Wiener Holocaust Library Press Cuttings

Part 1b: 1945 – 1955

(Old name: PC 7 – PC8)

For cuttings 1934 – 1945 see Press Cuttings Part 1a

For cuttings 1955 – 2004 see Press Cuttings Part 2a

For cuttings 2005 – 2010 see Press Cuttings Part 2b

For biographical cuttings please specify the name and the dates you are interested in.

1 PC 7 - Postwar Germany & Austria

G1. Policy of Western Allies

G2. Soviet policy and GDR (& Soviet Zone)

G4. FRG (western Germany)

G5. Political and war crimes trials

G6. , re-nazification Individuals

G7. Political parties and trade unions

G8. New , neo-, study of Nazism, resistance

G9. Re-education and reconstruction

G10. Culture, education, religion and law

G11. Economy (general)

G12. Emigration and refugees

G13. Austria

2 Accession Shelf Number mark

G1 Policy of Western Allies Reel G1.a General 02/46-12/55 161 G1.a.1 Nato, European Defence Community, rearmament [See also 09/52-06/55 161 G4a.2] [for SPD attitude to Nato see also G7b, G1a.5] 06/55-12/55 162 G1.b Britain 09/47-12/55 162 G1.c USA 07/47-12/55 162 G1.d France (incl. Saar to 1953, from 1954 see G4d) 10/47-12/55 162 G1.e Italy and others 06/47-03/53 162 G1.f Differences between Western Allies 05/46-12/55 162 Incl. relations with foreign troops, support costs G2 Soviet policy and GDR (& Soviet Zone) G2.a General 07/44-12/54 162 01/55-11/55 163 G2.a.1 POWs in the USSR and Eastern Block 01/49-09/52 163 G2.a.2 Unity Campaign, delegations, conferences 04/53-08/55 163 G2.b East-West tension (incl. espionage, secret migration East to 09/47-12/55 163 West)

G2.b.1 Return and migration to the East 11/54-04/55 163 G2.b.2 Political murder and kidnapping 02/55-12/55 163 G2.b.3 Interzonal communication, Berlin Wall 05/55-10/55 163 G2.c Soviet Zone, GDR and Eastern territories 09/49-12/55 164 G2.c.1 Territories under Polish admininstration [see also G12c] 11/48-11/55 164 G2.c.2 People's police, rearmament, Volksarmee 01/48-12/55 164 G2.c.3 Economy incl. East-West trade 02/49-02/55 164 02/55-12/55 165 G2.c.4 Culture and churches 01/55-12/55 164 07/49-12/55 165 G2.c.5 Relations with Nazis, 'national Bolshevism', former Nazis in office 03/49-05/55 165 G2.c.7 Government and gov. bodies 03/52-12/55 165

3 G2.c.8 Political parties, general 09/54-12/55 165 G2.d Berlin (to 1953) [from 1954 see G4.b.3], East Berlin 09/47-02/53 165 02/53-12/53 166 G2.e Political arrests and escapes 10/47-12/55 166 G2.e.2 Resistance 07/50-07/55 166 G2.e.3 Law, trials, police, Staatssicherheitsdienst 04/50-12/55 166 G2.f Concentration camps and prisons, releases 04/48-05/55 166 G4 FRG (western Germany) G4.a. General, constitution, & Rat, internal matters 10/47-07/55 167

G4.a.1 Bundestag 05/49-07/55 167 G4.a.2 FRG, defence, rearmament 02/49-02/52 167 02/52-12/55 168 G4.a.3 Protection of the constitution, secret services, Radikalen-Erlass 03/50-12/55 168 [see also G2.b, G5.d, G15 John & Gehlen] G4.a.4 Foreign affairs incl. diplomatic service 168 G4.b British Zone (to 1953) [from 1954 see under Laender G4.b.1-9] 03/47-11/53 169 G4.b.2 Bayern 02/49-12/55 169 G4.b.3 Berlin 06/54-12/55 169 G4.c US Zone (-1953) 09/47—5/52 169 G4.d French Zone (-1953) 10/47-12/52 169 French Zone incl. Saar 01/53-10/55 169 Saarbund see G8.c1 G5 Political and war crimes trials G5.a Inter-Allied trials and courts (Nuremberg, Spandau) General Krupp 07/46-12/48 169 OKW 12/47-03/49 169 Wilhelmstrasse 04/48-04/51 169 11/47-05/49 169 G5.a.1 Releases and escapes 03/48-11/50 169 11/50-12/52 170 Spandau 01/53-09/53 170 G5.a.2 German attitude incl. amnesty campaign 05/48-12/55 170

