
7 - -.F-~ w M vowm is -do rofr. W. a. who was es t e s and sa a d NEW SENATORS' WIVES Wisseeo pbpdeisms. had a"T 11 HASING SWQID S8. FIFTY * W very -Mr that which somass M shee am YEARES AGO. auege gmt was owa a d n.e owned, and y g VIla aset ids evie an mme See,dw soart Annie fox when he was law. getee ere~ ne- sea~ QbsaQ adde Me, dandylng Webb:an embalm NeWO s xbamm e A About the Ten New tarm Which The two wre married at an eoly slofofe bum Osaidsa~l quantitp e Ose a ILLareatle aosmer. fature beotor's career, and their Nba bee "am"Sonsoe IIMIHfat a AQUINO f ta bees peI~ed r em e a eme. B INf~ ear, of Ogdenss a beee Nave Just Appeard. happy Their home at Mad.is In e of Itib F to'Ink]& . w mm weaa Mbei. derme a"d 1 te es s Uhe &saIn the went. Is has as amr or me beeswrd mu:b'lo tiM-hs mnd a Ift Of hr et de~ytm" i ce rtsee ep FeOcoebres etNees, Gm. ad ea~ tp, hethitis meyI, r in a teetible rsmn , *m A , b s- greand around it and it is bult nMe g we ba o mab ends" tat m" was so" a sl I weemli - a besatiful whisk the eC....euvan, Ir. awes at Mr. Ow 49at - Amat,' asteredl; Oat .es essaf BRIGHT OF lake, apes JIM Kr. dive. "MM rf. Nagesaest l nreey t a rababl sulphr and BITS GOSSIP. sel and rw boats Is the sammer ad lebes4 L nGRTERIN THE WATER CHA IeiiG I 03m CI*-a la Vanh* aaeNO u t lwee&, gnasee Gld pNILk. The e In wintur. Sesaer Vila is ilch. s begasN writeferTun Sta. 'Dutag thatasmas speak ahe Thh is nt eAdctorey 8sen by qete a life with to keep the wolffromae XrreR ad (k whih w emil the pahseesiebe bass hew Of enough deer, If him, owin to the eculiar way is which hi Imlmer tesaneete gNaNt. mena learmed asmertlie. IsdeS qdb- Who Whew Am Wbut Whey a. an =OW and neither he nor his wife have ever ha 31 4-i 3--s. hey Daess epsee are place, and it that thesm iseba elb sSmMi~easef yin s bWeghave bee qumsed. e muh of the of euitesea sv0n is stated The Uubedin a lug Washington. The emeaester n of neeeaeagpstea easily m 'm hardships an Atak the Vsets Whisk Pse iaimals are somti appresobed ad killed by E3m~ata me Osag *eM democrats who ratmd toIMet the lefty entiment in the middle ot wht we new mpwr -ts 6e bor&ed? Ansoer: I i. a seamr UembroghN" d N. AeMter ntrs In shllffy skih. Ostry Whe Cea3a't know a the NerthAra ee, t 6e. Thbm-The Dager of the RM naes a managed AWe-4agisiats- V. Gen U ahoet WmPreal Now el materil bedi be teSm -meFramm New K-gi.a 'E Ise R---e-geesin 1ea the Wst 1,4" MEN leig kamnarth to seet, and buse forever? Ameer By the ea OUR MAsTi]X DIGIT An neiate a e hema"somm.~ gesse at PA 9r2 w 1!. uhl- d-s g Ie s mas nobody haows how wide wau A th. asktte and the W-- r. er ,in, bp @ft1113 asthe Theavsatas me. we ear ta Mge is h Osp.L 6at 0118 mmteins l certain Ulthiq. amtmepde vras, or, agem, KONG TE BUGHT- UNBOMU CUREUS It em eeremaassEas Emaens es en.Thmb- wen Very hibh am at se t westr byan emaiPotss inmphadtigm the Oe tae est of the new women OCOme, gestie% g thy UeM mdad dope it had long and wem. It wan a ia form hr, taesase ae en rerd. bem a...h.s'eera. Beand the winds that cS and 0remi mighty land ma. and weetphaw le be- whitk but e mss et. in Washington this year of attacks made Woulbe avoid ttee Thavenjlr m The....eof p.uteu~bM ea aE m..L by hypnotisere should tryng COme, makethe den earth merrts ing sethat itendied for Whe lb.,. to the divte ams. ad the are the wives of the swoerd "b beas with IZwEmRAL COBB So the e eln t the it cesu a- upon wenaluesons persons posmessing longer NIug poet. Whem d om peateeon, le 1010of the itwatem; there is ale. tie ane- new Beasters. They and even vessels. elated thumbs than their for if there is tee administered by The erel, hellss, See dams ethea e abmssotly, pereacst Of eassel o Every own, e as e a art of compsedo cld- nte test the come to the capital On~eho heard the 16 i may truth in palmistry the strength of one's he readers of Tan ra she me him with ealm iubeifmep . new te teaMe heat is preved by the 0-eeaeo.= him- fros the four mon will WhenhsprtothedfoAtmtie.p Ofi, whe, though a liar and the fathe- of M, quarters "uplt quoted depends upon the formation of the thumbi ct oe has Me raied tower the lamst Meg, any is thie matter be of the United State frosm In rela- the will of Its owner or little TUs Brmamcosvistedperaod eo.siered a end" opplan power being great eat of thestate- s up am wre: "Oh, b te and M *1om de we hewe thi,eye t Dy the wranses. At al eveats he would rather lsems and, like Minerva from ties totbk wseading to the length or want of length of its errerin The shinesnthae A" exagwate 1t0 force.4'4m 1aA, a (lame interesting Uens of events whish sky: cames. at its forma suitesein whisk the the head of Jove, they Dmater of the deep: pper joint And sammer somes, am w and W geelogical Aliemtes has left behind In the of Beisterbach, ways that in a town ceaed a. into *Mstre her beusty 1o his Now the thumbs of Rosman holiday makers have transpired dring She cee,-.nd, Sm the dag days' gls thiaps themsich. ism oa. a certain Walter. When seh, spring full-fledged mouth et sediments depstesd by ito riea Wher. RnW tolan. with a face ike a thethichest of our fash- asanae. sam formed mattered to the defeated his Afty years et pe- 1ear SoOteesai het 6id Mnonk.) aSd goat's Gave him a swer, but let nothing mrs thaesedIaments found? Well, theApl- btorns. Walter asked harm abtut .be fate of his . tonale The UM. GALLIUOK5. whom fate their senal as re- Ate , society. umsmd hts mini." gladiator, hung upon being knowledge Be lived, am ta Oetoer writs chin amoenthle are entirely eep of master,Count Wallaam of Julers. --To% position of Senater's Jumping frw Wiheouai to New Easpaife Old fisbermen my ment forward or backward, a method of decree* lated in hem eolamas "Oh Pau. the colors Sy cat them. In that diteat te whn we are know," topled the deenwn. 