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News Taste The Norwegian Sterke drømme, fagre drømme, Hamburgers for army is Youtube kom i flokk som ville svaner, løftet a holiday famous! meg på brede vinger. Read more on page 8 Read more on page 3 – Henrik Ibsen Norwegian American Weekly

Vol. 124 No. 8 March 1, 2013 Established May 17, 1889 • Formerly Western Viking and Nordisk Tidende $1.50 per copy News in brief Find more at blog..com More marriage, less divorce News New numbers Despite the much publicized food scandal this month, when from Statistics horsemeat was detected in frozen lasagna all over Europe, the sale Norway reveals of horse meat has skyrocketed in Norway, according to butcher population and shops. The food scandal seems to be good business for Norwegian marriage trends meat shops and butchers. “The past week we have sold more horsemeat than ever,” says Ole Special Release Jacob Erdal, manager of the Statistics Norway butcher shop at Mathallen, a food market in . Erdal explains that customers are curious about On Feb. 21, Statistics Norway the meat and how it tastes. He can printed the results of several new reveal that it’s slightly sweeter surveys, which revealed numbers than beef, and very tender. regarding population by age, sex, (Aftenposten) marital status and citizenship, as well as marriage and divorce rates. Business Norway’s population growth Kvaerner North American is still high. At the beginning of the Construction Inc., a subsidiary of year, there were 5,051,300 resi- Kvaerner Norway, has received a dents in Norway, giving a popula- contract to perform construction tion growth of 65,400 in 2012. Im- services for the reline of the No. Photo: CH – Visitnorway.com & SSB 8 Blast Furnace at United States See > marriage, page 6 Numbers from Statistics Norway reveals more marriages and fewer divorces in 2012; population growth per municipality was also studied. Steel Corporation Gary Works in Gary, In. The project will be executed under an agreement between Kvaerner NAC and Partnership in Minn. Tea from the heart United States Steel with a value in excess of USD 60 million. 40th anniversary of the U.S. / Norwegian A whole lot of President Steve Harker said, Troop Reciprocal Exchange at Camp Ripley “takk” for just a “We are honored to be selected for the project, and look forward little tea at Ajiri Tea to continuing our long standing relationship with United States Company Steel.” (Norway Post) Staff Reporter Norwegian American Weekly What’s inside? News 2 – 3 Like any good Norwegian- Business 4 Americans, Sara and Kate Holby Research & Education 5 (age 26 and 23, respectively) de- Photo: Ajiri Tea Co. Opinion 6 – 7 See > tea, page 13 See caption pg. 13. Taste of Norway 8 Travel 9 Roots & Connections 10 Photo courtesy Minnesota National Guard First gold for U.S. Obituaries & Religion 11 Chief of the Defense for Norway General Sunde and Home Guard Chief Maj. Gen. Kristin Lund unveil a monument gifted to the Minnesota National Guard from the Norwegian Arts & Style 12 Home Guard on the occasion of the 40th Anniversary of the United States / Norwegian U.S. triumph in cross- In Your Neighborhood 13 Troop Reciprocal Exchange program Feb. 16, 2013 at Camp Ripley, Minn. country skiing with Norwegian Heritage 14 women’s team sprint Tech. Sgt. Scott G. Herrington victory Sports 15 Camp Ripley, Minn. $1 = NOK 5.6600 Staff Compilation updated 2/25/2013 Maj. Gen. Kristin Lund Chief niversary of the exchange program of the between the United States and Nor- The women’s cross country In comparison gifted a monument made of stone way. ski team just keeps scoring victo- 1/25/2013 5.5287 to the Minnesota National Guard “A rock is tough, as soldiers ries this season. 8/25/2012 5.8282 on the occasion of the fortieth an- must be,” said Maj. Gen. Kristin 2/25/2012 5.5752 See > partners, page 6 See > gold, page 15 Photo: USSA Nordic 2 • March 1, 2013 norwegian american weekly Nyheter fra Norge Nyheter U.S. i Farsund Eldre gravide = færre dødfødte Kvinner blir stadig eldre når de blir gravide. Penger til Høyre Hvis alt går etter planen Det er godt nytt. For disse kvinnene røyker mindre og har fått en sunnere livsstil under Etter å ha fått snitter og trenger du snart ikke graviditeten. Dette gjør at færre barn dør kaffe hos Høyre, åpner å reise lengre enn til under svangerskapet. Det er flere trender som trekkes inn når nye tall fra Medisinsk landets millionærer Sørlandet for å gå over fødselsregister (MFR), Folkehelseinstituttet, pengesekken for Erna Brooklyn Bridge viser at andelen dødfødte barn og barn som dør like etter fødselen reduseres kraftig. Det Solberg er kraftig reduksjon i røyking under slutten VG av svangerskapet, fra 18 prosent i 2000 til seks prosent nå. Det kalles en dramatisk for- VG skjell og er svært viktig. Kvinner blir stadig Alle New York-gale nordmenn! Her er en nyhet til dere som elsker den amerikanske eldre når de føder og de planlegger gjerne På snaut to måneder har 10 bedrifter og verdensmetropolen, men som ikke har tid svangerskapsperioden mer enn yngre kvin- én privatperson forsynt Høyre med 2,3 mil- eller råd til å farte over Atlanteren i ett sett: ner. – Jeg tror den gode økonomiske situas- lioner kroner i valgkampstøtte. Foto: Trond Solberg / VG Høyre-leder og nestleder Jan Tore San- I tettstedet Vanse i Farsund kommune jonen gjør resultatene bra. Alt er i større grad – Vi nærmer oss nå det nivået vi håpet å ner. i Vest-Agder planlegger nå en gjeng ameri- tilrettelagt for mindre stress, bedre økonomi komme på. Dette betyr at vi har nok midler og bedre jobbsituasjon, sier professor Rolv kafrelste sørlendinger å bygge en vaskekte til å kunne iverksette flere valgkampprosjek- Skjærven ved MFR. friste næringslivstoppene til å skrive ut sjek- kopi av selveste Brooklyn Bridge. ter som vi så langt ikke har hatt penger til, (VG) ker til Høyre. – Hvis vi bygger broen blir den veldig sier generalsekretær Lars Arne Ryssdal. – Vi inviterer ofte våre støttespillere til dyr – og veldig gal – men jeg tror hele verden Flere av bidragsyterne vil kunne få di- Bruker 85 millioner på OL-konsulenter oss på et møte med smørbrød og kaffe. Der vil legge merke til det, sier den overentusi- rekte fordeler av en borgerlig regjering etter Opp til 1500 kroner i timen betaler Oslo diskuterer vi politikk og valgkamp. astiske prosjektlederen, Hans-Egill Berven, valget. kommune for konsulentene som utreder Os- – Hvilke politiske temaer diskuterer til VG Nett. Blant annet har privatskolekonser- lo-OL i 2022. Mens mange frykter at OL skal dere? Med seg på laget har prosjektgrup- net Anton B. Nilsen AS gitt 50.000 kroner. bli et milliardsluk, tjener konsulentbransjen – Klima og verdiskapning er ofte tema. pen Innovasjon Norge. Og kommunestyret, Høyre ønsker å la flere private selskaper allerede titalls millioner på å utrede et mu- For bedriftseiere er også muligheter for in- formannskapet og fylkeskommunen har drive statsstøttede skoler. lig Oslo-OL. Bare i fjor brukte OL-etaten vestering og nyutvikling viktig. allerede bevilget 75.000 kroner hver til for- – Vi har ingen betingelser knyttet til 29 millioner kroner på eksterne konsulenter, – Er mange opptatt av formuesskatten? prosjektet ved navn «Building the Brooklyn gavene vi får. Men det er klart vi håper at de og i år beregner de å bruke 56 millioner – – Ja, formuesskatten har vi diskutert Bridge». altså 85 millioner kroner til sammen. Det som støtter vår politikk også bidrar økono- flere ganger. Bedriftseierne er opptatt av – Det er så sabla gøy at kommunen står i klar kontrast til pengebruken sist Oslo misk til valgkampen, sier Lars Arne Ryssdal. vilkårene for investering i arbeidskraft og er superpositiv, uttaler Berven. Ideen er at arrangerte OL, i 1952. Ifølge den offisielle Høyres valgkampkasse fra eksterne støt- da trekkes formuesskatten opp som et viktig gangbroen skal stå på Brooklyn Square – det rapporten etter lekene i 1952 var Oslo kom- tespillere er nå på snaut 15 millioner kroner. tema, sier Lars Arne Ryssdal. eneste stedet i Norge med et offisielt god- munes samlede netto utlegg i forbindelse – Vi er i vinden. Det merker vi også til en kjent, engelsk gatenavn, ifølge Berven. med vinterlekene 10,740,000 kroner. Det viss grad på inntektene, sier generalsekretær tilsvarer ifølge SSB 150 millioner kroner i Lars Arne Ryssdal i Høyre til VG. English Synopsis: The Høyre (Conservative) party in dag. Lillehammer-OL kostet 5,9 milliarder i Norway is beginning to prepare for election season, English Synopsis: Plans to build a much-smaller rep- Det er Ryssdal selv og valgkampsjef and riding the wave of high approval ratings, they 1994 – 8,4 milliarder i 2012-kroner. Men så lica of the Brooklyn Bridge in Farsund, Norway are Gunnar Kongsrud som leder arbeidet med å have already raised a lot of money. currently being drawn up. har også OL vokst. I Oslo 1952 deltok 694 utøvere i 22 øvelser. Det er beregnet at det under OL i 2022 vil være om lag 3000 del- takere i 90 øvelser. (VG) Vil ha flere Loven må endres Arbeiderpartiet, Høyre, – Kan ikke love militærhjelp til Sverige Fremskrittspartiet Nav må ha plikt til å Forsvarsminister Anne-Grete Strøm-Er- ichsen (Ap) modererer seg etter uttalelser og Sosialistisk varsle politiet dersom til svensk radio om at det er usikkert om Venstreparti vil ha flere de får søknad om Norge stiller opp dersom Sverige blir an- grepet. Forsvarsministeren var før helgen på arbeidsinnvandrere livsopphold fra en NATOs forsvarsministermøte i Brussel, og som er utvist fra Norge, besøkte Stockholm lørdag. Svenske medier VG har slått stort opp Strøm-Erichsens uttalelser mener Carl I. Hagen. i et intervju hun ga til Sveriges Radio. – Vi Både Arbeiderpartiet, Høyre, Frem- i Norge har ikke et forsvar som kan bistå skrittspartiet og Sosialistisk Venstreparti vil Nettavisen alle andre steder enn vårt eget territorium. gjerne diskutere regler for arbeidsinnvan- Sverige er vår gode nabo, men samtidig må drere, men er skeptiske til å røre ved asyl- vi være veldig tydelige på at vi er et NATO- søkernes rettigheter. Carl I. Hagen, tidligere Frp-formann medlem, og det er der vi har vår fremste Flere forskere ved Universitetet i Oslo og nå bystyrerepresentant i Oslo, reagerer forsvarsallianse, de som vi på en måte kan (UiO) har tatt til orde for å gi enkelte asyl- kraftig på nyheten om at Nav i Skien ble in- Foto: Wikimedia Commons stole på hvis en krise skulle komme. Vi er søkere større muligheter i det norske jobb- struert av Fylkesmannen til å ikke gå til poli- Karl I. Hagen. gode naboer, vi stiller opp for hverandre, markedet, skriver Aftenposten. tiet med opplysningene om at mannen de ga men denne formelle alliansen er fortsatt vel- får tak i vedkommende. – Det finnes asylsøkere som viser både sosialstøtte tidligere er domfelt og utvist fra dig tydelig, sa forsvarsministeren videre. Underdirektør Merete Solstad ved Fyl- vilje til å bli integrert i det norske samfunn, Norge. (VG) kesmannen i Telemark bekrefter overfor VG og som sitter på kompetanse, sier forsker ved Nav i Skien sa først nei til mannens krav, at Nav har taushetsplikt i slike saker. UiO Kjersti Thorbjørnsrud. men Fylkesmannen opphevet det, skriver – Folket gjør opprør etter hestekjøttskan- – Loven sier at Nav har taushetsplikt, Forskerne etterlyser bedre integrering Telemarksavisa. dalen også overfor andre etater. Utlendingsloven av asylsøkere, men Fremskrittspartiet mener Nav ga sosialhjelp og støtte til bolig 24. februar ble det kjent at hestekjøtt som gir imidlertid utlendingsmyndighetene an- dette kan bli vanskelig. – Det høres fint ut å til mannen fra Midtøsten som er utvist fra har inneholdt den potensielt skadelige me- ledning til å innhente opplysninger fra Nav, integrere asylsøkere, men realiteten er jo at Schengen-området etter dom for voldtekts- disinen Pehnylbutazone sannsynligvis har men det kan ikke skje motsatt vei, sier hun. det slett ikke virker enkelt å integrere en del forsøk i Sverige, skriver VG Nett. blitt solgt i Frankrike. Men oppmerksom- Arbeidsminister (Ap) av dem. Norge trenger kompetent arbeidsk- Fylkesmannen bestemte at mannen heten rundt hestekjøtt har ført til at ferskva- vil gå gjennom regelverket etter at saken ble raft fra utlandet, sier stortingsrepresentant hadde rett til sosialstønad fram til han kan rediskene hos dagligvareforretninger landet kjent, melder NTB. Morten Ø. Johansen (Frp). Høyre åpner forlate landet. Siden han mangler penger og rundt er skrapet for hestebiffer. 21. februar – Slik den fremstår nå, strider den mot for større arbeidsinnvandring, men mener reisedokumenter, kan det ta flere måneder. skrev Dagens Næringsliv at omsetningen av min oppfatning av hvem som skal ha rett til hestekjøtt har økt markant på slakterforret- næringslivets egne behov må være vesentlig – Ser i VG at Nav i Skien ikke har lov til støtte fra Nav. Jeg har bedt om å få flere fakta ningene i Oslo. i prosessen. SVs talsmann for innvandring, å varsle politiet eller utlendingsmyndigheten på bordet om unntaksbestemmelsen som her (VG) Aksel Hagen, er enig i forskernes tanker om at de har en søknad om støtte til livsop- er benyttet, sier hun. rundt arbeidsinnvandring. phold og bolig til en utvist person som har en kriminell fortid. Da må loven endres slik English Synopsis: English Synopsis: Surprisingly, all Norway’s big Former FRP leader Carl I. Hagen political parties seem to agree that more immigrant at Nav får plikt til å varsle om personen som believes NAV must have stricter laws, after an inci- workers in Norway are necessary. ikke har lovlig opphold i riket, slik at politiet dent in Skien where a immigrant with a criminal his- tory was not reported to police. Norwegian american weekly Online: blog.norway.com/category/news March 1, 2013 • 3 News German visit This week on Norway.com No win for Kon-Tiki Brown cheese tunnel re-opens German Chancellor Brattli Tunnel in Tysfjord in Nordland Angela Merkel in Oslo Norwegian film and has opened for limited traffic. The tunnel Best Foreign Language has been closed for over a month, after a fire started in a truck filled with brown Film nominee “Kon-Tiki” cheese. Comprehensive safety work and Press Release leaves the Oscars empty a complete washdown of Brattli tunnel is Office of the Prime Minister completed, according to NPRA. On Feb. handed 15 at 7:30 a.m., the tunnel opened for limited traffic. Brattli tunnel was badly Topics on the agenda for Chancellor damaged when a fire broke out in a truck Merkel’s Feb. 20 visit included energy and Denise Leland on Jan. 17. The truck was on its way south economic development in Europe. “In these Seattle, Wash. through the 3,606 meter long tunnel when difficult times, when the economic crisis is the driver discovered that there was a putting pressure on all European countries, On Sunday, Feb. 24, the 85th Acad- fire in the trailer, loaded with 21.5 tons our friendship and cooperation with Germa- emy Awards were presented in Los Angeles, of brown cheese. The driver got out in ny is important for Norway,” Prime Minister where the film “Kon-Tiki” represented Nor- one piece, but the burning trailer stayed commented. way in the Best Foreign-Language Feature behind, about 300 meters from the tunnel There are indications that the economic category. The two directors and best friends Photo: Nils Wanberg entrance to the south. It took about four situation in Europe and in the is Espen Sandberg and Joachim Rønning hit Directors Joachim Rønning, left, and Espen days before the fat-and sugar-rich cheese gradually stabilising. The European finan- the red carpet to represent their film. Unfor- Sandberg. fire was extinguished. cial markets now appear to be far more tunately, “Kon-Tiki” did not win the Oscar. (VG) stable and there is less uncertainty, thanks The film was also nominated at this trian film “Amour,” which was also nomi- to the determined efforts of many Europe- year’s Golden Globe awards for Foreign nated for Best Picture at the Oscars. Norwegian researcher on TEDTalks an leaders. But economic growth in many Language film. In both the Oscars and the Fellow Foreign-Language nominees in- In the spirit of ideas worth spreading, Globes, “Kon-Tiki” was beat out by the Aus- TEDx is a program of local, self-organized See > , page 11 See > kon-tiki, page 15 events that bring people together to share a TED-like experience. At a TEDx event, TEDTalks video and live speakers combine to spark deep discussion and Do the Harlem Shake Start-up at connection in a small group. These local, self-organized events are branded TEDx, The new favorite Internet In Amenas where x = independently organized TED event. Recently, Silje Endresen Reme meme is adopted by the The In Amenas gas joined TEDx to talk about the common phenomenon of back pain; why some facilities in Algeria initiated people develop chronic pain and disability a limited production start- while others don’t, and what psychology has to do with it. Silje is a PhD. from Uni Staff Compilation up Feb. 22 Health, Uni Research, Bergen & Harvard School of Public Health, Boston. (Youtube / TEDTalks) South Korea is out – Norway is in! Special Release South Korean pop star Psy’s “Gang- Statoil Iranian diplomat defects nam Style” song-and-dance routine that has A high-ranking diplomat at the Iranian dominated the internet in the last few months Production from the plant’s train 1 was embassy in Oslo has defected, and is stepping down in favor of a new one: the Photo: Screenshot / YouTube started-up following a detailed review of has applied for asylum in Norway, Harlem Shake. Silly moments ensue in the Norwegian Army’s technical integrity, security, and other condi- the newspaper Dagbladet reports. The The Harlem Shake is actually a dance version of the Harlem Shake. diplomat has been stationed at the embassy that Harlem-dwelling New Yorkers have tions, and after the partners had concluded for several years, and is now living with been doing since the 80s, but this year a that the criteria required to ensure a safe re- his family at an unknown address. The young musician, Baauer, used the name of people holding still, and then, when the beat start of train 1 had been met. The remaining man’s lawyer says his client does not the dance for an electronic-tinged song with drops, crazy dancing begins throughout the two production trains were damaged dur- a heavy beat that drops about 15 seconds in. room (usually rather silly-looking, in one ing the terror attack, and will not be put on wish to comment on why he in December So far, about 4,000 “Harlem Shake” vid- way or another; examples include everything stream until it is safe to do so. decided to defect. The Department of eos have been uploaded to YouTube. These from dancing walruses to Power Rangers). The physical inspection of train 1 was Foreign Affairs nor the Police Security However, one of the most popular Har- videos mostly feature the same formulaic conducted by Sonatrach on behalf of the Service (PST) will comment on the case. dance structure. One dancer begins jamming (Norway Post) by himself in a room, which is full of other See > harlem shake, page 7 See > in amenas, page 15 Enjoy Norway all year long. Keep up with Norway and the Norwegian-American community with the only Norwegian newspaper in North America! $ Subscribe – it’s easy! one year subscription: 59 Call us toll-free at $79 in Canada and $179 in Norway and all other countries (800) 305-0217 to start a new subscription

