Tourism As a Tool for Development: the Case of Mawlana Tourism in Konya

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Tourism As a Tool for Development: the Case of Mawlana Tourism in Konya TOURISM AS A TOOL FOR DEVELOPMENT: THE CASE OF MAWLANA TOURISM IN KONYA A THESIS SUBMITTED TO THE GRADUATE SCHOOL OF SOCIAL SCIENCES OF MIDDLE EAST TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY BY ÖZGÜR SARI IN PARTIAL FULFILLMENT OF THE REQUIREMENTS FOR THE DEGREE OF DOCTOR OF PHILOSOPHY IN THE DEPARTMENT OF SOCIOLOGY SEPTEMBER 2010 Approval of the Graduate School of Social Sciences Prof.Dr.Meliha AltunıĢık Director I certify that this thesis satisfies all the requirements as a thesis for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy. Prof.Dr.AyĢe Saktanber Head of Department This is to certify that we have read this thesis and that in our opinion it is fully adequate, in scope and quality, as a thesis for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy. Assoc.Prof.Dr.AyĢe Gündüz HoĢgör Supervisor Examining Committee Members Prof. Dr. Elizabeth Özdalga (SRII) Assoc.Prof.Dr.AyĢe Gündüz HoĢgör (METU, SOC) Prof.Dr.Recep Varçın (ANKARA UNI. SBF) Assoc.Prof.Dr. AyĢegül Aydıngün (METU, SOC) Assoc.Prof.Dr.Mustafa ġen (METU, SOC) I hereby declare that all information in this document has been obtained and presented in accordance with academic rules and ethical conduct. I also declare that, as required by these rules and conduct, I have fully cited and referenced all material and results that are not original to this work. Name, Last name : Özgür Sarı Signature : iii ABSTRACT TOURISM AS A TOOL FOR DEVELOPMENT: THE CASE OF MAWLANA TOURISM IN KONYA Sarı, Özgür Ph.D., Department of Sociology Supervisor: Assoc. Prof. Dr. AyĢe Gündüz HoĢgör September 2010, 261 pages This dissertation analyzes the role of tourism within development process in the case of the role of Mawlana tourism in the urban development process of Konya, around the theoretical approaches about tourism and development such as new modernization school, global local nexus approach, glokalism, and TBD (Tourism Business District) approaches. The study finds out that Mawlawi tourism has been playing crucial roles in articulation of Konya to the global markets and urban identity building process. Mawlana tourism establishes a city trademark and international business connections, rather than taking place as a supplementary economic sector in the development process of Konya. Within the diversification in the global tourism, Mawlana tourism can be defined as cultural, religious, and spiritual tourism. Although Mawlana tourism is a limited sector compared to others, it is crucial for Konya to be articulated to the global markets with an urban identity and business connections through Mawlana and Mawlawi Order. Keywords: Urban Development, Urban Tourism New Modernization School, Participatory Development, Global-Local Nexus Approach, Mawlana Tourism iv ÖZ KALKINMADA ARAÇ OLARAK TURĠZM: KONYA’DA MEVLANA TURĠZMĠ ÖRNEĞĠ Sarı, Özgür Doktora, Sosyoloji Bölümü Tez Yöneticisi: Doç. Dr. AyĢe Gündüz HoĢgör Eylül 2010, 261 sayfa Bu çalıĢma, yeni kalkınma okulu, küresel-yerel bağ yaklaĢımı, glokalizm ve TBD (Turizm Sektör Merkezi) gibi kalkınma ve turizm ile ilgili teoriler çerçevesinde ve Konya’nın kentsel kalkınma sürecinde Mevlana turizminin rolü örneği bağlamında, turizmin kalkınmadaki rolünü analiz etmektedir. Bu çalıĢma, Mevlana turizminin, Konya’nın küresel pazarlara eklemlenmesinde ve kent kimliğinin inĢasında önemli roller oynadığını tespit etmektedir. Mevlana turizmi, Konya’nın kalkınmasında ek bir iktisadi sektör olmaktan ziyade, marka Ģehir yaratmakta ve uluslar arası iĢ bağlantıları kurmaktadır. Küresel turizmle bağlantılı olarak, alternatif turizm dallarına çeĢitlenen Türk turizm sektöründe Mevlevi turizmi, kültürel, dini ve ruhani bir turizm çeĢidi olarak adlandırılabilmektedir. Turizm sektörü olarak etkisi kısıtlı olmasına karĢın, Mevlana turizmi, Konya’nın küresel pazarlarda kent kimliği ile eklemlenmesinde önemlidir. Anahtar Kelimeler: Kentsel Kalkınma, Kentsel Turizm, Yeni ModernleĢme Okulu, Katılımcı Kalkınma, Küresel-Yerel Bağ YaklaĢımı, Mevlana Turizmi v ACKNOWLEDGMENTS I wish to express my deepest gratitude to my advisor Assoc.Prof.Dr. AyĢe Gündüz HoĢgör who opened my academic career with her valuable guidance not only in my dissertation but also in my life. I would also like to thank Prof.Dr. Elizabeth Özdalga and Prof.Dr. Recep Varçın for their guidance, advices, criticism, encouragements and insight throughout the research. The examining committee members Assoc.Prof.Dr. AyĢegül Aydıngün and Assoc.Prof.Dr. Mustafa ġen, and the all academic staff of the Sociology Department who helped my study are greatfully acknowledged, including administrative staff Sündüs Aydın and Selma ġahindokuyucu. The study was supported by the State Planning Organization (DPT), the Ministry of Tourism and Culture, and Prof.Dr. Abdullah Topçuoğlu from Selçuk University in the field research and I deeply thank them. I did not feel myself alone, since I shared the difficulties of academic study with my dear friends, Güncel Önkal, Zeynel Doğan, Akile Zorlu, Onur Özatağ, Aybike ġeyma Tezel, Ġlkay Ata, Yusuf ġahin, Gökhan Gökulu, Aylin Çakıroğlu, Özlem Altunsu-Sönmez and all ÖYP research assistants of METU. I wish a wealthier and healthier life for all them. Lastly, to express my deepest thank to my parents, my grandma Müzeyyen Köksoy, my mother Aysel Sarı, and my dad Hüseyin Sarı who shared all my pain about the study and all my wondering about the future, I dedicate all my success to them. vi TABLE OF CONTENTS PLAGIARISM............................................................................................................iii ABSTRACT…………………………………………………………………………iv ÖZ……………………………………………………………………………………v ACKNOWLEDGMENTS………………………………………………………….vii TABLE OF CONTENTS………………………………………………………….viii LIST OF TABLES.....................................................................................................ix LIST OF FIGURES.....................................................................................................x CHAPTER 1. INTRODUCTION…………………………………………………………....1 1.1 The subject of the Study…………………………………………………..1 1.2 Conceptualizing Mawlana Tourism…………………………………….....4 1.3 The Objectives and the Significance of the Study…………………….......6 1.4 The Research Questions and the Methodology…………………………...8 2. CONCEPTUAL DEFINITIONS AND THEORETICAL APPROACHES ON TOURISM AND DEVELOPMENT…………………………………………..13 2.1 Introduction……………………………………………………………....13 2.2 Main Theories and Schools in Development……………...……………..13 2.3 Tourism and Modernity……………………………………........………..22 2.4 Time and Space Dimension of Tourism………...………………………..31 2.5 Economic, Social and Cultural Dimensions of Tourism……………..…..32 2.6 Tourism and Globalization: International Tourism…………………...….38 vii 2.7 Urban Development and Urban Tourism………………………………...44 3. METHODOLOGY………………………………………………………......57 3.1 Introduction…………………………………………………………......57 3.2 Interpretative Social Science and Qualitative Techniques……………...57 3.3 Case Study and Interview Methods………………………………..........60 3.4 Confidentiality and Ethics in Methodology……………………….........63 3.5 Verification and Truthworthiness……………………………………....64 3.6 Grounded Theory and Data Analysis……………………………..…….66 3.7 Participant Selection and Sample Characteristics in Ankara…………...68 3.8 The Case Study Interview Process and Limitations in Ankara………....70 3.9 Participant Selection and Sample Characteristics in Konya…………....71 3.10 The Case Study Interview Process and Limitations in Konya…...........74 3.11 Observation Notes in a Dergah in Konya………………………..........75 3.12 Methodological Discussions and Lessons from the Field…………......79 3.13 Talking Sensitive Issues…………………………………………….....80 4. THE DEVELOPMENT OF THE TOURISM SECTOR IN TURKEY……….....82 4.1 Introduction…………………………………………………………......82 4.2 The First Phase, 1923-1950…………………………………………......82 4.3 The Initial Development between 1950-1980………………………......84 4.4 Liberalization Process in Tourism after 1982…………………………..91 4.5 Total Liberalization in Tourism between 1990 and 2001…………........93 4.6 The Transformation of the Tourism Sector after 2002……………........95 4.7 The Tourism Policies the Government after 2002………………….....108 viii 4.8 Tourism in the Ninth Five Year Development Plan (2007-2013)……119 4.9 Tourism Strategy of Turkey 2023 and Konya in the Strategy………..123 5. FROM HISTORICAL TO CONTEMPORARY: KONYA AND THE MAWLAWI ORDER……………………………………………………………………………126 5.1 Introduction…………………………………………………………....126 5.2 Anatolia Seljuk State and Konya……………………………………...128 5.3 Mawlana Jalaluddin Muhammad Rumi……………………………….143 5.4 The Establishment of the Mawlawi Order and the Institutionalization Process……………………………………………………………………..147 5.5 From Karamanid Princedom to Ottoman Empire…………….……….149 5.6 Konya in the Republican Era………………………………………….153 5.7 From Republican Era to Contemporary Konya……………………….160 6. ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AND SOCIAL TRANSFORMATION OF KONYA AND MAWLANA TOURISM………………………………………....169 6.1 Introduction……………………………………………………………169 6.2 The Socio-economic Structure of Konya……………………………...170 6.3 The Distinction in the Transformation of Konya in the Respondents’ Eye…………………………………………………………………………176 6.4 Marketing of Mawlana: The Characteristics of the Sector……………183 6.5 Mawlana Tourism: Religious or Not?....................................................187 6.6 Mawlana Tourism as a Process and the Main Actors…………………190 6.7 The Tree Dimension of Presentation in Mawlana Tourism: Representation of Islam, Turkey and Konya………………………………197 6.8 The Distribution of the Outputs: Who are the
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