4 G5.a.3 US courts and prisons 09/47-12/55 170 G5.a.4 British courts and prisons 10/47-12/55 170 Manstein 05/49-03/50 170 Reburial of prisoners 03-05/54 170 Werl 12/45-1948 170 G5.a.5 French courts and prisons 05/48-04/55 170 Abetz, Ernst, Knochen, Oberg, Reimeringer 05/48-09/54 170 G5.a.5(1) Oradour / G5.a.6 Benelux courts (incl. Dutch war criminals escaped to Germany) 01/48-03/51 170 G5.a.7 Italian courts (Kappler, Recker) 09/51-10/52 170 G5.a.8 East European courts (Czech, Polish, Yugoslavian) 11/43-12/55 170 G5.b German trials and courts (general and comments) 09/46-12/50 170 Ilse Koch 01/51-12/55 171 Huppenkotten & Thorbeck 09/48-06/53 171 Luder 10/50-10/55 171 Baab-Neuhaus 01/50-04/53 171 04/50-12/53 171 G5.b.1 Smaller trials by name of defendant, larger ones by name of trial 171 Peters, Petersen 03/49-03/53 171 Reemtsma, Trummler 05/48-02/55 171 G5.b.3 IG-Farben (Wollheim) 08/48-05/55 171 G5.b.4 Pre-war Nazi crimes 03/47-05/53 171 G5.c Kameradenschinder (crimes by Nazis vs. other Germans) 10/50-12/55 171 G5.d Trials for post-war political crimes [except espionage: G2.b. See 07/50-12/55 171 also communists: G7.d, Neo-Nazis: G8b] G5.e Medical crimes 03/41-07/48 171 Doctors, various 05/45-08/55 171 Euthanasia 07/47-03/55 171 G6 Denazification, re-nazification 06/45-04/55 171 Individuals 08/48-02/53 171

G6.b Pensions for Nazis, Law 131 01/55-12/55 171

5 G7 Political parties and trade unions [for regional politics see also G4.b - G4.d] G7.a General 06/46-12/52 171 02/53-10/55 172 G7.a.1 CDU/CSU 02/51-07/55 172 G7.a.2 Deutsche Partei 08/49-12/55 172 G7.a.3 FDP 11/48-12/55 172 G7.a.4 BHE (Bund der Heimatvertriebenen) 10/51-12/55 172 G7.a.7 Zentrum 12/51-05/55 172 G7.b SPD 11/47-11/55 172 08/55-09/55 173 G7.c Trade unions 10/47-11/55 173 G7.c.1 Christian trade unions 02/55-11/55 173 G7.d Communists [see also G7.a.10, G10.i.K] 11/47-12/55 173 G8 New nationalism, neo-Nazism, study of Nazism, resistance G8.a General 11/47-09/55 173 G8.a.1 Mentality and reunification (to July 1954) [For post 1954 see 12/48-11/55 173 G1.a] G8.b Revival of Nazism, general 10/47-02/53 173 02/53-12/55 174 G8.b.1 Acts of violence, secret organisations 11/51-09/55 174 G8.b.2.I Nazis in office, general 11/49-10/55 174 G8.b.2.III Nazis in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs 02/52-03/53 174 G8.b.2.VI Former Nazi editors 09/53-1954 174 G8.b.3 Nazi literature and press 03/50-12/55 174 Die Anklage Deutsche Soldatenzeitung Der Weg G8.c National Democratic Party (NPD) 03/48-09/55 174 G8.c.1 Other right-wing groups, general 02/48-09/55 174 8.c.1 A-Z Other right-wing parties Bayrische Heimat 07/50-10/50 174 Bewegung 02/53-06/53 174

6 Block Vaterländischer Einigung 05/50-10/50 174 Bruderschaft 02/50-12/53 174 Bund für Wahrheit & Recht 03/52-01/53 174 Deutsche Aktion 01/50-10/54 174 Deusche Aufbaubewegung 08/53-09/55 174 Deutsche Arbeiterpartei 09/52 174 Deutsche Gemeinschaft 02/50-08/55 174 03/49-01/50 174

8.c.1 A-Z Other right-wing parties Deutsche Sammlungsbewegung 10/50-02/51 174 Deutsche Solidarität 05/53-02/55 174 Deutsche Union 01/49-01/52 174 Deutsche Nationale Volkspartei 01/50-06/50 174 Deutsche Reichsjugend 11/50-12/54 174 Erste Legion 01/51-09/59 174 Freikorps Deutschland 08/51-09/54 174 Führungsring Ehem. Deutscher Soldaten 10/51-11/51 174 Gemeinschaft Unabhängiger Deutschen 06/49-12/49 174 Jungdeutsche Orden 03/50 174 Kommunalpolitischer Einheitsblock 12/52-02/53 174 Monarcchistische Partei 02/51-11/55 174 N.P.D. 01/50-03/55 175 Nationaldemokratische 08/53 175 Sozialistische Arbeiter 06/50-05/54 175 Nationaldemokratische Reichspartei 03/50-02/54 175 RSDAP 05/52-05/53 175 Reichsblock 12/51 175 Reichsvereinigung der Rechten 1949-03/50 175 Scheinwerfer 05/50-04/55 175 Tatgemeinschaft Freier Deutscher 03/49-11/52 175 Volksbund für Geistesfreiheit 01/50-11/55 175 03/51-09/55 175

