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(100,000! MOM to LOAN! Andrew Mshan, N, A

(100,000! MOM to LOAN! Andrew Mshan, N, A

« it ti ) »« Tiielngliain County l^ews.j The Ingham C(miityS6Yirs^?

, PUBLIIUIO waaKLV, AT ADVKIITIIIIIO l»»T«l. Mason, Ingham County, MIoh. tlneh. !-Eaix3aniii3iE3i TsBMi.—One year, tl.60; slxmontha, 78cts.; aipahM, thteo montbi) 40 eta.; always lu advanco. a inoUfSc til Li^-ijerDorri'^'T:': Poataoa to anbicrlbon Itving outeldo of the t ineiw. couBty IS Gti. pot year. ooiasoiiHowiaouu JOB PBINTINGI I eolnmallB OBjiit wpB •i)ci46flOtrtojiCTnib Wo have new type and new proRaea>,, and cniilppeu with Bteam power, kutl can do nil BnaiuMB cards $1 per Una per yMT. _^^ kindii of Job frlnttug in n flrat-olnHH nmanne r lioeal notioes 8 oU a linefbr first Insertion, nloltyprlcoH, aive usa trial. and 6 eta. for eaeb subseqnent Insertion.^ Addroaii all letters to Marriage, Birth and Death notloea free. Obituary notioes nva cents per line.. Mo W. Vt COBNBIiL, VOL. XVIII.~KO. 24. MASON, MICH., THURSDAY, JUNE 15,1876. WHOLE NO. 910. naek, swindiing. or gift enterprise adver- HASON MICIIIOAM. asemenUofanykind will be Inserted.

The mother of Egbert E. Keeler, Esq., Farmera' Club Plewliig Ulalcli. Airlcullural Callegc. 9IAWM nABKBTB. t 1 ' XOWJT AND CdUITTT. Common Council ProceedlD|i. I ean furnish good pasture to one>half living about two miles east of this city, was The plowing match held en the farm of ex- June 18th, 1876, Mason, June 12,1876. doaen well disposed horses or colts. MS L. H, IVES. stricken with paralysis last Thursday, while Mayor Griffin, on Saturday last, under the EDITOR Nswa.—We are just getting nicely Council met lu regular session, and was OOUBXCTBD WBtKLY BY *, 0, BOMT. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. called to order by President Darrow. DBALKBIM PBODUOB. at work about the house. She is under the auspices of the Ingham County Farmers' at werk since our vacation, and everything Present, a full board except Alderman Notice. treatment of Dr. Campbell, and is slowly ia passing oir very pleasantly. The work I respectfully request that all persona ln> Dry Goods—M. W. Tanner, Club, was indeed a fine affair, A very com- Tanner. TouBflDAY, Jane 16, 1870. ClotliinR-Webb & Mond. improving. ' mondabla degree of Interest was manifested, upon the farm is a little late owing te tho Minutes of last meeting read and ap­ debted to me fbr six months and over, will FRoviaioxa, call and settle by note or otherwise, lieforo Bealod PropoBalii—City of Mnaon. It is Just as useless to send an anonymous Representative farmers from all sections of backward spring, but the crops aro all look­ proved. Sealed PropoBala—Froo, DlHtrlct No. 12, PBTITIOMfl. Applesgnen per bu..... • HKl 60 tho first of July, without fhll. communication to this ollico expecting that country wore present. ing well. Delhi and Aureltua. The petition of 0. S. Brown and two Beans, white, V ton EO^au 908W4 DB. 'W. W. OAXFDBLI,. it will be published as to drop a letter in the The State Board of Agriculture mot last Umbrella Lost—H. Bristol, The entries of plows was much larger than others for sidewalk on north side of South FotatoosVbu ina 25 week, but no very important business was Dontislry—Dr. W, H. Morse, post ofllce without a stSiup on, when no one last year, and embraced nearly all the lead­ street from "B" street to "D" street, was BggH, per doc troah. 910 G. W. Polar lArd fitti...; 0 13 For 8alo-W. H. Olark. is looking, and expect it will bo transported ing patterns known in this section. The fol­ transacted, except to vote $250 to furnish presented and referred to Street Committee. Makes to order a Btoga Kip Bool for HM Furniture—Saokrlder ft Moncb. Oheoso fit> through the malls. the public parlor and bed-roams, and $60 to BBPOBTS or STAKOINO COMMITTBIS, A tlP'top Calf Boot (eastern) 3.60 lowing are tho entries made : Butter, now packed V )b. buy pictures for dining ball and parlor, pro­ The past two days in the Circuit Court has C1.AB8 A (Iron plow for green sward), No. Tho Financo Committee reported the " roli.^B) Bead Webb & Head's new adverliBemrbt. vided the students and professors would give following claims, recommending their allow­ been occupied In taking the proofs in the 1, Blerritt & VanOstrand, Mason—Curtis Onlonsv bu • ao I think I haye the best yearling Bhort It ia iBtereiltng. $60 more. They reported the garden and ance at footing, viz: A. £. Steele, $8.00; case of Bichard Elliott vs. Emma Van Buren. No. 2, (iron); No. 2, Ann Arbor Agrlcnltural N. B. Van Vranken, $1.81; P. Kerns, $16.00; DBtBD VBUITB, . Horn Bull In Vovay. Terms, $1.60 farm both to be in a flourishing condition, . 008 L. B.iIVES. The prospects for a celebration in this city The case Is a rery interesting one and will Works—Heckendorn No. 8, No. 3, Jessie P. Huntley, $7.60; D. Welch, $86.00; Si ApploeVlb d® 1 We are to have a Fourth of July celebra­ » « • on the 4th of July are quite liattprinB. be argued before Judge Huntington In Lan­ Beach, Mason—Peerless No. 2. Williams, $9.00; D; Wait, $10.63; which Chorries V tb ®S» report was on motion accepted, and said Wanted I tion here at the college. President Abbott DriodPoaohes fift MQ 18 Get your auction bills printed at thitofllce. sing, July 18th, 1876. CiiABS B (chilled or steel plows for green claims allowed as recommended, will give a history of the origin and growth PareiMsera at' onee for HflOO lirst-olasa We do Aood work at reasonable prices, KIATS AHD VOVVnT, If your neighbor's chickens scratch up sward). No. 1, Merritt &, VanOstrand—De­ BBSOLUTIONa AMD HBW ODaiRIBS, Tomato Plants, at 10 eanta per docen, 60 oentn of the Agricultural College, Oration by Boofiiivevovrt 8I0««00 per hundred, $4.00 per thousand. Orders by your garden, and a red hot quarrel springs ment No. 2 (chilled) i No. 2, Merritt & Van­ By Alderman Eaton: There will be a Sabbath school concert at Prof. Fairchild, and other exercises by the dressed, ft owt„ mail solietted. F. M. OOBB, from it, please do. not send us the facts ef Xctolvtd, By the Common Council of the ami the Presbyterian church cext Sunday even- Ostrand—Boment No. 22, (steel mould- students. A full programme will be given Pork, '• •• OOSws Dansville, Mich, city of Mason, that a sidewalk be and is • 7 iuB. the case, because your tirado would not re­ board); No. 8. Merritt & VanOBtrand— Shoulders, fiBi later. hereby ordered to bo built on each sido of 0910 pair the damage, and onr readers would not Woodward No. 16 (chilled); No. 4, Ann Ar­ Hams " Dr. Kedzie and Prof, Cook have been "C" street from Ash street to South street, High Class Poultry, H. Bristol, £ii(],, informs us that the rain­ enjoy reading it if it did. Ohickens, " • u Light Brahma Bggs, 11.00 per doson. bor Agr'l Works—Heckendorn No. 8; No, 6, spending 2 weeks at the centennial. Prof. said walk to bo five feet and four inches in fall on Tuesday afternoon ond ovoiiing was Turkeys, *• 80 10 908 L, H. IVBs. In compliance with an invitation from the Ann Arbor Agr'l Works—Wolverine No. 14; width, of two inch pine plank, and to be 2i inches, Seal exiiects to go soon. FbOUB. loa I 11 » • » — No. 0, John A, Darnos, Mason—Mohawk Val­ constructed within twenty days. Which farmers association of Dansville to attend the The following gentlemen of tho Senior resolution was on motion adopted unani­ No.l wltite, Vowt 98 GO The work done at J. Thomas' gallery is A, B. McBride has opened an ice cream ley Clipper A 1; No. 7, G. Lord, Watortown, plowing match to bo held in that villngo, class delivered public orations on Wednes­ mously. No.2 " '• •2 60 second to none, and the cheapest in tho parlor oTor Lincohi's slioe store, and it is be­ county. .Copying and enlarging a specially. next Saturday, there will be no meeting of N. Y.—Lords' No, 13; No. 8, Gale Manufac­ day afternoon: [ On motion a committee of three was Qrabam, " ®3 00 ing well patronized. turing Co., Albion, Mich.—Gala No. 16, appointed to draft specifications and adver­ Buokwiieat, " OB 00 Qlve ma a coll. the club. Let us all go over and see how R. E. Caine—Relation of communication Burins the storm on Tuesday, Sayers & (chilled). tise for sealed proposals to build sidewalks Corn meal, ' " 1 7S«2 iiS they do things in Dansville. to man. where the city might be obliged to build the Fresh Meats at Frasell & Peters' Phelps' awnlnj was blown down, brooking aBAXM, The Eaton Bapids Journal advises its read­ CLASS C (loose soil or stubble plow). No. Buss. A. Clark—Whom shall we support same. an 18 light of glass. The liquor bond of Messrs. Alderson and Wblte Wheat, extra, new, Fracell A Peters keep all kinds oi fresh ers to not hoard up silver- change as fast as 1, Ann Arbor Agr'l Works—Wolverine No. for office 1 120 Brown, was presented and approved. " " No.l meat neat and clean, at Uvlng prices, Strawberries are in the market and selling 15; No, 2, Ann Arbor Agr'l Works—Wolver- " " No.2 &l IS they get hold of It. We think that very lit­ Ira B, George—Advancement through 'i'ho claim of H. M. Williams of $14.85 » « t . I • 9 96 for 18cts per quart. Prospects indicate a tle will bo boarded in these parts. Our read­ ino No. 14. evil. for services as Inspector of Election and for Corn, In the ear, Vbtt Oats,« bu„ a 28 Head Quarters, I large crop this season, paper, pens, books, pencils, Ink, dtc., was ers can do as they like about it however, so CLASS D (plow for general use). No. 1, U. Hampton—Importance of general edu­ Timothy Seed.. 02 76 Uarshall A Barnaby will sell Qroceries and presented and referred to Finance Com­ The Seventh-Day-Adventista will hold long as they square on our books. Merritt & VanOstrand—Bement No, 2, cation. Salt,Saginaw,* bbl 1 SOAl OS provisions cheap for cash, Ooods dellvorcd mittee. W, B. Jakeways—Old times and new. LaudFIaator.v ton & 700 to any part of the olty. No goods sold on . their annual comp-meeting in LansiDg, com- Frank Fitch, of Fitchburg, writes us that (chilled); No, 2, Merritt & VanOstrand— On motion Council 'adjourned until Mon­ Bi;iI.BtIIOKATXBtALa, long credit alter April 1st, > mencing August 10th. our correspondent at that place was mistaken Woodword No, 15, (chilled); No, 3, Thomp­ D. II, Kedzie—The man with an iron mask. day evening next at 7i o'clock. Cully, of the JJaton Bapids Joiirnut, in com­ in the statement made regarding. his lost son & Son, Dansville—Thompson's No. 6, Most respectfully, N. R. VAMVBAMKBX, City Clerk, 8hingleB,1»;H 1 6098 GO tAth,^, M.ft,, 42S94G0 I have a good stock of Feed Cntters, Root pany with Ave others, letl for Grand Rapids pocket book. He says that it was not in his (chilled, new pattern); No. 4, Ann Arbor BTDDBNT. Real Ertale Tranafen, Ume,Vbbl 1 itSiil 35 Cotters, and Corn Bhelleri of tho latest Im­ last week, via Grand river, pocket for three weeks, and was placed be­ Agr'l Work.s—Heckendorn Ne. 8; No, 6, Waterlilme. V bbl : 10002 00 proved styles, Also a full stock of Boh From Dansville. The following are the Real Estate transac­ sleighs and an assortment of implements hind tlie couch by a suspicions cimracler. Ann Arbor Agr'l Works—Wolverine No. 14 ; Calcined Piaster. V bbl 2 50 McLaugl-.lin and Martin will wrestle at the DAKNBVILLE, Juno 14, 1878. tions recorded in tho books of the Register and Farming Tools, No. 5, Jl^si\e Beach, Mason—Peerless No, 2, Plastering Hair, V bu 4oe Oi)ora House, Detroit, June 29lh. Let 'em B. F. Bix SL CO. have their carriage repos­ FniBsn CoRKKLL.—Tho centennial supper of Deeds of Ingham county, for one week Good four foot wood taken In exchango for (iron beam); No, 7, Galo Manufaotnring sculllo—we want none of it. itory building completed, and painted in last Friday evening was a success. Net ending Saturday, June 0th, 1870, where the goods. 8a7w3 J.A.BAniiEs, Co., Albion, Mich.—Gale No. 16; No. 8, by Price List for|Christmat Gallery, » m^ good style, and is filled with as good a stock Strawberry short cakes are now in order. proceeds about $121. consideration is $400 or over. tSTl take pride In making and soiling same—Gale No. 17; No. 0, G, Lord, Water- Fine Card Photographs, ti-60 per dtion. of goods as can be found in Central Michi­ Our Daosville brass band Imvo been en­ notroltCiir Works to R.T.Rnblason, north­ clothing that will wear the longest. There is talk of a celebration on the 4th town, N. y.—Lords No. 18,'(wooden beam). west qunrtor of socllun 20, Wlieutlleld, 8I.90O. " Burnished FhatogtapbH,t2,S3per dos gan. Thii enterprising Arm are doing a A. KftuBXMKO, ol July lU Chapin's Crossing. gaged to furnish music for tlio Odd Fellows Dollii llnuerN to tho Grand Lodau of I. O, O, Qem Pictures for 8,10,. is and 25 cents eoob. There were nlno entries as plowmen and F. of Ml6h'igiiu,inndH formerly uolbngtug to healthy business, which is richly deserved. picnic, next Thursday, at Pine Lake. Also Miolilaa— Shis n Foiual••o College~ .. , l. u .fth e cit.. y o--•f iJan- - Large Pictures 60,75 and $1.00 oaob. Tlin Dcmocnit boy.'j linve been the subjects two in the class for boys. Their names are To those having Small Farms of Forty Acres -Potatoes are only worth Iwenty-nve cents at Wllliamston, on the Fourth. Tho hoys are singij,, »&,m- noo'ms In Polar Block, Mason. Hlob. - of a " troni" ai Uie bands of Geo. B. Webb, L. P. Lundy, Ingham; II, H. Parker, Mason; A. Doolittle to Alfred Doollttle, Qortheut to dispose of, a bushel, when sold, and some farmers are justly proud of their progress, as they havo quurtor of northwest quarter «f section 15, i:)s(i. I'liu paper WHS out uii time however, Lott—Umbrella. I have a unmbor of applications lor small unable to give them away. Can them up, Jas. Haynes, Aurellus; John'Kerns, Mason ; WilliumHlon.S.'iUU. practicod hut a short timo, but havo worked D. 8, Smith to U, D. Mason, lot 6, block 13D, Perhaps on Saturday, the 3d day of June, Improvedfltrms. Those having suoh farms The Ilm0crat says that Wash Sherman H.Lyon, Aurelins; Adelbert 8. Ilawley, Ve- and they may po.ssibly bring 91.25 per bushel hard nnd made progress beyond their most Lnnslng, 82,oU0, out ot my buggy, between Mason and my tliey wish to sell, will be likely to find pur­ wears a coal that was mado 35 years ago. vay; Jas. Graham, Ingham i Maurice Vinino, O, W. Kullng lo J. M. Clemonts, lot 25, Le- next winter. There will bo enough to give sanguine expectations, Uoy, SSOO. farm in Aurelins, an Umlirolla, with a Steele chasers by calling at the Beal Estate OlHco . Which is it, his swallow tail or eagle's wing 1 Vovay; H. T. Rodgera, Ingham. The boys D, .rell'ords to S. U. Fierce, lol in Leslie, of JOHN DnwsnAOK, Mason. the bugs their All, from present indications. E. Rice has just received from Washing­ framoand turn up handle, and in an oil lilKI. cloth case. Tho finder Will please leave it at DIghton Wait, Esq., our street commis- were Silas Gardner, Bath, Clinton Co,, Vin­ II. P. Grlllln to T. E. Palmer, iota 1), iO, 13 The Mason Dnnaerat, In noticing the pro­ ton, $120 in silver coin, wiilch ha proposes to tho store of Darrow A Co., and oblige, Mr, J. H, Lambert. iloner, ia busy utblDg tmproremeoU in all son Robinson, Ingham. nnil It, bloclc It Grimn's addition to Mason, hibition conventioa to be held in this city, pay out in channs, 150(1. H. SaiBTOX.. of Hew Ifork, suooessor to J. O. Briggs, would parts of the city, Ue is the man for that June 28, is unkind enough to «ny tliat The ground selected was a stiff piece of .r. W. YnWKor to A. M. YawKOr, oast 04 foot announce to the people of Mason and vicin­ Farmers aro busy with Hieir corn, which of lot 3. bloolc ;)•:!, Lanslna, 81,350. business, '' ;'!Brown, Bussell & Co., will of course bo green sward, for the moat part of a claey is growlnu very fast. Shearing lins begun II. IngorHoll lo II, li. AlcOluro, part of lots 1 Notice 1 ity that he Is prepared to make to ordor ail there, and broUier Brown will have an ap- ami 2, blocii 110, Lnnslng, $euo, All persons aro^onutlonod ngnlnt/. harbor­ kinds of Boots and Shoes, both sewed and B, F. Johnstone, Eiq,, editor of the ifiehi- gravelly soil and rather dry, altogether a in earnest, and will be well complnted by pprtunity to talk up his newspaper enter­ W. a. ClnillJi to W. Clullln. blocks33 nnd 31, ing or trusting my wife, Matilda Jane, on pegged. Repairing done with nontness and fanSarmtr, called on us last Saturday, He stout piece, well calculated to test the mus­ last of the week, Mnsnii, oxcupl purl ot'5 lots, gL,0OO. prise."—Laming S»publitan, ,T. Sohwondenor to 'W, H. Obapmnn, norlli my ao:ounl, as X Hliatl pay no debts of her dispatch. All work warranted. A share of was here in attendance at the Farmers' Club What Is there unkind about that 1 cle of man and horse, and the merits of the L. P. Lundy, of. Ingham, challenges the bttlf of lots 0,7 mid 8, block in, Lansing, S-l.ooo. contracting after this date, as we havo divid­ tbo public patronage is solicited. Rcmom- plows. J. C. Moore by lielrs to C. J. Gale, east half ed property, and she has signed off all rtgbt iHsr, first door south of Ellzoy Flora's, plowing match. The team of Austin Ooolittle, Esq., of men who took the first and second premiums of snutlieasl quarler of section U, Onondaga, 808W12 The lands staked out contained about half at the lost plowing match at Mason, to plow tl.4B8. and title to it. Notice Is also horsby given, Ice cream will be serred by the ladies of Aurelins, ran away with him on Saturday, Wm. FiBch to J. Fink, nortboasl quarter of forbidding all persons fusting my son, an acre each, but owing to the lateness of with him on next Saturday, the 27th, at tho soutliwesl quarter of section 21, Stockbridge, the Presbyterian loeiety, at their church, on with a load of lumber, Ue was thrown from Charles Winslow.as I aliall pay no debtnof M-Tho Handsomest and most Stylish the hour before all could be got in motion $1,800. Wednesday etening next. All are cordially the wagon and the wheels pissed over his plowing match on the Fhilo Otis farm, in his contrasting. HsaBKiAii TDBmiB. Drees and Basluess suits are mado at and the fact that the day was excessively . *i * invited to attend. legs, bruising them badly, but breaking no Dansville; Respectfully, Even n nine-penny onllco can bo made to Delhi, June 11,1878. OlOwS A. KBBDHTilKn'B. warm, none of the plowmen were required to P. M. Conn. • » » » We keep a full stock of cards, letter heads, bonei. Ue is being attended by Dr. Root, loolc neat and tasty by using tho " Doracstio finish their lands. C. G, Huntington MARK ANTHONY, and is getting along all right. Fashions." bill heads, statements, colored paper, etc., Sells a good Calf Boot for t3.2S bettor known as Chandler's Imported Per* The awarding committee were selected on The CIrtnll Court. THK ADVAKTAGB.—The advantage of buy- for all kinda of Job printing, and do first class As will be seen in the article headed Ma­ cheron stallion will lie at Griffin's bam. Ma­ the grounds: Messrs R. G. Buird, Sec, of The following are tho cases disposed of tng p. B. DoLnnd A Co.'s Best Chemical Salc- Buy the best Hhoep shears at Hofllman'B work at reasonable prices. son Light Guards, there is a prospect of a son, Tuesday May 0th, Hay 23d, June 0th, the State Board of Agriculture, Asa Thomp­ rutus are numerous. Among them are uni­ Dansville. 009 since our last issue. form and perfect goods, Ibat innko oxtrn Juno 20tb, July 4th, and July 18, and will re­ The board of supervisors met in this city celebration here on tiie 4th of July. We son, Pres. Stockbridge Farmers Club, and D, Norrls IConilnll vs. '.Lovlsa Kendall—us- bread, biscuit or pastry of all kinds. main until tho BUoooedlng Friday noon of last Monday at the County Clerk's ofllcs, but have done all in our power to encourage the E, Watts, Sec. of the Farmers Association of sumpslt. Judgment on vertlict for plalntlir House to Rent each of the above named weeks. the assessment rolls not being complete, they movement, and hope to see the thing brought for CONtH. OuElmHtreol Knquiro of C. C. Uarsh.or 8^U B, TBOWBBttMIR, Ingham, comprised the committee on plow­ Abriim 'W. Vandoosor vs. Goo. W, Dayton It Never Falls. adjourned until the 7th of August. about. There is no time to lose, and all in- men and recommended awards as follows: —replovln. Judgment on verdict for plain- TostKCl'M Compound Extrnet of Buoliu, Ce- W, H. GuAMi, Agent. terested should take hold of the matter at 11II'. bebH uud Copuvia bus novor fnllod in n slnglo The best is the Cheapest. We hoped to hear the result of the Cincin­ 1st prize, Maurice Vinino, Vevay $3 00 Joseph I.AI17. VR, Geo. Sohlotter ot al—ns- I have a stock of the beet farming imple­ once. HurosH, Jndgmont for plnlhtltl', 8.tlO.,'M. lUHlnuco in mnking a pormnuent, euro for I'nints and Oils of any description cheap, nati convention before going to press, but 2d " A, 8. Hawley " 2 CO Jninort E. Hariiou. survivor,' eto., vs. Am­ ICIdiiey Coiiipluluts niid nil disouscs of tlio at Iloirman's, Dansville. 000 ments and maoiiines in the market, Plesso Many of bur patrons have never seen can only say that at latest reports, the nom­ 3d " L. P. Lundy, Ingham 1 OQ brose IJ. HtanillHli—nH>.umpHit. Triul by court. Urinary Orguns, in either sex. Thousands notice my list on another page. All parties printing done by steam, and have asked Judgment for plniutlfl', $7)),t0, who purchased Kent Corn pinnters of mo, ination of Blaine is withoat a doubt. Mr, Vining was tlie lightest man In the BlliiH M. Covey vs. AlbertilluMer—nsHumpslt havo tried It. Sold by H. M. Willtnms, Ma­ Hear Ye! Hear Ye! last season,will be entitled to another disk, us if it was any trouble to step in and Judgment on verdlut. Order entered stay- son, Mich. I am selling a good new Boot for the small Cloth peddlers are through the country field; he used a Curtis No, 2, Mr. Hawley a liig proooeiUngs. (no. 4) by calling at my store. sea our steam printing press run. Certainly Prnncls J.l'el.cr vs. .John Shine et nl—us- sum of 83.00 O, S. BaowM. again. Look out for them. It is the expe­ Dodge, and Mr. Lundy, Tiiompsons No. C. For Sale. 001 J, A, BABRBS, not. Come in on any Thursday afternoon Humpslt. Uoatli of John ShinoNUicKostcd of rience of a great many that it is cheaper to Of tho boys, Vinson Robinson was awarded record, nnd JnilKmotitoutercid ngnlust Jerry Now Luin1)or Wagon. Cnll nl the CInrk (776. 