Nobel Ödüllü Listesi

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Nobel Ödüllü Listesi Fizyoloji veya Yil Fizik Kimya Edebiyat Bariş Ekonomi Tip Wilhelm Jacobus H. van Emil Adolf von Sully Henry Dunant; 1901 Conrad - 't Hoff Behring Prudhomme Frédéric Passy Rontgen Hendrik A. Hermann Emil Theodor Élie Ducommun; 1902 Lorentz; Ronald Ross - Fischer Mommsen Albert Gobat Pieter Zeeman Henri Becquerel; Svante Niels Ryberg Bjørnstjerne 1903 Randal Cremer - Pierre Curie; Arrhenius Finsen Bjørnson Marie Curie Frédéric William Ivan Petrovich Institut de Droit 1904 Lord Rayleigh Mistral; - Ramsay Pavlov International José Echegaray Adolf von Henryk 1905 Philipp Lenard Robert Koch Bertha von Suttner - Baeyer Sienkiewicz Camillo Golgi; Giosuè 1906 J. J. Thomson Henri Moissan Santiago Theodore Roosevelt - Carducci Ramón y Cajal Charles Louis Albert A. Rudyard Ernesto Teodoro Moneta; 1907 Eduard Buchner Alphonse - Michelson Kipling Louis Renault Laveran Ilya Ilyich Rudolf Gabriel Ernest Klas Pontus Arnoldson; 1908 Mechnikov; Christoph - Lippmann Rutherford Fredrik Bajer Paul Ehrlich Eucken Ferdinand Auguste Marie François Braun; Wilhelm Emil Theodor Beernaert; 1909 Selma Lagerlof - Guglielmo Ostwald Kocher Paul-Henri-Benjamin Marconi d'Estournelles de Constant Johannes Albrecht 1910 Diderik van der Otto Wallach Paul Heyse Uluslararasi Bariş Bürosu - Kossel Waals Allvar Maurice Tobias Michael Carel Asser; 1911 Wilhelm Wien Marie Curie - Gullstrand Maeterlinck Alfred Hermann Fried Victor Gerhart 1912 Gustaf Dalén Grignard; Alexis Carrel Elihu Root - Hauptmann Paul Sabatier Heike Rabindranath 1913 Kamerlingh Alfred Werner Charles Richet Henri La Fontaine - Tagore Onnes Theodore Ödül bu yil Ödül bu yil kimseye 1914 Max von Laue William Robert Bárány kimseye - verilmemiştir Richards verilmemiştir William Henry Bragg; Ödül bu yil Richard Martin Ödül bu yil kimseye 1915 William kimseye Romain Rolland - Willstätter verilmemiştir Lawrence verilmemiştir Bragg Ödül bu yil Ödül bu yil Ödül bu yil Verner von Ödül bu yil kimseye 1916 kimseye kimseye kimseye - Heidenstam verilmemiştir verilmemiştir verilmemiştir verilmemiştir Karl Adolph Ödül bu yil Ödül bu yil Charles Glover Gjellerup; Uluslararasi Kizilhaç 1917 kimseye kimseye - Barkla Henrik Komitesi verilmemiştir verilmemiştir Pontoppidan Ödül bu yil Ödül bu yil Ödül bu yil kimseye 1918 Max Planck Fritz Haber kimseye kimseye - verilmemiştir verilmemiştir verilmemiştir Ödül bu yil 1919 Johannes Stark kimseye Jules Bordet Carl Spitteler Woodrow Wilson - verilmemiştir Charles Walther 1920 Édouard Hermann August Krogh Knut Hamsun Léon Bourgeois - Guillaume Nernst Ödül bu yil Frederick Hjalmar Branting; 1921 Albert Einstein kimseye Anatole France - Soddy Christian Lous Lange verilmemiştir Archibald Hill; Francis William Jacinto 1922 Niels Bohr Otto Fritz Fridtjof Nansen - Aston Benavente Meyerhof Frederick Banting; Robert A. William Butler Ödül bu yil kimseye 1923 Fritz Pregl John James - Millikan Yeats verilmemiştir Richard Macleod Ödül bu yil Manne Willem Władysław Ödül bu yil kimseye 1924 kimseye - Siegbahn Einthoven Reymont verilmemiştir verilmemiştir Ödül bu yil James Franck; Richard Adolf George Bernard Austen Chamberlain; 1925 kimseye - Gustav Hertz Zsigmondy Shaw Charles G. Dawes verilmemiştir Johannes Jean Baptiste Theodor Aristide Briand; 1926 Andreas Grib Grazia Deledda - Perrin Svedberg Gustav Stresemann Fibiger Arthur H. Compton; Heinrich Otto Julius Wagner- Ferdinand Buisson; 1927 Charles Henri Bergson - Wieland Jauregg Ludwig Quidde Thomson Rees Wilson Adolf Otto Owen Willans Ödül bu yil kimseye 1928 Reinhold Charles Nicolle Sigrid Undset - Richardson verilmemiştir Windaus Christiaan Arthur Harden; Eijkman; Louis de 1929 Hans von Euler- Frederick Thomas Mann Frank B. Kellogg - Broglie Chelpin Gowland Hopkins Chandrasekhara Karl 1930 Hans