7 S.R.D. (S.R.P.) 175

8 G8.c.2 Soldiers Leagues, general 07/51-12/55 175 G8.c.2 Soldiers Leagues, in alphabetical order A-Z Deutsches Afrika-Korps 07/51-07/55 175 Hans von Seekt Gesellschaft 05/55 175 Kyffhäuserbund 08/51-11/55 175 Marinebund 06/53-10/55 175 Fallschirmjäger + Luftwaffe 01/55-09/56 175 Ritterkreuzträger 10/52-10/55 175 Soldatenbund 07/51-09/55 175 Stahlhelm 05/50-12/55 175 SS-Hilfsgemeinschaft 11/51-11/55 175 V.D.S. Verband Deutscher Soldaten 10/51-08/54 175 G8.c.3 Waffen-SS (from 1954) [-1953 seeG8.c.2] 06/53-09/55 175 G8.d Pro-Eastern nationalists (see also G2.c.5) 10/55-12/55 175 G8.e History of Nazism and Germany, research and teaching 07/45-12/55 175 G8.e.1 Institut fuer Zeitgeschichte 11/48-08/55 175 G8.e.2 Other research institutes 01/44-07/52 175 07/52-09/55 176 G8.e.3 History textbooks 04/54-10/54 176 G8.e.3.a Rewriting of history [for denial literature see PC8.96c] G8.e.4.a Arolson documents (International Tracing Service) 05/53-12.55 176 G8.f German resistance (general, incl. attitudes now) 04/51-12/55 176 G8.f.2 Present anti-Nazi actions

G9 Re-education and reconstruction G9. General G9.a General, 'unbewaeltigte Vergangenheit, Wilton Park 02/46-05/55 176 G9.b Confessions of guilt [see also G8.e] incl. children of perpetrators 10/48-04/55 176 G10 Culture, education, religion and law G10.a General incl. organisations 11/47-10/55 176 G10.b Literature incl. censorship [for Nazi literature see G8.b.3] 01/53-12/55 176 G10.c Press, radio, TV [for Film see G10.h] 01/54-12/55 176 G10.d Art and music 12/47-10/55 176

9 G10.e Education and youth [for history teaching see G8.2[sic] 10/47-06/53 176 10/53-12/55 177 G10.f Universities and science 12/47-12/55 177 G10.f.1 Eastern research institutes 11/40-1955 177 G10.g Churches 10/47-12/55 177 G10.g.1 Concordat 03/55-10/55 177 G10.h Theatre and film 05/37-12/55 177 G10.i Law and legislation 12/47-12/55 177 G11 Economy (general) 11/45-10/50 177 10/50-12/55 178 G11 IG IG Farben 06/49-12/55 178 G11.a Living conditions, pollution, environment, health, foreign 1947-12/55 178 workers, statistics G11.c Armament production, defence contribution, offshore contracts 08/54-12/55 178 G11.d Allied controls, de- and re-cartelisation 03/54-12/55 178 G11.d.1 Confiscated German assets in USA (to 1955) 08/53-12/55 178 G11.e Exports and imports, investments abroad 09/50-12/55 178 G11.f Finance 08/50-12/55 178 G12 Emigration and refugees G12.a Germans abroad 01/48-11/55 178 G12.a.1 Germans in Britain 178 G12.a.2 Germans in USA 04/41-08/55 178 G12.a.3 Germans in Canada 04/50-10/53 178 G12.a.4 Germans in Australia 12/49-05/55 178 G12.a.5 Germans in Africa 05/47-01/51 178 02/51-11/55 179 G12.a.5a Germans in SW Africa 02/51-11/55 179 G12.a.6 Germans in Latin America 01/38-12/55 179 G12.a.7 Germans in the Middle East (General, followed by Turkey, 08/48-12/55 179 Persia, Indai, Syria, , Iraq, Saudi Arabia) G12.a.7a Germans in Palestine (Templars) 06/44-10/55 179 G12.a.7b Germans in Egypt 01/49-11/55 179 G12.a.7.c German-Arab organisations 01/51-07/55 179

10 G12.b Foreign Legion 1948-07/55 179 G12.c German refugees and Eastern Irredenta, German minorities (in 01/47-12/55 179 Eastern Europe), Aussiedler G12.c.1 Oder-Neisse 08/50-11/51 180 G12.d Smuggling war criminals abroad, ‘Spider’organisation 11/47-06/50 180 G13 Austria G13.a General 06/45-12/55 180 G13.a.1 Nationalism and Nazi revival, monarchists 07/52-12/55 180 G13.a.2 Relationship with Germany incl. German assets in Austria 06/51-12/55 180 G13.a.3 South Tyrol 09/45-11/55 180 G13.a.4 Political and war crimes trials 03/49-12/55 180 G13.a.5 Anschluss and Nazi history,


PC 8 -The post-war world, with special reference to Jewish affairs

I. Western Europe II. Eastern Europe III. The Americas IV. Africa V. Australia and Asia VI. The Middle East VII. War crimes and the “final solution” VIII. Antisemitism, Fascism and discrimination IX. Activities of Jews X. Refugees and migration XI. Jews and Christians XII. Law of Libel XIII. Freedom of speech and thought XIV. Jews and Germans XV. Communists XVI. Various Jewish topics