1876. > » < and bring your wives, daughters and sons— lihluo for iK.55.U2. UousQ. W. II. CI.ABK. Notice. buy of re8|)0Dsible dealers and pay them a 1st prize, $3 00, and Silas Gardner 2d, $2 00. Tbo Poopio VH. Win. M. Cole—cruelly to Those Silver mounted Contonnlal cook so long as lliey keep their hands off from A meeting of tbo stoeklioldors of the First living prnflt. _ ^u,, Robinson used a Galo No. 10, and Gardner nniinnlH. Arrnlgnoil nnd pleml not KUilly. stoves, at Hoffman's, Dansville, are Just 0,K. the type, we shall not bo ve.xed. Order outori'd nppoiuling cauiisiil ul ex­ CblldroH'H CnrrlngoH nnd I'oriiinbnlatora, National bank of Mason, Ulolilgan, for tho Lord's No, 18. Taken altogether the work pense ot cnuiily, 000 nl Suekrldor A Moaoh's. 0i0-2w II » — * eloetlon of a Board of Directors will be hold James Chapin, an empioy^|ln Alton's Robert •Velverton vs.Clarlc. Hilllard—ejont- A terrible rain, wind nnd hall storm, was far in advance of last year. at tlio Banking olhce of snld bnnk. In Mn- barrel factory, Lansing, made 21 pork barrels •nont. Triul liy coiirl. .Tudgmoul for do- Mnrblo Top Center Tables, now nnd olo- Wool. accompanied with lightning, passed over fendnnt. Order entered Htnying procoedlngH son, on June 241870. Tho poll will bo opoa in less Uian 9 hours. His ambition was to A sulky plow manufactured at Kalamazoo, Hixly diiys. gaiil styles, at Siiulcrldor A McucU's. UlO-2 I lun prepared to buy any quantity of good this city last Tuesday aflernoun, Shado wool tliat mny come to this market tills sea­ from one to two o'clock, p. M. beat a rival workman who roceDtly made 20 Mich., by L. Cahili, exhibited by E. II, Por­ •\Viild(j M. .Tolidson ot nl., vs. Ellslin H. trees were blown down and other minor Hudson el nl—iiHHumpHll. Judgmoul fur Marble Top Duranus nnd Tailot Mirrors, son, I can m»ko it an object for producers Dnted Hay 131878. •/• ter, of Lansing, attracted considerable atten­ barrtts in U hours. plHlullir.S'Jud.OI), IntcKt Ktylca nrid doslgus, nl Snckrldor A of good wool to call on mo before selling, as O0OW4 H, L. HBHDBBSOK, Cashier. damage done. About ten tods of the side* Stut.o Insuraucn Coiuiinny of rjinslng VH, tion ; on tills occasion it was attached to a Muuch'H. 01D-2W I have no commissions to pay for buying. * * . • The Lansing Jlepuhlieau says that one of the walk cast of the depot, on Maple street, was Lnnren K. llowitt^foruolosure. Decree . » » Come to my Gallery and Ret eight gems for Gain plow and did very good work. It is so grniilnd. O. E. EATOK. large boilers for boating the new capitol, to­ blown Into the middle of the street. Wo Ijowls M. Pnwell vs. .Tonnlhnn D. Lnno— E.<. District No. 12, iructlonnl In DclliI and Aure­ CB/.ing at Piiiladelphla, ence and lodging for two weeks. Each ex­ Moggie B, Lynn vs. Jerome B. Wnldo otnl. 900 Mr. A. Phillips, of Ingham, had on the —foreclosure, Proofs taken lu open court, llus, according lo plans nnd speoiflcstions Just Received. cursionist is expected to furnish his own Look at tlioso silk ties and There is a talk among some of the horse ground a Woodbridge roller. This roller is and arguiid. wliioh may bo seon nt U. J. Bullen's, of A largo stock of Bakes, Forks, Bythos and UaudkorclitoOi blankets, slioets, pillows, etc. Good tents Mnrintbn Judson vs. .Tames II, Hubbard ot at 000 DAY'S. owners of this city, of clubbing together and comprised of two distinct and separate rol­ nl—foreclosure. Decree grunted. Aurellus, up to llio third day of July, 1876. Snaths, steel Shovels and Spades, and every will bo provided at I'hilapelphia. Arrange­ Tito undersigned reserve tbo rtglil to reject discrlpllon of farmers' hand tools, at T, IlofT- renting a large barn, and hiring a man by lers, each being in the center of its own For sale or exchange for city property, a ments have been made for' the ladies. Ad- nuy or nil uf tbo propositions wblcli mny be mau's Bottom Price Storo, Dansville, 000 the tnonth to care for their steeds and hitch frame by a coupling similar to a bolster To the Secretary of the Iitjham County Farm- oll'ored. K. J. BULLBK, good team and carrlago. 000 j No. DAY. dross Capl, S, K, Stanton, 07 Jefferson them up at their disposal. plate of a ,wagon, giving It a lateral (or up era' Club. H. P. NoitniH, HAIIVEY WILSON, Just Received! avenue, Detroit, Vour committee appointed by tho officers Motwitbslandlug what may be said lo tho The short-horn cow, Bell (now Bright and down) motion; each roller is 3 feel 10 l)10-3w Dnildliig Committee. I a* I of the Farmers' Club, to ascertain by actual Bovornl eases ot ladlss gaitisrs. Prioo IM els, contrary, I am making all kinds of work Eyes, 7th), sold by Amos F, Wood, Eiq,, of inches long, and the whole complete, weighs FATAL AccinBMT.—Last evening a child Sealed Proposals G, S, Baowii, good as the best, and eheaper than the cheap- 1,000 lbs. It is claimed fur it tliat it draws test by a dynamometer, tiio draft of the com­ Vevay, two years ago, to C. C. Parks, of IG months old, of Lambert Lamb, Esq,, of Will be received nl the oflice of the City est,at my Gal lery over Headquarters G rucory, easier than any other, will turn around within peting plows at the plowing match at Mason, Chromos given away by U. Whiteloy. Copying and oulnrglnK solloltod. Waukegan, Illinois, for $376, was recently Alaledon, while sitting at the table, upset a Clerk until Moiidny, Juno 2(Itb, 187)1, for tlie Its own length as easily as a buggy, conforms June lOlh, 1876, would respectfully report as J. TUOXAS. sold for 1800. She wai 14 years old. cup of hot water, which came in full contact conslriicllon of nil sldownlks to be built by Those popular Lakesldea aro at H. Wlillo- te uneven surfaces, no strain on the neck of follows: tiio oily during the present fiscal year, snld iey's. The man who resorts to a flah diet solely with the little one's neck and breast, scalding There were only five plows ollered for the Wnlks to bo constrnoted In nccordnnco with White-washing. for the purpose uf adding to his stock of horses. Farmers in need of an implement of It so badly that It died this morning. This tho following spcclllcntlons, to-wit; All Honey lost by all who do not oall on H. t am prepared to do whits-washlng nnd brains generally feels disappointed.—Xantin; this kind will do well to look this over, Re­ test. The ground selected could hardly should be a caution to mothers to not put hot walks to be inndo of two (2) inch pluo plank Whitoloy for newspapers. JlrpuUiean, kalsomlning to order. All work done In n tail price $85. have been beaten, it being a smooth and not to exceed ten (10) Inches In width, free water where it is possible for such au acci­ Tho original News Depot is oontroled by satisfactory manner or no ohargo. Leave or­ Has the editor of the Sepubliean been diet­ For the quality of work, list of draft, &c. level piece of ground, of a black sandy soil; from snp, of uniform length and surfnco on dent to occur, tho people who have placed B. Whltoley at ders nt Williams' drug storo. ing on flah lately 1 smooth, firm sod, free from all obstructions. one side. Stringers to bo of sound onk, not I • > see the report of tho committee on plows. Its head. 907 WK.WBST. Each plow preceded itself, and notes taken loss tlinn SX'I, to bo nailed with lO-pcnny Hon.' Horatio Pratt, formerly one of the MABOK LIGHT GDABDB.—Last Tuesday nulls, not loss limn two nails to tho plank at Did you seo the Chromo that H. Whiteloy evening the Mason Light Guards met at the Cllnlon, Iowa. at four given points, and averaged. »»-If you want GOOD CLEAR VINE. proprietora of this pa|>er, has got enlisted in onoli bearing. gavo mo 7 CouBty Clerk's oflice, to bear tho report of June loth, 1876, Width Dcnth 12 fool wnlk to bo supported by 0 stringers. GAR for your salad, go to BWBKT'S FIOMKKII the editorial management of the Wayne Tiht, Nnmoof of the committee to procure a suitable room for Plow. Kntorcd by Draft II " " " " " 4 " GKOOBBY and got some ot HABTY'B OIDEK in this state, Mr. Pratt is an able writer, En. NBWS:—I received the NBWB of Jnno furrow furrow All the weekly story papers ean be bad 8J4 ,1 M i. ,. .< 8 „ overy Wedneeday morning at B. Whlteloy'a VINEGAB, mado by O. M. Hasty, Lnnslng, an armory, and to talk over tho matters of 8th the 10th, and as a freak of nature looked rcorIoiiB...J.]lucchtlaiinn 1S<4 In 7 in 575 lbs and will be a valuable acquisition to the All bids will Htnto tho price per rod for original news Depot. Mich., from Dewoy's beat elder. Try it. It intereat to the company. The committee re­ to see who had been made happy in wed­ Woodwiird.Merritt A Van- oncb cliiss of wnlk separately. Snld coutrnols Is really delicious. fl00w3 No. IS.... Uutrsnd, MJ4" •1>4" fiOO " ported that the hall over £. Q. Hunt's store lock. Just read the marriage notice of II. G. Lord tobu pnid Immediately on the ooiloctlon ot Dom Pedro Intends to oorao to MaaoB, and We are informed that James Weigman, of could be procured for %1 00 a week, and the Terwiillger and Miss Emma Hall; looked No.13....A. P. Wood, 11 " 7 " OOO" nssessmonts levied for Hint purpose. The sends on word that H, Whiteley is engaged Do You Delhi, who had his leg it^nred some time Ciirtia No. 2 Morritt A Van- „ Common Council reserve tho right to reject committee instructed to rent said hall. up and saw H. T. coming up Seventh OHtrniul, I2l<" t;«" 575 " to fnrnlsh him with all the latest news. owo mo anything? If so please cnll nnd since in a wood-sawing machine, and was Boincnt " " H!4 " 0 " OKI " nny or nil bids If not snllsfnotory. The uniforms, 60 In number, have been or­ avenue. Met htm at the gate with much joy. 010w2 By order of the Common Council. sotlle by note or olhcrwlso. I must hnvo my ampnted, is not expected to recover. He dered from Philadelphia, and are oxptcted The Bement plow had a jointer attached, Oontsnnlal Tlok«tsI pay, and all accounts not setllod in thirty Inquired after Mrs, T,; he said she was at At the Depot. Round trip, $27.05; via New has many friends in sympathy with his mis­ You have no Excuse. days win bo put In tho hands of a Justice for here next week. the Revere House, where we soon nude our and wo wore much pleased with It. York, $28.95; via New York, returning via fortune. Havo you nny excuse for sufTorlng with oolleotlon. By request of some of the ciil/.ens, the way, and found the happy bride. After tea II. DBIBTOI., New York, $29.05. All Popular lontes. Dyspepsia or Liver complnint? la there nny 904 A. KncuKMNO- An old gentleman of Aurellus, named Tur- company discussed the question of having a WM. M. WEDB, JAS. McMicRAit, Agt. u I bid them farewell and much happiness, ronson why yon should go on Itom day to NiCROtS, • ^ • • ver, had his house entered by burglars a few celebration on the Fourth of July, and the Thoy returned to Fulton, Illinois, Committee. dny complninlng with sour stomach. Sick Qo to C. 0. Huntington's if you want to nights ago, and by administering chloroform, following committees were appointed : Remember mo to dear ones at home. Hendnolie, Hnbltnnl Costlvonoss, Palpita­ buy Boots and Shoes cheap. succeeded in obtaining |4 in money. The On (Inance—8, W. Turner, John 0, Squires, Yours Respectfutlly, Alien Rowo, Esq,, of 'Vevay, returned last tion of the Heart, Honrlburn, Wnterbrash, (100,000! MOM TO LOAN! Andrew Mshan, N, A. Dunning and M. A. Gnawing nnd burning pnlns at tho stomach, barking of a dog frightened the villains from Saturday from a weeks visit at the centen­ C. 0, Huntington has got the Best and Sweet. C. L, C. "Sollow skin. Coaled tongue, nnd disagreea­ the premises. Cheapest Stock of Boots and Shoes In tbe On arrangements—Chas. A. Perry, A. J. nial exhibition. He reports a big afi'air, and ble tosto in the mouth. Coming up of the city. gofi Bartlett and L. A. Holden. worth time and money to see. The Michi­ We areprepared to furnish money on nn The prohlbltioDista of this SUta held a Wool comes to market slowly, on account food after eating, Low Spirits, etc? No I It Incumbered Improved farm security, in cODvention at Lansing, on the 28tb Inst,, for The finance committee commenced soliciting of the low price. Twenty-five cents per gan building is very much behind in its ar­ is positively your own fault if you do. Go to C. 0. Huntington sells a good Kip Boot sums ofFive Hundred Dollars and upwards, your druggist nnd gel n bottle of QHEBN'S for only $2.76. on five year«'time. The property must be the purpose of nominating a ticket for State subscriptions, and are meeting with encour­ pound is a pretty small return for the trouble rangement of articles, but will soon be In worth three times the araonutof theloan AUGUST Fi.owEBfor75ot8 nnd your cure Is required. Apply to ofBeart. Qin. Greene Clay Smith, the pro­ agement. There will be a meeting to-mor­ and expense of keeping sheep. Mutton will order. This fall we will show them down certain, but if you doubt this, got a sample AYRSHIIIK BULU hibition candidate for Praaldent is expected row evening, to hear the report of the com­ probably be cheap this fall, and woolen goods there what the Wolverine State can produce bottle for 10 cents nnd try it. Two doses will Pure bred, at R. F. GrilBn's, Terms $2,00. TVBNBB.snn'H *CO.t, to be pttient. mittee, and a full attendance is desired. be held at the same old prices, in the fruit line, relievo you. 822-W6 gllyl LANsiKa.HioaiOAH -).i;

and (30,000 iti gold dUat, and. told most ro- .before the wn.and ono of which; i{|>lt|iat tjirb; Fro9cl||meii ibolcout prQ'Um. The coutioversy wiis:i)tinclpally rehi- Curious to say, the natives of all class­ go to see him off, as v,'o have already ..re- ti'vo.ito-: the Caldwell telegram, when tlniilly ^d Boissbrsl '> \ •'•• .•• .' '•_ uukuowa' to.modern tables, atrtoug thctn (iftui-u pouuiis bf.]|p)lidi ill one daji,Vandi thai in es, castes and creeds, ,wlio, as a rule, are marked. The platforin is cons'oquOhtly WitUSP.COBSEMiiPrpptletort.''.-;: uuantuioiiH consent waa asked l*r the pre- "rich cnanielod nnd bluoand-whito bowls many lnBtiUH!^j|l,iMMi>orday totliu nian was sunbitluu of a resolution .that such dis­ —The new Bultan'otight to lia strong.'' tho most difllcult people in the world tu as crowded as If ten'tralns were about to being takuq:putS''Tt«y were quite oiithualas- patch be printed as a part of tlie lie's got tlio Muscloiueii onliis fililo. ,.•. from a half-pint to two and ahiilf gallons^" adopt any novelty, Imvo taken to railway recordln the case, and the Judiciary Cominitlue Peter Stretch, of Bordontown, soils out start. When any rialivo present vvants to tic, uud'^voiiid'tettirn Bdop. ''••. • \ "v"-;v- —'We Imve all of us sufllclont.strc'riglh traveling us reaully as if they had been ^e inalrucled.to examine'any wtiucsK who may his alock'nnd goes into ilio country, as­ Iind a friend, ho doea not look for'biin or be called who' may have heard the eaid Caldwell of mlml to endure theihisfortuncsof oihcr born in a Inncl where tho , steam-whiatlo News was rocolvtd at Owalm on the 0th suring all whom lio owes that tliey may even call him in a mnderittelono of , make the came or coutradlctery siateineut as peoplo. had been heard for half a century. Whore TTi; that over 1,UOO bostilo Indian lodges were lu. thut contaiued In said dispatoh. objection was depend on being paid before a certain day. but screams at the utmoat power of his —.V Boston tailor lias luid his bill- there ia a lino of rail tlie natives now cutcdon Vuwder .River, under the leadership made torocelvlug the resolution, and coiO'lderahle Andrew Caldwell makes out his list as travel by it and by no other means. As a lungs,. repeating the name of tho - person Oeneralj yews Summary. e.\cUoineiit and coiU'iinion eiiHiied. A resoluLlnii lieuls stamped wltli a pieturu of a forgct- sought for again and again.''Wlien sev- of Bitting Bull aud.Crazy Horse, and that wuK also oll'urcd that on the I'jth, llltli and l.lth no Russia drillings and linens, osnaburghs matter of course, oven the richest among ineuoi. cri^l scores of persons indulge in this per- a Bcvcru engagAmeiit had been fought be­ haslnesB of apolitical character should be con­ and sail clottis, eiiimimnn aud a few pieces them select the clieaiiest mode nf transit; AN. exciting Bconeii• occurred botwoeB sidered t)y the llouHu, and Mr. lllalne objected —Itiiilrond accidents are called c'lum- formiinoe, th'e ellcot can bo imagined.-— tween tltem.au(l Crook's forces, but no par­ of silk. Jonas Phillips, catching tiie they would not bo Oriental did they do Mcbora. Blttlno and Knott, bcfuro tlio Judi­ and tlie rosolutlDii won not received.' The report itons lUluirs, because tiie engineers are al­ spirit of the.limes, advertises "pro putria Ail the Year Round.' ticulars of'tbe light weroglvop. uf the CuiiferuueeCoiiimlttee oil the bill for the ways by valves. otherwise. Tho , first aud second-class ciary! Commlttco Jii Waahlnicton outho Tth, appointment of Receivers ofNaltoiiHl ItaiikH was writing paper." trhtllc is almost abandoned; in' fact, the rclallvo to the Caldwell telegram; Mr.;^Blaiuo THE West Virginia Democratic State Con- uKi'ced tu. A larae uuiaher of members were —Busy inou never learn how to harbor carriages of tlio latter are rarely, if ever An Extraordinary Suicide, veiitibii wae'liold at Charlcstown on the 8th, {^ranted leave of abseuce. their slren.gtli uofX live, until they are just In tlio niiscellancoua claaa appears the demanding of Mn Kiott: Ills reason'for not announcement that un English servant occupied save by Uuropaau •fUcials, or and nomiuat^d afM Statu, ticket, headed by reiulv to die. iBfarming the commlttoo or the public of Its TUB conuuri'cnt resolution accoptliig girl who has two yeura to servo is to be oftlccrs, or otiiors of the white governing Jainca A. Moore, aged-about thirty five, —'riiu proprietor of one of the Now reception. Mr. Knott explained that he had Heury Mathews for Governor, and chose del­ the statne of Klhan Allen', cuutrlbilted hy Yer- sold into tUo country; and her recommen­ class. To save a few rupees even a well- living on a farm near tho Farmers' Instl-. '.Tcrsey watering places advertises himself A.r made ;luqulrlcs as to Mr. CiildwoU's where­ egates tu the National Convention, inont for the Matloiml Stiituaty Hall ut thii Cap­ dation is in a few carefully-clioseii words, to.do native will always travel third class; tute, about flfloen miles south of this city,, itol, was adopted lu the Senate, on tile lUth. It us a novel and enteriuiiiing Uiiul of bigot iind what the third-claas carriages are committed suicido at tho Lalir House ia abouts, and had been luformod that ho was J. NuNXEMAOiiEiE, a Milwaul iiigau amendment lo the Coiistltuiinu, provldiiiu' about twenty.ti'.'e yards each." likely arrives an hour or two earlier. He @1S.70. Lard, «[email protected].'3. Good, to for the election fnr the term of lour yesrs nf .seiiU-uce, , Jtiiiglca with snub advertiseinents as has with him, iierhiips, his wife and two burned down lo the cords it would burn well during his present sojourn in London, Hieni oil', and the ax fall. Where the ax choice beeves brought $I.80@-1,S.5; medluiii Uiiltetl Sillies AssosHorH, PostiiiaHlerH, MarbhalH, —Tlie grciit inillionnires lire fust pass­ these lire others indicative of the state of or three children to see'him oil', and lo Jtr. Knott stating tlmt he had no evidence to CnlleclorH, etc.; providing lor the ttrndual re- would strike he placed a small box, open ing away. Tlie moral uf whieii is, siij-s tiie times. Tiie price of tea is announced bid him Godspeed on the-' route; or he is that ellect, and never ])rutended to have any. grades, $.1,[email protected].;M; butchers' stoeic, 83.50® siiiiiptloii of specie .payment, and for the reiieiit on one side, in wliicli when found was his tlie JJiiilimorc (rVij(!«t.', neverljea miliioii- lus limited by the Committee of Inspection accompanied to the station by a dozen or Tlie following is a copy of the telegram re­ •J.OO; stock cattle, etc., *3..''>[email protected];o0. Hogs of so niiicli of llie itesiiiniitinii act as axes bead Willi some cotton; whicii had been •laii. t, 1S;!I, as the dale fnr reHiiiaptiou. A iiiiaii- uire. A large numijer of persons Imve iil- of Piiiladiilphiii—"best green tea shall more neighbors or friends. .If ho is a rieli ceived by Mr. Knott, on the 1st Inst., and brought jri.OUSn.aO' • far good to ' choice. chloroformed. His chin was held up iiuniiH report was iiiiiilo trnm the Ctiinmlttee nil wiiys maile it a iioint to observe tills pre- not e.vceed thirty.two sbillings sixpence man these friends may number 'M, 40, or which ho furnishes for • piiblleatlon: Sheep (shorn) sold at [email protected] for good Kxpeiidiiurcs In the M'ar Departiiieiitcniiipletety ecpt, and no good advice is so easily Iteiit. per pound." Course suit is to bo sold at from his ncc't by ii stick run across' the exonerating Sneaker Kerr from the charges iiiinle fiO. Should he bo going a considera­ to choice. "seven shillingssixpencoa pound." Two box, through Iioles on either side, holding LO>'JK>N., '-, ii<,'aiiist liliii relative tn the (ireeii appnliitiiieiit, —Art has received nn awkward crili- ble distance, say to Bombay, 100 or more To Cluiirnmn llonso Jmlicliiry Coimiiltluu, Wa.^li- hundred bu.shels of coarse salt are to be his head firmlj- in position. Ho was* mid the report wiir< iiiiii!iliiioUHly iitlnpted. A ei.sm from a fiee-iuul-easy young mnn of his fellow-townsmen will come lo see ington: '';,'.- POllKinN. INTKLItlfiKNCK. ciiiiimunlcsllnii was received troiii TInirlow Wefd, distributed by a committee to the poor strapped tightly to the lloor with two who recently met it sculptor in a social him depart. And be it remembered tliat Have juHt roiid In New York iinpcrs hcotlV evl- A iiisi'.\Tcii from Melbourne, Australia, by uddreNiied lo .Mr. Cox, Speiiker,/)f'f> / louvu with­ artist's reply; "Kr—er—not all of'cinj e"ir window-woights to bo run into balls." or 700 going in the same train, and each set his a.\-, lit the candle and straiiped him­ out Kreat pucuniiiry loss, or woilld plftdly voliin- on board an American whaler. 