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Mmitjiiis Energy Bill Hits Senate Snag

Mmitjiiis Energy Bill Hits Senate Snag

I*AGE THIRTY - MANCHKSTKR EVENING HERALD. Maruhester. Conn.. Wed.. Pel II, I97K ISightingale-Papanic 1 On

Elaine Diane Papanic of Manchester and Ronald By Jan Warren Nightingale Jr. of Coventry were married Oct. 7 at South Second Thought United Methodist Church in Manchester. The Weather The bride is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Clarence D. Partly sunny, breezy and Papanic of Glastonbury. The bridegroom is the son of WHAt’S mild today with highs around Ronald L. Nightingale Sr. of 2582 Boston Turnpike. ,.N !^ ''3 70, 21 C. Variable cloudiness The Rev. Laurence Hill of South United Methodist J tonight with lows in the 50s. Church officiated at the double-ring ceremony. David lianrljTatfr EuTtttiin HTral^ Cloudy with showers likely Morse was organist and Bill Liggett was soloist. Friday ; highs in the 60s. Rain probability: 20 percent today The bride was given in marriage by her father. Vol. XCVII, No. 10 — Manchester, Conn., Thursday, October 12, 1978 Denise Boyle of East Hartford was maid of honor. On Money and Mattresses A Family NEWSpaper Since 1881 and tonight; 60 percent Friday. Bridesmaids were Judy Robertson of Groton; Annette Underground National weather map: page 21. Fairchild of Andover, the bridegroom's sister; Sue WASHINGTON (UPI) - Soviet Kowalsky of Glastonbury; and Charlotte Brown of The other day I read a news story was locked into place. There was a with my stroganoff still in the defector Arkady Shevchenko went Manchester. / about an old woman who had $20,000 red Pinto on my right, a pick-up freezer. So I cleaned my pocketbook, underground today after charging stashed in her mattress. The writer truck on my left, a line of cars ahead read the driver’s manual, and that Russian agents and the James H, Nightingale of Coventry was his brother's was incredulous to think that in 1978, of me, and as I watched helplessly arranged my credit cards in American media were exploiting best man. Ushers were Bruce Delmastro of Willimantic; with banks on every street corner, through my rear view mirror, a alphabetical order. his "close personal relationship” Robert Fairchild of Andover, the bridegroom's brother- people were still resorting to this. motorcycle pulled up behind me and Seventeen minutes later I finally with a woman from an escort ser­ Energy Bill Hits Senate Snag in-law; Alexis Tournaud of Manchester; and Ronald 1 don’t think it's incr^ulous. In sealed off my only avenue of escape. reached the bank window. vice he admitted supporting Litwin of Glastonbury. fact, after what happened to me at Now, when you’re standing in a line “I know it’s not your fault,” I said "generously” from personal WASHINGTON (UPI) - The A reception was held at the Army & Navy Club in the bank yesterday, it sounds like a you can always throw up your hands funds. They emerged with an agreement to the cashier. “But I’m beginning to Senate took up a billion-dollar on energy taxes, ranging from a Manchester, after which the couple left for Florida. They sensible alternative. and leave. In a car there’s no such op­ In an unusual statement issued will reside in Manchester. think you people don’t want my package of energy taxes and incen­ billion-dollar list of home and The frustration of long bank lines is tion. Short of crawling up on the hood money. The inside lines are impossi­ through a Washington law firm, Mrs. Nightingale is empio.ved at Connecticut Bank & and screaming “fire” there was no tives today, but the considerably business insulation and energy ef­ a subject I've written about before. ble. The outside lines are impossible. the handsome former $87,000-a- weakened bill immediately ran into a Trust Co. in East Hartford. Mr. Nightingale is employed But yesterday was different. I didn’t way I could get out of there. ficiency tax credits to a mild tax on I’m ready to go home and hide my year U.N. official said he was delay in the tense, closing days of the fuel-wasting autos. at the Pratt & Whitney Division of United Technologies stand in line on my feet. I stood in “This is terrible!” I yelled to the “deeply saddened” by statements money in my mattress!” congressional session. But an hour later, before the agree­ Corporation. (Loring photo) line in my car to get “speedy window man in the red Pinto. made by Judy Chavez, “But at Mrs. Ronald L. Nightingale Jr. The cashier looked up startled. Sen. James Abourezk, D-S.D., ment was formally filed, conferees service." “You should have seen it last Then she grinned at me through the least I can guess at her asked for a reading of every word in We were having company for Friday,” he said. “Twenty-five motivation.” changed it once again, weakening inch thick glass window. the detailed report of the energy tax further a proposed tax on “gas dinner and 1 just wanted to zoom in, minutes it took me!” Miss Chavez said in an NBC “I have a better suggestion,” she bill that emerged Wednesday night guzzler” autos in order to avert a deposit my paycheck, take out a few “But I’m in a hurry,” I said. “I television interview Monday that Connor 8-O^JSeill said brightly. “Try our bank-by-mail from a Senate-House conference filibuster threat. J dollars, and get home. I drove into have company coming for dinner.” service.” Shevchenko paid her between committee. The man leaned over and turned up The Senate already had approved the bank lot, pulled up to the shortest Sure. With my luck, the day I bank- $35,000 and $40,000 in money and ’The energy tax bill is the last of of the three lines, and WHAM . . . his radio. “Relax, Lady. That’s all gifts since he defected last April bills for energy conservation, in­ Patricia Ann O’Neill and Brian Patrick Connors, both by-mail the mail carriers will go on President Carter’s major energy in­ dustrial conversion to coal, utility before I could access the situation, I you can do.” — the highest-ranking Soviet ever of Manchester, were married Oct. 7 at St. Isaac Joques strike. itiatives to come before the Senate rate reform, and natural gas pricing. Woil. I certainly couldn’t relax, not to ask political asylum in the for a decision. Church in East Hartford. United States. House leaders decided long ago to The bride is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. William J. Should the Senate approve the tax wait for all five bills, as a package She also said she understood package today, it would free the for one vote. O'Neill of 17 Doane St. The bridegroom is the son of Mr. that the money the Russian gave and Mrs. Thomas Connors of 55 Scarborough Road. House to take up all five energy bills Major points of the energy tax bill her came from the QA, which the Friday. ’That vote on Friday the 13th included: The Rev. Kenneth Bonadies of St. Isaac Joques Church agency has denied. celebrated the nuptial mass and performed the double­ would be a year to the day from when • A tax credit, an outright subtrac­ ring ceremony. The church was decorated with white the five bills were sent to a Senate- tion from the income tax bill, of up to spider mums and English ivy. Ms. Anne Kiniry of East Fashion Show to Aid MDA Building Ideas House energy conference committee $300 for homeowners who spend as Hartford was organist and Horace Lyons of North Gran­ charged with reconciling differences much as $2,000 for such things as in­ by was soloist. A Welshman who is visiting in Seate and House versions. sulation, storm windows and doors MANCHESTER - “Turning A fashions from Tuesday’s of Hartford Manchester has invented a new The bride, given in marriage by her father, wore her network of research grants. Locally, Conferees completed energy taxes and weather-stripping. New Leaf” is the title of an upcoming as well as the hair designs of Spell of over $130,000 of research grants are type of interlocking block that Wednesday night and sent the bill to mother’s wedding gown of ivory satin embroidered with fashion show to benefit the Muscular Beauty, Environment II in South • A credit of up to $2,200 on spen­ lace over sheer net at neckline and designed with a currently active at the University of does not require mortar. See page the Senate—which then bogged down ding of up to $10,000 for solar, wind or Dystrophy Association. ’The show Windsor. Tickets are available at Connwticut. MDA also provides an for hours of debate on an unrelated dropped waistline, long pointed sleeves and a cathedral will take place Tuesday, Oct. 24 at 8 geothermal equipment installed in these places or can be purchased at extensive patient service program matter, and the energy tax decision train. She wore a matching chapel-length veil gathered p.m. at Willie’s Steak House on 444 the door. Refreshments will be 0 homes. on a band of pearlite orange blossoms and carried a which provides aid and comfort to in­ was delayed. Center St. Tickets cost $5 which will served. Surrenders • A 10 percent business investment cascade of orchids, stephanotis, baby's breath and dividuals afflicted with any one of 35 House opponents of the natural gas be donated to MDA. credit, in addition to a 10 percent English ivy. Proceeds from this event will help muscular disorders. CHICAGO (UPI) - Jaime pricing section of the energy package The show will feature fall and the Northern Connecticut Chapter of general credit already in the law, for Mrs. Sally-Anne Thatcher of Windsor was matron of More information can be obtained Herrera-Nevarez, who, Vernon D. planned an attack on the package ap­ winter women’s fashions of August the Muscular Dystrophy Association businesses that install energy conser­ by contacting Gary Spell at 644-2563 Meyer regional director of the proach, hoping to get a separate vote honor. Bridesmaids were Mrs. Claire Giuliano of Hart­ Max of Westfarms Mall and men’s partipate in MDA’s world-wide vation equipment and techniques. ford, Miss Candace Hurley of Avon and Miss Tina or the MDA office at 289-1521. U.S. Drug Enforcement Ad­ Massive Fires in Beirut on the proposed gradual deregulation • A 10 percent tax credit for spen­ Krohley of Stamford, the bride’s cousin. ministration said, "... is the of natural gas prices. ding on equipment to produce oil Martin T. Connors of Manchester was his brother’s patriarch of the largest known Petrol and gas storage tanks in Beirut sub- fifth day of cease-fire violations. Lebanese The Sente-House conferees spent from shale or gas from high- best man. Ushers were Dennis A. DelPivo of Windsor Mrs. Brian P. Connors drug organization operating in the itfb burn in massive fires as a result of heavy much of Wednesday conferring on the pressure, high-temperature brines United States,” has surrendered president Elias Sarkis returned from a six- Locks, John W. Keegan of South Windsor, and Roger W. fighting and artillery barrages in the area phone or in scattered secret underground. ZHo of Manchester. to authorities in Guadalajara, nation diplomatic shuttle to Arab nations in meetings, climaxed by a huddle of • A “gas guzzler” tax that would A reception was held at the Glastonbury Hills Country Mexico. Wednesday. Today, sporadic attacks kept his quest for a negotiated settlement. (UPI the Senate conferees in the office of first hit any 1980 model car that Club in Glastonbury, after which the couple left for Federal agents said the profits war-weary residents off the streets in the photo) Finance Committee Chairman failed to get 15 miles per gallon of Ireland. For traveling, Mrs. Connors wore a wool tweed the heroin smuggling ring Russell Long, D-La. fuel. (See chart on page 6) pantsuit. They will reside in Manchester. PRE-OPENING Herrera heads amount to an es­ Mrs. Connors is employed as an underwriter at the timated $100 million annually and Hartford Steam Boiler Co. In Hartford. Mr. Connors is MmiTJIIIS outrank 75 percent of the Fortune employed as international traffic manager at Terry Cor­ 500 corporations. They said poration in Windsor. (Nassiff photo) CELEBRATION Wednesday the arrest could lead Carter Opens Final Peace Parley to more arrests in a year-old ef­ fort to break up the brown heroin WASHINGTON (UPI) - President the East Room today. smuggling operation. Carter is eagerly raising the curtain and said the format and procedure inot airiig their differences in public. and Israeli Prime Minister ’The two other delegation heads — for the talks was discussed. “We would hope, obviously, that Plastic Bags on the final round of Egyptian-Israeli Israeli Foreign Minister Moshe agreed they would peace treaty negotiations expected to Secretary of State, Cyrus Vance negotiations will take place inside sign peace treaty within three Tax Confusing Dayan and Egyptian Defense will sit in on the initial sessions but the negotiating rooms rather than months. bring an end to 30 years of bitter con­ Minister Ali Hassan—also will speak flict. his deputies will take over Friday through the press,” a State Depart­ briefly before they get down to Under that blueprint, Israel agreed Offered by S h e H e r a lb ■The state’s sales tax can be con­ Unlike the 13-day Camp David when Vance travels to Africa and the ment spokesman said. “We have CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING fusing, as a Manchester area business at Blair House, the Soviet Union. expressed that interest (to the to withdraw completely over a 2- to- woman with a large nine-year-old summit on the Middle East, Carter president’s guest house, across the 3-year period from the Sinai Penin­ PHONE 643-2711 will not be a direct participant in the Meeting with Hassan and Egypt’s ac­ Israelis and Egyptians) and there is fOB ASSISTABCe IN BLACINO YOUBAD son has discovered. See page 12. street. sula lands it captured from Egypt in Workshop three-way ministerial level talks. ting Foreign Minister Butros Ghali, a general interest in that approach.” On the eve of the opening session. Carter inquired after President the 1967 war. Once that withdrawal is But he apparently plans to be near­ Carter met with the newly arrived But U.S. officials acknowledge complete and U.N.-policed buffer The Manchester Sheltered Workshop has a good supply by, and to keep a watchful eye on the , and told them “you success of that goal will be up to the of plastic trash bags on hand for bundling up leaves, rub- Egyptian delegation Wednesday and have a wonderful boss.” zones are established, Egypt and Sniper Jailed talks aimed at settling final details of said; ‘‘We’re eager to start Egyptian and Israeli delegates, who Ipael would establish full Dish and debris from yard cleanups. Clients of the Israel’s total withdrawal from the Carter put Blair House off-limits to will be staying in plush Washington Sheltered Workshop have stepped up their packaging tomorrow. I’ll be available anytime the press and imposed on the par­ diplomatic, economic and cultural SAGINAW, Mich. (UPI) - Sinai Peninsula. I’m needed.” hotels and moving freely around relations. operation in order to accommodate the fall rush of ticipants the same stringent secrecy MANY, MANY YEARS AGO Keith Ray Pontseele, a 29-year- Carter arranged to launch the Deputy press secretary Rex town during off hours. customers. old Army veteran, was jailed rules observed at Camp David. A The president plans to fly to Egypt Stanley Provision Co. started making a better Kielbasa under the Nutmeg climactic talks with a red-carpet Granum later described their 50- The packaging operation provides paid work for the Wednesday on charges of first- spokesman said Carter impressed on In the Camp David “Framework to attend the signing ceremony, I Brand name. Until Frank Toros introduced this Kielbasa to Manchester, many welcoming ceremony and remarks in minute meeting as “constructive” these high quality bags degree murder, assault with in­ the negotiators the “importance” of for Peace,” reached Sept. 17, Sadat expected in December. available to the public at a low price. The bags are 2-ply I people, hearing about it from friends, traveled to the Stanley plant in Hartford to I get it. tent to commit murder and using M y bags. They may be purchased at YOU’RE INVITED, AND YOUR FRIENDS ARE, TOO! a firearm in connection with a the Workshop located in Lincoln Center, or at any of the sniping incident last month that foilovving outlets: Hollywood Service, 342 East Center Here’* the lowMt price ol This week PInehunt leeturee the yM r on Mtoctod 7 to COME IN AND REGISTER THIS WEEK FOR killed a young boy and wounded St Maple Super Service, 220 Spruce St„ Dick’s Exxon, |7W lb. two other children in nearby 441 Hartford Road, Sherwin Williams, 981 Main St U.8.D.A. CHOICE STANLEY’S NUTMEG Woman's World Merrill. Brown s Tire Shop, 333 Main St.. The Tire Man. 357 (UntrlmiiMd) Ponstseele, who was nearing Broad St., Anderson Bros. Amoco, 770 Main St„ and TENDERLOINS the end of three years’ probation Anderson Bros. Exxon, 110 Center St. KIELSASA .*1.85 Sot a window-shooting spree, had W« also carry Stanta/a Snwkad Bonalaaa P GRAND DRAWING found a steady job as a bartender lb.*3.19 Birtta, tormariy eallad Dalay Rolia. and was about to become a free FREE * MEMBERSHIPS TO THE SIW man. “He was one of several Adult Services Just M l Frank or Ed II you want raaliy tandar U.8.D.A. Chotcal suspects fairly early on in the I how you want them c u t... Comad Baal, hara*a a f a ^ r a on eantar cute of FREE * TRIP TO LAS VE6AS FOR TWO case,” a police spokesman said. they m ake 10 or 12 “But we are not releasing a Directory Offered Daluxa Pilot MIgnona. LEAN BONEUSS BRISKH FREE ‘ COLOR TV motive right now. I’m not sure there was one.” A comprehensive Directory of Senior Adult Services CORNED BEEF has been published by the Older Adult Committee of the OUR OWN FREE * 10 SPEED BICYCLES Greater Hartford Jewish Federation announced Cookie ^ PURE PORK Hauss, chairman. .•1.69 In Sports SAUSAGE MEAT While you’re registering, take a few minutes for your FREE The 38-page book, with an introduction in English and Cuta walsh 3 to 4 Iba ... Juat ahnmar aiowly HI fork figure and diet analysis. There is absolutely no obligation. It’s Yiddish, catalogues services available to seniors in the tandar. Ordar Cabbaga and Carrota for a N.E. Ron Cey’s homer provides area of counselling, health and medical care, visiting lb. 1.19 Bollad DInnar. just our way of saying; YOU DESERVE THE VERY BEST AND Dodgers with 2-game edge over Yanks in World Series. See page nurses, consumer protection, legal and financial WE HAVE IT! assistance, emplojmient, companionship and homemaker VERIBE8T FRE8H SIRLOIN OF BEEF services and housing. individually tailored programs • hourly group exercises Bob Walsh main cog in Listed also are special and emergency telephone Chicken Breeeta OVEN nutritional guidance Manchester High football tur­ naround. See page 12. numbers in the 24 towns served by the Greater Hartford Chicken Lege Lydall To Begin Construction Monday ROAST .* 1 .7 9 PLUS FREE BONUS FEATURES WITH YOUR MEMBERSHIP: Jewish Federation. A directory of syangogues and rabbis Liven end WInge Architect’s rendering shows new office building will be located on Colonial Road near Lydall Inc.’s and a convenient index system makes the book a useful Cut into 3 or 4 roasts ... properly freezer Associates of Glastonbury is the architect with a a a wrapped. redwood sauna • steam cabinets • tanning room I of Manchester expects to begin existing Parker Street building. The building is to be guide for senior citizens and their families. The book was Russell, Gibson, vonDohlen Inc. of Farmington as Turkere, private dressing rooms • showers • lockers JtOCK InarHet construction Monday. The Planning and Zoning edited by senior adult volunteers Edna Atlas, Morris bbp completed by late spring 1979 and can be expanded consulting architects for the project. W. Warren K b box of PaWoM In your trooxor... NEW YORK (UPI) - Prices p>n™>ssion this week approved a special exception Robbins, Bess Roth and Samuel Simonivitz wit the Comleh Hene end DahnaChoppadBIrloin A UNIQUE NEW CONCEPT IN FULL FACILITY HEALTH to as much as 38,000 square feet. Jack R. Hunter Inc. Kreiner of Glastonbury has been retained as the in­ opened higher Thursday in fairly I 9,600-square-foot building. The new office cooperation of staff members from the Jewish Family Turkey Breeete BEEFPATTIEis. SPAS AT FIGURE SALON PRICES of Manchester is. the general contractor, Purcell terior designer. ServicerHartford Jewish Community Center and Greater >44b.lota....Hi.*1.99 active trading of New York Sto^ I — ______Hartford Jewish Federation. CALL OR STOP BY TODAY The book is free and available from the Hartford Coupons and Town Orders here! Jewish Community Center, 335 Bloomfield Avenue and 646-6345 S^SH! h u d Housing Decision No Surprise the Greater Hartford Jewish Federation, 333 Bloomfield Avenue, West Hartford. Manchester Parkade • Marshall’s Mall surge, was ahead 0.95 point to rp rr Pi^Ancrkiu 902.37 minutes after the opening I F t AR S O N Alan Mason, the town’s director of funding for the Meadows Village dividual merits. peting with eight other applications con * bell. The blue-chip indicator lost I Herald Reporter human services, said that the con­ proposal. The proposed project also had led GINGER ALE VIVA for HUD funding. centration of such subsidized housing Town Manager Robert Weiss also to a difference among town officials I® 1.56 points Tuesday. I MANCHESTER — Town officials The project would have been ^CLASSIFIED ADS; I CLUB or TONIC lJUMRONAPKINSi ■ * W W ■ ■ w ______I said this morning that they were not in one section of town had to be a said that he was not surprised. about the effect on school pop­ located near the existing Squire primary concern of HUD also. “In my letter to HUD, I essentially ulations. 5 9 « Index I ®“n>rised by the U.S. Department of Village project for moderate-income EVERY 2 qta. 9 9 ^ r Housing and Urban Development's “I think it’s a dilemma we’re all in- committed myself to the units, but I Mason had said that the minority the families. There also are two housing ,” he said. The town aims to provide didn’t say that was the best site in the DAY health Business...... 19 I decision not to fund a low-income population in the southeast area developments for elderly residents in such housing, but often the best areas whole wide world,” Weiss said. AND New England's Newest Concept in Franchised Health Spas lor Women G assified ...... 19-22 housing project on Spencer Street. would be high compared to other I the area. for it already have similar-type Although HUD has asked the town result IN C om ics...... 23 63-unit project, which would parts of town but “would not repre­ I Here ar 302 Main buy MNK LIVES CAT FOOD.. 4 .. M.OO •drawing to be held November 5.1978, you need not be present to win I The state Commission on Human housing. to meet subsidized housing unit MANY Editorial ...... 22 ^3^® been called Meadows Village, sent an undue minority population for I Rights and Opportunities had written ‘‘We know historically what goals, it decided not to provide the that neighborhood.” WAYS Entertainment ...... 16 hod been proposed by Richard getter I a letter expressing its concern about happens when we concentrate one funding to these 63 units. __ Open Thursday and Friday till Eight F a m ily ...... g Rangoon- Dr. James Kennedy, superinten­ such housing projects being concen­ ty ^ of housing in an area,” Mason Mason said that even though HUD dent of schools, said that the project PHONE / j M G ardening...... n I Rangoon had sought $378,000 in trated in one section of town. said. is seeking increased low- and would concentrate the minority pop­ 6 4 3 - 2 7 1 1 ^ 1 Obituaries ...... 12 I federal rent subsidies for the project. This could lead to a segregation of “I’m not surprised, not on the kind moderate-income housing in towns ulation into three schools serving the PINEHURST GROCERY INC. Sports ...'...... 13-15 I hut HUD has informed him that his low-income and minority residents in Read Herald Ads of reviews that were going on,” like Manchester, it still has to judge southwest of Manchester and could Television ...... 16 J P^’oject was not approved for fun­ that one area, the state commission ding. Meadows Village was com­ Mason said of HUD’s rejection of each application for funding on its in­ result in a racially identifiable wrote. school. 44 PAGE TWO - MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, Manchester, Conn.. Thurs., Oct. 12, 1978 MANC T ^ TER e v e n in g h e r a l d . Manchester, Conn., Thurs,, Oct. IZ 1978 - PAGE THREE Reform Act Handicap Facilities Rhodesia’s^Smith Welsh Builder Explains More Than Subject of Suryey Seeking Support Was Sought Unique Concrete Block MANCHESTER - The Commis­ Chamber members to participate. " WASHINGTON (UPI) - Rhode­ end of the bargain. MANCHESTER — His building sian Prime Minister Ian Smith, Cooper is a builder in Wales, a' ' His country has mostly stone and WASHINGTON (UPI) - The 1978 sion on the Handicapped in the next The recognition for these Kissinger, in a statement issued by blocks may look a little strange, but rebuffed by the administration, has recession in his eountry has siowed cement building. There are very few Civil Service Reform Act, now . few months may start surveying businesses in compliance with the his office, said: ‘"There were no Welshman Arthur Cooper thinks they turned to former Secretary of State building and some businesses have wood-framed structures. Cooper, awaiting a presidential signature, local businesses and industrial criteria would get logos designating secret understandings or are neater, faster and easier to use Henry Kissinger in his efforts to gain agreements. The British and gone bankrupt, he said. however, is hoping to create an idea represents almost all the changes buildings to determine facilities facilities for the handicapped and than the conventional concrete block. U.S. understanding and support. American governments have all the for an advancement in timber­ President Carter had requested — which make them accessible to the possibly a special plaque, llie com­ Cooper comes from the village of His block weighs about twice as framed construction. A spokesman for Kissinger said documents to show what was agreed and a bit more. handicapped. mission will ask the Town Board of Felinfoel in Wales. He is staying in much as the standard 18 X 9 X 4 con­ He’ll be leaving town early next Smith asked to pay a brief courtesy between Mr. Smith and myself.” The act will bring a sweeping The surveys wopld only be con­ Directors to provide the funds, which Manchester — his second visit here— crete block. week, but he leaves no doubt that he call today on the former secretary, State Department officials said the reform of the federal civil service — ducted at the request of the local would be less than $100, for the logos. at the Wlochowski residence, 94 will miss Manchester and the sur­ but the location of the meeting bargain that was suggested by “It may sound too heavy to you, but for the first time protecting businesses and w(«ild be intended to Roger Ouellette, vice chairman of Cambridge St. rounding area. remained undisciosed in hopes of Kissinger was to “undertake to get it’s not. You’re simply sliding it into "whistleblowers,” allowing workers encourage businesses to comply with the commission distributed some He has designed a special type of “It’s a wonderful time,” he said of avoiding the teams of demonstrators the agreement of the other parties” position and it locks into place,” to be fired for rudeness or inefficien­ criteria established by the state. handicapped parking reminder cards concrete block that does not require his stay. following Smith around Washington. to accept the basic principles of Cooper said. cy, and providing promotions for Richard Lawrence, commission which are available through the state fitortar as an adhesive for the blocks. Smith claimed in several public Rhodesia’s transition to majority Building with his interlocking other reasons than length of service. member Wednesday night, also Department of Transportation. ’The Each of his blocks actually is two appearances in Washington that rule. blocks also means that construction While seeking the presidency. proposed that the businesses which tickets could be put on cars which il­ separate parts joined by metal ties. Clergy Seminar Kissinger assured him of an end to Although that presumably would be can be done in any kind of weather. Carter campaigned strongly on the comply with the standards be given legally parked in spaces alloted for Each is indented at the top, and the U.S. economic sanctions against followed by an eventual end to the Mortar cannot be mixed and used in WEST HARTFORD - A seminar need for changes in the civil service special recognition by the commis­ the handicapped as a “friendly protusion at the bottom of each block certain weather. for area clergy will be offered in two, sion. Rhodesia if Smith would move his economic sanctions, the officials said that operates — and sometimes stalls reminder” that the spaces are locks into the indented groove of the His blocks even can be laid un­ two-day sessions at the West Hart­ — the American bureaucracy. Commission members were country toward one-man, one-vote there was no formal agreement to block below it. reserved, Ouelette said. rule. derwater, he said. ford United Methodist Church, Oct. He said when he became president agreeable to the proposal and liked drop sanctions. This interlocking' system is strong Commissior member Gertrude Smith told UPI Kissinger sent him A former member of Kissinger’s He enjoys Manchester and the peo­ 23 to 24 and Nov. 20 to 21. he found the situation even worse Rev. Alphonse Labieniec of the East Hart­ rate. The group met in front of Town Hall the idea of positive incentives to en­ DeLeo suggested that the commis­ and also eliminates the mess and ple he has met here. The program, designed to increase than he had thought, and the bill was courage businesses to comply with a cable in 1976 with the assurance the State Department team, however, time of using mortar. Cooper said. sion point out a problem blind per­ said: “I’ve come back the second time preaching skills, is titled, “From one of his top priorities. ford Citizen Action Group calls for a return to Wednesday for a noon news conference. the handicapped requirements. other parties in the Rhodesian dis­ A house can be built in three days sons have with certain types of “Legaliy, the State Department is because I iike it so much,” he said. Exegesis to Pulpit: Imaginative Jules Sugarman, vice chairman of cruiser beats by the police department to (Herald photo by Maynard) Lawrence also said that another in­ ramped curbs. Blind herself, Ms. pute — including the Patriotic Front with his blocks, he said.> and the Frontline presidents — right. There was no formal agree­ Cooper is hoping to interest local Communication.” the Civil Service Commission, and offset what EHCAG calls a mounting crime centive to businesses is that they can DeLeo noted problems she and other “There’s no limit to this system. agreed to that arrangement. ment. Rhodesian Prime Minister companies in his biock. He has met The program will be conducted by Wayne Granquist of the Office of deduct from their taxes up to $25,000 blind persons have had in Hartford It’s just a matter of a company with Francis Conti, Manchester’s Neill (j. Hamilton and Charles Rice, Management and Budget, spelled out for alterations for the handicapped. But when he was later persuaded “ Morally, Smith is right in Ian Smith speaks at the picking the form of biock that’s best and East Hartford with curbs that by Kissinger to drop his opposition to assuming the United States would do chief buiiding inspector, to discuss two faculty members from the Drew for UPI Wednesday their assessment Lawrence’s suggestions were iden­ are completely ramped not leaving National Press Club suited to it,” Cooper said of his in­ his invention. University Theological School, of the legislation. East Hartford Citizens tical to those he proposed last week black majority rule. Smith said the certain things if Smith came around vention. any curb and, not allowing any point United States did not live up to its to our point of view.” Wednesday. (UPI photo) Madison, N.J. At present, an employee can be at an awards breakfast for of reference for blind persons to fired only if the government proves employers of the handicapped. square themselves away with the with a “preponderance" of evidence Ask for Cruiser Patrol Lawrence distributed a sample crosswalks. that the dismissal would promote the survey which the commission could She said she has not noticed the efficiency of the service. By CHARLIE MAYNARD Crime Report, particularly after and showed a new way of classifying use as a guide in asking businesses problem in Manchester but wanted to Striking Teachers Set Under the new law, the govern­ Herald Reporter** receiving assurance from Drumm offenses. about specific areas of accessibility, bring it to the attention of the town ment must have only "substanial” EAST HARTFORD - They came that the rate was decreasing. All major crimes were includedin such as parking, entrances and exits, before more sidewalks are con­ /! evidence that an employee was un­ armed with statistics, and carried “He had given us a glowing picture a “Total Part 1” category, which sanitary facilities, and other features structed. She said the ramps for suited for his job — for instance, that posters and placards calling for ac­ of a crime rate that was going showed a 7.7 percent decrease in 1977 inside and outside the buildings. wheeichairs are only required to be Second Look at Offers he or she fail^ to perform a critical tion from the police chief. down,” said Rev. Labieniec. “I’m from the previous year. The commission members will 36 to 40 inches wide. She noted that element\ such as a secretary who By United Press International ^-5:' The East Hartford Citizen Action afraid that the crime rate and Chief The police data showed an increase study the surveys and bring back the guide dogs are trained to stop at a been waiting for. I don’t see that strikers. The pact calls an additional m No> reipor>td $7.5C Poffhoie. Goad to Sot. 10' 14. Planners Eye Proposal ’I^e Oct. 1 figure did not meet the “pretty well and is pretty accurate in the budget wasn’t meant to be taken was not resolved locally, the state said 64,433 teachers did not show up ^ Wilh This Coupon & $7.50 Purchase. Good to Sot 10/ M. general, one each for most Cabinet predictions of a higher enrollment short range projections, “ Kennedy iiteraliy. would go to court to ensure the for classes taught by substitute oepartments, the scandal-ridden made in September. ’The total enroll­ said. ’The board voted ’Tuesday night to schools would remain open for the teachers and volunteers Wednesday. .[■jfrFfjAWi General Services Administration and ment on the first day of school this Kennedy also noted that the largest close the town’s six schools Monday tovni’s 3,400 students. Police said a 16-year-old student FRANK’S CMBASSY HOUSE the Veterans Administration. On Planned Unit Zones year was 9,041. School Superinten­ class in the schools is the third grade, after Mayor Joseph Lango sent a Voters Aug. 21 rejected the $8.1 was charged with malicious mischief 'BORDEN'S dent James P. Kennedy said that he with the second grade being the se­ directive ordering them to trim the million town budget, which included after he hit a striking teacher in the deveiopabie land has already been ty that they would be forced to ap­ expected the Oct. 1 projection to be cond largest. He said that figures in­ school budget by 15 percent, making $4.9 for education. They also head with a ceiling tile thrown from a TEA By CHRIS BLAKE exceeded because the schools nor­ dicate that it will be quite a while it $700,000 less than last year. lO R A N G E lO developed, leaving precious little prove all PUD’S that met the authorized the Town Council to third-story school window. The SAVISOc Herald Reporter But school Superintendent Police Report^ land for future development. specifications — just as they do under mally pick up an additional 100 before additional schools are closed. borrow money so the town could teacher was treated briefly for head MD Nicholas D’Agostino said Wednesday I!JUICE ■ V G.L I BAGS EAST HARTFORD - The Plan­ Planned unit districts would per­ special permit use now. operate at last year’s expenditure injuries. the mayor explained he only was ,]LU96 S4VI50' M D 5 0 ! ning and Zoning Commission dis­ mit the PZC to play “an involved Memlwr Jack Davis asked, “How level until a new budget was drawn Three schools were evacuated BONUS PAK 120 COUNT ^ Bolton trying to “warn everyone to be n With Thh Coupon A $7.S0 Purchoi*. Cood to Sol. 10 14 J With Thh Coupon A $7.50 PurchOM. Good to Sol 10/14. cussed a proposal from C.E. Maguire role” in the planning of these dis­ can we turn them down?” up. after bomb threats were received, A 27-year-old Bolton man was Fahey Pledges Backing careful of expenditures.” He said Inc. of New Britain — which is tricts, he said. “You can turn them down on the D’Agostino said only 19 of Connec­ but classes resumed after no bombs charged early this morning with rewriting the town’s plan of develop­ Langq acted in light of attempts by ticut’s 169 towns spend less per pupil were found. Police were called to one attempted murder after a stabbing All parcels in all zones larger than grounds of common sense or by ment — to establish “planned unit one group to force 10 per cent budget than Wolcott spends. school to disburse picketing teachers incident at the man’s residence. 12 acres which are under a singie saying, ‘We don’t like your pian’,” For School Funding Bill districts” for multi-use development reduclions. who tried to keep school buses from I j2i?iPAP!!Q!SE CHUCK boneless Roderick Renault of 12 Carpenter owner could become planned unit dis­ Donohue said. Those attending Wednesday’s on parcels larger than 12 acres at tricts, he said. Charies Sheehan, the town “We wanted the board to go back to meeting included Lango, D’Agostino, leaving a terminal. Road was arrested after police Wednesday night’s meeting. EAST HARTFORD — Democrat money spent for special education the Town Council and tell them they Other strikes were reported in Donohue said deveiopers find the engineer, said the PZC should have Marcella Fahey, third senatorial dis­ members of the Town Council, aileged he stabbed a 21-year-old The proposal would be im­ next year. I think that in light of the couldn’t live with the budget cut,” smaller school districts in Ohio, In­ PUD set-up attractive because it the option of turning PUD applicants trict candidate, said today if elected members of the Board of Education, female several times in the back and plemented under a special section of public’s response to the Board of D’Agostino said following a special diana, Illinois, Maine, Pennsylvania, SHOULDER and teie business manager of the chest with a stick knife. reduces “infrastructure costs” — the down on the basis that the present to the State Senate she would sponsor Education’s deficit, it would be the zoning regulations, which board meeting. “He’s sending a school system. New Jersey and New York. State police investigated the inci­ costs of putting in roads, sewers, zoning is more appropriate. legislation calling for the state to fiscally responsible to advance the Maguire is aiso reviewing for the sidewalks, utlities, drainage and Member George B. Goodberg reimburse additional school expen­ dent after Troop K received a call town. Board that money.” from Renault about a stabbing at other facilities that make the land expressed the fears of several ditures during the current year “PUD is an attempt to give Mrs. Fahey said she would call for GOP Director Criticizes 1:39 a.m. Trooper Richard Walsh suitable for development. members when he said, “This rather than a year later as is current­ a phase-in of this legislation over DO YOU NEED made the arrest. developers with a large piece of land In'planned unit districts, he doesn’t give us any leeway.” ROAST ly being done. the ability to be a little more flexible three to five years to relieve the explained, the deveioper can concen­ Donohue said the PZC has the Mrs. Fahey stated this position in a The victim was taken to th p z o n ^ regulations permit,” said financial strain on the towns. Cummings, Phase-In Law A LAWYER? trate buildings with shared leeway to simply approve or reject letter to the'East Hartford Town Manchester Memoriai Hospital and William l)onohue, director of plan­ “My plan is fiscally responsible for LE6ALSEIVNZS driveways, parking, roads and Sewer any plan. Council and the Board of Education, MANCHESTER — Carl Zinsser, a Zinsser said that he and other U.8.0.A. CHOICE BEEF CHUCK released this morning. Police said ning and architecture for Maguire. the State and educationally sound for AT VERY REASONAME FEES facilities. TTiis saves money on con­ “This is iiteraliy sitting two par­ which would alleviate some of the Republican member of the Town Board of Republicans on the Board of Directors Henauit was to appear in court in “At this point I think it is im­ our children,” she said. “Special Rockville today. struction costs for the developer, he ties down at a table (in public) to problems schools have in funding the education is necessary for certain Directors, has criticized incumbent State voted against the phase-in legislation BONELESS STEAK tor SAVE 70« LB. perative for your town,” he said. said. negotiate,” he said. “If you don’t like special eudeation programs. Rep. Theodore Cummings and the phase- when it was adopted. Donohue explained that water­ students. Students who need outside' This, in turn, aiso benefits the town their pian, you don’t have to accept The result, she said, “would ensure help can have a destructive impact in legislation that he co-sponsored. He also said that, even with the phase- courses and other natural obstacles because it has less roads and sewer it.” that the kind of deficit our Board of ’The phase-in permitted Manchester to in, taxes increased and will go higher next limit future development in East on other students. Expenditures for systems to worry about, he said. He said the PUD is “an opportunity Education has at this time will never special education can not always be spread the increases in assessments year. Clean Air Grant Hartford. And, he added, most of the WAYBEST WHOLE PZC members feared the possibili- to try to develop a specific program be repeated.” antiepated, but I feel it is money well resulting from revaluation over a five- ‘"The only way to cut taxes is to reduce FEE SCHEDULE year period. WASHING’) ON (UPI) - The state for a specific tract of land based on The board has reported an es­ spent. I am committed to quality government spending,” he said. (Exeludn Court Coats Department of Environmental the zoning regulations.” timated deficit in the special educa­ education and I will support it at the New construction, that completed after “Sq I move that the phase-in bill and the amt ShorWt Foot.) Oct. 1, 1978, does not receive any benefit Protection has been awarded a $475,- Nursing Homes Get Pay “How arbitrary can we be in tur­ tion account of $208,000, primarily state level.” current holder of the 12th Assembly (X)0 grant by the federal Environmen­ ning down a PUD application?” because of costs mandated by the from the phase-in legislation, Zinsser District seat be phased-out,” Zinsser said. Dhrorca CHICKEN tal Protection Agency. Despite Poor Services Davis said. state. In recent months, some East said. The grant was announced “You can be very, very arbitrary Hartford students have been Cummings, who is being challenged by Women Democrats • uncontested, 1 7 6 - Wednesday by the Washington office the way this new pian is written categorized as needing special Sacks Nominated Republican Walter Joyner, has said that In which no of Sen. Abraham Ribicoff, D-Conn. HARTFORD (UPI) — Some nur­ can earn incentive payments if their now,” Donohue said. he will seek an amendment to the bill to children, sup­ sing homes are -eaping extra education and have been transferred Plan Silver Tea costs for nursing services, dietary Mayor Richard H. Blackstone, who out of the district to more expensive WASHINGTON (UPI) - President correct this inequity. But, Zinsser still port or property payments despite poor quality ser­ services, housekeeping andlaundry attended the session Wednesday Carter has nominated Howard Sacks, criticized the legislation and the problem MANCHESTER — The Democratic Included. BREASTS vice because of a defect in the state’s private institutions. The state reim­ are below those of most homes. . night, asked Donohue if an owner burses the towns for 65 percent of the a former dean and presently a for new construction. Women’s Qub of Manchester will have Lb. new system for setting their rates. with existing buildings in a tract costs, but only a year after the brard professor at the University of “What this bill does is to force new their annual silver tea Sunday from 1 to 4 • uncontested 2 7 5 - Mail Unions “We haven’t quite got our full act But the system does, not take into homeowners to pay a disproportionate with children or account the quality of the services, could make that tract part of a PUD. has appropriated the funds. Connecticut School of Law, to a p.m. at the Manchester Country Club. together yet,” said George J. three-year term on the Legal Ser­ share of taxes in Manchester. If left on the Honored guests will be state candidates property settle­ and some homes are keeping costs “The definition says ‘single “This puts an overwhelming ment. BIG BEEF BUYS FOR THE LARGE OK Contract Conkling, designer of the payment ownership.’ You can assemble more burden on the town,” Mrs. Fahey vices Board. books, it could have a disastrous effect on in the November election, and local of­ system. “We’ll have it all nailed down by cutting services to the point than one building as long as the said. “That is why I feel it it is The board sets policy for the the home building industry in Manchester ficials. Rtal Estate WASHINGTON (UPI> - Neither down next spring, when the nursing where the state Department of property is under single ownership,” necessary to mandate that the cost naiton’s federally-funded legal ser­ and consequently damage the Manchester The public is invited. • Buyer 1 7 6 - FAMILY OR THE FREEZER. rain nor sleet nor snow nor strikes homes come in for another rate Health is issuing citations. Donohue said. over the current cost be funded in the vices program for the poor. economy,” Zinsser said. Kay Moran is chairman of the event. • Seller 1 2 6 - U.S.D.A. CHOICE will stay the pmtal couriers from the review.” U.S.D.A. CHOICE U.S.D.A. CHOICE The state Commission on Hospitals C.E. Maguire is shooting for mid- same way.” Sacks, who was nominated A drop in the building of new homes Assisting her are Madlyn Allen, Marion (Excludes title search & swift completion of their appointed “But there is a problem now,” he and Health Care says the homes con­ November as the target for public Wednesday, was recommended for would result in a loss of jobs in the CUfford, Ditta Tani, Irene Pisch and document Prep.) said Wednesday. "East Hartford will not lose rounds — at least for this year. tinue to earn incentive bonuses review of the Comprehensive Plan of money,” she said, “We know that the the post by Sen. Abraham Ribicoff, building industry and related fields. Dorothy Brindamour. SbniitoWIH 30- BEEF ROUND Under the system, nursing homes BEEF CHUCK The American Postal Workers nevertheless. Development. state will reimbqrse two-thirds of the DConn. Unin and the National Association of Bankniptcy BONELESS wMu Letter Carriers — the nation’s two City Police Wear Vests BONELESS largest postal unions — announced • Individual, * n * k s Wednesday their members voted HARTFORD (UPI) - Police He said the tests “could be slanted in any no assets Z W I— better than 6-to-l to ratify an ar­ Three Share for Medicine departments in some of Connecticut's TIP $ 1 5 8 SHOULDER direction that the person who is doing S’TOCKHOLM,CTTW'K'Hni.M Sweden SuisHon (UPI)ntPT^— - TwnTwo ______^ ...... _ • Husband & wife 276-11 bitrated contract settlement and end “discovery of restriction enzymes Hopkins University School of largest cities are using bullet-resistant them wants to.” a nearly 6-month labor dispute that associate at the University of Information regarding Americans and a Swiss today won the and their application to problems of Medicine. He has bran at Johns close colleague Hamilton Smith and vests that failed an independent test “No vest made will stop a high-caliber EYE *2“ SIRLOIN i - threatened to erupt into a nationwide 1978 Nobel Prize for medicine for Southern California Medical School of course Mth Dr. Arber who funded by the federal Law Enforcement other types of casei (LIBON) molecular genetics.” The restriction Hopkins since 1962, but in 1969 was an from 1958-59 and was visiting in­ round. Any time you want to defeat an ar­ available upon request, 9U .4W . mail strike. their genetic discoveries that could enzymes provide the ‘chemical provided the groundwork for the Assistance Administration. mor resistant material you can do it,” he American Cancer Society scholar in vestigator at the Molecular Biology I Ham b hleel fat DttmanKc Siaolii oi Dwimor.Nu 19 LB. AVE WHOLE Special mediator James Healy’s help in prevention and treatment of knives’ that chop chromosomes into study. Police in Hartford, Bridgeport, New said. ! Kneah. Wa «dl cut ta yavr datirad thtdinatt. A TlalM tor | Israel. He is married and the father He was appointed professor of said Nathans, who added he \o A OF datirtd dartanatt Starifcs Swi>« pon tr» iountr/ ityU creases matched to the rate of infla­ process of test-tube baby births. has been important to the study of different manufacturers, all of which and get more information, while New Bri- with frovy Staw Beal— Caob .n liquid * of three. at the University of learned just moments before that he TRANTOLO I TRANTOLO tion, substantial job security and Sweden’s Caroline Institute an­ how to prevent cancer, birth defects Smith, 47, has been at Johns failed to meet standards set by the toin Deputy Chief Donald Parsons said the USDA CHOICE BONELESS higher pay raises. Basel in 1971, where he works at the was named as one of three men to National Bureau of Standards. USDA CHOICE BONELESS nounced the $164,777 prize will be and the study of the human aging Hopkins since 1967, apart from a one- department will test its vests when it USDA CHOICE BONELESS Healy’s ruling was considered sh ar^ by Drs. and Biozentrum sponsored by the state win the prize. The test results were released this week VERNON CHUCK process. It has been useful in the year sabbatical at the University of receives a report on test results. KaSr adjM m on CIrelt TOP e CHUCK “final and binding,” but the two Hamilton Smith of Johns Hopkins and ’s largest phar­ at the International Association of Chiefs field of test-tube babies because it Zurich Molecular Biology Depart­ maceutical industries. “I really must run now I haVe to Bridgeport Lt. Edgar Leake said the CUBE 89 largest postal unions had mandated University in , Md., and can detect possible defects in the egg of Police conference in New York City. MRIFMI KNINTII BLADE # STEWING $ ment from 1975-1976. He is married “I’m absolutely delighted,” get to the lab,” he said. department's vests have stopped knives in their leaders to give members a vote Dr. of Basel Universi­ before it is fertilized in the test tube. New Haven Patrolman Harry De SlS-tl4S____ SSS-SSM STEAK LB. and the father of five. Nathans said today at the Johns a couple of instances, but have not had to STEAK BEEF on any contract — keeping alive ty, Switzerland. Nathans, 50, is director of the The. Medicine Prize,*the medical Benedet, the department's assistant ar­ be tested under gunfire. NnoMHr Arber, 49, is married and has two Hopkins School of Medicine. “And 7SS-4100 chances of a strike. The three were cited for their Department of Microbiology at Johns world’s top achievement, is the se­ morer, viewed the test results skeptically. children. He was a research I’m delighted to share it with a very cond of six Nobel Prizes for 1978. PAGE FOUR MANCHESTER F.VENING HERALD, Manchester, Conn., Thurs., Oct. 12, 1978 ' iviAiNLMr.?)rr.HlyiANCHESTER EVKINING EVENING HERALD. HERALD. Manche.ster. Manche.ster. Con Conn . Thnr^ Oct. 12, 1978 — I’AGK FIVE Board of Directors Panel Ignores Lament Mystery Disease Strikes Philippines MANILA,MANTI.A PhilinnlnocPhilippines IIT (UPI) P fT —__ 'AA W6r&were r^DOrtpdreported slrirkpnstricken hvby thothe H disease,icaqoa fhathe haoUk health ministry “Most of the victims__ nflown to the area hac hpon ahip t . ■ Takes Many Actions mysterious disease has kiiled 40 persons prompting military authorities to seek suffered fever b e fL they died Tuesday in 24 hours in a remote fishing village, MANCHESTER - The Town About Ads for Lottery help from Manila. We can’t tell what this is all about but Fernando said iHp n that grant is in hand and whether the health authorities said. Board of Directors Tuesday night action can be taken yet. WETHERSFIELD (UPI) — ’The gaming commission is who can least afford it to gatifble. But Mrs. Kowalski was The outbreak was reported in Pangil- took the foilowing actions during its • Purchased 3.5 a c r^ of land from dismissing as an election year gimmick a threat by a furious with Cutillo’s beef. Agan, a tiny island with about 840 three-hour meeting: the Hartman Tobacco Co. for the legislative leader, who says he’ll try to strip the panel of She said the,gaming commission’s brochures on the residents 440 miles south of Manila. • Approved by an 8-1 vote the Buckland Industrial Park. its regulatory powers if it doesn’t clean up its lottery daily, weekly and instant lotteries already include the An undetermined number of people F:ailn<»rto Fernando, a regional director of 15 persons were killed, but a medical team purchase of a pickup truck for the • Appropriated 36,976 to the educa­ advertising. bettor’s chances of winning. Highway Department. Carl Zinsser tion budget. The funding comes from ’The gaming commission decided Wednesday to rifle off “It would be virtually impossible for us to print all of cast the only no vote. rental income from two school a letter to the legislative protester— Sen. Louis Cutillo, a this information in a 30-second television ad,” she said, • Approved a sanitary sewer buildings. Waterbury Democrat who chairs the General Law Com­ adding that Cutillo had plenty of time to complin about agreement with South Windsor. • Approved 311,500 in state funding mittee which handles all gaming legislation. the lottery ads during the past legislative session. • Tabled action on appropriation of for the continuation of the Traffic Gaming commission chairwoman Beatrice Kowalski “It seems to me that during an election ... I don’t care U lillllllll IRIIEIREIRIBI a Youth Services Department grant. Services Bureau. opened the panel’s weekly meeting by reading Cutillo’s if it’s a Republican or a Democrat... I take exception to The tabling action was taken and • Took steps to provide funding letter and an editorial from a Waterbury newspaper that it,” said the angry chairwoman. ^ Deli Department Specials ^ Charles McCarthy, assistant town that will permit completion of the apparently got a copy of it before the gaming commission Mrs. Kowalski asked the rest of the commissioners to ( CHOICEST MEATS manager, was asked to find out if townwide survey project, which is did. help her draft a letter to Cutillo, denouncing his ac­ funded through the Comprehensive “I have found a growing concern over the method of cusations. ’The panel agreed. IN TOWN Employment and Training Act. advertising various state lotteries,” Cutillo wrote. in outer actisn, the commission decided to call a RATH School Funding URDA CHOICE $ ^ 3 S • Reappointed Eleanor S. Rubinow “Catch phrases such as ‘You have a brand new chance meeting next Wednesday to begin discussing possible 1979 Meeting Topics to the North Central Regional Mental to win’ or ‘If your number is right you win tonight’ may race dates for Connecticut’s gaming facilities. ROnOM ROUND ROAST HARD OR GENOA SALAMI . 'A lb. u Health Board Inc., Catchment Area be along the finest advertising agencies have to offer, but ’The panel also agreed to send a resolution of con­ . * 1 . 4 9 MANCHESTER — The League of URDA CHOICR-RIIP ROUND Council 15. ^ e commission has lost sight of fairness to the bettor in dolence to A1 Terzi, a long-time television anchorman in h a n s e l a q r e t e l Women Voters will sponsor two • Approved 33,500 for sewer pipes its vigor to make money for the state,” he continued. the Hartford area who was injured in a plane crash in meetings on the question of RACK RUMP R O A S T...... * 1 . 7 9 and 3400 for engineering of im­ Herbert Stevenson Cutillo, never considered a close friend of the Florida earlier this week. URDA CHOICE — CENTER CUT GQnMNBOLOOM.... lb. equalizing state funding of education provements at the Woodland Street Republican-controlled commission, said he expected the Tuesday and Wednesday. railroad crossing panel to include the odds of winning in all of its adver­ ROTTOM ROUND ROAST • 1 . 7 9 H O M E M ADE The first meeting will be Tuesday tising. USOA CHOICE at 11 a.m. at First Federal Savings Mahoney Taps “If the commission does not fulfill its obligations to Thompson VEGETABLE-BEEF SOUP and loan Association, West Middle Alumni Award Campaign Head protect the lottery bettor against false advertisement, I EVE ROUND ROAST . * 1 . 9 9 .q1. Turnpike. will,” Cutillo said. “I will submit legislation that will UUA - HIF lUUKD Wednesday’s meeting will begin at WEST HARTFORD- John G. Lee, MANCHESTER — Herbert Steven­ direct the commission by statute that, in essence, will Stripper CURE STEAK...... * 1 . H O M E M ADE 7:30 p.m. at the Sho|>-Rite Communi­ first chairman of the board of son has been named campaign take away the regulatory powers you now enjoy.” COLE SLAW...... ty Hall, East Middle Turnpike. regents at the University of Hartford manager for Francis Mahoney, who ’The gaming commission heard complaints last year POWERS OFF .lb. Topics to be discussed will include in 1957, will receive the university’s is seeking re-election to his sixth con­ that its advertising encouraged Connecticut residents WHOLE TENDERLOINS » * the problems of equalization; Alumni Association’s Honorary secutive term in the 13th Assembly PAINT • VARNISH 3.09 methods presently being used in Alumnus Award for 1978. District. RUST • CORROSION other states and possible alternatives Lee will be honored at the annual Stevenson is Manchester’s MPHNA Meeting Set VEALSTEAKS .* 1.19 • DAIRY • to the present state system of fun­ alumni homecoming dinner Firday at Democratic registrar of voters and ding education. the Gengras Student Union. has been a long-time party worker. MANCHESTER — The annual meeting of the LAND O'LAKES % Other committee members are Manchester Public Health Nursing Association’s Board » t e a k - u m m ’s , , „ * ! . 79 SOFT MARGARINE Jerome Baskin, treasurer; James of Directors is scheduled for Oct. 19 at noon at the V 16 OZ. Manchester Country Qub. McAuley, campaign coordinator; Mahoney Repeats Stand ’The program this year is titled, “Focus on Services.” HEALTH & BEAUTY AIDS James Reardon, voting district coor­ REDDI-WIP .14 OZ.* 1 . 1 9 dinator; Gail Fuller, absentee voter Clients of the association and the staff will explain the FASTER. services being offere by the association. TROPICANA On Income, Sales Taxes coordinator; Ed Coltman, publicity CLEANER, coordinator. The annual meeting, including the election of officers, GRAPEFRUIT JUICE MANCHESTER - State Rep. will follow the program. .01. recommend that all areas of spending Gene Connors, Joan Gates, Marion EASIER THAN HOOD’S Francis Mahoney, who is seeking re- be carefully reviewed and, if Lebel, Rose O’Bright, Ruth Pember­ Mrs. Jack Mercer, hospitality chairman, is in charge of COLD CAPSULES , . . * 1 . 0 9 election in the 13th Assembly the annual meeting. ANY OTHER Official Tourist necessary, that spending limits be ton, Irene Pisch and Lynn Stevenson GOHAGE CHEESE . 16 OZ. District, said that he will oppose a applied. will serve as the voter turnout com­ Persons interested in additional information may call WAY! Chancellor Helmut Schmidt of West Ger­ LIGHT A LIVELY state income tax and seek a reduc­ 647-1481. CREST TOOTHPASTE ,„* 1 . 1 9 ‘"rhis is a necessity to all, especial­ mittee. many takes pictures with pocket camera as MILK tion in the state sales tax. In the past, ly for those on fixed incomes, where FITS ANY 1/4" he visits in the Great Buddha Statue of 'h Qzl. Mahoney, who is running for his sixth continued inflation, higher taxes, in­ ROTC Plan$ Events consecutive term, has opposed the in­ ELECTRIC DRILL Kamakura in Japan during sightseeing tour creased costs of food and other MANCHESTER — An open house at the Regional Oc­ come tax. necessities of life have caused great • HOUSE SIDING • WROUGHT IRON Wednesday. (UPI photo) He also proposed last year that the cupational ’Training Center, located at the corner of havoc to their purchasing power,’’ he Hillstown and Wetherell streets will be conducted Oct. 18 state sales tax be r^uced from said. College-Bound • MASONRY • AUTOS ft BOATS U lillllllll seven to five percent. He will again from 7:30 to 9 p.m. Mahoney said that he is retired and A Halloween dance will be presented at the center Oct. • HUNDREDS OF OTHER JOBS! r make that proposal this year, he knows the feeling of living on a non­ Coventry Seeks said. Seminars Set 30 from 7 to 10 p.m. increasing income. Prizes will be awarded for the best costumes and “It is my strong feeling that the He also voiced his support to bring Connecticut people should shop at MANCHESTER — ’The guidance refreshments will be provided by Manchester Communi­ New Bridge Bid more housing for the elderly to department at Manchester High ty College. USDA CHOICE home and not drive out of state to save Manchester. ’There are many now School will conduct a series of one or two percent in sales tax," ne Dennis Sheridan will serve as disc jockey. SPECIAL waiting for such units. seminars next week for parents of COVENTRY — ’The Town Council has directed Town said. Increases in the number of ’The center will also sponsor a tag sale and Christmas Manager Frank Connolly to seek a third bid from an “With rapid growth of our elderly students who are planning post high Fair Nov. 18 from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. sales would make up for the loss in engineering company for the design and reconstruction of population, this housing situation will school education. Students are also Contributions to the tag sale should be delivered to tbe tax revenue and would keep business get worse unless we take immediate invited. the Pucker Street Bridge. strong in the state, he said. center by Nov. 11. steps to correct this situation,’’ he ’The topics that will be discussed MANCHESTER Besier and Gibble of Old Saybrook and Fuss and O’Neil BOnOM ROUND ROAST • ■III LB.. Mahoney aso said that he will said. during the seminars will be choosing Jaycees Set have already submitted bids of about 310,000 for a college, steps to take in applying to VITAMINS preliminary engineering work. However, Lee Pare and college, tests required, and college Associates of Norwich declined to submit a bid, House Haunts COlllPARE AND SAVE HARDWARE recommending that Lenard Engineering of Storrs be Jaycees Organize Group requirements. ARTHUR DRUG 877 MAIN STREET used. Seminars will be held in Room 110 MANCHESTER - TTie MANCHESTER • 643*4428 COVENTRY — The Jaycees have port. at 7:30 p.m. with the following Manchester Jaycees will Lenard had done a feasibility study for the town, suggesting that the bridge was posted for five tons and We Give Old Fashioned taken a step toward forming an um­ Several representatives said their counselors: sponsor a Halloween Let Our Family brella organization that would bring organizations could do more for the Monday, Mrs. Robinson and Miss Haunted House at the old collapsed last winter under an overweight oil truck. ’Ibwn Butcher Service... together representatives of various community if volunteer help was Beechler; Tuesday, Mrs. Kunz; Marshalls Store site on Attorney Abbot Schwebel has started litigation against town groups. available. Roberto felt the Jaycees Wednesday, Mr. Brooks and Mr. West Center St. the M4M Oil Co. of Bolton to recover damages of about 310,000. Serve Your Family! A recent meeting attracted could provide workers for a variety Mocadlo; ’Thursday, Mr. Maidment. The program will be STORE HOURS; members of the town’s PTO’s, gar­ of projects. Parents and students are asked to presented Oct. 27 from 6 to Lenard’s plans call for a new structure costing more den club, recreation and conserva­ Last year the Community Educa­ attend the seminar presented by the 9 p.m. and Oct. 28 and 29 that} 361,000 in addition to engineering fees. The cost tion commissions, and other local tion Council attempted to establish a student’s counselor. from 5 to 9 p.m. woulp be shared with the Town of Columbia, since the Mon. & Tues. 'til 6:00 organizations. similar umbrella organization. ’The On ’Thursday, Oct. 24, a financial Proceeds from the event bridge links Coventry with that town. 317 Highland St. Jaycees spokesman Anthony first meeting brought together about aid seminar is planned for a discus­ will be used to fund com­ Among the engineering duties to be performed, by the Wed., Thurs., * Fri. til 9:00 Roberto, a member of the Parks and 15 local activists, but attendance sion of the various forms of financial munity projects sponsored firm yhose bid is accepted, are review of shop drawings, MANCHESTER Recreation Commission, said he dropped off sharply at subsequent aid, local sources of financial aid, the by the Manchester approval of contractor requests for payment, and repor­ Sat & Sunday hopes to have the groups coordinate meetings, leaving only those Basic Educational Opportunities Jaycees. ting on any special tests required by the project. In other business Connolly told the council that four 'tit 6:00 HZCrHLAITS their projects to avoid duplication of specifically interested in the town’s Grant, and the financial aid applica­ Tickets will be available CONN. activities and to provide mutual sup­ adult education program. tion process. at the door. area towns have expressed interest in participating on a study committee for a satellite clinic that Manchester Memorial Hospital has offered to set up. ‘The towns are Tolland, Columbia, Hebron and Andover. At a recent public hearing on the proposal, about 50 ■iiMRMMMiiMRuimgmmu residents expressed mixed feelings on the need for such a WINTERIZE NGWI facility. ’There are three hospitals already in the area, I GROCERY SPEC 14t.S i ■ Garden Fresh^ Produce Specials ^ some said, and no Coventry resident is more than 20 minutes away from emergency help. Have you seen the chilling reminder made for conservation and solar d ^ ’The manager also reported that the town was facing apple REVl from the Connecticut State Energy vices. AHomeEnergy AurSt wQI enable substantial increases in Blue Cross rates for both general government and the Board of Education. “Coventry is on CRANRERRY-APPLE JUICE 8 9 * Office of last year's blzzard? The Con­ you to use this allowance to best •TARKIST h a CELERY HEARTS . bunch 69« a merit plan in that each year there is a review of the necticut Outdoor Advertising Associa­ advantage. ciaims versus the premiums that are paid,” he said, WHITE TUNA IN W ATER...... 7 3 ^ tion has donated 100 billboards There are several kltids of Home with a subsequent adjustment relative to the premiums SWIITUPE M ^ themselves.” available throughout the State to Energy Audts: A Class A audt pro­ During the fiscal year 1975-76, Connolly reported, the VEGETARLES ALL VARIETIES 16 oz. 4 # ^ | CORTUND APPLES . 3 lb. Bag 69« remind us all that NOW is the time to vides on-site inspection in the home family rate was 328.88. ’This has jumped to 350.28 effec­ Q^LORIITTA SLICIO A / A A . . prepare our homes for the winter by a qualified auditor; a Class B audit tive November 1. ELBERTA PEACHES...... 2 / 9 9 * weather ahead entails a questionnaire completed by “The increase required for the eight months in the ' current fiscal year for general government would be MUSHROOMS 89« You may have already received 12 oz. the homeowner, with data then 31,896,” Connolly noted, “which on an annualized basis offers of assistance from your gas or analyzed by a computer; a Class C would be 32,843. On the Board of Education side, the in­ ITALIAN URESSING...... 4 9 * electric utility dealers or your fuel audit is based on a "do it yourself crease involves 38,105, which translates to 312,157 on an annualized basis.” supplier for a Home Energy Audit The manual which identifies conservation SXM...... „ 5 / * l 'ANJOU PEARS 9/ 99< State Energy Office is heartened by measures for the homeowner and the cooperation of these forward- gives instructions for carrying out PAMPERS TODDLERS. . * 1 . 3 9 looking companies in providing these measures. GOP Candidate Says energy conservation assistance to While any one of these approaches their customers. can help you identify a wide range of Tax Cut Was Farce What is a Home Energy Audit? It is energy saving measures, only the I _ With Coupon & I With Coupon & VERNON — ’The recently passed tax cut enacted by the I ST.oO I’urrhaie $7,50 Purchase an energy use survey of your house Qass A audit includes a thorough U.S. House of Representatives is a “cruel hoax” accor­ FROZEN FOODS which suggests ways to make it more check of the efficiency of your furnace. ding to Tom Connell, Republican candidate for Second ! WALDORF , ARM ft HAMMER energy efficient; it also indicates how For advice on weatherizing your District congressman. STOUPPIRS BATH TISSUE i LAUNDRY DETER. long it will take for recommended “That tax cut is a farce, it doesn’t even provide a large 4PK. home, get in touch with your fuel enough cut to offset the increase in Social Security taxes eAMLICIREAO...... 7 9 « I 116 o r measures such as increased insula­ supplier or your local Cooperative and the tax increases caused by inflation,” Connell said. SIALTIST tion, and storm windows, to be paid for Energy Extension Service of the Uni­ He charges that Dodd is a part of the problem, “and SHERBET ...... 7 9 « * 1 . 7 9 definitely not part of the solution,” he said. UNIT ONE out of the energy savings achieved. versity of Connecticut, which has T R Il SWEST LIMIT ONB “Dodd voted against the Kemp-Roth tax reform act VALID THRU OCT. IS VAUD THRU OCT. IB 9RAM9E JU IC E ...... HIQHI^NO PARK MARKET ^ HIOHLAND PARK MARKIT | The National Energy Act now be­ Energy Associates in eight convenient that would have provided for at least a one-third reduc­ . . . 3 / * 1 RIALOOLD fore Congress would require many locations throughout the State. tion in individual federal income taxes. That reform h B'ifh Coupon d' would have provided enough relief to actually lower the SLICED STRAW BERRIES...... 5 9 * IT ilh Coupon it energy suppliers to offer home energy You will also hav ‘he opportunity to g ST.50 Purrhn.e I $7.^0 Purchase individual's federal taxes,” he said. CARNATION audits to their customers. It would also learn about a wide variety of energy­ He noted that Dodd voted against the bill and “he’s JUlPUR PeSE SH R IM P...... i . c . ^ 2 . 3 9 N estle's authorize tax credits, possibly going saving ideas at the Home Energy refused to take any sort of initiative to offset the tax in­ MRE. SMITH'S WHEATIESI back to April, 1977, for expenditures Show to be held at the Hartford Civic creases caused by inflation,” he said. 4 F P U P IE...... 9 9 * Choc Morsels .Connell said wage increases in response to inflation 12 or ■ Center, November 3 and 4. 12 o r push workers into higher tax brackets that often result in CHRISE-SAUSAQI-:.P1PP1R0NI a loss of purchasing power. CHE^BeY-ARDEE PIZZA...... 9 9 « 4 9 * * 1 . 3 9 DIVISION OFENERGY Connell supports a system of tax indexing where tax UNIT ONE UMIT ONE brackets are adjusted each year in accordance with the VAUD 1HRU OCT. IS VALID THRU OCT. 18 H90DSIECUPS...... 9 9 * HIOHUND PARK MARKET CONNECnCCTTOFRCEOF inflation rate, so that wage increases are not taxed at a higher rate. P O U a AND MANAGEMENT "But instead of helping out the overburdened taxpayer, 1-860-8421648 Chris Dodd and his Democrat colleagues in the house have passed a tax cut that is too little too late,” he said. IIIIIIU Illlllllllll __ MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, Manchester, Conn., Thurs., Oct. 12. 1978

MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD. Manchester. Conn., Thurs.. Oct, 12. 1978 - PAGU SEVEN Planners Approve Plan PROPOSED 'GAS GUZZLER' TAX Referee Moose Lodge Plans C A R Y E A R M P Q AMOUNT OF TAX Glaucoma Screening Rockville Chamber Panel At L e as t L e s s Than To Lose EAST HARTFORD — The Loyal Order of Moose 404 For 20-Lot Subdivision Prospect St., East Hartford, will conduct its semi-annual 1980 IS NONE Studies WACAP Proposal By CHRIS BLAKE Forbes Street or the possibilty of tie- Glaucoma Screening Program on Thursday, Oct. 19, sion approved a re-subdivision at a 14 IS $200 from 2 to 4 p.m., said civic affairs chairman Wiliiaiii Herald Reporter in from Glastonbury. 2.6-acre site east of 261 Burnham St. Position Hughes of East Hartford. VERNON — Directors of the Rockville to duplications of other services already EAST HARTFORD - A 20-Iot sub­ The new plan solves the problem requested by Alfred Burnham. He 13 14 $ 300 HARTFORD, (UPI) - Connec­ Area Chamber of Commerce Wednesday by ending the Brandon Road exten­ The lodge strongly advises anyone over 35 who has not being economically and expeditiously division application which the Plan­ said the land will be used to build a 13 $ 5 50 ticut’s four active federal district had an eye examination in the past two years to take ad­ approved the appointment of a committee offered. ’ ning and Zoning Commission tabled sion with a permanent cul-de-sac. small machine shop. judges have refused to reappoint to work with a Town Council committee to 1981 17 NONE vantage of this opportunity — at no cost to them. The economic and development com­ last month was approved Wednesday The 9.8-acre parcel will be sold to Attorney Michael Whelton of East Hartford’s U.S. Bankruptcy Court look into the possibility of Vemon joining Developers Harry James and 16 Glaucoma can be halted but the damage done is mittee of the chamber reported it is night by the PZC. The planned sub­ Hartford said the land is zoned in­ 17 $200 Referee Saul Seidman. irreversible. This simple, painless test can be conducted the Windham Area Community Action Edward Hoberman of H&J Builders dustrial and was previously sub­ reviewing the survey it did last year in division is located west of Timber 15 16 $350 ’The judges said ednesday they in less than three minutes Program (WACAP). which 12 area businesses responded that Trail and south of Jeffrey Drive, for development, said Raymond divided in 1975 and resubdivided in have named Hartford attorney Director Glen Roberts said WACAP has Willocks, a Glastonbury engineer 13 $650 Walk-ins are welcome, but it is suggested that ap­ they were either to expand their existing near the Glastonbury town line. 1976. Robert L. Krechevsky of the Hart­ pointments be made through nurse Mary Nelson of the huge federal funding and a huge payroll. who represented the owners. 1982 businesses or would be moving. The com­ The PZC had tabled the request Before the commission approved 18.5 NONE ford firm Killian, Gould and Connecticut Society for the Prevention of Blindness by He expressed misgivings about becoming mittee is especially checking back with The owners of the property are the resubdivision, PZC Chairman M because it feared the possibility of 17.5 18.5 $200 Krechevsky to the post beginning calling 524-5700. Ms. Nelson has made arrangements for a involved in the program because “it looks those people. tie-ins to a proposed street stub John Querido Jr. of East Hartford, Walter Forrest read a letter from Nov. 1, when Seidman’s third six- like a lot of duplication.” Hilda Esteves of East Hartford and noted opthamologist from East Hartford to handle the The bylaws committee reported it is in which would have ended one of the Dr. John Gallivan, director of Health 12.5 $1,200 year term expires. examinations. The Town Council last week expressed Evelyn Querido of Glastonbury. the process of revising the bylaws and streets on the planned subdivision. & Social Services, and Robert 1983 19 NONE Chief U.S. D istrict Judge T. the same misgivings. The council decided Construction will start by late The lodge is easy to find. From Hartford, any B, 0, Y, hopes to have a copy of the proposed The old plan called for the exten­ Schultz, director of administrative Emmet Clarie said the judges agreed it would not abide by the timetable winter. Road construction is 18 19 $350 H or Z bus from Morgan Street stops at the corner of revisions so the directors can review them sion of Timber Trail to meet a and environmental services for the “that a new appointment was in because it wasn’t enough time. In the scheduled to begin next week. Houses Connecticut Boulevard and Prospect Street. The bus at the next meeting and they will then go proposed extension of Brandon Road Health Department. $1,550 order.” He did not comment further. letter to Mayor Frank McCoy it said that will be in the 865,000 to $80,000 price routes can be reversed from Glastonbury, Manchester, to a referendum of the general at a right angle. Brandon Road would The letter said the soil is suitable lack of response would be treated as an range. 1984 19.5 NONE ’The 74-year-old Seidman, a former Vernon and South Windsor. membership for action. have continued and ended with a for an individual sewer system. president of the national association acceptance of the application and agree­ Charles Sheehan, the town Interstate 84 travelers can take the Governor Street i , - .i , |. A new map of the three-town area is street stub. Forrest said it would be cheaper to 12.5 $2,150 of bankruptcy referees, has been ment but the mayor notified them to the engineer, said traffic increases on exit, turn right at the stop sign and right again at the first being compiled, William Repoli reported. But, the PZC tabled the request put in a "cap sewer” which would criticized by some lawyers and by a contrary. Timber Trail will be “of a residential 1985 21 NONE light. ' “■■■■------He said the committee is changing and after members pointed out the connect to one of the town’s sanitary federal judge as being arbitrary, The mayor said, in the letter, that he nature” and should not create any sewers. The Loyal Order of Moose has over 6,000 members in 22 correcting the existing map with the help possiblity of Timber Trail becoming 13 $2,650 gtanting some exhorbitant awards to Connecticut lodges. The organization emphasizes com­ had met with WACAP officials on Sept. 13 of Connecticut Light & Power and the problems for residents "A single sewer would be hard Landmark Nears Completion and questioned when the 30-day period ac­ on east-west route from Oak Street to 1986 22.5 friends and giving the appearance of munity service as one of its most important goals. postmasters in the three area towns. In other PZC action, the commis- pressed to handle a building with 15 NONE impropriety by having friendly Shingles are nailed to the roof of Motif No. 1 as reconstruction of the tually started as that was the time period The board also took action on the accep­ employees,” he said, noting the 12.5 $3.«50 ^ relationships with legal figures. that was given. tance of one new member. This was Sam­ number of persons the machine shop New England landmark nears completion in Rockport, Mass. The Seidman has said his overall He said as chief executive of the Town bo's Restaurant at Vernon Circle and it Police Report would employ. Area Bulletin Board original structure was destroyed in the blizzard of Feb. 6, 1978. (UPI of Vernon he wouldn't be receptive to ser­ record is based on competence and photo) was unanimously accepted. However, Whelton said an in­ Sampling of Taxes fairness. “Don’t get the idea that this vices which are qne>^Monable as tn pceH or dividual seWer system would be suf­ Manchester degi ee larceny in separate incidents, is a patronage mill — no way,” he OSHA Seminar ficient and more practical than a tie- UPI chart shows sampling of some of the “gas guzzler” auto said last spring. About $100 was reported missing police said. VERNON — Changes in the federal Occupational Safe­ in to one of the town’s sewer taxes worked out Wednesday by the House-Senate energy tax Seidman, who first became from a cash drawer at a McNall St. Ronald L. Brackley, 25, of 235 Main systems. ty and Health Act (OSHA), their enforcement, and gasoline station Wednesday night. St. was to be presented in court today conferees — with some revisions they made after officially associated with Hartford's bankrupt­ proposed revisions to the act, will be explained at a The resubdivision was passed with cy court as its clerk in the 1920s, said The station attendant told police he after bond of $1000 was posted. a condition suggested by Sheehan. signing an earlier version. The Senate is expected to vote workshop to be held at The Colony in Talcottville on Nov. saw someone enter the station while Police said the suspect took a today on energy taxes. Story on front page. Wednesday he was surprised the 15. The condition states that the PZC judges made a decision before he was pumping gas. After the per­ woman’s pocketbook from the front allows no more subdivision lots on Experts on the latest trends in workmen’s compensa­ son left, he checked a cash drawer seat of her car parked in front of the federal legislation that might extend tion, as well as knowledgeable speakers to answer the parcel until possible drainage his appointment is signed. and found the money missing. Dairy Mart on 194 Main St. The purse problems are taken care of. questions concerning OSHA, will be on hand. 2 A burglary was reported at a South contained $10 in cash. KKK Planning Protest Congress Friday passed the first Registrations will be accepted at 8:30 a.m. and there Although the storm drainage reform legislation of the bankruptcy Main Street residence Wednesday , Brackley was arrested about a half system for the proposed machine will be a coffee and pastry break in mid-morning. The hour later, police said, when in­ system in 40 years. It contains the but apparently nothing was missing, shop is sufficient, the drainage In Favor of Seabrook workshop is supposed to adjourn about 11:30 a.m. police said. vestigating officers returned to the provision that would automatically Representatives from large and small businesses are system for the entire resubdivision extend terms of sitting bankruptcy Police made 20 motor vehicle store. They found him inside with a parcel is lacking, he said. since it was first proposed six years urged to attend, expecially those in the categories of store key, and the suspect said he DENHAM SPRINGS, La. (UPI) - judges until 1984. arrests Wednesday. He proposed no future ’The grand imperal wizard of the Ku ago. manufacturing, mercantile, contracting, and service in­ was working for the Dairy Mart. A House Judiciary Committee dustries. East Hartford developments on the other two lots in Klux Klan, which favors nuclear Seabrook, which was finally ap­ spokesman said Wednesday he However, further investigation the resubdivision be approved until a proved by the Nuclear Regulatory A 25-year-old East Hartford man revealed he was a former employee power, says he will lead a counter believes if President (Harter signed Tumbling Classes was arrested Wednesday and storm drainage system is designed demonstration at the Seabrook Commission in August after a series the bill before Nov. 1, the president N o w ,S B M h a s and should not have had the key, SOUTH WINDSOR — The Recreation Department is charged with burglary and fourth- that satisfies the engineering and nuclear power plant in New of court battles and federal delays, police said. would appoint a local three-member still taking sign-ups for Advanced Tumbling for first to public works departments. Hampshire during a rally Saturday has been a national target of anti­ committee which would rule on nuclear forces. third grades. Classes will be held at Eli Terry School on by an anti-nuclear citizens grouup. whether Seidman could continue in Mondays and at Orchard Hill School on Tuesdays. Both “It’s more pro-American than pro- Meanwhile, bail reduction hearings his post. nuclear,” Bill Wilkinson said in a were scheduled today in Rockingham sessions will run from 4 to 5:30 p.m. Classes begin Oct. 16 Krechevsky, 56, was a Democratic and 17 and will run for 10 weeks. Fee for the class is $5, installed a Senate OKs SBA Fundine telephone interview Wednesday from County Superior Court for 15 town councilman in West Hartford members of the Boston chapter of and sign-ups will be taken at Town Hall in the Recreation WASHINGTONWA.

