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Vol. 123 No. 17 April 27, 2012 Established May 17, 1889 • Formerly Western Viking and Nordisk Tidende $1.50 per copy .com News Find more at www.norway.com Withdrawl from Afghanistan News Norway plans for During questioning on April 20, Anders Behring Breivik de- troops to leave scribed in detail how he went Afghanistan about killing 69 people at Utøya last summer. “I recommend that this fall, several those who don’t have to pay at- months earlier than tention don’t listen in,” Breivik warned people in the courtroom. expected There will be some “horrific descriptions,” he stated. How- ever, no one was seen to leave. St a f f Co m p i l a t i o n Breivik’s testimony on April Norwegian American Weekly 20 focused on what happened at Utøya, and how he shot and murdered 69 people, most of Norway will begin the process them young paarticipants at of withdrawing its troops from Af- the Labour Party youth camp. ghanistan this fall by request of the He spoke for about two hours, ISAF (International Security Force and went through his actions in Assistance). Norway will conclude chronological order. “The first its military engagement in Faryab shot was incredibly difficult. It was almost impossible. It goes province, and focus its efforts in against human nature, and I felt Kabul and Mazar-e-Sharif. that,” Breivik explained. “But Currently, Norway has ap- then it became so much easier.” proximately 550 soldiers based in (blog.norway.com/category/ Photo: Morten S. Hopperstad / See > withdrawl, page 6 Minister of Foreign Affairs Jonas Gahr Støre visiting the Norwegian troops in Mazar-e-Sharif in July 2010. news)

Culture In 2011, life expectancy at birth Against the current Colors of 17th of May increased and infant mortality was lower than ever before in Lakselaget celebrates 10 years of Coloring contest for Norway. Decreasing mortality New York’s Syttende among the elderly and middle- friendship and Nordic heritage aged contribute most to the in- Mai Parade crease in life expectancy. Infant mortality reached a new low in Norway in 2011, namely 2.4. 17t h o f Ma y Co m m i t t e e o f (blog.norway.com/category/ Gr e a t e r Ne w Yo r k culture) The 17th of May Committee What’s inside? of the Greater New York announc- es their annual Coloring Contest News 2-3 with this year’s theme as “Honor- Business 4 ing Norwegian Women.” Down- Research & Education 5 load from may17paradeny.com. Photo: 17th of May Committee Opinion 6-7 Download this coloring page at www. See > Coloring, page 5 Taste of Norway 8 may17paradeny.com. Travel 9 Roots & Connections 10 Prioritizing fitness Obituaries & Religion 11 Photo: Ali Rogers Photography Arts & Style 12 A special Lakselaget cake was created featuring the organization’s logo for their Norwegian public 10th anniversary. Lakselaget means “the salmon club” in Norwegian. In Your Neighborhood 13 health officials to Norwegian Heritage 14 Le s l e e La n e Ho y u m focus more on Sports 15 Rockford, Minn. physical activity Lakselaget in Minnesota cele- delighted in a dessert table with an $1 = NOK 5.7471 No r w a y Po s t updated 4/23/2012 brated its 10th anniversary on April array of Norwegian delicacies, and 14 with 120 members and guests. learned about the important role of In comparison Many members brought significant the arts in developing children’s Norwegian health organiza- 3/23/2012 5.7522 others and friends, who enjoyed the creativity, self-discipline and criti- tions are concerned over the state 10/23/2011 5.5599 always-delicious salmon luncheon of public health and demand at 4/23/2011 5.3577 at Golden Valley Country Club, See > friendship, page 13 See > Fitness, page 15 Photo: VisitNorway.com 2 • April 27, 2012 norwegiAn AmericAn weekly Nyheter fra Norge Nyheter Økt fare for vårflom hagens sønn fikk medalje hjelp fra Norge Faren for stor vårflom er større enn normalt i noen områder på Vestlandet, i Oppland Major Carl Axel Hagen Etter tsunamien bygger og i Trøndelag. I store deler av landet er slapp alt han hadde japansk fiskeindustri igjen det mindre snø enn normalt, men unntak- ene er høyereliggende strøk av Vestlandet, i hendene, og ledet opp med støtte fra blant nordvestlige fjellstrøk av Oppland og indre Gardens respons fra bilen andre Norge strøk av Trøndelag, opplyser Norges vass- drags- og energidirektorat (NVE). – Når det etter terroren 22. juli AfteNposteN er områder med mer snø enn normalt vil det være større sannsynlighet for at man får en VG Flere millioner kroner er sendt fra norsk periode med snøsmelting og regn samtidig fiskerinæring til yrkesbrødre på Japans øst- og da øker faren for flom, sier vakthavende Carl Axel Hagen er sønn av en mann Foto: Befalets Fellesorganisasjon kyst. hydrolog Ingjerd Haddeland. I disse om- som er kjent for krigerske utspill. Tidligere Major Carl Axel Hagen. Nylig var det en vennskapsseremoni i rådene er sannsynligheten for stor vårflom Frp-leder Carl Ivar Hagen er rørt når VG den hardt rammede byen Ishinomaki, der de større enn normalt. Men værforholdene Nett snakker med ham på lørdag. grepene 22. juli i fjor. norsk-japanske båndene ble styrket. under snøsmeltingen vil være avgjørende – Jeg er veldig stolt og veldig glad. Han – Det blir gjort en helhetsvurdering av Frem til klokken 14.46 den 11. mars for utviklingen. En nedbørsfattig vår med står på og gjør jobben sin på best mulig måte. offiserene som blir innstilt. Denne medaljen 2011 var Ishinomaki en travel japansk moderate temperaturer vil føre til redusert Det er flott for en far å se. Han er en dyktig ble gitt på bakgrunn av flere års innsats, men kystby. Byen hadde landets tredje største flomfare. – Det beste er om det blir gradvis mann, og det er fint at han får anerkjennelse det er også en anerkjennelse av arbeidet han fiskeindustri. Store fartøyer hentet fangster varmt, det bør ikke bli bråvarmt, sånn som for det, sier han. gjorde 22. juli, sier Øie. fra nære og fjerne farvann, på land var det det kan bli i mai. Snøen bør smelte fra ned- – Det var jo veldig overraskende og vel- Den 22. juli var Hagen operasjonsoffiser videreforedling og god lønnsomhet. erst på en fjellside og oppover. Om det de- dig stas. Jeg har bare gjort jobben min, og i Garden, og egentlig på ferie på hytta i Sand- Styreleder Rolf Domstein i Norges sjø- rimot blir mye nedbør, kan det føre til stor ser medaljen som en anerkjennelse til hele efjord. matråd er på besøk i den hardt rammede flom, selv i områder med lite eller ingen snø. Garden, sier Carl Axel Hagen til VG Nett. – Jeg fikk varsel om at noe hadde skjedd – Der det er lite eller ingen snø må det kom- fiskeribyen sammen med sitt styre. Fredag fikk han Gardemedaljen i sølv. i Oslo. Er det en ting jeg har lært på oppdrag me unormalt mye nedbør for at det skal bli Siden -50 tallet har Norsk fiskeindustri Fortjenestemedaljen henger høyt, og det er på Balkan og i Afghanistan, så er det at det samarbeidet tett med Japan, og man følte at flom, sier hydrologen. er bedre å slå alarm en gang for mye enn en (VG) den første gardesjef Ole Anders Øie deler ut tsunamien rammet sine egne. siden han tiltrådte i desember i fjor. gang for lite. Jeg slapp alt jeg hadde i hen- – Markedet i Japan har skapt mye god Thomassen trekker seg som leder i Rødt – Han er en av Hærens dyktige offiserer dene og kastet meg i bilen, forteller han. aktivitet langs norskekysten. Først makrell De siste årene har Hagen jobbet med å Turid Thomassen stiller ikke til gjen- som i perioden 2008-2011 fungerte som op- og lodde, senere har laks og kongekrab- forberede Garden på krisesituasjoner. Blant valg som Rødt-leder. Dermed blir Bjørnar erasjonsoffiser i Garden. Han fikk medaljen be vært viktige eksportprodukter. Vi har annet gjennom flere øvelser med politiet i Moxnes etter alt å dømme ny partileder på bakgrunn av den imponerende innsatsen også mye til felles innen hvalfangsten, sier under landsmøtet i mai. Thomassen orien- han har lagt ned over disse årene, sier Øie til Oslo og Heimevernet. Mens terroralarmen Domstein, som synes det er svært godt på terte valgkomiteen i partiet om sin beslut- VG Nett. gikk i Oslo skulle 700 gardister organiseres, få bistå gode kystkolleger. Flere norske ning torsdag. Hun tok over som leder for Gardemedaljen i sølv blir gitt for eks- og majoren styrte operasjonen fra mobiltele- enkeltbedrifter har støttet sine japanske sa- bare to år siden og har fått kritikk for ikke emplarisk tjeneste eller oppofrelser utover fonen. marbeidspartnere med store summer, uten å å ha klart å løfte oppslutningen om partiet. det vanlige i tjenese, og henger henger høyt. ønske oppmerksomhet rundt dette. – Landsmøtet bør få konsentrere seg om å Foto: Garden English Synopsis: Carl I. Hagen’s son, Carl Axel Ha- diskutere arbeidsprogram og strategi for å Han beskriver Hagen som “nøyaktig, lo- gen, was presented with a silver medal for the work he English Synopsis: After last year’s tsunami, Japan’s styrke Rødt, og ikke lederstrid. Jeg ser at jal, arbeidsom og faglig dyktig”, og forteller did as an operations officer on July 22. Carl I. Hagen fishing industry continues to rebuild and recover, with is the former leader of the Progress Party. help from Norway among other countries. ved å trekke mitt kandidatur, kan jeg bidra at han spilte en sentral rolle under terroran- til dette, sier hun. Veien ligger nå åpen for Bjørnar Moxnes (30) som var Thomassens eneste utfordrer til ledervervet. Han har tidligere ledet Rød Ungdom og er grup- forlater frP Programmet lagt fram peleder for Rødt i Oslo bystyre. – Bjørnar Moxnes og jeg har jobbet sammen i ledelsen Medlemmene forlater Frp, Norsk Litteraturfestivalen i to år, og jeg er sikker på at han vil legge velger H og Ap alle krefter inn for Rødt. Jeg ønsker ham satser på mangfold lykke til med arbeidet, sier hun. (NTB) VG NRK