1 iiidn't make yours." of Hiese individuals makes a point of self to tho floor, put his head in tho bo.x inrlly coiciii homo and «o teiitlfy. Ciui muku udl- Bewiirds are oll'ered for deserters; martial davit to thin ity ID/IO nbej/n his For Pitt: " Magna Cliartii and Freedom;" Alitor the reading of the letters and memo, elers' peculiarities is Hie enormous quiiu- Chlcagoiin to find that they possess in the . IN' the Spiiuisli Cortes, on the Otli, thcBlsh. •inotfirr." In reply to this lliere were only and for Wilkesl " Wilkes and Liberty." O.N the morning of the Uth, ex-Speaker randuin the speaker went on to say that tity of lugtjiige, or rather of belongitigs, above road a Western line over which two linys who ventured to miply fur tlio Doubtless some of these swords are still op of Salamanca stated that the Spanislipre- there had not been a particle of proof to con. that tliey bring wiHi them. It is no un­ equally as fast time can be safely. made Ulalne, aecoinpiinied by his wife, walked to siluuliou. in existence, but it is to be hoped that the lales would always oppose religious tolera­ vIct him of tile speellic cliurge against him common Uiing to see a family, consisting as any of the boasted fast time hitherto the Congregational Church, about three- metal was of better quality than the coup­ tion because itwas iucompalible with Cathol­ tlmt he was a iiarty in interest to tlie .?IH,000 —One'of the rules of the Jfount Holy- of ono mim, liis wife, and child, take lo claimed by the Eastern lines as an inci- (luarters of anillo from his resldeiieeln \Vasli. transaction. 'I'licse letters, he said, were lets engraved on tliein. icism. okc (Muss.) Sciniiiiity, iorliiild.'ii,g ono the railway a large charpoy, or native dent to the superiority of tiieir roads over ington. The heat was op])resslve, nud Just us picked out of a correspomlKiice extending In one of the Penn.sylvania newspapers bed, a bundle of sugar-cane about a, half Western lines. . Timew.ns when this claim tlii^y reached tlie chufch he eomplulned of a FKANK JIAII.I.AN'S house, fifteen miles over llftoen years, and the most Intimate busi­ lady from introducing a goiitleiniin to iiii- other iiidy, was iivoiiled tlio other diiy by tiie members of tho Library Company of donkey-load in size,"a dozen or more .cop- could have been allowed, but now that severe pain in his head apd dizziness. Enter­ east of Windsor, Canadn, was destroyed by ness correS|)oiideiu'e of his life; the man a Norlliainploii girl, who, when her fntlier Philadelphia are requested to attend a per pots for cooking, a liugo bag-full, of die Chicago & Norlliwestern Hallway, ing the vestibule he was so overcome with lire on the night of the Sth, and live children Mulligan hud done Ills very worst. .Mr. llluine Iheii eharired thatJIi'. Knott, Chair- ciinui Willi n trunk to iter room, wliile her special meeting to consider the propriety rice, an equal tiiiantity of Uour, and'per­ with its well-bailiisted roadbeds, equippeil sudden illness that he came near falling, lie were burned to death. man of tiie Judiciary Comnilttee, had sup­ friend, a-Miss Jiliink was iiresent, siiid: ot' removing tiie books and fixing on a haps twenty or tliifty pounds of ghee or with steel rails, and all modern ai)plianccs, was assisted to a seat on the steps, when he A LoNr>C)N' telegram of the 10th says Gen. pressed a telegraiu received by the committee "Katlier, T iiiii sorry I cannot introdiico place of deposit for tliein, "in case, any clarified butter in Which to cook'Clieir can be compared favorably wiHi, any exclaimed; '• Oh, this pain!" and became un­ IgnatlelV, the Kiiasiau Ambassador at Con- completely exonerating him(lilaine) from the you lo >liss Hliitik.or Blank, but the rules future event siiould render that measure fond. How all Uiis is packed away, or model road in ihe East, tliore is no longer conscious. He was then conveyed home, and stantinoiile, bad issued a pamphlet proposing charge against him, and demanded of .Mr. forbid it." "'i'es," said the father, ."link, necessary." An order appears directing how, at Hie journey's eiid, each traveler liny reason for the Eastern lines claiming ])hyslcln.TS were summoned to attend him. tospllt the Turkish Empire Into livo prlnci- Knott to know it sucli telegram had not been ing hands witii the young lady, "and I all persons having provincial arms not gets his own property—for it must be re­ a monopoly in fast running. The con­ Ife lay In an unconscious state from eleven pnlitles to be named, respectively, Bnlgurliin, received oy Iheeouimlttec. lie then ollered am sorry, too." ' lit for use " to brin^ lliein I'orthwitii lo membered none of it is marked—are densed time given below shows the leav­ a resolution instructing the Judiciary Cotii- the general factory in Cherry Alley, to be o'cloclc a. m. until four in the after­ Albanian, Servian, Bosnian and Greek, Tills —'I'lie reward of kindly deeds is thus problems dilllcuit, if not impossible,, to ing and arriving time of this fast train nt mittee lo report forthwith to the House put in good order." Batlalions are noti­ noon, the rejjorte of his condition pamphlet hud created a seiiMitlon. A Con- whether sucli telegram had not been received taugiit l>y a Persian Scei',: Ilallg Iiiul a solve. As the tiine for the departure of terminal stations; the siJeed' jier honr be­ fied to meet, mid committees as the "com­ causing groat cxcltonient throughout the staiitlnople dispatch of the same date siiys from Mr. Caldwell, or whether the coinmittee drciini one night- and Siiw a man liuld in the train draws ucar,.tho confusion be­ tween stations, and the. speed per hour for country." At llrst It was reported that ho the Grand Vizier had addressed a circular to had heard from hini (Caldwell) in any other uniillerable torment in the j-onilur world bat Hiiclcens." AVord goes south from comes greater and greater, and achieves Hie distance ruu,..oyer, the .Cliicago. & Waterlown assuring the people that was suH'eriiig from tn apopletic attack, but the Germans of tlie provinces, suspending the way. In answer to .Mr. liluliie's Insinuations for his seltishnii.ss, indoleii::o and cruelly. its climax when the ticket ofliee is opened. NorHiwesteru Bailwiiyi' "Hiere is not a ministerial troop in all N. the physicians pronounced the case on'; of reL'Ulatliius promulgated durln.g the reign of against hliii, Mr. Knott staled that there hud Kvery limli siill'uir.il—only the riglit foot In England, as we all know, tho deliv­ been no wrong done to Mr, lllalne 'jy the com­ E. except wliiil are prisoners; nor is there J)i»- t^nced per the late Sultan, and ordering them to await hud ocriisioiiiii restraint from iigoiiy. ery of a imssonger ticket barely takes up J/oiir JJe- Butislroke. His family iihyslciiiii reported nilttee. Su fur as. the letters were concerned, 11 ministerial slii]i in any harbor in N. titnce ' Ills condition at eight o'clock In the evening fresh laws. It was reported in London on tlie ifiilig asked the .fcieer wliy it was tliis I'uot thirty seconds. The traveler states his from Leovinn niul Ar- twee 11 the comnilttee hud not decided what siiould had relief. "Tliis niiiu .s'liU'ers conlimial- E." A mceling is lield in Carpenter's ST.M'IOSS. Chi- iltiliKj Time. Stullons. to be one of slmiile .eerchrul depression pro- 10th that Gibraltar was being victualed to be done willi them, but Mr. llhiine had been destination aud the class be wislies to ]j'beciiiise he was never known to do a ilall, of wliicii reports are minute, aud travel liy; he pays his money; Hie clerk citgo. Miles. dueed primarily liy great moiital strain, and support agiirrisoii of 2,000 men for six weeks. positively assured tliat lie would not he JlilVi. good ticeii," sail] the Seer, "except tlmt ou wliicli coinuieiits are freely made. clips the ticket in a iiiacliine, delivers it fiecoiidurlly by action of the e.vcesslve heat; martyred by the coniiiilttec. Yet, In dellunee A J..MiGi! cotton firm In the neighborhood of ull piirliiinieiilary law, an ex.Speaker of tlie onceiie kicked iitiil't of grass to iitelliered 'J'lie newspapers speak out boldly ; and over, and the transaction is at an end. Bttt^ Clilca;,'n, Iv. IDiBOp. m. there was no upuplectic congestion, or elfu- of Wiilerford, Ireland, fulled on the 12tli, House iiad. In the House, under pietextof a ox slandiii.g in the liot sun. For this oau a new style of cominunicatioii begins to it is very dilfereut in Jndja. The native' l'ros[iecil*'k S3.0 lOir," p. ni. fiO Bioii, nor any symptotiis of jiunilysls; he hud uet lliiit foot has Its reward." appear. One Cornelius 'Williamsiin is JllUCtlull.... 3U n;Oj p. in. 111 with over £fiOO,00okL-n seviirul times and recognized his away froiii the Jiirisdleliiiii of the comiiiitlee. formally denounced by the Committee of SO A Br.nxi! (Switzerland) telegram wf the —Speaking of the oriole, its hiibils, tells him, let us say, tliat one rupee six Eoeholle.... 74.8 I.v. m.V.I p. m. I family, and the physician luid every rensoii As to tile ciible telegrain from .Mr. Caldwell, Safety as an etieiiiy to the liberties of annus is the fiire. But tiiu native has all -•Vrr. 1 :(JO II. m, i fiS ]2tli siiv's serious iniindatioiis had occurred In snugs, ;ind tni.ctublencss, the O.iiileiisliurg Clinton ., , 13S.I Lv. llM a. m. ) to atitlciiiate a ,'peedyand complete recovery. Mr. Knott siiiil he hurled the falsehood buck America, and auiitlieuiati/ed in sucli words his life been accustomed to have been Eastern Switzerland caused by heavy ruins Into the teeth of uny man who suggcsteil (N. \.)Ji/iirn(r. The followlni: w«re the closing quo- culls to order and by the Speaker 7))"o ton. if they would siiidy to be skilil'ul and de­ VIHIOUH of the net of Dec. :J8, IH?.*, HO as iioi. to de­ ne.\t" Accordingly, in the number I'or in width and two and a half in depHi. prive hoinuHtuiid settlem, driven from lliuir lioiiiitH ruling tiiiit he was not entitled to the lloor vote tiieir spare money and spare mo­ But even wlien our dusky friend has tations for produce: No.'i Chicago'Sprinj; for that purpose. .luly 23 (Monday), it leads, and the same She is,decked over, witli tlie exception of liy the IneiiHt. plueiui, of tlieir rij^hls; iiHtiilillHli- ments to books; if they would cease in got his passenger ticket delivered to him, Wheat, «I.l!)(gl,'JO; No. 2Milwaukee, «1.2ii liii; Chclinygiiii, Mich., as a pnrt. of delivery; the Tlio House refused to second the previous journal gives an endiusiastic account of standing room and a hiiteliway, has three every way to iniilato the absurdities and the inlliction he entails upon the railway @1.2.5i Oats, Western S-K^yilo; Mixed, bi'KlHlatlve, |.;xucul,ivu and .ludlcliil Aiipioprla- question, and then the motion of .Mr. iiiiiiiie tiie proclamation of llie Declaration from water-tight compartnionts, and the water tinii hill, '.with iiiiieiidiiientH, aniniif; whieti WUA vices of tiie wealthy; if lor idle and wick­ establishment is only half over. He has Corn, Western Mixed, ' .57(8000; ' I'ork, was referred to the Comiuitteu on Judiciary Hie balcony of Hie State House in Boston. and provisions for a cruise of ninety days one prnvidlni; that, in maklni; ttit; reduction of —yeas, 121; nays, 07. ed gosHip they would' substitute the ex­ to go to a JhiuiK,, or native writer, to have Mess, tiano; Lnrrt, ll;^c; Flour, good lurce, tile lluadH uf de{iarlliiL'iilH Htlilll retain tllnHu A. Jj. U., in N. Y. Jlloenintj Pout. will be carried in qiiarter-barrels and tin On the .lib, Speaker Kerr appeared before change of their best ideas; if, etc., etc., ills luggage weiglied, registered, and to to choice, *r..a)(a,').7fl; White Wheat Extra, pernoiiH who may lie ve viineed Hie money for an outtit, aud ciuir- chalk apalyzed by a chemist of Chicago irnm iwiiiity.tii thirty the iiumlier of otheerH In J. Jackson and JIiij. Thoiuiis .Morrison—both for actual intelligence from the seat of money after bud, so lii.i only resource.ia in the Legislature on joint Iwllyt. of whom liad rendered gallant service in the wdlli Hio following result: Ninety-eight tliu army. Uenillcd to teach milliary tactics war. tered her to bike to Philadelphia. Tlie to try and save sonietliing by oheidiug the ttiraiigliniit [111! cneiiiry. The Iiltl tn aiiiciid the voluiit.cer army. Tlieso gentleman had both per cent, was pure chalk, one per cent, Till! Minnesota Prohibition State Conven­ emit is said not only to be a great curiosi­ railway clerk. And so, never for a mo­ hiWH i-iilalliii; to ihe luen] tundur of sliver coin, declined, and .Mr. Kerr waanot iiwaretbatany A re.isonablo proporlion of tlie very ty ill point ol construction, but has num­ was moisture and one per cent, was alime- tion, held at Minneapolis on the 7th, adopted kuown as liie Silver hill, wiw debated aiidpiiBt- Deinoeratie soldier iiad ever applied to him ment seeming to think but what he can limited space was allowed for the adver­ erous inventions never bclbre seen on a stonc. This for inirily far exceeds tlio a platform and chose a State electoral ticket jwued to the:!i>lh....In tlio ilouHU the rosi-Hniite for the place. He held the appoiiitnient beat down the price of the freight, he sets English chalk which is now'in general In behalf of Smitii and Stewart, the nominees hill and the hill to prevent *itraw bids were nt the service of the people of his tisements, but those of goods for sale were vessel of any kind, wliicli Mr. Draper, lo work to bargain as he did i'or liis rail-, pacHcil.aiid the .'jenale anieudnients to Mie bill not many. In one of the Philadelphia Hie backwoods builder luis studied out use. Mr. Henry inl'orms us Hiat in his. of the National Convention for rresident and relating to the ex-ecillinii nf GilHt/mi-IInllHe biiilds, district or State, if uny should apply; way ticket, but ends by having to pay the but none did so apply, of whom he has tliu newspapers, .Tosepii Stiinsbury, crockery himself. Draper has cliartered his vessel vicinity Ibero ia an immense suiipiy of Vice-President. .•., . , , ,,,, ... ., for the relief of settlers ou cermin jinhllc liinds full demand. it—enough to build a largo city. Un­ anil cHinlillHliIiig Choboyuun, Micli^ nn n port nf slightest recollection, and when tiie loiiir ses­ dealer, anxious to dispose of his stock, for three months in order to get the means TiiK Michigan. Repuhllcati;y(i)to'Cnnvcn. delivery, were cniicurred In. A tJoiiiiuitttie nf sion of Congress was well advanced, and the evidently, before Hie hostile armies of taking his family on atrip to Australia. The ncenc inside the railway, station doubtedly Western Kansas will becomt tion has been called to meet at'Lansiti"on Cnnferuiice WIIH appointed on the Consular and time for these appointments was passing about Hiis time fairly baftles description. celebrated for its chalk productions.— Diploiiiallc Appropriation hill. reached that region, advertises extensive- The vessel is of about fifty tons burllien. the !3d of August, to nominate a State tickeU away, he was called upon by Green, and hud Hundred? are lighting and bargaining for Ilays (Kan.) Sentinel. recommended tiiui for the position, without ly, and the articles must to a.groiit extent She is expected heri'. every day, and will have been of a cliiss which our modern remain in the harbor several days.—Port- tbeir tickets, scores are tloing the same Tut! Georgia Democratic State Convention THE PoBlolIIco Appropriation' bill was tee or favor. DK. BAMUKJ.. Biiicir, of the British 3Iu- amended in the Senate, nn the iltli, by ihcreiiHlni,' m • m relic-hunters, chiuii-miid, would give a land (.)/«.) J'rcsH. for .the freight of tiieir baggage. The has been called to mfcot on the 2d of August. seum, says that one cannot study history the niiuHiiits nft'cverul of the Items, and the hill, IT IS said tlint the Loudon brokers, tak­ small fortune to become possessors of— raihvay whistles sound, the station boll I SfjTCMi, dispatches! from BIsmarcki'.D.T., intelligently without first undaistanding iis amended, was then paHiicd....A hill allouliij; ing advantage ol' tlio French/i/rn?'*; of in- '^ China and Nonquin ware;" of teapots WuKN a young man in Hamilton, Ont., rings, but all to no purpose. It is i-are, on the 8tli and 0th announce the arrival there the widow of i'riiHident I'idk* Sl.'ifO fomiippIleH. the pottery'of the people. This may bo- ilignution over the Suesi transfer, " un­ alono he enumerates "earthen, Egyptian, forsakes a girl after an engagement of indeed, except in large presidential towns, fanilHlied lo the army In Tennesi:ee was passed true of original investigators, but hardly of a train of twenty-seven' wagflns and forty. loaded" acme of their surplus Turkish Eiruscaii, embossed, red china, agate, twenty-six years, Hic courts make hitn that a train q»ver starts witliin half an hour III the llniiHe. An,exciting rnnulng debalu oc­ applies to thogencral public, wlio haveno. ivM men from the Deadwodd, mining regions. curred over Mr. IJIalne's inotln'n to recouslder the and Egyptian stocks in Purls just before green, black, colitlower, striped nnd pay her ifTOU, or about ^25 per year. of the time advertised. At last, slowly timo'for side studios. • ' TheiWty'hud'Willi tlieiii between flSjOOO vctg for the printing of the testimony taken the market fell. fluted i" also, "cgg.sliccrs, chccae-toast-| Cheap enough. ' and by degrees, the Oiird-class carriages SERENADE IN SI FLAT, Europe. Thoy liaU formerly nnplied the CEM'ENNMALITIGS. last momonts he wha delirious,'and fan­ UiatresBiii? Cuftualtf—Five Cliililron aj;o wasglvonhim to Boston, ando'u lilsar-. Curi08itlea of |;he New .Yoric Ulrectory. name porcelain to cowrie sholls, whlcli cied he was lit his placu in tho ball-tieUl, ,;, Uurued tu Death. rival tlicru ho was startled at tho rumor that • MylCitdcliDOT-iny Mudolliiot represented ,Oriontal money, because of V—A largo mosaic from the ruins of Car- facing his old pitclicr, Bradley. His last his wife was nu the eve of lioing married to Qoulding's New Y^ork City Directory, : Jtf itrlC'tny mi'luuioiiri nildulKht iiioang; words •wore: "Two out, Brad—steady, aMr. Kusaoll; of Boston; This wus;'an;ad- just issued, contains 30-1^748 names, being ' Much limy my niuUiut; inuiitc luuan, their rcsomhlanco to the pink backs of lit­ tlingc has just been added to Uiu Tunisian About one mtie back from Lake St. JUy muuiUutud inomitoiiiiai tle pigs, uud afterward, iis the transparent dupurlmcnt. now—he wonts u high ball—steady, ;]lr«d Clair, ut Stoiiy.Foiut, some fliteen miles, ditioDiil stroke, and rendered his mind, n 11,115 more tliaii Ihat'bf li"!'' year's •i'ol- and exquisite China ware resembled the —The ladles of Japan, Norwaj', Swtv —there, I knew it: that settles it.", above Wiiidsor; stood a rather largo farm-' iprey to the itiost gloomy thoughts. ' Poor lime. tSome very curious names may bo Mv mindolin^B'niUd'inliiiitrelay,' house whichwas the residence of Francis and iiennilcsa) ho started from Boston on found betweon lis covers; as for.' instance, My mbiiul ihiiaic uaguitiue, Cowrie shult, it was called by .tlie isaiho den, Brazil and Canada have exhibits in —The wife of 01c Bull sailed hoinNow' name. ' Uio Woman's Pavilion. York, recently, to join her husband at his Mailloux, his wife and aovcn children, tho jfoot for New)»rt, there lo await the issue.' thero are &t) Banks and only 17 Bunkora/ 3Iv iiifiuib, my niludt uiy in«morv, On his urriviil he entered tho back door 2 Tubbs with' 1 Bottom. Tho dillerent Mug: uililL'linK murmur " Mudulinc." The word philopena comos from the —The rule requiring a fifty-cent piece home in Norway. AVhile Jfr. Bull has oldest sevuilteen years of ago and tlie, (German tongue, and the original word, been making his musical tour through youngest eight mimths old. The liouae ,of his former residence, in tlie cliaraclor colors repreaoiited are Blue, Brown„Gi'ay, Slustur 'inlil luidnlttht inaBqucrudo, at the giite is still in force. 