12 Accession Shelf Number mark I Western Europe I.1. Great Britain I.1.A Jews, general 07/47-10/55 181 I.1.A.a Board of Deputies 11/44-06/55 181 I.1.A.c Anglo-Jewish Association 11/45-12/55 181 I.1.A.f Education 01/44-09/55 181 I.1.A.g Youth 02/47-09/54 181 I.1.A.h Ex-service personnel 05/46-11/55 181 I.1.A.i Occupations 05/41-03/55 181 I.1.A.j Refugees and aliens 03/52-11/55 181 I.1.A.k London and East End 01/48-09/55 181 I.1.A.l Scotland 12/54-09/55 181 I.1.A.o Lynskey Tribunal 1948 12/48-09/49 181 I.1.A.p Provinces 04/07-12/55 181 I.1.A.t and Israel 01/48-12/55 181 I.1.A.u Nazi view of British Jewry 11/33-10/41 182 I.1.B Antisemitism and fascism 12/43-09/55 182 I.1.B.a Social discrimination 08/34-07/55 182 I.1.B.a(a) Education 01/48-11/54 182 I.1.B.b Mosley 05/45-12/55 182 I.1.B.b(a) Mosley's foreign contacts 11/34-12/54 182 I.1.B.c British People's Party 06/45-11/53 182 I.1.B.d League of Empire Loyalists 11/34-10/55 182 I.1.B.e Gaunt case 1947 08/47-12/47 182 I.1.B.f British League of Ex-Soldiers 11/44-09/47 182 10/47-11/49 183 I.1.B.g Social credit 09/41-10/54 183 I.1.B.h Palestine terrorism, 'bomb plots' 06/46-03/50 183 I.1.B.h(a) The August 1947 riots 08/47-01/48 183 I.1.B.j(a) 08/50 183 I.1.B.l Liberator Council 09/44-11/47 183

13 I.1.B.m 'Truth' 12/46-01/54 183 I.1.B.n Violence 12/47-01/52 183 I.1.B.o Foreign opinion 01/46-08/55 183 I.1.C Fight against Antisemitism, fascism, public opinion 08/47-02/53 183 I.1.C.a The Government 07/47-03/52 183 I.1.C.b Political parties 07/45-10/55 183 I.1.C.c L.C.C., G.L.C. and Borough councils 05/47-04/52 183 I.1.C.d Trade Unions, Trade councils, co-operatives 08/47-12/53 183 I.1.C.e M.P.s 02/46-11/55 183 I.1.C.f The courts 10/49-10/52 183 I.1.C.g The Churches 06/44-12/55 183 I.1.C.h The Press and Media 02/43-11/55 183 I.1.C.i National council for Civil Liberties 09/45-06/50 183 I.1.C.j British Legion 10/47-02/50 183 I.1.C.k Students and Schools 12/47-02/49 183 I.1.C.l Jewish defence 08/40-05/51 183 I.1.C.m Ex-Fascists 12/44-02/49 183 I.1.D. Relations between Britain and others 08/45-12/55 184 I.2. Germany (see also 146 - Jews and Germans), Federal 01/46-09/55 184 Republic of Germany I.2.A. Youth and education 04/48-12/55 184 I.2.B. Restitution 02/41-12/55 184 I.2.B.a Specification of losses, cultural restitution 10/47-10/55 184 I.2.B.b Court cases, instances of restitution (e.g. concerning 04/47-10/55 184 sterilisation) I.2.B.c Emigrants, de-naturalisation, property outside Germany 06/48-09/55 184 I.2.B.d Foreigners 1955 184 I.2.B.e Jewish comments 12/49-12/55 184 I.2.B.f Anti-restitution forces, "victims of denazification" 09/47-10/55 184 I.2.F. "Non-Aryans", Mischlinge 08/46-08/55 184

I.2.G. Return of Jews (and present-day Jewish life in FRG and 06/45-11/55 184 immigration of Jews from the Soviet Union into Germany)

14 I.2.H. Displaced persons 04/45-12/55 184 I.2.I. V.V.N. Vereinigung der Verfolgten des Naziregimes May 48 184 I.2.J. Antisemitism (general) 04/48-02/55 184 I.2.J.a. New Nazis 10/46-09/55 184 I.2.J.b Press 10/48-09/52 184 I.2.J.c Literature, theatre, film 03/47-01/55 184 I.2.J.d Education (schoolbooks, teachers) 04/50-07/50 184 I.2.J.e Courts, also Nazi judges 08/47-12/51 184 02/52-12/55 185 I.2.J.f (1) Bleibtreu 1949 185 I.2.J.h Anti-Nazi action, comment, government statements 12/49-05/54 185 I.2.J.i Foreign comments 12/46-07/54 185 I.2.J.j Jewish comment (non-German) 10/46-07/54 185

I.2.K Memorials and cemeteries 04/48-09/55 185 I.2.K.a Synagogues 05/40-05/55 185 I.2.K.b Cemeteries 02/54-11/54 185 I.2.O. German Democratic Republic (formerly Soviet Zone) 04/47-09/55 185 I.2.O.b Restitution (see also 146.C) 07/46-11/55 185 I.2.O.c Antisemitism 03/49-09/52 185 I.2.O.d Persecution 1953 12/52-04/53 185 I.2.O.f Middle East, Israel, Zionism 02/48-11/55 185 I.2.O.g No header! Jewish Life 07/46-03/55 185 I.2.O.h No header! Jews in office 11/48-03.55 185 I.2.R. Emigration 08/47-12/50 185 I.3. France 09/42-07/55 185 I.3.a Antisemitism, Fascism 12/45-05/55 185 I.3.b Israel, Zionism, Jews 08/47-07/52 185 I.3.c War, collaboration, resistance 01/35-12/55 185

I.4. Austria (general) 09/50-09/55 185 I.4.a Antisemitism (for neo-Nazism see PC7, G13a (1)) 10/45-06/55 185 I.4.b Restitution 08/44-10/55 186