Questions? Call us toll-free at (800) 305-0217, email [email protected], or write to us: Norwegian American Weekly, 7301 5th Ave NE Ste A, Seattle, WA 98115

Norwegian American Weekly (USPS 679-840) (ISSN 1942-1389) is published weekly except the last two weeks of July, the first two weeks of August and the last week of Dec. by Norwegian American Weekly Inc, 7301 Fifth Avenue NE Suite A, Seattle, WA 98115. Periodicals postage paid at Seattle, WA and at additional mailing offices. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to Norwegian American Weekly 7301 Fifth Avenue NE Suite A, Seattle, WA 98115. Phone: (206) 784-4617 • Email: naw@norway. Proud to bring you the Norwegian American Weekly com • Website: www.norway.com. Annual subscription cost: USD $59 domestic; USD $79 to Canada; USD $179 to Norway and all other foreign countries. 4 • March 1, 2013 Online: blog.norway.com/category/business norwegian american weekly Business

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Rasmus Falck Oslo, Norway LUNDE MARINE ELECTRONICS, INC. Sales and Service In March 2000 a publisher from 1839 is considered to be the year which Schibst- launched its online service for classified ed Forlag was formally established. Schib- advertisements with the name of FINN (to sted becomes sole proprietor of the printing find). At first it was in print in one ofour house in 1843. In 1860 the first newspaper, leading newspapers to build awareness and later known as Aftenposten, was launched. credibility in the market. The online launch Today Schibsted is an international Seattle,WA Tacoma,WA Dutch Harbor, AK was immediately after the dot.com – bubble media group with 7,400 employees in 27 phone (206) 789-3011 phone (253) 627-6968 phone (907) 581-1498 burst in 2001. Just a few years later it was countries. In 2009, collaboration between fax (206)782-3188 fax (253)383-4965 fax (907) 581-1402 Norway’s largest and most comprehensive the regional newspapers Aftenposten, Ber- site for classified advertising. The site still gens Tidende, Stavanger Aftenblad and claims that position within real estate and Fædrelandsvennen was formed through the vehicles. Today the group has online clas- establishment of the media company Media [email protected] sifieds in most European countries and in Norge. The objective was to take full ad- 5415 24th Ave NW, Seattle 98107 some countries in Latin America and in a vantage of economies of scale by means of couple of Asian countries. editorial and commercial collaboration. Last This bold intrapreneurship is the theme year VG and Schibsted Forlag were includ- for the next meeting in Innovation Forum ed, and the name was changed to Schibsted Russ Oberg, CLTC, CLU Norway. Established companies have all the Norge. The group owns two of the largest Independent Insurance Broker cards, customers, capital, resources and ex- newspapers in and free daily news- perience. In spite of this, entrepreneurs of- papers in , , Switzerland and Long-Term Health Care Insurance ten succeed even if the only thing she or he (weekly). They also have a corporate Should you consider it? might have is a good idea. FINN operates on venture fund investing in online-based start- Call me for honest straightforward advice. a global arena and in a market where a good ups. idea can achieve world leadership within Responsibility and credibility are values (206)362-5913 short time. They depend on a combination that are deeply entrenched in the corporate www.obergltc.com of the established company’s strength with culture. In his letter to the shareholders last 5650 24th Ave NW, Ste 603 Seattle, WA 98107-4155 enthusiasm and quickness of a startup. At the year, the CEO, Rolv Erik Ryssdal, was glad meeting, FINN will share experiences and to deliver good financial results. He also said LEWIS O. TITLAND Quality Accounting & Tax Services for: tools from their innovation, and especially that the activities in online classifieds was Certified Public Accountant Small businesses look into customer and user insights and experiencing dramatic growth in revenues (206)789-5433 Individuals what they do to ensure high speed. and margins. More than a third of the rev- 221 1st Ave. W. Ste. 400 Specialized Assistance It all started with the entrepreneur enues are derived from digital sources. The Seattle, WA 98119 Christian Michael Schibsted (1812-78). He company is well poised to face a new year was orphaned at an early age and grew up in which technology development – particu- in Christiania (Oslo) Opfostringsanstalt, a larly in mobile – will accelerate at an even children’s home where he received train- faster pace. He also said that change should ing as a typographer and printer and learned not be something to be regarded with fear. Advertise in the Weekly! about the newspaper business. After work- With assertive thinking and high-level com- ing for several printers, he entered into part- petence, we now have a unique opportunity Reach over 20,000 Reasons to advertise: nership with Johan J. Krohn, a partner who to have a say in shaping the needs of tomor- Norwegian-American readers • Affordable! $10/col inch for had founded a printing house in 1827. 1839 row. Today! EVERY week! B&W, $15/col inch for color • Free ad design • Support the only Norwegian- American newspaper! Subscribe to the Weekly! Call (800) 305-0217 or email [email protected] For details, call (800) 305-0217 or email [email protected] norwegian american weekly Online: blog.norway.com/category/research March 1, 2013 • 5 Research & Education 1814 shaped Norwegian & Danish identity The year 1814, when Norway finally broke free from its 400-year union with Denmark and became an autonomous nation, played a decisive role in shaping both Norwegian and Danish identity

