A Newspaper Devoted Complete News, Picture* To the Community Interest Prtwnled fairly, Clearly Fall Local Coverage t\n(\ Impartially Each Week Jnbepenbent - leabet PBICI BOHT CKNT3 Entered us Second Cl»w Miuer WOODBRIDUF:, N. J.. THUKSDAY. OCTOBER 13. in nrefn SirtM. Woodbridjt*. N J XLV1I—NO 34 «t the Po»t Office, Woodbrldje, N J Sweetness and Light 1,149 Given Pressure is Mounting Rjr OIARLF.S E. GREGORY 2nd Polio ,T been told that there may be some labor union On Board to Consider ^n to the low-cost school construction I have been Inoculation ribin£__but I .doubt that very much. * » » • First and Second Grade Pupils in All Schools New Building Designs jn the first place—and I am speaking out of twenty ' Aw association with two labor unions—I am loathe Receive Salk 'Shots' vf that the proposal would be pre-judged and con- WOODBRIDGE -•- Exactly w<i before all the facts are in. I am very jealous of 1,149 first and second graders re- Unlicensed Driver in Dual 200 Expected ceived the second inoculations of [confidence and understanding which I feel I have •he SalR polio vaccine during the firmly in my relationship with organized labor, past reek, Health Officer Harold Crash, Prosecution Waits To Make Plea ,-rrtainlil y woulldd do nothinthi g to weakek n ordi disturt b it. J. Bailey reported to the Board f Health Tuesday night. • . * » SEWAIIEN — A slxteen-year-o',d sew.wn youth, who does "We are going to have a 'make- not have ft driver's license caused two automobile accidents within ip' session next week when those Monday Night Ls a matter of fact, I anticipated the question and have wo mmut.es Saturday morning sendmii two men to the hospital. :hildrer who were absent from As far as could be determined, no complaints have been flted Oivd it as carefully as time and distance would permit. school oan receive their shots,'1 isainst the youth, Joseph Patskanlck. 67 WoodbrldRe Avenue, with WOODHRTDGK - A vanauard vlr. Bailey said. Idition to discussing it with Structo Schools Corp. of the juvenile authorities is yet, but the owner of the car the boy of approximately 300 or more de- The Inoculations wee held .it . I also telephoned Richard Larimer in Lafayette, vas driving, John Mlsko, 74' termined parents Is expected to >n all the public schools and St. Robey: Street, was given a sum- attend Monday night's session of and inquired of him the attitude of the National James' School, Woodbridge and the Board of Education at the 3t. Cecelia's School, Iselin. mons for permitting an unlicensed .fs Corporation whteh built the $18,444-per classroom iriver to operate the vehicle. Town Balks al IN. J., High School to demand that the "We also assisted in Our Lady Board take Immediate action to pi ;n 21 days after the foundation was completed. Patrolmen James Dan.cn and it Peace School, which is in Edi- construct new-type low -cost Edward Preputnick answered the * • * * «m," Mr. Bailey reported; "as $245,000 is Saved schools In the Township. most of the pupils are from I first call and they found that a Mrs. Irving Kahree, 41 Liberty Lh firms told me substantially the same thing. Both Woodbridge Township. :ar operated by Marvin Houstin, WOODBRIDGE - As a result ['13 39 Essex Street, was hit by the Street, Fords, a member ot the d out that all the components in their buildings are The Health Officer also told of a conference held Tuesday re- CltlKns Council and the Better •.he Board that Salk vaccine s aito driven by Patskanick. who garding the State's case against ,-cd by union labor, and that all construction is com- COURAGK I'ERSONIFIKD: Mrs. Adolph Seickel. 63 Elm Street, Schools Association, Is spearhead- low available from the doctors lttempted to make a left turn the Township on the alleged In- Colnnia, is shown doins her "home work," the study of braille. ing the drive to get as many in- „ under similar conditions. Local contractors having .'or children between 5 ant 9. rom West Avenue into Brewster adequacy of the Keasbey sewage Sightless for a year now, the Colonia woman has shown remark- terested residents u possible U> "Under refrigeration In our Place. The youth, according to disposal plant, the Township has fide contractural relations with all unions involved, able courage and has overcome her handicap to the extent that attend the meeting, which starts office," he continued, "we now '.he report, left the scene of the saved $245,000. Township Attor- she plans to enter college tn January. at a P. M. [alone considered for project assignment. National lave 450 cc's of Salk Vaccine now '.ccident. Houstin was taken to ney Nathan D. Duff said yester- Charles E. Oergory, publisher available to doctors for free dis- t»erth