15 I.4.c Israel, Zionism and Jews 01/45-09/55 186 I.5 Netherlands, general 10/46-12/55 186 I.5.a Alleged co-operation by Jews (joodse Raad etc) 08/46-08/51 186 I.5.b Israel, Zionism, Judaism (general) 02/45-09/55 186 I.5.c Miscellaneous 04/39-11/55 186 I.5.d Orphans, collaboration, liberation, rehabilitation 10/48-02/50 186 I.5.e Restitution 05/49-07/53 186 I.5.f Antisemitism, Fascism 04/48-08/55 186 I.6. Belgium 09/42-08/55 186 I.6.b Belgium, fascism & antisemitism 03/44-11/53 186

I.7. Luxembourg 09/45-05/51 187

I.8. Switzerland 01/47-11/54 187 I.8.a Antisemitism, fascism 09/40-12/54 187 I.8.c Refugees 10/47-10/54 187

I.9. Sweden, general 05.46-11/65 187

I.10 Norway 10/47-11/55 187

I.11 Finland 05/46-02/55 187

I.12 Denmark 02/37-11/55 187

I.13 Ireland 02/48-12/55 187

I.14 Spain, general 09/45-10/55 187 I.14.b Franco regime, civil war 04/45-11/55 187 I.14.c Israel, Arabs, Morroco 1918-01/54 187 I.14.d Jews 04/41-11/55 187 I.15 Portugal 05/48-08/54 187

16 I.16 Italy (general) 02/45-05/53 187 09/53-09/55 188 I.16B Italy (Italy in Wartime: 1940-1945) 07/47-12/55 188

I.17 Yugoslavia 11/46-10/55 188

I.18 Greece 02/48-10/55 188 I.18a East Mediterranean Islands 08/46-07/55 188 II Eastern Europe II.19. USSR II.19.a(1) Doctors' Plot 01/53-04/70 188 II.19.a(2) USSR, antisemitic activities 11/51-02/53 188 II.19.b(1) USSR, literature & life 01/48-06/55 188 II.19.b(4) USSR, Yiddish - Hebrew 11/48-11/55 188 II.19.c USSR, Israel & zionism 01/53-11/55 188 II.19.e USSR, population 09/47-10/54 188 II.19.e(1) Migrations 10/48-05/55 188 II.19.e(3) Crimea 09/38-09/49 188 II.19.f Government & Jews 10/46-04/55 188 II.19.f(1) Prisons & deportations 02/49-11/55 188 II.19.h World Jewry & Russia 11/47-06/55 189 II.20 Birobidzhan - Jewish Auto Republic 1943-11/55 189 II.21. Baltic countries II.21 War crimes in Baltic countries 03/40-05/45 189 II.21.A War crimes (mainly Lithuania) 1945-1949 189 II.21.A(2) Estonia (mainly Rutenberg) 10/44-02/50 189 II.22 Poland, Jewish life in general 03/45-08/55 189 II.22.A Antisemitism 07/46-08/55 189 II.22.B Poland-Israel, Zionism, emigration 02/47-12/55 189 II.22.C Emigration from and return to Poland 04/47-07/51 190 II.22.E Poland, the Hitler war 08/47-02/52 190 II.22.E(1) Warsaw 05/41-12/55 190 II.22.E(2) The ghettos - Lodz 02/40-01/54 190

17 II.22.F Western territories 04/47-10/50 190 II.22.G Poland, communal life 06/47-08/55 190 II.22.H Religious life 05/47-10/55 190 II.22.I(1) Cultural life, press, books, theatre, art 07/44-08/55 190 II.22.I(2) Education 08/47-12/54 190 II.22.J Polish émigrés & Jews 01/47-10/54 190 II.22.K Polish Jews outside Poland 11/47-11/55 190 II.22.L Poland, relations with Jewry outside Poland 09/47-11/55 190 II.23. Czech Republic 09/45-06/55 190 II.23.A Antisemitism 11/46-04/54 190 II.23.B Israel (Open Case), Zionism, emigration 08/47-05/55 190 II.23.C Slovakia 05/45-05/52 190 II.23.D Religious life 03/48-03/55 190 II.23.E Relations with Jewry outside Czechoslovakia 04/48-02/50 190 II.23.F Jewish antiquities, museums, cultural life, education 04/47-03/55 190 II.24. Hungary 07/47-11/55 190 II.24.B Hungary – Israel, Zionism, emigration 07/47-02/55 190 II.25 Romania 11/46-10/55 191 II.25.A Antisemitism 10/47-05/53 191 II.25.B Romania-Israel, Zionism, emigration 04/47-12/55 191 II.25.C Jewish cultural life 12/47-12/54 191 III The Americas III.27 United States 12/40-10/54 191 III.27.A American Jewish Committee 01/48-08/51 191 III.27.B Refugees, aliens, immigration 06/51-07/53 191 III.27.D Antisemitism (for Nation Europe see 106B) 01/48-12/55 191 III.27.E Discrimination in schools 01/52-06/54 191 III.27.F Economic discrimination 08/51-06/55 191 III.28 Canada 10/46-09/55 191 III.28.A. Antisemitism 11/46-10/54 191 III.28.B Immigration 10/46-12/55 191 III.28.C Canada-Israel, Zionism 11/47-04/49 191 III.28.D Social credit 09/43-02/53 191

