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.. r C3793 SUGGESTIONS FOR USE BEEF CATTLE: For control of Horn Flies, L'ce, and Ticks: Mix 1 pint with 19 gallons water (1 g~IIon with 150 gallons water). Apply as a spray to wet animal thoroughly. One spraying should destroy adult lice and some eggs, providing long louting protection; kill Horn Flies present and provide several weeks residual kill; kill adult ticks quickly and provide residual protection for several weeks. May be repeated at three week intervals as needed. -"" ---- 1 SHEEP AND GOATS: For control of Lice, Keds (Sheep Ticks), fleeceworms, . and Ticks: Mix 1 pint with 19 gallons' w .. ter (1 gallon with 150 gallons water). Apply s a spray for lice, Keds, and tid«. A single thorough wetting will usually be sufficient for practical control: For Fleeceworms, wet infested and surrounding area thoroughly. Repeat a! necessary. An ElY ¥'~ L'\1\ HOGS: For co"trol of lice: Tl-eoroughly mill 1 pint with 20 gallons water. Spray animals thoroughly. Apply only one time. Do not spray animal within H( 30 days of slaughter. Do not use on pigs less than 3 months old. Do not LICE, KEt Ireat sows within two weeks of farrowing nor for at least 3 weeks thereafter. BACKRUBBER INSECTICIDE: For control of H"rn Flies and as an aid in conlrol of lice and filce flies on beef cattle. Mix 1 pint with 9 pints diesel fuel (1 To control H4 -- gallon with 9 gallons!. Apply to back rubber until thoroug~ly saturated. When used in commercial type backrubbers or applicators, care should be taken to Active Ingredients: see that oil is not dispensed too freely as "xcessive quantities may "scald" "'Technical Chlo animals in extremely hot weather. For lice ccnlrol, bacl<rubber should be of a type that will permit application of insect.cide to all parts of the body Gamma Isomel Prompt control of Horn Flies may be expected, but several weeks of con· Petroleum Der linuous use will be necessny to lower louse populo1tion. For face fly control, (Aromatic animals must regularly rub face and head. Backrubber should be constructed inert Ir'~Hedients 50 that it is readily available for rubbing of the face and head. Animals under six months of age should not be expo· ed 10 the baek rubber treatment NET CON Backrubber insecticides are more effedive in not weather when prepared wilh OJ mixture made up of 1 part 30W mole roil (non·detergent; and 2 par" \VARN diesel fuel, This heavier solution is less voiatile keeping the insecticide ",0' .. effective for a longer time. In hot weath", bacl<rubber5 should be 1r".1I~d often for Ihl! most effective results. ------------------------ • C3793 WARNING •. I .. I pint with *~ May be fatal if swallowed. Vapor and spray mist may be absorbed through .pray to wet • FRANKLIN the skin. Keep out of eyes. Do not contact with ckin or clothing. In the some eg9S, eyent contact is made, wash thoroughly. Do not breath. fumel or spr .. y mist. >vide several Do 110t use or Slore in or aroul1d the home .1 protection eeded. Do not use Toxaphene-Lindane on dairy animals, in dairy barns Or milk rooms. Do not use on ",eat animals within 30 days of slaughter. Do not use leeeeworms, TOXAPHENE LINDANE on extremely young animals (under 3 months). Do not exceed concentrations ISO gallons sugge.ted on label. Do not use on any animals not included in specific ugh wetting Spray Mix recommendation. on this label. Avoid spraying livestock during excessively IIIet infested cold or hot weather. Do not spray overheated or visibly sick animals, and An Emulsifiable Insecticide For Use In Making: avoid wortling Of" long drives following spraying. This product is not recommended for use as a dip. lions water. A SPRA Y TO CONTROL .imal within Do not permit contamination uf feed or foodstuffs. HORN FLIES, L1CE r AND TICKS on BEEF CATTLE old. Do nol LICE, KEDS (Sheep Ticks) AND TICKS on SHEEP AND GOATS Do not use in poultry houses. S thereafter. A BACK-RUBBER INSECTICIDE d in conlrol Rinse equipment and cunlainers and dispose of wastes by burying in non· crop lands, laking care nol 10 conlaminale Woller supplies. Corlainers should esel fuel (I To control HORN FLIES and <tid in controlling FACE FLIES and LICE on be disp.,sed of by breaking or by punching holes in them dnd bu,yinq with rated. When BE~F CATTLE wasles, or by burning 'Keep out of smoke. be taken 10 o Active Ingredients: Toxaphene . 45~o This producl is pO'sonous to wildlife B"ds feedIng all ~ay "scald" *Technical Chlorinated Camphene (Chlorine content 67·69%) ,uld be of a b .. I.illed. Gamma Isomer of Benzene Hexachloride from lindane 2~0 the body. Do nol apply where runoff " l.k"l" .~ .,-",. ~~h~ - .. eks of con· Petroleum Derivative Solvents ant! pond~. fly control, (Aromatic, 15%; AI iphatic, 23%) 0 Appiy this product only .OS 'po [If "d Gil thi, I,.bpl constructed Inert Ingredients 15 .0 .d. Animals r treatmenl NET CONTENT: 128 FL. OZ. (ONE GALLON) 'n prepared ".. \"J .... I .', ......c', r'".. and 2 paris "LJ~,I.' I (. WARNING: r-.tEP Call a Physician .01 Once! ANTIDOTE: If .wallowed, giye a table.poonful insecticide of salt (sodium chloride) in .. gla1s of warm water and repeat Jnlil vomil is should be See Other Werning. of Side Pinel dear. Wash Ihoroughly with soap and w,,'er to remoye from ski, or clolhinq. lJSDA REGISTRATION NO. 41 0-4A .