
Semester 2 - Week 1 Matthew 14-28 pages 7-109 Study Guide Test 1

History Items: Teachings: Transfiguration True purity Peter's Confession "Honor" your parents Ruler over & Perea Acceptable worship Coming of Church "Hear and understand" OT punishment for dishonoring parents Verse that first uses "church" in NT Pharisee's traditions had done what to the *"Get behind me Satan!", why said Word of God? this Jewish leaders asked what? (Mt.16:1) *Taking up your cross to follow Jesus Herod Antipas' second wife Answers to "Who do people say that the Herod Antipas' step-daughter & daughter Son of Man is?" of Herod Philip I Mark of a true disciple Half-brother of Herodias Jesus' conflict with Pharisees (Mt.15:1-20) Ruler of , , Idumea Ruler of Trachonitis, Iturea, Gaulantis… Miracles: Rebuked Jesus Gentiles' reaction to miracles 's death Only miracle in all 4 gospels Peter as the "rock" Feeding of the multitude Foreshadowed Jesus' death Mt.14:36 healings Simon Peter's other name Feeding of 4,000 When did Jesus seclude himself? 2 times Jesus commends people for faith Asked for a sign Healing of the Canaanite woman's daughter Word or Phrase Meanings: Apostles' reaction to Jesus walking on Pharisee water Bethsaida *Disciple who walked on water "At that time" corban Location Items: *"Tradition of the elders" Landing place after walking on Sea of *"The Gates of Hades will not overpower Galilee it" Where Jesus went in Mt.16:13 "heart"

Quotes: where found? "This people honors Me with their lips, but their heart is far away from Me."

*Items will be discussion question topics.