TH E h o n o r a b l e GOVERNOR ELLA I “P L A H T OLD COLD FOR P0STERITY...N0W THRU OCT. 14«i! JOHN MITCHELL C W ffls \ M t » Woodland Gardens

IIU0f.FjlU MUMS m^TNEIEnTIMi And Donna Canuneyer is at the BtOOMNG OF THE n u TO $BD InBiiiU NOW row urn GREENVIEW - f other end to answer any Flowers ONLY WINTERMiaN ''And only UWNFOOO 9n^tac *1.79 DO IT NOW! SPEOiL MPiWSV 5 for 8.44 5AXMS<|.n. Apnfessional Terrific” ioMose.n 12** r $ i 9 2 8x10 Color Portrait only you M OtV A Republican Candidate lor nSNHL S B M knows that just about everyone has (Hhoose from (xir seletrtkxi of 8 8<»nic and State Rapraaantetiva (X)lor backgrounds. You may select banking questions they’d like answered. But, additional portraits offered at reasonable prices, with no obligation. See our iarge 14th Aaaambly Dlatrlct it’s never been easy to get them answered. Decorator Portrait. Satisfaction always or your money cheerfully refunded. That’s why SB M has installed a special line , jPEcni; MOUAIIO dutch lU Lri HAVE ARAIVED. e Lohllard. U.S.A.. 1D7S SOUTH WINDSOR - MANCHESTER so that Donna can personally answer any bank­ \made available TULIPS ...... 101*108 I Graduate, Univeralty of Hartford interesting___ InmnESEED 0AFIWlL8<.....::.||{«i:S OMCUS President, Mitchell Fuel Co., Inc. ing questions you have directly and confidentially. I informative brochure^ HYACINTH.....10i*i!S' J Born In Manchester So, now there’s no reason for you to be embarrassed One sittiry per subject- $1 per subject for Resident of So. Windsor 26 years I each explaining a particu­ 10LB8.^1 1 9 0 5 enntliiia, OcHlaa, FrttWwla, Irsl, adtttlonal subjetrts, gnxjps, or irfolvidu^ Served 4 years - So. Windsor Town Council about your banking questions— no matter what they lar service offered by SBM. in the same family. Persons under 18 Served on Public Building Commission These unique brochures PLANT A TREE must be accompanied by parent are. All you have to do is call Donna at 646-1700. are displayed at all SBM locations. _____ "JM or guardian. Honest-to-Old Gold satisfaction in a very bw-tar cigarette Member & Past Pres, of So. Windsor Rotary IN 78” Member Our Savior Lutheran Church A tradition of banking excellence iksemysonly - OCTOBBb WED TMIRS Fn SAT MITCHELL WILL REPRESENT Warning: The Surgeon General Has Determined The Savings Bank H 12 13 14 That Cigarette Smoking 1$ Dangerous to Your Health. YOU DMLY: 10 lUL . 8 FJA 9 mg ‘uro 8 mg nicoifie n pt' cigneiie tb fIC Meihod of Mancnester TOLUIW TIRMPME, MMliSTER PAID FOR BY COMMITTEE Aiiinchesler, |4SI Hertford, South Windsor, Ashford, Andover, 4nd Bolton. Member FDtC. 646-t700 TO ELECT JOHN MITCHELL SSagng.??;!!^"' 6444474 Rog«r B. CottM, Trcasurw p a g e e i g h t - MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD. Manchester. Conn.. Thurs.. 0.1. 12. 19W MANCHF.STER EVENING HERALD, Manchester, Conn., Thurs., Oct 12 1978 - P-\c;F NINE Clinic Uses Lunch Therapy Rockville Group Hears BALTIMORE (UPI) - Spending tors prescribe food like medicine. Andersen described the typical lunchtime gossiping with a group of “Our understanding is that there is anorexia nervosa patient as a girl friends is an enjoyable activity for no single cause,” he said. “It is more who is a “perfectionist, but not very Of ‘Frightening’ Drugs most teen-age girls. But to those like the blind man and the elephant in insightful, who comes from an upper enrolled in the Johns Hopkins that if you approach it from one type middle class family and is often the By BARBARA RICHMO^D The medical term is vertical myostagnis. University Weight Disorders Clinic, of symptom you think it comes from so-called perfect child.” Herald Reporter the noon hour can be frightening. one biological cause. Dr. O’Brien said that within the next two years the But the family, he said, is often in a patient will probably return with mental problems. That is the hour when patients suf­ “Instead of putting psychotherapy VERNON — Phencyclidine is not a new drug — it just crisis of some type, and the patients Officer DeLisle said the drug is so popular now because fering from anorexia nervosa — self- on the front end, we wait until they keeps having its name changed. It’s been called Angel have a “fear of losing control; they it is easily manufactured. He said J1,000 worth of induced starvation — talk about the have quite a bit of nutritional sub­ Dust, PCP, Peace Tabs, “T,” Hog, THC and a number of almost back off one cliff in order to materials can be turned into $10,000 worth of sales. problem that has reduced some of stance — 90 percent of their target avoid falling off another.” other things. them to as little s 70 pounds. weight — then we begin an individual Dr. James O’Brien of the University of Connecticut Dr. O’Brien said the ingredients couldn’t be gotten in a Dr. Arnold Andersen, the clinic’s psychotherapy for the patient and Andersen said the patients have Health Center explained the drug and its effects to a high school chemistry lab but someone With a little director and a psychiatrist, said family.” four characteristics; a vulnerable group of representatives from Rockville General college chemistry could put them together, # 1 anorexia nervosa is a disorder The starving patients begin their personality, a family in crisis, a Hospital and other social service organizations, Tuesday DeLisle said it’s the pushers that keep changing the characterized by fear of fatness and treatment with lunch time encounter vulnerable biology and an event, in Rockville. name of the drug for their own benefit. He also said the loss of monthly periods. It has a 10 groups. usually dieting, or a major disap­ The program was organized by Harold DeLisle, h^ad of users often become “the flasher of the week,” because .their temperatures go up. percent mortality rate. “It gives them a chance to confront pointment like a romantic problem. the Vernon Police Department’s juvenile division. DeLi­ He said at least one of the local cases involved a 12- “About one half of 1 percent of high their problems in a setting they’re sle recently returned from a drug seminar out west. After a p atien t’s weight is year-old youth. He said you can expect to find wider school women have some form of the conflicted about,” Andersen said. Some members of the hospital staff, after hearing the stablized and she has completed psy­ usage in the white middle class. disease,” Andersen said. "It’s not He said one patient — a 21-year-old side effects of the drug, which DeLisle said is being used Members and instructors of a course for chotherapy, she again starts ordering department of pathology, Manchester rare and it’s not common like the girl who dropp^ out of college — was and “ manufactured” in town, said that it was Jack Walsh, who is head of the Youth Services Bureau medical laboratory technicians include, front Memorial Hospital; Mrs. Evelyn Carlson, cold but there’s a lot of them her own meals, and a follow-up “frightening.” in town, said he wondered when they would be able to get 5-foot-7 and weighed only 84 pounds. program is prescribed. Arranging Items for Bazaar from left, Wendy Sobczak, Mrs. Clara A. education supervisor and Dr. Boris Vira,’ around.’’ By the end of the 12-week treatment Dr. O’Brien said the use of the drug started during the the bad effects of the drug usage across to the youth. He said a lot of the youth he deals with have poor self images Laster, Mrs. Diane B. Johnson, Ann M. Bock, Andersen said the patient’s “fear program, she weighed 124 pounds. Vietnam War and that’s where it got one of its names. The women of Wapping Community Church South Windsor. The women are left to right pathology associate. The course for the Andersen said the disease is and even have suicidal tendencies without the use of Laurie A. McBrierty and Barbara A. Luris. of getting fat” has been treated in­ “They come in as voluntary becoming increasingly recognized Peace Tabs. He said in this area marijuana is the number arran p some Items they helped make for the Dorothy Collins, Shirley Pierce Kathleen technicians was conducted at the Manchester one drug used and phencylidine is number two. drugs. Back row. Dr. Frederick P. Becker, director, Memorial Hospital. tensively with psychotherapy for patients and that is important because the one-to-three year delay church bazaar Nov. ^ ro m 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Hevenor and Vivian Briggs. (Herald photo by several years, but the Hopkins clinic because what you are asking them to in diagnosing the illness has changed DeLisle spoke of the problems the police have in ----- at the Community---- z^.txiigi.v House,/11 ivvau, Ellington oueiiipier; Road, Strempfer) ^ ^ takes a different approach — inten­ do is to go against a real fear that recently as families of the girls are handling a person who has taken phencylidine. He said in sified nutritional rehabilitation. Doc­ they have,” he said. reporting the problem more quickly. one instance locally, it took five police'officers to handle one youth. He said the next day the user doesn’t Six Finish Lab Course remember anything that happened. ‘Tm afraid Voter Registration Ends Tuesday MANCHESTER — Graduation somebody is going to get hurt but we’ve been lucky so Evelyn Carlson, education super- Among the graduates were Miss Annual Fall M A __ ’T*liacHotr tirill Ka Ahn O r t a itrill K^t kr>l/4 4<-vnlrtU4 C O All rtf fVtrt ...til U... I r._ . . 1V5.. m t.... I n . . : U ceremonies for the six members of a B irth s I far,” DeLisle said. MANCHESTER — Tuesday will be the One will be held tonight from 6 to 8 All of the sessions will be held from 6 to Municipal Building, 41 Center St. visor for the laboratory. Ann M. Bock, daughter of Mr. and final day to be sworn in as a voter if class in Medical Laboratory ..V He said he feels the hospital staff and other social ser­ o'clock at the Savings Bank of 8 p.m. except for the one at Marshalls Persons also may be made voters The students had been under the Mrs. John E. Bock, 92 Loehr Road, someone wishes to vote in the Nov. 7 elec­ Manchester, 923 Main St. which will last from 7 to 9 p.m. Technology, were held at 180 Plain Drive, East Hart­ vice workers should know what to expect. He said, “I’m during regular hours at the registrars of­ tutelage of Mrs. Carlson since Aug. Tolland; Mrs. Diane B. Johnson of 66 Finhst-r. .Aiiiuiidu I'run- tion. Four more will be held Friday. They Manchester Memorial Hospital. ford. He was born Oct. 4 in concerned not only about the availability of the drug but Two special sessions also wall be held in fice, Monday through Friday, 8:30 a.m. to 22, 1977. Chamber St., Manchester; and Mrs. ris, daughter of William To accommodate those wishing to be will be at Frank's Supermarket, 725 E. the town clerk's office. ^ The six, all women, had received Manchester Memorial cu m m also its widespread effects, there are certain dangers for 4:30 p.m. That office also is in the Dr. Frederick P. Becker, director, Clara A. Laster, 137 Pearl St.! and Donna Francis Rollin- sworn in as voters, Manchester’s associate in science degrees from Hospital. His maternal all of jjs as well as for the patient.” Middle Turnpike; Crispino's Supreme One will be Saturday from 9 a m. to 8 Municipal Building. department of pathology, spoke Manchester. son Embser of 67 Pearl St. registrars of voters office has scheduled Manchester Community College in grandparents are Mr. and Dr. O’Brien said the drug came into vogue in 1965 as an Foods, 485 Hartford Road; A.C. Petersen p.m. The second will be Tuesday, the last All voters who wish to vote in November briefly before the assembled Also included were Mrs. Barbara Manchester. She was born several voter-making sessions in the next Farms. 238 N. Main St.; and Marshalls in day to register, from 9 a.m. to 8 p.m. June, but were required to complete Oct. 1 in M anchester Mrs. William P. Andrews animal tranquilizgr and was used for humans in some must sworn in by Tuesday unless they will students, their families, their A. Lurie of 1 Great Hill Road in East few days. the Manchester Parkade. The town clerk's office is in the turn 18 after Tuesday and before Nov. 7, their one-year ciinical affiliation at friends, and hospital staff members. Memorial Hospital. Her Jr. of Weils, Maine. His forms. He said it’s still available to veterinarians in some the hospital before they could be Hartford; Miss Laurie A. McBrierty, PimBUMH nUNTS forms. In congratulating them upon the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. James maternal grandparents are paternal grandmother is awarded their certificates as The drug. Dr. O'Brien said, is a central nervous system successful completion of their McBrierty, 30 Coolidge St., Mr. and Mrs. Earle Rollin- Mrs. Evelyn R. Cuddy of Now thru 10/14/78 medical laboratory technicians. program. Dr. Becker also outlined son of 40 Foley St., Bingham, Maine. He has depressant and it has a wide variety of psychological and On hand to present the certificates Manchester; and Miss Wendy Sobc­ physiological effects. the weighty responsibility that they zak, daughter of Mr, and Mrs. Manchester. Her paternal two brothers. Gale Jr., 5, TECH STEREO were Dr. Boris Vira, associate direc­ He said it causes a feeling of being removed from reali­ would each assume as they began Charles Sobczak, 84 Field Road, grandparents are Mr, and and Lance, 3Vi. tor of the department of pathology at their careers. Cromwell. Mrs. Richard Embser of 39 ty. He said if the user touches something hot or agitates Manchester Memorial, and Mrs. Judith Drive, Manchester. Reid, Jennifer 7" Paint Pad against something hard they do not feel any pain. He said She has a brother, Michael, Courlney, daughter of the user will most likely be paranoid and thinks everyone is out to get him. He said they are depressed and preoc­ 4. Ronald and Mary Jane NOW ONLY « M e n u s McCue Reid of 14 Linn- 99 cupied with death and dying. ANNIVERSARY SALE Johnson, .Ahhie Louise, more Drive, Manchester. with the purchase Dr. O’Brien said the drug produces somewhat of a S ch o o l daughter of William and She was born Oct. 2 in sense of censory depridation which is markedly different tossed salad, rye bread, butter, mixed truit, peanut Deborah Cantone Johnson Manchester Memorial of one gallon of from the effects of drugs such as' LSD. He said it THE SALE YOU’VE BEEN WAITINC FOR A U YEAR Cafeteria menus which will be served Oct. 16-20 at butter cookie and milk. The new produces sudden, unpredictable outbursts of violence Manchester public schools, are as follows: of 32 Worcester Road, Ver­ Hospital. Her maternal non. She was born Oct. 3 in grandmother is Mrs. PITTS8UR6H nUNTS andeasier which may subside and then start up again. Monday; Chicken vegetable soup, hamburg patty on a E lderly waytopahtg, He told the hospital workers that it causes tremors and BUY EITHER OF THESE BUY EITHER OF THESE roll, buttered green beans, apple and milk. Manchester Memorial Marion Burckardt of Levit- Menus which will be served Oct. 16-20 at Mayfair and Hospital. Her maternal convulsions and that is a pretty good tipoff to medical Tuesday: Hot turkey sandwich with gravy, cranberry town, N.Y. Her paternal WALLHIOE'Latex Hat Wall Paint N O W O N L Y STEREO RECEIVERS AND GET THE STEREO RECEIVERS AND GET THE Westhill Gardens to Manchester residents over 60, are as grandparents are Mr. and grandparents are Mr. and staff that the drug used was PCP, To complicate the sauce, whipped potato, buttered carrots, brownie pudding follows: and milk. Mrs. Thomas Cantone of Mrs. Clair Reid of 12 SOOO problems. Dr. O’Brien said most of the drug users com­ GARRARD 630 TURHTABLE FOR UO.OO. Monday: Pan-fried liver with onion gravy, parsley 209- Gardner St., Englewood Drive, gal bine it with the use of some form of alcohol. GARRARD GT-10 BELT DRIVE TURNTABLE Wednesday: Baked meatloaf, parslied potato, whole * 2 Wnitt and rtady-imxod buttered potatoes, stewed tomatoes with green beans, coiora onty Cuiiom He told the hospital staff to look at the patients eyes kernel corn, bread, butter, mixed fruit and milk. Manchester. Her paternal Manchester. She has two on moniriacturor’a mggaaladI9****N ratait prtca. -— yellow cake, roll, margarine, skim milk, coffee or tea. colora iligntly bighor Thursday: Salami grinder, applesauce, ice cream and grandparents are Mrs. brothers, Brian, 4, and Jef­ and if they are using the PCP their eyeballs will jump. FOR «10.00. Tuesday: Pot roast of beef, tomato-vegetable au jus, Marion Crawford of frey, 2. milk. whipped potatoes, broccoli au gratin, chocolate pudding Friday: Tuna noodle casserole or macaroni and cheese. Florence St., Manchester, BUSH with whipped topping, whole wheat bread, margarine, and Doug Johnson of Tbclmics SA400 skim milk, coffee or tea. Seaman Circle, OVER 8 MILLION Wednesday: Chicken and vegetable over cornbread, Manchester. Her maternal PRESCRIPTIONS Technics SA 300 CO PIOMEO/T SX680 Buyer’s Billboard seasoned lima beans, mixed green salad with french HARDWARE CO. STEREO RECEIVER great-grandparents are SaMy Compoundad STEREO RECEIVER dressing, chilled apricot halves, cornbread, margarine, Mr. and Mrs. Sam Cantone "Manchetter’g Leadiag Hardware Store. ” STEREO RECEIVER 45 WATTS RMS WASHINGTON (UPI) — Should the government pay skim milk, coffee or tea. of Hartford. Her paternal ARTHUR DRUG 793 M AIN STREET in 30 W AnS RMS PER CHANNEL Thursday: Baked meat loaf with gravy, O'Brien 3 5 W A n S R M S for surveys of automobile repair shops to let consumers great-grandmother is Mrs. CALDOR PLAZA MANCHEfiTga PER CHANNEL know which ones do a good job? potatoes, creamy cabbage apple slaw, baked custard, rye Olivine Hoffner of DOWNTOWN MAMCHESTEH That novel suggestion for heiping consumers out of the bread, margarine, skim milk, coffee or tea. Fiorence Street, car repair jungle was offered to Congress recently by rriday: New England fish chowder, baked macaroni Manchester. Robert Kru^iioff, who publishes a consumer advice and cheese, seasoned green peas canned, tossed green GARRARD 630 ^ K EIM W O O n salad with Italian dressing, chilled canned pears, bread, HOLLAND BULB SPECIAL magazine called “Checkbook.” (.uddy, Thomas Philip, ENHANCE YOUR SPRING BEAUTY KR-4070AM/FM- He said Congress should give federal grant money to margarine, skim milk, coffee or tea. son of (jale Wayne Sr. and TURNTABLE ftDPIOMeOT SX 1980 organizations in communities throughout the country to The menu is subject to change. Beatrice Andrews Cuddy of NOW WITH THESE BARGAINS STEREO RECEIVER set up teams that would evaluate local car repair shops STEREO RECEIVER 40 watts per channel minimum RMS. at 8 ohms and publish the results. 20-20,000 HZ, with no more than 0.1% lotal harmonic distortion Krughoff’s magazine does that already for his circuia- FREE 270 WAnS tion area, Washington, D.C. He estimates the cost of es­ E tablishing a similar system in every major area of the EMPIRE ESP/X GARRARD GT-10 country at about $3 million a year. BELT DRIVE He said the price tag would be less if the organization CARTRIDGE WITH THE doing the ratings charged a nominal fee for the survey NAME THAT STORE CONTEST TURNTABLE results. PURCHASE OF ANY In his Washington ratings, Krughoff said, he has found We at Tech are changing our name. This unit can be no correlation between how much a shop charges and how OF THESE TURNTABLES yours absolutely FREE if your entry is chosen. It's PURCHASE EITHER OF good the work is; shops listed by the National Institute of easy to enter, come in to any one of our 6 Tech Stereo Automotive Service Excellence as having tested, compe­ locations and leave your entry. In case of tie. date of tent mechanics did not have more satisfied customers THESE CASSETTE DECKS than shops without the rating; and dealerships are about I b d m ics first entry wins. twice as likely to be rated as inferior by customers as in­ Contest ends Oct. 31,1978. AND RECEIVE dependent shops. WE HAVE ALL YOUR NEEDS FOR SL-2T 0 The same congressional hearing was also told of a new BELT DRIVE 6 90 MIN CrOa TAPES government survey that indicates consumers are far FALL DECORATIONS TURNTABLE WITH . SL-220 more likely to have a problem with a car than almost any GONE AND TAKE A LOOK. TOO WON’T OELIEVE IT. 'BELT DRIVE other product they buy under warranty, and to have a STROBE AND SEMI-AUTO­ FREE harder time getting it fixed. PITCH CONTROLS MATIC • That Federal Trade Commission survey indicated SIGN UP NOW FOR DOR DEGORATMG CLASSES! TURNTABLE about M percent of car buyers who suffered problems WIIH were dissatisfied with the outcome, compared with about V I T T M P R ’ Q BARDEN , CHRISTMAS STROBE AND PITCH CONTROL eight percent for all other products. f l l i n c n o CENTER ‘ SHOP TEAC In addition nearly 30 percent of motor vehicles are ROUTE 83 — MANCHESTER/VERNON TOWNLtNE delivered with a problem covered by a warranty, com­ A-103 pared with seven percent for other under-warranty m) 2633 open 7 DATS products; and 30 percent of car problems took more than &Dpioi\iccn one month to resolve, compared with about 14 percent for other consumer products. BELT DRIVE SEMI-AUTOMATIC TURNTABLE PL-516 ftKEIMWCXX] Smoking isiTt sexy OAp i o i v e ^ PL-514 OPAL FESTIVAL KD-3070 SEMI-AUTOMATIC, DIRECT-DRIVE TURNTABLE BELT DRIVeT" s EMI-AUTO- emyrnore ____ MATIC TURNTABLE BUY ONE SPEAKER AT THE SHCCESreD RETAIL PRICE AND GET THE SEIRIND The New Fall Plaids You Can Mix and Match FOR $1, 00! in Washable SAVE 20% Wool Blends (Martin-Clarke speakers excluded) Capture the unsurpassed beauty of a The blend of 30% Wool, 36% Acrylic & 36% Po- OPEN MONDAY lyeeter make these great eeparates machine THRU nilDAY fiery opal In a ring, pendant, stick pin or washable. ’Three super colors. Camel ft Brown with Rust, Navy ft Red with Green and Navy ft 10 a.m. to 9 p.m. earrings, and save 20% during our opal Hunter with White in sizes 8 to 18. TECH SATURDAY festival. 10 a.m. to 6 p.m.

PpEE SEMINAR reg. SiOO *2 7.0 0 SESSIONS STARTS FREE SEMINAR ALL ITEMS (coma lo any one) SESSIONS STARTS ALL ITEMS (coma lo anyona) reg. 21.00 *16 .9 9 LIMITED HABTFORD/NEW HAVEN/MIODLESEX CO.'S O M S ly li n o k Wadnaaday Wadrmday LIMITED Howard Johnson s M a n c t m U r Tuesday Oct to or 25 Nov I reg. 26.00 *20.99 STEREO Tuesday Exi! 69 0(11-95 TO IN STOCK 2nd Congrtgationai Ch Oct 17 or 24 Oct 31 /30 pm 730 pm TO IN STOCK 385 Norm 1 ^ SI 730 pm 730 pm Rocky HHI Monday Mortday reg. 23.00 *1 7 .9 9 QUANTITIES 838 Farmington Ave. M trW «n HowardJohnsoniMtr Ldo Oct 16 or 23 Oct 30 Place Yotf TRUST Caldor Shopping Plaza Washington Plaza QUANTITIES Wednesday Wednesday M99 Silas Oaana H»y Hobday Inn Oct 18or2S Nov 1 730 pm 7 30 pm iha Diamond Bpaciolii! Skirt nouiioOT *16 .9 9 ONLY Farmington, 677-2432 EftMMAinSi Exit 730 pm 730 pm reg. 22.00 Manchester, 646-8364 Middletown, 346-7953 W itt Hartford AAonday Monday ONLY YWCA MNIford Thursday Oct l6or23 30 Thursday . 27 North M an Si MANCNttTtR RAMUM eMMWVt Ha* Howard Johnton's Oct 19or26 Now 2 730 pm 730 pm VERNON, BRIBTOL PLAZA. WHTPAMN, RMMURV Em39o((Conn,Tpbe 730 pm 730 pm Prospect Plaza Elm Plaza Norwichtown Plaza Qulily Brand Nimea—Alwayt lat Quality West Hartford. 233-2913 Enfield. 745-1074 MON.-FBI. 10-9 SAT. 10-6 Norwich, 877-1464 ______MASTER CHARGE PAGE TEN — MA■^!CHESTER EVENING HERALD, Manchester, Conn., Thurs., Oct. 12. 1978 S' State Survey Says About Town MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, Manchester, Conn., Tliurs., Oct. 12, 1978 — PAGE ELEVEN ‘m The Emanuel evening prayer group iBaurliratpr Eimiimj Hpralft [Open Forum } Elderly Defrauded will meet tonight in the church Manchester — A City of Village Charm library at 6:30. All members are HARTFORD (UPI) — A year-long the fraudulent insurance practices. Founded Oct. 1, 1881 weicome. state survey has found that un­ Aging Commissioner William Member. Audi! Bureau ol CirculationveuiciKUM Member, n».United Press Intemaiionai Firehouse scrupulous out-of-state insurance, McKay said that the state’s senior Published by the Manchester Publishing Co., Herald Square, Tom Larsen, intern at Emanuel companies have been defrauding citizens are being “ bombarded” by Manchester, Conn. 06040. Telephone (203) 643-2711. Lutheran Church, will lead a Bible Connecticut’s senior citizens by attractive, out-of-state literature Customer Service ~ 647-9946 study in the library Friday at 1 p.m. Confusion selling them policies they don’t need, from insurance companies who want H.ymond F. Robln«n. Edllor-Publl.h.r K ^ BlTbanf Man^^KEdlto All members are elcome. Gov. Ella Grasso said today. the elderly to buy more coverage. To the editor: At her weekly news conference, McKay said the elderly are Opinion ’The Prudential Board of Center 1 attended a meeting of the Ad Hoc Mrs. Grasso announced she will seek vulnerable because they’re afraid Congregational Church will meet Committee of the Board of Directors new "clear language” regulations to they’ll get swamped by rising health of the Town and the 8th Utilities try to curb the abuses. tonight at 7:30 in the Robbins Room. care costs. District on Wednesday, Oct. 4th at Flanked by three of her com­ “ People are so panicky that they Class by Education The parish development com­ the Town Hall at which time several missioners, Mrs. Grasso said the sur­ are buying duplicates... three or four mittee of South United Methodist Education — not income matters were discussed including the vey by the Consumer Protection policies,” he said. questions (abortion, Church will meet tonight at 7:30. disposition of the Buckland Department “found that the elderly Mike said in many cases the elder­ level or occupational status — homosexuality, women’s are confronted with a great deal of Firehouse. ly individual who is confronted with ’The Hollis Circle of South United is now the ‘‘key factor in liberation, pornography, etc.) confusion and misinformation in insurance advertising is already Chairman Connors had much to say their attempts to secure private Methodist Church wiil meet tonight defining today’s class to domestic programs and but he conversed in a low. low voice covered by Medicare or another at 6:30 at Bonanza on Spencer Street. supplementai insurance coverage.” poiicy. divisions” in America, accor­ foreign policy issues, the with his head turned away from the insurance Commission Joseph ding to an intriguing political audience and at times placed his “ Many have bought duplicate The executive board of United college-educated hold con­ Mike said his agency has uncovered coverage,” he said. “ Many have K analysis by Everette C. Ladd hand* to his face so that it was very “20 to 25” cases of fraud by out-of- Methodist Women of South Church sistently more “ liberal” views bought coverage they don’t need.” r ' difficult for the people to hear what state insurance companies. will meet tonight at 7:30. Jr. in the new issue of “ Public than their high school and Consumer Protection Com­ Magic at Crestfield he was saying. There were only 6 “ We suspect there are a lot more,” Opinion,” a monthly published grade school compatriots, missioner Mary Heslin said the year­ Al-Anon family groups will meet members of the public present but he said. long survey by her agency revealed Residents at Crestfield Convalescent Home by the American Enterprise Ladd found. He did not name the states where magic acts. When Andy isn’t pulling rabbits tonight at 8 at the Pathfinders Club, those persons were interested or they fraudulent insurance poiicies are a in Manchester watch in awe while Andy out of hats, he works at D&L at the 102 Norman St., and Friday at 10 Institute. In only one area do the old would not have been there. I would the insurance firms are iocted, but he major problem in the state. Tierney of Manchester proves that the hand a.m. at South United Methodist suggest that in the future Mr. Con­ said the cases involved selling the Mrs. Grasso said she is seeking Manchester Parkade. (Herald photo by Pin- Examining a wealth of New Deal alignments still hold IS quicker than the eye with some of his Church campus. The beginners group eideriy policies they didn’t need. reguiations that wili require in­ polling data, Ladd concludes nors sit facing the audience and will meet tonight at 7:30, and Alateen — trade unionism. “ While high Mrs. Grasso wanted to make it surance companies to explain ad­ speak so that he can be heard. for the 12- to 20-year-old children of that the chief social and school and grade school clear that Connecticut insurance ditional policies in “ ciear, concise With regard to the firehouse, there problem drinkers at 8 at the ideological schisms of the graduates are notably inclined companies have not been involved in and understandable language.” Mike was a lengthy discussion regarding Pathfinders Club. The family groups 1970s no longer occur between Stilled gears in meshed symmetry. (Photo by Doug Bevins) said the regulationsJcould be in place Amin Ready to Retaliate to more conservative views, the danger of emergency vehicles Child Day Care by January. are open to those affected by the “ haves” and “ have-nots” someone with a drinking problem. they are also notably suppor­ colliding while on official duty and Being Expanded The governor said she wiii also as in the New Deal era, but tive of unions,” Ladd writes. also the morale of the firemen seek protective legisiation in the next Students Outline Problems stationed in the Buckland structure. Jehovah’s Witnesses will have a between Americans who have MANCHESTER — Day care ser­ session. For U.S. Trade Embargo “ College trained professionals, theocratic school and service By PATRICIA MeCORMACK Sheboygan Falls, Wis., Leach, 17, steps against science in genetic It must be very frustrating for two vice provided by the Northeast Mike said the reguiations won’t some college education and with some notable exceptions meeting tonight at 7:30 in Whiton UPI Education Editor men, on each of three shifts, to spend District Office of Child and Family necessarily prevent fraud, but they NAIROBI, Kenya (UPI) - Ugan­ since the concentration camps of those who would venture into Ugan- cited disarmament as the most engineering so the nature of life will Memorial Library Auditorium, 100 those who do not. among public employees, are Services, is being expanded to in- will make it easier for the state to da’s President Idi Amin today said he Staiin’s Russia or Hitler’s Reich,” da’s turbulence, From the state houses to the White serious problem facing America. In not change needlessly,” wrote Bar­ all day and night waiting for calls N. Main St. On everything from life style not a trade union class ...” ciude the communities of Vernon and prosecute those firms who try to rip is on the verge of retaliating against said Sen. Mark Hatfieid, R-Ore., one The United States bought about House and halls of congress, those in the essay, he wrote: bara Ann Kotulich of Notre Dame which seldom come because of the Rockviile. off Connecticut’s eideriy. a U.S. trade embargo by taking of the principal sponsors of the one-third of Uganda’s coffee crop power might like to listen to “ Cen­ • Disarmament must become Catholic High in Fairfield, Conn. limited territory it covers. It would The “ I Am Responsible” group of Additional day care personnel are “ The elderly of our state should not “ very drastic” action against the 300 iegislation. last year. tury III Leaders” — 102 top high more of a priority and objections and • Wrote Victoire Christina seem that the Maytag Repairmen Alcoholics Anonymous (AA) will needed for the expand^ program. have to struggle through a maze of Americans who live in his country. About 300 Americans reside in Most American coffee companies, school seniors from the class of 1978 D’Agostino of Immaculata have competition for “ The Lonliest meet tonight at 8:30 at Faith ‘Short Form’Charity tactics of the military-industrial The office is currently seeking fine print and confusing ianguage Amin’s threat, broadcast by Radio Uganda. Most are missionaries, under pressure from human rights speaking out on problems in complex must be overcome. Preparatory School in Washington, Men In Town.” Kampala, gave no hint of what steps Lutheran Church, Silver Lane, East women who have a warm interest in when they seek adequate coverage aithough several dozen businessmen groups who condemn Amin, aiready By MARTHA ANGLE tion of charitable gifts) and the America’s third century. • The United Nations Security D.C.: “ The state governments should The directors of the 8th District and a iiking for chiidren and who are the buriy dictator contemplated. Hartford. AA contact is available 24 for the costs of heaith care,” Mrs. and technicians aiso live there, have announced they plan to boycott AND ROBERT WALTERS percentage of personal income There are two “ leaders” from Council as well as nuclear countries help finance medical education with stated that the firehouse is located in able to understand and encourage the Grasso said. The U.S. congressmen who spon­ drawn by lucrative opportunities for Ugandan coffee. hours daily by calling 646-2355. WASHINGTON (NEA) - “ Charity donated to charity. each state and the District of Colum­ must be involved in negotiations. the requirement that after gradua­ terrotiry under the jurisdiction of the child’s social, physical and intellec­ “And they should not be subjected sored the trade embargo said their never faileth,” proclaims the Bible. Martin Feldstein, a professor of bia, selected from among 350,000 tion these doctors practice a District and they ask that the town tual growth. to sales practices by out-of-state action also was retaliation, against The Manchester Newcomers Club “ This is my country, the United economics at Harvard University, vacate it. agents that will rob them of their the “ ferocious, institutionalized will meet Oct. 17 at 7:30 p.m. at the Perhaps charity will “ endureth all applicants. States, which has not made enough of minimum of two years in rural Persons interested in additionai in­ estimates that charitable giving formation may call Linda Van Dine savings and saddle them with brutality” that has killed tens of Catholic Cardinals YWCA, 78 N. Main St. Mayor Stephen things,” but that optimistic assess­ Each wrote an essay on what he or an effort to halt the insanity of the areas.” Two members of the Town Board would rise this year from $34.5 billion at the district office, 110 Main St„ at coverage they do not need,” she thousands of Ugandans under Amin’s Penny will be the guest speaker. A ment was offered long before the she figures is the nation's top priority arms race and to create a world en- • Michael David Chapman of of Directors, Connors and Fitz­ 643-2761. added. rule. question and answer period will Treasury Department began to $38.6 billion — an increase of $4.1 problem. vironment of peaceful co­ Savannah Christian School in Savan­ patrick, had great difficulty in deter­ After Amin was fetung by U.S. follow. Newcomers and their guests promoting “ short form” tax returns. billion or 12 percent — if all The inventory of problems in­ habitation.” nah, Ga., called for an answer to the mining what the word “ vacate” Narrow Pope Search are invited. For more information criticism last year, he rounded up all The ubiquitous 1040A “ short form” taxpayers were allowed to claim cluded: preservation of moral Highlights from other essays by energy problems: “ Unless means. Americans living in Uganda and held cail Kristy Harris, 647-1725. deductions for their contributions. VATICAN CITY (UPI) - The among the papal candidates who fit for individual taxpayers allows a values, Social Security reform, some of the 102: something is done soon, there will be It was explained in detail but they Grasso and Sarasin them hostage while he spouted a Roman Catholic cardinals who will generous but Treasury and IRS officials general­ eliminating forced retirement, selec­ “ In light of the Watergate scandal accelerated inflation and rising un­ still questioned it. They were given series of threats. that mold are Giuseppe Siri, 72, The Veterans of Foreign Wars choose a successor to the late Pope archbishop of Genoa and 25 years a fixed standard ly agree with those estimates, but ting quality national leaders, disar­ and other similar incidents, the employment.” the "Webster” definition but still F ^ e d with a stern response from John Paul I say they have narrowed Ladies Auxiliary wili hold its third lA I'ortai* U ______it • . . ^ .... cardinal, and Pericle Felici, 67, deduction as a they oppose itemization because it mament, wiping out prejudice, com­ challenge for Americans to produce • Harold Thomas Watson of Meri­ could not comprehend the meaning Differ on Farming the Carter administration, however, their search and are debating the district meeting Friday at Post 574 in prefect of the Vatican Court of substitute for the would produce an annual federal batting terrorism, preventing competent statesmen has probably dian High in Meridan, Idaho, wrote: until it was explained in rather crude HARTFORD (UPI) - Gov. Ella he iater released them. specific merits of a imall group of Plainville. give farms cash for the development Appeals. various itemized revenue loss of approximately $2.6 juvenile delinquency. never been greater.” Michael R. “ For America to survive in the com­ language, then they understood!!! Grasso and Rep. Ronald Sarasin, her There was no immediate U.S. candidates. rights to their land to preserve the response to today’s Radio Kampaia "The experts cautioned, however, deductions — in­ billion. The 102 met at Williamsburgh, Mills of Opelika High in Opelika, Ala. ing century, she will have to fully According to the newspapers the Republican opponent for the gover­ Church sources and statements by that Cardinal Giovanni ^ n elli, the ★ ★ ★ property from non-farm use. Another