Kronprinsparet til Møre og Romsdal i mai Høyre har det siste året hatt en medle- Den 29. mai starter den 18. utgaven av Nesten ni måneder etter planen kan kro- msvekst på over 19 prosent. Arbeiderpartiet Norsk Litteraturfestival på Lillehammer. nprins Haakon og kronprinsesse Mette- har hatt en medlemsvekst på over 13 prosent. Både Linn Ullmann, Tomas Espedal og Anne Marit endelig dra på fylkestur til Møre og Også småpartiene Venstre og Senterpartiet Krigsvoll trår til i den storslagne åpningsfor- Foto: Agnete Brun Romsdal. Reisen til Vestlandet måtte avly- kan vise til en relativt stor medlemsvekst, estillingen. Linn Ullmann skal være til stede. ses i fjor på grunn av tragedien 22. juli. On- – Årets forestilling er større enn den har skriver Dagsavisen. nas Gahr Støre skal møte Sør-Koreas største sdag sendte fylkesmannen i Møre og Roms- vært noen gang tidligere. Særlig med tanke Fremskrittspartiet har i dag nesten nålevende forfatter, Ko Un, til en samtale om dal ut foreløpig program for fylkesturen, på årets tema har vi utvidet bildet på hva en 10.000 flere medlemmer enn for ti år siden, kultur og litteratur, menneskerettigheter og som går fra 24. til 26. mai. Kronprinsparet litteraturfestival kan være, sier festivalsjef men veksten har stagnert. De siste to årene ytringsfrihet. skal innom kommunene Stranda, Hareid, Marit Borkenhagen. har partiet hatt en svak nedgang i antall med- – Jeg ønsker at dette skal være en festi- Herøy, Haram, Molde og Rauma. Kongeski- 150 deltakere fra 26 nasjoner kommer pet blir base under besøket. Etter ønske fra lemmer. Det eneste partiet som sliter mer val som viser kvalitet og bredde. Dette er en til Lillehammer den uka festivalen varer. I kronprinsparet er det lagt vekt på at de skal med å holde på medlemmene er Kristelig av de viktigste litteraturfestivalene vi har i tillegg til forfattere, illustratører og andre få mulighet til å møte så mange som mulig, Folkeparti. Norden, sier festivalsjef Marit Borkenhagen. litterært interesserte, skal også flere økono- og flere av arrangementene er utendørs. De – Vi har hatt tidvis vekst og litt frafall, Borkenhagen har vært med på sidelinjen mer delta på årets festival. Temaet for årets starter i Geiranger i Stranda kommune tors- sier Frp-leder Siv Jensen. Fjoråret var turbu- til festivalen i flere år, men det er første gang Litteraturfestival er «penger». Det sies at dag 24. mai, der de skal kjøres i veteranbil lent, mener hun. hun er festivalsjef. Hennes visjon om å nå ut penger er roten til alt vondt og mange av de opp til Flydalsjuvet for å oppleve utsikten. Men hun tror ikke nedgangen i antall til stadig flere har resultert i 250 program- store konfliktene i verden bunner i økonomi. På ettermiddagen blir det folkefest i Hereid medlemmer kan ha noe med 22. juli-terroren poster i løpet av fem dager. Flere økonomer, investorer og økonomijour- kommune. Fredag 25. mai starter i Herøy å gjøre. – Vi kom fram til at det var veldig kommune, med stort arrangement i sentrum nalister er blant deltakerne. – Gjennom mange år var det nesten bare mye spennende å ta tak i rundt tematikken av Fosnavåg. Etter lunsj står Brattvåg i Ha- – Jeg tror mange mener det er et spen- vi som hadde vekst. Da var det de andre som «penger» og vi ønsket å gå dypt inn i temaet ram kommune for tur, hvor industribygging nende valg å ha penger som tema for en lit- sto stille. Nå har vi stagnert mens andre vok- og gi det plass, sier hun. og internasjonalisering er tema. Om kvelden teraturfestival. Det er et tema som er aktuelt ser, sier Jensen. I fjor var det drøyt 23.000 besøkende på er kronprinsparet vertskap for en mottakelse hele tiden, men spesielt nå med tanke på Den største veksten i Frps medlemstall festivalen og festivalsjefen håper på et minst på Kongeskipet for inviterte gjester fra de uroen i Europa, sier Gabriel Moro, forfatter kom tidlig på 2000-tallet. Da var Carl I. Ha- like godt besøk i år. seks kommunene. Siste dag av besøket har og kunstnerisk rådgiver for festivalen. gen partileder. Fra 2000 til 2006 økte partiet – Vi har satset på et program som gi vid kronprinsparet tett program i Molde, før de En av programpostene fra årets festi- medlemstallet med 7.757 personer. interesse og vi ønsker å være en festival for reiser til Rauma kommune og fottur til top- val som tidlig ble klar er debatten «Vil du lesere i alle aldre og med alle typer interess- pen av Litlefjellet, med Trollveggen i bak- bli millionær eller forbli litterær?». Der skal er, sier hun. grunnen. English Synopsis: The Progress Party finds itself los- Arve Juritzen grille forfattere med spørsmål ing members, while the Right and the Labor Party are (VG) English Synopsis: The program for Lillehammer’s Nor- growing in membership. om sitt forfatterskap. Det er også klart at utenriksminister Jo- wegian Literature Festival 2012 has been announced. Ap har ikke de endelige tallene før om et par uker, men allerede ved utgan- gen av september meldte landsstyret at det var registrert 10.000 nye medlem- mer av rundt 60.000 totalt. AUF hadde på samme tidspunkt fått ca. 3.000 nye medlemmer, et tall som nok vil være større ved årsskiftet. Høyre fikk 5.000 nye betalende medlemmer i 2011 og slo sin interne mål- setting med ett år. Venstre fikk i underkant av 1.000 nye medlemmer. Norwegian american weekly Online: blog.norway.com/category/news April 27, 2012 • 3 News For refugees This week on Norway.com Brevik trial, day by day The Crown Prince and Crown Princess in Norwegian Refugee Mexico Summary of each day’s developments in the Promoting youth employment was the topic Council gives report trial of July 22nd shooter Anders Behring Breivik of an arena session in which His Royal Highness Crown Prince Haakon took part to United Nations on April 17. The Crown Prince is in Puerto Vallarta to attend the World Economic Forum Af t e n p o s t e n on Latin America. The session addressed a Ma r i t Fo ss e number of aspects of youth employment, Geneva, Switzerland including youth’s disenchantment and their Editor’s Note: The English language Tuesday was Breivik’s first day in the aspirations to better lives, how to foster media is covering the trial of the July 22 witness stand. He was allowed to read the entrepreneurship, and how to promote better, For the last 14 years the Norwegian shooter Anders Behring Breivik, but we are 13-page document he had prepared, which closer cooperation between government, Refugees Council’s International Displacing committed to providing our readers with the- took him about 75 minutes. schools and the business community. In a Monitoring Center has been monitored inter- best information from the Norwegian news. video clip published prior to the meeting, the nal displacement resulting from conflict and Here we will be providing daily summaries Wednesday, April 18 (Day 3) Crown Prince said: “There are definitely a violence across the world. of the trial’s developments. For in-depth, Behring Breivik abstained on Wednes- couple of issues I would like to see addressed during this meeting. One is youth. In Mexico On April 19 in Geneva the report for quality online coverage of the trial on a day from responding to a wide range of is- more than 50 percent of the population is 2011 was released in presence of António daily basis, we encourage you to visit our sues, even when the prosecutor reminded under 27. So this tremendous resource, we Guterres, United Nations High Commission- colleagues at Views and News from Norway him that he had previously answered the (www.newsinenglish.no). same questions in the police interrogation. should discuss how to best use it.” er for Refugees and Elisabeth Rasmussen, (Kongehuset) the Norwegian Refugee Council’s Secretary The defendant believed the prosecutor was General Elisabeth Rasmussen. Tuesday, April 17 (Day 2) trying to ridicule him. One dead after blast in Fredrikstad Judge Thomas Indrebø was dismissed Prosecutors wanted to know if the de- According to the report “Global Over- A gas explosion ripped through a building from the panel, for comments he made in a fendant still believes there are two other Nor- view,” people internally displaced by con- of a Norwegian dairy plant in the country’s facebook post suggesting that the only ap- wegian terrorist cells, as he claimed before. flict and violence, the world in 2011 was an southeast on April 23, killing at least one propriate punishment for Breivik was the Behring Breivik still claims that this is the unsafe place for millions of people. From person and wounding three others, police death penalty. said. Local media reported that rescuers also refugees, page 6 See > Trial, page 11 See > sought five people believed to be missing. Hilde Fløkstad, a manager at the Mills plant, told NRK that service was being performed Wedding at the North Pole Top of the list on a gas tank. “When the gas tank was empty, something happened that led to the Norwegian explorer explosion,” she said. Norway’s NTNU and (NRK) Børge Ousland plans PRIO named to list of first-ever wedding at the Breivik says he “would do it again” most-cited research Anders Behring Breivik defended in court North Pole institutions in the world his killing of 77 people in shooting and bombing attacks last year by saying they were preventive actions aimed at saving St a f f Co m p i l a t i o n the Norwegian culture. “I have completed Norwegian American Weekly Ad r e ss e a v i s e n the most sophisticated, spectacular and the most brutal political attack by any militant Norwegian University of Science and nationalist in Norway since World War II,” Mr. Breivik told the court in its second day Norwegian polar explorer and adventur- Technology (NTNU) in Trondheim and the of proceedings, adding he would do it again er Børge Ousland planned the coolest wed- Peace Research Institute (PRIO) in Oslo is if he could go back. ding he could think of when he was going to the only non-American institutions at the list (Wall Street Journal) marry his sweetheart Hege Røgeberg. of the 25 institutions that have had the most Last Thursday Ousland visited the North professional breakthrough, writes Adres- US granted access to more information Pole for the 19th time, but this time every- seavisen. PRIO is ranked in 16th place, and about thing was very different from his previous NTNU is ranked in 20th. The controversial PNR (Passenger Name visits there. And it was a secret mission. No “Research shows that we have specialists Record) agreement has been approved one was to know. in political science, geography and econom- by the E.U. This makes it possible for the In addition to bringing his wife-to-be, he ics who are recognized internationally. Our E.U. to forward information about airline was accompanied by a pastor, and two wit- collaboration has shown its strength over the passengers directly to the U.S. The U.S. was nesses, and they arrived on the pole point in years. Our researchers have been successful quick to praise the decision, which will give a chartered Russian helicopter. Photo: NRK with a wide variety of interesting issues,” the U.S. access to information that is meant Børge Ousland and Hege Røgeberg after their to prevent terror attacks. See > wedding, page 6 wedding ceremony at the North Pole. See > research, page 5 (Norway Post)

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Norwegian American Weekly (USPS 679-840) (ISSN 1942-1389) is published weekly except the last two weeks of July, the first two weeks of August and the last week of Dec. by Norwegian American Weekly Inc, 7301 Fifth Avenue NE Suite A, Seattle, WA 98115. Periodicals postage paid at Seattle, WA and at additional mailing offices. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to Norwegian American Weekly 7301 Fifth Avenue NE Suite A, Seattle, WA 98115. Phone: (206) 784-4617 • Email: naw@norway. Proud to bring you the Norwegian American Weekly com • Website: www.norway.com. Annual subscription cost: USD $59 domestic; USD $79 to Canada; USD $179 to Norway and all other foreign countries. 4 • April 27, 2012 Online: blog.norway.com/category/business norwegian american weekly Business

Exchange Rates Oslo Børs: Week at a Glance (April 23, 2012) Winners Losers Strong partnership Norsk Kr. 5.7471 Name NOK Change Name NOK Change Fairstar Heavy Transport 9.7 27.0% SinOceanic Shipping 6.2 -12.7% Dansk Kr. 5.6639 Eidesvik Offshore 37.4 18.7% Tide 17.4 -12.6% Looking at 20 years of Norway’s agreement Svensk Kr. 6.7488 NorDiag 0.1 14.3% Blom 0.1 -9.1% Comrod Communication 6.8 5.1% Byggma 24.0 -7.7% with the European Economic Area Canadian $ 0.9939 PSI Group 4.0 4.4% Fara 3.8 -7.1% Euro 0.7613 For detailed information about the Oslo Børs, visit www.dn.no.

Norwegian Commercial Club seattle, washington Please join us for inspirational speakers and great food on the second and fourth Thursdays of the month!

Social hour begins at 6 p.m., and dinner is served at 6:30 p.m. Please be kind to our caterers! Please call the Leif Erikson Lodge office at 783-1274 by Wednesday before the meeting.

6 p.m. at Leif Erikson Lodge, located at 2245 NW 57th Street, Seattle, WA 98107. To purchase tickets (dinner included) contact Leif Erikson Lodge at 783-1274. Photo: Miriam Stackpole Dahl / Norway’s Delegation to the European Union Norway’s new Minister of International Development Heikki Holmås (left) met with E.U. Development supporting local norwegian bu siness since 1932 Commissioner Andris Piebalgs (right) in Brussels on April 16.

