

THE WASHINGTON TIMES WEDNESDAY SEPTEMBER TI 1907 5 i g rT Store Opens at 8 A M Closes at 6 P M I Ii Persian Lawn Waists Open Saturdays Until 9 P M Black Dresses < New 2 98cThe- Former Prices 20 and 2250VI Sty1esW rth ZII 998 are not old waISts left from summer stockbut fresh brand new styles Practical and stylishand best of all they arc black which is and al- ¬ just sefrom the makers hands Made of sheer quality white Persian lawn stripped ways deiraWe Nothing in the world the matter with them excepttrfhat they be- ¬ with five insertions of filet and tucked between THE DEPENDABLE STORE long to the past seasons stock and we want to close them out ey are made in two piece style of superior alack taffeta silk and are trimmed Large sleeves stripped with two rows of insertion of fillet lace to match Back with yokes And vests FinIshed with Irish Jl ce or richly designed c1th Imh and AH K effects Skirts are moc1eled Inw full kH J and are rwm101y fun and wide is all tucked sizes up to 44 Tomorrow at 98c each instead of two dollars SEVENTH AND STREETS Tomorrow for J93 b instead of 3000 and 2250 I m Ushering in the Fall Season with a Matchless Thursday Bargain Sale I J I I We welcome the advent of a new season with a Thursday Bargain Sale of such extraordinary magnitude as will arouse the enthusiasm of every saving shopper Bargainsbig bargains are the rule at every countermand in every department Such an occasion is distinctly a Goldenberg enter- prise novel unique alike matchless and unmatchable Every item stands out as emphatic evidence of this stores underseUingitower its ability to quote lower prices than any other store for reliable quality merchandise 59c Black Satine Waistsl Cream Walking Skirts 4 Regular Quality ol red O Instead of 150 at 39c Z OC and 200 high yard Worth as as 1000 An axtraordinaro offering fir Thursday only of 20 New arrivals for fall Waists of equal style and quality v inch Plaid Taffeta 98 rind Louisene Silks In gray Cream Skirts are held in which women will immense ¬ tan blue sell in other stores at 150 and 200 fashions favorand these are the styles welldressed like also hairline and Uoman effects Male of black Satine in several pretty tailored styles ly There are many occasions September and October when such a skirt can be worn Strictly allsilk quality and guaranteed to wear em- ¬ Beautifully tucked and stitched others made wth Tomorrow we hold a clearance sale of our entire remaining stockoffering choice of allwool Cream Skirts of These beautiful lustrous silks are to be in high favor broidered fronts combined with tucks Button down the Panama and in several handsome models at less than cost of materials and making I for autumn wear One day at 39c a YAm Instead of SOc back style or buttoned down the front VV All sizes Special value at 98c tomorrow Made into cluster plaits others made into full wide plaited panels Others are models kilted 111 I around and others are trimmed with tailored folds and made with tailored folds VVRegular 20 9x12 it C I 12 Percales W 35c Jap SilK 25c 150 and 2 Pictures Brussels 1298 Fall 34inch white Japanese Ha Call on 98c- Special for Thursday only2500 yards of yardwide dark butai Silk soft lustred quality last Mens Suits Fifty roomsize 9xl feet Tapestry Brussels RIgS I Percales for fall wear at9e a yardthe identical quality strictly all silk One day at 25c A big lilt of Framed Pictures- which you are usually asked a yard a yard instead of 36c in various and sizes J the celebrated Alexander Smith Sons manufacture The for 12c Some with heavytI gilt frames best of their class In navy blue garnet gray and blackandwhite grounds ¬ j lines Sold Up to finished with metal ear- These are wellmade and perfectly matched showing a large variety of new fall styles such as Shepherds ners in square and panel range patterns checks neat ilgures stripes and dots 125 Taffeta Silk- shapes including landscapes In a wide of including floral oriental 5 98 marine scenes etchings fruit medallion and conventional designs in colorings of red Excellent quality for