Amboy General Hospital said it had arrived at a completely compatible day. of The Independent-Leader, has ribution to young patients whose where he was treated for bruises The State had instituted suit been approached by the group and anding with labor unions when it first began to parents cannot afford to purchase College is Goal of Colonia nbraslons and concussions. against the Township claiming asked to attend the meeting and pre-fabricated houses, and that it could foresee he vaccine. All the doctor has Two minutes later Patrolmen the Keasbey plant did not meet give a detailed report of the '.o do is to sign for it." Wendfl Dahl and Charles Wyda tibie difficulty with schools. I assume agreements requirements nnd was polluting modular and prefabricated school Communicable diseases report- Woman, EvenThough Blind vere sent out on another Sewar- : schools would contain a guarantee satisfactory the waters of the Raritan Bay. construction techniques. Mr. Ore- ore. ;d during the month were as COLONIA—Courage, nccordlng to Webster," is the quality of mind 3rt cau Their Investigation re- Tlie case was due for hearing Oc- gory was Informed by Structo :eqiurements. ollows: 1 oases Of bronchial that enables one to encounter difficulties and danger with firmness or vealed that Patskanlck was drlv- tober 18, but as the result at Schools Corporation in Boston « * • « meumonia; 2 polio cases; one without tear." ng west on Central Avenue and Tuesday's meeting the case has that It can provide a, sis-room :ase of tuberculosis; one of a left turn into Old Acording to that definition, if anyone has courage it is a sweet, little wa°s been dropped. Mr. Duff announc- building In 130 to 150 days. The It .< '.:ue. of course, that the type of schools Structo vhooping cough and one chicken lady who has lived in Colonia for the past thirty-six years, raised her - _ when he struck a panel ed. publisher promised the group that ,ruck owned and driven by John | N .:-..r.ai will provide, take far less time to complete pox. ' live attain — but this time in <• Mr. Duff said he asked for a he will attend the meeting "and Welua, 53 Central Avenue. Tty> Comtnltteeman Peter Snhmid conference which was arranged present the facts as I have them." .vnventional type. This, I suppose, might be an alter was taken to the Perth Art- reported that he had received She is .Mrs. Adolph Seickel, 63 and attended by representatives Lewis S. Jacobson, attorney, will Sim Street, who lost her sight last boy General Hospital by a friend -,,ibie feature to some—but I am sure that members complaints of persqns dumping Menlo Park Woman of the Attorney General's Mflce also attend and urge considers. year after a siege of illness. Mis. ind treated for abrasions and garbage on Florida Grove Road and the State Board ot Health. tlon and examination of th» unions are just as anxious for their children to Seickel did not desfi^ir. She de- •ontusloas of both legs. He said he asked the complain Mr. Duff said he proved that the building techniques described by r.'adequate education as anyone else, I am sure, cided to make a new life for her- ants to cooperate by obtaining th Seriously Burned Keasbey plant, according to pres- Mr. Qregory. self and the fact that she succeed- nee they are taxpayers they are quite as anxious license numbers of cars used an nt standards, is doing a com- Mrs. Kahree said yesterday th* ,o report them to the police. ed is borne out by the fact that this WOODBRIDGE — A Menlo :. :rv in public expenditure as the rest of us. week she was presented with the Squad Emphasizes Silete job. purpose of the meeting is "to_, liydia Hayes Memorial Award for Park Terrace woman is being Asked If the Township has to make certain that the Board • • • * outstanding achievement by a treat 4 at Perth Amboy General make any eowsewions, Mr. Duff Education carries out ihe will -k it is reasonable, then, to be confident no prob- 43 Clubs Guests blind person. Hospital for first And second de- Oxygen Tent Need replied the Township promised the people." "At the/ present time." Mrs. Mrs. Seickel was one of eight gree burns suffered when her to use Ume to decrease bacterial A; arise in respect to organized labor's attitude WOODBRIDGE — Woodbridge content. The lime, he said, would ftahrw stated, "the board, with winners picked from more than clothing caught fire while she EmerRency Squad is continuing »:;riot. by consultation and clear understanding At Local Meeting only "cost a couple of hundred the exception of Andrew Aaroc, 700 persons in the State who lost was preparing breakfast in her ts drive for funds w(th the hope ^dis.
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