Fischer Sinclair Lewis Nathan Soderblom - Venkata Raman Landsteiner Ödül bu yil Carl Bosch; Otto Heinrich Erik Axel Jane Addams; 1931 kimseye Friedrich - Warburg Karlfeldt Nicholas Murray Butler verilmemiştir Bergius Charles Scott Werner Irving Sherrington; John Ödül bu yil kimseye 1932 - Heisenberg Langmuir Edgar Douglas Galsworthy verilmemiştir Adrian Erwin Ödül bu yil Schrodinger; Thomas Hunt 1933 kimseye Ivan Bunin Norman Angell - Paul A.M. Morgan verilmemiştir Dirac George Ödül bu yil Whipple; Harold Clayton 1934 kimseye George Minot; Luigi Pirandello Arthur Henderson - Urey verilmemiştir William P. Murphy Frédéric Joliot- Ödül bu yil James Curie; 1935 Hans Spemann kimseye Carl von Ossietzky - Chadwick Irène Joliot- verilmemiştir Curie Victor F. Hess; Henry Hallett 1936 Carl D. Peter Debye Dale; Eugene O'Neill Carlos Saavedra Lamas - Anderson Otto Loewi Clinton Walter Davisson; Albert Szent- Roger Martin 1937 Haworth; Robert Cecil - George Paget Gyorgyi du Gard Paul Karrer Thomson Corneille Nansen Uluslararasi 1938 Enrico Fermi Richard Kuhn Pearl S. Buck - Heymans Mülteciler Ofisi Adolf Ernest Butenandt; Gerhard Frans Eemil Ödül bu yil kimseye 1939 - Lawrence Lavoslav Domagk Sillanpää verilmemiştir Ružička Ödül bu yil Ödül bu yil Ödül bu yil Ödül bu yil Ödül bu yil kimseye 1940 kimseye kimseye kimseye kimseye - verilmemiştir verilmemiştir verilmemiştir verilmemiştir verilmemiştir Ödül bu yil Ödül bu yil Ödül bu yil Ödül bu yil Ödül bu yil kimseye 1941 kimseye kimseye kimseye kimseye - verilmemiştir verilmemiştir verilmemiştir verilmemiştir verilmemiştir Ödül bu yil Ödül bu yil Ödül bu yil Ödül bu yil Ödül bu yil kimseye 1942 kimseye kimseye kimseye kimseye - verilmemiştir verilmemiştir verilmemiştir verilmemiştir verilmemiştir Henrik Dam; Ödül bu yil George de Ödül bu yil kimseye 1943 Otto Stern Edward kimseye - Hevesy verilmemiştir Adelbert Doisy verilmemiştir Joseph Isidor Isaac Erlanger; Johannes Uluslararasi Kizilhaç 1944 Otto Hahn - Rabi Herbert Vilhelm Jensen Komitesi Spencer Gasser Alexander Fleming; Artturi Ilmari Ernst Boris 1945 Wolfgang Pauli Gabriela Mistral Cordell Hull - Virtanen Chain; Howard Walter Florey James B. Sumner; John Howard Percy W. Hermann Emily Greene Balch; 1946 Northrop; Hermann Hesse - Bridgman Joseph Muller John Mott Wendell Meredith Stanley Carl Ferdinand Cori; Kuakerlar Edward V. Robert Gerty Theresa 1947 André Gide mezhebi-İngiltere; - Appleton Robinson Cori; Kuakerlar mezhebi-ABD Bernardo Houssay Patrick M.S. Paul Hermann Ödül bu yil kimseye 1948 Arne Tiselius T. S. Eliot - Blackett Müller verilmemiştir Walter Rudolf William Hess; William 1949 Hideki Yukawa John Boyd Orr - Giauque António Egas Faulkner Moniz Philip Showalter Hench; Otto Diels; Bertrand 1950 Cecil Powell Edward Calvin Ralph Bunche - Kurt Alder Russell Kendall; Tadeus Reichstein Edwin John Cockcroft; McMillan; 1951 Ernest T.S. Max Theiler Pär Lagerkvist Léon Jouhaux - Glenn T. Walton Seaborg Archer John Porter Martin; Felix Bloch; Richard Selman François 1952 Edward M. Albert Schweitzer - Laurence Waksman Mauriac Purcell Millington Synge Hans Adolf Hermann Krebs; Winston 1953 Frits Zernike George Marshall - Staudinger Fritz Albert Churchill Lipmann John Franklin Enders; Frederick Birleşmiş Milletler Max Born; Ernest 1954 Linus Pauling Chapman Mülteciler Yüksek - Walther Bothe Hemingway Robbins; Komiserliği Thomas Huckle Weller Willis E. Lamb; Vincent du Ödül bu yil kimseye 1955 Hugo Theorell Halldór Laxness - Polykarp Kusch Vigneaud verilmemiştir André Frédéric John Bardeen; Cyril Norman Cournand; Walter H. Hinshelwood; Werner Juan Ramón Ödül bu yil kimseye 1956 Brattain; Nikolay - Forssmann; Jiménez verilmemiştir William B. Nikolaevich Dickinson W. Shockley Semenov Richards Chen Ning Lord 1957 Yang; (Alexander R.) Daniel Bovet Albert Camus Lester B. Pearson - Tsung-Dao Lee Todd