'tile di.trigt be. tiis us ue in The we have another woman in the of ti at a ag life or death to we owe a My esteeed fend, ntrauee, absorb esl speaking the eastern pert th ntdStats Wolkenburg and l racb se.'la lan ith, important Washingtoa. bright person temporary insaaY smethmee apes's which, perhaps, Itieetell smoiere rank here as the of Mrs. Senator Galiager. The moat of her life to siw these man at another's mid to be under Mr. Ramilton The chesat beads beseeth Its seld hadnot as yet been uplifted above theoean. you, that if that district a'd theNe moee- represensatives has orseatures, While ander the mercy being Gemeots When this portiem of the aentinant did an.s Wo both made of iron and let in -th @stat and their wives are as the been spent is the espital of hes is ene of it wll kie thumb. of the of A lmb broke. ad that might tiln er emserge th" regarded "eta, where ahe has had a scial career they make enirely Unpre. The Irish Department from these the sediments I bavsspke of Place where tie eSul of % our majster me is lades of the states from which quite thed assaalte of hero, Plngal, had the felicity State, mistakes the locality I mean when I He "mssed with soler morbm emme up with It, the they would be nolisen -Ading they and where her husband has beenJ rominent is ' upon graft cousidemble dse. ft be under his own thumb, that member feruing Apaaia autqua:n, buperdiia sos. There are ,is of rauge ether featurs of wha Is a certain rules of social eti- Sadsoitical lif&a Mrs. Gullinger" not surprising that when harpooned they lrving him as a aching in a pe- speak the Mr. Gibson who kept a paper store And when, at last. old Wbter eass among mow *ulerius inferionjungiiomet--in wrd. 6e. qette have beent somewhat i danger signal, on the land. We know that the rivers of the fore you could wink." segarding them. They to make Washington during old retalIate by attacking their assailants, tuliar way whenever trouble impended, when Pennsylvania avenue between the establish- The poet loudly sag his fame- vanished continent must have been Thecoloroihk-1 Are the wives ot some elas husband's term in the House of Q alte resort to the had to it Into his mouth to become ment of the long and to probably a hal db apes higher ber Repro- commonly they offensive me only put Messrs. Galt and Tia TAa edes. "King whom the meows have mowsi large, because no smal ma said have green, no lght but rather daorksmea than as. for instance. the sentatives, but she never paid much attenlon a ider mch Oircumstaneeoso that the -mediately Instructed how' to overcome the I have Now Le a di@1o0d shaas the ls Alhere Vmiebla. themselves. Presi- and has a quiet 11 e o pursuing heretofore mentioned Mr. Richard Gib- transported sauh sediment. is cold a hell, but uo water. It a met dents as well as uan the ladies of loWashiagto. seeiety preferred tr Is obe to r into lifeilty of the hour. So, by the pricking of of the lakel"-he skated twice, tomy. lifetothemocialswim. SheissNew Hamp bhireh ether, losking and ahMSt er thuifba telli her "something wicked thia son, whom Mr. Clements speaks so feelingly, Upon imProbable that there are corgareal ewtrin., is their own set was have n here longer woman birthand was of 8,11ahints th and who was his and And then broke through and drowned! the en.. of serpenta. aiad imm-utal. of wldeh thee have. and there are certain by ahe naley op- MAX 2118 sUarAen. way comes," did weird sister know of Mac. teacher. who lived for "Toe may well lmin-an how interesting it they kinson. She was teaching school at Cnocin- eth's before her ears his years in the house corner of D and 12th streets. -W. IL WInes. momme ny they are as thedek an tie rashes 0% ether louses upon whom in etiquette they ati A wrd fish, when "sr the Nor- approach caught Mr. says: must be to the gselegitA to epae, h.em.e in ahe Seer. abut this Sea mattr at s*btle sheold call antal have bee Iorst called whom she met Dr. Gainger, who was in swimming ootfall. Clements *That gentle, kind sad iU- they the medical ee1ge and the two fell e, "Maly alnlws its doresl in and a When a amiable old gentleman. Richard Gibson the AN JM14T hand, the Appalachian bi faser fessi forms of quary and abatrse; and uGd, no the Mbulsa pwo by them. The wives of the cablet eU- there, portion new member was initiated into the SAMSON. she most In love with one another and were married. el Its toilt ot of water. It is this and swore to painter of the panoramas of Quebec and ki. life which existed upon this anciest and mys- knowing. se.s saw emll rst upon the wives of the Seas- project Westphalian Vehmgerichte, keep ara 'i: rayil and Miertly after this Dr. Gallinger began to pins- h hiit which enables the he secrets of the from wife and Falls, and which were presented to e eeht e or a Neted terious land mass so amany thoesseds of con- early docttrne of bed, eles mesm a.d the wives of the Senatore sually make Wie medicine in and thi has fishermn to tell when society child, public at the you re- ftrength xges Athet turies Of )he Climate of the ated by tue tathere with more of cold -or the frit c.nla upon the sivea of of the Cencord, ple ti a game is present. The creature moves other and mother, soter and brother, from are 'rotunda,' which, maybe ago. geological rather justices their home for the past thirty ym al ad member, was constructed forthem and stood on Atisantis thin much be said: It was warm - barbarity than of artastac skill, Court. Ever, one of thee new Sena- bee. sly under ordi conditloas and the fsh- sword, from the thing@ warmed by the may very is honored a bpaeiue emater Gellinger some time ago retired from is g schooner a on or' nourished the he did so with the reservation at the corner of 18th street and A Madison, Ind., dispatch to the Chiage warm and moist, the air so leden always with promame-at pace i5 tors' wives will out and receive about a with lhet breeze finds no diM- by rain, probably It give prrtic. He is well to do, and heand Mrs. i thumb and two of Pennsylvania avenue. These works excited the VaMd The recent with earbonic acid gas that msammala, ad relidtios taials. was eurved for the pocfvisitin.card durin the season, and Ity in overtaking It. Whem alarmed, how- he Angers his right hand says: death here of Horaes later charch to add ot think that the least things in the i 'er, it eshibite pon the eross hilt of a sword. An oath so greatest enthusiasm as you will learn by refer- IL there been any, eould hardly have breathed it thnae tne to.achte ad- soW diest of ear will be almot as im- who lives Coas- enormous strength and agility. ence to Stapp, at the advanced age of more than with comfort. and emetsons tornent which at As. so .incult to to her as orldare their daughter, in S s"etif=e it is seen to out of aken was held irrevocable, and not to be an- theKationatlakewgenaerofthatdate, fifty Malaria other miasmatie eal potet husband's petion to his and their two who are with them leap entirely ears ago. The rotunda was ainety years, recalls many Incidents of his life diseases were afoat in the atmoasphe Con- Without deplo- ang the ,alaie and -etcal labors, brdge, sons, w Its long, lithe, muscular b y, with mulled by even the pope himself. occupied by Mr. of yet resamed Mrs. GaUlinger is a member of the bap- I ster.e In olden times it was the of the Pulay. after