Anatlarim. Kartim, Hayat
FALL / WINTER 2015 ISSUE 48 Tribute to a Legend KARTIM, KANATLARIM. RC QUARTERLY FALL / WINTER 2015 ISSUE 48 WINGS ÇABUK BİRİKTİRİR HEMEN UÇURUR. Wings ile uçmak için hemen başvurun. Başvuru için gönderilecek SMS’ler; KDV ve ÖİV dahil Turkcell, Vodafone ve Avea için 0,65 TL’dir. Turkcell, Vodafone ve Avea kampanya katılım ücretlendirmesinde meydana gelecek değişiklikleri yansıtma hakkını saklı tutar. Wings ayrıcalıkları hakkında detaylı bilgi için adresini ziyaret edebilirsiniz. HAYAT. ŞİMDİ. BENZERSİZ. Başvurmak için WINGS yazın, 5990’a kısa mesaj gönderin. Faralyalı Trail on Campus I Sights and Tastes of Morocco I New Faces at RC I Homecoming 2015 CIP Goes Global I Özlem Akçakuş Art Scholarship Creates Impact Şapkalı kadın 21x28-2.indd 1 30/11/15 17:51 FORMSANTE_21x28.pdf 1 02/12/15 11:53 C M Y CM MY CY CMY K In this issue… RC QUARTERLY FALL / WINTER 2015 ISSUE 48 An iconic name on campus, Feyyaz Berker, who has helped the school reach many milestones throughout the years, has recently reached a major milestone of his own. This issue of the RCQ pays tribute to Feyyaz Berker RC ENG 46, trustee emeritus, community leader and philanthropist, on the occasion of his 90th birthday (p. 32) Alumni Journal published periodically by the RC Alumni & Development Office for 9,000 members of the RC The following pages also include stories of several other names, community: graduates, students, faculty, administration, whose impact makes the school a better place. The launching of parents and friends. the new Faralyalı Trail, thanks to a generous 150th year anniver- sary gift by Ahmet Faralyalı, has added a challenging cross-coun- Özel Amerikan Robert Lisesi try trail through the wooded, and secluded areas of the campus Kuruçeşme Caddesi 87 Arnavutköy, İstanbul (p.
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