Christian Lund / Else Lie Research Council of Norway

The 200th anniversary of these events will of course be celebrated in grand style in Norway next year. Observances will be held in Denmark as well. Rasmus Glenthøj of the University of Southern Denmark is the first historian to study what occurred before, dur- ing and after 1814 using a comprehensive approach to developments in Denmark as well as Norway. “The national identity in both Norway and Denmark was shaped around 1814. Be- Photo: Aftenposten fore that time, allegiance to the crown was Oslo on the 17th of May, the traditional day to celebrate freedom from Denmark and the establishment of the Grunnloven (constitution). the most important focus of collective iden- tity for the elite in the union. In Norway this was replaced by allegiance to the Constitu- tal. It was here that the major cultural institu- search and generates knowledge on the sig- identitet før og etter 1814 (“The Divorce: tion after the events of 1814,” says Dr. Glen- tions and large audiences were to be found. nificance of the Constitution for Norway’s Danish and Norwegian Identify Before and thøj. It would take many years to build up an in- development as a democratic state. After 1814”). Syddansk Universitetsforlag The Norwegian Constitution was drawn dependent cultural infrastructure in Norway. Reference: Skilsmissen. Dansk og norsk 2012. up during the national assembly in the spring “Up until 1850, Denmark was the big of 1814, and a national monarchy was cre- brother in what could be called a cultural ated. Later that same year, Norway entered union. were divided in their into a union with Sweden, and the two coun- view of this Danish influence. Ties were very tries shared a common Swedish king. A new close among members of the bureaucracy political nationalism developed in Norway and the urban elite. Norwegian historians Student-Faculty which led to greater focus on the Constitu- have tended to overlook this.” tion and the (the Norwegian nation- The desire to end the cultural influence al assembly) than on the crown. from Denmark grew over time. As a result, a Research Denmark continued to have an abso- national romantic version of Norwegian his- At PLU, rigorous academics and a caring community lute monarchy, which made the emergence tory took over, according to Dr. Glenthøj. of nationalism based on political liberalism Politically speaking, Norway was the ensures challenge and support for every student impossible. After the loss of Norway, the role model, and Norwegian politics were elite cultivated distinctively Danish aspects used as a weapon in Danish politics. How- of their culture instead. ever, the Danish form of government did not “A cultural nationalism developed in become more liberal until the 1830s, and the Denmark which, for example, excluded the country did not adopt a liberal constitution Germans in the northern German duchies until 1849. Similarly, parliamentarianism that remained under Danish control. The ba- was introduced in Norway as early as 1884, sis for the conflicts with the German empire whereas Denmark did not follow Norway’s later in the 1800s arose in the wake of 1814,” lead until 1901. explains Dr. Glenthøj. “A clear objective of my research has Dr. Glenthøj points out a common ten- been to open the eyes of the Danish people dency in Danish and Norwegian self-under- to the significance of 1814. Denmark was a standing after 1814: The period of the union completely different country before the loss was suppressed and focus was placed instead of Norway – the unified nation resembled a on the glorious and the Middle small empire and was definitely not a nation Ages in the two countries. Thus that period state. This fact has been suppressed in recent came to be regarded as the original basis for Danish history, which deals mainly with the Norwegian or Danish identity. nation state of Denmark,” says Dr. Glenthøj. Chemistry Professor Neal Yakelis and Chelsea Berdahl in the Rieke Science Center “Being a nation entails not only remem- In his book Skilsmissen (“The Di- laboratory. bering, but forgetting as well. We have ex- vorce”), Dr. Glenthøj describes how the celled at this in both Denmark and Norway,” events of 1814 shaped a new national iden- says Dr. Glenthøj. tity for Norway and Denmark alike. The CHALLENGE SUPPORT SUCCESS Dr. Glenthøj emphasises that the two book was published with funding from the countries maintained an active exchange Research Council of Norway’s research ini- throughout the 1800s. Copenhagen could tiative on the Norwegian Constitution Bicen- still be regarded as Norway’s cultural capi- tennial (GRUNNLOV), which promotes re- PLU We’ve gone digital! Tacoma, Washington www.plu.edu 800-274-6758 Email [email protected] for details 6 • March 1, 2013 norwegian american weekly opinion

< marriage An opinion column about current issues in Norway From page 1 Join the conversation! migration surplus accounted for 72 percent On the EDGE of the growth. Different political challenges The population growth of 1.3 percent By Dr. Steinar Opstad in 2012 was the highest since 1920 with the exception of 2011. In Europe, Norway is among the nations with the highest pop- We have different political challenges want to visit the Midwest later this year. not live on meatballs, lutefisk and lefse. I ulation growth percentage wise. In the six on both sides of the Atlantic. I read in the With my many friends in the Midwest, I have to beg my sister-in-law to make me years 2007-12 the population increased by newspaper that the demographic situation hope to put together an interesting pro- some lefse since my wife does not bake it. 370,100, more than twice the number of the in the U.S. is changing more rapidly than I gram for them. They want to see the mod- It has been months since we had meatballs previous six years. knew; the “white” majority will shrink to ern Midwest and learn how the American for dinner, and lutefisk is a once-a-year 2012 also showed the highest ever net minority in 40 years’ time and tradition at Christmas time. migration from abroad. Net migration from change the political pattern. In The vast majority of Nor- abroad reached 47,300 in 2012, an increase Norway, the head of our nation- wegians live and work around by 300 from 2011 to 2012, and has never al bank in his annual speech for the Oslo Fjord, not in the val- been higher. During the last six years, net the Norwegian leaders said that leys and fjords. Norwegians live migration from abroad has totalled 258,400, we must work more, work lon- there too, but the population almost three times the number of the previ- ger days and have fewer holi- grew with rapid speed around ous six-year period. There were 78,600 reg- days. The reason for his pointed the Oslo Fjord. This has been istered migrations to Norway from abroad in finger is the rapid aging of the the picture in my lifetime, and 2012, a decrease of 900 from the previous Norwegian population, and with this fact changes Norway in year. A total of 31,200 people left the coun- that higher demand for pension several ways; first of all, po- try, about 1,200 fewer than last year. People compensation. It is said that we litically and culturally. Still, staying in Norway for a shorter period than work fewer hours per year than the most important Norwegian six months are not registered and not includ- people in the U.S., but because Photo: Nettavisen.no value creation is going on along ed in these figures. of high individual productivity Meatballs: “typisk norsk?” (Typical Norwegian?) the western and northern coast There was a somewhat lower fertil- are we still okay, for the time line, but more people live east of ity rate, and increased life expectancy for being, according to the national the long mountain ridge and the males. There were 60,250 children born in bank president. strongest impressions about the 2012, just 35 more than in 2011. A total of The media predicts that the debate Norwegians are doing. Their visit express- development of Norway happens around 42,000 persons died, 600 more than in 2011. in the Republican camp between the es the strong interest among the majority the capital, Oslo. The excess of births still remains on a high most conservative and the less conserva- of Norwegians for life in the U.S. I am I hope the American-Norwegian level as lasting previous years. The excess tive members will change the Republican sure many Americans have the same inter- population in the U.S. will focus more on of births was highest in Oslo. Party. I have earlier referred to what some est for our life in Norway. But do we have what a modern country Norway is today, Total fertility rate for 2012 was 1.85, the U.S. media predicts as to the coming the correct picture of each other’s coun- and not so much on our history. while the rate for 2011 was 1.88 and for situation for the party. Now, the attitude tries? Most Norwegians visit the coasts 2010 1.95. Even with this slight decrease, is more calm, but very clear on the fact and the big cities. They will return with Norway still ranks among the countries in that the Republicans have to make some a limited picture of U.S. Many Americans Europe with the highest fertility rates. adjustments in their own house. The next visit the Norwegian fjords and mountains. A boy born in 2012 has a life expectan- election will show the results of this. They will also have a very fragmented pic- cy of 79.4 years up from 79.0 in 2011, while The next election in Norway, in the ture of Norway. Not that the life in the big Steinar Opstad, born 1941 in Sarpsborg, Nor- a girl can expect to become 83.4 years, the fall of this year, will also be telling. But American cities or the life in the Norwe- way, is the retired Vice same as in 2011. here, the situation is somewhat opposite. gian fjords are wrong, but they only dem- President of the Confed- Meanwhile, immigration is decreasing The government, consisting of three par- onstrate a fraction of the lifestyle within ties, is losing support according to several both countries. eration of Norwegian from Europe, and increasing particularly Business and Industry. from Africa. Net migration from abroad by poll results. The conservative parties are My wife squeezes into her western in progress and for first time as far as I Norwegian bunad once a year, on May 17. During his career, he foreign citizens increased from 47,900 in was an educator and communicator with 2011 to 48,700 in 2012. Of this, 30,900 or can remember, the moderate conservative Her bunad was made around 50 years ago “Høyre” party is doing better on the polls and has a tendency to shrink in the closet. positions as a journalist, editor, teacher, and 63 per cent, was net immigration of Europe- professor. He has a Ph.D. and Hon. Litt. D. than the traditionally largest party “Arbei- But it can still be used on Constitution an citizens. In 2011 the figure was higher at from the University of North Dakota. He is derpartiet” (The labor party – now one of Day. Most Norwegians are the same way; 34,700. The net migration of non-European the author of several professional books. He the governing parties.) we use our traditions once or twice a year, citizens increased from 13,200 in 2011 to is also the founder of the American College I am helping a group of around fifty while the rest of the year we wear modern 17,800 in 2012, an increase of 35 per cent. of Norway in Moss, Norway. Norwegians with their program, as they clothing and eat “modern” food. We do The largest surplus still consists of citi- zens from and Lithuania, constitut- ing half of the European immigrants to Nor- The opinions expressed by opinion writers featured in “On the Edge” are not necessarily those of Norwegian American Weekly, and our publication of those views is way. Six of the 11 countries with a net im- not an endorsement of them. Comments, suggestions and complaints about the opinions expressed by the paper’s editorials should be directed to the editor. migration of more than 1,000 are European. Net migration of Spanish citizens increased from 800 in 2011 to 1,200 in 2012. Net mi- < partners gian Exchange (NOREX). Approximately “It’s a symbol of the long-lasting friend- gration of Somali citizens increased from From page 1 200 Norwegian Soldiers, Minnesota Army ship,” said General Harald Sunde, Chief of 1,450 in 2011 to 3,400 in 2012, constituting Lund, Commander of the Norwegian Home National Guard Soldiers and Little Falls Defense for Norway. “It’s the largest piece the third largest group. Guard during the dedication ceremony at community members attended the ceremony. of Norway in the United States.” Marriage rates have also increased. Camp Ripley, Little Falls. “This is a right and fitting monument to NOREX began in 1974, and allows In 2012 a total of 24,350 couples got mar- Lund added, “It’s solid as our strong our program,” said Brig. Gen. Worthe Holt, Minnesota National Guard Soldiers and Air- ried, an increase of 1,200 compared to 2011. friendship. It’s durable as the cooperation Assistant Adjutant General Air. “It demon- men to participate in winter operations train- 9,900 marriages were dissolved by divorce, between our nations. And a rock is hard strates that this 40 year partnership has stood ing with the Norwegian Home Guard in Nor- that is 300 fewer than the previous year, and to remove from its foundations, as the ex- the test of time, endured the forces of wind, way, while the Norwegian Home Guard Sol- the lowest since 1999. Still this is at the same change should be hard to remove from our rain and snow, and has kept us prepared and diers train with Minnesota National Guard level as it has been for the last few years. future plans”, said Lund on the grounds of ever ready like a Soldier should be. I be- Soldiers at Camp Ripley. NOREX promotes The number of marriages decreased the Minnesota Military Museum where the lieve this monument symbolizes the distance good will and enhances military readiness both in 2010 and 2011, but then increased in monument is displayed. to our friends home is only a stone’s throw between the two nations while providing 2012. With the exception of three individual The monument, made of stone quarried away, ever reminding us to never let the cultural understanding for exchange partici- years, the number of marriages has not been in Norway, commemorated the 40th Norwe- grass grow on the path to our friend’s house. pants. higher since the 1970s. From 1989 onwards the number of di- vorces has been approximately 10,000 each Subscribe to the Norwegian American Weekly! year. 2004 and 2005 were the years with the highest number of divorces, about 11,000 Call (800) 305-0217 or email [email protected]. each. The number of separations, 11,100, is continuing to decrease. 2012 was the lowest since 1987. norwegian american weekly March 1, 2013 • 7 opinion Norwegian American Weekly Letters to the Editor Published since May 17, 1889 7301 Fifth Avenue NE Suite A, Seattle, WA 98115 Do you have something to say? Send your letters to us! Toll-free: (800) 305-0217 • Local: (206) 784-4617 7301 Fifth Avenue NE Suite A, Seattle, WA 98115 Fax: (206) 448-2033 • Email: [email protected] Email: [email protected] Publisher Norwegian American Foundation [email protected] Managing Editor Dear Editor, How can I watch this program? I’ve greater Seattle Area (USA) please send me Kelsey Larson [email protected] Last summer when I visited my wife’s wanted to see it ever since I first heard about an email at demba.baldeh@lionbridge. Assistant Layout Editor relatives in Norway in early August, we were it! My husband and I took a Hurtigruten Learn more at http://www.lionbridge. Harry Svenkerud [email protected] visiting some friends near Lillehammer and cruise in 2006. com. Advertising the woman we were visiting was lying in the Erik Krippaehne [email protected] sun. She said that was the first sunny day in Sincerely, Sincerely, two months. Solveig T. Johnsen Demba Baldeh Subscriptions Two years ago when we stayed for two Cherryfield, Maine Lionbridge Technologies Call (800) 305-0217 [email protected] weeks in August it rained most of the time. Contributing Editors Norway has a short and often cold rainy sum- Melinda Bargreen Everett, Wash. mer and long dark winters and many Norwe- Carla Danziger McLean, Va. gians do not participate in winter sports. Hello Solveig! Sölvi Dolland Fraser, Mich. Do you have something to say? Write to us! Erling Dugan Ventura, Calif. Thus when someone says that Norway If you missed “A Norway Passage: Gary G. Erickson Sunburg, Minn. is one of the best places to live, they appar- The Most Beautiful Voyage,” originally the Rasmus Falck O oslo, Norway Marit Fosse G geneva, Switzerland ently do not consider the weather when stat- NRK documentary “Hurtigruten: Minutt for Letter to the Editor Norwegian American Weekly Judith Gabriel Vinje Burbank, Calif. ing that Norway is one of the best places to Minutt,” you can find a link to the program Shelby Gilje Seattle, Wash. live. I think that many retired Norwegians online at: www.anorwaypassage.com. 7301 5th Ave. NE, Ste A, Seattle, WA 98115 Line Grundstad Hanke Seattle, Wash. or send a note to [email protected] Heidi Håvan Grosch Sparbu, Norway that live in Spain or other places in the south This documentary is a must-see for any- Victoria Hofmo Brooklyn, N.Y. in the winter would agree with me. one who loves Norway, or is considering a Leslee Lane Hoyum R rockford, Minn. Else Hvistendahl New York, N.Y. There is more to life than having a high Hurtigruten cruise. It is absolutely beautiful! Inger-Torill Kirkeby Miami, Fla. GDP. Scott Larsen New Westminster, B.C. Thor A. Larsen Fishkill, N.Y. Sincerely, Don’t Jerry Larson Zimmerman, Minn. Sincerely, Editor Solveig M. Lee Seattle, Wash. Richard Londgren Thousand Oaks, Calif. Carl Olson Donald V. Mehus New York, N.Y. Monroeville, Pennsylvania Berit T. Mesarick Williamsburg, Va. forget! David Moe Sun City, Calif. Ken Nordan Batavia, Ill. Dear Editor, All subscribers have Bill Osmundsen New York, N.Y. This letter is to native Norwegian speak- Sada Reed Woodbury, Minn. John Erik Stacy Seattle, Wash. Dear Editor, ers in the Seattle area: full access to our new Rolf Kristian Stang New York, N.Y. I’ve heard many of my friends say they Lionbridge Technologies, based in Red- Kjell Olav Strømsli Trondheim, Norway digital edition! Email Larrie Wanberg Grand Forks, N.D. have watched the NRK Hurtigruten TV pro- mond, Wash., is looking for native Norwe- Daytona Strong Seattle, Wash. gram on PBS, and I am very eager to see it, gian speakers to work as Test Technicians in [email protected] to CORRECTIONS: Norwegian American Weekly strives but I must have missed it on my local public Norwegian. activate your account. to make its news report fair and accurate. If you television station! If you know someone living in the have a question or comment about news coverage call (206) 784-4617. • Norwegian American Weekly reserves the right to edit any and all submissions for style, grammar, accuracy and/or space, and the right not to print submissions deemed libelous, in poor taste, or not suited for publication in this newspaper. • The opinions expressed by opinion writers and < Harlem Shake letter writers are not necessarily those of Norwegian From page 3 “This shows that even if the National American Weekly, and our publication of those views is Defense is a legitimate organization, there not an endorsement of them. Comments, suggestions and complaints about the opinions expressed by is room for some humor and a fun atmo- lem Shake videos on YouTube was uploaded the paper’s editorials should be directed to the sphere,” said Baardsen. publisher. • Norwegian American Weekly is published by – get this – the Norwegian Army. The video has inspired some fun weekly except the first week of the calendar year, The video already had an astounding the last two weeks of July, and the first two weeks amongst Norwegian Russ students, seniors 28.1 million views at time of press, mak- of August by Norwegian American Weekly, INC. • Be our friend at Norwegian high schools who spend at Please send address changes to 7301 Fifth Ave. ing it top of of the queue when one searches least part of the year pulling pranks. Recent- NE Suite A Seattle, WA 98115 • Annual Subscription “Harlem Shake” on Youtube, and it has even ly Russ students in Surnadal posted a video Cost: US$59 Domestic, US$79 to Canada, out-viewed the original Harlem Shake video. US$179 to Norway and all other foreign countries. promoting their annual review. on Facebook! Many popular websites have recom- SINCE MAY 17, 1889: “The video is inspired by the army’s mended the video, including Reddit and the Harlem Shake,” said Sondre Ormseth to Formerly Norway Times For a splash of Norway Huffington Post. Western Viking & Washington Posten newspaper Tidens Krav. on your home page, Press and information officer for the Comprising Nordisk Tidende, Decorah- Army of Northern Norway, Øivind Baard- See the Norwegian Army’s Harlem Posten og Ved Arnen, Minneapolis-Tidende, “like” us at sen, told newspaper Dagbladet that he be- Shake video at http://www.youtube.com/ Minnesota Posten, Norrona and Skandinaven lieves the video is brilliant. facebook.com/naweekly watch?v=4hpEnLtqUDg. NORWEGIAN AMERICAN WEEKLY, INC. Han Ola og Han Per 8 • March 1, 2013 norwegian american weekly Taste of Norway Hamburger holiday Celebrate the traditional Peder Stol Day with these delicious Norwegian herring burgers