the removal of the Quebee and hat are worthy of more than passing mention. ditions were more unfavorable for human life Iagenaity the human fancy. here into is ad abl - snugly fitting grooves, pressure 14M0 - NO ahurch and she is a working Christian. a lapied for the moat rapid movement humb upon the wax of a document's seal Ningara Falls panorama, by his dying horses, Without doubt he was one of the most remark- than they are now in that dreadful "ehoe throug which I have known as A TKNO- IMI UEATOA PROCTOR ti 4 water. Prof. Richard I hat made the deed a valid and in- little doubt you oftentimes rode ible characters Madison has ever claimed as a the Delta of the Gangs. whe oir WeOos Owen,. testifying binding for a or a a - trument and in verbal contracts the upon penny two ride." Europeans are unable to mervive so we known to the country that It is use- English court respecting its power, said: thumb itisen, and certainly few were better knownas Ebeg As Formed "The sword fish at fpll speed strikes with the atined the bar;;ain. Goths and Iberians com- TR a Nas eainnoac anA. by Watue gVaper CAM. 4" to give much of a description of her. She deted an PANoAMA o was a resident of the city for more than afty demmg em reeim at esid e s ndid, woman of the cumulated force of afteen hammers swung 1 agreement by licking and joining referred to and the are "The land of the vanished estiment was leaster. motherly looking ith heir as once did flying horses vividly rearm His only colorod rival for rrm Once a Week. ew type, quiet, gentle. andylike both hand. It velocity is ual to that thumbs, Scotobmon and recalled to prominence covered with rank and gigantic not- ras Englandnd a swivel shot and theshock i as gerous in doors still do. and rVstio lovers once be- my memory, and subsequently Mr. "used away a few years go in the person of growths, Mr. Job Aitken's of tog s unassuming.Aside from the Becretary of rothed themselves their Vanderlyn, the of the "Landing of I ably with huge pins and giant eesee-ths theory gailing War, she became noted here for her social qual- leffectsa. thatof aheavy artillery projectile." by licking respective painter lev. Chapman Harris. a noted aposte of free- eredence, and it is certainly one that has much master fngers and then pressing them to- Columbus," exhibited a at the same coal plants destined to furnish fuel eventually ties, and her home on Massachusetts avenue 2=n 2aaerr.m.T ALalon = LrranATunu panorama lom, who, like Stapp, passed the greater part to mankind. 10 recommend it. Ther. can be no questees sea been the oen@ of ether, as they vowed to remain faithful to place. Pauley's Museum was with These plants grew more laxura- many large gatherings, t the existence of the sword fish In the western soh ever a removed, of his life in Madison. For years honors were near the se. It was a time an- hat it coven the better any which have been characteried an absence other for and day. the flying horses, to a building on C street next antly great for groaid than oteer. by A 1lantle oosare in Jesmelyn's "Account of Two Shoulderings, jeerings and biting of thumbs to the Bank of iretty equally divided betweenthem. But their sects, especially cockroaebes. The paleozoic. Mr. Aikes attributes the jiroducue.a of miset, display and by the quiet and dignified grae Washington, where one of his was will if the hostess and her syages to New in which the author were the favorite provocatives to quarrel with attractions I remember was Miss krominence ned through widely sp- yen remember. is called the age of cock- reg and rain to the preetaRi'e Of charming daughter. TheV ," be of St. Paul's Walk in Shakes- Honneywell, rated channels. rris won bis roaches because of the enormous numbers of pertecie a Proctors are rich. Every one knows of the Sen- w riter: "On the twentieth day we saw a "roughs" the lady with no arms, who cut profiles with by assisting PaIad matter in the to. pirolefmr great time, and many a brawler bit her toes. In a slaves in their fght to Canada. them found in foasil shape in the strata lid atanosphe ktor's marble quarries with their hundreds of 6 I ealed the sword a and care's braggart second letter from my con- -nagay was the rst to at hisish, aving long he dust for biting his thumb at a better man. Mr. Clements, he itapp's rested on his physical pawer'. And down during that epo Ages were yet to Il'ndall demonstr.ste how the workmen, who pour gold into the family tres- rong sword blade on head. with which he temporary, confounds Win. these two men, before mammals ecsid he week in and week out the whole P arced our ship and broke it off with Ingoldeby's vulgar little boy much shocked F. Bayly with the Mr. Gibson who a paper contrasting one would at paw by could appear stmopbere Witervd, and to show it in ary year is benefactor when he his kept select Harris as the physical He upon the In the seas aread about L through. Every one has heard of their Ae tc get loose. One of our sailors divedstrivingiand "put thumb unto store near Tua BTA offies, but, bless me, Mr. ret,dgit giant. comparatively pure state. Mr. Aithem is 61 is nos and his fingers out"-a derisive was a was head and shoulders above Stapp, but the the continentscene.gigautie sharks and armored lose in Vermont, and few, owing to the lack bi ought it aboard." Evidently the creature it of spread Bayly modern, while Mr. Gibson occupied was far an fshes pinioa that water vapor cin,: to and ce. snobbishness and ostentation on w me well known in pantomime in vogue among the ancient the store I alluded to when I was a small atter, though smaller, superior disported themselves together with es >f the part of ancient times, inasmuch as boy, He was not more than sarine and The time losmee these particles. either bringing them was. EVrIL he Proctors, to the P Iny "The sword a or asyrians. and Mr. Bayly and I were about theam age itrength. Ave feet three reptiles, big smal. strange say, envy them says: fish bath beak bill, To say a man works of Ir four inches in but his which han sinm tham is so vast that owa as rai or rmaintug im T1hese ae seventeen new Senators In Con- osa of their wealth. A arp inted, wherewith he will drive by rule thumb is to and came some twenty years later. Mr. height, massive elapsed seuspended through him with exactness; but when ex- lhoulders and muscular arms at once attracted science does not attempt to make may estimate biem as mg or fg. gnrw this sesion, but not all have wives to ma. om tI esi and lanks of a ship and pierce it so eproach Clements says: "The house you cite as ceen- itention. Toward the life its at it will sWk" One vessel in hunt- bequer tallies were in use a notch the width by Gibson was uishsd except when wepnclose of eeused.his he lostHe respecting duration. 