'Visiiors will of a mendicant, and craved food from the Green, Black, While and Purple. Then vielliebehein, has quite a romantic ; story do well to he»r this in mind; it will save Europe and Egypt, Mrs. Bull has been ^vas built of hewed logs Willi clapboards Murk Muijrliib miildcuii, luuirons, mien, connected with it. It was the custom residing with her parents in this country, on tho outside, and consisted of a main servants, which was readily granted. there i ar/i-2 Doctors, 2 Quacks and 3 IMoiigut Muruia'ii mod mujumlo mitldtt, trouble. part with two stories and a kilehen addi­ After iifipeasing tho cravings of hunger, Ducks; Snow, Kain and Wind; Spring, ^Muiuli mo my matchlt^nsMudulino. among tlie young people of Alsace ami and spending her leisuro time in translat­ —The Humboldt statuowill bo unveiled ing a Norwegian novel, which will soon tion at Iho rear end. In tho front part of ho inquired if Mrs. Cranston was tho mis­ Summer and .Winter. The name of aiankind'ii miil".Toloiico may raako Lorraine (then as now under German rule) on the Foiirtli ot .luly at eight o'clock Smith occurs over 2,fi00 times, the Mc's ;, '.Mucli muluiiclioly niuulo mluui to betroth themselves by eating the halves be published in Chicago. Thoy expect to the lower story was a bedroom, in wliicli tress of tlie house. On being answered Many my iiKiUvus may mlHtiiku. a. m. Over fifty singing and other socie­ return lo this country in the autumn. Mr. ]\lailloux, his wife, tlie baby and the in tho afllrinative, ho stated that ho had occupy 108 columns, about SO names to a. of double almonds, and to greet one an­ ties will jiarticipate in the coroinunics. a message which he wished to communi­ column. There urp a Trout, 23 Salmons Mymoduiit murltninucli malign. other, when next they met, as "well-be­ oldest child wore sleeping. The upper —The American Literary Union exhib­ —Kx-Senator Sprague, of Bhodc Island, story contained two hu-ge' rooms, winch cate to her. On being Informed that it and a Suckers; 2 ScJiools and 1 School- SIv Madulinu's moKt mirthful mood loved." When these countries wore united is said to bo tho hardest workingmitn of were separated by a small hall and stair­ would bo ontiroly out of her power lo house, -Nvith 1, Bchoolmiistor; Kings, Much inollirk'K my mltid'H muchiuo, with France, they lost llioir own language its a large collection of autograph letters, ilvmourufnlnesi'B mai;iiltudu including Kenjamin Franklin, Gen. La­ the large Ibrco employed in repairing tho way. In ihu front room, up-stairs, tho comply with his wishes, as alto was then Dukes, Princes and Lords in abundance, Mulig—makct} mc murry, Aladollnu. to a great extent, and many words whicli fayette, Prof. Agassiz, and other celebri­ damage done at Baltic by the great flood remaining five children were sleeping. making preparations for her nuptial cele- and 1 Kingdom; a Pie, 5 Hous and 1 they retained became corrupt, among ties. of March last. He is the first man on the Between iho stairway and the bedroom oc bration, which'was to take place that Pigeon, !t Sparrows, 3 Lions and a Mule, Matcli-maklUK ma'd may machluatu, others this old expression. It .gradually ground In tho morning and tho last to with 18 Hiders and only 1 Horseman; 20 Jla»i!UV(irlii« misscH muuUuwuun, —Accidents on the gijpuiids -requiring cupied by the giarents was the dining- evening, the heart of Cranston was seized Mure muiiuv may make many male. chan.ged until it became "phllippo," leave ut night. Tlio whole work there is room, and the lower landing of the stair­ witli the most painful emotion,. that his Barbers, with a single Shaver. George My maijlc muito'a—'•.Madeline!" which, when properly pronounced, sounds medical attendanco are becoming quite under his supervision. He is frequently way was between the dining-room and the lovely, adored wife was about to espouse Washington's name occurs !) limes, that like the o"d \yord, but with us it has he- frequent. Physicians arc always in readi­ to bo seen aa lato as ten o'clock at night another. . He requested the servant to tell of Thomas Jeirerson once, John Q. 3Ielt. moat mcllllluous mulody ness at the hospital back of the Judges' kitchen. \Mld»l Mnrchf :4 mli^ty mouutfl marine, come "philopena." This old custom is coming from up Ihe river, where ho has her mistress that ho had seen her hus­ Adams twice and Benjamin Franklins 31utJt muby mooiilii;lit—marry mu, kept up among these people to the pres­ hall. been faborinj; all ihiy, with a large force About nine o'clock Wednesday night band that day at twelve o'clock crossing limes. There is 1 Gent and 1 Melndy, Madonna nua—MaduUnu! ent lime, and instead of giving an ordi­ —The judges complain that the exhib- of men, driving logs down the stream. Mr. Mailloux and his ^ile wereawakened Howland's Ferry. and •l.'i Churches and 11 Der.cons, with 5 nary present to the one whl) "catches" ilors in the Machinery Department do not by the struggles of the baby, wliicli was Pastors. Of Pitcliers there are 5 and of —X. Y. Orajihlc. —Four of Daniel Drew's gnuulchildren in the bed with Ihem, and immediately the other, nothing less satislies them than ninke provision for the explanation of the have petitioned the ProbiMo Court to have Such intelligence, so unaccountable, yet Bowles 12. East, AVost, Nortli and South various niiiehiues to those who wish lo ex­ they discovered that tlioir room was filled highly interesting, brought Mrs. Cranston are to be found;Turks, High, Low, Uicli WOllUS AM) SVJIBOLS. an exchange ot liearls. him removed from his position aa Trustee witli smoke. To spring from tho bed Quite a number of words m one lan­ amine them. of their properly. By the provisions of from her toilet, to look on the bearer of and Poor; a Lovely,. Dancer, Pin and with the baby in their arms and to awaken such intelligence. Ho briefly rehearsed Needle. Of the different, nationiilitics I bavo horu only made n tioaogay of cullud guage now in common use have come —Tlic system of teaching the blind is their father's will Uicy woio to redeive the oldest cliild was but the work of an in­ iln\vurs« and bavu brou^ibt uotliin^ of my own but. from the names of tnen who were cele­ fully exemplified in the Pennsylvania Ed- half of their portions at the ago of twenty- over the sufloringa which her husband had there are Dutch, English; French, Irish the tJtrin^ which hinaa thum to;£ULhur,—Mott- stant. Then they opened tho door into endured,.whichshe listened to with the and Welsh, and John Germany, who sells iaianii. brated lor certain qualities which these ucationul Building, and numerous speci­ one years and tho balance at the age of Iho dining-room, with the intention of words now express to us. The word mens of handiwork from ditlerent institu­ thirty-one years. Mr. Drew has been act­ deepest interest., illo wished lo know of beer. There ia also a Moranon and \'t It wouUl iilmost scorn ns ihoiigli words going out*at llie side-door and also to Christians; 15 Storys, with 2 Morals. fuilyii is an insiance, and according to tions are also exhibited. ing aa Trustee, therefore, for a long time, awaken the children up-stairs. There Sirs. Cranston whether she lia/1 ever seen and symbols wc'i'e iisiiiixioiis to keep tlioir J>'lsraeli, is derived from tlie name of an and it is thought most of the properly has him before. Dressed iii. sailor's garb, There are March, June, July and August; age a secret ns hirtics are reputed to be, so —The remains of Coin. Perry's liagship they were met by a wall of tiro extending !t Onions, 2 Segars, Albany aiid Boston; old sea-captain whose imagination was Lawrence will soon be exhibited at the been swallowed up in his speculations. across the opposite side of the dining- with a tarpaulin hat partially drawn over youlUrul and jaunty do some of tliem ap. sometimes too much for him to contend His present condition of health is very his eyes, alio replied in the negative. Copper, Iron and Brass; Butchers, Long pear, wliicli really have the dust of ages Centennial. It will be shipped piecemeal room and driving them back with its and Short, Lambs, with 4 Heads; 87 with. Mr. OTsraeli quotes from a pam- from Erie harbor. At tiie close it will be precarious, and it is lielieved be cannot Hwl'iil heat. Closing tlie door, Mr. Mail- Finding himself a stranger, and un­ cliuiiing to llielrforms, and cuuld toll us, live through the summer. known, in his own mansion, lie at last Wise and 3 Nott. Cain, Abel and Adam if •we knijW enough to make them impart phletonlitled " HeaiarUs uponilie Wary," cut up and .sold for chairs, canes, etc. loux (lassed through the bedrooir. and are numerouslv represented. There are Jiublislied in the eiuhteentli century, as parlor and out at the front door, raised liis li:d and gave her a si.gniticaut their mystery, interesting stories ol: Greek —The Bureau of Information is in —Of the late Jlr. Bloss's curious man­ look, at tiie same moment pointing to a (J Courts, lil Judges and 1 Lawyer,-with or iloniiiu customs, and curious tales of follows: "There was in one time one working order. A full directory is kept uscript the Cincinnati Unrjuirer says; followed by his wife with tlie baby and 43 Cases. Pincus Pincus is a barber, and Caplaing Fudge, who, ujxm his return oldest child. Taking them to a sale dia- scar on his forehead, and exclaiming; the long ago. Jt strikes us strangely to of exliiuitors and their diapliiys, and of The peculiarity ol his chirograpiiy, " Did you, Mrs. Cranston, ever see that Anson House keeps a hotel. from a voyage, how ill-fraught soever his the names and residences of home and wliich was so often commented upon, was tauce from the house, Air. Mailloux turned see a small cUaraoter preserving its form, ship was, always brou.ghl liometheowners to give the alarm to the remainder of mark before V She at onco flung herself and surviving all the attacks of time, un­ foreign Commissioners and Judges of supposed to lU'iso from some peculiar de­ on his bosom, and exclaimed, in trans, There arc aS Baptist Churches, 5 Con­ a good cargo of lies; so much so that now Awards. fect of the brain. Although he knew his family, and saw a small, quivering changed, wliile the generations wliieli aboard ship, the sailors, when they hear a flame struggliug through the roof, which ports of joy: "You are my own, own gregational, 3 Friends, 2-1 Jewish Syiiar gave it being liavo passed away, their —" That's tho Main Building," said a well enough what tho characters ought lo was compleiely overshadowed with tliick dear, long-lost husband!" ' goguos, lil fjutheran, 50 Metfyodist Epis­ great lie told, cry out, "You fudge it!" be, ho lacked tho ability to transmit to copal, 48 Presbyterian, 5 Reformed Pres­ cities crumbled into dust, and lUeir very The word cant isderived from the nams guide at the Centennial to a greenliorn and dense volumes of smoke. Then it It required, as you may well imagine, nation become simply a remembrance. yJl ironi tlie Pine-tree State, llie oihsir day. the muscles and nerves of his band the was that ho saw a sight calculated to some liltlo time for tho paroxysm to sub­ byterian, 7 United Presbylerian, 77 of a clergyman in Cromwell's time, wlio conception of liis mi ml. He held tho jien Protestant Episcopal, 20 Keformed Dutch, tlio dollar-iuark ($J is such uu iiistuuce, was conspicuous, even among the Kound- "Golly!" replied Uic loyal son of Jlaine, siiake the stoutest heart. Tho chamber side, and fi>r Mr. Cranston to dross him­ tlie oldest syiuljol kuo\Vn to the human " I knowed our buys would put up some- by the e.xtreino end. His writing was became suddenly lighted, and ho could self in a manner becoming his rank and 51 Koman Catholic; 4 Unitarian^'S Uni- lieads, for his long prayers, his frequent simply a species of hieroglyphics, but he versalist and IU miscellaneous.—N. Y, race in u.se, as a late writer in one of our use of Scripture language, and the man­ thin'line." see that it was lllled with smoke. Still station, before entering the drawin.g-room, magazines proves, for thousands of years. —Children! frequently become seiMirat- made his characters always alike, and one none of tiic children appeared. He went where the elegant group hud ussemblod 'Tribune. ner peculiar to the .stern old Puritans. could, by close study, in time learn to de­ Long, long ago, before Britain was discov­ His name was used to the Cavaliers, and ed from their parents in consequence of to the side door and found the stairway a to witness the ceremony. ered, a Tyriau navigator,siiiling in scarcli the crowds. They, together with all cipher them. Many persons supposed mass of fire. He returned to tho front Mr. Russell and tlie ollloiating clergy­ A. Slurdercr's Dying Oonfesslou. .' we hear it still in daily conversation to tliat his bad manuscript was caused by of a new country and a new liomo, raised designate any wlYiny, hypocritical, relig­ other lojt articles, are taken to the head­ door and dashed into the room wild with man were already iireseni, and nothing at Cadiz a temple to Jlercules, and williin quarters of the Centennial guard, where dtorea scriptorum or Scrivener's palsy, but fear and for a minule was lost to sight. was wanting but the appearance ,of tlic In January, 1873, a double murder was ious conversation. tills was not the case. Hia chirograpiiy it placed two pillars of gold and silver, Dun is a word of similar origin, the liiey can be reclaimed. When he returned his hands were badly bride. Soon, hwwovcr, slie entered, grace­ cominilted at Angorvillers, France, on tho their capitals engraved willi curious char­ was something wonderful in its illegibil- burned and his hair, whiskers and eye­ fully leaning on tlio arm of Mr. Cranston, person of a gamekeeper and his wife. In name of a bailitf in the time of Uuiiiy —.-Ulhough the exhibits in the dillerent ily, and there is scarcely a priming- brows were singed. He was met by his acters which no one could read,but wiiich VII., so stern and severe that he never buildings are labeled with cards warning whom she introduced as her long-absent Sei)tember of the sanio year a domestic were supposed to be the chains whieli bound oiiice in the country wiiere there isn't a wife and together they looked at the husband. Tlio scene was worthy of the servant was almost mortally wounded at failed to collect a debt; so, when men visiiors not to toucii Uiem, yet the in­ sample of " J51o.ss" hung up somewhere to chamber wimlow. There they saw indis­ tlie earth and sea together. These pillars grew weary of a man who never paid, quisitive linger, cane or umbrella con­ chisel ol the artist, and produced emo­ tho rectory of Vaugrigneux and a fanner became in time the "arms of Cadiz, and try the composiuirs. tinctly through the smoke the forms ot tions of delight in tlio minds of the guests. by the name of Bunoc, aged seventy-one, Uiey grow to exclaiming: "I'll have it, tinues to usurp the place of vision. Tlie tlioir children fianlically waving their iipoU'Cliarles V. becoming Emperor of anyway; I'll J>un him." only safe.guard seems to bo to place them Mr. Jtu.saell, with true magnanimity, in­ was literally chopped to pieooa with a Germany, in the new coat of arms Ihcy hands and feebly struggling to reach the hatchet iu his own garden. In Novem­ 1 have lately read of a conceited mem­ entirely out of reach, lilvc the animals in INCIOKM'S AND ACCUJEMS. sash. One by one they disappeared until sisted that the marriage ceremony should became tlie supporters of the device. The ber of Congress, a Col. Buncombe, v.'lio a menagerie. be repeated, ho giving tho bride to her ber, 1873, one M. Diival, a gentleman of Imperial mml was established at Seville, only two remaiueil in sight, and just then independent means was assassinated, at was conslanlly upon his feet, making —Nevada has erected a State building —James Thompkins, of Sandersonville, a pane of glass was shattered, the frag­ former husband, and endowing lier willi and upon the standard dollar as the most Ga., died from eating plums a few days the amount which he Intended to settle on Forges lea Baines, in a similar'way, after prominent ligure was : placed the pillars long, wordy speeches, containing nothing a few steps soutlt of jMachinery Hall, and ments iis they dew being followed by a but his own glorllication. On one occa­ ago. His sickness was peculiar. He cloud of smoke, which hid the window her as his wile.—Jlanhatlan Monthly. wliiciiliis houao was ransacked; aud on •witli the scroll twined about them, the put up a silver quartz mill, which is in wvas always prepariug to celebrate the Centennial with of glass, the window above their heads, such an exhibition in this city at the pros- complicea, known sis the Chevalier gang, the new home made. Parlher back in the In the early a,ges of the Christian era due honor. They propose also to com­ —^A little child residing on Eighth lived an Arabian physician and chemist, street at Washington was one night" re­ where but a short time before they had ent time, and, although not advertised, some time ago, and the.-;e are now await­ ages than this, even, was the llrst .lewisli memorate the event liy placing a marble seen their children, sent forth a huge, hot save by a placard in front of the building ing their Irial at the prison of Mazas. temple, and at the entrance to this was a Dr. Geber, whose life was spent in en­ slab, appropriately inscribed, upon the cently attacked by rats, which gnawed deavoring, by chemical processes, to turn away the llcshy portion of its left hand, bar of llanie, driving the now thoroughly where it is to be seen, there ia a daily at­ Maillard, who is in a dying stale, has placed, as we are told in II. Ivings, two tomb of Lafayette. TJie palrioiic feeling distracted parents away from beneath it tendance of '100 persons to witness this made a partial confession, to the ell'ect pillars, which are supposed to have rep­ tl'ie bai?er niclals Into ,gold. He was one thus evinced cannot fail to excite generous andinllictod many gashes about the neck of the very earliest writers on chemistry, and chest, severing an important artery. and telling with terrible brevity the sad very novel sight. Tlie proprietor calls that he and his companions were the resented the pillars of cloud and lire. To rivalry among Americans elsewhere in fate of their little ones. All that could himself Prof. Bartolotto, and claims to be authors of the Limours murders, for but so obscure waj his style of composi­ Europe - . —Miss Ellen Starr, a young lady living those who are aeciuainied with mis history tion, tlnit his name, Geber, has given us bo had been done by the parents, and the original inventor of the show, and all which a number of iniiocenl persons have it is railier amusing to be told that the —in a letter to the Pitll Mall Giizetlc, of in Knox County, Tenn., while walking in returning to the two surviving children been arrested. Tho rural postnuin was the word gibberish, expressing a collec­ the yard a few days ago, stooped to pick oilier exhibitorsof trained ficas impostors. ciuiraoter is simply a combination of the tion of jwords with no meaning attached. London, the correspondent of that paper they gave themselves over completely The iirofessor is over sixty years old, and found strangled iu a wood near Limours, loners U. S., iutunaiing that our youthful has called attention to tho curious fact up a llower. As she touched it a copper­ to their grief, where they were found aud a paper was found uu the body tend­ Hut the little story wrapped up in the head snake, which was concealed in the has been engaged in this business for America invented this, the most ancient word dunce is quite a sad one, and shows that in nearly all tlie departments of the shortly after by their neighbors. The forty years. He is a quaint individual,- ing to show that he liad committed sui­ of symbols, which >vas in use ages before Exhibition the conlributiohs of the United grass, bit her on the hand. She became nearest neighbor lived iialfn mile away and his discourses upon fleas are aa ao- cide lil order to escape the vengeance of na quite convincingly that fame and delirious and sull'ered excruciating pain, and it is probable that no assistance would Columbus was b(jrn. Kqually mistaken honor, one century, may turn to contempt States and iliose of the British Empire rioua upon his part as if lie were reatling four people whom he denounced as the is the idea that the symbol is a contraction rise and fall together in the comparison and at last accounts wasthouglil not likely have arrived had it not been for Hector Limours assassins. On inquiry this de­ and disresjiect the next. This word, so to recover. Predhomme, of vvinusor, who, while rid­ an essay upon metaphysics. The man of the'Span isli word jjiMu,?, meaning dol­ eomnionly used in anything but a com­ with other eountrie.i. The fact has no sits behind a small tabic, covered with a nunciation was ascertained to be' ground- lars, or that the original way of writing particular imporlanco, perhaps, but it —John Scanlan, a PIttsfield (Mass.) ing about a mile away, saw the flames leas, and Maillard iu his qoulcssion ad­ plimentary manner, comes from the name and gavii the alarm. Soon there were white cloth, and his Lilipntian apparatus Uie character was S S, from the dollar be­ of a man so celebrated for learning that seems a curious illustration of the lact gardener, was found dead in his room the are marvels of mechanical skill. Tho mits having strangled the unlucky post­ ing a piece'of eight reals. that people of a common language and other evening. Being atllicled with a fifteen or twenty persons at the scene, and man and placed the paper where it was he was termed the "subtle doctor," and while some of them attended lo the grief- fleas are larger tlian tho lively creatures The Jinglish pound (.€) owes the hori­ so full of genius that though dying at the common history show the same general lame back, he had been ordered to bathe whi-ili are usually so troublesome. He found. zontal bars to the same symbol, for in it with a mixture of laudanum, belladonna stricken purenls tho others turned their at­ early age ol thirty, he was'known far and tendencies in their industries as well as in tention to extinguishing the llamea. Af­ nianapea to attach them to the performing the lime of llenvy VHI., when the pres­ their political and social ideas, in spite of and capsicum, and, as a thiee-ounce bottle instruments bv moans of infinitesimal Slcci> is the llusi Stiuuilaut. ent pound was introduced, these pillars, wide oil account of the knowledge he pos­ ter an hour's hard work the lire was out. sessed. His name wn.s Duns Scntus, and national division lines. partly full was found by his side, it is Tlien began the sad search for the bodies. girths of silk fiber around their bodies. had come to be recognized as the eslab- ho was one of the famous schoolmen edu­ —From plicjlograplis on exhibition, the supposed ho swallowed tho luediciuo by They are released from this bondage at The best possible thing for a man to do lislied money symbol. The L came from cated at the Cathedral .schools founded by visitor can obSin a very good idea of the mistake. six p. in., and placed in harness early in when he feels too weak to carry anything the Latin librti, a balance, and slguilied a the brilliant Charlcmngne. Hut alas for diamond mines in tho Cape of Good —George K. Frintz, clerk in the Cin­ the morning. Upon being released Bar­ tlirough is to, go. to bed and sleep for a standard by which to weigh the precious fame! In after years, at the revival of Hope, and their method of obtaining and cinnati P'iistolUco, was to have married a Last aeen near tlio front window, the tolotto allows them to feed upon his arm, week if ho ciin. This is the only recuper­ metals. learning, the woiks of tlie once famous preparing the precious stones. Workmen young lady in the Wesl End on the even­ search for the children began at that point, and he seems to enjoy their feeding quite ation of brain power, tlie only actual re­ The word dollar coiues from the Ger­ schoolmen fell into disrepute, and men may here be seen hacking away with ing of tlieOth. The guests assembled and but thoy were not there. At last, in a as niucii aa they" relisli it. What is cuperation of brain force; because, during man, and means valley. It seems that, in began to look with contempt upon the their picks a few feet below the surface; the bride was in readiness, but Frlnlz did corner of the room, about fifteen feet strange about these educated fleas is that sleep, the brain is in a state of rest, in a the early pari of the sixteenth century, followers of Duns Scotus. They began to while other pictures represent tlie plat­ not make his appearance. A friend call­ away from the •vvindow, were llnuul clus­ they never strive to escape. After their condition to rocoive and appropriate part­ there liveil in tlie little lown of Joachim- say sarcastically •" He is a Ouiis man," form only, the miners having du.g them­ ing at his room next morning found him tered together in a sickening, horrible feeding lie picks tliem up one at a time icles of nutriment from the blood, which istlial, in Germany, a powerful tioblo and linaUy, " Ho is a dunce." It is selves out of sight. A lino of men with upon the bed. AVithout saying a word heap, the remains of the five unfortunate and places them in a compartment of a take tho place of those which have been family. From the year 1517 'to.'