George Wells Pavel Beadle; Cherenkov; Frederick Edward Lawrie 1958 Boris Pasternak Georges Pire - İlya Frank; Sanger Tatum; İgor Tamm Joshua Lederberg Emilio Segrè; Arthur Jaroslav Salvatore 1959 Owen Kornberg; Philip J. Noel-Baker - Heyrovský Quasimodo Chamberlain Severo Ochoa Frank Donald A. Macfarlane Saint-John 1960 Willard Libby Albert Lutuli - Glaser Burnet; Perse Peter Medawar Robert Hofstadter; Georg von 1961 Melvin Calvin Ivo Andrić Dag Hammarskjold - Rudolf Békésy Mossbauer Francis Crick; James D. Max Perutz; 1962 Lev Landau Watson; John Steinbeck Linus Pauling - John Kendrew Maurice Wilkins Eugene John Carew Wigner; Eccles; Maria Uluslararasi Kizilhaç Karl Ziegler; Alan Lloyd 1963 Goeppert- Giorgos Seferis Komitesi; - Giulio Natta Hodgkin; Mayer; Kizilhaç Ülkeleri Ligi Andrew J. Hans D. Huxley Jensen Charles H. Townes; Konrad Emil Dorothy Nicolay G. Bloch; 1964 Crowfoot Jean-Paul Sartre Martin Luther King, Jr. - Basov; Feodor Felix Hodgkin Aleksandr M. Konrad Lynen Prokhorov Sin-Itiro Tomonaga; François Jacob; Michail Birleşmiş Milletler Julian Robert Burns André Michel 1965 Aleksandrovich Çocuklara Yardim Fonu - Schwinger; Woodward Lwoff; Sholokhov (UNICEF) Richard P. Jacques Monod Feynman Francis Peyton Rous; Shmuel Yosef Robert S. Ödül bu yil kimseye 1966 Alfred Kastler Charles Agnon; - Mulliken verilmemiştir Brenton Nelly Sachs Huggins Manfred Eigen; Ragnar Granit; Ronald George Haldan Keffer Miguel Ángel Ödül bu yil kimseye 1967 Hans Bethe Wreyford - Hartline; Asturias verilmemiştir Norrish; George Wald George Porter Robert W. Holley; Har Gobind Yasunari 1968 Luis Alvarez Lars Onsager Khorana; René Cassin - Kawabata Marshall Warren Nirenberg Ragnar Max Delbrück; Anton Kittil Murray Gell- Derek Barton; Alfred 1969 Samuel Beckett Uluslararasi Çalişma Örgütü Frisch; Mann Odd Hassel Hershey; Jan Salvador Luria Tinbergen Julius Axelrod; Hannes Alfvén; Aleksandr Paul 1970 Luis F. Leloir Ulf von Euler; Norman Borlaug Louis Néel Solzhenitsyn Samuelson
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    1921 Fun Facts, Trivia & History Quick Facts from 1921: • The America Changing Event: The first radio baseball game was broadcast. Harold Arlin announced the Pirates-Phillies game from Forbes Field over Westinghouse KDKA, in Pittsburgh. The Pirates won, 8-5. • Soviet Russia and Poland signed the Treaty of Riga establishing a permanent border between the two countries. • The Russian Great Famine of 1921/22 killed 5 million people. • The Communist Party of China was formed. • Influential Songs include Second Hand Rose and My Man by Fanny Brice. Also: St. Louis Blues by the Original Dixie Land Band and others. • The Movies to Watch include The Kid, The Three Musketeers, The Haunted Castle and The Sheik • The Most Famous Person in America was probably Roscoe ‘Fatty’ Arbuckle • New York Yankee pitcher Babe Ruth hit his 138th home-run, continually growing that record to 714 in 1935. • Adolf Hitler became the Chairman of the Nazi Party in his rise to power and prominence in Germany. • Price of a pound peanut butter in 1921: 15 cents Top Ten Baby Names of 1921: Mary, Dorothy, Helen, Margaret, Ruth, Virginia, Mildred, Betty, Frances, Elizabeth John, Robert, William, James, Charles, George, Joseph, Edward, Frank, Richard US Life Expectancy: (1921) Males: 60.0 years, Females: 61.8 years The Stars: Theda Bara, Pola Negri, Mary Pickford Miss America: Margaret Gorman (Washington, DC) Firsts, Inventions, and Wonders: Guccio Gucci started selling his handbags. Coco Chanel introduced “Chanel No. 5”. On October 23, 1921, an American officer selected the body of the first “Unknown Soldier”. “Andy’s Candies” was founded, but maker Andy Kanelos realized that men would never buy chocolates for women with another man’s name written on them.
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