
A Newspaper Devoted Complete News, Picture* To the Community Interest Prtwnled fairly, Clearly Fall Local Coverage t\n(\ Impartially Each Week Jnbepenbent - leabet PBICI BOHT CKNT3 Entered us Second Cl»w Miuer WOODBRIDUF:, N. J.. THUKSDAY. OCTOBER 13. in nrefn SirtM. Woodbridjt*. N J XLV1I—NO 34 «t the Po»t Office, Woodbrldje, N J Sweetness and Light 1,149 Given Pressure is Mounting Rjr OIARLF.S E. GREGORY 2nd Polio ,T been told that there may be some labor union On Board to Consider ^n to the low-cost school construction I have been Inoculation ribin£__but I .doubt that very much. * » » • First and Second Grade Pupils in All Schools New Building Designs jn the first place—and I am speaking out of twenty ' Aw association with two labor unions—I am loathe Receive Salk 'Shots' vf that the proposal would be pre-judged and con- WOODBRIDGE -•- Exactly w