Intentions of Right-Wing Extremists in Germany

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Intentions of Right-Wing Extremists in Germany IOWA STATE UNIVERSITY Intentions of Right-wing Extremists in Germany Weiss, Alex 5/7/2011 Since the fall of the Nazi regime, Germany has undergone extreme changes socially, economically, and politically. Almost immediately after the Second World War, it became illegal, or at least socially unacceptable, for Germans to promote the Nazi party or any of its ideologies. A strong international presence from the allies effectively suppressed the patriotic and nationalistic views formerly present in Germany after the allied occupation. The suppression of such beliefs has not eradicated them from contemporary Germany, and increasing numbers of primarily young males now identify themselves as neo-Nazis (1). This group of neo-Nazis hold many of the same beliefs as the Nazi party from the 1930’s and 40’s, which some may argue is a cause for concern. This essay will identify the intentions of right-wing extremists in contemporary Germany, and address how they might fit into Germany’s future. In order to fully analyze the intentions of right-wing extremists today, it is critical to know where and how these beliefs came about. Many of the practices and ideologies of the former Nazi party are held today amongst contemporary extreme-right groups, often referred to as Neo-Nazis. A few of the behaviors of the Neo-Nazis that have been preserved from the former Nazi party are anti-Semitism, xenophobia and violence towards “non-Germans”, and ultra- conservatism (1). The spectrum of the right varies greatly from primarily young, uneducated, violent extremists who ruthlessly attack members of minority groups in Germany to intellectuals and journalists that are members of the New Right with influence in conservative politics. The focus of this paper will be on extremists, but the relationship with the moderate rightist and extremists will be addressed. 01 At the end of the WWII in 1945, Nazi Germany fell to the allied powers of England, France, the US, and the Soviet Union. During the allied occupation of Germany, there were intense efforts to denazify Germany. The Nuremberg trials were held in the years 1945 and 1946 and removed the majority of the living Nazi party leaders. Many of the leaders were executed or sentenced to life in prison (2). The denazification of Germany proved to be a challenge, as in the case of the Deutsche Reichspartei, or the Imperial Party of Germany. The presence of both of these parties in the decades following WWII suggests that support for the Nazi party did not just go away overnight. The Reichspartei contained many old members of the Nazi party including the leader Wilhelm Meinberg, a former SA member. This party’s major platform was to absolve Germany’s guilt about both wars and “’to create a new epoch in history’ without repeating Hitler's ‘mistakes.’” (Times-Article). A similar political organization, the Sozialistische Reichspartei, split off from the Reichspartei and supported a more radical platform. These groups earned a combined 375,000 votes and 16 seats in the 1951 election with most of these votes coming from the Socialist Reichspartei (The Sozialistische Reichspartei was banned in 1952 (Times-Article)). Another prominent rightist party, albeit the most moderate, is the Republikaner party formed in 1983. The Republikaner party does not boast about being anti-democratic nor does it support the radical principles of the Nazi party; however, the party was founded and led by former SA- officer Franz Schönhuber. One of the differences between extremist parties and the Republican Party is a support for the standing parliamentary government in Germany. The Republican Party supports the government in Germany now, but extremist groups would like to see a radical shift in how the country is governed. (1) 02 When analyzing the right-wing political parties in Germany since 1949, one must note how little support they receive when compared to the Nazi party in the 30’s and 40’s. Since 1960, no extremist right group has received enough votes to secure a seat in the national parliament and in general. Also these groups have not experienced notable gains in support since the 1960’s. Much of the attention and national concern directed towards these political parties does not reflect how much of a minority it actually is in the mainstream politics. Politically, since the fall of the Nazis, right-political parties have not managed to gain a foothold in the national scene. In 1964 the National Democratic Party of Germany was founded, and it became the primary rightist party in Germany during this time period. As one would expect, many of the ranking officials in this political party were former Nazis, some of them officials in previously banned Socialist Reichspartei.