_ 1520 the enough to make a man turn in his grave; wheelbarrows are hauling up the masses he (Frintz) drew a revolver and shot him­ ones. They were not distiuguisliable, small circiUar box, each space numbered, consumed in previoua labor, aince tho Counts of Schlick were accustomed to but as this thing has been going on a of rock and lumps of dirt from which the self through the heart. The luotivo of the there bein.g no clothing, nothing but and though it requires uncommon cre­ very act,of thinking consumes or burns coin pieces of money weighing'an ounce, diamonds are lo he extricated. Arriving suicide is unknown. bones and portions of limOs. The details dulity, he assures viaitora he never makea up solid particles, as every turn of the thousand years or so, it is to be lioped are too liorrible to relate, but may be resil- which,[rom the lown, were culled Joaehim- poor Duns Scotus has become used to it at the lop of the phuform, the loads are a mistake in assigning liis fleas to any wheel or screw of tho splendid steamer is is-lhaler, This being rather too much —That was a somewhat dramatic allair ized when it is stated that when collected tlie result of consuiaption by lire of the by this time. (Uimi)oil in a trough and sent down to the in the Court-Mouse at Providence, R. I., tliey Were placed In an ordinary Hour rocnns but tiioae which belong lo tlieiu. •of a mouthful, the word was shortened to It is c[uite a curious study to trace the washing-machine on tlie level. Tliey never get into wrong rooms. fuel in the furnace. The supply of con­ thaler, and gradually changed to uoUar, when Asa Fairbanks died on the witness barrel and occupied about half the spiice sumed Ibrain substance can only be had lineage of some words now considered —A funny incident receu.lly occurred at stand the other day. He was a poor man, therein. It is impossible, without seeing tliem, The symbol of the cross, which one very inelegant, but we lind, if we carry from the nutritive par'icles in the blood, naturally connects with the time ol our the Massacliusetls State Building at the and had become eslranged front his to conceive of the feats performed by these' whicli were obtained from the food eaten our invosi.igution far enough inUitlie shad­ daugliters because a fortune of :i;300,000, It is not known how or where the lire educated insects. The first process of Savior, dates many centuries back of the Centennial Grounds. Col. Oliver has originated, but it is supposed that it be­ previously; and the brain is so constituted owy past, which is, however, illuminaled cliarge of the edilice and coiilents. The a large part of which would uauirally training a wild fleii'is to place it iu a Christian era, and extends so far in the by as brilliant lights in the realms ol gan in the kitchen. that it can best receive and appropriate to shadowy past thai the time of its birth is other day a midd'.e-aged woman from the have fallen lo him, was left lo them. He sort of a tread-mill with .glass ijides; ills itself those nulritive particles during a prose and poetry as any we can produce fell once, before the fatal stroke came, Mr. iMailloux and his wifoareboth bad­ called the preparatory school. Tho fiea lost in darkness. We (ind that it was an Hay Slate called at tlie building, and wan­ ly burned about the face anil arms, and state ot rest, of quiet, and stillness of | 'in the present day, thai these despised dered around until she came to the private and, as ho was reviving, one of tho daugh­ hops around, beating against the glass ornament among the Ktruscang; tliat it words wore then in high favor, and used ters kissed liim, whereupon ho pushed her as yet have not been in condition lo re­ sloop. iMere stimulants supply nothing was engraved among Assyrian hieroglyph­ reception-room of the Governor. The late their frantic ellbrls to save the lives sides madly enough at llrst, but when it in themsolvoa; they goad the brain, and by the best writers. Such a word is double doors are always kept wide open, aside, exclaiming: "How dare you, with finds escape impoasiblo, begins to walk ics; used in connection'with Jliiidoo " bully," used by Shakspeare, Scoll, and your !i;150,000, and I haven't got a cent! of their children ; but that they did stru.g- force it to greater consumption ol its sub­ mythological ligures, and even found in so that the entire room and conlents can gle hard is i)lainly shown by the severe on the bottom, and thus takes literally Ihe stance, until tli.at substance has been so I even Irving. The use of ".jolly," in the be seen; but ingress is prevented Ijy means 1 only wafit v.'liat's due me." first civilized step. Tho following are the Mexican antiquities of Central Ameri­ sense of extremely, is centuries old, and nature of their wounds.—Vcirvit If'rce exhausted that there is not power enough ca. To the Greeks and Romnns the cross of a wire-gale about I'lnir feet high. The —K little girl named Lizzie Ivrnntz mot selected from the programme, and, writ­ left lo'receive a supply, just as men are we find this expression in a theological J'rens. ing from personal obs'irvation, I can as­ was known also, not only in the common old liidy shook the gate, and demanded with a singular accident in Baltimin-e re­ »••••* so near death by thirst and starvation that I work published in London in 11)50: " All that itsliould be oponetl; whweupon Col. sure you that thatthere isnohumbuginil: form, but in all the varieties that we have was ,iolly quiet at ICphosus before St. Paul cently. Slie was sbmdlng on the sidewalk there is not power enough left to swallow I at present; so how, or where, or when it Oliver explained Ihe uses of the room, watching ii woman cut grass inside a y.trd, A Itoninnco of Hliodo Islnuil. 1. Coach drawn liy two fleas, the anything, and all is oym. — Scienlifia\ went thither." We also lind ivatlierlnc and lold her that, visitors were not ad­ coachman with wliip', two fieas inside all originated will probably never be known. saying to I'olrucio: ami had hold of a rail of the iron fencing, American. 'I'he oxclanialion, " Hurrah!" how often mitted to the apartment. She bracetl her- about four feet high from tho copin.g, i'li In connection witli Newport and piracy dressed. have we heard it sliouted as the healthy, 'Tin like you'll prove a Jolly i^nrly Krooin. self as if for a prize-light, lixed herspecla- such a manner that the line jinint of the the " History of Kliode Island" reconis a 2. A miniature sloamer drawn by one The Biggest Boar Story. roystering sehool-boy rushed past, or the In Olway's " Venice Preserved," con­ cles llrmly, rested her eagle eyes on the rail was partially inserted betweon a rin.g touching slory whidi, as the author says, dea, drn.gging tiOO times lis own weight. exciteil politiciau expressed his liking for sidered by Goldsmith the finest tra,gedy in Colonel, and then said, iu a voice like the on the little tin,ger :ind the llesh. Her sil- seems more like fiction than fact, we ;l. A li'iodef street-car drawn by one Ilea Tho fieno (Ney.) G'nstfHdrepeats it thus: one candidate or another, little dreaming the language after those Shaksi'icare pro­ whistle ot a narrow-gauge locomolive: tention was allracled from behind, and in give the domes.tic tale—which would (this shows the wonderful strength of the "I've fought'em slandiu' and runuin',1 of the far-olf origin of the word so com- duced, we lind wlial would now be con­ " My husband voted lor Gov. Kice, and turning around fell from the coping, make a luucli more charming and attract­ flea—the car and contents is 1,200 times but the toughest citizen I ever lit ontol uionly used. It seems it is really derived sidered an unpardonable expression, I've jusl as good a ri.glit to go in here aa stripping the llesh from the finger, with ive theme for llie poet and dramatist than the weight of the insect). was tt black 'un. He was sittin' in thol . Jrom/in7Ti, which was introduced into viz.; " Pwiip me not for politics." anybody else If you don't open that door llie bime, lo Ihe llrst joint, and pulling " Enoch Arden"—in llie wonis of the his­ •1. A ball-room with orchestra, dancers, cliapparel ealiii' mauzaiiila berries, wlieni Germany by the people who wandered Dreadhil to say,' Pope and 'Drydeii in one minule, 1 will tell uiy husband out the tendon tious hour stemed now to have arrived Philadelphia, in 293 hours. The average Pres'n't Wilson's dead.'" (|uisile porcelain, dainty enough for whom three are killed and live injured. twenty.four hours, wliilo three amiiteur A M:\1) ox lately broke from his driver, 4ind he iivailed himself of it. Having se-, is a little over two and one-third miles an . " Yca,,I heard o' that; an' they say • (iueon Titania herself to' sup neciar and ' m I * ~ Englishmen on tlie London track— nt Dijon, France, drove liiiu up a tree, cured a boat and secreted some provisions hour. Ho left Uio Green Tree yeaterdny nevertooknothin'but water." ambrosia from, and then ot the disgusting Tnk production of pig-iron in the Vaughan, Crossland and Uauso—have and then attacked the carriages in the he committed himself to the winds and morning at seven, and reached Pliiladol- "No, vor don't say so (drinks), t ' hog rolling in mud and. squealing tar United Slates in 1875 was about 2,100,0u() made respectively IIU, 110 and IM miles road, making the hni-.'^es bolt. FiU'two waves, trusting in Divine Providouce for phia at twelve, nineteen miles in five h-hV"' • more lustily Ipr "more" than ever poor net tons, a fallin.^ oil'of about 000,000 m the same time. We throw up the hours iralllc was entirely suspended, protection. Al'icr having been tossed hours. A more agreeable, inlelligentaud '"Never drank nothin'—hero's to y| '• Oliver Twist dared to. What can he (lie tons compared With the production in sponge; but Weston was one of our slow­ many persons seekin.'' slielier in the trees, about for many days he was' so fortunate worthy man we havo never met. Jlr. (drinks), ah-h-u. Yea, he. never, to conncotionV It is in this wise: In 1518 1S74. • est walkers.—iV. Y.Graphii:. when, at last, a squad of gendarmes, with as to fall in with an English ship bound Dietz.coines highly recommended, with nothin' but water." , , , , the Porluguoae ellected at settlenient at * • » '—A base-ball player named Miller, rilles, drew near. The bull charged, Init from Jamaica lo Halifax, who ki'ndly took lell'ers froniGov. Hendricks and tlio Mayor " Well, well, that's: what • fetches ' Hacao ami through Uiem the finest spoci- OP the 83,000 persons employed in formerly catcher of the St. Louis club, received a volley of musketry at twenty him oh board and treated liiin witli markiid of New Wbany.—•P/iiladeljMa Press, aftora while, isn't it, ole. ,1'ol.lery!'—.«. auens ot porcelain were brought into watch-making in Switzerland, one-third died iu PhiladelpUin, recently. In his yards, which quieted hiiu. attention. On his arrival at Halifax a pasa- •Jane 8. , • Commercial llulietin. . , . are women. Mr. Blaino has sdvanoed to a promin­ 6 Blaine, 8 Ooukling, 1 Morton, 1 Mr. Blaine had stated thom to be. Mr. Webb & Mead, the Glotblers. The IngKain Countjr^wS; ent position in the field; he has explod­ Ohandler. This shows , an inolining Hunton and Mr. Knott undertook to ntABON, BilOB.« JVHB 16(1876. ed in the outset the advance of ex-rehel toward Mr. Br^tow. Wo do not wish Q.tem the tido but most ignobly failed, Hill; turned the tables on the partisan to be understood as considering Mr. and tho result of the oontroyersy was irre. isre. j BepnMlfMC.*uityCrafeBtl«a.. Judioiary Committee; worked an invies- Bristow tho ono reprosentativo man. that the'conspirators found themselves y A Republican Conhty Oonventlon will be tigation against himself into an invosti- Wo understand Mr. Blaine .to occupy a poHO of electing tbtrteen delegate* to tlie routed at every point, and tho House licld ut Uie Court Bouno, In the city of Maion, Kation of the Democratic House, and larger share of tho party sympathy which odjourncd leaving Blaine master of the oil Tuesday July 25th, isra, at 13M„ forth e pur- driven tbom to -aoknowlodgo that they has strongchoned daily, but in our field. Stato,o<~ht dalegatcs to theOongreiiiilonal, aro interested in exposing corruption judgment, Mr. Bristow occupies tho CL0THM6! CLOTHING I uud twcntyfour duleKivlvH to Iho Seuatorlal Cnnvontlons, and lor the transnotlon of Buoh only 08 it will sustain partisan ends. more popul.nr place, which will sustain other buBlueHS as may oomo before the Oon- Lc»al Advertisements. vontlon. This record accruing to Mr. Blaine, it him to the cud. The several townships and wards will be telb as a powerful victory; it works 4 DMINISTUAXOR'S SALE. entitle 1 t3 dolcgateii as follows, to-wlt: Men, Youths' Boys and Children! up the ranks of unpledged sympathy; The scono in tho House was one of lly virtue of a license, to nie Kranted, on AInl-lon S'Loroy...... ; B tho llrst day of May, 187(1, by M. IJ. Ohnttur- AurellUH — .0 •XeiiUe...;... 10 sustains his career in the past; marks intense excitement and dramatic oiTeot, ton,,Tuili;o of I'roliato of the county of Inu- Kunlcor HI" .,4 Locke.. 6 ham, and s^tateof MlchlKan, I shall soil at Delhi 6 MasonClty— for tho future, that if nominated no when Mr. Blaine, rising to a question pnlillo aunt Inn, on tho 17th day of June, 187(1, IiiKhrim 7 Istward... •» utnnoo'(dn»k in the unurnoon, i.t tho late rinnnliiK To- onhlp..^ Sdward ....-I fears would bo entertained of his convic­ of privilege, called attention to tho out­ rcsUlencu of .losepli Gale, decuased, In Onoii- The Centennial Fourth of July is near at hand; Lnnslni; Olty— Meridian 0 dau», Insald county, all thorlt;ht title und iHt ward a Onondaga H tions being such as will command a rageous attempt on the part of tho sub- Interest ot which tlie said Joseph Gale died, 2(1 wuril •... .7 Stoflkhrldso * K(.l/.cd,ln aiul lo the foUowInu land, t<>-wlt: largo, intelligent, patriotic vote. Judiciary committee to force from him The west half of the southeast quarler of 'M ward u Ve vny 5 Reel Ion six: the eaKt slxty-snvon aeies of the •llh ward U White Oak ..5 his private correspondence to bo dis­ oast half oi the south west finartor of soutlon CLOTHE YOURSELVES IN FIRST CLASS STYLE! fitli wartl 5 Whoatneld.....' •! Mr, Bristow has commanded a unity Blx. The following, keKlnnlnu at tho north- nUi ward : n Wl'llumston 7 of feeling throughout the land, A con- torted for USD against him, and after east corner nf section Hiivou; thence runnlni; Dy order of the KopUbllopn County Com- Noutli ono hundred and twenty rods; thencu viotiou that ho is a man of honor and showing tho indignities heaped upon west elKhty rods; tliencu nHoiitliwestcrly A, T mlttoo. • . course NO as to Htrlk« Grand river one rod BTANtiKY W. TuBNan, Chairman, integrity, and would supply a place him in connection with tho investiga­ castor the oiiart^orline; thuncoalonKGrand rlvf'rto said cinartor lino; thnncu norlhou HKSUY W. WAI.KKJI, ; »0«f«•»""*• whore universal honesty and iutclligcncp tion and tho letters obtained from said qniirtor line to the north line of said Wm. H.Hoyt. AInledoa section; and thence east co tho liiKlnnlnt;, n. W. Stiirlc, Aurellus could vote with oonviotions that tho fu­ Mulligan, proposed to road and didcontalnin) ; one hundred and Klxty-twu .Tolin L. Olark, Bunker HIH acrds. Also the following;; n(!i;lnnlni{ at the L.W.naker. Delhi ture was decided. Descendant of a read them to Congress and to.tho coun­ qn((rtor postof section seven; tliinico run- O, T., Randell, Ingham nhiK v.'nst nlijhty rods; thence south to WEBB & MEAD'S, .T. D WoodworthiliCiMe Whig family, his convictions woro that try, thus, as ho said, " inviting the con­ Grand river; tlienco u(«storly alonft tho n. M. Lowe, Lero.y bank of Grand river to the north and south .Tax. Hnlltvan. Loi;lte slavery was a groat national ovil and fidence of 44,000,000 of people." As quarter iiost line of said section; tlienco D, P. nottH. Meridian north on said quarter linn to place of beitlii- .loRonh S. X'lerson, Onondaga hailed every moans to blot it out letter after letter wos ' read, every ono nlng, belni; about Illteen acres. .iMlln town The Clothiers, and be Ready. W. J. N ott, Btxiokbrldgo ono non.h of rauKO two west (Onondaga), O.F. Miller, Vevay without civil commotion. In 18G1, was astonished that Mr. Blaine should Inijhani county, Htiite of Michli;an. John Gearhart, Whoatfleld have manifested any dcsiro to prevent C. li', Palrlolc, White Oak when the Southern Democracy at last JOH.V C. GALE, D, L.arosMinan,M''llllainston their publication. But as ho progressed Administrator of the Estate of Joseph Gnlo, H, n. UalciM', LanMliirr succeeded by tho aid of their North­ deceased. I'Vank I. Mnore, Isi ward, Lont 'nR ern allies in forcing a war on thei n his reading and explanations, they Dated May 2(1,1870. I)01w7 W. B. GoorBO, '-'d " Our Store is Full and More on the Way. Wm. Loni'ntreot, !ld '• ' slavery question for the avowed pur­ readily understood it was not beoause STATE OF LAUGUTON B, PULLING Suyiuour H'nslot, 4th " " DKCKASED E.n. GoUid, fith •' pose of destroying the Union and set­ of anything in them bearing on tho mat- EBtato of Mlchlsan countv of InRlinm—ss. B..T. Shank, 6th " " At n session of the Probate Court for tho IS.W, Lowe, l8t w.vrd, Mason ting up a slave empire, Mr. Bristow tor under investigation, or in any waycount y of Innhiim, holden at the Probate COIV«ISTING OF EVERY ^Mex.Bush, 2d " Oniee, In tliedty of Ma.son, on the lllst day » » < —' then hardly more than a youth, prompt­ calculated to compromise hiin or reflect of May, in the year one thousand eight unfavorably upon his ofiioial career, but hundred and sevcnly-sl.^. Vrusont, M. U. KepnMlcaB Slate Confcnilin. ly entered in the Union service ns a Chatlorlon, Jud({o of I'rohate. A Eopntillcan SUte Convention to nomin- soldier. Ho became Lieutenant Colonel that he asserted his right to them in In Ihq matter ot tho Estate ot Langhton li, nto (Candidates for state ntltcers, and elerHrio,.ld not bo Kranted: And It is will lie entitled toaKoat who does not reside raids which did so much for a year or I know its powers and I trust that I re­ further ordered, that said petitioner KIVO In the county he reprcKent*. spect thorn; but I say that this House noilce to the persons Interested In said S. T>. BlNGHANr, Chairman. two to encourage Northern Democrats estate, ol the pendency of said i^etltlon, and GEO. W. Houoir, L. W. HKATH, has no more power to order what shall the licarlnt; thereof, by causlnga copy oftlils JA H. MOM I I.IMN, M. S. BBEWEK, like Governor Hendricks of Indiana, order to bu published In the Ingham county GENTS' FURNISHING GOODS, 7 0. T. MiTCKEr.L, O. L. SrAur.DiNO, be done or not done with ray private WKWK.U newspaper printed and circulated QKO. SPAUltDlNO, FnKD. L. \VKI,:.H, Governor Seymour of New York, and correspondence than it has to order In said county of Inuliam for three succes­ S. .r. BtTRPKR, RlCBABn WtNSOB, sive weeks, iirevlons to Mild day ot hearing, W. L. 8RAT0N-, T. 0. I'RILIPS, Governor Allen of Ohio. In ISGl, what I shall do with tho nurture and M. O. UHATTEUTON, Judge ofProbato. And Everjrthing Else that is ever Found in a FKASKMN WKI,1.S, WM. CUANDIilCR, 11. AV. Cl-KMEns, W. I. LATtMEU, Mr. Bristow was elected to the Senate admonition of my children; not one (.V true copy.) OOSwa II. C. SKSSION.S, C. Y, OKBUKN, of Kentucky. This was bis first politi­ particle more. But I am now going to nepuUoan Mtate Central CommltteM S. S. OLD.S, Secretary. cal office. He voted for the rittification niKdelntho )iayni(;nt o( tlilrty-Bliflit his hand], I thank God Almighty I Mdollars and tlt'iy cents which Is now claimed of the Thirteenth and Fourteenth to be due upon a certain mortgage bearing THE OUTLOOK. am not ashamed to show them. There datetho tlflli day of.Vugust, 1M5", executed by Amendments, though i'l a very small is tho very original package. Isaac H. Vanilercook and Harriet Vnnder- The keen interest that is manifcst'ig couk, of .Mason, .Michigan, to Jerome \i. minority, and co-operutcd with the With soiuc sense of humiliation, with Wheeler, of the same place, and recorded In itself as tlio day npproaolies nearer the olllce of the Ueglster of Deeds for Ing­ llepublican party on every occasion a mortification which I do not pretend ham county, .Mich., August.'!, 1S.')7, In llbcr to u decision, is to a certain extent nine of mnrlgiigeson pago.'i7li. And no suit presented, showing his fidelity to its to conceal, with a sense of outrage which or proce(Hllngut law or la cliancccy liitvlng corrupting tlie sentiment tlitit has I think any man in my position would been instltulud to recover any; iisrt thereol, principles. and the power of sale therein conlained hav­ Come and see for yourselves. iiiiivkod the organizing sense of the par­ feel, I invito the confidence of 44,000,- ing become absolute by virtue of ilie statute 000 of p Kiple, and I will road these let­ InKnchcasu made and iirovlded, notice Is ty. In this oonneotion we may select herebyglveu that upon Saturday, the Llltli In 1864 he voted for Mr. Lincoln ters. [Applause, which tho speaker day of July, ISTli, at one o'clock in the atter- Yours very Truly, Mr. Blaine, who has been treated in noon of said day, f shall sell ul nuhllc auc­ against McClclIan, although tho great pro tcm vndcavored to suppress.] tion to the highest bidder at the door of the the most shameful manner by the Dem- Jnghain county courthouse. In tho cltyol majority of Kentucky unionists voted Many of these letters hiive not the Mason(sald court house being tho place cratio investigating committee. No one for the latter. In 1868 ho voted for slightest bearing on the subject, but whore the circuit court for said county Is some of them will rc([uiro a little expla­ held) the premises contained In said mort­ WEBB who has carcfdlly end in an unpiirtisan Grant, Ho actively supported the gage, or so much thereof as shall hu necessa­ ^ MEAD, nation. Some of tliem may possibly ry to sat I sly the amount due on said mort­ spirit followed the investigation of Mr. llepublican candidate for Governor in gage with ten per eentliUiM'Cst and all legal involve humiliation, but I would a good ci>.sl.st(jgetlier with au attorney tee of twen- The Clothiers. Blaine, but.fcola that it is a dastiird- 1871, and the party surprised itself and ty-tlve iloiliirs covenanted Tor therein. The deal rather tako tiiat than take tiic oyil land contained la said mortgage is descrllied M!a»on, Jiine liS, IS'7'O. ly outrage on American freedom, that surmises and still more ovil inferences as lot eight In block three la the vllluge tho country by polling 90,000 votes in (now city) of iMason In tint county of lug- the Demooriit.io House bus perpetrated. tho State. Improved ^ree schools and that might be drawn if I did not actha m ami State ot MichiuHa. with this frankness." After dcininding, atid onforoing the the admission of necro testimony i'l the AAllONJ. U.VYNKllnad Legal Advcrtlscniciits. fi. F. BIx & Co. demand by pcj'.ty intrigue, tliey gloat Tiio position into which ho was so un­ EMMAO,WHKl!:LEIl(now EmmaO. Itoed) courts, were, prominent issues in that oxoeutorsof the last will and testament o) ORTOAQE SALE.