womens waists and house garments 15 Reduced to e- and game green Domestic Dept K Annex 109 I tan brown and pink Street suitable for parlor bedroom din Regular price fZO One day at 129S 5135 black Taffeta Silk 36 We still have a quantity of Mens Suits left from the ing room or hall One day at inches wideextra rustling past 9Sc regularly 160 and CO 3 finish guaranteed to wear One seasons business which we want to get rid of Take Crepe JPaper 24e 8c Towels day at J1CS a yard them tomorrow at a fraction of regular cost 125 Family Scales Mens Night Robes Colored Crepe paer for deco- ¬ Sc Honeycomb Towels They are medium and lightweight suits which can be rative purpose Choice of half all pure white and entirely ab ¬ 5 Mattresses 369 79c 49c ¬ bar- ¬ worn clear up until the snow flies a dozen shades JCaeh roll con- sorbent Regular or < Bed Mattresses covered 5L2S Family Scales with steel me tain ten yards One day at ber Fringed at the lOc Pin Sets 5c Materials are Cassimeres and neat mixtures- with heavy grade tfeklng and Mens and We Night Thebes ends One day at c each 1 perfectly adjusted WM of quality itweittn end cam- Me Goldplated Three Pin Sets I In single and doublebreasted styles Sizes are somewhat filled with best quality rattan weigh up to 21 Ibs by ocjnccs- bric with sad without collars in neat blue enameled effects broken youll find 34 to 38 In the lot however and Cotton top and bet TIR save Us cost IMIIS me Some trimmed with washable Strongly made Three pins in torn Made with 4 ½ Inch box over One day at 7k silk embroidery One day at o a set One day at 5c set Values l tu lly worth as high as fifteen dollars for 598 Choice of one and twopiece each Engraving 39c 9c Toweling 4 4c styles Sizes 5 ft to 4 ft by 6 Your name engraved on cup- c Bleached Cotton Tow inches One day at 860 per and fifty cards for c sling for roUez or tee towels 19c Fruit Presses lOc Orders taken for Thursday only One day at 4 a yard Not 19c Hairpins 7c doz tEii this same more than If yards to each Regular 50c Album of Home 19c Heiutfs Fruit Presses made Mens 49c workmanship If guaranteed as if buyer Horn Hairpins in tortoise 55c Cushions 39c with steJ frame 3> e meet full were shell amber or black finish praHtoai lnveatl of its kl d- Mens Past Color Blue Cham Stationary Dept Straight or crimped One dozen Ke Sofa Cushions filled with One day at Me each bray Neglige Shtrts ftntsfeed on Q card for 7c up to Songs 18c- silk flb a d covered witif white with three pearl buttons full ISc 5es 22 lacbfe One out and perfect fitting One dy I 35c Table Padding 19c day at >>c ch- at c A songs hymns Oth floor lOc Nain oo aSc heavy quality Table Pad- ¬ collection of and rounds for Ash Cans 98c 6c ding 69 Inches wide Serves a the fireside arranged for mixed voices Among them the lOc White m purpose saves wear and- 25c Shopping Bags 19c following Heavy Galvanized Iron Ash small medium and six saves Cans stse prescribed- 59c Storm 48c r on the and 25c Shopping Bags large 15c SilKolines by the District checks Excellent grade for the table from being scratched size i made with double Annie IJaurie AuW Bell of Scotland 9ct- BtBIue It gallons On Oay at S6c Storm Serge 38 womens and childrens wear One day at 19c a yard riveted handles One day at 19c Comln Throu the Rye Drink to Me Only With Thine Kyes Sf Figured Silkollnee yard iSle Allwool One day at 6e a yard each Good Night Ladle Harp That Once Thrmish Taras Halls Heart Wide in an excellent assortment Inches wide a superior nrn By weave quality for fan wear Bowed 1owsIn the the Sweet and ByJuanita of floral and Oriental designs In Choice royal navy Kathleen Mavwirneen 1ast Jtott of Summer Listen to the Mock ¬ colorings of red green of and blue ing Brown Jug Old Black Joe Maasas brown garnet and myrtle One 39c 25c BirdLittle pink yellow and rose Highly Masons Tops 25c day at 48c a yard 25c Mousseline 35c Hose Supporters- Cold Old HornsOld Oaken Bucketold mercerised One day at a Jar 12c 39c allsilk Messaline Folks at HomeRocked in the Cradle of the Deep Abldr With Me yard 9e 25c White