broadcast, which came before dawn Community Sets cluding those for Va., and conducted a seminar on the • “ Our system of education should utilize all of her resources. Present­ report was given to the mayor and norship, have given some different the cardinals themselves indicate the powerful former Vatican diplomat changes the state inheritance tax to in the United States. The United charitable con­ Legislation authorizing itemization problems. Proceedings and essays be ... restructured to develop each ly, America has been depriving evidently he doesn't understand views on the problems of Connecticut make it easier for farmers to pass on 111 cardinals are moving toward a most instrumental in electing John Oct. 19 Speaker fanners. States and Uganda have not severed tributions — of charitable donations on the IRS are p u b li^ d in “ The Report of the and every student according to his in­ herself of one of her most valuable either. It begins to seem that we may their land to their children. consensus: they want a theological Paul, could not be counted out. Both candidates responded to reiations, but the U.S. Embassy in conservative who vaiues traditional Lee Silverstein, author of “ Con­ available on the longer, more com­ “ short form” was introduced this National Meeting of Century III dividual potential.” Johnny Ellis Jr., resources — the elderly.” need some bi-lingual education for Sarasin said farmers who fail Also being considered were the so- sider The Alternatives,” will speak questions by fanners for over an Kampala has been closed for years, doctrine and discipline, as well as a plex form 1040. year in the House by Reps. Joseph L. Leaders,” 1978 edition. of Bartlett High in Anchorage, • Robin Sherry Landes of our board. despite the farmland preservation called “pastoral” candidates: Car­ at The Educational Community Oct. hour at a Connecticut Farm Bureau and the U.S. government tries to dis­ man who can control the unwieldy In recent years, the Treasury Fisher, D-Va., and Barber B. The program, in its third year, is Alaska, Belleville Township High in It is evidently assumed by the benefits may find themselves stuck dinal Corrado Ursi, 70, archbishop of 19 at 7:30 p.m. meeting in Hartford Wednesday. suade aii Americans from traveling Vatican bureaucracy. Conable Jr., R-N.Y., and in the Town Board of Directors that they with property that can’t be sold for a Naples, and Cardinal Salvatore Pap- Silverstein, who will speak on Department and its tax-collecting administered by the the National • “ Integrity must be emphasized. Belleville, 111., said the family is Sarasin said he was in favor of in­ in the iandlocked East African na­ American Cardinals John Dearden Senate by Sens. Daniel P. Moynihan, own the Buckland Firehouse, reasonable price. tion. palardo, 60, archbishop of Palermo, “ Considering Aiternatives,” is direc­ agency, the Internal Revenue Ser­ Association of Secondary School Dishonesty and deceit cannot be threatened. “To cope ... we need creasing the weight limits of trucks of Detroit and John Carberry of St. Sicily. D-N.Y., and Bob Packwood, R-Ore. however, they own it only in the Sarasin also said he favors elimina­ The trade embargo signed by tor of Human Services at Rockville vice (IRS), have waged a determined Principals and funded by an oil com­ accepted at any level of society.” many more specialists in family and on Connecticut highways to 80,(KX) Louis admitted Wednesday that dis­ Pappalardo and Ursi were most Those proposals were rejected by proportion of their tax dollars that tion of the replacement part tax as Carter earlier this week actuaiiy was General Hospital. He received his (and successful) campaign on pany (Shell). Brian E. Fees, Tempe High, Tempe, marriage counseling.” pounds per truck. ’The farmers have cussions about specific papal can­ often mentioned as successors to both the House Ways and Means well as the state dividends tax. an amendment to other legisiation. It masters of social work from The behalf of the 1040A. The selection process is about to Ariz. • Nancy Rae Kauppi, of Eveleth went into the building. Every complained the current weight limit didates were under way. John Paul immediately after the late Committee and the Senate Finance taxpayer in Manchester contributed of 72,000 pounds per truck makes it bans the United States from impor­ “ Once in a while a name comes up University of Connecticut, and is a In 1970, 52 percent of all taxpayers begin for the Class of 1979. Seniors • Juvenile delinquents aren’t just High in Eveleth, Minn., wrote: “ The pontiff’s death, when the newly Committee, but the sponsors of the to the cost of their “ white elephant” more expensive to haul food. Murder Probe ting Ugandan products or sending in a friendly way,” Carberry said. certified reality therapist. He is also used that abbreviated form but can pick up an application from the young criminals, according to Susan greatest challenge is the develop­ arriving cardinals said they wanted legislation — convinced that theirs is and the decision should rest with the The fanners complained to Mrs American goods to Amin’s regime. “ We are aii trying to enrich our un­ the author of “ These Guides Are My Treasury and IRS convinced principal. The deadline is Oct. 13. E. Glover, of Magnet Cove High in ment, appreciation and the preserva­ SOUTH KILLINGLY (UPI) - The ban primarily would affect another pastoral pontiff to lead the Gurus,” and “ Shaping the Sounds of an idea whose time has come — will people as to its disposal. Grasso about the state’s 7 percent derstanding.” church. Congress to sweeten the pot by in­ There’s some money in it, too. The healvern. Ark, “ They are also vic­ tion of moral values. To raise moral State police are investigating the Silence.” . tax on replacement parts for equip­ Uganda's $250 million-per-year Though Dearden and Carberry creasing the size of the standard reintroduce the measure next year. “ top of the top” wins a $10,(X)0 tims themselves. They have been standards ... people should strive for The residents of Buckland, Tolland murder of Robert L. Lamoureux, 39, coffee trade with the United States. After two weeks of formal dis­ Members of The Educational Com­ ment and noise and pollution wouid not say which specific can­ deduction five times in eight years. Opponents of that approach argue scholarship. abused emotionally or physically by their highest goals and give of Turnpike, Byron Farms, 8th Utilities of Danielson, whose body was found The sponsors of the embargo ac­ cussions at the Vatican and a munity may attend the program requirements for farm vehicles. Mrs. didates are being considered, their weekend of informal and frank talks, By last year, 77 percent of all in­ that the standard deduction already Randy Leach, the 1978 scholarship parents. A solution must be found. themselves.” District and South Manchester own Wednesday. cused the Amin regime of being without charge. The public is Grasso did not pursue the issue of the remarks and those of other cardinals however, the cardinals have been includes an allowance for charitable • Linda Catherine Harvey from that firehouse, not nine directors, a Police said a passing motorist saw responsible for the indiscriminate welcome to attend any of two of the dividual tax returns were submitted awardee, just started his freshman We are not facing simply an tax and merely told one farmer, the body l5dng beside a parked car on indicated the candidates were con­ pointing more toward a capable ad­ on the “ short form,” and federal of­ contributions, the additional line will year at Carleton College in epidemic of pranks by innocent Forest High in Forest, Miss., wrote: town manager, a paid fire depart­ “ Your point is well taken.” slaughter of between 100,000 and 300,- servatives with broad experience in Thursday evening speakers series Ross Road near Old Furnace State ministrator than a pastoral ficials have a strategy designed to complicate a tax form wtiose prin­ Northfield, Minn. He hopes to children, but a large-scale destruc­ “ I feel the ERA is a Pandora’sbox, ment r nd a political boss. But the governor pointed to recent 000 Ugandans. the ways of the Vatican. without charge. For further informa­ Park. archbishop. push that number even higher — to 84 cipal virtue is simplicity and the become a diplomat or an inter­ tion of our nation’s future.” taking away more rights of women The town could save a great deal of legislation aimed at protecting “ The world has not seen such Church experts say two cardinals tion call 646-0711. ’The body was taken to the state ferocious, institutionaiized brutality percent. change will set a precedent for the national correspondent. From • “ The public must learn to take than it gives to them.” taxpayers' money by turning the Connecticut’s dwindling farm medical examiner’s office in Far­ addition of other itemized deduc­ building over to the 8th District to be acreage. ' Trim FafliUn* ★ ★ ★ mington where an autopsy was The benefits of the 1040A are ob­ tions. manned by volunteer firemen. The One measure is a pilot program to scheduled today. Rifle Range Ifours Specializing Exclusively In vious: It greatly simplifies both the ★ ★ ★ area beyond the District could be Slenderizing plus-size fashions But the “ short form” already DeConcini Tough, Independent covered as it was for many years on MANCHESTER — The Recreation Rifle Range will be taxpayers’ chore of preparing the allows itemization beyond the stan­ contract. open to the public the following days and times: forms and the IRS’ job of auditing the the new crop of freshmen and affected, the measure has not gotten dard deduction — for such items as By ARTHUR UNCLE Let's hear what the public thinks! Osborn Assails Tax Record Wednesday from 6 to 8 p.m. on match nights and from 6 returns. sophomore senators. out of committee. p.m. on otherwise; Friday, 6 p.m., Saturday, 9 a.m. to 11 political contributions, alimony Evelyn W. Gregan WHERE FASHION But that reform has produced an TUCSON,Ariz. (UPI) - Sen. Den­ It has been a hectic first 18 months DeComcini said he will try another VERNON — “ Why should the peo­ a.m., excluding Oct. 14, Feb. 24 and March 3. Rifles or payments and moving expenses. 53 Schaller Road come tax proposal. from him or his Democratic unhealth side effect: It has nis DeConcini, D-Ariz., thinks the ple of Vernon trust tax reform to the revolvers may be used. IS A LOOK, NOT in office for the 41-year-old former route by going to the state Manchester “The current Legislature has coiieagues in the assembly as to how eliminated, for many low-and More significant is the special role same legislative body which has The rifle range is located on Garden Grove Road. To A SIZE bad things that people say about the Pima County attorney who earned a Legislatures for a constitutional passed a budget of $2.25 billion, an in­ they expect to meet this deficit. They middle-income families, the tax in­ voluntary giving and private acted so irresponsibly for the past shoot at the range, a recreation membership card is “Eastern Establishment” press are reputation as being tough on crime, amendment, a proces he will attempt crease of 14.4 percent over last year. may raise the sales tax to nine or-10 charities traditionally have occupied four years?” is the question asked by centive to make generous con­ true. especially narcotics dealers and in the Arizoma Legislature's next The (^nnecticut Public Expenditures percent, or they may use the short­ required. Any questions may be directed to the Recrea­ in a country whose citizens are right­ Nancy Osborn, Republican candidate tributions to charitable “The Eastern liberal press is just white collar criminals, and sensitive session. The Almanac' Counci and the Connecticut fall to push for a state income tax,” tion Department office by calling 647-3084 between 8-30 fully proud of their compassion for for the General Assembly from the Conference of Municipalities, predict she said. a.m. and 4:30 p.m. SPECIAL SIZES organizations. not in touch with the country,” says to the needs of crime victims. Like his father, Dennis started out 56th District. The Treasury Department’s own the oppressed, the sick and the By United Press liileriialiunal an overall budget shortfall of |200 “ Taxes are indeed a burden on us 12 restore order. ding secretary; Eileen Fuelhart, cor­ -^Washdown at gas station on down into him and draw up nourish­ kti 4 nmc( 10 m f m e s yoi/t iiciH S i mms ns eat to tmu nmiiisnu nswcuif In 1973, President Nixon nominated VERNON — The Company 2 SOUTH WINDSOR — Registration Main Street. —Investigation at 36 May responding secretary; and Sally ( Yootordays") ment from him. See that you go on IS s i i s n m m m i n w House Minority Leader Gerald Ford firehouse on Route 30 will be turned for Girls’ Basketball will be held Oct. Wednesday, 1:46 p.m. Road m m rs of mucff ms iHnoyntur. TO m nom Of mK. sy White, treasurer. growing in the Lord, and become for the vice presidency to replace into a haunted house this year by the 25 from 6:30 to 7:30 p.m. at Timothy —Medical call to 60 Chesley Wednesday, 8:40 p.m. n t Wilt; m r ?o you m strong and vigorous in the truth you Spiro Agnew who resigned two days Vernon Junior Women’s Club. For Firemens' Supper Edwards Middle School cafeteria. Road. -Medical call to 1403 Main St. 25 Yeara Ago BIOOMFUD earlier. the past two years the Lottie Fisk ANDOVER — The Andover All girls age 9 or older, or in the Wednesday, 2:09,p.m. Wednesday, 8:49 p.m. VinM.0nii WIlEBFiU HON Auto Dealers Association and were taught. Let your lives overflow -Medical caU to 726 Main St. lOf M Ire S h llM M lq : IN 4 In 1976, swine flu inoculations were Building has b ^ n used for this pur­ Elementary Volunteer Fire Depart­ fourth grade, are welcome to sign up. —Minor lab fire at Penney m m KMilieM It 44 Police Chief Hermar Schendel clash with joy and thanksgiving for all he Wednesday, 10:59 p.m. fuvim halted in nine states after three per­ pose. ment will have its 4th annual Ham Fee is $15 |^ r child. Coaches are High. Dwrini rUH Mk PIu iI over the use of radar. has done ... so you have everything Wednesday, 5:14 p.m. —Medical call to 107 Burnside (IIOOM 'WUIlTiSTH/ sons died shortly after taking the The house will be open Oct. 20 and and Bean Supper Oct. 28 from 5 to 7 needed and interested persons are 2«»J7 S2MD1 when you have Christ. He is the —Medical call to 612 Burnside Ave. 10 Years Ago shots. 21 from 6 to 9 p.m.; Oct. 22 from 2 to p.m. at Andover Elementary School. asked to attend the registration ses­ highest Ruler, with authority over Ave. Today, 12:49 a.m. —Medical Rina Kishon. Miss Israel of 1964, A thought for the day: American 5 p.m.; Oct. 7H and 28, 6 to 9 p.m.; The menu includes ham, baked sion. to every other power.” Wednesday, 6:55 p.m. call Park Avenue Cafe. appears at House and Hale’s store to President Franklin D. Roosevelt introduce one of her country’s newest Rev. K.L. Gustafson, Pastor said, “There is nothing 1 love as products, Bat-Sl)eba perfumes. Calvary Church much as a good fight.” PAGE TWELVE - MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD. Manchester, Conn.. Thurs.. Oct. 12, 1978 MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, Manchester, Conn.. Thurs.. Oct. 12, 1978 - I'AGE TIIIHTKKN Obituaries Kennedy Still Seeking Thoughts John F. Clancy, Alfred R. Kasinski Jr. Mrs. Maria S. Apoiczer Little Cannon Fires Howitzer, Retired Captain MANCHESTER - Alfred R. EAST HARTFORD - Mrs. Maria ApLENty Kasinski Jr., 52, of 133 Baldwin Road Schmidt Apoiczer, 72, of 72 Chesslee To Keep CETA Teachers EAST HARTFORD - John F. died at Manchester Memorial Road died Wedne^ay at Manchester Qancy, 79, of 140 Seymour Ave., Hospital Wednesday. Memorial Hospital. MANCHESTER - School sustain the positions, and hopes to Dodgers Go Two Games Ahead West Hartford, a re tir^ East Hart­ Mr. Kasinski was born in Hartford Mrs. Apoiczer was bom in Mor, the board not fill two positions, a Superintendent James P. Kennedy is find the reminder through the town ford police captain, died Wednesday and has been a lifelong resident of Hungary, and lived in East Hartford coordinator of volunteers and a By Len Auster still recommending to the Board of government. If the board can get no LOS ANGELES (UPI) - The retire the Yankees' two most the Manchester area. He was a the past six years. teacher for gifted students, to allow at a Hartford convalescent home. Education that the four teaching help from the town, Kennedy said he Los Angeles Dodgers turned dangerous hitters — Munson and member of the 4th Marine Division in She was a communicant of St. Rose funds for the CETA positions. Capt. Clancy was bom in Hartford positions and an aide funded under might reluctantly dip into the capital loose their little cannon, Ron Jackson. He got Munson on a lineout World W ^ II and in the Korean War, Church, East Hartford. Kennedy said he expects the four girls’ cross country and girls’ swim­ where he lived most of his life before the Comprehensive Employment projects or supply funds. Fantastic Start to right field and then struck out he served under the 42nd Division of Survivors are a son, John Apoiczer other CETA positions under the ming teams have met with success, Cey, and rode his run-scoring moving to East Hartford a year ago. Training Act (CETA) be retained The teaching positions include two ’This schoolboy season has been Jackson as a crowd of 55,982 rose to the Connecticut National Guard. He of East Hartford, and two Board of Eklucation will have to be that wasn’t unexpected either. ’The single and howitzer-like three- He was employed by the East Hart­ despite the indefinite status of the funny in a couple of respects, and their feet in unison to applaud the was employed with Connecticut grandchildren. music teachers, a physical education phased out. start of 4-1-2 by the girls’ field hockey youngster’s effort. ford Police Department, beginning CETA monies. teacher and a reading teacher. then again it hasn’t. Sounds strange, run homer to a 4-3 victory Natural Gas for eight years as a ’The funeral is Friday at 9:15 a.m. More definite information on the team wasn’t foreseen inasmuch of as a regular policeman in 1930 and ’The funds for the sustaining CETA Kennedy said it would be “very dis­ just listen. Wednesday night over the It was rather surprising that programmer. He was a member of from the Newkirk & Whitney status of all the town CETA positions the defense had to be rebuilt. Linda retiring as a captain in March 1964. positions are expected to be cut by ruptive” to eliminate any of the Not in the too distant past, battle-scarred New York Jackson would strike out in such a St. Francis of Assisi Church of South Funeral Home, 318 Burnside Ave., may come out of a meeting of the Carpenter at halfback has been a He was deputy sheriff for the East about 50 perent, Kennedy said. He positions now that programs are in although it feels like years ago, situation. He had built a reputation Windsor and American Legion Post East Hartford, with a mass at 10 at Hartford consortium of towns in the standout for Head Coach Mary Yankees to take a comman­ Hartford Circuit Court from 1964 to said he has about half the money to full progress. Manchester High was struggling for for game-winning hits in post-season of Manchester. St. Rose Church. Burial will be in CETA program today. Faignant’s crew. ding two-game lead in the competition, earning him the 1974. Last month he recommended that a victory on the gridiron. Thfe Silk He was a member of the East He is survived by his mother, Hillside Cemetery. > Towers won their ’78 opener, have While on the subject of field World Series. nickname, “Mr. October,” Hartford Police Benevolent Associa­ Virginia Soby Kasinski of Friends may call at the funeral followed that up with two more hockey, the sport has some strange The Yankees now must turn to Jackson failed the Yankees in the tion, the Interstate Police Officers Manchester; two brothers, Francis home Thursday from 7 to 9. triumphs and now find themselves rules. First and foremost is you can their meal ticket, 25-game winner first inning when he struck out with a Association, and a member of St. X. Kasinski of Manchester and Louis Pinto tied for the CCIL lead. That’s going use only one side of the stick to hit Ron Guidry, when the Series runner on second but in the third the Mary’s Church, East Hartford. Robert J. Kasinski of Jewett City; Taxing Clothes by Size the ball with. ’That’s like having six- resumes Friday night in New York in Yankee slugger came through with a EAST HARTFORD — Louis Pinto, from the cellar, which the Indians oc­ He is survived by a son, John F. one sister, Mrs. Virginia Mangini of cupied exclusively the last four a-side basketball still in effect. It’s order to get themselves back in the lined two-out, two-run double to right Clancy Jr. of West Hartford; a South Windsor, four nieces and 54, of U32Vi Main St. died Wednesday time that is changed. Also, no sub­ running for the world championship. after White had singled and stolen se­ at St. Francis Hospital and Medical years, to the penthouse in a hurry. daughter, Mrs. Donald McCarthy of nephews. ’There should, however, not be a stitution is allowed in the last five Don Sutton will s ta rt for the cond and Munson had walked. Wethersfield; a sister, Mrs. Joseph The funeral will be Friday at 8 a.m. Center. He was the husband of Mrs. Irks Big Boy’s Mother minutes of a game. ’That doesn't Dodgers, Hooton, who got credit for the vic­ Madeline Flagg Pinto. great deal of surprise this occurred. Therrien of West Hartford; five at the Holmes Funeral Home, 400 make too much sense but .... With three regulars — center tory, was plain lucky the Yankees Mr. Pinto was bom in East Hart­ Manchester was returning seasoned grandchildren and two great­ Main St. and at 9 a.m. at St. Francis fielder Mickey Rivers, first baseman didn't score more runs off him in the ford where he lived most of his life. By GREG PEARSON children’s clothing, charges tax her son should lose weight, she said. veterans and experience was one of grandchildren. of Assisi Church. Burial will be in St. based only on the age of the child. Chris Chambliss and second baseman first two innings, fn the first, Hooton I He had been employed for the past Herald Reporter '"That’s a bunch of baloney,” State the key missing ingredients in Drought Broken The funeral is Friday at 8:15 a.m. James Cemetery, Manchester. Another clothing store owner^^ who previous years. Willie Randolph — sidelined with in­ got a break when Gary Thomasson, from the Callahan Funeral Home, ’There are no calling hours. six years by Colt Industries MANCHESTER — A local woman Rep. Theodore Cummings said of the East Catholic Soccer Coach Tom subbing for Rivers, overslid second asked that his store not be identified, Football is a simple game — Malin knew he had a tough 1978 juries, the Yankees put up a gallant 1602 Main St., East Hartford, with a Firearms Division, Hartford. recently went into a Manchester provision that permits charging on fight behind their warhorse, Reggie base on what appeared to be a also said that his store follows the blocking and tackling. The latter schedule but didn’t realize it would mass at 9 in St. Mary’s Church, East Mrs. Luna E. Story Other survivors are two sons, Alvin store to buy clothes for her large age limit and nothing else. other factors than age. Jackson. But at the finish, with two successful steal attempt and was started to come last year for the In­ take nine games before his Eagles Hartford. Burial will be in St. Mary’s MANCHESTER - Mrs. Luna Cain of Skowhegan, Maine, and nine-year-old son. The law is so confusing Cummings men on and two out in the ninth in­ tagged out by Lopes, If Thomasson “Up to 10, there’s no tax,” he said. dians. ’The final building block — would register a win. Cemetery, East Hartford. Elam Story, formerly of the United William Cain of Portland, Maine; a She was outraged when the store was not aware of the fact age was not ning, Jackson struck out on a 3-2 had been safe he would have scored a George Bonner of the state Tax the only basis for charging the seven blocking — was added this time East outshot more than one foe but Friends may call at the funeral Methodist Retirement Center in Blast daughter, Mrs. Violet Roy of Holton, charged her sales tax on the large- pitch to end the game. moment later when Munson laced a Maine; two brothers, Frank Pinto of Department said that the age of the percent tax. around. It’s advanced from a time just couldn’t dent the twine while the home today from 2 to 4 and 7 to 9 p.m. Providence, R.I., and Manchester, size item, even though her son is un­ Jackson gave the Yankees a 2-0 double off the left-center field wall. West Hartford and Pat Pinto of child or the size or style of the State Sen. David Barry said, when the linemen couldn’t remember opposition did. Malin made some died Tuesday in Providence, R.I. She der 10 years of age. clothing can be used by the store as a lead in the third inning when he The Yankees would have scored Bloomfield; six sisters, Mrs. What the store did, however, ap­ “’That’s how the state Tax Depart­ the plays to now where they inform adjustments and it seems to have Michael A. Civiello was the widow of the late Rev. Dr. basis for charging the seven percent the running back where the hole is doubled home a pair of runs. Cey again in the second if it hadn't been Earl E. Story, former pastor of South Rochette Petmzielo of Hartford, parently is permissible under the ment has interpreted it because of made a difference as the Eagles have 2 sales tax. going to develop. ’The latter commen­ who loves to bat against the Yankees’ for a fine one-handed running catch MANCHESTER - Michael A. Mrs. Jean Mazzareila and Mrs. An­ state’s somewhat confusing sales tax the difficulty of enforcement. scored nine of their season total 12 United Methodist Church from 1933 The provision about charging based tary comes via talented tailback Bob Jim “Catfish” Hunter, narrowed the by Smith in right center that robbed Civiello, 69, of 139 Lyness St. died toinette Krepcio, both of East Hart­ policies. “That doesn’t make it right,” he goals the past three engagements. to 1941. on clothing size or style was put in as Walsh, who has run through his share lead to 2-1 with a run-scoring single Lou Piniella of an extra-base hit. Wednesday at Manchester Memorial Mrs. Story was bom March 16, ford, Mrs. Mary Bruyette of Glaston­ The policies permit stores to said. The Eagles are not mathematical­ Hospital. He was the husband of Mrs. a control, he said. of holes. in the fourth and the Dodgers went to Following Smith's catch, Chambliss’ 1889, in Arkansas and lived nearly bury, Miss Josephine Pinto and Mrs. charge a sales tax based on the age of ly out of the tournament picture — work on Hunter in the sixth. replacement, Jim Spencer, singled Elizabeth Daley Civiello. “Otherwise, everybody would go Losing is not fun but it does teach they however have a virtual impossi­ eight years at the retirement center Sylvia Parlee, both of Colchester, the child or on the size or style of Byrne Now Chairman Davey Lopes, the hero of Tuesday for what would have been an RBI hit. Mr. Civiello was bom Aug. 24,1909, and 19 grandchildren. through the register and say it was you a lesson, offered Manchester ble task. To qualify, East must win at which she and the Rev. Dr. Story clothing purchased. night's opening game victory, started Held to only a scratch single over in Manchester where he lived all his ’The funeral is Friday at 10:15 a.m. for a nine-year-old,” Bonner said. TRENTON, N. J. (UPI) - New Head Coach Jack Holik. “When you least six of their closing seven games helped to found. ’Thus, one store may charge the tax ’This provision is not pleasing to Jersey Gov. Grendan Byrne has the Dodger sixth with a single. After the first three innings, the Dodgers life. He was the son of the late from the Callahan Funeral Home, differently than another. win it keeps you humble,” he stated, — and come out with no worse than a TOile in Manchester, she was ac­ everyone, though. become chairman of the Cralition of the memory of 20 losses still vivid. “I Bill Russell popped out trying to finally got to Hunter in the fourth Anthony and Mary Yaccavone 1602 Main St., East Hartford, with a ’This appears to be the case in tie in the other .... tive in various organizations and ac­ The woman with the large nine- Northeastern Governors, succeeding was at the other end of the ship. You sacrifice, Reggie Smith sent Lopes to when they put together three singles Civiello. tivities of the church. mass at 11 at St. Mary’s Church, Manchester. Cheney Tech after a 1-4-1 start has to score a run. Before retiring in 1971, he was year-old son complained about it to Gov. Michael Dukakis of learn as a coach never to be too high third with a line single to right. She is survived by a daughter, Mrs. East Hartford. Burial will be in “To my knowledge, in most stores, won two in a row. The Beavers would It might have been a big inning for employed at Hamilton Standard Divi­ the storeowner, state officials and Massachusetts, who was defeated for or too low. You have to be at a steady Hunter appeared to be out of the jam Earl K. (Jean) Moore of 14 Harvest Mount St. Benedict Cemetery, once you get into a men’s or a ladies’ have to win four of their last six to Los Angeles, except for a magnifi­ sion of United Technologies in Wind­ The Herald. re-nomination last month. level.” when he got the dangerous Steve Home Plate Reception Lane, North Granby, Conn., and two Bloomfield. size, you’re charged the sales tax,” a gain post-season play for the first cent backhanded stop by third sor Locks. “Because my son is fat, I have to Manchester in three years more time ever. Garvey to foul out but Cey belted a 2- grandchildren. Friends may call at the funeral spokesman for King’s Department 0 pitch on a line into the left-center Reggie Smith and Davey Lopes (15) congratulate Ron Cey baseman Graig Nettles on Garvey's He was a member of the Army & home today from 2 to 4 and 7 to 9 p.m. pay the taxes,” the woman, who than had its share of losing. ’The In­ “I think Friday is a big game for The funeral is Friday at 2 p.m. at Store said. He said that his store field stands to give the Dodgers a 4-2 after latter s 3-run homer in sixth inning provided Dodgers with hard smash down the line. With one Navy Club, and a communicant of the asked not to be identified, said. “I dian gridders are winners again. us,” stated Tech Coach Manny Gon- the J.H. Williams and Co. Funeral follows such a policy, and he believes don’t think this is right,” she said. lead. out and a runner on first, Garvey Church of the Assumption. most others do also. (About Town } From the work they’ve put in, they calves looking at the upcoming clash Thurman Munson looks on Home, 210 Taunton Ave., East Police Identify She was further angered when she deserve it. It was Cey's second World Series (UPI Photo) rammed a vicious grounder that Other survivors are two brothers, There are those, however, that tax with Bolton. After that, C3ieney has Providence. Burial will be in Paw- called one state office to complain homer, and both came off Hunter. looked like a sure double. Nettles, Harold J. Civiello of Bradenton, Fla., tuxet Memorial Park Cemetery, Man Found Dead only based on the age of the child for ’The YWCA will sponsor a bake sale “two tough games” with Rham and about the tax for her nine-year-old’s and sale of new women’s shoes Satur­ Sharing the spotlight with Cey in Paul Blair — Forster struck out however, dove to his right and snared and Daniel P. Civiello of Kansas Ci­ Warwick, R.I. EAST HARTFORD — Police said whom the item is being purchased. Not Unexpected Rocky Hill and close out the year proved worthy to the test once again clothes. day from 1 to 4 p.m. in Whiten victory for the Dodgers were Thurman Munson, got Jackson to the ball then jumped to his feet and ty, Mo.; a sister, Mrs. Ann Kelley of ’There are no calling hours. the East Hartford man who was ’The Youth Centre, which sells only with Portland, Prince Tech and East in post-season competition. ’The state employee told her that Memorial Auditorium, 100 N. M ^ While the lofty perch of the football relievers Terry Forster and rookie bounce into a run-scoring groundout, barely missed getting Garvey at Newington, and several nieces and ’The family suggests that friends found dead Wednesday morning near team wasn’t anticipated, it was felt Hampton. Welch, who pitched superbly in the first, nephews. St. ______. Bob Welch. Forster took over for and fanned Graig Nettles to get out of Dodgers’ opening-game victory over wishing to may make memorial gifts the East Hartford Boat Launch is the Indian hooters would be “I’m really not sure of our Cey followed with a run-scoring Free Information Costly starter Burt Hooton after Roy white the jam. Philadelphia in the National League ’The funeral is Saturday at 9:30 to the Dr. Earl E. Story Memorial Dino Dalessandro, 23, of 140 Silver successful. ’That has been proven to prospects for making the tour­ single to center but Hunter escaped a.m. from the John F. Tierney led off the seventh inning with a Forster, however, needed help playoffs, was summoned with Fund, c/o United Methodist Retire­ Lane. HARTFORD (UPI) — The state Freedom of Informa­ be true. nament,” Goncalves admits. “There further danger when Dusty Baker Funeral Home, 219 W. Center St., Al Siefferts’ says single. After giving up a double to the when the Yankees started a rally in runners on first and second and one ment Home, 40 Irving St., East Police said the man had suffered a tion Commission says Senior Citizens Unlimited can have What wasn’t expected was Enfield is a i^ssibility. If we have one down first batter he faced — pinch hitter bounced into a double play. Two in­ with a mass at 10 at the Church of day, it could be all over. I hope after the ninth inning and it was Welch who out in the ninth. Welch proceeded to 0 Providence, R. I. 029-14. bullet wound in the stomach. A the names of 350,000 state drivers over age 59 if it wants High, which finished at 5-10-1 last nings later, however, the Dodgers ’The Assumption. Burial will be in St. hand^n was found near the body. year, would keep stride for stride the two wins the kids don’t let down.’’ finally got to the right-hander. James Cemetery. them — but it’s going to cost the group $175,000. -Officer Matthew Maulcahy found In a split decision, the commission voted 3-2 WHY PAY MORE? with the locals and Hall High of West The Techmen have been getting Friends may call at the funeral the body at 6:17 a.m inside a parked Wednesday that Connecticut Motor Vehicle Com­ Hartford. Enfield and Hall square off fine play from sophomore fullbacks home Friday from 2 to 4 and 7 to 9 ( Lottery ] car. missioner Benjamin A. Muzio could charge 50 cents for Friday and a triumph by the Jim McKay, Dave Nowak and Walt Yanks Understand p.m. Police are not certain if foul play Warriors could mean ’Tuesday’s con­ Kostrezwa, who Goncalves feels are, The family suggests that those the release of each name and does not have to follow an was involved. FOI law limiting charges to actual cost. frontation between Hall and “starting to jell together,’’ and from vnshing to make make memorial The winning number drawn They are waiting for an autposy ’The group had argued that the FOI law supercedes a EUREKA Manchester in West Hartford in all senior sweeper Ben Hennigan, who Wednesday in the Connecticut daily RSox Frustration gifts to the Church of ’The Assump­ “holds everything together.” report from the State Medical state motor vehicle statute permitting the 50 cents possibility would be for the league tion. lottery was 965. Sophomore Bill Moreau has taken C Examiner’s Office in Farmington. charge. championship. LOS ANGELES (UPI) — Now, having been “smoked” away ’The locals ‘n eight outings have over in goal and “made three to four good saves,” according to Goncalves by rookie Bob Welch in the ninth inning of Wednesday night’s scored 32 times one less than all of gripping second game of the World Series, the New York Ethnic Slur Seen last year. Mancliester Head Coach in Tuesday’s 1-0 blanking of Dick Danielson, while he can’t pin­ Cromwell, the second consecutive Yankees can understand the frustration the Boston Red Sox point it specifically, feels his first whitewash job by the Tech defense. must have felt. By ^Miss Lillian' u SBmrsstrs... line unit of Pete Krupp, Joe Foran, Goncalves moved senior Doug Lan­ It was a finish ironically reminis­ Jackson, who threw his bat against Jeff Lombardo and Tom Roach still dry from the halfback line up front cent of the Yankees’ 5-4 playoff win the dugout wall in disgust after his hasn’t clicked. It hasn’t been bad, ac­ and it has worked out. “We are star­ over the Red Sox 10 days ago. strikeout, was asked later if he felt a T HAR’TFORD (UPI) — Ralph Capecelatro, Republican counting for 20 goals, but there is ting to get some shots with Doug up The Dodgers, behind the “Penguin little like Yastrzemski in the Yankee- candidate for comptroller, today accused Mrs. Lillian room for improvement. front. He’s put a lot into the forward Power” of Ron Cey’s three-run Red Sox playoff game. Carter of slurring Connecticut’s Italian women WHY PAY MORH Manchester boys’ cross country, line we didn’t have,” Goncalves sur­ homer, were holding a precarious 4-3 “No," he answered tersely and politicians and demanded an immediate apology from the mised. lead going into the ninth inning. But then added, “ ...I was upset about White House. they had their relief ace, Terry something but I’m not gonna talk During a campaign swing through Connecticut earlier NOW'S YOUR m i TO SA VI BIG ON . Forster, to get the last three Yankee about it. He did an outstanding job. in the week, the nation’s first mother, “Miss Lillian,” outs and what Iqoked to be the easiest He put the pitches where he wanted said she was pleased to find out Gov. Ella Grasso was not Yanks Talk Bravely part of the order coming to bat. them. I just got beat, that’s all.” a “big, f a t... kinda sweaty” woman. Yankee Manager Bob Lemon had Although trailing now two games “You know the kind,” Mrs. Carter was quoted as run out of spare infielders so he to nothing with at least two saying. “You’ve seen them before.” ..WASHERS. MYERS questionable starters from here on couldn’t pinch-hit for his light-hitting Capecelatro, a first selectman from Orange, said it About Coming Back I V E Y E shortstop Bucky Dent. So Dent out. Lemon remained unflappable in was unclear what “kind” of woman Mrs. Carter was GOT THEM ALLII LOS ANGELES (UPI) — The New York Yankees, down two singled to start things off. Roy the face of yet one more uphill battle. referring to in her “tasteless ethnic slur.” games to zip in the Wrrld Series, talked bravely about getting White’s bouncer back to the mound “When 1 took over the club, I had “It is easy to assume, however, that Mrs. Carter was moved Dent into scoring position at two months to get things going,” said attempting to stereotype women politicians of Italian back on the winning track after their 4-3 loss to the Los Angeles second. Lemon, “this time I’ve got only a Dodgers Pednesday night. descent and this is an outrageous and unconscionable in­ “We’ve iiau pressure on us all However, the next batter was Paul couple of days. But I felt Catfish sult to the many fine young men and women of Italian B R ^ T ______Catfish Hunter went six innings SELECT THE RI8HT MODEL TO 'FIT year,” he said. “We had to come Blair and Lemon had no one to hit for (Yankee starter Jim Hunter) pitched ancestry in our state,” he said. Wednesday, giving up all seven hits from behind and beat the Red Sox him either. So Blair walked. And very well. He had things under con­ The ^publican candidate said he had received “at and four runs. Ron Cey hit a three- and then we had to come from behind Dodger Manager Tommy Lasorda trol except when Cey got to him.’’ least a dozen phone calls from friends and supporters run homer in the sixth to put the in games to beat Kansas City in the Cey, who singled home the first r j ^r l jgiEFFars^Youu o h l y walked too, to the mound. He wanted urging me to ask either for a clarification, an apology, or FHgidaire H| Dodgers in front, 4-2. playoffs.” Welch, the 20-year-old right-hander Dodger run in the fourth, got to both, from the White House.” “If any team can come back from “Our shock troops came through who became a professional only a lit­ Hunter two innings later when, after Mighty Reggie Strikes Out Capecelatro, who is of Italian descent, said unless the a two-game deficit we can,” said pretty good tonight,” said Lemon. tle over a year ago. singles by Davey Lopes and Reggie Reggie Jackson went down swinging in the ninth inning with White House apologizes for Mrs. Carter’s remarks Whirlpool Hunter. “We’ve done it all year. “Bob Welch (Dodger relief pitcher) Welch got the right-handed hitting Smith, he slammed a 2-0 pitch over “within the neit few days” he will “attempt to contact There is no reason to panic. You two runners on base to end the game last night against Los THRfS HRRD 'f6 BEAT1 took it to us pretty good — he Thurman Munson on a liner to right the wall in left-center. the president personally on behalf of the state’s ethnic either do it or you don’t. Guidry can challenged everybody, and he won.” — then came Reggie Jackson, who “With two outs and two on, I was Angeles but not without giving it his all. The Yankee designated American population.” get us hack on the right track Friday, The 21-year-old Welch got Thur­ had driven in all their previous three just looking for something I felt I hitter drove in all three runs in 4-3 loss. (UPI Photo) “We are proud of our origins and we are especially HERE ARE JUST A FEW EXAMPLESi then we can go from there.” man Munson on a fly to right and runs on a two-run double in the third could hit hard,” explained Cey. “But anxious to maintain the basic dignity of our in^vidual Up until Cey’s homer, Hunter struck out Reggie Jackson for the and an infield out in the seventh. when I hit it, I knew it was out. heritages,” Capecelatro said, adding that 51 percent of looked like a winner. The Dodger final out on a 3-2 fastball. A strike, a ball, three straight “If we can beat Guidry on Friday, I TYPICAL BUY * * TYPICAL BUY * Low-Key Ron Cey the pmple of Connecticut consider themselves “ethnic ^ TYPICAL BUY it YtTYHCALUrit third baseman hit a 2-0 pitch into the Jackson threw his bat against the fouls, another ball, another foul, think we can sweep.” Americans.” 