Ra s m u s Fa l c k Russ Oberg, CLTC, CLU Oslo, Norway Independent Insurance Broker Twenty years ago Norway signed the apart, others believe that it will be reinforced Long-Term Health Care Insurance European Economic Area (EEA) Agreement and intensified. At present, it is not possible with the European Union. It was the most to say who is right. But whichever way it Should you consider it? extensive and comprehensive agreement we goes, we will be affected. Call me for honest straightforward advice. had ever entered into, and it has been further The review describes and analyzes Nor- (206)362-5913 developed in the years since. And it has ended way’s existing agreement with the E.U. to- up affecting far more sectors of society than day, and looks at how they have developed www.obergltc.com most people dreamed of twenty years ago. In from 1992. These years have shown that 5650 24th Ave NW, Ste 603 Seattle, WA 98107-4155 addition, Norway has entered into a number the Norwegian authorities neither can nor of other agreements with the E.U. over these wish to isolate Norway from the increas- LEWIS O. TITLAND Quality Accounting & Tax Services for: years, for example on border controls, police ingly close and binding integration process Certified Public Accountant Small businesses cooperation, immigration, foreign, security in the E.U. Norway has incorporated three- (206)789-5433 Individuals and defense policy, regional policy, agricul- quarters of all E.U. legislative acts into Nor- 3824 18th Ave Specialized Assistance ture and fisheries. wegian legislation and has implemented Seattle, WA 98119 According to a government-appointed them more effectively than many of the EU independent review of the agreement, our member states. At the same time, Norway is relations with the E.U. are shaped by the neither a member of the E.U. nor involved MULLAVEY, PROUT, GRENLEY & FOE need to find common solutions. All in all, it in the decision-making process. Today, Nor- describes the extensive Europeanization of way is far more closely associated with the a t t o r n e y s a n d c o u n s e l o r s a t l a w Norway in the last 20 years. In these times E.U. than most people realize. In practice the of uncertainty and change, it is particularly agreement has worked far better than many important to be aware of and understand the expected. Advice regarding maritime and civil claims, disputes, form of association Norway already has with In economic terms, the period of 1992 commercial transactions and estate planning. the E.U., and the important ways in which – 2011 was a very good time for Norway. European integration shapes and colors ev- GDP for mainland Norway increased by 60 eryday life in Norway. percent, employment rose by around 25 per- 24001 NW Sixty-fifth P.O. Box 70567 Seattle, WA 98107 Both Europe as a whole and the E.U. are cent, and unemployment fell from nearly 6 Telephone: (206) 789-2511 Fax: (206) 789-4484 currently in a process of rapid change. The percent in 1993 to 2.4 percent in 2011. There situation is characterized by financial turbu- are many reasons for the upswing in the Nor- lence and political and social unrest. Norway wegian economy – not least Norway’s oil is not a member of the E.U., but is affected and gas activities – and its association with LUNDE MARINE ELECTRONICS, INC. both directly and indirectly by developments the E.U. is only one of many factors. How- in Europe. The level of stability and welfare ever, the agreement with E.U. has provided a Sales and Service in our neighboring European countries has stable and relatively predictable framework considerable influence on our politics, the for almost all aspects of Norway’s economic economy and social development. At the relations with the E.U. member states, which present time E.U. will be in a critical phase, together constitute Norway’s most important with great uncertainty about its future course. economic partner by far. While some believe the union is about to fall Seattle,WA Tacoma,WA Dutch Harbor, AK phone (206) 789-3011 phone (253) 627-6968 phone (907) 581-1498 Business News & Notes fax (206)782-3188 fax (253)383-4965 fax (907) 581-1402 Norway’s Governor Olsen says outlook is an important channel for the economy and is better than some months ago “very important” for the inflation outlook, he Though markets continue to be plagued by said. The governor reiterated his view that the [email protected] “great uncertainty,” the krone has “been sta- bank won’t need to resort to a Swiss-style cur- 5415 24th Ave NW, Seattle 98107 ble” in recent weeks, said Norway’s central rency cap to curb the krone’s gains. bank governor Øystein Olsen. The krone is (Bloomberg) norwegian american weekly Online: blog.norway.com/category/research April 27, 2012 • 5 Research & Education < Research articles are cited by other professionals. Ice cubes from the sun From page 3 Maliniak and Powers researched the Twelve ice cubes made with solar power periods of 1985 – 1995 and 1995 – 2006. says Marit Reitan, the director of the Insti- NTNU and PRIO were prominent in the takes a team of NTNU students to Rio tute for Sociology and Political Science. 1995 – 2006 range. While the list contains Kari Melby, vice-president for research repeats, such as top-ranking universities of at NTNU, was very happy with the report. Harvard, Yale, Stanford and Princeton, the “It’s amazing what position this edu- list points out some institutions “box in a cational community has received. We have weight class higher than expected.” Malin- known that we were very strong, but it’s fun iak and Power’s conclusion is that research- to get it affirmed by someone on the outside. ers will be assessed according to the quality The fact that we are on the list along with of their work, not by the institution to which PRIO is not by chance – we have a close co- they belong. operation,” said Melby. Peace Research Institute Oslo (PRIO) There are many educational rankings is located in an impressive 16 space on the that are issued, and evaluation methods vary, same list. Not enough, PRIO’s own journal, making it difficult to effectively evaluate an Journal of Peace Research, is considered institution’s quality and achievements. This among the 12 most reputable. Several of the ranking, however, a scientific work done by researchers in this field have positions both doctoral fellows Daniel Maliniak at the Uni- at PRIO and NTNU. versity of California and Ryan M. Powers at “Very nice that we claim ourselves to the University of Wisconsin. The ranking is the top. I hope it will be noticed in Norway. based on 25 variables for articles published in We work closely with NTNU,” said PRIO the 12 most prestigious journals in the field. director Kristian Berg Harpviken. Photo courtesy of NTNU This is compared with the number of times From left: Aleksander Kolstad, Erik Storaas and Thomas Emdal Loland. Their design for a solar- powered ice maker won them a trip to Rio de Janeiro in June to present their idea at the UN Sustainable < Coloring Development Conference. Below: The ice maker prototype at NTNU. From page 1 NEW! Birkebeiner print 9.75x12” + generous border No r w e g i a n Un i v e r s i t y o f Sc i e n c e a n d Please have children use crayons, pen- Bergslien’s famous 1869 Norwegian painting of “Birchlegs” ski rescue Te ch n o l o g y cils and or markers. Pictures need to be re- • full-color, fade-proof Trondheim, Norway ceived by May 7. This contest is open to • quality paper children of all ages and will be judged along • FREE shipping in sturdy mailing tube to It took just 12 ice cubes for a team of prototype that works, and that has the po- with others in their age group. Please make US 48 states sure that the following is on the back on your • $15 each, USD only; NTNU (Norwegian University of Science tential to change daily life for people in de- VISA/MasterCard and Technology in Trondheim) science and veloping countries. And it has potential for entry: child’s name, age and phone contact. engineering students to win a competition commercial development.” Pictures should be sent to the Scandinavian Order from for a trip to the UN Rio +20 Sustainable De- The solar ice cube maker uses a sim- East Coast Museum, 440 Ovington Avenue, NORWAY ART Brooklyn, NY 11209 or at Nordic Delicacies, 1455 West Lake St, B-20 velopment Conference this June. But those ple mix of ammonia and calcium chloride, Minneapolis, MN 55408 12 ice cubes were made by using the heat of which is warmed by the sun during the day 6909 Third Avenue, Brooklyn, NY 11209. Winners will be contacted by phone. call 612.339.7829 or 612.871.2236, or the sun in a simple, commercially viable sys- and forced into a thermos flask. The freezing email: [email protected] tem that could be used in developing coun- occurs at night when the ammonia “evapo- Prizes will be given at Viking Fest 2012 on May 19th in Owl’s Head / Bliss Park in Bay Why not order now for shipment to your home or business tries to help fishermen preserve their fish, for rates” in the closed system, thus drawing heat and have this beautiful art waiting for you there?! example, or doctors preserve vital medicines away from the water that is stored in ice cube Ridge. Contact Victoria at (718) 748-5950. and vaccines. trays in the thermos flask. The water freezes, The four students, Halfdan Knudsen and and the system returns to equilibrium until Erik Storaas from the Department of Energy the sun rises and heats up the ammonia/cal- and Process Engineering, Aleksander Kol- cium chloride mix again. Global Study stad from the Department of Chemistry, and The 17 student teams who competed Thomas Emdal Loland from the Department for the prize were drawn from a mandatory of Materials Science and Engineering, were student class called Experts in Teamwork, At PLU, rigorous academics and a caring community members of a team that competed with 16 an interdisciplinary course that all first-year ensures challenge and support for every student other NTNU master’s student teams for the master’s students must take. The second prize chance to travel to Rio to present their idea. winners, who will attend a green conference The competition was held in conjunction in Copenhagen, developed an online game with the Technoport 2012 conference, “Shar- about water use called “Wild for Water.” ing Possibilities.” Knudsen, Storaas and Loland said they “This is an exciting idea that has been were excited to have won the trip to Rio, but transformed into a real product,” said Johan that they had not yet had time to think more Hustad, NTNU’s Pro-Rector for Innovation about possibly commercializing their idea. and External Relations, as he announced the “We’ve had a bit of tunnel vision, just getting award winners during the last session of the ready for the competition,” Knudsen said. Technoport conference. “They have made a

PLU students visit Emei Mountain near Chengdu, China, as part of a semester abroad.

CHALLENGE SUPPORT SUCCESS PLU Tacoma, Washington www.plu.edu 800-274-6758 6 • April 27, 2012 norwegian american weekly opinion

< Refugees An opinion column about current issues in Norway From page 3 Join the conversation! criminal violence including attacks by armed On the EDGE groups in sub-Saharan Africa or by drug cartels in Latin America, to armed clashes Don’t envy us our oil; envy us our women such as those associated with the conflict in By Else Berit Eikeland, Norwegian Ambassador to Canada Cote d’Ivoire or the uprising across the Arab world: such events caused hundreds of thou- sands of people to flee their homes. During his recent visit to Canada, the At the same time, we see that coun- to follow here in Canada. This is why The circumstances of people’s displace- President of the Norwegian Parliament, tries that oppress or don’t include girls are the Embassy decided, in partnership with ment and their long-term prospects were as Mr. Dag Terje Andersen, gave several pre- lagging behind, their development is slow- Canadian members of Parliament, sena- divers as the situation of violence were as sentations on Norwegian economic model, ing down. Geneder equality is not only in- tors and the organization Equal Voice, to divers as the situations of violence or con- describing many factors that have led to decent and wrong; it’s simply not smart launch a speakers’ series presenting Nor- flict which had forced them to flee, the report Norway having one of the largest GDPs economics. wegian experiences. Three knowledgeable says. per capita in the world. Gender equality is an issue that cuts speakers from Norway presented Norwe- However, despite these challenges there “Is it a question of luck?” he said, across all of the Norwegian government’s gain gender equality policies and their cul- have also been some positive developments pointing to our large petroleum resourc- policies, and it extends into our foreign tural context from three different angles: in 2011. Although Africa still was the region es off the Norwegian coast. It would be policy. We believe that female participa- business, political life and academia. with the largest number of the IDPs in the too easy to conclude that the Norwegian tion and leadership is necessary to succeed Norwegian gender equality policies 2011 the total number there continued to fol- economy is only about oil and natural gas, in peace and reconciliation processes and include social welfare policies such as full low a downward trend which begun had be- he continued. Our good economic perfor- climate change mitigations, just to men- paid parental leave for 47 weeks, the right gun as early as in 2004. mance also reflects other factors. One im- tion a few areas. to reduced working hours and exemption portant factor is women’s participation in Norway is not perfect when it comes from overtime for parents of small chil- the workforce. When it became clear in the to gender equality. Our labor market is still dren and up to 10 days of paid leave of < Wedding 1950s and early 1960s that Norway need- very gender-segregated. The differences absence to care for sick children. These From page 3 ed more workers to sustain the growth of largely correspond to the division between measures have been instrumental in get- the economy, the Norwegian government the public and private sectors, and are kept ting more women in the labor market. We started promoting women’s participation alive through gender sterotypes regarding often hear that these are generous mea- Pastor Dag Henrik Berggrav had de- in the workforce. Today, more than 75 choices of education and work. We also sures that many countries can’t afford to manded a cross for the ceremony, and Ous- percent of Norwegian women are in the see that women still do more housework introduce. However, taking into account land had fashioned a cross from one adult workforce – a high number compared to than men and spend more time with their the importance of women’s participation cross country ski and one child-size ski. most countries. children than men. These are issues that in the labor market, we would like to ask: And despite –28°C (-4°F) temperature, “Don’t envy us our oil; envy us our the government is working to address. Can they afford not to? the bride and groom dressed up in wedding women,” said Mr. Andersen. However, Norway can be quite proud finery – she was a white silk dress witha Unfortunately, in numerous other of what it has achieved so far. Today, Her Excellency Else Berit wooly hooded jacket, and he in his bunad coutnries, the view of women is a lot less we have at least 40 percent representa- Eikeland is the Norwegian from Sunnmøre county. positive. According to the United Nations’ tion both in Parliament and on corporate Ambassador to Canada. The groom had even brought a wedding Prior to her appointment Human Development Report, worldwide, boards of publicly-held companies. How- tent, in order that he might carry his bride as Ambassador in 2009, women are poorer, have lower wages and ever, in several countries similar to ours, over the threshold! Eikeland held positions receive less education than men. Girls and the number of women in decision-making And the happy, if freezing, couple had in the Ministry of Foreign women are often denied the basic health positions is low. In Canada, only 25 per- Affairs in Norway, The an unwitting wedding crasher. services they need. In many parts of the cent of the members of Parliament and Philippines, San Francisco and London, as A British explorer who skied 140 miles world, the most dangerous thing a wom- only 15 percent of corporate board mem- well as the Norwegian Confederation of Trade to the North Pole was surprised to acciden- an can do is give birth. Violence against bers are women. Unions. This article was originally printed in tally stumble upon the arctic nuptials. women persists in all societies. Norway is often cited as an example the Spring 2012 issue of News of Norway from “They had a priest here, there were ta- the Royal Norwegian Embassy. bles set up with mulled wine and champagne and suddenly I come pulling my sledge over The opinions expressed by opinion writers featured in “On the Edge” are not necessarily those of Norwegian American Weekly, and our publication of those views is not an endorsement of them. Comments, suggestions and complaints about the opinions expressed by the paper’s editorials should be directed to the editor. the ice and gatecrash the wedding at the North Pole!” Mark Wood, 44, told the U.K.’s Coventry Observer newspaper. < Withdrawl When the groom saw Wood approach- From page 1 They have completed the planning and ex- Norway recently increased its military ing, he came over to congratulate the skier ecution of some very complex operations at contributions in Afghanistan by sending spe- on finishing the long trek, Wood told the Afghanistan. As a member of NATO, Nor- the brigade level. The Norwegian forces role cial forces to Kabul for mentoring and train- Coventry Observer. Wood was making the way has been involved in stabilization ef- has thus largely been concerned with coun- ing of the Afghan police's central emergency journey to the North Pole to raise awareness forts in Afghanistan since 2003. seling and mentoring.” response team, CRU. about climate change. Norwegian Chief of Defense Harald Minister of Defense Espen Barth Eide With the phased withdrawal from Faryab After the ceremony, there were fire- Sunde said the transition of the Norwegian visited Kabul on April 22, and was briefed province, Norway is considering future con- works and champagne. And when the party armed forces is in line with the Afghan gov- on the adjusted schedule by the ISAF leader- tributions in the country as it plans to have a returned to base, there was more champagne ernment's desire to handle their own secu- ship. substantial military presence in Afghanistan and Russian caviar. rity. “The Afghan security forces is consid- until the end of 2014. Ousland was the first person to walk “The fact that the transfer takes place ered to be in a position to take over responsi- “We went in with our allies, and we to the North Pole alone, and the first to ski earlier than planned testifies to the efforts of bility for security in the province already this will leave with our allies when the time has alone across Antarctica. the Norwegian and Allied mentors in the area fall,” said Eide. come,” said Eide. has been remarkably effective, said Sunde. ISAF's campaign strategy for northern For more photos of the event, visit http:// “The Afghan forces in Faryab have managed Afghanistan will be concentrated on major Information from NRK and the Norwe- tinyurl.com/npolewedding. their own safety for a long time in practice. population centers and transportation routes. gian Armed Forces included in this report.