8e amny miiones of (aloride cf eedium derived from the an b hales their sorrows ani double their A Seator Charles Gibson is the hand- engaged f a thumb previously occupied by much of his old-time agility and have the he meet joys. perhaps g sword ish has a record of hvin been' represented exactly £10. Mon.. Dupont, whose -mixture' of snuff was grew rather years gone by since real Auentis eank exteassive fug producer, but salgiar lew are bashelors like Messra. Hill, White and Gumest of the new Senators. He is in as When drapers employed the wand famous the eountry orpulent. but his wonderful powera seemed to out of eight beneath the ena that the period a the common base of tows toga. and be eg. happy rack twenty timse, olothyard over." Of again, my friend. leeline asa Dubeland some are widowers. Among the maving a wife who is much lier looking than remhe possessionthe St. LouIsofr.epubule.-a narrow thumb was an ad- Mr. Duport, and afterward LewisJohnson, and ad the crushingbut slowly,ebaewhichand though olwewell into ethe eternity compared with the brief @"a ot gete tast it is well that it should IM! so, bomnes heighst from the northwest who have en- kimselL Mrs. Gibson comes of one of the old svrmS TenMYA. atage to an aspirant to the counter, as in afterward James Clephane, and afterward ineties he was daily aen upon the streets and a single human life." he sulphur has an antaseptac enect on the oft- ased the asuatorial circle are Mrs. Senator amilies of Virginia. She is a sister of Mrs. The sword ab never come to the surface ex- measuring goods the buyer gained a thumb's James P. McKean, and then W. F. was almost constantlyemployed. He was born maat ar, and waves dsofrom w se evals hs And Mrs. Senator Mrs. Tacker and is see of the ridth in but the of a was Bayly, L slave in Scott county, and was the T0 rg. ThIs is news to the lyle Hansbrough. KyleI tandolph moet co pt in moderate weather, according to Dr. 0. every yard, adoption next to Gait's. Mr. Clements dose not of John Ky. gOUNeAL WNU. good sofeoe in the wife of the new Senator from South Da- iristeeratie looking ladies of Washington. She ova Goode. A vessel has measure imbedded in the counter deprived recall the panorama of Vanderlyn, and wroperty Branham, wios plantation from as anoyance which, if the timesy beta. Se is a very woman and e tell and with that rich- dark com- pursuing them ones of their and the did says: was on the Elkhorn at what is known as the MI4 Treat Vftsre brached he tae, be rid of, Thes pretty stately. a man at melim-Angeredlips of a pretty youngadvantagewoman yesterday. "He have the superintendence of soem eedsat y. bt Wa canaiot got Beoke ike a girl among the wives of the old and beautiful black hair so often found ways stationed the mast head, raper's customers of their "thumbs.' in New ig Crossing, twelve miles from Frankfort. e---fet U msem ma . Is so special came of un-asine s as to e sul- >lexion with the keen ee ' panoramas York, but it resulted in name was beetasre. She has dark hair and eyes and a imong seathers women and found in ere, Whish eractice has 'heItspeskeras by thewasthumbMiss Janethe millerWest.testsMisstheDams-ebar- disaster to him." lis slave Horace Branham. When the esden.au..s.w. phur togs, and, em the whole. they are blewilge meet ren him, he son e e a ret a man From a thiCd charming manner. She is of French nsetassetly theolticiasamm typetherenowherenamed else.NailleyMbeandis 01 &k at y deowry ell-aeh eter and qualities of the grain he grinds; Noven very young Strap scaroely knew The lavish western dalgoles. All the some, if we struaan dessent and her maiden name was Anna Isabel ibrilliant eenversatioaalist and a of ins a distance of two or three mil.. the over the a lairrxes. be limits of his streag He would catch a hespihlty whish indets Msr smoke a se an to get rad of the he i. I think, the sisterwoman et asu ben the preading sample fingers by pe- He rebs (ramptes, es mter at Wsgen, little, Mt Duget, and her ancestors came from Pans. [nick Understanding and ready sympathy. She ly be im~fagndy is lightedThere dosesthenotwatchseemgivesto bea eC ular movement of the thumb, he gauges its painted "Ariadne" and "Walas Maias In roung and wild horse his masters field and upon treating a gust an a very great persen- mars, it would he more lesnly, end gp She is. however. an American herself and was very wel to do when Senator Gibson mar- out andcraft is steered in the direction i alue by the thumb itself. the Ruins of Carthage," which were exhibited brow it to the ground, a feat often witnessed age has not yet been repleged by esaventienal pether better foras. she born at Medina near Cleveland and dicated. The his at she ied her, and the two have a very pleasant skipper takes place in a Cornelius Ketel psinted his pictures with his here, as I have often heard Mr. Gibson ly guests the Branham plantation. It was coldness and X4olot g age the wile 1101 na g to school at me en the shore rt Of "pulIt," 00,461.n4 at the end of the ta the stsge.it isButstillduring the week she left thme speak se of his master's favorite amusements to formality. ten t. ______the pious old college of eastern of Maryland. Their humb, and the picture-eleaner's safest of them. I recall them and pit seesa literarytombeowsmanthevisitedweekrelativeshad heesin alans e =ebenwhen she met was here is a aprit, armed with a whicb has a tmO. was their exhibition erydayaerhisron p aganstdeathhetwohador heaswerk,more of his and of westera young Kyle,whe then lie spent in sne suite of apartments harpoon ompany,Whenandsawingthe task ofrenderedlpapigfelleasier by theto secured Mr. Vanderlyn the order for the t- ad slaves Her studytag the theology of Congregationalisma it the and here Mrs. GibCnre- tachaehead. me holds the pole which iavention of the thimble, or thumbed as it was in wiltesstheens.wit which he vanquishd city. coming having bandulgmmenneed Saw s e i atia One Shereharn, rms the of ing the rotunda. The "Ariadne" was C the as returning hems when he weastrisee with a "g Et w in a wsminary there. The two fell in love with aerelveein ,her friendsand abewithbogttrue southernhack withhospi-her re handle the weapon with both c riginally called, that useful article was worn hem. by heal paper, the day after har arrival n erlossesee ha eieb Ib Te bemth kep the man at colletion of the latesJames C. McGuire. The eartAt disem. and fell dead upnthe street, He lesarated with hseamn The e--ea..