2-SPEEO DELUXE DELUXE seats in left-center field over the 385- stadium wall near the dugout after he another ball and finally a majestic For the 15th time this year, the “It is regrettable when our common sense of purpose C.E. G.E. MAHAG DELUXE foot mark. AUTOMATIC HEAVT DUTY AUTOMATIC MAYTAC AfTOaUTK AUToaurtc struck out. swing and a miss. Bedlam. Yankees will be calling on Guidry, and dignity is dealt such a low blow from such a high “It was a slider that I didn’t get far “I’d just gotten beat, that’s all. I “Tommy just gave me the ball and ' their 25-game winning mealticket, to Analyzes Victory 2 WASHER place,” he said. WASHER DRYER DRYER enough away from him,” said got beat fair and square. I was just told me to throw strikes,” said come to their rescue after a defeat. Hunter. LOS ANGELES (UPI) — Ron Cey’s analysis of the Los trying to get a piece of the ball until I Welch. “I wanted to go after them The Dodgers will counter with Angeles Dodgers’ 2-0 World Series start over the New York $900 Lemon snorted when asked about could get one that I could handle. But veteran right-hander Don Sutton. Spent Fuel Regulations ^SXET and make them hit my best pitch, Yankees was typically Ron Cey., ^188. m m pressure with his team two down. he never gave me one.” that's why I threw all fastballs.” ' A s in 1974.'■ Cey is definitely a baseball politi­ WASHINGTON (U P I)- nuclear power plant or a Mull Offer Wednesday night's win went to ’The Nuclear Regulatory cian. He's also one of the sport’s fuel reprocessing plant. CINCINNATI (UPI) — Burt Hooton, who was removed after Commission has proposed rt TYPICAL BUY ^ * TYPICAL BUY ik- a TYPICAL BUY it most underrated players and his low-' giving up a leadoff single to Roy Written comments on the 'kTimALUY'k Pete Rose and his agent a new regulation that proposed regulation should WHIRLPOOL WHIRLPOOL FRIGIDAIRE key personality doesn’t lend itself to White in the seventh inning. After 2 SPEED AUTOMATIC UELC.'F AUTOMATIC FRICIDAUE would allow spent fuel be sent by Jan. 4, 1979 to Kim-2.SnED-trMUTK DELUXE—AUTO MNIOIt Mickey Rivers Makes Headlines Again m ulled over the Cincinnati gaining nationals attention. pinch-hitter Paul Blair delivered a from nuclear power plants the Nuclear Regulatory WASHER Reds' latest contract “We’re not looking ahead,” he ground-rule double on the first pitch DRYER WASHER isA.Tw LOS ANGELES (UPI) - Center- Rivers got off the bus and took a emphasized following his four RBI to be stored in independent Commission, Docketing DRYER and bad left leg bothered him. proposal Wednesday, an by Terry Forster, Hooton stormed fielder Mickey Rivers did it again cab to the stadium. Rivers took himself out of the performance in the 4-3 Dodgers' vic­ spent fuel storage in­ and Service Branch, Wednesday. out of the dugout. stallations. After the Dodgers beat the Tuesday game after he went hitless offer described by Reds’ tory Wednesday night. “Now we will Blair did score but that was it as Washington, D.C. 20555. Rivws got involved in an alterca- Spent fuel from nuclear ^268. ^188. sciMmrr. wfciWf *238. Yankees, 4-3, Lemon was asked if in four trips. He said his leg was President Dick Wagner as concentrate on the game at hand and Forster and rookie Bob Welch, who tjon with a New York Yankee club of­ power plants is now stored Rivers had been involved in a fightfin bothering him. “ simply as high as we can the one ahead of us is game 3. dramatically struck out Reggie ficial when he boarded the team bus either in water-filled the bus. Before Wednesday’s game, Lemon “The Yankees have a good ball Jackson to end the game with two on ( Fire Calls ) at a hotel for the trip to Dodger g o ” basins at individual FOM IlM lIUrS “No,” said the manager. “There said, “I went to him and told him I Wagner said he spoke club. They fought from behind all and two out in the ninth, combined Stadium for the second game of the was no fight. There was a distur­ thought it was best that he stay out. I year long. I don’t believe that just nuclear power plant sites L0UTIMI44T0 World Series. with Rose’s agent, Reuven the rest of the way to deny the or at off-site facilities that Manchester KliRITST.niT bance. It was just a misinterpreta­ thought with three days off, hopeful­ because you’ve won the first two Yankees a split in Los Angeles. Wednesday, 12:21 Rivers had a young man with him tion of the rules. There was no real ly, he could comeback for Friday’s Katz, by telephone games you have a lock on the Bill North, who will start in center were designed and built as fiieH jeCj n m r o r n u and Yankee traveling secretary Bill problem.” game in New York. Wednesday, and Reuven Series.’’ part of reprocessing p.m.—Smoke detMtor, Pascal PAMIK field in place of Rick Monday at New Lane (Town) Kane stopped him, pointing out it Lemon indicated the trouble had Rivers glossed over the bus inci­ Cey^was heavy in his praise of Cat­ York Friday night against Yankee plants. 445 HARTFORD was against club rules to let out­ indicated he and Rose ’The proposal would allow Wednesday, 5:15 nothing to do with his selection of dent. would reply to the offer by fish Hunter, the Yankee starter, who left-hander Ron Guidry, said out loud p.m.—Campfire behind 84 THinoniw Noum romowFuas&msoNAi suvici siders on the team bus. Rivers said the commission to issue (3ary Thomasson to start in center “1 don’t want to mess up the guys,” Priday. Katz had no com­ surrendered his RBI single in the wha't everyone was thinking, Rachel Road (Eighth y m u m u $i b o u i o , m. u n u m u f m e k r v k e a ..- the young man was a relative. field in the second game of the he said, meaning he did not want to fourth inning and three-run homer in “We did what had to be done in Los license for facilities to be District) CMS,/UMKM EXnKk cun HMOI W MBS FREE REMOVAL D47'9997 Manager Bob Lemon and Coach series. He had said Tuesday after the weaken the Yankee lineup by playing ment on the proposal the sixth. Angeles," he smiled. “If they had built specifically for iJie W ednesday, 9:51 oi^,nnrwuYQwuFrHMtnMiwoin Of oio a p p l ia n c e 0 1 7 A |m o Elston Howard had to break up the d e l iv e r y Yanks lost the first game, he might Wednesday afternoon, but “Hunter is an outstanding person purpose of storing speht p.m.—Odor of smoke, 39 tfHSTWroaiT.'' FREE LOCAL 047<’ 9 9 9 8 hurt. won one game here, they would have ensuing scuffle between Rivers and start Thomasson if River’s sore hip and a player," he stressed. “As far fuel. ’The facilities would ^ n c e r St, (Town) T0tllTE’TIL9«T9ES.. RED. A SAT. TIL 5 • RON., THORS., FRI. TIL 9 Kane. said he would disruss the done what they wanted. Now we can not be coupled to either a offer with Rose as I’m concerned, he’s the same afford to lose one in New York and Wednesday evening. pitcher who pitched for the Oakland they can't." PAGE FOURTEEN - MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD. Manchester. Conn.. Thurs., Oct. 12, 1978 MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, Manchester. Conn., Thurs.. Oct. 12, 1978 — PAGE I'lPTEl^N Walsh Returns to Gridiron Confused and Nervous NBA To Launch Campaign Friday NEW YORK (UPI) — After of existence rich team and is working in odd Thompson, who barely missed win­ And Sparks Indian Offense a mad, mad summer of player The Bullets are back but now they tandem with General Manager Red ning the scoring championship with a and team swapping, the, have a tough fight simply Auerbach. On the court, the Celtics 73-point performance on the final making the playoffs as they compete have the kind of team that could fly BY LEN ALSTER football team from his tailback post. with the fact he is a real competitor. everyone is looking at the defense us a breakaway threat which we National Basketball Associa- day, will have someone to share the in the Atlantic Division against all season or flop on its face. The >foot-8, 182-pound senior has He won’t give into anybody,” cited and then talking what they’ll do on didn’t have.” tion opens its regular season scoring burden with this year with Herald Sportswriter scored seven touchdowns, including Philadelphia and the "new look” Dave Cowens is still bothered by the third-year coach. the line,” he continued, "You look at Walsh was not a "star” as a Friday the 13th looking a bit the arrival of George McGinnis. He was destined for star­ runs of 57, 65 and 93 yards, and sophomore. "I don’t think I should New York Knicks and Boston Celtics. his back injury and two of the three Milwaukee may find it hard to im­ The blonde-haired Walsh, who the line and (it seems) they’re doing confused and nervous. Last year, the Atlantic Division dom, some people thought, as a rushed for 544 yards on 67 carries, an have been playing all that much,” he talented new additions are question prove on its surprisingly strong played soccer as a junior but everything right. The downfield wasn’t much, beyond the 76ers who 8.1 yard per attempt average in the returned to the gridiron because "I now admits. The difference, between Eighteen of the 22 teams will be in marks for different reasons: Nate sophomore. He emerged from blocking has been great. When I’m lost to Washington in the Eastern season last year and the other three Indian victories. Manchester, always liked football the most and action in nine cities across four time Archibald because of his recurrent the junior high ranks with running I see a lot of red shirts, more then and now, he feels is “Age (of Conference finals. This year, Midwest teams (Chicago, Indiana with Walsh a key to the team’s early since it was my last year...,” credits himself) and the line. And the team zones and a great many fans are injuries and Marvin Barnes becauss and Kansas City) would seem to add tremendous credentials. success, is already guaranteed its than the other colors.” going to be starting at their however, the Atlantic is perhaps the of his propensity toward trouble. If the offensive line for his early stats. “What sets him aside is he thinks is now more together.” up to the weakest division in the Somewhere along the line, best record in six seasons. programs trying to figure things out. strongest of the league’s four they all play through the season and “The line (center Clyde Redd, of team first and consequently He took a year off from the sport, league. however, matters went amiss and “He’s quick, people aren’t going to Club executives will be sitting with divisions. perform to potential they could com­ guards Jim Taylor and Don everyone knows that and appears to which may have been for the best but The other Western Conference the career of Bob Walsh did not get catch him,’’ stated Indian Head their fingers crossed. The Knicks publicly decry the com­ bine with the third former Brave. Beckman, tackles John McMahon put out extra,” Holik commented, "A the heralded Walsh is living up to group, the Pacific Division, is untracked. But the story now appears Coach Jack Holik with a smile, “He’s previous billing. Walsh is running Just for starters: the Buffalo pensation ruling by Commissioner Billy Knights, to build another Celtic somewhat stronger but still bas headed for a happy ending as Walsh, and Mickey Coulombe, and tight end line when it knows it has a good back Larry O’Brien for the signing of strong, breaks a lot of tackles. Bobby Jim Paggioli) is really working like people thought he would, and Braves are now the San Diego contender. problems. after a year away from the sport, has behind it generally blocks a little bit center Marvin Webster, who led also has real good balance and is together,” Walsh complimented. with every step Manchester football Clippers and play in the Pacific Divi­ Philadelphia was again the most Portland finished nine games returned with a loud bang as an in­ better. It knows he's capable of Seattle into the finals last season, but compactly built, he has a low center “When we come out of the huddle. gains. sion. Detroit moves from the dazzling team last year but the 76ers ahead of the pack last season and. breaking one any time. Bobby gives privately they are lusting over tegral part of the Manchester High of gravity. You combine all those Midwest Division to the Central Divi­ stalled in the playoffs. This year they even with Walton out, the Blazers sion and Washington moves from the making a serious bid for the league think they’ve found the missing link could dominate again. Rookie center Central to the Atlantic Division. championship this season. with the acquisition of forward Bob­ Mychal Thompson has had an Schoolboy Marvin Webster is now with the In compensation for signing by Jones, who came from Denver excellent pre-season but whether Red Sox to Raise Names In the News New York Knicks and Lonnie Shelton Webster, New York had to give Seat­ with guard Ralph Simpson for he'll be able to contain tbe top ft-vwittnuiiBr Standings is at Seattle. Marvin Barnes, Nate tle $450,(KX), Shelton and a 1979 draft George McGinnis. centers around the league as Walton Gillea Gilbert Archibald and Billy Knight are now pick that could be the NBA’s No. 1 Jones, a defensive specialist, did remains to be seen. Bleacher Tickets in Boston uniforms v/hile Kevin since it was acquired from the New seems the perfect frontcourt mate Los Angeles was decimated by in­ CCIL Boys Cross Country Porter is playing for Detroit and Eric Jersey Nets. The Nets are the fifth w. 1. t. BOSTON (UPI) - Gilles Gilbert will start in goal Thursday night when the for Julius Erving and centers juries last year and, if healthy, Money is playing for the New Jersey member of the Atlantic Division and BOSTON (UPI) — Even though the 1978 season was one of the Manchester 2 0 0 ^ sto n Brums open their 1978-79 season against the Pittsburgh Penguins at Caldwell Jones and Darryl Dawkins should be Portland's chief rival. Nets. Rick Barry is with Houston, would surprise no one if they most profitable the Boston Red Sox have ever seen, club Windham 5 0 1 wston Garden. Regular goaltender Gerry Cheevers is still recovering from and gives the 76ers perhaps the best Kareem Abdul-Jabbar missed half knee surgery. ® John Lucas is with Golden State, produced the worst record in the front line in the league. management plans to boost prices on about 40 percent of the E. Hartford 4 1 0 the season with a broken hand but be In addition to Cheevers, Captain Wayne Cashman also will miss the opener George McGinnis is with Denver, NBA again. With the departure of Washington bleacher seats at Fenway Park next year. Simsbury 3 2 0 Race for the Ball is back at full strength and sur­ He IS supring back spasms and is expected to be out for another week. The Bobby Jones is with Philadelphia. The Knicks stumbled through their and the addition of Detroit, the Cen­ A Red Sox spokesm an said group, he said. He added that many Hall 3 2 0 rounded by talented players. r announced they had traded center Clayton Pachal to the Colorado l u S ^*g**’s George Paul battles with Dick Vitale makes his debut as exhibition games, losing six of their tral Division figures to be a wide Phoenix will have Alvan Adams Wednesday bleacher seats with chair fans preferred the chairbacked seats Penney 2 3 0 Rockies for defenseman Mark Suzor. Manchester High s Tom Roach (white jersey) during Tuesday’s Detroit coach, Larry Costello takes first seven, but if the talents of Conard open race among .500 clubs. San An­ healthy again but will be hard- backs would be sold for $3.50 and over the more traditional plank 1 2 1 game at Memorial Field won by the locals, 4-0. (Herald photo by over at Chicago and Gene Shue is Webster, the 7-1 "Human Eraser,” would be available on a reserved-seat Wethersfield 1 5 0 Dave Maloney tonio, with scoring champion George pressed to repeat their second place seats. Strempfer) ^ ^ back to rebuilding at San Diego. can be blended with those of Bob Gervin, ran away with the division by Fermi 0 4 0 NEW YORK (UPI) — Defenseman Dave Maloney, who in the 1974-75 finish. Seattle had a poor exhibition basis for season ticket-holders. "The rest of the seats — more than On the other hand. Bill Walton, the McAdoo, Spencer Haywood and a eight games during the regular Enfield 0 1 0 National Hockey League season became the youngest player ever to perform season and may have a hard time "We had chair-backed bleacher 50 percent — will still sell for $2 league’s Most Valuable Player, isn’t smart array of young guards, the season last year and may do so again. for the New York Rangers, Wednesday was named their captain at the ripe reaching .500 despite their im­ seats in the lower bleacher section each,” the spokesman said. CCIL Field Hockey playing with anyone. Walton has an Knicks may suddenly be a power Houston will no doubt be much old age of 22. • pressive playoff last year. Golden during the last season and there was Under the new plan, the Red Sox w. 1. t. injured foot, is unable to play until at again. stronger with the return of Rudy a lot of interest among fans to get would become the first professional Maloney succeeds Phil Esposito, who Coach Fred Shero said, “voluntarily Celts Hopeful State finished last in the division in Hall 5 0 2 least January and doesn’t want to Boston didn’t just trade a few Tomjanovich and the addition of 1977-78 but, despite the ioss of Barry, those seats under season ticket baseball team to sell any type of resigned the captaincy Tuesday.” The Rangers also assigned wing Frank Enfield 4 1 1 return to Portland, the best team last players over the summer, owner Irv Barry and Atlanta may surprise if might escape the cellar in place of plans,” the spokesman said. bleacher seats for more than $2. Beaton to the New Haven Night Hawks of the American Hockey League: Manchester . 4 1 2 year before he was hurt. Levin traded the whole team. It was rookies Jack Givens, Rick Wilson newcomer San Diego, About 40 percent of the 7,400 The Red Sox took in an estimated Simsbury 3 1 2 Rod Schutt Whether because of poor television essentially a seven-player trade and and Butch Lee can click with second The Clippers have the right coach Bob Walsh bleacher seats are included in that ?3.5 million during the 1978 season. Fermi After Changes ratings, rotten attendance, sloppy a paper deal enabling Levin to 2 3 2 year center Wayne "Tree” Rollins. for rebuilding in Gene Shue, who MONTREAL (UPI) — The NHL has ruled the Montreal Canadiens’ trade of Conard 2 4 1 play or a dislike for cold weather and acquire the Braves from owner John Detroit has a new coach and a new helped build Washington and forward Rod Schutt for defenseman Pierre Bouchard of the Washington Wethersfield 1 5 2 BOSTON (UPI) — The Boston Celtics made a slew of changes snow, the NBA has undergone some Y. Brown and take them from the arena but not much new talent. Philadelphia into powerhouses. Shue Capitals is null and void, a spokesman for the Canadiens said Wednesday. Windham 0 6 0 in the off-season, additions they hope will make them rebound major reshuffling since June 7 when snowy winters of Buffalo to the In the Midwest Division, the may need a couple of years, however, Eagle Swimmers Transactions Earlier in the week, the Capitals picked Bouchard in the annual waiver the steady, rugged, boring warm sunshine of San Diego. Denver Nuggets again appear to be CCIL Girls Volleyball from the worst year in their proud and tradition-conscious to bring a respectable team to San draft from the Canadiens and shortly after traded him back to Montreal for Washington Bullets captured their Brown, a former ABA maverick, the standout but they 11 have a Diego, where two previous Football w. 1. history. White, who missed the last part of Schutt, a minor leaguer. NHL regulations, however, forbid the trading of first NBA championship in 17 years now owns the NBA’s most tradition- different look this year. David franchises tried and failed Philadelphia — Placed linebacker Conard 8 0 drafted players in all the drafts they conduct. But with the world champion the season for surgery on bone spurs Score Easy Win John Bunting and running back Herb Hall 7 1 Washington Bullets joining the Altan- in his feet, has pronounced himself Lusk on the injured reserve list and Windham 5 2 JoJo White tic Division, the Philadelphia 76ers fit for the season. Tackle Ailing One school record was broken as East Catholic girls’ swim signed linebacker Ray Phillips and Simsbury 5 3 BOSTON (UPI) — The Boston Celtics Wednesday named guard Jo Jo White without George McGinnis, and the "It still gets a little sore but it’s GREEN BAY, Wis. (UPI) - GOLF CLASSICS Bowling cornerback Bobby Lee Howard, both Manchester 4 4 and center Dave Cowens as co-captains and announced that Cedric Maxwell New York Knicks with Marvin Defensive tackle Carl Barzilauskas ming team whipped Wethersfield High, 97-75, yesterday in nothing like the pain before the sur­ Tips from an Old Reliable free agents. E. Hartford 2 5 Webster — the more things change, Pl.NNF. I I F..H - Sophie Earle Rohan 156-377, Jerry Wethersfield Results: would start at forward in Friday night’s home opener against Cleveland. gery. We’ve got good personnel and a of the Green Bay Packers did not 366, Ding Farr 369. Tony Pittsburgh — Signed tight end Jim Enfield 2 6 White and Cowens take over the captain’s role from John Havlicek, who the more they may stay the same. team that can score. It all depends on practice Wednesday because of a Kravontka 183-488 Gail Smith 156-376, Dick Roach Salvatire 370, Marcel Sophomore diver Annie Tuller ac­ 200 medley relay: 1. East (Viola. L. Kessel 179-468, Barbara Mandich. Penney 2 6 retired after last season. Havlicek will be honored before the Geveland game The Celtics will have at least five who wants to play,” White says. sore knee, but Coach Bart Starr said 171-371, Ken Ostrinsky 366, Binette 155-374. Bruce Fish cumulated a total of 163.65 points to Dakin. Tucker, L. Bradley), 2. Atlanta — Signed placekicker Tim Goddard 186-515. Katy WeUiersfield, 3. East 2:06.0. Fermi 1 7 when a banner with his No. 17 will be hoisted to the Boston Garden rafters. and possibly six new faces on the the injury was not serious. Bill Pagani Jr. 136-139-364, 365, Ralph Doyer 138-386, surpass the previous standard of 154 Mazzetti. roster. Add a new owner, a new Spearin 179-481, Marty Norm Vittner 358, Gerry points set by Colleen Fauteux in 1976. 200 free: 1. Ellis (W), 2. Price (EC), 3. Wethersfield 0 8 Bob Talmadge 137-356, Bill Peterson (EC) 2:14.3. Basketball Alan Page assistant coach and the season poses Bradshaw 179-483, Janice Chappell 357, Tom Brennan Winnie 146-357, A1 Coelho East’s Lynne Dakin captured the Cleveland — Placed guard Bingo one giant question mark. Weber 188-503, Anita 141. 200-yard individual medley and took 200 I.M.: 1. L. Dakin (EC), 2. West LAKE FOREST, 111. (UPI) — The Chicago Bears Wednesday claimed Alan 139-360, Dave Barrera 160- Smith on the injured list. "On paper, we look like we can Shorts 182-479, Carol second in the 100-yard breaststroke. (EC), 3. Ryan (W) 2:34.0. tiling Booters Page on waivers from the Minnesota Vikings and the defensive tackle said he El.KS — A1 Atkins 141- 373, Nick Twerdy 169-402, 50 free; 1. Viola (EC), 2. Pata (W), 3. Chicago — Acquired guard Charles take care of a lot of business,” says Bushnell 188, Maryanne Freshman Kathy Patria was a plea­ would decide before noon Thursday whether he would report. Tom O’Connor 138-145-414. Tucker (EC) :26.4. Dudley from Golden State for Coach Tom Sanders, who took over at Garbeck 181, Lois Begin sant surprise in the 100-yard Still Unbeaten Page, who played 12 years with Minnesota, was placed on waivers Tuesday. FIS N lN G Diving: 1. Tuller (EC), 2. Cage (W), 3. “future draft considrations,” waived mid-season last year and saw his club 451, Carol Lukas 492, Tina backstroke winning with a 1:17.2 He can decide whether to honor the waiver claim because he is a vest^ Harvey (EC) 163.65 points (new school guard Norm Van Lier and center Jim finish 30-52 and out of the playoffs. Baranowski 469, Kathy TURKEY SHOOT clocking. record). Two unbeaten clubs remained ithat player with more than four years in the league. D o n ’t Panic on Jumping Fish Ard and placed guard Tate "We’ll just have to see how it all Satryb 456. EVERY SUNDAY Jane Price, Julie Tucker, Lori 100 fly: 1. Pata (W), 2. Tucker (EC), 3. way as Illing Junior High varsity slack into the line so the fish doesn’t Armstrong on the injured reserve works. I’m pleased with the Anyone who fishes will occasional­ . HO.ME ENGINEERS - SEPT. 10th thru NOV. 10th Peterson and Bridget West also Price (EC) 1:08.9. soccer team and J.F. Kennedy Randy Holt snap it. list. appearance of health. But we’ll see ly come upon a situation that leaves Jennie Leggitt 179, Shirley Manchestar Coon It Fox Club swam well for the Eaglettes, now 2-1 100 free: 1. Smyers (W), 2. Viola (EC) battled to a 1-1 statelamte yesterday NEW YORK (UPI) — Defenseman Randy Holt of the Vancouver Canucks The most difficult jump situation is North RIvor Ro«d, Covtntry, CT. Philadelphia — Waived guard Ted what they Jo against legitimate him baffl^ — how to handle a fish McBride 193-485, Cathy for the season. 3. Ellis (W) :55.9. in Enfield. was suspended for three games and fined $300 by the National Hockey League where the fish leaps in order to throw OPENS AT 10:00 A.M. McClain to reduce their roster to 12. talent.” that has jum p^ out of the water. Bohjalian 210-525, Shirley Wethersfield standout Karen 500 free: 1. Peterson (EC), 2. Ryan Illing is now 3-0-1 while Kennedy Wednesday for incidents in an exhibition game, Oct. 4, with the Edmonton the lure. Largemouth bass are Door Prtto Drown Every Sundoy (W), 3. McCarthy (EC) 6:31.3. Hockey Center Dave Cowens, he of the bad When a fish jumps it gains freedom Tommy Bolt Eldridge 178-487, Eileen Smyers was the lone double winner sports a 4-0-1 mark. Oilers of the World Hockey Association. notorious for this tactic. With power­ 100 back: 1. Patria (EC), 2. Wood (W), New York Rangers — Assigned back, and guard Jo Jo White, he of of movement and weight advantage Henson 454, Linda Corbitt SHOOTTRAP as she captured the 100-yard The Rams scored early in the first Brian O’Neill, executive vice president of the NHL, said Holt attacked Ed­ ful thrusts of its broad tail, a 3. Cornwall (W) 1:17.2. wing Frank Beaton to the New Haven the sore feet, are the only starters that anglers find difficult to control. Even Tommy Bolt, a win­ 456, Lea Pabst 454. EVERY SUNDAY AT 10 A.M. freestyle and 100-yard breaststroke. period with Mike St. Laurent scoring monton’s Steve Carlton, knocking him to the ice from behind and also struck largemouth propels itself high above ning professional, experi­ SEPT. 10th thru NOV. 19th 100 breast: 1. Smyers (W), 2. L. Dakin Night Hawks of the American returning. TTiey will be joined by the Fishing tackle is designed to give the REC — Bill Zwick 141- East’s next meet is Friday after­ (EC), 3. K. Dakin (EC) 1:12.5. assisted by Bob Feragne. Kennedy linesman Ron Asselstine of the WHA in the face during an argument which the water and violently shakes its ences sbakiness at one time And Thursday Evwiinga at 7 PM Hockey League and said that center Buffalo trio, Nate Archibald, Marvin fisherman leverage when the fish is or another. But he uses con­ 170-423, Bob Smith 145-391, noon at home at East Hartford High 400 free relay: 1. Wethersfield, 2. East, knotted it in the middle of the final followed. head to dislodge the lure. The fisher­ Wayne Dillon and defenseman Don Barnes and Billy Knight. in the water. But when the fish centration to prevent disas- Bill Pagani Sr. 153-379, Turkaya Ofvan to High Scorar on Sund$r$ against Newington High at 3:30. 3. East 4:09.9. quarter. man faces a dilemma. If he gives the Awrey will be reassigned in the near Jim Mandich "We obviously have the talent,” jumps, it’s a different story. ter. Paul Peck, Scott LaBrec, Bill Cor- fish slack line, it throws the lure. “In my mind, choking future. says the graceful Knight. "But it will There are three basic reasons why so, Joe Gallagher and Alex Glenn PITTSBURGH (UPI) — The Pittsburgh Steelers Wednesday signed tight If the angler keeps a tight line, comes from lack of two take some time' for us to get used to a hooked fish will jump. Some played well for Illing. end Jim'Mandich, an 8-year NFL veteran and former Miami Dolphin, to chances are the fish will break it. things — concentration and the system and to each other.” species swim so fast that when they confidence," Bolt says, Whitewash Brush _ _ _ replace injured Benny Cunningham. attack a surface lure the momentum The only way out is to keep a tight “fv e heard a lot of remedies No Down Payment... A Steelers’ spokesman said the 6-foot-2, 215-pound Mandich, a 30-year-old Coming off the bench will be line as the fish jumps, then lower the for it, but the best one 1 know Cedric Maxwell and most likely Cur­ of their rush carries the fish out of ^ 9 veteran of three Super Bowls, said. "The Dolphins’ offensive play is much the water. This kind of jump is the rod tip and slack the line before the is prevention.” like the Steelers’ and we felt he’d catch on to what we do quickly.” tis Rowe and Earl Williams up front. fish falls back into the water. Advises Bolt: “Go back to In Hockey Triumph least problem for the angler because the practice tee and get In Upset Loss In the backcourt, it looks like Earl Whether they know it or not, fish Andre Thornton Tatum and Don Chaney. it’s over before he knows what yourself a swing that will Registering its third straight win, Manchester High girls’ field happened. that jumps have an advantage over take more heat. Learn how Dartmouth College upset the The Celtics thought they had a hockey team applied the whitewash brush to Newington High, 4- SPORTS LOS ANGELES (UPI) — Andre Thornton, the slugging first baseman of the Some fish panic when they feel the the fisherman. Even the experts ad­ to concentrate a little hard­ University of Connecticut, 3-2, in Cleveland Indians, has been named winner of the annual Danny Thompson backup center for Cowens, who can­ er. Did I say ‘a little hard­ NO PAYMENT 'TIE JAN mit that more times than not the fish 0, in non-donference play yesterday in Newington. SLATE New England college soccer action not afford to play 48 minutes every sting of a hook and will jump to es­ er?' Make that a hell of a lot Memorial Award, given to the major-league player who best exemplifies the cape. The angler has a little more gains its freedom by jumping and harder. The Silk Towners are unbeaten in tallying twice in a short span of time F r id a y yesterday in Storrs in a matchup of Christian spirit in baseball. game this year. But the prospect, Joe their last seven starts, with the only warning, but it is difficult to an­ tossing the lure "Or you can try Jimmy Both goals were a result of hustle and FOOTBALL two of the regions top clubs. Pace, left training camp for parts un­ Demaret's cure: He used to blemish on their 5-1-2 record a Thornton’s wife and 2-year-old daughter were killed in a car accident in ticipate when the fish will emerge. aggressiveness in the striking circle East Catholic vs. South Dartmouth, 4-0-1, got two goals 1977, but the Indians’ first baseman recovered remarkably from the tragedy known. walk down the fairway shak­ season-opening loss to CCIL leader The be^t defense here, according to ing his arm s furiously. He nant*^ Coach Mary Faig- Catholic at Dillon from Mark Schneider and the win­ and enjoyed his biggest season in the majors with 33 home runs and 105 RBI. "I won’t forget last year, but it has Hall High. Stadium, 7:30 nothing to do with this year,” says Mercu^ outboards’ fishing depart­ was trying to get the blood ning tally with 5:23 left by Tim Ehr- circulating. UOO TRADE IN Manchester’s defense was SOCCER sam on a direct kick lofted over the Cowens. "I don’t mind playing 40 ment, is to lower the rod tip as the Patti Gronda concluded the scoring Jim Gilliam fish clears the surface, throwing "It's true, when you Here are 3 more reasons why you should buy a nsw extremely impressive as it did not for Manchester assisted by Tilden. East Hartford at head of reserve UConn goalie Bob minutes a game. I’ve done it before.” choke, that the muscles allow a shot on goalie Lois Ann “Hustle, pass work and good .Manchester, 3:30 . Salvado. W S ANGELES (UPI) - The Los Angeles Dodgers announced prior to seem to cut off the blood CURTIS MATHE8 TV today. YES, you can afford the from your hands.” Diana. It was the fourth shutout for defense was the story for us, ” penned Bolton at Cheney Tech, Wilbert Cadet and Joe Morrone b4?ret“S moat eimenslve television In Amarlca. Our TRADEsi I xoensive Television Sel in America and Darn Well Worth It. Bobby Orr returned to the Chicago Capitals 4, Kings 2 2-0 count. SN IN IHiip IN IN M i IN Chicago Bulls acquired Fermi also took the jayvee tilt, & StMkN lU* l u S IN lineup after missing most of the last Janet Locke and Tammy Kleperis soccer team dropped its fifth IK m lC m IN IN M K M n N MANCHESTER ^ b Girard, Pete Scamurra, Gerry guard Charles Dudley from 7-15, 15-3 and 15-12. Lm Sadosky, IN M N .M UN ta M iM I N N 173 W. MIDDLE TPKL three years, but Bob MacMillan and notched second half goals for the straight, 3-1, to Brown University's aWNUIiH tatabU IN N IHMiM-lllUI Limit one per p>erson per visit. Meehan and Tom Rowe scored for the Golden State Warriors Leah Saglio and Nancy Walsh were TiM U-7 INN MANCHESTER Guy Chouinard stole the spotlight Washington in the debut of Coach Rams, now 3-0 for the season, "roby sub-varsity yesterday at Cougar MiUiMlNN ■ M u n o a r in t Offer expires November 15, 1976. Wednesday for "future standouts for the Indians. Field. IiMlM-IIMN BNniWMHBXnfHnS M ITN IN IN VPh Mon.