Place a classified with us! Scandinavian meet-up Call us today to see how we The fine print Call (800) 305-0217 or email Looking to connect with fel- can help you! Classified ads are prepaid Ole’s List [email protected] for details. low Norwegians or Scandina- advertisements, and are not Norwegian American Weekly vians in your area? We have guaranteed to sell. The Nor- Looking for a bunad? subscribers in every U.S. state wegian American Weekly staff classified ads and most Canadian provinces. reserves the right to turn down Are you looking for a bunad, any ads that are deemed inap- or perhaps in need of a bunad? propriate or not connected to Place a want or sell ad with These ads work! our audience. For more infor- PRICING: $25 per ad, includes up to seven lines. us! Advertisers see the value and mation and to place an ad, call Add-ons: $10 for photo and $5 to be included in effectiveness of their ads in the toll-free at (800) 305-0217 or online enewsletter. Call (800) 305-0217 or email Norwegian American Weekly. email [email protected]. [email protected] for details. UPDATE norwegian american weekly A april 27, 2012 • 7 opinion Norwegian American Weekly Letters to the Editor Published since May 17, 1889 7301 Fifth Avenue NE Suite A, Seattle, WA 98115 Do you have something to say? Send your letters to us! Toll-free: (800) 305-0217 • Local: (206) 784-4617 7301 Fifth Avenue NE Suite A, Seattle, WA 98115 Fax: (206) 448-2033 • Email: [email protected] Email: [email protected] Publisher Norwegian American Foundation [email protected] Dear Editor, our website for updated information. The pa- at 3014 NW 67th Street in Ballard. Free ad- Managing Editor With all the recent articles and TV news rade will step off promptly at 1:30 pm rain or mission to NHM all day, as well as a Nordic Christy Olsen Field [email protected] and specials on the hundredth anniversary shine and proceed north along Third Avenue Café, food and beverages for sale all day, Copy Editor and Subscriptions Manager of the tragic sinking of the Titanic and the to 69th Street. There we will make a right and fjord horses will be there. hype about the re-release of the movie (this turn and march up 69th Street to Fifth Av- At noon, the highly anticipated 17th of Kelsey Larson [email protected] time in 3D), I decided the media had gone enue. At Fifth Avenue we will make a left May Luncheon will take place at Leif Erikson Assistant Layout Editor overboard with its coverage and that I had turn and march to 67th Street, where we will Lodge at 2245 NW 57th in Ballard. Tickets Harry Svenkerud [email protected] had enough. But then the Norwegian Ameri- make a right turn and march up 67th Street are $30 per person and reservations are re- Intern can Weekly came out with the fascinating past the grandstand, which will be located on quired. Call (206) 783-1274 to reserve your Jess Larsen [email protected] and well-researched article by Scott Larsen the south side of Leif Erikson Park between seat. Our Grand Marshal Sten Arne Rosnes, Contributing Editors “Norwegians on the Titanic” (April 13 issue) Sixth and Seventh Avenues. who is the Consul General of the Royal Nor- Melinda Bargreen Everett, Wash. and you changed my mind. A short program will follow the per- wegian Consulate General in San Francisco, Carla Danziger McLean, Va. To read the details of the Norwegian and formance by the Mummers at the review- will give an address, and we will recognize Gary G. Erickson Sunburg, Minn. Norwegian-American passengers who sur- ing stand. Our guest speaker will be Helle our Honorary Marshals Sissel Almaas Peter- Rasmus Falck O oslo, Norway Marit Fosse Geneva, Switzerland vived as well as those who didn’t, to read a Aanesen, CEO of Active Against Cancer, an son and Kaare Ness. Judith Gabriel Vinje Burbank, Calif. survivor’s letter, to see the photos, made the organization co-founded with Grete Weitz. Starting at 2 p.m., Bergen Place Park Shelby Gilje Seattle, Wash. Line Grundstad Hanke Seattle, Wash. tragedy personal. Many thanks to Mr. Larsen Greetings from local representatives will will come alive at 22nd Ave. NW and Mar- Heidi Håvan Grosch Sparbu, Norway and to the Norwegian American Weekly for also be heard. ket Street with live, free entertainment. Victoria Hofmo Brooklyn, N.Y. Leslee Lane Hoyum Rockford, Minn. an excellent feature – including the beautiful As part of the pre-parade festivities, the The popular Open House and Café at Else Hvistendahl New York, N.Y. graphics that accompanied it. Kelsey Lar- Church Group of the 17th of May Commit- Leif Erikson Lodge, 2245 NW 57th St. in Inger-Torill Kirkeby Miami, Fla. son’s story about her great-grandmother lit- tee will hold it’s annual 17th of May Church Ballard, will be open 3 – 5 p.m. Food, bev- Scott Larsen New Westminster, B.C. Thor A. Larsen Fishkill, N.Y. erally missing the boat added a heartwarm- Rally on Saturday, May 5th at 6:30 p.m. at erages, wine, beer available for purchase. Jerry Larson Zimmerman, Minn. ing touch. the Norwegian Christian Home located at Local Scandinavian organizations will have Solveig M. Lee S seattle, Wash. Richard Londgren Thousand Oaks, Calif. 1270 67th Street; Brooklyn, NY 11219. The promotional material about their groups Donald V. Mehus New York, N.Y. Sincerely, rally program will feature Pastor Thor Foss, available. Berit T. Mesarick Williamsburg, Va. David Moe Juneau, Alaska Carla Danziger as our guest speaker, along with musical se- For the first time, we look forward to the Ken Nordan Batavia, Ill. Author of “Hidden Falls” lections from the Nansen Chorus. A freewill delicious tradition of the salmon barbeque of Bill Osmundsen New York, N.Y. McLean, Va. offering will be received and refreshments the Pacific Northwest at Pacific Fishermen Sada Reed Woodbury, Minn. John Erik Stacy S seattle, Wash. will be served following the program. Shipyard, 5351 24th Ave. NW. The event will Rolf Kristian Stang New York, N.Y. For more information on the parade, take place 7 – 10 p.m. This will be a fund- Kjell Olav Strømsli Trondheim, Norway Larrie Wanberg Grand Forks, N.D. program, and rally, please contact Evald Ol- raiser for 17th of May Festival sponsored by Dear Editor, son at (718) 745-6653, or visit our website at Pacific Fishermen Shipyard in honor of Hon- Spring is here once again, so plan to www.may17paradeny.com. orary Marshal Kaare Ness. Tickets are $25 CORRECTIONS: Norwegian American Weekly strives to make its news report fair and accurate. If you come out and join us in celebrating the 60th per person. Beer and wine will be available have a question or comment about news coverage Annual Norwegian Constitution Day Parade, Sincerely, for purchase. call (206) 784-4617. • Norwegian American Weekly scheduled to take place on Sunday, May 20 Evald Olson The parade will take place with an ex- reserves the right to edit any and all submissions for style, grammar, accuracy and/or space, and the right at 1:30 p.m. on Third Avenue in Bay Ridge, 17th of May Committee of Greater N.Y. tended route this year, and the fun begins at 6 not to print submissions deemed libelous, in poor Brooklyn. Brooklyn, N.Y. p.m. The parade starts at NW 62nd and 24th taste, or not suited for publication in this newspaper. The theme for the 2012 Parade is “Hon- NW, goes south to Market Street, east to Ber- • The opinions expressed by opinion writers and letter writers are not necessarily those of Norwegian oring Norwegian Women,” paying tribute to gen Place Park, turns down 22nd Ave NW, American Weekly, and our publication of those views is the late Grete Waitz. and continues south on Ballard Ave. NW, all not an endorsement of them. Comments, suggestions We are pleased to announce that with Dear Editor, the way to Dock Street! and complaints about the opinions expressed by the paper’s editorials should be directed to the weather permitting the Mummers, the The 17th of May Committee of Seattle For more information, check out our publisher. • Norwegian American Weekly is published Woodland String Band from Philadelphia is excited to announce this year’s schedule website at www.17thofmay.org. weekly except the first week of the calendar year, will be joining us for the parade. Follow- of events! With an extended parade route and the last two weeks of July, and the first two weeks of August by Norwegian American Weekly, INC. • ing the parade they will be performing at the special salmon barbeque, this year will be a Sincerely, Please send address changes to 7301 Fifth Ave. grandstand. Also, we have a band coming special celebration of heritage and commu- Gail Engler NE Suite A Seattle, WA 98115 • Annual Subscription from Norway, the Mandal Musikkforening nity. 17th of May Seattle Committee Cost: US$59 Domestic, US$79 to Canada, US$179 to Norway and all other foreign countries. to participate. A number of local New York We invite you to join us for festivities Seattle, Wash. bands will also be providing music for the on Thursday, May 17th, in Ballard from 10 SINCE MAY 17, 1889: Formerly Norway Times expected 100,000 spectators along the pa- a.m. to 8 p.m. We have children’s games and Coming next week... Western Viking & Washington Posten rade route. crafts, live music in Bergen Park, a special The parade is moving! This year we luncheon, open house, two cafes, fjord hors- 17th of May Calendar! Comprising Nordisk Tidende, Decorah- will be marching on Third Avenue. The es to see and touch, and a parade! Posten og Ved Arnen, Minneapolis-Tidende, Minnesota Posten, Norrona and Skandinaven lineup will be at 85th Street and Third Av- From 10 a.m. to 2 p.m., the Nordic Heri- Email [email protected] or call (800) 305- enue, beginning at 12:30 p.m. Please check tage Museum will host kids games, located 0217 by May 1 to be included! NORWEGIAN AMERICAN WEEKLY, INC. Han Ola og Han Per 8 • April 27, 2012 norwegiAn AmericAn weekly TasTe of Norway A taste of Syttende Mai Salmon or sild? Milan, Minn. celebrates Try pickled salmon for a fresh spin on seafood Norwegian heritage

Sada Reed Woodbury, Minn. The city of Milan, Minn., located ap- proximately 150 miles west of Minneapolis, will celebrate Norwegian heritage from 9:30 a.m. to 4 p.m. on Saturday, May 19, with “A Taste of Syttende Mai 2012.” The event includes a program in down- town Milan at 1:30 p.m.; the Uff-da Parade at 2 p.m.; musical performances from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m.; the Kviteseid Smørgås Tea from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m.; and the Little Nor- wegian Church service at 9:30 a.m. There Photo: Tine.no will also be children’s activities, authors and More than 30 types of traditional Norwe- book signings, and traditional Norwegian gian foods will be served. arts, crafts and food. A presentation by Per Tofte, “Everyone has a cousin in America,” will be held at Old held at Milan Village Arts School (97 Wash- Milan School at 2:45 p.m. It is about emigra- ington Avenue), while local arts and gifts tion from Norway to America between 1825 will be available for purchase at Billy Maple and World War I and includes about 140 Tree’s (228 Main Street), which is located in photographs. the historic Arv Hus Museum. The Full Cir- More than 30 types of Norwegian spe- cle Thrift shop, located in the Milan Com- cialty foods will be served at the Smørgås munity Center (408 N 4th Street), will also Tea, including lefse, flatbreads, krumkake, be open. spritz, Norwegian meatballs, blod klub, For more information, contact Milan geitost with cloudberry jam, rømmegrøt and Commercial Club treasurer Nancy Schneck more. at (320) 734-4736 or Marlys Kvistero at Also, folk arts demonstrations will be (320) 734-4659. The Little Viking Scandinavian GiftS a touch of Scandinavia in southern California We have combined our two stores 28465 Old Town Front St. #104 Photo: Tine.no and moved – Temecula, CA 92590 You may have tried pickled herring, but have you tried pickled salmon? This delicacy is stop in to have a look and say hi! (951) 676-6800 | [email protected] perfect for your summer table, and you might have better luck finding salmon filets (over herring filets) at your local grocery store!

Nordic delicacies Pickled Salmon “a taste of Norway iN the heart of BrooklyN!”

6909 Third Avenue Brooklyn, NY 11209 Syltet Laks Phone: (718) 748-1874 • Fax: (718) 833-7519 www.nordicdeli.com Recipe adapted from Alt om Mat

Help us celebrate Syttende Mai! 2 pounds boneless/skinless salmon fillet 1 Tbsp. white peppercorns 1/2 cup salt 3 or 4 bay leaves 7.5 dl of 5 percent acidity vinegar 7.5 dl granulated sugar subscribe for only $40 Call (800) 305-0217 7.5 dl water 4 sweet onions 1 Tbsp whole cloves 1 clean jar 1 Tbsp golden mustard seed

Rub down the salmon with the salt. Put it in a plastic bag and seal it up. Refrigerate for a Vesterheim Raffle minimum of two hours to let the moisture be drawn from the fish; it will collect in the bottom WIN this beautiful piece of art— of the bag. In a kettle, mix the vinegar and water. To the vinegar mixture, add the cloves, hand-turned by Paul Loftness, carved by golden mustard seed, white peppercorns, and bay leaves. Also pour in the sugar. Boil ingre- Becky Lusk, and painted by Jean Giese. dients together and remove from burner. Cool it on the counter top and then refrigerate. Slice the onions into rings. After the salmon has been in the salt in the bag in the refrigerator for To order tickets, call 563-382-9681, or write a few hours and there’s a lot of moisture in the bag, pour out the moisture, and, with paper Vesterheim, P.O. Box 379, Decorah, IA 52101. towels, wipe off the salmon to get rid of extra moisture and salt. Prepare the salmon: First, The drawing will be held on Saturday, July 28. remove the very thin bits along the edges and carefully remove the brown colored meat (it is Proceeds benefit Vesterheim. fish fat and doesn’t taste as good!). Cut the salmon in 2 X 2 centimeter bits. In the jar, stack onion rings and fish and cover with the vinegar liquid. The salmon must be in the vinegar at Tickets only $2.50 each! least 24 hours to pickle. Thanks More info at vesterheim.org. to the generous What are your favorite recipes? Call us at (206) 784-4617 or (800) 305-0217 or email your artists! Norwegian-American Museum ideas to [email protected]. norwegian american weekly april 27, 2012 • 9 travel Visit industrial Norway Explore ’s industrial history and beautiful mountainside scenery

Photos: Førdefestivalen, Nancy Bundt/www.visitnorway.com Left: Rjukanfossen is one of Rjukan’s most beautiful and well-known waterfalls. Center: The Norwegian Industrial Worker’s Museum in Vemok. Right: Gaustatoppen is Telemark’s highest mountain, and one of Rjukan’s must-see attractions.

