

Chapter 22, 23, 24 Learning Goal

Relate the structure of each of the major organs and tissues to physiological processes. What are ?

•Plants are multicellular eukaryotes •Plants have cell walls made of . •Plants develop from multicellular . •Plants carry out using the green pigments a and b. Nutrients for Plants

•Sunlight: to capture energy for photosynthesis. •Gas exchange: require carbon dioxide to make carbohydrates and release oxygen as a waste gas. •Water: raw material of photosynthesis, needed to make carbohydrates; also needed to transport nutrients. •Minerals: provides raw materials for plants to produce needed structures; examples phosphorus and nitrogen. Think fertilizer. Plant Classifications

Plants Non-Vascular Vascular Mosses & Liverworts Has a vascular system

Seeds Seedless Reproduce with Reproduce without seeds Angiosperms Reproduce with Reproduce with cones Plants

– Plants that reproduce using cones pine

• Angiosperm – Plants that reproduce using flowers


•Stem •

Some plants have •Flowers • •Cones Anatomy

***Leaves are a plant’s photosynthetic *** • Cuticle • • Mesophyll – (Palisade & Spongy) • Stomata • Guard Cells • Vascular – (Xylem, Phloem & Bundle Sheath) Leaf Anatomy

Cuticle Waxy layer on outside of leaf whose primary function is to prevent water loss within the leaf Leaf Anatomy

Epidermis Single layer of cells that make up dermal tissue. Protects the cells on the inside of the plant. Stomata

Stoma/Stomata Tiny holes within the epidermis that allow for gas exchange. Guard cells on either side of the open and close to regulate gas and water within the leaf. Leaf Anatomy

Mesophyll Made up of palisade layer & spongy layer.

Have a lot of - main sites of photosynthesis in the leaf. Leaf Anatomy

Vascular Tissue Xylem - Transports water from the roots to the leaves to aid in photosynthesis. Phloem – transports , proteins and other nutrients throughout the plant. Bundle Sheath – cells of the outer layer of the vein. Flowers

• Angiosperms are plants that produce flowers. • Flowers are a plant’s reproductive organ. • Perfect – has both male and female parts. • Imperfect flower – has only male or only female parts. Flower Anatomy

Flowers are composed of several parts: • • Stalk – or (male) • Carpel – or pistil (female) Flower Anatomy Male Flower Anatomy

• The stamen is the male reproductive part. • Comprised of a filament and an anther. • The anther produces . • Pollen grains contain male (flower sperm) Female Flower Anatomy

• The Carpel (or pistil) is the female reproductive part. • Comprised of a , style and an • The ovary contains (eggs). Flower Reproduction

• Pollen grains transported by stick to the stigma. • A extends down and fertilizes the ovules. • Fertilized ovules will become seeds, and the ovary will become the . Reaping the Rewards of