=eoa- Wttng br It. one another. and Kyle followed Miss Duat to ads, directing the wheel by voice 1 ghtponontheherthumbfeet, andnot theshefinger;undertoktoand the turn exhibition here of the age of twt -e Stapp was a 01- less hm Ae private earrigges won at Plum Oincianam abho she went there to fnish ali.y. - 4 gesture how to steer. There is ae E ee Japa- "Columbus at the Council a piased &Weede Masem. her SM PAua. i diMculty amersaults,dentist, too.disdainingBut hdranyeffortsbut nature'swere notapli-a of Slain-a-c" Win. H. now developed =and, end She lady's drivers. SI mial educate, ad it was in Cincinsati that approaching the intended vietms with a a finds his thumb and Anger all by Powell, In the m hlyprized by his meeter, who Tnsev- disposal, Including eely an istremeant in de emha ee Senator yobA I. Palmer may be President of Tq Inch a largeof andalthough,formidbl animal as the oI acee. collection of Mr. James Brown, the banker, ral as refused She could not accept them al, bt did met amart's attentIso.A been they marrid. who is a bright, attractive and acneoisad someine, curionslyenough, sempletea the extractionsueess. ofThanksthe tomosta buoyantstubbornsufcingdispo-.of secured him the order for the "Do in L0 for him. He mesped VeeM he Untted States and in that ease Mrs. Palmer A sy will not suEer a small beat to come near a teetih. Soto" the would have thatsumeor of an opporteaity to drive oat and see I iswrote u es er for and q 31a. As A IRaMACasa. be mistress of If 0 Ching rotunda, as the exhibition of n certainly brought mere fail violaM may the White Bouse. so According to the writer of the "Washington any of the markets of the far south. When Very AS Country sheet the tows. 1 rhich, witheat the emotie e Team Eyle then started out to peash a I be will make a good one. She is a woman of epilogue Crossing the Delaware" ascured Leatse the he old master died the -eah ed eventeenth century is was then easy to dis- order for the slaves owned by him Within bosre the had sesived iei Siftheven* Aireand It eenehan Mrs. Kyle went with him. she f"Owed his msh emiture. and she is more feed of books Inguish the "Westward the Star of Empirm" were divided among hischildren the casting ferty-ight Spohr. are greatly p6ed. T han or is of Althogh there wauld be no in country from the town gallant in by so fewer than fty eab frowejee who I he leer which Iorem among the Mormons at Utah. among dress. She fend long waikh and difoulty theater, the latter known etawen IN SOCIA. A"D oPoax.LLIn. of lots. and Hbrace was drawn by Bran- to Lind~ m veli,mta upamhad beat demed re air. and though she does not em for hi inging the end of the ever being by putting an Betsy paytheir compliments the aid digge of Colorado and, the cow bowsprit directly I Is periwig in order with a comb, while his The material changes which mark the prog- Stapp, wife of Gen. Milton Stapp. thea a themfae wIth gsAeroity and ahs.ma. past wrthy e.ly o up ttt ros" ha ofte t iecisty salling she is thoroughly in soeli 6 fsh, a skillful never waits for 1 ewident of Madisom. Susan iranhass. geat a oseeuen reaches. Wherever he natters up harpooner rovincial brother was content to attan the ress of the age in Washington, sister of Wut the crowning ws to com pave V0" Md place 6t Its em ina t was his to as a preae and understands how to entertain. th I. When the PftYis fron 4 to in a obfject With four and a obliterating received Horace's sister and her experisenees chera. duty ge missionary Mrs. Palmer was born 1'feet ame Angers thumb. landmarks of the and £rs.Seapp, With aother relative the atadda sor of4 e went with him. and she was with him in aer husband. To ame inthepringield,Seaserswords,Iinols. f6Si set of the vessl itte rnok. The harpoon is atsiA Chileanattendmerchantto that.used Youto can't afford to pat leaving in their hild as her share of the estate and sad them I 'The eIrmII was rakied to great wper was living there when Palmer fell n ver the b defy forgery by o Sunday school meeting, di gto take a Aberdsea. South Dakota, where he was preach- a the aoeietdthrown, tsalpole Nsrythelong enoughcafto T lacing one thumb on the paper he wished to place improvements combining beauty and slave tradera, The other slaves were die. seat at the back of the bens y him and orthwith took pluc at a teei the time he was elected to the love with her. sad the story is that No ablethe to dart the a and Its comfort, are not more radical than the Ixaeed of in like manner the other ehal- modesly part lue imeramt. In his agt United he the old gentleman on prb-be oh exportanmal punch into gn, tracing outine; then he placed the change amoeng and hear what we&t on. Enr the hel the nearly wemes 0Sm. States late. Mr. Kyle preached there for put Of the ele to the baeck fin. When c thorthumb acroseoutlined that,and his signa- in the tone and manner of social and official trun. Horace's mother, onacountof har age. two ladies were beckened to eived speci atteation, while thebk lve years and Mrs. that Aberdeen is astion as to certain small vices which he th a dart has thus been faaened to the the I mre was An life. The official went out was refused as a gift all the children, and an usher. and masterfa Kyle says contracted for a or so mrk, the mseet fareaious of its kind, andAsb tea complete. impression of the heavy, dignified by "This way ladie!" sesatiful easeedisgly Wolf. am one of the pis=e*test towns in the United mad ear before she mar- li e attached to it is allowed to run the t iamb in ink would serve with the Polk administration. It had "lin- lorace's father, also a slave, bouht her with ihathe Detesbeae a, a in A smsear for and It "ed him. Senater so the le out, bettar the purpose. They fQwedhim, and beene they we tinmy Iemiet clari "% bowles, has about .0 people. semen intethe someefPalmer,the wrd,butstoryshehsaagoes, PCa being retained in the hand. As soon as f ar we have Mr. Francis Galton's assurance gered superfluous on the stage" from a period money given him by his inster. he was the aware of It were upon the plattrm edes. by the Lad the fne clarinset ancrte, wich he eas. te meet of whom are cultured uilaled conditions to the letter and be- th rope has run as far as the strichen I mat the made cuticle long anterior to that but like mother of twelve Horaew the for stdier. have 0 the ea man a Seature pattern by the of the epoch, ruffled children, being minister's side and facing the audience- The