-Wtd. 0-6 with third-period goals that gave Danny Belisle, who took over for Brown assisted on the first marker draft considerations” and EAST CATHOLIC llw n K n iU i .UN IN liN M r IN IN f»he IMillWl SN IN Thurs. B>9 Atlanta the tie. Tommy McVie Monday. Butch and Chris Brown on Kleperis’ tally. Chris Carlot, John Leverone' and iM IN TELEVISION P APPUANCES reduced the roster to 12 Registering its sixth win in nine Ul IN I M b M rn IN tlM l- n tN FrI. B-e Muplr I.eafH .'i, PrnguinH 2 Goring and Danny Grant scored for Donna Picarello, Laura Gatziewicz Steve Somers each tallied for the MMiMSIN M nd 14 NU ^ Connecticut Duckpin Bowling Operators Association players. starts yesterday was the East I talk ‘FN M M hllU U I ' Darryl Sittler fired his second goal young Bruins while Dave Latorra M MN TiMi 74-1 TUN Sat. B-S the Kings. and Leslie Gaouette were defensive Catholic girls( volleyball team, 15-5, IilMi IM UUN lUM standouts for Illing. netted the only score for the Cougars, IriMl'MlNin TINI NEXT TO STOP & SHOP 15-8 and 15-13, over visiting Windsor now 2-7 for the season. PA ^ SIXTEEN— MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD. Manchester, Conn., Thurs., Oct. 12. 1978 Nature Center MANCHESTER EVENING H gg^jyg^anchester, Conn., Thurs., Oct. 12. 1978 — PAGE SEVENTEElEN Animal Fans Set Sit-In Schedules Fair CANTON — The Auxiliary of the Roaring Brook Nature Center, 70 To Stop Seal Slaughter Gracey Road, will sponsor the annual G a rd e n in g “Nature’s ^u n ty Fair,” Oct. 21 KIRKWALL, Scotland (UPI) - Millan said he will not risk confron­ cent cut in the Orkneys’ seal popula­ from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. at the center. The government has refus^ to call tation with the protesters and en­ tion by 1984. The fair will include gifts made off its seal slaughter in the Orkney danger human life. So the seats’ main The hunters say many of the seals from natural materials, dried By Frank Atwood Isiands, but animal lovers think they champions, members of the would starve and die anyway because arrangements, plants, bird feeders can save the lives of 5,000 pup and California-,based Greenpeace there are no longer enough fish to and bulk seed, nature-related books cows with a sit-in on the barren rocks Organization, hope they can prevent feed them all. and records, baskets, homemade where the gray seals live. the slaughter by occupying the Newspaper and television pictures breads. Soup and other foods. Bruce Millan, the British barren and uninhabited rocky out­ of cuddly baby seals with pleading Children’s items will include craft crops off northern Scotland. When you are 13 years old and stan­ government’s secretary for Scotland, brown eyes have provoked a national projects and Christmas items. their older children reports to the tal money goes to the 4-H organiza­ rejected a late appeal Wednesday to “If the sealers are ordered not to outcry by animal lovers. Outdoor activities will include ding on an upper rung of a tall ladder orchard each Saturday and Sunday. A This summer a large vegetable tion. garden was planted and tended by save the creatures because he does go on any island where there are A Scottish politician championed pony rides, a leaf jump and a leaning against the branches of an record is kept of the number of hours The gift was made to the Connec­ the seals’ case in an emergency apple tree the ground looks very far CETA employees who had to replant not believe there is a scientific case protesters, we will pack every one of treasure hunt in a haystack for worked and the bushels picked by ticut 4-H Development Fund, a non­ for calling off the hunt. them,” said Greenpeace spokesman debate at the European Parliament children. down. The canvas picking bag, hung each volunteer. At the end of the most of their crops after raids by and animal welfare advocates by a strap over your shoulder, with profit corporation with authority to woodchucks and raccoons. Pete Wilkinson. “What wiil they do The fair will also include hourly season. Thanksgiving Day or a little hold property and to receive and Fishery experts say the gray seals appealed to Prime Minister James another strap around your waist, The 75 acres, now known as the then? guided nature walks. later, after all the bills are paid, cash spend funds for improvement of the gobble up $40 million worth of fish Callaghan, but to no avail. seems to weigh a ton as you fill it Connecticut 4-H Auerbach Farm Persons interested in additional in­ will be distributed to the workers on 4-H pro^am. The gift from the Auer- every year, enough to keep three “I honestly believe we can stop the As both sides waited for action, a with apples. You are glad to come Resource Center, was dedicated formation may call the nature center the basis of their individual records. ,bach heirs stipulated that only four Scottish fishing ports in business. culi going ahead.” tag match continued between the down, but you empty your apples in a Sept. 30, when police estimated the at 693-0263. Pay for Workers acres may be used for buildings, and The government has approved a culi The government’s hired crew of government’s sharpshooters, box and climb the ladder again. attendance at 1,000. The farm stand of about one-tweifth of the herd of Norwegian marksmen have been Not counting the current year, $12,- these only for development of a lear­ had a record day’s business. There cruising the North Sea in their bright This has been the work experience ning center, not for housing. 60,000 seais. ordered to shoot 4,000 seal pups and red ketch Kvitungen, and the conser­ every weekend since Labor Day of 000 has been distributed to the 4-H were farm tours on two tractor- Some work has been done. A No firm date has been fixed for the 1,000 breeding seals. The seals eat an vationists aboard Rainbow Warrior, Now You Know Hartford County boys and girls, Clubs from the orchard project. drawn wagons carrying bales of hay manure pit behind the dairy barn has slaughter, however, and the conser­ estimated 65,000 tons of fish annual­ a green trawler with a rainbow members of 4-H clubs, harvesting Some of the money, earned by adults, as seats. vationists stiil think they can win. The Murchison meteorite that fell been filled in and a greenhouse has ly, and plans call for a gradual 50 per- painted on its side. on Murchison, Australia, in 1969 con­ apples at Auer Farm in Bloomfield. has been turned back to the clubs to I visited the orchard before the help support the county 4-H Club been constructed there. The former cememonies, and talked first with tained 18 amino acids, including six The or^ard belongs to the heirs of creamery will be remodelled as a that are found on living cells on Beatrice Fox Auerbach, for many camp and other club activities. Mrs. Edward H. Merritt of Mrs. Auerbach’s heirs, two conference room, to hold a group of Manchester, wife of the Hartford Peopletalk earth. years head of G. Fox & Co. For six about 50 people. What was a bull barn years the orchard has been leased to daughters and their husbands, Mr. County 4-H Club leader. I said I and Mrs. Richard Koopman and Mr. for Mrs. Auerbach’s purebred wanted a picture of someone from the 4-H Clubs of the county. Guernsey bulls may be used as a calf Pyramid Punch Fever” star John Travolta joined Longacre Theater to the New York Coming to School Fair The boys and girls, and some of and Mrs. Bernard Schiro of West Manchester picking apples and she Trophy Show Set Hartford, leased the orchard to the 4- barn to house animals being raised White House press secretary Jody President Carter, wife Rosalynn, Hilton, with the Broadway stars their parents, hve pruned the trees, replied that this would be “no Milton the Magician will perform Saturday at the Buckley H Clubs on a trial basis six years ago. by 4-H Club members who do not problem.’’ Manchester boys and girls Powell says there’s another story daughter Amy and sons Chip and Jeff wedged inside. It wasn’t a raid —just By Fish Society starting in late winter. The men and have such facilities at home. behind that taie of White House aide and their wives in a spaghetti feast in School Fair at 11 a.m. and 1 p.m. Milton has appeared older boys hav sprayed the trees to Since then the lease has been come every weekend to pick apples. a high-powered police escort for Nell HARTFORD — The Exotic Fish Hamilton Jordan’s alleged the Carter's private quarters. Carter and Andre de Shields, stars of throughout the world and in New England night clubs. The control insects and diseases. The periodically renewed. Farm Manager Adult leaders, in addition to the “pyramids of Egypt’’ wisecrack Says Mrs. Carter’s press secretary Society of Hartford Inc. will sponsor orchard has been fertilized. Tall The demonstrations that the clubs A farm manager has been hired. Merritts, include Mr. and Mrs. “ Ain’t M isbehavin,” and Ann fair, featuring booths for crafts, games, handmade articles, its 13th annual all trophy show to be while peering down the bodice of an Mary Hoyt, of what may be Reinking of “Dancin.” grass and weeds have been mowed could do the orchard work and keep He is Gary Cirrello of Rocky Hill, a Charles Ferguson of Manchester, puppets and baked goods, will run from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. at the held with the cooperation of the ambassador’s wife. Travolta’s most prominent fan, and an effort made to control poison their accounts in order influenced the recent graduate in agriculture at the Carroll Nelson of Manchester and They were on their way to do a school, 250 Vernon St., Manchester. Aquarium, Children’s Museum of In a Piaygiri magazine interview, “Amy admires his music very ivy which is luxurant in some areas. Koopmans and the Schiros, in University of Connecticut. Not Mr. and Mrs. William Crimmins of special booking — for the 85th Annual Hartford, from Oct. 27 through Oct. Powell says Washington Post much.” Now the apples are being harvested December 1976, to give 75 acres of married, he lives in one of the houses East Hartford. Conference of the International 29. reporter Sally Quinn wrote it after a Old Wounds Tended and sorted. The best fruit is being land on the former fruit, dairy and built for farm workers. Other houses Mrs. Merritt, who is susceptible to running feud in which he aiready was Association of Chiefs of Police. With There will be 34 classes including sold at a farm stand and lower-grade poultry farm, to the state 4-H Clubs. may be used some day for children ivy poisoning, stays out of the Not too many years ago, the them was Mrs. Louis Armstrong, JoeNamath Dumped International Fancy Guppy Associa­ The gift included all the barns and orchard and runs the stand. It will be angry enough to “punch her right in apples are being pressed for cider. attending a day camp, or made Daughters of the American Revolu­ wife of the late, great jazzman. tion, Sanctioned Guppy Classes and several dwelling houses, built for available to students of agriculture open weekends through October, the mouth.’’ The issue — Powell’s tion barred opera diva Marian Ander­ All of the work is being done n refusal to call her boss and boyfriend the Connecticut Catfish Cham­ weekends and all of it by volunteer farm workers and their families. who could gain practical experience from 9 to 5. The farm road is off Brenda Hamilton of Manchester reaches for an apple at the son from singing in their Constitution pionship. Ben Bradlee “Ben.” Glimpses From NBC Schedule labor. A crew of up to 25 adults and These are still occupied and the ren­ on the farm. Route 185 from Hartford to Simsury. Auer Farm apple orchard in Bloomfield, now being operated Hall in Washington because she was Judging will begin at 5 p.m. Oct. 28. Poweii says he told Miss Quinn Cameraman Ray Renahan — who by the Hartford County 4-H Clubs. (Photo by Atwood) black. Next week, the first lady will NEW YORK (UPI) — Joe Namath sary “Salute to the American The show will be open to the public he’d been “brought up to refer to peo­ make it up to her. won two Oscars, for “Gone with the ple that much older as “Mister.” has been dumped and his “Waveriy Imagination," and that duo was on Oct. 28 from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. and Rosalynn Carter will present Miss Wind” and “Blood and Sand” out of I Manchester Public Records Says he, “It was after that Wonders” permanentiy benched by preceded by “Waveriy Wonders.” on Oct. 29 from 1 to 5 p.m. Anderson with a special con­ 12 nominations in a 58-year career foolishness that she wrote the NBC. NBC is in pretty g o ^ shape in the A grand auction will be conducted gressional gold medal Tuesday — that began in 1914 — was honored Warranty deeds fire damage at 15 Timber pyramid story. Since I can’t punch Fred Silverman has ordered ratings, in second place for the Oct. 29 at 1 p.m. honoring her “distinguished career, Wednesday with the 1,699th star in Weston S. Day Jr. and Trail, $7,000. Sally Quinn, maybe I could punch the Hollywood Boulevard .“Walk of “ Who’s W atching the Kids” season (nobody figured to beat ABC), Persons interested in additional in­ her untiring promotion of the arts reworked before it returns to the air Patricia A. Day to Michael Blanchard & Rossetto, Ben Bradlee and see if she cared.” Fame” ... Britain’s Princess and with the World Series coming up formation may call or write Lester and her contributions to the cause of after a series of pre-emptions. Since R. Paluska and Cindy B. demolish garage and shed Margaret is scheduled to attend roll­ could wind up the top network for Graham, show chairman, 30 Saunder White House Fever peace.” the NBC chief is known to have faith St., East Hartford, 289-8311; Mrs. Paluska, property at 632 at 617 Center St., $200. out ceremonies in Lancaster, Calif., this week in the Nielsens. Vernon St., $47,000. Command Performance in teen star Scott Baio, best guesses Shirley Bailey, show secretary, 157 Beacon L.P. Co. for The first family had a special today for the fifst long-range Tristar Of course, that leaves CBS at the Louis J. Milewski, Far­ dinner guest at the White House The sirens wailed and the police are that the show will slant in­ Homestead St., Manchester, 646- Stanley Seymour, roof built by Lockheed for for British bottom, where they have been for the mington, to William E. Wednesday night. “Saturday Night cars rolled — all the way from the creasingly in his direction. 4977; Richard Townsend, society repair at 21 Ashland St., Airways ... last couple of weeks even without the Dunleavy and Nola M. $775. “Diff’rent Strokes” will replace competition of the Series on NBC. president, 59 Ironwood Dr., Vernon, Dunleavy, both of Atlantic Fence Co. for "Wonders.” It stars Conrad Bain The big sports winner was ABC’s 646-2052 or Ronald Bilodeau, curator. Framingham, Mass., Peter Southwich, fence at (Arthuf on “ Maude” ) as a NFL Monday night football. Aquarium, Children’s Museum of Homecraft Builders, Inc. TV Tonight millionaire whose housekeeper has Hartford, 950 Trout Brook Drive, Timothy J. Allen and San­ 100 Ashworth St., $997. Speaking of ABC, rumor has it that dra L. Allen, both of wrung from him a promise on her “Welcome Back, Kotter” and West Hartford, 236-2961. Harold Parent for 6:00 7:30 deathbed that he will adopt her two Worcester, Mass., and Harriet C. Sliney, roof (S) Uvlru Faith 12:30 “Operation Petticoat” might be *7^ SmiUCcf, ^Xl8(SN«w« Ob PM Magazlna B B B Weekend sons. Thomas D. Whittingham repair at 351 Summit St., (I) TtM Brady Bunch (£ Carol Burnett And Friends 0 Movie "A Buliet For Joey*' yanked from Monday night. B Sneak Preview PTA Plans Dance and Sharon K. Whit­ $ 1, 000. 0 Jokar'iWHd (£ Family Feud a Bruins Wrap-Up (1955) George Raft. Edward G. The streetwise Harlem boys, 3 and "Kotter” could be switched to Satur­ (Si Bozo's Big Top Robinson. tingham, both of Boston, G&W Klock, addition at sm o w k ^ 20 (feoM 0 Newl]n*ed Game 12, are played by Gary Coleman and day. “Apple Pie” would be junked MANCHESTER — The Keeney IB TV Conmiunity College B PopI Goes The Country 10:30 12:37 Mass., property at 75 Farm 1366 Tolland Turnpike, B MyTliraeSont B Hollywood Squares 0 Newark And Reality Todd Bridges. Bridges was a regular and “ P etticoat” also could be Street School PTA will sponsor a BRaMWeat 0 B S.W.A.T. Drive, $126.50 conveyance $60,000. ^Bonanza B 0 MacNell / Lehrer Report on “Fish.” Also on hand is talented dropped. dance Saturday from 9 p.m. to 1 a m BZoocn(R) B The Gong Show a American Lifestyle 1:00 tax. David A. Patria for G. 0 Sneak Pravlaw B B B Tomorrow Charlotte Rae as the housekeeper’s The 10 top network programs for at the East Hartford Elks Club. 6:30 BNHLHoAey replacement. Kenneth H. Cote, Gosselin, roof repair at 30 Home of: B Tic Tac Dough 11:00 1:30 the week ending Oct. 8, according to Music will be provided by the (SILovsLucy The reason “Wonders” went off Patricia S. Cote and Adele Auburn Road, $240. X Dating Qama 6:00 0 0 B B B N a w s 0 Joe Franklin the A.C. Nielsen Co., were: Justin Case Band. Set-ups will be M. Sapita to Douglas E. (9 Jaka Hess Qotpel Time The Gong Show and "Kids” needs revising are to be 1: Three’s Company; 2: Mork & provided. T.J. Crockett, vinyl 0 The Waltons ILoveExp^ 2:16 Forbes and. Ernestine P. siding at 244 Main St., $3,- ☆ HOMECRAFT KITCHENS a BATHS IS B B NBC News 0Cross-Wlts 0 Movie "Torpedo Alley" found in the Nielsen ratings — at the Mindy; 3; Happy Days; 4; NFL foot­ For tickets, call Elaine Damon, nOvarBrEaay LDfck Van Dyke Lard, property at 44-46 000. 0 B Mork And Mindy I Hogan's Heroes (1953) Mark Stevens. Dorothy bottom. Adam-12 0 NHL Hockey Malone. ball, Dallas vs. Washington; 5; (tie) 646-0580; Denise Carter, 649-6641; or 0 DldtCaveU Pine St., $44,500. Norman R. Zeppa, 0 The Growing Years B B B Project U.F.O. In the Nielsens for the week ending BJ and the Bear (NBC W^nesday 2:20 Linda Kostek, 646-6023. Tickets also Maurice E. French and alterations at 591 Vernon ☆ CONNECTICUT PLUMBING a HEATING CO, 6:55 B 0 Nova 11:30 Oct. 8, the already canceled movie) and Taxi; 7: Ibarney Miller; will be available at the door. 0M*A*S*H 0News Mary B. French to Robert St., $500. BNaws 6:30 “W.E.B.” was in last place, “Who’s 8: American League Championship, 0M erv Griffin 0 Hogw's Heroes 2:30 J. Corcoran and Marilee Bill Tunsky for Cecil 7:00 0BStarsky& Hutch 0 News Watching the Kids” was tied for 0 B What's Happeningll game 9: Carrie (CBS Tuesday Corcoran, property at 26 Young, vinyl siding at 42 ANNOUNCES THE 3 ) CBS News 0 Take A Good Look next-to-last with the Ford anniver­ movie); 10: 60 Minutes. ^ The Brady Bunch 9:00 a Voice Of Faith Linden St., $44,000. Candlewood Drive, $2,400. X a A B C N s w s 0 Hawaii Flve-0 B B B Tonight David S. Hershman and 0 Bowling For Dollars 0 B Barney Miller a Ironside .Marriage licenses BFaatIvJoiFalth B B B Q u In c y 0 Captioned ABC News Nita D. Hershman to John Robert C. Godfrey Sr. B Journey To Adventure B Three By Four R. McVeigh and Debra M. and Cheryl A. White, both 0Soundstage 12:00 BNawa 0 Adam-12 TOMMfS McVeigh, property at 86 of Manchester. B 0 DIcfc Cavett g-v) 0 Movie "Johnny Dark" (1954) Bretton Road, $52,000. Kent D. Pelletier, Hart­ B Newlywed Game 0 B S o a p Tony Curtis. Piper Laurie. In 1933, the per bushel prices NOW OPEN Arthur T. Lavery Jr. and ford, and Mary Ann Goulet, a The Odd Couple of wheat and com in America PIZZARIA T. J.'S NY SH LE DELI W exXY ALIEN'S 10:00 12:05 Doris A. Lavery to Roy 7:29 0Barnaby Jones 0 C B S Late Movie "Ail Faii were lower than they had 107A Sycamore Lane. B De«y Numbers 0 0 N e w s Down" (1962) Warren Beatty, been 300 years before. RESTAURANT F.C. Osborne and Karen L. Thomas W. Quealy and 0 B Family Eva Marie Saint. TMKRIORS' Osborne, property at 56 Patricia J. Houghtaling, HOME OF THE 20c CUP OF COFFEE Agnes Drive, $54,500. both of Manchester. DELICIOUS DEU SAHDWICHES Quitclaim deed David W. Pollock, 547B Saturday, October 14, 1978 re IlMMJIrtHls Theater Schedule MANCHESTER PARKAOE • 649-5491 Mark R. Greenblatt to Hilliard St., and Halene M. SI N UNTIL ; 3(M)N SALADS, PASTRIES, COLD CUTS Peggy S. Greenblatt, Burnett, 16 Berkley St., J o h n SATURDAY AND SUNDAY DINE IN OR TAKE OUT. Travolta *=so property at 44 Marshall Oct. 27 at home. UA Cine 1— "Who is Killing 9:30 OPEN M0N-THUR8 0:30 AM - 10KM PM I’u m««-\ I’irsi-nis Road, no conveyance tax. Robert E. Daub and the Great Chefs of Europe ” Vernon Cine 1— “Grease,” ‘T o m m y ” FRI a 8AT 9:30 TIL 12 MIDNIGHT Cerlificalc Karen L. Frost, both of Beautycraft BATH BOUTIQUE 7:00-9:15 7:20-9:30 SUNDAY 12 NOON TIL • P.M. of allarhmeni East Hartford, by a justice Vernon Cine 2 — “Revenge UA Cine 2 — “ A nim al Reino Hyyppa, doing of the peace. House,” 7:15-9:30 of the Pink Panther,” 7:10- 206 WEST 267 EAST In The Mar$hall» Mall ATTHEPARKADE business as Megson & Stanley H. Ostrinsky, 182 UA Cine 3 — “Somebody 9:10. CENTER ST. CENTER ST. Killed Her Husband,” 7:30- Hyyppa, against David A. Bissell St., and Mary E. Carter, $1,500, property at Whalen, 84 Bowers St., tM4t tuUfete eaUeetioM, 9^ ANIMAL 646-6661 646-2550 6 4 6 -M IS PrflWivisilMI* I Mancheeler Evening Herald PETER SELLERS 383 Keeney St. Oct. 20 at St. Bridget. (i PuSSahsd every evenkie except Release Joseph Salvatore Spano, I Sundays end hoMsys. Enured el the of atlarliiiient Newington, and Debra C. «cce449fUeA itt Ttea^ ! Mencheeler, Conn. Poet Olllce es 8e- RELAX FOR cood Cliii M il Mditr, vmnHK Aetna Casualty & Surety Manocchio, 95 Pine St., LUNCH AT -Mimrac «• - Co. against George Claing Oct. 14 at St. James. Suggeatad Carrier Ratae ♦ DAVIS FAMILY t 649-9333 and ^ rn ice Claing. Joseph P. Montineri and single copy...... tss .New trade name Sandra M. Wirta, both of C O M E & S E E W e n u y ...... m I RESTAURANT One m onth...... 93.90 John E. Cummiskey Jr., East Hartford, Oct. 14' at Three m onttie...... 911.70> ♦ Homemade Soups J East Hartford, doing Emmanuel Lutheran. • O ur Full Bathroom Display Six m onthe...... 923.40 LAURENCE One y e e r...... 940.00 He-Man business as The Flower James A. Restony and Mea Relee Upon ReqiiM 4 Sandwiches OLMER Store, 324U Broad St. Sandra J. Smith, both of • 24 carat gold plated faucets Subecriberc who M to receive Dissolution Hartford. their newepeper belbte 0:90 p.m. CALDOR PLAZA ehouM telephone the circuletloni MANCHESTER of trade name deperiment 647-0049. I • Decorative towel racks, (KiffThflCriRliTIE'S Pptricia Stepanski, no THE FAMILY RESTAURANT longer doing business as Une-stop Shops toilets, holders, etc. Tres Chic Beauty Salon, Business in the depart­ KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS^ TERIYAKI STEAK btm 303 E. Center St. ment stores is booming this • Fancy imported tiles - Campbell Council 573 $ 4 .5 9 I Francis E. Preston, no year. Sales are running A delicious marinated steak longer doing business as about 12 percent ahead of Mil C&F Mowing Service. 1977, with most of the rise 138 Main Street Manchester due to higher volume rather SIRLOIN STRIP $ 3 .9 9 Building permits Uian inflation. The excep­ A lender testy sleek John E. Cummiskey Jr. tional performance this year STOP SERVICE F R E E DRAWING! for First Hartford Realty can probably be attributed FIRST MIIML SPORTSMMrS T-BONE STEAK Corp., alterations at 324U to the heai^ snows last win­ NOV. 3, T978 R i ^ a i d Broad St., $1,500. ter, according to a Confer­ ence Board analysis. )m bad fo r v a n it y w it h CLAM BAKE W it OCT. I B A big favorite with our customers Anne B. Kutcher for ■omr MV TBi MT.-I Hi uranuT.HHOOHssni Dreyfum. weather, consumers are In­ marble TOP and Moses Wine Michael Swetzer et al, clined to nnake as many Sunday, October IS ____ M llP M it M All above served with Potato. Texes Toail and All-You-Csn-Eal Salai^ demolish home at 326 purchases as possible under f a u c e t s FBCBi WfB KS ra INMMU HSaVB Ml Prirate Detiktive. C^I^TING NEEDS Stortina 12dM Noon at tho Council Homo JOWB linvM AND KI sun 7." Wetherell St., $500. one roof. FISH DINNER $2.59 Dr. Joseph Massaro, MENU-ALL DAY demolish garage at 52 Park MUSK LESSONS AT Cherry-stones, steamers, clam chowder, cold cuts, etc. rHLjSSIa ewiY For lith lovers, golden brown fish served with tarter leuce, St., $500. 1188 Hartford Tpk. (Rte. 30) DINNER AT 5:30 P.M. French Fries, Taxis Tossl end All-You-Can-Eit Salad. iJnlXaMI Mr. and Mrs. Raymond J p D T PRUTS S hul Ixjm ^rgcHOLsorii LaBelle, addition at 143 NMS...... Jwysui 4 miles north of Vernon Circle, Vernon Job! your M low sportsmen viewing_ a 150” T.V . screan t S O N S A i E IM/ Adelaide Road, $2,000. fiUTM...... NNg NNm lor tho World Sorioe Qamo, or, M(ooneludad, ooni a Ma|or NMTFORD aVK CBITER M X OFFKE Norman Bellefleur for FLUTE ...... SHtaMnn Loeguo FooMm II gamo. M ANGIIFSTKR — Shop Kile Plaza Robert Heavisides, repair 871-9680 olMAUTICKETRONOUnETS M utOreiM l lanly mcuriMrt nf K. of C. and Ihslr guasts) IVIAINIJIhS rhR — W est M iddle T urnpike CUMET ...... M S h w n Can for tickota O P EN NOW GREETING CARDS I Council Homo — 646-9044 FOR FURTHER INFO FOB U l OCCASIONS S« ii^^^^^oluHC02al^-^4i(^^ CAU IS96 Our Large Display n m ...... iWiPMq 968-6588 ARTHUR DRUG tMWDBOItltBIWSHIOBWfOMUIItB •M M SIU SII iPLEASECALLTHEarnEl 466 MAIN 8T. FORSCREBJTNMES B43-aaaa

) \ gAGE EIGHTEEN— MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, Manchester, Conn., Thurs.. Oct. 12, 1W!1 \\ MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, Manchester, Conn.. Thurs., Oct. 12, 1978— PAGE NINETEEN Business Grasso’s Smile Returns § n « V ^ Wanted 13 Help Wanted 13 mmmmmimmiiamiK governor. By ANDREW NIBLEY MEN NEEDED BY Small LUBRICATION PERSON Wednesday, Mrs. Grasso came to manufacturing company to HARTFORD (UPI) — There was a WANTED - To lubricate visit. Gerber Scientific train for a variety of jobs trucks and trailers. Relat^ bounce in her stride and a twinkle in Again, she appeared reluctant to requiring basic mechanical experience needed. Starting her eye. Eila had come to chitchat, Grasso said she didn’t want to talk talk about her challenger’s com­ She H eralii ability, manual dexterity and Pay $160 weekly. All fringe Changes Its Name common sense. Must be gossip and smile — a telltale sign she about that. She Just wanted to see ments. Instead, she fluttered from benefits. For appointment call mature, dependable and 688-2233, has caught the sweet scent of vic­ how everybody was doing. reporter to reporter like a gleeful SOUTH WINDSOR — p e Gerber Scientific Instrument CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING willing to work. High School tory. A few days later, she demolished child unwrapping a living room full Co. h p announced that it received approval from its Grads only. $3,25 an hour to PARTS SUPERVISOR Suddenly Wednesday afternoon, her upstart lieutenant governor in of presents on Christmas day. spreholders to change the name of the company to start. 7 am to 3:30 pm. 289- NEEDED - For automotive Gerber Scientific Inc. f t u 9321. the door to the Capitol press room the Democratic primary by a more No shop talk. Let’s just shoot the parts department. Full-time “The firm’s board of directors recommended that the salary starts at $160 weekly. flew open. In pranced the governor. than 2-1 margin. breeze. PHONE 643-2711 HappliwM It A S MACHINIST / SKILLED She was up on her toes, dancing Tuesday, Ronald Sarasin, the firm change its corporate name because it was believed All company benefits. For ap­ After a bit, she pulled up a chair FOR ASSISTANCE IN PLACING YOUR AD MILITARY WHIST i;i: SECOND SHIFT- The pointment call 688-2233. almost — the way a prize fighter does three-term Republican congressman and reeled off a couple stories about that the new corporate name is in keeping with the inter­ a SETBACK following manufacturing when he’s felled a weaker opponent. who wants Mrs. Grasso’s job, ac­ what a wonderful woman Lillian nal restructuring of the company’s current principal ac­ Conducitd by th« :i:i positions are available for in- PHYSICIAN’S OFFICE need The last time the governor bounced tivities,” said H. Joseph Gerber, president McKMvtr* :;;-dividuals with prior pleasant, efficient Secretary / cused the press of not giving him the Carter was and how much fun she INDEX :;:j experience and capabalities of into the press room for one of her same front page treatment it af­ The company recently transferred all of its operating Friday, Oct. 13th Bookkeeper and Receptionist. had when she went to Rome last ADVERTISING 7:48 operating independently. Four-day week. Apply ^ x patented, but rare, chats was just forded Killian during his attempt to assets to a wholly-owned subsidiary, as approved bv NOTicet ADVERTISING week. ' “ Lbil tnd Kound Talcottvilla Internal Grinder, Taper KK, Manchester Herald. shareholders at its annual meeting a year ago. ^ 2 — P«rionalt RATES DEADLINE "• Grinder, Assembler, Milling, before Connecticut’s first oust his boss. And then as rapidly as she Congregational 3 — Announcamanta 12:00 noon the day before ^Inspector, Jig Mill, Democratic gubernatorial primary The Republican also badmouthed a The subsidiary, to adopt the company’s old name the 1 day ...... 12c word per day CARPENTER'S HELPER appeared, she vanished. * — Enieftainment publication. Church Hall ®Bridgeport Operator, on Sept. 12. recent poll that showed him trailing Gerber Scientific Instrument Co., will continue to 5 — Auclions 3 days ...... 1U word per day Main StTMl a Elm Hill Howl Wanted - Experience A veteran political writer stopped Deadline for Saturday and siBroaching, Turret Lathe, 6 days ...... 10c word per day Prizes ■ Door Prizes preferred. Call 742-6062, after Her challenger in that affair, Lt. the governor by 13 percentage points. typing for a minute and turned to develop, manufacture, sell and service computer con­ financial 26 days .. 9c d a ys...... Monday is 12:00 Noon Friday. S;Drill Press. Apply in person Refreshments 8:00 p.m. Gov. Robert Killian, had been com- A few weeks before, he said he was some of the junior members of the trolled drafting equipment. Interactive Design Systems 8 — BondS'Slocks-Morlgaget 15 words $2 00 minimum ^Monday thru Friday, 9 a.m. to 9 — Personal Loans Benefit Church S:3:30 p.m., or call 527-0741. Dress Rehearsal for Program piaining that the press was not pleased with the results of a poll done press corps. and other products acquired from the parent companv ^0 — Insurance Happy Ads ...... $2.50 inch PLEASE READ Renovation Fund CHOOSE YOUR OWN adequately getting his views across by the same outfit that showed him Gerber Scientific Inc. will thereafter own real estate Conation...... *4 nn «C “shman Industries Inc., 806 HOURS At home on the phone Members of St. Mary’s Episcopal Church “She always comes when EMPLOYMENT ai.oo ;^Windsnr Street, Hartford, servicing our customers. 249- Henderson, Lisa Hallowell. Middle row, to the voters. At the time, Mrs. virtually neck-in-neck with the something good happens to her.” and stock in its subsidiaries and will perform financial 13 — Help Wanted YOUR AD wConn. 06102. Children’s Choir are shown during a dress 14 - Business Opportunities Classified ads are taken over 7773. Alison Lathrop, Jim McKeown, Scott Gray.’ general management and other services for its sub­ '5 — Siluetion Wanted the phone as a convenience. sidiaries. gPART TIME PERSON to do rehearsal for their part in the Evening of the Back row Sharon Morrissy, Kim Wright, education The Herald Is responsible for INDUSTRIAL SUPPLIES- In­ only one incorrect insertion and BUCKLEY :|:jbody damage estimates. Performing Arts program Saturday at 8 p.m. John Jacobson, Bobby Hallowell, Chuck Cur­ 10 — Private Instructions side sales and related duties. 19 — Schoois-Ciasses then only to the size of the SjHours flexible. Some Experience preferred. Fringe at Manchester High School. Mrs. Patricia tiss. Other program events include Kenneth Distributor Named 20 — Instructions Wanted original insertion. Errors which SCHOOL FAIR Sexprience helpful, but we will a do not lessen the value of the- benefits. EEO. Employer, Board OKs School Plan real estate consider training right person. 289-8291 after 4 pm. Garrity, director, is at rear left. Choir EAST HARTFORD — Pet Switchboard, a nationwide advertisement will not Ue cor­ Woods and Peter LaBombard, pianist and - Homes for Sale gSee Mr. Carter, at Carter members are, front row from left, Sara Par­ emergency toll-free communications service for lost, - Lols-Land for Sale rected by an additional inser­ flautist’ respectively, tap and jazz dancing, ANDOVER — Final plans and of Irene Collins as cafeteria tion. Saturday, Octobar 14 :S Chevrolet, 1229 Main Street, board study the possibility of stolen, and injured animals, has appointed Joseph La Pre 25 — Investment Property ;o Manchester. sons, Amy Barrera, Alexander Gray, Dwight the Manchester High School Band and the specifications for the gymnasium ad­ cook/manager and the transfer of 26 — Business Property from 10 a.m. till 2 p.m. DISHWASHERS- COOKS- dition at Andover Elementary School assigning seats on the elementary as an independent distributor for its service in the Hart­ 27 — Resort Property part time nights and Whitaker, Heather McKeown, Diane Ashton, Yvette Pelletier from cafeteria aide run. 28 — Real Estate Wanted Manchester Sunshine Group. Tickets will be were unanimously approved by the ford area. La Pre will handle retail and fund-raising sales S DENTAL RECEPTIONIST weekends. Apply in person, Mary Broadhead, Jennifer Marlar, Michael to that position. ’The board appointed MISC. SERVICES •••••••••••••••••••••••••• 250 VERNON STRECT "Who can also assist at chair Taccorral, 246 Broad Street, sold at the door. Board of Education ’Tuesday. The The second item of study will be a for the company in Hartford and surrounding areas. Barbara Benson a cafeteria aide and 3t — Services Offered Help Wanted 13 :|::side, wanted for part time Manchester. turnaround on Route 6. Frank Reed, La Pre, will be working with individuals and civic 32 — Painting-Papering MANCHESTER plans were presented by Peter Abel Patrick Kane a bus driver. Shop the super buys In rework at South Windsor Dental architect. resident, told the board he objected groups in registering local animals for a lifetime 33 — Bu'lding-Coniracting iljl Office. Call 644-8253. ■Two items pertaining to transpor­ 34 — Rooing.Siding your Classified section JOB SITE- J.C. Penney, Clerk STUFFERS AND MAILERS to having his children walk to their registration fee. Upon registration, each animal is issued 35 — Heating-Plumbing Urgently needed! $25.00 per Area Bulletin Board Tonight the plans will be presented tation were turned over to the 36 — Flooring , today. Tomorrow you’ll of The Works for mason con­ ■S SALES PERSON - Full time to, and hopefully approved by, the bus stop on Route 6 at 6:50 each mor­ a Pet Switchboard tag which states that the owner of the 37 — Moving-Trucking-Storage be pleased with the tractor retired. Experience in hundred GUARANTEED. board’s transportation committee to ning. 38 — Services Wanted' sand part time. New England’s Send self-addressed stamped School Building Committee. animal can be reached at no charge and at any time of the money you’ve saved. construction. Call after 2 "Oldest Fireplace and Stove Fire Prevention review and report back to the board p.m., 643-9508, or 649-5635. HAPPINESS 18 envelope, TK ENTERPRISE, Montessori materials and the staff If the plans are approved by the When the school bus schedules day or night, through the toll-free numbers listed, from MISC. FOR SALE gShop, Good salary, benefis, Box 21679, Denver, Co. 80221. College Tests at a future meeting. were prepared earlier in the year the anywhere in the United States. 40 — Household Goods ATTENDINQ THE gbonus. Bolton area. Great ANDOVER — The Andover will answer questions. For more in­ committee, the will be sent to the 41 — Articles lor Sale The first item of study will be the MECHANICS HELPER SOUTH UNITED S position for some one who Volunteer Fire Department will COVENTRY — The Preliminary state for approval and then bid board decided to eliminate the use of Pet Switchboard will register more than a quarter 42 — Building Supplies •••••••••••••••••••••••••• NEEDED- 3 to 9 p.m., Mon­ FULL TIME DISHWASHER- formation or directions call 646-5727 possibility of assigning seats on the 43 — Pets -Birds- Dogs "loves a challenge. Write Box Days. Apply in person, Tac­ celebrate fire prevention week Satur­ Scholastic Aptitude Test / National the Hazen turnaround (beyond the million animals this year in an affort to help animal 44 — Livestock ' day tru Friday. Gas Pump METHODIST or 871-2719. documents for the project will be elementary bus runs. William gGG, c/o Manchester Herald. corral, 246 Broad Street. day at the firehouse. Grammar Merit Scholarship Qualifying Test prepared. Reed house) and use the turnaround lovers cope with the growing problem of lost and injured '45 — Boats & Accessories □ EMPLOYMENT Attendant needed weekends. CHURCH FAIR Poster Winners will be given Oct. 24 at Coventry Kowalski, bus driver, assigned seats 46 — Sporting Goods References required. Apply in school children who bring their fire before the Reed house. animals. 