Visit Norway

The town of Rjukan in , Telemark, find a large car park, from which the two a superb exhibition of “rosemaling” (rose decorate for example furniture). Visit www. Norway, is a great place to go for a little cable cars carry passengers up to an altitude painting – a peasant style of painting used to visitrjukan.com for more travel information. bit of everything: it is near to the beautiful of 886 meters. The view over Rjukan from mountain of Gaustatoppen, the famous pla- the top is fantastic, with the mountains roll- teau of Hardangervidda, the Norwegian In- ing away to the south and west and dustrial Worker’s Musuem, and is known for nestling in the valley below. the heavy water sabotages by the heroes of 2 1 COME TO BROOKLYN, 0 Telemark in World War II. Here are a few of Hardangervidda 2 ORWEG G N IAN the many attractions in the Rjukan area: The vast mountain plateau of Hardan- IN W R O O M NEW YORK N E gervidda is one of Europe’s largest. It is also O N H Norwegian Industrial Workers Museum home to northern Europe’s largest stock of This museum at Vemork is a place where reindeer. TO CELEBRATE THE you can learn about the fantastic adventure

1 1 of its genesis and see exhibitions about the The Rjukan Waterfall 9 1 17th OF MAY 53 0 • • 2 industrial development in Norway, and in This waterfall was “discovered” in 1810 GR Z ETE WAIT Rjukan in particular. by the geology professor Jens Esmark, and The museum is best known for its pre- he sent a report to the King in Copenhagen On Sunday May 20th the Parade starts at 1:30PM on Third sentation of Rjukan’s exciting wartime his- about the “world’s highest waterfall.” This tory. Vemork was the center of one of the was a slight exaggeration. The Rjukan Wa- Avenue at 86th St and ends at the reviewing stand at 67th most important acts of sabotage committed terfall is no more than 104 meters high, but Street between 6th and 7th Avenues. The theme for 2012 is: during World War II, when Norwegian sabo- it led to increased tourism in Rjukan. The “Honoring Norwegian Women - Grete Waitz ” teurs prevented the Germans from develop- mountain man and heavy water saboteur ing a nuclear bomb from the heavy water that Claus Helberg claimed that Rjukan was the Our featured guest speaker will be Helle was produced there. The “Atomkappløpet” cradle of modern . CEO, Active against Cancer (nuclear race) exhibition gives an exciting Aanesen, and extremely informative presentation of Tinn Museum Foundation which she created with her friend the four heavy water sabotage missions and Tinn Museum is an open air folk muse- Grete Waitz. the Allies’ efforts to build a nuclear bomb. um with buildings and household items dat- ing from the 16th century up to the advent of Gaustatoppen Mountain industrialization in the 20th century. Several Our honorary Civic Marshall is: Gaustatoppen towers majestically above alpine farms are run in the old way. In beau- the town of Rjukan at an altitude of 1,883 tiful natural surroundings among a variety Larry Morrish meters above sea level. Around 30,000 peo- of animals you can enjoy local food or buy ple make the trip up to the summit every year mountain products to take home with you. to enjoy the fantastic view from the top. On a Our honorary Church Marshal clear day, you can see all the way south to the Tinn handicrafts center George A. Jensen coast, and east to Sweden. You can see one Tinn handicrafts center was opened in sixth of Norway from here. 1996. The center’s objective is to preserve the rich handicraft traditions in Tinn and to Honorary Marshal for Krossobanen Cable Car offer local artists their own production and Sons of Norway This is the first ever cable car to be built sales premises. John Hlivyak in northern Europe in 1928. The cable car The exhibition here is a combination was a gift from Norsk Hydro to the people of of an art exhibition and a sales exhibition, Rjukan so that they could get up high enough with more than 70 exhibitors displaying www.may17paradeny.com to see the sun during the winter. their work which ranges from handicrafts to At the cable car’s lower station you will woodwork, knives, national costumes and 10 • April 27, 2012 norwegiAn AmericAn weekly Roots & ConneCtions Write your own story Submission

Thanks to subscriber Jane Sibley of Haddam, Conn. for submitting the fol- lowing story, inspired by Heidi Håvan Grosch’s March 16 Barneblad feature. Treet som bli The Tree Who Became

Det var en gang...eventyrene begynner støttet sig mot øksenes bitt, og ikke lengere Once upon a time – fairy tales always around. After the storm, men came with axes alltid med disse fire magiske ord...det var siden, mennene hadde hugget ham ned og begin with these four magical words – there and saws; they wanted to salvage as much of et tre. Et forgrummelig stort tre. Så stort at førtet vedet med seg. was a tree. A honkin’ big tree. So big that the wood as possible. The tree knew that his han kunne nesten fange skyene som skuddet Det var ved nok til å gjøre planker, og he could almost catch the clouds which shot time was up, and he hoped that he wouldn’t over sine høyeste kvister. Mange dyr og fugl barnene ønsket at treskjærene skulle gjøre past his highest twigs. Many animals and be simply turned into firewood. He braced bodde på hans utstående gren og inne i små leketøy fra stykkene som var for liten til bruk birds dwelt on his outstretched branches and himself for the axes’ bite, and before long, hul i hans hovedstam. Det var godt å leve, jo for hus- og hyttebyggning. Noe ved var tatt inside small holes in his trunk. It was good the men had cut him down and carted off all sikkert det! Treet lyttet til fuglenes sang og lo av en skipsbygger, som brukte det til å bygge to live, you betcha! The tree listened to the the wood. når ekornene småpratet om hverandre. Når et vakkert stort skip. Noe ved var laget til birds’ songs, and laughed when the squir- There was plenty of wood to make det var vår, nye blad prydet ham; og når det vevstol, fordi kninnene gjerne ønsket å veve rels gossiped about each other. When it was boards, and the children wanted the wood- var høst, bladene blev rødfarvet og gulfarvet tøy. Bare lite ved var tilbake som ildved. springtime, new leaves decorated him; and carvers to make them toys out of the pieces og oransjefarvet før de gjorde det siste vals Skipet seilte fra fjord til fjord, og dets when fall came, those leaves became red, which were too small to use to make houses ned til jordet. eier var en dronning. Når hun døde, hun var yellow, and orange before they made that last and sheds. Some of the wood was taken by Treet var temmelig gammel, og han var plassert på skipet, og det hele gravet ned i et waltz downward to the ground. a shipbuilder, who used it to make a beau- vitne til tiden da nordmennene først kom stor gravhaug. Treet likte å seile, men han The tree was rather old, and he was wit- tiful large ship. Other wood was made into til sin skog. Mennesker var forskjellige fra også likte det når barnene satte høyt hans ness to the time when the Northmen first looms, because the women liked to weave ekorn og fugl, og de snakket et helt annet leketøy, generasjon etter generasjon; og came to his forest. Humans were different cloth. Very little was left for firewood. språk. Noengang de sang, særlig de små som masser av tøy ble vevet på hans vevstolene. from squirrels and birds, and they spoke a The ship sailed from fjord to fjord, and plukket bær og jaget etter sommerfuglene. Han kunne samtidig høre barnenes latter completely different language. Sometime was owned by a queen. When she died, she Han elsket å høre barnelek; latteren klirret og konenes småpratelse, som minnet ham they sang, especially the little ones who was placed on the ship, which was buried i luften og gjørde hans trehjerte til å banke om ekornene han kjente når han var ung. were picking berries and chasing butter- in a huge howe. The tree had enjoyed sail- med glede. Når det var vinter, menneskene Han vaktet over dronningens grav, og sikret flies. He loved to hear the little ones play- ing, but he also enjoyed having his wooden saknet dødtre til brennved, så at de kunne ble henne fra troll og gravrøver. ing; their laughter tinkled in the air and made toys cherished by generations of children, varm over kuldtidene, men treet var fornøyd Mange hundrede av år senere, arkeolo- his wooden heart leap for joy. When winter and a lot of cloth was woven on his looms. med sin snøduvet. Han sov i vinteren, og ven- ger oppdaget skipet, og de var overlykkelige came, the humans gathered dead wood for He could at the same time hear the children tet til solen kom tilbake til å smelte sneet, og at skipet var i slik fint vilkår. De utgravet fires to keep themselves warm throughout laugh and the women gossip, much like the til fuglene kom tilbake fra sørlandene. skipet med forsiktighet og transporterte det the cold times, but the tree was content with squirrels he had known in his youth. He Mange år gikk, og treet var fornøyd. til et musee, når det var konsivert. Etterpå, his blanket of snow. He slept through the guarded the tomb of the dead queen, keeping Med da kom et troll, og trollet gravet et stort skipet gikk til utstilling, og fra den dag til winter, waiting for the sun to return and melt her safe from trolls and grave robbers. hull nendanfor treets rot, og gjorde sitt hjem idag, treet kan ennå høre folk si “oooo” og the snow, and for the birds to wing their way Hundreds of years passed, and the bur- der. Alt som trollet øndket å gjøre var til å “åååå” om skipet, og om det fin ved som north from the southern climes. ied ship was found by some archaeologists suge blod fra mennesker og fe, knekke de- skipet var bygget med. Om du farer til skip- Many years passed, and the tree was who were overjoyed at the good condition res ben, og gjøre deres liv utålelig. Treet var smuseet i Bygdøy, du òg kan “ooooo” og content. But then a troll came and dug a big of the ship. They carefully dug the ship out ulykkelig om det, men han kunne ikke gjøre “åååå” over Osebergskipet, som Dronning hole under the tree’s roots and made his home and carried it to a museum, where it was re- noenting til å jage trollet bort. Trollene er Åse hadde til gravskip. Når du er tilstede, there. All the troll wanted to do was to suck stored. The ship went on display, and from ikke snille gjester. vær så snill å takke treet som vaktet kjekk the blood from man and cattle, break their that day to this, the tree can still hear people Da kom et kjempestort tordenuvær til over dronningen, og når du reiser til andre bones, and make their lives miserable. The ooo and oh at the ship, and what fine wood it skogen, og et putring lyn slåtte treet, far- museer, du kan ennå kikke på hans leketøy tree was unhappy about that, but he couldn’t was made from. If you go to the ship muse- ende ned hovedstammet til trollets jordhull, og vevstol. do anything to chase the troll away. Children um at Bygdøy, you too can ooo and oh at the og trollet blev straks død. Men lynet også Dette er eventyret om treet som bli. no longer came to play near him, and he was Oseberg ship, in which Queen Åse had been splintret det meste av treet, og mange store Snipp, snapp, snute, så er eventyret ute. quite alone, except for the troll. Trolls are not buried. When you’re there, please remember trestykker ligget omtrent. Efter uværet, menn nice guests. to thank the tree who guarded the queen so kom med økser og såg; de bare ønsket å Then a huge thunderstorm came over well, and when you go to some of the other berge så mye av veden som mulig. Treet vis- the forest, and a sizzling lightning bolt struck museums, some of the toys and looms can ste vel at sin tid far ferdig, og han håpet at the tree, travelling down the trunk to the still be seen there. han skulle ikke simpelthen bli brannved. Han troll’s burrow and immediately killing the This is the tale of the tree who became. troll. But the lightning also shattered most of And now my tale is ended. Snipp, snapp, snute, sa er eventyret ute the tree, and many big pieces of wood lay all Were you inspired to write an english/norwegian story too? send it to us at [email protected]!