posed iaparted iNsG- wad agreeable, and it will rank geody-good and Inally ended his wi I carry it thelne is into a small Aitgers do not so much , knee breeches and the minuet it eath child. went as whicdem ar up te of into the be at which is passed vary between various disap- After the minister then proceeded to make an address, all-age reputation be to general ability and culture with the oldest late probation by going IS a aa nasesedtowing atebarkthe stern.was gapteredTwo menin I eriods of life, nor alter sufficiently by reson peared under the new dispensation, which dates division of the property Mrs. Stapp in which he enlgifthe me of the towns of Masschusetts or New York. of matrimony. Mrs. Palmer is j into the boat and o r other from the close of the Mexican war the risited the to claim Horace and was liberary Then Mrs, whaleauch interestedof his variedin hereareer, syptiigwith GB leassstermptil heghor, sad in itspullneesBuponwasthefoundline conditions. as to lose their individ- and set- plantation man and the virtues of his wife ending in- his sparwag gen yamS MuWOR Kyleis noted for her musical talent and she husband's work. She us the fiash is brought alongside, when it is a ality. tlement of California by the Argonauts. ken offered 01,500 for him, but the offer was by witing for that oe reed istrmt. the he=* has hie that the world Is better and ki eledsord, aabout two taehee long, of a ug viting her to address the children. put to practical use in the musicale.. >elaes growing with whale lance stuck into the gills. The Chinese have long been aware that the DGNrr IN TRE SENATE. efused. Instead of being sold btapp was hired Bat the eastern who norn, the splendaid properties af whch he and eeucerts of her husband's church. She is hat women are growing better with it. She i en it is fted the deck I U for ten at 0100 a and at lady, wus sky and leeemed more sitterbeenand peblticiam. She '- a re-ie-uss upon of the vessel Jressions of no two thumbs. even of the same tiptothat the Senate was a dg.- years year the ex- retiring in could not even at- suitable than eve the eing theresghlv earnest in her views of and iae prominent for years in Illinois in all wi lb tackle. I are period very of his time he was his disposition, ror him "Eequiem." For the hee Uemrt novensents that tend to the iividual, alike; and impressions of every nifled There was no >iration given freedom tempt to rise; perhaps her knees weald met 4 theugh she doesot like the idea of giving up advancement of TIM OF nan c riminal's thumb are taken the body. invasion of the a ad a home in this city by Mrs. Sapp,with much, St a which at hal life. sex and she is one of the the rnSUIT Tm swoaD by police and have held her H she had attempted. Wke s"t Samcrding promnele her whole tme to society she will probably mer managersef much more umbered for reference. He may him- youthful spirits which now prevail. In keep- whom he remained for four years, and was a sever reaed with any preem smne r6man's exchange at an organism- exciting than ordinary ishing, If disguise with that aember of the household at still; quite overwelmed. with dowanast eyes, = pleasant receptions at her pretty Springlsld, re as he will, make up as he can, but a com- ing dignity cloeks were the fashion the time Henry There was a painful which i Opus IMl he a rare beh part, and i boent-e Hill. :on which Is helpful in its induence and far. iembling as it does the hunting of large ani- arison of then and 3ay visited Madison and addressed the silenen, aresali does "Me.12" in smne ne, Capitol in its results. = the impressions of his thumbs with hence the name of "cloak many the minister broke. dimetsie m. sad-sckingshe list saw the lightSenatorofdatPalmerurnandPrmea-his ds upon land and more of the na- t] ist in the as a room," housands under and about the elm tree " Uasenore. Wife4ive here a partaking pelice archives settles the identity whicih remains reminder of the time big "if the." he maid .ur do et cae at the Elsmore, quiet hotel, t re of the chase. There is no a f an old offender not when, reemedhat still withstands inss.Ifront of asthe abeh eansion.by .ienda One of te brightest of the new Senators is uihia a stone's throw of the White House. el, bl issad e6upaa slowsmalland care-fy. beyond doubt. unlike the Roman toga, Senator Benton, At about Madison Stapp to addrem , perhaps they wil fin and give fu balting and in this Children have come into the world the Senator from Missouri, this time was one of the ae a at Ems Uutm ber the Meary C. Da=ab-ough of Nofth Lakota. Ne Ma. TI patient waiting pursuit. sparsely wrapped in many restest pork centers in good them!" Semm almc.. game is seen and followed, outwitted by Provided as regards the members of the Land; yards of broadcloth, strodo (Col. Benton always packing the west, and This was as hard a demand te the bwhe e a boy, but his is o tacties and killed skill 5 me with a m the ab-ence of the labr-saving dlas ether. a. anatomy packed ShesenatorfamsilyDrieeameistoperhapsthis seintrythe richeetto 151. ofMeberthe la ry by and strength of but thumband index Anger, others strode, he never walked) into the Senate cham- mtilheead appliancess of the presentSee fmalaarygo The ladies aat pertoctlyauet and th as John P. WatsoLanGiOsma--t.lays: DriNg * a d with eson sense, diplomney and good fe!- Senators and he will probably n. There Is always danger from so formid- ' -Ith no thunab at all, or with hands lhke that of ber, "every inch a Senator." He was one of the day there was an another sitU aree weather the hand. and faesheull be anaeine of the practical Sea- mew entertain lean antagonist. is the who ver-present demand for mom of strength and panfal emes. There was enem xtonsively here before hIs term N4ot only vessel more [r. Caaar, represented Hierfefordshiire handsomest men of that period, as unlike the to do but e with urmed for. P'eople of lighb---aled- em the future. He is aenatorial Isa lees to be ndurance. Stapp found in one mothing go the eusrelses. It fortunate in havi' a Shever.lastlHepaperha a charmingin sheeadwife, who is nowoand~eel likely attacked by the infuriated during the last century, which was as nearly young bloods of the Senate today as were Cicero emaploymen was a awful eserisnee for the lady hrem the eesbrgtfe and one who has stuck to him ich in her own a sinai, hut thereissome peril .o the fishier- 1I a lobsters claw as a specimen of or Cato. The merry the if the umerous houss and hswonderful butt ite leger greatlydmrangeod scatheruiem a right, as