Press Cuttings Part 1B: 1945-1955

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Press Cuttings Part 1B: 1945-1955 Wiener Holocaust Library Press Cuttings Part 1b: 1945 – 1955 (Old name: PC 7 – PC8) For cuttings 1934 – 1945 see Press Cuttings Part 1a For cuttings 1955 – 2004 see Press Cuttings Part 2a For cuttings 2005 – 2010 see Press Cuttings Part 2b For biographical cuttings please specify the name and the dates you are interested in. 1 PC 7 - Postwar Germany & Austria G1. Policy of Western Allies G2. Soviet policy and GDR (& Soviet Zone) G4. FRG (western Germany) G5. Political and war crimes trials G6. Denazification, re-nazification Individuals G7. Political parties and trade unions G8. New nationalism, neo-Nazism, study of Nazism, resistance G9. Re-education and reconstruction G10. Culture, education, religion and law G11. Economy (general) G12. Emigration and refugees G13. Austria 2 Accession Shelf Number mark G1 Policy of Western Allies Reel G1.a General 02/46-12/55 161 G1.a.1 Nato, European Defence Community, rearmament [See also 09/52-06/55 161 G4a.2] [for SPD attitude to Nato see also G7b, G1a.5] 06/55-12/55 162 G1.b Britain 09/47-12/55 162 G1.c USA 07/47-12/55 162 G1.d France (incl. Saar to 1953, from 1954 see G4d) 10/47-12/55 162 G1.e Italy and others 06/47-03/53 162 G1.f Differences between Western Allies 05/46-12/55 162 Incl. relations with foreign troops, support costs G2 Soviet policy and GDR (& Soviet Zone) G2.a General 07/44-12/54 162 01/55-11/55 163 G2.a.1 POWs in the USSR and Eastern Block 01/49-09/52 163 G2.a.2 Unity Campaign, delegations, conferences 04/53-08/55 163 G2.b East-West tension (incl. espionage, secret migration East to 09/47-12/55 163 West) G2.b.1 Return and migration to the East 11/54-04/55 163 G2.b.2 Political murder and kidnapping 02/55-12/55 163 G2.b.3 Interzonal communication, Berlin Wall 05/55-10/55 163 G2.c Soviet Zone, GDR and Eastern territories 09/49-12/55 164 G2.c.1 Territories under Polish admininstration [see also G12c] 11/48-11/55 164 G2.c.2 People's police, rearmament, Volksarmee 01/48-12/55 164 G2.c.3 Economy incl. East-West trade 02/49-02/55 164 02/55-12/55 165 G2.c.4 Culture and churches 01/55-12/55 164 07/49-12/55 165 G2.c.5 Relations with Nazis, 'national Bolshevism', former Nazis in office 03/49-05/55 165 G2.c.7 Government and gov. bodies 03/52-12/55 165 3 G2.c.8 Political parties, general 09/54-12/55 165 G2.d Berlin (to 1953) [from 1954 see G4.b.3], East Berlin 09/47-02/53 165 02/53-12/53 166 G2.e Political arrests and escapes 10/47-12/55 166 G2.e.2 Resistance 07/50-07/55 166 G2.e.3 Law, trials, police, Staatssicherheitsdienst 04/50-12/55 166 G2.f Concentration camps and prisons, releases 04/48-05/55 166 G4 FRG (western Germany) G4.a. General, constitution, Bundestag & Rat, internal matters 10/47-07/55 167 G4.a.1 Bundestag 05/49-07/55 167 G4.a.2 FRG, defence, rearmament 02/49-02/52 167 02/52-12/55 168 G4.a.3 Protection of the constitution, secret services, Radikalen-Erlass 03/50-12/55 168 [see also G2.b, G5.d, G15 John & Gehlen] G4.a.4 Foreign affairs incl. diplomatic service 168 G4.b British Zone (to 1953) [from 1954 see under Laender G4.b.1-9] 03/47-11/53 169 G4.b.2 Bayern 02/49-12/55 169 G4.b.3 Berlin 06/54-12/55 169 G4.c US Zone (-1953) 09/47—5/52 169 G4.d French Zone (-1953) 10/47-12/52 169 French Zone incl. Saar 01/53-10/55 169 Saarbund see G8.c1 G5 Political and war crimes trials G5.a Inter-Allied trials and courts (Nuremberg, Spandau) General Krupp 07/46-12/48 169 OKW 12/47-03/49 169 Wilhelmstrasse 04/48-04/51 169 11/47-05/49 169 G5.a.1 Releases and escapes 03/48-11/50 169 11/50-12/52 170 Spandau 01/53-09/53 170 G5.a.2 German attitude incl. amnesty campaign 05/48-12/55 170 4 G5.a.3 US courts and prisons 09/47-12/55 170 G5.a.4 British courts and prisons 10/47-12/55 170 Manstein 05/49-03/50 170 Reburial of prisoners 03-05/54 170 Werl 12/45-1948 170 G5.a.5 French courts and prisons 05/48-04/55 170 Abetz, Ernst, Knochen, Oberg, Reimeringer 05/48-09/54 170 G5.a.5(1) Oradour / G5.a.6 Benelux courts (incl. Dutch war criminals escaped to Germany) 01/48-03/51 170 G5.a.7 Italian courts (Kappler, Recker) 09/51-10/52 170 G5.a.8 East European courts (Czech, Polish, Yugoslavian) 11/43-12/55 170 G5.b German trials and courts (general and comments) 09/46-12/50 170 Ilse Koch 01/51-12/55 171 Huppenkotten & Thorbeck 09/48-06/53 171 Luder 10/50-10/55 171 Baab-Neuhaus 01/50-04/53 171 04/50-12/53 171 G5.b.1 Smaller trials by name of defendant, larger ones by name of trial 171 Peters, Petersen 03/49-03/53 171 Reemtsma, Trummler 05/48-02/55 171 G5.b.3 IG-Farben (Wollheim) 08/48-05/55 171 G5.b.4 Pre-war Nazi crimes 03/47-05/53 171 G5.c Kameradenschinder (crimes by Nazis vs. other Germans) 10/50-12/55 171 G5.d Trials for post-war political crimes [except espionage: G2.b. See 07/50-12/55 171 also communists: G7.d, Neo-Nazis: G8b] G5.e Medical crimes 03/41-07/48 171 Doctors, various 05/45-08/55 171 Euthanasia 07/47-03/55 171 G6 Denazification, re-nazification 06/45-04/55 171 Individuals 08/48-02/53 171 G6.b Pensions for Nazis, Law 131 01/55-12/55 171 5 G7 Political parties and trade unions [for regional politics see also G4.b - G4.d] G7.a General 06/46-12/52 171 02/53-10/55 172 G7.a.1 CDU/CSU 02/51-07/55 172 G7.a.2 Deutsche Partei 08/49-12/55 172 G7.a.3 FDP 11/48-12/55 172 G7.a.4 BHE (Bund der Heimatvertriebenen) 10/51-12/55 172 G7.a.7 Zentrum 12/51-05/55 172 G7.b SPD 11/47-11/55 172 08/55-09/55 173 G7.c Trade unions 10/47-11/55 173 G7.c.1 Christian trade unions 02/55-11/55 173 G7.d Communists [see also G7.a.10, G10.i.K] 11/47-12/55 173 G8 New nationalism, neo-Nazism, study of Nazism, resistance G8.a General 11/47-09/55 173 G8.a.1 Mentality and reunification (to July 1954) [For post 1954 see 12/48-11/55 173 G1.a] G8.b Revival of Nazism, general 10/47-02/53 173 02/53-12/55 174 G8.b.1 Acts of violence, secret organisations 11/51-09/55 174 G8.b.2.I Nazis in office, general 11/49-10/55 174 G8.b.2.III Nazis in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs 02/52-03/53 174 G8.b.2.VI Former Nazi editors 09/53-1954 174 G8.b.3 Nazi literature and press 03/50-12/55 174 Die Anklage Deutsche Soldatenzeitung Der Weg G8.c National Democratic Party (NPD) 03/48-09/55 174 G8.c.1 Other right-wing groups, general 02/48-09/55 174 8.c.1 A-Z Other right-wing parties Bayrische Heimat 07/50-10/50 174 Bewegung Reich 02/53-06/53 174 6 Block Vaterländischer Einigung 05/50-10/50 174 Bruderschaft 02/50-12/53 174 Bund für Wahrheit & Recht 03/52-01/53 174 Deutsche Aktion 01/50-10/54 174 Deusche Aufbaubewegung 08/53-09/55 174 Deutsche Arbeiterpartei 09/52 174 Deutsche Gemeinschaft 02/50-08/55 174 Deutsche Rechtspartei 03/49-01/50 174 8.c.1 A-Z Other right-wing parties Deutsche Sammlungsbewegung 10/50-02/51 174 Deutsche Solidarität 05/53-02/55 174 Deutsche Union 01/49-01/52 174 Deutsche Nationale Volkspartei 01/50-06/50 174 Deutsche Reichsjugend 11/50-12/54 174 Erste Legion 01/51-09/59 174 Freikorps Deutschland 08/51-09/54 174 Führungsring Ehem. Deutscher Soldaten 10/51-11/51 174 Gemeinschaft Unabhängiger Deutschen 06/49-12/49 174 Jungdeutsche Orden 03/50 174 Kommunalpolitischer Einheitsblock 12/52-02/53 174 Monarcchistische Partei 02/51-11/55 174 N.P.D. 01/50-03/55 175 Nationaldemokratische 08/53 175 Sozialistische Arbeiter 06/50-05/54 175 Nationaldemokratische Reichspartei 03/50-02/54 175 RSDAP 05/52-05/53 175 Reichsblock 12/51 175 Reichsvereinigung der Rechten 1949-03/50 175 Scheinwerfer 05/50-04/55 175 Tatgemeinschaft Freier Deutscher 03/49-11/52 175 Volksbund für Geistesfreiheit 01/50-11/55 175 Deutsche Reichspartei 03/51-09/55 175 7 S.R.D. (S.R.P.) 175 8 G8.c.2 Soldiers Leagues, general 07/51-12/55 175 G8.c.2 Soldiers Leagues, in alphabetical order A-Z Deutsches Afrika-Korps 07/51-07/55 175 Hans von Seekt Gesellschaft 05/55 175 Kyffhäuserbund 08/51-11/55 175 Marinebund 06/53-10/55 175 Fallschirmjäger + Luftwaffe 01/55-09/56 175 Ritterkreuzträger 10/52-10/55 175 Soldatenbund 07/51-09/55 175 Stahlhelm 05/50-12/55 175 SS-Hilfsgemeinschaft 11/51-11/55 175 V.D.S.
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