18 Latin America III.30.B Argentina, Peron & the Jews 02/47-10/50 191 III.30.C Immigration 04/47-06/55 191 III.30.D Antisemitism 04/47-03/54 191 III.30.E Argentina-Israel, Zionism 03/47-10/51 192 III.31 Brazil 12/45-08/55 192 III.32 Chile, Germans in Chile, G12a6 11/44-11/55 192 III.33 Bolivia 02/46-02/55 192 III.34 Uruguay 10/44-06/54 192 III.35 Colombia 04/48-12/50 192 III.36 Peru 03/48-03/50 192 III.37 Mexico 05/47-11/55 192 III.38 Central America 05/47-06/55 192 III.38.A The West Indies - Caribbean general 11/47-12/55 192 IV Africa IV.39 South Africa, general 05/47-10/55 192 IV.39.A Jewish affairs 06/47-12/55 192 IV.39.A.2 Nationalist Party 05/47-09/53 192 IV.39.A.3 United and Liberal Parties 04/47-11/50 192 IV.39.B Apartheid 07/50-09/55 192 IV.39.B.3 Opposition against apartheid in other African countries 02/47-01/55 193

IV.39.C Israel and Zionism 01/48-08/47 193 IV.39.D Antisemitism, extreme right 10/39-02/55 193 IV.39.E South Africa and immigration 12/46-06/55 193 IV.41 Zimbabwe (Rhodesia) 03/46-09/55 193 IV.42 East Africa 12/43-11/55 193 IV.43 Ethiopia (Abyssinia) 11/43-12/55 193 IV.44 West & Central Africa 10/47-11/55 193 V. Australia and Asia V.46 Australia 07/43-12/55 193 V.46.A Immigration, incl. interment & Dunera 09/45-11/47 193 V.46.B Israel, Zionism 04/47-03/51 193

19 V.46.C Antisemitism, Fascism 09/44-05/55 193 V.46.C.1 Antisemitism, Jewish councils, to combat fascism & 07/48-1956 193 antisemitism V.47 New Zealand 09/49-10/55 193 V.49 India 03/45-12/55 193 V.51 China 05/49-12/55 194 V.52 Shanghai 06/39-09/55 194 V.53 Japan 10/39-03/55 194 V.54 South East Asia, Burma, Indonesia, Malaya, Thailand 03/07-08/53 194 VI. The Middle East VI.55 Egypt 03/46-11/55 194 VI.55.C Jews in Egypt 09/47-11/55 194 VI.56 Iraq 01/45-10/55 194 VI.57 Kurdistan 04/49-03/55 194 VI.58 Iran 04/46-07/55 194 VI.59 Afghanistan 05/47-01/53 194 VI.60 Jordan 11/47-07/54 194 VI.61 The Negev 03/44-07/55 194 VI.62 Saudi Arabia 06/48-12/55 194 VI.63 /South Yemen 12/47-04/54 194 VI.64 The Yemen/North Yemen 09/47-03/55 194 VI.65 Syria 07/47-11/55 195 VI.66 Lebanon 12/47-08/55 195 VI.67 Turkey 03/46-11/55 195 VI.68 North Africa (general) 01/4312/55 195 VI.69 Libya 10/47-09/55 195 VI.71 Morocco 01/48-12/55 195 VI.72 Algeria 06/43-12/53 195 VI.73 North Africa, Tunis/Tunesia 06/48-10/55 195 VI.74 Jews in Arab countries (misc.) 09/45-12/51 195 VI.75 Moslem allies in Israel 11/46-02/54 195 VI.76 Arabs in Israel 01/45-10/48 195 VI.77 Arabs outside the Middle East 02/43-12/55 195

20 VI.77.A The Arab boycott 05/45-12/55 195 VI.77.D Arabs in USA 07/48-12/55 195 VI.77.E Arabs in Latin America 09/47-07/54 195 VI.78 Arab refugees 07/48-10/55 195 VI.79 Arab refugees & Inter-Arab relations 09/43-01/54 196 VI.80 Arab war effort 04/47-03/49 196 VI.81 Christians in Arab countries 05/45-10/55 196 VI.82 Christians in Israel 11/47-11/53 196 VI.83 The Ex-Mufti 07/37-10/55 196 VI.83.A The Ex-Mufti's henchmen 02/46-06/55 196 VI.84 Fawzi El Kaukadji 10/36-05/50 196 VI.85 Nazis fighting with Arabs 12/47-08/49 196 VI.86 Arab affairs (Miscellaneous) 03/45-02/54 196 VI.86.A Middle Eastern oil & OPEC 04/47-06/53 196 VI.86.B Relations with Russia, communists (see also 93k2) 1948-11/55 196 VI.87 Palestine (to 1948) 10/45-08/47 196 10/47-05/48 197 VI.87.A Hebrew Committee for National Liberation 01/45-03/48 197

VI.88 Immigrations to Palestine & Israel 01/47-1949 197 VI.88.A Immigrations from Palestine & Israel 12/53-12/54 197 (in the middle of the above section) VI.90 Israel 1948-56 05/48-07/48 197 07/48-09/78 198 VI.90.A The Stern gang 10/44-02/67 198 VII War crimes and the "final solution" VII.95 The Nuremberg trail, international opinion & Jewish views, 10/45-10/55 198 protests VII.96 The extermination, general 07/44-10/55 198 VII.96(1) Soap, gas, deportation of Turks from Bulgaria 05/47-10/66 198 VII.96.A The evidence 09/36-11/53 198 VII.96.B The 6 million figure 02/40-12/55 198 VII.96.C Nazi denials 08/55-12/55 198