Sunny Gandara Arctic Grub

Feb. 22 marked Peder Stol Day, or Pe- no herring that year. The Norwegian people ter Stol Day. Historically in Norway, this living along the coastline were incredibly is when the ice would start melting on the dependent upon herring, which was respon- water, and the frost on the ground began to sible for the growth and wealth of our peo- thaw. From this day on, the ice on the wa- ple – but also hunger and poverty when the ter was no longer safe, and herring did not show up. In if somebody fell through the good years, the “spring her- ice, people were not obligated ring” would start streaming to help. in towards the beaches dur- This was originally a day ing the months of February in memory of the apostle Pe- and March, and thousands ter, who became the bishop of of fishermen would gather in and the first Pope in the small boathouses along the Catholic church. He died a coastline waiting for their martyr, crucified by the em- catch. peror Nero (year 54-68) with No food tradition is re- his head facing downwards. ally tied to Peder Stol Day, The St. Peter’s Church in but because of the role of the Rome is built on top of his herring around this time, I Photo: Arctic Grub grave. thought it fitting to include a The apostle Peter. Traditionally the day was recipe for a herring burger I called “Per Varmestein” (Per enjoy. Some of you may be Hot Rock). An old saying goes that Peter familiar with pickled herring and think that threw a burning hot rock in the water on this is the only way we enjoy herring in Scan- Photo: Tine.no This hamburger has a Norwegian twist – herring! day, so that the winter would end. This signi- dinavia, but nothing could be further from fied the first day of spring, and the weather the truth. Herring is wonderfully versatile, would remain the same as it was on Feb. 22 and is much more flavorful and richer than until the beginning of summer. Another in- any other fish burgers. That is why they can teresting tale was that if a hen/chicken could stand some additional strong spices and drink enough water from the ice melting herbs – making them even better. By the way 7-Day Norwegian Fjord Cruise off a roof of a house to quench her thirst, it – I was told by herring fishermen near my meant it would be a good year (apparently hometown that snow storms and a full moon August 24 – 31, 2013 Priced from $724 this is also a Germanic tradition). provide the best chances for great fishing. If the fishing season for herring had not These burgers are as delicious as they started by Peder Stol Day, there would be are nutritious – give them a try!

Contact: Karin Zamarripa (360) 848-2083 AAA Mount Vernon Office Daughters of 1600 East College Way, Ste A Norway (800) 743-1703 – ext. 2083 [email protected] Mount Vernon, WA 98273 Norwegian Herring Burgers The Little Viking Sildekarbonader Scandinavian GiftS a touch of Scandinavia in southern California 1 1/2 lb herring filet 2 tbsp fresh rosemary, chopped finely We have combined our two stores 28465 Old Town Front St. #104 2 tsp salt 2 tbsp capers and moved – Temecula, CA 92590 stop in to have a look and say hi! (951) 676-6800 | [email protected] 1/2 cup buttermilk (or regular whole milk) 1 1/2 tsp chili powder 1 Vidalia onion, finely diced 1/2 tsp freshly ground pepper 3 tbsp fresh chives, finely chopped 2 tbsp potato starch (or cornstarch) 2 cloves garlic, chopped butter

Cut the herring filet into pieces, place into a food processor and process/pulse a few times with the salt. Add in the chives, onion, capers, garlic, rosemary, pepper and potato starch. Process until smooth and well combined. In a separate small bowl, whisk the egg and buttermilk (or milk) together, and slowly add in to mixture while blade is running. Season again with salt and pepper – you can form a small little ball and saute it to taste to make sure that it’s to your liking. Shape mixture into patties. Heat a saute pan over medium heat, add a dollop of butter, and saute the herring patties until golden brown on both sides. Serve with boiled potatoes, caramelized onions and shredded carrots. Alternatively, you can serve them with sauerkraut or mashed peas- all are traditional sides to the herring burgers. Serves 4. Subscribe to the Norwegian American Weekly! Call (800) 305-0217 or email us at [email protected] Sunny Gandara, a native Norwegian, is the voice of Arctic Grub, a blog dedicated to delicious Norwegian recipes. In 2008 she founded her own company, Fork and Glass, a food and wine event company, located in the Hudson Valley of New York. Visit arcticgrub.word- press.com, facebook.com/forkandglass or twitter.com/forkandglass for more information. norwegian american weekly March 1, 2013 • 9 Travel Don’t miss Norway’s spring festivals Norway is famous for its summer music festivals, but the country is hopping in the spring, too, offering everything from music to skiing to fishing to film and literature – and everything in between!

Photos: Yngve Ask & Fredrik Schenholm – VisitNorway.com Left: Lofoten’s cod fishing competition is one-of-a-kind. Right: Narvik is the perfect destination for a winter festival.