Dot sHk Mouaseline 5 inches wide in black white The Palms And many others The entire volume for tea tomor ¬ Dozen a beautiful silk lustrous quality and colors The correct sort for 19c row Regular price t trimmings Masons beet quaMty porcteln for evening and party halrbowa hat and 2Sc 36c 50c 39c One day lH4c belts One day at Sc a yard and Pad Hose lined Jar Tops with rubbers at a Supporters with large straight 5c Ball Fringe 2c offered one day 25c pads for at a roc quality Brilliantine- front four straps wide Boys fin- ¬ dozen ¬ 3 Suits 198 125 Kimonos 49c Sc Cotton Ball Fringe for a reversible grade in elastic and rubber covered but ishing cur- tons ¬ scarf and navy blue royal garnet WD All colors One day at Boys 300 Chev- Lot of short Kimonos of lawn combination 19c 12c1- 50c Art Pieces 35c 19c a pair Notion Dept iot Sailor Suits sizes I- and SOBIQ In tight fitting tains In mixtures myrtle gun tan to match all colors One day eta One day 39c yard SOc Embroidered and drawn to 8 years In a variety of neat style with belt attached Sizes at a 9c White Mercerized Madras patterns weight are slightly broken Values at 2c yard 125 Ironing Boards In variety of woven silk work German linen Bureau dark Fall a neat Pillow The One day at 198 worth as high as J1S5 One day mercerized designs also checks Scarfs and Shams 4Sc 89c and stripes A general favorite former are 18x54 Inches and the 15c Waist at for womens and latter are 80x89 Inches One day 7 Curtains 498 1125 Ironing Boards made of 35c Cashmere 29c childrens dresses One day at for ac Shields 9c selected lumber Complete with 134c a yard Boys 50c Shirt 7W Imported Irish Point Lace strongly made stands The most 35c Fine Twill Cashmere 91 in 15c Shirtwaist Shields the pin 269 Kimonos 169 Curtains in plain motif and convenient board made One wide in all street and evening on made with pins 25c heavy worked centers with day at 89c shades also cream A service- attached Nainsook covered Waists 149 Long Kimonos of figured elaborate borders Made on fine able and popular material for Handkerchiefs These do away with sewing Boys SOc Shirt- Japanese cloth in a of net 5 dresses S quality Inches wide and childrens One 12 c Scotch 3 lOc One day at e a pair Waists size 5 to 13 ears Col ¬ beautiful effects Finished with fri xands long One da at 149 B day at 2Se n Brd for Jar attached or neckband style and fancy borders ¬ a pair 59c Wash Benches 39c Plaids 9- Womens striped Handker- in dark patterns for school Shirred from the shoulder One chiefs with hemstitched border wear One ay at 25c each day at JlSH 58c Wash Tub Benches extra 12fcc Scotch and Plaids Nice sheer quality Regular StocKing Feet 5c well made of selected lumber in a of bright color price 5c each Tomorrow at One day at 38e each Fall Suitings 49c combinations three for lOc Stocking made of good 150 Curtains 98c Warranted fast Feet New line of stylish ¬ colors An effective black white Ma- ¬ Fall SuIt material quality fast or Boys Suspenders 9c 1 Dresses 69c 159 Nottingham Lace Cur- qrs in a wide range of favorite for childrens school dresses C cotton Can be easily at- tains ft inches wide 3 yards styles designs including Boys The Suspender ¬ One day at 9c a yard tached to old stocking tops made Girls 100 Dresses of wash long In a range of new pat ¬ green and red large lOc Handkerchiefs 5c thus saving darning and mend- quality strong elastic able and white lawn terns Plain and figured cen- ¬ Jar Rubbers 3c doz ¬ webbing Tartan effects Scotch weaves Ing One day Be pair No with nickel trimmings sizes ¬ ¬ at Some ters finished overlook Mu sons quality Rub- fancy etc Choice Womens lee alllinen Hand- tion Department One day at c pair are missing One day 60c best Jar stripes of the kerchiefs with hemstitched bor ¬ at stitched edge One day at 9Sc bers made of white rubber hardtwisted Panama and all Womens 2 to 3 der The on these is con- ¬ pair One day at 3c per dozen wool cloth finish weaves One siderably lessened because they day at We a yard Oxfprds 185 came across in their unlaund Boys 3 Suits ered state