47 — Garden Products gARRANGE A TOY & GIFT $$$$ REAL ESTATE SALES Beatrice Kowalski, school board on the Grades 7 and 8 hus run and his person to: Anderson Brothers, prevention booklets will get a free BOLTON — Winners of the fire High School for any junior in­ The board voted to participate in La Pre is located at 51 Pershing St., East Hartford 48 — Antiques Help Wanted 13 Saturday, Octobar 14 gPARTY - Generous Awards, PERSONS- Licensed or in terested. chairman, said the project may go action was praised by Judith Willard, 49 — Wanted to Buy 770 Main Street, Manchester. 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. g Demonstrators also needed. hot dog and soda between 11 a.m. and prevention poster contest sponsored out to bid in November. the Area Cooperative Association for telephone 568-8635. procress, needed in our East by the Bolton Volunteer Fire Depart­ Students should contact their resident. RENTALS SALES POSITION - Straight iiOver 300 newest most-wanted Hartford office. Thorough 1 p.m. The department’s new fire The board accepted the resignation Special Education. 52 — Rooms for Rent REAL ESTATE CAREER. ::.;items. Call Collect 673-0494. ment have been announced. counselor for more information. Bar­ Mrs. Willard recommended the 53 — Apartments for Rent commissions, leads furnished Corntr Main Straat training. Many extras! For truck will be dedicated at 3 p.m. to homeowners. Call 242-5402, Earn $15,000 plus Annually. :SOr write SANTA’S PARTIES. confidential interview, call Kindergarten winners are Jessica bara Siegel and Alex Miner are Banking Graduate 54 — Homes for Rent Must have license. For a con­ and Hartford Road. :;:;Avo, Conn. 06001, Story Time 55 — Business lor Rent fidential interview. Ralph Sid Green, Frechette, Martin Brahaney, first, and Kevin O’Connor, counselors at Coventry High. VERNON — Michael R. Tomanelli has graduated from 56 — Resort Properly for Rent WANTED - Gas station atten­ & Rothman, 289-1524; ANDOVER — The Andover Public 57 — Wanted to Rent Pasek, Realtor, 289-7475. *:.v.v.:.:.:.:.v.:.:,:.:".;.v^^^^^ SECRETARY. Start second. The winners in Grades 1 and the 1978 National Installment Credit School sponsored by 58 — Misc for Rent dant, full or part time. evenings 646-4153. Library has a story time for pre­ Fire Report ...... November 15, 1978 for East 2 were Justin Herman, first, Kristin the Installment Lending Division of the American Mature, responsible person MAN NEEDED for printing schoolers each Friday from 10 to HEBRON — The Hebron Volunteer CofC Mulls Applications AUTOMOTIVE for third shift. References. Hartford Law Firm. SEWING MACHINE Spiess,_second, and David Bergeron Bankers Association. Aulosvfor Sale departm ent, in growing Help Wanted 13 Experience requred. Salary 10:30 a.m. at the library. Story-time Fire Department responded to 37 62 — Trucks for Sale Call 871-1698. manufacturing facility. Operators & Miscellaneous third. Tomanelli, assistant vice president of Vernon National 63 — Heavy Equipment (or Sale commensorate with skills. is for Andover and area town calls during the month of September, VERNON — For the first time, last was seconded by Wiiliam Yetz and it Experiened preferred, but Workers needed. Some high The winners in Grades 3 and 4 were rejected and would by no means in­ Bank, was one of the 275 bank officers to graduate from 64 — Motorcycles-Bicycles TOOLMAKERS - Machinists, PART TIME Experienced 289-8625. school education required. residents. Chief William Borst reported at the month, the Board of Directors of the passed. 65 — Campers-Trailers-MoDile will train to work with person for local dental group, Connie Daly, first, Ann Loalbo, se­ sure against law suits. the two-week, resident session at the University of Homes Apply 81 Commerce Street, Must be able to speak and monthly meeting of the department. Rockville Area Chamber of Following a discussion, Joseph laminator, slitter and printing esponsiblity consists of BOOK A TOY & GIFT Harvest Dance cond, and Wendy Crocker, third. The Some felt that the fact that the Oklahoma. "The school utilized lectures, casework and 66 — Automotive Service Glaslonbuy. PTG Company. press. Must be interested in read English, and provide own Of the calls four were search and Commerce went into executive ses­ Paradis, president of the board, 67 — Autos for Rent-Lease Telephone 633-7631. teaching, plaque con- PARTY - Generous Awards. transportation. No experience ANDOVER — The Andover winners in Grades 5 and 6 were chamber votes on accepting seminar discussions to educate new and experienced working 2.nd, or 3rd shift. We trol/prevention program and DEMONSTRATORS ALSO rescue; one was an oven fire; two sion to discuss membership proposed an amendment that nine of are looking for interested, necessary. Please call Per­ Elementary School Parent Teacher Danae Marshall, first, Michelle Da­ applications. members affirms its right to say yes bank employees in consumer lending. The faculty com­ RN, LPN, 7 to 3 and 3 to 11 X-ray department duties. NEEDED. Over 300 newest, sonnel Department at Pioneer were internal alarms; one was a tree the applicants be voted on as a unit aggressive individuals who Hours 8 am until noon. Mon­ Association will have a Harvest ly, second, and Geff Hinds, third. or no to an applicant otherwise prised banking officials, businessmen, attorneys, govern­ shifts. Good pay, good most-wanted items. Call Parachute Company, 644-1581. stump and another a chimney; two The board has in the past accepted but this idea was rejected as being are dependable and have day, Tuesday, Thursday and collect 673-0494. Or write Dance Nov. 3 at 8 p.m. at St. Maurice The kindergarten winners received voting is a useless and meaningless ment officials and academicians. benefits and working condi­ mechanical ability. Excellent car fires; one bomb scare; two any new applications in a lump but discriminatory. tion, Apply in person, Vernon Friday. Call Caroylin for in­ SANTA’S PARTIES, Avon, BABYSITTER- Responsible Church parish center. Entertainment toys and the other winners received formality. chance for rapid advance­ terview, 646-1360. Conn. 06001. mutual aide calls. because one of the recent Nine of the names on the list were Manor, 180 Regan Road, Ver­ person to babysit eight month will be provided by Chuckie Skoog. savings bonds. The directors also discussed the non. ment, depending on speed and During the month 23 ambulance applications was controversial, the voted on separately and action was ability. For interview call old twin boys. Daily 7:00 to Tickets are available from PTA Supper of the Month fact that just because an applicant is Chaired Convention GAL FRIDAY. Accounts MATURE INTELLIGENT 5:00 p.m. Call 742-5231 after calls were received, 10 were to move board went into executive session to deferred on the other name and the 528-9471. payable and receivable with person wanted as Recep­ members. admitted to chamber membership CERAMIC TILE MECHANIC 6 : 00. COVENTRY - The First injured persons; seven were ill per­ decide how to vote. From now on it is Robert P. Lynch, president of First Federal Savings some typing. Small office in tionist in Manchester Dental m atter was referred to town counsel does not necessarily constitute an en- - Experienced only. Top LANDSCAPE LABORS full Story Teller Congregational Church will hold its sons; four were for auto accident vic­ expected that applicants will be for an opinion. and Loan of East Hartford, and president of the $3.6 wages, /^ply: Atlas Tile, 1862 East Hartford. Good fringe office, mornings. Telephone dorsement and the bylaws don’t time or part time Saturday. PART TIME CLERK Typist BOLTON — Carol Hurst, a supper of the month Saturday from 5 tims; and two were transfers. handled in this manner. billion Savings and Loan League of Connecticut, was Berlin 'Tpke., Wethersfield, benefits. Call Miss Lyon, 289- experience preferred. 649- in downtown Manchester of­ During a discussion board provide for explosion of a member. Call 643-0669, Grandland 6023. 5675. professional story teller, will enter­ to 6:30 p.m. In other business the department During the executive session of chairman of the league's annual convention in Florida Nursery. fice. Contact John Piwoski, members agreed that the objectives They feei to reject an appiicant on 643-1594. tain the students at Bolton Elemen­ The menu includes an appetizer, voted to accept William P. Nicol of Sept. 13, a list of 10 applicants was recently. The Savings and Loan League of Connecticut is MATURE WOMAN for local PAINTERS- Top Wages. 5 of the chamber and membership accusation alone would be to abridge REAL ESTATE Marketing tary Center School Friday. A variety roast beef and gravy, mashed Deepwood Drive, Amston, as a read. Robert Tedoldi moved and Lee composed of 38 member associations throughout the retail business office. Light years experience. All the eligibility requirements were vague his civil rights but to admit the appli­ Representative - Manchester, WE WANT AMBITIOUS Per­ of stories wili be told to the different potatoes, vegetables, dessert, and a probationary member. He will serve Higgins seconded that they be state. East Hartford, Vernon areas. typing and some bookkeeping. overtime you want. Must have sons for Christmas season. and should be revised. They also, on cant and have him use “chamber Call Steve, 643-2171. own transportation. 1-800-842- grade levels. Parents are welcome. beverage. with Company 2 in the Amston sec­ accepted for membership. Earn lucrative commission WOOD WORKING HELP Must be 18. Full time career the other hand, agreed that specific member” in his unorthodox adver­ 8435. Ms. Hurst’s visit is in conjunction The public is invited. tion. Steve Diana proposed an amend­ Receive professional wanted. Apply Lakeview Fur­ potential. Call 646-3936 for ap­ criteria might lead to embarrass­ tising would be an embarrassment to Promoted at Aetna guidance, education, com­ niture Company, 329 Progress NURSES AIDES- Full time, pointment. An Equal Oppor­ with National Book Week, Oct. 16-20 ment to the motion asking that each FLOOR SUPERVISOR- Must Story Hours Scholarship Award ment and trouble in proving the the chamber and to do nothing would HARTFORD — Richard A. Bolin of Manchester has prehensive marketing tools. Drive, Manchester Industrial all shifts. Experience tunity Employer M/F. Next week, the Parent Teacher candidate be voted on separately. It Call Mr. Sammartino, preferred, but training will be have the ability to direct and SOUTH WINDSOR - Story Hours SOUTH WINDSOR - Daniel G. grounds on which an applicant is give the applicant no grounds for ac­ been promoted to director, pension operations, in the life Park, Manchester, Organization will sponsor a book fair Fireside Realty, Inc. 647-144. given. Apply in person: East control the activities in fast SECRETARY / Bookkeeper with Story Lady Martha Lane are Lanza, of 2163 Ellington Road, has tion. division of Aetna Life & Casualty. moving pillow assembly pera- at Bolton Elementary School library. HAIRDRESSER - Full or part Hartford Convalescent Home, Wanted- For small private now being held at Wood Memorial received his third $500 scholarship A graduate of the University of Vermont, he joined the RN-LPN wanted for full or time. Relaxed atmosphere. 745 Main Street, East Hart­ tion. flood chance for ad­ school. Typing and accurate Students and parents will be able to Library, 783 Main St. on Thursdays from the Michaels Foundation. company in 1961 as an underwriter trainee in the health part time on all shifs. Apply Clientel preferred. East Hart­ ford. vancement for one who is bookkeeping required, ac­ view a variety of books including director of nursing. Salmon- ford. 289-5686 / 872-9402. qualified. Call 646-1737 for in­ counts receivable c.-.Iy. Call from 10:15 to 11 a.m. Children, ages Lanza is a junior at the University insurance department. The following year he advanced to terview appointment. special requests. Students may three to five, can enjoy finger plays, of Connecticut and is one of nine brook Convalescent Home, off SECRETARY- Part time for interview, 646-1610. supervisor trainee, and in 1964 became assistant super­ House Street, Glastonbury. WE NEED A DEPENDABLE mornings. Vernon Circle area, purchase books Thursday and projects and activities as well as students there who received the Friday. visor in the department. Please call 633-5244. PART TIME SALESPERSON typing, and machine stories. Registrations may be made scholarship and plan careers in In 1966 he was promoted to administrator, and two - Hours are primarily 10 to 2, transcription a must. Send For parents, books will also be sold I^ARM MANAGER by calling the library, 289-1783 on business. years later was made manager, issue-renewal, in the Penonale NURSES AIDES wanted for but may include Saturdays resum e to Box AA c/o Experienced shed tobacco Wednesday from 7 to 9 p.m. Mondays or Thursdays. Live Better-Save More full tme on all shifts. Apply and some evenings. Diamond Manchester Herald. Under the Michaels Foundation Aetna’s Participating Annuity Life Insurance Co. at the farm Manager wanted. Open House ANYONE WHO WITNESSED director of nursing. Salmon- Showcase, Manchester mvEnM Chapter Meeting Scholarship Program, scholarships Falls Church, Va., office. In 1970 he was promoted to a motorcycle accident August brook Convalescent Home, off Parkade. LEGAL SECRETARY- Ver­ Position available now. are awarded to two students from And earn money. Provides year round BOLTON — ’The Hans Christian SOUTH WINDSOR — The regular director ol administration and personnel at the office. 9th, 1978 at 2:15 a.m.. Bum- House Street, Glastonbury. non Law Firm seeks full time side Avenue near Long Hill Please call 633-5244. Legal Secretary, with good Part time ^ rtunity employment. Hospital and Andersen Montessori School will meeting of Beta Xi Chapter of Beta each undergraduate class. The ninth He is a member of the Scottish Rite Bodies of Connec­ PART TIME DRIVER - Must Road, Elast Hartford. Please know streets. Apply in person Uping and shorthand skills. Health Ins., Pension, have an open house Monday at 8 p.m Sigma Phi will be held on Oct. 19 at student is the recipient of the four- ticut, Sphinx Temple and Manchester Lodge of Masons. for ambitious and year Edward Bush Jr. Memorial all 568-0639. TRUCK MECHANIC to: Krause The Florist, 621 Friendly atmosphere. housing and many other at St. George’s Episcopal Church, 7:30 p.m. at the home of Annete He resides at 80 (Carpenter Road. Competitive salary and Scholarship, established last year in WANTED for general repairs, Hartford Road. responsibie person. benefits. Write Box H c/o Boston Turnpike. A film, “Tell Me Romeo, 131 Pine Knob Drive, South WANTED RIDE To and from Fringe benefits. Experience Manchester Herald. Giving memory of the son of the manager of must have experience and How I Can Do It Myself,” will be Windsor. The program “Finding Our Pratt & Whitney, East Hart­ own tools. Starting salary LEGAL SECRETARY to take preferred. Phone 646-1974. Must have vehicle. 23 personal data and informa­ Michaels Jewelry store Software Manager ford, from Broad Street, full charge of office in shown. A slide show about the Place” will be presented by Diana $7.00. All company benefits. hours per week. Start tion so that interview can Torrington. BRISTOL — Karl W. D. Seifert has been promoted to Manchester; second shift. For appointment. Call 688- Manchester. General prac­ PART TIME MATURE programs at the local school also will Hakian. An American Toy Home STOCK be arranged. All informa­ software manager of Management Information Services Please call 649-1246 before 2233. tice, Good typing, shorthand, CLERK Apply in @ 2:30 P.M. be shown. Parents may examine Party will also be held. 2:00 p.m. bookkeeping skills. Able to person to Furniture depart­ tion kept confidential. at Associated Spring — Barnes Group Inc. At^^uapOpporlun^ NURSES AIDES - Full time, work independently. Hours ment, Marlow’s Ine,, 867 Main In his position, he will be responsible for all software WOMAN WOULD LIKE and part time, 7-3 and 11-7. flexible. 64343-5820 or 64643-7135. Street, Manchester. Call Jeanne Two ethnic groups make functions in both the minocomputer and maxicomputer RIDE To Pratt & Whitney Experienced preferred, but Ella^s Office Hours East Hartford, first shift, 7 to we will train. Apply in persn: MACHINE OPERATORS and PART TIME HELP- Female. up the population of Belgi­ operations. 3:30, from comer of London 647-9946 um, the Dutch-speaking East Hartford Convalescent miscellaneous workers Apply within; Tommy's RED LOBSTER HIDITED Seifert joined Barnes Group in September 1977 as and Daley Road, Hebron. needed. Must have some High Pizzeria No, 2, 267 East RESTAURANT HARTFORD — Gov. Ella Grasso will hold public F le in ^ g s in the north and Home, 745 Main Street, East software specialist. He had been software consultant for Willing to pay $10 weekly. Call Hartford. School Education. Must be Center Street, Manchester. evMing office hours Monday at the State Capitol the French-speaking Wal­ B. Pinney. 646-2014, The session will last from five to eight o’clock loons in the South. four years at General Digital Corp., and had served in able to read and speak MACHINIST Now hiring full time several positions at Aetna Life and Casualty during the FULL AND PART TIME for English, and provide own MANCHESTER Insurance ‘"nie evening office hours give our citizens the oppor­ TO BUY SHAKLEE PRODUCTS transportation. No experience Agency Wants experienced waitresses, waiters, previous years. He also was a lecturer at Central Connec­ golf course maintenance and tunity to talk with me and members of my staff about STORE- 699 Main Street, necessary. Please Call Per­ girl. Hours are open. Write to MACHINERY PERSON buspersons, dishwashers, ticut State College in the department of mathematics, snack bar. Apply in person at KnowlMdgsablt in macliina their problems and concerns,” Gov. Grasso said. Manchester. Your store for: Tallwood Country Club, Route sonnel Department at Pioneer Box JJ. c/o Manchester tools who wishot ssio csrstr In day food production BICYCLES computer science. Vitamins, Food Supplements, 85. Hebron. Parachute Company, 644-1581. Herald. US04 mochinsry buslnoss. Work workers, night cooks. Will She usually holds the evening hours the first Monday of CLEBN Proteins, Household Slots of Conn, from Msnehosts^ USED Seifert holds a bachelor’s degree in mathematics from train. No phone calls every month. The hours were rescheduled this month Products, Women’s Skin Care, Offico. Lots of tolsphons work. Washington and Jefferson College, and a master’s degree SCHOOL BUS DRIVERS- NURSES AIDES OPTICIAN- Licensed full or Boms trsvsilng. Must bo hsrd please. Apply between 9 because Rpsh ha-Shanna fell on Oct. 2, the first Monday Make UP, Men’s Toiletries, it experienced, all shifts. Full part time. $7.75 per hour. Call working, psroonoblo, wsll in computer science from Rennselaer Polytechnic Excellent Part Time work. and 6 p.m. 922 Silver Lane, and the observance of Columbus Day fell on Oct. 9. USEDCHIS Personal Care For The Whole We will train. Call time and part time. Bed 527-1164 mornings, Mr. spoksn, knowlsgsbis, with Institute. He also has a diploma in broadcast engineering Family! Phone 646-4800. mochins tools. Csll Los (203) East Hartford. Manchester 643-241, or Vernon m aker p a rt tim e. Own Mastriani. Excellent fringe 649-3171. from the Cleveland Institute of Electronics. He is 875-2826. transportation. Apply in per­ benefits. Equal Opportunity Employer M/F Lutherans Set Fair married and lives in Manchester. son, Silver Lane Pavilon, 51 CiwnR NOTICE TO CREDITORS Apple Gate Lane, east Hart­ PART TIME- No nights. No ESTA TE OF M ILD R ED B. weekends. Long holidays. July ford, between 9-2, Monday MANCHESTER — Emanuel Lutheran Church Women PICKERING, deceased and August off. Many retired thru Friday. Machinists MILLING MACHINE C LER K m PIS T SALES REPAIRS Business Meeting The Hon. WilUam E. FitzGerald. gentlemen and housewives 1st sod 2nd Shifts are sponsoring a Gingham Galleries fair Nov. 4 from 10 Route 83 - 1 Mile North STORRS — One of the largest concentrations of cor­ Judge, of the Court of Probate. a.m. to 3 p.m. in Luther Hali of the church. District of Manchester at a hearing enjoy drivine School Buses. SCHOOL BUS DRIVERS for OPERATOR Immediate openings for Of Vernon Circle. porate buying ever assembled in Connecticut will par­ held on October 2.1978 ordered that all Why not you? We will train. South Windsor. Will train. Tschincsl sehooi a clerk with good typing "There will be a collection of completed articles for the First class. Short run and 872-318» ticipate in a two-day conference titled “ Business Oppor­ claims must be presented to the Call Vernon 875-2826, or Apply 90 Brookfield Street or grsdustss or oquivsisnt skills. Telephone fair Oct. 15, between services in Luther Hall, where fiduciary on or before January 2. 1979 Manchester 643-2414. call 289-5918, after 12 noon. sxpslionco to work ss sll prototype work. No close experience. tunity ’78” this month at the University of Connecticut. or be barred as by law provided. around machinist tolerances. Pleasant someone from the fair committee will be to receive Custom Tailor From Top purchasing officers from 20 major firms are Pearl J. Hultman primsrliy on Brkfgoports. them. If anyone is unable to bring their articles to the Ass t. Clerk Minimum of 3 yssro working conditions and all Apply in person to: scheduled to explain what they buy, who does their The fiduciary is: sipsrisncs. benefits. WESCO INDUSTRIES church, they may call one of the following for home buying and how medium and smaller businesses can sell Muriel Hailwood LEGAL ADVERTISEMENT 33 Trout Stream Road WESCOiNDUSTRiES 80 BMwall Road pickup: Barbara Buus, 872-6989 for the Rockville, Ver­ HONG KONG First Federal Saviiigs...lew rate energy loans their products and services to the giants. Vernon. Conn. 06066 Apply Porsonsll Dopt. 60 Bldwall Road non, Ellington area; Denise Carter, 649-6641, south end of 041*10 TOWN OF BOLTON Gerber Scientific (JES Induatrlal Park) ★ ONq "A" YEAR SAUII ★ The conference will begin at 8:30 a.m. Oct. 24 at the JES Induatrlal Park off Routa 5 Manchester; Valerie Norris, 646-0850, south end; Marilyn [^Hartford, Conn. AUDIT REPORT instrument Co. South WIndaor UConn Bishop Continuing Education Center here. Notice is hereby given that the Audit Report for the Town of SOUTH WINDSOR Bassos, 646-4196, Glastonbury, East Hartford areas; Lin­ a t h o u o Ay in n T ; a Iianri youV^ /qsI lHu a J M Owlwr Rd. South WIndMr EqutI Opportunity Emphyor M M O R O A N e T . The two-day gathering for representatives of business Probate Notice Equal Opportunity tmploftr M/E da McGehan, 644-1939, North Manchester and South Bolton, Connecticut, for the year ending June 30,1978, is now >• m l rnmut m m . Wf for eppolntment oall 849-2400 firms of all sizes is sponsored jointly bv the UConn Office NOTICE TO CREDITORS on file in the office of the Town Clerk and is open for public Windsor; Susie Sigmund, 646-8141, Bolton; Lenore ESTATE OF DANIEL O'BRIEN MR. R. Victor ^ o n e $ of Conferences, Institutes and Administrative Services, ALSO KNOWN AS DANIEL F. inspection. This notice is given in accordance with Sec. 7-394 Henderson, 649-6974, west side of Manchester. AaitSiat_____ II Spirt CMf____(1 U.S. Rep. Christopher J. Dodd and the Smaller Business O'BRIEN, deceased of the General Statutes. Waal WwsM Shmt I I 4MYS The Hon. WilUam E. Fi^Gerald, OCT. Judge, of the Court of Probate. Until Sait. 11.11 Association of New England. Dated at Bolton, Conn., this 6th day of October, 1978. ___ IIS Cniwn THuna to District of Manchester at a hearing SEARS ROEBUCK Via had SaH ..III Awtad____ 12S Registration and fee information may be obtained from held on October 2.1978 ordered that an Catherine K. Leiner Dr. Hay on TV Panel David Kinsman, Office of Conferences, Institutes and Ad­ claims must be presented to the Town Clerk & COMPANY UUsARlBiAvllf AMlsIPM) fiduciary on or before Janua^ 2, 1979 apP^^e a i io /73 u P f a 5 i0 ,o ^ m }e:------1 ministrative Services, Box U-56, University of Connec­ or be barred as by law proviaed. 037-10 Manchester Parkade MANCHECTER — Dr. Lee Hay, president of the Pearl J. Hultman, Ass’t. Clerk ticut, Storrs, Conn. 06268; telephone 486-3531. The fiduciary is; AUTOMOTIVE Manchester Education Association, will serve as a panel ( ^ n e s R. Connelly MECHANIC member for the Connecticut Public Television’s forum on (^ e Financial Plaza Itek Gets Contract Hartford. Conn. 06103 LEGAL NOTICE Part time position, mor­ ^ b lic Education in Connecticut, which airs on Oct. 17 at MIXED BOUQUET ..* 2.79 032*10 ADMISSION OF ELECTORS ning and afternoon hours. 8 p.m. on Channel 24. The emphasis of that forum wili be Insulation, siding, storm windows, heating and cooling units and LEXINGTON, Mass. (UPI) - The Air Force has Notice is hereby given that the Board of Admission of Experience preferred in Proliair INoliee Electors, of the Town of Manchester, will be in session in the on the current equalization issue. This will be one of a other related energy-savings home improvement applications. awarded a $6 million contract for production of radar NOTICE TO CREDITORS one of these areas: series of panels which will deal with prevailing concerns C A 9 H 8 C A R R Y warning equipment to the Applied Technology Division of ESTATE OF ELIZABETH Municipal Building, Town Clerk’s Office on Tuesday, Oc­ Alignment, Tune-ups and FRENCH SIMPSON, deceased tober 17,1978 from 9:00 a.m, to 8:00 p.m., for the purpose of in Connecticut s public education. OPEN Itek Corp., the company Mid Tuesday. The Hon. William E. FitzGerald. Brakes. The World Future Society has also invited Dr. Hay to Judge, of the Court of Probate. admitting all persons who are found to be qualified to be THURS. The equipment, which will be manufactured in the District of Manchester at a hearing Apply Personnel Depart­ T l« P.M. Electors, ment Tuesday, 1-3 p.m. & speak at Its Conference on Education to be held at the FfcslfaierolSovIngs firm’s Sunnyvale, Calif., plant, will be used in the F-16 held on October 2.1978 ordered that all Dated at Manchester this 12th day of October 1978. Jniversity of Houston, Houston, Texas, on Oct 21 Dr St aircraft, the company said. First deliveries are expected claims must be presented to the 6-8 p.m.; Wednesday 19-12 fiduciary on or before January 2. 1979 Board of Admissions noon It 1-3 p.m.; Saturday Hay, whose doctoral dissertation involved teaching EMt HMttoid, ateskMiiury, SoiAh OMonbunr. Mandieeler, Vernon, Rodnee and Soulli Wbtdaor. late in 1979. or be barred as by law provided. 85 E. CENTER ST. Madeline B. Ziebarth. Clerk Irene R. Pisch, SELECTMAN 10-12 noon. methods in the ciassroom of the future, will present as The contract calls for some work to be performed by The fiduccary Is: Chester F. Bycholski, SELECTMAN . Equal Opportunity Employer his topic “Futunzing the Classroom.” f»49-5268; the Nera Division of the Elektrisk Bureau in Bergen, Clifford 0. Simpson Joseph R. Reynolds, SELECTMAN 637 Spring Street Norway. Applied Technology is helping establish an ad­ Manchester. Conn. 06040 EMward Tomkiel, TOWN CLERK vanced microwave production facility at the Nera plant. 03M0 036-10 PAGE TWENTY — MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, Manchester. Conn., Thurs., Oft. 12, 1978 MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD. Manchester. Conn., Thurs.. Oct. 12. 1978— PACJK TWKNTV ••• •••••••9996900000000000000 **9**9«6*«0090*••09******* 23 HomvM For Solo 23 ...... •••••••••••••••••••••(•••a t 13 situation Wanted 15 Hornet For Sale 23 Homes For Sale 23 DREAM JOB! Keep the most HOUSEKEEPER / J T I ^ ^ IF YOU’RE THINKING ABOUT important job of your life as a National Weather Forecast SEAMSTRESS / CAKE 1 housewife and mother. Work 3 DECORATOR- Available hours a day, 3 days a week and Monday, Tuesday, Friday, BUYING OR SEUING A HOME... earn $107.50 per week. Ab- 30 ?4 9:30 to 1:30. Have own transportation. Good solutly no investment, no cor- • eATTlI THINK ABOUT 623-tM?’ ‘l®I*veries. Call references. Write to: P.O. ! or 875-0825. Box 1542, Manchester, Conn. r 06040. QDUBALDO/ Private Instructions IS WANTED Experienced Fuel •AN FNABtCttCO Oil Delivery Man. Apply V . ^ REMEDIAL READING and Fogarty Brothers Inc., 319 LM ANStLit math; individualized work 64M 30S LESPERANCE Broad Street, Manchester. program, llst-8th grade) by master's degree teacher. 568- CLERK / PART TIME- In lOWItl TIM.dAIUIIS 8075. modem, professional phar­ Help Wanted 13 Help Wanted 13 SO macy for patient medicine Lota-Land tor Sale 24 GUITAR, BANJO. Mandolin, Articles >. • Sale p a r t t im e c l e a n in g h e l p WANTED- Plenty of department. Evenings and Lessons: Folk, Blue Grass. some weekends. Retail Help in Manchester area. work. Local Construction ^^^NAW {/ J Popular. Ages 5-adults, WILLINGTON- 3.9 acres of experience needed. Apply in COLONIAL BROWN PLAID Must have own transporta- Company. Variety of job Beginners - professionals. beautiful land. Only $11,900, SOFA & CHAIR- Very good person to Pharmacist, or Miss [ '^ / j SWOWERS ' tion. Call 646-5858. openings. Phone 646-5033. m V " Easy Banjo method. FREE COVENTRY- 2 acres with condition. $175. Wicker Baby Asvestas, Liggett Parkade UPIWEA1HIA FOTOCASY C loan instrument. Private beautiful view, $15,000. Carriage, best offer. 649-4354. body & FENDER MAN For Pharmacy, Parkade Shopping studio. 646-6557. Lessenger Sells, 646-8713. SHOW OFF YOUR TALENT Center, 404 West Middle Turn- ______large Truck Fleet. Will train & SKILLS-While developing SEASONED FIREWOOD- oualified man. Steady work, pike. For period ending 7 a.m. EST Friday. Thursday night will v in i i n ip«nn« Business Property 2 6 new abilities. Be a CPTV —------find rain or showers over parts of the Ohio-Tennessee Valley Hartford exoerienced Cut, split and delivered. $50 a and good benefits. 649-4523. AUCTION VOLUNTEER. truck load. Call Marlborough, Call 278-5310, or write CPTV MACHINE OPERATORS- and lower Florida, while generally fair weather prevails teacher. All styles all Ages MANCHESTER- Retail, 295-0034, or 295-0250. experienced t r u c k Auction, 24 Summit Street, Experience preferred but not elsewhere. Minimum temperatures include: (approx, max. $6 00 per lesson M9-4284 storage, and/or manufac­ MECHANIC- For Diesel Fleet Hartford, 06106. necesMry to operate small readings in parenthesis) Atlanta 55 (75), Boston 52 ( 68), —------^ ^ ----- turing space. 2,000 sq. ft, to CRIB, HIGH CHAIR & 2 End work. Mack experience help­ T n 'll i’’®" Chicago 42 ( 57), Cleveland 51 (62), Dallas 61 (80), Denver 33 RIDING LESSONS indoor 100,000 sq. ft. Very Tables. Good condition. ful. Steady work and good TYPIST- Transcription, rlTcnn pnV, O p ^ (64), Duluth 23 ( 39), Houstoo 61 (82), Jacksooville 63 ( 83), riding ring. Western stock reasonable. Brokers Reasonable. Call 649-0560 benefits. 649-4523. diversified clerical duties. ^ d ? nm ?n T n TAW Kansas City 45 (62), Little Rock 59 ( 74), Los Angeles 64 ( 83), seat, saddle seat and hun protected. Call Heyman anytime. I T O P Demonstrated typing speed of M A N U & U R IN rC O M “ ^4 (86), Minneapolis 37 ( 48). New Orleans 65 ( 82), seat. All levels 228-9817. Properties, 1-226-1206, BOOKKEEPER- Additional 60 wpm. Excellent fringe Eastern Blvd., Glastonbury, New York 54 ( 69). Phoenix 69 (98), San Francisco 53 (72), Instructions USED BEAVER COAT & bookkeeper needed by benefits, including free 6334631. Seattle 46 ( 63), St. Louis 44 (67), Washington 57 (76). Former faculty Reel Eetete Wanted 28 HAT in good condition. Manchester retail establish­ parking^^ Minimum of $150 per Displayed at Canadian Furs, ment. Experienced thru week. For application and ap­ F X P F R iP N P irn n i l r ...... 2"'^ Art High School. ALL CASH For your property, Pratt Street, Hartford. HEM general ledger and quarterly TiMP n . J ”^^'P r P. Professional Singer/Pianist. Telepheone 522-7976. pointment, call 525-9311. Conn. 1IME Bridgeport machine ...... 644-8597 within 24 hours. Avoid Red payroll taxes. Excellent Housing Finance Authority operator wanted in a non-' ...... Tape, Instant Service. Hayes Wking conditions and fringe 190 Trumbull Street, Hart­ Corporation, 646-0131. WRINGER TYPE WASHING benefits. Please mail resume ford, Ct. 06103. CHFA is an f e ^ w a ? E ls ”&aJe"'M!?32^: Hefp Wanted 13 Help Wanted 13 Schoole-Claas; 19 MACHINE- Knitted and BEFORE THEY to Box MM, M anchester Equal Opportunity Employer. SELLING your house? Call us crochet hats and glove sets, Herald. rnNr-RPTP i AonDc-nc T SE C R E T A R Y / PART TIME Early morning FOR THE BEST - Manchester first and we ll make you a slippers and crochet pillows, SUPERVISOR. Busy medical c le a n in g . F lo o r c a r e . Gymnastic School. 3 to 5 cash offer! T.J. Crockett, plus other knitted items. practice in Manchester needs experience preferred. Must pupils per teacher. FREE in- Realtor, 643-1577. Reasonable. 228-3547. a take charge person who have own transnortation. Call trodctory lesson with this ad. S T fllT niD t cm . u 1 likes meeting the public, is a 232-0332. Call 646-6306, or 646-3549. IMMEDIATE Cash for your OAK KITCHEN TABLE with LUBRICATION MAN I ; ''®'? good typist and accurate with ------property. Let us explain our 4 chairs. Call 649-5875. By ap­ pointment only. * Art jrou willing to work? Oponing for ' figured 5-day week, 8:30 am S E R V IC E STA TIO N ...... fair proposal. Call Mr. till 5:30 pm. Salary commen- MECHANIC WANTED-Part quollflod man with opportunity for advanco- Belfiore, 647-1413. S e r ItrM t IVUnc^eTter^^® surate with experience. Reply or full time. Only those with □ REAL ESTATE mont Good working condHiona and fringa c-enter atreet, Mancnester. should include business and good references n e ^ apply, MAY WE BUY your home? TAG SALES bonofita. gjORlST ASSISTANT A H„.)d ...... Quick, fair, all cash and no Apply In Poraon — 3arv/ca Dapt problem.iroblem. Call Warren E. Howland. Realtors. 643-1108. OCTOBER 13th and 14th, 10 DILLON SALES & SERVICE p h a FTSMAN. P.„ MANCHESTER-II,M. I am-5 pm. 101 Glenwood S S If .! S 1h|S: Household Goods 40 Street, Manchester. Many 319 MAIN STREET clean household and baby MANCHESTER F a siL n " assembly, frabrication and SMALL ENGINE Service Eat in kitchen. Full basement. REFRIGERATORS items, toys. 7x10' metal shed, Street M ancL^er^ Center industrial heat C orporation - expanding l^^oeMent condition! $56,^. Washers, and ranges, used, new shades, 27 1/2". ’ ‘ treating furnaces. Experience d e a le r n e tw o rk . No Hayes Corporation, 646- guaranteed and clean. New preferred. Call Nancy, 289- e x p e rie n c e n e c e s s a ry . shipment damaged, G.E. and TAG SALE baby items, plum­ I*! 1588 for appointment. Complete training program. Frigidaire. Low prices. B.D. bing supplies, car parts. 72 PLAY I ------$500. investment requir^ to MANCHESTER - Attractive Pearl and Son, 649 Main Oak Street. Saturday and Sun­ 1 I DRAFTSMEN- Mechanical start your own business. Ideal 9-room expanded Cape, 4 Street, 643-2171. day. 9-dusk. OCTOBER “ WANT AD’’ SPf ■ ^ " b a c k g r o u n d . L ay o u t for retired or part time, bedrooms, dining room, fami- i assembly, fabrication and Details on request. Mr. room and den, eat-in LOVE SEAT - Like new condi­ TAG SALE- Saturday October OFFER EXPIRES OCT. Gist, 1978 I drawing for industrial heat B a rk e r. ESCAA F ie ld kitchen. I’z baths, wall-to- tion, orange background with I4th., 10 a.m. Corner of West I treatm ent furnaces. Training Division, Box 19, wall carpeting, garage. Prin- white floral print. Call after 4 Center and”Foley Street. Reel I Experienced preferred. Good Wading River, New York, cipals only, $59,500. 646-1542. p.m., 646-1168. Mower, glass shelving, books, household, and miscellaneous. ------MANCHE^TER-I,,n..c.l... KENMORE GAS STOVE. " A ■ B l growing company. Excellent MANCHESTER Package 6 room Cape. 3 bedrooms.Double oven, coppertone, very TAG SALE- Saturday October Benefits. Call Nancy, 2^1588, store. Excellent location. Well dining room, 2 full baths, good condition. $75,00. Phone 14th. Books, 8 tracks, records, for appointment, or send established business. Call finished rec-room, wall to 528-7392. etc. 10 a m. to 4 p.m. 13 resume to: Industronics, Inc., Marion E. Robertson, wall carpeting, garage. Brainard Place, across from « 4 489 Sullivan Avenue, SouthRealtor, 643-5953. beautiful landscaped lot, large GE CHEST FREEZER- 800 the Manchester Herald. r Windsor, Conn. 06074...... beck, pool near Verplank. pounds capacity, $100. Call r M W g ------situation Wanted 15 Principals only. $57,900. 646- 466-1765. MONSTER TAG SALE- ■ EARN MONEY NOW. Take ------3821. Saturday & Sunday October 14 I orders for costume jewelry. RESPONSIBLE Mother will ^ & 15,10 thru 6. 22 West Center Y o u S a v e ■ Call Lisa Co. For free catalog care for children in my home. OLAS1OINBUKY- Stunning Street, Manchester. Entire SAFE ■ call toll free 800431-1258. Call 646-1076. 5 to 8 p.m. only, custom built R anch, 3- □ MISC. FOR SALE library of old and new books, g bedroom, rec-room. tamily- ■ • .'—" “ **-»»-»*»*»*»*-‘ -‘******...... room, 2 fireplaces, luxurous VW engine and parts, Articles lor Sale 41 mimiograph machine, 10 carpeting, garage. Bueatiful. speed, new cross country $69,900. Fireside Realty Inc. skiis, sword, cameras, flute, 643-8030. ALUMINUM sheets used as printing plates, .007 thick art, food, records, clothes, 23x32", 25 cents each or 5 for furniture, curios, and special MANCHESTER- 8 Rooms. $1. Phone 643-2711. May be items. Raised Ranch. Move - in con­ picked up A M. only. Commercial and Non-Commercial dition. Many extras! $63,000. TAG SALE- 65 Ansaldi Road, Edwards Realty, 644-9000. TWO 300 AMP Rectifiers - Saturday, 10 am to 4 pm. Good condition. Good for Sewing machine, refrigerator, FIRE PREVENTION WEEK BOLTON- Brand new 9 room plating, or welding. Call 649- chairs, lamps, toys, ■’4” bike A d Hurry! Mall or Bring Your Tottayl Cape, large rooms. 