—By a mortgage bear­ over the perusal of Mr, Blaine's pri­ justly forced, that of being obliged to Jerome L. Wheeler deceased. ing date tlie eighteenth day nf March, campaign. Mr. Bristow advocated LuciKN KEKD, Att'y for said E.\et,il.ors. Min tho year eighteen hundred seventy-three, vate correspondence, and when satisfied both in several very able public speeches. publish his most confidential correspon­ JJated May 1st, 1.S7U. sUiwlIt and recorded on the twenty-fourth day or MASON CITY March, A. 1). 187.1, at 7 o'clock A.H„ In the there is nothing to bo gamed, still con- An extract or two from one of these dence or labor under tho imputation OBTGAGIJ SALE.-Befault having boon olllco of the Register cif Deeds for the county made In the payment of four hundred of Ingham,Htiiteof Michigan, ill liber .'fi «( tiiiuo the investigation; and following speeches will bo interesting. Mr. Bris­ that it contained something damaging eighty-twM o dollars and eighty cents now mortgages on |)ages20l, m5 and 20II, James claimed to he duo upon a certain mortgage II. LeeandSamanlha li. Leu, his wife, duly this is the contemptible olTort to sup-tow said at Louisville in 1871: to his personal or oflicial integrity, at bearing date the tweaty-drst da v of Februa­ mortgaged to Watson Biiyder, "All these prcjs the Cnldwell message which ex­ ry, IfWr, CNeciited by Isaac H. Vanderoook, certain parcels of land situatii In the city ot Carriage Repository! " It is my purpose, also, to speak to once enlisted in his behalf the smypathy or .Mason, ^Michigan, to Comfort Gunn for Lansing, Ingham county, and State of onerates Mr. Blaine fully and eom- purchase money, and re((i,rde(l In the otllca Michigan, known and described as follows, you of national politics, us an American of every unbiased person who liiro(a!edlnus thence south along Washington avenue ciii a wave of sympathy swept over the at law or la chancery having been Instituted the west lino of said lot twenty-two leet; tlio rottenness of the Democracy, but " Tho Republican party of Kentucky lo recover any part lliereof, and the power thence east on a Une at right anglen with presents itself to the people of the State Houso and galleries which carried all ot sale therein conlalaiMl liavlng become ah- said west Hue, ninety-nlao feet; thence to touch on the possible nominee, The solute by virtue or the sliiliito In such case north parallel with said west lino wenty- with a platform upon which every pat­ before it. But the climax catnc in the made and provided, notice is herohy given two feet, to tho North Uneof said lot: thence desire of caoh State that some one of that ujon .Saturday, tho Ullth day of July, along said north lino ulnety-uliin leotwest riotic citizen may well stand. Discard­ closing part of this extraordinary and 1.S7II, at o 10 o'clock In tho al'tornoon or said to tho place of beginning." The amount tlicir representative men should occupy ing tho, dead things of tho irreparable day, 1 sliidl sell at publlcauclion to the lilgli- claimed to bo due on said inorlgago at tliu exciting scene, wliich we give as it camo est bidder at the trout dour oriho Ingham date of tills notice. Is lour thousand live llic presidential chair is (|uito natural, past, it grapples with tho living present, county court bouse, In the city or Mason, hundred and nineteen dolliirfl and sixteen in the press dispatclies. After reading said court house being the place where the cents, besides an attorney feuof (Ifty doliiii., and when the spirit is for the people's and readies forward to seize tho mighty clpuilt court lor saLiI county Is held, the provided 111 said mortgago, and default liiut events of the coming future. Having of the letters and the memorandum pre- premises contained in said mortgiige or so occurred In a condition of said mortgago by weal, commendable. much therecdassliall be necessary tosallslV which the power of sale therein contained buried, so far as it is coDccrned, tlio ptirod by Mulligan, Mr. Blaino contin­ tlieaniohnt due on said morlgage, and ail has become operative. No suit or proceed­ hates and prejudices that belong to the legal (fosis together with an alloriiey lee or ing having been Instituted at law to recover ued : lUtiwu dollars covenaated lor therein. The the debt remaining socurtid by vucli mort­ Now York presses its claims for past, and remembering thot tiiere is yet land contained In said inorlgago Is described gage or any part thereof, notfco Is hereby Conkling; Indiana for Morton, and so " Now there is but ono piece of tcsti- as thnsontli hair or lot seven, In block three, given that said mortgago will be foreclosed a common country to bo served and a inihevllhigo (now clty)(.r Miwon, in the on through the list of candidates; but destiny to be fulfilled, ic addrcs!>cs itself uiony wanting. There is but one thing county or Ingham, and .Mate of .Michigan, y a sale of said inortgagud promises, whip i to close the complete circle of testimo­ sal•e will bea• - t publi• ••c vendue- endue,, to the high'' it throughout the whole there is not to the culm judgment of men, and in­ AAllONJ. ll.VYNEH and blddnr, on tho twentr-tlrstT' t da.y of""".. July, . ' vites the eo-oporution of ull in the grout ny. There is one witness whom I can E.M.MAO. WHEELElltnowEramaO. Iteod) D. 1871), at ono o'cloct In the afternoon, at named an available man, properly speak­ not have, but to whom tho Judiciary exeeutors of tbelost will and testament or tho front doorof tho Court Houso, In the work before us. Its utterances are Jerome L. Wheeler, deceased. city of Alason, In tho county of ingliam. ing, outside of Messrs. Blaiue and Bris- clear, distinct, and cannot bo misunder­ Committee voted to send a cable dis­ LuuiHN HKKD. Att'y for said Exeoutorn, State of Michigan, said Court House being Uated .May ist.lS"«. SDlwl.'l tho place of holding thu Circuit Court with­ tow. The demand that the nominee stood. patch, Josiah Caldwell. I ask the gen­ in suld county. nhall hold as a unit the vote of the tleman from Kentucky if that cable dis- Dated April 18tli, 187(1. " Unlike tho so-called Democratic par­ ORTGAGE SALE.-Berault having been WATSON SNYDER, Mortgagee, ptitch was sent." made in the condlilons or a certain I'lios. NiNDK,Attoruoy, Ypsllanti. I)0i.*l.i party, representing its oharaoteristio ty of this State, tho Republican party, Mmortgage executed by .Minerva J, Flmdi to by its platform, meets fully and fairly Mr. Knott (Dem., Ky.,)—" Tho gen­ William -Mutton, dated the thirtieth davol fciatures, and draw the Independent and tleman from A''irginia (Mr. Hunton) and July, l,S7l, and recorded In the olllce or "tho 1-\RAIN COMMISSIONER'S NOTICE. MASOIVy ... MIOHIOAlVy every question, whether of national or lleglsler or IJceds ror ingliam county. State liiboral vote, is ono that spotiks its dc- I have both endeavored to got Caldwell's ot .Michigan, upon tho rourtli day or August, Notice Is hereby given that I will sell or let .^e Prepared to Make new State politics. It lives and moves in ISrl.ln liher .'Hi ot mortgages on page M', hy oontriiot. In siubdlvlsionH to the lowest iiiaud for principles and practices of po­ tho atmosphere of civil and rcligioun address and have not yet got it." said mortgage was by said William .Mutton bidder, tho digging and constructing of tbo litical morality, S'arpcr's Weekly Mr. Blaine—" Has tho gentleman assigned to John Kayuor u|>on tlioL'lst day Havens county ditch, located on section 21, liberty. It believes in tho progress ot septembor, 1S7,5, and recorded In the Ueg­ Aurellus, aiul toctlons )9 and 21), In the OPEN AND TOP CARRIAGES, Hpcaks of Mr. Conkling in this connoo- and advancement of man, and looks from Kentucky received a cable dis­ ister's olllce atbresald upon the day and year township of Vevay, Ingl-am county, Mich., patch from Caldwell ? " last above mentioned. In llbor U o( mort­ at the bouse of James O. Mclutyro In said tiou: " It is a true and not faoti«U8 with undimmed faith to tho elevation of gages on page 187. There Is claimed to bo duo township of Vevay, on tho ninth day of Mr. Knott—" I will explain that di­ and unpaid upon said mortgage at the date June, A. D. 18711, at 10 o'clock In the lorenoon. HEAVY AND LIGHT WAGONS, opposition, because it is founded upon tho whole human race. Taking its in­ or this notice ono hundred' nine dollars and Notice Is also given tb it I will bo nt tho spiration from the Declaration of Inde­ rectly." thirty-three cents, and no suitor proceeding bouse ol J. O, Mclntyro In said township of i.lio conviction that Mr. Conkling not In law or chancery having been Instituted to Vevay, on the liah diiy of June, A. D. 1871,, at pendence, it announces its belief in the Mr. Blaine—" I want a categorical recover any part thereof, and the powjr or lOo'clock In the forenoon, to review my as­ ,T0 ORDER! only docs not represent tho principles answer." sale therein contained having become abso- sessment and apportionment of the work of All Work made from the Bent Materials that can be Obtained, inalienable right of all men," and that luti!, by virtue ot the Htatiite In such case tiiild County Ultcli. upon which the llepublican party can the plainest and most essential of all Mr. Knott—" I have received a dis­ laitdouud provided, notice 1H hereby given and in the Best possible manner. that upon Saturday, the niteenth day of July Dated tho Slth day of May, A. D. 187(1. unquestionably and rcsistlcssly carry tho rights is tho right of each man to own patch purporting to be from Caldwell. next, at one o'clock In the afternoon, I sliail A. WINCHEIJ, How did you know it ? " sell at public auction to tho highest bidder, 1107 Drain Commissioner. I election, but that ho is tho especial, be­ himself. at tho Iront doorof the Ingbani county Court I GUARANTiE OUR Mr. Blaiue (advancing down tho House, In the city of Alason, Michigan, the STATE OK CHARLES H. H.\LL AND cause the roost seemly and plausable, premises contained in rnild mortage, or so E ALIIERT J. HALL, MINORS. , " The mission of tho Ropublioan par­ aisle)—" When did you got that dis­ much thereof us shall be necessary to satisfy .Stateof Michigan, County of Ingham-.ss. SUPPORT A HOME INSTITUTION. AND GET ropresontative of the spirit and prnoti- patch ? " the amount due on said mortgage, and all At a session ol tho I'robato Court of the ty is not yet ended. Tho loyal people legal costs together with an attorney fee of county of Ingham, holdon at the Probate (loB which bave discredited and woak- of this country who preserved the Gov­ Mr. Knott—" I want you to answer torty-llvo dollirs covenanted for therein. Omce, In the city of Mason, on tli« 7tli day my question first." Tlio premises contained In said mortgage or June, in tlie year ono thousand eight (incd tho party. There arc undoubtedly ernment in war and have maintained its are described as follows; Heglnnlug at the hundred and seventy-six. Present, M, D. Better Work at Less Prices! Mr, Blaine—" I never heard of it northwest corner of the west hall of the Cbatterton, Judge ol Probate. . . incidents in his career which require ox- honor in peace, are not yet ready to northeast quarter ol section thlrty-rth of ranee No, 2 west In tho Shop on Maple a t„ 2 do ors west of P. O, county nf Ingham ard Slnto of Michigan, t have very iloh and elaborate Ladles,' BEFOSIfOBT 1st SOOB SOUTH OF MEAD'S rLouBina HILL uatisfled that his ideas on tho uonotary ment that will sustain tho demands of seen in Congress beforo. Mr, Knott containing elcbty ncres ol land. Burial Robes, . .. .., , We have pnrohaiied the right of Ingham and Eaton oountlei lor the mann- the party, and a powerful will to enforce being closely pressed by Mr. Blaino and Also, some of the latest and most beautiful facture of Parson's ppatenu t sprlns lasy baok for carriages. All InHrlngmanU npon onr lucstion and the several other questions Dated May Stllh, 187a. dcslgniof Coinn Plates, Trlmmlu

Fn-rJ •f •-, OFFICIAL DIBEOTOKY. Biiral Topic*. nure is not visible. Fowl houses should be J. W. Day's Golaimn. so conbtructed that the manure can be easily J. c. Steves* Oolnmn. [Written for tlib Nswabyoue of the most nA8»If OITV OFVIGBHB. oxporlencod ruruierH, gnrdnoni and fruit gathered once in two weeks or oftener. If Mai/or ...,...... ;.:.. .DAHIBT^ J. SABUOW. Browera In the United BtateiiJ one has superphospliate, bone dust, ur any To the Farmers of IngliaDi Coiuity I C'Urk, .M. B. VANVBAKKKN. PBBDIHO OOWB OH IDDIAN MBAL. other commercial fertilizer, to be used lii the 'J'reaturtr and CotUctor W. W. MBBHITT. School Impector,. W, .W. OAMPBBLI. . A dRiryroan in Weitera New York liu bills of crops, it Is a good plan to mis such Tour attention is called to the following line of Manhai,... WK.QUTOBIES. beeii feeding his cows in the winter season DiaBToK WAIT, fertiliisers with the compost heap of. hen ma­ NEW GOODS! Strut CommUiioner,:. 8, W. HAimoMii,, CD InditD meal alone—no bay or oilier feed nure at the time of planting, adding mom JuiUcf of Ihi Plate...... H.O. OAiJ^ W.A.TBBII', whatever—and be claims tbat hia COWB yive soil, graduatinu tho quantity used to a h by lis strength, a handful gonerally being .TiiAnnKDs DKMIIIIOBE, more liiillk than when fed 6u hay, &c.; and' • - •' •' • Aldermen at large, OIIAB. B. BUTOH, •re otherwise bebelllted by the meal feed­ tho quantity used, when mixed wilh four li. W. IiINOOtK, . OonsiBting in part of the following List: Aldermen, Ut Ward, ...M. W.TAHSEB. ing. The evidence of his claims were, so times tho bulk of fertilizers in soil. ...DAMIKI. OAMPDBLI.; stronc tliat a committee was appointed by J. W. DAY'S. Aldermen,id Ward, JESSE BKKOU;. CUBIHO OnBRBB, the Western New STorlc Dairymen's Associa­ INOUAKI (30. OPFIOBBS. Great losses occur in cheese making from tion to investi|>ate the case and report on it, SherW,.'. .^ .^*.B.BuRn. improper curing. The best authorities In 'J'reaturer, LBKUBIi • WOODBOUHB, I make the followlns! extract from tlio re­ , Jno. O, BQUIEBH. tha United Stales on cheese making give the' Clerk port: "The cows are for sive and gcDeral Jtegliter MII.TON BYAM. proper temperature for curing cheese, to ob­ Judge of Probate, M. D. CBATTBRTON. appearance about an average lot of native 1'rot. Attorney Ill p. HBNDEHSOM tain the best results as to quality, to be from I E. O. CHAPIH, cows I average live wolslit about 000 pounds, Circuit Court Com'ra, 1 QBO. W. BBIBTOI.. 70° to 7&° Fahr.; that this temperature must ?rhe herd wore fed exclusively upon corn I have just received a new lot of G-oods and Surveyor, D. A. HAnnisoM, be uniform, otherwise fermentation may be J)raln Oommieeloner. A. WmCHKI,!.. meal for 7 (seven) weeks: each aniniai, ac. HENBY WB:OMAN, checked or increased, causing bitterness or Coronere LKVI. GODDING. cording to its dliieslive capacity, inakins an {:::::: an objeclionahlo taint in the cheese, M. respectfully ask parties to call and look at them averane of about 3 (.tliroe) quarts of meal Willard, tho best authority in New York per day for each cow. During this time the Business €ards. State, says: "Moisture is an Important and prices. I will sell anything in the following paints were apparent: The cows element in cheese; that It should be proper­ ATTORNEYS. did not ruminate, Tboy were very quiot; ly distributed through the solids, and so as­ did not evince any inordinnte desiro for food KNnV- p. HENDBBSONi Attorney similated as to form one homogeneous mass, iiiul Uouniielor at Law. (rrogecutlnK when hay was sliown Ibitm; not so much as HAtt'y for luukam County.) Ollloe over First mellow and plastic giving the appearance of Nalloniil Uauk, Mason, Mloh. 890yl is displayed by cows that are fed on hay great richness. That at least from 80 to 83 alone, in the usual way of feeding, a little per cent, of moisture should be retained In PHYSICIANS. leas than they can eat. They were much DRY GOODS LINE curing cheese; that as we decrease the per* AY O. 8PINNINO, M. D., Homoo- more quiet timn cows fed mostly on meal centage of moisture from this point, the per. J piithlo Physlola_ n„ and Hnri;oon OlOco with a small feoding of hay, say four to five --A.S- over Williams' druii atorOiMuHou, Mlcli. centags of butter must be increased to ob­ tXISwlS pounds per day. We could not discover any tain mellowness of texture; that the cheese signs of suflering or unreal in any way wlial- H. GOOK( m. D.t Physlctau, Bnr< is not improved in taste by this substitution, H• goon and Aooouoheur. Oflluoand ros- ever; that by comparing their conditional lilonncon Maple street, second door cast of which is often a serious loss, and this loss Cheap as any other House in Mason! tlio Foundry. the time of going on to meal wilh their con- may always be estimated to be in pioportion .dilion at the time of going back again to AV. BOOT. in. D.t Physician and between the cost of water and fat. That by | EEAFEBS A^ MOWEBS! • Burgeon. Umoo at reKldonco,ooruerof bay, we could nol discover that they had AsWh and 0 Btroots, Mason, Mlob, proper temperature attention in retaining a either lost or sained in weight of flesh; tbat CORSISTING OF BOTH SIXGIE RaPERS, SIIGLE MOWERS, MD right proportion of moisture the cheese is W. OAnPBBIilii in.»., PhyHlolan, vibiling them again after thirteen days on W. Suruoon, Aooouoheur, etc.. Graduate not only of belter flavor and quality, but a of tliu Moillcal Department of the University hay, we coulil not discover anything about of Mich. Also recolvedanadeundom degree saving in weight of from three to four per them that would denote but that they had I'l'omljonR Island CoUeKo Hospital, Urook- cent, is made to the producer over the ordi­ lyn, N.Y. OlJloeon AsU street, ovorC. H. been wintered in llie usual way." The com­ LINEN SUITS AND SUITINGS! Saofcrldor A Oo's store. nary methods of curing. That by tlio use mittee say that the calves dropped from theiie of refi'igerai.>r rooms a cheese may be kept cows "are of more than ordinary size, fleshy, DENTISTRY. at any desirable point^f flavor; and thus BEST LINE OF PARASOLS IN MASON! strong, active and healthy," and cite other B. W. H. niOBSB Resident Dentist, by holding when the markets are dull, or the Ofllconice over WebW ' b" & Mead's clothlclothinn g advantageous features of the case. If a do/.- J weather uusuilable for shipping, the Inter­ Klore, Monon, Mich, DlOwlS en commilteca were to report that the beat SPLENDID LINE OF TIES AND B.UCHINGS! vening space of time may be bridged over way to winter cows is to feed nothing bnt SECRET SOCIETIES. by the factories without detriment to tho fla­ Indian meal, I would never do it. It is un­ vor or quality of the cheese. That wilh our lINnilAm GHAPTBB NO. 51. R. A. natural feed when fed alond: and it is ab­ SPLENDID LINE OF SILK HANDKERCHIEFS I ± ni.—Regular Convocations are held on present knowledge of cheese making a cer­ Friday ovoulngs, on or before the lull of the surd to suppose that farmers have e.\isted tain amount of fat in the milk is needed to moon, BoJouTlng companions are courteous­ since the world was made without finding ly Invited to attend. make a good, palatable cheese. Hence ex­ BROWN COTTONS! 3. B. SAYBiis, U. P. out the best way to food cows till the year OBo. W. BBIHTOI., Seo'y. cessive skimming, or a reduction of the fat 1876! I give tlie report as made for what in milk below one and a half to two per ASON I.OOOB NO. TO. P. & A.m.— it is worth. It shows that cows can subsist BLEACHED COTTONS at BOTTOM PRICES! The next Regular Communication will cent, is nol to be recommended where the bMo held on WednoHday evening, July 5th. seven weeks on corn meal alone, without any skimmed milk is to be made into cheese, un­ Visiting brethren cordially Invited. apparant injury; and that is all that it does A, T. HKNDBnSON, W. M. less other fat be substituted to supply the W. F. CoBNELtj, Seo'y. show that can bo considered of importance. deflciency," ASON BNOAMPMBNT NO.a5»I. O. niisT BREBD or cows. O. V, Sessions hold In Odd Fellows MHull on the second and lourth Thursdays of There is notliing of more interest to farm­ each mouth, JKSSK BEKCII. 0. P. ers and all persons keeping bul one or Travelers* Guide. NEW LINE OF PRINTS! CiiAS. H. HACKKiDEn,Barlbe. more cows than reliable information on the MOWERS AND REAPERS COMBINED! ICHlGANCKNTKAIiBAILBOAD, Which we guarantee to be fully up to the times, and not oxooUed by any thing on tho JUSTICES. best breeds, and that can best be giroii by M luarlcet for light draft durability, or quality of work In the field. quoting from time to time the operations Siiglnaw Division, the short lino toiand Also tho Oelebrnte2mn fers the cow wliich gives tho most milk. *.Mall Express. FrclB^ht . durable mill now on the market. BOOTS & SHOES. If a cow will give twenty-five quarts of milk Hay City...Lv. (l.-IOa.ra .•5.20 p.m I am Selling a Setter Wagon for Less Money than any Uan in Ingham Oo. per day, she would be more prolllable than Wonona 0.55 " 3.110 " E.SaKlnaw.Lv 4.45 a.in Thankful for your patronage In tho past, I now offer you tho best gooda In the marked. W. POIiABt baa the largest and finest 7.10 " J.IO •' j^^^ Give me a Call. Give me a call and see for yoursolvcH. , another which only gave eighteen quarts. Saginaw City.. 7,.W " 4.20 " r>M •' G• bnotandeboo store In thoState. Largo Owosso Mh " fi.05 '• 49* E.\traH for tho Cayuga Chief and Korby machlncH, of all kinds, always on hand, slocU—low prices. Btpalrlng promptly done. Then, if you sent your milk to the factory 0.00 " D.AM. Cross's O.S'J " «.17 " (1.52 " to be made into cheese, or sent it to tlie Ijanslng....Ar, lO.fW " 7.2S " 1.00 p.m X^auslng 10,58 '• 7.28 " J. IKT. DAY. J. G. STXSVSSy Agenti O. HVNTINOTONt dealer In Boots market, the more milk the more profit. If Mason l.liO •' . and Shoes. Fine custom work 11.27 " 7,57 " a^M " C a spo- a man keeps but one or two cows it will be JttOkson....Ar 12,2.5 p.m n.oo " chvlty, and repairing done to order Jackson....Lv 12,37 •' 9.H0 " 5.40 " Sewing Machines. no criterion. Compare tiiem with a herd of Battle Creole,.. 