Ben Ottesen Marinette WI 30. april Ståle Gyldenås Åndalsnes Norway Phyllis Cleven Silverdale WA Agot Heistein Poulsbo WA Mabel Hoffman Cashmere WA Ragna B. Egge Roundup MT Genevieve Riddervold San Leandro CA Olaf Gjovik Oswego IL Arne Andersen Torrington Alta Can Henry Nosback Des Moines IA Inga Mahles Oakland CA 3. mai 29. april Heidi Lydon Vacaville CA Chris Pedersen Seattle WA Nettie Peterson Lisbon ND Ruth Pedersen Loucks Allentown PA Evan Tor Nordby Boston MA 27. april Sverre T. Williamsen Albany NY Karen Fistolera Tracy CA Ruth Torland Minneapolis MN 1. mai Orvil Nereng Whitehall WI Sven Bervik Westby MT Clara Lansverk Murdock MN Want to see your birthday in the Jarle Bryn Caledonia MN Mrs. Sid Endreland Lake Mills IA Marit Holland Appleton MN Norwegian American Weekly? Ellen Hammer Seattle WA Gunvald Rusdal Gig Harbor WA Emma Isaacson Johnson Iola WI Nils Juvik Laksevåg Norway Kristian Gunnar Boston MA Call at (800) 305-0217 or email naw@ Axel Kennet Lorentzen Staten Island NY Bette Stahl Deer Park NY 2. mai norway.com. Birthdays must be submitted at Joe Molvik Kennewick WA Norma B. Hanson Poulsbo WA least one month in advance. 28. april Helma Rekedal Hansvick Moorhead MN Rebecca Anderson Woodburn OR NB: Has someone on our birthday list passed Magne Eide Florø Norway Arnold Skifton Houston MN away? Please notify us. norwegian american weekly A april 27, 2012 • 11 obituaries & Religion Just a minute In Loving Memory Encouraging columns by the late Pastor Per W. Larsen, written for Norway Do you have a loved one or friend who has recently passed? Times and now shared with the readers of the Norwegian American Weekly Contact us at (206) 784-4617 or [email protected] to place an obituary. John Tor Johnsen Forgive and Forget December 22, 1935 – April 20, 2012 There is an old story about two men A tough order, indeed, but Jesus says, “If you shaking harnds in friendship while one of don’t forgive men in their sins, your Father John Tor Johnsen, 76, a longtime resi- in the National Guard. them was on his deathbed. As the visitor will not forgive your sings.” (Matthew 6:14) dent of Stanfordville, N.Y., passed away at In addition to his wife Ann Marie, he left, the sick man roused himself and said, We have no choice! Forgive we must, home on Friday, April 20, surrounded by his is survived by a son, Peter Johnsen and his “Remember, if I get over this, the old quarrel and show it by not taking revenge and by loving family. He also resided in Wilming- wife Patricia of Red Hook, N.Y.; a son, Neal stands!” Dr. Paul Tournier says, “One has to praying for the offenders. Slowly we may ton, N.C., and Bolton Landing, N.Y. Johnsen of Stanfordville, N.Y.; a daughter, be a psychotherapist to know how rare the look upon them with different eyes; as per- He was born Dec. 22, 1935 in Brooklyn, Ellen Michael and her husband Matthew of forgiveness of others is.” We agree. True, sons very unhappy, insecure and with per- N.Y., the son of the late Jorgen and Tonette Stanfordville; and a daughter, Betta Rosse deep forgiveness is rare, but we don’t need sonality problems. Our emotional baggage, (Reinertsen) Johnsen. He spent his childhood and her husband Dirk-Jan of Millbrook, to be professionals to see that. resentments and hurts, we just have to carry in Farsund, Norway. N.Y.; eight grandchildren, Alec, Devin and Since it is so hard, it should give us an and confess before God, until He helps us get On Oct. 18, 1958 in Brooklyn, N.Y., Perri Johnsen, Jared Colow, Clayton and Ava extra incentive to be very careful in our deal- rid of it. It helps to realize how much we need he married Ann Marie Bode. John was the Michael, and Jan and Karolina Rosse; a sis- ings with others! We find it hard to forgive God’s forgiveness. True healing forgiveness owner of Stanfordville Machine, which he ter, Anne Sandrib of Osprey, Fla.; as well as because it is mentally impossible to forget. cannot happen before the offender and the founded in 1975. He also honorably served three nieces and three nephews. And what do we do then? First of all, rec- offended make up. But as long as our heart’s ognize it is hopeless to unite an unforgiving disposition is right, that problem is on the heart with true faith. Said Jesus, “Love your side of the offender. “Hatred puts you below, enemies, pray for those who persecute you.” revenge makes you even with your enemy, Inga C. Larson There has to be a forgiving spirit in us even if forgiving sets you above him.” December 25, 1918 – April 11, 2012 the offender will not admit his wrongdoings. Inga C. Larson, age 93, of Cooperstown, band called “Neighbors.” Howard died Sept. N.D. died Wednesday April 11, 2012. 21, 1999. Inga continued to make her home Inga C. Kalvik was born Dec. 25, 1918 on the farm until she became a resident of the Norwegian Lutheran Memorial Church in rural Hannaford, N.D, the daughter of Cooperstown Medical Center Nursing Home Den Norske Lutherske Minnekirke Olaf and Dora (Haugen) Kalvik. She grew in 2009. The Norwegian Lutheran Memorial Church offers the best venue in Chicago for Norwegians, up and attended school in Greenfield Town- Inga is survived by her six children, Scandinavians to gather and celebrate Norwegian traditions. We welcome you to our warm ship. She was baptized and confirmed at Carol (Robert) Hallett, Fergus Falls, Minn.; and friendly family of members. Please visit us soon! All services are at 11 a.m. unless Union Lutheran Church in Hannaford, N.D. Darrell (Dianne) and DeVon, both of Grand otherwise noted. Pastor: Sigurd Grindheim. She taught Sunday School for years, member Forks, N.D.; Roger (Ranae) and Debara An- of the WELCA, member of the church choir dreasen both of Cooperstown, N.D. and Lar- May 2012 and also quilting group. Early in her life she ry (Kathy), Fargo, ND. Grandchildren are worked for relatives and neighbors. DeAnn (Troy) Diegel, Ryan (Amy) Hallett, May 6 Norwegian Service Inga married Howard P. Larson on Dec. Dana Larson, Aaron Larson, Adam Larson, 29, 1944, in Moorhead, Minn., and she be- Amy (Chris) Boushey, Candi (Terry) Wills May 13 Norwegian Service / Communion gan her life as a farm wife and mother of and Nick (Sarah) Larson. 16 great grandchil- Mother’s Day Treats seven children. Inga and Howard were in a dren. May 17 17de mai Concert, 7 p.m. Guest: Ambassador Wegger Chr. Strømmen < trial PST. The defendant also testified that he had From page 3 May 20 Norwegian Service / English Sermon, a good relationship with his family. 10:30 a.m. case, but when it comes to European cells he The three coordinating aid lawyers stresses that he has no idea how many cells asked the defendant several questions about May 27 English Service are present. his choice of terrorist targets, preparation and how he believes survivors experience his 2614 North Kedzie Avenue, Chicago, IL 60647 • (773) 252-7335 • www.minnekirken.org Thursday, April 19 (Day 4) actions and explanations while in the Oslo District Court. Prosecutor Svein Holden continued on Are your fi nancial strategies ready for 2012? Thursday questioning of accused terrorist The prosecutor asked Behring Breivik Anders Behring Breivik (33). to describe how he carried out the terror- Put the strength and stability of Thrivent Financial for Lutherans to work for you with Holden spent most of the day asking the ist attack on Utøya. The defendant clarified an annual review—it takes less than an hour. Schedule a review to: defendant about his so-called manifesto and how he went over to the AUF summer camp, planning of the bomb attack in Oslo. and in detail how he carried out the killings. Maximize retirement contributions Consolidate IRAs and 401(k)s. and review goals. The goal was not to kill 69 on Utøya, He described, among other things, that he Review protection coverage. but all of the 560 who were there, said the on several occasions was afraid of being Review estate strategy needs and Establish an emergency savings fund. defendant. overpowered, and that he chose to surrender update beneficiaries. The 33-year-old told on Thursday about when police surrounded him. Contact your financial representative and get started today! the very brutal plans for what he wanted to do on Utøya, also against individuals such as Monday, April 23 (Day 6) Gro Harlem Brundtland. Furthermore, he re- In court on Monday, Breivik finished up vealed that his plan was not to shoot as many, his testimony. He apologized to passersbys but instead use the shots to scare them into who were injured by the bombing of the gov- the water to drown. Finally, the defendant ernment quarter, but did not offer an apology explained the details of bomb production as to those affected by the shooting on Utøya, well as the stimulant drugs he took before the though he did say he did not intend to kill attack. any young children. “It was unknown to me that there were people under 16 years there,” Friday, April 20 (Day 5) he said. The defendant had not studied the Friday in court, the lawyers began with age of the participants in advance. He fur- the proper follow-up questions to their cli- ther said that he agreed that a child is anyone under 18. ent. Insurance products issued or offered by Thrivent Financial for Lutherans, Appleton, WI. Not all products are Defense lawyers Vibeke Hein Bæra and Lawyer Yvonne Mette Larsen asked if available in all states. Securities and investment advisory services are offered through Thrivent Investment Breivik was aware of the Rose Parade across Management Inc., 625 Fourth Ave. S., Minneapolis, MN 55415, a FINRA and SIPC member and a wholly owned Geir Lippestad asked the defendant how he subsidiary of Thrivent Financial for Lutherans. Thrivent Financial representatives are registered representatives of acquired knowledge of bomb production, the country on July 25. “It was a typical Nor- Thrivent Investment Management Inc. They are also licensed insurance agents of Thrivent Financial. what he has learned from al-Qaida and how wegian reaction, because [Norwegians are] For additional important disclosure information, please visit Thrivent.com/disclosures. he put it online to avoid attention from the not allowed to be angry,” said Breivik. 27248NAW N1-12 Appleton, Wisconsin • Minneapolis, Minnesota • Thrivent.com • 800-THRIVENT (800-847-4836) 201200239 12 • April 27, 2012 Online: blog.norway.com/category/culture norwegian american weekly Arts & Style An artist by nature Calendar of Events Sharon Aamodt shares her artistic talent and strong What’s going on in your neighborhood? connection to heritage with Nordic Folklore