Visit Norway

Ready, set, festival! Norway has some prospect of catching a record-breaking cod. It even has its own festival, the aptly named literature and society. Featuring best selling great festivals coming up in the spring. If Over 500 participants took part last year, and Inferno Festival, held in Oslo every year in authors from around the world, the festival, you are planning a trip to Norway, be sure to the biggest cod caught was a sizable 18,3kg. April, which attracts bands with names such which takes place in Lillehammer, attracted check out these great events! Read more about the World Cod Fishing as Mayhem, Immortal, Dark Throne etc. 543 authors and artists from 20 countries, Competition. This year: 15 – 16 March 2013. Read more about the Inferno Festival. This and 36,514 visitors last year. Seminars, writ- Oslo International Church Music Festival year: 27 – 30 March 2013. ing courses, debates, performances, exhibi- Oslo, March. Aiming to put together a Holmenkollen Ski Festival tions, meeting with authors, and more. Read high-quality program of church music for Oslo, March. The highlight of the win- The Easter Festival, Karasjok and more about Norwegian Festival of Litera- Norwegian audiences, this festival, which ter-sport season in Oslo, this hugely popular Kautokeino ture. This year: 28 May-2 June 2013. has been held annually in Oslo since 2000, is event dates back to 1892, and draws thou- Easter, Finnmark. Traditionally Easter one of Norway’s leading church music festi- sands of skiing enthusiasts (both competitors was the time of year when the reindeer-herd- Norway’s National Day vals, featuring a blend of church music rang- and spectators) every year to Holmenkollen, ing Sami gathered in the towns of Karas- Nationwide, 17 May. After being ruled ing from the Middle Ages to the present day. home to Oslo’s famous ski jump, and Nor- jok and Kautokeino to celebrate the end of by Denmark for 400 years, Norway acquired Concerts in Oslo churches are complement- dmarka, the big forested area north of the winter. Easter was also a time for weddings. its own constitution in 1814 and joined in a ed by workshops and masterclasses. Read city centre. Ski jumping and cross-country Today celebrations are still religious in char- loose union with Sweden, which lasted un- more about Oslo International Church Music skiing both feature on the program, and this acter, but Easter is also a time when Sami til 1905. Norway’s Constitution Day is cel- Festival. This year: 1 – 10 March 2013. is a great opportunity to watch Norwegian culture takes centre stage, with many events ebrated to this day with parades and festivi- athletes in action on home turf. The offi- taking place in both Karasjok and Kautokei- ties throughout the country. Colourful pro- Narvik Winter Festival (Vinterfestuka) cial name of the event is Holmenkollen FIS no. The Sami Grand Prix and the annual cessions of children with their banners, flags Narvik, March. Dating back to 1956, World Cup Nordic. This year: 15 – 17 March reindeer race are two of the highlights, but and bands lead the way, while everywhere this week-long festival is one of the largest 2013. other events include concerts, theatre per- people wearing the traditional costume (bu- of its kind in Northern Norway. It celebrates formances and exhibitions. This year: late nad) cheer on. The highlight of celebrations Narvik’s cultural history and particularly the Birkebeinerrennet March (Easter Sunday, March 31, 2013). is in the capital Oslo, where huge proces- construction of the Lofoten iron-ore railway Rena to Lillehammer, March. This race, sions descent on Karl Johans Gate, Oslo (which still runs between Narvik and the one of the oldest and most challenging long- Kristiansand International Children’s main street, on their way to see the Royal Swedish border) and the railway workers distance cross-country races in the world, is Film Festival Family wave to them from the palace bal- who built it. The program features concerts, very popular, and attracts over 16,000 par- Kristiansand, April-May. This festival cony. exhibitions, art performances and parades, ticipants every year. The course is 54 kilo- presents quality feature films, shorts and doc- among other events, with many locals wear- metres long, starting in Rena and finishing umentaries for children and young people, as Bergen International Festival ing period costumes for the occasion. This in Lillehammer. The race commemorates a well as seminars, workshops and presenta- Bergen, late May – early June. This fes- year: 8 – 17 March 2013. trip made in 1206 by the Birkebeiner loy- tions of new films from the Nordic countries. tival, the largest of its kind in Scandinavia, alists (thus called because they wore shoes Many of the films shown are screened with was founded in 1953. Taking place every World Cod Fishing Competition made of birch bark) to save the heir to the English subtitles (or in English language), year over two weeks in spring, the festival Lofoten Islands, March. For centuries Norwegian throne, Håkon Håkonsson, then with the exception of a few films for young presents over 150 events in the fields of fishermen from all over Norway have been one year old. All participants carry a back- children, which are given live Norwegian music, ballet, opera, theatre, dance and the heading to the Lofoten Islands between Jan- pack weighing at least 3.5 kg, symbolizing voice-overs (but English subtitles remain). performing arts, with many of the events tak- uary and March, to take part in the big Lo- the weight of the infant. Read more about Read more about Kristiansand International ing place outdoors. With its focus on Nordic foten cod fisheries. During those months the the Birkebeinerrennet. This year: 16 March Children’s Film Festival. This year: 23 – 27 Impulses, the festival also aims to be a meet- big cod stocks from the Barents Sea swim 2013. April 2013. ing place for creative and performing artists south to spawn along the coast of the Lo- from the Nordic countries, celebrating their foten Islands, and the sea is swarming with Inferno Metal Festival Norwegian Festival of Literature diversity and differences. His Majesty King fish. While professional fishermen are out at Oslo, April. Norwegian black metal, an Lillehammer, May. This is the largest Harald V is the festival’s Royal patron. The sea making a living, teams of sports anglers extreme sub genre of heavy metal, might not literature festival in the Nordic countries, festival attracted some 60,000 visitors in from around the world gather at the World be to everybody’s liking, but the genre en- whose main focus is Norwegian contempo- 2009. Read more about Bergen International Cod Fishing Competition, attracted by the joys a popular following, not least abroad. rary literature and the interaction between Festival. This year: 22 May – 5 June 2013. 10 • March 1, 2013 norwegian american weekly roots & Connections

Norwegian American Weekly Norwegian 101 Photo of the Week Language practice with Heidi Håvan Grosch Language lek (play) “I like coffee, I like tea” (“jeg liker kaffe, jeg liker te”) could be Norway’s theme song as we are some of the greatest coffee drinkers in the world (en av verdens mest kaffedrikkende nasjoner). Although decaf (koffeinfri) is available (er tilgjengelig), it is still not common (ikke vanlig) and most people don’t bat an eye (blunker ikke) if of- fered a cup of coffee (en kopp kaffe) in the late hours of the night (sent på kvelden), although I have observed (jeg har observert) that as one ages (man blir eldre), tea (te) is more often on the supper (kveldsmat) table. It is served black (den bli servert svart). Instant coffee (pulverkaffe) is very common (svært vanlig) for everyday use (daglig bruk), but coffee cooked on the stove (kokt kaffe) or in a coffee maker (kaffetrakter) is served when the occasion is slightly more than casual. Coffee machines that use pre-measured coffee packets like TASSIMO (www.tassimo.com) are all the rage (er inn/svært populært), and even the local grocery stores (matbutik- ker) carry everything you need (alt du trenger). As I have written before, coffee shops are popping up all over Photo courtesy of Roar Irgens A wedding party outside of Nidaros Domkirke in Trondheim, Norway. (dukker opp overalt) and chains (kjeder) like Jordbærpikene (the Strawberry Girls) have become shopping mall (kjøpesenter) gather- ing places (samlingsteder), especially for the week day retired (pen- sjonert) crowd and the Saturday (lørdag) shoppers. Although coffee snobs will still bemoan the unavailability of good coffee beans (gode Want to be featured in our Photo of the Week? kaffebønner), Starbucks are starting to pop up (komme opp) and if Email [email protected] or mail your photo with a caption. flying through Oslo airport, one can get their fix. But in truth (erlig talt), there is nothing (det er ingenting) that beats (som er bedre en) Sven & Ole were working for the city of Minne- coffee made over an open fire (åpen flamme) apolis. Sven would dig a hole. Ole would come out in the forest (ute i skogen) or down by the along and fill the hole. Sven and Ole worked sea (nede ved sjøen). furiously; one digging a hole, the other filling it up again. A man was watching from the side- walk and couldn’t believe how hard these men were working, but couldn’t understand what they were doing. He said to Sven, “I appreciate how Community Connections hard you work, but what are you doing? You dig a hole and your partner comes along behind Gratulerer med Dagen! you and fills it up again!” Sven replied,“Yeah, I suppose it does look funny, but Lars, da guy who plants da trees is sick today.” For just $35, you can print a photo Ole and Lena and up to 10 lines of text to celebrate America’s favorite Norwegians! life’s milestones with the Norwegian- American community. Commemorate birthdays, engagements, weddings, an- Bernhard Hendricksen Mesa AZ niversaries, baptisms, birth announce- Ernest Cantelmo Jupiter FL ments and more! Each submission will be printed in 5. mars Mrs. Ole Kaldestad Worland WY the “Roots & Connections” page, and Mrs. Art Eliassen Grenora ND we will send you up to 10 copies to Lyman C. Heyerdahl Phoenix AZ share with family and friends. Judith Lien Seattle WA Gladice Widman Elmont NY 1. mars Astrid L. Omdal Pasadena CA 6. mars For more information, Mafred O. Aws Madison MN Vicky Sjong Seattle WA call us at (800) 305-0217 or Barbara Bie Seattle WA Clarice Nereng Blair WI email [email protected]. Sissel Almaas Peterson Seattle WA Alma Drage Tacoma WA Kent Larson Sandy UT Robert Aasen Portland ND Jeanne Emblem Shada Scotts Valley CA Margred Jacobsen Becida MN Karin Reistad Whiting NJ 2. mars Bonnie Olson Reno NV Nels Jensen Duluth MN Nancy Gunderson Lincoln NE 7. mars Arnold Lunnum Stanwood WA Martin Gaustad Yucaipa CA Norwegian American Weekly Royal Norwegian Consulates Mrs. L. Allbee Yorba Linda CA Arne Stensrud Nes i Ådal Norway Howard Thompson Hawthorne CA Grant Skalet Black Earth WI Organization of the Week in North America Ray Finden Minneapolis MN Lorraine Smith Upland CA Einar Nygard Santa Barbara CA South Carolina 3. mars Solglimt Lodge #1-547 John B. Rasmussen Lacey WA Honorary Consul Christ Feste Minneapolis MN Cedar Falls, Iowa James D. Lucas Jr. Steven O. Wick Minneapolis MN Royal Norwegian Consulate Helge Langorgen Ft Lauderdale FL For more information, contact Albert Furnes Denver CO Donald J Meyer, Lodge President PO Box 536 Johannes Angen Geitastrand Norway Want to see your birthday in the [email protected] Charleston, SC 29402 Ken Helling Seattle WA Norwegian American Weekly? Phone: (641) 251-4655 Tel: (843) 577-5782 Arvid Ronning Stanwood WA Meetings: 4th Tues. (3rd in Jan, Fax: (843) 577-3589 Solveig Fredholm Accomac VA Call at (800) 305-0217 or email naw@norway. May, Dec, Summer) 6:30 p.m. 4. mars com. Birthdays must be submitted at least one Mabel Marvik Tacoma WA month in advance. For the full list of organizations, For a listing of all consulates, Gust Oien Skandia MI NB: Has someone on our birthday list passed visit noram.norway.com/organizations visit http://www.norway.org/Embassy/Honorary- Betsy Isane Brooten MN away? Please notify us! Consulates-General/ norwegian american weekly March 1, 2013 • 11 obituaries & Religion Pastor Larson’s Corner Pastor Jerry Larson retired to his cabin in Zimmerman, Minn., after 39 years In Loving Memory in parish ministry for the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America. In 2011 he Do you have a loved one or friend who has recently passed? published a book entitled “Speaking the Word Freely: Writing with purpose, Contact us at (206) 784-4617 or [email protected] to place an obituary. preaching with power.” Contact him at [email protected] Josephine Caroline (Kjellquist) Barker February 8, 1917 – February 16, 2013 Complete joy