2.17 " ILW " DRY GOODS, GROCERIES ic. Kalamazoo.... H.03 " ia..so a.m twenty-five to forty cows and they will fall Ohlcni{o....Ar. 8.00 " «.3U •• Harrow & Co. short considerably. He prefers the Ilolstein G. HUNV, dealer In Dry Goods, Oro- NonTHWAnn. E. corles, Boots and Shoes, Crockery, etc. to any other breed of cattle he ever owned. "NEW" AMERICAN Mason, Mich, Cash for Farm Produce. 000 *Mall, •Express. •Way lie says they are noted for their milking Prelght. AUHimAEiii ec UAunAUK. ueaiers M In Groceries and Provisions, crockery, qualities. Ilunning with a herd of twenty- Chicago....Ly. n.oo a,m a.oo a.m clu. Tens a specialty. Ciuih paid for Farm five cows the pure blood and grades are the Kalama/.oo,... 2.:iO a.m IM H.m I'roduce. UOO Uattlo Crook.. 11.15 " 2.17 " bo.st. The Ilolstein are very Imnilsomo. ,fi\okKon....Ar 4.52 " J1..W " Jot black forward and rear, a bright white Jackson....Lv 7.«t " 4.05 '• O.iio a.m DARROW & CO., MEAT MARKETS. Mason 8.05 " 6.10 " 0.15 " blanket around the body (soino bkck with Lansing..., Ar K.W " 5.45 " 10.40 " UAULINO ic nUTGHBSS, dealers In Lanslna Lv «,:t7 " «.05 " 10.10 " J . all UludH uf Fresh, and ijalt Meats, white spots on llieiu), are very docile, small U. iSiM.Cross'B n..')2 " 7.12 " L.Wp.m ARE NOT AFFECTED BY THE Hausago, i'fco. MarkolonManloHtreut. Prices head, eyes clear, largo, mild and sp.-irkling, Uwosso 11.57 •' 7.IS " 2.45 •• low ns the lowest. Cash paid for hides. 110(1 Sattlnaw City. 1I..S7 " 11.10 " (12.5 " horns shorli nock small at the head, straight K. Baslnaw.Lv 11.17 " >.).18 " «,1)5 " on tile back, heavy quarters, sliorl legs, un­ Wenona 12..'10p.m O.c'iO " MERCHANT TAILORING, Bay City 12.45 " 10.00 •' der large and square, teats stand well apart, Hesumption of Specie Payment, KHUEinMNG, Merchant Tailor, U.IJ. liKDYAnl), A • keeps constantly on hand a full line hair soft and fine. They are Dntoh cattle, Ass'lGen'ISnp't, Detroit, 01 OnsslmereN, UooskliiH, and Broadcloths. and will match any breed in tho world." WM.Il. STUOStl, .Sulla cut and made to order in the latest Qen'lSup't, Chicago, But may yet toefoun d at their place of tousiness stylos, at reasouablo prices. liOO-ly IIKNHV C, WKXTWonrit, TURNING UNDBB cr.OVUn AND llDOlvWIlEAT. aon'l Pass, and Ticket Agent. Chicago. HARNESS SHOP. ready to supply the trade with That there is great fertility in plowing in ETIIOIT, I-AN.SING & LAKE MICHI­ SEWING MACHINE! OHN OBBOOBY, Manufacturer of a heavy crop of green clover is known to all D GAN IIAILIIOAD. Harness, and dealer In SaddlOH, Whips, good farmers; but tho question is, when JAc. Uepalrlug promptly done on short On and afto r Sunday, December 5,1875, trains notice at llvlngprlccs. Shop on Maple street, ought it to bo tui.ied under ) If it bo plow­ will run asl'ollows: STANDABD GOODS AT BOTTOM PRICES Self-Setting Needle, nearly opposite the Donnelly House. ilOll-ly ed in whan first in blossom, llie land cannot OOINCt WKBT. MASON, May 18, 1876. / TONSORIAL. be used immediately for any other crop, un­ Mall it Ionia less it be for buckwheat, or some other green STATIONS. Express Acccm. BNBV BBBD, Fashionable Barber crop, to be cnt for slock, and fed green. If Detroit Lv. 8.15 a.m 4.50 p.m Self-Threading Needle, H and Hair Dresser. Sampoolng, Ladles' Plymouth 0.!U •' 5.10 " Dyeing and Curling done In the lateststylcs. such crops are wanted, that system of man­ Howell 11.04 " 8.10 " Curls, Switches d:c., made to order. Shop In agement would be a good one; but by cut­ FowlervlUo ll.iiO " 8.41 " Pratt's Building. LuuHlng 1.05 p.m 10.20 " fi: ting the first crop of clover for hay, and turn­ Portland 2.22 " 12.00 n.m Ionia ;i.lO " 12.50 " Light Running and Durable! AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS. ing under tho second crop, the land might be aroenvlUe 4.11) " THE NEW "BOilSTIC," sown Willi rye innnediately after being plow­ Howard Ar. 5.25 " T. OAVIS,. dealer In all kinds of G. Farming ImplementsImnlt , Wagons_ „ , eto. ed. In order to cover the clover well, a UOINO KA8T, A DOUBLE THREAD LOOK-STITOH MACHINE. Hiuro In chockored building, Mason. ^KKl-ly roller should be run over it just before plow, Ionia Mall & 0£B.ce 221 Jeff. Ave., Detroit. . STATIONS. Express 'ng. If the clover should bo a heavey crop, Express AGENTS WANTED for MASON and VICINITY. the land might be sowu to wheat, as it re­ Howard Lv. 8.2.5 a.m DONNELLY HOUSE, GroonvUlo 0.85 " lUNKJ.UOMNKLLV.PropMctor, quires a bettor soil for wheal than for rye, Ionia O.Ofl n.m 10.45 " U®" Send for Ciroiilar. gOl MASON. • « iniOHinAN* Portland 0.42 " U.2fl " Buckwheat turned uuder when in blossom, Lanslne 8,00 " 1.05 p.m The proprietor wishes to Inform thecltl if sown quite thick, also enriclies land to the FowlervlUo 0,10 " 2.20 " Kousof Mason and Ingham County, and the Howell ».Si " 2.47 " traveling publlc.that his new and commo­ value of many times its cost, Plymouth ll.OO " 4.i;i •' dious hotel Is open for the comfort of travel­ Detroit Ar. 12.20 p.m 6.25 " ers and others, I'ODLTllY MANURK. lOvorythlng Is entirely new. 8TANTOK BBANOH, lien manuro is mucli more valuable than The proprietor Intends that his house shall QOINO WBST, bo second t* none In Central Michigan. It people generally suppose it to be as a fertili­ Is cnnvonlont to the Dcjpot and builness STATIONS. portion of the village. The tables are sup­ ser. It contains phosphoric acid and nitro­ plied with all llio delicacies of the season. gen, with a trace of potash, in quantity to Ionia Lv. . (I.IMI p.m n.oo a.m Good accommodations tor horses, 7.00 '• 10,6,5 " make it worth 20 cents per bushel, accord' 7.20 " 12.00 •' Only 825.00 in Cash for a ing to the wholesale commercial value of GOINO KAHT. these fertilisers. Bul, wlien properly appli­ STATIONS. Pull Set of Tooth I ed to crops, it proves itself to be worth from I am now pnttlng In Full Sots of Teeth GO to 70 cents per bushel in tho increase Stanton Lv. 7,00 n.m (upper and lower) for 12.5,00. Hall Sets(upper Sheridan 7.20 " or lower) for Sl'AW). I continue to visit of crops, In n case where a bu.'thel of hen Ionia Ar. 8,30 " li";:'" DansvUlB the llraiWudncsclay or each month manure waK applied to corn in tlio hill, it CoNNKCTiONS.—At Dotrolt with G. W„ A, P. VANDEUSK'V G.T., L.S. &M.8., M.C., D.AB.C, C.S.Il'V, produced 70 pounds of sound corn in tho all Steamboat Lines: ot Plymouth with V. ear over wlint tlio.same nnmber of hills ad­ A P. M. B'y; at Ionia with D. A M. H. B,; and NO It IMS ntHowaril with O.K. 41. It. It. joining produced, to which no fertilizer was W. A. CAni'ENTEK, Gon'l Passengor Ag't. applied. But this manuro requires to bo com­ Dotrolt, December 6,1875, m. posted somo monlhs before it is used. I begin JtJEDEIVMfflTHJS in May to compost all that has been gather­ Livery, Sale and Boarding Stable. Having located In Ma.4on, In tho ed during the winter and spring, koplin barrels and well packed down, and covered First Door Korth of P. 0. Building, that none of its values will escape, I first In prepared to spread a layer of soil, then a layer of hen manure, and so on with alternato layers dRANPI>RIZE; Cut and Make to Order about four times as much soil ns manuro to —IN TUB— each layer. I make tho heap flat on the top to catch rains, and cover all wilh coarce hay Ijiatest Stsfles! or alraw. In tho fall I have the heap shov­ —AMD— eled over, mixing it thoroughly, cover again, wishes to call tho attention of tho citizens of this vicinity and tho travcllUH TT retain! all the virtucn nf the IJc!ht-Riinn!ii|; "DOMESTIC," Incluiling the Aatomatic QUARANTEE A QOOD FIT! and leave it till the nexl spring, when it is in public generally, that ho has '*' Tension, which was and in the hcst in tis*:. WARRANTED FIVE YEARS! good condition to use on any crop. If hen opened a First-Class «9-rica5c notice our PATENT HAliDENED CONICAL HEARINGS on both the Machine Give me a call. and Stand. manure be used before it has time to be­ Livery and Boarding Stable Our new and old ideas, worVcd out with brand new Macliincry and Tools at our own new works, It mnlTM no Snstruetlons to roa it. Xt eux aet sit eat of oiiif. M. NOBRIS, come incorporated with the soil with which In the busy city of Newark, New Jersey, li.ivc civeu us a standard of MECHANICAL EXCEL­ Mason,Mloh.iBept. 17th, liS7S. (ouUaploSt.,wostoftbeDonnellyHouse,) LENCE, Minimum of Friction, ^laxiu)ttnl t)r Duraiuiity, and ranijc of work, never heretofore It vUl do 07017 class ftii& kind of voxk. it is mixed, it is apt to kill vegetation. For reached in the Sewing Machine world. Where Frst-Class Rigs can be had at nil It vUl SOTT from Tissuo Sapor to Bttaoii Liktlut. llDBS._BALIi & VOSBUROH Instance, if a handful be put in a bill of corn, hours Of the day or night at reosonablo TO THIS STATEMENT AND THE l^LfVCHINE ITSELF It li M far iB, advaaeo of otbor Sowinsr ICaoUaoB la tho au^niitado of I'll K\ I «"'< PIIiBS without the use rates. 49* Give roe a call, I Ikbl9 I of the knife or ligature. Mo and mixed wilh the soil, and the com be 889-3m K. BIBNEY. yfe invite the attention of all, especially those having high mechanical ikill or ita superior ImproTcmonta, as a Stoam Oar ozoells la MfaUnniati pay demanded till cured. Dr. Ball will be then planted, it would be liable to kill the obiervation. N, 11.—AU .Machines fully warranted. tbo old f&slilo&od Stago aoaeh. at Ills ofllce In Ma»on, every Monday fore­ noon, tar ConBUltatlon tree. corn when its roots come in close contact Small rruit Plants. DOMESTIC SEWING MACHINE CO., with it: but when laying a whole season in IXo-w Yoi'Ic and Obioan^o. Prices made to Buit tho TimoB^ OB PBIirriNONBATI.V.BXBOVV< VOB BAIJX KT ED AT CITY PBIOES, compost heap every part of the heap bo- Either for Cash or Credit. J A.ntf OHAPIN.UkOla'illMIIO*. At tb* NBWI JOB nooxa. comes equally strong, and the original ma­ ms LADIES, USE « DOMESTIC" PAPER FASHIONS. ^soai^gmurt^^.d^rtri^on.of j;4^£y|^75 )MA!ime Addmi. WILSON SEWINQ MACHINE OO. OUTTSLASn), OSXO, OfiXOiQO, OL., mV TOBX, XT* T., XTEV OSXBAirS. XX, 8T.L0VXe,lC0. '• After the chickens were in tho pot und houio-mado wine wore Imndod round. thing about it, Ai'o you afraid to wear it Jlapitlness. house, she 'attracted ihe attention of tho: air.BJuine'ona His letters. copkiogbriaklyjliad a little'moment to Ijinging was proposed, und I sang Bopranu now?" inmates by throwing u brick tigainst tlie 'l>]nvot4bo4rtVo'olclg6ii|!B8An3< ' ' ', Lroat, .ancl,.'j;oin{[. ,upistiUi'S,'':I took tho [to Sir. Hibhitrd's tenor. Tom refused to " No, I nm not afraid of it, though 1 It has hoon the delusion of every ago door. Half a dozen liciids were thrust Vi Aroiiud jiiy lioiirt-BlVrriaa iwi^o - ' • precious ring Irbm its case,' Hnd pinciii.g lend the music of his voice—ho was too believe llmt it is charmed. Bow strange out of us many windows, among, them The'following are'extracts from Sir, Tbo memory of Joya lunoiiK > that happiness resides' in sumetlilng out­ Blaino's speech in tlio House on the Stli: TiwUhinoifotAuld Ltt(ig(Syiic. .,•> A It ou niv first linger, wutchcil it sparkl'ii deep in his llirtatiou with Lucy—and old that it should come .back to you in'this side of ourselves—in tho possession of that of a well-known youu.g genllenian And 111 ihb'douri familiar nine* '•'-•" •'• with II bUs»'M'liicli is liot: uncommon licKrl«t lips', ; for I could not help doubting son*etinies have cliaii.g(!i! your minds, bolli ot you." just then. I had Iho benefit of the prize; give otliers we hardly ever follow. We floor, and nil ol tlicm are prciiitined to bo Whllo comiu' tfir'o' tho'ryu. whether lie really cared for me as I cared accompanied by his blusbiiig young I llOlU' tllU plUBh 01',8Hl1 UUa WUVCB, The ministei's and deacons got into a and for the first dance tho fiddler played are pretty sure that the thing we have bride, opened the door and confronted iiis men oC alTiiirs, whose biielnuss hua been I rce tbt).bronl:ura foiim'• rorli.im,.and 1 knew It would hreak my theological discussion. The matrons slid " The Sailor's Wedding."—SusanllarUy, not, and see no present means oi'securing, visitor. That ancient institution cleared varied and whoso iuteieouiso baa.beon large, DI'WIl by llio lii!iicli, wliofoiiobbly odgo heart if ho should go and hiarry another from housekeeping talk into a Utile confi­ in I'orUaml Tmimcript. must contain the element of happiness. the froni steps at one bound, caught Tom­ to stand up here and say tlial bo his willini; Litv uuar my hoiiiu, swuul homo. now. Girls in books always go on- dential gossip; the momenisdragged fear­ H wo are poor, it is riolies; if we uro un­ and ready to have his jjrlvato correspondeiico Tliuro etandii tbo cuttiigu by tliu eai, through their courtshi|)s with the most my's left car in a firm grip, and began to for the last ten or twelve years imiiled over (Viid'ovuu now onco moru, fully. Tom left earlj', he was going to 'i'lio Gi-iielty of t'lelil Nports. known, it is reputation: if wo arc invalid, belabor hiih unmercifully, sayiiag as she and iniide public! ,Does.itbnplyguilt? Does'. •• By old LiiuK Islniul i^ua-girt slopes delightlul unconsciousness, and never sail by daylight, and he had some errands it is health; if wo are isolated, it is society. dream tliat tliey are iu love until they arc did so: . it imply wrong-doing? Does it linpJyasensBA • jMy boat )a oil iliu plioru: to perform before that time, he said. He Prof. .Tevons has an article in a recent The fact that wo know persons who have of weakiiuis, that a man wiff proteul Ilia priV A Hero liK'iiiCH llic lank Kni»8 In tbo wliidH, asked, and then tliu knowledge that Ihey camo nud shook hands with me in the any or all ot these, and are still dissatis­ " Y^ou young wretch! You puppy! Tlioro uro tlio wliltu iraud-duiica, are fathoms deep in this blissful state number of the li'oHnigMlii, from which Y'ou ungrateful whelp! (Whack!) Got viitu corrcspoadeuee? No, sir. Itisanian'd ^ AH iiuliitod by doiiiu fairy hand,. most careless manner, and 1 could only the following passage, relating to the fied, avails not with us. They are not first instinct:to do it, and it is the lust out­ With Uicirold-taublouud liiuuH. comes to them like magic, and they fall say good-l>ye, for there was Lucy watch­ capable of enjoyment, we say; ihey can't married, did you? Kun olf from your rage on any man to violate il. I huvu dctied into their lovers' arms as easily as ii'that cruelt.y of Held sports, is taken: motlier and marries that gid there, do ing me with such a provoking, triumpfi- AVy'udham, in a romarkublo speecli appreciate what they possess; they liitve power to take tliese letters from me, I Tlio loiiK, low roof, bont in with ago, had uln-iiys boon their abiding-nlaco. But ant smile on her silly littlo fiieo, though defects wliicii are not ours, which stand you? (Whack! whack! wliack!) Now^ do It fitlll. I apeak with all respect, for O'ur (jrowii Willi llcliuna gray; sbino way the girls in I'lumlieltl are differ­ which'he made in favor of biill-baiting, sir, jest gityer things ready (whack!) ana this Huuae. 1 know its powers, and Thi! luhio by tho window, wliuro I could hardly keep from crying out from asserted that in shooting there were ten in the way of their contentment. Give ^ly niolliur'H Jiililo lay, ent, and wlicu Tom singletl me out from I'Slieer agony. us, wo cry, one-half or one-quarler of come home! I'll let yer know Unit until I trust that I respect tliein; but I Tbu shulf ol" btiokb iiiion llio wall, all the rest, and went home with me from birds wounded (or one bird killed, I yer are twenty-one, (whack) j'or ain't go­ Bay that tills House iiua no more power to I could not follow him out of doors, and tlieir blessings, and the sun should never order what shall he done or not done with The doll,(|aaliileain|i!er knit church and the singing.scliool, and came should think, or at least hope, that this is go down upon our regret. Grant us what ing ter git out of my clutches!" (whack.) By ^Tandiiia, wliun shu wiw a girl, to our house nearly every evening in llio tell him why I had not worn the ring, an immense exag^jeralion; in the absence my private coriespoiidencu than It has to or­ WiUi molioea wove in U, Lucy was hanging on his arm; I could we have so long and so ardently desired, Tom's wife rushed to his assistance at der what I shall do'vlth the adnioaition of week when he was on shore, and matlo of any data, I will n.ssuine that, for ten and we shall not ask for more. this juncture, saying: my eblldi'uii—not one particle.mere; but I My feet liavo trod in many landa, soil liltle spceclies to me, I supposeii he not send word to liim in any way, he was birds or rabbits killed outright, there is going 10 leave so early; I coiiUl only go "Tom, my darling, slap her good, and Hill ready now to sliow the letters (holding jrlbhed liilla heart. birds and rabbits shot annually in this wo allow that some men may liave done sharp cut landed on his neck: they are. There Is tho very original package. 1,11'ted ihelrcrertts ol' piiieH, closing my eyes that night; I doubled if kingdom is less than !iO,U()t),000, and •we so; but they are not the men wlio under­ With some sense of huinlllation, with a mor. By valleya thick with <>rniij;e blooms 1 forgot the dinner, ministers aiul every- steep would ever come io me a.gain iu the " I can't, m.y (ouch) darling: mother tilication which I do not pretend lo conceal, And heavy laden vluua. arrive at tho fearful rcsull Unit, to say the stand themselves. It is llie universal sa.ys I mustn't." Sleekly ho descended thing and everybody but Tom foras mauy old, pleasant •way, •when my hist happy lea.st, 0,01)0,000 animals are painfully M'eaknoasof the human kind, tliis convic­ with a sense ot outrage which I think any . as fifteen blessed minutes, then itpudden- thought grsw into a ro.sy dream and last­ the steps, and was led oft by his mamma, man in my position would feel, I Invite tho '' And once T felt my spirit thrill, ed uiitil daylight. But at last, worn ont mangled annuall.y, partl,y to supply footi, tion of self-undersianding, and they who followed by a large crowd. Tlie newly- conlldence of forty-four millions of; people, Sly cheekrt with learrf f^row wet, lyoccurred to me that it was liigh time but mainly lo aiford amusement lo the arc irrretrievabl,v ignor.ant on this point To hear brave''Yankee.Doodle'' played • that the corn was on the (Iro, and it was with grief, I sank into a troubled sleep mtiilo bride"went into the house, slammed and I will read these letters. [Applause, By I'm't-crowncil Iji Valletle j from which the lusty voico of .Sam aroused wealtliy. Let us grant, for the sake of ar­ carry their conviction to Uie region of fa­ the door, and quiet reigned.— WaalUnyton AVhIch llie Speaker pro. Ivm endeavored to Ami wlicn the KUH wllb belch of lire still rustling on ils stalks in the back field. gument, that onl.y half of these auimiils naticism. Others think certain things; Huniluj/ Jlcriikl. suppress.] Many of these letters have not Opened'lts Iron throat, So, without removing the ring, I hurried me, saying that Selli had built llie lire, and that it was time to gel up and get .could be taken painlessly by nets. Then we know most tilings, and one of the the remotest bearing ou the subject, but Above the pliwUor rinoke I saw out of doors, and succeetied in fliiding a we must allow iliat 1,500,000 wounded an­ things wo know best is what we need, and some of llieiii will rci|iih'e a little exjilauu- ' i\!y coniitry'a biinnerlloat. number of ears that were large enougli, breakfast. wliat the effect of possession must inevi­ DIr. lilainc and lUs, Inveiitigatui'S. tion. Some of llieiii m:iy possibly involve hu­ tliough 1 felt inside the husks "of whole imals sull'er agonies for the meie diversion miliation, bnt I would a good deal riitlier take Ah.no! tho'penlInK organ'uotoa I lelt weak, and dizz.v, and faint; the of our sportin,!j-classes. Strange to sajr. tably be. Fall dni! upon my ear, ' rows of those that were just beginning to rain was.beating again.st the windows, the The malignancy of llio Democratic ox- that than take evil surmises, and still more . In the erent .Minfler choir, where •• -. '. show their tiny, milky kei'ne'.s. The din­ this enormous infiiction of needless pain That happiness comes from within it is tho inferences that might bu drawn if I did '"' sky was dull and gray, a doleful east wind is seldom thought cruel. True sport is very easy to see, Slost of us admit it, but Confederates of the National House of not act with this frankness. The limed colamns rear. ner wits altogeihera success, and the min­ was crying in the dripping trees. I was ISeprosenlatives was shown in ii vivid jFrom nitirble'pnve lo'.arcliltrave,'•' -• • •• - isters sooinod likely to be well Joriifled helil lo be a wholesome, manly e.xerci.so. very few of us act upon it. When we Mr. IJlaIno thereupon ijrocoeded to read "Their Krilcelul forma aloft, • ••'.'. •.