One day EC Collar Supporters 5c 239 19c Drawers lOc 9100 t50 and 800 Oxfords at each 5 BlanKets Warrens Silk Covered Collnr Boys three dollar School Childrens ISc Draw- ¬ 398 for women of patent colt pat- ¬ ¬ 150 Wash Boilers glaze Supporters made of Warrens Suits made in belted Knicker- ers made with hem and tucks 600 Wool Blankets with L25 98c ent kid kid and ¬ style fancy mixed leathers lace and grog silk covered collar bocker of finished with felled seams Sizes heavy feece fullquarter donble 98c In button Mens 25c Hand bone Enough for two collars cheviots and plain navy blue up to 8 years One day at 30c bed size White with ptnk S125 Black Broadcloth a fine blucher styles Also several 6 to 1 years blue styles of Pumps and Sailor Ties in each set at fie cloth a or red borders Silkbound SLId heavy tin Wash Boilers twill back f d rich satin face Kerchiefs c Well tailored and finished One edges One day 398 with copp r bottoms and cold quality Sponged and shrunk Welt and turn soles Sizes are 12J day 239 at pair 8 somewhat One day at at handles Popular No size free of change One day at 98c brokeR Mens 26c alllinen hemstitch One day 9Sc a yard SU5 pair ed Handkerchiefswith hand at embroidered initial Full size Mens 3 and 350 39c 18c 30c Matting 19c One day at 12 e each Muslin Underwear Little childrens 39c Muslin Pants 219 Night Gowns with yoke of 39c Heavyweight Seamless 1 Curtain Stretchers 59c Cheviot Womens 3 to 4 59c cluster tucks also white lawn China with smooth 45c Mens 3 and J356 Fall Weight percale Gingham even Closely woven of casslmerea Lot of Muslin Cambric and and Dresses edge grade 69c ii c Allwool Black Cheviot 93 50c and 69c Pants allwool AjHons Petticoats and in peat checks stripe de ¬ Oxfords 265 and cheviots in neat lark gray Nainsook con ¬ and inches Widea sturdy close firm ¬ Guimpes One day at ISc each signs One day ISo a yard 1 Lace Curtain 400 effects aiM mixtures Every sisting of gowns skirts draw at weave quality that will be in 800 360 Oxfords for Coat Sets 39c Stretchers made of two inch greater over sea-¬ women including Pumps Sailor pair perfectly tailored One day ers corset covers and chemise ¬ favor this We 69c lumber Nickeled pins and bolt son and dresses One and Blucher Ties and button and Embroidered Linen at 210 a pair quality ed ends Size 6x12 feet One for skirts Oxfords of shiny leathers dull Coat Setsround and pointed and embroideries a day at c day at 45c a yard kid and calf and plain kid effect collars and deep cuffs or styles Values worth as high Infants 39c Slips 25c 3 Comforts 198 One day set as one dollar One day at I 9c Welt and turn soles French at 3c ¬ large Military Infants ISo long white Cam- 30 dze dcublebcd Cuban and heels AA 2 Suit Cases 129 bric Slips of em- ¬ Comforts filled with best qual- ¬ to D wdths One day at 266 1 85c 5200 Waterproof Dross broidery and tucks One day at ity white cotton and covered 150 Petticoats Panama 69c a pair Suit 25c eaoh with figured sKlkoline Light and 25c Ties 19c Cases dark browa walrus 39c Undearwear 21c I figured 150 black Moren Petticoats Soc Allwool Black Panama grain effects Sole cor ¬ dark floral and Oriental leather > > made with umbrella ruf- ¬ the hardtvCSted quality that 18 Womens 25 Silk Windsor ners round handle lock Choice of low neck Nal k patterns One day at 193 brass Covert trimmed with fles finished with straps Full so popular for tailored nd Ties made of numb and peau and sldo straps Size 24 Inches Corset and fi day We yard Table de silks in navy brown 129 ribbon and lace also short cut 9rcct of at a 125 One day at tucked 69c Sweaters 49c the hew fall models One day yellow nile etc One day at skirts and drawers with 100 95c Ute each ruffle also white aprons trim- ¬ Little childrens 60c Knit S3 Fluffy Ruffles at Neckwear Dept med with embroidery and tucks Sweaters in white with blue 125 extra heavy weight double One day at 21c Values worth and pink trimmings Also plain 25c Vests Satin Damask the line 69c Bleached Sheets 35c and red up to 6 years Boas 148 12c Scotch goods which such The