California tions for instruments, electronics, video, Norway Day Festival and dance, performed by some of the fin- May 5 – 6 est young performers in contemporary San Francisco, Calif. music, including former ASF Fellow Mi- Thousands of Norwegians, Norwegian- chael Straus, saxophone; Sigrun Eng and Americans and non-Norwegian visitors Sarah Biber, cello; Dana Jessen, bassoon; from and around the Bay Area visit the Terri Hron, recorders; and Jennifer Tor- Norway Day Festival at Fort Mason Cen- rence, percussion. Allusions to Seasons and ter every May, and we invite you to join Weather: Music from a Year in Norway is a us! Interested in volunteering? Email vol- set of four pieces based on Swendsen’s ex- [email protected]. For details about perience of seasonal transitions in Norway, the event, visit www.norwayday.org. where he lived from 2006-2007 as a Ful- bright Fellow in residence at the NoTAM Vinland Lodge’s Heritage Fair Computer Music Studios in Oslo. Follow- May 5 ing the concert, Swendsen will discuss the Temecula, Calif. locations and experiences that served as Sons of Norway Vinland Lodge #6-159 in inspiration and material for these pieces, as Temecula, Calif., invites all Scandinavians well as his process of working closely with and people interested in Scandinavian heri- the performers during the composition pro- tage and culture to their annual Heritage cess. For information call (212) 847-9740 Fair on May 5 at 11 a.m., located at Temec- or email [email protected]. ula City Library, 30600 Pauba Rd. Temec- Visit www.scandinaviahouse.org. Illustrations courtesy of Nordic Folklore ula. There will be Rosemaling and Knitting The watercolor painting “Children with Apples and Fjord Horse” captures a moment with young chil- demonstrations, maps, books, Royal fam- Washington dren harvesting apples and sharing the bounty with their faithful friend, the gentle Fjord horse. ily pictures, and national costumes. Short Seattle Sister City Celebration movie and speech on why the Norwegians May 2 celebrate 17th of May. Members will bring Seattle, Wash. Je ss La r s e n their own artifacts for display. Norwegian Please join co-chairs Mayor Mike McGinn, Norwegian American Weekly Intern food for sale. Call (951) 678-2462 or (760) City Council President Sally Clark, The 650-6281 or [email protected]. Boeing Company, as Presenting Sponsor, Sharon Aamodt, an artist by nature, has computer artist. Dexter is an artist in his own and members of the Seattle City Council a way of bringing the beauty of Norway and right who started out creating pieces using Minnesota at the 16th Annual Seattle Sister Cities Re- its culture to life in her stunning paintings. oil inks. These materials were not the saf- Norway House Midtsommer ception on May 2, 6 – 8 p.m. at the Bertha Her art is not only of Norway but also shows est to work with and as a result Dexter had Knight Landes Room at Seattle City Hall. June 21 the traditions and picturesque scenery of to stop using them. Fortunately Dexter was Olaf Kvamme will be honored as chair of St. Paul, Minn. Scandinavia as a whole. able to find a new way to let his creativity Save the date for the Norway House Midt- the Seattle-Bergen Sister City Association. He has retained this position for more than “My parents were Swedish and Norwe- flow when computers hit the scene. sommer Celebration! This annual tradi- gian (we call that mixed marriage) and I had The two went to Norway in 2001 where tion celebrates the “Going Viking” spirit 20 years and been the liason between Seat- always been very immersed in that culture,” they were able to visit family and experience by identifying and honoring individuals tle and Bergen. The evening’s program will said Aamodt, explaining her ties to Scandi- the beauty of Norway. “We took lots and lots of Norwegian heritage that have, through also include an exciting raffle drawing and navian culture. Her grandparents, a main fac- of pictures and they find their way into many their extraordinary accomplishments and no-host bar. Tickets are $20 for members of adventuresome spirit, significantly ad- a Sister City Association, and $25 for non- tor in introducing Aamodt to Scandinavian prints as backgrounds,” said Aamodt. Dex- vanced the quality of life for others. This members. Call (800) 838-3006 for tickets culture, were immigrants from Norway and ter’s mastery of computer art makes adding year’s event will be held June 21 at the or visit BrownPaperTickets.com. Sweden. Over the years they exposed her to these stunning pictures from Norway into Interlachen Country Club in Minneapolis. vivid stories of the Vikings, traditional foods, wife’s paintings possible. The 2012 Norway House Going Viking Washington, D.C. and dances from Scandinavia. These stories The two live on a five-acre farm in west- honorees are Jim Brandenburg, Tove Dahl Interest meeting for Lakselaget and traditions are what spurred her lifelong ern Washington to be close to their grandchil- and Bob Bergland. The event raises mon- May 5 interest in her heritage and Nordic folklore, dren. Their heritage is still an important part ey for Norway House programs, such as Arlington, Va. which Aamodt loves being able to share with of their everyday life as they are members Peace Initiative and Edvard Grieg Society. Lakselaget (the salmon club) is for profes- her children and grandchildren today. of Daughters of Norway Prillar Guri Lodge The celebration begins with at 5 p.m. with sional women and college and university Aamodt attended the Art Academy in #30 and Sons of Norway Hovedstad Lodge a cocktail reception and aquavit toast, fol- students who are also Norwegian, of Nor- Denver, Colo., Woodbury University in Los #2-094 in Olympia, Wash. The two also love lowed by the dinner and awards program. wegian descent, or are interested in con- Angeles, Calif., and did graduate work at the spending time with their grandchildren and For more information, contact elizabeth@ temporary Norwegian issues and all things Art Center College in Los Angeles, Calif. It sharing their love of art with them. norwayhouse.net. Norwegian. A new chapter will be estab- was at school in California that Aamodt met The beautiful art created by the Aamodt lished in the Washington, D.C., region, and her husband Bob Dexter. and Dexter shows the traditions and heritage you are invited to the Chapter Formation New York After college, Aamodt got her start in of Norway and other Scandinavian countries. Meeting at the Williamsburg Room at the Music from a Year in Norway fashion drawing and it was not until later To contact Nordic Folklore, visit www.nor- May 31 Army Navy Country Club (1700 Army Navy Drive, Arlington, VA) on May 5 at that Nordic art became her primary focus. dicfolklore.com, email information@nordic- New York City, N.Y. She first was attracted to Nordic art by the folklore.com or call (360) 832-1244. “Allusions to Seasons and Weather: Music 11:15 a.m. For more information, contact beautiful colors of the bunad. “I went to a from a Year in Norway” with Former ASF [email protected]. If you wish Scandinavian Festival at Cal Lutheran in Fellow Michael Straus. Join us May 31 at to begin a chapter in your state, contact 7 p.m. at Scandinavia House in New York Leslee Lane Hoyum at leslee.sarping@ Moorpark with Bob in 1983,” said Aamodt. City. Admission: $10 ($7 ASF Members) gmail.com for a startup manual. It was then that Aamodt was truly inspired Composer Peter V. Swendsen presents a by Nordic folklore and decided to take the full program of new and recent composi- plunge to focus on this specific type of art. Besides creating beautiful paintings of people in traditional Norwegian bunads with beautiful backgrounds, the Fjord horse is an- 17th of May Event Calendar other common aspect of Aamodt’s artwork. Having owned one as a child, her love of the coming next week! Fjord started at a young age and continues today. “I love drawing their sensitive and Send your events to [email protected] by May 1 to be included. affectionate faces,” says Aamodt describ- ing why she likes to include the Fjord in her Send your event to [email protected] or call (206) 784-4617 paintings. to be added to the Norwegian American Weekly! Nordic Folklore Paintings is not merely Aamodt’s work reflects the traditionalbunad (folk a one-person show, as Aamodt works close- costume) of regional Norway. The one depicted Event listings are free, but space is limited. Please contact us at least one month prior to event. ly with her husband Bob Dexter, a modern here is the white bunad from Bergen. norwegian american weekly A Online: blog.norway.com/category/norway-in-the-us april 27, 2012 • 13 In your neighborhood Freedom and peace Honoring 39 years of troop exchange between the US and Norway in Little Falls, Minn.

Photos: Ali Rogers Photography Left: Former board member Phyllis Framstad made the commemorative kransekake. Right: President Karen Gusaas welcomes members and guests.

< Friendship From page 1 engaged Linda Pederson, who at the time Photos: Gary G. Erickson worked for the Royal Norwegian Consulate The banquet dignitaries at the Falls Ballroom in Little Falls, Minn., to celebrate the Norwegian-Amer- cal thinking skills. Rita Docter, program in Minneapolis, and her insights were in- ican troop exchange. manager for the volunteer-driven BRAVO valuable in helping Lakselaget attract young Music Appreciation Program, spoke with women. In fact, two of five Lakselag presi- great passion for her subject. dents were 28 and 30 when elected. Ga r y G. Er i c k s o n Before and during lunch, guests viewed In April 2002, Lakselaget held its first Sunburg, Minn. three tables of fabulous items on which they meeting. The banquet room was packed, could bid in a silent auction with the proceeds a manifestation of greater interest than we thought possible. The organization has flour- troops recently eral, the Sons of Norway and the Norwegian benefiting the Lakselag Scholarship and Op- ished since then providing professional sup- completed their 39th annual reciprocal troop American Chamber of Commerce (NACC). portunity Fund. The items, which were do- port, networking opportunities and educa- exchange with the U.S., NOREX 2012, by Eivind Heiberg, CEO of the Sons of Norway nated by Lakselaget members and friends, tional programs. It has raised $72,000 for its traveling to Camp Ripley, Little Falls, Minn. and Midwest chapter president of NACC, included a boat cruise on the St. Croix Riv- scholarship program and has awarded funds for two weeks of winter training. Approxi- shared Norman’s view and pointed out that er, kransekake made to order, a Norwegian to Norwegian and Minnesota women every mately 118 Norwegians formed a contingent Sons of Norway and NACC have both played sweater, one-of-a-kind jewelry, books, wine year since 2003. In other outreach efforts, from various Home Guard districts through- an integral role in the success of this troop baskets and much more. The auction raised members have volunteered for programs out Norway. A like number of Minnesota Na- exchange, supporting it both financially and $2,000 in 1.5 hours! such as the Nobel Peace Prize seminar at tional Guard troops traveled to Norway for otherwise since the very beginning. More than 30 years ago, Ingeborg So- Augsburg College, Nordic ski events and the similar winter training. This exchange con- “It helps to strengthen the ties between rensen and I watched as our husbands drove Norwegian Royal Visit in 2011. stitutes the longest-lived military exchange the U.S., frankly, and Norway. It goes way off to their respective cod clubs nine Satur- For information about joining Lakselag- agreement in the history of the U.S. beyond the Midwest and the state of Minne- days each year. It dawned on us that we, too, et in Minnesota, contact membership@lak- Lt. Col. Per-Ivar Norman, Commanding sota,” Heiberg emphasized. should have an organization for professional selaget.org, or learn more about us at www. Officer, Norwegian Home Guard’s 5th Dis- Troop members were given an opportu- and university women who were Norwegian, lakselaget.org. If you live in the Washington, trict, , Norway and making his first nity to experience American life through the of Norwegian descent, or interested in con- D.C. area, a new chapter is being formed on trip ever to the U.S., was interviewed at a “Buddy Weekend,” a time when they could temporary Norwegian issues. However, it May 5. Contact [email protected]. public reception held in Minneapolis’ Radis- spend a couple of days living with an Ameri- was not until 2001 that we actually set the If you wish to begin a chapter in your state, son Plaza Hotel in late February. can family somewhere within about 100 ball in motion. contact me at [email protected] for “I see the importance of learning to know miles of Little Falls. American families vol- During our planning, we determined a startup manual. each other, and keeping the bond between unteered for the experience earlier in the fall that to appeal to younger women we need- Norway and the U.S.,” declared Lt. Col. and the event has always been very popular. ed a younger person’s point of view. So we Norman, next year’s commander-in-chief. A favorite feature of this weekend is the abil- “We can present winter training conditions ity of the Norwegian troops to sleep in and in Norway for the American troops, and we sleep late. come here and learn how you, the National “Culture” was often referred to by the Guard, train here, especially the Rapid Reac- Norwegian contingent’s officers and enlisted tion Forces. And, also presented to the youth men as a significant experience for them dur- we bring along, about 60 of them in all, are ing their stay. When asked to define this cul- American culture and American soldier life. tural phenomenon, several times reference So, they actually experience a lot of things was given to the openness and friendliness we actually can’t present back at home, they found afforded them culturally by the weapons training being just one of them.” American public when they were out in uni- This reception was sponsored by the Royal Norwegian Honorary Consulate Gen- See > Exchange, page 15