(1) What was somewhat alarming is that the NPD grew rapidly between the years of 1964-1969, a time period in which Germany experienced an economic recession. The rise of the NSDAP was able to gain support partly due to the poor economic conditions in Europe during the 1930’s. The NPD never gained enough votes to secure a seat in the Bundestag and support declined steeply after the country was out of an economic recession. The NPD has maintained levels of local support but has never been a national competitor in Germany’s parliament. The insignificance of right-wing politics in Germany after the war can be attributed to the laws imposed on post-war Germany. In September 1945, the allied powers officially abolished the Nazi party as well as any affiliated sub organization. The agreement also required the German authorities to prohibit any secret organization supporting Nazism (Law Journal). These 03 laws were generally effective in squelching the Nazi party, but support for ultra-conservatism remained prevalent in years following in cases such as the Reichspartei as well as the NPD. Although politically the NPD and Republican Party are not a threat to Germany, the violent intentions of right-wing extremists are a cause for national concern. The NPD and Republican party have been allowed to function because government officials fear that banning them will push the Neo-Nazi movement further underground. Members of the parliament feel that banning the NPD, assuming the NPD was in violation of the Basic Law, would not effectively combat right-wing extremism. After the reunification of 1989, Germany has had difficulty dealing with Neo-Nazi promotion and gatherings. Section 86a. Of the German criminal code makes it illegal to “domestically distributes or publicly uses, in a meeting or in writings symbols of one of the parties or organizations indicated in § 86 subsection” ( Law Journal). This law includes waving a flag with a Swastika or production of insignia containing swastikas. The German authorities are in a constant struggle with Neo-Nazi groups because members of these groups find new ways to promote their organization. Upon the collapse of the NSDAP and the division of Germany into territories in 1945, the national identity of Germany was shaken. Neither the German Democratic Republic set up in the east nor the Federal Republic of Germany in the west supported national pride or patriotism due to ties it held with the third Reich and the horrors of the holocaust. The Nazi party was by some to be considered capitalist system and was a threat to the new, socialist governments set up in Germany. (CC) Coupled with international pressure from the allied powers after the war and political pressure from the new standing governments, German patriotism and national pride diminished in the decades following the end of the war. 04 After the Second World War, there was a major shortage of workers in Germany. This type of labor shortage appeared in Imperial Germany as early as the 18 th and 19 th century. Workers from countries such as Poland, Russia, and Turkey were allowed to work in Germany, but were never given full-citizenship. These “Fremdarbeiter”, or foreign workers, were considered a threat to German homogeneity and members of these labor groups were constantly persecuted. (4) These sentiments towards foreigners were expressed by many right-wing nationalist groups in the Weimar republic, the Nazi party, and by many Neo-Nazis today. Rooting out this negative prejudice against foreigners is challenging because of long-held traditions and practices dating back to Imperial Germany. This xenophobia and racism present in imperial Germany has remained prevalent amongst contemporary right-extremists. The modern forms of racism and xenophobia are caused by many of the same issue of labor shortages and competition in the workplace. Lower income youth who are poorly educated are forced to compete with lower income groups in the workplace, often time foreigners. This form of social pressure causes these individuals to become close minded and they begin to blame foreigners for their hardships. Primary groups receiving negative attention from skinheads are the Turkish, and often German born Turks. (1.6) The extreme right offers a safe haven for this group of primarily young males to voice their opinion and feel like part of a group. The intention of right-wing extremists in regards to immigration and foreigners is one of preservation. To them an ideal Germany is one with limited diversity and a homogenous Germany. Extremists in Germany have resisted both politically and violently against legislation which will allow foreigners to gain citizenship and assimilate into society. This includes denying 05 citizenship to certain groups of immigrants and children born in Germany to foreign parents. Because right-wing extremism is also a minority group in Germany, they feel it is their job to persuade the German public to support their rigid policies against multiculturalism. (1) Contemporary right-wing extremists hold negative sentiments towards Jews similar the former Nazi party.
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