latest fad or hat trim ¬ Best Jelly Glasses Lot f Womens Fine splendid Nearly two 75c 55c- mings In black white and Mercerized Lisle Vests trim Choice of a variety- Veils 49c Glass JEL- mAd tape including c Jamestown Bleached brown Very full and long just LY TUMBLERS with tin tops with silk in neck and of handsome designs Tic Chiffon Veils U4 yards desired to form en- ¬ arms Elastic quality One day double border effect coin spot Sheets 81x99 inches full size whats the at the following special prices long In hunters green leather for deublo beds Hand torn ana Armours Star Hams tire trimming for the new fall tomorrow at 12c each instead of Ke chrysanthemum rose lily and brown and all the hilts L4 many others One day at 9H favorite Ironed Finished with three One at 13 pint at 15c dozen shades for autumn One day at inch hem One ac yard 49c each day at each 12 pint at lie dozen Pound- 23 pint fit Zlc dozen Size Vests lOc 4 Tomorrow at 15ic Preserving Kettles Basement Extra lOc Cotton HeavV iron Preserving Ket- ¬ Womens extra size Vests 65c Table DamasK 98c Gloves 49c 8c Well have on sale tomorrow another lot of 100 tles with lining trimmed with in neck and 10c of Bleach- ¬ One lOc 98c Elbow length Lisle Gloves grade yardwide Hams same price The ft tot g wanted of- ¬ arms day at each 49c ed Cotton woven undress- ¬ Armours famed Star brand at the low Masons Fruit Jars full 16button length in black such tf flurry week fered tomorrow at lowered 20 pieces pure 7 7 ed quality for making womens which created last prices Masons Bost Quality Fruit of all linen Irish and white Large sizes 6 day heavy- and 8 One day at 49c paJr One at You know Star brand Hams as the sweetest tender 8 quarts 45c Jars with porcelainlined tops weight close woven cloth In a 8e a yard est and most delicious that money can buy 12 quarts 50c Each dozen in a wooden President Suspend- ¬ line of beautiful patterns One one bears the U S Governments Inspection stamp 16 quarts tc boxPints 5 day at c a yard Each at 3c each 1 Tomorrow at 15c a pound Quarts At 4c each ers 29c 150 Gloves 2 Fall Hats 98c Gallon 5c oaeh 5c Half at Mens President Fownes length Silk Biscuit Cos Graham cakes of Babbitt Qc 7 Basement widely popu- ¬ Elbow 200 large Black of fine ¬ lOc Paints 12c the advertised and Gloves white Crackers Saltlnos Banquet Wa Laundry Soap tomorrow at every- ¬ in black and quality black braids wIth ¬ to lar which sells Towels double fingers All vel fers and Afternoon Teas KC lee packages of Apotlzo Reliable where 69c 12c 9c With tipped vet banding Very stylish for lOc packages v at a pair Offered for Union Linen Tow-¬ sizes at one pair Regu- ¬ Regular for made by the Quaker Household Paints Stains and one day at 2Sc 12c Huck a between season wear One da- Oats Company 5c Varnishes and Enamelssold a els all white hemstitched at lar price 150 at 3Sc n d Ute Mens 50c NecKwear ends One day at M4c each Fairbanks Uonx 5c packages regularly at a can One day the Laundry Soap regularly 3cCC of Falrbanks at 1ho cake for Gold Dust Pow Oc 25c Four der < Mens 15c SocKs lOc 25c Gloves 19c yBoys 25c Caps 17c 150 cans of PInk Sal 25c cans of Palm brand Lot of Mens Allsilk Neck- ¬ Length 81C Pineapple In chunks and C wear in a variety of handsome Ruching3c Kaysers ISc Lisle mon new packing 75c Slop Jars 49c Lot of Mens Fancy Half Gloves in Boys 26c Golf Caps in all s for 145- colorings rich designs Hose in a variety of colors Chiffon Ruchiiujr m white white only All sizes A staple sorts of fancy material The SSc cans Americus 5n cans Veri roe China and Dainty of of Armours Stone Jars from the same silks used neat effects foot only neckwear for fall grade always sold at a quarter correct styles for school wear brand Asparagus Tips f best Potted Ham and CC with cover and ban handle in regular halfdollar neckwear spliced heel and toe One day wear One day at Sc length a pair One day for 19c pair One day at 17c each e new Tongue at for Full tlze One day at 43c each One day 25c at each at IGc a pair Bj


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