
Parts of a & Notes

1. Label the flower, , , , , and stem then write down what each part does for the plant.

The flower ___reproduces by making seeds______The fruit __protects the seed______The leaf ____does to make food______The root __collects and anchors the plant into the ground______The seed ___makes a new (baby) plant______The stem ___carries food, water, and minerals where needed____

2. Label the anther, egg, filament, , , pistil, , , , , and style then write down what each part below does for the plant. pistil stamen The ovary __makes the egg cells____ ( part) (male part) ______pollen stigma The petal _is the colorful part of the flower that attracts and other style anther The pistil __is the female part of the flower filament that does reproduction___ The pollen __is the , it fertilizes the egg cell__

The sepal __is the seed leaf and protects petal the bud___ ovary The stamen _is the male part of the flower, sepal it makes the pollen or sperm_ egg 3. is _when pollen from the anther of the stamen reaches the stigma of the pistil___ 4. Fertilization is __when the sperm (pollen) reaches the egg () in the ovary and combines___ Plant Processes

5. __Photosynthesis____ is the process do to make their own food. 6. The _chloroplast__ in the plant cells have that uses carbon dioxide and water with ___sunlight____ to make glucose () and oxygen. light energy

6CO2 + 6H2O ------ C6H12O6 + 6O2 7. __Cellular respiration___ is the process where plants use oxygen to release the stored energy in the chemical bonds of __glucose__. Carbon dioxide and water are waste products. This process is done inside the __mitochondria___.

C6H12O6 + 6O2 ------ 6CO2 + 6H2O + ATP 8. Plants do cellular respiration when they need energy and can't do __photosynthesis___. This happens at night, during a drought, when the plant is dormant. 9. __Transpiration___ is when the sun evaporates water from plant . plants drop their leaves in the fall so they do not lose water through over the winter when there is not enough direct sunlight to do ___photosynthesis___. 10. __Dormancy__ is when plants stop growth because they do not have what is needed for photosynthesis. This can be a plant that has dropped its leaves for the winter or grass that has turned brown when there is not enough water to do photosynthesis during the summer. 11. Phototropism is when plants change the direction they are growing to get more __light_. 12. Gravitropism is when plants change the __direction__ they are growing in response to gravity. The stems grow upward and the _roots__ grow downward. .

What part of this plant is showing phototropism? Why?

The stem is growing towards the light even though the pot has been knocked over. The plant does this to get light to do photosynthesis.

What part of this plant is showing gravitropism? Why?

Mainly the are showing gravitropism. They are growing down even though the pot has been knocked over. They do this so that they can stay in the ground and get the water and nutrients in the soil.