•.',. glad to have it so, and thouglit if only the Pigeon-shooting is cruel, although the manner by Sfr. .Blaine on Slonday lust. Or where the .Mlnercre aoiinda for their afternoon's work. Sir, liibbard sun wonld never shine again, I could hear are unliapiiy, do we suspect that we are Knott's duplicity and Hunton's sharp and niiikc passing coinmunts upon andex- Almoetaa heaven aott. grew almost jocose over it, and Uncle animals die speedily and cerljtinly. Itab- SI) on account of any inner lack? Do we planailona of the varloun points In the sev­ my grief much better. All happiness was practice ivoro presented in clour outline. eral letters. The allusion to the Spencer Kcuben's wife, who came from the city, over yesterday ; there could bo no liappi- bit siiootiiig is not cruel, apparently, be­ begin lo examine our owu minds or The almost innumerable tricks hy which And whore with Khiro and bla/.o of ll^ht, and who is dreadfully particular, praisdd cause the poor wounded animals wliich breasts? Bo wo try lo abate this desire contract ho explained by saying that in the Wilh Princes anil with ICIii;;a ness in lil'e lo me witliout Tom. Sir. escape die a lingering death out of sight. Hunlon prolonged the invcstigatiim from summer of tSIJl, two yeara before ho first For auilieuce In the crowded liouse, everything, until mother's face was glow­ Hibbard did ask ine to marry him before or that ambition? Do we fancy we liave day 10 iliiy, and carried il beyoml the came to Congress,' ho had been asked if ho The prima donna Hiiiua. ing with satisfaction. Something had hap­ he left our house, but Ilolil liim i wasn't It may be said that the sporlsmnn docs grown morbid ? legitimate scope of Ihercsolution, and the could not get an opportunity for the inventor 2<0t one of iheae \vitli half the force pened to me which came near wrecking halfgootl enough for a minister's wile, nothing more than the laws of Nature Not a whit. We may think that wo supp."ession by Knott ot important testi­ of the Spencer repeating rifle,to bring thot ^ly inmuat aoul liaa stirred, my happiness forever. The ring was authorize. He procures food bj' the most recognize the cause of unhiippiness; but new arm to the attention of the Secretary of A> those riwoot, tiiifor^'oileii tunea. and, besides, that I didn't love him, mony in support of Blaine's icnoconce, The aon^i my hoyhoed beard. missing from my linger. In my hurry though I felt highly honored by his pref­ direct ])roce.ss, and kills animals in a ton to one it is an externul cause. If we were drawn in bold lines, us if on canvas, •War. lie camo on to Wasliington, and had and bustle I did not think of it, or know rapid, painless way. But tliis does not at' could only reach thi» point, if we could an intorviijw •with Secretary Canioron. Sir. erence. und held up to the view of the conspiru- Cameron had given orders to have it tested that it was gone, until I came to wash the all hold good of all sporting. From my only carry out llial purpose, the current lors, to tlieir utter dismay. All reports A SOIiDJIN HAJIVJJST. dishes after dinner. Tiion it suddenly Slother and father were both very much own observation I can iifilrm that many of our being, wo are confident, would by the Ordnance Bureau. It had been thor- diBpleiiscd with me that I should agree that the sceno was dramatic beyond oughly tested, and the oxperlnicntfl were so •» flashed into my mind that jewels like that sportsmen acquire a tiiste for tho sinijile flow smoothly and musically thereafter. description. In Blaine's impetuous as­ satisfactory that a prelliuiiiary order for '.30,- Tlio Couuty Conlei'onco wiis licing lioUl would not bear welting, and wondered have decided in tliis way, and both de­ wanton ileslruelion of life apart from all clared that they thought me actually in­ Wo start with the postulate that we, in- sault upon his enemies there was the art 000 riliea was made, lie had been paid not at tliti Uornors., Piitlier wiis siclt with tlio how 1 could have been suqh a idiot as to ulterior purposes. Provided an animal dividuallj', are precisely lus we .shoulti be; of the orator, the ingenuity of the trained 1111 extravagant, but a moderate, feo for his rheuiniilisiH, anil wo wore so liiU of cbm- wear it under mother's very nose—she know sane. It wasn't every da,y that a girl got services, which he hadjustas niuoh liberty to the chance lo marry a minisler, and there will only make a good movin.g target, but that conditions arc hostile to aur politician; but, above all, the conviction jianj'tlmtwo wove woll nigh distnicteil'. nothing ot llio step yet—and wiiy Sam, they want to shoot it. They will do this serenity. Our omnipresent egotism lulls was irresistibly enforced upon the excited take as any lawyer or agent had to take a feo. my wide-awake small brother, had not wasn't another .girl in town that •would Subsequently be had taken and paid for .?tO,. It was nice summer woallior—Into in July. have stood! o in her own light. I was at sea, in woods and inaccessible iilaces us to security on the side where we need audience that before them stood an honest The scasitio inoaclnw.s looked like green remarked upon it in his usual striking where Iheie is no possibility of recovering to bo eternallj'vigilant. It distracts our man, penetrated tiirou.gh and through 000 worth of stock. In. the ciiiupan.v. That miinner. Then, to my Jiorror ami ama'/.e- sorry 1 could not gratify them, but 1 could was tho wliolo story. There iiirc the live let­ Tolvcl, Wheat Ileitis nislled iii the breeze, never marry any one but Tom ; lie might the animals, or of pulling" them out of tliought from wholesome exercise, warps with an intense sense of outrage, fired to ters. Tlicriuirc the whole of them, and hero -i- the birds sang in the trees, anil you never munt, I found my lluger bare, and the pain if badl.y wounded. In Norway and a while heat of indignation, and rousetl ring nowhere to be found. It had been a marry Lucy Shelby, nut I should remain us where we most need to be straight. la Jfuliigaii's meinorandutn. I keep It as ^ j saw auythiug SI) buautilul in till your life single idl my life. Au.stralia I "have frcfiuentlyseeii thesport- Shall wo ever learn practically that the to that sublime attitude whence a brave a protection for in.V3elf, lo show the Identity i\s my tied oi' pinks and geraniums under littlo loose, but it did not seem nearly man, beset by assassins, hurls destruction enough so as to slip off of its own ac­ in.g instinct of the Ln.glisli develop itself idea of a thing is altogotherdilferent from of tlie letters In every respect. the smith windows. Tiie Jiast Greenlield Slimmer wore drearily away, and I in freedom, and I can only conclude that the thing itself; that realization, after at Ills flies. He analyzed the cominittee Mr. Glover—Will you have that memoran- cord, I ran up-stairs and looked in the hearil nothing from 'i'om. Lucy Shelby appointed to investigale him, and charged minister said it was like a little slice out case to see if I might have absent-mind­ "sport" is s.ynonymous with the love fond anticipation, is nearly always aUeiid- dum ri'ad? ' ol' the Garden of Kden. ]Jut I had not a was visiting up iu the country. His of the clever tlostruction of living things. ed with aissatisfaction? Who has not aiui proved that it was composed Sir. Blaine—I will da so. iiionienl or lime to enjoy all tliis loveli- edly put it away; but no, it was not tliert. mother had gone to stay with a married of men who sought reven.ge for blows Mr, Hale—Does this cxhiiiit. cover every 1 must have lost it in llie corn-field; and, sister in Scaraboro, so no one knew when We should not speak of sportsmen as if been bitterly disappointed, even from ness. There was never any lielp lo be they were all exactly I'like, and I have no childhood, by actual jiossession of what .given in fair debate. He lield llunton up paper that camo from Mulligan ? leaving everything as it was, t rushed oiii he was coming home again. lo tlie scorn of the House aud tliu country Mr. Blaine—Kvery solitary scrap. •had for love or money in conferenee lliiio, tiiere searching fraiuically under ami be­ doubt that many of them would hate lo he had intensol.y desired? Wlio bus not Mr. Glover—Let thiit itiemorandum bo read for Uie girls wauled to go to the meetings As for me I boili longed for and dread­ leave an animal in pain when llicy could found that imagination always overpaints, us an unjustjudge sitting to convict by the tween every siaik that came in my way, ed his coining, for 1 believed that lie was distortion.of teslimon.y. He arraigned at the clerk's desk. thonisclves, as well as anyliody, find their but wilbout success. Tlio disliwaler grew help it; but not so in every case. I have and that experience balks us ot half the .Mr. Blaino (sending It to the clerk's desk)— folks iiaiVconip.'iny llien with lill the rest. already en.gaged lo Lucy, and it would be had narraied to me the proceedings of a Knott as an inquisitor supiiressing impor­ cold, the lUnuer-table stood in the middle too late for any e."ciilanalion. I had not pleasure that has been promised? When tant testimony in a case iiivolv- Y'es, 1 will be glad to have It rend. .I\[i)ilier was iioo'rly, she never enjoyed of the lloor, and mother was calling me highly-arislocratic party engaged in the wo sigh for wealth, position, love, power, The following is tho nieniorandum of Mul- uiven up my search for the ring, but ex­ in.g the honorable name of a fel­ lig.an; good,liealili—and that year the spring bit­ at llie lop of her voice without gaining plored the corn-field every day or so until fashionable amu.sement of battue-shoot­ lame, we see in them qualities that are low member. Ho pilloried those two ters didn't wiJrk as well as uaual, and she ing. A wounded bird fell near to agroup not theirs. And we fail to see the aiixie- "1. October-t, 1 son: Kelatiiiir to debate In aiiy ri.'iily. .At last .master Sam appeareil the sUilks were cut, and not only the corn­ men as would-be assassin.'^ of his reputa­ the House and liiaine's ruliiicr; also Globe, was rail down before haying time was in the cornfield, liiv'i'ing cauglil a .glimiise field, but every inch of ground between it of countrj'iieople, •who were looking ou tit's and responsibilities which must ac­ tion, and left them in tho stocks confes.s- and favors ho was to receive from C. for haif tliroufih, so all she conltl do was lo of my pink dress in the dislanco. He was and the house; but it ivas of no avail, aud at their superiors. Tho jioor bird lay company lliem. At any distance, only edly guilty, a prey to llie stin.gs of re­ pressing hill, tend to'fail'ier and I had tdl the hou.'jework always zealous iu bringing ofl'enders to all hojie of finiling it^vvas lost. wrilhin.g in agony on the ground, and a their one side is visible; the other side morse and objocls of measureless con­ '"2. Octoiior-1,1S0O; On same subject. on my slioiildurs. JJeav me, and i.^ii't it justice. by-stnndor almost instinctively stopped shows, antl is felt wilh their oblaiunient. tempt. He reassured his friends by a vin­ "3. June 2T, ISOD; Thanklni; Flslier for ad- hard work to cook I'or ministers"^ Mother ,lt was late in October. Tho sky was forward lo put il out of pain, fie received We all crave happiness; we all have an mit'lnglilni to partlcipatu In tlio L. and F. soft aud lia'/.y over the blue, blue sea. dication as simple as it was conclusive, was al'niiil that they wouldn't have every­ sucli a raliiig from some of the aristocratic idea ol it; we all flatter ourselves that wc ami electrilied the House by the masiorly railroad, and urging liltn to maK-o Caldwell thing just so nice, and made'mo put three " Sly gracious! won't you .irct a scold­ The maples in the door-yard were red as party lor his impertinence as he has not say how much ho would give him for •vvliiit ho blood; the afieriioons wore Warm and know its composition. If wo never get, manner in wliich ho exposed the kne>f. He would be no dead-head, but would eggs' into evei'3'one of llie cusmrds, and ing wlieu you go inio the house. Siotli- for.gotlon to tlie present day, nor is likely as very few of us ever do, what answers treachery and duplicity of his enc- er'"s dreadfully mortified at having things mellow, but the evenings were frosty un­ render valuable assistance. fi'ost every bit of die sponge eaUe, 'J'lie der llie beautiful harvest moon, AVe had to forget. lo our idea, or to the f-ancied composition, iiiios. If the scene was unparal­ "4. July ii.5, ISOO; 0:i aamo subjcet. niini.'ilerial appelite is amazing. There left so, and Aunt .Jane oll'ering to wasli up It does not seem possible to acquit wo feel sure that our views M'cre correct. leled, it was simply because the oc­ ".•i. Seiitember .5, ISUO; Contract wlthdlf- v| the dislies. Sir. Hibbard couldn't get any not harvested such a large crop of corn was iJiiu widower among tliem as woe-be- for years, and father declared that he women, especially women of distinction If wo should get everything we liad casion was immalclied in any history. ferout parties. ' ^* gone as he tvas ]ie»rty, and inolher was shaviii' water, eitlier, und is going lo would have an old-fashioned husking and and fasjiion, of indirect participalion in craved, it would seem, und it would be, There was an attempt—in 1801-to dis­ , "fi, Contract with Nortboril Paolllc. ' delighted because I'olks said he took a preacli this iiflernoon with Jiis beard invite all the young people from far and most extensive acis of cruelty. 1 do not very different from what it was while un- member the Goverument, lo erect an in­ "7. Way U, ISTO; Cuidweil designed to greiu liking lo me, and was going to ask grown luvful. Ain't you ashamed 'er near lo join in tlie festivities. So great lay so much weight as some do upon their atlained. Happiness is still happiness; dependent government from a j)ortion of treat him handsoinelv. uie 10 lake the place of tlxe dopiirted. yei'sulf;"' , ' attendance at pi.gcoii.sliooliug matches, but that which wo had thouglit liappiness the territory of the Union. But the pur­ "8. October 24, I'STt; Fisher to Blaine, lirejiariitions •were made for tlie harvest urging settlement of the Union Paeitio Kail- X3ul though a minister's wile may hold a !'01i, Sam!" I gasped, "I've lost my supper. The great barn was swept clean Slany a fine lady would turn sick at the proves lobe sometliing else. So it always is. pose was boldly deolitred. The giigo of very high sItUion in lil'e, and Tom Bab­ ring, and if you'll find it I'll give you biillle was thrown iit the feet of loyalty, road account of $3.1,000. and adorned wilh wreaths of autumn notion of seeing a chicken slau.ghlcred I'or Hiippinos^, so long as it is placed in e.x- "9. Octflher-J, ISTl; Blaino admits tliat » oon was onl,v second mule of tlio schooner anyihing I've got—anything in the leaves and evergreens, and hung with retl her own table, who would sit by and com­ ternals, lies invariably in the unachieved, and war—war uncomiironiising and totlie there arc $0,000 paid on tiio SiJ5,n001oan, and 1 JIary Ann, I'd rather have had Tom'lliau world." lanterns, and ijim Burnige, the fiddler pliment men on llieir skill in riddling and retreats from the achieved. It runs death—was tleclared. To-day the situa­ lo liaving received.$.'50,000 from Fiaher, •a. do'/.on solemn faces like Parson Hib- ''Lost the gold ring grandma gave you':' over at the four corners, was engaged to pigeons and doves. There are fine dis­ before our grealest advance; it flies above tion is vastly dill'ereut. It is proposed "10. Oetoberl, 1871; Admits being paid bard, though I was sorry to disappoint 0, my!" said Sam, " and will you give play for the dancing. Father saiif it made tinctions in matters of this sort. But what our level; it invites us to hurry on and practically to destroy the Union under the ?(i,000 on account of. loan. Mr. Blaino sold mother antl the rest of 'my I'olks, \7lio me It dollar and your new pocket-book if iiirn feel young iigidn to look forv/ard to I cliielly refer to Is the irresistible ten­ real, and we keep hurrying on, but rest is very folds of the Union flag. It is pro­ sundry parties $12.'),()0() tirst mortgage bonds, gr..aiied because 1 was .so dreadfully I lind itV" such a party, so he worked with a will dency of women to ornament their hats impossible; for happiness continues ahead, posed to nullify the Constitution in the and common stock $12.5,000, preferred stock wauling in ambition. But 1 was willing " Yes, yes, anything," I said, very act of swearing to support it; and $12,'5,000, for which ho was paid hy them until the whole placehadaholidaybright­ and bonnets with the wings of birds, AVe inviting, encouraging and disappointing Si2.'5,00O cash, and Mr. Blaine was to receive to do my besl lo provitie fcu'lhe poor soul, " AYell, wiial if I don't lind it; I've got ness, and the whole villa,ge was full of e.":- speak of being " a.s happy as a bird," yet forever. Ben Hill and Tucker and Proctor Kuoti; and Hunlon, with three-scoro other ex- for his share In the transnetlon $12,500 in who was as thin as a rail; and broiled lo be paid for hunting';" citement over the good times to be. all over the world a shocking destruction Happiness, whenever and wherever it Intid-craut bonds, and $'J3,S0O first mortgage chiclien, aiui cream biscuits, 'and cup I succeeded in satisfying liim on this of the most happy and beautiful liltle Uor.feilerate Generals, Colonels and Cap­ must be sought, is plainly an ideal. It is tains, are sent lo Congress lo push tho bonds," custards seemed lobe Ihcoulj' light in tlie point, and left him searching with great It was lis lovely an evening as liverliung creatures which exist is occasioned by the a perpetually variable quantity, a .sliifting After tlio memorandum was read, Mr. midniglit of his alillction, zeal, while 1 crept forlornly into the house its silver moon over Plumfiold, when the scheme of treachery and treason to a con­ vanity of w'omen, and especially by iho.se sum, an alluring form of abstraction. It clusion. The first step of tlie conspiracy Blaine said: "Your pie crust is heavy," remarked to do uj) my work. An hour jiassed away, .threat event came off at last, witli its rosy wlio may ])i'elenti to be the most eilucated may bo likened to a pinnacle of sand, a "Now, I would be obliged for any gentle­ lights, dim shadows and picturesque was tlie proposition tliat Congress should man, when he reads these letters, to see tho mother," ilolefiilly, one briglit hot morn­ and Sam appeared without the rinij, and sensitive. There are women wlio bank of cloud, an arabesque in frost. force amnesty upon tleff Davis, the head " Tliut's no place to look for anythins;," crowd. Nearly all the girls wore hri.glit obvious intent in which that memorandum ing, when 1 was as usual baking for dear skirls or bright ribbons, all the young seem to become hysterical at the ^'ory While one is advancin.g toward it, it of the late Confederacy, iu the face of his was made up. I desire, also, to call attention life, he remarked. " The ground is so soft men wore flowers in their butlonholes. name of vivisection. Has it occurred to changes shape, and when it has been proclaimed scorn and open hostility to to tlie fact tliat tliose were the letters for " Well, I can't help it if it is," I re­ 'twould sink right into it if it ilroppod.'- But I had no heart to enjoy it, and was them that by doing away wilh the use of reached, it is no lon.ger recognizable. tlie Union; a proposition to cteily tho wliicli 1 was ready to commit suicide, and plied energetically. " I do wish father I felt the wisdom of his remarks, and silently husking iu a corner, wlien some birds' wings and feathers they would lire- Happiness is never what wo have, but Conlederncy by a recognition of the jus­ sundry and divers other des])erato things. In wasn't a deacon so that we neeiln't keeji couW not help bursting into tears. The late co'mers appeared, and among lliem, vent tire lingering, painful deaths, not wliiit we want; never in tlie present, but tice of rebellion. It was a monstrous order to acquire tiiein. a ministerial boarding-house; I'm tired of riii.g was gone for ever, I should never to my groiit surprise, Tom Babson ; Lucy simply of scores, or hundreds, or thou­ always in the future. Each year alters ils proposition; every ex-Confederate and • I have one or tv.o more observations to lind it, and what would Tom say to see sands, but of millions of sensitive aui. outline and color, and periods'make it make. Tlio .speclllc cliiirgu which went to devoting my lil'e to ministers, Shelby was Willi liim, of course looking every Nortliern Democrat in Congress tho committee was wliotlier I was a party In jMoiher's mind was diverlod from the my linger bare to-night? There was no the very picture of complaceiicy. nials? We should always remember that over comi)letely. Happiness at forty is supiiorted it. .Tames G, Blaine stood Interest to that $64,000 transaction, I submit condition of paslry lo my impiety, and she •\vay that I could make him aci[tiainled for each hundred birds shot, killed and as unlike happiness at tlve-and-twenty as in the way. From his place in the "I forgot to tell you that Tom liatl got tliat up to this time there has not l)een one lield up boili lianils in liorror. And to •(villi the loss beforehand. I had no idea secured, there are leu, twenty, or perhaps at ei.glit or ten. Wo should like, indeed, House lie declared its utter infamy, pro­ particle of proof to connect mo with it, .Tlieso tell Ihe truth, 1 was a lilllefrightened my­ •(vhero he could be found, and it was very home and I invited liim up," said father, more, wliicli lie fatally wounded for hours a certain order of liajipiness for every day tested iigininst it, and in an impetuous letters were nicked ont of correspondeHco self, but Ihen I was so tired and it was unlikely I should lind a cliauce to sjieak who was sitting near me. or even days. of the year, and for every mood ; ami yet, assault Ijore it lo the earth and pointed extending over dftoen years.- . The man Mul. very hard for ii young girl like me lo be to him at the social. Cousin Slary Ann, Tom seemed in no haste to speak to mc, In connectfou with this subject of cru­ were oiir wish fully gratified, there would the linger (if scorn iit it as the now rebel­ llgan did his worst—his very, worst. They •who was visiting at our house, stuck to and I certainly was in no liasle to speak elly, I confess that a disiigroeable truth is bo a residnum of dissatisfaction. Tlie lion, strangled! In'that remarkable de­ were picked out of llio most Intimate busi­ shut up in the kilclie'n, while everybody to him as long as he was with Lucy. The ness eorreapondence of inv life. I ask you, olso was having a good time. Tom JJab- my side continually when she wasn't at lierpetiially forced upon my mind, naiue- Arabians have a proverb that to find hap­ bate, which marks an era in tlie lilstory gentlemen, and I asic witli some feeling, if meeting, and there was no gelling rid of only viictint seal, af'ler the others of the i)-, that the amusements of the lower of this country. Sir. Blaine drew from ,•3011, my lover, was going lo sail again to­ parly were disposed of, however, hap­ piness one must journey ou the third any of you could stand a closer scrutiny—a morrow, and 1 had found time" lo get Sam, eillier at home or abroatl. Then classes are readil.y denounced as cruel, hump of a camel. the o.v-Coiifederales a confession of dis., more rigid investigation—of your correspond­ Tom .was a very (Uiick, sensitive pened to be ne.\t to me, and lie took it in loyalt,y. In their madness they hastened only a glimpse of him, while lie had been an embarrassed manner, looking as while the sports of the squire and the How little happiness resides iu condi­ ence? Now, there is but one piece of testi­ onshore. Ihit ;ast night he delained me fellow. He wouldn't wait for arisUicrat are held up as uoble, thou.gli tions or iiossessions, wo need not go far li/defeud with vehemence the Confedera­ mony wanting, tbaic Is bnt one thing to eloi