 TEMPEST CONVERTIBLE, PAINTENQ— Exterior and interior, places, large kltcheii wrlth ~ FOUR RA finished.' Get the beat for leoe. PART-TIME counter girl wanted INDUSTRIAL GUARD, 48-hour MtKINNEY BROS. from top to bottom. Features Upon application of Charles N. BID NOTICE $11,500. Unusally clean 5%- (XILONIAL RANCH — 6 rooms, ta 1968, $16,200. (jarlton W. Hutch- Broker, 643-8009...... tion of $7,500 for garbage 'collec-; Call *44-0601. ; for 6:30 a.m.-11 h.m. shift. Please week. Must be over 21 and have ige Disposal Co. . p.m. ______aU c< the extras you would ex- Crockett, praying that an instrument The Ooventry Board of Ectaoa- MORTLOCK’S Driving School Inc., Sewera room ranch, large kitchen, 1(4 baths, modem kitchen with pect ta a deluxe home hut ins, 649-5132. purporting to M the last will and testar tion and disposal was referred by 1961 VOLKSWAGEN, beige, good offices, classroom located Man- apply Mister Donut, 255 W. Mid- own transportation. Apply Omn. IS0-1S2 Pearl St.—MI S-5M8 (10) BOLTON—$13,300. Im- ceramic bath, hot water heat, te lRBE ROOM apartoent on bus SIX ROOM (jOLONIAL, 6-years- ment of mid deceased be admitted to the board to Its garbage disposal tlon will accept bids for the enu- EXTERIOR AND Interior painting. State Employment Service, 806 maculate, economy 4 finish- buUt-ins,' X-car attached garage, priced to meet present day probate* a* per application ‘ ^ ftie.----- it Is condition, $1,080. 649-3441. I Chester Parkade, lower level. Be- dle ’Tpke. . quiet dead .end street, large ' Une, ground floor, aU utlUties, M 200x260, $22,900. Pfinbrlck SWEEPING VIEW —- 1963 three old. Immaculate, 2-car garage, subcommittee for study. meration of all children exf the WallpapM' books. Paperhanging, Main Street, Manchester. ed, 6-room Cape, family sized maricet conditions. CaU Mr. ORDERED: That the foreRolng applL Town ofCoventrj’ through the age I gihners, older, nervous students, wen landscaped ^ acre treed range and refrigerator, adults Agency, 649-8484. Frasier. bedroom Gold Medallion Ranch, additional parking, fine area. E. cation, be heard and detertnined at the The manager cited the nfew land- <|IAr>1T.TJtC Convertible 1966. llyht CeiU^s: Floore. Fully insured MIDDLE-AGE WOl^EN for pin- kitriien, Uvli^ room with J. (jarpenter. Broker, 649-5051, Probate office in Manchester in said fill method at the disposal area i o? is i® as,of September...... 1, and rtsid- \ our Specialty. Teen-age driver’s workmanship guaranteed. Leo Iqt Minimum down, low only $76. Box S. Herald.______built-in stove, huge lot, oply $14,- Wue; M,000 miles, new tires, ndl education course. State certified. ning turkeys. Inquiri Gray Ledge fln^lace, ceramic bath, full VERNON — Just over Manchester 900. Carlton W. Hutchins, Realtor, 649-9152. District on the 12th day of Seotemher, and the loss of the Love Lane sand \ Ing in Coventry on October. 1. PeUetier, 649-6M6. If no answer, Turkej^ Farm, Marlbbrough Roiad, monthly payments. Hurry en - TO RENT — Four room heated A.D. 19a? at two o’clock In the a fte r -i — “ — —- — -— 'b',,. ‘rereive/l hv-the c;i!. poirer, very rieen. Owner has left 1 6 4 9 - 7 8 8 6 . basMnent wltl^ back hatch- this, one! * line. Like new 5(4 ranch, 1(4 649-5132. noon, and that notice he riven, to alt i bank as reasons for the request, i regeivea tne.tju ier Japan. Priced to eell. 648- caU 648-0048. Glastonbury. VERNON way. Assume $88 monthly ~ apartment. Otis Street area. 643- baths, buUt-ta kitchen with MANCHESTER RANCH — 3 bed- neraon.s Interested In said estate of perintendent of Schools, on ol- be- JA H V IS R E A L T Y CO., Sijice the decision' vveIs made to payments on minimum down, - 6118, .8:80-4:80. ' ' dinette, fireplace. Hayes Agency, VERNON — Cape, 6 rooms, 6 fta-- rooms, . kitchen ' with built-ins, the pendency of said application and abandon the Love Lane sand bapk, fore September 9, 1963 at 7:30 NEW GAM® for Manchester Her- (16) BOLTON AND VICIN- the time and place of hearing thereon ald customers. You buy the paiht, SOUTHGATE APARTMENTS new financing. 648-4808. Ished, city water, aluminum com- birch cabinets, dtatag room, living by publishing a copy of this order In and to have the area g r^ e d and PM. ' E-K L E R N SOUTH STREET ITY — BuUding lots, land RBAIVrORB - MLS • APPRAISERS room with fireplace, natural some newspaper having a circulation hi Tlid Ooventry Board cf Elduca- ItM AU8TIN-HKALT 166, very you name your price — we will LARGll 4 room unfurnished apart- , t- binations. .This home better than planted, it baa become necessary do your painting. 