Lakselaget Board members and co-founders include: Treasurer Beth Detlie; Reservations Director Kay Shores; Co-founder Ingeborg Sorensen; Vice President Suzanne Wheeler; Co-founder Leslee Lane Hoyum; President Karen Gusaas; Co-founder Linda Pederson; Foundation Director Karin Holt; and Membership Director Leann Tatge. The co-founders were toasted for for their persistence in building an organization that salutes “Women who swim against the current.” 17th of May is coming! Full Service Agency With Experienced See pageNorwegian 3 forSpeaking details Consultants! Full Service Agency WithOur Experienced daily specials Norwegian and regularly Speaking updated Consultants! information will help you make wise travel Our daily specials and regularly updated informationdecisions will inhelp ayou make constantly wise travel changing decisions in world! a constantly changing world! Sp e c i a l s t o Sc a n d i n a v i a , VERRAZANOSpecials to Scandinavia TRAVEL & LEISURE Eu r o p e & t h e Ca r i b b e a n Europe & the1 Caribbean (718) 979-6641 Left: Norwegian soldier Magnus Berge from Stavanger was part of this year’s delegation from Norway. [email protected][email protected] Right: Minnesota National Guard Assistant Adjutant General, Brigadier General Neal G. Loidolt. Call us for details! Call us for details! Verrazano TraVel & leisure 1 (718) 979-6641 [email protected] [email protected] 14 • April 27, 2012 Online: blog.norway.com/category/norwegian-americans norwegian american weekly norwegian heritage Storm of war Rønningen Ramblings Memories of living in Norway during World War II with Heidi Håvan Grosch Many readers of the Norwegian American Weekly lived in Norway during World War II. Heidi was a long-time Minnesotan until she married In remembering the anniversaries of the Nazi invasion and occupation (April 9, 1940) and the her favorite Norwegian, Morten, and moved to his liberation (May 8, 1945), we will publish memories from our readers in April and May. home country of Norway. As a recent immigrant she is experiencing Norway with a unique perspective, filling us You have challenged me to write a rented an apartment from a manager in a local in on the good, the bad and the unexpected! piece of my history which started many bank and they had been able by the Germans years back. You captured my attention with to keep their radios in a bank vault, sealed your photograph on page seven of your fine up. However, an illegal news brief with newspaper, a picture I first saw in Oslo on the bank’s watermark got out on the street, Å gå på kino May 9, 1945. This famous photograph has therefore, the Gestapo came and arrested ev- appeared many times since, and has been erybody in the bank and put them all in a Going to the movies a constant reminder of a sad chapter in my concentration camp for one year! Yet, what life. As you will see in my story below, I lost was still to be answered was “WHERE IS both my parents in the preceding five years. THE RADIO?” I had just come home from This all came about as I was born in Los school when one of my school buddies came Angeles some five years earlier and my par- to warn us, the Germans were looking for ents decided to return to Norway. My dad, a radio. My mother, knowing of our radio, from Bergen, was a rather famous Brann was panic-stricken and asked me to hide the soccer goalie and my mother was from Lar- radio somewhere. I took the radio out of its vik. The last time I saw my father was on cabinet and headed out of the house. Coming April 4, 1940, his ship making a brief stop from the kitchen stoop, I eyed the two-holer in Mandal, their home port, on their journey “out-house” across our yard. Without hesi- from Sweden bound for England. He had tation, I dropped the device in the MUCK. taken a job as a chief engineer to supplement The situation was under control for the time his failing income from his automobile ga- being, radio buried. rage in Mandal, due to the spartan economy In high school, I became very interested in Norway at that time. Then the occupation in electronics, in particular “crystal sets.” I of Norway by German soldiers started just a set out to the grocery store, bought a roll of few days later in April 9, 1940. When moth- toilet paper, took the paper off, glued in the er passed away about one year later, I went detector and clips for antennae wires, etc., to Sandnes to live with an aunt and uncle to put the paper carefully back on the card- Photo courtesy of Norwegian Film Insitute finish high school. board core with copper wire and hung it in The Norwegian film “Oslo, 31. august” (Oslo, August 31st) is highly acclaimed in Norway and abroad, It all started, the first evening at dusk, the bathroom. Every night around 8 p.m., I and is currently being shown at international film festivals. my mother and I were standing in the door- listened to the BBC from Scotland. I made way as German bombers droned above our about 100 of these radios for my friends People often wonder if all films that In North-Trøndelag we pay between heads showing us that they were here. AND none were ever found, hence I am come to Norway are dubbed, and the answer NOK 80 – 120 (USD 14.50 – 22.00) depend- A Messerschmitt made an emergency still here. In radio school, I remembered is no. Most people prefer to see a movie in ing on the popularity of the film, the theater landing in Mandal (out of fuel) where they our whole class gathered around the radio the language it was originally filmed in, so and if it is 3D or not. We can buy tickets in later built an airport. The pilot was disarmed when the judge read the verdict of Vidkun Norwegians are really good at reading sub- person, from a machine in the lobby or on- by my scout leader and housed in our local Qusling, the Norwegian Nazi Collaborator. titles. That is good news for all of us native line. Most films are in the evenings (earlier jail (a whole story in itself). No doubt Man- It took the judge 45 minutes to read his sen- English speakers living in Norway because on weekends), but once and a while they dal was way down on the list to occupy as it tence and ended with “and he shall be ex- took two to three weeks to come and retrieve ecuted by shooting, cremated and the ashes then we can also watch the American new have babykino (where mothers can watch a their plane. spread by the wind!” releases in our native tongue. Theaters spec- film with their young infants) or seniorkino The Germans built a small airport in The war finally ended. I received my ify if a film has been dubbed, mostly chil- (for retirees) during the day and with special Mandal and a couple of times an Allied radio license and had become a radio officer dren’s animated films, or if it is Norwegian prices. It is easy to get comfortable in the re- bomber found their way to drop a few bombs in the Norwegian Merchant Marine. Even- in origin (Norske tale, Norske stemmer/with clining stools found in most theaters and the to annoy the Germans, no doubt. tually, I found my way back to my mother- Norwegian voices). For more information sound is state-of-the-art. Early on during the occupation, they land… you can check out the Norwegian movie site, In the last few years 3D films have be- confiscated all radios. My parents happened That’s my little story from those days Filmweb (www.filmweb.no). come an overnight sensation and there is to bring a radio back with them back to “growing up” in a rather interesting time. Our local paper usually lists the name of usually one 3D film running at all times. Norway; however, it suffered a malfunction the film followed by: Sometimes, as in Steinkjer, the 3D glasses during the transition and was never licensed Submitted by Sigurd Wathne are included. In Verdal you have to buy your in Norway. As it turned out, my mother had Mandal, Norway / Santa Barbara, Calif. The type (for example) glasses for KR10 (US 2.00), but then you get Drama / Romantikk (drama / romantic) to keep them and in my opinion the 3D ef- th Am. Krigsfilm (American war film) fects are much better. 17 of May is coming! Sci-Fi As with American films, there are usu- Send us your Syttende Mai event for our national calendar! Action ally a few minutes of commercials before 7.NAW.Holand.23Dec2011_Layout 1 12/23/11 4:54 PM Page 1 Komedie (comedy) the film starts (many locally produced and Email [email protected] or call (800) 305-0217 by May 1. Animasjon (animated) advertising local businesses) and there are a See page 3 for our 17th of May offer. Eventyr (fairy tale) few previews. We are allowed to bring in our treats and yes, Norwegians do eat popcorn The aldersgrenser (the age requirements) History of the Norwegian Settlements: at the movies. One popular sweet addition is A translated and expanded version of A (tillatt for alle / appropriate for all) a “pick your own candy” smørgåsbord. You the 1908 De Norske Settlementers Historie 7 år / 7 years and up (barn ned til 4 år i get a paper bag and fill it up with whatever and the 1930 Den Siste Folkevandring Sagastubber fra Nybyggerlivet i Amerika følge med foresatte / children from age 4 can sweets you like and pay by weight (the can- By Hjalmar Rued Holand come with an adult) dy in the bag, not yours after you have eaten • WINNER of 2 National Awards 11 år / 11 years and up (barn ned til 8 år i the candy). • Immigrants in the Midwest 1830-1870 følge med foresatte / children from age 8 can The 100th anniversary of the sinking of • 512 pgs, hardcover, 6”x9”, Smyth sewn • Includes 32 pages of colored maps come with an adult) the Titanic has been popular with Norwe- • = $39.95 with FREE shipping in the USA 15 år / 15 years and up (unge ned til 12 gians and in a addition to multiple television The 63-chapter non-fiction book lets readers år i følge med foresatte / teens from age 12 specials, the film “Titanic” with Kate Wins- trace the trails of 3,800 indexed immigrants can come with an adult) let and Leonardo DiCaprio, is being shown through Illinois, Wisconsin, Iowa, Minnesota and the Dakotas as they explore new fron- 18 år / 18 years (absolutt nedre grense. for the first time in 3D. tiers and tame the wilderness. Ingen i salen kan være under 18 år / there So if you need a bit of down time on Call — send a check— or order from website is a fixed age, no one in the theater can be your Norwegian tour, know that you will Made in America! under 18) find a friendly place to relax that is just a bit like home. Astri My Astri Publishing www.astrimyastri.com Deb Nelson Gourley Phone: 563-568-6229 The length (for example) 602 3rd Ave SW, Waukon, IA 52172 [email protected] 3t 17m (3 hours and 17 minutes) norwegian american weekly A Online: blog.norway.com/category/sports april 27, 2012 • 15 sports Tippeligaen: Norway’s Premier League Competition in round 5 results Standings

4/20 Vålerenga 0 – 2 Sogndal Tippeligaen pld PTS 1. Rosenborg BK 5 11 4/21 Haugesund 2 – 1 Brann 2. Tromsø IL 5 10 4/22 Odd Grenland 1 – 1 Fredrikstad 3. Strømsgodset IF 5 10 4/22 Sandnes Ulf 2 – 1 Stabæk 4. Sogndal IL Fotball 5 9 5. Hønefoss BK 5 9 4/22 Hønefoss 3 – 1 Ålesund 6. Molde 5 9 4/22 Strømsgodset 1 – 0 Viking 7. FK Haugesund 5 8

4/22 Rosenborg 3 – 0 Tromsø 8. Viking FK 5 7 9. Vålerenga Fotball 5 7 4/23 Molde 3 – 2 Lillestrøm 10. Ålesunds FK 5 6 11. Fredrikstad FK 5 5 12. Sandnes Ulf 5 5 Photo: Sogndalfotball.no 13. Odd Grenland 5 4 Songdal IL Fotball’s team proved their strength against Vålerenga. To read more about football in 14. SK Brann 5 3 15. Lillestrøm SK 5 3 Kj e l l Ol a v St r ø m s l i Norway, visit www.uefa.com Trondheim, Norway 16. Stabæk Fotball 5 1

Vålerenga is one of the teams that allow The defenders Andre Kim Madsen and the opponents to drop in many times against Alexander Aas contributed greatly to Strøms- Leif erikson Lodge 2-001, sons of norway their own goal in this year’s series. In the godset’s victory with their rescues at the goal Culture, entertainment and fun for young and old – April 20 match, Vålerenga owned the match line. After the match it was all mostly about Come join us! May 9 in the beginning, but Sogndal went straight at the disputed decisive penalty. In attempting Membership meeting with dinner, drinks and program. 6 p.m. the throat of the hosts when they first got the to pass Martin Ørnskov, Alfred Sankoh ap- $10 / person. Call for reservations at (206) 783-1274 opportunity. After 25 minutes it was 2 – 0 on parently landed lightly in the ground, but the May 12 the score board after goals by Gustav Vals- referee pointed on the mark. Viking manager 2nd Saturday Kaffestua. 10 a.m. – 2 p.m. Donation: $4 vik and Tonny Brochmann. Vålerenga did Åge Hareide was ruthless in the break and 2nd Saturday Happy Hour. $5 for 2 drinks and supper. 5 p.m. May 17 never recover and had to face a loss against a said: “I think it was a sniper in Marienlyst Join us for the Norwegian Constitution Day! Luncheon at 12 strong Songdal team. here today. I did not know it was a foot that p.m. Tickets: $30 / person. Reservations required to (206) Odd Grenland has only one victory was put out there. It is a little too easily.” 783-1274. Cafe 3 – 5 p.m. with food and drink to purchase. in this year’s series. Because of an impos- Tromsø was on a visit to Lerkendal in Every Wednesday sible Fredrikstad goalkeeper Jon Knudsen, Trondheim in the late game on April 22. It Exercise class at 10 a.m. Cost: $3 Questions? Need membership Kaffestua Odd managed only 1 – 1 in the encounter was the battle for first place on the chart at M–Th., 11 a.m. – 2:30 p.m., and F 10 a.m. – 2:30 p.m. $4 in Skien. FFK took the lead after just six Lerkendal. The first period was even played, info? Call (206) 783-1274 minutes of play when Alex Valencia curled but the second half the hosts was the domi- Leif erikson HaLL, 2245 n.W. 57tH st., seattLe, Wa 98107 a corner and hit the defender Kevin Dure in nating team. Rosenborg won the game at space and he nodded the ball into the goal via the end 3 – 0, after goals by Markus Hen- goalkeeper Hansen. The hosts equalized 12 riksen, Mikael Dorsin and Jonas Svensson. minutes into the 2nd half on a penalty devel- Thus Rosenborg is back on top of the Tippe The Scandinavian Hour oped by Morten Fevang. league. Celebrating over 50 years on the air! < activity KKNW – 1150 AM From page 1 dent of the Norwegian Medical Association, Saturdays 9 – 10 a.m. PST Hege Gjessing. least one hour of physical education a day in She also speaks on behalf of the Cancer Streaming live on the internet at: Norwegian schools. Society, the National Association for Public www.1150kknw.com “Our goal is that all children and young Health, the Physioterapy Association and the people shall be offered one hour of physical Norwegian Sports Association. They are all activity each day they spend at school. The joining forces with a wish to make Norwe- Norwegian- school is an important arena, because here all gian children and youth more active. Always the owned participate regardless of social background. The five associations are appealing to since 1963 And good habits learned at an early age will the politicians who are drawing up the guide- best possible prices! stay with you as you go on in life, says Presi- liness for schools, and ask for action. AIR – SEA – LAND SPECIALISTS < Exchange Contact us for all your travel needs, domestic and worldwide From page 13 and shouts, when winners were announced with the result of inter-unit competition in- 7906 Fifth Avenue, Brooklyn, NY 11209 form, in Little Falls as well as the larger city volving various military and physical skills. Tel: (718) 748-7400 • Fax: (718) 238-3604 • [email protected] of Minneapolis. The public would approach Several officers volunteered in asides that them and thank them for their military ser- the summation of this experience of troop vice. This was something they had not expe- exchange is a powerful tool for military re- rienced back home in Norway. One Norwe- cruitment in Norway. WOODEN SPOON gian officer stated she was going to take the With anticipation of the special occasion SCANDINAVIAN SHOP concept of the “yellow ribbon tied around a of next year’s 40th anniversary of these troop 1617 Avenue K, Plano, TX 75074 tree,” and propose it to her Norwegian home exchanges, Minnesota National Guard As- city government. sistant Adjutant General, Brigadier General [email protected] A banquet was held at the Falls Ball- Neal G. Loidolt closed the evening and this room, Little Falls, Minn., on the exchange’s year’s exchange activities with these words: Exclusive designs final weekend before returning home. Mili- “Our bonds have been forged in the fires of tary dignitaries from both countries, together of the Wooden Spoon! war... Our two peoples are united; united in Uff da Wine Glass $12.95 with state politicians, American host families heritage and in history; united in work ethic Uff da is – Ceramic Tile $9.95 from the Buddy Weekend and all of the Nor- and in freedom, and united in the profession Shipping $12.00 wegian contingent, then assembled to hear of arms... Let our two organizations continue an historical articulation of their activities to train in the profession of arms together, in which took place in the previous weeks. Nor- order to ensure freedom, peace and prosper- We carry a complete line of Scandinavian gifts and food at the Wooden Spoon! wegian military units and individuals were ity.” Call (972) 424-6867 or place your order online at www.woodenspoon.ws recognized with rousing, boisterous cheers A full day of celebration in Seattle, Washington

With a full day of activities on May Sten Arne Rosnes has served 17, the streets of Ballard come as Consul General of Norway in San Francisco since 2008. alive with music and celebration of Rosnes was a First Lieutenant from 1981-1985 and became Norwegian Constitution Day! a Captain in 1985. In 1985, he joined the Foreign Service and has since held positions at the Kids games at Nordic Museum – 10-2 p.m. Embassy in Bonn, Germany; Free admission all day at Nordic Heritage NATO in Brussels; and the UN in New York. In addition, Sten Arne Museum (3014 NW 68th St). Games for kids, Rosnes was Deputy Chief of Mis- Nordic Café and fjord horses! sion at an Embassy in Tel Aviv, Israel; Deputy Director General – 12 p.m. MFA in Oslo), and Representa- Luncheon at Leif Erikson Hall tive of Norway to the Palestinian Tickets: $30 / person. RSVP to 206-783-1274 Authority. We are honored to Grand Marshal have Mr. Sten Arne Rosnes as Honorary Marshals Entertainment at Bergen Place – 2-5 p.m. our Grand Marshal! Sissel Peterson Kaare Ness Live entertainment! Free admission Sten Arne Rosnes Open House at Leif Erikson Hall – 3-5 p.m. Purchase Scandinavian food and drink, and learn about Scandinavian groups in the area New, extended Parade Route – 6-8 p.m. Route starts at NW 62nd and 24th NW down to Market St, east to Bergen Place, down 22nd Ave NW and south on Ballard Ave NW, all the way to Dock St!

Learn more at www.17thofmay.org

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