Menator Bice is said ke humanity jest, practical joke, the' of It she saade and acees. There ese~ eo ml thr hickand thin in all the varied ex- in themselves. Sometimes their boat e d be a towers were soon maanifested. He could ban- seat; rertiumeinte o have given her #500.0 when he made a bigm is mu expected tocarry; species of malfor- sparklhng repartee, were unheard amid the lie hos with very te pasienes ot his adveauroun life and who is of money out of the Vanderbilts. He then rust through with the sword, whfich is a most n alien he shared, according to the records of the rumbling of forensic debate. They were re- apparent sase that taxed the le-a "CiaE., ,eie or emie at the drug state' fer chpe ne at homne here as a society woman. You >ot er mendous weapon, and on A Academyv of with a whole served for the dinner the trength of three meen. It soon became his sole ind all are enough, itea very tml ol she should take thisand keep It even ie occauons persone erlia ticiences, tamily table, social forum. e assep thegeedbeands froma er e sd never suppose that Mrs. Hanabrough f he ye been killesa in the water ' negroes dwelling near Paramaribo in Some few Senators of that luty to carry hog. from the hooks to the chop- ene e lest every cent by speculation, and hehas, by the angry I 1769. period have de- rdgend~ sete iS e arsh thema with Onjuf 61 san adroughed It Oe a Dakota ranh, but she t is said, given her other amounts from sy. However, this only renders more inter- soended into our age, bringing with the M dug blocks, and it was while he was thus em- ford alqute a while on a farm near Devil's the sport, which is maid to be one and aged that he performed perhaps the mist re- Ehen wash themn welt, re to abbEet , ang of the ponderous appearance the Wmia wr glyerine and eB est ash. bhwisherhusband stayed in the town and set faseinating in the world. Old Eted. markable feat of his life. One day it became unaper mem Uamn, pewdeim Aishen Two flowers blessom on one stema, sacancme to saa on azusm A 5o33. to remove to the block an immense e aespaperns and only got out to see her en pgdInit as a business have been known to Two ecessary s em bandes. ner house at this time com- Is for sword fish all night In streamlects minging run; Isitwithin therangeof Imaagination tosap. orker and his feliow-workhe steed by In f madi sem wasea thur dreams, And Jove and habit blending msake ager of Ytms. ma mmas, M heeable frame and was. a littie better br mising theirhandsandskianing theirknuckies T'wo lives as truly one. pose Judge David Davis ever saw a joke? Sid- anticipation Stapp' first dset. He !ha ecomiemal et leom jues em hm es @m the hered aper shanties of those the their berths rided himself upnthe fact that he hod never Have loved is mse to a as hie and hade wil heer thema white anla who top et while spearing ney Smith's suggestion of a surgical vt asked for assec.Without the slightest herr.De After a timse she sinsi-mgnr monsters. - One in each interest, hope, and flear, operation On me prees the aame f ee1 Simem and whes the war beebe eestase hems ws in Whatever chance to enable a Ucotchanan to get a Into that ea spinet, ysam ags, mlt timee a day with eqL mm.p~e mesel bate Devil'. Lake. and she speaks with ranom es> betide; joke his emee of the culture and plaues which th T=a swmn vm= One in affection's bond, though two, head would be indispensable in the e-s of I wered from a oI his sholde andh I ente fancy gotym siremd ezistence in her old home town in !hswe are ay number of stories respeeting TO comfort, strengthen, guide. Judge Davis: nor womad he altogether useless I moved of with his burden, hot very slowly, Me . Se my. she likes the northwest aforceity of the sword fih In seral well- When torrid none Is in the ease of Seator McDonald, while Seator I or, as he himself afterward amitted, the lead eeM quite passion's past, 'ore so heavily upo him he could searel lift a weB as New ehIn which state sh was inhsatiested they are said to liearts only draw moure near; Sumner would defy the whole college of sur- I Their en am Aa tumen Enh mses have to w The little cide-hienistg bee.ndl he is by no ameans averse to Wash- treed the aides of vessels, projecting their And silent sympathies of love geons inoculatslaim with humor. The len- I is feet. The ih carried en this e...je. hp hie.~ m e se= hewever, the keen th Strike deeper year by year; ate of todayisss==likethatlspI of a if it of brao- apone through sopper sheathing and several represented a different The toa has bee attetd ir Dakota and mays she feels better at of as When every little fault i. seen, civilixatin cosamplhe ymanyre- a m-----i- ISe mSSe bem U te S km t here. She lea bliede with shse. planks. It related that on a calm and the senatorial robes are today amnong t I witnesses. It was never excelled, even by I bright w4 y in the summer of 1888 a Boston ws And every fleeting mood, in the is oecavaier of other set haes thme eef the emt g bhe~rsy cheeks and a anse of early hIs little pdlot And all the nobler ::npulses curioaitiss natienal maseum, ~with I ltapp himself, though many hogs of great ds lamds mSem wing skiE leuserely along, when he Are shared and hunderstoed. the uniform of Washington, they are cerise rent to the slaughter pans. To It oemaag his rendhtte, s Isuddenly roused from his seat by a as relies the His mn cunros. is >in thrust of long past. The "grave and long term of employment abeut the ye- land, deadm asin ofaden. Theme as below by a sword fsh, which drove Its Yet still our secret, separate dread reverend who tread rIons houses of the mr hamrt a oist 6eqa ti5bm 3a ahsd eontraet to Mrs. Wa=nsbrough is ord more than three feet Will sometimes cloud each mind: signiors" today these hanse ty wae not devoid et heltos whi ener ese through the bottom and display their eloqueme are clad In sheog. a onal encounters, for thuhgdntrdhe la ihnfmqe6 mims, and fet a Msa Smtsr Chiltem. This lady a as the boat. With rare prsnce of mind the Ah! which must face this cruel world and to resent an Sthe Tesam sn struck the sword wit the butt end of When left ing jacket. cataway. quick Island weealien ra-udinl rimee ECast eu r eme, which It seeueed a brunette Mrs. aloae behInd? rhen'am aroused. On more than .me a b as Hanabrough is o tieme, which make her the pesearns.f meas r and broke It off elese to the bottom of W. U. K. Laogy. sOYATIOSmomao Tan wner. o- essalion he way by atepiaOs. ablends. Her heir it. Whetherthe ras amsiled by nmeras, but never is glassy bleek. Her Efbefore the Ashceuld withdraw The first