649-7868. tracts,, farms and acreage. BOWERS SCHOOL dlstrlet e - new. Treated with lovtag. care. woodwork, aluminum combtaa- aid district, at least seven day*- be- to hire some heavy equipment. And tloci reserves tbs right * too reject good condition. 876-8889.. Driving School (14) SOUTH WINDSOR — Financing available. ment. hast, utmtlea, ate. 649-9468, room Cape, 8 or 4 bedroena, 2 84S-4UI — S49-7S14 fore the day of said hearing, to appev Completely NEW concept In apar“&ent living; duplex 4-room Make otfer. Asking $16,400. Gas- floas, 8-years-old, $18,800. PhU- It they see canse at said time and bar'flu tor the di^teeri area haul- ai^ or aU bkta,' or ports of bids WANtED ^room spUte-level, finiahed fuU hafluk large Idtahen, Uvtag brick Agency, 649-8484. 1967 RAMBL^IR. 4-door deluxe -ee- Conneeticut’s largstt, auto- OUTSIDE P A D m N a at a low apartments all with family room, -large comer - FIVE ROOK tenement. ton Realty Oo., Route 83, Talcott- place and be heard relative thereto, ed from . cmtlytag regiona he deemed ta the best interest of the price. No job too big 0$- too small. CLEAN LATE MODEL' room with fireplaoe, dtatag room and make return to this court, and by dan, automatic, radio, very, very, matic and standard riilft, lot Assume $104 monthly water, aawly redecorated. CaU vUta, Conn. 649-1902, 876-0319. mailing on or before September 3 stated. town or to waive apy informalities Cril now, 649-0726. \ PRIVATE PATIOS and den, aluminum ridtag, ga- MANCjHESTER — Newly listed, in awarding the same. vaey eiean. wife’s ear. 649-8818. free ptric-qp aarrlee, taen-aga paywaols, new mortfage, .848-8984. ____ rage, $18,600. PhUbrick Agency, 19fi3, by certified mall, a ropv of said Martin also said that it is not clasaroom, oMar and nanroas RANCH — Newly redecorated ta IDEAL 8 BEDROOM ranch, 1(4 (jorgeous 6 room- ranch, 3 bjd- trir and of this order to .Rerth- ATnr- too early to think of stockpiling Further information may be ob- r AIMTINO — fits room numb USED CARS —'------*BWIL Only $16,900. 649-8464. Bbds. toata. giwss, eool brssass—kwsly tnraa ssttongl ; .FIVE ROOM tenement. 4 Mints established neighborhood. Large ^ baths, screened porchs toll base- ' rooms, ceramic tile bath, kitchen contller 11 H'eh ...... West/ieW Stes«-- sand for winter 'operations. He'i tained froih the office of the Su- rindanU oar spaeiaUT. U» ^ aM eapes for |60. Trim and paint dining area, 16x18 living roo.-n trirfe,. sforle" oon-r-^-odvlee- "rerrsc FOR lA L a — 1661 SaBbsam A4- Oantar I t , Manchsrior. Call TOP PRICES PAID ~ Court. $82 monthly. Apply 10 De- SPLIT-LEVEL. 7 rooms, 1(4 baths, living ro5m with fireplace, extra; ment .includes finished rec room ' tsrtford ronn'-' MS'-:'' Per'"-' 59 thoitght that he may still have to perintendent of Schools ftaM. TW. 64M681. ’ SKtra. -Alao, scraping. 7«-6101. Deluxe range, 10 eu. fti refrigerator, dlspoaal, laundry ki build- ^ pot ^u are. Apt. 4., . large" kitchen,. 3 bedrooms and' and -den, dishwasher; attic fan, with fireplace. Garage. Nice lot G rand 81 • Hnrtford Conn.: Michael - Wilscm----- t U ov Tilley,, i . for ftaa booUet 9U — 1 FOR ALL MAKES large'famUy room, kitchen with with trees. Drive by 42 (jrosbyi Mortey 134 PAlIy Brook Blvd . Wett^rs- ask for an added appropriation ing, ample closets and parking. S140-S145. LAWRENCE F. FIANO buiU-tas, intercom system b a ^ finished recreation roopi ta and mdny extras. Handy to shop- above the requested $7,600. Buperiptendent ot Sohooio |#67 FORD COUPE, 1988 Chrysler '~ ^ 5 b EIEE room apartment, ground ptag and ecboota. Good neighbors! Road; then caU for an inside ta- field. Conn.: John Moricy. west EleetrMal ServieM .22 REALTOR— 643-2766 floor. aU utilities furnished, $80 throughout the bouse, garage, basement. This hom'e reaUstically Ncoo at Haa bomtd angine, 881 - cubes, 4-11 rear end. AVAILABLE SEPTEMBER. pitaed at flMOO. PfaUtartak Acat^i SIHIlltap M va. Oril ovniec^ 848- •peotioti. Rotiert Wotvartoa A gea-j^ $^ LEARN TO DRIVE - Special a^ Carter Chevrolet ’ jj^ jn e n th . MoCaim, 208 Cmds* ------‘ »geauw«M, msoo. ^RoritoM, 888^08. J tention to hervoua and elderly. FREE ESTIMATES. Prompt serv '( CHARtES NICHOLSON^742-6364 ' tlwMMiSft ^ OMIi ice on all types of electrical wir- 64S-UM IMS FAUXIN SQUIRE wagon, au- Classroom tor teen-agar. Pickup Agrnt on Pntnlsrii S75-54M servioa. Day or av( esnsed and' insured. Wilson Cm Inc. tow mileage, 1160, take U M Main tot. — 649 WWS it^OaB Rbuty, Go., .Manebestsr, 646-

•‘ I

.!!. i;