Josephine Caroline Kjellquist Barker, Barker Jr. and his wife, Leslie of Bowdo- Whenever I ask a certain friend of of daily living do not affect it because of age 96, formerly of Norfolk, died on Feb. 16, inham, Maine; Jeffrey Barker and his wife, mine how things are going, I can count on its eternal and complete nature. 2013 at her home on Pine Hill Blvd., Plym- Luann of Winsted; two daughters, Colleen his reply to always be the same. He simply As we live out each day, our emotions outh, Conn. She was predeceased by her Stevens Jacques and her husband, Robert says, “I’ve never been better!” Like all of can easily be controlled by how things are husband, Kenneth F. Barker, Sr., an infant of Franklin, New Hampshire; and Josephine us, he no doubt has his good days and his going for us at a particular moment. We daughter, Michael Caroline, a brother and Barker of Plymouth; granddaughter Jennifer bad days, but no matter what his current can lose track of the “big picture” and al- sister-in-law, Ernest and Grace Kjellquist Richardson and her husband, Allan of Bow- circumstances might be, he never changes low ourselves to ride the roller coaster of and a son-in law, Paul E. Stevens. Jo outlived doin, Maine; and two great-grandchildren, his answer. Perhaps his standard reply in- emotional ups and downs. When this hap- many of her lifelong friends from her school Abby and Erik Richardson of Bowdoin, dicates something that runs deeper than pens to us, we need to remind ourselves years and WWII days, among them her very Maine; two nephews, David Kjellquist and the ups and downs of a given day. Perhaps that in Jesus we have a source of joy and best friends, Elvy and Walter Backman. Jo- his wife, Elaine of Aiken, South Carolina; his joy in life grows out of a source that peace that is steady and always available. sephine was born Feb. 8, 1917 in Hartford, and Donald Kjellquist of Bloomfield; and never changes. All of us know people who have a Conn., the daughter of the late Fritz and Hil- extended family in this country and Sweden. Once, after a day of teaching his dis- sense of serenity and peace in their lives. da (Johnson) Kjellquist. The family wishes to express their grati- ciples, Jesus said to them, “I have said The little things that bother most of us just She grew up in Bloomfield, and gradu- tude to the caregivers and staff of Northwest these things to you so that my joy may don’t seem to get them down. The source ated Bloomfield High School, class of l934. Home Care and the VNS of CT for the ex- be in you, and that your joy may be com- of this serenity is found in Jesus Christ. She attended Baypath College in Massachu- traordinary assistance and care of Josephine plete.” When Jesus said this to His dis- His joy comes into our lives through the setts and worked for the Travelers Insurance during her illness. ciples, He was talking about something power of the Holy Spirit just as He prom- Company in Hartford, Conn. from 1936 until Funeral and burial will take place in the much greater than happiness or just feel- ised it would. When we allow the spirit 1944. In the 1970’s she worked for Worth’s spring. In lieu of flowers, memorial contri- ing good. He was talking about the kind of to fill us with this joy and peace, then we Dept. store in Torrington. She and her hus- butions may be made to the Visiting Nurse joy that comes with finding meaning and will be able to say in truth, “Life has never band enjoyed many trips through this coun- Services of CT, 65 Commercial Blvd., Tor- purpose in life. He said that this joy begins been better.” try visiting friends and family and also trav- rington, CT 06790 or Norfolk Lions Club today and lasts for all eternity. The events elled to Japan, England, Norway, and Swe- Ambulance, P.O. Box 399, Norfolk, CT den. She particularly enjoyed her two trips to 06058. The Kenny Funeral Home, 39 Maple Sweden to visit her cousins. Ave, Norfolk, CT 06058 is in charge of ar- She is survived by her sons, Kenneth rangements. The Scandinavian Hour Celebrating over 50 years on the air! Carl H. Jacobsen KKNW – 1150 AM Died February 16, 2013 Saturdays 9 – 10 a.m. PST Jacobsen, Carl H. age 98, of Minneton- cobsen; many nieces, nephews and friends. Streaming live on the internet at: ka, passed away February 16, 2013. Pre- Employed by Naegle Outdoor Advertising ceded in death by parents, sister, brother and for 37 years. Member of IOOF, Sons of Nor- www.1150kknw.com wife, Helen. Survived by daughters, Arlene way and IUPAT-LU 880. Memorial service Vickers and Lynn Anderson; four grandchil- Tuesday, March 5th, 11 a.m. at Gethsemane dren, Lisa Kraft, Jennifer McPherson, Benja- Lutheran Church, 715 Minnetonka Mills min Vickers and Jeremy Shuck; eight great- Rd., Hopkins, MN. grandchildren; brother, Donald (Murva) Ja- Don’t let economic uncertainty affect your fi nancial future. < germany From page 3 and Statkraft) met with Ms. Merkel and Mr. As a Fortune 500 fi nancial services organization with more than 100 years of Stoltenberg for a discussion on energy co- experience, Thrivent Financial is uniquely positioned to help you weather operation, the challenges we face today, and these uncertain times. countries is still too weak to bring about a how cooperation between Norway and Ger- Put the strength and stability of Thrivent Financial to work for you. Contact reduction in unemployment. many could develop in the future. a fi nancial representative or visit Thrivent.com/strong. “It is vital that Germany plays an active Norway and Germany are engaged in role in Europe in the time ahead. Although a close dialogue on a number of foreign pol- great deal has been achieved and important icy matters, and hold common positions on plans for ensuring growth have been made, many issues. In their talks today, Ms. Merkel Europe’s leaders must continue their crucial and Mr. Stoltenberg discussed the terror- work in this area. This is essential for young ist attack in In Amenas and developments people in Europe, and it is also essential for in the Sahel and Maghreb regions. Norway Norway,” Mr. Stoltenberg said. and Germany agree that broad-based efforts Energy is one of the mainstays of co- in areas such as security, good governance operation between Norway and Germany. and aid are needed if a solution to these chal- Germany’s energy needs are substantial, lenges is to be found. following its phasing out of nuclear power, The grave situation in Syria, the tensions in line with the Energiewende energy trans- in Egypt and negotiations on Iran’s nuclear formation plan. Norwegian gas is important weapons programme were also discussed. in this context, but Norwegian renewable en- “We also talked about the High North Securities and investment advisory services are offered through Thrivent Investment Management Inc., ergy can also play a major role in meeting the 625 Fourth Ave. S., Minneapolis, MN 55415, a FINRA and SIPC member and wholly owned subsidiary of Thrivent and the Arctic, and the opportunities that ex- needs of the German energy market. Financial for Lutherans. For additional important disclosure information, please visit Thrivent.com/disclosures. ist in the north, in terms of energy and other Appleton, Wisconsin • Minneapolis, Minnesota • Thrivent.com • 800-THRIVENT (800-847-4836) Later in the day, the Prime Minister resources. I said that it was important that 27675NAWA N1-13 601493 hosted a working dinner on the topic of ener- more actors with a constructive agenda par- gy, together with Minister of Petroleum and ticipate in developing this key region. This Energy . German and Nor- includes Germany and the German business wegian energy companies (RWE Dea, Voith, Access your digital edition – free for subscribers! sector, indeed the whole of Europe,” Mr. Wintershall, VNG, Statoil, Statnett, Hydro Stoltenberg said. Email [email protected] to set up your account 12 • March 1, 2013 Online: blog.norway.com/category/culture norwegian american weekly Arts & Style Calendar of Events Rønningen Ramblings What’s going on in your neighborhood? with Heidi Håvan Grosch Heidi was a long-time Minnesotan until she married California grave (b. 1928): Primavera for Soprano her favorite Norwegian, Morten, and moved to his Heritage Day and Flute. 8 p.m. – 10 p.m. For more in- home country of Norway. As a recent immigrant she is March 16 formation call (212) 239-0205 x204 or experiencing Norway with a unique perspective, filling us in on the good, the bad and the unexpected! Palm Desert, Calif. email: dzeidman@midamerica-music. Presented by Solskinn Lodge #150. Food com. demonstration, entertainment, Viking Room, vendors, travel info., meatball Pennsylvania lunch and lefse. 10 a.m. – 3 p.m. at Hope St. Patrick’s Day Dinner Almost a native Church, 45900 Portola Ave. For more March 17 information call (760) 699-7436 or visit Susquehanna, Penn. http://www.solskinn.org. Come and enjoy the best corned beef dinner you will ever have at Land of the Minnesota Vikings! A true St. Patrick’s Day Dinner Lutefisk and Meatball Dinner with everything you want with a little April 6 “Viking” twist. Plan on spending the Edina, Minn. night or weekend or even longer as we Lutefisk and Meatball Dinners will be have a special rate Sunday thru Thursday prepared and served by the Norwegian in March of only $50 / night! We have Glee Club of Minneapolis at the Lu- 26 rooms, a wonderful handmade Viking theran Church of the Good Shepherd shaped bar and 150 acres of recreation on Saturday April 6, 2013. Paid in ad- space all owned by the members of the vance tickets are required for seating at Third District of the Sons of Norway. either 2PM, 4PM or 6PM. Reservation Please come visit....everyone is invited! form can be obtained at web site: http:\\ 12 p.m. – 6 p.m. For more info, email www.norwegiangleeclub.org. Dinners [email protected] or call (570) 461- are served family style. Accordian music 3500. will be provided while dining and at the end of each seating the Glee Club will South Dakota sing for you. For more information call Borgund Lodge Dance Workshop (612) 861-4793, email: e v e n s t a d @ April 5 mindspring.com or visit http://www.nor- Rapid City, S.D. wegiangleeclub.org. Borgund Lodge in partnership with Dis- trict 4 will host a dance workshop fea- 16th Annual Ibsen Festival turing Bob & Marin Holmen. The event Photo courtesy Heidi Håvan Grosch April 12 – 14 takes place in the beautiful Black Hills. After five years of living in Norway, Heidi Håvan Grosch is starting to feel like “almost” a native. Lanesboro, Minn. Contact John Burke for more information The 16th Annual Ibsen Festival features at (605) 342-4226. Events takes place at a world premiere adaptation by Jef- 12:00 noon at Canyon Lake Sr. Citizens frey Hatcher of Ibsen’s groundbreak- Center, 2900 Canyon Lake Dr. Email: ing masterpiece A Doll’s House. A wife [email protected] for more infor- I am preparing a presentation for a gian. Fortunately folks eventually figure out must make a heart-breaking choice when mation. group of Norwegian-Americans that illus- what I am trying to say, if I don’t accidently the past threatens to destroy her perfect trates my life in Norway. The problem is, I hit them in the face first (as I did once not household. Ibsen’s classic is presented Washington have now lived here for over five years, and to long ago to a stranger in the Trondheim as the latest in a series of adaptations by Olympia Norway Day things that were once new are beginning IKEA). acclaimed playwright Jeffrey Hatcher April 20 to feel normal…most of the time. So what There are, however, things in my life and commissioned by the Commonweal Olympia, Wash. images will interest people most? Is it bu- that are definitely still rural Norwegian. Theatre. As always, the festival will in- There’s more to Norway than lutefisk nads, drinking coffee at a picnic table in the Although clothes dryers, especially for clude lectures, fine art, music, post show and lefse. Join us for our 7th annual Nor- middle of winter or the fact that many of us families with small children, are becoming discussions and many other events to way Day. Music, Nordic Cafe serving really do plant our own potatoes and make more popular – we still hang up our clothes. put this work into context for a twenty- “ekte Norsk” food, scrumptuous bake our own lefse? Or is it more interesting to Although forced air wall heating units first century audience. For more - infor sale, demonstrations, vendors, genealo- know about things we have in common like (varmepumper) are keeping many houses mation call (800) 657-7025or email: gy, fjord horses, Norwegian Elk Hounds American movies, tacos (which my Norwe- at a reasonable temperature in the winter, [email protected]. Visit the and much more. Admission is only $3 gians call taco, without the “s”) and pizza? we still chop wood and heat our house that web site at http://www.ibsenfest.org. and children under 12 are free. For more information call (360) 923-1242, email: Although now almost a native, I still way (which reminds me, I’d better go fill up New York [email protected]. struggle with finding the right words in Nor- the wood box!) Although many people have wegian, which results in not always saying satellite TV with channels from around the Norwegian Classical Musicians at Carnegie Hall org, or visit http://www.OlympiaNor- what I want to say. I often overcompensate globe, we have only three, and instead spend April 4 wayDay.com. by using even more words that don’t make time watching the birds or glued to our com- New York, N.Y. sense until the person I am speaking to gets puter screens…I guess technology isn’t as Featuring: Camilla Ediassen, Soprano; that glassy look in their eyes, which means I removed from our home as I like to believe! Ingrid Holmen, Flute; and Erling Eriksen, lost them, and then I just smile and nod and We don’t have broadband (yet) but we have Piano. On the program: Mussorgsky: The all is well again. It’s that international means found a way to connect. Nursery; Prokofiev: Five Poems of Anna of communication when you really have no So I guess in our own way we are do- Akhmatova, Op. 27; Rachmaninov: Li- clue. ing our best to maintain that stereotype of lacs, Op. 21 No. 5; How fair this Spot!, Sometimes I just slip the English word a simple Norwegian life, although both my Op. 21 No. 7; Sing not to Me, Beautiful in. Truth be told, it feels a bit like swearing husband and I agree that adopting a cow is Maiden, Op. 4 No. 4; The Isle, Op. 14 when I do that; something I really shouldn’t not in our immediate future. No. 2; Nystroem: Soul and Landscape; do but do anyway. I know I could work hard- Having a place begin to feel more nor- Sommerfeldt: Hildring i Speil (Mirage er on my grammar, but I don’t. There are a mal also means I sometimes struggle to find in a Mirror), Op. 48; Grieg: Four Songs, few words that baffle me still, like the word things to write about that might interest Op. 21; Bjørnson: Selections from Fisher “ikke” / “don’t or not.” It jumps all over a you, our readers. So…what would you like Maiden and Monte Pincio; Thea Mus- sentence depending on its meaning, but I to know? Please feel free to send an email tend to stick it into all the wrong places. Ikke directly to me at [email protected] Send your event to [email protected] or call (206) 784-4617 bra (not good). Ah well, I use my hands a lot (with Norwegian American Weekly topic in to be added to the Norwegian American Weekly! when I speak (even on the telephone) which the subject line) and I will see what I can do! Event listings are free, but space is limited. Please contact us at least one month prior to event. instantly pegs me as a non-native Norwe- Thanks and Takk. norwegian american weekly Online: blog.norway.com/category/norway-in-the-us March 1, 2013 • 13 In your neighborhood