Invasion In the ponderous style of wes van- amstsineit area * s bInk ad full of merriment. Her h e ith the exetino Mrs. tno wmke It W eeMmd the semm e not this tale is true, It would appear that It Eaies Whe ca Threwr Semsessanit, the long pest was made two the e seixe an aais we-ahew e and impossible fer a sword fish to with- I froms ot reuld nhis air be a bet.ite at aoe small delloately ehi.eaed ad ord. Mrs. lisie is note for her charIty. is ineaally yeung- ad poeflarms The hames as ems that s t itt lemoat the a color comes lething that ahe knows to be worthy ever dr drivents eat of states, when On that vieneieuely talks deliie iv Its weapon after having thus sisters Oregon seat Iesters I alt, wae never forgotten. A ngteewhe ead spinet, yes and isbher cheek which makes mae think ppeals to her in vain, and the work doe In "I'm all black and blue turning eso aalt" Nessaith and Nevada seat Ueator wa, mosthme I mam be sr right had of whish her left knew. seth-by im is a vessel. Cases are on record of the find- imNye. et darkmoss rose. Mrs. Chilton eomee f t us the startling announeement that case from Both have crossed thedark river but m new hian best it weseenidered flytun- asemet Unbnd e ma of the first famsilies of tirginle. She ag Is said to be large. Uie comes from seekrekn finth ids em- rmad, assack hims, far deset and pi epe. gass Mrs, er while anment Inju weas s fllew. hea se ban in state oryetthemawlllve witand Lamorremsain. sssa baeresem. tht but when she was Imma, Ohie. She was the daughter of a prem- wi ishk were thee drvetc their i No dignity, however Intsenobed, eould reeist Mr. Reline a geedaMarya te ae jesse old her fathe, Mr. W. W. Ortn- Iistusents two suck but Sua~p con sed to be employed abat the tfhe gg, A Mette boyS the NerO Eli caa m, mewed to Teams and Kiss neense mnedto do without them ca d en is perhaps the only woman In a theatrical innovators; slowly Inevitably it ra esoftheecityuantil thedecline he pchlas Grln=an.. inpany whe can turn a complete sumersenit and when the et enmity hand in in Si teasher Si Geum useee there. She came back to gave way, Hee. George Vest was rho sent his emrrie to ~to len.,oly promi==at railroad -a in New as y remeen fer It for that sent from Missouri to take the eat of Den- berasksird, Wen he empositienO. *0e heath:" tor her education and she is noted Seo andfrel ajtaat the s taking grenad they * CaL. for sld grow othere. Attacks by sword fish are tateoetOhio. Mrs. hc pe e last sum- In bemst talent and skilL. She has been dadesd by inearanee cempns assong se- 'oar 6c4 It made et ai. IfS ese l a teancetworthe. thatps ther a ses serprised tomee svai eiar m..a . estedfayeats and has alarge gsrla fiss West. This young woman isdliet And one of the y.Tueofe her ebireare here with Helen meaostinusetheSeaatonfreem oer daughter, iss. Beg.who has just Maryland ReverdyJons, who did net ' |migth e ever, ea and em ___- vee in Tyler, Tek., where she has a ilalee her eduation the esuna e wa mma. 5 fedt , as the fhther of several armameng thee ige seross water. and he wsa inhistoga In earing or tellga weos, neither of wheam has deulpd -n p nagktreemal hadhem ad where in connetee with wasasfuRetwitandhumera1 iedenea aeigew ha m Sistma -the em & G~ae the isade a happy frSeates and Mrs. have two mu urd fish ea fear e tio the elevation was with goo01 atmreehne hey we.Md pi liie. Brice sesein bot few antagouiste. Othess accomplished any cithose who eare after hMa, but he ws a s walL is as hae.t e.w vadCollg ad a younger -m in te 01 its kind, edrabie eas, bet the return to earth was shining exception. There was a gentleman Thits ged a s et own herop ineekersla sharks, are who represnted Oregon since Seator -el -tegh aoeatwhe wrets to a 4.sns....Se the last are its Test has eshun 8 E er,thewifs oncly pessa liedsess worst *Bppesyou let t mesgus les.t aewachaise at twe anm e that tore heparmes ~omsaults alose," beenon the floor of the Useatewhe was ae j keen LEaam'as Massesse. get Qu me. Inl196itherewas enhibited tothe Bee. id angrtiay."Theyp ae- in tothatthe M i Ihedthsehs,el. thheptae es. Sm meig nearly esery ese et S Senator mug.m and the -me Gten.-w eassete which In the lowest pheres et M te hsem s. . e~Seehahis paper. Ihe will appear Inthe srn.when the al urself black ad buyou know. t9e e inmuch.' out and the tes funny, "lie loed at ame asif I wasa" veative bacuty mty be dtested. The burglar 6keneaet see elea lowers ekeh their fragrase inl rgs sword Ash was tuod It was a tiger sa~e fever and he a imelf as a mesbanlesi gesim my be rivai in the air." She is, he tulle me, net a seelety sh yellow was freesihg ship," AN SYUsse'e. smm e l'.matee. As boaest genius et an invensiee ae~social nature adie reined aed well read. 01 The Darmee. lnd invents a leck; streghmyseneh 'Gat ay wedi' else he kem Ids Among the v~tes In Wasbiagie. this witer I Is- bhmFP ned etSa lb se inie a Waee ois has been with Seator Pager duigthe 18 is Mr. W.. Ik Dishop of Cenmeseat, whose e stis gses of a eshsmnt hind goas aa emm intredmesta te pubis. lfe wa In the sak. A mam, ot a bslr, has a gebmian his trials ad sharing his eeeeenasrer t Thfr@- frifhCmngrem ae sepr--ete histte ma I Ish gester, ited a sabe leckihetaem ord fish. When this was ~eot thebln u. eventfu ivrymse of the weed an wis eIn 5 £397 to .An pulled that wa ag s rmm besmuse I had lst thebsy. The sige d maked by meme of the messte ingmmi, ege Nategs eythe whishered bseater's hintr s seteomssgmbain hove often he dengI.g me a-a showed, the semamse bie "eeneatessam. tu..uhse bates seeerded in the Oesea=. a mbu- V .. i.Pafer is by births eeta sein, W btessed betweens harks and sword fisk. .mbs. semd a aldnd his edesb mms seen s ase Seyed fish se a to eAsels of sseb- "Geodhs bu'm ando keat Jsess's lest tuen, in . Mer bthee. el Wam. martber, was af 3au.t.sIrigi n, eel Tl ovI adesrfet fsem dsemea

ese a .est fomemesmasenaer. Ue belt umber, whisk 4eaes t to Ives as eseditha mremd this amiB to a sheet the a vU Le as ih a Semese* a esMJ ama, vras.e spagphs beeame aesmlu.Su eesthsee w'l etabbitit lenast assa Tiles is m== a medes h Sems . meb. by.s * esa-s uybI.m stanger g.Mrs. ____-___eE~ofvhb "Eat s lee & Weigsee to its ascel be.a She ma a PeWonmeas ly Swe yeaseell Aite -ughs b ure - bose here daring the Gesie ed. to K s bse a en m,& es. she met . pofibbus psse as aswaagdd miniteesem, herhmad mereed as bse- andWea n minsted to UM, Dutgte el o athef and s pletise Que- asseey8uied te emesse Mdoetus, ak gi mlr ad the em bash to ad bO.ada Qe I iseeppsts oonea m hes-e a NWsMahbessininhametl is