21 VII.96.D Research institutes, memorials 09/45-09/55 198 VII.96.DA Yad Vashem, YIVO 01/53-06/55 198 VII.96.DB Kibutz Lohamei Hagetaot 09/42-09/55 198 VII.96.DC Martyr’s Memorial, Paris 08/49-05/55 198 VII.96.E Gypsies 03/50-09/55 198 VII.96.F The camps-general 04/45-05/55 198 VII.96.F.1 Auschwitz & Birkenau 01/40-09/55 198 VII.96. F.1a Auschwitz Kommittee 10/45-10/55 198 VII.96 F.2 Belsen 04/45-10/55 198 VII.96. F.3 Buchenwald 07/38-04/55 198 VII.96 F.5 Dachau 01/34-10/55 198 VII.96 F.6 Mauthausen 06/45-05/53 199 VII.96 F.7 Theresienstadt 10/42-11/55 199 VII.96 F.8 Strutthof 12/52-11/55 199 VII.96 F.9 Ravensbrueck 04/45-11/55 199 VII.96 F.10 British public opinion in 1945 04/45-06/45 199 VII.96 F.11 Sachsenhausen 02/45-06/54 199 VII.96 F.12 Stutthof 01/45-12/55 199 VII.96 F.13 Neuengamme 03/46-05/46 199 VII.96.G Bartering Jews 10/42-12/49 199 VII.96.I How many German knew? 04/45-08/55 199 VII.97 Non-German war criminals 01/54-07/79 199 VII.97.A In Israel 07/48-10/63 199 VII.97.B In France 08/4904/47- 199 VII.97.C In Holland 08/54-07/55 199 VII.97.D In Belgium 02/49-09/55 199 VII.97.E In Italy 02/49-03/52 199 VII.97.F In Poland 02/48-02/52 199 VII.97.G In Rumania 08/47-09/55 199 VII.97.H In Czechoslovakia 02/41-12/48 199 VII.97.I In Yugoslavia 10/34-04/55 199 VII.98 Extermination and the West 03/40-05/55 199 VII.99 Genocide 04/47-11/54 199

22 VII.100 Jewish collaboration and resistance 04/45-12/55 199 VII.100.A The Judenrat problem (see also 5A) 04/53-1954 199 VII.100.B The Kastner affair, Perdition (play) 02/54-08/52 199 VII.100.C Jewish resistance 09/50-08/52 199 VIII. Antisemitism, Fascism and discrimination VIII.101 Antisemitism (general) 10/35-01/54 199 VIII.101.B Ritual murder lie 10/30-10/54 199 VIII.102 "Protocols of Zion" 11/33-06/48 199 1948-11/50 200 VIII.105 Eastern exiles, emigres 08/51-11/55 200 VIII 105.A Vlassov 01/45-01/53 200 VIII 105.B Ukrainian nationalists 1944-06/55 200 VIII. 105.C Radio Free Europe 09/51-12/55 200 VIII. 105.D Eastern exiles, Russians 07/34-12/55 200 VIII 105.D(1 Russians, The NTS 10/53 200 VIII. 105.E Poles 11/54-02/55 200 VIII. 105.F Balts 09/51-02/55 200 VIII. 105.G Hungarians 06/40-11/68 200 VIII. 105.H Czechs and Slovaks 10/52-07/55 200 VIII. 105.I Rumanians 01/55-12/55 200 VIII.106 The Nazi international 08/38-1955 200 VIII.106.A Hungarian Nazis 10/49-1952 200 VIII.106.B "" 07/37-12/54 200 VIII.106.C U.S. Nazis (together with section below) 06/46-10/56 200 VIII.106.D Scandinavian Nazis (for Aberg see 104) see above 200 VIII.106.E West European Nazis 09/51-02/55 200 VIII.107 Moral rearmament 08/40-09/55 200 VIII.108 The colour bar 01/38-12/55 200 VIII.108.A Jews and racialism: see 27J 12/49-04/55 200 VIII.108.B In Britain 05/38-12/55 200 IX Activities of Jews IX.109 Jews in trades and professions 10/48-07/55 201 IX.110 Jews in medicine 05/45-09/55 201

23 IX.111 Jews in literature, theatre & film 06/34-09/55 201 IX.112 Jews in agriculture 01/45-09/55 201 IX.113 Jewish press, Jews in the press & publishing 01/35-12/55 201 IX.114 Jews in art, music and science 10/47-10/55 201 IX.115 Jews in the war 02/37-02.52 201 IX.116 Jews in sport 05/47-09/55 201 IX.117 Jews at sea 03/45-09/51 201 IX.118 Jewish children incl. kindertransport 04/40-12/55 201 IX.118.A The Finaly affair 01/53-09/55 201 IX.118.B Anne Beckmann (see also 5D) 03/53-12/55 201 IX.119 Yiddish 01/46-10/55 210 X. Refugees and migration X.120 Settlement projects, "Freeland" 04/39-05/53 201 X.121 Refugees, contribution to industry, learning 06/36-07/54 201 X.122 International refugee organisations, statelessness 09/45-12/48 201 01/49-08/55 202 X.123 Bermuda Conference 03/43-12/43 202 X.124 H.I.A.S 10/47-03/45 202 X.125 O.R.T 04/42-06/55 202 XI. Jews and Christians XI.126 Protestants and Jews 04/41-10/55 202 XI.126.A Protestants & holy places, Zionism 09/45-02/55 202 XI.127 Roman Catholics and Jews 06/45-11/55 202 XI.127.A The Vatican, Vatican and the Jews 1945-1979 01/47-09/52 202 XI.127.B Rescue during the war 02/43-02/55 202 XI.128 Roman Catholic & holy places, Zionism 05/46-09/55 202 XI.129 Conversions 01/45-04/53 202 XI.130 Christian Missions to the Jews (see also 82) 01/45-08/55 202 XII. Law of Libel XII.131 Community Libel 08/34-10/49 202 XII.132 Libel, GB 07/45-08/5 202 XII.133 Libel, USA 01/45-05/52 202 XII.137 Libel, Russia, Eastern Europe, Holland, Switzerland, Austria 07/44-01/53 202