Photos: Ajiri Tea Company Photo from cover: Boxes of Ajiri Teabags are decorated with white labels. The paper for these labels is handmade using a combination of water hyacinth (an invasive plant in Lake Victoria) and recycled office paper. Each box con- tains 16 teabags. Left: Thomas started 1st grade this year. Here he is pictured with his new school books and backpack, purchased by the Ajiri Foundation. Thomas and his siblings live with their grandmother since their father died from AIDS and their mother abandoned the family. Center: A member of the Amboga Women’s Group shows one of the labels that she is working on. The Amboga Women’s Group is one of five women’s groups that work with Ajiri Tea to make labels. This group is the most rural of all five groups, and their labels show some of the most detailed scenery. Right: Boxes of Ajiri Loose tea are decorated with a brown colored label. Also pictured is the handmade twine and brightly colored paper beads that are used as a decorative tie inside of each box. Each box of Ajiri Loose Tea contains 3.5 ounces (100 g) of tea.

< tea From page 1 is sold in over 450 stores and its non-profit, and two Buyer’s Choice Awards for Best Tea does not soothe or remove their custom- Ajiri Foundation, is currently sending 25 or- Black Tea. These awards mean a lot because ers from the world’s problems, but rather veloped a taste for jam on waffles, brunost phans to school. “It’s been especially excit- they represent the work of the people in Ke- has made them feel that they can be part of on toast, and lutefisk left best on the plate. ing seeing what the women have done with nya—the tea growers and the women who a global solution. In the coming weeks they But they also developed a distinctly Nor- the money that they have earned. Some of make the labels. Winning these awards just are set to launch Ajiri Coffee and a line of wegian appetite for global responsibility. In the women have bought seeds, others have shows how many different people’s work flavored Ajiri Teas. These are exciting times 2009, both in Kenya, they saw first-hand the rented land, and Yunes, Rael, and Sarah even and creativity has gone into making Ajiri so for the Ajiri project, and we hope you will consequences of the financial crisis on global bought cows! They use some of the milk to successful,” notes Sara Holby. A cup of Ajiri share the excitement with them! aid. As if overnight, funds to Kenyan NGOs help feed their families, and sell some of the dried up, leaving many who had relied on milk for income,” says Kate Holby. food, drugs, and jobs stranded. Looking to They say in Kenya that it takes a village Notable Norwegians to raise a child. Well, both in the U.S. and Norwegian ideals and practices of social With David Moe responsibility, but also to their Norwegian in Kenya, it has taken many communities to grandmother who had a strong sense of pur- help build Ajiri Tea. The women making the pose and get-to-it-iveness, they decided to labels, the shop owners and customers all women. She once wrote that women create their own project that would make a feel part of the bigger “Ajiri” project. Cre- Agnes Wergeland “must improve themselves, from lasting and measurable difference in Kenya. ating and being part of a larger community early to late, from beginning to end, The result was the creation of Ajiri Tea that spans borders came naturally to Sara Agnes Wergeland was born in constantly.” Their responsibility was Company. Ajiri means ‘to employ’ in Swa- and Kate. They had grown up aware of their Norway in 1857. Her father was a “to learn discipline, not from another hili. Ajiri Tea Company employs 63 women place in a bigger Norwegian-American com- cousin of the Norwegian poet Henrik person, but from an idea and to learn in the Kisii district of western Kenya to hand munity and a sense of the global responsibil- Wergeland. Agnes was the first Nor- to withstand longing and privation, to make labels out of banana bark for tea boxes. ity that comes with this community. wegian woman in the world to receive bear burdens for the sake of that dis- They buy the tea from a cooperative factory With the creation of Ajiri Tea, Sara and her Ph.D. Despite the great success of tant future in which no one of us will in Kisii that is managed by a woman and Kate try to emulate that close sense of com- her uncle as a poet, Agnes never felt ever participate.” Dr. owned by 10,000 small-scale farmers. 100% munity on a global scale, where their cus- accepted. She once Wergeland suffered an of the profits then go back to the same region tomers share a sense of place, purpose, and wrote, “A Wergeland inner conflict between in Kenya to pay school fees and purchase vision for difference in the world. “We have was never especially art and the need to books, uniforms, and other school supplies won a few big awards, including two sofi respected in Norway make a living. Poetry for orphans. After just three years Ajri Tea Awards for Innovation in Packaging Design, and I am as ‘contempt- ible’ as all the others.” was her art form and at In 1902, she emigrated times it was mystical to the United States and and dreamlike as she Find the perfect gift from in went to Wyoming as a was preoccupied with our online store, or if professor of French, beauty. She had faith in you’re in the area, visit our Spanish and History at the power of her art to lift her out of the drudg- shop in Waupaca, Wisconsin! the University of Wyo- Photo: Daughters of Norway E 801 Lauritzen Lane Waupaca, WI 54981 ery of the make-a-day (715) 256-9930 • [email protected] ming. While teaching at the university, she life. She had little faith wrote two volumes of poetry, “Amer- in politics, because for ica and Other Poems” published in her, political solutions lead to a be- 1912 and later “Posthumous Poems.” trayal of the people, while art on the She had a visionary sense of what it other hand, provided the opportunity meant to be a poet. She once wrote, to rise above disappointments. Agnes was shy, seemed aloof and lacked the SWEATERS — COLLECTIBLES — ROSEMALING — FISHERMEN’S CAPS — BOOKS — AND MORE! “Poetry is an art, lifted above the suf- fering of life and, in the truest sense, ability for small talk. She had a mel- Visit us online at www.thetrollscove.com freed from it.” Poetry was for her a ancholy nature and suffered a ner- psychological release and a way of vous breakdown in 1909. She held to Sign up for our free weekly maintaining her sanity. Dr. Wergeland her strong Lutheran faith and viewed was also an early advocate of the lib- heaven as a resting place for the weary eration movement for women. She and seeker of beauty. She died in 1914 e-newsletter! demanded much of herself and of all and I hope she finally found her rest- ing place. Email [email protected] 14 • March 1, 2013 Online: blog.norway.com/category/norwegian-americans norwegian american weekly norwegian heritage Corner Travel snapshots NORWEGIAN FOLK TALES, FAIRY TALES AND TROLLS Brought to you by Alfred Birkeland

Editor’s note: Alfred Birkeland, currently living in Seattle, has previously shared his memories with the Weekly’s Pacific Northwest predecessor, The Western Viking. These are With 18 classic folk tales, fairy tales and trolls from Norway in Norwegian and English, his experiences from the time he spent serving in the in the 1950s. “Tuss og Troll” is now serialized in the Norwegian American Weekly’s Norwegian Language Corner. The stories are from the col- lections of Peter Christen Asbjørnsen and Jørgen Moe, and retold by Øyvind Dybvad, Gard Espeland, Velle Espeland, Johannes Farestveit and Nana Rise-Lynum. “Tuss og Troll” was edited, designed and published by Deb Nelson Gourley of Astri My Astri publishing. Copyright © Norsk Barneblad. As mentioned in Western Viking in July causing rain to drip into the Officers’ Mess. and August, 2004, a crew flew from Oslo on Next stop Tongue Point Naval Station SAS propeller planes. Stopover in Scotland, outside Astoria, Oregon for repair. It was Newfoundland, and New York where we not like going to Home Depot – had to wait were transferred to U.S. military planes with in due course. The more stops en route were stopovers in Cleveland, Ohio, and Chicago, just fine. We were young! Illinois for necessary services. Then on to After weeks one expansion joint was Fargo, N. Dakota, Great Falls, Montana, and put in the deck structure. In the meantime finally to Seattle, Washington. we were enjoying time in Astoria. Hitch-hik- In Bremerton we were housed in rooms ing was the norm even to Portland, Oregon. with bunk beds in large buildings. We lined People in Astoria were talking about a up buffet style for chow with all other US group that had crossed the Continent from sailors there. It was quite an eye-opener to Missouri and over-wintered nearby. Years see all those races, colors, and features. Not later – and visits to Monticello in Virginia to leave out the “community” – large shower – got more familiar with that driving to room. Everything was so different for us. various spots along the Missouri River and We visited each other, practiced Eng- in Idaho where signs showed places. It was Veslefrikk med fela Little Frikk and the Fiddle lish, etc.. We were invited inside aboard Lewis and Clark expedition they were talk- from aircraft carriers to submarines. Social- ing about. Til sist lurte dei seg på han og tok han Finally they snuck up on him when he was ized in pubs, etc. We were invited to Open House. It medan han sov om natta, og straks det var ljost asleep for the night, and as soon as it was daylight Norwegian immigrants that had never sounded like the front door was left open for om morgonen, bar det av stad til galgen. Ei they dragged him off to the gallows. Many people been back to their Native country since they everybody! But it was Thanksgiving, they mengd folk hadde samla seg og ville sjå på. had gathered to watch. The bailiff was also there, Lensmannen var der også, og han var sjeleglad and he was delighted that he was to get justice for left after WWII and depression years were explained that to us. for at han skulle få rett for pengane og skinnet his money and his skin. especially interested in meeting sailors from Out on a farm with cattle we had to see sitt. But it did not go quickly, because little Frikk their home district – they displayed an en- a special bull named Haakon! Men det gjekk ikkje fort, for Veslefrikk was walking frailly, and more frail than he was, thusiasm that was almost child-like and Fathers that had their sons somewhere var skrøpeleg til å gå, og skrøpelegare gjorde he made himself out to be. The fiddle and the rifle touching. else in the Military invited us to their Club in han seg. Fela og børsa drog han med seg også. he also took with him. And when he arrived at the Photos in Bremerton Sun, Oslo Lodge, the late hours for T-bone steaks and French Og då han kom til galgen og skulle kliva opp gallows and climbed the ladder, he rested on each i stigen, kvilte han for kvart steg. På det øvste and every rung. When he was on the top rung he sat Sons of Norway – we were invited into fries – man was that ever good! steget sette han seg og bad om berre ein ting. down and only asked for one thing. homes. Christmas was Han hadde slik lyst til å låta ein låt og lei- He had such a desire to sound a note and fid- Taken to the polls “People said, ‘we thought the Norwe- celebrated onboard ka ein leik på fela si før dei hengde han, sa han. dle a tune before they hanged him, he said. And it to see the Presidential ship with Xmas dec- Og det var både synd og skam å nekta han det, would be both wrong and a shame to deny him this, Election – General gians were good seamen!’ ‘Yes,’ was orations and some tykte dei. Men lensmannen bad for Guds skuld they thought. But the bailiff begged in the name of Dwight Eisenhower presents from Sons of at dei ikkje skulle lata han få lov å klunka på God not to let him pluck on a single string; other- the answer, ‘but the ship is American!’” ein streng, elles var det ute med dei alle i hop. wise it would be the end of them all. won. We remembered Norway, Oslo Lodge. Skulle guten ha lov til å spela, måtte dei If the boy was allowed to play, they would him from the Allied Thank you letters binda han til den bjørka som stod der, sa lens- have to bind the bailiff to the birch that grew there, Invasion in Normandy. were sent to them and mannen. Veslefrikk var ikkje sein om å få fela the bailiff told them. Little Frikk was not slow in His specific orders toward the end of the Bremerton Sun. til å låta, og alle som var der, måtte då til å making the fiddle play, and everyone who was war to make sure the home front in Norway New Year’s Eve 1952 was celebrated in dansa anten dei ville eller ikkje, både dei som there had to start dancing whether they wanted to gjekk på to og dei som gjekk på fire. or not, both those walking on two feet as well as had the necessary supplies. Here I like to in- Portland, Oregon, as always thumbs up for Dei svinga seg både prost og prest, skri- those on four. terject: Four years later it was a profound the long drive and willing drivers to pick us var og fut, lensmann og meistermann, bikkjer They all danced — the dean, the pastor, the wish – somewhat obligatory in Seattle to go up. og svin. Dei dansa og lo og skreik om einan- magistrate, the bailiff, and the hangman, also the to Civic Auditorium, converted in 1962 dur- Downtown a “happy” man invited us in nan. Somme dansa til dei låg som døde, andre dogs and pigs. They danced and laughed and cried ing the World Fair – to Seattle Opera house for drink and food – it was in the lunch room dansa til dei datt i svime. Gale gjekk det med out to each other. Some danced till they lay as and lately McCaw Hall – standing room in a big department store! He passed out, dei alle, men verst gjekk det med lensmannen. dead, and others danced till they fell unconscious. Han stod fastbunden til bjørka og dansa It went as if everyone was bewitched, but it went only, close to the stage. and his wife was called. og skura store skinnflak av ryggen sin mot worst for the bailiff. With figuration of index and middle fin- The sight the wife and daughter saw treleggen. Det var ikkje nokon som tenkte på He stood firmly bound to the birch tree and gers as V-sign and grinning came President when two strange sailors came with the man å gjera noko med Veslefrikk, han tok børsa og danced and rubbed large areas of skin off his back Dwight Eisenhower and First Lady, Mamie, of the house – looked like a partial deflated fela si og gjekk. Og sidan levde han vel alle against the trunk. No-one thought to do something on stage! They were campaigning for a sec- mascot! sine dagar, for ingen kunne seia nei til det han with little Frikk, so he took his rifle and fiddle, and ond term. An American Officer was onboard to bad om. left. And afterwards he lived a good life for the rest of his days as no-one could say no to that he Visits to Seattle. San Diego, California. Upon arriving at 4.NAW.Vangsgutane.6Jan2013_Layout 1 1/7/13 12:20 AMwished Page for. 1 Travel to Port Townsend for Football the Broadway area pier – another calamity. Translated into English by Alexander Knud Huntrods and Odd-Steinar Dybvad Raneng match between the U.S. Navy and Army. Engine failure, slammed into the cay – lots Price: $29.95 with FREE shipping in the U.S.A. • www.astrimyastri.com Whenever cheerleading girls cheered of people watching – the part that had been for the Army – the only cheerleaders – the changed in the bow was damaged. Another Your #1 source of bilingual English Norwegian books! Norwegian sailors outdid them – the Navy stay, just fine with us. Ashore people said, The Boys From Vangen: won! we thought the Norwegians were good sea- Finally after weeks the day came to take men – yes, was the answer – but the ship is over the Navy ship – it was a former land- American! • Bilingual English & Norwegian text ing ship for tanks converted to maintenance While waiting for repair we were sight- • Book for all ages • Full colored & illustrated, Smyth sewn workshop with new equipment. seeing, trips to studio in Hollywood, the Chi- • 6”x9”, hardcover, 176 pages Ceremony on the pier, changing of nese Theater, Knott’s Berry Farm, and more. • = $19.95 with FREE shipping in USA flags, then we walked on board. It soon was I went with local sailors to Balboa Park Vangsgutane has been a classic series in Norway different. Takeover of other ships occurred where they played everything from Bach to since 1941. Right after WWII, Vangsgutane was used as curriculum material in Norwegian schools, in following years. Blue Tango on the then World’s largest out- as the series had easy-to-read text with pictures. Off to Bangor for ammunition and then door pipe organ – among palm trees. Honest and quick-thinking, the boys become role models for Norwegian children through their nu- out Strait of Juan de Fuca. It was easy in those days to cross back merous ventures and narrow escapes. Previously The weather along Washington State and forth to Tijuana, Mexico. serialized in the Norwegian American Weekly. was rainy and windy. The ship had been The U.S. military had a pro-station for Call — send a check Made in America! or order from website modified: originally little flexibility to waves the convenience of the U.S. military return- Astri My Astri Publishing www.astrimyastri.com – not quite like the Viking ships – but longer ing from Tijuana. The sights and sounds in Deb Nelson Gourley Phone: 563-568-6229 rigid on-deck structures added that cracked, that place! 602 3rd Ave SW, Waukon, IA 52172 [email protected] norwegian american weekly March 1, 2013 • 15 Sports Ski in the U.S. Races and events in the U.S.’s favorite Nordic-inspired winter sport

