PUSEMOR Regional Report Team Ticino

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PUSEMOR Regional Report Team Ticino Interreg III B Project PUSEMOR Workpackage 5 Regional Report Ticino July 2006 PUSEMOR/ Report Ticino / SEREC/ 15.07.06 1 A. Table of content 1 Introduction........................................................................................................................1 1.2 Output 2 : Methodology............................................................................................1 2 Country: Switzerland .........................................................................................................1 2.1 Territorial organisation of Switzerland......................................................................1 2.2 Public services .........................................................................................................1 3 Regional and test areas profile..........................................................................................3 3.1 Geographical situation .............................................................................................3 3.1.1 Overview about Ticino..................................................................................3 3.1.2 Test area Regione Tre Valli - RTV ...............................................................5 3.1.3 Test area Regione Valli di Lugano - RVL .....................................................5 3.1.4 Test area Regione Valle di Muggio Val Mara e Salarino - RVM...................6 3.2 Demography and human potential...........................................................................7 3.2.1 Overview.......................................................................................................7 3.2.2 Test area Regione Tre Valli..........................................................................7 3.2.3 Test area Regione Valli di Lugano ...............................................................8 3.2.4 Test area Regione Valle di Muggio Val Mara e Salorino..............................9 3.3 Socio economic situation .......................................................................................10 3.3.1 Overview.....................................................................................................10 3.3.2 Test area Regione Tre Valli........................................................................11 3.3.3 Test area Regione Valli di Lugano .............................................................12 3.3.4 Test area Regione Valle di Muggio Val Mara e Salorino............................13 4 The Public services in the test areas: description, evaluation, problems, perspectives.14 4.1 Test area Regione Tre Valli ...................................................................................14 4.1.1 Private and public transport........................................................................14 4.1.2 Public administration: social services (social care/health care/ elderly), police, advisory...........................................................................................14 4.1.3 Education: kindergartens and statutory primary schools, professional and personal training.........................................................................................15 4.1.4 Telecommunication: telephony, internet, Tv and radio...............................15 4.1.5 Every day needs: food and non food items, fuel, postal services...............15 4.1.6 Resumee test area RTV.............................................................................15 4.2 Test area Regione Valli di Lugano.........................................................................18 4.2.1 Private and public transport........................................................................18 4.2.2 Public administration: social services (social care/health care/ elderly), police, advisory...........................................................................................18 PUSEMOR/ Report Ticino / SEREC / 15.07.06 2 4.2.3 Education: kindergartens and statutory primary schools, professional and personal training.........................................................................................19 4.2.4 Telecommunication: telephony, internet, Tv and radio...............................19 4.2.5 Every day needs: food and non food items, fuel, postal services...............19 4.2.6 Resumee test area RVL .............................................................................19 4.3 Test area Regione Valle di Muggio Val Mara e Salorino .......................................22 4.3.1 Private and public transport........................................................................22 4.3.2 Public administration: social services (social care/health care/ elderly), police, advisory...........................................................................................22 4.3.3 Education: kindergartens and statutory primary schools, professional and personal training.........................................................................................22 4.3.4 Telecommunication: telephony, internet, Tv and radio...............................23 4.3.5 Every day needs: food and non food items, fuel, postal services...............23 4.3.6 Resumee test area RVM ............................................................................23 5 Best practices in the test area, their specifics and conditions for transferability .............25 6 Conclusion and next steps ..............................................................................................26 7 Appendix .........................................................................................................................27 7.1 Nottambus..............................................................................................................27 7.2 Postal service in town hall......................................................................................28 7.3 Restaurant and shop in town hall...........................................................................29 PUSEMOR/ Report Ticino / SEREC / 15.07.06 3 B. Table of figures Fig. 1: Concentration and dispersion of the establishments..................................................2 Fig. 2 Test area Ticino..........................................................................................................4 Fig. 3 Demography in the test area Ticino ...........................................................................7 Fig. 4 Socio economic situation in the test areas ...............................................................10 Fig. 5 Public services in RTV : problems and perspectives................................................17 Fig. 6 Public services in RVL : problems and perspectives................................................21 Fig. 7 Public services in RVM : problems and perspectives...............................................24 Fig. 8 Three best practices from Ticino ..............................................................................25 PUSEMOR/ Report Ticino / SEREC / 15.07.06 4 1 Introduction Notice: the introduction and the conclusion of this report should be written by the lead partners of Workpackage 5. 1.1 Output 2 : Methodology For the Ticino have been used the following methods to reach the results of the report : Interviews of local representatives (mayors of municipalities and regional representatives) Expert interviews (in diffents domains of service public) Literature analysis 2 Country: Switzerland 2.1 Territorial organisation of Switzerland Switzerland has 4 political-institutional levels: 1 nation, 26 cantons, 175 districts, 2815 municipalities. The federalist principle gives the municipalities a lot of autonomy, they have their own right to request taxes and have their own executive and legislative organs. In the following domains of the public sector the municipalities have much importance : formation (primary and secondary school, in Ticino only primary school); water, electricity, waste; social and health care (in agreement with the cantons); constructions and roads; organisation of the administration. These decisions base on national or cantonal laws. To provide the public services, especially small municipalities often collaborate in so called "regionalen Zweckverbänden" or "Regionen" (small regional partnerships of convenience). An example for such "regions" and of a special significance in context of mountain development are the 54 mountain regions (so called “regions LIM”), which were formed during the seventies. According size, form of organisation, functions and resources these regions differ very much, but they have as a common goal to promote the sustainable development of their municipalities and for this, they receive money from the confederation and the cantons. 2.2 Public services As in the other european countries, there is also in Switzerland a tendency to liberalise the public services. Rather advanced are these steps in the ICT (telephone, radio, television) and in some sections of transports (busses), while in other domains as the postal service or health care the liberalisation is slower. However, the former public enterprises are until today the most important players and have a strong monopoly in their markets. So in principle there runs not a "liberalisation" but a "economic reregulation" of the public services: the economic aims and principles become more important while the principles of equality between all regions and social groups is more and more queried. PUSEMOR/ Report Ticino / SEREC/ 15.07.06 1 A swiss federal statistic office study shows that from
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