2 1/2 3439 from noon til 6:00 p.m. and miscellaneous. baths, 4-bedrooms, 2 car gar­ age. $89,000. Lessenger Sell. MOLDED FORMICA top and TAG SALE- 49 South MANCHEVTEREVEmNGVERALD ...... 646-8713. paneled bar with two shelves Hawthorn Street, P.O. BOX 591 and four stools. $175. 646-6028. Manchester. Saturday, 10 to 4. MANSFIELD- Gorgeous Household goods (new and MANCHESTER, CONN. 06040 CUniHEO Ranch plus 2 large green DARK LOAM Delivered - 5 old) and car parts. houses on well traveled A D V O m S IlN yards, $34. plus tax. Also sand, highway. $43,900. Lessenger gravel and more stone 643- TAG SALE- Saturday 10 to 4. Dssr Sirs: Sells. 646-8713. 9504. 107 Graham Road, East Hart­ OCT. 8-14 ford. Baby furniture, TOLLAND- 7 room Colonial. 1 PIssse run the following ad for 4 days at the special WASHER - and like new household items, toys, very 1/2 baths, first floor family good condition. money-saving rate of '4.001 room, 2-car attached garage. dryer. Pool table, coffee * W Acre lot. $62,700. Lessenger table, lamps. Telephone 569- Practice prevention and make it a daily routine. Fire related tragedies can be avoided when you are alerted to the CHECK ENCLOSED „ CASH ENCLOSED ★ 4- 3547. MANY MISCELLANEOUS Sells, 646-8713. household items, contents of It's an innovation that allows you to STAR your 14-FOOT HILLTOP Trailer estate. 21 Seaman Circle, electrical wiring regularly. classified ad for extra attention value. Simply COLUMBIA- over sized 7 $150. Outboard motor 40 horse Manchester. Saturday Oc­ (i» (2) (3) («) (S) tell your ADVISOR that you want your ad room Ranch. 4-bedroom, den Evenrude $250. Mobilehome tober 14th. Rain Date Sunday Do not srnoke in bed. Outside: Ke®pstorag®ar®asfr®® from clutter...gasollne and other "fiamables” properly con­ fireplaced living room. $45,- October 15th. 10 am to 4 pm. STARRED. The only additional charge is for the 900. Lessenger Sells, 646-8713. 45x10 with furniture in cam­ Prevention is Protection. space the STAR occupies. There are two ping ground $4,000, Call 525- tained and handled with caution. Remember: Avoid the grave consequences. 7100. TAG SALE- Clothes, toys, different sizes of STARS you can use. Try it the miscellaneous. Inside / out­ (•) 01 (!) (1) (10) next time you have a really important message BELT MASSAGER 1'4 hp, side. Saturday October 14th., 9 to sell. PRIM PORTER STREET $50. Call 649-0453 after 4:00 to 4. 528 Wetherell Street, THIS AD IS SPONSORED AS A PUDLIC SERVICE DY THE FOLLOWING CIVIC MINDED DUSINESSES: AREA. 8-Room Dutch p.m. Manchester. -Your Choice Colonial. Large front to back o n (12) (13) (1<) (IS) living room with fireplace, 1./2 PRICE ON GUITARS and TAG SALE- October 14th., 8 TED CUMMINGS INSURANCE AGENCY SHADY GLEN DAIRY SI ORES, Inc. Lirgs 24 i S m r 4 2 ^ formal dining room, den, etc. Rivers Music, 7 Main a m to 3:30 p.m. 230 W.G. GLENNEY COMPANY 840 East Middio Tpko., A 360 West Middio Tpke. kitchen with new breakfast Street, New Britain, 225-1977 Greatswamp Road, Glaston­ 364 West Middio Tpke., iMonciwster Point Star n Point Star ^ bury, off Hillstown Road. ■ 336 North Main Stroot, Manchastor Manchostor 75' per day *1.50 per day room (walk in bay window), 3- We buy, sell, trade. ALLIED PRDTECTIVE ALARM, Inc. (19) (20) bedrooms, 1 1/2 baths, ERA DUBALDO/LESPERANCE 111) (17) (11) (Plus regular word ad rate) SMALL REFRIGERATOR, “Total Burglar & Fire Alarm Protection” CAVEY’S RESTAURANT & LOUNGE finished family room on lower REPOSSESSED Electrolux Real Estate - Insurance level, large (12x18) screened Vacuum Cleaner- Substantial stroller, high chair, chord iWonciiostor, Conn. 45 East Cantor Stroot, Manchester organs, old rockers (need 457 Center Stroot, Manchostor SORRY! NO PHONE ORDERS. NO REFUNDS. porch, private lot. $66,500. 646- Savings! Original Warrantee. ORLANDO ANNULLI & SONS, Inc. Ad ovtr 20 word, — R,gul«r Pric, 0154. Principals only. Call 646-3875. work) many other articles. 21 THE MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD Laurwood Drive, Bolton. OPTICAL STYLE BAR . 147 Halo Road, Manchostor “A Family Newspaper Since 1881” HIUI H c r a lJt VERNON- Attractive 3 55 GALLON DRUMS - $4.00 Follow signs from Carter Manchostor / Mansfioid / Hartford Street. October 14-15, 10-5. Horoid Squoro, Monciioster MINIT-MAN PRINTING CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING bedroom Ranch, fireplaced each - For sale at Manchester B. & B. OIL COMPANY living room, panelled rec- Honda, 24 Adams Street. RDRERT J . SMITH, Inc. 423 Cantor Stroot A 811 Main Stroot MOKESS...... cny...... IM(...... zipcodt. TAG SALE- Household and “The Oil Company That Saves You Money” room, attached 2 car garage. ^*In$urttnsmith$ Sincer 1914*' Manchastor miMEIIO...... CUSSIFtCLTIOII...... Call Arthur Shorts, 646-3233. J, SINGER SEWING Christmas items, tools, car 315 Broad St., Manchostor 649-2947 MACHINE- Antique Cider parts and tires. 82 Bissell 963 Main Streat, Manchaatar W. H. ENGLAND LUMBER COMPANY 643-2711 Watson Beach Co., Edward F. Boland / r . . Pres, OFFER EXPIRES OCT. sial. 1976 Manchester Office, 647-9139. Presser. Like new, small. Call Street, Mancheter. October HERITAGE SAVINGS & LDAN ASSDCIATIDN W. J . IRISH INSURANCE AGENCY Route 44A, Bolton Notch Equal Housing Opportunity. 649-2507 anytime. 14th. 9 to 5. 1007 Main Stroot, Monchostor SHERWIN-WILLIAMS DECORATING CENTER ^ “Service You Can Trust” JOHN H. LAPPEN, Inc. 315 East Center Stroot, Manchostor 646-6050 981 Main Stroot, Manchostor 164 East Center Stroot, Monctwetor MANCHESTER ICE & FUEL, Inc. J. GARMAN, CLOTHIER FITZGERALD FUNERAL HOME 51 Blssoii Stroot, Manchoator 887 Main Stroot, Downtown Manchostor 2B5 Main Stroot, Manchoator ROYAL ICE CREAM COMPANY REGAL MUFFLER CENTER STAN BYSIEWICZ INSURANCE AGENCY “Manufacturers of OrfitelU’s Spumoni” 369 Main Stroot, Manchostor 357 Eaat Cantor Stroot, Manchester zr Warren Stroot, MatKhostor MANCHESTER HONDA CARS & MOTOCYCLES MANCHESTER FIRE EXTINGUISHER CO., Inc. CORRENTI & URBANEHI INSURANCE AGENCY “Sales & Service” 6 Duvai Stroot, Manchoator 47 Cottage Stroot, Manchoihor 24-30 Adams Stroot, Manchostor TOMORROW IS THE DAY! LA BONNE JONES-MULVIHILL, Inc. PIONEER PARACHUTE COMPANY J . A. WHITE GLASS CO., Inc. 155 Main Stroot, Manchoator Hate Road, Manchastor 31 Biasall Stroot, Manchostor Place a classified ad tomorrow and save money! AL SIEFFERrS APPLIANCES, TV-AUDIO T. P. AITKEN, Inc. HOLMES / WATKINS FUNERAL HOMES 445 Hartford Road, Manchoator 27 Tolland Tpka., Manchostor Howard L Hoimos Norman M. Holmes Arthur G. Hoimos Howard M. Hoimos ‘ NORTHWAY REXALL PHARMACY GENE MECHAUD Directors 230 North Main Stroot, Manchoator “Fire Damage Specialist” 31 Madison Avonuo, Hartford 236-2323 PENTLAND THE FLORIST 6 days for the price of LEONARD 0. RIVARD INSURANCE AGENCY E. A. JOHNSON PAINT COMPANY “Floral Service For Over SO Years” 357 East Center Street, Manchoator 24 Birch Stroot, Manchostor Call tomorrow, Friday the 13th, from LYNCH TOYOTA-PONTIAC 723 Main Stroot, Manchostor MANCHESTER DRUG 345 Center Stroot, Manchoator ' PARK HILL JOYCE FLORIST, Inc. 717 Main Stroot, Manchostor 8:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. to place your MORIARTY BROTHERS “Flowers For Every Occasion” PHONE 643-2711 36 Oak Stroot, Manchostor HARTFORD NATIONAL BANK & TRUST COMPANY ad. FOR ASSISTANCE IN PLACING YOUR AD **Over 40 Yeart Of Dependable Service" First Manchostor OfHca Non-commercial Advertisers Only! CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING 316 Cantar Straat, Manchaatar CAPITOL EQUIPMENT CO., Inc. 595 Main Street, Manchostor JOHNSON INSURANCE AGENCY, Inc. “We Service What We Sell” PRESTIGE PRINTING, Inc. 38 Main Street, Manchostor 74 East Cantor Stroot, Manchoator 135 Main Street, Manchostor PAGE TWENTY-TWO - MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD. ManchP.tPr fv.nn Th...... Oct. Vi ID7J1

Frank and Emeat I..... MANCHESTERJv e n in g h e r a l d Poanuta - Charlaa M. Schulz Conn., ’Thurs., Oct. 12, 1 9 7 8 - PAGE TWENTY-THREE

X UU5T CALUfiD ACROSS 3 Sorer Answer to Previous Puzzle 4 Nickel Dear Abby [BiDORAlUlHATAKE THAT BLANKET BEL0N6S I'M NOT ME t Speedily Ic o L D c 0 L 8 lAloRfCAHOLl&5 f rw S F F ' 5 Conclusion Ic z A R 0 P A L IVOU DOING U;iTH SAVE 6 Constelletion 6 French author TOMYSItlEETBABBOO, KNOUbMAT 12 M inliter'i es- Ic 0 L A Q I B E m e i 8ABBOOH liT T O 7 Of the mouth AISIONYMOU5, B u t 5 By Abigail Van Buren JHAT BLANKET? sistent N 0 Q 0 N O D ,ME IUASD0IN6i 8 Revoke at 13 Urine duct [7 E S E E R 8 cards rnSR^S No ONE I 14 Tropicel flower 9 Broke bread to Osgree (abbr.) is Horsemenihlp Serv/caf O ffered 31 Services Offered ON DUTY,... I I t Bauxite 31 Painting-Papering 32 RoolIng-SIdIng-ChImnay 34 school 12 Points 16 Hookup(2 op COURSE. ^ DEAR A BBY: I’m a mature 15-year-old girl who struck up 17 Australian an|. QUALITY CARPENTRY By PAINTING - Interior and Wds.) m il LEON CIESZYNSKl Builder - a friendship with a 29-year-old guy I ’ll call Lee. He works at 17 Herdy Harp Construction Additions, exterior, paperhanging, New homes custom built 19 Ring d D u D roofing^, siding decks and gar­ lo - iL a gasoline sU tion near my girlfriend’s house. I found him cebbege REPAIRS excellent work References. remodeled, additions, rec 21 Bear |Lat.| □ E lO C I P iT ages. Call anytime, 643-5001. interesting to talk to. Then he started confiding his troubles 18 Dry Free estimates. Fully in­ rooms, garage, kitchens 22 Presence While You Wait to me. The poor guy has really had a messed-up life. He had 19 Dence step 39 Make equal 48 Hunter’s sured, Martin Matson, 649- remodeled, beth tile, cement •••••••••••••••••••••••••• Priicilla’t Pop - Ed Sullivan 23 Stool to got married when he was 18, then his wife left him for 20 Rosins 41 Place CARPET INSTALLATION - 4431. work. Steps, dormers, Dogs-BIrds-Pets 43 Apartments For Rent 53 Wanted to Rent 57 24 Nothing (Fr.) 25 Missile type shelter STORM WINDOWS another guy. He says he doesn't love her anymore, but he 43 The most Stair Shifts. Repairs. Carpets, residential or commercial. IF I HAPNT SaiAVBLEP "•I NEVER WOULP'VE ^ ILL BET CIGAR OF COURSE, I STILL ^ 26 Uncenny (abbr.j 49 Exclamation misses his son. I (eel so sorry for him. (prefix) And Screens Steam Cleaning. Free es­ QUALITY PAINTING and Call 649-4291. DOG-CAT boarding bathing / COUPLE WITH One child Colorful Topper A4ANUFACTURERS 27 Cut heir 26 Home of LOOKING for anything in real WHILE I WAS CLEAN­ PISCOVEREP THIS ^ HA'VE A FEW BUGS 44 Smell of disgust timates. Call 649-6265. Paper Hanging by Willis grooming. Obedience, protec­ needs 5 or 6 room duplex or He says I ’ve done him so much good just letting him cry 30 Expressed Ire Adam estate rental - apartments, ING THE FURNACE REVOLUTIONARV ^ WILL SNAP IT , TO WORKOUT.' Intestine Sava Monay S Schultz. Fully insured RoofIng-SIdIng-ChImney 34 tion classes. Complete homes, multiple dwellings, no house. Reasonable. 649-8952. on my shoulder. He kissed me once and held me real tight, NEW FILTER SS^STEM.' UP IN A MINUTE.'',’ 32 V eit expense 27 Ray 5 0 ______Tse- Enaray - Install EXPERT PAINTING and references, 649-4343. modern facilities. Canine fees. Call J.D. Real Estate and it felt so good I nearly fainted. He even said he thought 33 Personsllty 28 Leer 45 Fixed period tung Our Tlghl Storm LANDSCAPING -Specialize, BIDWELL Home Improve­ Holiday Inne. 200 Sheldon Associates, Inc. 646-1980. MARRIED COUPLE with dog he could love me, then he started calling me up at home. If r 34 Reprehension 29 Wobbles 35 Industrious of time St Sandwich WIndowa Exterior House Painting. SPRAY, BRUSH, ROLL- ment Co. Expert installation Road. Slanchester. For reser­ wish to rent small house or my mother knew his background she’d have a fit. (I told her 31 Australian cresture 47 One-blllionth type (abbr.) Free Eettmetee Tree pruning, spraying, Wallpapering. Interior / vations please call 64^5971. apartment. 289-2473. it was some guy from school.) I hate lying to Mom. I’m all birds of aluminum siding gutters MANCHESTER- MAIN 36 Music buff’s mowing, weeding. Calf 742- Exterior. Commercial & and trims. Roofing installa­ STREET- 2 room apartment, mixed up and know I shouldn’t see Lee anymore, but I hate 37 Loan shark (prefix) 52 Auxiliary verb GHANA 7947, Residential. Painting by purchese tion and repairs 649-6495 871- 2 A D ORA BLE K ITTEN S- heated, hot water, appliances, PROFESSIONAL PERSON to hurt his feelings. Please tell me what to do. 38 Norse letter 1 2 3 4 experts! 15 years experience! 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 ENTERPRISES 2323.______Free to good home. Call 649- no j^ts, parking, security. 523- with dog desires rental, 40 Army meal HEAVY OR LIGHT M IXED UP IN LONGVIEW, WASH. 1316 Hartford Road 649-4824. 6574, anytime. Manchester / East Hartford. 9 41 Urgent 12 13 TRUCKING, Cellars, attics SPECIALIZING cleaning and Manchostor Call 643-8310, after 8 p.m. DEAR MIXED UP: Stay away from Lee. A 29-year-dd wireless 14 and yards cleaned, also stone, Building Contracting 33 repairng cimneys, roof, new 45 FOUR ROOM APARTMENT signal 15 I M onday thru Boats-Accessorles man who womU kisi a 15-year-old girl and anggeat that he loam or sand delivered, 644- roofs. Free estimates. 30 - 426 Broad St. $155. Swurlty 42 Forego 16 17 Satu rd ay 1775 or 644-9532. coaid love her ia bad news. And never have anything to do WES ROBBINS carpentry years Experience. Howley, 1974 FURY - 16'A-foot deposit. No appliances. 46 Biblical ■ 643-5361. MIsc. for Rent 58 with t follow yon can't bring home and introdnee to yonr 18 remodeling specialist. Ad­ fiberglass, tilt trailer, with Marrie couple. No pets. preposition zo 21 22 23 TILE- Remodel your Bath, parenU. 48 Sheer fabric 1 ■ ■ ditions, rec rooms, dormers, 1975 55-horsepower outboard Telephone 643-4751. Shower, Tub Area, and built-ins, bathrooms, ROOFER WILL Install roof, GARAGE- Edward Street. 49 Shadows 3. Chevy engine. 2 tanks, $2,500. Call after 1 pm. 568-8765. Captain Easy — Cr^ks & Lawrence Ceramic Tile Floors. Call 871- kitchens, 649-3446. siding or gutters for low dis­ 149 OAKLAND STR EET- 3 DEAR ABBY: My son is being married soon. Two years (Let.) 27 28 z , 30 31 Also 50 horse Johnson out­ Storage and etc. 52 Oven 33 9457, 9 to 5. count price. Call Ken at 647- room heated apartment. ago, his father and I were divorced, and my ex is now 1 1 c m TREE SERVICE - Free board, $300. 228-0475 or 228- WHY POW'T YA WHILE ARE THOSE 53 Chief ore of 33 CUSTOM Carpentry - homes, 1566. 9550. Security, $145 monthly. Ideal married to the woman with whom he had been playing SUDINS DOORS 36 estimates, discount senior FALL CLEAN UPS- Fer­ CALL V0LTAT.6ET HIV) OUTSIDE lead 1 1 Additioms, Repairs, Cabinets. for one person. Call 646-2426,9 Autos For Sate 61 around for the last five years. TTAKE THE STUFF OFF LOCKED? citizens. Company tilizing. Snow plowing, 54 Sinus cavity 36 37 3, 3. Call Gary Cushing 345-2009. Garden Products 4 7 YER HANDS- HE'S ■ Manchester-owned and residential and commercial. ‘0 5' Under the circumstances, I feel that my husband's new 55 Kind of 40 operated. Call 646-1327. 1974 MUSTANG GHIA - 4- wife does not belong at our son's wedding. KUNNIN' THE automobile 43 44 45 Reasonable, reliable. 647-9260. TIMOTHY J. CONNELLY RESPON SIBLE FEM ALE to speed, 6 cylinder, 4 new b u s in e s s : ■ ■ ROOFING / GUTTERS- BOTTI FRUIT FARM - Fresh My son and his fiancee feel that since his father has 56 Emit vapor 46 47 .. B&M TREE SERVICE. Carpentry and general con­ share apartment with same. radials, (2 snows), excellent DRAPERIES CUSTOM Reasonable rates$ Free es­ Sweet Apple Cider, Apples, & married this little homewrecker, she should attend the wed­ Complete tree care, Free es­ tracting. Residential and Large bklroom. 647-9988. condition 2284)475 or 228-9550. 49 50 51 MADE - Very reasonable. timates. Experienced. Quality Pears. 260 Bush Hifl Road, ding. 52 timates. Senior Citizen commercial. Whether it be a Manchester. DOWN Work guaranteed. Call workmanship! All 643-6658 I am considering asking them to make a choice. If they S Discount. Call 643-7285. small repair job, a custom FEMALE ROOMMATE 1969 VW BUG - Very good con­ 3 54 anytime, 649-4266. anytime. want me at that wedding, father’s wife can stay home. If built home or anything in COW MANURE- $8 and $16 wanted to share apartment in dition. $800. Call 646-1311, t Eagle's nest 55 56 REWEAVING burns, holes. between, call 646-1379. Manchester or East Hartford. after 5 p.m. they want h e r, I'll stay home. What is your opinion? 2 Gaited horse HANDYMAN - Need work TRACY BROTHERS - loads. Gardens plowed or 11 Zippers, umbrellas repair^, 643-5339 until 7 pm. BITTER IN BALTIMORE done around the home? Please troofing. Flat Roof, Hot Tar, Roto Tilled. Call 649-8731 after (NEWSPAPER ENTERPRISE ASSN) NEWTON SMITH- A’TTENTION- Come see our Winow shades, Venetian call 568-6356, after 5:00 p.m. Gravel, Built-Up Roofing. 6 p.m. Remodeling, Repairs, and 3 1/2 ROOM amrtment. Plea­ blinds. Keys. TV FOR RENT. Commercial & Residential, great selection of quality DEAR BITTER: U It's common knowledge, end not ju t Marlow’s, 867 ain St. 649-5221. Rec-Rooms. No job to small. sant, quiet. Private home. preowned autos. Completely SHEETROCK WORK - Free Estim ates. 872-6269. A n tiq u e s 48 C rock yonr npialM, thnt Uther't wife ie a homewrecker, obe T 649-3144. Single, working, adult only. reconditioned at Manchester Carpentry. Celling Repaired deksnt belong at yonr ooa'o wedding. But don't puniih the ODD JO BS Done - Cellars, at­ No children, pets. 643-2880. Honda. Connecticut’s largest SMALL and Painted. Free estimates. HEARTHSIDE CHIMNEY OLD SINGER PORTABLE - yenag eaaple by forcing them to choooe between yonr Win at bridge tics, garages,yards cleaned, CARPENTRY & Masonry - most complete Honda demer. John McHugh, 643-6130, mor­ CLEANING- Free Estimates, Sewing machine, 3 MEDIUM presence e ^ hers. Allay Oop — Dave Qraua moving, truckng. Loam for Additions and remodeling. Phonographs (Very old). Oil 24 Adams Street, Manchester. LARGE nings or after 6 p.m. Free estimates. Call Anthony Fully Insured. Senior Citizens Go, aad be a lady. U father’s wife insioto on attending, it ia sale. Lawn service. No job too Discount! Call Jam es 646- Painting over 200 years old, she whe may have difficulty holding her head Ugh. HBY, LOOKi m s A BUNCH C . POMAN WATCHA , IT L O O S LIKE played four rounds of big or small. 568-8522. Squillacote 649-0811. 1969 FORD MUSTANG NORTH HOUSEWORK got you down? 3502, soda bottles from the year HUhnERS.-AN' THEYISE RtPlN' S______T V S ETHAT -^ ISOME tONDOF r r s CAR12YINSI trumps while discarding two POSSIBLY THE FINEST 2 Convertible- Excellent run­ ♦ Q4 General cleaning, steam ******•••••••••••••••••••• flood, plus much more! K9^ ON 60METHINS THINS ISTycCACH.'SKY, PRINCE THUM, hearts from dummy. Then COMPLETE CARPET & Tile CARPENTRY - Repairs, bedroom apartment in ning condition. V-8, D EA R A BBY: The public school my children attend has M3U PONT ♦ K96S3 extraction carpet cleaning, Heating-Plumbing 35 0804. 5700 he led a low diamond. This installation and repairs. Free remodeling, additions, gar­ Manchester! Wall to wall automatic, power steering. just built a swimming pool. The boys have certain hours to SUPF06E. ♦ 73 floor waxing & stripping, win­ give up of a trick developed estimates. Call at, at 646-3745, ages, roofing, call David carpeting, central vacuum. Classic. $1800. or best offer. Easy-crochet granny swim and so do the girls, and they are going to have regular ♦ I?Q 7 3 dow cleaning, carpet & up- SEWERLINES, sink lines, WANTED. Antique furniture, squares make a colorful a squeeze for the balance. after 5 p.m. Patrla, 644-1796. Central air, in ground pool, 1974 Ford Mustang II. swimming classes. holstrey shampooing. cleaned with electric cutters, glass, pewter, oil paintings or vest to top your skirts WEST EAST He simply won the heart dishwasher, garage, stove, Hatchback, Mach I. V-6. The boys have just been told that they are expected to Professional/Insured. Free by professionals. McKinney other antique items. R. refrigerator. Utilities in­ 'and pants. ♦ 93 ♦ 8 7 5 2 return in his own hand; ED ’S LIGHT TRUCKING- At­ FARRAND REMODELING - Harrison, 643-809. Power steering. Excellent swim in the rawl I don't know what the other boys thought Estimates. Call Bros. Sewage Disposal Com­ cluded. $350 monthly. Call No. 5700 has crochet ♦ J742 ♦ Q 10 cashed the ace of diamonds tics and cellars cleaned. Specializing Cahinets and For­ condition. $2400, or best offer. directions for Sizes DOMESTICARE at 643-1945. pany, 643-5308. Em m et, 646-3113. of this, but my son didn't care for the idea as he isn't com­ ♦ K J5 ♦ Q 10 8 4 and his last trump. Reasonable rates. Call 646- mica Tops, Roofing, Gutters, 643-9438, after 4. Small, Medium and Wanted to Buy 49 fortable when he’s nude with other boys. He didn't say ♦ J854 ♦ A 9 6 That play of the last trump 1943 for free estimate. Room Additions, Decks, Large (10-20) inclusive. r BOOKKEEPING Taxes Done NO JO B TOO Small - Toilet anything to the coach because he didn't want to be ridiculed. squeez^ West. He had to Repairs. Phone 643-6017. B O L T O N - A p a r tm e n t, 1967 OLDSMOBILE Converti­ TO OODM, tMd $1.00 far aaek SOUTH for small businesses and in­ repairs, plugged drains, BASEBALL CARDS and fireplace, sundeck, carpeting, •atten fin 2S0 far paitqi no I think whether the boys should swim with or without ♦ AKJ106 unguard either the jack of BRICK, Block, Stone. related baseball memorabilia ble - Good condition. Best kandltaif. dividual corporations, on kitchen faucet replaced, no ^ ts. References required. swim suits should have been decided by the parents since ♦ A S clubs or jack of hearts. His Fireplaces, concrete. (yearbooks, programs, offer. Call 646-5858, monthly basis. Please reply to FIRST CLASS Carpentry - repaired, rec rooms, $245 monthly, 643-5983. ANNE CABOT this is a public school paid for by our taxes. I would like your ♦ A962 selection was the jack of Chimney repairs. No job too photos, buttons). 1800^ to pre­ Manchoofor HoraM Box L, c/o Manchester Remodeling and Additions. bathroom remodeling, heat opinion. My son is an average 14-year-old lad. Thank you. lO-lX _ 10 2 clubs whereupon Malcolm small. Save! Call 644-8356 for sent. I also want silver. Call 1975 CHEVROLET MALIBU 11M A n . of Amatfeat C l l 7l 9vlgA.lK~TJi.RBRaiFK.0H ♦ Herald. Kitchens and Rec Rooms. 35 modernization, etc. Free SIX R(X)MS- Duplex. Carpet. Nmr York, N.T. 10OM threw the last small heart estimates. Steve 646-2626. Classic- Automatic, Air, ONE LAD'S DAD years experience! For Free Estim ate gladly given. M & M frlat Na«B, Adrirtu witk ZIP Vulnerable: Neither from dummy and made the Lease. No pets. Available Power steering, bucket seats. Estim ates, call 646-4239. Plumbing & Healing. 649-2871, November 1st. Write to Box COOE Md Styta Naabar. The Flintstones — Hanna Barbara Productions Dealer: South last four tricks with the king MAGNAVOX authorized fac­ Painting-Papering 32 Too much more to list! Must DEAR DAD: The pnrenta ahould have been conanlted. 1978ALBUM with a 32-page of hearts and king-queen tory service on color and □ RENTALS M, c/o Manchester Herald. sell cheap. 643-7256, after 5 Bat jemt "average 14-ye«r-old Ud" had better overcome Us West North East South GENERAL CARPENTRY, MANCHESTER PLUMBING "Gift Section” with full seven of clubs. black and white TV. Stereo, J.P . LEWIS & SON Interior p.m. . . . X L O O K ! ♦ Repairs, Remodeling, & HEATING - Repairs. KIDS & PET S OK- Free heat. directions. Price $2.00 ohyacH about nodity in the preoeoce of other boys or he is 1 L O O K ☆ I T 'S N O T At the other table Paul phonograph. A&B Electronic, and Exterior painting, paper ALSO THESE BOOHS ATS .ZS EACH. FORP/ARD TO Pass 2V Pass 2 4 Garages, Additions, Porches, Remodeling. Pumps repaired Rooms tor Rent 52 Charming 2 bedroom. 1 apt to be aocomfort^lc much of Us life. F O R W A R D T O WHAT HE SAID Soloway opened a diamond 1160 New Britain Ave., West hanging, remodeling, carpen­ 1969 CAMARO- Good condi­ Na. Q-ni-BlUE klBBOH OUllTS. THE DAV WHEN Pass 3^ Pass 3# Rec Rooms, Roofing, Gutters. / replaced. Free estimates. Available now. Only $175. (59- THE PAV WHEN 3U T THE VVAV Hrtford, 551-0655. try, Fully insured. 649-9658. tion inside and out. 90,000 CaatalBi abtaaa lavaly qallti. Pass 3^ Pass !♦ against three notrump and Call Mr. Moran 643-2629. E lectric drain-snaking. 24- I C A N G O , P E B B L E S c a n , h e s a i d i t THOMPSON HOUSE MEN - 25). R ental A ssistors, 236- miles. 649-8616. $650. or best Ha. O-ItT-OUILTS OH PARADE. Pass Pass Pass declarer was held to his hour service. 6466237. Birch House Women. Central­ 5646, small fee. Dlractlaes far alitaaa oallts. T O s c h o o l ! GO TO SCHOOL/ contract. Fifty points plus offer. Ha. O-tlO-GHAHOHOTHEA'S FtOW- ly located. Downtown ER OUILTS. 10 liKlaatlad callU. If T*w pat off writing letters becaue yon don’t know was worth two IMPs. Manchester. Kitchen MANCHESTER- Owner oc- Articles tor Sale 1972____ M A V E R IC K low Ha. 0-119 - AMERICA’S FAVORITE wkat to say, get Abby’s booklet, ‘How to Write Letten Opening lead: 44 41 Articles tor Sale 41 Articles tor Sale 41 Dogs-BIrds-Pets 43 cupied 4 room apartment, in 2 AFCHAHS. A baaaUlal lalaaUaa. privileges. Call 649-2358. mileage, economical, 3-sp ^ T e r A l Oecaalou.” Send II and a long, stamped (28 cental family. Immediate occupan­ Ha. O-IZO-AURE A OIFT. P m TIRES- Ski boots, skis, bikes, PILE OF OAK WOOD. air, power steering. Call 646- lifts far friaads aad faiaItT. envelope t o Abby: 132 Luky Drive, Beverly HUb, Calif. WHEELS: 13”, 14” GM, 15” SMALL BEAGLE DOG- NICELY FURNISHED- cy. $275 monthly, plus securi­ 5155. 9 o a t sewing machine, and tent Varying lengths. Solid, sound. You hold: Ford. 55 gallon steel fuel Registered. All ready trained. gentleman only. Kitchen ty. Garage, large yard. All By Oswald Jacoby 10-12-B (10x16). May be seen at 18 Delivery available. Purchaser drums with stands, filters. a llia n c e s . No pets. Call 649- 12 gauge automatic Shot Gun. privileges, central location, 1971 CHEVROLET and Alan Sontag ♦ 6 Scott Drive, Manchester, all needs saw. Also, 17” Sears gas Wine bottles; large and small. $250 for dog & gun. Call 289- references and security CONCOURSE WAGON. -aawn-. ♦ AKQ76 day Saturday. chain saw. 643-2880. 643-2880. 4911. required. 643-2693 for appoint­ ^yM«BirBTninritr‘TTTr*iwn‘~aiTtti[mimrr’"Tr*^^ Excellent winter-ski vehicle. Mike Passell made a win­ ♦ K ment. Trucks tor Sale 52 CARPETED- 2 bedrooms, V-8, automatic, power ning decision with the North ♦ A K 9 5 4 3 parking, appliances, yard. steering, radio, luggage rack, [ Astrograph hand. He decided to give a Only $200. (56-26). Rental positraction, trailering axles. INTERNATIONAL Travelall -The Born Loser — Art Sanaom spade preference over Mal­ A Nevada reader asks the Assistors, 236-5646, small fee. Sale- 1970- 72’s. Many to colm Brachman’s three dia­ More! 643-2880. AQUARIUS (Jan. 2I)-Feb. 19) correct opening bid in r‘ 'd- choose from. Good to fair con­ monds. Malcolm continued ard American and when two MANCHESTER- South End, 6 dition. Dealers welcomed. Keep on your toes at this time. IT'LUITCLLMVWIFe 1977 CORVETTE, L82, There are developments brew­ 'I'M 05LILAH FW?TOH, THAT'S MV kJAWe.BOSTBp.! 7 ^ on to gam e and W est opened is played as the only APPUAkCES TELEVISION CATALOG AUDIO room Duplex, no pets, no Call John Thrall at 643-2414 for t a f f automatic, air, aluminum ing that could contribute hand­ WHOIWA6STU:iL the four of clubs. forcing opening bid. ■ foAiiEH MOAUAH'A Lfl6i appliances or utilities, $2%. appointment. ^WHATS«)FUMI0V? wheels, power windows, somely to your sense of well­ At this point Malcolm In standard American you Security. Send reply and 6ETWP5K) FLOOP5 m AM/FM 8-track stereo, (IraM iiff being and security. m - 'CDU-V." made an unusual but emi­ should open two clubs. When references to Box N, c/o 1967 INTERNATIONAL nently correct play. He you use two clubs as an BulldBn, Plumben, RtmodtlBn, excellent condition. $9,000. PISCES (Fob. 20-March 20) Do w i t h ! Manchester Herald. PICK-UP 1/2 ton, asking $ ^ called for the three of clubs artificial forcing opening bid EhctrIclanB, Real Estata irokara and M W 646-3821. not be Intimidated today by firm. Call 6434)749. October 13,1971 what may appear to be road­ from dummy. it is better to open just one S a la a m a n Call Ua lor Spaclal HEAT PAID- Nice 2 Establish worthy goals for — 1966 FORD FAIRLANE- Good blocks barring your route to East took his ace and led club so that when you jump bedrooms. Basement, carpet, 1972 FORD VAN-E 100. Very yourself this coming year and Prteaa on yourAppllanea Naada and Sarvicaa ... running condition. $100, or success. They could be back a trump whereupon in hearts later your M itner appliances. (57-07). Rental good condition. Gean. $1550. then pursue them vigorously. best offer. Call 647-1062. triggers to awaken your Imagi­ Malcolm developed a will know that you have a Assistors, 236-5646, small fee, Call 647-1904. You can achieve that which you nation. squeeze against West to two-suit hand. 443-44B H A R Tran MMD MAIICHESTER desire by sheer determination 1972 OLDS 8 8 ,4-door hard top, ARIES (March 21-April 19) Your make an overtrick. He (NEWSPAPER ENTERPRISE ASSN. I CAPE 3-bedroom, 2 baths, and willpower. . strength lies In your allies ______PHONE 647-9997 air, power. Good running con­ garage, yard, stove, LIBRA (Sept. 23-Oct. 23) Some­ today who'll do what's needed Heathcliff — George Gately dition. $1395 . 643-7869. refrigerator, washer, dryer thing unusual may suddenly to make things easier for you, hook-ups. October 15th, $J20. Uotorcyces-BIcycles 64 develop today that could bene­ even If It's only words of 1971 PINTO- Running condi­ references and security. 643- fit you materially. A person encouragement. tion. Standard transmission. N LL TUNSKY 6452. TRIUM PH 1976 Bonneville you’ve worked with before may TAURUS (April 20-May 20) Your $300 or best offer. Call 569- 750, 8000 miles, oil cooler and be involved. Like to find out sunny disposition and positive WInthrop — Dick Cavalll 3933. rack. $1,750. 2894042. more of what lies ahead for attitude qualifies you as a ★ ALUMINUM A n u n SIDim you? Send lor your copy of leader today. You bring out the 1974 PIN TO RUNABOUT- SUZUKI 250 HUSLER G T 18,- Astro-Graph Letter by mailing best In others because you see • C ofora T o C O oooo f n m } Homes lor Rent 54 Good condition. Michelin 000 miles, very reasonable. 50 cents for each and a long, only good. ___ _ ...... ,. Tires. 4 speed. Call 649-1287, Must sell. 649-1M3. self-addressed stamped enve­ GEMINI (May 21-June 20) You " ON TH IS DAY IN ★ AWNINOS A CANOPIES ANDOVER LAKE AREA- 4 after 3:30 p.m. lope to Astro-Graph, P.O. Box can readily attract the attention HISTtPR/IN K5A.D.,, " HE INVENTEP HIP zv room house, available 1973 HONDA CB 450. Low 489, Radio City Station, N.Y. of the right people and gain a FLAVIUS NOBUUS -—.1 B ears ESFECIAL4-V ★ STORM WINDOWS A DOORS TUDOR OPENS UP SPACE November 1st. Call 64j-76(B, 1974 CHRYSLER NEWPORT- 10019. Be sure to specify birth solid sense of achievement by mileage. Excellent condition. ATTBMPTHDTD PRSVE / , #\ F O R T H E OCCA&ICN, (, / # \ OBy W. D. FARM ER and ceiling is shown with false or 649-2871. 2 Door Hardtop. $2500. 434 $650. Call 643-5849. sign. taking extra pride in your work Phone 049-9095 H IS IMAAORTALnrV B V B U T t h e y p i P N r .. beams. The real wood burning Foster Street, South Windsor, SCORPIO (Oct. 24-Nov. 22) today. How much you enjoy yourself W A U C IN S ACROGS V / ^ ^ DO H IM MUCH <=0X0." Combined to offer elbow fireplace is straight ahead. SPACIOUS- 3 bedroom house. call after 6 p.m., 6444)268. 1976 K A W A S K I K D , - CANCER (June 21-July 22) Do will be determined to a large FREE ESTIMATES + EASY TEBMg room is space normally Carpet, garage, and more! Ehccellent running condition. lun things today, but make sure THE BAY OF NAPLES, There are Uitm large bed (59-18). Rental Assistors, 23^ extent by the company you occupied by two rooms and 1973 AUDI FOX - 4 speed, Asking $275. Call 649-1924. they’re physically active. You rooms and two full baths, each 5646, small fee. AM/FM, all new Michelins. keep. Stimulating companions may not think you have the yet, a full wide separated will inspire you today. necessary pep, but you do. bath including vanity. Closets Always garaged. Mint condi­ 1973 KAWASAKI G5-100. Dirt entrance foyer is included. PERSON 25 to 35 to share SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 23-Doc. LEO (July 23-Aug. 22) This Is a m are plentiful in this area, the tion. Call 289-8919, if no and street. Must sell 5225. Call Notice two coat closets house in Vernon with 2 men. 21) Conditions may not be as good day to make a major I m aster bed room with extra answer 568-4269. 649-6894 after 5:30 p.m. 0 0 = provided and First impression All privileges. Call 871-2759 routine at home as you antici­ change you've been contem­ • 19719)f IgA. 9K~ Til RiB U.S. hE. OR. 1^12. large walk-in. pated today. Enjoyable drop- after 6 p.m. 1972 DODGE POLARA 4-door plating, or to at least take some is through open rail division of The plan is Number S71A. It 1969 HONDA CB 160- Mint ins could stir things up In a fun positive steps to make It possi­ sedan. Reasonable. Call 5 ^ foyer and activity room. include a total of 1,517 square condition! Must sell! Call 568- way. ble. Short Ribs - Frank Hill 1015 after 5 p.m. 5605. Activity room is one step ^w n feet. CAPRICORN (Doc. 22-Jon. 19) VIRGO (Aug. 23-S«pt. 22) A Much to your credit you may PLAN NO 571 J problem bugging you can be T H E PCOi IS K IL L IN S - THEVlKINIsiSARE BAlDlh^ THK^AB^INE, BUN-\ OKAY B E F U N N Y , OlHces-Stores for Rent 55 1974 PINTO WAGON Sqt participate In a delicate situa­ solved today if you have some­ ------AJHORDE AWAY/NFLAT/ON-.] Good running condil 'lO U R TAXF3AVERS. -rHECOASTANP 1SUES51 NOUX I S I 7 SA P T tion today affecting a close one who Is a good sounding OFHW^ ISA/^INd THAT COVERS IT FOR CAMPOMT • ROCKVILLE - 19x39 foot Asking $1495. m A 9 0 5 . Campers-Tratters trONAOC SS5 * a f T ______friend and straighten matters board to hear you out. Seek a ■ raO M TH E EAST. TDCSAV, S IR E . store on busy street. Large Mobile Homes $5 out with compassion and friendly listener. MMOCSni MIKT CEIITEII Ma display windows. $125 1969 VOLVO 145- AM/FM, understanding. INEWSPAPSR ENTEPPWSE ASSN.) monthly. Lease required. Lee radials. 4 speed. Elconomical. 1973 IN TR EPID - 20 foot 311 Main Sinwt 646-2130 ACTIVITY ROOM awry’s World - Jim Borry 'THfCT 15 MOT A 6CRATCHIN5 POST!!" & LamonL Realty, 875-4690. E xcellent condition. $1295. Travel Trailer - Stove i ■* Call 649-3219. refrigerator, heated. Full MANCHESTER / NEW shower, and toilet. Tandem Bugs Bunny — Helmdahl & Stotfal C M Hmi O FFICE - 800 souare feet. 1976 TR-7- Yellow with b)ack wheel. Call 68841383. KHTmUf-t- interior. Air conditioning, FREE CHIMNEY Heat, air conditioning, fifth fl o o r AM/FM. Moon roof. Radial Automotive Service 66 ... carpeting, p a rk in included. & V'FIOOLE.FADDLE. Tolland Turnpike m fessio n a l tires. 27-30 mpg. 23,300 miles. I I i T T OwkNat. INSPECTION .cfoofoo Building. F.J. Spilecki, E xcellen t condition. $4500 n r " 4 Realtor, 643-2121. firm. Call 6494^0, Dennis, Our Boarding House This Funny World CHECK OUR SPECIALS ON after 5:30 p.m. MANCHESTER- Main Street WHATvE m BEEN A 6R 0SS exaoeeration : i t OAVE REPAIR A CLEANING CHIMNEYS modern office available. 400 W3RWN ON, PROF? ONLY TOKEN HELP IN PRESERVlNfi |. ft. Heat/AC included. Call I HEAR THE 60VERN THE y m S h FIRST FBIEP CHICKEN C a ll T o d a y 6 4 6 -5 0 3 3 6-2469 br 646-2755. WENT SHIPPED >OU STAND.' i T S i m i E P A MODEST ALMOST ENOU6H ' ASSISTANCE TO MY SEARCH FOB You may purchase complete working drawings, material GARAGE FOR RENT / WGH HOME IMPROVEMENTS money TO FUND A THE LOST l e t t e r s OF PRESIDENT lists and plans for the above house, Number 571A — from MANCHESTER- 1 bay to r NOW TAKING 3 6 5 W E 8 T 8 T . ______BO LTO N , CONN. storage. $20 per month. CON6RESSIONAL T ip p e c a n o e h a r r is o n S s e c o n d Larry Farnsworth, P.O. Box 1841, Las Vegas, Nevada, E.R.A., Blanchard & Rosset- JUNKET' COUSIN flatbottoml 89101. to. 646-2482. APPLICATIONS FROM MV M A JO R WORK A S A F E CENTRAL DOWNTOWN For A Waiting L M Only IS THE STUDY I distan ce LOCATION- 4 rooms and ! L' OF MARRIASEi; lavatory. Heat, air con­ See Vs F o r Notice To Our 2 t 3 BQmOOM APMinniTS FOR ditioning, utilities, janitorial FIDDLE The PoUowtng: services and parking. From $200 2 Bedrooms; $218 3 Bedrooms. Includes: FADPUE Telephone 649-2865. ADVERTISERS IDLE 1 Heat, Hot Water and Parking, with Wall to Wall’ ------A BanqiMl* • Lawn A Oardan If you would like to ANP Axardaa a Moimg • Camping a Ptoara -YOqR Carpeting. Modern Appliances, 2 Laundromats on Auto a Convalaac anca a PaingM a Aabv advertise your Business site. FU; TOOLS AMD EQUIPMEUT or Service on this page, OFFICE mCE • SI)yHEA. W CM Xrtt HOMf please call The Herald FOR RENT CALL S43-1961 197 Mon. thni FrI. from 9 to 4:30 ■MakaaMr.Can Classified Advertising l«0 iquAr* feet, center oil 643-24N IMMcneiter. air rondltknini! and I S a t 1 -1 2 . 7j»,tmwa.uT. Department, 643-2711. |partln(. Call 641-fHI. . / "You're Just conalderlng Ihe negative as­ pects of cloning. Whal If they did Cheryl A • «Y 6L FM 4 a/* ©ISW IItNM |fM 8irto..lac. /O -fX TIega?" BACHELOR, NATURALLY" "Doesn't it look realistic? It's called 'Oil Spill'." «iir»wiiiA.ira.i«fom5firiiii,4