
~.... '. NIt • ,...... ,. ..--- .. I I '\ I TOXAPHENE- 10.. 1 D

For Use As A "'e-planting Treatment

Befor .. Field S~ttinQ Tobacco Transplants

ACTIVE INGRfDIEtHS: WARRANTY: Sellt~r worran:~ thot thl' product conforms to its l.hemical descriF'tian and is reasonably fit for the purpose stated on the Toxaphene (Technical Chlorinated camphane label when used in accordance with directiorls under normal conditions containing 67% to 69% ) ...... 10.0% or use, but neither tl.;s warranty nor any other warranty of merchant­ Parathion (0, O·diethyl O.p."!~rophenyl phosphorofhioate) 1.0% ability or fitness for c particular purpose, l>(press or implied, extends to INERT INGREDIENTS· ...... 89.0"0 the use of this product contrary to label instructions, or under abnormal conditions, or under conditions not reasonably foreseeable to seller, and buyer assumcs the risk of any such use. Any damages arising from 100.0% a breach of this warranty shall be limited to direct damages, and shall not include consequential commercial damages such as loss of profits or values, etc. DANGER: DIRECTIONS KEEP OUT OF REACH OF CHILDREN. READ THE5E ENTIRE DIRECTIONS AND WARRANTY OF SALE. USE STRICTLY IN ACCORDANCE WITH May be fatal if Swallowed. Inhaled, or Absorbed Through Skin! P.apidly LABEL CAUTIONS, WARNINGS AND DIRECTIONS. Absorbed Through Skinl Do not get in eyes. on skin, or on clothing. FielD TREATMENT ~EFORE SETTING- Wear natural rubber gloves, protective clothing, and goggles. In r:ase of contact, wash immediately with soap and . Wear a ma~k or TOBACCO: To control cutworms, flea beetles. Broadcast 15 respirator of C1 type passed by the U. S. Bureau of Mines for parathion .~ Ibs. per acre ~.everal days before -setting. protection. Keep all unp':>tected persons out of operating area or vicinity where there may be danger of drift. Vacated areas should not NOTE: This is to be ,old ONLY in thi! original unbroke'l pack. be re-entered until drifting and volatile residuE'S have dissi­ age. pated. Do not contaminate feed and foodstuffs. Wash hands, arms, and face thoroughly with soap and water before eating and smoking. Wa~h FIELD TREATMENT BEFORE 5ETTlNG- all contaminated clothing with soap and water before rt'-use.

This product is toxic to , birds and other wildlife. Birds and other Agway Inc., Chemical Division Box 1333, Syracuse, N. Y. 13201 wildlife in treated areus may be killed. Keep out of any body of water. Do not apply where runoff is likely to occur. Do not apply when YIP-other conditions favor drift from creas treated. Do not contaminole woter by cleaning of equipment or disposal of wastes. Apply Ihis proJud only m specified on this label.

Do nol rc U~f' container. Destroy when empty b) burying wilh wastes.

(.p t) I,' fPA Hpj(. N·, 8590-113 NET CONTENTS FIFTY POUNDS