Troops for Europe OK'd by Senate: the People Ignored

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Troops for Europe OK'd by Senate: the People Ignored Workers of the World, Unite ! Coming SPECIAL SIX-PAGE MAY DAY ISSUE THE MILITANT PUBLISHED WEEKLY IN THE INTERESTS OF THE WORKING PEOPLE Vol. XV - No. 15 NEW YORK, N. Y., MONDAY, APRIL 9, 1951 PRICE: FIVE CENTS AUTO WORKERS HIT TRUMAN RAW DEAL Hansen Exposes I Troops for Europe OK'd by Big Business M inority Pushes I Drive to War I SAN FRANCISCO, April 1 — For Labor Party Senate: the People Ignored Attentive audiences in San Fran­ By John G. W right 9" cisco and Oakland heard Joseph By A rt Preis A fter three months of the “Great Debate,” the Sen­ Hansen speak on the topic “ Am­ CLEVELAND, April 2 — For the first time since the Break the Bonds! erica and the World Crisis — The ate adopted on April 4 a resolution approving by a vote founding of the CIO United Automobile Workers, a na­ Socialist Answer to Capitalist tional convention of America’s largest union has heard a of 69 to 21 the shipment of four U.S. army divisions to M ilitarism ” at a meeting spon­ Europe. This resolution follows*------------------------------------------------ sored by the Socialist Workers direct attack by its top leaders on the Democratic administra­ •die main lines of the original ad­ pleasure double or triple the cur­ Party. tion in Washington. Yesterday’s ministration “ compromise” which rently estimated number of 100,- “ The police action in Korea opening session here of the had been denounced by the 000 soldiers without “violating” which began as ‘Operation Demo­ BULLETIN UAW ’s 13th Convention, attend­ the “ expressed sentiment” of cracy’ now ends up as ‘Operation Republican opposition, in par­ CLEVELAND, Apr. 5 — It was ed by some 2,500 delegates, was Congress. K ille r’ ” declared Hansen. “ As a ticular by Sen. Bricker as “ a reported tonight that the Resolu­ featured by sharp open criticism chain, a hoax, a fraud on the In the course of the debate Sen. result of this attempt to export tions Committee of the United T aft fla tly asserted that he knew of Truman personally and his ad­ American people.” It is exactly democracy Korea is now two- Automobile Workers convention ministration. that. that more U.S. troops were being thirds destroyed — the worst de­ here is divided over the issue of The American people are being actually ordered to Europe be­ vastation of any war in modern independent political action. TRUMAN NAMED fore Congress had even acted. history.” flim -flam m ed; their expressed A minority report will be UAW Secretary - Treasurer wishes brazeniy fiouted. lrum an Mazey, assailing Truman by WORLD DOMINATION presented to the convention to­ and his associates are responsible. morrow calling for “ a Congress of name, declared that “ the Presi­ Hansen proved conclusively that But the administration is not Bulletin Labor and . an Independent dent in this administration has the drive of U.S. financial and in­ alone. Equally responsihle is tne Labor Party.” Following is the given the people of this nation dustrial interests and their Wash­ Republican opposition led by text of the minority position on a raw deal” and that “ President ington tools is to dominate every Taft, Wherry and their asso­ this issue: Truman cannot escape his full ciates. There is not a single voice 18,569 VOTES corner of the globe. “ Truman is share of responsibility fo r the now in the process of spending confusion and for the mess that in either Senate or House that cast fo r MINORITY RESOLUTION today speaks fo r the people, ex­ 98% billion dollars for wars past, “ RESOLVED that this Conven­ the mobilization program finds pressing their w ill and interests. present and future. These costs tion calls upon the United Labor itself in at the present time.” He l ’oll after public poll- has shown Myra Tanner Weiss w ill have to be paid by the Amer­ Policy Committee to convoke a accused Truman of responsibility ican workers.” that the overwhelming majority representative Congress of Labor fo r putting Big Business execu­ Socialist Workers Party tives in complete control of war arc opposed to war and to the In contrast to these prospects, to take steps fo r the speedy mobilization and the govern­ sending of more troops to Europe. endorsed candidate Hansen quoted from the current formation of an Independent book “ Land of Plenty” w ritten ment’s war agencies. This mass anti-war sentiment is in Labor Party in preparation for by the architect Walter Teague, UAW President Walter Reu­ what politicians- like T aft are Los Angeles Election the 1952 elections.” as proof of what progress could ther, in his keynote address at seeking to exploit in jockeying be made “ i f the economy were The members of the resolu­ the start of the convention yes­ for advantages in the 1952 Presi­ See story on page 4 turned loose. But this could only tions Committee sponsoring the terday morning, went as far as dential elections. haptpen when the workers take above position are: he has yet dared to go in public­ The latest Gallup poll shows over the industries and operate Bert Foster, Cleveland Fisher ly pointing the finger of blame that the majority of the American T aft and other Senators have them in their own interests.” Body Local 45 (recently elected at the White House fo r the Big- public are convinced “ that the repeatedly charged that Truman Below is the schedule of Han­ president of this local on a Business domination and policies Truman administration is not has been usurping dictatorial sen’s Coast to Coast tour: Reuther slate); that led to the recent withdraw­ powers. “ I have never witnessed al of the American labor leaders doing as much as it should to James Schuetz, Buffalo Bell such a concerted effort to place from the Wage Stabilization head o ff” war. The fact is, A ircraft Local 501; neither are the Republican op­ such power in the hands of the Board and all other government Trenton Six "Confessed" Robert J. Winters, Bristol GM war agencies. ponents of the administration. President as is now being New Departure Local 626. On Apr. 2 Taft, Wherry and attempted,” stated Sen. McClel­ Reuther still did not mention Truman’s name, but he was un­ their bloc succeeded in passing lan. This, too, is absolutely so. MAJORITY POSITION their “advisory resolution” by a In face of such a grave threat mistakably, if deviously, refer­ — In Pain, Sick, Dazed The majority resolution on ring to Truman when he said that vote of 49 to 43. This unquestion- honest opponents of m ilitary dic­ trial. A main endeavor of the their “ confessions.” W aiting was political action calls for the “Mr. Wilson (war mobilization aL'ly was a vote of no confidence tatorship would demand the im ­ By George Lavan defense is to force the prosecu­ a large group of police officials “holding of a representative con­ czar Charles W. Wilson) is re­ in the Truman administration, but mediate intervention of the peo­ TRENTON, April 4—Argument tion to put Lieut. William Smal­ and the prosecuting attorney. ference of labor for the purpose sponsible for a lot of things in they too underwrote the sending ple. But not the Tafts and the on the admissibility of the forced ley, a key figure in the police Then with Manning as an ob­ of exploring . the best means Washington, and people in ad­ of four divisions to Europe. What ?,fcClellans! confessions of the framed - up investigation of the crime, on the server the “ confessions” began. of advancing the general welfare ministrative positions who were divides the opposing sides in The character of these people Trenton Six still continues. The stand. The prosecution has re­ Although he had known two of of the common people.” elected to office may be able to Congress are simply such tactical is disclosed by the fact that they jury is out of the box until the fused so fa r to produce Smalley, the prisoners for about eight This m ajority position coincides delegate authority, but they can­ differences as how many troops just barely failed to pass a reso­ judge makes his ruling. claiming a sore knee confines him years, he made no attempt to with the official line of the ULPC not abdicate responsibility.” should be sent abroad and who lution, sponsored by the notorious The prosecution has first say to bed. talk to them alone, was not to leave the door open for a deal Delegates from the floor quick­ should have the final say: Con­ McCarthy, ordering the inclusion in the argument and is still ly picked up Mazey’s attack on Today the prosecution put spoken to by any of the prisoners. with the Democratic Party by its gress or Truman. Both agree that of Franco Spain in the arms presenting its witnesses in an Truman, which received an ova­ Peyton Manning, a Negro poli­ Defense counsel tried to ask “ wait and see” attitude. the people shall have no say ai plans fo r Europe. But they did attempt to show that despite tion, and pressed to have i t at­ tician, on the stand. This witness’ Manning whether the thought The two positions w ill be all. succeed in including a provision the four-day-and-five-night in­ tached to a resolution in support ever occurred to him “ what am debated on the convention floor As matters stand, Congress has to this effect in the Apr. 4 reso­ credibility had previously been of the program of the United La­ communicado arrest and grilling I doing here?” But the line of no say, either.
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