24 XII.138 Libel, Italy 10/30-11/47 202 XII.139 Libel, Scandinavia 05/42-02/46 202 XII.140 Libel, Danzig 09/36-06/36 202 XII.141 Libel, Egypt 09/33-01/34 202 XII.142 Libel, South Africa 10/37-08/47 202 XII.143 Libel, Latin America 12/34-03/45 202 XII.144 Libel, Canada 02/44-05/47 203 XIII.145 Freedom of speech and thought XIII.145.A. Freedom of information & religion; Human rights 03/48-11/55 203 XIII.145.A.1 Russia 11/41-09/55 203 XIII.145.A.2 East Germany 1949-06/55 203 XIII.145.A.3 Poland 09/47-09/55 203 XIII.145.A.4 Hungary 06/48-05/55 203 XIII.145.A.5 Czechoslovakia 05/48-06/54 203 XIII.145.A.6 Romania 02/49-04/55 203 XIII.145.A.7 Bulgaria see above 203 XIII.145.A.8 Yugoslavia see above 203 XIII.145.A.9 China 09.51-09/55 203 XIII145.A.11 Spain 04/54-08/54 203 XIII145.A.12 Italy 03/48-09/55 203 XIII145.A.13 Argentina 11/54-09/55 203 XIII145.A.14 Colombia 04/53-03/54 203 XIII.145.B Jehovah's witnesses 09/50-03/55 203 XIII.145.C UN and UNESCO 12/45-12/48 203 XIV Jews and Germans XIV.146 Jews and Germans 02/51-07/55 203 XIV.146.A.a Opposition to Germany's re-emergence 11/50-11/55 203 XIV.146.A.b Protests against rearmament 10/50-06/55 203 XIV.146.A.c Boycott, commercial and cultural 11/49-10/55 203 XIV.146.A.e Israeli views and policy 04/50-12/54 203 XIV.146.B.a Public opinion, editorials & broadcasts, book reviews etc. 04/47-07/55 203 XIV.146.B.b Official statements and actions 12/49-09/55 203 XIV.146.B.c Publications, articles on Israel 01/47-08/55 203

25 XIV.146.B.d Christian opinion & brotherhood week 02/55-12/55 203 XIV.146.B.d.1 Protestants 08/46-03/51 203 07/51-09/55 204 XIV.146.B.d.2 Roman Catholics 06/48-12/55 204 XIV.146.B.e Various political parties 10/46-10/54 204 XIV.146.B.f Repentance, especially E.Lueth & "Peace with Israel" 05/46-11/55 204 XIV.146.B.g Youth, students, education 1947-12/55 204 XIV.146.C Reparations 01/52-10/55 204 XIV.146.C.a International, Jewish & German opinion 03/50-10/55 204 XIV.146.C.b The Communist view (see also 2'o' b) 04/52-12/52 204 XIV.146.C.c Jewish organisations (e.g. Claims Conference) 03/51-12/55 204 XIV.146.D The German statement of 27. Sept. 1951 (Adenauer on 09/51-11/51 204 Restitution) XIV.146.E Arab intervention & boycott threats (see also 77C) 04/52-12/53 204 XIV.146.F German property in Israel (see also G12a7a) 01/49-12/53 204

XV Communists XV.147 Communists and left-wing radicals 06/46-05/55 204 XV.147.A In Israel, on Israel and Zionism 11/47-11/55 204 XV.147.B Communists & left-wing radicals in GB 11/37-11/55 204 XVI Various Jewish topics XVI.148 Miscellaneous 04/46-10/55 204 XVI.148.a Kabbalah XVI.149 International congress of Jewish interest 06/47-07/50 204

XVI.150 Jewish statistics 04/45-06/55 204 XVI.151 Restitution, restoration of rights 05/43-02/54 205 XVI.152 London conference of Jewish organisations, 1946 02/46-06/55 205

XVI.153 World Jewish Congress 08/36-12/54 205 XVI.154 Agudah 06/47-02/52 205 XVI.155 Jewish criminology 05/47-10/55 205 XVI.156 Opposition to Jewish nationalism ("What is a Jew", Naturei 11/36-01/55 205 Karta etc.)

26 XVI.157 Intermarriage 04/45-12/55 205 XVI.158 Shechita 12/47-11/55 205 XVI.159 Sephardim (see also 14D) 03/49-10/55 205