Mar. 16 The Solitude Nordic Spring Fling near Salt Lake City, Utah: 7 km race at 10:00 am, 1.2 km relay at noon. Both are free technique. Prizes for fastest skiers in different age groups. Entry fee $15 for morning event; $8 per person or $20 per team for relay. Entry fee includes hamburgers and hot dogs, plus entertainment, after the races. Come dressed in funny or unusual costumes for a chance to win other great prizes. Contact the Nordic Center for information: (801) 536-5774.

Mar. 16 Glide the Divide in Steamboat Springs, Colo. This is a 45K marathon and a 90K ultramarathon on packed snowmobile trails starting and ending at Steamboat Lake State Park. Qualification is required for the 90K race, which goes all the way to the Wyoming border and back. There are both classic and skate divisions for both distances. For information, go to http://www.glidethe- divide.com.

Mar. 23 The Equinox Ski Challenge is a season finale nordic ski race to be held on the Rendezvous Ski Trails in West Yellowstone, Mo. Similar to the 24 Hour Photo: Margo Christiansen mountain bike races, skiers complete as many laps as they can, either as a From left: Kikkan Randall, Holly Brooks, Liz and Jessie Diggins of the U.S. Women’s Nordic Ski Team. solo entrant or on a relay team in the 3-Hour, 6-Hour, 12-Hour, or 24-Hour division. Team can be composed of 2-8 skiers. For the fifth year in a row, the Equinox Ski Challenge will donate a portion of the proceeds to the West Yellowstone Ski Education Foundation and to Manaia Youth Programs. Par- < gold ticipants can also earn raffle tickets by bringing food donations for the West From page 1 Diggins had estbalished a small lead on Yellowstone Food Bank. The festivities will include a potluck with beverages her last leg, and anchor Randall made the on Saturday evening and an all night bonfire at the start/finish line. Complete The latest triumph for the women was best of the situation to ski the U.S. women’s details, race updates and online registration are available at www.equinoxs- Sunday, Feb. 24, when they won the wom- team to victory. kichallenge.com. en’s 6x1.2 km Free Team Sprint by almost “That moment when your teammate eight seconds, with Kikkan Randall and Jes- comes running out (in the finish area), it Mar. 30 Intermountain Series FINALS – Grand Targhee/Driggs, Idaho. The Inter- sie Diggins competing, at the Nordic Ski starts to sink in that you’re world champi- mountain Series is the premier regional race series for Utah, Idaho, Wyoming, World Championships in Val di Fiemme, on,” she said. and Montana. Athletes are encouraged to race in as many IMD Series races as . “I’m sprinting with the best sprinter in possible to qualify for overall age-group prizes at the end of the season. The This is the U.S.’s first gold medal in the world,” Diggins said of teammate Ran- IMD Series races also function as qualifying races for racers aspiring to make cross-country skiing at the Nordic World dall. “I knew that if I could get her to take the IMD Junior National Ski Team. Saturday’s schedule includes a Classic Championships, according to the Washing- off in a good position, she’d be able to hold Mass Start 5k in the morning, followed by a Freestyle Downhill Derby race in ton Post. it and improve upon it. So I just tried to get the afternoon. Sunday there will be Club Relays. These races will be scored Randall and Diggins beat Sweden, Fin- her in the best spot I could.” with IMD points, so come finish the season strong and see how you stack up land and Norway, which finished second, The historic victory has been making against other IMD skiers in your age group. Overall awards will be presented third and fourth respectively. waves in the U.S. and international press. On at the end of competition. Norway was one of the favorites to Feb. 25, Diggins wrote on her blog: “I just win the race, but competitor Ingvild Flugs- wanted to say THANKS SO MUCH for all tad Oestberg fell, causing them to come in the kind words, especially the congrats from fourth place. those of you who have believed in me and < In Amenas From page 3 Statoil is currently in a close dialogue “It feels incredible,” Randall said to AP. cheered for our team before the results came with Algerian authorities, Sonatrach and BP in. It means so much to me! I really appreci- “This is something we’ve looked forward to Joint Venture, and the documentation has about the necessary conditions for full pro- ate all the emails, facebook and twitter posts for a long time. It’s my seventh world cham- been fully reviewed by both Statoil and BP. duction and a redeployment of staff. coming in.” pionship and I’ve had to spend a lot of time “The Joint Venture has initiated a lim- “The safety and security of our people Diggins will compete next in the 10 km watching award ceremonies. So we’re pretty ited production start-up at In Amenas. We is our utmost priority. We will take whatever skate competition in Italy. excited to do it.” thank Sonatrach for the work they have done time needed to conduct all required assess- and continue to do on behalf of the Joint ments and reviews and take all necessary Venture, during this difficult time for every- precautions before we consider a re-entry of one involved,” says Lars Christian Bacher, Statoil personnel,” says Bacher. executive vice president for Development Coinciding with production start-up, < kon-tiki and Production International in Statoil. Sonatrach will hold a commemoration cer- From page 3 Liv) in 1957, Nils Gaup with “Pathfinder” During the production start-up phase, emony at the In Amenas facilities Sunday (Veiviseren) in 1987, Berit Nesheim with the facilities will be operated by Sonatrach 24 February in connection with the Algerian cluded “No” from Chile, “A Royal Affair” “The Other Side of Sunday” (Søndagsen- on behalf of the Joint Venture. Statoil and BP Day of Nationalisation of Hydrocarbons. A from Denmark, “War Witch” from Canada gler) and Petter Næs for “Elling” in 2001. staff will not yet be redeployed but technical memorial monument with the names of the and of course, “Amour” from Austria. Stars of “Kon-Tiki” include Pål Sverre Ha- specialists will provide support when need- victims of the terror attack will also be un- “Kon-Tiki” is an action-adventure film gen, Agnes Kittelsen, Anders Baasmo Chris- ed, in line with strict security procedures es- veiled. recounting the daring and courageous jour- tiansen, Odd-Magnus Williamson, Tobias tablished for short-term visits. ney of Norwegian explorer Santelmann and Jakob Oftebro. and his crew of scientists in their seafaring Initially produced by Nordisk Film Pro- quest to prove the theory that Polynesian duction Norway and UK’s Recorded Picture natives originated from Peru. Heyerdahl’s Company, the film has been picked up in the Waiting too long for your issue? real-life documented adventure was awarded US by The Weinstein Company and expects Best Documentary at the Academy Awards an English language version to be released Try our digital edition – delivered to in 1951, just years after the 1947 voyage. sometime this year. The actual balsa raft can be seen at The Kon- Despite its losses this award season, the your inbox every Friday morning! Tiki Museum in Oslo, Norway. film “Kon-Tiki,” written by Petter Skavlan, Sandberg and Rønning should remain has reminded the world of Norway’s influ- proud of their film and the spotlight that its ential place in history as well as the audacity Email [email protected] to activate your global recognition has cast on their native of its heroes. The film has certainly made a digital subscription today! country of Norway. No stranger to fame historic mark on the legacy of Scandinavian in Norway, the directing duo produced the and Norwegian film in Hollywood. Surely Fine print: All print subscribers have access to highest grossing Norwegian film ever, 2008 we can all look forward to a future of great our digital edition until June 1, 2013. You can also war drama “: Man of War.” films coming from Sandberg and Rønning, change to digital-only if you prefer. The directors stand amongst four other bringing a proud touch of Norway to the big To set up your account, email kelsey@norway. Oscar-nominated filmmakers from -Nor screen. com with your account information. way; Arne Skouen for “Nine Lives” (Ni Economic uncertainty can affect your fi nancial future. So can you!

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