
INTRODUCTION TO PWPT 4 WARM-UP • What is the of your age in Latin?

• Complete the following problems in Latin:

1. Novem et duo sunt ______.

2. Ūnus et ______sunt Septemdecim.

3. Quattuor et Trēs sunt ______.

4. ______et Duodecim sunt Vīgintī.

5. Quinque et ______sunt Duodēvīgintī. HANGMAN • Use your Latin and your numbers sheet to guess the following problem in Latin before it’ too late! ROMAN NUMERALS

• What do you already know about Roman numerals?

• Roman numerals were used by the Ancient Romans their numbering system. We still use them sometimes today. You see them in the 's numbering system, after king's names (King Henry IV), in outlines, and other places. Roman numerals are similar to the numbers we use today. They are not entirely positional, however, and there is no number zero. KEY NUMERALS • Roman numerals use letters instead of numbers. There are seven letters you need to know: • = 1 • = 5 • = 10 • = 50 • = 100 • = 500 • = 1000 ROMAN NUMERALS

• You put the letters together to make numbers. Here are a few simple examples: • 1) III = 3 (three I's together is three 1's and 1 + 1 + 1 equals 3)

• 2) XVI = 16 (10 + 5 + 1 = 16) • These examples were simple, but there are a few rules and a few tricky things to know when using Roman numerals: • The first rule just says that you add letters, or numbers, if they come after a bigger or number. • The second rule is that you can' put more than three letters together in a row. ROMAN NUMERALS CONTINUED • You can subtract a number by putting a letter of lower value before one of higher value. • This is how we make the numbers four, nine, and ninety: • IV = 5 - 1 =4 • IX = 10 - 1 = 9 • XC = 100 - 10 = 90 • There are a few restrictions on when you can do this: • Only subtract powers of tens: I, X, and C. • For example, you can't get a 3 by IIV. • You cannot subtract the numerals V, L, or D. • Only subtract one number from another. • XIV = 14 • You cannot subtract a number from another number that is 10 times or more greater. • 100 = XCIX, NOT IC WARM-UP: PUTTING NUMERALS INTO PRACTICE • For our purposes, we will keep it fairly simple. • How would you write the following Roman Numerals in Numerals? • II - • IX - • VI - • XL - • LX - • XXV - • XXVI - • DL - WARM-UP: PUTTING NUMERALS INTO PRACTICE • How would you write the following in Roman numerals? • 6 - • 15 - • 28 - • 55 - • 1000 - • 160 - • 32 - • 9 - ROMAN BATTLESHIP !

Guess the coordinates of your partner’s vehicles by saying the Roman of your choice in English XXIX numbers, and the math problem in Latin. NEW STUFF !

Discipulus/Discipuli (Student/Students)

Salvē Discipuli! NEW STUFF ! Magister / Magistra

Salvē Magistra ! NEW STUFF ! Surge / Surgite

Stand Up! NEW STUFF ! Sede / Sedete

Sit Down! NEW STUFF ! Silentium

Silence! NEW STUFF !

Audī / Audīte

Listen! MAGISTRA DICO… • Magistra Dico is similar to… • Simon Says!

• I will say the use the commands we have just learned… • But only do them if Magistra dico!!

• Let’s play!